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03x10 - What Took You So Long?

Posted: 04/21/24 12:02
by bunniefuu
- Previously
on "Below Deck"...

They want to do a white party.
- White party. That's easy.

- Try and schedule a shark dive
with 'em.

That's on their bucket list.

- Hey, girl.
Hey, don't get excited.

- Oh, my gosh! Is that a picture
of Ryan Gosling?

- They're dressed so fun.
- Welcome aboard.

- He is hot.

- Did you see his style
with his, like, loafers?

Oh, my goodness.

- Don't throw that box away.

Just leave the box
where it is. Thank you.

- You're being
a little bit jerky.

- You dish it,
you'll get it back.

- Are you getting burned out?
- Me? No.

- You get these certain dishes
you like with the charters,

so you just keep doing them?
- Yeah.

- Okay, I get it, Kate.

- Oh, Smokey Robinson.

- Eduardo says "yes."

I know this is wrong,
but, hey, she's got a nice ass.

- What the [bleep]?
Does that look clean?

Does that look clean?
- No way.

- That's a flame!
That's a flame.

- That's a fire.
- That's a fire!

- What is going on?
[smoke alarm beeping]

- Eddie, Kate--
- Where's the fire extinguisher?

- [snores]

[air horn blows]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- It's a fire.
That's a fire.

- Eddie, we need you
in the galley, please.

There's an actual fire
in the oven.

[smoke alarm beeping]

- It smells like fire.

- What's that fire alarm for?

- Close the door!

Close the door!

- Here.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- [exhales sharply]
I can't do that.

- Never in my life.

- Eddie. Eddie.

[walkie-talkie clatters]

- Go ahead, Lee.

- What's going on down there?

- There was a fire
in the oven.

- Do we have it contained?
- Yes.

- Copy.
The fire's been contained.

I'm standing by still
with a fire extinguisher.

- I'm on my way.

- Really?
A [bleep] fire?

a [bleep] pizza caught fire.

Back up from...

- There was a pan
with a pizza on it,

and then there was two pans
in there.

Usually you
take the other pans out,

and the other pans
were just sitting on there.

- The pans were on the grill.

- This is Kate's fault.

Why would you throw a pizza
in the oven with other [bleep]

in the oven?

Who does that?

And then I went to go
pull this open,

and that was, like, whoa.

- A captain would rather hear
anything else than "fire."

A boat this size

can burn down to the waterline
in five minutes.

- I keep hearing
this alarm go off,

and then I'm like,
"Wait. I smell something.

This is not right."

- So it's my fault?

- I'm so sorry.

- We almost had a fire.

I mean, was there actual fire?

- Yeah.
There was an actual fire.

- No, there's no fire.
- But it's out now.

I have never had a fire
on any yacht

I've ever worked on.

- I just tried to, like, get
a quick shot and extinguish it

and then close the door
and just not let it flare up.

- Rocky and Kate.
- No. I don't think so.

I went up to do the DVD player
and left Rocky here.

- I don't know if it was
because of the sheet trays

are in there or...

- Rocky keeps going on and on
about how I should have taken

the trays out,
but guess what.

If the oven is anything
like the rest of the galley,

it's definitely covered
in grease.

I'm sorry
for the rude awakening.


I'm not taking the blame
for this one.

Leon should take the blame.

- Hey, Amy.

- Hey.

- How you doing?
- Whew.

Doing okay.
How are you doing?

- Tired.
- I bet you are.

You were up late, huh?

- Yeah. 3:00.
- Oh, my goodness.

- Today's gonna be a great day.

Everyone's really exhausted,

and now we have a fire
to blame on someone.

God, I'm tired.

- I'm going to take
the primary coffees.

We're going to do breakfast
up top at the bridge table.

He didn't hear the fire alarm.

This note's definitely
not fazing him.

So, if he doesn't think
it was a big deal

there was a fire in his galley,

I'm not going to say anything
to him.

- I don't know
how you slept through that.

It was so loud.

- There's gonna be
a lot of drama.

[pop rock music]

♪ ♪

- Our charter guest is
celebrating his 50th birthday.

It gives us a chance
to distract them,

forget about last night.

The guests
have a late departure,

so we just need
to get through today.

- So did they tell you
what happened with the oven?

- Well, I don't know.

I don't know whether
we spilled some juices--

- Okay, so I'll tell you
what's up.

I'll tell you
what [bleep] happened.

Kate was making pizza
in the oven.

So I open it.

A ton of smoke comes out,
and I was like, "Oh, my God."

Two extra pans in there.

You know how you,
like, keep them?

But usually if you're using
the oven to cook...

- You take it out.
- You take out the other pans.

- I don't know what happened,

but, I mean, by that time,
I was out cold.

I was asleep.

So I do believe
Kate is just waiting

for me to fall flat on my face.

- Actually really scary.
It was really scary.

- Cross your fingers
nothing spills, Leon.

- Okay, fingers crossed.

- Okay.
For the birthday boy.

[knock at door]

With breakfast in bed,
on the stewardess side,

it can be
a little bit awkward,

because you can potentially walk
in on someone naked.

Is it okay
if I come bring it to y'all?

Happy birthday.
- Oh, thank you.

- Whoo!

So I got some black coffee,
some Baileys on the side.

- Perfect.
- Great. Okay, enjoy.

Happy birthday, Alan.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

Thank you, Jesus.

[lively dance music]

♪ ♪

[cell phone rings]
- Hello?

- Hello, Captain Lee?

This is Keith over
at Dive Abaco.

- Hey, Keith.
How you doing today?

- I'm all right.

Plan to be ready to take off
at about 10:30.

- Yeah. That works.

I can send 'em over
in our little boat.

- Yeah, that'll work.

- At least
something's going right today.

The guests finally get
to do their shark diving,

so we get to scratch that
off their bucket list.

Connie, Connie. Lee.
[walkie-talkie beeps]

- Yes, Lee?

- Come up
to the wheelhouse, please.

- On my way.


- You're comfy
pulling the anchor up?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Is Emile up?
- Yes.

