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13x02 - Biscuit Week

Posted: 04/20/24 19:56
by bunniefuu
Hey, Matt. I mean,
it's Biscuit Week,

but I'm pretty sure that's a cake.
No, it's a biscuit. It's a cake.

It's a biscuit!
Definitely a cake.

Paul, can you settle this argument?

Is that a cake or a biscuit?

It's a dog.


ALL: Welcome to
The Great British Bake Off.

Last time, 12 new bakers
entered the tent...

Good luck.

..determined to conquer Cake Week.


While Janusz raised the roof...

It is utterly delicious. become our first Star Baker,
Maisam struggled...

Oh, my God. I'm trying to be neat.

..but Will's layer cake condo...

Definitely behind.

..failed its final inspection.

You've overbaked every one.

..and he became the first baker
to leave the tent.

Well, guys, you go and
all knock it out of the park.

This time...

Oh, flip!'s Biscuit Week...

Oh, I don't know what to do.

..with an illusion macaron

I'm a risk taker.

What can go wrong?

Oh, Paul Hollywood,
that's what can go wrong.

..a Technical Challenge...

No clue.

..that ruffles a few feathers...

Oh, man, mine are breaking.

Right now,
I think I'm messing this up.

..and a 3D biscuit mask

Keep it together, lassie.

Who will be the belle of
the masquerade ball...

I'm shaking.

..and whose mask will slip?


Oh, I might cry. I might cry.

I don't think being a Star Baker
last week

gives you anything this week.

Because anything can happen, so,

yeah, Biscuit Week, here I come!

Good luck, everybody.

I think I was near the bottom
last week, so I'm feeling

a bit apprehensive.
I feel like there's more to prove.

And biscuits aren't really my thing.


Oh, I like to eat them.
Not really make them.

Who makes biscuits nowadays?

You would usually get it
from the supermarket.

Good morning, bakers.

Welcome back to the tent
for Biscuit Week.

Now, for your Signature Challenge,
these guys would like you

to make a batch of 18
identical decorative macarons.

Yeah, that's macaron
the yummy biscuit,

not Macron the president of France.

Now, they can be any flavour
you like.

They must be filled,
but here's the twist -

the decoration must
make them look like

something other than a macaron.

For instance,
the president of France.

Exactly. You have two hours.

On your marks. Get set. Bake!

Here we go.

Macarons aren't really my thing,
but it should be fun.

What could go wrong with a macaron?

Everything. Everything could
go wrong with a macaron.

They can explode.
They can underbake.

They might stick to the mat.

There are 87 things that could
go wrong with them.

For me, the perfect macaron
is very light,

perfectly shaped,

outside smooth and shiny
and crisp as anything,

and inside deliciously chewy.

But we're not asking the bakers
for any old macaron.

They have to be shaped or decorated
to look like something else.

We want to see colourful,
we want to see vibrant

and we want to see a little bit
of personality coming out.

Right, chuck all that in there.

The best way to approach
this challenge is simplicity.

They've only got two hours.

Produce something that
packs a punch and looks amazing.

Don't try and overdo it
at this stage.

Morning, Carole.

Hello, Carole.

So Carole,
tell us about your macaron.

I've decided to make little burgers.

Little bite-size burgers.

You have got the best accent
in the world to say "burgers."

Yeah. Yeah, burgers.

Just reminds me of nice summer
evenings with friends and family.

Home-made burgers with
a proper cider.


Proper job.

MATT: When she's not entertaining
guests in the garden,

compost Carole can be found in the
greenhouse tending to her plants.

I love the smell of a greenhouse.

Topped with sesame seeds,

Carole's macaron buns
will be filled with

a chocolate orange buttercream,

chocolate lettuce,
and fondant tomatoes.

But her burgers have competition.

Sandro's making burgers.
He's got chips with his.

Why didn't I think of that?

I eat quite healthily
majority of the time,

but my burger order is ridiculous,

so I'll get normally
a triple cheeseburger.

and I'll also get, like, a full
chicken burger as well with it,

and nuggets.

But working out
for two hours every day

means Sandro can go large
on his cheat days.

What's this? 5,000 calories?

Do it.

Served with fondant chips,
Sandro's take on macaron burgers

will be filled with a passion fruit
and rum salted caramel

and chocolate ganache ketchup.

I'm feeling confident
in my flavours.

I'm sure they're going to like it.

And I'm trying to beat the
flavour king Janusz right here,

so he's my flavour competition here,


..let's see.

So what I'm making today,
it will be watermelon macarons.

So they're going to look like
tiny little watermelons.

My inspiration for this bake
is Brighton beach,

because what's better to have cold
watermelons on the beach

on a hot sunny day?

And when the Brighton skies
are a little more cloudy,

Janusz likes to spend time putting
balls with boyfriend Simon.


Hole in one!

Crammed with a bright red watermelon
and lemon curd

and a watermelon buttercream,
he's using spinach powder

to colour his macaron shells
a distinctive green.

And as well it gives flavour,

because watermelon has this
sort of plant-y flavour to it,

and I think spinach powder
recreates this.

Also hoping for a bit of plant power
is Maxy.

I am making daisies.

I can see that you've got
daisies on your jumper today.

That's right.

Why daisies?
Is this to do with your daughters?

Yes. They were both born in April

so I thought daisies, April flowers.

Maxy's little daisies Tyra
and Talia are at home

with dad Tyshak, who Maxy met 15
years ago when they worked together

in a local supermarket.

Both Tyra and Talia's
favourite flavours

will feature in Maxy's macarons -

raspberry mascarpone cream
and salted caramel.

How old are your little girls?

Four and five.
Four and five?


So although is really difficult,
this is basically a holiday for you.

I do miss them.
Like, I wake up, and I'm like...

I know.
.. "Where are my kids?"

That's how they get you.

Knackered as you are,
you still miss them.

I do, yeah.

Well, good luck. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you so much.

Look forward to these.
Thank you.

Maxy's macarons aren't
the only ones being flavoured

with a family favourite.

The fillings are inspired by
my mum's favourite flavours.

And I want to make her proud,

so I don't want these macarons
to let me down.

Mum Afaf has instilled in Maisam

a love of traditional
Libyan flavours.


Maisam will be bringing a taste of
her mum's favourite baklava

into the tent today with her orange
blossom-infused crushed walnuts

and mascarpone cream which will fill
her macarons that will be shaped

and decorated to look like
cute carrots.

They're carrot shaped. Why?

To be honest,
I was thinking about macarons,

the first thing that came into
my mind was carrots. Just the...


Macarons reminded you of carrots?

With which they have no relation?

Well, good luck with your...
Strange macarons.

Your strange macarons.
I look forward to trying them.

Oh, thank you, Matt.

No matter what shape
their macarons,

getting the consistency
of their mixture right is crucial.

This is where it could
all go wrong.

Undermix, and their macarons
could explode in the oven.

Just trying to remember what
it's supposed to look like.

It should fall like, erm,
sort of like that.

Yeah, I'm happy with
the batter now.

Overmix, and they risk
knocking out the air,

resulting in flat shapeless

All the batter is now done,
and now it's time for piping.

If piping perfectly round macarons
wasn't tricky enough...


