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10x03 - Bread Week

Posted: 04/20/24 18:38
by bunniefuu
I like to think I bring something
unique - I tell jokes, wear one-off
fashion pieces. Morning, Noel.

Hang on, Mum. I'll have to put you
on hold. Are you wearing the same
shirt as me? Morning, Prue.

Hi, guys. You're both wearing the
sa... At least Paul's
still my friend.

Oh, my Lord.
Actually that looks good in green.

Should we start the show?

PAUL, PRUE and SANDI: Welcome to
The Great British Bake Off.

I usually do that!

Last time...

I love eating biscuits.
I'm not sure about making them. was biscuit week.

He looks like a sheep.
Alice's macaroon masterpiece...

I think that's a fine piece of work.

..ensured she took Star Baker.

But when it came to Jamie...

Oh, what a dog's
dinner that is. Nah.

..the judges didn't like the way
his cookies crumbled.

It's pretty sickly.
And at the end of the day...

Jamie... he went home.

Now it's bread week.

Paul will definitely prod it
and say under-proved, over-cooked,

over-baked. Bad.

And the judges are
upping the ante...

Ah! ..with a signature designed
to be torn apart.

Do a bit of tearing
and sharing, Paul.

A technical sliced into chunks.

Let's just hope they're soft
and cooked.

And an arty Show Stopper...

I don't want to take this step.
It's too nerve-racking.

..that demands creativity.

Don't overthink it. it's slashed to pieces.

I'm trying not to rush too much
and completely mess up my design.

This is the most sick I've felt.

Be calm. It's fine, it's just bread.

Oh, I feel mixed about bread week.

Ah! Bread!

I feel like that painting with
the scream mask - I'm, like, no!

If someone says, "What's your
favourite food?" I'll go, "Bread."

But I don't actually bake
it that often.

Not particularly confident on bread.

I've got a bit of bread dread.

This week I want to show what
I can do, prove myself - bread pun.

I've learnt to make bread
in the past sort of week or two.

You can learn a lot in four days,
I've discovered.

Morning, bakers. Welcome to bread
week and your signature challenge.

Now you probably don't know
this but, uh,

bread's quite a big deal for Paul.

What Paul doesn't know about bread
can be written on a tiny crouton.

Yeah, I don't think he'd ever
deface a crouton. No.

No, it's like a religion to him
so, you know, no pressure.

Now for your signature challenge,
the judges would like you to make

a filled tear-and-share loaf.

Your loaf can be sweet or savoury

but it must be made with yeasted
bread dough and then shaped

and baked as one loaf ready to be
torn apart by the judges.

The flavours and the fillings
are entirely up to you

and you have three hours.

On your marks... Get set. Bake.

Oh, this is the most sick I've felt.

Bread, bread.

Right, OK, bread.

Need to be on it, I just need to
kind of really breathe.

Tear and share -
it's not as simple as you think.

It's got to be a big tear and share.

It has to be a yeasted dough

and it has to be filled
with something delicious.

I think if the bakers keep it
simple - simple flavours

and a good base dough -
they'll do really well.

Make it any more complicated,
they're probably going to struggle.

This is charcoal, which
is a nightmare cos it

goes on everything and I don't want
to get it on my jumper.

If this gets on my clothes,
I'll be very unhappy.

That is not bad.
That is a work of art.

When not slicing up humungous
home-made cakes for dad Simon,

Henry can be found wielding another
set of blades in the local park.

Today he's getting adventurous with
a chicken and pesto tear and share

in the form of a
striking chequerboard

of black and white
brioche-style bread.

Have you tried this out
with your student friends?

I've tried it with my parents.
Yeah, they said it was all right.

Oh, "all right"?
My mum's quite a harsh critic.


Nice to meet you, mate.

This is the only time
that's happening.

We need a photograph of that.

Ooh, get a still of that, please do.

But he's got competition

when it comes to packing powerful
flavours into the first prove.

It's looking OK at the minute.
I'm just going to add my seaweed.

Seaweed from Pembrokeshire.

My tear and share is called Noson
Caws which is cheese night in Welsh.

I just like cheese so I've gone with
that sort of flavour.

Born and raised in Cymru,
highly accomplished baker Michelle's

primary passions are Welsh cheese
and Welsh rugby.

Oh! He dropped it.

Opting for the cheesy, cheesy tastes
of home, Michelle's tear and share

will have two different breads baked
around two different Welsh cheeses.

One's an Angiddy
and one's a Golden Cenarth

so they're from quite close to me.

I'm going down the Welsh
theme again.

You're not Welsh by any chance,
are you?

Having travelled all over the globe,

Michael's taking his inspiration
from a little further afield.

It's based on flavours from Kerala
down in the south of India

and it's completely invented,
which makes me a bit nervous.

OK, so, steady pace.

When at home in Warwickshire,
Michael's day job as a fitness

instructor helps him
burn off any exotic bread calories.

His decorative red and white Keralan
star bread will be flavoured with

coconut and what's rapidly becoming
his trademark - a kick of chilli.

Michael, are you going to go
a little easier on the chilli?

I've taken out
one of the chilies in the filling.

Do you remember his gingerbread?

But today the judges have got
chilli on all sides.

I'm making a brioche dough-style
chilli and manchego

tear and share,
so gone very Spanish.

Want a biscuit? When animal lover
and vet Rosie isn't tending to her

pets, she can be found sticking
surgical equipment from work into

her bakes. In addition to spicy red
chilies, her manchego tear and share

will be filled with
Mediterranean vegetables

in a tangy balsamic reduction.

Can you tell us a bit about your
dough? That's very wet.
It's a brioche-style dough.

I'm calling it a style because I
have to add more flour. But it still

comes up with quite a light sort of
very buttery structure. I tried it

with some other doughs,
it just wasn't as nice.

It'll be interesting to see what the
texture's going to be like.
Oh, dear.

I'm kneading the dough now
so I'm trying to build up gluten.

That sounds legit, doesn't it?
So that's what I'm doing now.

I need to calm down,
that's what I need to do.

I KNEAD to calm down.

Yeah. I just want baked bread,
that's all I want. Come on.

Can you juggle? Yeah.

Oh, this is a challenge, isn't it?

Oh, you can. Course I can.

You have to be able to
if you're a comedian.

Round about ten minutes
you knead it for.

This is a focaccia

representing my family
heritage from Italy.

Grazie, grazie.

