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13x08 - Pastry Week

Posted: 04/20/24 20:00
by bunniefuu
Hello, viewer, it is pastry week.
What's your favourite pastry, Noel?

I love a flaky pastry, Matt.

Hmm me too. Like this fella here.

Listen, mate, I can't pay you back
this week. Something's come up.

Also, I know I said I'd give you
a lift to the airport

but it's not gonna work out.

Ah. So flaky!

So flaky.

Welcome to The Great British
Bake Off.

Last time it was custard week.

Is there such a thing as
too much custard? No! No.

Sandro looked set for success...

A little bit of the sauce.

...But it was Syabira...

The judges are gonna be smashed!

...who conquered custard...

That custard gateau is impressive.

...and earned the Star Baker crown.

Janusz melted under pressure...

My ice cream didn't set.

...but in the end it was
Kevin who had his final wobble...

Oh, no.

...and became the latest baker
to leave the tent.

I'm nothing but proud, really.


I wanna see baking nirvana.'s the quarterfinal...

Should have paid attention.

...and pastry week.
Oh, my God.

The final five face
a super-sweet signature...

I don't wanna present raw pastry!

...and get on a roll
with a tricky technical...

Manga tout.

Man jay tout?
Ooh, that's got confusing!

...but it's back to school
for some...

Too much maths!

...with a spectacular
storybook showstopper.

Ahhh! That's hot.

But who will have
a fairy-tale ending...

Shame it wasn't
an ice cream competition.

...and for whom is this chapter
about to come to a close?

It is just mind-blowing right now.

I can't believe it. I reached
the quarterfinal.

It's exciting times.

Good luck, babe.
Best of luck, you too.

Dude, best of luck, man.

It is just mind-blowing right now.

I mean, I can't believe I'm here.

I'm now surrounded
by all star bakers.

We just don't know who's leaving.
It could be anyone.

But there is no weak link.

Quarterfinals, quarterfinals,
quarterfinals. Yeah!

I think now there's the stage that
any mistake can eliminate you.

There is no room
for a bad bake now.

Bakers, welcome back to
the tent for pastry week.

Uh, Noel what immediately springs
to mind when I say the word "party"?

Oh, Studio 54, 1977,

Bianca Jagger comes in
on a white horse.

Andy Warhol's there supping prosecco

out of Evel Knievel's chest wig.

That's right, vol au vents.

For your quarterfinal
Signature Challenge

the judges would like you
each to bake

a batch of 12 sweet vol au vents.

Your vol au vents should be made
from beautiful, flaky,

rough puff pastry and filled with
a sweet mouthwatering filling

of your choice.

You have two minutes,
and one hour and 58 minutes.

On your marks. Get set.

Vol au vents!

I have never heard
of, like, vol au vents before.

Do you know, it's just like party
food you get from the supermarket?

Vol au vent - it's
something so from '70s.

It's pastry week.
We've given the bakers two hours

to produce sweet vol au vents.

Now, traditionally, we think
vol au vent, we think savoury.

But we've put a slight twist on it.

Ancl they're normally savoury.

This is sweet vol au vent.
It's like another new level.

Puff pastry lends itself
to either sweet or savoury.

The key thing is with this challenge
is getting that lamination

and getting that
beautiful golden colour and crisp

on the vol au vent itself.

The filling has to pack a punch.

It can be anything they like.

It needs to be both light
so they don't spoil

the flakiness of the pastry,
but they need to be flavourful.

It's the quarterfinal
and we're expecting

nothing but perfection from
our five amazing bakers.

I think with my signatures,
usually I'm calm.

Then again, things
can still go wrong.

I mean, uh, you never know.
It is the tent after all.

Because this is
the quarterfinal

Paul and I will be really ruthless.

I mean, we have to have
everything perfect.

I think at this time
in the competition

any little mistake
will be picked on.

We'll see.

Syabira, hello.
Hello, hi. Good morning.

Good morning, Syabira.

Star Baker last week.

It's in the past now.
Again. It's clean slate this week.

Again. Again.
Tell us about your vol au vent.

It's called citrus dreams
vol au vent.

It's a pastry case
and then inside it's gonna be

orange and mandarin and,

I put a little bit hint
of clove and cardamom

to enhance
the flavour of the orange itself.

So what's actually in
the vol au vent?

Have you got a creme pat
in there, or...?

It's a... orange and mandarin
cream cheese.

Oh, orange. Oh, right OK.

Enhanced with orange liqueur,
Syabira is hoping

the citrus cream cheese-filled
vol au vent will be enough

to maintain her strong run
in the competition,

landing her Star Baker
for a third week running.

That sounds good.
Are you comfortable with this one?

I hope so.

Do you wanna be in the semifinal?

Course she does!

I want to. How much?

Very much. Honestly very much!

All right, good luck. Good luck,
Syabira. Thank you. Thank you.

Maybe they expect something
more like creme pat

but I tried with the custard.

It's just, it's not enough
to enhance the flavour

so I hope I'm making
the right decision here.

Yet to match Syabira's success...

I just lose track of, like, time.

And then at the end
I start panicking.

...Abdul is keen to impress

with his take on
the classic vol au vent.

My vol au vents, I,

I don't have much rise on them

because that's how
I just prefer them.

Because if I get too much rise
they go wonky.

Hi, Abdul. Hello. Hello, Abdul.

I don't want to spook you

but you are the only baker
who hasn't had Star Baker.

Yes, I know, yes!

So what about doing it today?
No pressure.

I will try. So, you know, each week
I've been giving my best.

What I find always helps you
with your confidence

is someone reminding you that you
haven't been Star Baker

at the beginning of the day!
Yeah, yeah.

I'm prepping him.
I want him to do it.

Abdul's path to success lies

with vol au vent clipped
in chocolate

topped with strawberries

and filled with a berry compote
and coconut creme pat.

I heard that Paul just likes

the feel of coconut on his feet.

So he grates up coconuts,
puts it on his carpet

and his lovely fake-tanned feet just
crunching away on coconut shavings.

It's an image, innit?
It is. It is indeed.

