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11x03 - Breaking Barbie

Posted: 04/21/24 12:07
by bunniefuu

Clear to swing.
Clear to swing.

Distance astern?

I'm getting no information.

You guys need to speak.

I'm actually pretty
- ing pissed off.

They expected us to be working
while they're gone, you know?

I am working.

I'm just so over her.

I haven't... ing got time
for pettiness.

You're going to get along.

And if you can't,
you'll both be gone.

You said you need to move

because we're
supposed to be working.

I didn't say that.

And I looked at you
and said I am working.

I don't lie.

Guys, let's try it
and seriously,

just like, take a breath
and get it off.

Like, I want to put it
in the past.

- Like, I'm not.
- Me too.

And I'm going to work on
my delivery with you.

- Can we hug it out?
- Yes.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- Hug it.
- Of course.

- Girls, well done.
- Right.

Finish your last bits and bobs

and we'll pick it up
in the morning. Yeah?

- Yes.
- See ya.

Thanks so much, girl.

I'm over Cat.
I'm dealing with somebody

that's going to talk bad
about me and not own it.

Barbie, if you're going
to dish it out,

- then I'm going to dish back.
- I'm going to be nice.

But by the way, I've been nice.

Ugh. I was excited
to work with girls,

but this girl is...

- Such a bitch.
- Such a bitch.

I'm so desperate for a drink.

Wow, beautiful!

Need help?

Me and Barbie will
work on this together.

No, you're fine.
She's still with, um... Fraser?

No, we're all good.


We're all ready to work.

Thank God.

Look at you, guys.

You ever been to Grenada?

I had to Google it.



Fraser, how long
has this been open?

Enough for you to drink it.


I'm going to get crazy tonight.

Yeah, I have four.

- I'm so sorry to hear that.
- It's okay, bro. Don't worry.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- This is a vibe.
- This is fantastic.


Very quickly.
A huge cheers to the season.

First charter.
Let's keep going.

When we say cheers in French,



I would love the mussels.

I will take the aquarium medley.

I'll share my mussels.

Oh, wow.

The salmon with
the dill hollandaise.

You look great.

I lived in Uruguay, Argentina,

- Mexico, China.
- Beautiful.

I grew up with three nannies
all the time.


One would cook. One would clean.
One would do my hair.


- Mediterranean shrimp.
- Oh, my God.

You look fantastic.

Bon apetit.

You have a child?


Where does she live?


Where did you live?

Fort Lauderdale.

- I've never met her.
- Wow.

Long story short, I was in
a relationship with a girl.

We were fighting more
than we were laughing.

She ended up getting pregnant.

I didn't know this.

And I wasn't really
committed with this girl.

And so she had the baby and
she... ed off to Alaska.

That's where she's from.

- And there was no communication.
- No.

For a year, I ended up
getting in touch.

For the last year and a half,
every Tuesday and Friday,

I FaceTime video call with her.

It was only just
three weeks ago she said to me,

I love you.

- You're so cute.
- You know what I mean?

Because the last thing I'm
going to be is deadbeat dad.

I don't ever want to be that.

But I'm really trying.
You know what I mean?

Amazing story.

- Hi, Dan.
- Good day.


I want to have some FaceTime.
You know?

I like that.

Making time for each other.

Making time on our day.

It's very important.

Like we are now.

Oh, this was good, honey.

You know what it is?

When I'm with you,
everything tastes better.

I have an amazing woman
in my life.

Her name is Gunal.
She is from Turkey.

We've been together
for three years.

And I absolutely adore her.

I would like to ask her mother
for her hand in marriage.

And the way I'm going to do
that is, is learn Turkish.

I'm not a single captain.
Sorry, ladies.

- I want to boogie.
- Yeah, baby.

Ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

I'm in paradise with a hot guy.

And he's got his hands
on my hips.

I'm not expecting anything.

Because I don't want
to expect anything.

But I'm definitely thinking
of something right now.

Sorry, mum.

We need enough room.