Phil's ancestors...
How close do you want to be?

..eventually settled in Essex,
where he's lived all his life

and now raises two daughters
with wife Angela.

Phil's focaccia tear and share
will be packed with garlic, herbs,

cheese and smoked pancetta.

I'm a sweet guy.
I do like a bit of cake,

but I could walk past a sweet
counter straight to the

savoury section. Going in to prove.

I'm going to prove
for about an hour.

During the prove, the live yeast
ferments away, creating gas

that causes the dough to rise.

Prove number one,
hopefully double in size.

But overdo it and it will
collapse in on itself.

Start. I'm on time as well. This is
amazing, this has never happened.

Once it's risen I can put the
filling in,

which I'm going to make now.

It'll be pesto time next.

These are just olives
going in with pesto.

We've got a nice pesto corner
going on over here. It's lovely.

He'll do it better as well.

When Steph isn't pounding
the treadmill in trainers,

she's selling them in just one
of her three part-time jobs.

You OK there?

Steph's star-shaped Parmesan,
sundried tomato and pesto tear

and share will be packed with zesty
ingredients - including her own

very special basil sauce.

To be honest, there's an element
of me that thought it was

a bit of a faff but it does taste
better than shop-bought pesto.

Staying with Italy, we move
from Genovese pesto

to a Neapolitan classic.

For the filings with,
like, the pepper

and the onion in the filling, it's
almost like pizza-ish but that is...

I could eat pizza five days a week.

Mum-of-two Priya lives in Leicester

and regularly bakes for large
extended family get-togethers.

Her flower-shaped smokey jalapeno
tear and share will be packed

with spicy cheese flavours
and the titular Mexican chilies.

How much jalapeno?

When I first made it,
my dad was loving it,

he thought it was really great,

but my dad eats chilies on the
side of a curry so as I've moved

away from my parents, I've had
less and less spice in my food.

So I've cut the jalapeno
down a little bit.

Yet another baker treading a fine
line with spice is Amelia.

Got harissa paste, chorizo,
peppers, onions, a bit of garlic.

It's got a bit of a kick,
but it's really tasty.

When she's not using spicy Spanish
pork, proud Yorkshire lass Amelia...

Can we touch them?

..loves to source local
produce for her bakes.

Oh, they're so cute.

Her brunch tear and share will be
laden with punchy flavours,

spices and harissa.

Are you scared of bread week?
Yeah, like...

You know Paul's going to come in
hard. I mean, bread's his thing.

He's part bread.
Have you seen his chest?

No. His torso -
it's just like a baguette.

I often just reach in and pull
a tuft out and then just chow down.

Right, how long have we got left?

Bakers, you are halfway through,
halfway through.

I think it's nearly ready.

The bakers must juggle proving
versus baking time.

But if the first prove hasn't
done its job, their loaves will be

too small and uneven.

Yeah, it's got a bit of aeration.
It'll be all right.

Be all right. Be all right,
she says.

Oh! It's got quite big, hasn't it?

That's just about the right
size for me, yeah.

Definitely doubled in size,
so happy with that.

I'm going to roll it into a

and then fill it and roll it.

The problem with the filling,
you don't want it to be wet

because if it's wet it'll just make
the dough soggy and then Paul

will definitely prod it
and say under-proved, over-cooked,

over-baked, under-proved,
over-kneaded, wet, bad.

Chicken's looking good.

If all else fails, I'm just going
to give them the filling in a bowl.

I've put the manchego cheese
in and now I'm just

adding my caramelised peppers
and onions.

Cheese gone in, pancetta's gone in.

This is my cheese,
my pancetta, my onion.

And then I'm going to top it with
walnuts and then roll her up.

Actually, this is
kind of like a pizza.

Obviously not mozzarella, but still.

What's wrong with a pizza?
Who doesn't like pizza?

But not all the bakers are making
savoury tear and shares.

It's kind of baklava flavour.

Baklava? Yes.
I think it originates from Turkey.

Don't quote me on that.

You're a geography teacher,
darling, I think

which country it comes from
is probably quite important.

Alice herself comes from Essex
and both her parents are dentists.

So teenager rebellion for her
took the form of a sweet tooth.

You think Paul
and Prue would approve? Mm.

Alice's baklava-inspired tear
and share ring will be flavoured

with honey, orange blossom,
spices and nuts.

My problem with baklava generally
is that it is so sweet,

but perhaps with bread dough...

Hmm. would tone down
some of that. Yeah.

I've just got such a sweet tooth.

She's not the only baker trying to
seduce the judges with sugar.

I'm making cinnamon rolls.

I love cinnamon rolls,
absolutely love them.

And I'm doing it quite
simple, really.

The issue then is it has to be
perfect, I think.

When he's not knocking up
bread and cakes,

super creative David likes to make
inedible items he has to bake.

It's a bit wonky, actually.

His cinnamon tear and share will be
made of twisted bread rosettes

and topped with vanilla buttercream.

So it's quite classic.

Hang on, where'd you say
buttercream's classic?

On top of a cinnamon roll.

Buttercream or cream cheese
frosting or something.

I'm putting it in the middle so
you don't have to eat it. OK.

But there's a baker here that's
willing to take on David's

cinnamon challenge.

I'm making cinnamon rolls.

I love them, yeah.
I have them for breakfast.

It's great to cook them
at night-time and then wake up,

put them in the microwave,

Helena developed
a taste for American bakes

when she lived in Las Vegas.
Good boy.

She's now settled near Leeds with
her husband Will, daughter Flora

and rescue dog Cato.

Helena's tear and share
cinnamon rolls will be

smothered in an unctuous
layer of cream cheese frosting.

My preference is to have
them very gooey.

This might have to be tear and share
with a couple of forks or something.

And a bib. Oh, get in there, Prue.

It is a messy...

This is the bit I'm nervous about.

I'm just trying to keep it
fairly tight.

Roughly I'm going to cut them
into one inch.

It has loads of cinnamon in.

You've got to put enough cinnamon
on to get a really good cinnamon

hit, but too much,
it'll taste bitter.

Twist away.

With fillings integrated, the bakers
shape and style their doughs.

This is the family tree.

It all ties in.

What they do now will ultimately
determine how good

their baked bread looks.

I've just gotta be quite careful
when I'm putting them in, really,

so it's not obvious that they're
very different sizes.

They're smaller than they
normally are cos normally it

sort of fills the tin.
I don't know.

