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03x11 - The Real Housewives of Atlanta

Posted: 04/21/24 12:02
by bunniefuu
- Previously on "Below Deck"...
[alarm beeping]

- That's a fire.
Where's the fire extinguisher?

- This will be
your last charter.

- Rocky.

- Rock, have a little more
respect for your job.

She's gonna jump.
- Yeah, she's jumping.

- You do know I am a chef.

Do you want some help
in that area?

- Of course, yes.
- Okay.

- Ooh, I have a great idea.

- The primary went to go puke.

- The primary went to go puke?
- [vomiting]

- I need a new chef
and a new deckhand.

Otherwise we're not gonna get
through the next two charters.

- Hello, love.
- Well, it took you long enough.

- Kate and I, we've had
a couple of romantic flings.


I like that.


- I'm already embarrassed
about what I did,

but then to have her
really go off the deep end...

It is what it is.
We got a new chef.

I just want
to distance myself from her

as much as I possibly can.

- It's been you two
this whole time.

- Us?
- Mm-hmm.

- Fááá.

[horn blows]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[somber piano music]

♪ ♪

[alarm beeps]

[dance music]

♪ ♪

- Let's do this.


I'm really unimpressed with the
state of the fridges right now.

There's vegetables
that are two, three weeks old.

This is almost like
a biological hazard.

- I'm excited
to get to know you.

- Good.

- I feel like you walked
into a sháá show.

- Little bit.

All this sháá
doesn't need to be--

none of this sháá--

it needs to all go in storage.

It's very important
for me to do a cleanup effort

in order to be creative.

I mean, with too much kerfuffle,
you can't think,

and if it's dirty,
you don't even want to be there.

Can't work
with all that sháá everywhere.

I'm not clever enough.
- [laughs]

- I'm filthy.

I need to go change.
Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Weather's pretty bad.
Wind's still howling.

It is chilly.
- Yeah.

New deckhand will be here soon,

and he'll be a huge,
huge help to us.

- Sounds good.

- Permission to come aboard?
- [laughs]

- What's going on, brother?
- Yeah.

Dave is the first deckhand

that I worked with
on motor yacht "Honor."

- I'm gonna be up on top.

Eddie, we're becoming close
very quickly.

I'm a gay man.

I don't know where to put
all my lotions and potions.

- Hi.
- Good morning.

- Kate, this is Dave.
- Very nice to meet you.

- We're all so excited
to have you on board.

- I'm happy to be here.

Working on the motor yacht

was my first experience
on a white boat.

I got to learn a lot
about the industry,

and I got engaged.

Gonna be great to get back
out on the oceans

and put a little money away
for the wedding.

Good to see you, Captain.

- How you doing?

Good to see you, David.
Thanks so much for coming.

- Oh, I wouldn't have missed it.

- Oh.
- You say jump, I'm here.

I'm happy to be in paradise.
It's a little windy though.

- Yeah, just a tad.

We've got a couple more charters
to go.

We're gonna have some fun.
- I'm looking forward to it.

- I really appreciate you coming
back and bailing my ass out.

- Anytime, Captain.

- Get him settled in,
and we can go to work.

- The "Eros"?

- Eros, goddess of love.

Amy Jo?
- Yes, sir?

- Meet Dave.
- Welcome.

- I thought it was Johnny Depp
in here.

- Ah, look at you.

- How's it going, brother?

Nice to see you.
- It's good to see you.

- Dave, this is Emile.
- Good to meet you, man.

- Emile?
both: Yeah.

- He's another deckhand.

- Oh, very cool.
- That's it, man.

We only have two more charters.

I really don't understand
why we need another deckhand.

That's like being divorced

Do you really need
to get married a third time?

- Oh, and this is Connie.
- Hi, Connie.

- Connie, this is Dave.
- Hi.

- That's a trash can.
How are you?

- Very nice to meet you.
I'm well.

- Nice to meet you too.

- Let me track down a polo,
and I'll be ready in a few.

- Sounds good, man.
Sounds good. Yeah.

- Here's a team shirt,
part of the team.

- Oh, wow.
- There you go.

- Fresh and easy.

- So how long have you been

- I guess three years now.

Is this your first time
as a stew?

- Yeah, pretty much.

It's been a pretty crazy
experience, for sure.

Leon's left, Kate hates me,

and Eddie is sending me
mixed signals.

I feel, like,
so alone and totally confused.

- Well, we all get
a little crazy at times, right?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- [laughs]

- All right.

[dance music]

♪ ♪

- That asparagus is huge.

- You think so?

- Yeah, I do.

- Even though Kate and I
have developed

a very friendly relationship,
I'm here to do a job.

I'm in a new place
with a new system.

I'm trying to get focused

and put that
in front of our relationship

because this is professional.

- What's the difference between
jam, jelly, and preserves?

- Jelly has gelatin in it.

- Ew, I hate jelly. Okay.

- Just get it really smooth.

Just kind of rub it on you
as well, rub it on your skin.