She's the kind of girl that I
would take home to my mum.



- You really like her?
- I really do, yeah.


Dance, monkey.
Dance, monkey.

You okay, my dear?


We're going.

Get in the car, please.
We will come and join you.

- Where are your shoes?
- I don't wear shoes.

You have got quite
the hobbit's foot.

That was so much fun.

Chatting with you at dinner,
you're very interesting.

I don't know you from
a can of paint,

but I like the fact that
when I look in your eyes,

I find truth.



- Hi, b*tches.
- Hot tub time?

I spent 300... ing dollars.


Why doesn't anyone say
anything about my massive tits?

Okay, let's go.



Are you okay?

- Oh, my God.
- Jesus.

Nice and wobbly, aren't you?


Enjoy your night.


Sit here and have different conversations.

Let's interact together.

Good night.
I love you.




Coming up...



Sorry I'm so terrible.

I don't want to hear
that slap back, babe.

I'm calling it.
Good night.

We got a long day,
big day tomorrow.

No more drinking.


Oh, God damn it.


Check, checkity, check, check.

The first charter was
rough getting into it.

Someone call these wankers.

We got about two and a half
sh*ts in the water.

Only asked for one sh*t.

Oh, [bleep].

I told Jared, I said
these are for the kayaks.

- Did he not do it?
- No.


It was very important for me to
slow down, calm down, breathe,

and think past the
tip of your nose.

You know?

Pet peeve.

I'm gonna go for a walk around.

See what we got.

Good first night, huh?

I lost my voice.

I sound like
- ing Voldemort.

I thought it'd be trashed.

Looks good.


On boats that I've worked
on in the past,

like, I get really
close with my crew.

But it's like hard to connect
with these people on board,

and I'm just feeling
like super alone.

It sucks.


Mmm, nice.

- Good morning, Captain.
- G'day, mate.

How's it going?

I'm doing quite well.
How are you?

I'm exceptionally well.

I already did a walk
around the boat.

- Yes.
- It's like no one was there.

Well, it's because
I was up at six,

making sure it looked
that way for you.


Good job, mate.

- You all right?
- Yeah.

Good on you, Jared.
He's made some mistakes.

He's dropped the ball
this last charter,

but I do feel he's stepping up.

I'm happy with
where we are right now.

- All right, Cap. Thanks.
- Thanks, man.

Interior, interior.

If we can meet in the
Sky Lounge, that'd be lovely.

- Thank you.
- Copy.

All right. No?

All right, guys.

Good morning, everyone.

Do you have fun last night?


We need to start washing up here
and then keep going around.

So, for this charter,
I'm going to mix things up,

and I'm going to have
Cat on housekeeping.

Xandi, I'm going to have
you on service.

And Barbie, I'm going
to have you helping

wherever I need you in between.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Let's get the party started.

All right, bye.

We are going to do a good job.

We did a good job.

All right, let me get started.

So, Sunny, you wanted
a little peck last night?

Yeah, I just missed a
little bit of affection.

You know what I mean?

Affection or attention.

Do you say "affection
or attention?"

Oh, Ben, everything you said
you weren't going to do,

jumping into something
early, here we are.

You and your
little comments, eh?

I'm really good at
separating work and play.

I mean, this could be trouble.

But I like him.

It doesn't have to be
a relationship.

It just has to be a fling,
a boat thing, a boatmance.

Whatever you want to call it.

Calm down, settle down,
settle down.

Simmer down, bud.

Heads of department,
let's meet in the crew mess

for our meeting.


Hey, Cat, how are you doing?

- I'm okay.
- Hmm.

Hello, Cap.

- All right.
- Tara and Steven.

Tara was a successful
event planner for 20 years.

Steven is a successful contractor.

All right, additional guests.

Michelle and Robert,
they're an engaged couple.

Day two.

In the afternoon,
guests would like to head

to a nearby waterfall

for a vows ceremony
for three of the couples.

Two couples renewing their vows,

and one couple is
actually gonna get married.

