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13x10 - The Final

Posted: 04/20/24 20:01
by bunniefuu
In the beginning...
Nerves, man, nerves.

...there were 12.

You know "desserts" backwards
is "stressed"? And I am.


Keep it together, lassie.


What can go wrong?

Oh, Paul Hollywood.
That's what can go wrong.

Still not in?

I can't get them in the oven now
because they're not ready.

Now three remain.

The winner...

Do you want it? I do, actually. Do
you want it bad?

I do want it bad. Wait,
what we talking about, actually?

...of the Great British Bake Off...

They want sculpture,
I'm giving you a sculpture.


This is the calm before
the storm, basically.

Any one of the bakers could win.
At this point I cannot call it.

Just three challenges stand between
the finalists

and the coveted Bake Off crown.

Group hug, group hug.
All right, guys. Let's do this.

Oh. Good luck, guys.

Good luck.

Throughout the competition,

Sandro's highly decorative bakes
impressed the judges.

Sandro, it is absolutely astonishing.

It is exceptionally pretty.

And he became the first
of our finalists to win Star Baker.

I think I can win it.
I have to stay focused.

Our second finalist, Abdul, has
consistently performed well.

That is one of the best mirror
glazes I've ever seen.

It's just beautiful.

That's a great biscuit as well. Hmm.

Abdul, you have done
an exceptional job.

But it wasn't until
the semifinal...

Look at the ambition of this.

...that he unleashed his
full potential...

I think it looks
absolutely magnificent.

...and was finally
awarded Star Baker.

Well done, mate.

I'm really lucky to be here in
the tent with these guys

and I just cannot wait for
the day to get started.

Syabira made her mark

in the tent with her
unconventional flavours.

Why not put a chicken satay in
a macaron? I'm a risk taker.

And although the gamble didn't
always pay off...

It tastes like sweetcorn.
It's not for me.

...her unique baking style...

It is so unusual.

...earned her a
Hollywood handshake...

Oh, thank you.

...and three Star Bakers.


This is not going to be an easy final.

Hopefully we're going to give
the judges a very, very hard time

to decide who's
going to be the winner.

Good morning, bakers.

Congratulations, this is the final

so I wish you all lots of luck.

Now, unfortunately, Noely-Pops
isn't feeling very well

so he's not here today.

Hopefully he'll be feeling better
later on and will join us.

Now, for your final
signature challenge

the judges would like you to make
a summer picnic,

using seasonal ingredients
from across the UK.

Your picnic should consist of six
beautifully decorated mini cakes,

six individual vegetarian pies

and six finger sandwiches made from
a classic white loaf.

You have three hours.

On your marks, get set, bake!

With two loaves and 18 individual
bakes to tackle, this is

the most challenging signature ever
seen in the Bake Off final.

It is a very big challenge
I would say. Um, it's crazy.

I don't even do
things already in time.

Like, why are they doing this to me?

I am ready for it.

My energy level is, like,
get things done quick.

And time isn't the
only restriction.

The theme for this final
is one that I really,

really approve of, which is we're
celebrating our planet.

And so for our signature challenge
we want the bakers

to really think about how they're

going to pack flavour by
getting seasonal,

British ingredients.

The lemons are grown in Devon.
Who knew Devon grew lemons?

The bakers needed
to have practised this.

Not so much with the baking itself,
but actually the timing.

Initially they need to get
the bread going

because they're going to use one of
the loaves

actually to make the sandwiches.

And also we're asking them
for six cakes.

Inside I'm going, like,
"Ahhh! Panic!

Right what's next? It's the pastry.

Making the pie will take
a little bit of time as well

so they have to be across several
different disciplines

at the same time.

Boil eggs, make pickles,
Swiss roll.

It's gonna be a great challenge.
What's not to like about having

a picnic near the Bake Off tent?
It's awesome.

Morning, Syabira. Morning.
Hello, Syabira.

Welcome to the final.
Thank you.

Tell us all about your
summer picnic.

I am making no porky pie.

A what? No porky pie.
No pork pie? Yeah.

Oh, right, OK.

So the meat is actually aubergine

and a little bit of mushroom

to give like the umami
taste of the pork. Ooh, nice.

Syabira's pork-free pies will also
contain a quail's egg

and a layer of piccalilli.

These will accompanied by
heart-shaped finger sandwiches,

packed with a broad bean coriander
paste and salsa verde.

For dessert, elderflower-infused
Swiss rolls

filled with strawberry jam
and a rosemary cream.

Do you know what they call aubergine
in America?

What? Eggplant. Eggplant
- Eggplant.

Do you want some
eggplant in your burger?

That's a great American accent.

I want french
fries with a hamburger, please.

With seasonality at
the heart of this challenge,

the bakers have opted for
an array of vegetarian ingredients.

I'm just going in to roast
the cauliflower.

And, in a bid to drastically reduce
his food miles,

Abdul has found a British equivalent
to a Greek favourite.

For my pies, typically I put in feta.

This fettle cheese has
a crumbly texture,

it's not as
the Greek feta cheese

but it comes fairly close to it.

Made in Yorkshire, Abdul's fettle
cheese will bring

a subtle sharpness to his leek,
onion, rocket and mint pies.

For his sandwiches, he'll mix
grated vegetables

with cream cheese and dill.

And for his cakes, a
classic mini Swiss roll,

filled with a cherry and
tarragon jam.

You've been the sleeper
of this show, haven't you?

Because it wasn't until the semifinal

that you became
Star Baker, even.

Yes, that is very true. Yeah. Yes.

You know Maxy, Janusz they were
collecting those Star Bakers.

Yes. And they're not here right now.

Yeah, which is sad but,
yes, that is true.

You're not sad!
Look at that smile on your face.

No, no, it's sad.

Redefining sad, live on
the British Bake Off.