- It's cute
to see Ben and Kate together.

There's some underlying
"more than friends" stuff

going on underneath there.

- [laughing]

[ska music]

- So we leave three of them
over here,

so we can tie up the regulator
at night.

- Is it gonna take two people
to bring these fenders in,

or is it gonna be okay?

- They're easy to bring in.
- Okay.

- [vocalizing]


- That's not my job.
- Ooh.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- Outside.
- Okay.

Jesus, like,
what crawled up your bum?

[electronic music]

♪ ♪

- Eddie, Kate, Ben, please
come up to the wheelhouse.

- Where are you going?

- Oh, my. Oh, my.
- Hi.

- Hi.

- I feel like the luckiest girl
in the world right now.

Having a meeting
with the captain,

Eddie, and Ben, it's enjoyable.

With Leon, it felt like
a funeral of my soul.

- We have Claudia Jordan
and Cynthia Bailey,

our co-primary.

- Wait, she's on TV.

She's a housewife of Atlanta.

- Cynthia runs Bailey Agency
School of Fashion in Atlanta.

Claudia is a model,
radio personality,

and this trip is just gonna be
for them to kick it,

relax, spa day,
be pampered, lounge,

and be catered to.

We've got Cynthia's mom,
Cynthia's daughter,

and Claudia's good friend.

- All very pretty.
- Yeah.

- You need to get
on some spa stuff.

- I can.

These ladies
certainly have a reputation

for being high maintenance
and liking the best of the best,

but that's kind of what
we're used to on yachts.

Oh, it's Cynthia's birthday
the first night.

- Yeah, we got a birthday.

She wants
a theme birthday party,

likes vanilla, strawberry,
red velvet,

wants a homemade cake.

- Wait, that's for tomorrow?
- Suck it up.

- All right, I'm just saying.

- We'll probably have to be
concerned with some weather.

We may not leave the dock.

- What would stop us, Captain?

- 30-knot winds.

- That would stop me.
- Yup.

- Good. Anything else?

- My little red velvet cake.

- Anything else, Cap?

- I have no idea where Ben
and I are relationship-wise.

I mean,
I love hanging out with Ben.

We get along great,
and he's good-looking,

and that accent--
what's not to love?

- Hi, love.
- Hi.

- Will you two quit groping
behind her back?

- [laughs]
- Get out of here before I hurl.

- Hey, Eddie,
let's play grab-ass.


- Boy, she goes really
into detail on her preferences.

"Omelets with cheese, tomatoes,
mushrooms, peppers,

and scallions."

Fruit Loops.

- We have enough Fruit Loops
on board.

- I agree with that comment.

"Italian and blue cheese

grilled cheese sandwiches,
pigs in a blanket."

Jesus, Lay's potato chips.

- It's fáááing freezing.

I knew that would hap--Jesus.

- Yes, hello,
I was wondering if you have

any massage therapists

[rock music]

♪ ♪

- I need everybody on deck
in their whites in ten.

I don't want
to take the champagne out there.

- Okay.
- It's way too cold.

- Look at this boat.

- Wow.

- Now, that is a boat.

- Oh, diva central, here we go.

- Hello, ladies.

- Whoo, hi!

How are you?
- Captain Lee.

- Hi, I'm Cynthia.
- Cynthia, my pleasure.

- Claudia, nice to meet you.

- Claudia, my pleasure.
- Hi.

- We're gonna move
everybody inside

and get you out of the breeze.

- Yes.
- Oh, my God, hi.

- Hi.
- Wow.

- Hi, I'm Rocky.
- Cynthia.

- Hello.
- Hi. Cynthia.

- These women command attention.

They're absolutely magnetic.
You can't help but stare.

- Welcome aboard "Eros."

We've got some great things
planned for you,

and we'll get this party

- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

- If y'all don't mind
just having a seat real quick

and removing your shoes?

- Yes.
- Thank you.

- My pleasure.

- Where are you from?
- South Africa.

- Oh, my.
- Yeah.

- Ladies, I wanted
to take this opportunity

to let you know that in order
for us to maintain safety,

we need to stay here at the dock
for the next 24 hours

until the wind dies down.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah.

- That's not good.

- Coming up...
- Hello, ladies.

I heard you wanted dessert.

[all cheering]

- Oh, nice.

until the wind dies down.

- Are you serious?
- Oh, wow.

- Yeah.
- That's not good.

- The wind is howling.
We have no option.

We need to be safe.

- Don't worry,
we have a masseuse, a nail tech,

and an aesthetician
arriving at 1:00.

- Ooh.
- Oh, we do have--

- Yeah.

If they wanted
to just sit at the dock,

they could have gotten a hotel,

so now they're gonna be stuck
inside the boat,

which means lots of work
for me and Amy.

- Can I say something?
- Absolutely.

- I don't usually like
to draw attention to myself.


However, it is my birthday.
- Mm-hmm.

