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14x04 - Chocolate Week

Posted: 04/20/24 20:03
by bunniefuu
Hey, it's chocolate week here on
The Great British Bake Off.

My mum always used to say...

Life is like a box of chocolates.

She was from Bristol, I think.

But the thing is
life is meant to be enjoyed.

But all the better if you share it
with someone else.

Noel, I'm not ready to share my life
with anyone.

Just a little bit? Welcome to
The Great British Bake Off.

Come on, give me of those life

Get your own life,
you little shrimp.

Last time...

..the bakers battled on
Hollywood's home turf.

Chuffing heck, this is a bit high

And while Tasha's
stunning Showstopper...

You understand bread
and I like that. Wow.

..secured her second Star Baker...

I think that's a bit under.

..Dan's was a disaster.

Absolute shocker. It's a bit flat,

But Abbi's stodgy Showstopper...

It's a bit dense.

..sealed her fate and she became
the third baker to leave the tent.

I'm going to remember it every day
for the rest of my life.

This time...'s chocolate week.

I hate white chocolate,
it's the bane of my existence.

The bakers take on a torte in
the signature...

This looks horrible, don't it?

..tackle a high temperature

Melting, melting, melting.

..and are pushed to their breaking

Oh, dearie me. a chocolate box Showstopper.

My heart is breaking right now.

Oh, God.

I am stressing now.

Is Tash all right?

Take as much time as you need,
all right? OK.

The hottest day of the year
so far for chocolate,

and every year when they do
Bake Off it always happens.

There will be a lot
of fridge freezer trips.

You'll probably just end up seeing
me in the fridge, I can guarantee.

Chocolate's the thing that I reach
for when I'm...

When I'm stressed or upset.

The things that you love the most
hurt you the most.

I absolutely love eating chocolate,

but to work with it is horrible.
It's so messy,

it's so temperamental.

I don't know about chocolate.
I will have a meltdown.

Hello, kids, welcome back to
the tent. And this week, it is...

I can't remember. What is it
this week?

That's right. It's chocolate
week, kids.

So for your chocolate week
signature, Paul

and Prue would like you to make

a luxurious chocolate torte made
without wheat flour.

Now they say some things can't be
torte, but this one must be.

You've got two and a half hours.

On your marks. Get set.

My children, they love chocolate,

they love eating chocolate torte,
so I am making for them.

What is the difference between torte
and a cake?

You're asking the wrong person.
I'm going to go and find Prue.

Yeah, find Prue.

When we think of a torte
it's usually quite a rich cake,

a bit more dense and luxurious.

And that is what we want
the bakers to think of,

but it must not have any wheat
flour in it.

So they could use chestnut,
they can use ground almonds,

whatever they wish,

but it tends to make
the cake quite heavy.

And so the bakers have got to be
really careful on

the fillings. Something light,
raspberries, strawberries, fruits.

It's an opportunity for the bakers

to show off their piping skills,
their spinning skills,

their moulding skills.

They can show off a bit.
And they should.

Morning, Saku. Good morning.
Hello, Saku. Good morning.

Saku, tell us all about your
chocolate torte.

I am making a Saku torte.

A Saku torte? Yes.

Of course you are. So what's in

It's like sachertorte,

but instead of apricot jam
I am using a raspberry jam.

Instead of writing "sacher"
I am going to...

Write "Saku". "Saku!"

Saku's personalised twist on

the classic sachertorte will see

raspberry jam sandwiched between

cakes of dark chocolate

and ground almond, finished

with her own name hand-piped

onto dark chocolate ganache.

I practised three times.

The first time the writing went
horribly wrong. Right.

Where do you practise?
At your house? Yes.

In the middle of the night?
Around half one,

two o'clock. Yeah, early hours.

At one in the morning you're
baking... Yeah. That's fine.

..Saku torte?

I'm popping my ground almonds into
my chocolate and egg yolks.

Whichever wheat flour alternative
the bakers have chosen

will change the flavour and texture
of the chocolate torte.

I'm using ground hazelnuts
and I'm also putting some cornmeal

in it as well. It just adds a bit of
a denser texture to the torte.

And while ground almonds are

the most popular choice in
the tent...

I think that's quite typical for
a torte.

If it's not broken, don't try
and fix it.

..not all the bakers are playing
it safe.

For the torte itself I'm using
ground pecans. Ground pecans?

They obviously let out
a little bit of oil.

I grind them, actually, one to one
with icing sugar, and that way I get

a nice crumb mixture that's very
similar to ground almonds.

That's really interesting.

If you're grinding your own nuts,
it's always difficult.

And painful.

Grind them up quick.
Less pain that way.

You boys are just disgusting.

Josh's pecan-based torte will layer
chocolate cremeux,

raspberry Chantilly cream
and fresh raspberries from his

garden, surrounded by delicately
piped chocolate leaves.

Chocolate and pecans and raspberry,
they are

a very classic combination.
I've not seen

the pecans get used in the sponge
before, so I hope they like it.

This looks horrible, don't it?

Josh isn't the only baker taking
a risk.

What are you using in there instead
of flour?

Uh, egg whites, it's just relying on
egg whites, no flour.

Well, that's my favourite to mix,
I love that. It's so light.

But it's difficult not for it
to squash down.

If you pull it off, it'll
be perfect.

Hoping to perfect a flawless
flourless sponge,

Rowan's adding espresso
and cocoa powder,

and he's giving his torte
an extra caffeine kick with

a coffee Swiss meringue
buttercream filling.

I'm a coffee fiend.

I can't function as an adult without
my four espressos.

Honestly, my heart's going to
explode just from the coffee alone.

Whilst Rowan's getting his
daily fix...

Pour an extra bit in for Prue.

..Dan's starting chocolate week...


..with something a little stronger.

So I'm going for
a Mexican torte this week.

I'm putting a Mexican liqueur in
there which is

a guanabana fruit.

And you can have a little taste if
you'd like to?

I think it's a bit too early,
even for me.

Dan's boozy Mexican torte will
combine hazelnuts,

dark chocolate
and guanabana liqueur,

topped with fresh fruit
and chilli chocolate truffles,

he's hoping to tickle
the judges' taste buds.

I think after last week I'd like
to see the old Dan come back.

I have sort of reset after
last week.

What did you do? Got naked,
looked in a mirror,

top of the mountain, tai chi? Yeah.