- Take him up there with you.
- Okay.

Eddie had a really late night,

so he's not going to be
on the bow with me

to lift the anchor.

So it's my turn to do it
by myself.

- Emile, will you come
to the bow with me?

- Yeah. And lift up anchor?
- Yeah.

Here it's 200 feet
of chain out.

It could be wrapped
around boulders.

It could be just laid out
on sand. It could be zigzag.

It could be changing direction
at any point.

Is the chain tight?
Is it slack?

Is it at 12:00?
Is it under the bow?

Does he need a thrust?

Like, he has no idea.
He can't see it.

It is nerve-racking.

- Is Connie doing this anchor
by herself?

- She can handle it.

- Yeah, she can.

I know she's ready for it.

I'm so proud, Connie.

This is, like,
a father's moment.

I think she's nervous.

- She'll be fine.



That bitch is home.

- Nice job.

- I taught her well.

What time did Kate
get to sleep last night?

- About 4:00.
- Jeez.

Did you get some sleep?
- No, I was too wired up.

Did you see the pizza come out?

- The flames were on the bottom
of the oven...

underneath the pizza.

- And Rocky was the one
that discovered it?

- Yep.

- I just want to get
through today...

- Yes, sir.
- And get this thing to the dock

and make our guests
happy, happy, happy.

- I worked for 21 hours.
It was awesome.

- Holy crap.

Like, I heard the alarm,

but I kind of thought
it was, like, a dream.

Then I heard "fire."

I thought
it was 'cause of the pizza.

- The pizza
was still frozen.

The fire only happened because
Leon should have maybe...

both: Cleaned the oven.
- Yeah.

[cork pops]

- Happy birthday!
[all cheering]

- Whoo!
- Happy birthday.

- Yoo-hoo!

- I'm just glad it doesn't smell
like burnt popcorn today.

- I'm just glad the boat
didn't burn down last night.


- Happy birthday.
- Cheers.

- Cheers.
- We love you.

- On my mark,
give me 200 feet.

On my mark.

- Copy. 200.

- Okay.
- And let's drop.


- 200 is out.

- We're going to make
your birthday a memorable one.

- Oh, jeez, it's already
been pretty memorable.

- Oh, no.
Today's the coup de grace.

What do you say
we do that shark dive today?

- Can't wait.
It's a good birthday to have.

- Oh, yeah.

- Attention, deck crew.

The guests are making their way
down to the tender.

- We'll see you
in a little bit.

- Fire 'em up.
Let's get 'em out of here.

- Aw, I'm staying.
Jenny and I will just drink.

- Okay.

- [laughs]

- Hey, deck crew, deck crew.

Danielle and Jenny
were thinking they would like

to be taken to the beach
just off our starboard aft.

- See you guys in a little.

- Con, I'm making to-go
bloody Mary stuff for them.

They both have a full one,
but I'm going to make, like,

two water bottles for them.

She heard me?

- I'm just going to go
kind of around here

if it's calm around the corner.

- Yeah, I mean, go down there,
go around the corner there.

Careful going
through that cut,

'cause, you know,
it's really shallow, obviously.

- Peace out.

- Peace out, Cub Scout.

- Y'all have fun.
Enjoy your exploration.

Everyone is gone.

Birthday-morning success.

- Kate, Kate. Lee.

Yeah, do you have a second
to come up to bridge?

- Sure, I just got on deck.

This fire has me
so overwhelmed.

I'm freaking out.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Coming up....

- I can't have it
going like it is.

- Well, what do you want
to do about it?

You need to make that call.

- I'm done.

- Have a little more respect
for your job and for your--

- Rocky's in the water.
[water splashes]

of just what you observed.

I'm going to have to interview
everybody one at a time,

'cause if I get everybody
in a room,

it's just going to turn

into a he-said-she-said

- So the guests were hungry,
and it was about 1:55.

I found a frozen pizza
in the freezer.

I put the pizza in,
and Rocky came down,

and she said the guests want
to watch movies

and have popcorn.

- Kate was making popcorn,
and Kate was making pizza.

- And she goes,
"But I don't know how

to work the movie player
in the Sky Lounge."

I was like, "Okay, well,
I'll go handle that."

And the popcorn
was beginning to pop.

- Oh, Jesus.

Kate put the freaking popcorn
in too long.

Then I realize it's smoking,
so I go check the microwave,

and the popcorn is burnt,

and then I was like,
"I think she said

she was making a pizza."

So I open the oven, and a whole
bunch of smoke comes out,

and then I see
that there's a flame.

That's a flame.
- Holy hell! Open the door!

- I heard her say,
"Oh, that's a fire."

She opened up the oven door,
and I looked in,

and there was a fire.
- Okay.

- There were lots of flames
in the back of the oven.

- So that's what happened.

- Okay.

Was there anything
on the pans?

No meat or anything
in the pans?

- Usually when you
cook in an oven,

if there's anything else,
you pull it out

before you start cooking.

- Anything else?

- She's been treating Leon
like absolute bull[bleep].

And then last night--
that's ridiculous.

It's like, she doesn't have
her [bleep] together.

She has serious problems.

- I could give two [bleep]
what Rocky thinks

about her superior.

That's not
what I'm interested in here.

What I need to find out
is what happened with the fire,

and that's
all I'm interested in.

Thanks, Rocky.
Appreciate it.

- Okay.
Thanks, Kate.

That was it.

- Pretty simple,

It sounded
like everybody's account

seemed to coincide
with what everybody else saw

and heard.
- Yeah.

There was nothing put
in the oven

that would have, you know,
caused it

to happen right at that time

other than
what was already in it.

- Exactly.

- A dirty oven
was the culprit.

- Yep.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Eddie, Eddie.
Wheelhouse, please.

- Copy.

- So the last one
we're going to talk to

on our incident reports
is going to be Leon.

- Okay.

- It was never my plan
to have a grease fire.

- Yeah.

- Leon, Lee.
- Chef Leon speaking.

- Can you come
up to the bridge, please?

