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11x07 - Cat's Out of the Bag

Posted: 04/21/24 12:10
by bunniefuu
Chef needs far more respect than
any of us are giving him.

What do you think
I'm doing already?

No, congratulations.

Jared seems a
little bit aggressive.

It's a red flag.

Kyle, ready to go
to the hot tub?

Yeah, yeah.

Come on, [bleep].

I'm going to lay
in bed and watch a movie.

For real?

Yeah, I'll watch
a movie with you.

Oh, yeah, okay.

Look, this...

That's me.

This is a problem, man.


What the [bleep]?

Oh, sh--.


Hey, no joke.
Walk around.

Make sure you're----ing

ain't all over
the rest of the boat

before you go to bed.

I'm not here to clean
your sh-- up.

I just cleaned up a lot.
And it's not even enough.

I have a job to maintain.

- There's also...
- What's going on here?

I can hear you two decks up.

I'm up and trying to sleep.

I hear you upstairs.

- Really?
- Yes.

Pack this up.
Hit the sack, please.

Thank you, Cap.

I'll do that right now.

Sorry, Captain.

Not only am I getting woken up
a second time,

it's threatening behavior
I'm hearing,

yelling and screaming.


This is unacceptable on my boat.

Watch a movie now.

I am.

[alarm sounds]

Oh, my God.

Oh, no, where's my phone?


- Good morning.
- What's up, bud?

You all right?

Yeah, you?

Yeah, I'm all right, yeah?

Rock and roll,
rock and roll.

Thinking about last night,

I'm not feeling like
I handled it all too well.

A lot of things on my mind,

a lot of things
stressing me out.

Oh, sh--.

She had the kid
and moved to Alaska.


When's the last time
you saw her?

I've never met her.

I could be sad.
I could be mad.

But every time I see you,

I just end up being glad.

Dude, you're getting
so cheesy with it.

I can't have people on deck

who can't tell me what
the [bleep] is going on.

I wasn't set up the way
that I wanted to be.

But not enough time is
not an excuse.

But, yeah, it doesn't excuse
how messy things were.

I could have handled
it better, for sure.

Okay, I heard that.

Oh, God.



- You get a good night sleep?
- Yeah, I did, actually, yeah.

I had a----ing beautiful sleep.

How did you go?

- Great sleep.
- Good.


- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.





What'd you do last night?


Okay, I got my answer.

Yeah, exactly.

I heard you come down.

And Jared was yelling at you.

ing great.

Kyle. Kyle, Kerry.

Can you
please come up to the bridge?

- Ugh...
- Yeah, I'm on my way.

There's a lot going on last
night that I didn't see.

What I did see was two guys
talking loudly in the crew mess.

To me, it seemed like
Kyle was trying

to de-escalate the situation.

Jared has had a history of
getting drunk and bad manners.

I understand
he's gone through his sh--.

But I don't have time for it.

- Good morning.
- Good morning, Captain.

- Okay.
- [sighs]

- Here you go, mate.
- Morning, Captain.

- I need you to be honest to me.
- Yep.

Not hold anything back.

- Yep.
- All right.

I want to know the
facts of the evening.

What happened?


My roomie, whatever,
left my room.


So, Kyle was like, [bleep] it,
I'll just bunk with you.


Which, me and Kyle are
super good friends,

so I had no problem
at all with it.

Which, you know, give a knock.

It wasn't directed towards me,
so I didn't feel threatened.

Was there threatening behavior
directed towards you?

Slightly, yeah.

More of an angry
demeaning manner.

Was he panning drinks
last night?

Alcohol was involved.

I think it was more
like a personal thing.

You know what I mean?

I don't know.

Thanks, man.


I don't want anybody
to be in trouble, man.

Yeah, me neither.

I hope Kyle's all right.

- Cat.
- Huh?


I felt alone, you know?

Like, I know, like,
are surrounded by people,

but, like, I'm not comfortable.

That's what I say
about yachting,

you're like, never alone,
but always lonely sometimes.


Good morning, Captain.

- How are you today?
- Doing Captain sh--.

Yeah, I know.

I'm quickly running out
of options with Jared.

He's made quite
a few [bleep] ups.

He's released heavy equipment
at the dock

without permission.

Now it's ready to drop.

Go down.

He's made several
mistakes in docking.