I've not got no nipples.

I just hope they rise now.

..those with more elaborate

They're basically ice cream-shaped

Do they look ice cream enough?

..face an even bigger challenge.


I'm a bit worried about how
the petals are going to turn out.

Hopefully they don't spread too much
in the oven.

But when it comes
to complex piping...

So this is, like,
a wee design I came up with.

..James is upping the ante.

Those are based on racoons,

cos I have a wee baking racoon
tattoo. Um...

Did you just say you have
a wee racoon baking tattoo?

I'll show you.

Oh, my goodness, it's not so wee!

Currently living in Cumbria,

James often dreams up his best
baking ideas

while strolling along the seafront.

His intricately-piped macarons
will be filled

with raspberry whipped cream
and a mango curd filling.

It's so ambitious.

Well, I think I've really
over-estimated my abilities here.

If you've practised, it'll be fine.

OK, well, good luck. Thank you.

It's about time someone
fused raccoons and baking,

and you're the man to do it.
Here we are.

Good luck.
Cheers, appreciate it.

But James' raccoons aren't the only
furry friends in the tent today.

So my macarons are based on
my cat, Branston.

I got him when I was eight.

He's really important to me.
He's like my baby.

When she's not doting on

Rebs like to relax
by playing the tin whistle.

My hands smell like cat food.

Filled with chocolate ganache
and raspberry coulis, her cat-shaped

macarons will hopefully immortalise
her beloved feline friend.

I don't think... I didn't mix
them... I didn't mix it enough.

I don't know if I should just
take it all back

and mix it a bit more.
Argh, I don't know what to do!

Janusz, I don't know if I should
just scrape it back in

and keep mixing. Do you think
they are not mixed enough?

Like, they're just too thick.

Yeah, they are very thick.

Very thick.
Right, I'm just going to go for it.

I was scared of making them too thin
and then I've made them too thick.

Put it back in and remix and hope
I've not lost too much mixture.

While Rebs is feeling the heat...


..Kevin is keeping his cool.

So I'm making
ice cream cone macarons.

My wife and I like to take the dog
a trip up to Loch Lomond,

visit somewhere like Luss
and get an ice cream.

Kevin and his wife Rachel
might enjoy a cornet,

but dog Judy has
much simpler tastes.

Where's your stick?

Kevin will fill his cone-shaped
macarons with a peppermint ganache,

a nod to his favourite ice cream
flavour, mint choc chip.

Oh, I like a mint choc chip.


So hopefully it doesn't turn out
like toothpaste.

Well, that is the risk, isn't it?

You've got to get it good,

because you're not
the only person doing ice creams.

I know,
Abdul's doing ice creams as well.

I love ice cream.
That's my favourite dessert,

and as a child growing up,
I used to even have breakfast

with ice cream.

But as an adult, Abdul has swapped
his ice cream breakfast

for a run around the block.

He's filling his
ice cream cornet macarons

with a chocolate, coffee,
and caramel mix ganache.

But they're pink.

Yes. You weren't tempted to do
a sort of strawberry flavour?

Oh, no, because when you think
of ice cream,

the first colour I think of is pink.
Yeah. You?

Pink, definitely.

OK! Thank you.

WHISPERS: Vanilla, really.

Bakers, you have
an amount of time remaining.

That was helpful.
Oh, you're welcome.

Bakers, you are halfway through.

I'm going in.

Macarons bake in
a matter of minutes...

And boom.

..going from underbaked and gooey...

Goodbye. tough and chewy
in the flick of a whisk.

I'm going to give them 18 minutes,
and that's it.

It says to bake it for 18 minutes,
so I'm going for 20,

cos everything changes in here.
Time is not real here.

Any delay in getting the macarons
into the oven

means less time to cool
and decorate.

Still not in?

I can't get them in the oven now
because they're not, erm,

they're not ready.

Oh, my days,
I really need to hurry up.

As Rebs races to catch up,

the other bakers turn their
attention to fillings.

So this is for the mango curd.

And because it's got quite a high
water content, I'm going to use

a wee bit of mango extract
to try and boost it up a little.

Yeah, so this is dark chocolate.

I wanted something bitter
to go in the middle,

so I'm not putting any sugar
in my ganache.

I'm just letting the peppermint
lift it.

So I'm just beating together the
softened butter and mascarpone.

Get that into a creamy consistency,

and then I can do my crunchy walnut
and orange blossom.

I'm extruding sugar paste
to make the string

for my yoyos, because my piping
isn't good enough to... pipe it.

A big kid at heart, Dawn loves
to visit the local petting zoo

with daughter Belinda.

Ah! Just spat at me.

Who did the spitting?

You should be ashamed of yourself!

Dawn's multicoloured yoyo macarons
will be filled with

a mascarpone cream packed full
of sharp strawberry flavour.

This is freeze-dried
strawberry powder.

We're not measuring.
We're just throwing it in.

Dawn might be using sharpness
to combat her macarons' sweetness...

I don't want to get told there's not
enough strawberry, do I?

..but Syabira is taking
a different tack.

What on earth is going on here?

I am actually trying
to make some savoury macaron.

My favourite food is chicken satay.

When I was in Malaysia,
we usually had it all the time.

And why not put a chicken
satay in a macaron?


Flavour fanatic Syabira only uses
the very best ingredients,

each one having to pass rigorous
taste tests with boyfriend Bradley.

I don't usually go for crunchy,
but this is really good.

We love this one.

Love it.

Shaped like enormous peanuts, her
savoury macarons will be filled

with a tofu satay sauce.


It doesn't taste of anything,

and she's going to make it
taste wonderful. CHICKEN satay.

It's chicken satay
in a bracket [no chicken].


I think you're bonkers
in the best possible way.

I feel like this is so original.

Thank you very much.
Wow. Good luck.

Good luck, Syabira.
Thank you.

MATT: Bakers you have,
half an hour left.

Yeah. Dawn's finished.
Drink that in.

This is ridiculous.

OK, they're in. Right, icing time.

As Rebs' macarons
finally hit the heat...

They're done. Ah!

..everyone else's are
starting to cool.

I thought I wouldn't be one of these
people that would, like,

be fanning stuff, but here we are.

They're a little bit flat,
but least they didn't explode

on the top.
I'm really happy about that.

They're carrot shaped,
they're orange,

they're ticking some of the boxes,
but my filling's not looking good.

It just sort of curdled.

I think I overmixed it,
so I need to restart that.

Do you know what? Just as a tip
for the future, Paul hates tofu.

Ah, that's... He's got, like,
a real thing against tofu.


I'm a risk taker.

Are you?

A risk taker.
I'm a risk taker too. This is...

It's fun, isn't it?

Right, burger time. Not too much.

The perfect amount of filling is
when you sandwich it together,

you don't want it to kind of go
splurting out all over the place.

So this'll be the sort of
cream border that will hold

the mango curd.

I think it's good.
But if Paul's not happy with it,

next time, I'll make him
a chicken satay, send it to him.

The filling's definitely
a lot better than the first one.

The first one was too runny,
so want to get moving,

get those filled,
and then, if I have enough time,

I'm going to decorate.

you have 15 minutes remaining.

They were way neater in practice,
and I was way quicker in practice.

