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10x15 - The Stud Sails Again

Posted: 04/20/24 08:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on 'Below Deck...'

Jake Clopton is a commercial
real estate financer

based in Chicago.

Jake will be joined by a
group of business associates.

Primary would like a
steel drummer to be playing

when he and his guests
eat their first meal aboard.

Somehow I think he'll
challenge you on every level.

Are you excited for the D.R.?

She's got me hook line
and sinker, baby.

I got the wheels in motion
and we have your second stew.

- Hello, hello.
- Hi.

What's going on?

I met this girl on Tinder.

I've never met her

and we both have nudes of
each other on our phone.

Charter guests don't
arrive until one

and Captain Lee
comes back today.


I don't want to cry.

- Oh, Cap.
- Aw.

It's like we were in
the trenches together.

I hope that they show

Captain Lee how
far they've come.

I'm so g*dd*mn glad
to be back.

I might feel better than a
dog having its belly rubbed.

Back to the normal almost.

It's an emotional
rollercoaster, Ben.

Captain's gone,
oh, the Captain's back.

Past Tinder flings appearing.

Okay, eight guests.

This should be fun.

Everything's just pulling
my heartstrings,

I can't do this much longer.

I think actually we get
a group discount

on the end of season counseling.

- I think we should, mate.
- Yeah.

I feel great.


You're getting all
teary-eyed on me.

- Well, I missed you.
- I missed you too.

You look good.

I really like Sandy.
I've got mad respect for her.

Super, super thankful.

But at the same time,
I love Captain Lee.

He means a lot to me as a
person and not just my Captain.

- I'm happy that you're back.
- So am I.

- Yay.
- Yes.

All crew provisions
are on the dock.


Okay, I just want to put that
in the lobby.

Oh, what lovely smells.

Why isn't it opening?

There's water, juices.

Fraser in the galley.

- Yeah.
- That's really weird.

Oh, well.

Yeah, we go through
this way here.

- Thank you.
- Why is it so full?

Mommy is one
proud breasted woman.

- On my teat.
- On your teat?

On my nipple-lina.

Nips, nips.
Here we go.

Wait, are you on
the top bunk, Ben?

Yeah, I'm on the top bunk.

I feel bad for Tony
the other day

because sometimes I sleep nude.

He woke up and he just had
his dong in his face.

Thank you, sir.
It's good to be back.

Yes, you can.
Coming up.

Okay, I'll go up and clean.

Sounds better than organizing.

I'm doing very well.

It's really good to see you,
Captain. How are you?

I'm well.
Good to see you.

Great to see you.
Goodness grief.

Things are good.

Guests are coming at one.
I'm sure you're aware of that.

- We got a new crew member.
- We do.

She arrived about an hour ago.

She's a chief stew
on her previous boat.

She absolutely will.

- Tropical cocktails.
- Yeah, of course.

They just start thinking
in your head

because you know how to bartend.


We will. Anything you need, sir,
I'm here for you.


This looks pretty good,
to be honest.

You're just leaving as it is.

Frickin' amazing.

We're going to get on just fine.

It's such a shame that
you haven't been here

like the whole time.

No way!


And the plot thickens.

Oh, this is going to be
horrific, isn't it?

Poor Ben.


- Rachel?
- Yes, sir.

Would it be possible to do
a guest lunch before three?


For the avant-garde
Caribbean cocktails,

it's each cocktail is paired.

Do you know what you're doing?

We'll come up with something.

I've got the steel drummer
coming on board at two.

So, today, we've got a
few requests here and there.

We've got a steel drummer at
lunch and a cocktail pairing.

Like, I've never done a
- ing cocktail pairing before.

Why are we letting guests
choose what they want to do?

I'll never know, but we've got
a cater towards their needs.

All right, so we've got
Caribbean lunch then.


It's not funny.

Oh, man, you guys
are k*lling me.

I am a bit disappointed.

Never been in a situation
like this

where there's
another girl involved,

but I don't really
know where they stand.

It yachting.
How serious can it be?

Well, you've only
got eight days.

How long ago were you
on your last boat?

Four years.


Were you second or chief?

I ended it as chief stew.

Oh, that's cool.

- That's good fun.
- Yeah.

That's awesome.

I'm a little bit concerned

with how much experience
my stew has got

because she's a chief

and she's actually been a
chief longer than I have.

I essentially don't want
to be judged,

but this is my boat now
and I know how it runs.

If she can jump in and
do what's being told of her,

then she'll have no issues.