Thanks, Dan. Head band. Bantz.
Thank you very much. Cheers.

While it might be too early
for Prue,

Dan's found another drinking buddy.

I'm doing a ginger torte with
a good amount of booze.

So I've got amaretto and ginger wine
inside the torte.

Weird combination on its own,
but in cake it works really well.

Tasha's unusual ginger cocktail
will be combined

with dark chocolate
and ground almonds.

And for an even stronger spice kick,
she'll decorate

the torte with piped praline ganache

and ginger mascarpone kisses.

Twice Star Baker.

I mean, that's a big thing.

And what I like about this is you're
really pushing

the boat out, cos to put ginger with
chocolate is clever.

A little bit risky as well.
And to get that balance.

You're just piling on
the pressure, Paul. Yeah.

Oh, my goodness.

So I'm just now folding in
the French meringue.

To avoid serving
a flat dense torte...

This is quite a crucial stage.

Cos it's flourless, you're relying
on the egg whites, really.

The bakers must fully incorporate
all of the whisked egg whites.

To try and combat that density which
is just inherent to a torte.

But overmix and the torte won't
rise when baked.

I have practised this.
The first time it went great.

The second time it collapsed.
So now we're on to the third time.

Dana's towering three-layered
almond-based torte will be filled

with cherry compote, white chocolate
mascarpone buttercream

and candied almonds.

Is it going to taste
of cherry chocolate?

I hope so, there's a cherry compote
in the middle. You paused.

Why did you pause?
Cos I don't like tortes.

I haven't actually tasted
it myself.

Good luck. Thanks.
Good luck with this one. I know!

In on 160. It's in.

Bake well, be good.

Because it's nuts, it's
a bit dense.

It takes ages to bake, like 50

While their chocolate tortes may be
slow to bake...

Till then I will make the jam.

The bakers have no time to lose

making their light flavourful

So I'm making a cherry brandy
cream filling.

When I was younger my mum,
after Sunday lunch, used

to always buy a black forest

so I sort of got the inspiration
from that.

Recreating her favourite childhood

Cristy's almond, chocolate and
cherry torte will be updated with

a cherry brandy Chantilly cream,

and finished with a white chocolate
collar and intricate decorations.

I've got a mould,
it's just getting them out.

I had a bit of a
nightmare at home. Yeah,

I just hope it works in the tent.

Yeah, I know.

Quite tricky. I'm going to make
a few.

Right, OK. A selection.

So we're making mousse with

a little bit of praline going
through it,

and then a chocolate cremeux
and a glaze.

Hopefully I'm not doing too much.

Matty's ambitious torte will be
topped with a chocolate

and hazelnut praline mousse
and chocolate cremeux,

all coated in a chocolate
mirror glaze.

He's hopeful a crown of carefully

chocolate shards will give him
the edge.

So now we're on to the cremeux.

Are you on time? I think so.

Check you out. You're like
a proper professional.

This is your week, innit, this week?
Stop saying that.

You said that last week
and it was an absolute calamity.

Praline white chocolate ganache.
That can start setting.

Unless each element is
set completely...

Have to make my ganache and get it
cool in time,

ready for when I do the assembly.

..once assembled the tortes will
slump and sag.

It's all about chilling it,
that's the main thing.

But for Nicky, getting her mousse
right is make or break.

It's going to have a chocolate
almond torte on top and it's got...

On the top? On the top.
That's brave, isn't it?

It is brave.
This is a wild and crazy time.

Have you tested this, Nicky?
I have.

A couple of times and it's set.

Nicky's topsy-turvy torte is
flavoured with vanilla rum

and will perch upon her
chocolate mousse.

Piped ganache and tempered chocolate
shards will complete

her precarious bake.

I love it when they call you brave.
Nicky the Braveheart.

You've just got to hope it all holds
together. Uh-huh.

You'll be on your horse, at that
point, painted blue.

Off I go!


Bakers, you are halfway through.
Keep baking.

I can work with halfway through.
I feel good.

Just having a little look.

Underbake their tortes

and they'll remain too dense
and claggy.

They're about done.
I will give them 30 more seconds.

Overbake and they'll become dry
and crumble apart.

I think I'm going to come out.

We're coming out the oven.

Call it a day. That's looking good,

it's got a nice crunchy top which is
what we wanted.

No major cracks.

Put my bloody tray in wrong.
Now it's got a tilt on it.

That is really annoying.

What's happened? I had a bit of
a mishap.

As you can see,
it's slightly slanted.

I don't think it looks that bad.

You could ski down it, couldn't you?
Or sledge down it or something.

A little slope. Yeah, that's it.

Can't use that one. All my truffles
are going to roll off.

Always something
to test you, isn't there?

Get them in the freezer,
so they're nice and solid.

While Dan's starting his chocolate
torte once again...

My kind of baking now.
Chuck it all in, hope for the best.

..the rest of the bakers are leaving
theirs to cool...

But that's the main thing. If that
doesn't cool down,

then we're pretty much screwed.

Can I say that?

..and can begin making their
exquisite decorations.

Guess what? More chocolate.

I'm tempering my chocolate.
And the better the temper,

the quicker the set, the nicer
the snap, the brighter it is.

They do like a bit of tempering.
It's like showing off in the baking

world. It is a little bit, isn't it?
Just tempered these shapes,

everyone. Check this out.

Prue and Paul are expecting

beautiful elaborate
chocolate decorations.

Oh, God. Act busy.

But the more intricate the design...

These are for the chocolate nest.

..the greater the chance they
could crack.

Oh! OK, they're all cracking.

I shouldn't have chose this mould.
What is wrong with me?

I need to redo them.

How are you going, Josh? A bit of
a nozzle issue at the moment.

A nozzle issue? Yes, it's setting in
the nozzle.

What if I hold you like a baby?

You hold him and I'll hold you.

Did that work? Not really, no.

Surely that's not supposed
to happen?

I should go.

Bye-bye. Let's just go.

Right, are you flat and balanced?

Yes, you are.

It's going to be really tight now.

Bakers, I don't want to bother you,
but you've got half an hour left.

You've just bothered them.

Like a baking pirate.

With their chocolate
sponges cooled...

If it's hot it's going to melt.

..and fillings set...

This is my mousse, it will be fine.

..assembly can begin.

