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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 04/30/24 08:36
by bunniefuu
He came to Jerusalem. The crowd
went wild for his arrival and we did nothing!

He then scolded the merchants, so they
sent us beasts for sacrifice from the courtyard
to the temple and we did not intervene!

How many times have we protested that the disgrace
of buy traders being allowed in the precincts of the temple?

But then we allowed him to preach
in the holy temple itself, and at no time,

no time did he recognize
your authority, Caiaphus,

nor made sufficient
to the elders of Israel.

We must denounce him
in the name of the people of Israel!

I'm not sure.
I'm not sure that we have that right.

Can we honestly say that we represent the
true thoughts and aspirations of the people of Israel?

What are you saying?

I've often wondered if we, as elders are
too cut off from them and their real problems.

How can we guide them if we do not
know what's in their hearts?

But without our guidance
they would be lost!

People, people will run after
any new thing.

They have taken up with this man,
with his hijinx and his exaggerated promises.

I have seen him,
I have seen him preach.

His words reach into men's hearts,
not like ours.

It's not through the old rituals, the old formulas,
but a new vision which seems to answer all their hopes.

A message of comfort, of goodness, of purity,
of the virtues of humility.

We've heard it all before, from the John
the Baptist and hundreds of others.

And why not?

That is the richness of our religion,
that it's always being kept alive by new ideas.

Oh that kind of thinking
encourages false prophets!

What an incredible people we are,

thirsty for knowledge,
but hypocrites afraid of change.

We say that we want new ideas so
our religion to speak to each generation,

and yet when a prophet appears burning
with faith and fiery revelations, we stifle him!

Shall we go down through history as
the people who destroys its prophets?

Oh no, no, please.
No. Brothers. Please

This is scarcely the time for
philosophical discussions.

They are more urgent problems
to be considered.

Yes, how's those who follow
to hate him as the Messiah?

He's a blasphemer! He's an imposter!

With respect to those more learned
than I, there is one possibility

that it seems no one
here is ready to consider...

What is it?

The possibility that
Jesus ofNazareth

may be in fact be the messiah
awaited by our people.

A carpenter from Galilee?
$ $

suddenly, he never misses a chance
to identify himself with them.


I only know that like our brother
Joseph, I've heard him preach.

I was moved lifted out of my soul,

and seemed to see all things
in a new and blinding light.

I was aware of wonders, signs
that God may be with him,

and through him, with us.

Do you realize what you are
saying, Master Nicodemus?

Let him speak!

Listen to him! Let him speak!
Don't shut him down!

The coming of the messiah
is the heart of our faith.

Why should he not come now?

Why do we dream our liberator will be
revealed in glory, a new Solomon, a new David?

Is God not allowed to choose
who he wishes?

Even the son of a poor carpenter
from Nazareth?

David began life as a shepherd.

Who are we to decide the way in which
God should choose to help his people?

We are- grains of sand,
chalk blown in the wind.

May the Lord open our
eyes to his wisdom.

Master Nicodemus,
I have always respected you.

How am I to understand your
defense of this man,

whose missions seems to be
to divide our people?

Even this noble assembly
has been torn asunder by him.

This Jesus ofNazareth must be
an extraordinary man.

But is there not one among you who
understands the the real significance of this matter.

It is not the Galilean's words that are important.
The so called miracles,

even the fact the frenzied crowds hail
him as the messiah, it's not important.

The central core of this case is
that this man dares to proclaim...

I can hardly make myself say it.

This man dares to proclaim himself

the, the son of God.

Master Nicodemus
In your great faith and wisdom

And you Joseph, most honest of men.

Can you tell us that
in your heart of hearts

you believe he is the son of God?
That he is equal to God.

If he is not the son of God,
then who is this Jesus of Nazareth?

Is he a prophet?

Only a false prophet can assume
the power of God and say,

"You persistent sinner, you are forgiven."
Only God can forgive sins.

All through our history, false prophets
have been the plague of lsrael.

This man, while claiming to
uphold the law,

perverts our most fundamental beliefs.

The Romans will not wait for us
to find the answer.

Our losses, the prophets who claims
to say in the name of God things

which God has not commanded,
that prophet must die.

if this man Jesus is a false prophet
and a blasphemer,

is it not better for one man to die,
than a for a whole nation to perish?

However, under Roman occupation,

the people of Israel may put a goat to
death, but not a man.

Thank you, Zerah for reminding
us of our realities.