- Two seconds.
- Thank you.

[knock at door]
Come on in.

Hey, bud.
- Good day, Captain.

We're just finishing up
the incident reports.

Well, every time
you have an incident

on board a boat,
you got to go through it.

- I know that, yeah.

- Really?

What a great attitude.

We have protocol to follow.

I just wanted to get
your take.

Have you had any conversations
with anybody,

or what's your take on it?

- Rocky said Kate put
the popcorn in the microwave.

She threw the pizza
in the oven.

Rocky said that Kate didn't pull
any of the trays out,

so she left obviously
dry trays in the--

- Dry, clean pans
don't start fires.

It just doesn't happen.

- And...

But she was drinking as well,
Kate, so...

It's not the first time
I've seen her drink.

- Leon is trying really hard

to deflect the blame
off himself.

- Did you see Kate drink?

- Not yesterday, no.

- I'm just concerned
with last night.

I'm not concerned
with anything

that you didn't
personally witness.

I would expect the chef
to be very concerned

about a fire in his galley,

and he's more concerned
with bashing Kate

than about the potential
of sinking the boat

because his galley caught
on fire.

Kate's the chief stew,

and I asked you guys
to work it out,

like, three charters ago,

and that hasn't happened.

He doesn't have to like Kate.

I don't care if he likes her,

but he does have
to work with her.

What's the big deal?

- The less she talks to me...

Like I said, I talk to her maybe
ten minutes in a day.

That's it.

- I can't have it going
like it is.

- I think we need to work
on our communication, Leon.

- Okeydoke,
I'm listening to you.

But not at the moment--

I'm a little bit busy,
Kate, yeah?

- Well, if you speak
about common courtesy...

- Okay.
- I don't think saying--

- I haven't got time to listen
to you, Kate. I'm busy.

- Great.

- What do you want to do
about it?

- What would you like to do?
- No, you tell me.

You need to make that call.

Whatever you want to do,
I'll agree with.

- Well, I think
we might need to agree

that this'll be
your last charter,

and I would appreciate it

if you'd knock these guys'
socks off this evening

with the last dinner.

I don't see the situation
getting any better.

- [breathes deeply]
Okay, I get that.

Thank you.

I'm off.

I'm [bleep] over it.
Over it.

I've never worked
with so much [bleep].

- He showed no indication

that he was willing
to even go 50% of the way,

because everything
is always somebody else's fault.

- I agree with you.
- And it's just--

- I understand
where you're coming from.

You know, like,
we have Kate managing a group

of two other girls,

and then Chef
is alone by himself.

So you might as well
take out the one part

rather than take out the dynamic
of the three part.

- On one hand, I'm dealing
with the devil I know,

as opposed
to the devil I don't.

- That makes sense too.

- Are you okay?

You're leaving, I'm going.
- It's up to you.

- Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?

No way, no way,
no way, no way, no way.

I'm not staying.
- What happened?

- What?

That's where I'm at.

[indistinct chatter
over walkie-talkie]

- Oh, my.

- We have a situation.

We are without a chef.

- Why?

- It's just not working.

He didn't want
to finish out the charter.

He's packing now.

We've got to get
through lunch and dinner.

- Okay.

- So the boat
is going to take them

to Hope Town
for a birthday lunch.

- Okay, great.

- That'll buy me some time
to try and figure out

what I'm going to do
about dinner tonight.

- Okay.

What about Rocky?
She likes to cook.

- I have no idea
about that yet, so...

- Go out with some dignity,

and don't leave the rest
of your crew hanging.

- What the hell?
Are you kidding me?

Oh, man.
What the [bleep]?

- Someone's got to get pushed
under the bus.

- Are you kidding me?

I totally respect
Chef's decision

to do what's right for him,

but it leaves us
in a bad position right now.

We have a meal and no chef.

- One more hug. You too.
- Yeah?

- Take care of yourself,
all right?

- I haven't come here
to rock the boat.

I've come here to do the job
I get paid to do.

That's it.

Happy cooking.

I have a family
back in Australia.

I have two amazing daughters,
so they're my inspiration.

You know, I was a chef
before I ever got into yachting.

I've worked all over the world.

And the next one, I'm gonna run
it the way I want to run it,

and it's just going
to follow suit.

Get me home.
[bleep] hell.

- I'm not staying.

Leon's gone,
and I have nobody.

Chef leaving is me leaving too.
- Why?

- 'Cause I don't believe
that Captain made

the right decision.

I don't have respect
for my chief stew,

and now, as a Captain, I don't
have respect for him either,

so how am I supposed
to be here

when I don't have respect
for the two people

that I need
to have respect for?

- Because you have respect
for yourself,

and you're doing
a great job.

- For me to have respect
for myself

means standing up
in what I believe in.

And guess what.

I believe in that Chef
was a good chef.

- We're on the same team here.
Don't yell at us.

- The person that I think
should be leaving this boat

is the chief stew.

- Can I just try to explain it
from Captain's point of view?

So the chef
is this one entity.

The chief stew controls

so many different parts
of the boat.

After this,
we have two charters left.

It would be crazy

to bring in
a brand-new chief stew

and to have her expect to know
where everything is.

- Wow. I can't believe it.

Eddie's trying to be
the pro boatswain.

Come on. Really?

Like, I'm blown away

that he's not, like,
kind of standing up

or, like, understanding
where I'm coming from.

- You have to admit--

both of them
are being rude to each other.

They are. They are.

- You and I have
this other relationship,

and now you're on her side?

I'm not playing that.
I'm done.

- And then you're just gonna
walk away?

- Yeah.
- Rocky?

- Rock.

Have a little more respect
for your job

and for you than this.

- I'm [bleep] over it.

- I'm going to go talk
to the captain.

- She's going to jump.
- Yeah, she's jumping.

Guys, we have--
Rocky's in the water.

We got Rocky in the water.

- She forgot
her mermaid tail.

- I'm not sure about you,
but I would call that an exodus.


- Coming up...

- The charter guests
are coming back?

