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11x04 - It's Always Sunny in Grenada

Posted: 04/21/24 12:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Below Deck"...

Tara and Steven.

All right, additional guests.

Michelle and Robert,
they're an engaged couple.

Day two.

In the afternoon, guests
would like to head

to a nearby waterfall
for a vow ceremony.

Here they come.

Are you guys renewing
your vows this trip?

They're renewing.
We're committing.

Yeah, go ahead then.

Hey, mate, I'm just
thinking with the jet skis,

Sunny should have had a
life jacket on, yeah?

You go [bleep] yourself.

- I was in foster care.
- Oh, my God.

Me and my brother,
we were thrown

into the system
and separated.

Sorry I'm so terrible.

We'll just need
the wines chilling.

I'm dealing with a hostile
attitude from Barbie.

I'm done with this.

And also what about
the rest of her team?

We've seen signs of that.

That was our
first charter issue.

All right.
I don't like letting anybody go.

Can't just go bang,
bang, gone.

- Yeah.
- All right?

But if you're not fitting in,
you're not fitting in.

Yeah, not a team player.

So what are her strengths?

Is she good at service?

Yeah, she's great.

Does she have an eye
for detail?


Are you happy with her work?

Yes, I think
she's a good stewardess.

Could she be an asset to us
if her attitude changed?


Right, so I think we need to
kind of think about it a bit.

I think we need
to kind of, both of us,

just take a few breaths,
come from a better place,

and think of it open-minded.

- Yes.
- But professionally.

- Yeah.
- Right?

One thing I've noticed with
my conversation with Fraser,

there's a lot of
emotion involved.

If she's good at what she does,
you can utilize that.

You don't have to like her.

Let's find a way for
her to shine.

I'll say my peace to her.

I will keep it short, sweet,
respectful, and professional.

Thank you.

I'll come down and
be your third stew.

- Do the laundry.
- I'm very happy with that.

It's pretty average at beds
and heads, though.

All righty.
Good to know your strengths.

We'll have an interview
at that point.


I'll tie a bowline
to the handle of it,

and we'll lower it down to me.

Oh, my God.

Hey, love.

I'm having some issues.

Everyone on my team
- ing hates me.


No, I'm serious.

I feel like
so underappreciated.

Like, I'm doing such a good job,

and all the guests
- ing love me.

I grew up with a father
that just applauds me. 24-7.

Like, that's what my dad does.

Barbie, Barbie, Barbie, Barbie.

And there's nothing that
makes Fraser be like,

"Barbie, good job."

All I know how to do now
is shut down.

I'm in a really hard place,
and it really sucks.

I just am not, like,
sweet and, like, fluffy.

It's just a whole
weird situation.

Captain Kerry, Jared,
when would be a good time

to talk about this setup?

- Right now.
- Great.

Oh, look how beautiful
the napkins are.

Thank you.

We need to be onshore heading up
to location by 11:30.


So we want to be on
the dock at 11:00.


So today, we've got
a wedding by a waterfall.

Two couples renewing their vows,

and one couple is
actually getting married.

As the captain of the vessel,
I can officiate a wedding,

but I've got one step further,

It's quite nerve-wracking
for me.

I've never married anybody.

I know more about
divorce than weddings

in the state of Florida.

We're ready to rock on deck.


For order, we've got
crepes, smashed avocado,

and poached eggs on toast
as a special today.

- The avocado poached eggs.
- Okay, absolutely.

I'll order the same.
That's perfect.

Two of those.

Why'd you guys remove this?

Is it hard to get in?


I think it's easy
if you put it in first.

I'm still really mad that Ben
called me out over the radio.

Hey, mate, I'm just thinking
with the jet skis,

Sunny should have had
a life jacket on.

Trying to make me look bad
over the radio? [bleep] off.

I got some past issues with men,

especially on-board yachts.

I was on a boat with two
deckhands and one bosun,

but then the other deckhand,
he was also a greenie.

He was starting to tell me
what to do and whatnot.

My reaction was to cry,
and so because of I was crying,

then, oh, I'm so emotional
and you're a crier

and you're childish.
You're sensitive.

I would be called
all those words.

I learned from that lesson
to stand up for myself.

Why'd you guys
remove the bottoms?

I wanted to wash them.

Ryan, can I get
your help as well?