Then he must be charged and
found guilty by the Romans.

But Caiaphus,
we have not found him guilty yet!

Surely our law does not condemn a man before
first giving him hearing before the elders of Israel?

No matter how serious his offense, we cannot
simply hand over one of our brothers to the Romans.

Caiaphus, after the Passover let me
persuade Jesus to come to us and explain to us

what is in his heart and his mind
when he says he is the son of God.

Brethren I agree.

We will questions him fully

and give this Jesus ofNazareth every
opportunity to, to defend himself.


Caiaphus to delay would be
too dangerous.

We all know what steps Pilate would
take against our people if the unrest continues.

Zerah, he must beaken tonight.

It could cause even more trouble among the
crowds if our temple guards go searching for him.

It could be a long search,
all over the city.

No one knows where he and his followers are heading.
They stay no long than one night in the same place.

I think I know the way to reach him.

Zerah, don't forget Jesus ofNazareth
is one of our brothers.

Blessed be thou the Lord our God,

Who has blessed us with thy laws

and made bread to be sowed
from the earth

from now on

this will no longer be the bread of the
passage of our fathers from bondage to freedom.

This Passover is for you today

the passage from the bondage
of death to the freedom of life.

This is the bread of life.

Whoever eats this break
shall have eternal life.

Eat it.

For this is my body.

Do this in the remembrance of me.

From now on,

this cup will not only be a memorial
and sacrament to the covenant that God made
with our fathers on Mount Sinai,

This is my blood.

The blood of the new covenant
which is to be poured out for me.

I shall not drink again from
the fruit of the vine

until the day I drink it with you
in my Father's kingdom.

And now I give you a
new commandment

that you love one another as
I have loved you.

Greater love hath no man than this,

but a man laid down
his life for a friend.

And if you love one another

all men shall know
that you are my disciples.


The hour has come.

Glorify thy son that thy
son may glorify thee.

Keep in thy name those
I have forgiven.

I do not pray for these only,

but also for those

who believe in me
through their word.

I am the way,

the truth

and the life.



lf it is possible,
let this come pass from me.

Let it be as you not I,
who would have it.

This is your hour, Judas.

The hour of shadows.

Oh master.

You betray your master with a kiss.

That is the man, arrest him.


What's happening?

You traitor!

You betrayed him!

Peter, Peter, Listen to me. The only way the
master can save himself is by speaking to the Sanhedrin.

Leave him alone!

- They're going to k*ll him!
- Jesus!


No, Peter!

Get away you scum!

- Arrest them all!
- Zerah!

It is me you sought. You have
found me. Let them go.

Take him away.

Master, we must do something!
We must do something!

Where have they taken him?

Where have they taken him?


I must speak to Zerah!
I must speak to Zerah!

Is he in here?
They did bring him here?



Master Zerah please,
I don't understand this man.

Zerah, Zerah, Now

Now where is this meeting with Caiaphus?
I must be there with Jesus!

Meeting? There's no meeting.

There's a trial.

YourJesus is accused of blasphemy.

You've been an invaluable help to us,

Come and see us when
all of this is over.

Well, you go what you wanted,
so get out of here.

Come on, Get out of here

We were coming to find you.

This is Martha, the sister of Lazarus

And Mary, the mother ofJesus.

Jesus has been arrested.

Yes I know. I've been called to a

meeting with the elders.

You have such great influence
in the Sanhedrin.

Please, will you help?

I'll try, you know that.

I'll do what I can.

I never understood how that liar could
have fooled so many people.

You were one of those
who believed in him, didn't you?

Well, I admit that I believed in him,
but we all believed him.

- And now that you've discovered the truth?
- He said a lot of things that I like very much.

- So what?
- And he did some good things.

Good things?
They were tricks of the devil!

All right, all right. He knows that he was a liar and
a blasphemer and he betrayed us, and now he will pay.

Come on, I'm sorry
I had to wake you up at this hour.

Master Nicodemus.

Brethren! Brethren!


Caiaphus, that he should be found like
a common thief is most unseemly of us!

Jesus, it is not our intention
to treat you as a criminal.

But you are due to explain to this
assembly the nature of your teachings.

What is this doctrine you and your
disciples are spreading through Judea?

I have spoken openly for
all the world to hear.

I have taught in the synagogues and
in the temple. I have said nothing in secret.

So, why do you ask me?

Ask those who heard me.

They are my witnesses.

Caiaphus, I've heard him preaching.