- If you guys have a birthday
cake lying around or anything,

I'm just putting it out there.

I'm in no way being a diva
or being demanding.

- Of course not.

- She's never.
- Never that. Never that.

- We're gonna take special care
of all of you.

- Thank you.
- Awesome.

- You're welcome.
- All right, right this way.

This is the split-level
master stateroom.

- Oh, wow.

- Hold on, let me get a picture,
so you can model.

- Right?

- Don't get in my way right now.

- So now we have
the lower guest quarters.

- So cute.

- The really square one
goes in the master.

- Okay.

- And then,
here we have the sky lounge.

There's a full bar.

- Happy birthday to you.
- [screams]

- Oh, wow.

- Happy birth--
- Oh, fááá.

[all cheering]

- Yachting 101,
give the guests what they want

before they even know
they want it.

- A round of piña coladas.
- You got it.

I'll work on those,
and I'll bring them up.

- You guys see this deck?
Look how big this is.

- Oh, my God,
we didn't even look out here.

- All right,
we're hanging out here.

- If the wind dies down,

we'll try and get off the dock

- Okay.
- The wind.

- The wind is really,
really doing its thing.

- I sat there and watched the
deck furniture get rearranged.

- Speaking of, I think
we'd better check on that.

- I have no doubt
that it's gonna be

an amazing trip
no matter what happens.

- Yes, 'cause
we're with good people.

- Very.
- And there's alcohol.

- And cute guys.
- No, no, no, no.

- Yeah, we got
our African prince.

- Exactly, guys, exactly.

- So, ladies,
I see you made it outside.

If you'd move to the sky lounge,

I'm sure Amy
has y'all's piña coladas.

- Rocky?
- Yes, Chef?

- I've got a great job for you,

Could you trim off the overspill
of these muffin tops?

- Okay, no problem.
- Thank you.

Since Rocky
is actually culinary-trained,

this could be a nice warm-up
to check out her skill base.

The oven was on too hot,
so it kind of spills out.

- Chef Leon and I
got in a rhythm.

He trusted me,

but Ben has no idea
what I'm capable of.

Here you go, Chef.

- No, fááá me.

- Sorry. What did you want?

- I just wanted you
to trim the spill

when it came off the top just
to make it look like a muffin.

Now it doesn't look
like a muffin anymore.

It looks like someone chopped
the fáááing top off of it.

- I'm sorry.
- It's fine.

It's actually my fault because
I shouldn't have had you do it.

- Okay, give it to me.

Give me the muffin grief.

That looks good.

- Only because I figured it out.

Otherwise you'd be in sháá.

- Finally, I have somebody else
to put Rocky in her place,

'cause I know Ben
does not hold back.

- Yummy.

- Oh, my goodness,
this is so good.

- I need another piña colada.

- Oh, would y'all like refills?
- Yes.

- If you're stuck on a boat
at dock,

I'd want my drink filled
to the rim the entire time too.

- I'm a little--feeling tipsy.
- [laughs]


- You like the salmon?
- I love salmon.

- I really hope
we're not serving that salmon.

- A salmon paddle.
- Fááá this.

- Oh, where's South Africa?

- African prince.
- Where is he?

- Would y'all like me
to get him up here?

- We'd like him to come up here
with jeans on

and serve us some strawberries,

and he can start with her first.
- Okay.

- Thank you very much.
- Oh, I can't wait.

- It's about to get real.

- Oh, just the man
I'm looking for.

- Oh, no.
- Mr. South Africa.

- Oh, no.
Oh, no, what does she want?

- The ladies up there,
they want you, t*nk top, jeans,

that South African smile
of yours.

- Oh, gosh.
- Ding.

- They can have some Emile
if they want.

Just call me the African prince.

[funky music]

♪ ♪

- Look at those muscles.
- You look great.

- Yeah, Emile.

♪ ♪

- Hello, ladies.
- Hello.

- I heard you wanted dessert.
- Whoo!

[cheers and laughter]

- Ask and ye shall receive.

- We need to make eye contact
while you do it.

- Yeah, look at him in the eyes.

- Oh, God.

- I'm like, "Get it, Emile."

You're really getting into this.
I like it.

- [laughs]
- Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait.


- Kate, Kate, your massage
therapists are here.

- Can I grab that for you?

- Can you come back home
with me?

- Hey.


Here you go.

- Ooh.
[screams and laughter]

- Oh, yeah, there you go.
Oh, nice.

- Oh, my.

- You all want a group shot
with him?

You want to get over there
and I'll take y'all's picture?

- Oh, yeah, selfie.
- South Africa.

[synth music]

♪ ♪

- How's everything going?

- Probably the easiest guests
I've ever had in my life.

- Really?

- They're just sitting there

checking their Instas
and their Twitters,


- Awesome, right, Mom?

- Right.

- This feels so good.

I'm not gonna get out.

Like, I'm just gonna,
like, sleep in here.

- You want a photo of you
in the hot tub?

- That looks sick.

