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03x03 - Pretty Cheeks

Posted: 04/21/24 11:57
by bunniefuu
- Previously on "Below Deck"

- When you're working on
the deck, I'm in charge of you.

- I got hired on this boat
for my engineering skills,

not to be bossed around
by a guy on deck.

- But I am your boss.

- The way Donny interacts with
Eddie is completely wrong.

- I can't have
my personality here?

That's not normal yachting?

- Sháá.
- Let go of that line.

- I understand your forte
is in engineering,

but on this boat,
you're a deckhand.

- Last night I wake up to a text
from my little brother.

Dad had a heart attack,
and he passed away.

So if I've been
on my cell phone,

it's just kind of trying to keep
in touch with my brother.

- Of course.

- I don't have a ton of
experience doing laundry.

- This is a giant red flag
for me because every stewardess

loves the laundry room.

- Let's go in quick.
This is sick.

- Climbing on the radar,
I can't just let that slide.

Carry these down
and put them in the cooler.

- In the master bathroom,
that tub,

and then also the toilet
next to it.

- I'm losing my mind,
like, losing it.

[horn blows]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[woman cries]

[cell phone rings]

- Good morning.
- Dad, this is so intense.

My boss is so negative.

I don't think I can
put up with this, Dad.

Well, I don't want
to live then.

She's taking me over.

Dad, she talks to me
like I'm a fáááing ááááá.

She's winning.

- You got to figure it out
or bail out.

You can't change anything
about her.

All you can change
is how she affects you.

- So I have to work on it.
I have to work on it.

- Bye-bye.


- I don't cry, so if I'm crying,
then it's kind of serious.

So when I need advice, like,

the people that know me
the best are my parents.

Just to hear the reassurance
from them makes me feel better.

- Baby.
- Sorry, I'm losing it.

- Don't apologize. I get you
have your frustrations.

I know what you're going
through, so I'm gonna,

like, try and help
alleviate the situation,

you know what I mean?
- Awesome.

- Because I believe in you.

I sympathize for Rocky.
I've worked with Kate

before where we have been
on opposing ends.

If I can be there and help
alleviate some of the stress,

by all means I'm gonna do it.

- I cannot run away from her.

So I'm learning
how to adapt to this person

who would normally
never be in my life.

I got to figure this out,

You got to figure out a plan,

because for me to quit now,
that's not me.

I'm not a quitter
and I'm not gonna let Kate win.

- I'm gonna--it's gonna be--
We're gonna be--

- Okay, okay, okay,
okay, okay.

- Oh, hello, pound it out.
I got you.

- Okay, love you.
Love you.

- I need Kate, Eddie,
and Chef up in the wheelhouse.

- OMG.

- Saw that, did you?
- I did.

- This is our new charter guest,
Mr. Slover.

- Oh, my gosh. I'm so excited.

- It's your charter guest
soul mate.

- I love him.

- So these people
you've had on boat before?

- Yeah.

- You come off kind of bitchy
and we don't want that.

- Aww.

- Someone did the towel
in the form of a penis.

I thought it was hilarious.

- What have you got lined up
for these guys?

- The first night's gonna be
like a black tie formal night.

He likes it when we respect
the schedule he provided us.

- So--
- 8:30 on the dot?

- I know he likes
theme parties.

- We've got color.
We've got music.

- Dance party!

- So I think it
would be really cool to do,

like, a Greek-themed party
and, like, togas,

every guest could be
a different god.

- Themes are not my cup of tea,

but the people seem to enjoy it.

Now, I've got a few
little ideas like

a deconstrted Greek salad?
- I love it.

- I'm just gonna concentrate
on my food.

Would it be something
I'd want to do? No.

- Have you come up
with any new towel art?

- Yeah, I have
a few ideas actually.

- [laughs]
- Yay!

[upbeat music]

- Our primary,
we've had him on board before.

- Oh, good.
- Oh, good.

- He's really nice,

and his friends
are always young,

and attractive,
and active, yeah.

- You guys get along,
you and him?

- Yeah, as friends.
- Hm.

- It's just the level we're on.
- This should be fun then.

- So fun.
- So fun.

- Okay, so what we need
to work on now...

- Okay.

- Rocky, you doing laundry?
- I'm in laundry.

- Thank you.

Hey, Eddie.

We're having a toga party,
any ideas?

- Togas.
- I like it.

- What is this?
- Is it a mermaid tail?

You, like,
put your feet in here,

and there's, like, a tail
that goes on over it.

- Where did that come from?

- Definitely Rocky.
- Rocky, Eddie.

Is this your mermaid tail?

- Yes. You know what,
I couldn't find it.

That's a monofin.
- A monofin.

- There's a whole outfit.
- You actually have one?

- I have a dope
mermaid costume, but--

- You know--
- Listen--

- And done.

- Of course
I brought my mermaid tail.

You can't--I don't travel--
it's like my passport,

my bikini,
and my mermaid tail.