I'm alternating praline ganache
with the mascarpone cream.

But the taller the torte...

I've got many layers going on.

..the tougher the task.

So I'm making three layers.

Making sure I get a nice straight
cake rather than

a wonky one. No collapses.

I hope the glaze is cool, otherwise
it will just melt everything else.

It's actually working.

Ey, I love it when a plan
comes together.

It is a big gamble because the cake
sits on the top,

but we'll go large or go home.

A bit of unmelted chocolate.
Oh, it's just such a mess.

It looks like a mess, isn't it?

Is it supposed to look like that?

Yeah, it is rough and ready.

No, then just own it. Yeah.

I'm going to conceal the messy edge
with the collar.

Get my cake out, take two.

That looks a bit more like it.

Bakers, you've got 15 minutes left.

Bang it straight in the freezer.
Let's do this.

Now, the piping.
This is really difficult.

My hand's shaking.

I messed that!

It's not worked.

It's magic!

Need to do some decorations.
My leaves haven't worked.

I'm going to put some of this
on here.

Tickety-boo, I've just took that out
of the freezer.

Right. So here we go, glazing.

Bakers, you have only one
minute left.

Do we, really?
Gosh, Paul is going to hate it.

Popping some tempered chocolate on.

I'm finished. I want to eat that.

White chocolate first.
Then truffles.

It is really messy.

I'm so embarrassed.


OK, bakers, that is your time up.

Please step away from your bakes.
Well done.

Where did that time go? Well done.

Go on, Saku.

Did you just put 40 raspberries
in your mouth?

That was massive.

The bakers' flourless chocolate
tortes will now face

the judgment of Paul and Prue.

Hello, Nicky. Hi, Nicky.
Hello. Hi, Nicky.

Straight off I think it
looks amazing.

Nicky, I agree. I think it's
a little work of art.

It's elegant, it's classy and cool.

And the shine is amazing.

Let's see what it tastes like.

Oh, don't.
The proof is in the pudding.

It is.

The mousse is holding its shape,
which is great.

Mm, the flavours are great,
really strong chocolate.

It probably needed a fruit in there,
like a raspberry or

a strawberry or something tart

to break down that chocolate
a little bit.

But I think you've done
a decent job. Thank you. Thank you.

Very good.

The outside doesn't look so good.
A bit wobbly.

I think if you take the sides off

and look at the top, it looks
really nice.

Let's have a look at it
and see what it's like inside.

Is this ground almonds in here?

Ground almonds, ground hazelnuts.

The flavour of the cake
and the flavour of

the praline mousse work beautifully
well together

with that chocolate top.
It's lovely.

I love the height, it looks very

Oh, drop through.

Oh! Ooh, look at that.

The flavour is fantastic.
The cherry flavour's beautiful.

But the cherry and the mascarpone
filling that you've got

is a bit weak. If you'd had
overnight to set it,

it would have been better.

I like the colour, I like the shine.

The sides, however, are not
particularly good. Oh, dear.

This is definitely dessert
rather than cake.

It is absolutely delicious.

The tartness of the raspberries
come through.

You really get the chocolate.

I mean, it tastes amazing, but it's
almost like a pudding, isn't it?

Where are the leaves?

I hate that mould so much.
It's in the bin. OK.

It's a little bit messy where
the collar joins

the cake, cos you want that nice
and smooth.

Well, do you know what, it still
looks extremely inviting.

OK. Thank you, Prue.

The cake is a little bit dry.

And very crumbly.

I do think you need more cherries,
more cherry brandy.

More chocolate.
It's got no real flavour.

Bloody hell. Um... Does that mean
it's got no calories in it?

Yeah. No flavour, no calories.

Well, I must say I think it looks
very neat and quite original.

A little bit more height would have
been nicer.

Don't forget to try your
chilli truffle.

Is this going to blow my head
off, Dan? Hopefully not.

I don't mind the chilli.
I think the texture's too gluey.

It reminds me a little bit of
Mexico, but I think it's

a little bit overwhelming on
the alcohol.

Yeah, I would agree with that.

I'm not sure that finish looks as
good as it could.

Come on, I'm dying for
a bite of ginger.

The ginger's lovely and strong,

I like it. But the texture of

the cake is very puddingy,
too moist.

The ginger brings the heat,

but what I do get is

a ton of amaretto.
For me, it's drowned it.

It's a bit messy.

And the "Saku" written, it probably
needed to be little bit more stark.

If you'd done that in white
chocolate it would have stood
out better.

That's very chocolaty.

The raspberry's coming through.

The chocolate's beautiful
and strong.

But it's a little bit too gooey in
the middle.

It's quite heavy,
and so you can't eat a lot of it.

Very elegant.
It is very elegant.

It's beautifully smooth,
you've got a lovely shine to it.

The chocolate decorations are good,
the pipework is good.

So let's see if it's as good inside
as it is outside.

That looks amazing.

Doesn't that look pretty?

I love it, it's very strong on
the coffee. Yeah.

I think it's beautiful. Oh, my gosh.

You've got a Swiss meringue
buttercream in there

which is like silk. And the level of
coffee is spot-on.

I think the sponges have
compressed a little.

Your cake was completely flourless,
wasn't it? Yeah.

That's why it's compressed a bit.

But overall you've done
a very good job. Oh, thank you.

Well done. Thank you very much. Oh!

What the hell?

That couldn't have gone
better, really.

It didn't go great.

Yeah, chocolate week,
I'm not loving all this.

They said it is not elegant.
I accept that.

Just like myself - simple.

That's how I like everything.

Prue called it elegant,
classy and cool.

I can go off skipping into
the meadows

ready for my technical.

Yes. Bye!

The bakers could practise their
Signature Bake,

but they have no idea what awaits
them in their chocolaty

Technical Challenge.

Welcome back, bakers.

It's time for your
Technical Challenge.

Now this challenge has been set by

the princess of puddings,
Prue Leith.

Do you have any words of wisdom?

Yes. When working with

the chocolate you need
perseverance and patience.

As always this challenge is
judged blind,

so, Prue and Paul, you may now leave
the tent, thank you.

They're going to do some

Prue's got a pommel horse.
Paul's going to get in his leotard.

OK, so Prue would like you

to make six perfectly baked
individual cheesecakes.

Your cheesecakes must comprise of

a caramelised white chocolate

filling, on top of an oaty
biscuit base.