Actually, the photo
looks insane, really good.

[camera shutter clicking]

- So do you think tomorrow
will be good for jet skiing?

- Yeah.

- Is there somebody, like,
from the staff

that can come on and, just,
like, guide me where to go?

- Yeah, sure thing.

Do you want anything?
Hot chocolate?

- Can I have a piña colada,

- A virgin piña colada?

- I am so amused right now.

- Amy, Amy, can we please get
a virgin piña colada?

- I mean, this teenage girl
is infatuated with Emile.


- Oh, my God.

- There you go,
and a rose to match your beauty.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- First dinner of the charter,

I'm gonna do sushi because
it's a real crowd-pleaser.

- That looks wonderful, Ben.

- Aw, thanks.
- It is.

- What's that?
What's that?

- It's a charcuterie platter.

- You're gonna portion that out,

- Ben, I'm in control.

- Cheese and sushi,
what a great combo.

Thanks, Kate.

Oh, and let's just
give them 1,000 pounds of it.

- Thank you.

- Okay, ladies.

- That looks amazing.

- Is there anything else
we can get you all right now?

- Do you have
chocolate Pop Tarts?

- I'm not sure what's in dry
storage or that sort of thing,

but I'll take a look around.
I bet I can find some--

- We're just trying
to see what you got.

- Yeah, okay, let me
go check things out.

- Yeah, I'll show you for sure.

Attention, all crew,
I'm gonna be

bringing the guests downstairs
for a tour below deck.

- I need to put a blanket
over my bed.

- Typically, we keep the guests
out of our crew space.

Come on down.

But we're at the dock.

We're not able to leave
'cause of the weather,

so if a tour of the crew area

will keep you occupied,
by all means,

let's go down to the crew area.

- Hola.
- Hi.

- Oh, there we are.

- This is, like,
our living room, dining area.

This is kind of neat to see
'cause it's the storage.

- Can I go inside?

- Yeah.

These are Housewives of Atlanta

that have probably anything
that they want,

and here they are right at home
in our crew mess.

- This is, like,
the perfect place,

like, if the ship gets robbed.


I need one of those in my house.

- Okay,
you can come see our room.

- I always love it
when the guests come down to see

where the help lives.

- That's a closet.
- That's no closet.

This is our room!

- It's always kind of surreal
for them

because they live in this life
of luxury above deck,

so below deck,
it's a very different story.

- It's pretty comfortable,

It's kind of cozy
once you get used to it.


- I have too many nightmares.

I would, like, k*ll myself.

- Wake up and hit the head?

- You can have no relations
in here.

- None.

- You'd have
to be really skinny.

- You got to be really creative.

- Yeah, for sure.

- These ladies are the epitome

of "Don't judge a book
by its cover."

- Do not ever tell me

that your room
is too small ever again.


- Eddie said he wants us up
at 7:00 tomorrow.

- It's gonna be an early night.
- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- This is the easiest charter
I've ever been on.

I mean, I'm literally
looking for things to do.

You guys have been
busting your ass for weeks.

I just got here,
so I'm ready to work.

- Third time's the charm.

David is a great guy,

but still, would I rather
have my room to myself?

Yeah, maybe.

With a girl?
Of course.

- And I can take care
of the rest

of those chairs and cushions.

- Okay, thanks, Dave.

- Hey, girls,
how are you all doing?

- Hi.

- What are you all thinking
about for dinner?

- Oh, my God, I think

we were overly optimistic
in the food department.

I don't know about this birthday
party turn-up tonight.

We may have to postpone
that till tomorrow night.

- Perfect, have a light,
low-key night tonight to gear up

for a big day tomorrow?

- Yes, yes.
- Okay, absolutely.

I just talked to the guests.

They've canceled
the birthday dinner.

- What?

- They're so full from, like,
the appetizers.

- Fááá.

Kate k*lled dinner
with that platter.

- Me? What did I make?

- Yeah, you put out
a big platter.

They don't want dinner anymore.

It was too much.
- Oh, gosh.

- You said
you liked my cheese platter.

- We could have portioned
them down a little bit.

- He yells at me
about everything,

but I would still rather
be yelled at by Ben

than breathe next to Leon.

- So let's just roll on.

- Well, you're being a d*ck.

- Meow.

- So, after Leon got fired,
Rocky was so angry,

and so she just freaks out,
stands up,

takes all her clothes off,

goes upstairs to the sun deck.


Perfect swan dive.
- She fáááing--

- Perfect swan dive
and just starts

swimming to this other boat.

She's a nut job.
- Okay.

- I don't know what's going on
with Eddie,

who I have feelings for.

I don't understand why he has
to say anything bad about me

to Dave or to anybody else.

I've never done anything to him.

- She seemed like a girl
I'd want to hang out with.

- Oh, yeah, she's fun,
yeah, yeah.


- Coming up...

- How much time
before the dinner is done?

- 25, 30?

- Really?
You want it early?

- Yeah.