No, no, it's sad in a way, like...
No, not sad.

Sad in the way of like
you're happy? No.

Morning, Sandro. Morning.

Welcome to the final.
Thank you.

So, Sandro we
need to know about your picnic.

So I'm doing garlic cheesy
cauliflower pies.

Nice. What kind of pastry?

Shortcrust pastry.
Done the right way.

This week it's all about redemption
for me

so everything I've sort
of done wrong throughout

the weeks, I want to do
right. OK.

Sandro's hoping to prove he can
achieve perfect pastry

with his cauliflower cheese pies.

These will be accompanied by egg
and watercress sandwiches,

lemon and elderflower cakes

and, in true Sandro style, he will
also be attempting to make

six fruit tarts
and six blueberry jam biscuits.

You mean there are extras?

Maybe there is.

You just do what you're meant to do.
Exactly. And do it perfectly.

Do it in the time and don't
make mistakes. Yeah.

Right. Good man. Thank you, Sandro.

Thank you.

Bakers, you halfway through.


Right, bread.

As the batch baking marathon begins
in earnest...

All right, bake beautifully, OK?

They're going to bake
for about 25 minutes.

...the bakers have
a small window in which to prepare

the next items on their
towering to-do lists.

The outside of the Swiss roll's
going to have

a printing of strawberry.
It will look cute.

Today there's a lot happening

and I need to make sure I
know where I am.

So this is why I made a timing chart

about exactly what I'm
doing at what time

and what things need to be done.

But Sandro...
All right, let's get this mix in.

...has two extra bakes to factor in.

So this is the butter for
the biscuits.

That I don't really need,
but I wanna do it.

Oh, my God this guy, man. This guy.

If you ask him to do three things,
he's going to do nine things.

How you feeling, Sandro?
Do you want it?

I do want it, actually.
Do you want it bad?

I do want it bad.

Wait what are we
talking about, actually?

Uh, winning the Bake Off.

Yes, that's what I thought, yeah. Good.

Sandro's journey to the Bake Off
tent started when his mum moved him

and his siblings from w*r-torn
Angola to start a new life

in the east end of London.

Based on where I come from
and, like, where I live

and stuff, I just... That was one of
my doubts in thinking of applying.

I thought this will never really
happen to a boy like me.

Like, do you know what I mean,
from the ends?

But it's bigger than me.
Do you know what I mean?

Being able to get here, it shows
other young boys

and young girls from the same
background that they can also do it.

And his family know just how hard
he's been working

to achieve his goal.

Sandro deserves this

I mean this is something that he's
been dreaming about

for so many years.

He's worked so hard.

There's not been one week that he
hasn't baked every single day.

I want someone like him to win,
I think he's going to inspire

so many young men like him,
you know, in London.

You know, young boy from East
London. So I'm so proud of him.

But no-one could be prouder than
mum Sandra,

who raised Sandro
and his siblings on her own.

I think he's the winner.
He can win, he can win.

I love you so much.

You are very special for me
and you're always going to be.

I'm very proud.

I'm very proud of him. Yes.

Family's buzzing,
they're super excited.

They can't wait
to come tomorrow.

No, they really stress me though

Cos I rely on them too much.

While much of Sandro's time is spent
with his family,

life for Abdul
is very different.

So my family is all around
the world.

My parents they live in Pakistan.

And my elder sister, she lives in
San Diego.

My dad is, like, you know, super
proud and super excited.

This is the first time that any
of our family members

is doing
something like this.

One family member in particular is
especially proud.

My younger sister, she was actually
who introduced me to Bake Off.

So she is ecstatic. Like, she is
just out of her mind

and she would've loved
to be here to support me.

But she is supporting from there
and so are my parents.

We're so proud of you
and I really hope that you enjoy

and don't stress too much.
And take care.

And we will celebrate, man. Yes.

We will all celebrate.
It's a proud moment.


Yeah, exactly.
Inshallah you will win.

But he has a close support network
here in the UK...

To winning the Bake Off!

To winning the Bake Off.

...which has grown even bigger since
meeting the other 11 bakers.

For the past 12 weeks we
have been together,

with each other, supporting
each other, helping each other.

It doesn't feel... It's like a
family. You know, we are here,

we are trying to give our best
and that's all that matters to us.

Abdul, what's your first language?

My first language is Urdu.

OK, so we have one hour left.

And Abdul is going to inform
the other bakers in Urdu.

Off you go.



We have one hour left, by the way.
Bread needs to come out.

Let me check the bread, let
me check the bread.

Panic. These are done.

As the bread makes way for
the sponges...

They're going to go for about ten
to 12 minutes.

I'm going to put a timer
for ten minutes.

So I have ten minutes exactly
to work on the pie.

I can do this.

...for the perfect pie

the bakers must judge the
thickness of the pastry.

It's about three
millimetre thickness.

Too thin and the pies
could collapse.

It will have to do.

But too thick and
the pastry won't cook through.

I don't want this liquid
to come out at all.

So when they eat it it's like,
"Ooh, this is really filling!

"It's quite meaty,
although there's no meat.

"It's got a lot of cream,
it's a lot of cheese, well done."

So when you've been at home on
days off, have you been cooking

for your partner or have you
just been practising?

I've been practising
and I didn't cook for him

and he say he miss my curry.

Oh. But, sorry, mate.

Passive aggressive.
Yeah, sorry, mate.

Sorry, mate, not this time.
Sorry, mate, yeah I'm on TV.

Is that all right with you?

He's very proud.

Syabira met boyfriend Bradley
two years ago

when she caught his eye on
a dating app.

Her profile pic was her with
a big cake

and some crazy pictures of
hugging a tree.

I thought, this girl looks fun.

Being a part of
the Great British Bake Off

means a huge amount to Syabira.

I've always said that
I will support her dreams.