You take that with you
through to the semifinal.

Rough puff pastry consists
of four simple ingredients...

So this is just flour,
water, salt and butter.

...and one baker keen
to keep his flavours

in the same vein is janusz.

Strawberries and cream.

You know, it's a classic one,
so hopefully they will like it.

Janusz. Hello.
Hello, janusz. Hello.

Tell us about your vol au vent.

I've decided to make basically
strawberries and cream.

Is it whipped cream inside it or...?

Uh, I'm gonna make creme pat. That
holds strawberries much better.

Janusz will fill each rough puff
vol au vent

with fresh strawberries covered
in a summer fruit liqueur glaze.

He's planning to put a twist on
the classic combination

by replacing the more traditional
cream base with custard.

So you've got creme pat cream
and strawberries.

Well, creme pat and strawberries.

Yeah. No cream. No cream.

OK and how are you gonna make sure
your creme pat's not gloopy?

Well, I'm gonna try it.

If it's gloopy I'm gonna replace it
with whipped cream!

Or? I've got a plan for it.

If it's gloopy,
it's gonna be whipped cream

and then you're gonna know
that it was gloopy.

The plan is to grate
some frozen butter

and use that for the lamination.

The key to successful lamination...

You don't want the butter
to be soft at all.

You want it to still stay cold.

...lies in keeping the layers
of pastry and butter

as cool as possible.

I'm gonna grate my frozen butter.

It looks like cheese.

Cold, cold,
cold, and never melt your butter.

Failure to do so means
the butter will ooze out,

the layers will be lost

and the vol au vents
will have no rise.

They go to the freezer now.

But one baker is throwing
caution to the wind.

Everyone else is using cold butter.

I actually need
room temperature butter.

Still want chunks
of butter in here.

Maxy plans to fill her
experimental vol au vent

with Chantilly cream

laced with gooseberry
and cloudberryjam.

She's hoping to avoid any butter
leaks by selecting a robust pastry.

I've used strong bread flour

and I used, like,
room temperature butter

which I broke up into pieces.

So you used room temperature...

...popped it in, folded it initially
and then popped them in the fridge.

Yeah, and I used ice-cold water
as well.

And how many folds did you give it?

Three. So...

Three singles or three book?

Three... Three doubles. Yeah.

Three doubles.


While still keeping his pastry cold

Sandro is putting
a different twist on his dough.

I'm just really coating
this with sugar.

So there's a lot of caramelisation.

He's also hoping
some inside knowledge

will give him the upper hand.

So I'm making a key lime cheesecake
vol au vent.

I chose these flavours
because I want to get a handshake.

And Paul loves... that's his
favourite dessert is Key lime pie.

Sandro aims to get Paul onside

with his version of
the classic Key lime pie

using a lime creme pat,

lime jam and ginger biscuits

but, as it's his favourite,
Paul's expectations are sky-high.

OK so what limes are you using?

Are you using Key limes
or are you using Persians?

I'm using limes.

Green ones! Any, any limes. Oh,
I like, I like the Key limes. Oh!

Bakers, you are halfway through!

It's getting a bit soft now

so I'm gonna quickly pop it back
in the freezer.

I'm gonna allow it to chill again.

Refrigerate it for 20 minutes
and then it's time to bake.

As their pastry chills,
the bakers now have

the opportunity to make
a start on their fillings.

My pastry is chilling.
I'm making my creme pat.

Now I'll start making the custard.

I'm putting in coconut extract which
should enhance that flavour.

I've got two jams to make.

Gooseberry and cloudberry.

Mandarin cordial, orange zest,
a little bit of clove and cardamom,

cream cheese and whipping cream.

I'm just making cream
in case my custard is gloopy.

Lime jam.

I mean, it tastes like lime,
it's thick how I want it to be.

Hello! Hi.

How's it going, do you want me to
touch all your stuff?

You can touch if you want. It is...

What's that for?
It's for doing egg wash on my, uh...

Egg wash. Yeah.
I egg-washed a priest once.

He wasn't looking.

Bit of a bust-up, just egg-washed
his legs.

Came out lovely, all crispy.
Oh, gosh.

This has gone weird, innit? Yes!

Hmm, that is lime.

That is definitely lime.

In creating their vol au vents...

Now I'm gonna roll it
and do the shells that I want.

...speed is of the essence...

I'm gonna roll this out
into a rectangle. the shells must be
assembled and baked

before the temperature of
the pastry rises and butter melts.

It has to be nice and neat
but at the same time not to try

and melt the butter too much.

Base layers nice and thin.

I'm gonna have 12 bottoms
and then 20 for tops.

A typical vol au vent shell is
formed by

layering hollow circles
of pastry into a tower.

But, once again, Maxy
has other ideas.

They are squares.

I'm going for a square-shaped
vol au vent.

Maxy. Yes, darL Tell me if it's
gloopy. You be the judge. OK?

It's on the thicker side.

If you've got cream,
put some cream in it.

Whipped cream. Mm.
OK, I will.

Bit of egg wash after egg wash.

And then it's going straight into
the oven. How long do we have left?

Bakers, you have half an hour left.

Exactly what I thought.

Matt, all this talk
about handshakes.

Have you had a handshake? Hmm.

I mean, I've never had a handshake.

What, in your life? No.

Would you like one? Yeah.

How did that feel?
Oh, it was nice.

Was it all right? Yeah.

The difference is Hollywood's palms
are very hairy.

I know. He makes me comb the hair
on his hands sometimes.

They need to be baked
for about 20 minutes.

I've put about ten to 15 minutes.

So it's 190 degree.

Don't know what's gonna happen in
the oven. You just don't know.

I don't wanna get my hopes up
too high.


Oh. It's not been on.
My oven's not been on.

The oven wasn't hot.

I forgot to press
the, the on button.

So could still work out

and it could be
an absolute fail today.

Give me the custard.

Just give me the custard.

With assembly time at a premium...

It's only two-hour challenge.
We're all gonna struggle.

Vol au vent brown.
Why is it not browning?'s essential they have
any other elements prepared.

Just gonna prep everything.

