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10x14 - Big Deck Energy

Posted: 04/20/24 08:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on 'Below Deck...'

When a new captain steps
on, things change.

Alissa, one person can
infect the entire boat.

So, I'm letting you go.

Do you feel less tension?

I'm really calm, yeah.

What the [bleep]?

- I know.
- Maybe Captain is the Oracle.


Laura Kutryb,
Miss Classic Universe.

Laura's looking forward
to celebrating

with several of her associates,

whom she's met through pageants.

You all look unbelievable,
I must say.

- So do you.
- Thank you very much.

I'm need to eat food.


Am I gonna get my

My second is gone,
so I am worried

that this is not sustainable.

Where's the... lunch!

It's gonna k*ll me.
It's gonna k*ll me.


Captain Lee, it's good
to hear from you.

This has always been
Captain Lee's boat.

It's his crew.

I'm happy to turn
it over to him.

All right, bye-bye.

Blessings and prosperity!

Oh, yes!



All right, beautiful queens.


- Whoo-hoo!
- This is my job.

You're firing me?

You'll know when I fire you.

That's funny.

I'm really happy
Captain Lee's feeling better.

I'm pleased that
he's coming back.

- What is that?
- That is banana.

That's Colleen.
That's her snack.

That's the only thing
she can have.

Oh, wow!

I'm not gonna share
that with the crew yet

until Captain Lee
actually makes it back.

You know, things happen.
Flights get canceled.

Once he's on this island,

that's when I'll share
that with the crew.

I'm ready to escort you to
the table if you are.

- Okay, let's go.
- Oh, let's go!

Oh my God!

This is gorgeous!

It's an expl*si*n,
of beauty and fire.

Come here.
I want a hug.

Fraser, when you're done,

Do you mind taking
a group shot of us?

I would love to. I'm
just gonna get some more water.

- I'll be right back.
- Wait, you should be in it.

No, no, no, don't worry.

Can you get everyone
or should we lean in?

I can, yeah, I can.

Very regal.

We're a stew down.
We're on a big boat.

The guests are wonderful,
but they're a lot of work.

- I need food.
- What can I get you?

Just a turkey club sandwich.

Where's the lunch?

Oh, my feet, my feet, my feet.

So, I do feel like
I'm doing a hell of a lot.

We just need another stew.

I need them quick
and [bleep] me

do they need to be good.

Please, please, please,
please, please.

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!

[bleep] me.

Rachel, Rachel, just
so you know,

Tonight's dinner, we're gonna
go with an American steakhouse

kind of feel,
because it's the 80s.

They're gonna be partying
with some glow sticks

and some weird outfits,
so [bleep] it.

I decided to go
Morton's steakhouse,

and I'm making my own
homemade Caesar dressing,

which is done with the
Worcestershire sauce,

and yeah, I said Worcestershire,

I' foreign,
and I can say it

however the [bleep] I want.

Shade, shade!

- Yeah, I agree.
- This is crazy.

I can't dock a boat in the...

Have a look.

Please stop, wind for tomorrow.

When you have a lot of wind,
it kicks up the swell,

and right now,
we got winds over 35 knots.

We're in sand.

I'm concerned about
an anchor drag.

So I have this in
my cabin, which is t*rture,

because I wake up and go,
oh my gosh, 27 knots.

Are we dragging?

The danger of dragging anchor
is landing up on the rocks

and shore side,
and the boat going, boop.


I want to stay away
from that rock.

Max, I need you to get
in that tender and push.

I don't sleep when
the wind's like this.

I just want to make
sure that we're safe.

That's part of my job.

Okay, check this.

Thank you for doing that.

- I know.
- Every hour.

Oh, thank you very much.

Yes. Good for you.

Butter's coming right to it.

Oh, I did.
I'm so sorry.


One of them does only
dressing on the side.

And there's one
salad that is...

It's just annoying.
All annoying.

They're all annoying.

- Can I take Susan's?
- Yes.