And she said it's her dream to enter
so I said, "Let's do it."

She wasn't very confident that she
would have the skills to do it.

But I knew, deep down inside,
she had this passion

and it's been unleashed.

What does it mean for me to be here?

It means... Have you ever got
something, like you dream of,

but you don't think you'll get it
and eventually you get it?

It's like a lottery jackpot.

But you have to work really hard
for that.

I am absolutely so proud of her
for getting this far.

I'm the proudest boyfie ever.

I've never been the top person
in any kind of competition

or any classes that
I've attended

so maybe baking is my hidden talent

that I never discovered
until recently.

So Bradley said to me, "You're
already a winner to be in the final.

"Just go and smash it."

Is that a little egg on the floor?

Yeah, I just laid them.

She's a woman of many talents.

Cake is done.

As the cakes come out,

the pies can now join
the picnic production line.

OK, it's going in.

Time is very short for this one.
We have to make a lot of things.

I need to assemble my cake
and I need to do the sandwich.

Haven't done the
broad beans just yet.

But for Sandro there are still tarts
and biscuits to contend with.

I'm all right, I'm all right,
I'm not even panicking.

I'm going to make every single
thing I said I'm going to make.

Bakers you have half an hour left
before the judges crush your dreams.

With their white loaves cooled...

Please be baked all
the way through.

...The bakers need to
thinly slice them

to create six elegant
finger sandwiches.

Oh, my God, cutting this thing is
harder than I thought.

So this is the egg cress.
Would you like a taste?

No, uh, it's not. You're not egg
and cress fan guy?

Not an egg and cress guy no.

I have the eating age of
a nine-year-old.

Oh, right.

I like nuggets.

This is salsa verde.

This is basically a very random
sandwich, I would say.

I'm going back to my old story
of panicking at the very end

so I will start doing that in about
another ten minutes.

Going in is my biscuits that
I don't need.

So I'm assembling the
Swiss rolls now.

So this is the rosemary cream.

Rosemary goes well
with elderflower and strawberry.

So this is a cream
cheese filling.

You have five minutes left.

I'm going to do it.

And my pies need to come out.

I'm not sure if these are going to
be baked properly.

It's not perfect.
Some of them are a bit wonky.

They're looking good.

Going to start rushing now.

Bakers, you have one minute left.

Just get 'em done.

Rosemary cream.

Blueberry jam.

Bakers, your time is up.

Please step away from your bakes.

Dude, again. You have a feast
man. How do you do this, man?

Well done, everyone. Oh, my God.

It's the final signature.

The last signature is done.

Oh! Ka-pow!

Yeah. We don't have to worry about a
signature ever again in our life!

It's judgement time for the bakers'
final signature challenge.

Hello, Abdul. Hello.
Hi, Abdul.

I think, overall, it looks
quite nice.

The Swiss rolls have lost
a little bit of colour.

The sandwiches, a little bit
irregular in size.

They're a bit thick as well. Yes.
Thinner would've been better.

The finger sandwiches are
grated beetroot, carrot.

And the cream cheese is
filled with dill and chive.

I like the dill.

It's just the right amount
of cream cheese.

The beetroot and carrot are nice
and crunchy

and the cream cheese works well
with the very nice soft sandwich.

So far, so good.
Now we need the pie.

This is leek, onion,
with Yorkshire fettle.

And there's also mint in there.

The herb content in there has got
a nice kick to it. It's delicious.

And I must say, your pastry
is lovely.

Right let's have
a look at your Swiss roll.

The cherries work really well
with it.

Not getting much tarragon though
kicking in. OK.

But, overall, I think you've done a
decent job.

Your flavours are all good.
Flavours are all excellent.

Thank you.

I must say it does absolutely look
very cornucopia overflowing.

Well, let's try your sandwiches.
These massive sandwiches.

Come on, turn it into a elegant
finger sandwich, Mr Hollywood.

There you go.

Mm, heaven.

Ah, good.

You can't go wrong with egg
and cress.

And you've put a bit of mustard in
there, haven't you? I did, yeah.

Hmm, gives it just a little kick.
It's really nice.

My pies are cauliflower
cheese pies.

Does look pretty undercooked, the
pastry? Very undercooked, yeah.

Flavour of the cauliflower cheese is
absolutely delicious.

But the pastry's not quite cooked.

Let's have a look at your
massive cake.

So I made lemon
and elderflower sponges

with a mixed berry compote inside.

It's got a cream cheese filling.

Great flavours. The fruit filling,
it's got that tartness still.

And it works beautifully with
the lemon.

And the cream cheese,
which is beautiful.

I just think it's a little
bit too big. Too big, yeah.

I won't try your tart
because that's an extra bit

but it looks very nice.
Thank you.

Want a cheers for your last
signature judgment from me?

Cheers. I'll tell you what you've
probably made a mistake.

Cos you're just putting me in a very
good mood for judging Syabira.

Right, give us it back.

It reminds me a lot of
the hotel business

because in the hotel business
everything has to be the same size

and they look very similar.

OK, let's check your sandwiches.

It is broad bean coriander paste
with salsa verde.

He's going to say he's never had
those flavours before in a sandwich.

He's right. It's unusual,
it's really delicious.

It's got exactly the right texture.

Pies are very neat, quite robust.

Isn't that beautiful?

Well done,
the egg is bang in the middle.

I think it could've done with
a little more salt in it.

But the pastry is delicious.

OK. Swiss roll.

Very nice, I like that little bit
of decoration.

Explain what this is again.

This is elderflower sponge
with strawberry and rosemary cream.

It's very interesting.

I think the rosemary
slightly overpowers.

I think Prue's right but the sponge
is beautifully baked.

It's soft, it melts in the mouth

and it goes really well with
the filling.

Well done, Syabira. Thank you.
Thank you.