- Bloody hell.
Fááá me.

- You got the worst case
of bed head I've ever seen.

- Yeah.

- See that wind clocking around
a little bit to the north?

That's what I want.

Push me off the dock
and backwards.

- Okay.

- The wind's died down enough
for us to get off the dock

and get underway,
so when the guests wake up,

that'll be a nice surprise
for them.

We got everybody in position?

- Ready to go.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Okay, there it is.

- Spring line is clear.

Final line is coming off now.

- 60 feet to the side.
- Solid steering.

- [groans]

♪ ♪

- And we're off
like a herd of turtles.

- That's it.

- Nice job, deck crew,
thank you.

- Emile, I need to talk
to you right now.

I already don't like my boss.
- Mm-hmm.

- My best friend leaves.

I have--don't be mad at that.

- It's good.

He's my friend as well.

- To have Eddie start
to be an assáááá to me

or be rude, it's like,
I want to talk to Emile

because he's been there for me,

and I can't call my parents

and be like, "This is
what's going on in my life."

- Hey, Emile?
- Yeah.

- You didn't see where the cover

went for that pillow
that got wet yest--did you?

I'm definitely worried
about Rocky and Emile

talking privately

'cause we had an agreement
to keep it a secret between us.

- I'm not sure, I didn't see it.

- Not in there.

- Ever since Ben got on board,
you have a little bit

of a glow about you.

- Oh, really?

- It's like you've been
a little bit in the clouds.

- Well, I like him
much better than Leon.

- So how was your relationship
with Kate last season?

- It wasn't as open
as it is now.

- Mm-hmm.

- We know each other much better
on a more personal level.

- Yeah, do you care
to share about that?

- Yeah, it's a little weird,

'cause I haven't seen
him since...

- Oh.

- I mean, yeah,
we hooked up a few times.

- How come it's not a...
a long thing?

- I don't know.
We're too similar.

If we had a relationship,

I don't think we'd complement
each other that well.

- He said, one day,
he woke up, and he was like,

"If we ever got married,
it would be Armageddon."

- Wow.

- I didn't think
it was a compliment.

- Oh, no.
- You know?

Ben and I are like cheesecake.

It's really decadent.
It's delicious.

But you can't eat it every day.

- Mm-hmm.

I think that Ben and Kate aren't

being honest about how much
they really like each other.

- We have a line now.

Like, the lines got very blurry.

- I don't think there's a line.
- It's two months, three months.

- I don't see a line.
- And that's the line.

- There's no line.

- All right, Eddie, gimme 200.

- Copy that, 200.

- On my mark.
- Standing by.

- Drop.

[exciting music]

Lock it in.

♪ ♪

- Oh, my goodness,
look how pretty.

- We're just talking about
what we want to do today,

if we can get off
and go shopping.

- Fun.
- But we definitely want to get

a real birthday cake.
- Okay.

- And then, for food,
maybe we can do, like,

some barbecued chicken,
macaroni and cheese.

- She said ribs.
- Okay, yum.

- They said we can have
anything we want.

- We haven't been diva enough.

- Okay, the divas
come out tonight.


- Oh, good morning.
- Hi.

Is that a piña colada?

- It is.
Mom's been drinking.

- I need a piña colada.
- You got it.

- We need to get this day going.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, I'm jet skiing.

- There's fishing set up.
- Okay.

- I know y'all have mentioned

Do y'all want to do dinner
between 8:00 and 9:00?

- Yeah.
- Perfect.

- We've gotta make the most
of this,

and I want some good pictures
for Instagram.

- Yes.
- That's right.

- Love it.
- Let's get it going.

- Perfect.

[funky music]

- So, they just
all finished breakfast.

A couple of them want to fish
with you.

A couple of them are gonna
do jet skis.

- Is it tight?

- Oh, no, it's working.

- Get it in there.
- Jump.

- Jump.
- Get it.

- You totally just
looked at your muscle.

- Just to know
I'm ready for the ladies.

Let's bring them.

- Whoa, easy.

[upbeat music]

[indistinct chatter]

- So if we fall,
we're not gonna drown?

- No, but believe me,
you won't fall.

- Hold on.
- [laughs]

- Two hands.

Hold on to him.

What is wrong with you?
Oh, my gosh.

- If I fall in,
you'll get me?

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Whoo!

- Oh, my God.

- Is Ben down here?

He's got strawberries boiling.

I'm afraid to touch anything
in Ben's galley, I really am.

- He told me to cut off
the top of the muffins

because they were,
like, spewing,

looked like little wieners.

Here's the muffin, and it was,
like, a spew like that.

So, I literally...
- Just cut it off?

- Cut that off because it was,
like, okay,

so let's get rid of the wiener.


Now let's get rid of
the nipple top.

- No, you never
want to get rid of that.

I wouldn't worry
about it too much.

I got yelled at once by Ben

because I was stirring

I was like, "I didn't know
you could stir incorrectly."

