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11x07 - 1980s Week

Posted: 04/20/24 19:54
by bunniefuu

It's '80s week,
but don't take my word for it.

IMITATES ET: - ET bake cake.

- Welcome to
The Great British Bake Off.

- Hollywood.

- NOEL: Last time...

- Yes! - Japanese week.

The winner right here.

Lottie's extra special kawaii

- Last time I had a sponge like I was
actually in Japan.

- ..helped her win
her first Star Baker.


Laura thought it was game over.

- I was sat in that chair thinking,
"Right, what do I pack first?"

- But Mark became the sixth baker...
- Mark L.

- leave the tent.

- They're happy tears because, you

I've made it to week six
of Bake Off.

- MATT: Now '80s week...

- I do remember enjoying a bit of
Depeche Mode.

- ..serving up quiches...

- Come on. - ..doughnuts...

Wow. Sexy!

..and ice cream cakes.

- Making ice cream
on a increasingly hot day.

- As temperatures soar, who will make
it to the quarterfinal?

- Oh, you're joking me.

- And who will have a meltdown?

- Oh, no. It's just melting, isn't it?

Wow. It just went from bad to worse.

- 1980s week, very excited.

- I do remember the 1980s. I was
a teenager then. I learnt to drive.

Yeah, they were good times.

- I had an '80s-themed night
out for my 30th

full of neon and Oops
Up Side Your Head-ing on the floor.

- 1980s food, I'm thinking cake with
lots of ruffled piped icing over it.

- Prawn cocktail's gross.

- I feel like it was all about, like,
frozen packet meals,

but maybe today I'll be
proved wrong.

- Good morning
and welcome back to the tent.

It's '80s week.

NOEL: I love the '80s.
It's such a cool decade.

Jean-Michel Basquiat,
Keith Haring, Grace Jones.

- Yeah, Brookside, Right to Reply,
the emergence of Carol Vorderman,

really edgy. - LAUGHTER

Today the judges would like
you to make eight individual quiches

consisting of two different
savoury flavours.

- Your quiches should be made
with a shortcrust pastry

and filled with a savoury
custard base.

- They must be served
out of their tins.

- Yeah, if we see a quiche in a tin,
we're going to be very upset.

- We will unleash some fury. - You're
going to move to another planet,

you said. - I will burn the tent down.
- Yeah.

You have two hours.

- On your marks. - Get set.

- Bake!

- Hmm. Quiche. I love a quiche, yeah.

I mean, who doesn't love a quiche?

- I can't remember eating quiche in
the 1980s cos I was two years old.

- Born two decades after, in 2000.

The 1980s, just after medieval
history at school, you know.

- PAUL: - It's '80s week, so it's my

I'm still an '80s boy in heart
and I always will be.

It's the best time, best time ever.

- PRUE: - We've asked for that absolute
classic '80s quiche

and I remember quiche as
quiche Lorraine,

which is the one with bacon, onion
and cheese,

but we're not really asking them
to do '80s flavours.

I hope they'll do something more
modern than that.

- I'm looking for a beautifully
crispy base,

creamy interior
full of great flavours.

Now, it's really hot in the tent
today, so, actually,

the bakers really have to
concentrate on what they're doing.

- How you doing, Lottie?
- I'm very warm.

Apart from that...

- Hello, Peter. - Hello, Peter.
- Good morning.

- Tell us about your quiche.

- So, for my quiches today,

I'm making
a South East Asian-inspired

coconut curry quiche, so I've got
some crab meat through that.

- Ah. - Oh, wow. OK. - Wow.

- Peter's pairing his Thai curry
quiche with a less spicy offering -

salmon, asparagus and capers.

- It's different.

The Thai-style one was certainly
not around in the '80s. - Oh, it was.

That's just when it came in.

- You were in a posh area, though,
weren't you? - Yes, of course I was.

- "Of course I was,
it goes without saying."

THEY LAUGH - For goodness' sake.

- Peter's not the only baker giving
the quiche a kick.

- This is Calabrian sausage.
I use it a lot on pizzas

but it's really delicious,
it's quite fiery.

- Laura's contrasting her fiery
sausage quiche

with a lighter addition -

goat's cheese, pea and asparagus.

How old were you in the '80s?
- It's '80s week. One. - About two.

- One! - What a decade.

We had all sorts -

Rubik's cube, ET.
You kids don't know you're born...

- Oh, I love ET. - ..with your Tinder
and your Love Island.

Now, if you couldn't phone home,
people'd go,

"What do you mean, phone home?"
ET would have a mobile.

He'd be swiping like that with his
big long finger. - He would, yeah.

He'd do a Zoom.
- IMITATES ET: Oh, Grindr.

ET's definitely on Grindr.

- So, just working on my pastry.

Egg, flour and butter.

- The bakers have been asked
to produce shortcrust pastry.

- For my pastry, I really want it to
be nice and crisp

and have a relatively
short texture

so it's a bit crumbly, so I'm just
going to chill it down.

- To pull it off, the first
port of call is the fridge.

- I need to cool them before they go
in cos the butter

will come out otherwise.

- But getting it cool enough
is no mean feat...

- Pastry does not like heat.

Don't want it to be too warm.

- a timed challenge
and summer heat.

- Freezer, actually. - Yes, freezer.

- I had to put it in the freezer for a
bit, which I wouldn't normally,

but it's so hot.
It's like Satan's kitchen in here.

- That fish is quite strong, isn't it?
- It is strong fish, yeah.

- Yeah! That's quite a strong food
to be cooking on quite a hot day.

- So, it's going to be
a Cornish-inspired quiche.

So, fish, it could be
caught from Cornwall.

- Inspired by his home town,

Marc's quiches pair cod
with Cornish blue

and smoked haddock with Cheddar.

So, what '80s music do you like?

- Transvision Vamp.
- Transvision Vamp!

- What's the name? Altered Images,
uh, Clare Grogan. - Clare Grogan!