Prue always said my flavours
are unusual.

I've heard that every week.

Which is fine, I think they mean it
in a very good way.

It mostly went to plan.

They didn't taste all the elements

but I'm feeling, like, super relieved.

I'm ready for the technical.

Yeah, with technical for
the finale, it's tough to say.

I just hope there are
some instructions.

As ever, the bakers have no idea
what they are about to face.

Bakers it's time for your final
technical challenge,

which today has
been set by Paul Hollywood.

Paul, any words of advice?

You only get one shot at this.
Try not to mess it up.

Thank you very much, Paul.

Now, Paul is very emotional

because obviously
the show is coming to an end

so he's written a little
song that he'd like to sing for you.

Over to you, Paul.

Oh. It was really good.

He'll... I'm sure he'll sing it
later. He's just a bit shy.

As ever, we ask both judges to
leave the tent.

Paul's already gone so,
Prue, if you'd like to hop it.

For your technical challenge
the judges would like you

to make a summer pudding bombe.

Your bombe should consist of
an elderflower and berry jelly,

creamy meringue and raspberry
filling, all encased

in a raspberry-soaked bread.

And you have just two hours.

On your marks, get set, bake.

I've never made anything
like this at all.

I'd never heard of, like,
a summer pudding bombe before.

Ha, no instructions as always.

I have no idea.

Paul, this is the most beautiful
thing. It's a bombe, is it?

Well, essentially it's
a summer pudding.

So as you cut into this you get
the bread

that's been soaked on the outside
with the raspberry syrup.

Inside you have
a mousse-like mixture

and right in the heart of it is
an elderflower

and strawberry jelly.
Now this is the k*ller thing.

The loaf they made this morning,
they're going to use that loaf

to make this. Now, where can they go
wrong on this?

Plenty of places. Rectangular strips
going all the way around is

the only way you can seal in
the mousse inside.

If you do it in any other shape
you're going to create holes

and it's going to pour out.

And, also, they're being asked
to use vegetable gelatine.

With vegetable gelatine you have
to boil it to get it to work.

If they just throw it into hot water
it will not work,

and it will not set.

If this doesn't set, it will just
sink like a splodge.

That is heaven in a spoon.

I can't stop eating this,
but we have only three to try.

And are they going to set?
That's the question.

So, I'm going to start with
the sugar syrup.

Fresh raspberries.

I'm going to bring it to a boil

and make sure all
the raspberries have been crushed.

Then I'm going to sieve it.
Do you like raspberry?

Yeah, I like raspberry. Where is it
on the list of berries for you?

Top, like, two. Top two?

Well, I only know a
few berries. I know strawberries.

Yeah. I know raspberries. Yeah.

Um... You know Chuck Berry.

Chuck Berry? Don't know him.

Nick Berry.
Don't know Nick Berry.

He was in EastEnders. No, I don't
know who that is. Before your time.

So, the next part is
the jelly centre itself.

And just 100ml of syrup,

Where's the gelatine?

Vegetarian gelatine powder.

Unlike its alternative,

vegetarian gelatine needs
a high heat to work.

Shouldn't this be bloomed?

Typically with gelatine powder you
need to bloom it.

Vegetarian gelatine activates at
a higher temperature.

It needs to be boiled
to make sure it's able to set.

There's no other way.

I'm going to bloom it in here.

Mix it in, let it sit there.

I'm just following the instructions

because, when I don't, things
go wrong.

It's gonna be frozen until
it's set.

So this has to go into the freezer.

Right what's next?

Mini meringue kisses.

It's probably just
a normal French meringue.

I want to get stiff peaks, because
you need to pipe them,

it needs to be kisses
so it needs to have a...

Mini kisses, they said.
So I guess it has to be very small.

There's a lot of love on this tray.

Kisses, kisses, kisses, kisses.

And now they're going to bake until
they become crispy on the outside.

But they need to remain
a bit chewy on the inside.

So 120 degree.

No way. No way?

You're halfway through
the challenge! No way?

Small white loaf,
thinly sliced into 12.

I know that bread.

There you go.

Hello, old friend,
you look familiar.

Luckily I baked it well.

I'm going to do circles all around.

I think that's what's best to do.

I don't want them to see what I'm
doing, it's getting competitive.

Are you using this slice? No, I'm
not. You wanna taste it and see?

Well, I just wanted to do what Paul
Hollywood does with bread.

It's underproved,
but it's overproved.

Yeah, that's a good eat.

All of this dessert has to be encased

in your raspberry syrup
soaked bread.

Right I'm going to start soaking
my bread.

I don't have enough juice
to soak this.

I'm not sure if this has
to be this wet.

Just light soaking, because if it's
very highly soaked

it's going to
break apart.

And the syrup is finished.
How is that possible?

Maybe I just put too much in
these ones.

I'm just going to spread 'em.
There you go.

Come along chaps,
you've got half an hour left.

So stop all this horse play,
and get baking.

Pate a bombe.

I actually don't know,
what is pate a bombe?

Two teaspoons of gelatine powder
and two large egg yolks.

I think this might be
the trifle custard.

But it's just in a posh way of
saying you're making pate a bombe.

I'm basically going to take
the sugar syrup

and then pour it over
the egg yolks.

I'm mixing the pate a bombe with
the whipping cream.

Here's the pate le bombe.

It is actually quite liquidy.

Right that's done.

Mini meringue kisses. 20.

Two, four...

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, ten.

Going to give myself some kisses.

Considering there's less than half
an hour left in this technical,

this is a very calm tent.

The problem is,

it won't be calm when we
flip over our pudding bombes.

Right, OK.

This is the calm before
the storm, basically.

The jelly is not firm at all.

OK. Let's fill this up now.

To create the perfectly set centre,
the judges have requested...

Just pop it in there.

...chilling time is essential.