I'm so far behind.

I mean, all in all, not great.

Just popping chocolate lettuce on.

And little fondant tomato
and cheese.

Watermelon lemon curd
and watermelon buttercream.

What you doing there?

I'm just adding some sprinkles.
Don't overegg it.

They look a bit like eggs as well,
but in a good way,

in a good way. Egg daisies.
Egg daisies!

No, they don't.
They're things of beauty,

and they're dedicated
to your two beautiful children,

what can go wrong?
Yes, they are.

Oh, Paul Hollywood,
that's what can go wrong.

Spanner in the works.

I need to fill them.

I really need to fill them.

Bakers, you have one minute left.

Janusz, can you help me?

Decoration's not happening.

As long as they get macarons
that taste good,

not doing anything extra today.

Can you pipe that in
the middle of this? This.

Yeah, yeah.

Oh! String broke.

OK, start putting them together,

because you're going to have
nothing to present. Yeah. OK.

Faces on. Faces on.

Bakers, your time is up.


AMERICAN ACCENT: Please step away
from your macarons.

Where'd you get the mango from?
Are they yours? James.


They look horrific.

The illusion macarons now face
the judgment of Paul and Prue.

Overall, I think the design
is pretty good. It's a black cat.

You can see that.

The interior looks a mess.

The actual face is beautiful.

The piping is perfect, so it's just
the middle that doesn't look good.

Yeah. So the flavour is
a chocolate macaron

with a chocolate ganache
and a raspberry coulis.

I actually quite like them.
I like the flavour.

I just think they're a mess.

It's just that you didn't have time.

But you know that.

Yes, thank you.
Thank you, Rebs. Thanks.

I would've liked them
a tiny bit more domed.

OK. Especially if they're supposed
to look like a burger.

I think they could've been
a little bit darker with the bun.

Mm. They're chocolate and orange.

Some green chocolate
for the lettuce,

and little bits of fondant
for the cheese and tomato.

What orange did you use in it?

Erm, essence.

Hmm. Did you use any zest as well?

You should've done.

Yeah? I actually quite like the idea
of the chocolate and the orange,

but for me,
it's that artificial flavour.


I think they look great.
I like the sesame seed on the top.

I love the fact it looks like
a burger's hanging over the edge.

Are these fondant, these bits of...?

Yes, they are. So, yeah, I got
passion fruit and lemon macarons,

there's a passion fruit
salted caramel in the middle

with a little bit of rum.

Flavour is absolutely fantastic.

OK. Not too much rum.
Just the right amount.

Thank God.
No, I think you've done a good job.

Well done.
Thank you, thank you.

MATT: Well done.

I think they look great.

You've got a lovely dome on these,
and feet.

So I've decided to make
spinach-flavoured shells,

with just tiny bit of lemon.

And inside, you've got watermelon
curd and watermelon buttercream.

It's quite dry on the outside.

It should be much more delicate
than that, the skin.

It's a shame, because the shape,
the look, the flavour, I love.

I just thought you'd dried it out
a little bit too much on the top.

I did, and I agree with you
completely. Good. Oh, thanks!

You can see what they are.

I think they're quite clever.

So they are filled with a raspberry
double cream and a mango curd.

I think your flavours are delicious.
It's nice and light. It's not heavy.

The macaron is so thin, so it melts,

just leaving the beautiful flavours

But the fruit gives it a bit of
acidity which takes away from

the extreme sweetness. The balance
of flavours is beautiful.

Imagination's fantastic.

I think you've achieved it
really well. Thank you.

Yeah, I think you've done better
than you thought you would.

Well done.
Cheers, thank you.

They look perfect little macaron.

Nice feet on the bottom,
crisp outside. Neat as a pin.

Yeah, very good.

They've got a strawberry mascarpone
cream filling.

You're looking at me very anxiously.
I am.

Well, I love the flavour.

Oh, good.

Perhaps a just... Mm.
Yeah, go on.

Go on.

Well done.

Oh, my goodness.

The macaron is perfect,
absolutely perfect.

The idea of putting the string
round as the fondant...

It's just the interior, it just
lifts you up,

cos sometimes the inside of
macarons can be quite heavy.

And dense.

It's also a really clever idea.
Mm. It's effective. Well done.

It's amazing, thank you.
Thanks. Thanks so much.

I would've thought it was a balloon,

you know, a hot-air balloon,
rather than an ice cream.

It needs to be much, much darker.
You don't get white cones.

The pink on the top looks all right,
but it's all down to the taste.

Inside we have a caramel coffee
chocolate ganache.

Absolutely delicious
if you like coffee.

Chocolate's sort of been lost
a little bit in the coffee,

and the salted caramel,
you can't really taste either

which is a shame.

But it is delicious all the same.

I mean, you could sort
of see what it is.

It probably needed a slightly
stronger colour... Yeah.

..just so it looked
more like a cone itself.

Yeah. So it's a dark chocolate
ganache with peppermint.


It doesn't taste like toothpaste...

OK.'ll be pleased to hear,

but I still think the mint's
a bit strong.

I mean, the textures are all right,

it's just I question the flavours
a little bit.

Yeah. OK.

I mean, there is an effort there
to make a carrot shape.

I would like to have seen
maybe some pipe work

on the top to really define
the sort of wrinkles in the carrot.


The filling is a mascarpone
cheese cream,

crushed walnut with orange blossom
and cinnamon.

The textures are spot on.

For me, the orange blossom
is just slightly too strong.

Too strong.
And I'd just like to see

a little bit more definition
on the carrot.

I agree that the look of it
isn't perfect. Yes.

Nice height to the macaron.
You can see the feet there as well.

Yeah, you've done really well.

It's peanut satay macaron,

and when you bite into it,
you should taste the bits of tofu

with the ginger inside as well.

That is very surprising, isn't it?

Initially, you get that sweet kick,

then you get all the spices,
and I love that flavour.

And then it goes back
to sweet again,

which is a shame, cos you don't want
to be left with the sweet.

You want to be left with
a little bit of savoury. Mm.

I think the satay is fantastic.
It really is beautiful. OK.

Thank you.
Thank you.

First of all, I think they look
great. They're very neat.

Very delicate.
They've got little feet.

They HAVE got little feet.

Nice and smooth, nice shine to them
as well. Thank you.

The flavours are raspberry and
mascarpone cream and salted caramel.

That is delicious.
Got a little bit of acidity,

which is lovely. I love it.
Mm. Thank you.

Thanks. That's delicious.
It's really light, isn't it?

Light. Summery.
Melts in your mouth.

And the whole thing is so delicate.

And that saltiness
that comes through as well.

Really well done, Maxy. Thank you
so much. Thank you. Thank you.

Going to cry.

I was so worried, cos, like,
I hate macarons so much.

But it worked! And they loved it.

I'm so happy. I don't want to cry.

Two handshakes.

That was crazy.
That was absolutely insane.

I think my family are just
going to go mad.

They're going to be so excited.

The comments were just as
I expected in terms of decoration.

Just an extra ten minutes would've
just made those macarons super.

Oh, I definitely think
I'm dead set last, 100%.

I really need to step it up.

I'm not confident about
the Technical bake.

What could it possibly be?