- Of course.
- Thank you, Chef.


Beautiful avos for you, sir.

Oh, beautiful.

Seriously, that's a
perfectly poached egg.

We're going to load all this
into the stern, all right?

You just hold it.
I'll do the walk-in.

Tara, what's that over there?

- You see that?
- Are you making fun of me?


You can have the bacon, all
you had to do was ask.

I am a pirate.

I want you to have a look
at the decor for tonight.

This is Hollywood.

Barbie's going to come
on the next trip,

so it gives us time to all
smash our all-interior roles.

Okay. Love you.

Love you.


- Beautiful.
- This is an uncomfortable walk.

Guests between 1 and 1:30,
Barbie can come at, like, 12:30.

Good luck with this, eh?

So, honey, I've done this
thing, like, six times now.

I keep getting it...
fine-tuning it more and more.


Yeah, I'm getting into it.


You know what?
I'm going to look into that.

We should just get
a mirror and go for it.


Now, Barbie, you're next, right?


So, you got all the
blokes after you.

I know you're entertaining
them all at the same time.

I don't know. I like everybody,
but specifically Jared.


Are you actually kidding me?

Like, we are very similar.

I definitely get attracted
to people's souls.

I mean, honestly, my
ex-boyfriends, all of them,

sorry to say, look pretty bad.

Like, I don't really, I don't
think I go for looks, right?

Not that he's ugly.
Like, Jared's fine.

Didn't see that coming.

I thought you and
Kyle were vibing.

I love Kyle.

There's some fruit and
some croissants

down here in the crew mess.

- But, like, Kyle's my friend.
- Ah.

Good chat, Ben.

So, Ben and Sunny are smooching?


Everybody seems to want
to get a piece of Barbie.

Well, you better
hurry up on that one.

I might have gone straight
to the horse.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, yeah.

There's no competition here.

I mean, I've seen how Jared is.

I don't think she's the
type of girl to be blown away

by cheesy pickup lines.

We've definitely got a
connection, me and Barbie.

I've already won.

She just needs to see that,
you know what I mean?


- You got everything?
- We got it all done.

- What about my fishing hat?
- It's right here.

How long were you together
before you get married?

Two and a half years on this.

- Oh, yeah, that's fair.
- Maybe three.

But we were engaged
six months after we met.

So it brings us up to
your eight years, Stan.


What the hell's going on, man?

St. David, St. David, that is
the second tender trip away.

I'm having some personality,
egos sadly inside.

I'm not getting
a positive attitude.

That, to me, is
really important in my crew.

Whoa, coming in hot then.

I'm getting backlash on pretty
much everything I say.

- Have a good day in the sun.
- Behave.

- I never behave.
- Yeah, don't behave.

- That's no fun.
- Yeah, we know.

It's not my thing.

It's like bacteria, really.
You know.

- Hola.
- Hola, mami.

I don't feed into it.

At this point, it's like,
I can't win.

Coming up...

What do you mean
going over exactly

the proper way of placing?

- The knives and forks?
- Yes.


Whoa, that was loud.

Break an ear drum.

I'm going to push through.
I'm not a quitter.

I've never quit in my life.

Like, I think
quitters are losers.

I really do.
And like, I am a winner.

Hey, there he is.

- How you all doing?
- We are good.

I've done some preparation.

- Oh, yes.
- Oh, have you?

I've already got
a bunch of stuff written.

That's why you get
paid the big bucks.

So officially married,
not married?

- You are?
- Eight years, yeah.

Officially married, married.

- Nine years.
- Not married.

- Engaged.
- Yeah, we're engaged.

Not married yet.

- Not married yet.
- Still engaged.

I'll get certificates sent
to all of you,

so you'll get an official
certificate of your marriage.

It doesn't count if you
mispronounce the name.

It doesn't count, yeah.

Tell that to the judge.



What's up?

- You called me off on the radio.
- Yeah.

Yeah, I didn't like that.

'Cause everyone could've heard,
especially the Captain,



He's a bosun for not
doing that at the start.

But he did.


So I didn't know that
he said that to you.


So it came across
the radio like that.

Yeah. Cool.


Just recognizing that
it hurt my feelings,

would have been something.

You're a d*ck
and an assh*le.

Good thing they're
very close together.