# Happy birthday, happy birthday. #

- They were good times, weren't
they, the '80s? - Yeah!

Late '80s, it just dipped, didn't
it? - It did, yeah.

- It just dipped. - Yeah.
- And it's never really recovered.

- I don't think it has. - No.

- Or maybe we're just getting old,
Matt. - I think both.

- Hot. - Yeah. - It's hot.

- So hot. - ..and the temperature's
reached 28 degrees.

- Hottest day of the year
and we're working with pastry

but just now need to roll out.

- The pastry must be rolled out fast.

- Heat just makes it a bit soft
and a bit sticky, so, yeah,

I'm trying to work as quick as

- Handle it for too long, the fat will
melt, making it harder to shape.

- It's really sticky. Oh. Come on.

- Cool them down.
They're hotter than I am.

- Well, in we go. 22 minutes.

- Baking beans weigh it down.

And then this pastry's
going to blind bake.

That's going to hopefully provide
a bit of a barrier

and prevent the infamous
soggy bottom.

- But Hermine isn't ready to blind
bake her pastry just yet.

- I'm just a bit behind.

But, hey, I'm going to cook like

I'm going to keep the feel.

I don't cook by time, you see.

I love cooking.

I probably love cooking more than
I love baking.


She's showcasing
classic flavour combos

with her painstakingly
prepared recipes.

True to form, she's adding some
je ne sais quoi

with a Gruyere cheese
and French mustard.

Do you miss France? - Yes.

The food. - The food.

- We've got the food, then we've got
the booze,

then we've got the cheese
and then we've got my family.


If you're watching this in France...

Number four.

- They'll all disown me now.


Bakers, you have one hour left.


- Oh, dear.

- God, it's warm, though, innit?

- Oh, so hot.

- Ah.

- But scorching heat
isn't a concern for everyone.

- My pastry is frozen.

This is not good.
This is not good.

They're too hard. I left them
too long in the freezer.

- While Hermine's forced to rescue
her pastry,

the others move on to the final
part of the quiche.

- I'm doing a custard.

- This is coconut cream
that I'm going to be adding.

I want the custard to be

- And when it comes to making custard

..Dave's going all out.

- I'm doing my interpretation
of an English breakfast,

so scrambled egg with
a custard base.

- Right.

- That's interesting that you're doing
a scrambled egg in an egg custard.

- Yeah. - Yeah. - That's brave.

It could just be
like scrambled custard.

- Yeah.

- Dave's English breakfast features
scrambled egg,

hash browns and sausage mince.

Even his pastry will be
spiced like a Cumberland.

It'll be paired with another novel
quiche -

beef and avocado.

- I think it's very original.

Cos one's English breakfast,
one's avocado and beef. - OK.

- Cheers, thank you.
- Thank you very much. - Thank you.

Um, yeah, I think... I think
they thought it was unusual,

but I like the idea of it.


An English breakfast quiche may not
be that unusual after all.

- So, I am making a full English.

Obviously, my really,
really great original idea's

been stolen by another baker
in the tent.

So, Dave is also doing
a full English.

But I tasted his and I don't
think it is a full English,

I think it's mainly sausage.

- Lottie's putting just
a smattering of sausage in hers,

along with black pudding
and baked beans.

For contrast, her second will be
flavoured like a salad.

That looks nice and attractive.

- Yeah, those are my baked beans.

That's what I brought to the party.

- Hmm, can't wait to try these.

- Beans? Gross.

So, I've got all things nice and
she's got

what normally gets left over.

- Just 45 minutes remain.


- It's so hot

and I'm behind.

This is painful.

Blind bake now. Ah.

- For those who have blind
baked their pastry...

- Now just chuck it all together.
My mind's just going,

"Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping"
to all these different places.

- can commence.

- So, this is the coconut curry.

- Fingers crossed,
they will like my inventions.

- What do you think, Prue?

- I mean, we do ask them to be

but my instinctive reaction
to scrambled egg

cooking in custard
is that it won't work.

- Right, beans.

- Lottie has included baked beans.

I hate baked beans.

- We've got to be open-minded about
this, Prue. - Exactly.

We're going to taste it as
if we had no prejudices at all.

- But we do.

- There's no going back now.

- Bakers, you have half an hour left.

- Really? - I'm really, really behind.

- It's so hot. - Crazy, innit?

Cooking on the hottest
day of the year.

Ugh, just got flour in my face.

- They'll go into the oven
for about 15 minutes

I want a gentle wobble,
but we don't want, uh,

a splodge on the plate.

- Oh, trying to rush now.

Aw. - Not good? - No.

- Oh, why?
- I don't think they'll cook in time.

- Do you know how you can
make up that time? - No.

- Doing this.


- I'm already doing that.

- Come on.

Living the dream.

- Bakers, you have ten minutes left.

Oh, there he is.

- Oh, God. Ah...

- Salad quiche.

- Come on, then.

- Do you want some help?
You've got ten minutes.

They're never going to cook like

- I put them at the highest.

- Yeah, that should do it.

- Yeah, OK.

- Yeah, don't worry, Hermine. - Aw.

- So my bacon's pretty crispy.

Luckily it's just for decoration.

- Is that burnt, Lot? - Yeah,
that is burnt, yeah.

That is some burnt bacon, yeah.

- Brilliant.

One minute left.

It's not long enough, we know that.

- We haven't got any time.

- God, they look ugly.

That's still not good.

- Come on. - Ah!

- Bakers, your time is up.


- Well done. They look great.


- They're cooked.

- NOEL: The bakers' quiches will now
face the judgment of Paul and Prue.

- Hello, Lottie. - Hello. - Hiya, Lottie.

They're very neat.

- Yeah. They're perfectly cooked
underneath. Nice and thin.

- So, my first quiche is goat's
cheese, beetroot and some thyme.

- Lovely short pastry.

- The beetroot and the goat's cheese

with that beautiful, buttery,
crumbly base is delicious.

- Good. - Right, breakfast.