If it's, like, shortbread,
it's easy peasy.

I doubt it'll be that.

The bakers could practise
their macaron,

but they have no idea what
they'll be asked to make next.

Well, bakers, it's time
for your Technical Challenge,

which today has been set by
footballing legend Wayne Prue-ny.

Wayne, any words of advice?

This is an absolute classic.

Don't get creative,

just stick to the recipe
and don't dare disappoint.

As ever, the Technical Challenge
will be judged blind,

so we're going to have to ask
these two to go and play outside.

Can you hold hands, please,
when you're crossing the road?

For this week's Technical Challenge,

Prue would like you to make

Otherwise known as squashed fly
biscuits, on account of

the dried fruit looking
a little bit like squashed flies.

Now, you can use actual
squashed flies in your recipe,

but I will say in advance how sorry
we are to see you leave

this early in the competition.

You have one hour and 45 minutes.

On your marks. Get set. Flies.

Squashed fly biscuits.
That's what my mum's called them.

I think I've had them,
but I've never made them.

I'm well chuffed. I know what it is.

I was up till 2.00am
reading about biscuits.

So I've never heard of it
or eaten it before,

so this is the first time
I'm hearing it.

No clue. I'm literally just baking.

So, Prue, garibaldi biscuits.
Interesting Technical Challenge.

Well, yes, I mean they sound
simple, but they're quite tricky.

So where do you think they could
go wrong?

You need to roll the dough
really thin.

You want the crisp biscuit,

but slightly bendy soft middle,
and a thin line of fruit.

Now, you've got the addition
of chocolate here.

Chocolate is not
classically garibaldi,

but I always like to see how skilful
they are at feathering.

As soon as you pick it up,
there's stability there.

It's a little bit soft
under the finger,

you know you've got something
that's quite solid.


It's a lovely flavoursome biscuit.

I think it's absolutely delicious.

But I am sure we're probably going
to get 11 different types

of garibaldi biscuit.

Well, I'm hoping to see 11
pretty well like that.

Fat chance.

So the first step is chop and soak
the fruit in the orange juice.

So I'm trying to get them, like,
fly size.

So I'm not going to chop the
currants cos they're already tiny.

It doesn't say for how long,

so I guess I'll soak them
until I do my dough.

"Make the dough and chill."
Very helpful.

She give us a few clues,
like the butter's in small cubes,

which means that you make your
wee breadcrumbs.

My Signature didn't go
as I expected it.

I'm not in a good position.


Then I'll add sugar,
then I'll add the egg.

Did you get a handshake?
I got a handshake, Noel.

Have you washed it yet?

Course I have. Have you? Yeah.
What, washed off the Hollywood?

I washed off the Hollywood.
Never wash off the Hollywood!

Well, er, I might...
You let it seal up like a resin...

Is that what you do?
..then you peel it off like a glove.

Nice and soft I don't know
if it's too soft. Who knows?

Going to put it in the fridge now.

I'm starting to sort of visualise
what they look like.

Should be a layer of biscuit,
layer of fruit,

and then layer of biscuit.

This looks wrong.

Oh, flip's sake!

I just realised. I didn't read it.
I put the fruit in here!

Hi, how are you? Not great.
How was the handshake?

It was amazing, but right now
I think I'm messing this up.

What do you think about this?
I don't know what that is.

I think he might
take his handshake back.

He does do it occasionally.

Oh, no.

OK, I'm going to have to
start again here.

Drain and dry the fruit.

Do need that to be quite dry.

It's going to look good
for my arms, this.

What biscuits do you like?
Ginger nut.

Ginger nuts? I'm boring.

But like a 30p pack of, you know,
ginger nuts, that'll do me. Yeah.

Do you like pink wafer? I do
actually quite like pink wafer.

Yeah, they're nice. Custard cream?
Yeah. Yeah.

Is there any biscuits
you don't like?

The garibaldi.

Forget it!

Do you know, this is actually
a lesson to learn.

I should pay attention
to the recipe.

I feel so silly.

I'm going to try to catch up
with everyone if I can.

Matt, do you wanna do
the time call, or shall I?

Noel, I'm Matt. That's Dave Plate.

All right,
I always get you two mixed up.

I'll do it. Bakers,
you are halfway through.

So, "Cut the dough in half

and roll out each piece
in a rectangle."

Looking at the sizes,
you've got to roll it quite thin.

I think that's good.
It's quite thin.

"Sprinkle evenly with the fruit."

Question is,
do they want all of the fruit?

Like, that's a fly graveyard.
Like, that's too many flies.

I don't know about you,
but when I've got a cup of tea

and I want a biscuit I always
imagine, "Mm, fly graveyards!"

Lay the second rectangle
of pastry on top.

Yeah, so that means it's just
basically dough, fruit, then dough.

Now I'm just going to
cut this into 12.

I'm going to mark it.

Now I've got to work it out now.
Is this maths now?

This is maths now which
I was never, ever good at.

Well, I don't feel I should stick
around for you doing maths. No.

If the rectangle's
nine centimetres wide

and there were 12 of them, then

I'm just going to do it roughly,
literally eyeball this thing.

I'm not sure this is maths,
what you're doing.

This is really... If maths
was more like this at school,

I probably would've liked it.
I know.

Sort of poking stuff
with a knife and mumbling.

I'm just going to cut them into 12.
Oh, no!

Wait, how many have you made?
I've made 24. Why?

It's what happens when you
don't know what you're doing.

Just going to freeze them together
and put them really close.

I would've left it in the fridge a
bit longer, but I need to catch up.

Right they're going in.
Oi, one, two, three.

Putting them in now. Ca-caw!

Here we go. OK, bake well.
Don't disappoint me guys.

Say a little prayer.

I also don't know how long
they're meant to take to bake.

Going to do ten minutes to start
with and see what happens.

I'm going to do 15 minutes.

I'm putting about 12 minutes,

because again I'm not
so sure what I'm looking for.

Once they kind of look like
biscuits, I'll just take them out.

I'll try to remember
how it looks like,

and then I will know
how long to bake it.

Oh! Hmm. I think I remember.

It's quite pale.

Hmm. I think I get it.

Bakers, you have half an hour left.

And I have no legs left.

I told you I was heavier
than I look. No, it's fine.

You weren't heavy at all.
I'm made of strontium.

I'm just going to go straight in.

I should've been going at this speed
from the start. Oh, my goodness.

The colour's looking nice.
Looking golden.

I think they're ready,
though, this is the thing.

Don't know if they're ready or not.

Don't think they're
meant to be golden brown,

I think they're meant
to be like a light toasted brown.


I'm probably going to bake
another five minutes,

and I know they don't need to be too
dark, but I want them to be golden.

They are looking... OK-ish.

I don't know if this will
eventually cool down

to be a much more tougher one
or would just stay like that.

Like soggy, because
that's not what I really want.

They stuck together really nicely.
They're not breaking.

So I'm quite happy that actually
I could save the situation.

Oh, these might be
too dark. Oh, dear.

They're brown enough.


Bakers, you have
ten minutes remaining.

"Dip each side of
the biscuit into the chocolate."

I have never seen them
with chocolate on.

I have only ever had
garibaldi biscuits in a packet.