I'm doing art here,
I'll have you know.

I am borderline thrilled with that.

Come on.
Let's go in the proving drawer.

This is the prove before it
gets baked.

It doesn't need that long.

Maybe 20 minutes will be fine
but I'll just keep checking on it.

See how they go. Happy enough.

Bakers, you have one hour left.

One hour.

It's bread week, kids.

It's like a sauna in there.

Oh, and it is, it's doing something.

So the yeast is working but I
could give it an extra five,

ten minutes maybe.
Timing is critical.

The bakers have to give their second
prove long enough to

develop volume
and texture whilst making sure

they have enough remaining time
to bake their loaves to perfection.

It is rising.

Slowly but surely.

Did I sound confident enough?
I totally know what I'm doing.

Oh, gosh, it's tense, isn't it?

Right, I'm taking them out.

Got to come out, hasn't it?
It looks all right.

It looks pretty good.

I don't know until
it comes out the bag.

Resembles what it
looked like at home.

It's definitely puffed up.

It's not proved very well but it
will rise a bit more in the oven.

That's really quite
disappointing, actually.

Bakers, you've only got
half an hour left, I...

HIGH-PITCHED: ..hope that's enough.

Wow, just the voice
broke at the end there.


I'm so emotional!

They look the way they should,
so I'm just going to bake them now.

I'm going to go in.
I'm going in. It's happening.

They do look like breasts.

They look all right.

That's going in at 170
for about half an hour

and then hopefully it'll be done,
cos we've run out of time.

Please just do your thing.

I'm going to say half an hour.

But I'm going to check on it cos
it's got a sneaky habit of not

cooking in the middle
and teasing me.

And... chill.

I'm going to have a lie down.

Just going to sit here
and watch it and wait.

I'm just going to go to sleep down
here. Have a nap, have a siesta.

Aim is not to stare at it
the entire time.

That's not going to help
the situation.

Oh, come on, balls.
Come on, balls, cook nicely.

I don't like waiting.
I'm so impatient.


Cheese looks amazing.
Look at it bubbling out the top.

All I can smell is cheese,
Michelle, and I hate cheese so much.

It's not... It looks beautiful

and I'm sure if you like
cheese it tastes great.

Bakers, you have 15 minutes.

Paul did it for me. Nice.
It's very gentle actually.

It's annoying cos
I would normally take them

out of the oven now cos
that's the way I like them

but I know Paul will say
they're undercooked.

It's that finger that
prods in the middle.

It's looking more like it
normally does now in the oven,

but it's done that through baking,
not proving, coming up

so I think... I don't know what
that's going to do to them.

Probably something that
Paul's going to hate.

Yeah, they're not quite ready.

How long have we got left now?
Bakers, you have five minutes left.

Right, I'm taking them out.

Think they're basically
done, actually. Ready.

Got to come out, hasn't it?

Would like it a bit more golden but
I just won't tell anyone else that.

They look fairly done.

Looking good, smelling fine.


That looks all right.

Yeah, that's fine, actually.

It's a dark dough anyway.

It's really pale.
I don't know why it's so pale.

Oh, it looks all right.

Looks good to me, very satisfied.

Just checking that it's cooked
and I think it is, by some miracle.

I'm pretty happy, I think
it's gone all right.

Oh, gosh. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, God. Oh, God.

Oh, yes, that's the noise
we wanted to hear.

Ooh, yeah, that looks all right.

Maybe you should do that with a bit
more of a flourish.

Have you ever seen Paul baking?
He's like a ballet dancer. Really?

He's very light on his feet.
Oh, interesting.

He's got tiny, tiny feet.

I can't say I've ever noticed.
It's like Fred Astaire.

Bakers, you have one minute.

Oh, it looks all right,
this, doesn't it?

Just need to decorate slightly.

I think I'm good now.

Bakers, that is it. Your time is up.

Please place your tear and share
at the end of your benches.

Bon appetit. Arrivederci.

Grazie, grazie, ciao, Bella.

The bakers' tear and share breads...

Hello, Henry. You OK?

..will now face the judgment
of Paul and Prue.

The black and white really works.
Yeah. It's very dramatic and nice.

Can taste the pesto. Yeah.

In fact, it's really difficult
to taste anything else.

It's not bad, the bread.
It's a little bit bland.

I don't really like the flavour,

and I don't know how you've managed
to do that, cos you've got

all the things in there
which should taste amazing.

I think it's quite attractive.

And the colour is lovely.

It's bone dry.

If you'd brought that out five,
ten minutes earlier...

OK, yeah. would
have been laughing.

The pesto comes through.

It's beautifully shaped
and so over-baked.


I think that's heaven.

I like the fact that it's soft,
I like the flavour.

I could eat a lot of it.

I think your flavours are fantastic.

Thank you very much indeed.

Thank you.

It's quite attractive.

It's quite dry. You've just
over-baked it slightly,

but the flavours, I like.

It is very delicious. Thank you.

They're a bit irregular in sizes.

That one's massive,
that one's minute.

It does look a bit thrown together,
but it may taste fantastic.

I hope it does.

Certainly hearty chorizo.


Bit of chilli there, Prue.
Oh, yeah.

Uh-oh. That was not my intention.

It's delicious, but it...
Got a bit of a kick to it.

What you need is to chop everything
up much, much smaller.

That's part of the problem,
cos you've got so much going on,

it's so big.
Yeah, she's big on flavour.

Interesting texture.

It's a bit too doughy for me,

but who doesn't like cinnamon
and sugar in spades?

The dried fruit in there,
you need to put much more in.

Your actual bake, I think,
is perfect.

That ain't no tear and share.

The problem is, it's covered.

Right, well, it...
Yeah, you'll get messy.

But the rolls are proved

It is exactly like an American
cinnamon roll, a good one.

I think you've slightly
over-baked it. Yeah.

I was too scared you telling me
that it was raw.

Dammit, Paul, it's your fault.

It's a bit messy. Rustic.
I'll go with that.

It's wonderfully cheesy.
I like the texture.

So that's one, is that
the other one?

That's the black garlic
and truffle oil.

Really nice. I think the blend
of the two are good.

You've baked them well. I think
you've come up with some nice ideas.

It looks very tempting, like
home-made bread you want to eat.

Hm. I think your flavours that
you achieve are beautiful.

Thank you. Really, really
nice flavours. Nice loaf, that.

It's very cheesy.