- Can we finish the chairs?
- Yeah, finish the chairs.

That one looks great.

Yeah, it does.

This one needs a
bit of fluffing.

- Sushi, do you like?
- Mm-hmm.

I'll make sure you
have sushi plates.

Well done.
Oh, my God.

That looks----ing great.

So, 1:30, right?

Yeah, around 1:30.

For the effort you put in,
it looks very impressive.

Okay, here are the rings.

That looks so cutesy.

You want to marry me, Jared?

Whoa, that's moving quick.



I think we might head off soon.

- That's gorgeous.
- Yeah?

Thank you.

Kerry, Kerry, Ben.
The taxis are on the way back.

Roger, dodger.
I'm ready to go, mate.

Copy that, mate.
You're looking suave.

I'm looking at you right now.

Oh, man.
That's hilarious.

Oh ho ho ho.

Anything else to come
down, chef?

No, we're good.

Let's go do the thing.

Be careful, Tara.

I got it,
I got this.

She's tough, man.

- See you, boys.
- See you, Kyle.

You nailed that one.

All right, here we go.

Thanks, Cap.

Do you want to go together?

- Everyone? All right.
- Are we okay?

- Here's the chicken.
- [clucks]

That is a huge cock.

- Hello.
- Hello.

I know you.

So this is our space.

Nice, so what I was going to do
was just do it all together.

So you could just stand here
and do it to them.

- Yes.
- Wow.

All right, this is, like,
pretty damn romantic.

We're ready for them
when you are.

All right, guys.
Here we go.

Welcome to paradise.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm getting goosebumps watching
you guys all come to this.

We have gathered together today

to celebrate
the vow renewals

for Steven and Tara,
Ran and Rachel,

and Robert and Michelle.

Please stand.

This is for the gentleman first.

- I take you...
- I take you...

- To be my lawful wedded wife.
- To be my lawful wedded wife.

I give you my hands,
my heart, and my love.

From this day forward, for
long as both we shall live.

- Ladies, I take you.
- I take you.

To be my lawful
wedded husband.

To be my lawful wedded

- I will trust you sometimes.
- Occasionally.

I'll give you my hands,
my heart, my love,

- but not my last beer.
- Not my last beer.

Works for me.

I now give you this ring.

I now give
you this ring.

It shall remind you
of our eternal love.

It shall remind you of our
eternal love.

And the promises we make today.

And the promises
we make today.

It gives a great pleasure to now
pronounce you husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride
of your choosing.


I love seeing love

and I love seeing people
so deeply in love

after so many years
of being together.


If I were to ever get married,

I want a very small intimate
group of family and friends

on a beach wearing linen.

And then if that
doesn't happen, fine,

because I still go on holiday
like three times a year,

so I'm quite good to see
on that beach my own.

So in your own time, I'd love to
invite you down for some sushi

to overlook our
stunning backdrop.

- Did the damn thing.
- You did it.


That was such
a cute little ceremony.

- It was.
- It was so cute.

This is all just like amazing.

I know how to do housekeeping,

but just like not on the level
of how you do it, you know?

You are improving, improving,

and I think you'll
definitely get it.

The only thing I was kind of
bummed about, to be honest,

was like the first charter,
I hardly saw the guests,

and I felt like just
so behind the scenes,

which is fine.
I get it.

We're working as a team.

We all have to be able
to do everything.

I understand that.

Because I can't be the only one
who does the laundry and cabins.

Today's dinner that came out,

that would be enough
just for the deck team.

Let's get more food out.

Thanks, chef.

Oui, oui, oui.

Can I top you off, madam?

- Thank you.
- My pleasure.

We have the drinks
you wanted as well.

Soon as you want
to move from champagne.

You know what's weird,
but I realized

how yachting means different
things to a lot of people.

What's your version of yachting?

Do you want to do it forever?
What do you want to do?

There's definitely
golden handcuffs.

But I love it, though.

I call it Neverland,
because it doesn't exist.

It's not normal.

But it becomes your normal.

Would you like to hang out
here for a bit longer?

- Whenever you are ready.
- You guys ready to go?

- Yeah, sure.
- Amazing.

This is amazing.

We are going to
wrap up the guests.

We just need to let
the boat know.

Let's go.
Get ready.

You look just like a ghost.