I, I find nothing in his doctrine which
denies the basic principles of our faith.

Rabbi, we fail to understand the
meaning of many of your sayings.

For instance, there are witnesses who say
that you claim that you could destroy the temple

and rebuild it in three days.

No one could rebuild the temple
in three days.

What he said must have some
symbolic meaning.

I'm sure I've heard him say he could
rebuild it again in two days!

Three days, Four days in here!
Witnesses cannot even agree!

How can we remember every detail.

There was a riot which Jesus himself provoked,
but for which the Romans will hold us responsible.

The riot was provoked by Barrabas!

The Romans don't need an excuse.
We know what they have done to our people.

All of us here can remember an occasion
not so many years back

when a thousand of our people were
nailed to the walls ofJerusalem

because there were not
enough scaffolds

to satisfy the Romans lust for blood.

None of us I'm sure wants to give any more
victims to Pontius Pilate that we can prevent.

Of course not, Joseph,
we're all agreed upon that.

As Caiaphus has said,
this is not a trial.

We, we left our homes
we came here tonight

hoping that Jesus ofNazareth would
explain to us the purpose of his mission

and help to heal the divisions
of our community.

Brother we have often heard that you
have come to bring love and brotherhood.

I beg you, bring peace to our
gathering tonight.

Tell me

It has been said that you proclaimed
yourself the son of God.

I ask you now in the name of
the Eternal.

Are you the messiah, the son of God?

I am.

And you shall see the son of man
sitting at the right hand of the power of God.

Here O Israel

The Lord, our God The Lord is one!

We have heard enough.

Let him be taken before the procurator
and Pontius Pilate

in whose hands lie the final
authority for trial and judgment.

Let me get closer!

They will crucify him!

The son of God! k*ll him!

Scold him!


Well, what happened to him?

They're sending him to Pontius Pilate!

We know how that will end up.

Wait a minute! I know you!
You were with that Jesus!

- You're one of his followers.
- No, I don't know him!

But he is! Look!

And I know him.
He is one of his followers!

I see him! I see him!

He's a liar. Arrest him!

I tell you I don't know him!

You are one of them. I saw him!

- What's going on here?
- Here's a friend ofJesus. A disciple.

Don't let him go.

Oh please.

Mistaken. I don't know this Jesus they
speak of, nor that they want rid of him.


Just keep quiet here.

Don't you know you are
on sacred ground?

Hear them? Free Barrabas!

Those crazy people.
They should be in here.

Your friends outside
want you set free.

So you carry on with your murdering,
I suppose.

I'm not a m*rder*r.

I shouldn't be in with those two.

I'm a patriot.

You're all criminals.
Don't think you're any different.

It was he who did the m*rder, not me!

No, he talked me into it.
It was his idea.

When will it be?

When Pontius Pilate comes from Caesaria
for the Passover, or whatever they call it.

Listen, You've got to let me out of here,
I didn't do nothing!

Listen to me!

Free Barrabas! Free Barrabas, please!

Free Barrabas! Free Barrabas!
Free Barrabas!

You have no right to arrest him!
Free Barrabas!

- Welcome-
- Welcome?!

I leave for one week and I come back and I find the mob
clamoring in the street and you dare to say to me welcome?

Who's this Barrabas
they keep shouting about?

He's a zealot we arrested.

His followers have disturbed
the crowd.

I don't think their noise
will disturb my judgment.

Look, you take a hundred men
and you clear the street. I'm tired.

With respect procurator-

Please, I'm so tired!

Jerusalem is full of people,
there are many hotheads among them.

Yes, and they'll cool when they see
the example we make of their Barrabas.

Pontius Pilate, I'm afraid there's
another case of which I must cover.

Another one?

Yes, it was submitted to us by the Sanhedrin itself.
It concerns a certain Galilean preacher.

Quintilius, I am not interested in their
preachers nor their prophets, you know that.

Yes, of course, I know that.

The Sanhedrin whose- cooperation has been
very useful to us, they consider it extremely important.

- Even urgent...
- Urgent? Urgent?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Maybe next week.

But first we'll deal with Barrabas.

Pilate, there's a delegation from
the Sanhedrin waiting outside,

and is lead by Zerah himself.

They have this, uh, this preacher, this Jesus
ofNazareth with them. They, they want you to judge him.

Judge him? Zerah himself?

It must be important. No, no, no, no.

I don't want to get involved
in their religious quarrels.

