04x32 - Episode 32

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x32 - Episode 32

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on Love Island USA…

One girl…

And I didn't talk bad about you,
but clearly, you did.

It just hurts.

You have every right to feel this way.

I'm so-- I--

I've just never had a want
to fight for something so much.

[narrator] …and one boy…

[Isaiah] This is a huge moment.

I will be showing Sydney
that she is my everything.

Oh, my God!

[narrator] …made it official.

I do love you.

And I hope that you'll be my girlfriend.

[Sydney] Yeah.

She said yes!

[Islanders cheer]

[narrator] Tonight,
as wedding bells chime,

doubt sets in.

In the outside world,

you and Jesse are gonna
have the hardest time.


I'm having, like, doubts.

[narrator] America's vote
will be revealed.

"America has been voting
for the couple that's most compatible.

Those with the fewest votes
risk being dumped tonight."

[narrator] And send two Islanders home.

Welcome to Love Island USA.

Isaiah's just said those magic words,

"I love Sydney."

Coincidentally, the phrase I used

that time I stumbled out
of Bruce's Beer Shack at 3:00 a.m.,

cuddling a soft kangaroo,

and being held up by a sheila…
called Sheila.

[Jeff] Hey, congratulations, baby.

[Isaiah] I appreciate you.

[Phoebe] Spill the deets.

It was so cute.

[Isaiah] She seemed pretty like,
surprised when she came out.

There was two glasses of champagne
that I gladly had set up for her.

-That's smooth.
-[Isaiah] Yeah, bro.

It was definitely a moment to cherish.

He had like, the whole steak dinner.

And then Jesse brought out a dessert

and the roses were in a heart
in the treehouse.

And there was like,
candles and champagne.

Yeah, it was like, crazy.

-I was like, "I've never had this before."
-[Mackenzie] That's so cute.

[Deb] I literally remember Sydney

walking in day one, saying,
"I'm here to find bae."

And I was like,

"You're getting
a little ahead of yourself.

We haven't even met these guys,"
but she was so confident.

And the way she's pushed through
and stayed strong

and has known her worth and has just--

Ugh, I'm so happy for her.

Yeah, and he was just like

"I just wanted to do
something nice for you

because like, you have really been
through a lot of shit here,

and like, you staying loyal to me
says a lot."

And then he made a toast
and it was like a rhyme.

"Steak and whipped cream,
Olive on your plate…"

And then he was like, "I love you."

Um, yeah, he said he loved me.

He was like,
"Will you please be my girlfriend?" Yeah.

[all] Yeah, yeah.

-We're so happy for you.
-No, I'm not busting out my seat.

I've never heard of that.

[Phoebe] I almost just ripped
my pants for you.

I was like, "Oh, my God!"
Like, I almost started crying.

And then I said, "I love you
and will you be my girlfriend?"

-Hey, you said, "I love you?"
-[Isaiah] Yeah, I did.

-That's crazy.

You know, to go from a fuckboy to a man
that ain't single no more.

[Jesse] Yes, sir.

Something to be proud of.

[Jeff] That is big, baby.

[Isaiah] I guess I'm a proud man.

And I will genuinely show her
how much I do care for this woman,

and I can't wait for cuddles tonight.

I can't-- I can't wait.

Came to Love Island to find something,

but not to this extent that I think
that I would've found someone like Sydney.

And y'all just perfect together, bro.
Y'all look good together.

-I appreciate you, bro.
-For sure, baby. For sure.

Regardless if we make it
to the end or not--

Hey, you already won, man.

In my book, yeah, I already won with her.

I know you're buzzing inside.

-Yeah, do you feel like--

I feel really happy.

-This is all I wanted, y'all.

-I've been through it.
-I know! I know.

Like some crazy shit.

I've never had a guy
do anything like this for me.

I feel so special.

He's everything
that I could want in a guy,

and we've gone through
so much in here together

and I'm just glad that it was all
worth something in the end.

[Jeff] Stepped up to the plate.

You stepped up to the plate, bro.

[Timmy] Love is in the air,
you know what I'm saying?

[Zeta] Love is in the air.

[narrator] Isaiah's preparations for
his proposal were romantic, thoughtful,

and most of all, a major fire hazard.

I mean, candles balanced on beanbags.

Come on!