You've got loads of flavour and
loads of texture in there as well.

It's a beautifully-baked dough.
It's slightly over-proved,

but otherwise, I think it tastes
lovely. Well done.

I love the effect of that. I think
it's very clever. Very pretty.

Oh, that's brilliant. Got a nice
looking bake on the other side.

I like the coconut. I think the
coconut works really well with it.

The kick from the chilli's enough.

I just love the red round there.



I really like that,
and I tell you why I like it -

it's because I've never had anything
like it before... Oh, thank you.

..and that's what makes it special.

Yeah, I got the first handshake.
That's crazy.

My mum's going to cry.

She's going to be so excited
and I can't wait.

I can't wait to tell my friends
and my mum.

It's official,
Paul Hollywood likes my bread.

I am a baker.

Not looking forward to Technical.
I never look forward to Technical.

Does anyone enjoy the Technicals?

SANDI: The bakers were able to
practise their Signature Bakes,

but with ingredients shrouded
in gingham, the next

challenge will be a total mystery.

Right, bakers, time for your
Technical Challenge,

and in a shock twist,
it has been set for you

by the bread king, Paul himself.

It'll be judged blind, of course.

I'm going to have to ask these two
lovelies to leave the tent.

Before they go, Paul,
any words of wisdom?

It's not as easy as you think.

Well, that's comforting.
Right, off you go. Off you pop.

They are racing off to do some
competitive dog grooming.

There is a poodle that Paul
cannot wait to get stuck into.

We'd better move along.

For your Technical Challenge,
Paul would like you to make

eight white burger baps.

Now, what is a burger bap crying
out for, people?

Its mummy? No, a burger.

So, Paul would also like you to make
four veggie burgers

to go inside four
of your floury baps.

You have two and a half hours.

On your marks. Get set. Bake!

Oh, dear.

Well, it sounds easy,
but I've never done them before.

I have never made a floury
bap before.

So if this works, then it'll be,
like, a new thing that I can make,

and if it doesn't, then I'll just
buy them like everyone else.

Burger buns, Paul.

When I said before,
it's not as easy as you think,

it really isn't, because you've
gotta develop the gluten properly.

If you don't, it'll be very
cake-like and not stringy.

So good kneading?
Good bit of kneading,

and then leave it to prove
for a good half an hour, 40 minutes.

Look at the texture.
See how light it is? It's lovely.

The burgers are important,
to a degree.

90% of our judging will be done
on the rolls.

Yeah, this is Bread Week,
not Burger Week. Exactly.

And this is the Bake Off,
not the Cook Off.

Number one, for the floury baps,
make the dough.

Cheers, Paul.

He might as well just have said,
"Make a bap."

So we've got the usual ingredients,
which is yeast, salt,

flour and water, but then on top
of it, we've got vegetarian lard.

Have you made floury white
soft baps?

Floury white baps?
I've never made baps before.

I can't imagine you're a bap
kind of character.

What sort of character, am I?

Wholemeal pitta bread?
OK, I'll take that.

Prue's a crumpet.

This has gone weird. Sordid.

Let's take that out.

Step two, knead the dough.

My kneading technique is...
I don't really have one.

Oh, God, I think I'm nearly there.
I'm getting a bit tired.

It's elasticky, smooth, done.

Knead the dough, prove the dough.

I'm going to prove it
for half an hour. See what occurs.

Right, veggie burgers.

Never made veggie burger in my life.
I'm a meat man.

Number five is tip the black beans
into the bowl of a food processor

and pulse to a rough mash.

You didn't see that.

I kind of want it to be lumpy,
cos otherwise it is just mush.

I've had these veggie burgers a lot
and bad ones can be slop.

I'm making man-size burgers,
half a pounders.

It could be like a fast-food burger
where it's, like, really thin,

or like a good burger
where it's, like, really thick.

And I'm going to go for
in the middle.

Right, freeze.

Bakers, in Morse code you have...

What the hell?

You are halfway through,
my beauties.

It's weirdly pleasurable.

Feel nice? Yeah.

I'm having a look at my dough.

It's double the size.

It's all I can ask for, really.

Feels nice!

It's a new game that we invented.

It looks like a bread dough.

I'm about to shape my buns.

I need to divide the dough
into eight equal pieces

and then shape them into
burger buns.

Don't know where to begin, really.
Let's make it an even number.


85g per ball.

So I've got this much dough left,
which is roughly...

seven grams of dough per bun

and I'm working out whether it's
worth putting seven grams of dough

back into each bun or not.

I don't want them to be too small.

I mean, it's less than 10%.

Oh, less than 10%, sod it.

"Gently flatten each ball of dough
and place on prepared trays."

To me, if I have a burger,
I want a big bap.

I like quite a pert bun.

Going to give it another prove
for about 15, 20 minutes.

Where's my proving bag?
Is this it?

No. This is it, isn't it?

Where's it gone?
Is that your proving bag?

David, can I take this proving bag
from you? Are you using it?

Sell that later.

I'm going to prove them
for half an hour.

An hour and ten left. I'll prove
them for about half an hour.

Noel, I want a veggie burger
in about half an hour.

Could you make that happen? Bakers,
you've got half an hour left,

half an hour. Thanks.

Well, I've given my baps half
an hour to prove.

I'm just about to have a look
at 'em. They look quite big.

Still small.

The ones at the bottom
have proved slightly more.

They haven't really changed,
but I'm going with it.

"12, lightly dust the baps
with flour and bake."

Doesn't say for how long.


Right, they're going in t'oven.

Do good things.

I'm going to do 12 minutes,
and then keep an eye.

Let's go for eight minutes
and see what happens.

Because they're these soft ones,

I don't really know how you tell
when they're done.

Right, I'm going to fry my burgers.

I'll cook them
until they've browned.

They're purple,
so it's hard to tell.

These burgers are not ideal.

Right, how do I know how long

these are meant to be in for,
do you reckon?

Look at them, rising.

They're like buttocks.

I think Paul'll like that.
He's quite manly, isn't he?

What about Prue, though?

Prue might be alarmed by the size.

Posh people tend to like
small things, don't they? Yeah.

Right, out they come.

Oooh, nearly.

Still too small for my burgers.

I am fairly happy.

Mine are a bit overdone.

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

I'm going to build 'em up.

Now, this is the moment of truth.

Let's just hope they're soft
and cooked.

The knife is dragging through
the roll.