I mean, oh well, you won't be.

No, you won't.

Attention all crew,
I need everyone

in the Sky Lounge immediately.


A little different
than when I left.

Well, as you can see,
I am back,

and it's great to be back here.
It really is.

Thank you all for cooperating
with Sandy.

She did us a solid coming
in at the last second

and bailing my ass out.

It felt so wrong to leave.

I was just madder than a
- ing pissed on chicken.

While I appreciate Sandy coming
in and really helping us out,

I'd be Goddamned if I wasn't
going to finish what I started.

- Welcome back, Captain.
- Thank you.

- Welcome back.
- Thank you.

Let's get after it.

I'm just going to help
sundeck with the lounges.

Can you give all
the surfaces a wipe?

Me and Angel are going to be
the same bathroom schedule.

- All right.
- Oh, filthy.

Oh, it is so good to be here.
You have no idea.

Guests walking down the dock.

What's this guy's name?

- Jake.-
- Shakin' Jake.

- Hello. Welcome.
- How's it going?

- How are you?
- Good. Nice to meet you.

- Captain Lee. My pleasure.
- Jake, nice to meet you.

Fraser, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

You meet frat bros like
this all the time in Miami.

It's like they're going
to be loud and obnoxious.

They're going to
think they're amazing.

You can't go down the street
without seeing a bunch of them.

So, you know, to me,
I'm like, all right,

I feel like we're back
in South Florida.

- Welcome, champagne.
- Thank you.

Welcome aboard St. David.

Thank you.

I'm going to have Mr. Olander
give you guys

a tour of the boat.

And I think we'll just get
underway right after that

if it's all right with you guys.

Let's do it.
We're ready.

Get the party started.

- Let's get at it.
- Let's do it.

This here is our
wonderful sundeck.

It's the prime spot for
tanning and for chilling.


Down this corridor here,
we've got the queen cabin here,

and then we've got
the twin here.


And through here,
you have the primary cabin.

Oh, sh...
This is insane.

This is sultan style right here.

And then up here,
we have our bed.

In the mornings, you have the
opportunity of waking up early.

All right.

Now we're getting impressive.

Oh, my God.

And I'm already
in paradise, bro.

What I'm going to do is allow
you all to decide who goes where

and we can allocate
your bags to your rooms.

Crystal, if you want to
share, there's just two floors.

- It's at your disposal, then.
- Thank you.

Of course.

All right.
Let's get ready to depart.

- Ross, cut her loose and go.
- Copy that, Captain.

Stern line off.

Let's do it.
Let's go up to the deck, guys.

That is all lines in on board.

All clear astern.
All clear astern.

There we go.
That's what I'm talking about.

Captain, foredeck, 25 feet to
the dock and opening.

You're all clear to
swing on port side.

No traffic.

Being behind the wheel
again feels great.

It's where I belong,
where I should be.

It's like riding a bike,
but it's a big bike.

Stern clear of the channel.
Stern is clear of the channel.

Copy that.
Thank you, gentlemen.

Thank you.

I miss being here.
Feels good.

S.T. David.

Thank you.

My Wi-Fi is suckmydick.

Four sh*ts on my mark.

And drop now.

Oh, man.

Captain, that's four sh*ts
on the water line.

Copy that, lock it
in right there.

Chef's going to
show you the menu.

And then you're going
to be on the bar

while doing service
with Hayley doing these.

- Copy.
- Yeah, it's a pairing.

It's a pairing, cool.

But the gazpacho, just
think normal gazpacho.

- It's light
- A light.

And then local white fish,
thinking turmeric,

ginger, cinnamon.

These guests are crazy.

They've requested a
seafood extravaganza

and also pair on top
of that with beverages.

But extremely hammered guests
do not pair well

with a pairing menu.

So they're like, ah, man,
I really want to get out there boogie.

Yeah, they don't care.

Have you ever ordered a
single in your life?

What's that?

Oh, that's, yeah,
when I was a child.

Okay, this is great.
Put me into the deep end.

Deck crew, deck crew. Fraser.

Can I get an update on Ross
and the steel drummer?

Me and the steel drummer
should be united in 15 minutes.

We're just going
to launch tender now.

Okay, copy, thank you.

So you're a big IT guy?
I don't know that.

I worked in IT for about

No pun intended.

And getting into
the mortgage business.

I'm literally so puzzled.

I have no idea what I'm making.

Can we do something with
grapefruit with tomato?

The gazpacho?

The cucumber is going
to be in the gazpacho.

Oh, right.