So I don't know, maybe mermaid
will come out, but--

- I hope she comes out on
charter for the charter guests.

- You guys should be like,
"Oh, my God, there's a mermaid.

There's a mermaid!"
And I'll be like--


- Rocky wearing her mermaid tail

doesn't make Amy
and I's life any easier,

but it is kind of perfect
for a Greek theme party.

We're a two-stewardess team.

- It's on. It's on.

- Two stewardesses
and a mermaid.

♪ ♪

- Hey, Emile and Connie?
- Copy.

- We need to do this water line.

- Copy.
- A lifejacket for my legs.

- That's what's gonna
make you float.

That is hilarious.
Here we go.

- What is it?

- It's so nice.
- Oh.

- Oh, yeah, see?

- Oh, my God.
It feels so good.

Being that I sleep with Emile--

oh, that sounded really bad.

Being that Emile
and I share rooms,

the more I get to know him,

the more I realize
that there is no way in hell

Emile and I would ever be

I don't know
about the funeral.

Just because I didn't have
a relationship with my dad,

doesn't mean I have no heart

for the way
my brother feels about him,

because he's my best friend.

So not being able to be there
for my brother...

that sucks.

- You know,
you can't choose your family.

- Yeah.
- You get your family, so.

- Yeah.
- It's like that.

I hope Connie can make peace
with what happens,

because it is still her blood.

And even if someone
isn't there for you,

it doesn't mean you don't
have to be there for them.

- Ah.

Was that you?

Can we clean?

♪ ♪

- Your hair's getting wild.

- Bedhead.
What you got?

- Yes, I actually
have a cool idea so we can,

like, not have what happened
the other day

happen with that whole line
in the bow.

- the spring line.
- Okay.

- It's not loose, it's tight.
I'm looking at it.

- I'm just gonna mark it.
That way when we come in,

I can just set it exactly
where it's supposed to be.

- I think that's
more of a question

to talk to Captain Lee about.

- Yeah, I mentioned it to him.
He's perfectly fine.

- He's fine with it?
- He's cool. Yeah.

- Yeah, man. Good idea.
- Oh, really? Okay, cool.

Thanks, man.

- Don's on his own team.
He doesn't have teams.

He doesn't care about me.

I thought he would be
on my team.

You know, he is, supposedly,

a deckhand first,
engineer second,

but he doesn't think that.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪


- Entertain me.

- You want me to entertain you?

- I feel like I'm stuck
in laundry.

Emile just fricking
left me the other night.


- What is that? What?

- But the thing is,
he's a good guy,

and he has a good heart,

and his head's
in the right direction,

so does he have a chance
to get a little smoochy smooch?

Only if he can play
smooth operator.

- I'm in the mood, though.

- How can you not partake
in flirting with Rocky?

But I'm not sure
if Rocky is just a tease,

or if there
is something else there.

Oh, this is so weird.
[whip noise]

No, I can't do this.
- More.

- She's batsháá crazy.

- I want--I want three more.
- This is too weird.


- Okay, just stop it.


[upbeat music]

- Pull this out
and I'll pull this in.

- This thing is in knots.

- Here you go, Emilio.
- Did you call me Emilio?

It's Emile. It's French.

- Can't I call you Emilio?
- No.

- You don't like that?
- No.

- Oh, Amy.

I can't see my epaulet shirt

- I hate not having the uniforms
done the day of, I hate it.

- This is a disaster.

Rocky was in charge of laundry
and we don't have time

for people to be
messing up like this.

I think Rocky grew up
being told

she is the best
at everything.

"Oh, good job.
You woke up.

You're the best
waker-upper ever."

What job can I put her on?

Okay, all right,
we got to get going.

- Seven minutes, guys.

- Can I get an ironed shirt?

Are these all ironed
or just hanging?

- I don't know.

- Five minutes before
I'm supposed to be on deck

and meet the charter guests
and I cannot find my uniform,

I can't find my pressed pants.

Nothing is ironed correctly.

And it's gonna
make us look like sháá.

Do you guys
all have ironed whites?

- Yes, sir.
- Good.

I think you have one of mine.
What's your shirt size?

- Small.
- You need small?

This is a small?
- Mm-hmm.

- This is a medium.
This is yours.

- You don't have
something now?

- I'll take this one.

This one works because he
wears smalls, I guess.

- This is just out of control.

Emile has Eddie's shirts.

Eddie has the Captain's shirts.

I have Rocky's shirts.

It's a disaster.

- I'm smaller
than both you guys.

I wear a medium.
- Watch, put the medium on--

- Last time I checked
we are not at a Chippendale's.

- This is a disaster.

Nothing is ironed.
I had to iron this.

Yeah, someone's really screwing
the pooch in the laundry.

I had all my laundry in a bag.
Now it's everywhere.

I don't know where any
of my shorts have gone.


- The biggest boat
in the harbor.

- Here they come.

- You guys, they're moving.
- Uh-oh.

- Deck crew, deck crew,
I want you all out here now.