They wanted soft, they're definitely
blooming soft. But so is dough.

Assemble the burgers.

My burgers are massive
compared to my buns.

And mine.
I didn't use all my dough, did I?

"10% less won't hurt, Amelia!"

I'm trying to think what goes first,
though, burger... Lettuce...

I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't eat burgers.

After this,
I definitely don't eat burgers.

I'd be happy to eat that.
Even with a veggie burger inside it.

Any skewers?

Bakers, your time is up.

Please bring your burgers
and baps up to the table

and place them
behind your photograph.

My roll's tiny.

Paul and Prue are looking for eight
beautiful floury white baps

with four perfectly-cooked burgers.

And they have no idea
whose is whose.


they're all pretty much the same.

They could've been
a little bit wider

but they've got some height
to it, though.

Quite chewy. Hmm.

The bun tastes pretty good.

These burgers...

It's got a nice blend of spices
in there.

I quite like that. Yeah.

Right, bringing in the second one.

Let's have a quick look inside.

Breaking a little bit.
That comes down to the mix.

Nice flavour.

Now the burger itself. It's nice.

Moving on to number three.
The burgers are too big for the bun

and the buns are pretty irregular
and actually quite small.

Nice flavour, though, on the bun.

It's a massive burger.

It's not very tasty.

No, it's not.

Moving on.

Too dark.

It's got too much of a heavy colour.

It is a bit tight, that, inside.

This is a very crumbly burger.

Hmm. Right,
moving on to the next one.

The colour of this is good.

You look down at the bottom,
it's quite doughy,

that line that sits underneath.

Proof they were under-proved.

Again, the burgers are
much too big for the buns.

Now, these... Nice shape.

It's got a bit more size to this.

Now, see how much more open it is
and irregular?

Yes. That's a nice roll, that.

A quick taste of this.

Not a bad burger, that,
either as well. Yeah.

Now this one's been very
kindly cut already.

Quite tight
and down at the bottom quite doughy.

Massively under-proved.

They're quite small and squat,
these, aren't they?

You can see that
when you look at the burger.

It's like a Scooby-Doo burger,

Apart from chilli I don't think
there's a lot of flavour.

Oh, there's chilli in that! A lot.
Oh, wow.

Uh, moving on.
Let's have a quick look.

It's a bit too chewy.

But I think
that's a well-flavoured burger.

Right, moving on.

Nice colour. Again, small.

The flavour's nice but the texture's
a little bit tough.

Hmm. Moving on.

Been rolled up well,

and actually, the structure
for the top two-thirds isn't bad.

I like the burger.

It's not too spicy.

I like the look of these.
They're much bigger, aren't they?

These look really good.
They're the right shape.

Let's have a look.

Look at that.

That's what you're looking for.

That's open all the way through.

It's a nice roll, that.

And the bun fits over the burger.


That is really nice.
All round it's nice. Good.


Paul and Prue will now rank
the burger baps from worst to best.

In 11th place is this one.

Amelia, not mixed enough,
too small, a little bit doughy.

Fair enough.

In tenth place is this one.

Phil, rather uneven sized buns,
a little bit too small,

little over-cooked.

Still a good burger.

Thank you.

Rosie is ninth, Helena eighth,
Alice seventh, Michael sixth,

Michelle is fifth
and Priya is fourth.

Third spot is this one.

Steph, actually,
this was quite nice.

The only reason why you're in third
is it needed to be slightly bigger.

In second place is this one.

David, it's an excellent burger bun.

Perhaps just a tiny bit tight
but very good.

So in first place, Henry.


That is a very, very, VERY good
burger bun.

The structure was good.

It was well-baked,
the burger was good.

Well done.

He looked at me deep in my eyes,
he said nice things,

and after being tortured
by their words

this morning, that was soothing.

Turns out 10% of your dough
could make more difference

than I thought it would.

Obviously, it's gutting.
You always want to do well

but it just means I need to, like,
do something good tomorrow.

Right, burger?

OK, the people who seem to be doing
steadily, quite nicely - David,

Priya perhaps, Michelle.

Yes. There's a couple of them that
could do really well today

and end up with Star Baker,

but there's quite a group
gathering down at the bottom.

I think Amelia's in trouble.

I think Rosie's in trouble.

Alice. It genuinely is going to come
down to the show stopper.

Yeah. Are you going to send
two people home today?

It is a possibility. It's a very
strong possibility, yeah.

Hello, bakers.
Welcome back to the tent.

It's time for your
show stopper challenge.

The judges would like you
to create a display

of artistically-scored
decorative loaves.

Your display should be themed,
so, for example,

if it was a woodland floor,

there could be curling oak leaves,
acorns, conkers.

A squirrel grappling with
a wet crisp bag.

That's the sort of thing.

Your display must contain at least
two impressively-sized loaves

but this is really about the
decoration, it's about the scoring.

Basically they want it to be
the best thing since, uh...

What's that expression?

Can't remember. You've got five
hours. On your marks. Get set. Bake.

I'm not particularly
confident today.

The stress is going to be pretty
evenly spread across the next

five hours of my life.

Five hours seems like a long time
but it really isn't.

It's a five-hour challenge,
which sounds a huge amount

but, first of all, you want them
to bake several beautiful loaves.

They have to get them all kneaded,
they have to get them proved

and then of course
the actual scoring.

I don't usually score bread.

If I do, it'll just
be like a pfft on the top.

It's quite a tricky thing
to do with dough.

Cos you want to cut just through
the skin of the dough so that

when it rises in the oven all those
cracks will open up a tiny bit.

You don't want the heat to
open it up like a great wound.

This is a really tricky challenge.

Probably one of the hardest
ones we've set.

It's really skilful stuff.

Although only tasked with making
two large loaves to impress

the judges, all the ambitious
bakers are making multiple

breads for their show stopper.

It's hard to sort of figure out the
timings for this.

To actually make the dough doesn't
really take that long

but there's no space for them all to
go in the oven at the same time

so you need to sort of stagger them
a bit.

You want to kind of get everything
going half an hour apart

so I think it's
all about timing today.

It's all about timing.

I'm just going as quick as
I can right now.

I think this is all or nothing.
It's go big or go home.

Or go big, make a mistake
and go home.

Inspired by his time in Africa,
David's making tribal masks.

Each coloured dough will be
carefully scored to reveal

the one beneath.

He's also going to try and achieve
a deep sourdough flavour.