You could a cucumber based
rum drink.


I'm stressing
my tits off, like...

This daunting.

So after our tonic,
light mint mojito

which is going to
go with the coconut.

Just jumped on.

I don't know Rachel's
type of cooking.

And they also add
- ing cocktail

to match dish.

It's not easy.

What's good caramelized?


There's nothing
I hate more than IT.

I'm a Luddite.

No, you don't want to do
what they're eating.

- Caramelized pineapple.
- Okay, wait.

- Cinnamon.
- Oh, God.

I've got to just kind of
fake it till you make it,

and I pretend that
I know where everything is

and what I'm doing.

The caramelized,

you want to have the
spiced rum cinnamon?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, fruit punch.

I've just got
take it by the balls

and wing it.

You literally are being
thrown so into the deep end.

It's fantastic.


Hey, matey.

Great time.

Copy that.

Ready for lunch.

Let's make our way this way.

If that's okay,
we'll go through here.

- Take a seat wherever you like.
- [steel drummer playing]

Who's not happy right now?

Everybody better be the happiest
they've been in years.

They're going to be
doing a cocktail pairing

with each and every course.

Be warned that it might
be a heavily fueled meal.

Oh, I like the sound of that.

That's a country club laugh.
You get it only twice in a day.

- Ready? Go.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

Hello, everybody.

For your first course,

you have a locally grown
heirloom tomato gazpacho.

Bon appetit.
Take it away.

Thank you.

We've got a gin
and lightly-flavored

elderflower tonic.

Please do enjoy.

Oh, it was amazing.


Try it with the gin.
It actually works out well.

- I'll keep the full one.
- Sounds great.

There's more coming your
way, don't worry.

Fraser, I'm just bringing
up these tequila sh*ts.

It's literally cocktail
after cocktail after cocktail.

Things are going
to be broken later.

I just hope it's not me
or my soul.

- Smashing it.
- Smashing it.

It's only your first day?

Jesus Christ.
Ain't nothing but wind.

Thanks for jumping
straight in, babe.

Feels very natural
how to get around.

No, I was talking to Leigh-Ann.

Were you so awkward?

It was like we really
want to hang out.

- Like sexy.
- No. Well, obviously.


But like, catch up as well.

Now things are different.

Obviously, I've got this
connection with Camille,

and I'm going to see her
in a week's time

in the Dominican Republic.

Leigh-Ann, we have this
amazing connection online,

and I know I'm going to
have to talk to both of them

about each other.

This sh...

I went up to her now.

I'll be like, look,
I'm seeing somebody else.

Hello, Chica.

- But let her down easy.
- Let her down easy.


Yeah, it's going to be stunning.

For your main course,
season basmati

with a jumbo prawn and
then a little chili oil

inside of a coconut.

To compliment this dish,
you've done a rum fruit punch.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


- It's amazing.
- Wow.

We should blow this
banana up more often.

It's great for sitting on.

I know.

I feel like we're going to miss
the sun pretty soon.

Let's go down to the bar,

grab a cocktail,
get on the water.

Oh, I got to shave
my legs tonight.

So hairy.

Here we go.

Hey, guys.
What's going on?

- This is going on.
- Yeah, yeah.

Almost hit 30.


Ross, Lee.

Go ahead, captain.

Yeah. Are you docking that
thing and coming on board?

If it gets too crazy out there,
let me know.

Copy, will do.

I want that banana in the water.

I want that banana.

Everyone is in the water.


Ha, ha, ha.

- How are you?
- Good.

How are you doing, Leigh-Ann?

Haven't stopped.

- As long as they're having fun.
- Good job.

- And we're keeping on our toes.
- Thank you.

Yeah, they're really
enjoying themselves.

Stoked, yeah.

I'll take your life jacket.

Take it, you bitch,
take it.

I think these guys
are pretty fun.

Oh, yeah.

- It'll probably be a long night.
- Definitely...

Well, you're doing a
great job, Leigh-Ann.

- I appreciate it.
- Thank you, Captain.

Thank you so much.

- Yeah. Such a pleasure.
- Thank you.

Jake, I want to discuss
dinner with you.

Because it was quite a late one.

We're recommending doing
canapés at seven.

Then we'll move up
to dinner after that.

And I think the captain's
joining you this evening.

- Am I correct?
- Sure.


Massage, massage,
massage, massage.

You think that they're hammered?

- Shall we?
- What are we doing?

All right, let's go to shower.

That's the
most awkward interaction

with a crew member
I've ever had.