How did Sydney feel about everything?

I'm sure she was buzzing.


[Zeta] I think everything
that they've gone through in here

-was very needed.
-[Timmy] Yeah.

Because now, any like,
storm that comes their way,

it won't feel unfamiliar.

And it won't be so scary.


Just seeing where Isaiah has gone
versus where he came from,

like, I'm just proud.

He was in some hot situations, for sure.

And to see all that perseverance
translate to him getting his girl,

I'm just a proud, happy friend.

How did you feel tonight, in general?

I felt really good.

I felt really happy for Syd and Zay.

I'm kind of trying to remind myself
that they're 21 and 22,

like the whole boyfriend,
girlfriend thing.

We're 29, like--

It's just a bit different for us.

Don't you get me?

I mean, the girlfriend-boyfriend thing
is the same shit.

-It's the same thing

that I think
the same level of commitment--

That's what I say,
we're committed to each other

and that's what that means.

You know, the boyfriend
and girlfriend term is not there yet.

It might come outside of the villa,

and maybe it'll be really, really special,

or maybe we'll just stay exclusive

and then we'll be married one day.
So, like--

Like, we've not even
made it out on the outside, like--

-You know?

But if it's bothering you,
I wanna hear about it.

-Like, I wanna--

We can modify whatever we like.


No, listen! Can I just tell you something?

Like, for me--

-I don't need.
-You don't need it?

I'm very comfortable where we are.

Okay. Okay.

You know, us making it exclusive,
I know that people may think like,

"What is that supposed to mean?
Like, is that boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Essentially, yes.

But we need to see
what we are like on the outside

because it is a relationship
that we really want to see

work out in the long run.

No, I'm very comfortable
where we are, Timmy.

We can modify.

[both laugh]

[Timmy] Come here, girl.

[narrator] The boys have spent hours
making a treat for Mackenzie's birthday,

but I think Deb's contribution
will really be the icing on the cake

because she's putting
the icing on the cake.

-[Jesse] Wow!
-[Deb] That's beautiful.

[Islanders laugh]

Tonight is such an exciting night.

It's Mackenzie's birthday.

It's a fun night.

There's like, no drama.

So it's just nice to celebrate a birthday.

Come on, Joel. Come on!

Oh, yes!

Wow, that's beautiful, y'all.

[Deb] Wow!

-[Phoebe] Good job.

[Joel] Mackenzie's the peanut butter
to my jelly

and we celebrate her birthday tonight.

I iced my first cake.

I did the edge of the icing
and I was very proud of myself.

[Deb] That looks good. That looks good.

We're having another round of drinks!

[Islanders cheer]

[Deb] Cheers to Mackenzie!

[Islanders] Cheers!

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

-Slow it down!
-Slow it up.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Oh, my God!

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Yeah, a final one, happy birthday to you.

[Mackenzie] It just feels so special
that I just met these people

and it was so important to them

to make me feel so special on my birthday.

[Islanders cheering]

I spent probably like,

like, really wanting that,
and like, really never getting it.

-[Jesse] You're very welcome.
-Thank you so much.

You're so sweet.

It was just like,
truly just such a moment

that I'll just never forget.

[cheering continues]

[narrator] To escape the blazing beanbag
inferno currently destroying the garden,

Jeff and Nadjha fled to the terrace
where Nadjha's got a burning question.

When are you gonna
ask me to be your girlfriend?

-What the f*ck?
-Baby, don't think-- don't know--

don't think I ain't been
thinking about that now.


-Oh, my God.

I just want it to be
a right moment though, one day.

-When it happens for real.

For sure.

My family and people back home,

like, they not seen this side of me.

I know they haven't.

'Cause it's so like--
I used to have somebody

to lean back on
if this one ain't work out.

I don't want that with you.

I want all of you, baby.

I want all of you, baby,
I want all of you.

For real, like--

I want all of you also, like--

I just see like-- I know you gonna be--

I know this kind of early,
but I don't give a f*ck.

Like, I know you're gonna
be a great mother one day.

I see that. I see our kids
running to us in the bed and everything.


-I see--
-I'll cry right now. Stop.

[both laugh]

Baby, I see it--

Baby, I know
you're gonna be a great mother.

I know you are.

I really deeply like,
care about this girl, bro.