This is one where I have
to put my prejudices aside!

I really don't like baked beans.

What I'm mostly getting is
black pudding - which I like.

I'm glad to say I can hardly taste
the baked beans.

- Yeah, I didn't get the baked beans
which is good.

I don't think they add anything
to the look, either.

- No. - But the pastry's the king in it.

I think the pastry's
very, very good. - Thank you.

So, the first one,

there's bird's eye chilli,
avocado and top sirloin beef.

- You like bird's eye chilli?
I like Bird's Eye chicken dippers.

- It's obviously making you more hot.
- It's the paprika and cayenne

that overwhelm everything,

- Yeah. - Heavy on the spices, Dave.
- Yeah, yeah.

- Shall we try the other one?
- Let's have a bit of breakfast, then.

- There is egg in there. - Yeah.

- I don't know whether that's
the scrambled egg or the custard.

- I like the idea of the spices
in the pastry to act like a sausage

but I think it's ruined it
because it's too strong.

- It does taste like
a sausage breakfast. - It does.

Remind us of the flavours again.

- That is the smoked haddock.

- The fish is delicious
but, more importantly,

the crumbliness and the butteriness
of your pastry is very, very good.

And your other...

The cod is beautiful.

- My only complaint is that
if you were at a party

and you had these as a choice,
they're too similar. - Yeah, yeah.

- There's a bit of a leakage
going on with the chorizo.

- I'm sorry,
that's not happened before.

- The pastry's a little tough. - Oh, OK.

- However, I like a bit spice.
The flavour's lovely.

- The asparagus and pea,
you've just given it

a nice delicate hint with the mint,
delicious. - Lovely, thank you.

- These look so pretty, Peter.

- OK, well, let's have a look
at the Thai-inspired one. - Yeah.

- Very nicely cooked pastry. - Hmm.

- I think the chilli
slightly overwhelms the fish,

because crab is so delicate.

- But the wholemeal one -

the wholemeal works beautifully
with the salmon. - Excellent.

- Hmm, thank you.
- Thank you very much.

- The pastry right in the middle
is a little undercooked.

- I was a bit short on time.

- But, actually, you've got
the texture. It holds well.

Run through the ingredients again.

- Shiitake mushroom and,
er, spinach.

- I love that. - They're delicious.
- It's such a classic combination,

and such a good one.

- Your other - the salmon and the leek
is absolutely delicious. - Isn't it?

- It's creamy, the salmon's delicious,
it's buttery in the pastry.

It's absolutely gorgeous, isn't it?
- Hmm. Well done.

- Thank you, I wasn't expecting that.

Cor, I can't believe the comments.

I genuinely felt
I've booked my ticket home.

And I just saw Paul taking
one of my quiches for lunch

and I can't believe he did that.

- I could be towards the bottom
because my flavours weren't great.

No, I won't be making quiches any
time soon. It's just, it's not me.

- Technicals are something
I quite enjoy

as long as it's not 40 degrees.

- NOEL: As afternoon temperatures

the bakers are facing
a gingham-covered mystery.

- Good afternoon, bakers, Welcome back

to the hottest tent in the history
of the world... - It's fine.

- ..for your Technical Challenge
which today has been set by

judge Paul Hollywood.

Judge Paul Hollywood,
any words of advice?

- This is a classic.

Watch the colour of the end product.

- That can't be it. Is that it?
- That's it.

- OK, as ever, this Technical
Challenge will be judged blind.

So, we're going to have to ask
these two beautiful people

to slip away into the grass.

Judge Paul Hollywood
would like you to make

six custard and jam
finger doughnuts.

- Your digit doughnuts should be
fried to a golden colour

and you have two hours
and 45 minutes.

- OK, Matthew,
it's time for our magic words.

- Yes, Izzy Wizzy, let's get busy.

- Not those magic words,
they belong to Sooty. - Oh, yeah.

- Our magic words. - Oh, yeah.

On your marks...
- Get set... - ..bake!

This one doesn't play to
my strengths, I don't think.

Um, I've never deep-fried
anything before.

- Right.

That scares the bejesus out of me.

- Paul, this really reminds me
of the '80s. Finger doughnuts -

these were considered
posher than the round ones.

- I grew up with these. I used to be
a Saturday lad in my dad's business

and my first job was
frying doughnuts.

- Deep frying in this heat.

- They've got to deep fry with
the temperature around 160 degrees.

But the thing is,
we want it a golden brown.

Any darker than this particular
colour, it starts to taste burnt.

- I don't think I've eaten
a finger doughnut since the '80s.

- They're whoppers these, aren't they?
- They are. Paul Hollywood's fingers.

Delicious, Paul. Mm.

- I hope the weather plays a fair game
with the bakers today in the tent

because it is going to be difficult
for them.

- I'm probing the air.

So, that's the temperature
of the room today.

- This isn't 35.8.

- On a hot summer's day,

just want to get in that kitchen
and deep fry stuff!?

- So, the first step is make the
dough, and then, leave to rise.

- Even the mixer is getting hot.
- I know, I just felt mine.

- You want do the window-pane test,
see if you can see through it.

Like that, it's still breaking
but it'll do.

- I'm just going to go all machine
for this dough.

In this heat, it's going to be quite
sticky and difficult to work with.

- Are you sweating? - I am, profusely.
- I'm really sweating.

It's really hot in here, isn't it?

- But we've got these to cool us down.

- We've got the chamois
around our necks. - Yeah.

- Which just means that
our necks are fine.

- Yeah, but also wet. - Wet. - Yeah.

- This is a most unflattering

of two essentially
quite beautiful people.

- I'm just going to cover the dough
and leave it to prove.

I reckon in this heat
that's probably only going to take

half-an-hour or so.

- It needs to double in size,
and I just don't think

there's any need for a proving
drawer on a day like today.

- I've stuck it in the proving drawer.

Whether my dough's right - only
time will tell, won't it, really?