- Coming up.
- We're rolling one fender over.

It takes two seconds.
You put it right back.

Think about it.
What am I doing right now?

- Bro, you're just not
right for this, man.

You know that, right?

- Here they come.
- You guys, they're moving.

- Uh-oh.

- Deck crew, deck crew,
I want you all here now.

- Will you grab the silver tray,
round tray?

You grab six glasses.
[cork pops]

It's on the espresso machine
in the sous pantry.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Whew.

- Okay, show time.

All right, guys.
Rock and roll.

Dean, how are you?

- Very good, Captain.
- Welcome back.

- Nice to see you again.

- I've had Dean as a guest
many times now,

and every time
I've got to raise the bar.

Hi. I just want to knock
Dean's socks off.

- Hi, I'm Kelley,
nice to meet you.

- I'm Dean.
- Awesome.

- Dean is a man that knows
exactly what he wants

and expects
that refined service.

We've got your number
and we're gonna get it

good this time
and I'm excited.

- Kate will give you a tour
of the new boat.

- Okay.

- And we'll get this
party started.

- Awesome.
- We're ready.

- Let's go.
- Right this way.

I'm so excited to have Dean back
because he's a guest

whose preferences I'm aware of.

Dining salon, but I doubt
you guys will be dining here.

- No.
- Yeah.

- You've got to be outside.

- No surprises,
just be perfect.

- You are going to love
this master.

- I do love
the panoramic view,

and the artwork
in here is stellar.

- Yeah.
- Yes.

It is really good.

- And a palm tree?

- No, you know, it's just--

- It's like a rocket ship.
It's amazing.

- I guess I could
see that, maybe.

- Yeah.
- Rocket ships don't have nuts.

- I like the palm tree because
it's got a very straight trunk

and then it flumes out
in an expl*si*n of pom-poms,

and then it's got big roots
on the bottom.

It just came to me.

I've never done this
one before, either.

It's just beautiful
and geographically appropriate.

- Every boat's different,
but I like this one better

so far from what I see.

- Also a really great sundeck
for lunches maybe?

- Exactly.

Can I have a splash more of that
while you're here?

- Of course.

- Ah, this is gorgeous.

I can't wait
to get out there.

- Do we have everybody
in position now?

- Ready.
- Donny, you on the bow?

- Sir, I'm on the bow
ready to rock and roll.

- Okay, let's go bow to stern.

Let's get the bow line off
and then move our way back.

- When are we expected
to leave?

- I hear that the engine's
running, so very soon.

- Breeze is picking up
just a little bit.

Let's step up on those lines
let's go.

Let's go with that stern line.

- Stern line's off.

- Oh, we're moving.

- Let me know
when that bow cleared.

[lively music]

- Hey, Donny,
are you still up on the bow?

- Yes, sir.

- Hey, could you
help put those fenders away?

That would be great, man.
Thank you.

- Yeah, yeah.

Jeez, what is he doing?

- Yeah.

- You were better off just
tossing it high, then we could

always lower it down that way
we have room for walking.

Where it should be.

- We can only do
that when we get in dock.

- Put these over
and actually tie these up.

Everything's on,
their out of the way

so we're not hopping
over each other

and getting stuck.
You stuck back there?

- Dan does not want that.

- Dude, you got to think
about something real quick.

Think about the bigger picture
for a second.

When you guys get
in these small little moments--

- I'll take the blame for it.
Just put it on me.

We're rolling one fender over.

It takes two seconds,
and you put it right back.

Think about it for a second.

I don't think it should really
take an engineer

to figure this one out.

It's a very common fix
for a very easy problem.

Think about it.
What am I doing right now?

- Bro, you're just not
right for this, man.

You know that, right?
- Don is very aggressive.

He might have too high a level
of testosterone or something.

- You're off.

♪ ♪

- What do you plan
on serving for lunch?

- If the guys go fishing,
I'd like to do fish.

If we can catch a fish
this afternoon it would be nice.

- Okay.
- Fresh fish.

As a chef, it's...

what we live for.

So if you could
just drop that?

- Tell the deckhands
to catch dinner?

- Well, I'm trying to, yes.
Say, "Hey, Chef Leon

"says is it possible
you can catch him a fish?"

- Sure thing. I mean,
should they also row the boat?

Maybe collect rainwater
for drinking?

This isn't an Outward Bound

this is a luxury yacht.

- Keep them going with drinks
and then they

keep on giving me--
supplying me with fresh fish.

- If we could get
them to clean their own cabins,

we'd really have it made.

- You guys all right?

- Yes, never.
- You didn't want it like that.

- Yup.

- And Don wants us to do that.

- I said you put the lines on,
you roll one over,

you crawl through instead
of going all the way around.

You don't listen. You're too
hooked up on what he has to say.

- We'll just keep them on deck.
Can you walk over them?

Are you able
to walk over it?

- Wee been walking around
going through the whole time.

It just...

- I don't know
what the big deal is.