So I've been researching
how to do it quite quickly.

Yeast? Yeah, I'm using more yeast.

With a high yeast it often tears,
doesn't it? That's the danger.

By adding the yeast and scoring,

they're not really conducive
to creating the delicate

scoring that you need because it can
just blow open in the oven.


He's not the only baker who's making
life hard for himself.

This is the fougasse
that I'm making at the moment.

You wouldn't normally score
fougasse, however I wanted to do it

because it's a quick bread to do.

Henry's opted for two flavours
of fougasse with distinctive

decorative holes.

He'll also be making two hearty
rye breads as well as sage

and poppy seed flowers.

How are you scoring the fougasse?

They'll have the big
slashes in, obviously,

but then what dough there is
I will also just lightly score -

hopefully little corn ear patterns.

Fougasse is not really
conducive for heavy scoring.

And it's quite a small amount of
food to score. It is, yeah.

But that's the plan.

Haven't been to the gym this week.

That's OK, cos I've been kneading
bread. Nice texture at the minute.

Get your g*ns pumping.

I'm kneading again.

Oh, here he comes.

Does it feel OK?
Not going to tell me, are you? No.

Whoo! You ready?


OK, good luck, yeah.

It's nice to see you, yeah. Cool.
Nice to see you.

So this dough is done now.
It smells so yeasty.

That looks very smooth.

Bounces back when I prod it
so that's going to go and prove

until it's doubled in size,
hopefully about an hour.

Number one.
Oh, still two more to go.

This is my rosemary,
garlic and rye dough.

So it's quite sticky.

Kind of tastes like stuffing.

If you like stuffing.

Alice's scored loaves will celebrate
her love of geography with

a beetroot and walnut Union Jack,
a carrot and coriander compass

and a rye, garlic
and rosemary globe.

Is it going to spin?

Unfortunately not, no.

Never met anyone
who loves geography.

I think it's wonderful.
I think geography's much underrated.

Alice's plan for world domination
has got competition.

Priya has designs on a large
stretch of the equator.

I'm going for a tropical theme.

I've got a flamingo and some
sort of palm trees, tropical leaves

and a hummingbird... the plan. That's what
they're supposed to look like.

Priya's tropical ensemble
will also squeeze in a peacock

amid foliage rolls.

Once baked, she's adding extra
details with natural food colouring.

It's more watercolour-like so it's
going to be quite a pale pastel.

Yeah. I honestly thought I cannot
present artificially-decorated

globes to Paul cos it looks
like felt tip pen on bread.

But Priya hasn't got the muted
colour combos all to herself.

I am doing a hand-tied
bouquet of flowers.

I'm just going with subtle,
nice blush pink.

Steph's floral arrangement will
have a beetroot and rosemary loaf,

a rosemary and wholemeal lily,

a sunny sunflower
and breadstick stems.

It seems to be simple in its
approach but it's about keeping

that scoring and that accuracy
and the way that it looks overall.

Thank you very much, Steph.
Good luck.

Simple's all right, innit?

If they didn't have to be here,
that would be quite a lot nicer,

wouldn't it, really?

More used to tending pets
and farmyard animals,

today, vet Rosie's
exploring the exotics.

I'm making a bread safari.

So I've got a truffle elephant,
a black garlic giraffe

and a sundried tomato lion.

Animals are just
kind of my life anyway, so...

Rosie's African bread fauna will be
presented in a baked savanna

of turmeric and coriander flora with
beetroot and chilli wheat st*lks.

I've never actually been on a real
safari but there's a local

safari park where I grew up
and we always loved going there.

Handshake baker Michael's
also celebrating

one of his favourite destinations.

The flavours remind me
of Mediterranea.

Mediterranea. Italy.

He's creating a bread campfire with
paprika and sundried tomato sharing

loaves, red pepper rolls, ember
rolls and olive breadstick kindling.

Has the adrenaline worn off yet from
your handshake? Let's recreate that.


Do you know what? If I think you
need a handshake,

I'd just dig him in the left

What happens if you do it
in the right one?

That's for the private times.

Michael's not the only baker
inspired by fire -

Helena's using it in her continued
commitment to all things spooky.

Halloween is my favourite holiday.

Every day is Halloween in my house.

Every bake is Halloween in my house.

Lava stone rolls
and Parmesan bread bones will sit

beneath a cauldron of sesame snakes
with a pumpkin-shaped bread on top.

HOARSELY: I want to
impress you. What do you think?

Voice - what's happened?

It's laryngitis.
So it's just bad luck.

I'm going to order you a voice off
the internet.

What voice would you like?

GEORDIE ACCENT: What about a sort of
Geordie one like that?

I actually love the Geordie
accent. You like the Geordie accent?

Yeah. Give me a Scottish accent.

SCOTTISH ACCENT: Och, look at these

Will you not look at those baps?

Oh, time to get it out.

An hour and a half in
and the first dough's prove is up.

It looks really good.
It's full of bubbles.

So I'm just going to knock it back
and then shape it.

Well, you're supposed to knock
it back but not vigorously.

You've gotta be gentle
with it, you know.

Got to treat it like a lady.

Determined to land a win today,
Phil's opted for a victory wreath.

It'll be made of spelt,

beetroot and a herby green bread
scored with laurel leaves.

The challenge is
the scoring of it first.

That's the main aspect
but then you've gotta have something

that looks good
but also tastes good.

Hoping to tick both boxes...

I've gone with flavours
that we like as a family.

..Michelle's baking
a whole bunch of breads.

I've got two loaves.

One symbolises a tree,
the other one is a flower.

And then I've got a hedgehog,
a snail, butterfly

and some ladybirds and some bees cos
that's what we've got in our garden.

Michelle's making semi-sourdough
loaves scored with elaborate tree

designs, a white and rye butterfly
and a rye bread hedgehog and snail.

I'm all rye but it's quite dense.

It's really chewy and doughy.

I'm hoping Paul likes it,
but I love it.

God, I just hope it works.

Amelia is also inspired by
garden life, but on a micro level.

I'm just shaping my caterpillar.

So that's like a not-to-scale
sketch of the whole thing.

And then that's the caterpillar.

He's very happy. That's the
butterfly and that's the cocoon.

Amelia's baking a green
spinach caterpillar,

a plain white cocoon and a roasted
red pepper butterfly sitting

amidst garlic breadsticks
adorned with leaves and flowers.

I don't really know
the science of bread.