Ben'll come around.
He's a good guy.

- All right,
let's look at these fish.

- Eww.

- [laughs]
I love your--

- [screams]


- [screams]


- Have you cast this?

- I know how to do it.
- You do?

- Move, Claudia.
Well, yeah, wait, wait, wait.

- Don't get a hook in my face.
- Where's the release?

- Oh, wait!
Did you do it?

- Yeah.

- Nobody got time
for a hook in the weave

or hooked in the face.


[electronic music]

- Let's get a selfie.

- [screams]
- Oh, my God.

Hold on!

I was just about to swim
to wherever you guys were.

Just been waiting for you
for, like, ten hours.

- Yeah, it's fun, isn't it?

- This is awesome.
He's, like, my best friend now.

- You can't have best friends
that look like that.


[rockabilly music]

♪ ♪

- Your chariot awaits.
Are you all ready?

- Let's go.
- Let's do it.

- You guys ready
for a little run?

- Whoo!
- [laughs]

- South Africa!

Whoo, baby! Yeah!
- Welcome to Hope Town, guys.

- Hope Town,
you better get ready.

- Must I go with them?

- Yes, you must.
- Sháá.

- Yes, you must, Emile.
- I will.

- Okay.

[pop music]

- Ladies?

- This is so cute.
- Iggy Biggy's.

- This is cute.
Look at this.

- "May your coconuts never hang
lower than your grass skirt."

- [laughs]
- Emile, what do you think?

- I think it brings out
your eyes.

- Hey, South Africa, look.

"Surrender the booty."
- Oh, nice.

- Emile?
- This is cute.

- Oh, dolphins, look.
- That's great, yeah.

- South Africa, I like this one.

- South Africa, where are you?

- Can't you tell I'm starving?
- [laughs]

[dance music]

♪ ♪

- Oh, careful.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hi, what's going on?
- How's it going?

- How much time
before the dinner is done?

- 25, 30?

- Really?

Yeah, you want it

- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.

Bloody hell.

Last night I didn't cook at all,

and tonight I've got
to cook on turbo.

This sucks.

- 30 minutes.

- Fááá, fááá.

[exciting music]

Tonight we're doing barbecue

Because it's comfort food,

you've got to get
in your comfort zone.

- You have some intensity
going on.

- And that's where
I'm most comfortable.

♪ ♪

- Fááá me.

[relaxing music]

♪ ♪

- Come on.

This is a nice chair.

[camera shutter clicking]

I need one with the captain,
as well.

Come on.

- As the captain,

we get all kinds of requests
from the guests.

- I'm gonna have to sit
on your lap, Captain.

- Works for me.
- [laughs]

- And some requests
are better than others.

- Beautiful.


- It's very good
to be the captain.

- Hello.

- I can do the stone crabs now,
if you don't mind.

- Okay, roger that.
- Hello.

- Hi, so we're gonna start
with stone crabs.

These are probably
the largest claws

I've ever seen in a stone crab.

- I love these stone crabs.

I'm gonna miss these the most.

- I'm not ready
to bring that up.

- Why not?

- 'Cause they just started
with stone crabs.

- But I just said let's just
roll with it, why not?

- They don't have room
on their plates.

- They're gonna finish the stone
crab in two seconds, okay?

- Assáááá.
- Oh, God.

- Coming up...

- This is Mom and Dad,

evil brother
and sister, uncle Eddie.

- Amy's the middle child.


- Rocky, you're Emile's crazy
girlfriend he brought to dinner.

- Let's see if
we can stump them.

I want a kitten.

- Challenge accepted.

Let's make a kitten.

Can I hear your meow?

- Meow.

You're a fáááing d*ck.

- What's that?

- It's a pussycat.

- Oh, my gosh!

- Meow.


- I've had some pretty crazy
guest requests.


Flying an eggplant
to remote islands.

A cat is no big deal.

- Whoo!


- Okay, now I want a dog.

for a stone crab claw

and a martini glass filled
to the top with vegetables.

- They're gonna finish the stone
crab in two seconds, okay?

And then you remove
the stone crab,

and then you put--give
them that.

- Assáááá.

- Like, can you
two just go downstairs

and take care of this, please?

Because you can cut the tension
with a butter knife,

and I mean, we're talking
about the sexual tension here.

- Oh, God.
- How you doing, Benny?

- Can you be in charge
of service from now on, please?

- I'll help you as much
as I can.


[electronic music]

♪ ♪

- This is so yummy.
- They did a good job.

You don't want any more,

- No, you know I don't like
broccoli or green beans.

Anything that's good for you,
I don't like, really.

- Can you take these up?

- Are you talking to me?

- No, actually,
I'm gonna talk to Amy.

Amy, could you help
with service, please,

and let's bring these up,
give them utensils?

That's macaroni and cheese,

and that's going up
very quickly.

- They're still
eating their salads.

- Aren't you putting the buffet

on the countertop
like we discussed?

- I'll handle my side,
thank you.