- What the [bleep]?
- Attention all crew.

We are right in the middle
of a [bleep]storm.

- Have a little more respect
for your job

and for you than this.

- Rocky?
- Rock.

She's going to jump.
- Yeah, she's jumping.

Guys, we have--
Rocky's in the water.

We got Rocky in the water.

- This is what's up!

Yeah, that felt so good!

Oh, my God. I'm free.
I'm in the ocean.


Screw those people!

- She forgot her mermaid tail.

- If it had been
anybody but Rocky,

I would have been concerned,

but because Rocky's
a strong swimmer,

I'm actually
kind of laughing inside.

Where does she think
she's going?

- She's trying to make friends
and get on that boat.

Oh, the charter guests
are coming back?

- What the [bleep]?

- Attention all crew.
Attention all crew.

Prepare your seat belts,

because we are right in
the middle of a [bleep]storm.

We have the charter guests

Holy [bleep].

Everything is crumbling
at the seams on this boat.

There are stews in the water.
Chef is gone.

- We're going to get the guests
off the boat, get 'em to lunch.

- Off the boat?
- Off the boat.

I'm going to buy 'em lunch.
- Okay.

- Kate, Kate.

- I'm already making them sh*ts,

and then I'm going to greet
them on the aft deck.

- This is a fan,
and this is a piece of [bleep].

[bleep] hits the fan.

- No sharks?
Was it good enough, though?

- We got to experience
some k*ller caves.

- That's good.

- We just did a man overboard.
We had a fire drill last night.

- Man, we're really going
to be good at these things.

- I know.

Our chef has walked the plank.

Our mermaid
has jumped overboard,

but still,
that doesn't mean our guests

have to know about it.

- All right.
- Cheers.

- Cheers.

[party horn blowing]

- How you doing, birthday boy?
- All right.

- If you guys don't mind,
I would--

For your birthday,
I'd like to buy you lunch?

- Really?
- Oh, nice.

- Overlooking the ocean.

- Let's go!
- We'll get the girls up there.

- That's very gracious.
Thank you.

- My pleasure.
It's your birthday!

[women laughing and screaming]

- Oh!

What's up, ladies?
- [laughs]

- [speaking indistinctly]

- Eddie, what have you done
to our women?

- I've been here the whole time.
- [laughing]

- Blame her.

- Hey, guys.

both: ♪ b*tches on a boat,
b*tches on a boat ♪

- We're having lunch
on the island.

- That's not lunch attire.

You guys got, like, six minutes.
- Come on, ladies.

[rock music]

- Amy?
- Yeah?

- I am going to send you

to take these guys to lunch.
- Okay.

- My main concern now is to get
through the rest of the day

with the charter guests

without a full-blown chef
on board.

Going to send you to Firefly.

Make sure they have a good time,
pay the check,

and then when they're done,
you'll bring 'em back.

We're going to be
at the dock.

- Okay. Perfect.

- If anybody's capable
of getting these guys

and keeping 'em in a good mood,
it's going to be Amy.

- I'm sorry. I don't know--
- Thank you.

- Bye!

- Hang on to your hat!
- Please don't put--

[all screaming]

- "Eros."
"Eros," this is "Morning Star."

We have your crew member
on our tender,

and we are approaching
your swim platform.

- Wow.

- I am pissed off at Rocky.

Who does she think she is?
It's embarrassing.

It's [bleep] embarrassing.

- Not something I expected.
- Thank you.

Look who's [bleep] back!

- I have to come back
to the boat,

because I've got to get
my passport and my money.

- I know her.

[door closes]

- Oh, she came back.

Rocky can sulk all she wants,

but I don't have time
to think about it,

because we've got
a birthday party fireworks meal

to cook.

Take your time with that, Rocky.
We're busy.

Maybe she's calmed down now.

Let's just focus on work.
- Yeah.

- You just never know
when the mermaid tail's

going to come out.

- Hey!

- I heard it's
somebody's birthday!

- Happy birthday.

- Let's do six of those
to take to 'em.

- May it be as good
as the first shot.

- Maybe we should wait
a little bit.


I don't want to have to carry
all of them out of here.

- You free for, like,
the next couple weeks?

Yeah, I lost my chef in
the middle of a bloody charter,

so I need help.

I need a new chef
and a new deckhand,

otherwise we're not going to get
through the next two charters.

I've got a deck position open,

and I'm wondering
if you might be in the market.

I'm not going to have a chef
for tonight's dinner,

but I've got to put out one fire
at a time right now.

I'll see you tomorrow.

I really appreciate this.

Bailing my butt
out of a hot one.

- Mom, I dove headfirst,
and I went through the water.

- Really?

- I'm not there yet.

I'm still, like,
messed up in the head.

Like, what is going on?

Like, could I even finish
the season

without Leon?

Like, uh-uh.


- How we doing?
- Good.

Pulling for the white party.

Having an extra dinner
is hard enough,

and it's a big,
fancy birthday party dinner,

and we don't have a chef.

I've never faced
anything like this before.

- We'll meet them at the dock.

Eddie, let's get going.

[action music]

♪ ♪

- They're good to go.

- And take control.

Get a line.
Get that stern line.

- God damn.

[indistinct shouting]

- Get your spring lines
ready to lock 'em in.

Shut these bad boys down.

[indistinct shouting]

If I click my heels,
can I go home?

- Okay.

- Can't believe
they're standing.

- Welcome back!

We missed you.

- We're only
a couple hours late.


- Okay, showtime.

- Let's get ready
for the festivities

- Celebration.
Yeah, let's get ready.

- All right.
- All right.

- [beatboxing]

♪ ♪

- Thank you for being here
for me.

My parents are just telling me
to, like, "Hey, stick it out.

Just finish," you know?

I feel bad
that Captain had his third stew

jump off the yacht.

And I'm not a quitter.

I need to suck it up
and finish this charter.

- You want me to--table?

- It's quarter to 7:00,
so this is all happening

in the next two hours
and 15 minutes.