Thank you very much for today.

See you tomorrow and sleep well.

Yours has no cheese.

Okay, perfect.

Thank you.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

Here you go, love.

You know what?
She's royalty tonight.

Oh, my gosh.

The dressing is so good.

Tyler. Tyler. Fraser.

I'm going to pull
you from cabins.

Yeah, copy.
I'll be up in a second.

They absolutely
love the Caesar.

Thank you.

You know how Beyoncé
did it with Jay-Z?

They did the lap dance.

Guys, it's like...


Oh, my God, your boob fell out.

It's not my boob.
It's my butt.


This one's going to
be for Susan

because it does not
have dairy in it.

This one, wait on that one,
that one's going to be LaQuish.

LaQuish gets her one
piece of 24-carat gold.

I would like some 24-carat
on that steak.

It really has no taste to it.

But visually, the
presentation's fantastic.

So I'm going to make sure
that everybody feels special

and gets a little
bit of gold dust

and glitter sh... just like you.

I want them panning for
that sh... in the toilet.

Oh, wow.

Wow, this looks phenomenal.

Oh, look at the gold.

That is the wow.

It's so beautiful.

Wow, wow, wow.

Man, this is delicious.

This right here. Wow.

Have you had the steak
with the 24-carat on it?

You're going to have to try it.

Tyler, when did you realize
that you were gay?

Um, I don't remember
thinking about it.

I was different until
probably like twelve-ish.


That's too big.
Can't use that.

Can you get one out of that?
I can't get up now.

No, I'm down here.

I thought I was gay once.

I had a severe obsession
with Geri Haliwell

to the point that if I knew
where she had lived,

I would have hidden
in her garden.

My dad took me to see
the Spice Girls

when I was about nine.

I dressed up as Geri Haliwell,

and I just looked
like a dwarf prost*tute.

I literally had, you know,
my eyebrows drawn on,

full contour,
little Union Jack dress.

My dad was probably
stood there thinking,

like, why does my daughter
look like a small sex worker?

All right, I'm going to put
it up here for now.

Okay, put it there.

Got it?

What have you got?
Coconut and lime.


I'll crack these and just
throw them all over the bar.



Oh, my God!

It tastes so sweet.

This is really good.

ing 26 knots.

Fraser, should
we transition to '80s?

I think that would be
a wonderful idea.

Let's do this, guys.

Let's get our '80s on.


They're a little bit
tight, aren't they?

it was left there,

and we can appreciate
it from afar,

but I'll give them
what they need.

- All right.
- I'm coming up. Hang on.


Oh, my God.

ing hell.

Oh, my God.

- Yeah.
- I can't dock in that.

You know what I mean?
Like, that's crazy.

I'll do my best.


We twinning!


We twinning!




I got my cell phone!

Look at the muscles on him, too.

I know!

This is so much fun.

Love it!


Look at the shoes!

This is our couple's photo.

What are we not doing?


Good night, girls.

Good night, good night,
good night.

- Good night, love bug.
- Good night, Bob.

Night love.

Good night, good night.

- Good night!
- Good night!


Oh, my God.
It's a lot of wind.

Are you going to survive?

- Yeah.
- I'm going to go down.


Coming up...

Deck crew. Deck crew.
This is Captain Lee.

- Cap's back!
- Cap's back, cap's back.

I'm so g*dd*mn glad to be back.


Oh, you thought you'd just
show your face, did you?

Shut up.

Good morning, beautiful!

Good morning.

It's our last morning!

I know. Sad.



It's my birthday, b*tches!

Happy birthday, dear Hayley!

Happy birthday to you.

Thank you so much.

I'm 33 now.

Today's about me, only me.

If you don't remind me that it's
my birthday every half an hour,

they can
quite frankly, [bleep] off.

I love that you just know that
this day has to be all about me.

No, there's no doubt.

It looks like all.....ed up.

You know what I'm saying?
Let's do it smaller, right?