- I'm just going to chop
the strawberries

into my jam sugar,
and make the jam.

- So, just going to bring that
up to the boil,

and then, I'll pass it through
a sieve, and then, leave it to cool.

- Right, what am I doing?

I'm making the mousseline now.

- So, the creme mousseline
is creme pat with butter.

- Whipping the coolish butter,

and then, I'll whip that
into the creme pat.

- I really feel like
this is extreme baking today.

Like, insane amount of heat.
Now, it's really windy.

I just feel like... we should be
getting more out of this

than some doughnuts!

- Hiya, Noel. - What's happening here?

- I'm dribbling. - It's '80s week.

- How old are you? - 47. - 51.

- No way! - Way.

- Fashion stank, though, in the '80s.

Big shoulder pads. - Yeah.
- No! - Leg warmers.

Leg warmers were horrendous.
- Oh, leg warmers, Fame.

There were some cool stuff -
The Cure, what a look. - Yeah.

- Backcombed hair and a big jumper.

You'll wear that for
the rest of your life. - Yeah.

- No-one's ever going say anything.
- No.

- It's nearly doubled. We definitely
do not need a proving drawer today.

- Well, I don't think
my dough's rising.

I've stuck it in the proving drawer

but a lot doubled
at room temperature.

I'm going to take it out, anyway.

Fingers crossed I've done the dough

because this is
the main part of it.

- I'm supposed to divide the dough
in six.

- "Shape into a finger

- Isn't that long?

- I don't think that's six inches.

Is it? It looks very large.

I think it looks big enough is
what I'm saying.


- I'm going to leave those
to rise a little bit.

It's a bit of a waiting game
at this point, to be honest.

- Yeah, we just need some tunes,
don't we?

- Peter, what do you know about
'80s music?

Careless Whisper - do you know it?
- Erm...

- It's the one that goes... - Not
too well. - It's got that great sax.


- Oh, yeah, I know that.

- # Nah, na-na, nah, nah, na-na... #

And then, what about True by Spandau
Ballet? Do you know that one?

- Er...

- He had a very thin microphone.

- # So true, funny how it seems.. #

Do you know that song?
- I don't... I don't know if I know.

- Doesn't know it? - I don't know.
- Doesn't know it.

I'm so old now. So old.

- Bakers, you have 15 minutes left!

- True.

- It's so hot. I'm very,
I'm very wet. I'm very wet.

- Wouldn't it be great,

get a deep-fat fryer going,
and make doughnuts?!

- This is t*rture.
Whose idea was this?

Do you want to stand over
a deep-fat fryer in 35-degree heat?

- I don't mind,
I've got nothing else to do.

- This is the first time
I've ever deep-fat fried,

and what a feeling it is.
Quite a rush. Quite a rush.

- Quite happy to leave it
at that temperature

which is about 160.

- Frying these at 180.

Maybe that might be too hot

because they shouldn't start
to look like that at 50 seconds.

- Right, that's too dark.

- There's no doubt that that is golden
brown, do you know what I mean?

- It's gone past the point of
golden brown, they're more brown.

- See, if we cover them up in sugar,

then, it covers up the
imperfections, doesn't it? - Lottie!

- I'm so hot.
- NOEL IMITATES: I'm so hot.

- I'm really bad at heat.

I'm not supposed
to be in the daylight.

This is a nightmare for me.

Do you know when I look best?

That is when I'm at my most... sexy!

- That's all... argh! It's hot.

- Getting it to cool down because

mousseline and heat - not friends.

- Right, this could all go
horribly wrong but... oh, yeah!

Up there for thinking,
down there for dancing.

- I had a wee look around,
and people are slicing from the top.

Other folk were around in the '80s,
so, know what they should look like.

- They look more like bread inside.

Definitely didn't leave them
to prove long enough.

- Who's the best piper in here?

- I think Peter's... - Peter Piper.
- Peter Piper!

- And there we go!

- How much time, please?
- Bakers, you've got one minute left.

- Unfortunately,
this one was cut wrong.

- "Pipe a line of jam," but a wiggly
line's still a line, isn't it?

Come on, Laura, precision!

- Ah, well. Lovely jubbly!

- OK, bakers, your time is up.

- This is embarrassing, this is,
this is embarrassing.

It's not a great look, is it,

- Bring your finger doughnuts forward.

Paul and Prue are looking for
six golden finger doughnuts

filled with creme mousseline,

and finished with
a line of strawberry jam.

- OK, we'll start with these.

I quite like the colour of this one.
- Yeah. - But they are a bit short.

They need to be hanging
over the edge of that plate.

Let's have a quick look.

- Hmm. It's lovely.

- It's baked well.

OK, moving on to this one.
It's burnt in the, er, fryer.

Uh, it's underproved.

Um, this one is a right mess.

Yeah, it's very doughy.
See how tight that is inside.

So, overall, I mean,
it's the wrong colour, underproved,

and it doesn't taste extremely good.

Moving on.
- These are the right colour.

- Let's have a look at this one.

The creme mousseline looks good.

Nice and airy inside.

Hm. The texture and flavour's good.

- It's delicious.

- Um, moving on.

A little bit dark.

The colour and the basic shapes,
they need to be more consistent.

- And it is a little tough.

- Moving on to the next one. A little
bit more consistent with the shapes.

- The creme mousseline
is a little bubbly.

- I'm not even... - Worried about that.
- ..because of the weather.

- You're going to forgive that?
- Yes. - OK.

- Absolutely, but it tastes good.
- It's delicious.

- Moving on to the last one.
A little bit messy.

Probably slightly overfried,
as well.

Mm. The flavour's OK.

- Yeah, the flavour's good.

It just doesn't look great.

- Paul and Prue will now rank
the doughnuts from worst to best.

- In sixth place,
we have this one here.

David, you know what happened -
you overcooked them, basically.

- In fifth spot is this one.

The actual shaping of it,
it was all over the place

and it's slightly
overfried, as well.