Too little, and there'll be no way
their finished dessert

will hold its shape.

I'm going to put it in the freezer,

so then it sets as quick
as possible.

My jelly should've set by now.

If not I'm just
going to pour it into there,

seal it and then pop it in
the freezer.

It's set.

It's gonna get messy.


Almost not there.

Wow. It's just going to be syrup
inside of it.

It's not going to be a jelly.

Haven't really got time to make it again,

or anything, cos it needs time
for it to set.

Bakers, you have 15 minutes

until the summer pudding bombe
disposal experts arrive.

I don't know how mine didn't set.

Right, now I need to think about
the top.

I'm going to pray to Beyonce in
a minute.

How do people decorate this?

Says decorate with elderflower,
glazed strawberries,

raspberries and redcurrant.
How's it all going?

Well, my gelatine didn't set.
It didn't?

No it didn't.
Oh. Why not?

Well, I don't know.
It's all about science, innit?

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

Please don't annoy me.

Don't annoy me.

Oh, yes.

The pate bombe didn't set.

It hasn't set.

That is a proper disaster.

Oh, it's a disaster.

I'm not happy.

How many minutes do we have left?

Bakers, you have one minute left.

It's all glaze, even though
I don't know what I'm glazing.

Perfect. Finesse, that is.

That is what they're looking for.


Anyone want any help?


You sure you don't want help,

I mean, clearly I'm a pro.

Bakers, your time is up.

Please bring your summer pudding
bombes to the front

and place them on the table
behind your photograph.

Paul and Prue are expecting

summer pudding bombes

with a jelly centre within
a smooth pate a bombe filling,

surrounded by syrup-soaked bread.

But they don't know whose is whose.

I think you didn't
understand that you have

to boil vegetarian gelatine.

Did you boil it?

I think ultimately it comes down
to timing. Yeah.

So let's start over here, shall we?

Decoration's all right.
There is a sort of shape.

Not quite a b*mb. No. But at least
it looks intentional.

But what's it look like inside?

Jelly is set.

Pate a bombe mixture
has started to set

but it needed another half
hour maybe. Half an hour.

But there is crispy meringue in
there as well.

And the bread is a little bit pale. Hmm.

Moving on to our
second delight.

Yeah, this is an issue.
Nothing seems to have set.

And the bread's the wrong shape.

I can't take a slice
of that Prue

I'll tell you what this baker has
done right, though.

He or she has boiled down
the syrup

so that you get
a real glaze on the fruit.

Yeah. They can have that.

Moving on to the next one. Again, it
has burst

but there is something there.

It's a mess, though.
There's a bit of jelly.

And the jelly is set.

Obviously the big thing is
the pate a bombe mixture's

just not set,
it's still liquid.

The flavour's all right,
though. Interesting.

The judges will now rank the bakers'
summer pudding bombes

from last to first.

OK, in third spot we have,
surprise-surprise, this one.

Whose is this? Obviously
setting times were all out.

However, Prue did love
the glaze on the top.

Thank you!
So well done.

In second place...

...we have this one. Syabira.

Well, you know it didn't quite set.

You had a timing issue
but it tasted delicious.

Which means... Abdul.

Oh, don't clap.
No, no, no, no, no.

It's the first time for me
to come first, so...

The basics were there.

You needed to soak the syrup
a little bit more but,

having said that, you were
the one that got close

to setting both elements.

But it did taste very good.
Well done.

So that's my first technical win.

And it's the finale, so, got it.

When you put it down you can see
the pudding starts sinking down,

you know it didn't set.

It's fine. Abdul did well.
At least he got his half set.

It's good that Abdul gets to end
the journey with

a technical win.
So I think it's fair.

But my glaze was good.

My glaze was really good.

Just one challenge remains in
the Great British Bake Off 2022.

Good luck everyone.

Group hug.

Welcome back, Noel. Hello.

Nice to see you. We missed you.

Aw, I missed you guys.

So the signatures were pretty good
weren't they?

You were quite impressed.

It was one of the longest signature
challenges we've had, actually.

What was it? Well, basically they
had to do sandwiches using

the bread that they make,
so they make their own bread.

Amazing. Cakes and little
pies as well. Wow.

Vegetarian pies. And actually they
all did really well.

But it was a game of two halves,
wasn't it? It certainly was.

The bombes were quite tricky as a
technical challenge.

They all had a problem
with setting.

So I've been away, what you're
trying to tell me is...

I don't think I've ever said
this before

but it's all down to
the Show Stopper.

Yikes. I know. It's exciting.

I don't care who wins,
I just love them all.

Good morning, bakers,
welcome back to the tent.

And, Noel, welcome back to the tent.

Ah, thank you, Matthew-Pops.
I couldn't miss this.

Couldn't miss the final.

Now, for your Show Stopper challenge
the judges would love you to make

a large edible sculpture

and the theme is
our beautiful planet.

Now, your edible sculptures must
have a large cake base

and show off at least three
additional baking skills.

Now, remember this is your very last
chance to impress the judges.

So please make it spectacular.

We love you all.

We wish you all luck.
You have four and a half hours.

On your marks... Get set...

For the very last time, bake!

Last ever bake.

I am going to move at
the speed of lightning right now.

Ah, stress. It's the final,
isn't it?


It's going to be all right
I've come this far.

Just got to believe in myself and,
uh, just pull it off.

Well, you won't be surprised
to find that our final Show Stopper

challenge is really difficult.

Well, it should be, it's the final.

We want them to make
an edible sculpture.

I want to see lots of
flavour, colour, imagination.

And something representing
our planet.

You know, it could be
the planet itself,

it could be the sea,
it could be the Earth,

could be volcanoes,
could be anything they wish.

Four and a half hours will go really
quickly for the bakers,

so initially get all the bakes done
and then start to assemble

and allow plenty of time
to make it look incredible.