You know, when I arrived
here in Grenada,

I got a chance
to explore the island and...

It's up in the mountains,
rainforest around it.

It's gorgeous.

There's a platform
just by the water.

You can jump in
if you want after.

I can't think of a
more perfect setting

for a vow renewal and a wedding.

They would like
Captain to officiate

if he's happy and available.

A little nervous about this.

Night one, they're going
to do surf and turf.

Night two, they want to have
an old Hollywood-themed dinner

and a wedding cake to celebrate.

You need to do a lot of planning
and a lot of communicating.

Let's make some
phone calls and get it done.

- Yep.
- Yes, sir.

- Thanks.
- Thanks for your time.

Eh, whatever.
Is what it is.


Cat, Cat, Fraser.

Can you please meet me on
this Sun deck, please?


We're getting there.
We just done the wash.


We finished the wash and we're
getting everything else sorted.

- Brilliant.
- Slowly, slowly.

So, in Turkish, that's
[speaks Turkish]

- [speaking Turkish]
- Slowly, slowly.


Please sit in your
allocated seat.

- Fun. Is this you?
- This is me.

Thank you very much.
Very kind of you.

It's quite evident that Cat
is a very sensitive soul.

You okay?

- Yeah.
- What's up?

I feel like she might want
to be heard a bit more.

I don't know if I'm, like,
showing you how much I can do

because I'm in this,
like, leverage position.

I never had someone to look
after me in this scary industry

and so I want to be
that for someone else.

Yeah. How'd you
pronounce your last name?

- Ba.
- It's not my real last name.

It was in foster care.

Oh, my God.

That's an amazing...
Go on.


My dad passed away when I was
nine from multiple sclerosis.


And then my mom passed away
when I was 13.

- Just in her sleep.
- Oh, my gosh.

Like, it was just,
like, very sudden.

Wait, they don't
know what it was?

No. And so me and my brother,
we were thrown into the system

and separated.

The family I lived with,
I don't talk to,

because they were, like,
a very cult religion.

Were you guys in the same state?

We were, but they wouldn't
even let me talk to him

because he wasn't religious.

So I grew up in Orange County
with a foster family

in a place called Yorba Linda.

From 13 to 18, I was a part
of this family's culture

and life and dynamic.

Everything was for
praise in the church.

And I felt like I was
just a prop to them.

It was that extreme
of a, like, religion

that they, like,
would not let me even speak

to my own biological brother.

It was almost like they wanted
to forget my past life

I felt so suppressed.

And I never, like,
stood up for myself ever.

Because I wanted to
continue a relationship

with my biological brother,
they were, like, no.

They were, like,
we don't support that.

Once I turned 18, I decided
to choose my brother

and choose my life.

I decided to live for me,

and that's when I became
the most independent.

And now, me and
my brother are so close.

So close.
He's, like, my best friend.

Thank you.

- You've come a long way.
- Thank you very much.

I've worked very hard
to get here.

Are you good?

Yeah, what do you mean?


Yeah, I'll see you.
I'll see you.

All right, see you in a bit.

Mummy's a tired girl.

[alarm sounds]


- Hi, Captain.
- Feels different in here.

- Feels cleaner.
- I know, right?

Without even looking.
I can just feel it.

Always keeping ramping
up that level.

- Yeah, sir.
- Thanks, mate.

- I'll se you later.
- See you, mate.

Thank you, Captain.

Fraser, Fraser.
We have provisions on the dock.

Copy, coming now.

That actually really hurt.

I think my ass is going
to be, like, a badass ass.


Oh, very good, Jared.

Gotta get it in where you can.

- Jesus.
- You're gonna get muscles.

Okay, so we'll go to
the garage for that.



Daddy is ready to play.

All crew, it
looks like we're done.

I need this boat
ready in 15 minutes.



I want you to tell me
what's wrong with them

so they can be redone
by someone else.

- That's not acceptable.
- Uh-uh.