- In fourth place is Laura,
and Marc is third.

- And in second place,
there's this one.

Peter, they were really nice,
just not all quite the same size.

- Which says, in first place,
we have this one.

Hermine. - Thank you!

- The textures and the flavours
were spot on. - Thank you.

That's some turn of fate.

- Well done. - I'm going to have
a nice, cold beer.

A well-deserved one.

- I do get it, like,
they were saying it's too dark

but I just like
a darker doughnut.

- I need to up my game for tomorrow.

If I can pull it off, I can pull it
off. If I can't, then, it's my time.

- One challenge stands between
the bakers and the quarterfinal.

Yesterday was the third
hottest day on record.

If I had hair, it would've
melted anyway.

The bakers did pretty well,
all things considered.

- Hermine's doing very, very well.
- Isn't she?

- We've had six star bakers
which are all different.

We could go for a seventh star baker
if she does take it.

But I think overall,
Lottie, Laura and Dave

are in a little bit of trouble.

- I agree but we often think that
somebody's doomed and they're not.

- The temperature of the tent
could rise a little bit today.

Maybe not as high as yesterday.
- Oh, I hope not.

- But I don't want the heat to affect
the show stopper today.

Anything could happen today.

- It was crazy in the tent yesterday.
It was really weird.

- I had to peel my jeans off.
- Oh!

- You peeling your jeans off is not
what I want to think about.

- Good morning, bakers.

Welcome back to the tent
for your show stopper challenge.

Today the Paul and the Prue
would like you each to reimagine

that '80s classic,
the ice cream cake.

- Your ice cream cake must have
at least one baked element

but apart from that, the flavours
and the style are up to you.

- You have four hours and 30 minutes.

- Four hours and thir... that's ages.

- Hmm, I know.
- What are we going to do?

- Well, I thought as it's '80s week,
we could go and hang out

in Rod and Emu's pink windmill.

- Wow, that's a lovely idea
but unfortunately I think they've

knocked it down, I think it's
a JD Sports now.

- Oh, that's a shame.

- When you try on trainers, you say,
"can I have that in a four?"

They go, "somebody wants a four,
somebody wants a four.

"Somebody wants a four."

- Yeah, that joke works better
if you're over 45.

- If you're under 45, just carry on
with TikTok. - Yeah.

- OK, bakers. On your marks...

- Get set...

- ..Bake!

- I'm feeling optimistic about this,
who knows what way it may go.

- I love ice cream to
too high of a degree.

- Nothing better than a bucket full
of ice cream, is there?

Apart from a bucket full
of wine, but anyway.

- From Viennettas and baked Alaskas,
to the arctic roll, the '80s were

synonymous with ice cream cakes.

Back then, 25 miles of arctic roll
was sold every month.

- Ice cream cake was definitely
a big deal in the '80s.

I mean, you would have it for a
birthday or a dinner party.

It's a lovely celebratory
thing to do.

- It's got to look amazing but
when we put the knife through,

what we want to see is variety
of different levels, some baked,

some ice cream, all hold their shape
and form throughout.

Morning. - Morning.

- So tell us about your show stopper
ice cream cake.

- So, for my ice cream cake, I'm going
to make an ice cream Christmas cake.

Marzipan on top and then covered
in hopefully quite a thin layer

of Italian meringue. - Wow!

- Peter's Christmas cake is
an ice cream surprise

with the decoration
another illusion,

mini ice cream
Christmas puddings.

- That's freezing all right, is it?

- It does take longer to freeze
cos I've got quite

a lot of brandy in it
but it does freeze in time.

- Well, I think this sounds absolutely
wonderful, I mean, why can't

we have Christmas
in the middle of the summer?

- Thank you.

- Peter might be celebrating Christmas

but Hermine's off
on her summer hols.

- Yeah, I'm bringing
a bit of sunshine.

I could eat mangos for breakfast,
lunch and dinner.

I just love them.

- She's enhancing the tropical
flavours of her cake

with a buttery shortbread
from Brittany.

Somebody... - Well done.

- ..did well in the technical.

How are you?
How are you going to play it?

- I'm playing it simple.

- Simple? I've got you
in the sweepstake.

If you don't win, I lose my house,
so no pressure.

- Oh, no.

- I say house, it's a coffin!

- I'm just making my ice cream.

It's a custard base.

Milk, double cream,
egg yolks and caster sugar.

If you can make a custard,
you can make an ice cream.

You can just shove it
in the freezer.

- But rather than using the freezer,
today the bakers have the luxury

of ice cream makers.

- This is a freezer but the paddle
inside here just churns your custard

round and round and stops ice
crystals so this makes it smooth.

- But how quickly the mixture cools
depends on the flavours they use.

- Obviously alcohol, brandy high
percentage, it doesn't freeze,

so I had to be careful
when I was putting it in,

not to be too generous.

- This is honey and hazelnut.

- And when it comes to adding extra
liquid, Marc is being more

generous than most.

- So I'm adding pretty much
a whole pot of honey.

I think it's going to take
a while to freeze.

- The honey ice cream is just
the start of his ambition.

Marc's adding four more
different layers.

The exterior is just as intricate
with a sponge resembling

the stripy roof of a retro
ice cream parlour.

- Yeah, it's almost got like an
ice cream quality to it

with the stripes.

What I do, I spread this on here,

paste makes the stripes
in the joconde.

- While Marc's sponge features
delicate chocolate stripes,

over at Laura's...

- That's quite a lot of chocolate,
isn't it?

- ..there's chocolate everywhere.

- Go big or go home!

It literally is death by chocolate.

- To balance the chocolate elements
in her death by chocolate cake,

Laura's making a praline ice cream
with meringue kisses.

- Do you want to be my meringue
guinea pig? - Oh!

Oh! Oh!

- Bit more.

Luckily for you, you didn't
get it all on you head.

- I don't mind having a whippy head.

- We could blowtorch it
and we could have some nice Italian

meringue blowtorch action, then
I could dip you in some hazelnuts.