I'm just going to go for it.

Ugh. I'm not dipping.
I'll just drizzle.

They're just too fiddly to dip.

Oh, man, mine are breaking.

"Create feather decoration
using the white chocolate."

I'm piping my white chocolate
onto the dark chocolate,

and then I'll run
a cocktail stick through it.

It said feathering, I was like,
"What is feathering? What is that?"

I've got to make feathers
out of chocolate?

Trying to draw a feather that will
be going on top of the biscuit.

I am creating a feather decoration.

Prue said don't get creative,
just follow the instruction.

Bakers, you have one minute left.

It's an absolute mess, man,
like, oh, OK so bad.

I might actually do
the wrong feather.

It seems like everybody do
slightly differently with me.

Don't know if this is
going to set on time. Ah.

This is not happening.
It's the wrong feather.

Bakers, your time is up.

Please bring your garibaldis
down to the gingham table

and place them behind
your photographs.

Or if you're not proud
of what you've done,

behind someone else's photo.

Oh, wow. Actual feathers.

Who's done a whole feather?
That looks amazing.

OK, bakers, it's time
to invite the judges back in.

Hello, bakers.

Prue and Paul are expecting 12 crisp
golden-brown garibaldi biscuits

packed with dried fruit

and exquisitely decorated
with feathered chocolate.

Oh, that's wonderful,
look at that feathers. Wonderful.

Start with number one.
Nice feathering.

But the actual biscuit looks...
not too bad, it's nice and thin.

The biscuit's a little too soft. Mm.

And the chocolate's a bit too thick.
But I must say it tastes good.

The flavour's OK though, yeah.
Just a little bit soft.

Moving on to this one.
Very nice feathering. Mm.

You can actually see
the currants coming through. Yeah.

I quite like that.

Very soft again.
I think that's a lot to do with

not drying the fruit out properly.

So it's soaking in. Mm.

Then it's been absorbed
into the biscuit itself.

It's a bit puddingy,
but it is delicious. Mm.

Moving on to this next one.

We've actually got
a feather on the top.

That's quite original and witty.

It's ridiculous, that's what it is.

That's genius, Paul.

It's not what we asked for, though.

They're thin and it has stayed
in the middle. It's a bit soft.

Right, this one is...

They're very uneven, the biscuits.
That one is a bit peculiar.

Yeah. Tastes good.

Nice, crisp pastry, though.

These are a bit thick
with the chocolate.

But the feathering's good.
The feathering's nice.

Nice and crisp. Mm.

It's a good biscuit, that.

These look quite thick.
They're not the right size.

They're not flat and rectangular.

No. They're buttery,
the dough is lovely and buttery.

You could've got more out of them
if you'd rolled it flat.

Rolled them out thinner.
These are fingers.

A lot of chocolate on there.

But they look as if
they're properly baked.

Mm. They are crispy.

Taste is good, just they're
the wrong shape and too thick.

Moving on to... This is not good.
..this mess.

Wow. There's more chocolate

on the plate
than there is on the biscuits.

What is that? It's going to
taste lovely, I promise you.

It needed longer in the oven.
I think that's one of the problems.

I think that's ONE of the problems.

I think the feather is the other one
and the chocolate is the other.

It needed longer
in the oven as well.

Right, look at these.

Chocolate's all over the place.
And the wrong shape.

Nice and crisp, but they are
a little overbaked. Bit rustic.

Very thick, aren't they?

Nicely baked.

This is more the shape.
It's like they've made, uh, two.

They're doubles.

Do you think I've got too much?
Going to join them together.

I think, yeah.

They taste all right.
It's nice and thin.

Looks a bit messy,
but the bake is right. Mm.

Paul and Prue will now rank
the garibaldis from worst to best.

In 11th place we have this one.

Abdul. It looks a mess.

In tenth spot we have this one. Ah.

I genuinely thought it's a feather.

It's fine.
They're very good feathers,

but we'd just like to see it
in the chocolate.

And the biscuit was a bit soft.

And in ninth place
we have this one.

Dawn, you overbaked them.

Kevin takes eighth place,
Maisam seventh, Janusz is sixth,

Maxy fifth and Carole comes fourth.

In third place we have this one.

Oh, sorry it's me.

Sandro, the only problem was
the little bit too much chocolate.

In second we have this one.
Whose is this?

James, feathering was really good

and it just needed couple more
minutes in the oven.

And this one is first place. Rebs.

The feathering is perfect.

The bake is good. Lovely. Thank you.

I don't know how that happened.

I really don't know
how that happened.

Yes. I did feel really bad though
cos I could hear both Syabira

and Abdul talking about feathers.

I just really wanted
to like show them like

what feathering is,
cos they would've done so well.

Oh, man, it looked like
a kid made it. Oh.

Behind me. It's behind me.

Disaster, I would say.

I need to make a statement
with my show stopper

so I'm staying
rather than leaving tomorrow.

But I think it's very funny.

Just the show stopper remains
before Paul

and Prue decide who
will be leaving the tent

and who will be crowned star baker.

For your show stopper challenge,

Paul and Prue would
like you each to make

a beautifully crafted

You can use any style of biscuit.

It has to taste
fantastic, obviously.

but the most important thing
is that it has

to stand upright on a stand
at the end of the challenge.

You have four hours.

On your masks...

Get set... Bake!

I am a bit nervous.

Definitely feel like
I'm not in a good position,

so that definitely
puts me under pressure.

I love TV and I love TV dramas.

You know it's going to be
a good episode when they whip out

the masquerade ball, there's going
to be something drama happens.

Of course we are asking
for extravagance and ostentation

and show-stoppery madness
with this bake,

but as ever,
the things that really matter

are the flavour and the texture.

This is quite a tricky challenge.

I think choosing your biscuit
is very, very important.

We want the masks
to be able to stand up.

Most of the bakers
will probably go with

a ginger biscuit
or indeed a sugar biscuit.

The sugar in a biscuit gives it
snap, but rigidity as well.

Butter will make it
soft like a cookie

and it will fall apart.
Obviously we want a 3D mask.

But it's up to them
what they produce.

Are they going to
fill that time properly

with lots of flavours
and lots of colour,

or is it going to be quite simple
and they're going to play it safe?

Hi, Dawn. Hello.
Hello, Dawn. Hello.

Right, Dawn, tell us
all about your mask.

It's a bit kind of baroque.

But with a bit of sort
of steampunk kind of...

Steam punk and baroque.

Yeah, mixed. Wow.

Dawn's ambitious gingerbread mask
will be decorated

with lemon shortbread cogs
and wheels,

intricate royal icing piping

and a flamboyant crown made from
purple Vietnamese rice paper.

I mean, you're not going to eat

the rice paper sails cos
they'll be really chewy. I will.

Oh. Good luck.

Hello, Abdul, how are you?
Hello, I'm good.

You came last in the technical.
I was shocked. Yes.

Were you shocked?

I was absolutely shocked, man.

What mask are you doing?

So I'm doing a mask based
on my parrot that I used

to have growing up. A parrot?

Yeah, it was an African Senegal.

We called him Motu,
which means, er... Chubby.

OK. Er, because... Chubby parrot.

Yeah, chubby parrot because, uh,
he had like a... Fat feathers. Yes!

