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01x05 - I'm Living with the Devil

Posted: 04/20/24 20:43
by bunniefuu
- Previously
on below deck...

- Sometimes I'm not sure

Your boyfriend's real,

- Why?

- I don't know.
He just seems like a myth.

- No. He exists.

Cooper is my boyfriend.

He's an amazing guy.

- So did you make out
with cj?

- Yes.

I'm starting to regret
a little bit,

Hooking up with cj.

- He obviously
has feelings towards you.

Do you have feelings for him?

- Absolutely not.

- How many of you guys drink?

When we're on charter,
you don't drink.

It's that simple.

- Simon and his wife

Are previous charter clients
of mine.

He's fun and classy.

[Horn blows]

- Like, you don't show up
on a [bleep] boat

With literally 50 garments

That need to be pressed.

- You don't get it.
It's your job.

- It's like
white trash rich people.

- My sake is now hot.

- Are you kidding me?

- This isn't good.

Completely overwhelming.

Hey, cj!

- Kat's been drinking.

That's not too tough
to figure out.

- Kat wants to go
to the bar.

- I'm concerned
that she's gonna lose her job.


But I guess that's
what's gonna have to happen.


[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Kat, sam's upstairs
doing your job right now.

I would like for her
to be in bed.

- Okay, fine,
I'll have her go to bed.

- I'll be right up there.
I've been doing dishes.

- No, I'll have her
go to bed.

- I know what kat's like
when she's drinking.

I've seen
her behavior before.

It's incredibly similar
to what's going on right now.

- Where--where'd she go?

- I'm right here.
- Oh, okay.

- But do you want sam?

- No, no, no, I want you.

- To be drinking
while we're on charter

With guests on board

Is almost
an unforgivable offense.

- You got--

- No, I'm just saying--

- Oh, how many ccs are those?

- What are you talking about?

- They're fake titties.

- Stop.

- They're 350s?

- I got a ten-year warranty
on 'em, so if you want to--

- Whoa, whoa,
those aren't your--

- Yeah. Hell, yeah.
- Really?

- Yeah, really.

- Get me the brightest
flashlight you can get.

I'm gonna show you something.
It's so cool.

Do you have a bra on,
or are you just wearing the top?

- Yeah, I have a bra on.
- Oh, jeez.

Is he serious right now?

- Rein you back in, babe.

- I'm going to show you guys
the neatest thing.

- Kat is either hammered
or on something.

The combination between that

And the guests being
really inappropriate,

I think we need to get kat
off the floor.

- Is this inappropriate?

- It's completely inappropriate.
- No, it's not.

- Not happening.
Not happening.

- All right.
You should get out of here.

- Are you like a david
at a wedding?

- All right.
I'm getting out of here.

And I'm walking away 'cause
I'm gonna hate him for that one.

[Bleep] you.

- Now kat--
she's not acting herself.

- It doesn't matter.

- But more importantly,
the charter guest simon

Is definitely
taking advantage of her.

And he's just being
a bit of a pig.

- Tit is a little bird,

Just so you know.

- What?
- What's a little bird?

- Tit.
- Tit, yeah.

I got a tit and boobie app
on my phone.

You want to see it?

- [Laughs]
- no, I'm serious.

- I don't know
what just happened.

- Well, they were just being--
he was just being

Really, like, to be honest,
a chauvinistic pig.

And, like...
- Okay.

- Talking about her tits

And trying to get a flashlight
to, like, show--

See the silicone bags
and just really sick stuff.

And that's just the beginning
of it, you know.

- Okay, well, they don't
pull that [bleep] on me.

- Oh, I know, but that's
what they were doing,

And I could just
see the direction.

- I know simon.
I know him.

And I know
that he means well.

And though he might
pick at a scab,

He's not going to be
the kind of person

That will ever, ever,

Ever make you feel bad
about yourself.

I mean, he's silly and goofy
and ridiculous and perverse,

All of those things.

Which are part of the reasons
why I love him

And think
he's a great guy.

- I think
there were definitely

Lines being crossed,
and adrienne

Needs to sort
this problem out.

We have to look out for her,
you know?

- Right.
- Just go talk to her.

She's in her room.
She's kind of upset, whatever.

- Yeah, thanks
for letting me know.

- No, no, no, it's fine.