- This is like Prue Leith meets

- Sorry.

- While Laura's opted for
decorative meringues,

Dave's finishing his cake with
something a little more novel.

- If you have a bad week

and you know you've had a bad week,
you need to pull it out of the bag

so I'm going to have both,
both ice creams on top, piped.

So only a small amount, just add
that bit of decoration.

- His cake will be flavoured
like a tiramisu with coffee

and almond ice creams alternating
both inside and on top.

- Piped ice cream on the top?
- Yes, that's what I'm hoping for.

- That's risky.
- It is risky.

- Well, first of all, you've got to
be able to pipe it, therefore

it's got to be soft.

Temperature in the tent'll be warm.

So we're expecting puddles
by the time it comes to us.

- Oh, no, no, no.
He knows what he's doing.

- Good luck.
- Thank you, cheers. - Thank you.

- Decorating with ice cream
may be a risk...

- Hello, Lottie. - Hello.
- Hello, Lottie. - Hello. - Hello.

- ..but Lottie's pushing
the envelope even further.

- So I am coating the entire thing
in chocolate ice cream

all the way round. - Wow!

- To make it look
like a cassette tape.

- Inside Lottie's cassette tape
will sit flavours

reminiscent of '80s
birthday parties.

A layer of chocolate ice cream
will mirror the fragile shell.

- When you look back at ice cream
cakes, normally they're

surrounded with something
to protect them, ie, sponge. - Yeah.

- But you've decided,

you're just going to put the
ice cream on the outside. - Yeah.

- Well, if it works,
it'll be wonderful.

- OK, so it'll be a nice drink.
- Yeah, bring your straws.

- All right, Lottie.
Thank you very much.

- Thank you. - Thanks, Lottie.
- Does sound nice though?

- Thanks, Matt.

- Looking around, can't help
being worried.

Mine is really simple,
but we shall see.

- Wow, I like this.

- Bit like an ice cream parlour,
isn't it, with the stripes?

- I had a jumper like that.
- Did you?

- It was a bit Debbie Harry, a bit
Sting, I'm going to say early Sting.

Not embarrassing Sting.
Not lute playing Sting.

- Yeah.

- Bakers, you are halfway through.

- Beautiful.
- Thank you.

- Yes, the second one has churned.

- With all batches churned,
the ice creams now require

even more chilling.

- So this is now a soft scoop
ice cream but I need to freeze it

a bit more so that I've got a solid
layer for carving into later.

- In order to construct,
the temperature must be lowered

to minus 18 degrees.

- I've let that fully freeze, plop
them in and build it up that way.

- Don't know what's going on.

Come on, ice cream.

- But Laura's brownie ice cream isn't
ready for the freezer just yet.

- My ice cream is taking
way too long to churn.

We'll see.

It's like barely cold.

Oh, my God!

Do you know what I've done, Lottie?
- What?

- Didn't press the ice setting.

So it's just been sitting there
merrily churning,

with no cooling for about

- Oh, no.

- Great fun we're having.
- That's sad.

- Anyway, would you like a kiss?

- Thanks.

That's amazing. - Nice?

- Just serve that.

- Might have to at this rate.

- You all right?
- Do you know what?

- Oh, here we go.

Do you know what? I've had
a good time here, guys.

If I have to go,
it's my time, I'll go.

- Yeah, literally.
- I don't want to hear that speech.

- OK.
- You're staying, missus.

- But the thing that actually
makes the ice cream,

I forgot to press that button.
- Oh.

- Not actually churning.

- So you might actually be going home,
cos you forgot to press a button.

- Wow, thank you. Yes.

- I mean, that's a rubbish
way to go home.

- Isn't it just?

- Three hours in...

and the chocolates, jellies...

- Don't throw it at Peter,
that's mean.

- You love Peter a bit, don't you?
- Yeah.

- ..and cakes are ready.

- This is the final sponge.

My ice cream hopefully freezing.

- Construction can't start
without the ice creams.

- It's still a bit soft
in the middle actually.

- And that's not all the bakers
have to contend with.

- Making ice cream on a increasingly
hot day, it's getting pretty,

pretty warm.

- Ice cream cake in this
crippling oppressive heat.

Should be laws against that.

You see, this is why I don't go
out in the sun because I melt.

- Wear a bikini.

- I can't get into my bikini any more,
that's the problem.

Bakers, you have one hour left.

How am I going to get down?

Seriously, how am I going to
get down?

- Churn. Done.

What could go wrong?

Let's pray to the ice cream gods
that it sets, shall we?

Come on.

- Just hope it sets.

My honey ice cream
was taking ages to set.

- I think it might be time to assemble
but if I can't carve

the chocolate, I've got to do it.

I've just scared myself talking now.

- I'm going to go for it.

- The heat is on.
- The heat is on literally.

- Good luck, good luck.

- Literally and physically.

- The build is now a race
against the clock.

- Hmm.

Trying to work fast.

Feeling hot already.

- Every second the ice creams
stay out of the freezer...

- Does defrost or unset very,
very quickly.

Oh, my God.

- ..increases the chance of collapse.

- God, this stuff's melting
so quick.


I think it's cos it's really hot as
well, I'm starting to feel it now.

It's definitely warming up.

- I'm scared.

- Oh, dear.

Brandy snaps are splitting,
I think the heat might be starting

to get to me.

- I'm so hot.

OK, concentrate, Lottie.

- Ah!


- Come on, ice cream.

- Blackberry layer quickly.

- Just try and take every advantage
you can to get it nice and cold.

Get this straight
in the freezer again.

- My ice cream, it takes
so long to cool back down.

Keep it in the freezer now
until I need to use it.

- As most of the cakes head
into the chiller,

Laura's brownie ice cream
is coming out.

- Right, I'm going to go for it.

Shouldn't really add it in but
haven't really got the time not to.

- Is it freezing, Laura?
- Not yet.

Very sticky.

Come on.