I love Tony.

Tony has a great heart.

It's got to make it look tidy,

But sometimes it's like you
really have to encourage him.

Like, come on, Tony.
We've got to get this done.

Tony, come on,
what are you doing?

Where are you from, my friend?

- Costa Rica.
- Costa Rica.

They can chat another day.

It's like frustrating
because we're all a team.

I do not believe in,
you know,

one person having to do a
lot more work than another.


- Oh, good morning.
- Hello.

- How are you?
- Hello, hello, hello.

We were just saying
how hard you all work.

Incredibly hard.

That's very kind of you.

That's why we're here.


They're great.
They're just so nice.

I just love working
for people that are nice.

What I witness with Fraser
is that he's changed.

He's happy.
He's engaged.

He led his self
out of the abyss.

And he's turned it around
and he is showing action.

I'm proud of him.

- Great job.
- Thank you, Captain.


♪ Happy birthday to you

Love you.


There comes that thunderstorm.

Copy that.

Bit windy.


You have to wake up.



I don't know why Katie's
so bossy, actually,

but that's one of the
first things I picked up on

when she walked on board.

She's very much her own woman.

Will you put this up
for her, please?


Katie, you know,
I know you boss the guys around.

- Yep.
- Poor Tony.

Tony's going to get annoyed

because he's like,
he's an island boy.

He's very free spirited.

If you're going to tell him what
to do, he's going to explode.


Hey, I've just got the nicest
message from Captain.

Have you?

I'm proud of you.

You're in it to win it, and your
character is shining through.

You're an incredible human

to be able to rise out
of the abyss, Fraser.


That's really cool.

I just received your message,
and that meant a lot to me.

This is your learning,

and this is such an epic
thing for you.

Thank you, Captain.

You might want to go cover
that sundeck

before it starts tsunami,

and I'll meet you on
the bridge deck.

Chef, what do you think?


- Morning.
- Morning.

Last night was absolutely
insane, but I didn't sleep.

At all.

- I kept looking at the wind.
- Oh, okay.

I'm going to go in
as soon as I can.

Right now, I got 13 to 15 knots
of wind gusting up to 18.

That is my window.

Weather can pick up
at any moment,

and that's really dangerous.

So should I let my guys
know to be ready?



This is yachting.

Covering and covering.

Hoo-loo's boo-doo.

Hey, I was born today,
how exciting is that?

I came into the world.

I ruined my mum's vag*na.

So you've got the French toast

and the mushroom omelette
are our main specials.

Yes. Okay.
Sure thing.

There's a mushroom omelette.


Who is having, what?

Where's the primary?

Primary's having French toast.
LaQuish is having French toast.

I've got one mushroom omelette
with no cheese for Susan.

And I've got another one
scrambled for Darlene,

and then we will do one omelette
with egg whites and mushrooms

for Andrea, as we expected.

Deck crew, deck crew.

You can start
hauling the anchor.


All right, bridge, we're
going to lock it off here.

Nice work, everyone.

How are you doing?

Hey. Hey.

Are we going to
dock with this wind?

This is even worse
than last time.

Yeah, let's get
to our positions.

[bleep]. Trying to dock when
it's a storm out

is never fun.

And then you think
about as a captain,

well, hopefully the engines run.

I don't lose steering.
Will my bow thruster work?

It can be dangerous.

We've got to get in there.

Just our luck.


We're going to make
our way in now.

Oh, it's windy as [bleep].

Captain, Captain Ross.

I'm entering the channel
so I cannot answer you.

The wind is not going
to help us.

Threading the needle
on the bow, I like it.

This is a difficult docking.

Getting close.

I just need Ben to know
that coming into this dock,

the wind is going to be
pushing me off the dock.

There's rocks on my port side.

So when I come in
and I make that swing,

he may need to
throw that line 60 feet.

But I need that bow line on.

I need it on.

Here we go.
This is game time.

All right.

Stand clear of the channel.