This is the monthly
report of the prophets.

I thinks it's wise not to offend them
unnecessarily. I think you should see them.

Then have them in.

Don't stand there, bring them in.

Ah... Pilate

I'm afraid we must go to them.

We must go to them?

Yes, according to their beliefs, they must
not enter the house of a Roman, not on Passover.

They would be defiled.


I forgot about that.

All right.

We'll go to them.

Bring them to the great hall.

How does one govern such people?


We have found that this man
Jesus ofNazareth

distorts our peoples views on the
relationship between God and the state.

Furthermore, he perverts
the very heart of our religion.

I'm not concerned with people
who break your religious laws.

My function as governor here is
to keep the peace in the minister role ofjustice.

We know that procurator, but this man
also threatens the established order.

If he were not a criminal, we would
not have brought him to you.

He calls himself the Christ,
which means the anointed one.

Thank you, I too know some Greek.

Well what else has he done?

Has he spoken against the Emperor?
Has he spoken against Rome?

Well, procurator, not directly no, but...

Not directly? Then he is your problem,
you'll have to judge him according to your laws.

Procurator, for us, this man
Jesus is a blasphemer.

If we were a self governing nation,
we would have the right to exact punishment,

which under the law of Moses is
laid down for blasphemy.

He made a triumphant entry into Jerusalem,
calling himself the king of the Jews.

A claim which we totally reject!

King of the Jews?

Well, whatever else he might have done,
such a claim is treason.

True, true, Alright alright,

I'll talk to him


- Not ours.
- Then whose? Whose?

Bring him in!

Is this the man you think
so dangerous?

This, the man that aspires
to be a king?

Come, Come, come, come!

Now the leaders of the Sanhedrin
accuse you of preaching perverted doctrines.


They also say you call yourself
the king of the Jews.

Well, are you king of the Jews?

If my kingdom were of this world,

my followers would have fought to
prevent me from being captured.

Oh, you speak of a kingdom,

therefore you must be a king.
Are you a king?

I am.

I was born for one purpose.

To bear witness to the truth.

All who can accept
the truth hear my voice

And what is the truth?

No, this man's no criminal.

He's a dreamer.
Take him away Take him away.

Have him flogged as a token of Roman
justice, that should wake him up.



We believers of the Sanhedrin, have
always had the same aim as you.

Peaceful administration of our country
for the good of people, and for many years-

Please, please, please, please
Don't talk to me about the people.

As long as they obey, who cares much
about your children of Israel as we do the mob in Rome?

No, Zerah

Let us speak directly.

Why does the Sanhedrin consider
this man so dangerous

that they send you yourself here to
make sure that he's condemned?

Perhaps for the same reasons as you
procurator if you knew him as well as we do

would also find him dangerous.

That's enough! Put his clothes back on.

...from Jerusalem as the king?
Look at him now!

So he's the king? The king of the Jews?

- Maybe we ought to dress him as a king!
- Hey, Don't use mine, use one of those!

Wait, Over here.

Here it is.

Come on. Here we are. Turn around.

- Look at him!
- Hey, hey wait a minute.

If he's the king, if he's the king,
he needs a crown!

Hey Majesty, high and mighty majesty!

Oh! Look at him!

I have it!

A king's crown!

He's got his crown!

He needs a scepter! Majesty!

A perfect fit!
Where's your throne, eh?

Now he's the king.

Tiberius will be getting worried!

Behold the men.

Well. What have you got to say
for yourself now?


Who are you?

What are you?

Well, say something!

Don't you want to defend yourself?

You want to die?

Don't you realize that I have the power
to release you or have you crucified?

You would have no power over me

if it had not been given
you from above.


Isn't there an ancient custom
honoring Passover

where the procurator can release
a prisoner sentenced to death

as an act of mercy?

Yes, That custom still exists.

And we have two prisoners.

- Barrabas?
- And Jesus.

So let the people decide.

I've made my decision.

The people will decide.

- Zerah-
- Take him away!

All right, Take this one away.

Get down to the prison and
bring Barrabas.

Barrabas! Remember? Barrabas!

Here, Here, Here Listen to me,
Listen, You two, listen.

When I give you the que,
you shout for Barrabas!

Barrabas has defending on you.
Barrabas has fought for you. Don't betray him.

Shout for Barrabas!

No, we must save Jesus,
he's a righteous man.

When did they arrest him? Late last night.
In the garden near Gethsemane.