Topped with a blackcurrant jelly
and white chocolate decoration.

You have two hours. On your marks.
Get set.

B to the A to the K to the E.
Let's bake, let's bake!

I don't think that's a lot of
time, though. Two hours to make

a set, baked cheesecake. So there's
a lot of pressure to this.

Never made caramelised
white chocolate,

never made a cheesecake.
So basically I'm in the dark here.

Prue, this looks quite a complicated
technical, is it?

There are a few hurdles to get over.

The really tricky thing is
caramelising the chocolate.

They need to stick it in
the microwave

and every 30 seconds give it a stir.

Another 30 seconds, give it a stir,

until it gets this straw colour.
But don't overdo it.

So they could burn it? Yeah.

Mm, the fact that you've caramelised
the white chocolate - it's silky,

it's lovely, luxurious.

And I'm curious to see how they're
going to deal

with this white chocolate.

That could catch the bakers out,
which in turn

throws their timings out,
which in turn ends

in melting messes all over
the top.

You're a gloomy fellow.

Instruction number one,

make the biscuit base using
the rubbing in method.

So I've just combined the flour
and butter.

Then add the oats. Number two,

spread the mixture out on a tray
and bake.

I want those oats to get
a nice bit of colour on them.

I don't think it's going to need
very much,

just get it a wee bit crisp.

Five minutes and then check.
Blooming hell, it's hot, innit?

I'll be honest with you, every time
I come to this area

my temperature actually goes up.

I do have that effect.

Next is move on to
the blackcurrant jelly.

Which very helpfully says,
"Make blackcurrant jelly".

Feeling jelly, jelly!

I've left some of
the blackcurrants whole for

a bit of texture, to be honest.

It's more civilised, innit,
to sieve your jelly.

Hello. Hello. How are you?

I'm good. I'm just going to squeeze
my gelatine.

Do you like gelatine?
No, this is a pig's trotter.

Oh, is that what it is?

We should all be just vegan at this
point, shouldn't we?

Yeah, are you a vegan? No.

Well, there you are.

So now pour into the lined tray
to set.

That's got to go in
the fridge surely.

I'm getting them out.

Happy with the biscuit.

Then give it a good old blitz.

So I'm just going to get the biscuit
base into the mould.

Equal amounts.

The right amount in each one

didn't end up the way I thought it
would. That's OK.

Patted it down, so it's gone nice
and set. Right.

Next on the agenda, caramelising
some white chocolate.

Caramelised white chocolate.
I don't know what it is.

I've done a caramelised white
chocolate before. Can't remember

when I did it and what it was for,
but I have done one.

Caramelising white chocolate will

test the bakers' knowledge
and nerve.

Heat the chocolate in bursts in

the microwave, stirring between each

What's a burst?

Kind of like ten seconds.

Not long enough in the microwave

and it could be grainy
and unpleasant.

I'm literally just going to do,
like, 30 seconds bursts.

But white chocolate's high sugar
content means even

a few seconds too long could
mean disaster.

But I'm not going to do any more
than 20 second bursts, just cos you

never know, it might start burning.

My burst is 1 minute 30 seconds on
a medium.

Nothing's happening.

Oh! Prue did say perseverance
and patience.

It should go a browny colour.

Nothing happens. Still looks white.

It's starting to change texture.

I've burnt it. I've burnt my

Right, I'm starting again.

Has anyone actually managed it yet?

Yeah, that's me, that is.

I just don't want to push it
any further.

Yes. I think we're about there,

so I think I'm going to leave it
at that.

Looks good. I don't know if it is
the right consistency.

I'm going to leave it now.

Oh, no. No!

It's burnt, I hate white chocolate.
It's the bane of my existence.

I feel like I'm going to set up
a charity

for everybody who's ever worked
with caramelised white chocolate.

Right, it's fine, we're not going to
stress too much about it.

Bakers, you are halfway through!

Right, so now I'm going to beat
the cream cheese, add the egg,

mix in my caramelised chocolate,
cornflour and cream.

While most of the bakers move onto
their filling...

I'm not sure at all what consistency
I'm looking for.

I beg of you, please work.

I need to get a wriggle on.

..and Dana are still struggling

to caramelise their
white chocolate.

I think there'll come a point where
I just give up

and just use white chocolate.

So pour my filling over
the biscuits and bake.

They're going in.

Now, obviously there's no bake time.
I'm going to start with 30 minutes.

So it's a fairly big window.

It's just getting hotter.

You OK? Uh, not great.

I'm very hot.

I'm sweating! I'll fan you down
if you want?

It's working wonders, that.

How long we got left of the
challenge? 45 minutes.

Do you reckon you've got it in you
to do another 45 minutes of that?

Yeah, of course I could.

My chocolate's caramelised

after chuffing half an hour of
sodding about

with white chuffing chocolate.

My chocolate's not great,
but I'll make them anyway.

My chocolate's been caramelised,
so I'm happy.

I've literally just put it in
the oven. It's mental.

God, it will be fine.

Sod them.

OK, bakers, you've got 30
minutes left.

My God.

Right, let's have a nosy.

I'm going to give them five
more minutes.

They're out, I've no idea if they're
cooked or not.

I'm worried about, like,
the chilling time.

Get the jelly on, so my jelly
doesn't melt.

And then the cream on, so
my cream doesn't melt.

I would say they're coming out.

They've sunk. Could be good,
could be bad.

I'm just going to wang them in
the freezer.

A couple of kids have opted
to wear jumpers today on

the hottest day of the year.

I'm sweating at the moment.
Literally. It's very hot. So am I!

I match my shirt. My rouge, don't I?

It's hot.

I'm really dizzy.

Is Tash all right?

It's so hot, I think I need
some air.

You can take as much time as you
need, all right? OK.

Nice and slowly, get up for me.

Unfortunately the heat is taking its
toll on Tasha.

Make sure you take nice
and slow breathing, OK?

And she's been advised to take
a break from the tent.

Is she all right?

Just give yourself
a couple of minutes, OK?

There's still a bit of
a wobble in the middle.

So I'm going to give it another
five minutes.

Two more minutes.

Oh, I don't know.

Bakers, you have 15 minutes left.

Right, I'm getting these things out.

They've got the jiggle which
I wanted.

They just need to set fully,
but we haven't got long.