I'm just chucking in
my little strawberries

into my elderflower syrup.

Quick and easy to make.

It's gonna be a tight one
as per usual.

This biscuit is not
the most important thing

so, as long as these keep
its shape, then it's fine.

I found out that I cannot make
custard, so there we are.

I moved on to make my summer fruit
punch glaze.

This is the pecan praline
with orange zest.

Important thing is this berry

and the custard cools down really
enough before I put it in the shell

because, or else
the shell goes all soggy.

See, I could never be a baker cos
I don't like the early starts.

I am the same as well. Are you?

I am not a morning person at all.

What time do you go
to bed at night?

I, my usual time is about 1.30
to, uh, two o'clock, uh...

Oh, really? Yes, yes. And when do
you wake up then in the morning?

Ancl I wake up around,

Do you know what? I think
you should probably go

and get yourself checked out because
you might actually be a teenager!

I haven't got...

I think it's cooked. Really?

It's gonna be the worst vol au vents
I've ever made.

They're not golden yet.

Ancl they're really leaning.

I think it's done cos I can see
the bottom is actually golden.

If the bottom is golden
remove them.

All right, I'll take it out.

The butter is leaking, actually.

It's the first time I've seen
the butter is leaking out.

They're OK. They're laminated.

They should be fine.
They go to the freezer now.

It's cooked.

I'd say...

...another five minutes,
but that's really cutting it short.

I don't wanna present raw pastry.
Oh, God!

Now, Matthew, if you're a good boy
and you do the time call well

you can have a chocolate.

Bakers, you have 15 minutes!

There you go, good boy.

even out the oven. Ha-ha!

They look terrible.
They're all wonky.

The, the butter's just coming out.

It's just oozing out.
Everything is lopsided.

There's not even one perfect one.

I'm just piping some cream
onto my vol au vents.

It's just whipped cream.

Think custard worked out in my head
but not in real life.

I'm gonna sprinkle some
praline at the bottom

cos it's gonna sit at room
temperature for a while.

I'm just taking out
the middle bit now

so I can fill it
with the custard.

They look like Yorkshire puddings,
they do.

Look at this business...

Oh, are they a bit flat
or something?

Not happy at all.

But it's all right. It'll do
for today. Nothing else I can do.

Not sure anyone's ever said "it'll
do" on Bake Off. Yeah, it'll...

What's happening with
these trousers today?

Thought I'd go with leather trousers
so it's easy to clean.

Show Prue your leather trousers

and she'll forget about
the height of your vol au vents.

She'll forget, yeah! Good luck.

I'll sit there like that with my...
just. ..Vol au vents.

Handshake from me!

You know what? I'm just gonna take
'em out. Got no choice.

What a disaster, eh?

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

How great do these look?

I am just gonna pipe it in.

I don't know if I can even put
the cream in.

I can't believe this, honestly.

Full of ginger - I can smell it.

Ah, I'm pushing myself
and I'm breaking my shells.

Cos it's warm,
it's just too liquidy.

This is really not good.
Really, really, really not good.

Oh, my God.

So hopefully everything
will be perfect

because if you're doing classics
you cannot really go wrong on them.

Ah, stress!

This is so risky.

Just the final bits left,
so just pushing myself.

Ah breathe, breathe, breathe!

Bakers, your time is up.

Please step away from your bakes.

Bit messy.


Look how BLEEP they look.

Maxy, it's OK.

It's judgement time for
the bakers' sweet vol au vents.

They're not even a quarter of the
height I expect them to be. Mm-hm.

Uh, so they are very flat
and very pale.

I think the butter leaked as well.

This is the first time where
the butter leaked.

There's no butter on there at all.
It's bone dry.

It's OK, the chocolate's solidified
round the side.

It's so pale and so thin it's almost
just a sheet of puff pastry

with bits on the top. OK.

I think you've got
too many flavours in there.

Because there are too many flavours

you can't taste anything
individually, and it's a bit murky.

Bit under baked and too thin.
Ancl too complicated. Poor Abdul.

That's OK. Could we think
of something nice to say?

Welcome to the quarterfinal!

Thank you so much, guys.

They're all over the place,
aren't they? Yeah, yeah.

We didn't ask for a leaning tower
of Pisa.

You've got a burnt biscuit sitting

on top of quite a dark
and very low vol au vent.

The flavour is amazing.
But it needs to be much lighter.

Vol au vents should be nice
and light and airy.

You, it melts in the mouth. Yeah.

Pastry's over baked
but think the flavour is fantastic.

I don't agree that
the ginger biscuit's burnt.

That's burnt! What do you think?

I think it looks over baked.

Thank you. Here am I trying
to help you, Sandro!

He's brutal today, in't he?

He IS brutal today.

They're quite attractive. I quite
like what you've done

with the strawberries on the top
with the glaze.

They're a bit uneven.

Probably needed
a little bit longer in the oven.

They're a little pale
for a vol au vent.

How did you get on with the creme
pat? What creme pat? What creme pat?

Oh, it never happened!

Oh, I take it gloopy, then.
It never happened!

So what we've got here
is creme Chantilly, is it?

It's just whipped cream. Just cream.
Strawberries and cream.

This is really still raw inside.

It's a bit boring

because all there is
is cream and strawberry

and pretty dry vol au vent.

It's a shame, actually.
The creme pat would've worked

if you'd put cream with it.

Thank you.
Thank you.

My vol au vents decided to go
for a dance in the oven.

Um, they spread, you know,
they're all over the place.

Bit irregular in size.
Bit irregular on height,

a bit irregular on colour. Not very
appealing to look at. I know.

A bit dry. And quite flat.
Yeah. I...

I expected them to be much higher.

Square's actually quite difficult
to do.

Round is easier, which is why most
vol au vents are round.

I think they needed a longer
bake time, for sure.

Probably. Were you rushed for time
at the end? I was. Yeah.

It's just raw down at
the bottom here.

Really thick band of raw pastry.
Really under baked, isn't it?


I had a terrible time
making them, so...

Oddly I didn't think both jams
would work, but they do.

The gooseberry and the cloudberry
are, are delicious.

Unfortunately, you do get that
overriding flavour

of raw pastry sitting there
on the bottom. Thank you.

Thanks, Maxy. OK.

They liked the flavours, though.

Yeah, I knew they were
going to be raw.

Oh, gosh.

I like the overall look of them.
I think they look quite authentic

and all pretty much
the same size as well.

Nice height. Looks like you've
trapped the butter inside it

because you get the height without
the lamination on the outside.

The pastry's just about
cooked through.

It's a little doughy in the middle.

Probably about two minutes away
from being perfect.

What did you put down at
the bottom? The orange praline.

Cos that's gone back to a liquid

because it's got liquid on top
of it. Which is nice.

I think the flavours are beautiful.
I really do.

This is a delicious vol au vent.

The custard inside is light

and the pecan praline
is just delicious.

Think you've done a nice job
with those vol au vents, well done.

Thank you. Thank you.

Well clone. Thank you.

Paul says two minutes from perfect.

If I have those two minutes.
I don't.

The rise - Pauls aid it should be
four times. That's a bit crazy.

The flavours were good.

But it's pastry week
so I do have to be

a bit worried, seeing
as I had undercooked pastry.

Pauls aid it was boring.

Well, strawberries and cream,
you cannot go wrong with it

but, at the same time,
I can understand why it's boring.

I feel like if it was
just perfectly risen

and all of that, I would've got
my handshake today. Huh-huh!

I don't even want it now.
Now, I don't want it. At all.

The bakers have no idea
what they'll be asked to make

in the mystery that is
the Technical Challenge.

Bakers, it's time
for your Technical Challenge

which today has been set by

Prue-lio lglesias!

Ah, we love your music.

Ah, so sexy. Yeah.

Even better without the moustache.
Yeah. Agreed.

Will you give us some words
of advice, please?

Bakers, there are 29 ingredients
in this recipe.

So please get the balance right.

As ever, the Technical Challenge
will be judged blind

so we're gonna have
to ask Prue-lio Englesias

and Paul Hollywood to leave
the tent.

They'll probably kiss.

For your Technical Challenge,

Prue-lio would like you
to make eight spring rolls.

Featuring a delicate pastry
that have been deep-fried

to crispy perfection.

And they must be served
alongside a dipping sauce.

You have one hour and 20 minutes.

On your marks.
Get set. Bake!

Aye aye 6Y-

What is this, mate?

Right. The deep fryer.

I am quite surprised with spring
rolls, I'm not gonna lie.

Never made them before.
First time making them.

It's new thing to do.

My mum she used to make them,
but I don't remember much, though.

Should've paid attention.
Should've paid attention.

Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out
what I'm doing. I don't know.

So Prue, spring rolls.

I mean, I don't think many
people make spring rolls

but I thought
it's a great test.

After all, it is the quarterfinal
and it's quite difficult.

So the pastry's tricky.

Ancl I think we'll have some
of the bakers struggling

with huge great bubbles

and those bubbles come
because the water's in the pastry.

And we haven't tom them
how much water.

If it's too wet the bubbles will be
huge and ugly and misshapen.

But they should be more like this
one, which is absolutely smooth.

I think it's a great challenge.

It's nice to have something
savoury in the tent, actually.

Yeah, isn't it? When we
have so much sweetness.

All crispy. Nice thin pastry
with a beautiful breakdown

of all that filling together.

You've got a bit of everything
in there.

It's a great snack.

Sorry, what did you say?!

It's easy for you to say, Prue.


The first part is make
a stiff dough and rest.

I just don't know how
much water to put in.

I'm literally just guessing.

Maybe one more tablespoon.

You have to not add a lot.
It's quite stiff.

A stiff dough is required
for a smooth shell.

I think my dough is very stiff.

At the same time it has
a nice spring.

If the bakers add too much water,

unsightly bubbles
will appear when fried.

It says stiff dough.
But it is a bit smooth.

Maybe it's a bit too soft - I don't
know. How is it meant to rest?

Are we meant to cover it,
or what do we do?

All right, soak the noodles
and wood ear mushrooms.

What even is that?
Wood ear mushrooms?!


These mushrooms look so weird.

Is this your mushrooms? Yeah.

Do you ever go foraging?

A long time ago.

Did anyone go with you or
you just took it upon yourself?

Me, uh, me and my neighbours.

You and your neighbours?! I suppose
it's big, isn't it, in Sweden?

Yeah. They're like they're more
in touch with nature.

With nature, definitely.

Pretty much always naked
and eating mushrooms.

Do you miss those times? Um...
The sort of mushroom nakeds?!

Getting kidnapped by your neighbours
and going foraging!

I miss those times!

If you tried that now, wouldn't work
out, I don't think. Not in Peckham.

No. I don't even live in Peckham.

So then I need to cut
cabbage and manga tout.

Man jay toot?

Mang toot?

Is this a mange-tout?

Cut into fine...
This must be man jay-tout.

I don't really do
these kind of foods.

OK, I need to cook these

but it doesn't really say how much
of what to put in.

Well you know you need to figure out
the proportions.

That was expected
on a technical this week.

So that black mushroom
is very strong taste,

you don't want to put
too much in it.

Ah. Forgot about the mushrooms.

Oh, they're massive, man.

I think I need to chop them.

Bakers, you are halfway through.

I'm gonna start panicking now.

I'm starting step number four.
Knead the dough

and divide it into eight
equal pieces.

Roll out one piece of the dough
to eight centimetres circle.

Repeat with another piece of dough

so you have two
eight-centimetre circles.

Sprinkle the top of one of

the circles of dough
with cornflour.

Then place the other one on top.
Ancl then roll it to 22 centimetre.

Whoo, that's got confusing! Wow.

Too much maths!

This is like a full-speed
spring roll-making competition.

I don't know how people can get this
done in one hour and 20 minutes.

Place the two circles of dough in
the pan and cook on both sides.

Right, quick!

Fold the dough in half so that you
have two transparent wrappers.

Perfect, I can see my fingers.

So now I need to trim each wrapper
into square shape.

I'm on step number seven, uh,

which is assemble
and seal the spring rolls.

Paul and Prue demand
sumptuous spring rolls

packed full of flavour.

The technique for filling is put
a good, generous amount

so they've got a taste
of everything.

They get things to taste -

If short-changed...

I don't want too much of this.

...the dominant taste
will be the pastry shell.

Maxy, do you make
this sort of thing, often?

I BUY this sort of thing often.

Yeah. When I saw we had an hour
and 20, I was like,

I'd just go down the takeaway.

I'd get some spring rolls,

I'd probably get
a chow mein while I'm at it.

What's stopping you?

Well, we don't have that luxury

of leaving this place!
Oh, that's a shame.

Bakers, you have 15 minutes left.

I need to fry them. Oh.

Bye-bye, babies!

In order to achieve the crisp golden
brown shells Paul and Prue expect...

Sounds like frying.

...the oil temperature
needs to be hot enough...

That is 180 degree.

...they must be fried
for long enough...

They need to cook for another maybe
three to four minutes, really.

...and be monitored carefully.

Let's swap side.

But it's no mean feat...

Sauce... Sauce. I'm multi-tasking.

...when the bakers have
clipping sauces to prepare.

The list doesn't say a thing,
so we're just gonna wing it.

I think it will be difficult
to get the right blend, definitely.

Soy sauce.

Fish sauce.

Palm sugar.
Why is this so stressful?

I'm gonna taste
and then I'm gonna adjust.


That is horrible! Oh, bleurgh!

They're turning to the raw side.
Turn to the other side, dudes.

So it's eight.

They're looking crispy.

Matt, would you buy that? Yeah.
I've already got a deep fat fryer.

No not the...

That was a nice way of putting,
"Er, no!"

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

Oh, my goodness!

This is crazy!

Come on, guys. These are coming out.

Uh-oh. I just under-fried it
but I don't think I have time.

Come on, time is very tight.

None of them cracked.

Come on.
I think I made mine too small.

Come on, buddy.

I'm ready for this technical
to be over.

Bakers, your time is up.

Oh, God, they're tiny!

Please bring your spring rolls down
to the gingham table

and place them behind
your photographs.

Mine are so small compared
to everyone else's. Oh, God.

Doesn't matter.

Paul and Prue are expecting eight
identical spring rolls

with crisp golden-brown pastry,

a delicious filling

and a perfectly balanced
dipping sauce.

So, start with this one.

There's a LOT of bubbles in this.

That means there's too much water
in the dough.

Yeah. And it's not been
fried enough.

It's still quite raw -
you can see how clear that one is.

It should've stayed in there
a little longer.

Let's have a look inside.

Filling looks quite good.

Yeah, it looks busy,
doesn't it?

The flavour's good.

Dipping sauce is nice
and sharp as well.

It just needs to be deep-fried
for longer.

Yeah. Right.

Moving on, they're a bit dinky
but they're quite crispy.

The issue is there's not much
filling. It's all pastry.

Ancl because it's mostly
pastry it's a bit stodgy.

Hmm. I mean, it tastes OK, just not
enough filling. Yeah.

OK, the next one.
Let's have a look. Crispy.

Lovely crack when you cut it.

But the air holes
are a little bit big

so it's probably
a little bit wet.

Lots of mushroom in there.

There is, isn't there? Yeah. Hmm.

There's a little bit
too much mushroom.

It's definitely
a mushroom spring roll.

OK. Moving on, they're
all roughly all the same size.

The bubbles are there but not quite
as big as some of the others.

Nice blend inside.
The actual mixture content is good.

I like the crisp pastry very much.

It's beautifully thin, that pastry,
and the dipping is nice. Lovely.

OK moving on to the last one here.

There's only seven, not eight.
It's a shame we're missing one.

What? I made eight!

These air holes are huge.

It's a pity, because where it's
crisp, it's really nice.

The pastry is delicious
and very crispy.

And the sauce is good.
But where's the eighth?

Paul and Prue will now rank

the spring rolls
from last to first place.

In fifth place we have this one.

Maxy, too small, too much pastry,
not enough filling. Yeah.

In fourth, we have this one.
Whose is this?

it's not been fried enough.

In third place is this one.

Abdul, bit too much mushroom.
But they were good.

In second spot...

...we have this one. Whose is this?

Pretty good.
But where was the eighth?

Deep-fried eight,

seven ended up on the plate,
don't know what happened.


Who atejanusz's spring roll?

Probably me!

Well, that means in first place,
we have Sandro.

The pastry was excellent.
Delicious and lovely clipping sauce.

Well clone.


That's what my kid does.
He's like "Aah!"

Yeah, now that I've got
the tech win

it has evened me out and I'm just
trying to secure my spot.

I made eight spring rolls.
Ancl there were seven.

Still came second.

Not bad.

It's very tough competition
at the moment.

Other bakers is really good.

So tomorrow I would
need to be more focused.

We are all just neck
to neck, literally.

It is just too close
to call between all of us.

Gonna make sure I have
a good rest and

smash it tomorrow, hopefully.

I hope I... I hope I will.

The bakers have just one more
pastry challenge...

Good luck, guys. which to impress the judges.

Hello, bakers,
welcome back to the tent.

It's time for your pastry
showstopper challenge.

Now, for your showstopper
this week

Paul and Prue would like you each
to bake an incredible 3D pie scene

inspired by your favourite childhood
story or nursery rhyme.

Your scene can either be
sweet or savoury

but must consist of eight pies,
shaped and beautifully decorated.

Hickory dickory dock,
you have four hours on the clock.

On your marks.
Get set. Bake!

OK. I'm so scared.

I've got 12 pages to my recipe
for one bake.

I've got a book for my one bake.

I mean it is the quarterfinal

so you've got to give it, like,
your absolute best.

The showstopper challenge our bakers
have to face

is a storybook pie scene.

We want the bakers to create
a scene

that's instantly
recognisable when we look at it.

So it could be any nursery rhyme,

any children's story,

it is down to the bakers,

but the star of this
particular challenge

has to be the crust.

When I cut into the pie I wanna
see a beautiful, thin pastry,

creating a beautiful, buttery
flavour with

a filling that packs a punch.

I know what's my favourite.
Pork pie.

Can the bakers make
a really good pastry

that properly holds their filling?

Ancl that is all about not getting

the filling too wet, which
will make for a soggy bottom

and not have it too stiff,
so that it's too dry or hard.

This is pastry week
and to be honest I'm not happy

with what they've created
so far. They should be doing better.

We've got five fantastic bakers.
There is no room for error.

If they just crack out eight perfect
pork pies, I will not be impressed.

I wanna see baking nirvana.

Abdul. Hello.
Hello, Abdul. Good morning.

Tell us all about your pie scene.
What are you doing?

Um, so my pie scene is based on
the book Treasure Island.

Ancl the curry that I'm bringing is
called Khatta Baingan which means,

uh, bittersweet aubergine.

Inspired by his mum's recipe

Abdul hopes to strike gold this week
with his Treasure Island theme.

He's making a selection
of sweet and savoury pies

depicting the island,

boat and chest
in meticulous detail.

So the pie scene itself
will have an island,

uh, that will be made out of,

uh, apple and blackberry
crumble tart.

This sounds great. I mean...
Well, it sounds good.

...the idea of the apple
as the island

and the curry as,
as the ship. Yes.

What pastry is that sitting in?

Um, so the pastry I'm making,
I'm making two types of pastry.

There's sweet shortcrust
and there's a shortcrust.

It sounds good. Good luck, Abdul.

Thank you, guys. Thank you.

The bakers can use whichever
pastry they wish

when creating their
fairy tale bakes.

Get this into a breadcrumby,
sweets pastry.

Selecting the correct type of pastry
and filling is crucial

as they need to take into account

both flavour
and structural integrity.

Initially I'm making a filo pastry.

But that is not sturdy enough.

So this is the hot oil pastry.

It's like hot water crust
but hot oil.

Syabira, good morning.

Hello, good morning. Hello.

Tell us all about your pie scene.

I am making jack And The Beanstalk

I admired jack during my childhood

cos he could climb up
his very tall beanstalk

up to the sky.

And I was little at that point
and I can see the coconut tree,

actually very high up to the sky.
So I try to...

So this is jack
and the Coconut Tree!

Jack and the Coconut Tree
in Malaysia!

And, just like
the protagonist in her story,

Syabira is aspiring to reach the top
spot again this week

with her elaborate two-tiered

complete with jack, a giant,

his castle and
of course the beanstalk,

all fashioned using
a unique Malaysian pastry.

Your filling is?
Chicken rendang filling.

It's a very traditional filling
that I really like.

I usually eat it with rice.

You could put rice
and that into a pastry.

It's too much carbs - you don't want
that on your calorie counter!

No, no, no, I do, I really do!

Is it? I never know people
put rice in a pie!

Look forward to this, cos these
flavours sound amazing.

Thank you. They do.
Good luck. Thank you.

Thank you.

As well as ensuring
the pastry's fit for purpose

the bakers must carefully choose
what goes inside their pies.

For the Chana dal I'm basically
gonna cook it in, in, in water

because it takes about 40 minutes
for it to, like, go soft.

The aubergine and the potatoes are
kind of the main, main aspect of it.

Ancl it seems that curry is a hot
choice of filling in the tent today.

I am using home flavours.

Spicy chicken which is
a recipe that has been passed down

from my mum and my grandma.

Maxy's hoping to bounce back from
her disappointing signature with

a bake that is out of this world.

And the star of her Twinkle Twinkle
pie scene will be

a curry-filled globe

made with thin sheets
of delicate filo pastry,

a risky gamble, given its
notoriously delicate nature.

Tell us about the globe.

The globe is going to be made out
of filo pastry.

FILO pastry? Yeah.
Quite tricky.

You're going to make filo pastry?

Yeah. By yourself.


That's a bit of a feat to make
a decent filo pastry.

You need to harness this.

You struggled with time in the last
couple of weeks now. Yeah.

I think you need to bring it back,

try and just get this focused on
this, as quickly as possible.

Thank you. Thank you.

Good luck. Thank you.

Recognise my ambition here
cos I'm making filo,

which is a bit, a bit tricky.

So I'm starting off
with the ice cream.

Whilst I'm doing that
I'm also doing the savoury pastry.

These leather trousers are made
out of rough puff pastry. Wow.

See the food colouring
a little bit there?


Chicken rendang, which is my
favourite classic food that I love

to cook all the time,

I've tried the spiciness level
on week three.

The judges can handle it.

Is it very SPICY?

So I've got onion, mustard, parsley.

I'm gonna put some pepper,
there's already salt in it.

Janusz has decided

to dedicate his bake
to man's best friend.

So my sausage dog's name is Nigel.

Sausage dog pie will be
a sausage doll,

sausage log - no, it's gonna
be not a sausage dog meat!

It's gonna be a SAUSAGE meat!

Janusz is hoping the judges
will lap up his unique take on

the Very Hungry Caterpillar,

consisting of a picnic scene
with an elaborate decorative tree

and each pie shaped
to represent its contents.

Have you made a lot
of food inspired by your dog?

I haven't made any food inspired
by my dog. That's the first one.

Will he be watching this?
Have you got a message for Nigel?

Well, he's gonna be even on a TV.

Nigel if you're watching, woof woof,
woof, woof-woof-woof.

Aww! He's gonna appreciate this.

Yeah. Get off that sofa!


Whilstjanusz has opted for
a canine twist to his tale,

Sandro's going for a more
traditional approach to the story.

So my 3D story is based on
the Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Uh, which I've read to
the kids I was working with.

Sandro's pulling out all
the stops with two side dishes

and a staggering selection
of meat and fruit pies,

each one individually
shaped to depict

both the caterpillar
and his daily diet.

In the story, are those all the
things that the caterpillar eats?

And more, yes.
And he eats a lot more.

I've got about 16 pies altogether.

Oh, my goodness.

You are overdoing it, Sandro.

What kind of pastry?