And like, I'm really like,
you know, opening up

like, something I usually never do.

So like, I don't want to just say,
"Hey, be my girlfriend" to Nadjha,

you know what I mean?
So I want to do it like, special.

I'm gonna give it to her
on a special moment,

special time when I'm ready.

But I'm all her. I'm all Nadjha.

And that's why I feel
this type of way about you, baby,

'cause I really see that in you.

You're gonna be an outstanding person,

an outstanding woman, outstanding mom.

-Don't cry, bro.
-I'm crying.

That's so sweet.


That's really sweet of you.

I mean that.

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

After Jesse's lackluster performance
in the penis-making challenge,

Deb is concerned about his overall
lack of passion, focus or energy.

I asked Jesse if he agreed with her,
and he said, "Yeah…"

Do you think I should be worried

about the fact that maybe Jesse
doesn't match my energy?

-[Zeta] Like, how-- You know.

But like also, today in the challenge
it kind of bothered me.

Like, I wish he would
have had more fun with it.

-Oh, really?
-But in his mind,

I do think he was having fun.

But he's like, extremely moved.

I know, and like,
I need to remember that.

But I'm just like--

I can see your face really, like--

It was doing more than just--

-It did something.

It's weird though, it's possible though
that maybe it wasn't even that--

It was that big of a thing
in the challenge,

but maybe it all just kind of
clicked in that moment for you.

I do think Jesse's
quite goofy with you at times.

He is. Like, I just worry
that maybe he's making me…

-boring in a sense.

Like, you feel like you go down a bit
to match his energy?

'Cause I don't wanna scare him.

I think you should really test it more.

Be more
of your boisterous self and everything.


-I love you, girls.
-I love you.

[Deb] I'm so happy you're here.

That's the best.

[Zeta] You're the best.


Trust me, I've planned parties,
and people haven't shown up.

Or they're just like--
they just have like,

a miserable time and it's just like--

Just no one cared.

So, it just feels so special.

Like, being loved by all of you

means so much more
than being liked by one person.

[Phoebe] I don't know if I should
share a bed with Chad or not.

You like him!

[Zeta] She likes him!

-You like him.
-He like you!

You ever do that again
I'll slap you in the face.

Did you get mad at my cock?

No. Why? Did you get mad at mine?


-A little bit?
-A little bit.

You seemed a little,
kind of like, pissed.

Like "Oh, you didn't take it serious!"

-I know. It felt like--
-I took it very serious.

It's not a real cock. Why did you do that?

It's a peacock. You didn't really like,
see the wings on it.

[Timmy] Work!

[Islanders groaning]

[Phoebe] Deb's like, "Ah!"


[Phoebe] I can't breathe!

-You too, Joel.
-[Joel] Oh, yeah.

[Sydney speaking quietly]

[squeals] Sydney has a boyfriend!

[Sydney] Third time's the charm.

-[Phoebe] Good night.
-[Chad] Good night.

-[Deb] Hi.
-[Jesse] Hi.


You could have saved yourself
$100 by skipping the spa

and getting a coffee maker facial.

-[Isaiah] Here's this.
-[Sydney] Thank you.



Imagine if we could be
another person for a day.

I would wanna be a dude so fast.

Me too, so quickly.

I would love to be a dude.

It would be so strange
adjusting to having a penis

-between your legs.
-[Mackenzie] Yeah.

I'd be, like--
I wouldn't know where to put it.

I wouldn't know how to get dressed.

-I'd be like-- [shrieks]
-I would swing it all day.

I'd definitely try to have a hard-on
like, all day long, for sure.

-I think--
-[phone chimes]

Oh, no!

I got a text!

[Islanders cheer]

"Islanders, it's time to take each other
up the aisle

in today's couples challenge,
Cake-ing Love.



[squeals] This is where
we get to throw cake at each other!

Why did I just eat four breakfasts?

[Islanders cheer]

-Food fight--
-Food fight, food fight.

I hate this shit.

[narrator] If one episode isn't enough,
you need Previously On,

the official Love Island USA podcast
with Matthew Hoffman.

It drops literally,
like literally, literally

right after every show.

Watch the show, listen to the podcast.

Show, podcast. Got it? Good.

Overflowing with hot tea
from dumped Islanders,

former Islanders,

and muchos, muchos special guests.