No, I don't believe you.

You don't have dinner?

No, [bleep] dinner.

I don't need to eat.

- One of those.
- Oh.

Are you up for the
party tonight?

- Are you on lates?
- Yeah.

I'm on lates, too.


How's everyone's day, then?

It's good.

They love the water toys.

What do you want to know?

All the juicy parts.

Who's hooked up with who?
Who's hooking up with who?

There's two stews that
have been let go so far.

Have you hooked up with one?


- Yeah.
- No.


She was cool.

- Beautiful.
- Good juice.

- Cheeky.
- I'm going back up to galley.

Okay. I'm going to go on break.

I know there is going
to be more drama coming.

The ghost of Camille
is over there.

And then we have all
that sexual tension

that you were accumulating
for a long time

while you guys were talking.

I know it's going
to be like, boom.

And I just hope
it's not in the cabin.

Oh, [bleep], here we go.

Coming up...

The whole bottle is coming up.
All right.

Give it a little
bit of it there.

I've never seen someone
drink so much in my life.

I'm walking...

Oh, [bleep].

Here we go.

I'm thirsty.
I'm thirsty, bitch.

How much time do you need, honey?

Put the parchment down,

and then we're going
to roast these guys.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

- Yeah, let's go.
- Busy day.

Why don't we have the
captain sit right here?

Wait, Captain Lee's
coming to dinner tonight?


Actually, Angel, scoot over.
I'm sitting next to him.

- Oh, [bleep].
- Get out of here.

- Hey, Katie.
- Hi, Ben.

Love you, love you, love you.


How you doing, man?


- This is going to go in here.
- That's good. love them.

For tonight's dinner,
it's time to celebrate.

I get to be
back with Captain Lee.

I can't wait
to knock his socks off.

- Goes down, and you squish him?
- Yeah.

Goes down, yeah.

We're going to do a caprese
salad with diced tomatoes,

and then
the piece de resistance.

Salt encrusted branzino.

Wow, what's that?

It's... all it is
salt and egg white.

Oh, is it?

Go big or go home.
I need a tip.

Mama likes nice sh...

All right, cool.
That's in.

- Do you guys see the stain?
- Oh, that one there.

Yeah, they've spilt
everything here.

We have a local heirloom
tomato salad.

It's amazing.

Oh, my goodness,
that is a very good taste.

Oh, lovely.
I can do that.

Just take it away.

Captain Lee, I told them
you're not allowed

to have a banana on a boat.

It's a long-honored tradition

that you never bring bananas
on a fishing boat.

- Really?
- Bad luck.

You won't catch any fish.

Do you want it all over the top,
Rach, as well?

- No.
- Just around the side.

Just walk up to some
random sport fisher sometime.

You may not want to
ask him about his banana.

You know, like,
can I see your banana?

No, I don't think so, buddy.

That looks stunning, Rachel.

We're ready to roll.
All right, I'm coming.

We're going to bring
the baked fish up.

Hey, thank you.

Get the one on top of my hands.

- Am I sitting too close to you?
- No, not yet.


So, this
evening, we've prepared

the branzino entrusted
with egg white salt.

So, what we're going to do
is we're going to go ahead

and take the fish
out of the salt,

and then we will
come by

and silver service you
on your plate.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Thank you, chef.
- Wow.

This is really good.

It's good, right?

- Jesus Christ, this is good.
- It's phenomenal.

All right, I'm going
to go ahead and see

if Rachel needs some help.

I actually moved from
Florida to Chicago.

I moved there to trade.

Now I got roots there,
so I have three kids.

Yes, you have a beautiful
wife and three kids.

Your love story was
pretty fast, I must say.

It was.

So, within one year, they dated,

moved in together,
got engaged in pregnant.

They knew.
They both did.

And they're still working?

She's shagging him.

Well, I would highly doubt it.

It's definitely a little
strange that the primary

is sharing a cabin with
his sister-in-law.

Ultimately, we have no idea
who these people are

or what situations
they're getting up to

sort of after dark.

But something doesn't
really add up.

Hayley, Tyler, Fraser,

we can get started
on turndowns now.


When my wife and
I met

and when anybody asks us,
how did you meet?

She says,
we met through friends.

But he doesn't remember
the first time he met me.


That's what it's going
to say on my tombstone.

'You should have
remembered me the first time!'

You wouldn't be dead.

Thank God Leigh-Ann
is going to be up with me.




I'm an antique.
Hard to believe, huh?

That's awesome.