And, like, none of
the towels are right.

Yeah, yeah.
We need Cat to do this.

She needs to start this way.
Not acceptable.

Interior, interior,

can we please meet in
the master now, please?


Girls, come here, please.

I know we're doing this
as fast as we can,


When we do something,
we do it completely.

We do it well
and we do it fully.

I have high standards and
I want those standards to be met

and they're not being met.

This is not how we roll a towel,

and this is most
certainly not a towel

that we would put out in a guest
room in the master bedroom.

- Ew, it's awful.
- Okay?

That's just really unacceptable,
and you all know that.

I have high standards

and I want those standards to be
met and they're not being met.

I'm not risking any
issues for this trip,

so I'm changing things around.

I want you to really pick
up on as much housekeeping

as you absolutely can
from Xan this trip.

Xan, I'm going to put you
back on to housekeeping.

Barbie, you're going to
be back on service, okay?

I want standards up here,

or we're going to have
a problem next charter.

- Copy.
- Okay?

You beauty!

- You have Banana Boat sunscreen?
- Yeah.

Smells like what I taste.

It's what you've
just being kissin'.

It's on my lips,
the Banana Boat sunscreen.

Is it?
Maybe that's what it is.

I couldn't remember exactly how
Xandi set up the...

- That's fine.
- And I wanted to make sure.

No, that's cool.

I know there's a particular way.

Maybe Cat is a bit overwhelmed.

Day charters, smaller boats,
that's one thing.

Super yachting is a
very different thing.

It's very intense.

But if you want
something bad enough,

it doesn't matter what you have
to go through to get there.

So am I on the runner position
for this charter, yes?

You're going to do the same
timing as last time, yeah?


My first job on a boat,
I was a crew mess stew.

Which means that I was
a crew member to the crew.

We're talking bottom
of the barrel bottom.

These are going to be
your turn down waters, yeah?


On my first day,

the chief engineer had
found out that I was gay

and was very h*m*.

And whilst I was washing up
dishes in the sink,

he poured his boiling hot tea
that I just made for him

over my hands,

and that was my
first day in yachting.

And I looked down
and I just said to myself,

keep... ing going.

Because one day, none
of this will... ing matter.

And you're going
to be at the top.

And one day,
you'll get him fired.

And one day, I did.

- Thank you for being flexible.
- Of course.

- Yes.
- Thank you.

All crew, all crew.
Guest arrival in one hour.

Copy that.

This is excellent.

Everything seems pretty
straightforward in here.

Everyone's rallied good.

- Barbie.
- Yes.

We need to be conscious of
someone's feelings now.

I would really appreciate
that, my love.

Sorry I'm so terrible.

I'm talking about last trip,
not talking about right now.

I don't want to hear
that slap back, babe.

Yes, sir.

- Perfect.
- Like, what the [bleep]?

Here's the thing with me.

I don't have a filter,
but I apologize.

I own my sh... .
I'm making such an effort.

And he's still stuck on,
"Don't forget her feelings."





All crew, crew.
Lets head back to the aft deck.

Meet these guests.

I just need a minute.

What's this little tag
hanging out under here?

That cupboard.

Good, looking good.
Looking sharp, brother.

Fits you, mate.
Five minutes, guys.

Five minutes.

Here they come.

Giddy up.

Get into shape.

Remember first
impressions, guys.

Please don't fall.

- G'day, how are we doing?
- Hello.

Tara, I'm Kerry, how are you?

- Hi, Kerry.
- Michelle.

- Michelle, I'm Cat.
- Nice to meet you.


- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Tara and Steven,
I'd like to welcome you guys

on board with your guests.

This is your chief stew, Fraser.

- Nice to meet you.
- He'll show you around.

Let's head right up.

- The Sun deck.
- Wow.

We have a day head up here.

Then that's a deck head.
Like a roof.

Don't ask.

And then you've got d*ck heads.


- Sorry.
- I didn't want to say anything.


Can you just bring
the charcuteries, please?