Gethsemane? That's near where I live.

We must be prepared.
Barrabas must be freed at all costs.

Now, we put all our men.
Do you understand?

As a sign of his magnanimity
and his benevolence,

our divine emperor has decided that
the custom of releasing one prisoner sentenced to death

in honor of your Passover shall continue.

We have two prisoners.

One! Jesus ofNazareth

Accused of treason by proclaiming
himself king of the Jews.

Any one who shouts for that false
prophet had better watch out.

Look at him, the king of the Jews.
What's happened to him?

You call yourself a king?



Accused of sedition and
murdering a Roman auxiliary.

Free Barrsbas!

Free Barrabas! He's one of us!

Give us Barrabas!

Which of the two shall
be released to you?

Jesus ofNazareth.

Guilty of proclaiming himself
king of the Jews



Release Jesus! He is the true prophet!

Free Barrabas! God save you!
Release him!

Free Barrabas!

False prophet! He betrayed us!
k*ll Nazarite!

Jesus! Jesus!

We want Barrabas!

Free Barrabas! Barrabas!

- Free Barrabas!
- Jesus! Jesus!



Shut up, you scum!

Realease Barrabas!

Realease him! k*ll Barrabas!

We can't let him go!

- We can't let Barrabas get away!
- Yes

- Soldiers won't like that.
- Move

Pilate, you're not going to
free Barrabas!

An assassin and enemy of Rome!

I wonder, who is the real enemy?

Jesus ofNazareth must be saved!

Let it be written

that Jesus ofNazareth is guilty of
treason by proclaiming himself

king of the Jews and is sentenced

to be crucified.

Hey Look, Where's the last prisoner?
Come on

Here's the man.

Come on

- Oh... King of the Jews
- Hurry up. This crowd worries me.

Take it

Come on, Make room Make room!
Get out of the way!

Save yourself, Jesus!

You betrayed us! You betrayed us!

Get back you scum!
Come on! Come on!

He's a traitor!

He's a prophet!

You betrayed us!


I know that sign. It is an insult!

He is not the king of the Jews!

Those are the orders we received!

Get out of the way!

Now all of you stay back!

Father Forgive them.

They know not what they do.

If you're what you say you are,

If you're the messiah,

Why don't you save yourself?

- And us.
- Leave him alone!

Don't you fear God even
when you are dying?

We deserve to die.

We are receiving the just
punishment for our crimes

But this man has done nothing wrong.


Remember me when you
come into your kingdom.

Today you will be with me in paradise.

Hey Hey Hey... You

- She is his mother.
- How can you prove it?


She is his mother.

Go to him.

- And who are you?
- Please

I'm with the family.

Is that right?

Yes, she is one of the family.



Behold your mother.


Behold your son.

He has saved others.
Why can't he save himself now?




He's calling on the prophet Elijah.

No, he's not calling Elijah.

He's quoting the scriptures.

Even now, nailed to the cross
he quotes the scriptures.

Even now.

He was despised and rejected of men,
man's sorrows and equated with grief,

he was oppressed and afflicted,
yet, he opened not his mouth.

He was brought as a lamb to slaughter,

and as a sheep before its shearer is done,

surely he has born our griefs
and carried our sorrows

yet we didn't esteemed him stricken
speech of god and affliction,

that he was wounded for our transgressions,
he was abused for our inequities,

and through his wounds we are healed.

Yes Born again.


Into thy hands

I cometh to my in spirit.

It is completion

Oh my god, Oh my god

My god!

My Lord!

Please help me!


My god, my god please

Hey you, in the family Come
and take the body.

The tomb has already been provided
by a prominent member of your faith who doesn't
wish his name to be revealed.

Pontius Pilate gave permission before
he went back to Caeseria.

Yes, yes, yes

But you don't understand.
Why should you?

It is of vital importance for us
to know where his tomb is.

With all due respect why is it
of such importance? The man is dead.

Well since you've asked, there have been
rumors of this Jesus arising up from the dead.

And you believe this?

But it may prevail upon
the superstitious.

His followers could easily
remove the body secretly

and then they can talk of having
witnessed the resurrection.

Therefore, can the tomb be guarded?

No, there's nothing to stop
you guarding it.

No, there isn't, but it must be
carried out by your Romans.


Well, if we use our own temple guards, his disciples
could say that he truly rose but that his enemies denied it.

What sort of person are
you if l may ask?

His death is not enough for you?