The ghost of St. David.

- See you later.
- Thank you, man.

Why is there ants everywhere?

Let's go.

Can I just say that
I really like you guys?

I'm happy to be here.

Aw, Jared.

You're my favorite on the boat.

Aw, shucks.


You saved her life!

- You see the--
- I'm like, God!

- [laughing]
- Oh!

I guess I'll just be, like,
my regular, honest, tragic self.

- Yeah, you didn't...
- Oh!

Did you hear what she just said?

I did, yeah.
Hey, okay.

I'm a little taken back
with the upfront honesty.

I like it.
Give it to me.

Maybe something's in there.
I don't know.

She's got a twinkle in her eye.

I don't know if that is.
I think that's tears.


Coming up...

You're being a d*ck.

You just stir the pot
all the time.


Gaslight me all you want.
That's okay.


- Oh!
- Woo-hoo!

We've got quite a lot
out of this trip.

- Enjoy.
- What a day.

Hey, Cheffy.

Okay, yeah, yeah,
I'll give you a hand.

Whatever you need,
brother, I'm here.


- Hello!
- Hello!


Thanks, guys.

Dinner is at 8:00.

Oh, no!

You look good.

You look amazing, too.

Thanks, babe.

- Pimp coat.
- Pimp coat.


- You ready?
- Let's do this!

Oh, my goodness.

I need someone to
clear that picnic stuff.


I'm thinking of having Cat on...

- Service.
- Just the beginning part.

For him to move me off
service is just like, what? Why?

I'm just thinking, just because
you helped pack with that,

you know where things go.
We need this faster.

It's easier...

But if Fraser wants
to mix people around

and if Fraser wants to get back
at me for having an attitude,

which I have and
I know I have,

then that's fine.

But at the end of the day,
you're affecting service.


I'm going to have you on
service with me.

Small things, always waters,
filled to the brim.

I'll give you direction,

so I'll let you know what
we need to be done.

Look at all this!

Oh, this is nice.

Captain, the guests are ready
at the table when you are.


Look at you, I love it.

It's cute, right?

Are you ready for
the first course?

Yeah, let's do it.

Yeah, thanks for having me.
This looks amazing, huh?


It's a big game and
failure is not an option.

Let's do it.

No, I've had a lot of
filets in my life.

That's some chewy ass sh--.

I mean, what else to do,
what else to do?

Thank you.

My girlfriend was like, so
that means you can marry us?

Can you do that?

When I told her, I said, well,
it's actually like legit, legit.

Wait, wait, how legit
are we talking about?


So for your first
course this evening,

you're going to be enjoying
the salmon tartare.

- Oh, wow.
- Enjoy.

I'm going flower first.

All right, this is good.

So good.

I don't know, it
looks like sh-- though, right?

Yankee Doodle?

What's a Yankee Doodle anyway?

He went down,
riding on this pony.

I'm definitely interested
in Barbie.

She got a fire, she got a spark.

When you see me on the beach,
I'm sitting by the fire.

I like it hot.
I like it hot.


Here, you can have it.
It's my gift to you.

Oh, wow.

I'm sorry.

I'll go grab another one.

Your second course is going
to be the beets cappuccino.

- I do like beets.
- You love beets.

I love beets.


Oh, this looks good.

For your third course,
we have the local crab cake.

- Oh, okay.
- Very good.

Crushed it.

Tomorrow, a rundown.

Stick with being on at nine.

She's going off.
She ain't had a break today.

You're very welcome
to grab some food.

- Thanks.
- Downstairs in the crew mess.

Cap, have you had
crawfish before?

In the Outback,
we have a similar animal.

We call him a yabby.

It's kind of like bush survival.

If you're broken
down somewhere...

Yeah, tell me about your day.

I realize that, like,
and it's not very teamy of me

to just want to be the only
one that does service,

even though I am
best at it.


Okay, if you just want to place
the cutlery for the next course.

Would you mind
going over exactly

the proper way of placing?

For the knives and forks?


Forks on the left,
knives on the right.

- Perfect.
- Yeah.


Quite honestly,
this is a Cat-astrophe.

So, next we have...

- Four.
- Risotto. With fish.


- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you.

So, for you're fourth,

you're having the
Asparagus Risotto

with red snapper.

This is incredible.

Oh, my gosh.