Getting them out could be
a bit tricky.

Oh, what do I do?

I think they're all right.

Got a slight bit of a wobble
on them,

so I think we're potentially
looking OK with that.

Hi, darling, how are you?
I'm gutted.

Tasha hasn't recovered enough
to finish the challenge.

I had a massive migraine last night.

I thought I would feel
better this morning, but...

I can see you're not well.
Go home, sweetheart.

Go and rest.
Come on, I'll walk you back.

Oh. Come on.

Right, so now place set jelly on top
of each of the cheesecakes.

Still it is hot,
I am really worried.

Oh, my gosh. It's just so stressful.

While they're still in the freezer,
I was putting these on top.

It just needs maximum time in
the freezer.

Oh, how am I going to do this?
It will melt.

Right, pipe a wavy line
of Chantilly cream down

the middle of each of
the cheesecakes.

Bakers you've got one minute left,
one minute.

Yeah, I'm really happy.

Ah, it's melting.

They're so hot.

Don't know what I'm doing.


Melting, melting, melting.

..your time...

Oh, my God.


Please bring your cheesecakes
down to the gingham table

and place them behind
your photographs.

Prue and Paul are expecting six
identical elegantly decorated

cheesecakes with a silky,
caramelised white chocolate filling.

OK shall we start over here

These look relatively neat.

And they all look identical.

Little bit dark, I think.

Yeah, little overbaked.

The cheesecake filling,
it is delicious

but it is a little bit
too caramelised.

From the sublime...

Well, this one is not very

Everything's been piled on top while
they're still hot

and everything's just pouring off.

The biscuit base is very good.

It's a bit grainy,
the actual filling as well.

The custard filling.

But they all look right size,
if I'm looking for a positive.

Now these look quite nice,

although there's a big dip
in the middle.

This is down to bringing them
out just a little bit too early.

But the jelly looks good,

the decoration,
the pipework looks nice as well.

Hmm. The flavour is good.

The caramelisation is correct.
Yeah, it is.

Again rushed. It's overbaked.

You can see how dark
the white chocolate has gone.

Look at the colour on that.
Yeah, it's a bit too far.

Again, they were rushed for time.

It's a shame that they've
overbaked it.

These are very neat.

These are very neat.

Nice snap. Decent colour.

All the layers
are very even and neat.


Hmm, smooth filling.

I think that's delicious.

Yeah, it's very good.
OK, moving on.

Again it's overbaked.

And the jelly doesn't look
as if it's smooth.

It's a bit rough, that.
Let's have a look inside this.

It is overbaked,
that white chocolate,

it's a little bit grainy on the
mouth. Hmm.

It's not as smooth as it could be.

This looks as if it got dropped.

And again, there's been a problem
with the heat

and everything thrown on at
the last minute.

The actual colour's not bad.
It's good, the filling's good.

The base is good.
It's nice and smooth inside.

It's a pity cos if this bake had
had more time,

I think it would've been
a really good one.

The oaty base is not very even.

This side is very thick
and that side's very thin.

It is.

I think the filling's all right.

Yeah, I must say that blackcurrant
is delicious, isn't it? Hmm.

Paul and Prue will now rank
the cheesecakes from least

to most successful.

OK, in eighth spot we have this
one. Saku.

They look terrible and overbaked.
I think you ran out of time.

In seventh place we have this one.

Cristy, it's a bit of a mess.

But tasted good.

Thank you.

In sixth we have this one.

Josh, just far too dark in
the caramel and the bake.

Dana is in fifth place,

Nicky's fourth and Rowan comes


In second spot we have this one,
whose is this?

Matty, these aren't too bad.
Bit of a dip in the middle.

Which means Dan.

Well, Dan, that is amazing.

Well done.

It's the only one which is perfect,
well done. Thank you.

Sun's shining, first in my

yeah it's a good end to the day.

Best I've done so far
and I do love cheesecake.

I tasted everyone's about two times
over. I feel a bit sick now.

That was awful.
Absolutely excruciating.

Why am I laughing?
I should cry.

Still there. It's a little hope for

It's a new day, new bake.

Still old me, we'll see.

Are you happy with how
everything's going?

Overall, with chocolate week,

I've been
a little bit underwhelmed.

It was difficult yesterday.

Tasha was so upset
that she wasn't very well.

Tasha unfortunately had to go.
She will be with us next week.

Could someone leave
because someone's dropped out?

Yeah, someone still can leave.

Who needs to be worried today?

I think two people,

Cristy and I think Saku are in
a lot of trouble.

Depending on the show stopper,
I think someone may be going today.


Good to see you, bakers,

welcome back it's time
for your show stopper challenge.

Today the judges would love you

to make a spectacular
edible chocolate box.

Now I don't know about you
but when I get a box of chocolates,

I throw the chocolates in
the bin and eat the box.

Now your edible chocolate box,

alongside some filled moulded

should contain an exquisite
perfectly baked chocolate cake.

You have four chocolaty hours.
On your marks... Get set...


There's a lot to do in four hours.

I just want to get
started and do it.

The show stopper this week is
a chocolate box cake.

What we're after is to
try to find out how skilful

the bakers are with chocolate.

My biggest fear is the box.

If you don't get the temper right
you're making everything else

The tempering of the chocolate is
all about rising the temperature,

cooling it down sufficiently,
before they start putting

all the components together or
the whole thing will collapse.

The chocolate box is more
about precision.

The cake, on the other hand,
is about flavour.

But the wonderful thing about
chocolate is it goes with so many

They could do whatever they
want. This is their chance to shine.

And there are a few bakers in
a little bit of trouble at

the moment and they need to create a
little bit of chocolate magic.

Hi, Josh. Hello.

So, Josh, we need to know all
about your chocolate box.

My chocolate box. Yes, so I shall be
doing a chemistry chocolate box.

What you doing, the periodic table?

So there's going to be a periodic
table around the edge and...

You are doing a periodic table.
I'm doing different elements
around the edge.

The box is going to have chemistry
shaped cut outs all the way round

Josh's formula for chocolate
box success includes

a chocolate sponge cake layered
with caramel buttercream

and roasted hazelnuts, topped with
salted caramel and vanilla

and white chocolate truffles.

And he's hoping his hand-piped
decorations will spark

a positive reaction.