I'm not sure where
Ben's head is at

'cause we haven't been
hanging out for a few months,

but apparently
everything sends him into

a major fit
of anger lately.

Should I tell the guests
to chew faster?

- It's all part
of the same buffet, love.

We're not doing
a coursed buffet.

- I'm taking it.
- Fáááing hell.

She's being really
fáááing difficult tonight.

Let's just do this, please.

- Absolutely.

- What's this, mac and cheese?

- Mac and cheese, ribs,
potato salad,

and corn on the cob.

- It's like a upscale barbecue.

- There you go, dear.
You're welcome.

- You asked for a birthday BBQ,
and you got it.

- That's so good.

- How's everything so far?

- Could we have a little
barbecue sauce on the side?

- Sure.

Can I have a side
of barbecue sauce?

- Can you just give me
one second?

I approach my dishes
like they're canvases.

All right, take that, please.

It's clams vongole, please.

- Clams va-lon-ga-le.

- So now I construct visually
as well as

flavorfully in my mind.

All right,
baby spoon, please, Amy.

- We have one--is this it, Amy?

- Got it.
Thank you.

Spoon's in.

- Perfect.

He gets crazy.

- How's it going?
- Good job.

- Amazing.
- Thanks.

- We're so fat,
and it's all your fault.

- You did a great job
with everything.

- Thank you very much.
- Everything.

- We're sad that
we don't have any more room left

in our stomachs right now
because we want to eat more.

- I'm here to
make people happy.

They're gonna
remember this meal.

This is so important for me.

- Want to eat with us?
- No, I'd love to, but...

- A-ha, something else.

- You're excellent.
You're great.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Anyone that's available
that can come sing

"Happy Birthday," please
meet us in the main salon.

[pop music]

- Thanks to
this great hospitality,

I need some liposuction.

- [laughs]

- Will you carry the cake
'cause they love you?

Here, hold this.

But you have a lighter?
- Do you have a lighter?

- Yeah, I do.
- Okay.

- Oh, the little fish necklace
that I liked!

- Yay.
- I'm so gonna wear this.

- That's so cute.

all: ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday dear Cynthia ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

- Wow, this is so great.
This is so cute.

Take a picture.
Okay, here we go.


[camera shutter clicking]

all: Yay!

- Amy, I'm gonna go to bed.
- Good night.

- Good night, assáááá.

- Don't get--y'all didn't settle

I think there's some personal

underlying things
there between you two.


To be continued.

Next episode on Jerry Springer.


It hasn't been
an easy charter season

with my relationship back home,

and people make mistakes,

and I made a huge mistake.

But this one mistake
doesn't define who I am.

I do love her,
and I do care about her.

Am I lost and confused?

Yeah, yeah, very,

but that doesn't mean
I want to give up on her.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- The wind's gonna
be blowing 25 to 30 again.

- What's our plan for coming in?

Are we gonna try to stay out?
- We'll flip the boat out here.

We can do everything
we need to do by 10:30.

♪ ♪

- We're sad you guys are going.

- We are sad too.

- All your food was, like,

Like, anything you brought out,

muffins, anything, best
I've ever had of everything.

- Thank you.
- Like, seriously.

- Seriously.
- You're sweet.

- Look at the sky today.
- I know.

- I knew it was gonna happen.
As soon as we leave, sunny.

- Yeah.
- Like, 80 degrees today, right?


- Oh, look at you, so helpful.

You're my favorite child.

- Yay.
- [laughs]

- But your dad's a real assáááá.

- I don't think
anyone should say anything

personal at this point.

I think we should just
do our jobs and,

you know,
roll with the punches.

It's not gonna be pretty,

but essentially it's really
about the guests' enjoyment.

- Dad says he loves you.

- Dad should buy me a present

because he was mean
to your mother.

- All crew to the aft deck,

- We're gonna miss you guys.

- Favorite group.
- Really, favorite group?

- Yes.
- High five to that.

- That's it.
- Bye.

- Sorry.
- You guys cut it out, right?

- Bye, Donnie.
- Bye.

- I expected some diva moments,
some drama,

but this charter,
the diva moments and drama

have only come from Kate and Ben
in the galley.

- So, we have a little something
for you guys.

- Thank you so much.
You're very kind.

- You deserve 20 times more,
although that's very generous.


- Seriously, Mom, like,
thank you so much.

Like, I don't really--

- Oh, my gosh.

- Baby, baby, it's okay.

- Aww, that's so sweet.

- Like, thank you guys so much
'cause this has been,

like, the best vacation ever.

- You're so precious.

It's a really, like, tender,
heartfelt moment

that pumps you up
for the job that you do.

It kind of,
like, gives you fuel to get

ready for the next charter.

- Bye.

- Oh, Emile, Emile, Emile,
the mom points I got.

- See you guys.
- Like, when I said

I made my girl's life,

you were so--thank you
for being so sweet to her.

Bye, family
for the last three days.

- Muah!
- Bye.