If they've practised, they
should be fine.

If they haven't practised,
they're going to be found out.

Good morning, Sandro.
Hello, Sandro.

Good morning. Good morning.

Right, Sandro tell us all about your
final Show Stopper.

So, for my final Show Stopper
I'm actually making the world.

Didn't you try the world before?

I didn't try it,
I achieved the world before.

And it didn't take you seven days.

Exactly. Bit faster than god.

Today Sandro will have just four
and a half hours

to create his sculpture,
which will take us from

the bottom of the seas to
the planets above.

A three layer lemon and plum cake
will form his ocean-themed base.

Suspended overhead, white chocolate
and raspberry profiterole clouds,

lemon biscuit sun and stars,
and blueberry cake pop planets.

Have you practised this?
I have practised this.

I dare ask.
I have practised this.

Yeah, you've said this
before Sandro.

You haven't practised this at all,
have you? No, I have practised this.

So, time-wise, do you think
you'll be all right?

I'll be just fine.
If we go away? If we go?

If you go away.

Good luck, Sandro.
Thank you very much.

While Sandro's going big...
I've got a lot of things to do.

...Abdul is concentrating on
the planet's smaller inhabitants.

I am making a cake that
celebrates bees.

So there's going to be honey in
the sponge as well as in the...

There's going to be honey syrup
as well.

Abdul's honey-soaked ode
to our planet's most important

pollinators will also include
hedgerow heroes like blackberry jam,

raspberry filled profiteroles
and an elderflower and almond

biscuit beehive. Complete
with bee-shaped macarons.

You're always reading.
You're always checking out the text.

Those are my timing charts.

You've got a timing chart.
God, I love you.

There's something going on in all
of those

little strange,
scribbly equations.

Yes. Those are not equations,
but numbers.

One second, I'll come back,
one second.

Not equations, but numbers.

There lies genius or madness.

As their cakes will form not only

the foundation of their sculptures,

but also the centrepiece of
their Show Stoppers, it's crucial

the finalists get these baked before
moving on to their other elements.

This is a Genoise sponge.
It's very light,

it's very soft sponge,
very indulgent to bite into.

But bakes on this scale are tough
to manage.

These are massive cakes.
These are like 12 inch.

I've never made 12 inch cakes
and I was like, "Oh, man."

They need so much, like, batter.

If the temperature or timings
are off

the bake won't be even
and the cake will be ruined.

Ten to 12 minutes

and then I'll check them again
to make sure it's baked.

But whilst most rely on timers...

...Sandro's going with his gut.

Lemon curd.

They're going to go in until
they're golden brown.

I don't time nothing at all,
it's just all by eye.

You'll just never bake again.

No, I am. I am. I love my baking.

But I don't think I'll be buying any
more of Paul's books though.

You know him now,
you can 'em for free.

No, he made me buy his new one.
What, did he?

Yeah. He didn't. He did.

He made you buy it?

Yeah. That's outrageous!

No, but I want to support him,
though, that's the main thing.

Oh, yeah he needs a lot of support. Yeah.

Good morning, Syabira. Hi.

We want to know all about how you're
celebrating our planet.

I am making orangutan cake, holding
forest on the top. Orangutan?

Yes, it's orangutan cake, holding
a forest on the top.

It's like, this is my home,
preserve it.

Syabira's orangutan will be formed
with Genoise sponge,

flavoured with black pepper,
sandwiched with blackberry jam

and covered in a chocolate
and hazelnut buttercream fur.

His head will be made up of
layers of tarragon shortbread,

above which he will hold up
a forest of inverted meringue kisses

and strawberry and rhubarb
custard tarts.

It's your last challenge with us.
Are you a little bit nervous though

or are you just chilled out
and relaxed now?

A little bit nervous cos
I never practised it fully before

so erm... let's hope
my decision is right.

I think we should leave her
to get on with it. Yeah.

No, good luck, Syabira. Good luck,
Syabira. Thank you so much.

There's a lot to do, good luck.
Thank you.

With the bases of their sculptures
in the oven...

Right, come on. Um...
what is next, what is next?

...the bakers now have a dizzying
array of other elements to tackle.

This is the tarragon biscuit
for the head of the orangutan.

Wow, there's some big plums.

I'm making a plum compote.

Why don't you call Paul a plum?
I wouldn't dare, not today.

Hollywood, you plum!

I'll wait until after the results.

Let's see if he deserves
to be called a plum or not.

So we've got our final showstopppers.

I think, starting with Syabira,
some great flavours going on.

Tarragon - not a common ingredient
people put in a biscuit

but to have a vanilla,
it's too plain.

If this was week one or two

I wouldn't believe that
these flavours could work. Yeah.

But I've learnt to trust Syabira.

Abdul's ideas are fantastic.
He's got honey that's going to be

quite an overwhelming flavour
on this.

But the thing I think's
so good about Abdul is

he does really classic flavours
but somehow they're never boring.

But then you look at Sandro
who's been a bit haphazard.

They're not baked yet.
I think I had the heat too high up

so it's browned a bit too much.

I can't do nothing about it.
It has to bake.

And I want him to finish today.
I'm sure he will.

It's not that he doesn't have
the skills,

it's just that he's always
in a rush at the end. Yeah.

I'm happy with the sponges.

I think it's going to make for
a fascinating challenge now

when you look at the three of them together.

Well, I'm just dreading them
being impossible to judge

and we'll end up
having to toss a coin.

Bakers, you are halfway through.

I'm going to start the profiteroles.

Then I can start my fillings...
bread rolls, biscuits.

These are thick craquelin

so I think they will not allow
the choux pastry to rise

but at least I have quite a few
other ones so it should be OK.

The choux will be the clouds

which will be raspberry
and white chocolate.

This meringue,
it's for the forest.