- We have the master bed.
- Oh, wow.

Dude, I want to sleep
on this carpet. It's so soft.

You saw the bed and you want
to sleep on the carpet.

- By all means.
- I get it.

These guests seem
like a lot of fun.

A bit tacky, but fun.

Bar is here.

Is that nacho cheese?

That is, and
we also have Cheez-Its.

I heard we love Cheez-Its.

- We're fancy.
- [laughing]

All right, guys,
so we're going to be

peeling out of here shortly.

All right, tuck your
shirt in, mate.

I'm going to bring
the bow off first.

Not too worried about
the distances on my port side.

I can't see starboard side.

I need to know.
I don't want to have to ask.

Just tell me.
I see a quality team.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Step by step, piece by piece.

I'm going to bring on
more pressure

for these guys to operate
the vessel

in how I want to
operate the vessel.

- We all clear?
- Yes.

- All right, go on.
- Thank you very much.

- Stand by to stand by.
- Yep.

We're going to
change into uniform.

They're renewing.


We're just here for
the party, man.

We're committing.

Cap, we'll stand by to
start releasing the lines.

Ready on the stern.

Okay, so I'll make you one.

Are you going to go up?


I will meet you with
a magical margarita.

Okay, bow to stern, please.

Copy, bow to stern.

All lines on board.

Departing dock.

Oh, we're moving.

Are we?

About 10 meters and closing,
holding parallel.

Holding two and a half meters.

Parallel, right in the
middle of the slip.

Your bum is now out of the slip.

You're good to make
your swing back here, Cap.

Woo hoo!

Good job, deck crew.

Roger that.

Sweat off the brow.


Look how absolutely
beautiful this is.

Oh, thank you.

Where's my margarita though?

Are we all doing
margaritas the same?

We need to have consistency.

Four count, two count,
a splash of orange, lime juice.

Although that sounds delicious.

If we just do lime
tequila, Cointreau.

But the splash of orange is
necessary for a marg.

It's just how it's kind of made.

I wouldn't say
it's a classic way.

That's also grapefruit, darling.

Okay, I'm going to
go check on them.

Pretty sure I'm going
to need some

Dramamine at some point.

How are we doing?

I'm still waiting on
my magical Barbie margarita.

It's coming up.

He's telling me now no
orange juice in my margarita.

I'm like, honey,
let me show you something.

So, I have this.

And this will give her
the exact way that I make it.

And it's literally this.

I don't even...
What is that?

Is it like, um, it is a diary?

Make the... ing drink,
take the orange juice,

put it away and let's go.

We just need to get this marg up
so she's waiting for it.

- Yeah.
- I have another beer.

Oh, that might be for me.

Xan, Xan, Fraser.

Can you have this table
ready for lunch?

I'll make it work,
don't worry.

Could I bother you for
some orange juice by chance?

Is this still the margarita?

[bleep] the orange juice.
Let's get it up.

I've been without a drink
for like 30 minutes.

We don't need umbrellas.
The wind is ridiculous.

Fraser, you're stressing me out.

You know how to
make a marg, right?


I want that made in
less than 30 seconds.

Yeah, I agree.

Oh, thank God.

Barbie, I'm going to have you
get changed, please.

Ing sick of him.

He's such a d*ck.

Such a d*ck.

[goat bleats]

Deck team, we're going
to drop it out here.

Okay, mate.

Two sh*ts, release.

I'm going to go down to our room

and I'm going to put on my...

Yeah, that's four sh*ts
at the waterline.

- Copy that.
- Rock and roll.

Oh, yeah, dude.


- Hey, Cap.
- You want a hand with that?

Yeah, please.

- Together.
- [grunts]


On it.

Cat, Cat, Fraser.

Can you help Xandi
finish the table, please?

Yes, I'm coming.

- Hey, love.
- Hey.

Ready for the first course?

Dude, you're going to k*ll it.

- I can already feel it.
- I hope so.

- If you want to set the...
- Get the set ups.