All crew, if anyone
is available to help

run the last course,

could you please
come to the galley?



Oh, wow!

So, ladies and gentlemen,
for our last course,

we will have
a lamb chop served

with a black cherry
red wine sauce.

Bon appetit.

It's so tender.
I don't even need the knife.

- Oh, that's good.
- Golly, that's good.


Sunny, sunny, Jared,
time to knock off.

See you later.

All crew, all crew,

can you please come
on to the galley

for the wedding cake?

All right.
Let's go, wedding party animals.


- [applause]
- Woo!


Success, my man.

What the hell is that?

- You can slap me.
- Okay.



His face.
His face, though.

I've noticed that for a while.
I appreciate that.

And I'm like, they've
got to catch it next time.

- I appreciate it.
- Yeah.

- Thank you.
- I'm so sorry.

Ben, you can...
You can knock off, man.

Thanks, dude.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you so much.

- Thank you.
- Appreciate it.

- Thank you so much.
- I'll see you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow, love.
Good night.

- Good night, ladies.
- Good night.

Thank you so much.


Thank you so much
for everything, my sweetheart.

Okay, I need to go
the [bleep] to bed.

My legs are k*lling me.

What about you?

Are you sunburned?

Sit there while I peel
this aloe vera.

Put it on your face.

Put this on your face.

And be careful with the edges

because you might
prick yourself.

I mean, I know she likes Jared,

so I've really
got nothing to lose.


Just don't write me
off just yet.

Coming up...

[alarm sounds]


G'day, mate, how's it going?

Um, Cat's doing really well.
She's really improving.

She's getting quicker.

I want to go back to bed.

She did ask me what side of
fork a knife goes on yesterday.

And then she reached across me
once to bought some wine.

I saw that.



- And she reacted well.
- Yes.

You know what I mean?
Like, her response was great.


But just didn't have
the eye to notice it.

Like, she...

That was her first service.

So I'm going to really...
I've taken notes from that.

So it's just some,
like, polishing things

- we need to do there.
- All right.



Okay, so for breakfast today,
we will have some French toast,

lobster, eggs benedict.

I love that.

Same seats from last night?

Let's see if they
consummated the marriage.

Would anyone like
some French toast?

- I will have some.
- Do you want two, sir?

Oh, please.
Thank you.

Copy, Cap, I'll let Sunny
take over the comms from here.

Anchor straight up and down.


Hey, Xan-xan.

Hi. How are you?

Perfect timing.

Anchor's at the waterline, no
obstruction, clear to maneuver.

That's good, Sunny.
Put the ball up, please.

Lock it down.
Good job.

Thank you.

Copy that.

The first docking, I didn't
have the best communication.


Get your mic out of the wind.

I'm getting no information
on the stern.

You guys need to speak.

I want to make sure that
I do better this time.

But inside,
I'm screaming, [bleep].

But not a [bleep],
like a fack, with an a.



- Morning.
- Wow.

- Morning.
- Good morning.

- Oh, that looks awesome.
- This is pretty amazing.

Chicken wing,
chicken wing.

All fenders, everything
ready for arrival.

Copy that.

My last docking was the worst
experience I've ever had.

So coming into this docking,

I'm feeling
better with the boat.

I'm feeling confident.

But I am nervous.

Captain, we're all
ready on deck.

What's the approach?

Same as last time.

So I'm going to go out
and starboard wing.

I'll tell you when.

Everyone's on the same page?

Roger that.

Interior, interior.

Bridge bow,

- Heading to starboard wing.
- Copy.

The bum of your boat.

Separation is...

Just give me port quarter.

Distance, please.
Port quarter.

12 meters.

20 meters.
Sorry, 20 meters.

I need to work on
my meters, mate.

Winging nice, maintaining

from the corner of the dock.

Bow, 20 meters closing.

15 meters closing.


Starboard quarter separation.

- 5 meters.
- 5 meters starboard quarter.

Port quarter.

I'm certain this is not easy.

But I wonder if this
is easy to him.

- Port side midships, 8 meters.
- Coming up port side.


Port quarter closing, 2 feet.

Stern distance, stern distance.

Tell me when to stop,
how far to stop.

Two, one meter, stop.

All right, I think
we're in good position.

Now I'm going to lock off
that forward leading spring.