I'm going to use the chemical
elements to write different words

So I'll do, like, phenethylamine,
which is like a neurotransmitter.

So we're going to have vanilla in
as well for your...

so you've got in vanilla,

butyric acid, which is what you've
got in milk chocolate.

I'm going to have a oleic acid as
well hopefully...

Josh, Josh, stop, stop, stop.
Sorry, sorry.

Enough now, enough now.
You lost me at the last roundabout.

Oh, still tempering.

Whether the bakers are using
dark or trickier white chocolate...

Wanted the white cos I wanted
to introduce colour.

You can't really do that with
the darker chocolates.

It needs to be well tempered
in order to build their boxes.

The chocolate's got to be
tempered perfectly.

If it isn't it'll just bend,
it'll crack, it'll snap.

But with Rowan using both
dark and white...

We don't have perfectly tempered
chocolate, I don't think,

but I'm just going with it.

Speed is of the essence.

So I'm doing a paint box
for my grandad.

He's an artist.

So I'm just creating
the woodgrain now

and then go over it again with white
chocolate and fill in the gaps.

Inside Rowan's nostalgic paint box
will be a dark chocolate sponge

filled with multiple chocolate
orange layers,

including a Swiss meringue
buttercream, mousse and orange curd.

Raspberry and orange fondant

will represent his grandad's
oil colours.

When you practised, have you managed
to do it well in the time?

It's funny you say that, Paul.
I've not quite practised this.

He's been doing his dissertation
remember as well.

I have. I've just finished
university this week.

Oh, my goodness. Congratulations.
So thank you. Wow.

It's kind of get it done as
fast as possible

and cover up the cracks afterwards.

I just want to make sure that my
panel is as thin as possible.

I want a nice thin delicate
box, really.

While one half of the bakers
are building their boxes out of
chocolate panels...

It's meant to be rustic.
It's meant to do this.

..Cristy, Dana, Saku and Dan
are using moulds to shape theirs.

Putting the chocolate into my moulds

is the most crucial part
of the whole thing.

I am doing today an edible
treasure chest filled with

the flavours of the Caribbean.

Dan's pirate booty will see
his moulded chocolate chest

filled with layers of white
chocolate mousse,

tropical fruit jellies,
coconut dacquoise

and a white chocolate
genoise sponge.

His chocolates will be filled
with caramel

and rum-soaked raisins
and shaped like sea shells.

I love making this
because it's like dedicated

to my kids and stuff on the beach

My kids are on the beach today.

Mine are as well, yeah. Are they?
What are we doing in a tent?

Why are we here?

Dan's not the only baker
celebrating their inner child.

So I am doing a princess carriage.

Living my childhood dream
of wanting to be a princess,

which never came to life. Aw!

Listen, it's still early days.
It's still early days.

It's still early days.
You never know.

Dana's bringing her childhood
princess dreams to life

with a delicate white chocolate

filled with layers of chocolate

salted peanut caramel and peanut
butter and cream cheese mousse.

Her fantasy will be complete
with a cookie dough

and Irish cream liqueur chocolates
alongside carefully moulded

chocolate decorations.

So I made these.

But the only trouble is trying
to get the leg out of the mould.

So far I've been unsuccessful. So
we'll see. Handy. Oh, my goodness.

Do you know what? It's because
it's almost midnight,

they're turning back into mice.
So that's the whole. Ah.

That's the whole situation.
Are you Cinderella?

I'm Cinderella today, I am.

While Dana's hoping her
horses don't turn back into mice...

I need it out the way
so I can breathe again.

..Cristy's trying to avoid
a broken heart.

I'm doing a heart chocolate box.

I'm dedicating it to my husband,
my little soulmate.

Cristy's romantic white chocolate
box will be loaded

with layers of hazelnut
mascarpone filling

and chocolate and hazelnut sponge -

her husband Ryan's
favourite flavours.

Her heart shaped chocolates will
contain hazelnut praline

and chocolate ganache.

You need to have a good one,
don't you? I do. No pressure.

I think if I had like something
to relax me, like a drink.

If I could have a team of...
Floatation t*nk.

All right,
I can organise that. Don't worry.

No, I definitely can't. Yeah.
I'll get on it now. All right.

After her own disappointing
first day.

This is the cricket bat.

..Saku's hoping not to be BOWLED
out of the competition.

This box is for my daughter.
She loves cricket.

Saku's cylindrical chocolate
box will contain

a pistachio sponge filled
with chocolate cream cheese icing.

She's hoping her ambitious plans

to make three different
moulded chocolates,

flavoured with pistachio, raspberry
and coffee, won't leave her STUMPED.

What's she good at,
batting or bowling?

She's a spin bowler.

A spin bowler? That's what I used
to do when I was at school.

Ah. I was a spin bowler.

So why don't you do it now?

Bit old. Legs are like breadsticks.

Chocolate is tempered.

But I'm just moulding it
round these.

While their box elements set...

This looks like someone who
knows what they're doing.

Shock horror.

..the bakers can now focus on

the chocolate cake that will go

We're going for
a chocolate genoise sponge.

Hopefully it's nice,
hopefully it's moist.

Genoise sponge will form the base of
Matty's cake which will be layered

with raspberry coulis,
creme mousseline

and covered in a chocolate
mirror glaze.

He's hoping the flavours
of his pistachio

and lemon chocolates will keep him
in favour with the judges.

Now I think you are on the rise.
You have to keep going up.

Yeah, fingers crossed, yeah.

On the RISE.
Don't leave me hanging.


To RISE above this
chocolate challenge...

That's going in for 25 minutes. well as producing a box,
cake and multiple fillings...

I've never made an orange curd,
I'm not worried, are you?

The bakers also have at least
one set of moulded chocolates to

This is the pistachio chocolate.

But while some are managing
the workload...

We've done that, we've done that,
we've done that, we've done that.

Oh, my days.

..Nicky's hit a snag.

I am trying to make myself
salted caramel

and I am trying to bring it back
from the brink. It will work.

Nicky's tricky caramel will form

the centre of one
of her moulded chocolates,

while the other will be filled
with lemongrass and coconut.

They'll sit on top of her chai
and orange liqueur cake,

decked with layers of chocolate
ganache and hazelnut meringue.

No, it's gone over.
It'll be like toffee.

I'm going to be mucking about
with this for a bit, I think.