Stand clear of the channel.

Ross, Ross, you just
have this sail yacht

coming down your starboard.

Let's go.

Man, the wind must
be really bad.

Woo! Here we go.

Stern coming in
line with end of T-dock.

[bleep], dude.

It's a big-ass throw.

- The wind is pushing us back.
- I'm having, like...

- I know, right?
- Anxiety.


Throw it.

Hell yeah.

Bow line across.

- Tony, good to go.
- Good to go?

That's it.
Yes, you're doing it well.


That's it, Katie, come up.

Good girl.

Oh, my God.

Like, this wind is ripping.


One of us at a time, Tony,

otherwise we'll
burn the winches out.

That was smooth.

- Awesome.
- Nice work, everyone.

Coming up...

I feel like sometimes I work

The thing is that we're...

So, what, he's getting upset
when I tell him what to he?

Look, I just need you to listen.

- Okay, I got it.
- Listen.

Is it possible for
you to listen?

You're stepping out of line.

I love what you're
wearing right now, by the way.

Thank you.
I got it from Tulum.

Should we be seated?

Who's ready for
some French toast?

I want some British toast.

- Ready.
- Yeah, nice.

Hayley, can I have your hands
and service, please?


We've got primary and
we've got John.

Darling, I have your breakfast.

And we have Colleen's
here as well.

- Bon appetit.
- Bon appetit.

This French toast
tastes like cake.

This bacon.
It's my favorite. So crunchy.


Do you want some extra?

Yeah, of course.
No problem.

Yeah, yeah, of course.

here go again.

- Right in front of you.
- Thank you.

Some pears.

She is just asking us
for anything.


Who wants a pear, by the way?

I'll just go and pull
that out my arse for you.

Pull it out.

I just need a pear
for the moment,

but God knows what she's
going to come out with next.

I'm just going to put this right
on head in a minute.

I don't even care.
I don't even care.

There's no need
for this sh...

I'm done with it now.

I'm done.
I'm over it.

No, really, I'm done.
Eat my cooter.

That's how I feel about it.


Last night's party was great.

It was so fun.

So on behalf of
Mrs. Classic Universe,

we have a quick cape

to protect you in your
future endeavors.

And this, so everybody knows
your status all the time.

I love this.

And this, for any bad behavior
you might encounter.

These are for you!

Thank you.
This is awesome.

I've never had
this happen before.

All crew. All crew.
We get our whites, please.

We have to get ready to leave.

Bye, b*tches.

Oh, gosh.
Best time ever.

All crew. All crew.

Let's meet on the main deck
app for guest departure.

- I'm not ready to go.
- Come here.

Thank you.

I can't believe
it's over so soon.

- Wow.
- You guys.

- Thank you for coming.
- Thank you so much.

Oh, that's good.

Come again some time.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Thank you so much.

- Let's go.
- Okay, baby.

I want to thank y'all
for a wonderful time.

Our Olympics, chef
who's keeping us so thin.

So again, thank you very much.

And I look forward to
seeing you again one day.

It was a pleasure.
Thank you very much.

- Thank you.
- See you later.

See the wave.

There you go.

Where's she going?

Where's my luggage?

Where's she going?

- No one's sure.
- I'm out.

Oh, my God.
Look at her.

No clue where she's going.

Like a fart in the wind.

All right.
Let's get into our blues.

Turn this boat around

and we'll do our tip
meeting a little later.

- Yeah, guys.
- Well done, guys.


Yeah, I just need one
of you to do crew mess

and one of you to do cabins.


What is this absolute
pile of sh...?

Hey, mate. I've got to chat
with you about Tony and Katie.


She's starting to
get real bossy.

I've noticed. Because Katie just
naturally is very assertive.

But Tony's like, why am
I being told what to do

- by somebody who's...
- On par with me?

The same level in job position.


What I'll do is just,
you know, nip that

before it expands
into anything else.

All crew, all crew.