You look not a day over 44.

God, you are so full
of it, Angel.

Panna cotta.

I'm ready, y'all.

This evening
for your final course,

a panna cotta done
with Tahitian vanilla bean.

Thanks, everybody.

That looks good, right?

- Yeah.
- It's phenomenal.

What do you think about
the new crew dynamics?


Yeah, and Ben.

Oh, yeah.
He's definitely awkward.


I feel like he doesn't
know what to do.

I agree with flirting at work.

It's so evident that
we have this connection

and it is getting stronger
as the days go on.

I just wanted
to have physical fun.

Just using you as a cushion.

Nice sweaty pillow.

I'm definitely happier when
I'm having sex, for sure.

It's more serious than just,

you know, playing
around at work.

It's not been
regular enough recently.

It's starting to hurt.

Actually, that's probably
one of your fetishes, isn't it?

Shut up.

I will bid you adieu.

Thank you so much for having me.

Yeah, thank you very
much for hanging out.

Will you hold this
open for one second?

Here, one, two...



I'm going to go
put my swimming suit out.

We're going to the hot tub.

You got this.

Tyler, you know
what to do on the lates?


Yeah, you're sending
messages on Instagram.

You're like,
sorry, I couldn't help myself,

but I really had to send
you a message.

No, I'm not.

I couldn't resist
adding you in here.

Oh, I see.

I see you're a yachty also.

Great chat. Yeah.

Are you guys wanting drinks?
Are you good?

The chef's gone to bed.

You've got deck hands now.

We have a couple
of drink orders.


He's like, can we
get something else?

And I'm like, man,
you have deck hands.



Cheers, guys.


That whole bottle's coming up.

I've never seen someone
drink so much in my life.

I like
love my frozen margaritas,

but this is just
to your next level.


Got the tequila.

How are you guys doing?
Are you guys all right?

Look at these calves.

Anybody sees
some calves like this.

It's time to get them to bed

because they're a pain
in the bum.

- One for the road, guys?
- One, two, three.

All right.

I hope you guys get back.

All right.
I'll walk you back.

Whoa, whoa.

Where was that?

Was it upstairs?

Oh, sh...

You're good.
You're good.

I don't think so.

See you, guys.
See you tomorrow.

You guys are the best.

All right,
I'm going to clear up.

I've done the waters. I've done
the wines and all of that.

Anything else?

I'm going to knock off.


- Okay.
- Thanks.

Coming up...

They're now asking me for
gazebos and things like that.

- Who is?
- The beach setup crew.

Is little miss chief stew

trying to get
her chief stew boots on?

People shouldn't be
getting creative. That's my job.


Damn it.

Oh, God.

look how tired she was,

look how she wrote Moscow Mule.

'Moscule Mule!'

She's great though.

Yeah, she's lovely.

I was terrible at school.

I left university
without finishing,

and I felt like a failure.

And so I get
incredibly insecure.

But I know that what
I'm doing is working.

I just need to
remember that I am still

the baddest bitch on board.

Do you want to make
me a breakfast?

Darling, no.


Yeah, thanks.



Things that make you go hmm.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

How late did they stay up?

I last heard them
about 1:30.

Two or so.

They were stronger than
I thought they were.

We're really keen to try
and do a beach set up.


It would be really nice to have
some weather to cooperate once.

One should be careful
what one asks for.

I wanted to be back, I'm back.

Same g*dd*mn winds blowing.

They don't call them the
Windward Islands for nothing.

So what I'm thinking is,
this would be the beach.

It's going to be our
best worst option.


Oh, I'm stuck.

Babe, arched.

Like a table.

The guests are coming.

That's the walk of a guest.

- Hello.
- Could you get me some coffee?

Good morning.
How are you?

- I'm good.
- Did you sleep well?

- Oh, I slept great.
- Yeah?

Right. Let's do it.

Do you want some breakfast, sir?

- Yeah.
- What would you like?

- Scrambled.
- Sounds very good.

- I'll do the same.
- You'll do the same? Wonderful.

- Hi, darling.
- Specials?


All day.

How are you feeling?

I've been downstairs...

And the tequila's
just been churning.


Interior, interior,
I'm plating now.

- Fraser?
- Mm-hmm.

With the conditions,
we need to really cut down

on what we're going to take.

It's a cluster[bleep]
of disasters.


So, we have your breakfast.


We have to do
a beach picnic, then?

- Yeah.
- That actually looks amazing.

We could do games on
beach and lunch on here.

That might have to be it.

Because I think because
gazebos are going to disappear

wherever we put them.

We've just discussed weather.

We've got a bit of wind,
as you can see.

We can take you in by boat.

We just can't land
the boat on the beach.

No, I understand.
Let's do it.

Which comes with
the second part of the issue,

which is setting up a lunch.


All of your beach games
on the beach,

we can set up a bar and
we can do lunch after,

- because the bar can get wet.
- Awesome.

- The food can't.
- Cool.

- All righty.
- We'll get that set up.


I want Jake to feed me grapes.

Wait, I want to feed
you a raspberry

because it's tasted amazing.

We've got a plan now.

- How are you?
- I'm pretty good.

- Sleep well.
- I did sleep well. Yes.

So we're going to set up
a basic bar on the beach.

- Yeah.
- Take some snacks with us.


But we're going to
do lunch on board.


But I'm going to send
you to the beach.

Oh, perfect.

I've been gifted
the wonder of having someone

with chief stew experience.

I'm going to use that to
my own advantage.

For once, I've taken
a step back and I've trusted.

And boy, have I learned
the hard way.

It's my responsibility to lead

and to delegate and
I didn't see that first.

So an amazing lesson to learn.

Fraser, Fraser, Ross...

Copy, stand by.

- How are you doing?
- Good. How are you?

- I'm good.
- Very good.

I've just got a couple of things

that I'd like them to
attend to in my cabin.

Like when I went in to
take the shower this morning,

there's nothing there.

So I basically got
dry cleaned this morning.

Good morning.

How are you feeling?

I don't know.
I'm covered in bruises.


Tony, I need you to stay.

I don't mind.

Oh, God bless you.

All right.
You're good here.

Ready to smash us out?

- Ready.
- That's ice cold.

That's unacceptable.

- Have fun.
- Thank you, Tony.

- Good morning.
- Thank you, Chris.

Can I get a latte, please?

I'll just drop you on it.


- Long night.
- Yeah.

- Sweet Jesus.
- There we are.

Christ, what are you, a ninja?
You are way too quiet.

I'm going to jump Leigh-Ann, and
then I'll pass them to you.

We're all ready.

Look how fast I'm
going down the beach.

There you go.
Heavy, this is liquor.

All right.

Here you go, babe.
Oh, yeah.

Yeah, let's do this.

Is this finished?
Do we know?

- I am finished with that.
- You are, lovely.

They're not going to have
any shade realistically.

- Do we have a...
- Canopy? No.

- No.
- No?

No, they told us
not to bring them.


Yeah, we definitely need it.

I think, Fraser, he's trying
to challenge me right now.

I always get thrown
in the deep end,

and like, my whole life
has been a challenge.

Like, I feel like I've
been put on this earth learn everything
the hard way.

When I was 15, my parents
would go through a divorce.

That was, like, really
tough on me,

and that kind of led me to
dropping out of school

when I was 18.

Went straight into trying
to live the beach bum life,

where I kind of
hit rock bottom

and was finding
myself on the street.

And I was just like,
I can't do this.

This whole surfer bum lifestyle

is not what I thought
it was going to be like.

And then found out, yachting.

Give me a challenge,
and I'll take you on.

Yes, give us time.

So, who's sharing rooms with...
So, Mark's with who?

- Angel.
- Angel.


Right, right, right.

Um, that's interesting.

I'm feeling sober,
which is unacceptable.

Yeah, I don't like
the idea of that either.

No, it's not good.

You get weird
when you get sober.

- Do I?
- Yeah.

You know me so well.

It's not you.
I don't like it.

Ross, Ross, can we please get

two gazebo's over
here at the beach?

It's quite hot.

Fraser, they're now
asking me for the gazebo's

and things like that.

- Who is?
- The beach setup crew.


It's games on a beach
and a bar.


I have noticed with the
Leigh-Ann joining our group,

with her having been a
chief stew previously,

there's maybe the
slightest of

power struggle in their department.

Just provide one.

Destroy a gazebo is
what you're saying,

because in this wind,
it will just get destroyed.

There's the slightest
of tension.

Okay, that's about that.

Is little Miss chief stew

trying to get her chief stew
boots on?

Because there's not one thing
they need that wasn't packed.

Not one.

People shouldn't
be getting creative.

That's my job.

All right, Tony, let's
get two gazebo's ready.

I'll take them over.
Just two matching gazebos.

All right, we've got to come
up with some other games.

[bleep] cup.
Give me it.

Let me see if I can do this.

- That'll work, Leigh-Ann.
- No, look, look.

Can I get a Bloody Mary inside
of a Bloody Mary, please?

What does that mean
exactly, sir?

Just two Bloody Mary's,
thank you.


ing angel's a [bleep].

You just noticed this?

Nice the games arena.

Nothing's working.

- Because of the wind.
- Yeah, it's the wind.

- The wind's.....ed.
- Yeah.

Oh, yeah, we grab that.

I'd be careful with
these gazebos, too.

I love you, God!

Why is it hard
just to make a leaf

point the right way?

You're wrestling
a leaf over there.

Katie, we found the message
that she sent first last night.

Oh, did you?

He messaged first?

Oh, my God, I knew it.
Of course, he plays that

you messaged him first.

- No, you didn't.
- No, no, no, no.

I think it's really weird when
I see Leigh-Ann

and Ben flirting

because he's not
being truthful.

He's obsessed with Camille.

- I miss you so much.
- I miss you, too.

He needs to come clean with her

because this girl
is creating more and more

feelings towards him

and is going to get crushed.

You definitely can't have
your cake and eat it, too.

The best part is that
we actually hadn't met

- until I stepped on the boat.
- I know.


Yeah, two of those. Lovely.

- ed.

Angel, aka Satan,
would like...

He's a horrible man.

He didn't even look at
me in the face

and he said,
double shot Tequila.

Oh, no, that's vile.

He's such a little [bleep].
Go home.

In fact, you will be tomorrow.

Fraser, Fraser, Rachel.

Everything is on standby,
packed and ready to go.

And the quesadillas are
on standby

to be reheated, that's it.

Copy that.

Hello again. We're ready
for you on the beach.

Whenever you're ready, just
head to the swim platform

and we've got snacks for
you guys going with you.

We've got drinks already
set up there.

- It's going to be a fun day.
- Awesome.

Pretty windy over
there, isn't it?

All right, guys, ready to go.

Let's go. Vaminos.

What does he do?

He is a drill operator offshore.

My dad also works offshore.

What does he do?

He's an ROV pilot.

Oh, that was awesome.

My dad was never around
much with my mother growing up,

so my relationship with her

would obviously
be a lot stronger.

My dad is very emotionless.

I think I may have seen
him cry once in his life

when his dad died.

And very traditional in his
sense of values and ideals.

A man should be a man,
and this is what a man does.

And every time I go home,
my dad says,

oh, so do you
have a girlfriend?

And I'm like, no, dad.

But that's kind
of where it ends.

He's actually in Nigeria
at the moment.

That's cool.

Come on.

That's going to be a disaster.

That was a good idea
to do it this way

instead of doing
lunch on the beach.


It would have been a disaster.

- You got it, Chris.
- Thank you.

All right, guys, you're good.

- Oh, look.
- Graceful.

It's a sh... sandwich
out there, so.

I don't like serving
sh... sandwiches.


And the primary doesn't
like sandwiches.

But remember, the more
bread you have,

the less sh... you have to eat.

Welcome, welcome.

The girls are going to
give you some drinks.

And then we've got a
few games organized.

We've got some
corn hole over there.

We've got sack rice,
three-legged rice,

things like that.

We're going to incorporate
drinking into it as well.

In 10 minutes,
we'll get the drinks made

and we'll start
these games, hey?

It's been a long time since
I've been on a beach.

- I hate sand.
- You hate sand?

I hate sand.

And salt water. So...


What am I not good at?
I don't know.

Being sober, that's number one.

I'm going to need
to double over here.

Angel, drink more.

- Yeah.
- What?

I've been drinking enough
for all of us. Calm down.

The chips and salsa are so good.


You know the best thing in
the world is warm tequila.

Good fun.

It's over.

- Game over.
- Game over.

All right, guys.

What is it like not to be me?


After a spirited physical competition,

I really need to relax

That was more exercise
than I wanted to.

Tony, Tony, Ross.

Are you available to help
me turn the sundeck aft

back into sunbathing?

On my way.

This crew, I like them.

It's so chill,
our crew now.

I can't detect one
scintilla of animosity

towards another crew member.

- There's not.
- How rare is that?


We all just know how hard
every individual works.

Now I'm loving it.

Coming back into this,
I feel great.

One of the things that
I'm impressed with

is the cohesiveness
of this crew.

Credit goes to Sandy.

Obviously, she did
something right.

It's not like the normal feeling
that you have

- at this point in the season.
- Yeah.

Where everybody's just,
their dicks in the dirt,

they're dragging,
they're down.

And there it is.


- Oh, holy son of a...
- Six.

I know.

Is it crazy?
Is it awkward?

No, not at all.

But I think, I think me.
I don't know.

I don't know what he's feeling.

Ben's just showing
off his bod.

I know.
He totally is.

Showing us your bod?

I mean, if I had
a body like that, obviously.

I know, right?

Mmm. Ben.

He was totally
doing that for me.

He's just such
a smooth operator.

Like such
a smooth operator.

Oh, my gosh.
Why is he hot?

Mmm. Mmm.
Okay, we're ready.

Everybody gets tequila
except for Angel.

- He has to do gin.
- A gin shot.

- Take a shot.
- Oh, the shot.


Not all...

Well, hold on.

Oh my God.

Someone's going to throw up.

Fraser, how long do you think

they're supposed to
stay at the beach?

I've got this horrible feeling
that they're hating it

because I'm not there
to make it amazing.

Three, two, one, go.

One, two, three.


I just know
the weather's sh...

You have great nipples.

That's an interesting observation.

The beach is sh...

- Take a shot.
- What is it?

It's alcohol.

Those guys are going
to get so wasted

that I don't even think

they're going to know
where they are.


To our beach team.
Thank you.

- Beach team.
- Yeah.


Tastes like success.

All right. Lunch. decor now?

I love the orange and the green.

Oh, fantastic.
About a thousand towels.

I swear people just
use these towels

just to soak up water
from the shower.

Can you please not do that?

What time are you doing lunch?

I don't know.

But I like that

because it means that
they don't know either.

So it means that they're
going to have fun

and then they're going to say,
we're kind of peckish now.

Can we go back for lunch?


And I'm going to be ready to go.

Show me the twinkle.
Fingers and the gloves again.

Oh, yeah. Nice.

That was great fun.

All right.
While we're up, the next game.

How you doing?

So everything pretty much
in the list is done.

You're going to come with me.

It would be so nice to have
a tender

where you can just... Ugh.

All right. I think everyone
want a little bit

of a chill out for now.

It's getting boring up here.

Put your leg back down.


You guys want to head back?

Yeah, sooner
rather than later.

Ross, Ross, Ben.

Hey, mate.
We're all packed up over here.

Copy, on the way.

Tyler, Tyler, Fraser.

Can you prepare
the welcome towels?

There you go.

Oh, holy sh... There it is.

What the [bleep]?

Would you like a cold towel?

All right.
Thank you, Tony.

These are only
two plates, right?


Hi, cuties.
Come on.


- Thanks, guys.
- Thanks, Leigh-Ann.

Thanks, Ben.

- You're the best.
- You're the best.

And then which one did
you want the yogurt in?


It puts the lotion on the skin
or it gets the hose again.

Oh, [bleep] me.

I literally don't know where you
come up with all this stuff.

I steal sh...

You're going to have so much
PTSD after this job.

You know, you're a cool guy.
And I'm stoked you're here.

And I'm stoked to be here,
too, with you.

Fix your thing,
you look dodgy.

This is actually medium.

Yeah, I can see.


Camille and I...

I mean, we're talking
every other day.

We're calling each other babe.

Like, there's definitely some
unfinished business between us.

Yeah, so Ben and I
have probably, like,

been chatting for,
like, over a year now,

and I'm so excited
because, of course,

like, the chemistry was
there on the phone

and now being on board with Ben
actually being right here.

The chemistry is there.
There's no brainer.

It'll be hard not to.


I mean, I wouldn't
be able to resist.

I'm the type of girl that
will go for what I want.

Honestly, like, there's not
many guys like you out there.

Now I've got this other
temptation here,

and, it's like, no, ah...

A rock and a hard place.

That's where I am at the minute.


Big smile.
There it is.

- No awkward vibe.
- Ah, look at that.

Take a photo.

This is going to be trouble.

She's going to be trouble.

I'm all in or nothing.

This boy better be ready.

Oh, boy.

Next on 'Below Deck'...

Angel seems to have lost
consciousness over there.

We think it might be
fun to just let him go.

All right, bye.


It's not nice to hear that

the person you like is hooking
up with someone else,

but he did say that
they're not together,

so I'm just going to go for it.

I just love playing with fire.

That can't hurt, can it?
A little flirtiness?

Our primaries are Keith
and Jolynn Hoogstad.

They obviously love bodybuilding.

I hate to jump the g*n,

but they look a little
bit intimidating.

Damn right.