No, no, no, everything's here.

- Oh, perfect.
- Set the cutlery, please.

Main Kn*fe, main fork.

Just need help on
what side is what.


Let me do cutlery,
you're going to do this.

Put it there, quick and easy.

How many do we need?

- Seven?
- Six.

For six guests.

Always work from the inside.

Okay, wait, Xan, I'm
gonna take this trash out

really quick, okay?

No, wait, they're eating in
four minutes, Cat, please.

I haven't found the exact
crystal to work patience,

but there's a little
thing called Xanax

that seems to be just fine.



- What's up there?
- What's up, bro?

Want to bring some food
to the crew mess?


Thank you, sir.

These are my favorite.

Do we have crew food
in the crew mess?

- Yes, crew food is ready.
- Let's go.

Doll, we'll just need
the wine's chilling.

Darling, please
don't ignore me.

It's at least like,
acknowledge that, that's okay.

Yes, sir.

- Darling?
- Yes, Fraser?

Do you know
that you're giving attitude?

You're just really like,
you're just jabbing at me.

I'm definitely not
trying to do that.

And then you're supposed
to bring me up.

And like, I feel underappreciated.

- Okay.
- I just like...

Barbie's good.
She's great at service.

But if you cannot
compose yourself,

I'm going to have
some serious issues.

I'm sorry, I don't
know what to say.

Noted, noted.

If she doesn't
learn that quickly,

I'll be filtering her
out of our crew.

So sick of him.

- All right, let's go eat.
- Yeah.

Brandon's getting hangry.

All righty.

- Yep.
- Oh my God.


Oh, sh...!

- That's awesome.
- I'm out.

Keep it closed.

It's okay, it's opening.
It's opening, it's opening.

Interior, can we run plates?

They're very small.

Greek salad with cucumber
and a mint mousse.

All right, thank you.

It's very well balanced.

- What's this?
- Chicken.

Cordon Bleu.


Chef, just clearing now,
so ready when you are.

Two minutes.


- Ing hell.
- b*mb diggity.

I'm ready to go with plates,
Barbie, when you are.

- Wow.
- Oh my God.


So this is Cordon Bleu,

with a sliced ratatouille and
a bed of black rice.

Fricking gorgeous.

- So good.
- I hope you enjoy.

This is amazing.

He really perfected the crust.

It's way better than Chili's.

How are we doing?

Look, we all love this, but can
you tell the chef we hated it?


Just to [bleep]
with his emotions.


Deck crew, the guests are just
eating their last mouthfuls.

Copy, mate, we're ready
for them down here.

All the blokes want to
go wake boarding.

All right, bud, you're
going for a tender ride.

Actually, take Kyle,

because all you gotta do is
sit there and be a lookout.

Yeah. Jared's kind of,
I don't know,

he's woken up with
maybe a bit of more

of a spring in his
step this morning.

I can tell that he's picked up
his game a little bit

from the first charter, but
we'll see how long it lasts.

Thank you, mate.

All right.

I'm going to go grab a
bite of to eat.

All right, what do we got here?

Oh, there was lunch.

Would you like
this piece of chicken?

I already had a little bite.

No, no, you eat.

And there was salad.

Oh, really?

Yeah, buddy!


For the first time!

- Oh!
- Oh!

Is he dead?


Everyone, hold on.
Here we go.


Is there no more chicken?

No more chicken.

I ate the lost piece
in front of the Cap.

That's okay.

Nah, I'll eat when
I take my break.

How are you?


That I know.

You're going to tell
me about that later.

- I'll tell you later.
- You cutie.

All right.
I'll see you later.

- k*ll it.
- Oh, yes!

I love it.


I'm not mean to her.

I'm not condescending to her.

I'm just putting the correct
amount of pressure on my stews.

- God damn rock star.
- We got this.

You don't mind me just
helping me just hold this up.

Yeah, I don't mind
it all of it.

I'm coming.

I really don't want you to feel
like I'm ever putting...

making you feel down ever.