Abdul's chubby parrot
will be made up of

a gingerbread base

decorated with over 90
individual biscuit feathers

in his favourite
Middle Eastern flavours.

Abdul, I hope you haven't bitten off
more than you can chew.

Well, you see, I'm trying to
give it my best so hopefully,

hopefully the taste is good.

Good luck. Thank you so much.

That's exactly the green
my parrot had.

I think he had like a double
personality disorder or something.

Because he would be adorable
at one point

and then all of
a sudden he would just bite you.

But Abdul's parrot

isn't the only mask
with a split personality.

My mask today
is about two face, one soul,

so I believe everybody have
a dark side and a good side.

Are these the two sides
of your character, Syabira?

Yes. Or the two sides of the judges?

I believe you all are very lovely.

Syabira's lemon and jasmine
gingerbread mask will be adorned

with dozens of chocolate
sandwich biscuits on one side,

and the other side decorated
with heart-shaped orange,

rose and pistachio
shortbread biscuits

and a crown of pistachio
and rose macaron.

You're doing a lot
of work here, Syabira.

You're making over

Abdul, you've got competition.

While Syabira and Abdul have adopted
the more is more approach...

I can do this.

..Maisam is planning
on keeping things simple.

So, I've made the, er,

gingerbread dough which is
the main structure of the mask.

I'm basically going to treat this
like a blank canvas

and just paint over it.

Maisam's gingerbread mask
will be highly decorated,

with royal icing,

isomalt shards and
a couple of decorative coconut

and lemon shortbread biscuits.

So, just two kinds of biscuits?

Two kinds of biscuits. yes.

And lots of decoration.

And lots of decoration.
I really wanna do well, I wanna...

I wanna step it up
and show my artistic side.

I hope it turns out like that.

Good luck. Thank you. Thank you.

Maisam isn't the only baker
channelling their inner artist.

I'm making today
a cubism-inspired mask.

It's something completely abstract.

I'm going for an abstract mask,
so it's not...

It's based on my face...
It's not my face.

Janusz's face will be made up of

a spiced Polish biscuit base
with a matcha

and vanilla shortbread nose

and two strawberry sugar biscuits,

decorated with brightly
coloured fondant

to bring his cubist-inspired
mask to life.

Did you go to art school?

Unfortunately, I didn't.

I've got my eye on some
of your art. Oh, have you?

I'll do you some.

Thank you.
Oh, I want one.

Just moved into a new flat
so I want something weirder.

Oh, really.
Like something cool.

All right, it's a deal.
Everyone comes and be like...

You two, as you're
my two favourites -

don't say that out loud cos
people'll get jealous.


Janusz may have taken his
inspiration from

the art galleries of Paris,

but Maxy's muse is
a little closer to home.

I'm really into carnival
and soca music

and stuff so I thought I'd make
a mask that ties in with that.

I was going to make an African
mask but I chose to do this

because... nice and colourful.

With its multicoloured
tuile feathers,

Maxy's highly embellished
coconut and lime biscuit mask

wouldn't look out of place amongst

the flamboyant costumes
of Notting Hill Carnival.

I've always been quite drunk when
I've been at carnival.

Really? Yeah, so it's just
a blur of colours to me.

And noise. Just like...
Oh, wow!

Maxy isn't the only baker bringing
carnival vibes into the tent today.

I'm doing like a carnival mask.

And I'm trying to make the mask
a bit like,

like feminine masculine type mask.
A bit like me.

Fighting the gender
stereotypes here.

With a sturdy gingerbread base,

Sandro's carnival mask will
feature shards of strawberry

and elderflower sugar biscuits,
sculptural isomalt,

dozens of white chocolate roses
and ornate gold piping.

If you can achieve that
delicacy it will be amazing.

I definitely will.
I mean that's the aim,

cos I'm quite keen on detail.

So I really wanna prove
that I can actually do it.

Whilst the devil is in the detail
for Sandro,

Rebs has more structural
issues in mind.

It's hard cos you want it
to be thin so it's nice

to eat but not too thin that
it breaks.

Rebs is going for
a Venetian-style mask

with whisky snap decorations

and an intricate royal icing.

To ensure it fits snugly on its

stand she's shaping her gingerbread
base with an unconventional mould.

So, my mould's actually, er,

my dog's old water bottle that
I took a hammer to.

I'll get her a new one after
this maybe.

Using a face-shaped mould should
enable the bakers

to achieve the three dimensional

masks that the judges
are expecting.

my mum used to watch these plastic
surgery programmes like all the kind

of reconstructive surgery

and it kind of reminds me
of that a little bit.

It's not going to be macabre.

Well, I say that - I suppose
it is a little bit.

But it's not without its risks.

Worried about it breaking.
That's my worry.

Overwork the dough at this stage

and the biscuits could be tough
to eat.

Right, where's your gob?

But if they're not moulded enough,

the masks could lose
their shape in the oven.

Bye-bye little face, be good.

But if making a mask

out of gingerbread wasn't
nerve-racking enough...

I just hope he doesn't crack.

All that effort.

..James is attempting
to construct his mask from

the most notoriously
brittle biscuit of all.

So, I'm using a brandy snap.

I'm expecting a little bit
of breakage.

They are so fragile.

Wait and see how they
hold together!

Inspired by a creature from one

of his favourite horror movies,

James' brandysnap mask will
need to bear

the weight of coffee buttercream,

chocolate eyes and spiced
fortune cookies.

Not going to lie -
if I was going to make

Pan's Labyrinth-y
horror creature...

..not sure I'd use brandysnaps.

Feel like if Prue blinks,
the whole thing will, like...

Me and my daughter are
addicted to musicals.

One of my favourite ones was
The Phantom Of The Opera.

And one of my favourite songs
in that is Masquerade.

You know, when they're coming down
the set...

# Masquerade, do-dee, do-do-dee-doo

# Masquerade... #

Carole's musical-inspired mask upon
a mask will be topped with

a crown of orange zest
tuile feathers

and highly decorated with
a fondant mask and brooch

and dozens of mini macarons that

will frame her
painted gingerbread face.

You seem to have lard on your bench.

Did you put lard into
the gingerbread?


Have you got butter
in there as well? No.

Just lard?

It's gonna be quite heavy,
so where's the...

How's that going to be standing up?

It's... I've got a, erm...

..plate stand.

And it just leans against it.

OK. Good luck. Thank you.

Good luck.

So far, so...
He is cracking a bit

but we can cover that over,
don't worry.

The bakers must judge when their
biscuits are baked to perfection.

Three more minutes.

Don't wanna overbake it.

I don't wanna underbake it either.

Overdone and they'll be hard
and unpleasant to eat.

He's starting to go brown now.
There - think he's cooked.

Underdone, and they could
collapse once assembled.

Just keep it together, lassie.

So, it's kind of really fragile.

When it cools it will get
a long stronger.

But for Rebs...
It doesn't look great, does it?

..disaster has already struck in
the oven.

It's broken.

I'm going to have to do it again -
I don't have time to.

Oh, my days.

This isn't good, this isn't good.

Through way half you are bakers!

Sorry, he's on reverse setting.

Bakers, you are halfway through!

That's better.