Nice throw.


- Smooth as, mate.
- Yeah.

Thank you.

Nice. Good work.

Nailed it.

Right in there.
Whop. Boom.

- [fly buzzes]
- Could have called...

Oh, I caught that.
With my fingers.

Well done, team.


All crew, all crew.

I want to see everybody in
their whites in the aft deck

for guest departure.

Oh, the zipper's
going to break.

We're going to have
to do this again.

I would love to.

I can't believe
it's over already.

Yeah, I know.

Well done.

Thank y'all so much.

- [bleep]
- Thanks, mate.

You are awesome.
You are very talented.

Michelle my belle!

- Hi.
- Here he is.

I want to say all of y'all,

we could not have asked
for anything better.

We just can't thank you enough.

We wish you all
the best of luck.


With the rest of the season.

- And on that note...
- Goodbye.

That is for you.

- Thank you very much.
- [laughing]

Yo, guys,
God bless you all.

Thank you, mate.
Thank you very much.

- Oh, shucks.
- Bye.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, guys.

Amazing charter.

Interior, if we can get
into our blues, please.

Getting, like, skinny and fat.
How is this possible?

Have I got any clean Ts?

Deck team wash party.

Well, it doesn't
need to be here.


She had the kid and
moved to Alaska.


When's the last time
you saw her?

I've never met her.

You never met the little one?

She said she didn't particularly
want me to be a part of things.

That sucks.

I think my heart
just skipped a beat.

I haven't met my daughter yet,

because at the time that I found
out that she was pregnant,

it was a shell shock to me.

I wasn't ready for it.

I didn't handle it properly.

And I'm trying to like hell
to correct that.

Like, I want her
to get to know me.

I want to get to know her.

But it's hard to
sew back together a wound

without leaving a scar behind.

The last thing I want
to be is a deadbeat father.

- Yeah.
- You know what I mean?

All crew, tip meeting in the
sky lounge in five minutes.

- Hola, coma esta?
- Hola, chica.

- Hey, captain.
- Hey.

How you all going?

Really happy the way this went.

The docking was a
whole lot better.

Chef, the food's been
incredible, mate.

- Thank you.
- Really happy with that.

Thank you.

The wedding, that was
something pretty wild.

There's all the
logistics involved

that could have made
it go pear-shaped.

And it was just
this magical experience.

Yeah, I was really impressed.

Let's look at this bad boy.

You did pretty good, guys.


That's $1,730 each.

This is my favorite
paper to touch.


And chiropractor.

I really appreciate
everyone's hard work.

I'm gonna join you
guys for a few bevvies.

- Okay.
- Yes.

- First round's on me.
- Yes!

- Thanks, Captain.
- See you later.

Right, guys,
we're ready to rapid turn?

Oh, yeah.

God dammit.

These are the bane
of my existence.

[phone chimes]


I'm on a set schedule
to talk to my daughter

and not being able to talk

because of the lack of
cellular service here

really putting me
in a difficult way.

[phone chimes]

My fear is that if I don't
maintain this schedule,

she'll just cut me off.


- You look nice.
- Ooh, you smell good, too.

Hey, now.

Are you and Ben
vibing better now?

Honestly, he kind
of pisses me off.

- He is hot.
- No, he is.

I'm sure you'll get into
some trouble tonight,

especially looking like a snack.

All right, you guys, let's go.

Wait, I need a beer to go.

Let's do it, guys.

- Party time.
- Bye, St. David.

Miss you never.

Oh, my God,
look where we are, guys.


- Cap!
- There he is!


- The man of the hour.
- All right.

G'day, Captain.

You guys look amazing, huh?


We clean up nice.

When I was younger,
I was pretty good.

I was bronzed, Aussie.
mound of hair.

May I have the roasted carrots
and cream soup?

I'll have the catch of the day
and the chocolate mousse.

Can I just do the soup?

Do you want to
jump over to the fellas?

Um, not really.

Go ahead to the sausage fest,

or I can hang out here
with the ladies.

What's it, you know,

Yeah, there weren't mean.

They were fine.

When you get the mean ones,
let me know.

- I will deal with mean.
- Yeah.

That's a nice one, dude.

- Wow, yay.
- Soup.

Thank you so much.
Appreciate it.

That looks really good.