Let's meet in the Sky Lounge
for our tip meeting.

Charter seven.

How did you think it went?

Considering the day we left,

I let someone go,
which is never fun.

This was my favorite
trip of the season.

It was beautiful.
It was harmony.

That's what I felt,
like it was harmony.

The energy on this
boat has changed.

It's like a total reset.

Fraser is k*lling it.

And I'm so proud of him.

The potential that you
guys have, it's incredible.

Fraser, I have to hug you.


I'm hugely appreciative

that Captain Sandy patted
me on the back.

I had to prove to her mid-season
that I could do my job.

To actually feel appreciated,

that tickles me
like nothing else.

Okay, so 18,300,

Okay, cool.


Take one, pass them around.

This is the lowest tip
of the whole season so far.

With everything we did on this
charter, with the Olympics,

with being very involved
in their '80s night,

I think it's kind of
a slap in the face.

We have a charter tomorrow.

So all of you, thank you.

Enjoy the birthday celebration.

- Thank you.
- Cheers, everybody.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Tony, if you rinse
this whole bar area,

I can be soaping this as well.

Yeah, all right.

All right.

Let's target trying to get these
Nautiboys and tender away.

Tony, you want to
go back down to them?


Katie, Katie, Ross, can you
meet me on the sundeck, please?

Copy that.
On my way.

I know that you are very
proactive and assertive.

But we need to respect each
other in our positions.

So the bossy bit just needs
to wind back a little bit.


Tony is more delicate
in this kind of thing.

And it's winding him up.

But I'm not doing it in,
like, a mean way.

I feel like sometimes I work

and that's fine.

I love that you're assertive.

The thing is that we're...

So what, he's getting upset
when I tell him what to do?

Can you just listen to me

interrupting if that's okay?


He's not necessarily
said this to me,

but I see it happening.

Okay, I got it.

You did it to me
in the time that...

- Can you listen?
- I'm sorry.

Is it possible for
you to listen?

You're stepping out of line.

I love your enthusiasm, and
I love how proactive you are.

If I could have you further
up the food chain

at this point, I would.

But we need to respect
each other in our positions.

Otherwise, it upsets
other people in the group.

You mad at me?

No, honey.
I'm not mad.

I have a hard-ass skin.


Having to reprimand Katie,

I need to be her boss
and manage her correctly.

However, it is tough for
me to tell her firmly

what she should
or shouldn't be doing

when I feel slightly guilty
in the back of my mind

that I've crossed a line
that I shouldn't have

and become romantically
intimate with her.

In yachting, there's a saying,
don't screw the crew.

It's because of
things like this.

And I get back to washing.

- Thank you, Katie.
- Yeah.

ing hell.

As I drop sh... all
over the g*dd*mn floor.


Oh, sorry. Sorry.

Tidy the bits away.
Just get it looking neat.

Get all the towels out of here.

I'm going to go down.

Yeah, I'll
just finish up here.


It's so powerful.

Can I go shower?
Are we done?


She's not happy with you,
is she?

She's not happy, no.


I just want
drink and shower.

Rachel, Ross, Fraser,
let's gather now

for our preference sheet


That's all the cabins
done, isn't it?

I'm going to tell you what.

I read this. Hmm.

- No!
- No.

Jake Clopton, primary charter guest

is a commercial
real estate financer

and the president
of a national commercial

mortgage brokerage
firm based in Chicago.


Jake will be joined by a
group of business associates.

Primary would like a
steel drummer to be playing

when he and his guests
sit down

to eat their
first meal aboard.

On day two, the primary's
requested that he and his guests

be taken to the beach
for high-energy games

led by the yacht crew.

I think preferably we'd go
for that beach with the...

- Swamp.
- Swamp.

The crew should make the
yacht feel like a nightclub

with DJ as the guests
drink and dance

throughout the evening.

Somehow, I think they'll
challenge you on every level.

Captain, was there any
update on any extra crew?

- I am working on it.
- Okay.