- Let's take a picture
of our yacht, you guys.

- Bye, yacht!

[camera shutter clicking]

- Everybody in the crew mess
in five.

[pop music]

Good job.

Welcome back, buddy.
- Thank you.

- And you,
David, really appreciate it.

The whole vibe
on the boat seems to be, whoo.


So, money.
Another good one.

- Boom.

That's right.

- Open to the IRS.
- Thank you.

- David, thank you.

- Cash tip,
I've missed you so much.

- We got 24 to flip.

This is the last one,

and this evening, if you're
all good little boys and girls,

I may make arrangements to have
somebody take you out to dinner.

Fair enough?
- Fair.

- Thank you.
- Later.

[dance music]

♪ ♪

- Love, love.

- I got to bring my bag up
that I sewed myself.

- I'm impressed.
- [laughs]

I want to get off the boat.

I want to not think about Eddie

and just pretend like
we all get along

and just have a good night
out together.

♪ ♪

- I love it.
- Legend.

- You look like a Housewife,
Amy, glamour.

- Come on.


♪ ♪

- Wow, look at the ocean.

- Can we get three Moscow mules?

- Can I get a splash
of grenadine in it?

- Awesome.
- Love you, brother.

- Love you too,
man, like a brother.

- So how's Amy?
- It's really hard.

Right now she's in Baltimore,
and it's cold and--

- She's just lonely?

- Yeah, and she's worried about,

if I'm gonna find somebody else

that's gonna
be better than her or--

- What, some lady
that owns a boat?

- And she knows,
like, I would never,

ever hook up with anybody
on the boat that I work on ever.

Here's to long,
happy relationships.

- Rocky, do you have a minute?
- I do.

- Yeah, sweet.

I shouldn't have snapped
at Rocky about the muffin tops.

I don't want Rocky to fear me.

I want her to respect me.

We all have faults, okay,

and I didn't come
in with any pretense

that you're a terrible person

and I was gonna
choose Kate's side.

Between you and I,

I actually feel bad what
happened to Leon, okay?

- Thank you.

It's refreshing to see Ben

not in this Kate-chasting...

zombie mode.

He can think on his own,
and it's great.

I'm just trying to
finish it off, you know?

- So am I.

Let's fáááing move
on and rock this out.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Thank you,
although I'm escorting you.

I love it.

- Good evening.
- Hi.

- How are you guys doing?
- Fine.

- Let's do three bottles of

- I'm just happy
it's the last charter.

- I want seven more.


- Beautiful.
- Absolutely stupid.

- We're from
all different places.

- One big, dysfunctional family.
- Exactly.

- This is Mom and Dad,

evil brother
and sister, uncle Eddie.

- Amy's the middle child.


- Rocky, you're Emile's crazy
girlfriend he brought to dinner.

- Oh, okay, is that what I am?


- Oh, okay, is that what I am?

I wanna just...

[tense music]

♪ ♪

I want some space, freedom,
space, freedom.

- She's good at being a mermaid,

but besides that she is
so fáááing annoying to me.

She drives me g*dd*mn nuts.

- Where are you guys from?

- She's annoying.

- Attention-grabbing.

- Where are you from?

Okay, cool.
- Yeah?

- I want to get
really weird tonight.

- She's like...
[annoying laugh]

"What can I do
to call more attention?"

- How many blowjobs do you want?

- Stop, stop, stop, stop.

- What?
It's a blowjob shot.

Buttery nipples,
panty droppers, blowjobs.

- Like, I just can't fáááing
deal with her loud-ass mouth.

- Drives me nuts.

- So what are you guys
talking about?

[upbeat music]

- Permission to come aboard.

So cute.

♪ ♪

Thank you, Dave.

♪ ♪

Should we go swimming or what?

- I wouldn't.

- Well, you wouldn't do
anything, would you?

- No, I wouldn't.

Good to go?
- I think so.

- Here you are.
- Thanks.

- If you're not into me,
okay, fine,

but at least treat me
with some respect.

I'm just getting tired,

getting tired
of him and his whole act.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Next time on "Below Deck"...

- What is it?
- What?

- I totally had a thing
with Eddie the whole time.

- What?

- Maybe we should just give
her a fáááing break.

- Give her a break?

We've been
doing her work all season.

You don't know that.
You haven't been here.

- Okay, so you're just gonna
be a mean bitch?

- Whoa.

- Peter Glazer's bringing
his business partner

and their hot girlfriends.

- Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you, Lord.

Thank you for the giant sword.

- You're being a douche.

- Whatever.

- You're my lead deckhand.

You're the only one I trust.

- I don't know
what the fááá I'm doing,

so why don't you
do your fáááing job, you whore?

- I completely understand
why Rocky gave up on you

'cause you really are
a little bitch.

- I'm going crazy.

I can't stand it anymore.

- I want to talk to Eddie.

- You're not leaving--ow.

- Someone like that
needs to be told off.

- What the fááá is she doing?