Let's hope and pray.

- I'm hoping everything sets now
cos we're going to have to decorate

with an ambient temperature
of 35 degrees.

- Fingers crossed.
- It's going to be tight.

- I'd like to know how badly
it's going to go.

- I feel like everyone's
in the same boat though,

like, worried about things

- Peter isn't.
Peter's making holly.

- I don't enjoy these.

- Just stop doing it then.

- You want to get into the final,
don't you? - Definitely, yeah.

- I love that about you.

You're so competitive and you don't
even pretend to be cool.

He's the baby faced assassin.

Lottie, Lottie who?



- And I love them all.

- Bakers!


You have 30 minutes...



- It's getting warm.
- Yeah. - Very.

- Hopefully the cake will hold

- Let's try it.

- Prue and Paul are expecting clean
layers of perfectly set ice cream.

- It's so hot.

It's melting a lot quicker
than what I thought.

- Any leaks and it will ruin
the entire look of the cake.

- This is the moment of truth.


It's a very delicate cake.

- Fingers crossed this is
going to work.

- Go on, go on, go on.

- Oh.

Really fragile.
It melts straight away.

- Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.


Worst case scenario.

Oh, it's not set, is it?

- Bakers, you have 15 minutes left.

- Right. - It's too hot, innit?

- It's so hot.
It's just melting.

- It's going to go, isn't it? - Ah!

- Mine needs coating in ice cream
but I'm worried I'm just going

to go like that and it's all
going to splurge out the sides.

- What's happening? What's happening
is I'm going home, BLEEP mess.

Right, let's just get that
abomination back in for a bit.

- That can go back in the freezer.

- I've got to do it now.

Got no time.

It's a really soft consistency
in order for me to spread it.

- No, this isn't - going to - work.

- Oh! You're joking me.

As fast as I'm making it,
it's just melting.

I'm just scraping it up
and it's just sliding down.

It's game over.

What a nightmare!

- I'm scared.

- What was that?

Oh, no!

Oh, my God!

It just went from bad to worse.

- Laura?
Does that make you feel better?

- Um, hmm, no.

- No, it's dripping. Sure?

- Little shells of shortbread,
so just get this on.

- I need to work quite fast
before it melts.

- Bakers, you have one minute left.

- To do what,
remake an entire ice cream cake?

- Crazy fast now.

- Piping ice cream onto the top
on this hot day, the ice cream

is going to melt very fast.

- Oh!

We love a dramatic ending, don't we?

- I'm just trying to draw in
the cassette tape.


- Come on.

- Bakers, your time is up.

Please put your ice cream cakes
in your freezers.

- I'm pretty embarrassed
about this one.

- Really? - Yeah.

Looks like a child's done it.

- OK, we'll just close that, yeah.

- Did you enjoy it?

- Did I enjoy that? Well...

That went really well.

That was exactly how I planned it.
It's brilliant.

Got to laugh or cry.

Oh, my God, I can't look.

What a mess!

- It's judgement time
for the celebratory ice cream cakes.

Marc, would you like to bring
up your show stopper please?

- Considering that's an ice cream
cake, it's quite impressive.

- Thank you.

- Even if it wasn't an ice cream,
you'd say that's quite impressive.

- It is very impressive.

- Ah, look at that.
- Wow, look at that. Yeah.

Hmm, the mousse is lovely,

but I think both the ice creams
are delicious.

Bottom one's not quite set.

- I was struggling with
the honey in there.

- You add something. - Yeah.

- Therefore the freezing will take
a little bit longer. - Sure, OK.

- But very brave.

- It's so complicated,
there's so much happening.

And you've pretty well done it.
- Thank you very much.

- Looks nice.

- I think it looks beautiful, I love
the way you've done the ribbon.

Very good.

- Let's have a look, shall we?

Nice neat lines.

You can see the biscuit down
the bottom, it would suck in to

a shortbread.

- I think that's beautiful.
- Thank you.

- I think it's so well balanced
because I put both the mango

and the coconut flavours in together
and I can taste both distinctly.

Really good.

- The Breton is beautiful
because it's buttery. - Hmm.

- And you've got a really
nice eat, that.

It's simple,
but highly effective.

- As always, you're doing classical
things very simply but beautifully.

Well done, Hermine. - Thank you.

- Looks great.

- It looks absolutely fantastic.
- Clever.

- I love the decoration.

- Let's have a look, shall we?

- Oh, he's really strong, isn't he?

- Remind us about your flavour.

- It's a Christmas cake and a layer
of Christmas cake ice cream

and then a layer of brandy cream
ice cream.

- Peter, that is absolutely delicious.

And it's very clever because you
know, you've managed to freeze that

with a lot of booze in it.

- I think your flavours are great
but the cake's pretty solid.

Um, that's because of the amount
of fruit that you've put in there.

And by the time that's
soft enough to eat,

your ice cream will be melted.

- That's absolutely true
but it's lovely.

Well done. - Thank you.

- We did point out about the ice cream
being piped on as well on the top.

It's a risky thing to do.

It doesn't look the best, these...

- Yes. - ..I wouldn't have bothered

- OK, I just didn't wan to present
something too simple.

That's what I didn't want to do.
- Let's have a look.

The textures are lovely.

Chocolate is nice and strong.

- Sponges are baked
beautifully as well.

It's akin to a tiramisu
which is what you set out.

It doesn't look the best thing
in the world. - I know.

- But I like the flavour. - Hmm.

So, do I. - Thank you.

Cool. - Very good.

- Well done.
- Cheers, thank you.

Oh, I don't want to do it.

- Very underwhelmed.

- Did you know all the way along
that it wasn't going to freeze?

- I had my suspicions because this
cassette tape idea was fairly new.

Um, so it had been in a square
cake tin for a long time

but without that around it,
it melted.

- To be honest, I think the cassette
tape is a really witty

and nice idea.

But it's not an easy thing to model.
- No.

- No, it's not, I did try
and say this morning.