Drop it like it's hot because it is.

Every night on all podcast platforms.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

Today's wedding challenge
is something old,

something new, something borrowed,

something rehashed from a previous season
'cause we still had the outfits.

Yes, it's "Cake-ing Love."

Couples will navigate a fiendishly
difficult wedding obstacle course

that's still nowhere near
as tricky to navigate

as an actual marriage.

First, they pick up
their oversized wedding cake

and they must keep it intact

as they walk down the aisle

while giant bells swing towards them.

Oh, come on!

Next, they climb through
oversized wedding rings covered in icing.

Faster, faster, faster.

They finish by digging through
wedding cakes using only their faces

to find two wedding toppers.

[Islanders cheering]

Once the cake has been topped,
the groom may kiss the bride.

The groom who takes his bride
up the aisle in the quickest time wins.

Stop it.

[Isaiah] That was quick as f*ck!

This is sorcery.

Bro, he's good.

Jeff, we just can't drop the entire cake
'cause that's some shit we would do!

[narrator] Nadjha's upset again
with her old ball and chain, Jeff.

Okay, you get the other side.

[Islanders laughing, cheering]

Oh, shit! No.

This was not my dream wedding at all.

-Okay. We're doing good, we're doing good.

[Jeff] Make sure
your hands are all in there.

[Islanders exclaiming]


[Nadjha laughs] This is not working.

[Jeff] Yes, it is. Come on.

[Nadjha] You got it? Get it.


Wait, wait.

-[Nadjha] This is the worst challenge.
-[Jeff] That's insane.

-[Nadjha] I hate cake!
-[Jeff] That's insane, bro.

[Nadjha] I hate cake, it's so nasty.

That's like, an American tradition.

Well, I'm Colombian.

-There you go.
-Okay, wait.

[Jeff] Oh, no!



[Nadjha] Build it again. Hurry!

Jeff needs to ask me to be his girlfriend
before we take another trip to the altar.

She impressed me on that, bro.

I just wanna be your girlfriend.

-Shut up, bro.

[narrator] Sydney and Isaiah are next
to have their cake and try to not drop it.

We've already been through
enough bullshit.

This is nothing. Please.

Hit it with your body.

With your head.

Come on, Syd.

[Isaiah] All right, I'm gonna go first.

I just kinda went into it
like I would eating ass.

That was kinda like my first thought, so…

No, he didn't.

[Islanders cheering]

I thought she was f*cking around
and she was like "I really can't see."

No, I couldn't see shit.

[cheering continues]



[Chad] Go, go, go, go.

[narrator] Time for Mackenzie and Chad
to get hitched.

-[Mackenzie squeals]
-[Chad] Woo-hoo!

We've got pretty good like,
silent communication.

[Mackenzie] That's real wet.

-That is f*cked!
-Come on, Chad!


I would say the only part I didn't like

was being blinded
and suffocated by the cake.

[Chad exclaims]

We did good.

-Wow, that was awesome contact.
-That was good.

Look at all this cake.
Look at all this cake!

[narrator] Now Deb will do her best
to make an honest man out of Jesse.

Our wedding cake is a lot bigger
than I thought I could afford.

[Jesse] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Don't f*ck up my wedding cake!

All right. You got it, you got it.

-[Deb] Oh, God!
-[Jesse] One foot in front of the other.

Yeah, Deb and Jesse!

You got it. You got it, you got it.

[Deb] Everybody was straddling
the frosting

and I didn't wanna straddle the frosting

'cause you know, like, UTIs.

So I decided to try
to go about it a different way.


[Jesse] Let's go. Let's go.

That's a great job.

That's what I'm here for, you know?

She falls down, I'll pick her back up.
I'll fall down, she'll pick me up as well.

I'll try.

[Deb] I literally did not get up.

[Joel] Why are you sitting down?

-[Jesse] You got it, Deb.
-[Mackenzie] That was not a bad tactic.

-[Jesse] You got it!
-[Phoebe] There you go! Yeah!

[Jesse] Eating the cake
was very, very good.

Exceptional. Exceptional.

It really went up my nose
a lot more than I was expecting.

[Islanders cheering]

[Mackenzie] Yeah!

I hope there's not as much frosting
on my wedding day.

[narrator] Zeta and Timmy like it,
so they're putting a ring on it.