A broken mask means Rebs is
falling behind.

So, I'm starting my biscuit mask
from scratch.

Just hope second time works.

For the other bakers...

Right, next!

..time to move on to
their decorative biscuits.

The butterflies, not 100% how
I wanted them to be, but...

..with the royal icing, it'll work.

So, this matcha biscuit will be
for the nose of the mask.

So, my nose is the 3D element.

That is my orange rose
pistachio biscuits

and then after that I'll reduce

the oven temperature
and do my macaron.

The bake on the macaron shells were
good in the first challenge.

It was just the decoration that
I didn't finish.

I want to redeem myself
a wee bit after

the first challenge.
It wasn't a great first challenge.

Kevin's macarons will form

barnacles on the face of

his mythical siren mask, complete

with gingerbread starfish,

brandysnap seaweed

and an isomalt crown.

Look at that. Peppermint visage!

Who is she?

She is a siren.

So, these mythical
creatures from the sea.

Who lure you in onto the rocks.

Sirens onto the rocks.

It's a beautiful story that you've
brought into the Bake Off tent!

Yeah. One for the kids.

This, this is basically what you
wanna do, innit?

Lure Paul in with your bakes.

# Ah! #

And then smash him on the rocks.

Smash him on the rocks!

As Rebs' remade mask finally hits
the oven...

I'm a bit behind.

But I'm not going to let it panic
me because there's no point.

..the other bakers...

..are ready to start bringing
theirs to life with decoration.

So, I'm just kind of starting
to get some of the piping on.


Are you coming in?

Are you...? Oh.

Bakers, you have one hour left.

So, what I'm doing now
I'm just covering it with

a very thin layer of buttercream

because that's where
fondant's going to go.

I think this part is, is
so therapeutic, so relaxing.

I feel like I'm doing such
a messy job.

It looks terrible right now

but it should look like
a mask once I cut it.

I love this stuff.

It's Vietnamese rice paper.

It's what they wrap kind
of spring rolls in

but it's not cooked,
obviously, it's just...

But Paul said he's going
to eat it as is.

Yeah, he says he's going to eat it.
I hope he doesn't.

Paul can eat anything.

I saw him eat a spanner once.
Oh, dear.

He's like a tiger shark.

She looks really messy right now

but she's going to look gorgeous,
I promise you.

Oh, this is so stressful.

This is not,
not an exciting task. Oh!

This is the finished design

and I'm just adding in
the finishing touches.


There is a side of me that's, like,
why you've finished this

so early, you could
do something else?

But then, er, when I look at my
design I think I'm happy with it

but I don't know what
the other bakers have made.

So, it could still be
a lot better than mine.

Bakers, you have 400,619
grains of sand left.

Or... half an hour.

Right - brooches and paintwork.

Let's make it pretty.

So, what else is there left to do,
you seem to be pretty much...?

For the first time
ever I'm ahead of time.

Yeah. So what are you going
to do with the extra time?

Will you go to the shops maybe?
Maybe, yeah. Maybe Google.

What would you buy?

Google some masks.
Some masks? Yeah.

Well, it's a bit late for that.
You've already made it.

I really would like
to be further ahead

but I've got to pipe all
the decorations on.

There is a moment when the mask is
the worst thing that's ever existed,

and you just have
to push through it.

You have a little
bit of time left...

Yes... to apply the
remainder of your 90 biscuits.

Yes. It's a delicate
time this, isn't it?

It is, yes, I have,
what, 20 minutes left?

Yeah, and you need a steady hand.

Oh, boy.

I'm shaking. Oh!

I'm doing five different colours
of buttercream

to add some texture to the hair.

Oh! There's something
inside the fortune cookies.

There is.

I have wee horror movie cliches
that I've been sticking in.

Wow. I can't wait to see
it all when it's finished.

Me, neither. Be the first time!

What, you didn't do it in practice?

First one was awful,

second one it fell
immediately I finished it.

Third time lucky. Yeah, exactly.
Here we go, here we go!

Bakers, you have ten
minutes remaining.


It's not perfect
but it could be worse.

I'll be happy once it
is upright on the model

and doesn't break.

It's a big if.

The judges are expecting
the delicate masks

to be presented standing upright.

Please stay together.

Only now will

the bakers find out if their
biscuits are robust enough

to hold their own weight.

Oh, you're kidding.
OK, I can do it,

I can do it.
Just broken all the seaweed off.

So I'm desperately quickly melting
some isomalt to stick it back on.

Got a macaron that's loose.

That's it.

It's on.

Anybody want any help?
Are you finished?

You finished?

I think I'm OK at
the minute, thank you.


Oh, it's fallen.

Oh, no!

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

Oh, no this one has cracked.
This one has cracked? Yes.


Is she crying?

Oh, mate.

Oh, not Carole.

Oh, I might cry. I might cry.

Carole, do you need some help?

Well, you can't mend that.

Is she all right?

Don't worry about it. You can do it.
It just collapsed.

Carole, don't panic.

Yeah, how can you mend it?

You can't.
I was so pleased with it.

I know.
Really pleased.

But it's still beautiful
and it still looks amazing.

What you don't wanna do now is
panic. Have a minute to just calm.

I think it's OK. I,
I don't think it'll go anywhere.

Oh, no!

One just snapped off.

These biscuits keep breaking on me.

This is so fragile.

Oh, my word, why is
my hand shaking so much?

Oh, would you stop shaking!

Oh, my days, what do I do,
what do I do, what do I do?


Keep on breaking the edges.

Bit terrified about it sort
of falling apart before

the judges get to see it.

I'm going to need someone's help
here, please, sorry. OK.

Wow. It's amazing.
It's a functioning mask.

I don't want it to be too tight or
too loose.

OK, I'm going to try
if that hides that,

if you let go gently.

If you let go gently and see...

It's OK, it's OK.
Yeah. Don't touch.

Bakers, you're time is up.

Please step away from your masks.

Oh, yours looks like
a piece of art.

It's a LGBT mask.

Oh, you are representing!
Yeah, that's what I mean.

Don't worry, you've got this,
you've got this.

My little baby.
I don't wanna see you cry.

No - Mummy crying.

Yeah, this time it's you!

Mummy crying.

It's judgment time for
the bakers' biscuit masks.

Syabira, would you like to bring
up your showstopper?

Well, that's impressive.

The detail you've managed to get

and the texture that you've managed
to achieve, it's very clever.

I think it's astonishing.

On the left side is orange
rose pistache biscuits.

And on the right side is
the chocolate sandwich biscuit.

The chocolate cookies are delicious.

Proper chocolate, rich, indulgent.

Very nice shortbread.

There's always a danger with
rose that it tastes artificial.

Anyway, it's lovely.

The mask biscuit, it's not
particularly strong in lemon.

But having said that, I think

all your other biscuits are
amazing, and what a design.

Excellent, Syabira, well done.
Thank you so much.

It is exceptionally pretty, and you
can wear it, can you?

You can, yeah.

I'd like to see you wear it,
Paul, I really would.

These are what?

and elderflower sugar biscuits,

covered in white chocolate.

It's absolutely delicious.

That's a really fresh
kick of strawberry.

With the white chocolate, it works
really well. Exceptional job.