I think your procurator,
if he were here,

would agree with me when I say

this Jesus could be much more
dangerous now that he is dead.

Therefore I would be grateful
if something could be arranged.

Very well then

A roman guard will be posted.

Hey stop!

Who are you? Where are you going?

We are the family of
Jesus ofNazareth who lies here.

What do you want?

To enter the tomb.


To anoint the body

to bring fresh linen, herbs,
spices. It is our custom.

Why didn't you do that
when you brought him here?

The Sabbath began,
we could not buy them.

What do you think?

They're only three woman,
let them go.

I suppose it'll be alright then.

You'll need an army
to move that stone.

All right then, let's go together.

But we'll need some help.

Hey Lenchilus, wake up!
Come with us.

Marcus, you watch the bridge!

Where you going?

Why do you seek the living
among the dead?

Jesus is not there.


Jesus is not here!

You sure?

I swear to Jupiter,
Hercules and Mars!

Yes yes, you've been awake all night
and haven't moved from that spot!

That's right! We were given strict
orders! Nobody's been near that tomb.

And those Jewish priests or whatever
they are were with us all the time!

Well then, who moved the stone?

Who is it?

It's me, Phillip!

- Did anyone follow you?
- No.

Are you sure?

Of course I'm sure.

Are they still looking for us?

On every corner one sees temple
guards and Roman soldiers!

This place isn't safe anymore,
We must go somewhere else!

But where can we go?

I wish we could go to Galilee.



Tell us. What should we do?

We must do what the master
would have wanted.

The master is dead, Peter.

- I thought you said you weren't followed.
- I wasn't!

- Mary
- Peter

All of you

I have seen him

Seen who?

The master

- You've seen him?
- Yes.

He is risen.

I saw him. I saw him

This morning, we went to the tomb,
and near the tomb was a man,

and a young boy

and the man said to me,

"Why do you look for
the living among the dead?

Jesus is not here."

So we went to the tomb.
We saw the stone was upturned.

The grave, the tomb was open.

We looked for him It was not him.

You mean the master's
body wasn't there?

- Had it been stolen?
- No, no no

Let me finish.

When we were leaving the cemetery,
I saw another man.

He saw how distraught we were.

He said, "Woman,

why do you weep?"

And then he said my name



It was then that I saw it was Jesus.

I fell to my knees
and I reached for him.

"Touch me not, for I have not yet
ascended to my father," he said.

"But go to my brothers and tell them."

You don't believe me.

You don't believe me.

I tell you I saw him. It was our Lord!

Mary, Mary


Oh John You don't believe me. You.

Mary, you're tired.


Please go.

I saw him, John. I saw him.

Women's fantasies.


Was his death a fantasy?

I saw him die!

I was there and I wept at his feet!

Why should he not then appear to me?

He is risen.

He told me to tell you,

and I have done so.

You wouldn't believe her.

Even when the master raised girus's
daughter you didn't believe it!

What do you mean? You believe her story?

Well, do any of you believe it?

Do you, Andrew?

Do you, James?

And you, Matthew?

Do you?



How can you?

Because he said so.

Because he wanted it to be so.

He wanted everything to
happened just as it did.

And I have always believed him.

But Peter, you denied him!
You denied him three times!


I denied him because I was a coward.

We are all cowards!

We accuse Judas of being the traitor,
but we all betrayed him.

We all abandoned him.

At least our brothers in the
Sanhedrin didn't know him.

The Romans

didn't know him

But we we ate with him.

We lived with him.

We knew that he was the Christ!

And still we betrayed him.

Brothers, can't you see?


You asked me if l believe he is risen.

Yes I do,

for I know in my heart
he will not abandon us.

I know in my heart he has forgiven me-


Forgiven all of us.

This is precisely what I feared.

His disciples must have come in the night,
removed the stone, and taken away the body.

I had guards here as you requested!

And your priests were here, too.

Now it begins.

It all begins.

It was written,

"The son of man will suffer,

and on the third day will rise again
from the dead to enter into His glory."

You are my witnesses to this.

Now my Father in heaven is
reconciled to the world,

and as he sent me,

so I am sending you.

Receive the Holy Spirit.

Go like lambs among wolves.

Make disciples of all nations.

Baptize them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Teach them the gospel
and the commands I gave you.

Now, I am leaving the world again,
and going to the Father.

Oh Lord, stay with us.

For the night is falling,

and the day is all full.

Don't be afraid.

I am with you everyday until the end of time.