It's going to be piped upside-down.


I can proper smell burning now.

It's so hard to bake a cake
this big.

Come on, baby, are you baked?

I don't know if you're baked, mate.

The smallest mistake
at this point...

It should be OK.

...could jeopardise their chance
to be crowned this year's winner.

Doesn't look good.

It's a bit wonky.

I'm stressed.


My choux - they're not good.

The craquelin was too thick so it's
just caused them to flatten out.

But let's see
how much I can pull back.

But with so many other bakes
queueing for the oven...

Ooh! My bread! I forgot about that.


...and sculptures to assemble...

Don't you burn!
I don't have time for that.

...there is no time...

Rhubarb custard, go quickly. remake any
less-than-perfect elements.

All right, here we go.
Simple American buttercream.

Sandro already assembling.

I have to start getting assembled
because it's getting...

Yeah, it's getting close.

Bakers, you have one hour left...

Oops. which to impress the judges and
win this competition. No pressure!

So this is the honey syrup. So I'm
going to glaze my sponges with this.

Jam on top, followed by
the Italian meringue buttercream.

It's harder to assemble
than I thought.

I've got to move fast with this.

Now, hazelnut chocolate buttercream.
This is the orangutan skin.

Here it goes.

Uh... Please don't... cause
like a massive destruction.

It's good enough.

I might leave the planets out.

I'm running out of time.
I'd rather focus on something...

I'd rather focus on what I've got.

So this is basically orangutan face.

I'm just going to glue them
with chocolate.

Cos they want sculpture,
I'm giving you a sculpture.

Oh, sh**t!

They're overcooked.

So the macarons are going to be
like biscuits now.

Ah, man.

Bakers, you have half-an-hour left.

Right, I need a tip. Oof.

OK. Needs a tip.
Apparently he needs a tip.

I'm just going
to fill the choux buns,

attach them as quick as possible.


Everything in that drawer but a tip.

Let's hope this didn't break.

Oh! This looks good, you know!
It does? It doesn't.

But it's fine, I'm going to put
some clouds on my profiteroles.

Where are they?

Oh, my God look at Abdul's.
Will that balance?

I'm going to try a risky thing.

How could I make them gravel?

Could've done them smaller.
Could've done them smaller.

This is hilarious! Ugly.

You're hilarious.
That is proper ugly.

I don't know, I sort of love it.

I'm going to halve them,
then ice them.

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

This is so stressful.

Just not enough time
but just keep pushing.

Orangutan feet.

Pure white chocolate.
Let's see if this works.


A bee macaron.
How much time is left?

Bakers, you have one minute left.


That's gravel guys, yeah?

I screw up this thing.

Anything you need to get
on your cake, get it on now.

Can feel myself shaking a bit now.

I don't know if
there's much else I can do.

That looks like a crazy orangutan.

Bakers! Your time... is up.

You have completed the Bake Off.

That looks so cute!

You're getting a call
from Attenborough.

After two years of
Covid restrictions,

we can finally welcome friends
and family back to Welford Park

along with some familiar faces.

What's it like to be back?
It's the final!

The atmosphere is absolutely buzzing

and everyone's just so excited
to sort of see each other again.

It feels amazing to be back.

Who are you rooting for? Uh-oh!
I knew that question was coming!

I think purely because from
the beginning I predicted that

he would be in the final -
I think Sandro.

From the very get-go, he has just
got everything nailed down.

He's so consistent, so talented.

I know who's going to win,
and it's going to be Syabira.

I think it might be Syabira.

Abdul's really refined
his technique.

I can absolutely see him
winning it as well.

I'd like anyone to win,
to be honest.

Either three, they deserve it.

The finalists and their
showstoppers now face the judgment

of Paul and Prue
for the very last time.

Sandro, would you like to bring up
your final showstopper, please?

It's a bit messy.

I like the colour, I like the shape,
it looks quite nice.

I'm not sure about these boulders
sitting on the side.

OK. Well, let's have a look.

So, I've got the sweetbread
with lemon curd and cream.

Well, cream and lemon,
it's very nice

but the bread is a little chewy.

You need a little bit longer
proving. OK.

Let's see what this sponge is like.

My cake is a lemon sponge
with a plum compote.

Great flavour. It's burnt.

Couple of minutes,
five minutes perhaps over.

Flavour's amazing, though.

I mean, I would really enjoy
eating a great slab of that.

Yeah, with a nice cup of tea. Mm.


Profiteroles are

and the biscuits are
all lemon-flavoured.

It's weird because
it's not oversweet

because the interior is
fruity but not sweet.

But that's really clever because
you've got the white chocolate

on top which is... Yeah.
...very sweet.

But you can't put chocolate on like
that. You need to spin it. OK.

It actually looks far more
delicate and pretty.

The biscuit itself is overbaked
but nevertheless...

Good flavour.
...flavour's nice, yeah.

I think you struggled
on a few things today

but you've managed to do
quite a lot in the time.

And I loved your cake.

Well done.
Thanks, guys.

Finally... done. Yeah.


Syabira, would you like to bring up
your final showstopper, please?

Do you need a hand?

Oh, it's wobbling a bit.

You're good, you're good. OK.


Mm! Very nice.

The orangutan is clever.

I think you could've done
a little bit more work on the face.

Yes, it's a rather strange construction.

Yeah, I mean you can see
what's happening here.

I love the colours,
I think that's fantastic.

OK, let's start with the sponge.

So, that's black pepper
and blackberry jam.

And hazelnut chocolate buttercream.

I definitely think
there's too much buttercream.

Oh, I quite like it.
It tastes delicious.

It actually works beautifully
with the blackberry in the sponge.

Right, shall we have a go
at the second layer? OK.

Supposed to be tarragon shortbread.

What's the filling inside?
It's blackberry buttercream.