Like nothing's gone wrong,
so I've got no reason to panic.

But this is the sort of thing
where you don't really know

if it's gone wrong until it's baked.
And by then it's too late.

Before the bakers can even think
about getting their dough

in the oven. I think I might have to
score it now. ..they must attempt

what this challenge is all about.
Oh, God, am I ready for this?

I don't want to take this step.
It's too nerve-racking.

You know when you feel
so sick with nerves.

Don't overthink it.

Just do what you did at home, Priya.

Be calm. It's fine.
It's just bread.

Here goes nothing.

Ah, pressure.

This is fine when I'm at home
and I'm, like, not shaking.

Ah, shaky hands.
Why are there shaky hands?

You don't want to go too deep but
you don't want to go too shallow.

You've don't want to go straight
down but you don't want to go right

at an angle. Lots of don'ts.
Not sure about any dos.

But the longer the bakers take
with their elaborate designs...

This is my giraffe but I'm trying
not to rush too much

and completely mess up my design.

..the more risk of the bread

Oh, no. I didn't actually look where
I was going with that line,

I just drew.

You don't want to go too deep.
I don't want them to split open.

Is that deep enough?

Do these look like leaves?

This is a spider web.

Scoring's not ideal, but it was
always going

to be hard to score fougasse.

I think I just need
to get it in the oven.

We're going in the oven.

Do me proud, little peacock.

That's a recognisable flame,
times one.

About 35 minutes, this one.

It's crucial the bakers
have taken account of the size

of their loaves and calculated
their oven times accurately.

That's going to
go in for about 40 minutes.

I feel more nervous now, now that
it's gone in, I'm like, "Ah!"

Just my timings. I can't figure out
what's what.

Let's give it 20 to 25 minutes
and see what happens.

Got a good colour.

The scoring's not very defined
but that's all right cos the main

scoring is going to be
on my rye loaves.

I've scored one of them too deeply
and it's opened up a lot.

I'm having an absolute disaster.

This one's done a lovely split
completely in half.

Sandi, I've made us eggs.
Oh, brilliant. Which one's mine?

This one obviously. Thank you.

Bakers, you have two hours left, two
hours left.

As yet more doughs
reach the end of their prove...

This is my elephant who has
proved quite nicely.

It's really, really nice
and stretchy.

..the bakers prepare for their
next bout of scoring.

You seen my blade anywhere?

Uh, wow.
That's not a good thing to lose.

Oh, it's there, it's there.
I found it, I found it. OK.

I'm going to go cos you don't know
where you keep your razor blade.

Seems dangerous to me. Scoring
needs to go well on these.

Not feeling great, but there's still

to be some bread at the end of it.

The key to getting this one right
is the angle of the cuts.

I want my ears standing up.

They haven't deflated,
which is a nice surprise.

I'm trying to score
a little less hard.

Once carefully scored, to avoid
deflating, it's essential the dough

goes in the oven within minutes...

..once the earlier batches are out.

Look quite good.
It's been much better at home.

I think it's baked OK. Does it
look like the world, kind of?

Doesn't look too bad at the minute.

You can see what it's supposed to
be. I'm happy with that.

I want it to be a bit green,
like pumpkins are green

before they go orange.

Course it's stuck to the... sheet.


Wow, that's, uh, one ugly mask.

I've got two scores here
that are actually just scores

but everything else is basically
torn and looks terrible.

My bread might not be cooked.

Bakers, you have one hour.

Here goes nothing for the last one.
Last things to go in the oven, they

shouldn't take too long. I know
we've almost run out of time now.

The final batches of loaves,
both big and small, go in to bake.

I put the pumpkin loaf
in the oven in a cast-iron pot

because it gives you the perfect
humidity for a really crusty crust.

This is going in for
about half an hour.

In the meantime
I can de-paper these breads.

Right, need to start painting now.

The added bonus of painting
is that they cover up what

they can see in the grooves.

It's a bit of decoration but I don't
want it to be style over substance.

That's, I'd say, 89% bread.

Paul does not like eating paper.
He'll make a big fuss.

He'll go, "Urgh, urgh,
argh, help me!"

Just gotta wait now.
It's the waiting game.

Quite a comfortable position
as well actually.

This one's already tearing.

I think this potentially
could be the worst one yet.

I'll direct this. You ready? Go,
go, go. Bakers, you have 15 minutes.

Argh! It looks done.

These might be a bit overdone
actually. They're quite dark.

Whether it's overdone, I don't know,

but I'd rather it was slightly over
than slightly under.

It looks all right.
I can take that.

Luckily, they're ready.
Well, they'd better be ready.

That looks great.
What is it meant to be, darling?

It's meant to be an African mask.

Yeah, there he is. Totally
working for you, rocking it.

Look at that rip. Oh, is that a rip?
It's not intentional.

Though the universe. I thought it
was supposed to be like that.

If Paul says these are ripped, say,
"They're rips in time, you idiot."

Should be fine.

Then comes the judgment day.

Bakers, you have five minutes.

This is my garden.
Now just gotta fit everything on.

I hope they're baked.
I've not checked.

This is just the design
that's on the award.

If something's edible at the end
of the day, that's fine.

The bread itself, I think, is good.
I think it's a good bake.

I won't know if they're baked inside
until they open them.

Bakers, that is the end
of your show stopper.

The scoring could be better.

Oh, well, it's done now.

It's not quite the disaster
it seemed earlier in the day

but it is still
pretty much a disaster.

I don't know if it's cooked though.
I think it is.

But if they're not cooked,
there's absolutely sod all

I can do about it now.

It's judgment time for the bakers'
show stoppers.

Rosie, would you like to bring
up your show stopper?

I think the scoring is very good.

What a fantastic effect you've
managed to get.

Likewise with the giraffe -
very clever.

And it's very original and
I like the different way that you've

scored them all and different depths
so that you've got thicker lines

and thinner lines,
and it's really clever.

It's a very nice grey loaf.

I've never had a grey bread before.

Um, could've done with
a little bit more salt.

Don't be afraid to add a bit
more flavour.

I have to say - I think this
is delicious.

They're baked beautifully, actually.

They look great. Very artistic.

And lots of perfect scoring.

Thank you. Well done, Rosie. Thanks.

I love the definition in that one.

It's a nice looking loaf.

And this one's really clever.
I mean, that's pretty good

recognisable globe.

That's very nice.