- This is, for sure,

the craziest day
of yachting I've ever had.

- Me too.

[all singing]
- Cheers!

- Come in.

- Hi, Captain.

- Coming up...

- Why are there Oreos
in the vegetables?

- Ooh, I have a great idea!

- What's in there?
- Grenadine.

It's a little strange.

[person retching]

- Primary went to go puke.
- Primary went to go puke?

- Wait. What?

[clears throat]

I want to say I'm sorry.

- I'm not big on apologies.

- I don't know what else
to say than, like, I'm sorry.

- Apologies are more
for the person doing the apology

than they are the person
that's receiving the apology.

- Okay.

- I think you can do
more in my eyes

by doing the best job
you know how to do.

- Mm-hmm.

No matter
what's going on in my brain,

I can't leave everybody,
like, hanging.

Like, I got to finish it off.

Well, I'm going to show you

that I really mean it
by putting my head down,

getting to work,
and putting 110% into this.

- I look forward to that.

We're down a deckhand.
We're down a chef.

I can't afford to be down a stew
right before a huge dinner,

but Rocky's
on thin [bleep] ice.

I don't even want
to talk to her.

- Well, thank you for letting me
come in here and apologize.

I'm going to get up
in that kitchen,

and I'm going to help out.

They still need dinner,
and I'm the only one

that can really crush out
a good dinner.

- [sighs]

- I feel like this charter
is never going to end.

Like, is this really
going to happen?

The next two hours
are going to be, like,

a marathon
where you need a strong finish.

- Dude.
- [sighs]

- Man, that guest
is going to love you.

I think that guest
is on the main deck aft.

- We had a good time today
out there cave diving.

- Hey.

- I feel like Leon
cooked so well

and did all of those meals
and made everyone happy.

- That's so [bleep] true.

- He got blamed for a fire
that wasn't his fault.

This is where I have to bite
my tongue and just take it.

- Going against it so much...

it's not going to be
in your favor.

If we keep fighting, we're going
to burn out ourselves.

Put your working hat on.

Enjoy yourself.

- Emile and I have
this awesome friendship,

and it's like you look me
in the eye,

and you're like, "I feel you.
I get why you're doing this."

I'm just, like, thankful.

Hug me.

- Mm.

- Mayday.
- Y'all going down.

- Hi. Yes, I was wondering,
do you guys have lava cakes?

This guest--he had his first
birthday cake ever at age 50.

How is that possible?

Okay, perfect.

And if you could write
"Happy 50th Birthday, Alan"?

- Kate has her chief-stew pants
ironed and pressed this evening,

because she's pulling out
all the tricks.

- We need some fireworks
at the marina tonight.

I don't care what it costs.

You know, the guests
have been drinking.

We have a lot
of stuff planned for them.

I'm not at all concerned
about the birthday dinner.

Worst-case scenario, we'll order
from a nearby restaurant,

and it'll still be better
than Leon's cooking.

Thank you.

[cork pops]

[woman screams]
- There we go.

Look at that.

- Boo-yah!

- We're going to pull off
the best white party...

- Of our lives.

Dinner's in about
an hour and a half,

and then we have fireworks.

- What's up for dinner?
What's your guys' plan?

Well, you do know
I went to culinary school.

You do know I am a chef.

Do you want some help
in that area?

- Of course. Yes.
- Okay.

- Fantastic.
- Okay.

- [chuckles]

At this point,
I don't have a choice.

Here's your chance,
Chef Rocky.

- Okay.
This is going to be okay.

Okay, okay.

Right now they need me.

I don't want them--They're in--
I got to get--Let's help.

Eddie! Do you want
to do something,

or do you want
to just stand around?

'Cause I have a million things
you can do.

- After the last meal
that Rocky cooked for us,

I couldn't let her cook
this meal on her own.

Does that look raw to you?


- Ooh.

- It's 8:17.

I'm going to go get this show
on the road.

- Look at this.
I'm really proud of us.

- Oh, yeah, Eddie, this salad
is going to be kick-ass.

- What are you putting that on?
What is that?

- Okay.
[Rocky laughs]

- Welcome to your all-white
birthday party.

- Wow.
- It's beautiful.

And it's intimate.

- It looks a little strange.

- I usually put cocoa nib
on this...

- Cocoa?

- Cocoa nib.
- No, no.

- It's like
a cookie-crumble thing.

- No, we can't put
that on there.

- Don't look, Eddie.
- I don't want to look at it.

- This is our tips.

I did this, like, New York
veggie scene salad

with, like, a...

- Eddie, that's, like,
food porn.

- Food porn, dude?
- That's food porn, man.

- Thank you.

Little bit of color
on the plate.

Like, black,
dark-brown color, and...

It was cool.

It was so cool.

- The guests are seated
at the table, so...

Why are there Oreos
in the vegetables?

- At this point, I'm like,

"Kate, don't even look at me."

My plan is just not talk
to her, do my job.

I'm going to make this happen.

Eddie, I need those plates.
- We got oysters.

- Boom. Little oysters.
Ooh, I have a great idea!

I've got my ideas.

It's going to taste amazing.
They're going to love it.

- What's in there?

- Grenadine.
It's a little strange.

- I had faith in Rocky, 'cause
all yacht chefs are crazy,

and she's definitely got
the crazy part down.

- I'm leaving.
- Amy, this is

a sweet-lemon vinaigrette
with a little grenadine.

- Don't say "grenadine."

- It's either this or nothing.

Let's just hope
they're too drunk

to tell there's grenadine
on the oysters.

- "Oh, my gosh,
you put grenadine

on the freakin' oysters?"

- These are pretty.

Let's put a little bit of lemon
on here.

- You can eat that,
whatever that is.

- I'm not sure who's looking
for extra oysters.

- You don't like--
Is it a texture thing?

- Okay.
Your next course is coming soon.

- You're not going
to eat your oyster?

- Dig in.

- Okay.

Uh, Kate and Amy?

- [retching]

- Primary went to go puke.

- Primary went to go puke?
- Yeah.

- The oysters?
- I don't know.