- You did try and say, yeah.

- It would never work
in this temperature. - No.

- Is it going to taste good?

- I really hope so, I hope there's
some ice cream in there still.

- Did you lose a lot of it?
- Yeah.

- So, that looks nice.

Chocolate ice cream is delicious.
- Thank you.

- Absolutely delicious.

- Is that meant to be cherry
ice cream at the top?

- It's blackberry. Yeah.

- Can't get any blackberry at all.
- OK.

- I think it looks terrible.

If it had tasted good, then you sort
of hang something on that. - Yeah.

- But besides the puffed rice
down at the bottom,

just not getting anything from it
at all, nothing.

It's a shame.

The meringue kisses look nice. - Yes.
- Thanks, Paul I'll take that.

- It's all a bit of a, on a lean,
isn't it? - Yeah.

It's my fault, I had issues.

Didn't press the right button
on the old ice cream machine.

So, I'm really, really sorry.
- Oh, what a pity.

- I mean, you've managed to create
a cake though.

Obviously the tempered chocolate,
you've lost all the shine.

It is melting all the way down
the side

but it's, it's what it tastes like
as well. - I'm sorry.

- Remind us what the baked element is.

- So, a chocolate sponge, a brownie
in the chocolate ice cream as well

and then the meringue on top.
- Hmm.

I think the ice cream's delicious.

The praline, it's a lovely flavour.

- Yeah, your ice creams are delicious,
it's just not frozen.

The big issue I have is brownie.

Why would you put
a brownie in the freezer?

What's the key element that you
look for in a brownie?

- It's fudgy.

- You're never going to get
that in a million years

if you put it in the fridge. - OK.
- The flavours are nice though.

- It's a pity, Laura,
cos you so nearly were there.

- I know, I'm sorry.
- Thank you. - Thank you.

- That could have been worse.

Mine, quite frankly,
was an embarrassment.

I should've listened,
I didn't, I took a risk.

It did not pay off.

- I mean, it looked
an absolute state.

Yeah, if I get through, it'll be
literally by the skin of my teeth.


- So, not quite as hot as yesterday.

Still warm,
still a challenge to make ice cream.

Who do you think really
excelled themselves?

- I thought Hermine's was very clean,
very tidy, very neat.

- And beautifully made.

Every element of it was classic
and perfect.

She's in line for Star Baker.
- I loved the mango!

Yeah, she has to be. I think
Hermine. I would even say that

Marc's pulled himself up into a
situation of Star Baker as well.

- Well, you were very, very impressed

when Marc presented his cake,
weren't you?

- I mean, it was so ambitious.
- Who's at the bottom?

- I actually think Dave saved himself
today with that tiramisu cake.

- I think it's Lottie or Laura.
- Lottie's been quite erratic.

She's either brilliant... - Yeah.
- ..or a bit chaotic. - Yeah.

- And Laura's been in the bottom a
lot. - She's made a lot of mistakes.

- Every Showstopper she's fighting to
stay in the competition.

- She is. I think it's between
Lottie and Laura going home.

- Well, well done to you
guys for choosing an ice cream cake

challenge in one of the hottest
days of the year.

- But we didn't know that, did we?
We didn't know that. - You knew.

- We don't have higher information.

- That is NOT what the
Daily Mail are gonna say.

- They know, they know. Devious.

Well done, bakers.
You've all worked very, very hard.

And now, it's down to me

to say which one of you
is Star Baker.

All of you have been Star Baker
once, except Hermine.

Until now! Congratulations.


- Well deserved. - Yeah!

- Ahhh! That means I've got the
horrible job

of announcing the person
who's leaving us.

This gets tougher.
It DOES get tougher

cos you're all our little
buddies now.

But the person
who is going home today...

..Lottie. Ah!

- Don't be nice to me. - Cat face!

Why, cat face?

- I had to.

- Who am I gonna muck about with now?

- Just give me a minute.

It's just, like, a massive relief

but also, like, obviously, I'm
gutted to see everyone, like,

not be with everyone every day.

Honestly, it's been amazing.
It has been amazing.

Can you stop crying please, Laura?


- Thank you.

- I think mixed emotions,
definitely, right now.

Really happy I got through
but, yeah,

Lottie is a really good friend.

Beneath the, like, sarcastic, tough
exterior is actually a really

kind, really, really funny,
really lovely human being.

So, yeah, I, uh, I think at the
moment I just feel a bit sad

that I've, I've lost Lottie.

- I'm gonna miss you.
- I'll miss you too.

We'll have a whisky tonight,
it's fine.

I literally packed two outfits.

And I'm here in week seven,
wearing everyone else's clothes.

I cannot believe the stuff that
I've done. I got a handshake,

I got a Star Baker.
Like, I'm so chuffed with myself.

And maybe I CAN bake.

Maybe I can.

- Hermine, well done.
- Thank you.

- I was absolutely thrilled that
Hermine finally got Star Baker

because, honestly, in a way, she's
deserved it two or three times

before but she's just been
pipped by a tiny margin.

- Well done! I'll miss you too.

- It WAS a lovely thing to hear.

Cherry on the icing.

But, as they always say,
keep my head on my shoulder.

And, uh, keep going.

I know! Ohh!

Check you out.

You all right? - Yeah.
- Did you hear? - Yeah.

- Ooh, you're happy for me?
- Yeah. - Oh, lovely.

- I'm proud of you. - Oh!

- MATT: Next time...

- Oh.

-'s Dessert Week.

- In she goes!

- The bakers face a runaway Signature.

- Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa.

- A Technical that takes us
back in time....

- I mean, does anybody even
eat this in 2020?

- ..and they inject some artistic
flair into the Showstopper.

- I call myself the Jelly Picasso.

- Who will make it to the final four?

- It all hangs on this.

- And who will fall from grace?

- Oh, help, help, help, help.

Why is this so stressful?

- Are you a Star Baker in the making?

If you'd like to apply

for the next series of Bake Off,