Bakers, you're halfway through.

Oh, I'm panicking like mad now.

Chocolate week is my week.

I've had a little bit
of Rowan's chocolate,

I've had a little bit
of Dan's chocolate,

I've had a little bit
of Cristy's chocolate.

All I want now is your chocolate.

I'll wait for it to melt.

Oh, my word.

It's not baked in the middle,
but I have to start the cake.

In practice they was, like,
double one of those sponges.

Yeah, I'm just going to redo it.

While Matty and Saku remake
their chocolate sponges...

I am stressing now.


I'm so behind I could scream.

..and Nicky...

Take three on the caramel.

And I haven't even done
the lemongrass bit yet.

..are having to scale back
their plans.

I've gone rogue. I'm just doing the
one. I'm going to stick to orange.

Do you know what?

Even if I got just one set
of chocolates out, I'd be happy.

But no matter how many chocolates
the bakers are making...

I'm doing a couple in silver,
couple in gold.

So these go inside
the treasure chest.

..Paul and Prue are expecting a
thin, shiny, tempered chocolate

Don't you just love this bit?
I love this bit.

It is quite fun it's just
a messy job.

And I'm,
I'm not a fan of cleaning so.

Absolute outrageous
amount of mess I'm making today.

It's like a b*mb's hit it.

This is ridiculous.

Oh, my God, it's really messy here
as well, isn't it? I know.

What are you...?
Rowan's a mess, you're a mess.

I'm going to have to do some
cleaning lessons with you lot.

This is popping candy. Cos obviously
every carriage ride,

there would be
fireworks somewhere.

So I've got my rum
and raisins which have been

macerating at home for a couple of

CO is copper.

No, it's cobalt.

You can tell I got
a D in chemistry, can't ya?

You all right, Saku?

Not really.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone
put anything in the oven that fast.

Just breathe.

That's it, breathe.

Bakers, you have one hour left.

Shiver me timbers and help me,
I've got an hour left.

I'm going to start assembling.

For the bakers with moulded
chocolate boxes...

Let's hope this goes well.'s the moment of truth.

Oh, I'm really scared now.

It's always come out of

the mould and for some reason, oh,
now it's not.

I'm just going to cut it out
you know. It's got to work.

My heart is breaking right now.

So far all right.

Perfect timing, Noel, thank you.

I don't want to watch you do that
again, it was too stressful.

I'm shaking.

I can breathe again.

There we go.

My life's depending on this.

Whilst half the tent can now begin
constructing their cakes...

Fruit in.

..the other half still have
to hand build their boxes.

Sweating now. This is the moment.

But if the chocolate panels
haven't been properly tempered...

I'm just a bit worried these
aren't tempered right.

Let's see if we can actually
assemble it.

..they'll be too soft
and the box will collapse.

It's not set properly.

It's fine. It is what it is.


Oh, dearie me.
I've got such shaky hands.

Feels like it's doing its stuff.

I've only done it once though.

Oh, this isn't tempered right.
Oh, God.

I don't know what to do.

Think I'm going to have
to do some more tempered chocolate.

I'm just praying that
I've got enough time.

My cake and my truffles are there.
I just haven't got a box.

How long have we got?

you only have half an hour left.

I hope it's done.

While Saku and Matty's remade
sponges are baked...

How to cool this down? well as finishing the cakes...

Nothing brown and log-like looks
pleasant, does it?

Saku's still got three sets
of moulded chocolates to make.

I don't know if I can finish this.

Come here, you can do this.
I know you can. Oh. No.

You've got this. Thank you.
You've got this.

This is diabolical.

Wow, you've made a sofa.
A small sofa.

What's happening here?

Oh, what a mare.

They're lying down horses.

I'll have to get
the legs out separately.

Right we can do this, can't we?

These chocolates have got
to come out.

They are not coming out,

they're not tempered right.
One out.

I've got some panels now at

it's better but I'm just short on
time now, aren't I?

Two out.

What can I make out of this?

Boom town.

How you doing?

I'm all right, yeah.

They look amazing.

You're smashing it today.
See you later.

Take it easy, go for it.

I do not know how on earth

I have managed to put
a box together.

How much time we got left?

you've just got one minute left.

I've got to get Alison's name piped
on the side somewhere.

It looks like my
grandad sat on it,

instead of opened it to paint.

Feeling happy.
I've not had a disaster.

Saku, do you need a hand
with anything?

Yes, take these, out of the...
Turn these out. Yeah.

Go on,
you get cracking I'll do this.

I can't get it off the board.

Sod it mate, get it in.

OK, bakers, your time...

Come on, Nick.

It's in, it's in.


Please step away from your
edible chocolate box cakes.

This is the worst
thing I've ever made.

Oh, my God.

It's judgment time for
the bakers' chocolate box cakes.

Matty, it's time
for your show stopper.

I think your box is beautifully
engineered, but lost all its shine.

Hmm. Right, let's get the top off.

Well, now this is nice and shiny.

Moulded chocolates are
perfectly tempered.

Inside it's got
a chocolate genoise sponge,

with a chocolate creme mousseline,
raspberry coulis.

The raspberry's delicious.
And the textures are spot on.

To put raw raspberries in often will
make it too wet,

and you've done it very well.
Thank you. Well done.

What's in the white chocolate?
That's like a lemon mousse

and the dark chocolate's
pistachio cream.

I'd pay a lot of money for
a box of those.

Thank you. Good job.

Well done. Thank you.

Well done, you.

It's so neat and
it's so beautiful.

Oh, that looks amazing.

The passion fruit is such a good

because it's glittery,
it looks like jewels.

So this is my tropical entremets,
consisting of genoise sponge,

a coconut dacquoise,
white chocolate mousse,

passion fruit jelly,

with salted caramel
and rum and raisin chocolates.

Hmm, flavours are wonderful.

They are. Really fresh, but it's not
carrying a lot of baking in there.

It's really a dessert, isn't it?

Your salted caramel chocolate
is delicious.

Got a lovely shine on it as well.

I think it's really impressive.

It's more impressive from
a distance... Yeah.

..because you can't see
the lack of the details. I agree.

It's a shame you couldn't put
the legs on. They've had a long day.

There's not much of
a shine on that cake, is there?

The cake is delicious,

but the nuts and
the caramel far too pale.

It needs to be much richer in colour
and that brings more flavour.