- Wait. What?

- Something tells me grenadine
on oysters

wasn't the best call.

- Alan, are you okay?

Is Rocky really trying
to help with this meal,

or is she still really upset
about Leon leaving

and she's trying to sabotage
this birthday dinner?

[toilet flushing]

- Primary's
in his bathroom puking.

- From what?
- I have no idea.

But that's why they didn't
bring anything up just yet.

- Did everyone eat
the oysters?

- I do not know.

So I came back out here.

- Good?

- [bleep].

God damn.

- Okay. All right.

- How do I get
this [bleep] pan hot?

This can't go on any longer.

Sorry, Rocky.
I'm taking charge now.

- [bleep], dude.
I don't know.

Now you're [bleep] making--
you're second-guessing me, so...

When Leon leaves,
Eddie doesn't have my back,

and it totally hurts me,

and then I'm cooking dinner,
and he's nervous

that I'm not going to be able
to, like, put it together.

It's super frustrating.

- We could just sear 'em
and cook 'em in the oven.

- I wanted to say a few things
about the man of the hour.

We love your sense of humor,

your smile
and your thoughtfulness.

- Everybody loves everybody.
Now let's go home.

- Yeah.

- Cheers, you guys.

- Okay, we're ready
to take 'em.

- So that and then the steaks
are going to go.

- The table's not that big.
You're going to have

to put the steak on the plate
with the vegetables.

- That's fine. Put it
right on top of the vegetables.

- I don't understand
why we can't just drop that off

and come back.

- Because we don't have time,
we don't have room.

That's why.

And hopefully that steak

will cover up the fact
that you put Oreos on a salad.

It's a win-win.

- So communication
would have been key there.

- I didn't know you wanted--
- Don't talk to me.

Don't talk to me.
- Enough.

Let's just get
through this dinner, please.

- Yeah, sure, Dad.
- Okay. Thank you.

Without getting attitude
with people.

Rocky's a lunatic.

I don't know how I was actually
involved with this girl.

That's it for me.

- It looks delicious.

- There you go.
There you go.

- Pardon me.

- The caves were definitely
a little tight.

- Is this a filet?
- It is...

with roast vegetables
and au jus.

And [bleep] Oreos.

- Beautiful.

- Coming up...

- You know what you're
really good at, Kate?

You're a jabber.
You just jab, jab.

- You know what you're
really good at?

- What?

leep] like,

"Hey, the table's really small.

We're only going
to be able to use one plate."

- You all right?

- I'm fine. Do you see
what I've been working with?

- Yes.
- It's ridiculous.

- It is, it is.
- It's disrespectful.

- Where's the [bleep]
communication there?

I don't know.

- You need
to calm down, honey.

- Let's eat.

- I hope this goes over
better than the oysters did.

- That's a good steak.

Their cooking here is amazing.
- Perfect.

- I don't think
I've ever had a bad meal here.

- Thank you, Jesus.

We just dodged an Oreo b*llet.

- Would anybody like
a glass of...?

- Yes.

- Well, actually,
he's fallen ill.

- Oh. That's a bummer.

- Yes. Unfortunately,

Leon has fallen ill
with unemployment-itis,

and there's no way
I'm bringing Rocky up here.

- Hey, Kate, could you meet me
on the main deck aft, please?


- Copy.

- Delivery.
- Thanks.

- World's heaviest cake...
- [laughs]

- And I don't know what that is,
and I don't know where--

- Oh. These are lava cupcakes.

- Oh.


And it's a disaster.

And our sweet charter guest

has never had a birthday cake
in his life.

At this point,
I'm just, like, delirious.

I cannot have
another thing go wrong.

Look at the cake, Amy.
- Hmm.

- Can we fix it with a spoon
and some whipped cream?

- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
- Okay.

Maybe some love,
some shaved chocolate.

- These guys are just so cool.

They're people
you want to hang out with.

- Everything's going
smoothly upstairs.

Now, downstairs--
much different story.

I just kind of fixed it
with my finger.

- Do you want candles?

- But I don't think
they'll notice.

Yeah, we've got candles.

Hopefully his eyes will be
so filled with tears of joy,

he won't notice the actual state
of his birthday cake.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

- Whoo!

[all cheering]

- Happy birthday.
- Wow.


- I want to turn 50
a couple more times.


- You literally got the best

a guy could ask for.
- No doubt.

- We have one last surprise
for you on the swim platform.

- I was happy with this.
That's crazy.

- You guys ready?

[fireworks exploding]

- Whoa!
- Whoo!

- Come on, fireworks?
- Oh, yeah.

- I love it!

- This has been the worst

I'm so relieved these guests
are finally leaving.

[all cheering]

- You just woke up a whole
island for your birthday.

- Attention all crew.

I need everybody
on the aft deck in five.

- I can't even look
at you right now.

- Let's go. Get it out here.
- What are you talking about?

This is the rest of the crew.

That's all that's left of us.
- Right?

- Works for me.

I just want to put this thing
to bed.

- Junior.
- Hello.

- Thank you.
- So great.

- Captain Lee.
- That would be awesome.

It's, like, 10:30 at night.

The guests seemed happy,
but honestly,

I'm just too tired
to even care,

and I hope they will never
approve another late departure.

- I don't know what to say.
- Happy birthday.

- It's a pretty
amazing birthday, yeah?

- You think?
- Once in a lifetime.

And from the bottom of my heart,
from my family to you guys,

thank you so much.

And a little something
for you and the crew--

you guys earned every dollar.

It was a pretty
amazing birthday.

- Glad we got to share it
with you, man.

- You take care.
- See you, buddy.

- All right.
- Thank you.

- Bye, friends.
- Bye!

- Happy birthday!
- Cheers.

- Love y'all.
- Salud.

- Let's wrap it up.
Everybody turn in.

We'll do the tip meeting
in the morning.

Good night.

- It's so nice
to see you cook, Rocky.

- Thanks, Kate.
I really enjoyed it.

I had a great time doing it.