That is lovely shortbread.

It's really buttery and very crisp.

You told us about the tarragon but
it isn't there, you can't taste it.

No. And frankly, I'm glad
because it's really delicious.

Thank you. OK.

You have gooseberry meringue

and tart with rhubarb
and strawberry cream.

It's not the neatest thing
I've seen

but it tastes fantastic nevertheless.

Your flavours are superb.

I expect it, however,
to be a little bit neater.

Well done, Syabira.
There we go.

Done it, done it.
Good luck.

Abdul, would you like
to bring up your showstopper?

I quite like the colours.
So, from a distance, you go,

"That's quite attractive,
I like the yellow on that."

Then you get closer.

We'll start at the bottom
with the cake.

The sponge is a honey sponge,

in between each is blackberry jam,
some strawberries

and Italian meringue buttercream.

Wow, you've got honey... Yes.

...ploughed all the way through
that. It's not unpleasant either.

I like that but I think it's
just a little bit too sweet. Mm.

Abdul, if you thought about it,

you could've made them
a little bit more bee-shaped.

Definitely. So...
This is the fattest bee!

They taste beautiful. They're
slightly chewy on the inside,

a little crisp on the out...

It's just you've got no dome
so you just needed more time to rest

and a bit more height to that.

I think that the choux buns
are the worst thing. Yeah.

I tried to fill some of them at
least but they were just flat.

That's a proper failure.
Yes, that's... I agree.

And let's have a look at
your biscuit.

Now we've done these before
on Bake Off.

So we know exactly what
we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I think that's a triumph.

That's lovely. It's chewy, crispy on
the outside. How it should be.

That's really good.

I think you've had a few hiccups
with the macarons and the choux.

I do like the cake, though, however,

I think you've got a nice flavour
in there.

Honey is certainly
the overriding flavour.

Thank you very much.
- Well done.


I wish it would've gone much better.

But regardless of the outcome,
there's going to be a party.

There's my friends over there.

I'm just going to celebrate
and enjoy this.

I'm very, very happy to be in the
final and I'm very proud of it.

If I'm not a winner, I'm still happy
for whoever that wins this one.

They all deserve it.

I don't know.

I'm keeping my hopes up.

But I feel like the person least
likely to get it would be me.


As our three finalists
rejoin their friends and family,

Paul and Prue must decide
who will be crowned

the winner of
The Great British Bake Off 2022.

I'm done! She laughs.

You have just eaten quite
a lot of sweet things there. Indeed.

But it is the final.

You do ask for lots
of different bakes,

and you got lots of different bakes.

We were asking quite a lot
in the sense of the cake

and then three other baked elements,

and I think time caught up with them
very, very quickly.

However, I thought
most of the flavours were,

as always with these three, perfect.
I mean, really, really good.

Abdul's been the most consistent
in the Bake Off this year.

Incredible flavours.
Very focused on what he wants to do.

Went a bit wayward today.

But is that enough to take the prize
away from him? I don't know.


she did mess up
on the tarts on the top,

they could have been much neater.

I thought her flavours were spot-on.
And as always, quite unusual. Yeah.

Sandro overbaked his
but the flavours were amazing.

I agree with Paul.

The sponge was a little overbaked

but that was such a pleasure to eat. Yeah.

Ultimately, you know,
Prue and I are going to have a chat

and go through some of the bakes
we've seen today and previously,

and I'm sure we're going to come up
with a worthy winner.

You say you're going to have a chat.
Why not just give it to them all?

Yeah. Or not to any of them!

You have it! You take it!
I'll take it.

Have you ever want Bake Off, Paul?

I'm a winner just by being here!
You really are.

Thank you for coming, everybody.

It really has been
an amazing Bake Off this year,

and I'm going to pass you over now
to Matthew who has the announcement.

Yes, I do.

I'd like to invite
the three finalists

to come and join us up here.

I won't keep you waiting.

I am delighted to say that

the winner of The Great
British Bake Off 2022 is...


Well done, well done.

There you go! Congratulations.

I'm so thrilled for you.
You're a genius. Thank you!

I can't believe it. It's...
Honestly it hasn't sinked down.

Aren't you a clever bunny.

It's unbelievable.

Thank you so much.

This is the biggest achievement
in my life.

All the hard work, all of the trial
and error, it's all worth it.

I'm very, very proud.

Syabira can be a bit of
a risk-taker with her flavours

and it's worked.

Some of the flavours that she did,
I've never had in the tent before,

and unlikely to ever have again.
She is an incredible baker.

And Noel. Never, ever been a baker
like you. So original.

She's creative, she's careful,
she practises like anything.

And she's imaginative.
I mean, she just has the lot.

She's a very skilful baker.

Well done, yeah.

Thank you so much. Well done, girl.

I'm so proud of Syabira.
She deserved it.

She is that queen of flavours.
She fully deserves this.

I'm so happy for her.
I'm happy I've got this far.

I'm blessed, I'm grateful.

Yeah, it's been an amazing
experience. It's been a dream.

You guys made my dream come true.

For me,
this is a massive achievement.

I'm so happy,
I'm so proud of myself.

And I'm happy that Syabira
got it as well

because I could see in her
how hard she has worked for this.

I mean, we all have but it's just
for her, this meant like so much,

and I'm just so happy for her.

You did it!

Who would have thought!

I think that I'm coming out as
a new person after this competition.

I became more confident,
and I trust my instinct.

You've won
The Great British Bake Off.

It's been a while
there's no woman winner

so, there you go, all good,
I'm here. Get one for all of you.

We can do anything we want

as long as we have all of our heart
and work for it.

We are taking our hot chocolate
very seriously and...

Erm, stop - dark chocolate.
What did I say? Hot chocolate.


Are you a Star Baker in the making?

If you'd like to apply for
the next series of Bake Off, visit: