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13x06 - Halloween Week

Posted: 04/20/24 19:58
by bunniefuu
Hello, viewer. Welcome to our
first-ever Halloween week.


Oh, wow. Look at that.

Ew, the witch's hair.
Ooh, that nose.

Oh. Is that prosthetics or CGI?

I haven't been to make-up yet.

Welcome to The Great British
Bake Off.

Should I go and look for
another job now? Yes.

Last time, the bakers
tackled demanding desserts...

Oh, my God! You know, desserts
backwards is stressed. And I am.

...and while Sandro was on top
of the world... Wow!

Look at that. It is astonishing.

...Syabira struggled with flavours.

It tastes a bit fake. But Carole's
puddings collapsed...

Oh, what a disaster!

...and her time in the tent
was up. Oh! That's all right.

This time... Woooo!
..It's Halloween week...

Hold your breath. ..With a
spine-chilling signature...

This witch has eyeliner problem.
I'm scared.

...that's all about apples.

It's like a cauldron. I'll just
don't want to ruin my make-up.

Goodness! A terrifying technical...

So sticky. ..That has the bakers
feeling the heat.

Is this one on fire?!
Ah! Too much!

No, no! They're all burning.


And a showstopper...

I don't know whether to be shocked
or turned on.

I don't know what's going on here.

It's falling apart.

...that's sure to cause nightmares.

It's not going to hang.
Just breathe, breathe.

HAPPY Halloween!

Yeah, I'm excited about this week.

Gives us a bit more opportunity
to be more creative.

The more revolting, the better,
you know?

Do you know what? I think my bakes
are quite cute, so I don't think

they'll frighten them. If I get put
out and I need to do my leaving

speech in this shirt,
I'll be well annoyed.

Bakers, welcome back to the tent
for Halloween week.

Yes! How do you like them apples?

Well, quite a lot, I hope, because
for your Signature Challenge,

the judges would like you each
to bake an exquisitely

decorated apple cake.

Apples have been intertwined
with Halloween throughout history.

How so, Noel? Well, in the olden
days, peasants were put

in a bucket and a giant apple
would turn up

and try and pull them out
the bucket with its teeth.

Have you been reading books
upside down again?

Possibly. You can use any type of
sponge you like,

but your hero ingredient must be
fresh apple.

You have two spooky hours.
On your marks...

...get set... Boo!

I love Halloween. Love trick or
treating, love dressing up.

It's an opportunity to be
a big kid again.

This is Halloween week.

Obviously, Halloween we think
of dunking apples, etc,

so we want to celebrate the apple.

We want the apple to be the hero
in this cake.

That is how many apples we've got.

I need to stick some spices in
there, so cinnamon sticks.

Things like cinnamon go
so beautifully with apples,

but I do think the bakers
have to be careful because we want

the dominant flavour to be apple.

Ultimately, we want an apple cake,
not, and I stress not, an apple

pudding, trifle or an apple dessert.

I really want to see at the end
of this challenge an apple cake

that, A, looks amazing and, B,
tastes of apples.

Hi, janusz. Hello. Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween.

I've decided to dress as Noel,
but I'm going to call

myself Not Fielding.

So I'm baking in heels today.

Look at those!

I like the eye make-up too.
Thank you.

Yeah. Big shout to Syabira.
She's clone it.

Right. Tell us all about your apple
cake. What are you doing?

I've decided to make something my
mum would make when I was a child.

Janusz' mum's apple cake
celebrates two varieties -

sharp Coxes flavour the sponge
and sweet pinks in the butter cream,

both spiced to bring Halloween heat.

I'm putting ginger,
cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg

and allspice.

I want my spices to be
recognisable, but not to k*ll the apple.

OK, well, good luck.
Thank you very much. Thank you.

This is chilli.
It's Halloween.

You need something spicy.

After failing to impress with
flavour last week,

Syabira plans to wow with a cake
inspired by her favourite

Malaysian dessert.

Asam boi, which is a sour plum,
and also chilli.

So I'm actually trying to bring
that flavour together.

She'll spread sour plum and chilli
cream cheese icing and Bramley apple

crumble between layers of apple
sponge to create a giant

apple-shaped cake.

It's going to be red

and then it has witch eyes
and a hat.

A witch's hat.

This is a very ambitious thing. Are
you going to finish it in time?

Yes, I will. Good luck.
Bonkers. Sounds like you.

It's going to be great. Good luck.
Witchy apple.

While Syabira's putting on a spooky


Did I scare you?

Yes. Oh, good.

...Maxy's apple cake is somewhat
more traditional.

It's apple and walnuts
with cream cheese frosting.

Is that cream cheese frosting
or is it SCREAM cheese frosting?

Her classic cake features layers
of spiced apple and walnut sponge

filled with cream cheese frosting,
apple puree and salted caramel,

elegantly decorated with fresh
apple and whole walnuts.

I don't love walnuts. Why?

Looks like monkey brain.

Don't think it's a bad thing.

You like eating brains, do you?
No. It's a bit Halloweeny.


I am using Bramley apples.

I think when it's cooked, I think it
tastes more apple than any other apple.

Whatever variety the bakers

I have Granny Smith
and pink apple,

so it has a sourness to it
and a sweetness. it's incorporated is critical

to achieving the perfectly even
distribution the judges expect.

I'm going for chunks and, of course,
if I grate some of them,

they will kind of like melt.

Initially, I wanted to chop my
apples and put them in,

but grating the apples releases
the flavour.

This is the Granny Smith
going all the way through the cake.

It's very light, this cake,

so the apples have a tendency
to end up at the bottom.

Dawn will attempt to suspend
her sliced apple within a fragile,

fat-free sharlotka whisked sponge
and her toffee apple decorations

will be soaked in blood orange juice
for extra creepy colour.

Are you a big Halloween fan?

I do like Halloween, yes. It's good.
What you do for Halloween?

Creepy baking. Yeah.
And what...

Matt, what are you doing?

Oh, he's scary enough anyway.

He doesn't need to creep around.

I'm trying to be speedy as possible
because my sponge is baked for

The addition of fresh fruit
to their batter increases

the moisture content,
meaning a longer bake.

The clock's ticking. So the quicker
they can get them in the oven,

the more time their sponges
will have to cool.

Got a broken wing!

I can't use this arm!
Right. Going in now.

Any attempt to assemble
and decorate when warm,

could result in catastrophe.

The cakes are in for about

But Kevin's cake isn't ready
to bake.

Yeah, I'm making a streusel cake,
so each sponge will have chunks

of apple and streusel on top.

So there's actually quite a lot
to do before I get it in the oven.

Kevin will fill his streusel-topped
sponges with cream cheese frosting

and top his cake with apples poached
in spiced cider and caramel shards.

Do you know, it sounds
so delicious.

The crunchy strudel
and this sponge.

We should start a band called
The Crunchy Streusels.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Crunchy
Streusels. I want to be in that.

It feels like a jazz trio.


Bakers, you are halfway through!

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, right, I see what's going on.

I-I actually thought this was Noel.

A bit behind.

So that's the sponges finally in.
They'll get 30 minutes.

So I just hope I've got time
to decorate.

While Kevin plays catch up,

the rest of the bakers press
on with fillings and toppings.

Apple spiced butter cream.

It's like a cauldron. I just don't
want to ruin my make-up.

Not only must every element
work in harmony...

I really love caramel
with apple cake.'s crucial nothing overpowers
the flavour of their apple.

Sour plum and chilli.

It's a risky business, putting
flavourings. Wicked.

But in his bid for a second
straight Star Baker crown...

I'm using cinnamon whisky.'s a risk Sandra's embracing.

These are just going to stick
in the, in the sponge.

He'll cover his cake with

caramel glaze, spiced apple and
walnut crumble.

Ancl in case his whisky transfusion
isn't terrifying enough, a crystal

sugar skull will sit glaring
from the top.

Is this is my death mask?
And then this...

This is your skull right here.

I'm worried about the weight
of that skull.

I think he'll be fine.
I'm not adding any more to it.

Abdul's also going all out with his
decorations. So, I'm making,

basically a bonfire cake.

Logs that are going to be made out
of apple clipped in chocolate

and caramel shards represent fire.

Hoping to set the judges'
hearts alight,

his bonfire cakes contain apple
and almond sponge, cream cheese

frosting and almond streusel,

all wrapped in a delicate
piped chocolate collar.

Abdul, you've come as, what,
scary NASA?


I'm a rogue astronaut.

What's your favourite costume?

If I really want to scare people and
make them unnerved, I would dress

as Paul Hollywood.

Well, they look ready.

OK, go.

You can't hear any sound
of it cooking.

It's cooked. The quicker
the cakes are out of the oven...

I will cool it for 15 minutes.
..The longer they'll have to chill

before assembly starts.

I'm literally waiting for the cakes to
cool, so I can start working on them.

But Kevin's are still baking.

The sponges need to be
completely cool,

otherwise the icing will just
melt out the sides.

Bakers, you have half an hour left.

I think you've got a spider in your
hair. Really? Yeah.

I'll just... get it out.

Thanks. There you go.

Righty-ho! Should be ready.

Hold your breath.

It's very light, this cake.

It's a bit broken there.

I am frosting it.

Yep. Cake's out.

Just not sure if they're going
to be cool enough.

Caramel glaze.

This is apple crumble filling
and the sponge.

This is incredibly fragile.

I don't think it's going
to be cold enough.

Are you a big trick of treater?
Of course.

Who do you like to dress up as?
- A pregnant nun.

A pregnant nun?! That is correct.

Do you get a lot of interest
from guys?

Yeah, especially from monks.

The feast of Halloween.
Witch apple.

I can't go back now.

Either they like it or they don't.

How long, really, can I get away
with leaving for icing?

Maybe five minutes.

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

Maybe I can do it in three minutes.

Dipping apples very quickly
in caramel.

Got our caramel, as well, going
on the top. Chocolate trees,

you have to handle it delicately
or it can just break apart.

Oh, man down! I know how to make
it look scarier.

I'm always doing this in the last
few minutes.

Oops! Almost dropping an orange on
top of my cake!

That is my chocolate drip.

This is my skull.
I frickin' like it.

It's just so stressful.
How are we doing for time?

One minute left.

Oh, man alive!

This witch has eyeliner problems.

It's just not even.

Definitely learnt not to rush.

You want it to look nice
and neat. Add the... Yes!

I'm happy!

Bakers, your time is up.

Looking around the room, I can see
really lovely cakes, and it's like,

oh, is mine too simple?

That's so good!
I didn't make enough trees.

Oh, they're lovely, though.

Even that wee heat is enough
to melt your icing.

The bakers' apple cakes now face
the judgment of Paul and Prue.

Hi, Sandro. Hello.

I'm going to take that off a second.

I mean, I know it's Halloween,
but I really think that skull

ruins your cake.
Oh, really? OK.

It's such a beautiful shape and you
plonk a great big skull on top.

What's in this?
It's a cinnamon whisky.

That's really got whisky in it.

Even for me, I don't think
I'd put any more in.

Maybe I will. Why not?

Why change the habit of a lifetime?

I made a spiced apple sponge.

It's a lovely, moist sponge.

It's an amazing spice cake pudding.

It is. But apple?

Not really. No?

For me, it's not appley enough.


Well, I can see
it's a bonfire.

I like the trees.

It's quite effective. But the
caramel shards are a bit thick.

OK. I put grated apples
in there and almond streusel.

Good streusel.
Good texture.

I think it's a really good cake. You
have the whole apples in there,

which do taste of apple, with,
actually, a beautifully moist sponge.

I think you did really well.

Thank you.

The sponges are made with
Cox apples

and then the butter cream
is pink apples with spices.

I'm not getting any apple flavour.

I am getting the spices.

It's a shame because I think
the sponge is lovely.

And you know what? The texture of
the butter cream is lovely.

I love the idea of the puree, but
again, the spices have k*lled it.

If this was a spice cake
challenge, you'd win it.

Misses the brief. Yeah.
Well, it misses the apple.

Yeah! Thank you, Noel. Thank you.
Er, janusz.

It's a very light sponge.

I put some toffee apples
and some whipped cream on top

and it sunk a bit, yes.
I'd say quite a bit.

Yes, quite a lot.
How did you put the apple in here?

I put a layer of apple, another
layer of apple to distribute it.

I'm not getting a lot of apple.

Got it down at the bottom.

I actually really like the apple
on the top!

Toffee apples are so powerful,
they make the rest

of the cake rather dull.

It does look a bit of a mess.
I promised a lot.

You did it, obviously,
when it was warm.

That's the reaction between
cream cheese and the hot cake,

and it just pours out.
It's like lava. Yeah. Yeah.

So tell us about your apple cake.

Well, it's an apple streusel cake
flavoured with almond.

Apples are beautiful in it with
the almond, especially with cream.

Yeah. It tastes amazing.

It's a bit like a trifle.

Just delicious, isn't it?

But we wanted a cake, not a pudding.

If I'd walked into a room and saw
that, I'd know that was your cake.

It's got Maxy written all over it.

I mean, it is neat as a pin.

I love the decoration on the top,
the little apple strips. Thank you.

So I've made a apple and walnut
cake, and I've topped the top layer

with some caramel.

I think that's a really good cake.

Really good. Thank you. The apple
comes through beautifully.

Walnut is that texture at the end.

I think you've clone the apple
justice, actually.

Well clone. Oh, my God. Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Thank you. Well done, Maxy.

Well done. Thank you.

I'm not sure about the face.

It's sort of gone all over
the place, innit?

I love the face. I mean, for
heaven's sake, it's a witch,

of course she can be crooked.
It has eyeliner problems today.

Yeah! It's a hot clay.

This is my favourite snack of
apples, sour plum and chilli.

I love it.

Really powerful flavours.

Sour plum is perfect.

The cake is beautiful.
And it's so light.

I was going to say I didn't get
the chilli. It's just come in.

I'm not sure about the face,

Oh, thank you! Oh, I'm glad.

I enjoyed that. I think
you deserve that.

Chilli is the thing that gets me.

It's a real triumph.
The flavour's back!

Well clone. Thank you.

I'm very pleased.
First, the handshake

and they said my flavour is back!

I just feel super, super happy.

I'm over the moon.

Yes, you did, you got one!

I'm pleased for Maxi and Syabira.
Syabira's first handshake.

It's just a shame.

Apart from the obvious
construction issue,

they had a lot of nice things
to say about it,

which was really sweet of them.

I don't think it was a disastrous
judging, but I'm really worried

that at this stage,
you really need to nail it

and I didn't.

Ancl my technicals have been very up
and down, so I've got to throw

everything at this.

While the bakers were able
to practise their signatures,

their next challenge
is a total mystery.

Bakers, it's time for your Halloween
Technical Challenge, which today

has been set by Paul.

Paul, any words of advice?

But please say them
in your scariest voice.

There are two...
Ah! It's too scary!

There are two very distinctive
textures you have to get right

in this recipe and allow
time for setting.

You have to figure that one
out yourself.

As ever, the Technical Challenge
will be judged blind.

So we're going to have to ask
Freddy Prueger and Paultergeist

to leave the tent.

For your Technical Challenge,

Paul would like you each to make
eight s'mores, the kind of sweet

treat you might have round
a campfire

while telling scary stories.

Your s'mores should have
a gooey toasted marshmallow

and a creamy dark chocolate ganache

sandwiched between
two digestive biscuits.

No more instructions, please!
It's too scary!

You OK? Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm gonna tell them
how long they've got.

You gonna be fine with this?
Yeah, yeah. Absolutely.

You have two hours. On your marks...
Get set...



S'mores. Shmores... schmorshs?

All righty. S'mores, they're
a distinctly American confection.

I've never had one, but
I've seen it in the movies.

I've never made marshmallows
or digestives.

I'm completely lost!

So, Paul. S'mores.
It's a great challenge, actually.

Ancl the reason why I said about
the two contrasting textures

is obviously the marshmallow
and then the actual biscuit itself.

The biscuit's
straightforward enough.

It's about rubbing all the dry
ingredients with the butter,

adding the liquid,
bringing it together.

The next thing is obviously
the marshmallow,

which is basically
whipped Italian meringue.

You've got to add gelatine.

The key thing is, once you've added
the gelatine, is leaving it to set.

Now, if they don't,
the whole thing could collapse.

We want it to be
as neat as possible.

We want the chocolate in there
as well.

Not too much, you don't want it
flooding down the side.

But then you want this blowtorch

around the outside of
the marshmallow.

Now, they could go wrong with this,

because if they add too much heat,
it's going to melt.

So very lightly.
Ancl it just looks beautiful.

Ultimately, you're meant
to eat it like this.

I don't know that I can.
You get absolutely covered

in chocolate, marshmallow and
a little bit of crumbs of biscuit.

I think it's lovely. It is.
But hold back.

We've got another seven
to try in there.

First I need to make
the biscuit dough and chill.

I have made digestive biscuits
before, but...

No, you just buy them.

I'm just looking for
a biscuit dough,

something that holds together
and isn't too crumbly,

so that when I roll out,
it will still hold its shape.

Hello. Hello!

Did you get a handshake?

I did.

Right hand, I haven't washed it
since then. Can I touch it?

No! A a a ah!

I need some of that power.

That Paul power?
What did it feel like?

I was surprised. Did you look into
his eyes when he shook your hand?

No, I didn't, I was just like,
"Thank you!"

I'm more happy because they said
my flavours is back, so...


I think this is about right.

Dough is done
and I'm going to chill it.

Right. I'm going to crack on
with the marshmallow now.

Marshmallows are really
just an Italian meringue.

I'm guessing it's with gelatine.

I don't really know how to make it.

Whip your egg whites,
add hot sugar,

keep on whipping. Done.

Are you a fan of s'mores?

I've never had a s'more.

Too sweet for me.

I know the sweetest thing
I've ever eaten. Yeah?

When I was a little kid,

my mum had sweeteners
that you put in your coffee,

and I ate a couple of those. Ooh!

All my hair fell out. Are...

Stiff peaks. I think we're there.

I need to bloom the gelatine.

Gelatine is key to
the marshmallow structure.

Let's hope this works.

But adding it at the right time
is crucial.

I'm not going to put the syrup
inside the meringue.

Unless their gelatine is
dissolved completely,

the bakers could end up with
a marshmallow monstrosity.

Oh, sh**t!

I forgot my gelatine.

Did I forget something?

I feel like
I've forgotten something.

I forgot to put gelatine in there.

I forgot to put the gelatine in!

What happens now?

I was going to put it in the syrup.

I don't know if I've ruined it.

Hello, Dawn of the Dead.

You all right?
Did you get a handshake?

No! Made good toffee apples,
though, apparently.

But the cake was rubbish.
I love toffee apple.

Dentist's nightmare, though, the
toffee apple, innit? Oh, God, yeah.

That's why I've got
so many fillings.

I've got fillings that go
right down my back tooth

and all down one leg.

Really? Yeah. That's impressive.

Into my long toe. That's very good.
That's very impressive, I must say.

Which is my second toe,
because I'm an amphibian.

I think we're just about there.
Righty-ho! That's setting.

Looks nice and bouncy.

I don't know what I'm looking for,
to be honest.

I'm just going to stick with it.

Next, I'm going to roll out
biscuit dough.

I'm quite pleased with my dough.

We're looking for

One, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight...

They're all sticking to the paper.
I'll re-roll it.

Oh, what a mess.

Now the stamping will be fun.

It's very delicate.

They're all different shapes.
But, you know, it'll be fine.

That one can be hidden
at the bottom.

Let me bake them. The instructions
doesn't say how long.

Good luck, biscuits. Do me proud.

Noel, are you OK?
Yeah. My gerbil died.

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's not
that, I'm not bothered about that.

It's just, he's haunting me.

Aww... Hello!

Ow! Still bites.

Bakers, you are halfway through.

Oh, my goodness.

What am I doing? Ganache, ganache.

Classic ganache is half and half.

So it's half double cream
and half chocolate.

The ganache should be set,
not a watery ganache.

So it needs time to be
in the fridge.

Oh, it's so liquidy.

Pop that in the fridge for a minute.

What's going on with these biscuits?

So looking a bit pale and squidgy.

Just a bit more, I think.

Paul's gonna say
it's not golden enough.

I'm trying to get it
more to his tan,

so I'm just going to give it
another two minutes.

Think they're ready.

I feel like they are digestive-y

These are just starting
to go golden around the edges.

I think that's the sweet spot.

They could have been more uniform.
They're looking pretty good.

Have you made digestives before?

No. This is the first time
I'm making them.

I mean, they're so cheap.

You're just like,
"hmm, I'll just go buy it."

There's your passion as a baker
coming out!

Bakers, you have 15 minutes left.

Oh, my goodness.

Panic, panic.

Turn the marshmallow out.
Cut out eight rounds of marshmallow.

My marshmallow is definitely wrong.

It's not as stable as it should be.

It's set from the outside,
but I think from the inside,

it's still very wet and sticky.


I'm going to get it clone in time
if it kills me.

Urn... This isn't easy.

So sticky.
Come on, baby. Get out.

This ain't looking too pretty!


It's assembly time.

I'm just giving the ganache
a bit of a spread.

I wish I'd set the chocolate first.

They did the right thing by cooling
theirs cos my one's quite... soft.


Oh, no, no!

It's a pain in the ass to assemble.

They don't like mess.

That one's not great.
They're just not looking uniform.

Bakers, you have one minute left.

OK. I have to be careful now.

I'm looking for a golden colour.

Is this one on fire?!

Doing a bit of touch-up.

Ah, too much!

No, no! They're all burning.

This just don't stop dripping.

I wish I'd set my ganache.

No! Why are you
doing this to me, man?

Bakers, your time is up.

Not bad.

A mess is what this is.

Please bring your s'mores
down to the gingham table

and place them
behind your photograph.

Thank God it's over.
I think I've cooked it too much.

Paul and Prue are looking for
eight s'mores

with crisp digestive biscuits,

silky chocolate ganache,

and a beautifully toasted
marshmallow centre.

They have no idea whose are whose.

We'll start with this one.

Straight off,
lost the definition in the biscuit.


I like the biscuit.

But the marshmallow does melt
a little bit too readily.

It's more meringue than marshmallow.

OK. Moving onto this one.

Nice bit of colour on that biscuit.

I think they look nice, too.

I like the way it's torched.

This has got much more definition
on the biscuit.

Ancl it's got a little bit more chew.

A little bit more goo
to the marshmallow as well.

Moving on. Bit all over the place.

Colour looks a bit light as well.

They're not identical, are they?
No, they're not.

It's a bit rubbery, that biscuit.

Marshmallow is too soft, and the
biscuits also are slightly too soft.

It is.
This is definitely chocolate drips,

which we didn't intend.

No, the chocolate
has gone everywhere.

All down the side.

The biscuit's all right.

It's very soft marshmallow.

It disappears almost instantly.
Moving on.

The colour is perfect on the side.

And also,
they all look exactly the same

and the definition is really good.

Just that one's lost a bit. Mm.

The chocolate is
the right consistency.

Texture's perfect, I think. It is.

The chocolate's perfect,
neat as a pin.

This one's a bit messy.
It's a little bit messy.

The colours are right on the side.

The biscuits are really nice,

but they're quite well baked,
aren't they?

Any longer and it would have been
too much.

They're not the best-looking things,
but the textures are nice.

Moving on to the big issue.

The marshmallow is a disaster,

but the biscuits look
really perfect.

Biscuits are good.
The marshmallow is terrible.

That's a shame.

Paul and Prue will rank the s'mores
from last to first place.

OK, in seventh spot,

we have this one.

Abdul. Big problem
with the marshmallow.

Yeah, I decimated them
with the burner.

Really? Yes, they came out like...

You just superheated them
and they melted? Yeah.

Right, in sixth place,
we have this one.

Maxy. The texture was just
a little bit too soft.

In fifth place is Dawn,

Sandro is fourth,

and Kevin third.

In second place, we have this one.

Who's that?

Janusz. This is
a really nice s'mores.

Lovely texture.
Just a little bit of definition,

not looking perfect.

Ancl in first, we have this one.


You were 95% there.

Just one never really had
the definition,

but everything else was really nice.
Perfect. Well clone. Thank you.

I am very, very happy
that it worked out well.

Although Pauls aid it's 95%,
it's A-plus, still.

Coming second,
it's a really good result.

Ancl I'm really happy for Syabira,

because she needed
this confidence boost.

Sad life. All I needed to do was
lightly use the burner.

But I was like...

That went so-so.

Not great, not good enough.

Potentially, I'm in trouble.

The competition is just
incredibly fierce.

I don't feel
in a particularly strong position

because the morning was rough, and
even coming third in the technical,

I don't think there was much in it,

so I need to have
a really good Showstopper.

Just one challenge remains
before Paul and Prue

decide who is this week's
Star Baker,

and whose time in the tent is up.

Good morning, bakers.

Hope you're having
a happy Halloween.

I hope you haven't been scared
by any ghosts

or spooked by any spectres.

I hope you haven't been shocked
because you've seen some ghoulies.

Noel, you're looking a bit pale.

Did you see some ghoulies? I did
see some ghoulies, and so did Prue.

Was this in Paul's dressing room?
Yes, it was.

I'm so sorry.

OK, bakers, for your Halloween

the judges would like you to make
a hanging lantern.

Think trick or treat,
think jack-0'-lantern.

And when smashed open, must reveal
an array of sweet treats inside.

You have four hours.

On your marks... Get set...


Feeling good,
feeling excited for today.

Actually, I am quite nervous
because it's a Showstopper.

The last thing you want to do
is be doing it badly.

Didn't have a strong clay yesterday.

Sol can't do anything short of
my best work.

Any less, I'm clone for.

The bakers could really
have fun with this.

We want them to make
a hanging lantern

out of whatever they wish.

Structurally, has to be sound,
but it's got to taste good as well.

It has to be robust enough to hang,

but fragile enough to crack it
with one bang of a rolling pin.

So that sweet treats can tumble out
like a pinata.

We want at least two varieties.

This is Halloween,
so we're expecting maybe eyeballs,

fingernails, witches' hats, noses.

I've got my blood-berry coulis.

As always, timing will be
really crucial

because it will be tricky enough
to make and bake sweet treats

and the lanterns,

but then they've got to
decorate them

and they have to have time
to do it exquisitely.

I want to see Halloween
hanging in a lantern

with maybe a few windows
and a bit of light.

That's not difficult, surely!

Morning. Good morning.
Hello, janusz.

Tell us about your hanging lantern.

I've decided to celebrate
horror movies.

So I'm making a popcorn box
with scary decoration.

And I'm going to hide
two different truffles.

Trick or treat truffles.

Janusz's truffles will be hidden
within a popcorn box lantern

built from almond sable biscuit,

and feature a treat flavoured
with spiced pumpkin

and a trick containing pistachio
and crickets.

Cricket? Cricket? Yes. They're going
to be made with cricket powder.

And then with smoked whole crickets
inside to provide the crunch.

They grind down really nice,

They're more like peppery,
aren't they?

Yeah, they make quite good flour.

Sorry, what, are we just
talking about insects here?

We are. And you know what,
insects are going to be the future

because they're easy to farm, cheap,
very ecologically sound.

And they're pretty nice as well.
They taste like you're eating bacon.

I think that's very original.

I'm looking forward to that.
Thank you. Thank you.

Poorjiminy Cricket!

Would you like one?
No, I would not!

I love scary movies.

We usually watch scary movies
all the time.

My boyfriend used to do
ghost hunting

and we always watch
paranormal stuff.

We do enjoy our scary pleasure!

And it's scary pleasure
Syabira's planning to serve up.

Her spider made from spiced biscuit

will contain peanut cookie
Frankenstein fingers

and mummy shortbreads featuring
a unique flavour combination.

I'm making an orange shortbread
with white truffle maple syrup

cream cheese filling.

It's a little bit like a gamble,
that one is.

Are you nervous today?

Yeah, because... Hold your hand out.

She's shaking!

It's another handshake
before baking!

You just did it!

You'll be fine. Enjoy it.
You've clone really well so far.

You're having a good week.
Thank you, thank you so much.

But Syabira's spider isn't the only
eight-legged Showstopper

in the tent.

My bake is called Arachno-FOMO,

as in fear of missing out.

Because we were never allowed
to dress up as anything scary

for Halloween like zombies
or vampires.

We're Christian, so we had to
dress up as something benign.

One year I got dressed up as a clock
with a mouse running up it,

as in Hickory Dickory.

We've got a friend that's a
Christian as well, and his mum

sent him out trick or treating
dressed as Toulouse-Lautrec.

Kevin's spider will be made from
orange and five-spice sugar cookie

with choux pastry legs
and marshmallow eyes.

Inside the beastie's belly

will be toffee apple macarons
and hard-boiled peanut sweets.

Do you like spiders in real life?

Everyone thinks I like them because
of the way I dress and because

I look gothic, but I actually
am quite scared of spiders.

They're not my biggest fear?
What's your biggest fear?

Well, the same as any musician.

Child prodigies. Child prodigies?!


Good answer!

Put that in Room 101.

This is my gingerbread dough
for the lantern.

Whatever the bakers choose to
build their lanterns from...

I'm making gingerbread.
I'm bringing cinnamon, allspice,

ginger, nutmeg.

...not only must it be delicate
and delicious to eat...

It contains almond flour,

but I've added some almond extract
just for extra kick.

...but when suspended, sturdy enough
to hold their treats too.

A lot of people use gingerbread
because it's nice and strong.

I prefer working with sugar cookie.

It's got high sugar content
so it makes it quite firm.

This is sort of like a gingerbread,

but it's using
carbon black cocoa powder,

which bakes coal-black.

So kind of gives you
a head start, really,

when you're trying to do
a black cat.

Dawn will construct her
ferocious feline

filled with monster macarons
and raspberry jelly eyeballs

by carefully joining

her two baked biscuit domes

to create one seamless sphere.

I need to make it meet.

So it's important to not cut corners

and just take
whatever time you need.

It's not the neatest,
but should be OK.

That's biscuits in.

As the bakers' lanterns start
to hit the heat...

Bake well. a bid to stand out
from the crowd...

I'm just melting some chocolate here
so I can make a chocolate sphere.

...Sandro's chosen to avoid
the oven altogether.

I think I'm the only person
using chocolate.

I'm a rebel by nature.

Sandro will transform his
chocolate sphere

into a skull-encrusted disco ball,

containing no less than
five different treats,

including chocolate orange palmiers,

nutty orange florentines

and chilli chocolate fudge cookies.

You know, you only have to do
two sweets.

I know, but I'm trying
to impress here!

Ancl how many skulls
are you actually making?

About 200 skulls.


Wow. Good luck, Sandro.
Thank you.

I thought you was going to be
doing it with, like, actual skulls.

I did try to find them, but I got
kicked out of the graveyard.

Next time.

Next time, please.

Such a fan.

I mean, I just loved you
in Jason And The Argonauts.

Bakers, you are halfway through.

Oh, my gosh. Halfway through?

It's a real pleasure
to work with you guys.

The biscuits are done.

I'm taking it out from the oven.

Before the bakers can start
to construct their lanterns,

they must allow their biscuit
to cool and firm up.

It's a bit well clone.

It will be covered in
chocolate ganache

so you won't see
that it's over baked.

I just hope it doesn't taste
over baked as well.

But they can't stop for a second...
Cookie time! they still have
sweet treats to create.

I'm adding some espresso powder.

I'm also going to add
cayenne pepper.

A whole lotta heat. It is Halloween!

It's going to be a cricket truffle.

So the powdered cricket tastes
a bit more savoury,

which is contrasting
to white chocolate and pistachios.

Powdered crickets, the insect.

They rub their legs together,
don't they? They do.

Do you rub your legs together?

I do rub my legs together!

And I used to jump a lot,
but not so much now.

Whilejanusz hopes to hit the mark

with his creepy-crawly

I am making brownie truffles
and pumpkin macarons.

...Maxy's going for cute and cuddly.

Sort of basing it on
my childhood memories of Halloween

so it's not going to be too gory.

As well as monster brownie truffles
and pumpkin spiced macarons,

Maxy will make meringue ghosts
and tuile biscuit bats,

but with so many elements to bake,

her orange and cinnamon shortbread
lantern is yet to hit the oven.

Just rolling out my biscuit dough.

I really need to get
these baked as soon as possible.

Yeah, I've got quite a lot to do.

This is the ultimate juggling act.

I'm just making the florentines

and melting some more chocolate
for the skull.

Not only must the bakers ensure
every texture is spot-on...

These are hazelnuts.

I've done florentines before,

and I just found that
they're not nutty enough.

You've got the chewiness.
You've got the crunch.

Just started on the jelly eyeballs.

The judges will demand perfectly
balanced flavours

across the bakes, too.

This is raspberry flavouring.

Need to go
really carefully with that.

If you put too much in,
it will be hideous.

These are the mummy biscuits.

It's orange shortbread biscuits.

Bit of truffle.

I just like the combination
of white truffle and orange.

It's weird, but this is the time

that you're going to try
all the weird combination flavour

and see what the judges think.

Do you like it? Do you not like it?
Do you like it? Do you not like it?

Syabira is not
the only one taking a risk.

I'm now making my date balls.

It's rose water that's going in

and you can already smell it
so it smells pretty nice.

But not content
with one contentious flavour...

I'm making brandy snaps.

...Abdul's doubling down.

I'm going to clip them
in match a white chocolate,

which is a bit risky because
the judges don't like match a.

Abdul will add almond nails
to his match a-dipped brandy snaps

to create witch's fingers

while his rose water and spice
date balls will become witch's eyes,

both encased in
a gingerbread lantern.

I'm basically trying
to multitask over here.

I'm trying to make
the brandy snaps and my date balls.

I think I'm running a bit
behind schedule, actually,

about ten, ten minutes.

Bakers, you have half an hour left!

Oh, I think your family's here.

Oh, yeah. I invited them down
to meet Paul and Prue.

It's my Auntie jean in the red.

I'm just multitasking and trying
to do so many things at once.

It's going to be quite tight.

This is a Frankenstein finger.

I'm using classic traditional
Malaysian peanut cookies.

Peanut is definitely
a hero flavour for this one.

Erm, what have I got left to do?

Bake the choux pastry spider legs,

glaze the macaron shells, finish
and clean up the boiled sweets.

Ancl you're doing five things?

Three so far have been clone,
and I've got just two to do.

I am on track.
I've got the florentines clone.

They're quite thick,

so I'll call them florentine cups,
because if I don't,

Prue's going to say, "Oh, it's
a bit thick for a florentine."

Are you feeling the stress?

Yeah, I'm definitely
feeling the stress.

What are these going to be?

Little monsters.

Well, they're massive.

You're working fast, aren't you?

Sort of have to!

I've got thousands of things to do.

Really? Yeah.

This is the raspberry jelly worm.

I want that bite, the chew.

Everything that
gummy worms gives you.

So these are the fingers.

That's the final piece
of the puzzle.

OK, assembly.

So now I have to put the lantern
together, put the sweets in,

decorate the popcorn.

If I'm watching a horror movie,
I would definitely go for popcorn,

but I would buy it
in the supermarket!

This is the backs of the eyeballs,

so I'm just putting
a bit of melted chocolate on.

How's it all going?

Tried to do too many things
and I've run out of time.

I've got to join this together

but it's extremely wonky-looking.

I'll just take off the rough edges

and it'll pop together.

I've got to just see
if I can make it meet.

Oh, God.

There's some gaps.
But what can you do?

I'm flattening the top,
just to make sure that it lies flat.

What I don't want is
it's going to be all wonky.

I'm coating this with chocolate,

like a texture of a spider skin.

That looks good, Syabira.

Thank you, Sandro.

That is a perfect ball right there.

I plan to completely cover
the entire ball with skulls.

This just isn't sticking.

We're struggling. Just going to make
some butter cream really quickly.

I need options at the moment.
It's very dodgy.

Ah, it cracked!

That's a big old crack right there.

What crack?

Bakers, you have 15 minutes left!

Going to pipe the centre
of these macarons.

This sweet peanuts just need
to come out the mould.

Ancl then I just need to ganache
the spider and put it together.


It's going to break.


This isn't going to be hanging
on anything.

It'll be hanging by a thread.

Oh, these are so sketchy.

These smell gorgeous!

Flake lamination.

A bit chewy.

It's falling apart.

Oh, man alive!

I'm cutting through
to make the hole.

I'm really trying.
I think I need a drill.

Where are you, switch?

Oh, yeah.

I don't know whether to
be shocked or turned on.

I don't know what's going on here!

If I could just get it
to hold together,

I can get the eyes on at least.

That's not going to hang.

It's not going to hang.

It's OK. Just breathe. Breathe.

This is
popcorn with white chocolate.

Ooh! Look at those.
Are they moustaches?

No, they're supposed
to be spider legs.

Disco ball.


Is it spooky now?

Come on, stick.

Bakers, you have one minute left!

Time to hang you, babes.

Get off!

Oh, so sticky.

So I decided to
cut the florentines in half

because they won't go in as a whole.

It won't hang, so... Oh, my God.

Bakers! Your time is up.

Please step away from
your Halloween Showstoppers.

That is shocking.

Well done, everyone.
This is wicked.

Syabira, get out.

That looks amazing.

Man alive.

It's like a horror movie itself.

I can't look at it.


It looks like...

Oh, you're digging deep here.

No! No;

It's judgment time for
the hanging Halloween lanterns.

Sandro, would you like to
bring up your hanging lantern?

Do you need a hand?
Should be fine.

Not with those g*ns.

It looks fantastic.

This is something that
you could buy in a supermarket.

The skull ball is just amazing,

but the treats are all a bit big
to go in your lantern.

They are indeed.
It is florentines but halved.



There you go. They are as well.

That looks like solid caramel.

Oh, my God!

I It's a bit thick.

The florentines taste amazing.
Just too thick.

OK. What about
the chocolate fudge cookies?

There's coffee and chilli.

Bit of coffee.
A bit of chilli. Yes.



I've just found
the trick in this lot.

Yes. That's far too potent.


That is really...
I can't eat anything else

cos I won't be able
to taste anything else.

It's clever.

The box is very neat as well.

And I love the popcorn. And the eyes
look really well made, too.


Let's try the biscuit first.

The biscuit has
a lovely almond flavour.

It's lovely.
It's quite short as well.

There's thick truffles.

This is the one with
the cricket flour.

Ancl a whole cricket inside
as well for a crunch.

Just casually threw that in there.

It's a bit too sickly sweet for me.

I think you should have had
more crickets in there.

The crickets have got
quite a nice savoury flavour.

It would have balanced it better.

Next thing you've got pumpkin spice.

Mm. Over-spiced. Which is a pity
because I like the textures.

I'm just concerned about some
of your flavours going wayward.

Mm. Shame.

What happened to the lid?

Unfortunately, a zombie came
into the tent and smashed it.

We saw them, actually. Yeah.
They are Noel's family, though.

It's a bit of a mess,
but it is hanging.

I like the biscuit.

It's not too sweet,
and it's very orangey.

The bake's got a nice crunch to it.

Almost shortbread-like.

Right. Give it a whack.

The treat's pumpkin spiced macaron.

It's delicious macaron. Thank you.

Soft in the middle,
crunchy on the outside.

Ancl just the right amount
of pumpkin spice.

I also made brownie monsters.

Chocolatey, nutty.

It's extremely dense.

You couldn't have too many of them.

They're very rich. Tasty but
they are massive for what you need.

If they'd been tiny, the denseness
wouldn't have mattered.

The lantern looks neat as a pin.

Well constructed,
seems pretty solid.

Shall we have a taste?

Softer than I thought
it would be, actually. OK.

I think it could have been
baked a little bit longer,

but the flavour is delicious.

Are you ready? It mightn't break.

You're right! Again!


Oh, that's so satisfactory,
I tell you.

All right,
so we've got witch's fingers.

Brandy snaps. Brandy snaps.
Covered in match a white chocolate.

Lovely flavour with the match a.

I'm not normally a great match a fan,
but I think that is perfect.

It's nice and thin, and
the almond is delicious.

Right. This is the dates?
Yes. The date ball inside.

The texture is good, but
all I'm getting is rose water.

OK. It's too strong.

If you'd pulled that back a bit,

allow all the other flavours,
the pistachio, to come through,

the dates to come through, I think
you would have been onto something,

but it's just overwhelming.

Well, it's quite scary.

Really scary!

But it's very messy.

OK. Do your worst.

Go on, Prue, give it some.


Is it gingerbread?

No. It's sugar cookie
with orange and five-spice.

Ganache is delicious.

Biscuit's lovely and crisp.

Are you eating the macaron? Mm-hm.

Very sweet, but good flavour.

It's a bit crispy, though. You want
it to be a little bit chewy inside.

Yeah. They weren't
my strongest macarons.

What's this made of? It's
butterscotch with salted peanuts.

It's just sweetness
rather than flavour.

Ancl it needs to
be finished properly.

I think somewhere with
the nuts sort of hanging out...

I think it's...
I think it's all right.

That's normally Prue's
territory, saying things like that.

The whole thing just needed
more time, more effort, because each

individual bit is not perfect.

It may not hang. You can try.

Oh, please. Yay!

Erm... It's a bit messy, isn't it?

Yes, it is. The two halves
aren't perfectly together,

but the general idea is impressive.

Well, let's look inside, shall we?

Well, that worked.

It's black cocoa powder biscuit.

It's got a bit of cardamom
in there as well.

But only a very small amount.

Very hard.
Can't really taste anything.

Oh, OK. It's nice and thin,

which is just as well
because it is rock hard.

Now, the issue I have
with the macarons,

they're a little bit too simple.

I wanted to do a lot more detail on the face.
I thought there'd be a lot more going on.

That's just chocolate ganache?
Yeah. With a bit of brandy in it.

Again, that's quite simple. Yes.

Chewy in the middle.
Shiny on top.



I must say, the jelly eyes
are really beautiful.

Because the jelly is unsweetened,
it's just texture.

But you do get the chocolate.

I just think it's all
a little bit, dare I say, basic.

I think it looks amazing.

I mean, really stunning,

even down to the green light
coming from the mouth.

It is astonishing to look at

and everything is
very neatly and delicately done.

That's unbelievable.

The dark chocolate is bitter enough
to work really nicely

with the ginger biscuit itself,
which is exceptionally crunchy.

Do you want to smash this one, Prue?

Whoa! Whoa!

Ancl it's still holding.

Sinister finger.

That peanut biscuit's lovely.

Crumbly. The peanut kick
is just perfect. Beautiful.

So this is orange...

...and white truffle
cream cheese filling.

Oh, too much truffle.

Why did you put truffle in there?
Why did you put truffle in there?

It's not working?

It did have flavour.
I'll give you that.

You're off your head, honestly.

Orange and truffle
does not go in a biscuit.

I accept that they don't
like the white truffle in an orange,

but it's fine.

White truffle!

It is very good comments, and I'm
very happy with it. I don't want to

jinx it, but I was hoping
for Star Baker this time.

That went pretty much as expected.

I reckon I'm not only
in danger of going home,

I think it's a pretty
foregone conclusion.

I'm bracing myself, to be honest.

I'm kind of trying to get my head

around the idea that
I might not come back next week.

Well, we've learned something
from that Showstopper,

which is that when
Dame Prue has too much sugar,

we need to keep
that rolling pin away from her

because she will whack anything
in sight and will eat any creature.

Loves a cricket.

But I thought that overall, one
person did better than anybody else.

Ancl I would say Syabira. Yep.

Now, when you look at the
circumstance we were coming into today...

Yeah, because
she'd had a handshake.

Yeah. And she won the technical.

She won the technical.
There you go.

I mean, she's unstoppable.
That's the long and short of it.

So does she have any competition
for Star Baker?

For the first time, no.
There's not going to be a shock.

The ideas of all
of the bakers were very sound.

I just thought there was
a little bit of a rush job

on some of these bakes.

I mean, Kevin's spider
looked such a mess.

For me it's Kevin and Dawn
who are in a bit of trouble.

I didn't think Dawn really
did enough. Coming into today

I would have said, you know,
at the bottom of a very tight group,

it was Dawn and Kevin
sitting down at the bottom

and I think we're still
looking at those two now.

Hello, bakers.

Luckily, I've got the great job
of announcing Star Baker this week,

and that person
has had an amazing week.

Handshake, first, in technical.

Great showstopper. Syabira.

Now, I have the less fun job
of announcing who is leaving us,

and we obviously are
growing closer to all of you

and so this person will
really be missed, actually.

I'm sorry to say that the person
who is leaving us this week is...


It's fine.

Poor Dawn.

Well clone, Dawn. You did well.

Game over.

I really don't want to
shed tears over it,

because it's just been
the most amazing experience,

really one of the absolute
best experiences of my life.

I can't wish for more than that,
you know.

There's a tear. Look.
Don't let anyone see that.

My kids will be like, "Mum doesn't
do emotion. What the hell's going on?"

I'm really, really proud
of what I've done.

And I've had fun. Such fun.

You OK?

Dawn was a saint.

In my head, I was already gone.

And, yeah, mmm...
I didn't expect that at all.

Now I'm in the top half
of the bakers.

That's another weird feeling.
I wasn't expecting that either.

And well done, Syabira.
What an amazing week.

Thank you. Amazing week.

I feel very happy and grateful
to get the Star Baker.

It's a great feeling. You deserve
it, girl. You deserve it.

But that's a scary place
to be, honestly,

because the only way is going down.

So I'll try to maintain it.

Going to miss you.
I'm going to miss you. Brilliant.

I'm really sad to see Dawn go.
She's funny.

I love her.

It's been lovely having you in
the tent. It's been a pleasure.

I just remembered you're not
a hugger. Oh, you're not a hugger?

Not really. Remembered that
too late. It's t*rture!

Group hug! Let's k*ll Dawn!

Come on.

Next time...

ls there such a thing
as too much custard? No.

...the bakers attempt to
conquer custard as it's poured...

Float, baby, float.

...layered... Super jiggly.

...and frozen.
I'm ready for you, ice cream.

Whose custard is set for success?

That custard gateau is impressive.

And who... Oh, no!

"Will have their final wobble?

Oh, no.

My ice cream didn't set.
It's like water.