It is a real horror story!

I think you've done an amazing
job. The detail in it is incredible.

It's a brandy snap base.

There's fortune cookies on the top
that each have a horror movie

cliche in them.

"Ask for directions."
From the cannibal movies, yeah.

And it's a Italian meringue
buttercream with coffee through it.

Delicious. Brandy snap is good.
They're really crispy.

I think overall, you've done
a fantastic job to create that.

Lots of thought, lots of different
techniques, quite effective,

well done.

It has brandy snap
seaweed on one side,

macaron barnacles on the other,
and gingerbread starfish.

Not much of a macaron.
Nice flavour, but over-baked, yeah.

Brandy snap is good. This is
a sugared biscuit? Flavoured with...

With pepper.
..Sichuan pepper.

I've never had that before,
I really like that.

I think you pulled it off.
The whole thing is a joy.

To have achieved that much accuracy

and delicacy without piping
is quite amazing.

It's a 3D mosaic, isn't it?

This is the tahini.

Texture is wonderful, very short.

I find the tahini flavour
so unusual, but I think it works.

And this one?
This is sumac.

That's a great biscuit as well.

There's a lovely zing to it.

Abdul, you have
done an exceptional job.

Tastes great.

I must say, I think
it looks totally amazing,

it's like a little
burst of happiness.

I think the design is very good.

I love the amount of detail you've
managed to get out of it as well.

But what do the biscuits taste like?

It's a lemon, lime
and coconut sugar biscuit...

..decorated with petals.

These are very good.
They're really beautiful.

What about these biscuits?

Really nice.
Florentines are good as well.

Overall, fantastic design, great
flavours, and well thought through.

And very good texture, which
is the difficult thing. Mm.

Thank you. Thanks.

Well done, Maxy. Thank you.

I think the steampunk bit
is absolutely wonderful,

the definition of the little
cogs and everything is terrific.

I just would have quite liked to
be able to see out of the mask.

You needed to cut the eyes out.
I can do that for you.

Yeah, go ahead!

Not getting much
lemon from the biscuits,

but I like the taste of
your ginger biscuit. Right.

It's got a beautiful
blend of ginger and spices.

I agree, I think the
gingerbread is delicious.

I think you've done a
really good job. Yeah, well done.


Clever. Well, it's certainly
the most perfect example of Cubism.

Yeah, try this one.
This is a Polish spiced biscuit.

That's Christmas right there.
I love that.

Punches you between the eyes
with the flavour.

You very much.
Thank you.

We had a little bit of a problem
right at the end.

It's a shame.

I mean, I can see the detail that's
gone into it. Now, your recipe...

The amount of lard that's gone
in there, it's not stable enough.

You can see how soft it is, I've
not put much pressure on that.

If you'd baked it a little bit
longer, it may have helped.

But you know what,
the piping is beautiful -

and what are these made of?

So, you've got almond macarons
and orange zest twirls.

Oh, they're lovely.

The macarons are delicious as well.

Really get the almond in there.

It's a shame,
because it is beautiful,

and I love the taste of those
and those.


I think it's very charming.

It's perhaps a little small..


I think you could have done more.

And it is small.

Tell me the flavour of the biscuit?

So, it's like a mixed spice biscuit.

I think the spices are too
hot for a ginger biscuit.

It's quite soft.

In fact it's very soft, it's more
cookie-like than it is biscuit-like.

I think you could
be a fascinator designer.

Or a... milliner.

Mm. Thank you.

Thank you, Rebs.

It's pretty, I like the colours,
it's vibrant.

Remind us of the biscuit again?

It's gingerbread.
Quite thick. Mm.

But I think it's baked OK.

I love the butterfly biscuit.

It's a nice design,
it's simple but effective.

I think in an ideal world I'd have
liked you to do just a little

bit more.

Thank you.
Thank you.

I don't know, I wouldn't say
I'm in a safe position.

I could have done a lot more
with the time that I had.

But I definitely done something
that I'm proud of.

If I do go through,
it will be by the skin of my teeth.

You know, I did
have a good day yesterday,

but is it enough to keep me in?

Don't know.

I definitely do
focus on the negatives more than

the positives, but I don't think
that there were that many positives

to focus on, so just hope that my
technical kind of helps me a bit.

It's decision time for
Prue and Paul.

Who will be crowned Star Baker

and whose time in the tent
has come to an end?

Well, those masks were pretty
impressive, weren't they? Amazing.

You know, this lot are really

I thought James's bake was very
inventive, wasn't it? Oh, amazing.

I mean, really clever, and I
thought his flavours were great.

I mean, he could get Star Baker.
Yeah, I think he's in line

for Star Baker,
I think Maxy is in line.

Has Syabira done enough
to go up there?

Possibly, but
she struggled in the technical.

So, Carole is obviously in trouble.

She chose the wrong recipe
for that mask, it was too thick,

it was underbaked, too much lard,
it just collapsed.

I think Maisam is in trouble.

I mean, her mask was OK,
I can't really go past that.

Compared to the others,
she wasn't up there.

I think it looked really good and I
thought Rebs' looked really good,

but when you looked around the room
and you saw, you know,

shape-wise, what Maxy had
done, what Abdul had done,

then you realise that in this show
you do have to go the extra mile.

I think precisely for that reason,
I think

you've got to put Rebs, Maisam
and Carole...

Yeah, exactly.
..right down the bottom.

And I think it's one of those
three that will be leaving.

It's not easy to pick a
Star Baker this week,

because everybody did a great job.

But we have to pick one of you.

So, the Star Baker this week is...




That leaves me with the horrible
job of announcing the person

who's leaving us, which
is extra horrible

because I feel like we've got to
know you all so well, so quickly.

But the person who is leaving
us... is...


I'm sorry.

I think I'm definitely proud,
because obviously I'm only 18.

So, at this age, I've definitely
done something to be proud of,

and this is definitely not
the end of my baking journey.

It's where it starts.

You got on the Great British
Bake Off. At 18 years old.

Not a lot of people do that.
Certainly not at your age.

I'm happy that I'm still here,

obviously, but I'm
so sad for Maisam.

Like, it's just so sad
that she's going so early.

Next week, don't make any more
mistakes. No, I won't.

Oh, that was an emotional ride,
that one.

Yeah, I really do need to
pull my socks up now,

I've had a second chance,
so I need to take it in both hands.

I can't believe I got Star Baker.

I didn't think I'd get
onto the show,

let alone get a handshake
and become Star Baker.

So, I'm really happy.

It's definitely given me
a confidence boost.

So, yeah, I'm really happy.
I'm looking forward to next week.

Next time...

Oh, my God!
..the bakers are on Paul's patch.

Trying to get them in the proving
drawer before he gets over here. Bread Week.

They must impress
with perfect pizzas...

Oh, forgot my mozzarella.

..a classic French patisserie...

I'm just getting rid of
all of the feelings I've got.

..and recreate
a Swedish celebration cake.

This is tomorrow's world.
What's happening?

Who will be partying?
I was born in Sweden.

So, you know what you're doing.

Don't really, but you
know, I've got an idea.

And who will end up with that
sinking feeling?

Doesn't feel very light and fluffy.

This is uncharted territory.