Someone call these wankers.
I need distance astern.

- Closing.
- Steady.

I'm sorry.

Get a fender, get a fender.


What are you doing?

And the alcohol
doesn't help at all.

This morning, you're either
still drunk or you're hungover,

and I don't want a person in
a leadership role doing that.

End of the day,
my primary responsibility

is safety of the vessel
and the crew.

And this guy is really
creating a problem for me.

- What happened?
- Kyle was in my room,

and out of nowhere
Jared busted in my room.

Like just slammed the door open.


And he almost hit me with
the door when he busted in.


Like, this isn't your room,
you know what I mean?

Jared, Jared,
can you get up, please?

God damn it.

Yes, sir, coming now.

Some scary stuff going on.

- Captain.
- All right.

So, I had a discussion
with you yesterday

and the rest of the crew
about having a great night.


But not getting absolutely
- ing hammered.


This is the second time
you've gone on the piss

and you've had bad behavior.

You're in a leadership role.

You can't be acting like that.

You've got to be
above the fray.

Okay, um...

The way that you're treating
these guys is not acceptable.

And we've had discussions.

I've tried to guide you.
I've shown you compassion.

But you've got
sh-- going on, mate.

You're your own
worst enemy right now.

You need to depart the vessel.

I'm getting the boot?

You're your own worst
enemy right now.

You need to depart the vessel.

I'm getting the boot?



You've got a lot going for you.


You worked hard, but
your head's not there, mate.

The emotional side of
your approach to the job

is not where it
should be right now.



This ain't the right place
for me at the right time.

- Exactly.
- Okay.

And, dude,
I don't blame you for that.

Take this time and
work on yourself.

Me keeping you here
is a disservice to you.

I respect that.

- Pack up your cabin.
- Yeah.

And say goodbye
to your crew mates.

- Yeah.
- All right.

- All right?
- Okay.

- Thanks.
- Thanks, mate.

Now, I know sending him home
is not going to be easy

for the rest of the crew
in the short term,

because we're going
to be a man down.

But long term, this
is the right decision.

When someone's distressed
or they're acting out

in a way that is not fair
to their crewmates

and the boat or not safe,
they've got to go.


Ben, Ben, Kerry.

Come to the bridge please.

Copy, mate, on the way.

Oh, my God, someone's
getting some d*ck.

- Barb.
- Yo, are you here?

Yeah, yeah.

How are you going, man?

Want to chat
with you, mate.

Yeah, that's fine.


- Really?
- Yeah.

Just too much of my mind.
Like, my head is not here.

- And that's okay.
- It's not.

- It's a lot, man.
- It's not been since day one.

All right, and go
meet your daughter.

You're going to be so happy.

What's happening?
What's going on?

Um, a couple of things.

Um, Jared's leaving.

And we're going to be down
a crew member this next trip.

Can you handle being
the bosun on the boat?

If I have to leave this dock
with a person down,

can you handle it?

Ben is a natural choice.

And also, I don't have
a whole lot of choices.

I'm confident.

Ben knows the boat.
He knows it needs to happen.

He has a good relationship
with the interior.

But now he's got to lead.

Now he's got to make decisions
that he may not agree with,

because I've said so.

It's even more
pressure for you.

I understand, Cap.

So, you ready to take that?

Finally, I'm able to show
Kerry what I can do.

I know I can do this job.
Let's go.

- All right.
- Thank you, Cap.

- Appreciate you.
- Thanks, mate.

Yeah, I'm golden, yeah.

Yeah, I'm good.

I'm actually quite happy.

- You wanted to go?
- Yeah, I did.

It just got jump-started
a little bit.

There's gonna be a little
bit of a shake-up soon.

- Oh.
- Mm.

[bleep] a duck.

Bummer, dude.

Oh, [bleep], me.


I thought I was in a good
headspace coming into this,

I'm really not.

And, as much as
I would like to be,

I'm just lying to myself.

Oh, I got a going away party.


Thank you so much
for everything.

Although the situation sucks,

I actually really do feel
a little bit lighter.

- Come on, sunshine.
- Bye.

- Barbie.
- Take care of yourself, man.

The last words for St. David is,
damn I'll miss you.

See you down the line.

- Captain.
- Take care of yourself, mate.

- I will.
- Keep in touch, eh?

Appreciate it.

We love you!