It's going to be challenging
because the reality is

we pick up charter tomorrow.

- Okay.
- All right.

Get some rest tonight and I'll
see you guys in the morning.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, captain.

Hello, yeah.


Everyone's been really lovely
and wished me happy birthday

like every 10 minutes,
which is really sweet.


Where is this cake?

Yeah. I was doing
horrible things last night.

I picked my bum today.
It smells like my finger smells.


Um, anyway, I'm going to go.

I've just got to do
some jobs and we can relax.

Love you, baby.

Thank you so much.

- There you go.
- Oh, I love it.

Thank you, Marissa.

It's Hayley's birthday and
so I've ordered the cake

that includes both her
amazing hair and a fog horn

because Hayley has one of
the loudest voices

that I've
ever encountered in life.


Was that my arse?

Oh, my God, my vag*na's
falling off.

Hayley brings so much
joy and light.

I just want to make it
everything you possibly can

to make her feel special.

I've almost got this door closed

and then we put that
line on and be done.

All crew, all crew,
we're done this evening.

Looking good.

Feeling sunburnt.

Oh, it's awful. Smell it.
Tony, smell it.


Oh, look, there's
no sugar in these.

They're, like,
no calories each.

I think you knew from birth,
to be honest.


I.....ed my [bleep]
on a vag*na.

- On or in?
- On.

- You never put it in?
- Really?

No, it just flopped on top.


It was like this... okay.

What was that?

It was like that.

It was the worst
experience of my life.

Oh, my God! How did you
even have a hard-on?

I didn't.

- And then we were on a beach.
- Yeah.

In Sydney.
And we were drunk.

Thank God, so I could blame my
erectile dysfunction on that.

We were lying down on the
beach next to the water

and her whole neck got
stung by blue-bottle jellyfish.

So then you got out of it?

I was so grateful.

I think vaginas
are the devil.


Coming up...

I met this girl on Tinder.

We both have nudes of
each other on our phone.

Oh, my [bleep]!


Oh, my God, I love that!

You know what I'm going to do?

I'm going to take a photo
of you taking a photo.

Do you know what would be
a nice birthday present?

A sleep.

I'm happy to stay up and
have a couple of drinks,

but I need a full eight hours

because I might wake up
a really horrible person.

Check that out.

Now I want to eat her.

- Hi.
- Ooh!

Look how sexy this Mama looks.

The birthday babe!

Happy birthday to you.

Oh, my God!

Happy birthday to you.


Your face looks so cool,
all that I saw.

Amazing is it?

- You see this?
- It's incredible.

- Oh, wow.
- It's very scary.

This cake is creepy
as [bleep].

God, you're
photogenic as well.

There's going to be
c... everywhere.

Thank you so much for making
my birthday so special.

Cheers, babe.

There's a party over here.
There's a party over here.

There's a party over there.
I'm going to do you.


Oh, no!

[air horn blasting]

I really do.

To Hayley, by the way,

for keeping us together,
please take it.

You're an awesome being.

- I love you.
- Thank you.

Oh, [bleep] the bugger.


You really don't know how
much that means to me.

I feel like we're family.

I've got more here.

Who wants more sh*ts?


Happy birthday.

- Come on.
- Are you sure you want that?

Thank you.


Oh, no!

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Honestly, I couldn't
have asked

for a better group of people
to share my birthday with.

I wanted to apologize

because I don't want
Tony to be upset.

I get it.

A lot of guys don't like to
hear a lot of sh... from girls.

I'm always going to be bossy.

I just, I guess there's
different ways I can be.

I think I've learned
a lot about myself

and I just got
to keep striving

to be bigger and better.


Babe, should we go to bed?

- Good night, darling.
- Good night.

- I'll see you in the morning.
- Good night, Rossy.

Love yous.

I love you too.

Did you have a good one?

Babe, you made it
so special for me.

I absolutely love today.

Last year, a dog consumed
my whole birthday cake

and left a trail of pink
sick all over my pants.