The pastry, welll wouldn't, I
don't know the name of the pastry

but it's done with flour and water.

Pastry dough.
Just flour and water?

And some seasonings and butter.
Oh, right.

I think we'd better
leave him to it.

Absolutely - we'll leave you to it.
Good luck, Sandro.

Thank you. Good luck. Thank you.

Bakers, you are halfway through!
Was that too much?

I need to hurry up!

With at least eight pies
to make and bake...

Ice cream cone.

Now let me get that baking now
since the oven is free.

...the bakers must juggle the complex
production line of pasties.

I've got all the fillings ready,
all the pastries ready.

I'm gonna start baking my pies
in a moment.

Ancl with varying fillings,

timings and temperatures,
it's no mean feat.

My little stars.
So ideally I'd like to begin with

the cases of my fruit tart.

I'm rushing!

Page four of 15.

Haven't done the pears yet,
chorizo's done?

So now, tree castle,
still on castle.

Ancl whilst most are going for
the methodical approach...

Oh, I forgot to put my bay leaf
in there. Ah.

...Maxy is freestyling.

I should've put this in earlier.

Might've put a bit too much cloves
in here.

Ah, I didn't work this out properly.

I don't know if I'm burning my rice.

I've forgotten quite
a few important things.

With fillings made and chilled...

Allow that to thicken.

...the bakers must now shape
and assemble their pies.

They're apple pies.
So bake them, shape them,

bake them, shape them.
There's my apple.

So this is the large boat,

that I'm making right now.

This is gonna be cherry pie,
which is really quick to make.

This will go in the oven to bake.

Go on, have some cherries and
paprika. See what that's like.

What, is that what you're doing -
cherries and paprika?

No, yeah. I'll,
I'll get it ready for you. One sec.

Is this a thing or have you just
made this up?

No, they're gonna eat it, so...

I have paprika sometimes
on baked beans.

That's how classy I am.

Hmm, yeah, it's good.
Is it really?

Are you just mucking about? Yeah!

Oh, was that not what
you're gonna do? No.

My eyes feel fuzzy.

My liver's doing something
it's never clone before!

Sort of turning round.

Just need this to cool.

Don't want it to affect the pie,
don't want it to be too soggy.

Jack gonna taste
a very rustic boy

with rendang filling,

his little legs, hands,
now jack is a decent boy.

Bakers, you have one hour left.

Oh, gosh.

This might go completely fail.

OK. In it goes.

With multiple pastries going into
the oven at different times,

the bakers are feeling the heat.

Right now, I'm multitasking.

Uh... mix spice with the apples.

Ooh, I was reading the wrong bit.

I'm looking, I'm way...
I'm missing a plum.

I don't even know.
They're all muddled up now.

The bakers need to create
a three-dimensional scene

that looks spectacular
from all angles.

We have the octopus legs coming out.

I'm gonna poke these in
the filling,

so it's gonna be, like,
standing up.

Imaginative and intricate
decoration is required.

This is my treetop.

That's Noel's head underneath.

I asked him for help, he helped.

I'm making creme pat
to go over my fruits in my cups.

So, this is the ice cream cone.

Now it's just decorating,
putting them all together.

Would you like some cheeses?

I'm not on schedule.

Ooh, arr, me hearties!


Would you have liked to have
been a pirate in days gone by?

Oh, my God, that must have
been crazy. No way, man. Yeah.

There was, like, so much,
like, bloodshedding.

You wouldn't have wanted
to make someone walk the plank?

Uh, no, not really, no.

Not even Paul Hollywood?
Ooh, no.

It's a good way to get rid of him.

The dog will be there for half
an hour.

Ancl those - eight, ten minutes.

Ah, OK. Filo pastry for the globe.

I don't have a watch, do you?
I ain't got a watch.

Shall we make it up? Yeah.

What do you reckon? Half hour?
Half hour.

Bakers, you've got half
an hour left.

Slowly everything is going in.

There's only 30 minutes left.
This is crazy, man.

I'm putting a layer
of spinach in,

cos my mum always
cooks spinach,

so I just thought might
as well put it in my pie.

Then it's rice.

I'm running out of time.

Oh, they're starting to pop
and crack a bit.

I'm gonna give my fish
one more minute,

because they always say
that my pastry is raw.

So I'm covering cracks up
with some land.

Ideally I would've wanted to go
a bit thinner.

I'm making a pear,
but I think it's gone pear-shaped.

Look, I don't have time.

My pastry is breaking!

Oh, it needs a bit more time.

Cooked. Ow, cooked.


Little stars.

Come on, sausage dog, bake.

Gotta make the neatest one the face
and I'll try and hide the cracks.

Ancl they smell delicious.

Don't know how to put
the giant together.

It's too big of a giant.

I'll take it as a giant is
sitting down.

Bad, bad giant.

I've still got BLEEP in the oven.

These are meant to be clouds.

I don't know if they look
like clouds.

Nope, it wouldn't stick.

I might need to settle
with only one beanstalk now.

That's a little bit of glitter
to make my fish fishy.

Some of them I have painted,
so that's good.

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

I think it's baked.

Come on.

Oh, you look cute.

Ah! That's hot.

Bakers, your time is up.

Please step away from your bakes.

Yay! It's all clone.

It's so ugly.

I'm so glad it's finished.

Oh, we've clone it.

After four hours making
their Showstopper pie scenes,

with a place in
the semifinal at stake,

the bakers now face
the judgement of Paul and Prue.

Janusz, would you like to bring up
your Showstopper, please?

Janusz, I think you could have
made the fish

more obviously defined. Yeah.

If you hadn't told me it was
a fish, I wouldn't have known.

The salmon's beautifully cooked.
The pastry's all right.

I mean, it could be
a little bit flakier,

cos it's mainly just one big lump
of salmon.

This is the sausage meat, is it,
in the dog's head? Yes.

Personally, I don't like big gaps in
between that.

Normally you'd fill that with
a gelatine or something.

Basically, this is a sausage roll.

Sausage meat is nice.

It's all a bit dry.

Now this one is...? Dauphinoise.