Enjoy your daughter, man.

- See you, mate.
- See ya.

All right, kiddos.
Back to work.

Let's suss this properly.
Let's get this out.

I know, mate.

All crew, all crew.

Let's meet in the sky lounge
for a meeting.

Copy on deck.


All righty, just want
everyone together.

So everyone's on the same page.

The deck team's going
to be down a person.

I'm going to help out even
more than what I do now.

Oh, by the way, we have
a promotion over here.

- Hey, Benny.
- Well deserved, man.

You're going to be
a great bosun.

Thank you, Cap.

We're either going to bond
real tight in this charter,

or we're going to...
It's going to----ing unfold.

- Let's get it done.
- All right, guys.

Are you guys okay
to continue on where you are?

- Yeah.
- With your covers?

- And we need that washed.
- Yeah.

Thanks, guys.

- Hey, kiddos.
- Hey!

Is that a pancake or a pillow?

Asking for a friend.

It's a pancake.

Let's get as much weight as
we can

in the top of the pillow
as possible.

You just want to work
on the top part.


- Not on the bottom.
- And then you could...

Just because we don't need to.


And then just do it
a slight inward fold.

- Like that.
- Thank you.

I do a top-heavy plump dump.

Sounds like me.


- Hey, are you okay?
- Good, how are you? Mm-hmm.

Are you a bit nervous stepping
up into your new position?

No, honestly.

Oh, no!
Oh, no!

All crew, all crew.

Can I please have Ben, Fraser,
Anthony, down to the crew mess

for a preference sheet meeting?

Oh, feet hurt. Ah.

- Hee-hee!
- Hello.

G'day, g'day.

Thank you, sir.


Okay, so we have
Leslie Gaudiosi,

a mortgage loan officer
from Northern Virginia,

her husband James,
and close-knit group of friends.

The itinerary requests
night one

they would like to have
a surf and turf dinner

with a Mardi Gras
decor for the table.


Day two, we're
going to Carriacou.

- You're joking.
- Sick.

Carriacou is the next
island north,

and it's one of
the most beautiful

and sexy beaches on the planet.

That color change
from the deep blue

to the turquoise is incredible.

There's reefs everywhere,

full of amazing marine
life and coral.

When it comes to diving,
people flock to Carriacou.

The place is magnificent.


Oh. Okay.


Day two, guests wish to have
a m*rder mystery after party.

And then drop off.

For the newly ordained bosun.

- Oh, congratulations.
- Congratulations.

Thanks, sir.

This is a big deal.
Take on this role.


Okay, the way you
interact with your crew

needs to change.

The division of
friends and leader.

There needs to be
a clear line with that.

Copy, Captain.

All right.
Any questions?

- No, sir.
- All right.

The pressure is on now.

I'm----ing feeling
the pressure now.

Interior, interior.

If we can just do
a quick vac.

Then we can clock off.

- Oh.
- Oh.


We're doing great, Cat.

Dude, we did everything.

Dude, I want to lay down.

Did you ever get
the bees and the birds talk?

Or was it like...

Oh, I got a whole
drawing and everything.


- My mom is a sex therapist.
- Really?


My mom kind of explained it,
but it was like...

She has a bunch of, like,
sex dolls for,

like, her guests and stuff.

Like, her...
Not her...

- What's it called? Patients?
- Clients, patients, yeah.


I go to my mom for everything.

There is no line
with my mom.

I can tell her anything.

In fact, I do.

She has good tips.

Like, you know,
my mom's a sex therapist.

My father's very conservative,
and I'm, like, in the middle.

And it's just a
safe zone with mom.

It does get weird, um...

But, you know,
you just embrace it.

It's weirder for my brother.

- Are you done with this, babe?
- Yeah. Thank you.


Yeah, I'm sorry.
I know you're busy.

Okay, wait.

Hold on one second.


So, I got a call
from my friend, Megan.

This is a situation
I really can't talk about,

but my friends are my family.

So it feels really sh--ty not
being able to be there for her.


[alarm sounds]

Desperately need a vape.

All right.

Lots of sh-- to do and no time.

Deck Team, can we please all
meet on the sundeck?

Yes, sir.
On my way.




Okay, so this is a big charter.

We're going to move
the boat quite a lot,

so we're going to
be pretty busy.

You're going to drive
the tender out,

then Kyle's going to
be on the bow.

We've got a deck member down.
The tender's out.

That means one deck member's got
to be in the tender driving it,

which leaves two of us on deck

to run a 60-meter boat
to get it off the dock.

Yeah, well, we'll smash it.
We'll smash it.

Yeah, yeah.

It's not ideal, but I'm ready
to show Kerry what I got.

Nothing we can't handle.

All right, kiddies.
We've got lots to do.

I want the boat
to be----ing beautiful.


Fraser, it looks like
we might have our

- first round of provisions.
- Copy.

All right.
What have we got? More eggs.

There's always eggs.

Here you go, mate.


[bleep], that's heavy.


Oh, no.

Well, we almost
made scrambled eggs.



Skis are filled,
Williams is the filled.


Both seabobs are 100%.

Good. I like this.

I like it up when
the guests arrive.

Me too.

And then we can drain it
when we leave.

I'm going to call my mum.

I miss my mom.

All crew, crew.
It's game time.

Guest arrival
in nine minutes.


Shut up and smile.

- You guys ready to line up?
- Yes.

All right.
Look at this.

- Fantastic.
- Wow.

Hey, hey, hello.

- I'm Kerry, how are you?
- Nice to meet you.

- Please come through.
- Hi. So nice to meet you.

- Fraser.
- Brian, nice to meet you.

- Xandi.
- Sandy?

You're so beautiful, Leslie.

So are all of you.


I'm your captain.
I'm Kerry.

On behalf of
the crew of St. David,

- welcome to Grenada.
- Thank you.

This is our chief stew, Fraser.

He'll show you around.

All right. Wonderful.

Let's make our way upstairs.

Go get changed quickly.

All right.
Thank you, mate.

So this is our sundeck.

Oh, yeah.


We can do small snacks here,
depending on the weather.

She's a snacker.

We've got loads of snacks
coming your way.

Big time snacker.

We're always
going to have snacks.


Oh, my God!

Only the best!
Only the best!

I'll be working
a lot harder this trip.

I'm doing it because
I'm a team player.

When I got into yachting,

my second
captain in yachting,

he would keep himself in
his room all the time.

Every time I come and
knock on his door for help,

he'd pretend to be on the phone.

And one time I caught him,

had the phone next to his head
and it called.

Now, I understand everyone works
hard to get to that position.

But what kind of assh*le are you

if you're not going to help the
crew out when they need help?

You're an efficient
machine, mate.

You got the memo
that we like to eat!

Oh, wow!
Look at this!

Interior, Xan and
Fraser changing.

I was a young mom, and
now my kids are older,

and now I'm having a good time.

Yeah, I'm an old mom.


I have a four-year-old
and a two-year-old.

Oh, my God.

You're in, like,
the fun years.

- I am.
- Like, those, like, years.

Well, you may call them fun.

Sunny, Sunny, you're going
to drive the tender.


So you're going to
go bow to stern.

- Call that on the radio.
- Yeah.

Yeah, quite a bit.

Look like a----ing nut job.

All lanes in
on the bow, Captain.

All lanes on board.

You are clear.

Copy, all lines on.
Departing dock.

I got to see this thing
pull out, man.

Captain, one meter astern
and holding to the dock.

- Here we go, dude.
- Oh, we're moving!

Captain, two meters and
holding astern to the dock.


We're on the move.

Starboard side midships.

You have seven meters
and closing.

It's first undocking.
It's just Kyle and I on deck.

I mean, I'm nervous, but I just
can't let that show for Captain.

I mean, I saw the pressure
Jared was getting from Captain,

and I could see the mistakes
that he was doing

before he actually did it.

I've got no
idea what's going on.

So I feel like I kind of
know what Captain expects.

Starboard midships, you are
five meters and holding.

Starting to approach the bow of
the boat on our starboard side.

Four meters and holding to
the blue boat starboard side.

Kerry, four meters to run ahead
until you're clear to swing.

Kerry, two meters.

You are clear to swing.
Clear to swing.

I've got this here.

Captain, Captain,
we're all gravy back here.

Sunny's taking off now
and she'll follow us here.

And we are underway, baby.

Thank God.

Yes, yes, yes.

Coming up...

How many drinks have I had?

Four, Fletcher.

- Stop calling him Fletcher.
- I know his name.

- They're calling him Fletcher.
- No.

I'm calling him Frasier
because I know his name.


Wow, look at that.

- [bleep]
- What is that?

- I don't know.
- Hey, guys.

- It's huge.
- Just saying it's huge.

It's huge.

Oh, this is going to be good.

You all work with each other?

What are the links?

We all do mortgages.

And then she is a realtor.


I'm going to go to the anchor.

Do you want to stay
back in there?

Just stand by for the door.

Yeah, yeah.

Listen, it's actually a
great time to buy a house

if you're looking.

Plan of action:
find the love of life.

And then buy with their money.

With their money.
That's a good plan.

Oh, I love you.


On my previous boat,

I was never given the
opportunity to prove myself,

which is one of
the reasons why I did leave.

For a while, I wanted
to drive the tender.

And I did it.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Bridge, bridge.
At the anchor. Ready to drop.

Stand by for two.

Copy, standing by.

Release, release, release.

- Two at the waterline.
- Copy.

Let's get that ball up
and get this door down.

Yeah, copy that.

Sunny, Sunny.
How you doing out there?

Doing so good.
The boat's looking real nice.

Stern door open, fully open.

G'day, mates.


How's the trip?


Everybody has a fork
and chopsticks.

Whenever you're ready,
I can let chef know.


All crew, all crew.

We're going to move up
to the sky lounge

with guests for lunch.

Here's my favorite.

How you doing?

I'm taking five minutes.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Can I take five, too?

Welcome to Pan-Asian Japan.

Oh, my God.

Very easy light lunch.

It's time to get you into the
water as soon as possible.

Just spin the ski round.

- You reckon?
- Yeah, so it's facing me.

Barbie, the table
looks stunning.

- Well done.
- Thank you.

It's pretty hectic.

Chef, chef, we're coming down
for the plates.

Copy that.

- All right.
- Oh, yes.

So we have the white wahoo,
the ahi tuna, and the lobster.

- Thank you.
- No worries.

This is delicious.

I feel like every
piece is different.


They're loving it.
They're loving it.

Loving it. Loving it.

Loving it.

Would I lie to you?

Am I lying to you?

[air hose squealing]

Tony, Tony, Tony.

- Everything's delicious.
- Thank you so much.

Very good.

It's a pleasure to
take care of you.

And I hope you have
a wonderful day.

- Oh, another accent.
- French.


I'll see you later.
Thank you so much.

- Cheers.
- Thank you.

- See you later.
- Thank you.

Oh my God, I love him.

Oui, oui.

His eyebrows are very nice.
Very nice.

Yeah, and huge lashes.
Like a baby camel.



I'm full.

We've got some
water sports ready for you.

- If you're finished.
- Yeah.

I'm ready to go in the water.

Babe, you nailed it.
You were phenomenal.

Thank you.


Oh my God.

Oh, yeah.




Pull the trigger.


Have fun, ladies.

Yeah. Oh, no.

How do you guys look so perfect
after getting out of the water?

Oh, oh.


I've been watching Ben on
the foredeck.

It's running smooth.

Way more confidence in Ben off
the bat than I did with Jared.

Top work.

- See how it goes anyway.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Babe, tonight's Mardi Gras.



Exterior, can we please
get into our blacks?

I'll just do three here.

Three here.

And then you just [bleep] off.

All right. Boom.
Look at you.

I think this looks like sh--.

So, tonight,
ladies and gentlemen,

we are going to have
a surf and turf.

Lobster tail and on the
other side, a medium rare.

Yeah, medium rare.



This is the first time
I've been seeing someone

in the same department.

- Is it?
- Yeah.

It's not bad or
it's not difficult.

We just got to make it work.

I think we're
making it work.

I think so.

I went to bed
with a lead deckhand.

Woke up,
Ben being a bosun?

It's kind of hot.

One of my boyfriends
was my boss, technically.

That's how we met.

So I guess I have
a little bit of experience

in that department already.

All I can say is that
I hope it's not gonna create

an imbalance in
our relationship.

No, I think you'll know if
I do have complaints.


I should be done with this.

I'm not letting myself go
too hard, cause I hate it.

No, I think it's fine.
It's very Mardi Gras.

In fact, my sister's
in Mardi Gras now.

You think your sister flashes
her titties her or no?

Yes, she's got huge knockers.

Okay, I'm gonna go shower.

All right.

This pimple is disgusting.

Okay, so garden salad.

And it's gonna
be a surf and turf.

Local white
sweet mashed potatoes.

Crack, crack, crack.

I'm going to make a mess.

- Let's head up.
- All right.

- Shall we do this?
- Okay.

Chef, chef, I'm taking
the guests up to the table.

- Copy that.
- Welcome to Mardi Gras.

Oh, wow.

Yeah, it's Fat Tuesday today.

Mardi Gras is here
right now, today.

So we're gonna do them
horizontal, Sunny, like this.


Tell us about Mardi Gras.

Like, give us all history
since you're from New Orleans.

I think everybody should
do it at least once.

We don't do a lot
of things well,

but culture, music and food.

For your first course,
you've got the beet salad

with goats cheese, pine nuts
with a champagne vinaigrette.

- Enjoy.
- Lovely. Thank you.

- Thank you.
- It's gorgeous.

This is delicious.

Yeah, yeah, cool.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

This is beautiful timing.
This is good.

I'll do dishes.

Thanks, Cap.

Do you mind just pulling
on my tie for just one second?

- Oh, yes.
- Thank you very much.

All right.

- Oh.
- Oh, yes.


So here, we have the surf
and turf,

the lobster, filet mignon.

Holy moley.

We've got some white,
sweet mash.

It's gorgeous.

Oh, yeah,
it's nice, dude.

I can tell right now.

- Look at that.
- I love it.

Absolutely loving it.

- They love it?
- Loving it.

- Happy?
- Loving it.

All right.

It cuts like butter.

Holy crap.

Jesus Christ.

Absolutely gorgeous.


ing rock star.

Coming up...

Do you want to talk or no?

- No.
- Okay.



She's shaking her boobs
for you to get her a martini.

Did you not
see it happening?

He doesn't look at that.

I'm sorry.

He's checking out
my husband over here.


All right.

How many drinks have I had?

Poor Fletcher.

They're calling you Fletcher.

Stop calling him Fletcher.

I know his name.
They're calling him Fletcher.


I'm calling him Frazier
because I know his name.

Frazier earned his name.


Interior, interior.
How long we got on those cabins?

Just need to work on the
twin next and the queen.

Oh, gosh.

Can we go as quick
as we can, please?

Will do.

Okay, Fraser. I'm jumping
into housekeeping now.

Barbie, I'm in the queen.

She's----ing yawning.

All those espresso martinis
have really worn me out.

Uh, yeah.


Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Tonight, for the end,
we have a vanilla cheesecake

with some fresh fruit
and homemade coulis.

Thank you.
Merci beaucoup.

Thank you so much.
Have a good night.

I mean, that accent...

I mean, you can definitely
say whatever you want

in that language.
And it doesn't even matter.


I'm gonna turn down
the sheet.

What do you think?

I mean, I don't really care.

Okay. Got it.

Are we going down?
Are we done?

What are we doing?

Yeah, let's go.
I'm done.

I'm starting to fade.

- Cat?
- We're good.

Hey, girls. How are we doing
on housekeeping?

We're done.

Okay, great.

This could take----ing forever.

- Yeah.
- [bleep].

ing unicorn.

All right.
Day one done.

Oh, God.

Croissant, oh ho ho ho.

The early risers are here.


- When are we underway?
- Just over an hour.

Good morning.
How are we?

How are you so chipper
all the time?

You've got to be.

What can I get you this morning?

- You want a cappuccino?
- Yeah.

All right. Start hauling
the anchor, please.

- I'm going down now.
- Okay.

All right, Captain,
we are ready to go.

Let her rip.

Got an oat milk cappuccino?

Yes, please.


Bridge, that's anchor at the
waterline, ready to maneuver.

Clear waters.
Here we come.

Dude, we brought the freaking
good snorkel gear, dude.

The full face mask.

- Thanks for that.
- I can do that.

Cat, Cat, Xandi.

Cat, Xandi.

- Cat.
- Yeah?


I'm gonna go.


It's in the VIP.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Are you okay?


You want to talk or no?

- No.
- Okay.

I'm here.

Were some of you
ready for breakfast?

Let's do it.


Chef, chef, we're gonna
go ahead with breakfast now.

Copy that.


So these are classic
lobster eggs Benedict.



- Mimosa.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

Lobster, check.

- Again?
- Yeah.

Something's really
wrong with her.


Is everything okay, my love?

I'm sorry.

Is everything okay, my love?

This is not good.

If you're in a
very unhappy place,

I'd rather you put your health

and your mental
health before that

and we get you the help
you need as soon as we can.


Is that something you'd
like me to arrange for you?

- I'm really sorry.
- Don't be sorry, you're fine.

I don't know what it
is that's going on,

but you can look into
someone's eyes sometimes

and see that there is
no more that they can give.

There's no more they can do.

They're going through
enough to be incapable

and I need to do
what's right for her.

You've been amazing.

Okay. I'm sorry.

No worries, no worries.

I think...


- This is unbelievable.
- It's incredible.

- It's incredible.
- Yeah.


Poor thing.



- What have we got?
- Hello.

G'day, mate.

I don't think Cat can make it
to the end of this trip.

- Really?
- Yeah.

She's in tears.

She doesn't want to
disclose any information,

which is totally fine.

And I said,

it this something you need
to deal with immediately?

And the answer was yes.

All right.

Thanks for bringing it
to my attention.

- It worries me.
- Yeah, same.

I'm really worried about Cat's
mental state right now.

Cat, I think she may
be going through things

- outside of work.
- Mm-hmm.

- Which I sympathize with.
- Gotcha.

She's been fragile since
the beginning of the season.

Tears most days.

I hire strong heads
of department

that understand their crew.

I'm not there.
I don't see all things.

So they're going to
come to me and say,

she's ready to go.
She's got to go.

As I don't know what it is,
it could be something horrific,

or it could just
be something not,

but we need to give her
the benefit of the doubt there.

- Well, to her, it's horrific.
- Clearly.

My focus is what
it's doing to her.

- Absolutely.
- I'll go and see her.

- Okay, cool.
- Thanks, mate.

- Thanks for letting me know.
- No worries.

Carriacou water taxi,
this is St David.

I have a crew member that
has to go off the vessel now.

Are able to make a detour?

Can I clear this for you?

Yes, thank you, love.

My pleasure.

Ben, we're going to go
straight for two sh*ts,

and we're going to get
someone off the boat.

Copy, cap.

Release, release, release.

Cap, that's two
at the water line.

This is gorgeous.
Look out there.

Welcome to Carriacou.

- I think Cat's leaving us now.
- Right now?

- Like now, now.
- Oh, [bleep].

That quick, really.

- Is she all right?
- No, I don't think so.


Do you need a hand at all?

Yeah, maybe with the suitcase.

I'm sorry.

Don't take anything
from here there, you're full.

- Just grab my backpack.
- All right.


Well, we're going to be a stew
down and a deckie member down.

Full circus mode.

Do you want to put a
call out to the crew?

Just let them come
say goodbye.


All crew, can I please get
everybody to the aft deck?

Copy that.

No, do you?

I don't know what's happening.

The chef's out there.
What's going on?

All I know is we're----ed.

- Be good.
- Thank you.

I wish I could have stayed,
but the thing is, it's like,

there's no way I could have.

Like, this is too much.

I need to be with
the people that need me

and also on this boat,
like, I'm at a breaking point

and I need to protect
my own mental health.

It's like, my support
system's at home, not here.

- Good luck, love.
- Thank you, Captain.

What happened?

All right.
Back to work, guys.

I hope she comes back.

- It's all right.
- Yeah.

As soon as he's gone,
let's get this thing in.

- We'll get out of here.
- Copy.

Just straight back into it.

Sh--, not good.

Being one person down
was going to be hard for us.

Two people down?

Nothing like two men down.

I've been in tough
situations before,

but this is
one of the toughest.

- I can't believe Cat's gone.
- Crazy.

So, am I concerned?
Yes, I am.

We could all be in trouble.


Next, on "Below Deck..."


- Welcome to St. David.
- My name's Dylan.

- Nice to meet you.
- Wow.

My jaw's on the floor.

He's gorgeous, hey?

I'm a little flabbergasted.

- Are you turned on?
- Yes.

This wind's kicking up.

We've got a nice storm coming.

Yeah, let's move.
Let's move.

No one moves towards the boat
till I say so.

- Yes, sir.
- Understood?

Captain's getting very aggro.