So it's going to be better
than last year, isn't it?

Oh, my God.

My head is going to
bloody k*ll tomorrow morning.


[bleep] me running
with a chainsaw.

[alarm sounds]

Darling, don't worry, as long
as it's got caffeine in it.

I can't give a sh...

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

I do apologize for being
a little bit late out today.

I was having a massive
wank in the bathroom.

- Oh!
- Strumming away.

Tony is like
it's too early for this.

It's a bad picture, isn't it?

Um, yeah, actually.


So let's get straight
to the wash.

- Wash, wash, wash.
- Washing time.

I was born on Friday the 13th.

Jesus Christ, things are
really starting

to make sense around here.

We're getting there.

Get the hell off my boat.

I've already done
this whole side.

I'm not quite sure
to what extant, but good.

Fraser, Fraser. Can you
please come to the bridge?

Of course.
I'll be there right away.

All right, guys.
We'll see you in a bit.

- Have a lovely day.
- Have a lovely day.

See you at the charter time.

See you, Juneaboo.

- Good morning.
- Good morning. How are you?

- Good.
- Good.

So, fortunately, I got
the wheels in motion.

- Okay.
- And I have your...


- Second Stew.
- Yeah.

She's arriving in about

Oh, she's arriving today?


- Chief Stew.
- Yeah.

We've got someone.
Thank God.

The person's got
Chief Stew experience.

We've got two roads here.

We've got one where
they're going to come in

and start doubting me.

Or we've got...
Knows what they're doing.

Can put them anywhere

and they're going
to be happy to assist.

I'm hopeful we're going
to have the latter.

This guy.
This guy...

You just don't know, do you?

- Well, thank you for that.
- You're welcome.

Do you mind if I
take this with me?

- No, go ahead.
- Thanks.

Plan of action.

We've got a stew arriving today.

Oh, let's see.

- She's a Chief Stew, is she?
- Yeah.


Guess who's Chief
Stew on this boat, though?

Yeah. Oh, no.

There's no
taking over that, darling.

- When is she coming?
- At 30 minutes.

Oh, God. I'm going to go
get that cabin ready.

She'll be disgusted.

We've got a stew coming.

- You do?
- Yeah.

She's called Leigh-Ann.

The new stew's on her way.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

- It's a chick this time?
- Yeah.

Well, I can see
the new arrival.


Fras, Fras, you have
an arrival on the dock.

Okay, copy.

New arrival, guys.
New arrival.

Nice to meet you.

- Yeah, nice to meet you.
- Let me give you a hug.


- What happened?
- You're kidding.

- I think I know her.
- You know her?


Should we put those
up in the laz?


No way.

Can't believe I know this girl.

You can't write this stuff.



- Ben?
- What's going on?

New arrival, guys.
New arrival.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Oh, you're so cute!

Oh, [bleep] off.
No way.

- What happened?
- I think I know her.

You know her?

- Hello.
- Hi.

What's going on?

I met this girl on Tinder
about a year ago.

- So weird.
- Do you know her?

You do, yeah.

Oh, [bleep]!

I've never met her.

And we both have nudes of
each other on our phone.

Yeah, we decided to sext a
little bit, and here she is.

Oh, my [bleep]!

- What a surprise!
- Oh!

Yeah, what a small world.

I'm like, shaking.

Wait, wait, wait, so
it's never consummated, then?

- No.
- Oh!


Hayley, Leigh-Anne.
Leigh-Anne, Hayley.

- So sweet!
- Darling!


I'm not joking.

I'm from Cape Town.
I've been in the industry...

this is my fifth year.

I work myself up to chief stew hard work
and dedication and,

like, proving everyone
wrong that I can do this

and I am going to do
this to get to the top

as quick as I can.

- Hi!
- Welcome.

- Leigh-Anne.
- Pleasure to have you.

So, lovely meeting you.
Thank you for having me.

So, Fraser's going to show
you around the boat.