[Timmy] I want a beat!

We don't wanna intimidate anybody,

'cause when we move as a unit
it is really spooky.

-We got it!
-I got it, yeah.

-That's the ring.
-I'm so proud of you.

We've already gotten hottest couple.

Exactly, yo.

[Islanders cheering]

[Timmy] Come on, get through the hole.
Get through the hole.

[Zeta] Look at these long legs.

One thing about being with Timmy,
why I like this boy so bloody much,

I just have such a fun time with him.

[Timmy] D'oh!

[Islanders cheering]

I'm done.

-He tells me I look good.
-You really do.

-What are you seeing?

The winners of "Cake-ing Love" are…

Phoebe and Joel.

-We just like, literally dominated it.
-The common goal.

[narrator] True to life,
it's the loveless marriage of convenience

that comes out on top.

There's a message for us all.

Everyone is back from the challenge
and ready for the main event.

Love Island USA is proud to bring you
the hottest ventriloquist act in town.

Mr. Jeff and his naughty Nadjha.

-I feel like the challenge went good.
-I had fun today.

-The challenge was fun as f*ck.
-There was a smile on my face.

You looked great in the wedding dress.

I guess it was cool seeing us, uh…

work on communicating.

You think we communicated well?

-I feel like… no.
-Me either.

-What the f*ck?
-What the f*ck?

We suck. Oh, no.

We suck. Um…

-So you say you felt good about it today?
-Yeah, it was fun.

-Where would you love to have it?

-That would be hard.
-That would be dope as f*ck.

So, with a lot of family and stuff?

I feel like when you have
a destination wedding,

you can't really have it like, super big.

-I'm talking about like, family.
-Oh, yeah.

Definitely, I would want my family there.

-What about you?

So you can't have it in Italy then.

Okay. It was a dream.

Dream-- you said dream wedding.

I'm gonna make it happen.


Are you gonna get married to me?
Is that what you're saying right now?

I do want to be in a relationship
with Nadjha one day.

I know she wants the same thing.

I know she'll be a great mom.

That's what I'm really
looking for right now.

When do you want to get married?

Hey, hey, hey, bro.
Chill, chill, chill out.

I used to want to get married
when I was young.

I ain't gonna lie.

I never used to want
to get married and shit.

-Hell no.

-I've always wanted to get married.
-Now, I think I changed my ways.

I think Jeff talks a big game.

But Jeff is 100% a softie.

We are obviously
not boyfriend and girlfriend yet.

I would love to wear
a James Bond type suit.

Okay, James Bond, Special Agent.

Double-O zero.

Wait, not double-O zero.

-Wait, not--
-Double-O zero.

-007, dummy.

-Not double-O zero.
-Anyway. Anyway.

[narrator] After that challenge,
our couples are obsessed with weddings.

Jesse just asked Deb,
"Do you want to have a chat on the couch?"

And she said, "I do."


Can't believe we got married.

-Yeah, man.
-That's crazy.

-I think it's like twice.
-I know.

We skipped a lot of stages.

[both laugh]

Would you be celibate until marriage?

Is that what that's called? I think so.


Do you really think
we could work out of here?

I do. Mm-hmm.

We have been working so hard
on the relationship that we have now

and like, building our connection.

But am I just settling or…

is this what I've been
waiting for my whole life?

I don't know. My head is very scrambled.

Think we could always make it work
if we tried hard enough.

No, I think you're, you know, just perfect

because I'm not really good at talking
about feelings all day, every day.

There is a time
and a place for everything.

[narrator] After the wedding challenge,
the marriages are over.

They all lasted three hours.

Above average
for the entertainment industry.

And now the Islanders are getting ready
for a night of fun and games.

Shorty done f*cked up her eyebrows.

Good Lord, Zeta,
I'm going to have a heart attack.

Zeta's trying to get f*cked.

I'm ready to have his face down below.


[all grunting]

[boys cheering]

[Islanders cheering]

[Phoebe] Hi.

-Actually. We do.
-We look good.

So like, you want to just tell me

how much you wish
you were in a couple with me or what?


I mean, I would definitely
like to be in a couple with you.

Is that even a possibility, you think?

Yeah. I mean, I have like,
a romantic connection with you.

I don't have one with Joel.

And like, I know we f*ck with each other.

I-- I f*cking love our vibe.
Because it's like--

We actually just gel
really nicely together.

Me and Chad have been
just taking it day by day.

And like, in here,
we definitely have a connection.

And like,
what's so special about me and Chad

is that we kinda are just us.

Like, we don't--
We kinda just do our own thing.

And that's why
we've been working up to this point.


Should I shave my mustache?

You know, I feel like you can like,
groom yourself a little better.

This isn't normal for me.

All right, but like, you still got
things in here that can help.

No, like, not the right shit.

Tell me what you are thinking.
What is your opinion?

It's just so hard because,
like, Jesse is literally,

like, the sweetest human ever.

-But I just, like--

I don't see you
be your fun self around him.


It's just like-- I mean, I don't disagree
with you, is the problem.

I know you don't.

'Cause I can see it in your face.

I truthfully believe

that Deb knows
that he's not the right one for her.

I just wanted to remind her
that it's not too late to say,

"This isn't for me."

It's just annoying to see like,
Sydney and Isaiah,

like, Zeta and Timmy
and even like Chad and Phoebe.

Like, I'm-- like, I want that so badly.

I'm just like-- I feel like I've put in
the same amount of effort as them.

And I'm like, "Why aren't I there?"

-It's not effort wasted.

Like, you still learn so much from it.

Like, I feel like this could be, like
a great relationship for you.

But I don't think it's going to be
the relationship for you.


Mackenzie coming in
gave me much needed perspective

on my relationship with Jesse.

I have put in
so much effort in this relationship.

But, if things aren't 100% in here,

they sure as hell
are not going to be 100% out there.

It just sucks
because I do really like him.

Like, I do really care for him
and have feelings for him, and--

But like, there is--

like, I think something deep down missing.

I don't know.

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

For Phoebe, the villa is a magical place,

where romance is real, dreams come true,

and nacho cheese-flavored tortilla chips
are served by the bucket.

Come, please eat with me.

-[phone chimes]
-Oh, someone got a text.

[Mackenzie] Who got it?

I got a text!

[Islanders cheering]

"Will all Islanders gather
at the firepit."

-I knew it.
-[Deb] No. No.

[Jesse] I am a tad bit nervous.

Me and Deb, man.
We have been through a lot.

This journey has not been easy.

And we just want to keep going
further and further with that.

[Phoebe] This season
has been so unpredictable.

Like, it might be my time to go home.

[Chad] So much shit.

You're just like,
"What the f*ck is happening?"

[phone chimes]

"Islanders, America has been voting
for the couple that they think

is most compatible.

Those with the fewest votes risk
being dumped tonight."

"Please all stand up."

[phone chimes]

"In no particular order,
the first couple saved by the public is…

Nadjha and Jeff."

[phone chimes]

"The next couple saved is…

Zeta and Timmy."

[phone chimes]

"The third couple saved is…

Deb and Jesse."

[phone chimes]

"The fourth couple saved by the public is…

Sydney and Isaiah."

[phone chimes]

"Mackenzie and Joel, and Phoebe and Chad,
please stand in front of the firepit."

[phone chimes]

"Chad and Mackenzie, and Joel and Phoebe,

as the bottom two couples in the vote,

the public have decided that you
are the least compatible."

"However, only two Islanders will leave
the villa tonight.

Who goes and who stays will be decided
by your fellow Islanders."

[phone chimes]

"Girls, you must decide
whether to save Chad or Joel."

[phone chimes]

"Boys, you must decide
whether to save Mackenzie or Phoebe."

[Timmy] Uh…

-I wanna start it off, man, I mean--

I feel like both girls
have a lot to offer.

The pros about Chad being here

is he could
potentially be with Phoebe.

Joel is such like, a--

Obviously, he has been
such a good addition.

He feels like
he's been here since day one.

[Isaiah] We all think
they're both amazing girls.

They have a lot on their shoulders.

I think they got a lot of-- you know.

You know, Mackenzie
is definitely a proud girl.

She knows what she wants.
Knows what she needs.

The negatives with Phoebe.

You know, I know she has
expressed a high interest in Zay.

And you know, since that didn't pan out,

you know,
I just don't know her true intentions.

Just sucks 'cause Joel
is a lovely boy, isn't he?