- I don't understand why
it's so necessary for Don

to try to be pulling rank
and stating his dominance.

Connie and Emile got an order
from the first officer

not to put fenders over the side
while you're underway.

He needs to follow orders
with no questions.

- [laughs]

♪ ♪

- So what are we having
for lunch?

- Hopefully,
we're going fishing.

When we get to anchor,
I'm thinking...

hopefully we should get
the rugs out. Yeah.

That would--
that would be awesome for me,

so between all six
of you guys...

you better catch something.
- So we need to catch our food?

- Yes, I've been just dying
to lobster dive.

Lobster and conch.

We were thinking
about some conch ceviche?

Do you know
how to manipulate conch?

- Yes. It's a little bit
like a woman.

You've got to tenderize it.

I've never opened a conch shell
in my life.

When you get the conch
on the boat,

don't bring me the shell.
Make sure it's out of the shell.

- We love a good ceviche
at every meal.

- The deal is,
you get me the fish,

ceviche breakfast
and lunch, okay?

- All right.
- Beautiful. Enjoy.

- You catch it, I'll cook it.

- This is a new kind of trip.

- It's a bring-your-own-catch.

- Bring your own conch.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Ready on the anchor? On
my mark give me one seven five.

- One seven five is out.

- Crew, we have a guest that
wants to jump off

the starboard side.

- Dude, I have not

jumped in the water.

I'm totally going nuts.

I mean, I walk by the kitchen,
Leon gets to make food,

I walk by the guys, they're,
like, parking the tender,

and I'm downstairs
in the dark dungeon

just pretending I'm in Fiji.

- Rocky, Rocky. Kate.

- Yes, Kate.
- What's your location?

- Down in the crew pantry
tidying up

and tidying up laundry.
- Okay.

- Gotcha.

Just please remember
to turn the iron off.

- [laughs]

- That's a really
big bikini, Bridget.

What's going on?

- All right, ready?

- Whoo!

- Connie, Lee, are you free?

- Sure thing.

- They're gonna
want to do some fishing.

- Awesome.
- So, if we can get them

some lobster
and get them some conch.

- I'm so excited.

Anytime somebody says diving,
lobsters, fishing, yes, please,

because that's all I want
and love to do.

- Thank you, dear.
- Yeah.

- Here you go.
- You ready?

- Whoo!

- I've got my painkiller.

- Is everybody ready?

♪ ♪

- I'm gonna lift it
and then you guys just go at it.

You're holding it?

Yes, this is finally
what I'm good at.

This is what I have.

Lobsters, conch, put me on them,

and I will get them.

They're all scattered all over.

♪ ♪

- The guests are not back yet,
and it's 1:05.

They'll probably be a little
hungry when they return.

- Yep.

- So how much lead
in time do you need?

- It all depends on what they're
bringing back to me, Kate.

- Right.
All yacht chefs are crazy,

but Leon's...just lazy.

He's crazy lazy.

They know if they come back
empty-handed, there's no lunch.

- Coming up.

- I'm gonna do that conch
on the bow.

The shell is harder
than I really imagined.

- I'm so hungry.

- I'd like to know
what's happening.

- I'm getting ready
to hit the panic button.

- Ahhh!

♪ ♪

- I got one!

- It bites. Ahhh!
- [screams]

♪ ♪

- A monster dive.

- Wow, there's a lot more
than I thought.

- Yeah,
you guys did a good job.

- Everybody get in.
Time for lunch.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Eros, Eros.

We are in route.
We will be there momentarily.

- Copy.

- That was a lot of fun.
- Thanks, Eddie.

- Yeah, my pleasure, guys.
I hope you had fun.

- Hi, Dean.
How are you doing?

Let me grab your drink.

We have it for you
right downstairs.

- Can you tell him
we're ready for lunch?

- Sure.

- Can I put this in there?
- Yeah, put them in there.

- Dibs on the shell.

- As long as he doesn't think
I'm a miracle worker.

- You're not?

- How, Leon, are you
a yacht chef in the Bahamas

and not know how to take conch
out of a conch shell.

That is such a staple
in the Bahamian diet

because there's conch

- Cheers.
- To a fun day.

- The guests are seated
at the table for lunch.

- I've got to do that conch
on the bow.

The shell is harder
than I really imagined.

- I'm so hungry.
- We had such a big day.

It's time for lunch.
- I'm exhausted.

- I'm getting ready to hit
the panic button.

I have frozen conch

that I can just pull out
of the fridge.

- Hey, Leon, the guests
are seated at the table.

Would you like me
to start them with a salad?

- No, give me 10 minutes.

- Be right back.

I do not understand Leon.

I made it clear that Dean
is a stickler for time.

♪ ♪

[seagulls cry]

♪ ♪

- I'd like to know
what's happening.

- Oh, wow.
- So this is ceviche?

- Conch ceviche.

- I'm impressed with
how fast you got that out.

- Would you care
for a little ceviche?

This is the conch
that you guys caught.

all: Oh.

- This is the lobster
you caught.

- That looks so good.
I must try the ceviche.


It is ridiculously good.
- Oh, my God.

That ceviche is amazing.
- The chef has outdone himself.

This is exactly
the type of meal I love.

- I'm so pleased.
It's the food you caught.

- It is amazing.

- I admit at first
I wasn't so sure about Leon,

but he's really proved himself.

All the guests love his food,
and Dean's a tough judge.

- Happy hunting, guys.
Good job.

- Oh, the shell's still here.

You got it out
without breaking it?

- This was a pain in the ass.

- Wait, when did you
break open the conch shell

they just ate?
- That's not your business.

- I'm starting to sense
a little discrepancy

in what I'm seeing
and what I'm hearing.

I'm all for a few easy tricks
on the guests.

I don't love
that he lies to me.

We should all be a team.

- Can you bring
the chef out to explain

how he did the ceviche?
It's by far my favorite dish.

- Chef, they want you
to go and explain

how you did the ceviche.

- Kate didn't need to know.

All she needed to know
is she had conch salad.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Questions, ladies, gentlemen.

- We loved the ceviche.
- Right.

- How do you prepare it?

- Take it out of the shell...
- Uh huh.

- With great difficulty.

You've got to chip away at it
with a little hammer,

and then get a knife
and cut it,

and then you've got to rip
it out.

- Wow, Leon.
That does sound difficult.

Imagine how tired you'd be
if you'd actually done it.

- We really appreciate it.
- Not a problem.

- It was an amazing lunch.
-Thank you, guys.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

- To Chef.
- Thank you.

- To Chef. Cheers.
- Cheers.

- Beans, tomatoes, ketchup,

you need one of those
strong men.

- Holy sháá.

- Tiny.
- Yeah.

- Watch your hand.
- I'm good.

- You know what,
do you have a job right now?

- What do you need?
- You're so strong,

and I need you...
- Shut up, you're so stupid.

Rocky, oh, my goodness.

She is goofy, outgoing, somebody
you can have fun with.


- When did you get into fitness?

- A few years ago I got hit
by a drunk driver,

and it took me out.
- Whoa.

- Broke my eye socket
and I broke my nose right here,

broke my tibia and fibia,

and left me for dead
on my Harley Davidson

there on the side of the road.

I couldn't walk for,
like, six months.

- You couldn't walk
for six months?

- I wasn't like, chubby,
but I...

had a little bit of a belly,
so last year

I started training
and dieting,

and fell in love with it.

We have to be
the best people we can be,

and this kinda made me into
the humble character I am now.

I'm really lucky to be here.

- Yeah, I'm into
the workout thing.

- Yeah. I guess
when I'm not on charter

I'm gonna go swimming
and get the paddleboard.

- Yeah, let's do that.

I have yet
to jump in the ocean.

- Connie?
- What you up to?

- They fight?
Who? Why?

- I need you to tell me who's
having issues. Is it Donny?

- Kate, he's being an engineer
not a deckhand and,

don't get me wrong, I'm new.
I'm the lowest one.

I have no room to talk...
- Oh, Donny boy.

- But he's saying
we are not using our heads.

We were like--
- Donny boy.

I've never seen
him as a deckhand.

- Really?

- I've only seen him
as an engineer,

and he's great at it.

When I first
started working with Don,

I thought he was annoying,

but the truth is,
I was most impressed by Don

when I saw how great
of an engineer he was.

He can fix anything.

- It wasn't good.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- We'll make the napkins
into little bow ties.

Theme colors are black,
red, silver.

I'm not surprised at all

when Dean requested
a black tie dinner party.

He's elegant, classy,

- Oh, how lovely.

- I like the Versace underwear.

- Ooh, my goodness.

- When I think black tie,
I think of a man in a tuxedo,

a bow tie, jacket, pants.

I guess you forgot your pants.

- You look so handsome.

All you boys do.

It's like a mullet,

business in the front,
party in the back.

Formal on top,
naked on the bottom.

- I love a man
in a good suit.

♪ ♪

- Cinderelly, Cinderelly,

- I'm looking for Cinderella.
Prince Charming is here.

- Don't leave me
like Cinderella.

Can I go to the ball?
Can I go to the ball?

Don't lock me in here.


Where's Prince Charming?

- It's beautiful.

So we have our first course,

a citrus cured mahi, cucumber,
and Italian vinaigrette.

- That looks beautiful.
- Enjoy.

- Hey, what is in that
green sauce?

- Yeah, it's very good.
- If someone wanted to, like,

elect to, like,
put that on my body later

I would like to, like, do that.
- Yeah.

- I want to know what's in it.

- Kate, do you know
what's in the green sauce?

Bridget's obsessed with it.
- I'll ask him.

What's in the green sauce
they want to know?

- I call it house dressing.
I call it my house [inaudible].

That's my house [inaudible].
- They love it.

Would you be happy to give out
the recipe of that dressing?

- No.

- He owns a bunch of
restaurants. It might be a good
person to--

- Then he needs to talk to me
about business then, doesn't he?

- Oh, okay.

- I make the same house dressing
for the last 14 years.

It is the b*mb.

I could bottle it and sell it
I think, if I really wanted to.

But I'm not stupid.
I'm smart.

I'm not going
to save it to somebody else.

- I don't know what the hell's
going on with him.

- I don't like him at all.

- They're paying a lot of money
to be on this yacht.

I think you can give them
a salad dressing recipe.

It's actually Leon's,
what he calls his

house dressing,
and it's mint, basil, tarragon--

I have no idea
what's in this sauce.

All I know is it's green.

White balsamic.

- That's like pesto.

- Is it pesto?
Sure, maybe.

Basil, Italian dressing, Caesar,
it's all those things.

Whatever you want.

I, um--dijon mustard.

- Oh, it's mustard.


- I didn't taste the mint.
It was delicious.

I wouldn't have picked
those ingredients--

- Right.
- But it's so good.

It's amazing.

♪ ♪

- Rosemary chicken
with summer vegetables.

- Mm. Cheers
to a beautiful night.

all: Cheers.

- Thanks, guys.
- I love you, guys.

- Look at that hair.

- I lost my hat already.
- How'd you lose it?

- I don't know.

- Hey, dude,
would you do me a favor?

- Um hm.
- Go easy on Emile.

If he doesn't listen
right away, be like, "Okay."

If this arguing continues,
I mean,

it's gonna be
really, really bad.

I want to see everything
run smoothly. That's all I want.

- He needs to just
slow it down.

- I think we all need
to slow it down.

- Yeah, yeah,
I agree with that.

So what do you think
about that--

What do you think
about Rocky?

- I don't know, man.

- But it's too early
out of the gate?

- Man, if you want something,
just go and get it.

- Rocky, ooh, and I tell him,
I'm like,

"Girl. Mm, mm, mm."

Oh, man, what
would I do with that girl.

She'd get me in trouble.

Crazy or do you think
she's sane?

- Yeah.

Yeah, you--


♪ ♪

- What's your desert course,

- It's a summer puddin'.

- That almost sounded country.

Summer puddin'.
- Summer puddin'.

- Puddin'.

♪ ♪

- Mm.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- So, can you go to the master
and, like,

kind of spruce it up for me?

- Okay.
- Thank you.

- Okay.

Never get a break.

I'm letting Kate get to me.

I can't let her get to me.

- You can't change anything
about her.

- Yeah.

- All you can change
is how she affects you.

- So I have to work on it.

Team positive.

I'm so fáááing
over this already.

- Dean just told me
that dinner was perfect.

Your food. Our service.

Everything perfect.
- Yay!

- Good job.
- Thank you. Team effort.

I'm not here to please Kate.

Kate's all about herself,
making herself look good.

And as we would say it back
in England, not my cup of tea.

- So you're
quite the talented chef.

Tell me how you
started getting into it.

- Cooking?
My dad, I think.

- So your dad was a chef?
- No, he wasn't a chef.

He used to do a bit
of cooking and things like that.

I used to just follow suit
as a kid.

That's how I got into it
more than anything else.

- So when did you decide
to make it your career?

- I started off at McDonalds.
- Nuh-uh!

- You have to start somewhere.

Worked in some amazing

in the North East of England.

And then from London
I went to the Caribbean.

Started working on cruise ships.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You started out in cruise ships?

- Yeah.

- What was the first cruise ship
you worked on, cruise line?

I've never been on a cruise.
- The Queen--The QE II.

- Okay.
- You know the QE II?

- No, but didn't you say
it was more like a small,

but high end cruise ship?
- No, no.

The QE II is a classic.

- This guy
is clearly not a yachtie.

Cruise ships are the Walmart,
and yachts are Neiman Marcus

and everyone knows that.

Thank you for sharing
that with me.

- Sure, no problem.

- I really enjoyed it
and I'm not--

- You'll be back
for the next episode.

- Yeah, stay tuned.

- Coming up.
- Whoo! Whoo!

- All is see is
these pretty butt cheeks,

and I follow
like a dog in heat.

- Do me a favor,

and hop out
as quickly as you hopped in.

Donny, would you come up
to the bridge please?

- Hello.

We're having
a tooth cleaning party.

Are yours real?
- Wait, do they not look real?

- I don't know.
Mine aren't.

- Shut up.
- What? Let me see.

- I have fake teeth.
I was born that way.

I was missing six of them.
- She's lying.

- Ah.
- Let me see. Let me see.

- Now I just got these two,
and they come in and out.

When I'm drunk
I put them in people's drinks.

It I sneeze they fall out.

I lost them at a bar
the other night.

Luckily they have my last name
on them.

So then I, like, get sober
and I'm like,

"Did I really
drop my teeth at that bar

and put them back in?
Yes, I did."

I'm looking
for a sugar daddy dentist

who's ready to, you know,
make these things permanent.

Like, I'm 28
and I carry denture cleaner.


Can you come up
to help me clear please?

- Yeah,
the guests are happy.

- That's good. That's really--
at the end of the day,

that's all that matters.
- Yeah. Leon's a great chef.

- He's a great chef,
but he worked on cruise ships

and not yachts.
- Cruise ships?

- Yeah.
- Are you serious?

- It explains so much.
- Wow.

- He's used to being
in a big commercial kitchen,

that's why he's always
barking orders.

- Slow down cowgirl.
This is not that big of a deal.

I mean, he's a chef.
He's working on a yacht.

So, I mean, that,
I guess, makes him a yacht chef.

- Oh.

Well, that's an interesting

- It's an interesting

of what I already knew.

Even the best cruise ship

isn't up to the standards
of a yacht.

It's like a quality
versus quantity measure.

I'm gonna go check
Dean's room.

- Oh.

Gonna check Dean's room.

- Rocky?
- Yeah.

- So the rooms downstairs
are done?

- Yeah, but you know,
towels have been an issue.

- There's more
in the master suite

if you want to go
grab some real quick.

Okay, I'll go grab those.

Rocky didn't even
take the covers off the bed.

It's called turn down
for a reason.

The clue is in the name.

- Gonna fáááing lose it.

- Rocky,
I'm gonna go to bed now.

- I'm so over you right now.

- Rocky's experience
and worth ethic

is just creating
more work and stress for me.

We're better off without her.

[curious music]

[door closes]
- Where's Dean?

- Hey, Dean went to sleep.
- Dean's in his room?

- Yeah, no, he's gone.
- I'm gonna have a beer

and go to bed.

- I was having a panic attack

because I heard Dean
saying he was going to bed,

and I went down to check,

and it wasn't turned down.

Rocky just left all the blankets
on the bed.

It's crazy.
It didn't have water,

the lights were on,
the shades were open.

Like, if the shades
are open in that room,

they're gonna wake up early.
- Yeah.

- And make more work for us.
- Absolutely.

- I just feel like Rocky's
here more for fun

than for a career.
- Yeah.

I guess, considering
the lack of experience,

I think she's doing well.

- She's not wanting to learn.
- Yeah, well.

We can teach this girl.

I'd much rather
work with somebody

that's got a positive attitude
and fun to be around

that doesn't know much,

than somebody that has a lot
of experience and is a negative,

you know, stick in the mud.

I think she can handle tasks,

but I think that we might have
to help

reel it in and keep her focused
on those tasks.

- Oh, yeah. You have to give
her very specific jobs.

- Yeah.
- Cool.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I like this room
so much better.

- You gonna get weird
when I stare at you

in the middle of the night?
- No. I don't think so.

Maybe. Probably.

[exhaling slowly]

Oh, God. Morning.

- What's up?
- Good morning.

How are you?

- What's up?

- Emile, have you worked
on a lot of charters

or mostly private yachts?

- Charters and private.

- Do you want a little bit
of this? It's just espresso.

It's a little cold,
but it's espresso.

- Yes, I need espresso.
I need that energy.

- You want it hot though.

You want, like, a fresh hottie,
but you have to wait.

Do you want to wait,
are you patient?

- For a fresh hottie?
Yes, I'm a patient guy.

But I can take a cold--

- See. Okay, go for it.

Emile doesn't get it.
Here's a hot chick.

She's right here,
do you want her?

I want it, I really want it,

and he, he's just like er-er.

Like, see, you couldn't wait for
the fresh hottie and you took--

You think this is funny.
- You're going crazy.

- We're gonna pop
the inflatable in.

- All right, Dean.
There's the hot dog.

- I need a life jacket, because
I can't do hot dogging

without one.
- He's got life jackets.

- All right.

♪ ♪

- Girl, why aren't you on break?

- I am on break.

Um, would it be okay
if I swim in the water

and then pop right out
if I get seen?

- Let me ask the captain,
but I'm sure if all the guests

are off the boat, it's fine.
- Okay, sweet.

- The guests are off the boat
the same time as her break.

If she wants to go swimming,

Hopefully it will fix
her attitude.

Rocky's on break and wanted
to know

if she could go for
a quick swim?

- Sure.

- Whoo!

- Have fun.
- Bye.

- Look at you. Damn, girl.

- Stop, you guys.
- I came for the show.

Wooo! Yee ha, woman.

I'm just gonna hang out
and relax.

- Yeah, ha ha.

This feels so good.
Yeah, yes, yes.

This is why I got
into the industry

so I can enjoy the water.

- Oh, I want to go in.

- You gonna swim with her?

- Yeah, I might as well
hop in for a dip.

All I see is
those pretty butt cheeks,

and I follow
like a dog in heat.

- Holy cold.

- I know, it's amazing.

- Awesome. It's incredible.
- What are you doing, Donny?

- I just hopped in real quick.
- Would you do me a favor

and hop out as quickly
as you hopped in?

- The guests are gone

I've been up
since 6:00 in the morning.