This is actually what I usually
do instead of, like, do stew.

- Oh.

Well, Rocky...
- What? What, Kate?

- That wasn't the job
that is on the boat.

- Correct, Kate,
and I think I did

a really frickin' awesome job

stepping up
and doing the stew role.

- Yeah. You did, and I've always
told you that, right?

I told you you did
a great job, didn't I?

- [laughs]
Oh, God.

- Didn't I say
you did an amazing job,

you learned really quickly,
and I was so impressed?

She's just like
a ticking time b*mb

that I have to compliment,

and even when I compliment her,

I still end up
getting yelled at.

- Kate, you are awesome.
You are seriously awesome.

You are so awesome.
You are...

- I'm really confused.
- Amazing.

- I feel like you're
not being authentic.

I feel like I always told you--

- I'm not being authentic.
You're right.

Maybe I'm not being authentic
right now.

Chef left today,
and I think that was baloney.

You helped
make that decision, Kate.

You totally helped
make that decision,

and that's where my attitude
is right now.

- I don't even know
why he left.

- You know what you're
really good at, Kate?

You're good at these sharp,
little jabs.

You're a jabber.

You just jab, jab,
jab, jab, jab.

"Hi, my name's Kate."

- You know
what you're really good at?

- What, Kate?
Tell me.

- Showing no respect
for people

who have earned their position
and for positions--

You need to let me finish!

- When you want respect,
you got to give respect.

You have been so rude
to the chef, to me.

- I've been very nice to you.
- Wrong. Wrong.

- If you didn't think
I was nice to you,

you wouldn't still be here.

- And then walk
away from a conversation,

'cause I'm a child.

- At this point,
Rocky is useless to me.

Ain't nobody got time

for Rocky and her 17 different
[bleep] personalities.

- I'm done.
Done, dude.

- You're [bleep] awesome.
- I'm sorry, dude.

I've been trying my hardest.

How long can you try?
How long can I try?

- Rocky, I love you, okay?

[both laughing]

- Coming up...

- Hello, darling.

- What are you doing here?

- How's it going?
- Going good.

Lots of progress.

- That looks really good,

- Hi, Amy Jo.
- Hi.

- How are you?

- Good. How are you?
- Good.

- I don't know
what to say to Rocky,

because I feel like she owes us
all some sort of apology,

but I don't think she realizes
she did anything wrong.

- I'm having a hard time getting
in a good space with Rocky.

Like, how do you go
from jumping off the boat

and swimming away,
coming back like, "I'm here"?


- If Rocky's in a bad mood,

it's like, "Guys, I'm not
in the mood right now."

And then two seconds later,
she's like, "Hey!"

- She is eternally

on an emotional roller coaster
all the time,

and she expects us all to go
on the ride with her.

I don't care
if she apologizes.

I just want off the crazy ride

so that Amy and I can do
the real work.

- Words are easy.
- Yeah, talk is cheap.

And also, you were
a [bleep] bitch in the galley.

And your [bleep] plating sucks.

I'm already embarrassed
about what I did,

and it's hypocritical of me.

It's morally
and ethically wrong.

It goes against everything
that I stand for,

but then to have
her really go off the deep end

on the psychotic range...

And I just want
to distance myself from her

as much as I possibly can.

- I think we're all
just kind of, like, baffled that

that happened and that there's--
- No repercussions.

- Nothing,
or she's not even, like,

really sympathetic
about it.

I guess I'm just going
to keep on focusing on work

and get through
these next two charters.

- Yep, it's all we can do.

- Attention all crew.

I need everybody
in the crew mess in two.

- You got to stay with us
eight more days.

Eight more days.
Can't lose it yet.

- Fires,
stew abandoning ship,

Chef walking off mid-charter,
grenadine oysters--

this charter has been
an absolute disaster.

- What a [bleep]show, huh?
- [chuckles]

- Now you know why [bleep] lions
eat their young.

I think the worst one
I ever worked on,

but these guys were happy.

All right,
$17,500 split 9 ways--

$1,950 for each one of us.

Rocky. Emile.

- Rocky should have gotten down
on her hands and [bleep] knees

and apologized
to that entire crew

during the tip meeting.

- Got everybody, didn't I?

I have a bit of a surprise
for you guys this morning.

We're getting a new chef.

We will get through
the next two charters.

We got two left.
Don't let up, please.

We need to get busy.

Let's flip the boat.
- Thanks, Cap.

- I thought last night
was really lovely.

Chef would have been proud.

- Yeah.
You ask if you could be chef?

- That wasn't even an option.

I'm surprised, though.

At the same time,
I don't want to be...

- Oh, whatever.

- No, I don't want
to be chef with her.

- Oh.
Oh, okay.

- To be completely honest,
I'm just excited

to have some new blood.

They don't know me.

I don't know them.
They don't know anybody.

Like, no more negative stuff,
no more negative stuff.

Let's think positive.
[exhales deeply]

'Cause it can just make
you go crazy, you know?

[funky rock music]

♪ ♪

- Hello, darling.

[both laugh]

- What are you doing here?

- How's it going?
- Ah!

Oh, my gosh.

- Hello, lovelies.

I am Ben Robinson,
and I'm a yacht chef.


- This is Ben, our new chef.
both: Nice to meet you.

Looking a little pretty.
- He does look pretty right now.

He's so delicate.

- Unfortunately, I wasn't
available for Captain Lee

to start this season with him,

but I'm really,
really just happy to be here.

- Hey.
- Good to see you.

Thanks for the call.
- Oh.

- Yeah, I just thought I'd make
an effort for you, you know.

- Ben looks good.
He's great with the crew.

Great sense of humor.
It's 180 degrees from Leon.

- Do you mind if I ask
what happened with the chef?

'Cause it might help me.

- Um...
stubborn as hell.

- Mm-hmm.
- Not that you're--

- No, I just hide it better.

It's actually quite common

for a chef not to work out
during a charter season.

So I've actually been the guy
several times to rescue boats.

- But I think the biggest
problem down in the galley

is communicating
with the chief stew.