I just feel like you don't
really appreciate me.

And it's really affecting me.

That's not how
I think about you.

What I will not accept
is how you speak to me,

how you respond to me,
how you ignore me,

and how you're rude to me.

That attitude will not fly.

You're a bitch to me.

You're treating me that
I'm this bitch.

You're a bitch to me.

But you have attitude
towards me.

You're being rude to me, and
I don't like working with that.

Okay. Fair enough.

I'm gonna work on my attitude.

But, like, I'm not happy.

Well, I'm sorry that
that's the case.

And I hope that changes.

I hope so, too.

I also don't think that looks
very good, let's be honest.

It looks... ing awful.

I'm gonna change quickly.

Come on, bro.

Let's do this.

Yo, Anthony is whipping up
something in the kitchen.

Ooh la la.

God, you're so strong.

Everything is ready upstairs.

Let's do this!

More than welcome.

Are you guys gonna eat?

I don't think there's much
there, so I want to check.

Today there wasn't much there.

What my thought is,
you need to double it up.

You need the fuel.

All right, let's rock and roll.

Oh, there we go.

Oh, we got nametags.

Here I am.

I look like a inmate.

[whistle blowing]

Oh, sh...!

The theme tonight is car park,
tailgating, football.

Let's go with it.

We're going with it.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

Okay, let's do it.

Reinvented French onion soup.

Deck crew, deck crew.

Has anyone got a spare
pair of hands?

Yes, mate.
We can come run plates.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Oh, it's a deconstructed
French onion soup.

- [gasps]
- Enjoy.

Thank you very much.

Can you just blow your whistle?

- [blows whistle]
- Yes!

Dear baby Jesus,
I just want to thank you

for this wonderful food.

And I just ask that
it just makes us better.

It makes us do awesome sh... .

Where do Vikings live?
I want to find myself a Viking.

- A Biking?
- A Viking.

Holy sh... .
You like hairy men?

Like long hair, beard.

What's tomorrow night?

Brandon's is going to
confess his love to you.

After six kids and,
like, ten years finally.

First impression,
you have to choose.

Who's my type?

Like your personality type.


I like someone who can
make me laugh and, like...

I don't know what it is,
but, like,

I haven't had that much, like...

I feel like genuine banter
with anyone on the boat yet.

But I also haven't spent a lot
of time with the guys yet.

- It's almost ready.
- Beautiful.

No, no, no, no, no.

- Brandon, pardon my reach.
- Thank you, sir.

We've got the lobster.
We've got the filet mignon.

Medium rare.

We've got the potato
grautin for you.

- Please do enjoy.
- Goodness grac...

Look at that coloration.

If you want to know what
medium rare looks like, bam!

Right there.

If you could just cut it.

I can't chew it.

No, I've had a lot
of filets in my life.

That's some chewy ass sh... .

You know what
would really go a long way?

They missed it.
They missed it.

It's just really chewy.

Check on the A1 for you.

I think this is
a bad cut of meat.


So, that Robert guy
with his wife...


They said the
meat itself is chewy.


Do you have A1 or any kind
of sauce that we can give him?

Or, like, any of
your leftover wine...

I have more pepper corn sauce.

- Mm-hmm.
- God damn it.

So, don't worry about it.

- It's them.
- All right.


Oh, no.
What's wrong?

This is really, really bad.

I crave Cheez-Its.
That's what I crave.

Cheez-Its are good.

- With wine?
- No.

Keeping it classy.

Cheez-Its and wine.

Toilet paper's not done.

Like, just checking here.

Just remember to
wipe the stainless.

- Okay.
- It leaves watermarks.

Oh, my God.

Just growing up with
a lot of trauma,

it makes you very
insecure about yourself.

What's wrong with the towels?

- This part, huh?
- Yeah, other way.

- Flip that.
- Yeah.

The foster family that I had,

they did a lot of things
that made me feel like

I was just not, like, perfect.
You had to be perfect.