I know, a complete dead end.

It is just really, really sad.

I think Chad and Phoebe like,
deserve a chance.

We don't know that the boys
are going to save Phoebe, but…

Do you guys think
we've made a good decision?

-I think so.
-I think so. Yeah.

[narrator] The girls have now decided
which boy they want to save.

This was a really tough decision
just because we all think

both of you
are so deserving of being here.

You both like,
have so much to offer to the villa

and are just overall
really, really great guys,

inside and out, you know?

So, the boy we've decided to save is…

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

America voted for their most
compatible couples.

The fewest votes went
to Phoebe and Joel and Chad and Mackenzie.

One boy and one girl will leave tonight.

It's down to Nadjha to reveal
which boy the girls decided to save.

We have decided to save this boy

because they've really
come in here and done

what Love Island is all about.

You both like,
have so much to offer to the villa.

And are just overall like,
really, really great guys

inside and out, you know? [sighs]

So, the boy we've decided to save is…


It's tough leaving here but, you know,
I got that beautiful girl, Bella.

At least I hope she's waiting.

But I'll see y'all again
and it's going to be an amazing time.

We love you so much.

Um, actually, before the guys spoke,

I wanted to say something.

Obviously, this was a really tough
decision for you guys tonight.

And I only felt
that it was fair to let you guys know

that I will be leaving the villa tonight.

Um, I think that Phoebe
should definitely stay.

I think that all four of these couples
are so unique and so special.

And five, forming.

[laughs] Um…

Love Island has given me
so much these last two years.

And I can honestly say

that I'm happy
to close this chapter of my life.

So, thank you guys.

"Chad and Phoebe, as the remaining
single Islanders,

you may now either stay single
or couple up together."

[Islanders laughing]

-Will you be my partner?
-I will.

[Islanders] Aw.

[phone chimes]

"Mackenzie and Joel, your time
on Love Island is over.

You may now say your goodbyes."

[Mackenzie laughs]

-[Isaiah] What's up, brother?
-[Joel] Love you, man.

-See you in Mass.
-Yes, sir.


-I'm so happy I met you.
-[Mackenzie] Me too.

I appreciate you being so supportive.

So proud of you.

-Love you, girl.
-[Zeta] Love you, Joel.

-See you on the outside, Joel.

[Mackenzie] Thank you, Jeff.

Mackenzie, she a-- she a baddie.

She a baddie, man.

She, uh, really came back
to look for a dream of connection.

You know, I hate that
she didn't get to find that in the villa.

But I know somebody out there for her.

Aw, Mackenzie.


I'm actually going to miss
the shit out of you, bro.

[Joel] I'll miss you guys too, man.
I'll see y'all soon.

Obviously, my first time I was here,
it was a lot about love.

And I think this time it was about love
but like, a different kind of love.

-It was about friendship.
-You were so nice to have around.

It's been so fun.

Mackenzie, she was such a blessing to me
because of like, just the advice she had.

And how genuine she is.

She came in
and made an impact on all of us.

I put all my energy into you all
and now you all can carry it for me.

Your positive energy stands out, man.

Swole Joel, dude come in here
and just care so much about other people.

And I admire that dude.

I hate to see Joel go,
but like bittersweet

'cause he got Bella
waiting for him outside the villa.

I'm gonna manifest that Bella
will be there for you, my brother.

For sure.

[Islanders] Bye.

-[Deb] Bye, Joel.
-[Isaiah] Miss you, Joel.

-[girls] Bye!
-I'll wear these in your honor.

-Wear these in your honor, bro.
-[Joel] Love you, bro.

[Islanders shouting]

[Joel] I came here to Love Island
hoping to explore new relationships.

And I think that I did.

Even though she left

I have some deep feelings for Bella.

And I can't wait to call her
and see if it becomes something real.

[Mackenzie] Leaving this villa,
I'm definitely feeling pretty validated.

I think my journey was a lot shorter
and it looked a lot different,

but I can honestly say
that I am very proud of myself.

And I am just feeling
really excited about my future.

And one day,
I will find someone who loves me.

[narrator] Next time…

a rude awakening.

Do they ever stop crying?

[Deb] Too bad my baby
doesn't come with a nanny.

[Sydney] Wait, why did we get twins?

[Isaiah] f*ck me.
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