The pastry's quite nice.

It's packed out,
so as you cut into it, it's solid.

It's a nice eat, that one.

We're on to pudding now.

This is apple.

It's lovely.
It's a bit dry inside, that.

That apple mixture should be
a little bit wetter than that.

I think your flavours in all
of them are good.

I just think the interaction
with the crust

and the interior is where
it fails slightly.

It needed another element to it
to wet that mixture down inside.

Thanks, janusz. Thank you.
Thank you.

I mean, overall it's
quite effective. It's pretty good.

You can see what it is.

It's a bit rough and ready.

So this is the Chana dal?

Aubergine curry
with Chana daL

I think the flavour is amazing.

The aubergine in
the curry is spectacular.

It's really tasty.

Right, let's have
a look at this crumble.

I love that. Just delicious.

I think the pastry's nice and short.

Again, it's nice and thin,
it's crispy.

Overall I think you've done
a good job,

surprisingly, how simple that is.

Thank you. Thanks, Abdul.
Well done.

I think it looks quite attractive.

You've had a bit of issues
with it cracking here, haven't you?

Yeah. That's a lot of pie filling.

But I like the flavour. OK.

The pastry's sort of lost,
because it's a bit soft.

It's very dry inside.
It's like a sandwich, not a pie.

The bottom of it is just raw.

Let's have a look at these cherry.

Tough as old boots.

Did you make the ice cream?
I did.

Shame it wasn't
an ice cream competition.

That's really nice.

I think basically overall you've
lost your way with this pastry.


The star really, for me,
is the stars at the moment.

The half globe has lost its way
a little bit.

Shall we start with these?

I quite like the taste.

I think it needed something
with it, though,

because as it's cooled,
it's turned into a pate.

Right. The globe.

I would've baked
that filo for longer.

You want that flake in a filo.

I think filo was probably
the wrong choice for that.

This is the cloud. Yeah.
It's beautifully baked.

It's a nice short pastry to go
with a lovely creamy top.

If I've got one complaint,
I think the ratio of fruit

to cream is a bit wrong.

You need a bit more fruit
and a bit less cream.

But otherwise, it's just perfect.

Thank you.

Thank God.

It's clever, using this pastry.
Thank you.

Because it's bulletproof
and you can't go wrong.

Very, very good.

That's lovely.

Flaky, falls apart,
buttery on the fingers.

The filling is spicy,
but still moist

and somehow luscious.

It's a real treat.


Unctuous, that's
the word I'm looking for.

I mean, this is your other pie,
isn't it? Chicken rendang pie.

The pastry, thin, thin, thin.

Filling is well packed.

It's a nice-looking pie.

Mmm, the chicken is delicious

and it's all being kept inside
a very neat parcel.

If I had any quarrel
with it, it is a little dry.

Well done. Thank you.

Well done. Thank you.

Well done.

I've got mixed emotions.

I think I've got
a mixture of good and bad comments.

I just hope I've clone enough
to save me.

The ambition was something that
definitely worked against me,

but they liked my ice cream.

I feel a little bit traumatised,

because it's the quarterfinal.

You want it to be amazing,

and it just wasn't quite...

It was really disappointing.

For three out of five of them,
pastry wasn't very good,

and all their pies were
too dry inside.

I thought Syabira's was very good.

Clever. Good choice of pastry and
when you got into the pie,

it was a beautiful curry inside.

And also, Abdul's pastry
was beautiful.

The aubergine curry was fantastic.

When you look atjanusz's,

actually, they looked great,

but where he lost it really is not
necessarily his flavours,

they were all quite dry.
Yeah. Very.

And there were big gaps in

the pie and the filling.
Too much air.

And I thought Maxy,
I loved her chicken,

but then you looked at
the filo half globe.

The filo wasn't good.

Overall, I think she struggled,

and she's not the only one
to struggle.

Sandro. Really bad.

The actual pie itself
wasn't baked enough.

It was quite raw inside.

What he should have clone is a much
smaller, thinner caterpillar.

I know it's a hungry caterpillar who
eats a lot,

but it could've been a smaller one.

I'm quite disappointed.

In line for going home,

I think obviously Maxy.

And for me, obviously Sandro.

Bakers, luckily for me this week
I have the lovely job

of announcing Star Baker.

Ancl the person who is Star Baker
this week is...


Well done.

We've grown attached to all of you

and we don't want to say goodbye
to anyone here,

but I'm afraid we do
have to say goodbye.

So I'm sorry to say the person
leaving us this week is...



| Told you 9W5-

Well done, Maxy.

Oh, Maxy. You've done really well.
Really well.

You've been so brilliant, honestly.

I can't believe it.

I had a bad, bad week.

I knew it. I knew it was me.

I knew it was coming,

but I was hoping my Showstopper
would've saved me.

You got through to
the quarterfinals. I know.

That's a big thing. Yeah.

It's really sad to go,

but I'm HAPPY

and I'm proud that I made it
this far.

You're a lucky boy. I am. Yes, I am.

Couldn't be happier.

I've still got a chance to get to
the finals.

I'm through to the semifinals.

How weird is that?

Stay calm.

Just go in, give it my best again,

and then hope.

Please don't cry.

I'm trying not to cry.

Maxy's leaving.

Ahh, sad.

Best buddy.

I don't know whether she can cry
or laugh, she's like...

She's both. She's a mix.

I'm sorry. I feel so confused.

I don't know if
I want to be happy or cry.

It was really sad to lose Maxy.

She's been one of the strongest
bakers coming into today.

It was very close between
Sandro and Maxy,

and Sandro's really got to
watch it now.

Next week is still a clean slate.

I have to fight for the spot to be
in the final,

which is a dream for me.

Next time...

Anything I can do? Stay away.'s a patisserie semifinal

for the four remaining bakers.

Oh, my God. I burnt my caramel.

There's no time to wobble,

with a Signature that demands
precision... I'm stressed.

...a testing Technical...

I'm trying to hold back my tears
right now. Please stay.

...and a spectacular towering
Nordic Showstopper.

My hands are shaking.

Get this wrong, they're going home.