Have a look at one of these, Prue.

So we've got cookie dough
and pretzel

and an Irish liqueur cream filling.

What is that?
Is it the popping candy?

- Yeah, I can hear it.

It's just very sweet.

It's not the neatest work that
you've ever done.

No. I've had a mare.

They're a bit weird in colour,
aren't they?

What's in the blue one?

That's an orange fondant.

Ish. There's a hint.


It's a chocolate cake,

with a chocolate orange Swiss
meringue buttercream

and an orange curd.

Ooh, that's delicious.

The flavour's great,
but it's a bit of a mess. Yeah.

Do you know what?
If we came to your house

and had a slice
of that you'd think it was perfect.

Ah, hmm, I'd kick off.

But you're not invited, Paul.
Thank you very much.

Thank you.

You've got a box that's not
tempered properly... Yeah.

..which is why it's lost all
its shine.

When you're doing piping like
this you have to be

so precise and that's not
precise enough.

I think the piping on this side's
really good, it says "Alison".

I think it's fantastic.

I think the sponge is baked
beautifully well.

Not carrying a huge amount
of flavour.

That's because the
hazelnuts are so strong.

I would complain that
I've got too many nuts in my mouth.

Let's try this white one
which is again?

White chocolate and vanilla

and this one's got
the caramel chocolate and hazelnut.

Very nice. Hmm.

Oh, that's delicious.

Well, I think this
is a little triumph.

I think the box looks amazing.
The tempering is really impressive.

The shine.
The shine is fantastic.

Thank you.

Where are all your truffles?
There's just three of them.


They weren't quite all capped,

so I thought I'll
give you three nice ones.

The cake, the meringue,
the nuts in there. Hmm.

It is an extremely rich cake.

Hmm. Do you know, I love the
richness and I love the flavours.

Delicious. What is in here?

Salted caramel.

Certainly is.

Really nice.

Who's the third one for?

Do you want it?

Well caught. I like it.

Thanks, Nicky.

I love the box.
It's perfect, isn't it?

Beautiful, really beautiful.

Did you manage to get it out without
a crack or anything? Very good.

Thank you.
Right, let's have a look at this.

It's a chocolate cake with
a chocolate and mascarpone filling.

Well, it's very chocolaty.

I just think the texture is a bit

It is, it's a bit dry in the mouth.

But these are nice and shiny.

The praline's nice.
Oh, good.

That's nice chocolate, yeah.

Hmm, coffee's lovely.
Both very good.

I think the box structurally is
very good.

It's a nice looking box.

It's a shame the shine's not there

cos that would've
looked really good.

Ah, there's the cricket bat.
Isn't that a perfect cricket bat?

You've struggled a little bit
with the chocolates, haven't you?

Yeah. Maybe you should've just done
one type, rather than three.

See what the cake's like.

Cake is milk chocolate
and a pistachio.

I love the pistachio flavour.

It is a bit dry.

I think the flavour,
however, is beautiful.

Is this one...? Coffee.

Coffee. Hmm, certainly is.
I like that one.

But the chocolate is a bit soft.
Still pretty delicious.

Well done, Saku.
Thank you very much.

Thank you. Thank you.

It was far better than
what I thought,

but I'm done with chocolate.

No more chocolate. In my life. Ever.

That was a nice way to finish
the day off,

sun's out, got a result like that.

I'm happy with that.
I don't know about Star Baker.

But definitely as close
to getting it as I have been.

I feel proud of what I presented.

But I think off the back of

I could possibly be going home.

The stress ride continues.

So Paul, Prue, how impressed were
you with the show stoppers?

Matt's cake was one of the best
because it was light.

It still tasted chocolaty
and delicious.

We wanted the chocolate to be in
the cake as well as the box. Yeah.

And when we did get a chocolate like
Nicky, it was really punchy.

I don't know about you guys,

but I was quite happy
seeing Dan come back.

Well, thank goodness for that.

This was utterly delicious.

But there was hardly any cake in it.

The one I was so
disappointed about was Rowan.

His box was a complete mess.

He was in line for Star Baker.

So I think it ended up with
for me between Nicky and Matty.

So who needs to be worried today?

Definitely Cristy, definitely Saku.

Coming into today,
they weren't doing particularly well

and, actually, both of them
are much of a muchness.

Saku's was quite dry
but the flavour was good.

And Cristy's quite dry
but the flavour was good.

So they're almost identical.

But the fact that Tasha's not

We have to decide
whether someone should go,

or we leave it for another week.

And that's what Prue and I have to
sit and go through again

and have a chat
and see where we are.

I'll be honest with you, Josh,

the fact that he used my name,
for me, is the winner.

You need to try that,

cos I guarantee you'll have
a problem with his nuts.

Hello, bakers.

I've got a lovely job of announcing
this week's Star Baker.

And the person who is Star Baker
this week is...



I've got the awful job of announcing
who is leaving today.

So, the baker leaving
the tent today is...

..none of you.

You're all staying.

However, next week, two bakers
will leave the tent.

Thank you, guys.

I'm so happy.

I am buzzing, yeah.

Also a little bit of a confidence
boost as well.

You were right.

You have this week.

Matty has been getting better and

I think he really
deserves Star Baker.

A bit better next week,
please, Saku.

I will try my best.

Phew! Such a relief.

Goodness gracious,
I can't remember why I'm here.

I'm just so over the moon to have
got halfway, it's just mad.

It was between Saku and Cristy
that was going to go,

and I think with the fact that Tasha

didn't do too well in
their first challenge,

it wasn't fair that someone left.

It's pastry week next week and the
pressure will be on all the bakers

because two will be leaving.

Bab, I won Star Baker.

Oh, my God. Oh, I'm so proud of you.
Thank you.

On the week where we thought
you were going out.


Next time..

I've got cramp in my hands.'s pastry week.

Two people are going home this week.

Oh, I know. It's so, so scary.

They'll need to keep their cool
with a steamy Signature...

Oh, no.

..avoid faux pas while
recreating a French classic...

Look at it,
it's flat like a pancake.

Oh, she's going to hate it.

..and demonstrate
pie-making artistry.

There's a bit of a
planning issue happening.

Could you grab these two ends? Yeah.

And I'll grab this and we left.

Oh, it's just... Look, it's broken.
Oh, God.

What are we going to do?