- It was like a funeral home
in there.

Nobody would speak.

- She needs, like,
a little release.

- [laughs]

- Just the man, huh?

- One way to put it.
- That one.

Kate and I didn't always
get on last season.

- I'm kind of tired
of listening to you talk.

- All right.
You're [bleep] at what you do.

She's [bleep] wrong.

- [sniffles]

- But since then, we've managed
to patch things up,

and we've had a couple of
romantic flings here and there.

You know, it's just sex,
though, isn't it?


Hello, love.
- Well, it took you long enough.

- I know.
It's a long swim.

- Oh, my God. I am so relieved
to see Ben on the boat.

Finally, there's going to be
some laughter in the galley.

- How's it all going?
- Better now.

- Good.
- Yeah.

- Let's check this little
monster out, shall we?

- I have no idea where Ben
and I are relationship-wise.

I mean, I love Ben.
We're best friends.

I love being around him,
'cause we laugh,

but I don't think we should date
because we're too alike.

- This is the new chef.

- No way.
Hi. I'm so excited.

We have a good chef to look by
when we walk through the galley.

- You're making me very bashful
right now, love.

[both laugh]

- Well...

I've heard quite a bit
about Ben from Kate--

that he's a lot of fun.

- Take you downstairs.

- And he's really good
in bed.


- Oh, my--
- Hello, love. How are you?

- Hi! Good!

- Hello.
It's good to see you.

- Have you come to save us?

- I don't know
what I'm here for.

- He is. He's our salvation.
- Oh, my gosh.

- I'm either going to save you
or ruin you.

[Eddie laughs]

- Ben brings a whole different
vibe and energy to the boat.

- Rocky, come on out.
- Yeah.

- Come out. This is Rocky.
- All right.

The anticipation's
k*lled me already.

I'm dead.
I'm half dead.

Ooh. Hello.
[door closes]

- This is Rocky.
- Hi.

- Ben. Nice to meet you.
- Raquel. You're the new chef?

- The chef's back.

- Oh, yeah, you've worked
with these guys.

- Yeah, I've worked
with these guys before.

That's right.
- Oh, cool.

- Well, really nice
to have you here.

That's awesome.

- Well, thank you.
Cheers. Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you also.
- Okay.

This is a little intense now.


Bloody hell.

- How are you feeling
about all this?

- So excited. Thank God.
- Yeah.

- I'm so relieved.
- Our room.

- [bleep] hell.
Nice one, mate.

- Yeah, buddy.
- Wow.

- Are you kind of wishing
you would have shared a room

with the man that left
so you could share again

the room with the man
that you had a room with?

- No.
- Okay.

- No.
- Okay.

Coming up...

- [bleep] Leon
was cocky.

- I don't want to talk
about this, so...

I was just having
a really good meal.

- All right.

♪ ♪

- Video games?

- Oh, yeah.

- It's good to see you, love.
- Yeah. I'm glad you're here.

I haven't seen you
in, like, four months.

- We've been speaking, though.
- Facebook counts.

- Someone hacked
into my account.

I never spoke to you.

I'm just kidding.

- It makes so much sense,
'cause the guy was so funny.

I was like,
"This doesn't sound like Ben."

- Oh, flattery will get
you everywhere, love.

- I know.

Ben's so positive, and he just
brings such a good vibe

to the boat, unlike Leon.

Do you like your room?

- Yeah, it's pretty cool,
and I like my roommate too.

- I'm glad.
You and Eddie.

It is what it is.
We got a new chef.

- I don't care.
It's a chef. Whatever.

- If you got a problem
with it, then...

- I don't think
anybody said that.

Leon's gone.

He's been my best friend,

and then here I listen to Eddie
putting him down.

It's really frustrating.

I don't want to talk
about this, so...

I was just having
a really good meal.

- [sighs]
- All right.

- Yeah, as I watch Rocky

with everything
in everyday life

or jump off the boat,
or do some crazy [bleep],

I'm embarrassed
to have ever been involved

with her in any way.

- My boys.
- What's good?

It's been you two
this whole time.

- Us?
- Mm-hmm.

- [bleep].

- [chuckles]
Why you saying [bleep]?

- So how have you been
finding this season?

- We've had really great
charter guests.

Amy and I--BFF.

- [bleep] hell.
- I know.

- Could I imagine the day?

- And Rocky--
she went to culinary school.

- [bleep].

- I know. Be nervous.
- I am.

- You should be.

- Well, you've got to hate
someone, don't you?

- Listen, I am always open
to hating more than one person.

You know that.

- Kate is not afraid
to have enemies,

even within her own department.

That's not the way I roll.

I'm just going to try
and make lighthearted of it

and be like,
"Listen, girl, you obviously--

"You know, you need an enemy.
It's great you have one.

I'm really happy for you."

- Connie is k*ller.

She wears camo
and loves to k*ll fish.

- You in a nutshell.
- Mm-hmm.

- The hunter.
Kate the hunter.

- Actually, I have been
called "the hunter."

It was for a different animal.

- Maybe a human?

- A specific breed.

- With...

sort of
floppy genitalia?


- Not usually.

- Not when you're around.

[clicks tongue]
I like that.

Here we go again.

Very, very kinky.

- Next time on "Below Deck"...

- No, [bleep] me.

I just want you
to trim the spill.

- Finally I have somebody else
to put Rocky in her place.

- [bleep] this.

- We have co-primaries.

- She's a housewife
of Atlanta.

- You guys cannot tell
us "no," right?

- Absolutely.
- I love South Africa.

- [giggles]

- Oh!
[women screaming]

- I want a kitten.


- Now I want a dog.

- The new deckhand's going
to be here in about 20 minutes,

and it's somebody you know.

- The guests canceled dinner.
- What?

- They're so full
from the appetizers.

- [bleep]. Kate k*lled dinner
with that platter.

- Ben is a diva, and he
overreacts about everything.

That's [bleep].
- Oh, God.

- That's not my job.

- Okay, you're going
to be a d*ck? Why?