Of course, the nuts and the seeds
give it a lovely flavour too.

For me, it could do with a bit
more seasoning.

Hm, it's a little bit bland,

but the cuts are very good.

It's a nice looking loaf, that.

I think, overall, you
haven't done too bad.

Thank you very much, Alice.
Thanks, Alice, well done.

They are obviously African masks,

but this one - which is
sort of broken - it looks brilliant.

It looks like some artistic
rendering of a scary mask,

but that wasn't the challenge.

The challenge was to do
really good scoring.

It's barely done. Mm-hm.
The idea was sound enough.


And there's not enough salt in it.

All style and no substance. Cool.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

The whole thing is so imaginative
and so wonderful - it's fantastic.

You've lost a lot of the definition,
haven't you, in the cuts with these?

I think it's
because I baked them in a pot.

Could've left them in the pot
a little bit longer.

It's a dense old loaf, that.

And quite heavy.

The only flavour you get from the
bread is from the crust

where it's caramelised,

and the cuts are not good enough,

you know - I wanted more
emphasis on the cuts.

Got a nice bit of um...

Little bit of paper.

It's very typical fougasse -
quite tough.

I think it's got great,
great flavour,

but I have seen more
decorative fougasses.

Fougasse is not really
conducive for heavy scoring.

Is it quite soft?

I think that needs more
in the oven. Yeah.

More proving, more time in the oven.

Nice flavour.

The flavour's good.

The cuts are just a little bit
ripped rather than sliced through.

It's a shame. Yeah.

Thank you, Henry. Thank you.

I think it's highly effective.

It hasn't blown anywhere.

You could've even left
it in there a bit longer.

Hm, I was scared of that
after yesterday.

The rosemary flavouring is
just right.

You've well-baked
and well-proved your loaf.

Your structure's beautiful inside.

Love the cuts. Love the design.

It's excellent, Steph.
Oh, bless you.

Yeah, well done, Steph. Thank you.

That's very, very good.

You can see the cuts,

but what you want to see is a little
bit more definition in there.

I think you could've done more
scoring and less painting.

Great structure inside.

You could've been a little bit more
potent with the flavours

and the cuts a little bit deeper,
but, nevertheless, two nice loaves.

It's very ingenious.

The scoring on the laurel
leaves around the edge is beautiful.

That's beautifully baked.

Wow, it's light.

I think it's all baked well,

and you have got some scoring
going on - not a huge amount.

But you've sort of made up for it
because the bread is so delicious.

Thank you.

I think it's really effective.

Some of your scoring is really neat
and beautiful,

and I quite like the way you've
coloured the bigger scores.

You've lost some
of the definition in this. Yeah.

You know, it's quite smooth.

You expect these to be
slightly risen up. Mm-hm.

I like the flavour.

I would've liked it a bit crustier.

I quite like the crust on it,
actually, cos you see

it goes all the way
round about the same.

Let's try the hedgehog.

So, this is rye, is it? Yeah.

It's stodgy. Quite dense.

I mean, rye is always going to be.

However, they taste delicious.
Thank you.

It does look a bit
clumsy, your scoring.

There's no finesse to it.
Love the design.

I think your design's very good,
but the baking is terrible.

Oh, dear.

Why did you bring them out so early?

You see this one here?

How soft they've gone.

They've always been quite soft
when I've practised them.

Is there any flavour in this?

That one's just a plain one.

Are you sure this is under-baked?
The colour.

It needs more colour.
How long was it in there for? Um...

25, half an hour?
Yeah, 25 minutes tops.

Wow, a loaf that big?

It's 40 minutes before you start.

There's not much flavour to
any of these - nothing.

You need to put flavours with them,
put big punchy flavours in there.

This one's had a bit of a burst out,
hasn't it?

Yeah, it's burst quite badly there.

Cut it slightly deep and it just
blew the whole thing out.

This one looks much nicer.

I think, overall, the actual image

of what you're trying to do
is amazing.

I think the red in there
looks attractive.

You've painted that in.

It looks really nice.

Looks good. Nice loaf there.

The flavour of that is really nice.

Design's good, the bake's all right.

I like it, yeah, even though
you have blown out slightly there.

I think it didn't go
horribly, which is good.

He said it was style over substance.

That's pretty brutal.

I'm definitely at risk to go home
this week,

which is absolutely gutting.

Keeping everything crossed,

and I don't even know
if that'll be enough.

Let's start with the upbeat stuff.

Steph did very well. Great display.

The scoring on everything
was fantastic.

And Michael?
I think Michael's done well.

He managed to colour the inside,
but he had definition there.

You could see there were flames.

He did really well, I think.

Who's at the bottom?

Who are we worrying about? Henry.

I think Henry... You can't
discount it,

even though he won
the technical challenge. Amelia.

I think Amelia's in trouble.

I think you can put
Alice in there as well.

Still the possibility that
two people will go home?

I think so.

Hello, bakers.

I've got the great job this week

of announcing the person who's
won Star Baker.

The person who's won Star Baker
this week is...


That means I have the horrible
job of sending somebody home.

It gets tougher
and tougher each week.

Uh, I'm afraid the person
who is leaving us is...

..Amelia. I'm so sorry.

I know.

I'm absolutely gutted.

I've always, always said bread week,
for me, will be about survival,

and I just didn't survive.

Amelia's a decent baker,
and it showed in her showstopper.

The idea was sound enough, but it
just wasn't ex*cuted very well.

She struggled in the signature,

and she was very
low down in the technical as well.

Sorry to see you go. Thank you.

I'm sorry it wasn't a good
showstopper. I did try.

Bread can take a hike.

I live to fight another day.


That was good, wasn't it?

I'm a little overwhelmed.

Good man, well done.

Maybe I will try
and make him bread again.

Maybe I'll do it a couple
more times,

but I'll never score it again.

Overall, I think Michael
had a great week.

He did well in the technical and the
showstopper, he did really well.

He deserves Star Baker.

I can go home now - tick, done,
Bake Off sorted, finished.

Next time:


A Bake Off first with Dairy Week.

It's disgusting.

The bakers try and keep afloat...

It's gonna sink, it's gonna sink,
it's gonna sink.

..and avoid getting
stuck in the signature.

They face a testing Tudor
technical challenge.

What the heck does an English rose
look like? I'm Welsh.

The temperature
rises as the tent goes East...


..and one of the bakers will be
found wanting.

Henry obviously thinks size matters.