So, how people view
my work ethic

is extremely important to me.

I don't want to be
viewed as weak.

It literally makes me
have major anxiety.




Coming up...

I'm dealing with a lot of
hostile attitude from Barbie.


But I've said my piece,
and I'm done with this.

Can I clear that for you?

Oh, yes, absolutely,
thank you so much.

I'm so excited to go to bed.

Xan, Xan, Fraser,
you can clock off now, please.

Thank you.

Barbie's on lates, too.

This is your time to shine.


I'm tired.

A what?

How are we doing, guys?
What's the plan of action?

Love the idea.

- Today's lunch for crew.
- Yeah?

We need to provide
them more food.

Today's dinner that came out,

that would be enough
just for the deck team.

These guys will eat a whole
chicken breast themselves each.

- Okay.
- Let's get more food out.


What's going to happen,

I'm going to have
a revolt on this boat.

My suggestion would be,

it doesn't have to be
as extravagant, mate.

- It could be sandwiches.
- All right.

I should stop to care
about all the good taste

and all of that.

You can still do a good taste

in a plate of
toasted sandwiches.


He is trying to
strive for perfection.

We don't need amazing.
We need food. We need fuel.

Because if they
don't get their fuel,

they can't do their job.

- So just think through that?
- Absolutely, Captain.

I will not disappoint
you again, Captain.

- I give you my word.
- Thanks, mate.

I promise you.
Thank you, Captain.

Thank you for everything today.

- Yes. Thank you.
- I'll see you in the morning.

Good night, Fraser.

All right.
I'm... ing out.

I'm going to bed.

Tara, I got your drink, love.

If you're done,
you could put a kettle on.

Are you going to drink
a coffee right now?

I'm going to drink a tea.

Good night.

I'm going to bed.
I'm... ing tired.

Oh, thank the Lord.
There's a bed.

Oh, man.

This is my favorite
part of the day.

I'm 28.
How old are you?

Oh, baby.

What sign are you?


And a virgin.

- Oh, yeah.
- That's a load of bullocks.

- Yeah.
- Cheers.

Good night, guys.

[alarm sounds]

Oh, no.

[bleep] me.


Oh, sh... .

Good morning, sunshine.

How are you doing?

Daddy's home.

Here we go. Cap wants to see us
wear these while we do this.


All right.

Oh, my God.

I just woke up and I had that.

Jared, Jared, Ben.


Life jacket.
Where's your jacket?

Good morning.

Can I get you a coffee?

Yeah, a couple things.

Hey, Jared.
Jared, Ben.

Yeah, go ahead, Ben.

Hey, man. I'm just thinking
with the jet skis,

Sunny should have had
a life jacket on you

and a k*ll cord.

Oh, boy.

I've already addressed
that, mate.

Copy that.

I'm actually, like, real
- ing annoyed right now.

Like, I know I did a mistake,

but, like, trying to make
me look bad over the radio.

[bleep] off.

Problems in our team should
be dealt with our team.

Captain Kerry doesn't need
to know those mistakes.

- You know what I mean?
- Yeah. I hear you.

I need to get... ing juices.

Hey, Sunny.
You get a good sleep?


You go [bleep] yourself.

Just so I can grab it
and we can go from there

and I just push
this straight out.

- Thanks, mate.
- Pleasure.

- Much appreciated.
- Captain.

- We need to chat.
- Okay. Sit.

I'm dealing with
a lot of snapbacks

and a quite hostile
attitude from Barbie.


We had an incident
at the first charter.

She was a bit harsh and just
a little bit disrespectful

- to one of the other girls.
- Mmm.

We're requesting that
we were all, you know,

as nice as we could be to Cat.

And she thinks that we're
all now against her.


I said that's most
certainly not the case.

However, you have
been vile to me.

- Yeah.
- For the past two days.

That's where
I've come to, Captain.

I'm a very kind, caring person.

But I've said my piece.

To be quite frank with you,

and I'm done with this.