[glass clatters]


Oh, that was me.

- Sorry, Ben.
- You're all right, dude.

Hold on, don't move.
Don't move.

- Did you get wet?
- Yeah, I'm all right, though.

- Did you smash your glass?
- I did.

We'll be picking out glass
for a----ing minute.

I know, and I feel like
sh-- about it, man.

It's like I feel...

Can I get a shot of tequila?

- A shot of tequila?
- Yeah.

I don't know, he just
seems quite pissed off.

Oh, really?

I don't know, he just
seems a bit like...



My last words are, be good,

or be damn good at it.


- Thanks, Cap.
- Mark those words.

I wouldn't do anything
you wouldn't do.

Bye, Captain.
Thank you.

Bye, Captain.

[bleep], I'll sit there.

Tired of sitting in that
mother----ing corner.

I need ladies in my life.

I'm going to die of
sodium overdose.


Jared's sloppy behavior has
just turned me all the way off.

It's like one of
those situations,

you meet somebody,
you go on the first date,

you're like,
I just met my husband,

and then you go
on the second date,

and you're like, no.
I did not.

What's up?

- What's up?
- You going to the beach?

Oh, he's over there.

Oh, I'm so damn tired.


Maybe he's making a move.

I just want to go to sleep.
for like a week.

- Yeah.
- [sighs]

Behave, you two.

He's so damn annoying.

He's such a troublemaker,
that Ben.

Yeah, but you're lucky that
you're learning with people

who are, like,
nice and respectful

and not assholes to you.

I work my ass off.

Guests love me more
than anybody,

and it is what it is.


Yeah, I am.

Yeah, that's all right.

You know, it's not just work.

You're being a d*ck.

You just stir the pot
all the time.

All the----ing time.

Thing out over the radio.

Not cool.

Well, it comes off
as you're being a d*ck.

In my relationships,
I've been a rebound,

or I've been cheated on.

I've been lied to,
I've been humiliated,

hurt by my boyfriends,

so I have a difficult time
trusting someone.

Okay, okay.

Gaslight me all you want.

Can we have, like, a, like,
chill night at the boat,

and we can all play card games?

- No.
- No.

The thing all over the radio?
Not cool.

Well, it comes off
as you're being a d*ck.

You're worried the captain's
gonna hear that?


It doesn't matter.
I mean, I know you said...

I mean... Okay.

Yeah, watch it, watch it.
Yeah, watch it.


You've got to be thick-skinned.

I'm sorry that
that offended you.

You're doing great.
Captain loves you.

You're probably his
favorite deck crew member

at the moment, so don't
worry about that at all.

If you've got any problems,
come let me know.

- Good, good.
- Yeah.


- All right, guys, we're good.
- Okay.

Finally, we get the music, bro.



It's breaking up.

I can't hear you. Hello?

I just don't feel a genuine
connection on this boat.

I think it's
a huge trigger for me.

For so many years, growing up
with my foster family,

I really suppressed
who I actually was.

And, like, being thrown
on a boat with, like,

people that I don't know,

I'm not able to fully,
like, feel like myself.

Cat to me at the moment is very
much the leaning tower of Pisa.

She has been through so much.

No wonder why this is
a shock to the system.

Thank you.

I sympathize with Cat, and
I want to be there for her.

I've been there before,

and I know that all
I needed back then

was just to take a breath,

to get myself together
and come back.

And that's what
I'm going to do for her.


[singing in French]

If not, I can't deal with that.

You're a little sassy, too.

You have a whole attitude

No, hold on, wait.

I don't have sass.

When something needs to be done,
it needs to be done.

And if it's not being
done correctly,

then I'm going to get angry.

And I'm not, "Yes, sir-ing,
No sir." That's bullsh--.

Here we go, yet again.

That's sad.

I don't care how good
of a stew you are,

where do you get off
that this attitude

and this approach
towards your superior

is going to work out for you?

If you think I'm sh--
then you can [bleep] off.

You want to go against me,
it's going to be sh--.

So----ing bring it
or go home.

Next, on Below Deck.


You need to really work
out where you're at,

and if you can do this job.

She's got a lot of problems,
this woman.

Can you feed your
wife more water?

I woke up from my nap
and I was like, where am I?

Eileen's comment affects the way
I feel about my self-worth.