I'm sure he's a lovely guy,
but I just--

- No, no, no, no,
I'm not even worried about that.

- [Bleep], dude,
I am so tired.

- I know. I am too.

I don't know,
I do have a lot to say to you

Because I do care about you
very much.

- Well, say it.

- Well,
I was just gonna say

That i, you know,
do care about you a lot,

And that's why
I look out for you

And make you cereal
in the morning.

And it doesn't make it
much easier

That I am very attracted to you
on many different levels.

Will you look at me,
so I know

That you're not
rolling your eyes.

- You weren't even
looking at me.

- I'm looking right here.
- Nuh-uh.

You were playing
with your fingernails.

- Tell me one thing.
Am I a perfect gentleman?

Okay, am I a gentleman?

It doesn't have
to be perfect.

- Um--

- Minus the crazy, would I make
a kick-ass boyfriend?

- Mm, maybe to someone.

- Sam, you can downplay it

All you want to
right now.

Go ahead, it's what you do.
- No, it's not what I do.

- You act one way,
and then you say another.

- How am I acting
against what I'm saying?

- 'Cause I know how you act
when we're alone,

And I know
what you're saying right now,

And the two things
don't match up very well.

- I just don't think

That it was ever
anything serious to begin with.

And it'd be no different
than me, like,

Being drunk and making out
with, say, anyone.

- Jesus christ,
I'm being all nice,

And you're just all--

- I'm not being mean.
I'm just being honest.

- Mm-kay.

No making you yogurt and fruit
in the morning...

- What?
What do you mean?

- Putting the toilet seat down.
- No, no.

You can still do all that.
Excuse me.

- I'm pointing out
all the stuff that I do

That I think
is very gentlemanly-like.

- Putting the toilet seat down
after you pee

When you live with a girl
is not being

A perfect gentleman,
that's being a human.

All right?
- [Laughs]

Holly and you
would definitely

See eye-to-eye
on that comment.

- Love you.
- Love you too.

So you want strawberries
or blueberries

In your yogurt
tomorrow morning?

- Both.
[Both chuckle]

- Well, now that
I'm thoroughly awake

From that conversation,

I'm gonna
go have a cigarette.

- So what's wrong?
What's going on?

- I was just tired
and wanted to go to bed.

- You're going to bed,
and you're not

On late service anymore?
- No.

- So you're leaving it
to me to do it?

- No.
Let me get up.

- If that's what you want to do,
that's fine.

- No, I'm getting my ass up.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

- And I'm not [bleep]
leaving you in late service.

I am on late service.

And it's no problem.

I'm just really offended.

I'm just--
- I don't--

- Do you understand
what just happened to me?

The whole conversation
up there.

He's like, "hey, kat,
let's have some fun.

"Let's, you know,
get a flashlight

And, you know, we can look
at my boobs, whatever and--"

I'm an emotional--

- Tell him
to leave you alone.

You're a strong woman.
You can do that.

Tell him
to leave you alone.

- But you don't wanna--
- he can't control your actions.

So don't let him.

- No, people can't
control my actions,

But they can definitely input
into my brain

As to what I think is right.
- Okay.

I didn't hear
the conversation,

So I don't know
what happened.

Simon can be a little
inappropriate sometimes,

But that's no excuse
for her behavior.

There's something else
going on,

And I need
to figure it out.

- [Crying]
- kat...

I want to ask you
a question,

And I don't want you to be
mad at me for asking you this.

- Okay, ask me
anything you want.

- Have you been drinking?
- No!

Are you serious?

- I'm asking you.

- I am telling you
the frickin' truth.

No, I have not
been drinking.

So I'm gonna go to bed.
- Yes.

- If you don't want to,
I can clean myself up and go up.

- Go to bed.
- Okay.

Is, um,
what are the gu--

What are the guests thinking?
- I don't know.

They don't know. It's fine.
- [Sighs]

- Was this about me?
- No.

Just go to bed.

- Love?

I don't think
you should be up there.

He's being a pig, okay?

They're being
[bleep] chauvinists.

I don't think they deserve you,
to be honest.

If kat's been drinking tonight,
it is bad.

And it's even worse

If everyone knows
that you've been drinking,

Including the charter guests.

You know, it's crazy.

I mean, you're not allowed
to drink on charter.

I'd just stay here
if I were you.

- How was dinner
last night?

- Dinner--
dinner was actually pretty cool.

You know, obviously
they surprised me.

- Yeah, you had what,
one-hour notice to...

- Yeah.
- Start from scratch

After the galley
was all cleaned up?

- Yeah, which was
a pain in the ass.

- Yes, that's--
- I'm not gonna lie.

But you know what?

They loved it, and they
appreciate stuff like that.

- Yeah.
- People appreciate that.

So, you know, and that's
what we do, right?

But there was a bit of
an incident last night with kat.

I just felt like
one of the charter guests

Was being a bit, you know--
it was just really trashy.

You know, he was treating her
like a whore basically.

And she was getting all
emotional for whatever reason.

I got no idea.


What are your thoughts?

- Um, I think she just
wants to please everybody,

And sometimes she puts
pleasing people

Before, like,
her own self-respect.

- I agree.
- Yeah, you're right.

That's a good way
of putting it.

You ever thought
about being a shrink?


- Good morning, darling.

- Hi. Good morning.
- [Laughs]

- I like that jacket.

- You look like
a ray of sunshine.

- What's on my mind
right now

Is what
all my crew members

Are saying and thinking
about me

Because of last night.

- Yeah, you are really chipper
this morning.

- Hey, you know,
when life

Gives you lemons,
make lemonade.

And of course
because of my party history,

Everyone just assumed
that I'd been drinking,

Which is totally wrong.

I don't drink
when we're on charter.

And my biggest fear
is going home.

Are you okay?

You seem like
something's off today.

- I'm miserable today
because I know

She's going to lose her job,

And I'm not gonna
have her here anymore.

- I think you look great.

What time did you
get to bed?

- Uh, I don't know.

I stopped watching the clock.

- Were they pretty tipsy,
or they--

- Oh, my gosh.

"Were they pretty tipsy?"

- Rock and roll.
- Good?

- Yeah, you're good.
You look good.

- Fabulous.

The half-and-half
is right there with simon.

Or did you want the vanilla?
- Okay. No, no.

- I'm on point?

I actually did do
a project for nasa

When I was
in my senior year.

- She's, like, an engineer.
You knew that.

- I designed
the avionics mound structure

For the ares I rocket.
- Well, there you go.

- Isn't that sweet?
- That is sweet.

- I almost feel bad
asking you for a pellegrino.

- [Laughs]
- almost though.

- I will get you that pellegrino
with a smile on my face.

- Coffee is hot this morning.
- Thank you.

- I'm not really surprised

That adrienne and simon
are friends

Because simon's a douchebag,
and adrienne is a scumbag.

And together,
they make a bag of...

Scummy douche.

- Hey, how you doing, love?

- Good. How are you?
- Great.

- Did you get any sleep?

- Uh, yeah, of course--

Like, 5 hours maybe,

- Yeah, I didn't get much
at all.

How'd the crepes go
this morning?

- Good.
- Awesome.

How's kat this morning?

- [Laughs]

Uh, she's fine, I think.


- Awesome.
I'll be back.

- Later.

[Indistinct chatter]

- Are you okay?

You seem like
something's off today.

What's off?

Do you want to talk
about it?


- I'm miserable today

Because I know
what I have to do.

I know that either
I have to tell lee

What's going on,
or she has to.

I'm more concerned
that she's gonna lose her job

And that I'm not gonna
have her here anymore.

[Rock music]

- Everybody in position.

Ready on the floor deck.

- Ready when you are,

- Let's go.
- Okay, start heaving.

Once it goes straight
up and down,

You'll see
a big cloud of sand.

Now we got a gust of wind
that's pushing the boat back.

- I see it.

- Ooh, bubba.

- 30-Knot gust.

- Keep going,
keep going.

Until you hear it "kadunk."

I think the worst type
of management in yachting

And leadership
is micromanaging.

There's a lot
of micromanagers out there

That just stand there
like this and like,

"Oh, yeah, you do this,
you do that,

You do this, you do that.
No, you didn't do this right."

Rather than helping them,
showing them

How to do it right and say,
"you did a great job."

'Cause people like gratitude.

You know, when you're grateful
for someone,

They'll show it back
to you.

- Okay.
- Is the anchor home or not?

- Anchor secured.
Clear maneuver.

Good job, eddie.

[Upbeat music]

- Port de plaisance,
port de plaisance.

I just wanted you to be advised
we're gonna come in

And make a starboard side
to approach.

- 10 Meters port side.

[Overlapping chatter]

- I'm just gonna go in
and try and get

This thing onto the dock
as quickly as I can.

Pick up on the bowline,

All right, lock it in.

Okay, let's get all the crew
on the aft deck, please.

- Wait. All of our shoes
are out there.

- All the shoes
are out there.

- Thank you so much
for everything.

- Yeah.
You're incredible.

- [Laughs]

- I can't see it,
but I can touch it.

- All right, dave,
I'm gonna give you a hug.

- I'll talk to you soon,
my friend.

- All right, wait, you guys
all got my card, right?

When you come to jersey,
I want you to come see steve.

- Bye.
Take care.

- Sir, am I allowed
to hug a captain?

- Absolutely.
- I love it.

My man.
- Well, thank you.

- No, thank you.

Take care of everybody.
Your crew was great.

All: bye.
- See you, guys.

Thanks, guys.
- Thanks so much.

- He's taking pictures.

- These guests
are adrienne's friends.

If I go to a restaurant
and my friend's bartending

Or serving, I expect
a higher level of service,

Which we gave them
a higher level of service.

I'm expecting a,
you know, a pretty solid tip.

Oh, that's much better.
Thank you.

- Okay. Tip?

Kind of in the middle,
there's $900 each.

- I know
that everybody else's reaction

Is a little bit disappointed.

This is normal.

I mean,
this is a normal tip.

Right now, they're just--

They're finding things
to bitch about.

- I thought these guys
were adrienne's friends.

To me, this tip
is like a "c."

I feel like I bent over
backwards for these people,

But, I mean,
maybe we weren't up to par.

- Anybody that doesn't
trust themselves,

Needs theirs put in a safe,
let me know.

- I should have asked you
to do that last time

'Cause I got nothing
left over.

- There's a news flash.
- Shut up.

- Okay, let's go to work.

- I love it
when the guests leave.

It's great, but then
at the same time, a lot of work.

We got to clean the boat
and get everything

Back to shipshape again.

- You go like this.

- [Bleep] kat's over here,

Mooning me and everything.

- [Laughs]

- I'm glad simon
had a good time.

Now, I'm left
with this mess with kat.

I'm not sure
how I'm gonna fix this.

- Like, I feel like
I can't really

Talk with, um, adrienne.

She's only a year older
than me,

But I would've thought
she was older.

And she has a boyfriend.

And I don't know
if she understands--

- Um, can I just tell you?

- Yeah, tell me.

- Um...

- You don't?

- I think
he's [bleep] fake.

- You think she has
a fake boyfriend?

- He's made-up.
You know?

- She got a text message
the other day,

And it said
his name on it.

- It said "cooper"?
- Yeah.

- Adrienne tries so hard

To be this person
that she's not.

How do you know,
like, cooper

Is not her [bleep] brother?

You know what I mean?

I don't think
he's real.

Cooper is his last name.
- It is.

Okay, then that's--
- which is furthermore strange

Because who calls their
boyfriend by their last name?

- It is strange.

- It's very strange.

- It's strange.
You're right.

It is strange.

- I have to have
a conversation with you.

- Here we go.
Buckle your seat belt.

- I know that you had alcohol
in your room last night.

I know that you were drinking.

- I'm living
with the devil.

- I'm here
if you need me.

- I definitely
don't need you.

- [British accent]
is that what you fancy?

- Yeah, so we have to go
bang out the wine inventory.

We've already done
all the beds.

And I don't know what

"You know who"
has been doing.

- She's been making lists.

- [Laughs]
lists for me and you to do.

Both: hey!
- Good to see you in here.

- We're really discussing
what we've just done.

- I have to have
a conversation with you.

- Hustle, sam.

What the [bleep]
is taking you so long?

Here we go.
Buckle your seat belt.

- Sarcasm and bull[bleep],

Can we just cut it out?
- Mm-hmm.

- If you want
free time tomorrow,

As I'm sure we all do
because I do--

My free time is dependent

On what we get done
as a group.

I can't go screw off
and do what I want to do

If you guys
are still here working.

What I'm asking for
is input

On how we can make
this situation better.

- How about
instead of having

Two people rotate,

We have

Three people rotating?

I'm not just gonna sit there
while she, like,

Beams me
with her laser eyes.

I'm gonna talk back
to her and,

Like, let her know that
she's just being ridiculous,

And she really needs to learn
how to lead by example.

Instead of just having, like,

Whoever's early
be on laundry

And whoever's late
be on service,

And then the middle person
just, like...

- d*ck around.
- d*ck around.

- First of all,
I don't appreciate the term

"Dicking around."

You don't know
what I do all day long.

Trust me when I say that

Is not the job
you want to be doing.

- Why don't you let me decide
the job that I want to do?

- Because I'm your boss.

- Adrienne, we can't
grow extra limbs.

We are doing our best,
and that's it.

I can't do better
than my best.

Try to get better than my best
out of me.

It's not gonna happen.

What do you think
I'm doing here?

Do you think I'm just,
like, dawdling around

'Cause I have
nothing better to do?

- Everybody's in the same boat
here, literally.

- The job
is getting done.

She's got
to be kidding me.

I find her sitting on her ass
so frequently,

Like, writing lists of things
that are unnecessary.

And kat and I
are exhausted.

I'm not the one sitting here
with this meeting,

Bitching that we're not
doing a good job.

- I'm not bitching.

I'm trying to come up
with a solution.

I'm saying we're not
getting things done.

How do we fix it?

What on earth makes
these two children

Think that it's okay
to treat

Their supervisor that way?

Let alone someone they live
and work with every single day.

On a more serious note,

I'm aware of a situation
that happened yesterday.

I'm really disappointed.

I'm really conflicted.

I know what I should do.
I know what I have to do.

And as your boss,
I'm upset.

- With us?

- Just say what it is
that you need to say 'cause--

- I know that you had alcohol
in your room last night.

I know
that you were drinking.

I don't want
any excuses, please.

I know
that you were drinking.

Don't lie to me.

You did once already.
- [Exhales]

- I'm not the only one
that knows.

- Okay.

- So there's no way
to hide it.

Clearly, your behavior
was influenced.

You were doing things you
shouldn't be doing on charter.

- Okay.

- I'm giving you
the option to go

To lee yourself
and tell him,

Or I go to him
and tell him.

This is why I've been
in a [bleep] mood,

Trying to figure out
what I'm gonna do,

How I'm gonna tell you,
and what I'm gonna say.

- You know that if you
have anything to say to me,

Just come right to me
and say it.

It just makes things awkward
when you don't.

- So what do we do?

- I'll just go tell lee.

- Tell him what?

- Can I be excused?
This is not between--

This is none of my business
is what it is.

- Go ahead.
- Thank you. Great.

- For the record,
it's not what you think it was.

- Then tell me
what it was.

- It's not something
that I want to discuss.

I'll just go and talk
to the captain myself.

- Okay.

I'm here
if you need me.

- I definitely
don't need you.

- Just a minute now,
I need to get in the shower.

- Yeah, can I grab my makeup
out of here?

- Yeah, yeah.
Go ahead.

- I love you. Aw.

Don't try to kiss me now!

Get out of here.

Cj's in love with me,

And he wants me
all to himself.

- Oh!

- I'm not gonna lie,
I like the attention.

But I just wish it was coming
from somebody else,

Not cj.

My hand is gonna
honestly be bruised.

- Okay, well,
let's go out here then.

- Okay.
- It'll make it easier.

- Okay.

So there is concern
from adrienne

That my behavior last night

Was substance-related,

- What behavior might that be?
I didn't hear.

- I got emotional
with the guests,

And then
there was a comment made.

They wanted my boobs
to be put on a flashlight,

So you could see through.

- At no time should
they be discussing

About getting a flashlight
and wanting

To see implants
or something like that.

That's just out of line.
- I agree.

Ben said something about it,
looking out for me.

And I just got emotional

And didn't handle the situation
very well.

Adrienne said to me--
she said,

"Kat, I'd prefer you not
carry on with service."

And I said, "I want to
carry on with service."

- Adrienne made
the right call.

These people
are not your friends.

You are not
to be the recipient

Of their lewd comments
or jokes.

That's over the line.

- I don't feel as though
everybody needs to know about,

You know, my mental health
or whatever.

So, excuse me,
I'm a little embarrassed

That I have to do this.

- It's all right.
- [Crying]

I am prescribed anxiety
medication, which I took.

And it made me seem loopy.

- It's a prescribed medication?
- Yes, it is.

- And how often
do you take that?

- Once a day maybe.

- Does it normally
make you loopy?

- No, i-i just took

More than
I actually should have.

- Had you been drinking?

- No. No.
- Okay.

What I'm gonna do is,
I'll talk to adrienne.

- You want me to grab her?

- Yeah. Would you?
- Sure.

I've had anxiety ever since
I can remember.

I do get help for it

Because it interferes
with my daily routine.

It's sad,
and it's not something

That I would wish
on anybody.

- [Yawns]

- So, adrienne sat us down

To have this grand meeting.

It was just, like,
this big deal

That we had to have
this serious meeting.

And when we get
to the meeting,

We just bicker for, like,
at least 15 minutes.

- [Laughs]
like what?

Give me an example,
like, of the back and forth.

- She said we're not doing
a good enough job

Or whatever, and everything's
not getting done.

And I'm like, "well,
everything is actually getting--

- And then you both started
bickering at her.

- Well, yeah, in so many words
or whatever, okay.

So, while I'm still
sitting there,

She calls out kat for

Having been drinking
last night, right?

- [Groans]
- and she's like,

"Everybody knows.

"You've put me
in a bad position.

I'm disappointed.
Wah, wah, wah."

And I'm like,
"well, I had no idea.

"But thank you
for letting me know now,

In front of kat."

- So, does the captain know,

- I don't know.
But, I mean,

Like, before I left,
they discussed,

Like, kat's termination.
- Huh?

- And that's why
I'm wondering what happened.

- I want to know what's going on
with kat then.

That's the first
I've heard of it.

- Yeah.
- Why don't we just all go--

- I mean I knew she was wasted,
but it was the first

I knew the captain
was gonna find out.

I mean, I didn't know
she was wasted.

It was kind of a logical--
- it was logical.

- I don't know. To be
completely honest with you,

I knew she was drinking
and I just didn't say anything.

- It's [bleep] obvious.
- Yeah.

She's one of those people
where it's, like,

She has, you know,

You see it right off the bat.
- Yeah, right?

- You know,
you just see it.

- The accent--'cause the accent
just comes out.

- And the accent comes out,
thank you.

- She just gets
a little bit drunk--

Boom, that
rhode island accent,

Which just floats in there,

Like a mack truck.


- Adrienne?
- What?

- Can you come up here?
- Yeah.

- Captain's gonna
speak with both of us.

- Okay.

- Kat just told me about
her experience last night,

And I told her that I thought
you handled it well

And she shouldn't
have continued with service.

Two things I want
to see happen.

I want you to verify
your prescription

Because I want to know
that that's what it is.

I want to know the dosage.

I really wouldn't want
a repeat performance of this.

What are your thoughts?

- I mean, you know,
I asked you point-blank

Last night
what was going on,

And if you were on something
or if you were drinking

Or if there was
anything happening,

And you flat-out lied to me,

And that is pretty
unacceptable to me.

- I was embarrassed.

- With kat, I don't know
what to believe.

It's obvious to me
that she was drinking.

"Pills" don't do
what she's doing.

- Whatever you took,
whatever you drank,

Whatever it was
that happened,

That was a choice.

- [Sighs]
oh, god. Okay.

Adrienne doesn't
give a [bleep].

All adrienne
is concerned about

Is being the chief n*zi.

- I don't want
intimate interaction

Of any sort
with the clients.

Horse is dead,
let's not kick it.

We're done here.

- Okay, good.

- Now, you guys
got a night out coming.

So, enjoy.
- I'm not going out.

- All right?
- Thanks, captain.

- You bet.
- Thank you.

- Captain lee
understands the situation.

I hate adrienne for this.

And everyone
has to know about it now.

- I know I might not be
your favorite person right now.

- The worst part about it
is adrienne is my roommate.

I'm living with the devil.

- At this point,
I'm going to let it be

What it is
because I feel like

It's more important
that she address this

And the behavior
never happen again.

I hope she sees that
I still have her back,

Even though this happened.

- I'm [bleep] up.
- I can't hear it anymore.

- I'm partially drunk.

- Do not encourage this.

- Do it, kat.

- Go get it.
Go get it, kat.

[Overlapping chatter]
- sam.

- Oh, my god, cj,

Just leave me
the [bleep] alone.

- Hey, roomie.

- Who dares me
to eat this eyeball?

- I do.
- Do you want to eat this one?

- If you insist.

- Here come here,
let feed this to you.

- Oh, my god.
I can't even look at that.

- Come here.
- Ugh!

- Eat it!
- Oh my god, aleks.

Ew, that is so
[bleep] gnarly.

Oh, my god. Ew.

- Aah!

- I can literally hear it
crunching from over here.

- That one's a little
more thicker.

- [Laughs] oh, my god.
- That is hysterical.

- That was a pearl, I think.

[Computer ringing]

- Hello?

- Hey, how's it going?

- Oh, there they are. Hey!

- I kicked your dad's ass
at golf today, I will say that.

- How come we have to
conference with you

To get to talk to you?

- Oh, that's not true.

I'm definitely lonely.

I'm missing home,
missing family...

All right, I love you.
- Bye.

- Missing the people
who understand who I am.

- So what's going on?

- This has been
a ridiculous trip.

My stress level
is so much higher

Than ever, ever,
ever before.

My boyfriend,
he's in the corporate world

And he manages people too.

And so I feel like

He's always been amazing
at giving me advice.

Today was
a really long day.

Like, I've had issues
with the girls

And with my leadership ability
with them.

And, like, they don't
really respect me

Or give a [bleep]
about what I say

Or care about anything.

It's just been me
banging my head into a wall

'Cause I still have a job
that I have to get done.

- You know, part of this
whole situation

Has a party lifestyle,
you know.

- Oh, so adrienne skypes
with her "boyfriend."

Hmm, so I guess
he's not completely fake.

- I mean, there's people
that are in your industry

That are just there
to have a good time.

So, you've got
to kind of play along

With that and placate that
a little bit as well.

- Really?
You're joking, right?

- The most important thing is
if you're gonna be

In a management role
on yachts going forward,

You're gonna have
to deal with

Those types of people
all the time.

And you're gonna have to find
ways to motivate them, you know?

Or not, and you make up
the slack somehow.

- I'm pretty disappointed.

He's just not very good
emotional support right now.

- The wrong play
is to create

Some sort of,
you know, drama.

- I really don't care
to listen to this at all.

- Okay, I'll take that to her.

- Not up here.

I don't want
to be up here anymore.

- All right. Let's go.

- That's why you can never
get anywhere else.

- I know. All right,
honey, I love you.

- Too much?
- Dude, what is too much, man?

- We cleaned the boat.

We organized the boat.
And now we get to go out.

- Everybody.
- Everybody but me?

- I want to day drink
and do activities tomorrow,

And not go out tomorrow night.

- You're going
to the soggy dollar?

- I'm going to the soggy dollar
for, like, a drink.

- I definitely think
it's in kat's best interest

To keep it low-key tonight.

[Blow-dryer whirring]

- I realize
everyone's going out,

And I just physically
could not

Let the party go on
without my presence.

[Techno music]

- One, two, three!

- [Cheering]

- Are you trying to stay away
from her?

- I'd love to go sit
at that table.

But I'm sorry, I don't want
to associate myself with her.

She stabbed me in the back,
and she wouldn't--

And, like, I couldn't even
explain myself to her.

Do you know how embarrassing
it is to go tell,

Like, "captain,
I'm sorry but,

"Like, I have anxiety issues.

And I have
to take medication for that."

I wasn't drinking.
- I think you're fine.

Just stay strong
'cause you've got

A lot of people behind you.
- You know what?

She's [bleep]
picking on me!

And I just need to let it go,
be myself.

But I don't necessarily have

To associate myself
with her.

I just want
to sit back, relax,

Forget about
all the bull[bleep],

And try and have a good time.

- Did she really drink,
on charter?

- You saw her behavior
last night.

- Well, I was right there
with her and simon.

- I don't want her to destroy
her professional life.

Last night
was just unacceptable.

- Darling, could I just
have a shot of patron?

- Last night was the first time
that it's happened

On the boat,
where it affected the guests.

- Yeah, she's good
at what she does,

But she's--
I don't know

What she needs,
to be honest with you.

- She's bringing this
on herself.

And I can't do anything
about it.

And now I'm in a position

That's so uncomfortable
for me,

To have to reprimand her.
- Yeah.

- I just feel like
such an [bleep]hole.

Today was one of
the worst days

That I've had on this trip.

- And what about sam?
- I don't know.

As of this meeting
this afternoon,

I don't know.

- Something's gonna
have to happen now,

On this next charter.

She needs to really,
really figure it out.

Suck it up.

Release your ego.

Something needs
to get worked out.

- Excuse me.
- Hello.

- Sam. Bonnie?
- Donnie.

- Donnie, good to meet you.

[Overlapping chatter]

Jesus, cj,
mind your own business.

- Hey, roomie.

So, you know we're cousins?
- Really?

- Did she tell you that yet?
- No.

- Hi, I'm cj.

Good to meet you.
And your name was?

- Donnie.
- Johnny.

- Donnie.
- Donnie?

Johnny and donnie, this is
getting easier by the minute.

And you are?
- Aaron.

- Aaron.
Johnny, donnie, and aaron.

Very nice, easy.
- How you doing?

- I've been basically
sailing my whole life.

But I've been also--
- [snickering]

- Really?
Is that funny for you?

- [Laughs]
- she loves it.

- But basically,
I'm a cruiser, not a yachtie.

- You're such a giver, cj.
- I am a giver.

I'll just give all night long.
- Yeah, yeah.

I literally have got
to ditch cj completely,

In order to get him
to stop following me around

Like a little,
sad, lost puppy dog.

- There you go, nice.

- Hey.

There are a hundred
other girls here

That he could talk to.

I don't understand
why he feels the need

To be attached to my hip.

- Lee!

- Who's that guy?
- You made it out.

- Look at that frosty
old man.

- I'm [bleep] up.

- I'm partially drunk.

- It's just kind of been
a snowball effect,

Where, you know,
I started out

Drinking underage.

And then I've carried it
up until,

You know, yachting
is known for drinking.

And it actually,
really hasn't

Gotten out of control
until I got into boating.

What do I get
if I do the pole?

And I need--
I need some suction cups.

- Do not encourage this.

- Do it, kat!
- Go get it!

Go get it, kat!

[Cheers and applause]

- It seems like everybody else
is encouraging

Kat's behavior right now.

- Come on, you can do it,

- It's clear
to me that she has

A substance abuse issue.

There's something wrong there.

And I don't really want
to be a part of that.

- Wrap your leg.
Wrap your leg. There you go.

- What's up?
What's up?

- So why are you
in st. Thomas right now?

- Oh, my god, cj.

Just leave me
the [bleep] alone.

- Can I get a presidente

And a vodka soda,
splash of cran?

That was not
what she was drinking.

Where's sam?

I have a cocktail for her.

- Whatever, cj.
- No, no, stop, stop, stop.

- Just let me out.

- All right.

- Cj is just not getting it.

I don't want to sleep
in the same room with him.

He's going
to be pestering me

And asking me what's wrong
and going crazy

And trying to bang me
and god knows what else.

And I just want to run
and hide and just go to bed.

- And I think my relationship
with sam is going really well.

We definitely have
different personality types,

Where she is
very, very chill,

And I am very,
very high octane.

It's almost like we're dating
without the sex.


Can I tuck you in though?

Tuck, tuck, tuck.


- Next time on below deck...

- Is that my razor?
- Probably.

- Do you know what
I shave with that?

- That's pretty much
why I'm using it.

- I think y'all just need
to get married while we're on--


- The captain
could actually marry you.

- Could we do it?

- I just hope
they don't want a cake.

- Let's go fishing.

The conditions
are pretty rough.

A couple of the guests
are wondering if you had

Those seasickness bands.

People are feeling queasy,
but at least it's not

Gonna be puking on my boat.

- Well, I just wanted
to ask you if you would

Consider switching rooms
with me.

- I'll think about it,
all right?

- Okay.

- Not anymore.

- What do you need?

- Adrienne, adrienne, dave.

- I just feel like
I've failed miserably.