I thought, you know,
"g*dd*mn it,

I fáááing deserve this."
Thank you, sir.

- It's a privilege
to take a dip

when you're on break and you
ask for permission to do so.

Which Don decided that...

he doesn't need
proper protocol.

Don, you got some work to do.
- Okay.

- Stay on it
until I tell you to get off it.

- You got it.
- You're not gonna make it

in this industry if you
have a problem with authority.

Wrong person to fááá with.

[upbeat music]

- This is Eros.
We're standing on deck.

- We'll be there
in about two minutes.

- Copy that. Standing by.

♪ ♪

- Ah, there we go.

- Hi.
- Wooo!

- Priorities, right?

This is actually a shot.

- We can have it
with the lobster.

- You did not come back empty

- No, we got six.
- Good job.

- There's six I believe.

- I've got him working.
Yeah, we need to have

a conversation about that guy.
- Yeah, we do.

Hopefully he's finally realizing
what I've been dealing with.

- Look what I got you.
- Beautiful.

- Winner, winner,
lobster dinner.

- Beautiful. Beautiful.
- Eddie, Eddie, Lee.

- Yeah, what's your location?

- Bridge.

Donny decided to take a break
this afternoon on his own.

I gave Rocky a break
because she asked

if she could take a dip
'cause the guests

were off the boat,
so I said fine.

What I do have an issue with

deciding they're just
gonna take a break

because they feel
like they need to take one.

- Right.

- So I want you here
as a third party observer.

Donny, Donny, Lee.

- Hey, go ahead.
- Oh, my God.

Yeah, want to come up
to the bridge, please?

- Yeah, sure.

- I mean, that's such a random,
kind of, request to me.

- Watermelon?
- Yeah, it just like, you know--

- Hey, I'm getting called
to the bridge right now.

- Yeah?

- Advice?

- Honesty.
Don't get defensive.

The captain likes people
should just smile and nod.

He just wants to know that you

know he's the captain
of this boat,

and that you're embracing
your position as a deckhand.

- I'm really doing
it, yeah.

- Despite the fact
that you want to be an engineer.

- Yeah, you ask all the guys,
I've been helping out a lot.

- I need you
to not see it that way.

You're not helping them out,
you're a deckhand.

It's not you,
like, doing them a favor.

It's the job that you accepted.
- I jumped in the water

and swam with Rocky
when she was in the water.

I think that's what it is.
- You know, I love Don,

but jumping in the water
with Rocky wasn't smart.

So now Rocky's wreaking havoc
in all the departments,

not just mine.

- Hello.

- Hello.
- Hello, Don.

- How you doing, man?
- What's up, guys.

- I wanted to have a chat
with you

and get some things ironed out.
- Sure, yeah.

- You're here to work,

To decide that you're gonna
follow Rocky

into the water
is unacceptable.

What was
the thought process there?

- I thought it was harmless.

Hop in for two seconds
and hop out.

- And not ask permission?

Just thought you'd take a break?

- At the moment, yeah.
- Hop in the water.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Well, you need
to shelve that thinking.

I want to see a lot more work
and a lot less standing around.

- Are you fáááing kidding me?

This guy is on deck

He says he doesn't see me.

You ask anybody
on that boat what I do.

I help out everybody.
I'm just, I'm a little confused.

You really, think that I really
haven't been pulling my weight,

because I feel that
not only am I multi-tasking,

but I'm doing both.

- Why the fááá would you
talk back to the captain?

- Every time I see you
standing around doing nothing,

I'll tell you about it.

- Don needs to be
nodding his head,

agreeing with everything
the captain says,

saying "Okay."
Reassessing his work ethic,

going back outside,
and hitting it again. That's it.

- I'm the only person you've got
to please on this boat.

- You think I've been helping
you guys out--doing my part?

- I'm telling you
what I've observed.

- I have a real boss downstairs
that I have to go to.

His name is Richard,
and Richard is the guy

that I have to chat with,
I have to make him happy--

- This is your captain,
and he's Richard's boss.

So he's the guy
you have to listen to first.

- Yeah, but you guys don't
understand the whole point here,

this is--
and this is--

- I mean,
who does this guy think he is?

You don't have
to like the captain,

you don't have to get
along with him,

it helps,
but you do have to obey.

- I don't think this scenario's
gonna be good for me,

and I think at this point

I'm gonna have
to give you my notice.

I'm sorry, but--

- It is what it is.
- It is what it--Thank you.

- You're welcome.
- Wait. What?

Did you just actually quit?

- Next time on Below Deck.
- [laughs]

- People of Eros,
our first diving championship.

- There are no depths
to which we will not sink...

- So awkward.

- To get a good tip.


- Yeah!


- You quit mid-charter?

At least stay for the tip.

- I like it real.

- Can I have dinner
off the boat with Rocky tonight?

- Here's what I want.

- In the case of Eddie
and his girlfriend,

it doesn't seem like absence
makes the heart grow fonder.