He'll let you know
what he wants you to do.

- Great.

- Thank you.
- Lovely.

- All right.
- I'm loving this vibe.

- This is Rachel.
- Leigh-Anne.

Hi, Rachel.
Lovely meeting you.

- You too.
- Tyler.

Leigh-Anne and Tyler.

People describe me as
definitely a bit of a tomboy.

You are bunking with Hayley.

I like speed.
I like motor sports.

So, I love adrenaline,
jumping out of airplanes.

doing like stupid sh...?

Like, not a normal
female would do.

How'd you know Ben?

Oh, gosh.

That's funny.
I can't believe it.

This is only on Instagram
and on and on.

Literally, I could go for ages. Literally.

It's the smallest world
in this business.

And he's like, I mean,
I'll warn you now.

I think we both have
similar passions in the bedroom.

I love girls.

No, I can't read this.
So bad.


Is that Captain Lee?

It is Captain Lee.
How you doing?

- Good.
- Just landed.

I should be at the boat
in about an hour.

I'll see you soon.

- All right.
- Okay. See you then.

All right. Bye-bye.

All crew. All crew.

Let's meet in the main salon
in five minutes for a meeting.

- Hey, Captain.
- Hey.

- Hello.
- Everybody, welcome.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Glad to help out.
- Glad to have you.

Okay, so I have
an update for you.

Charter guests
don't arrive until one.

And it's kind of bittersweet
for me

because I really grew
fond of all of you.

Captain Lee comes back today.


So he's going to take this
charter and I'm going to depart.

- Okay.
- Thank you so much.

- Thank you.
- Thank you for stepping in.

Yeah, thanks for coming.

I don't know why
I'm so emotional.

Thank you for stepping in.

When you go through
this together

and you climb out on top, it
creates this incredible bond.

You're special.
Don't forget that.

I am just so grateful for their
hard work, their dedication.

Thank you.
It's been a pleasure.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

It's like we were in
the trenches together.

What they've gone
through to this point.

- Thank you.
- It's pretty awesome.

Yeah, absolutely.

I'm going to miss them.

- Thank you very much.
- You're awesome.

All right, let's turn
this boat around.

Why do I get sad?

There's a disturbance
in the force.

- They can feel it.
- Oh, I felt it, too.

I'm so g*dd*mn glad to be back.

I feel like I'm back
where I belong.

Thanks, sweetie.
Good to be back.

So how are you doing?

- I'm doing great.
- Yeah?

Did they find out what happened?

Well, inflammation
of sciatic nerve.

I made a lot of improvement.

I was spending every day
in physical therapy

and it was tough.

The doctors have assured me that
I'm not going to damage myself

anymore by working and
I'll be Goddamned

if anything's going to
keep you from it.

So some changes.
Alissa's gone.

What happened with Alissa?


She did the right thing.

They need to go,
they need to go.

It's a bit of a tornado here
and, well, I let go of Camille.

She's the one that had to deal
with it and I'm sure she made

the best decision for the boat
and for the crew.

So give me a squeeze.

Thanks for coming back
and bailing me out.

I can't express how
much I appreciate that.

And maybe someday I'll get
to return the favor for her.

Deck crew, deck crew.
This is Captain Lee.

I need
somebody up the wheelhouse

to give Captain Sandy a hand
with her luggage, please.

Coming, Cap.
Cap's back.

- Take care, kiddo.
- Thanks.

Cap's back. Cap's back.
Cap's back.

Travel safe, Cap.

How are you, Cap?
Good to see you.

- How are you doing, buddy?
- You well?

Good to see you,
doing good.

Good to be back.

- Thank you very much.
- All crew, all crew.

Captain Sandy is about to
depart on the port side

if you'd like to come and say goodbye.

- Copy.
- I'm going to miss you.


Thank you again.

And you, I swear,
made me smile every day.

I hope for the crew
that having Captain Lee back,

that they shine,

that they show him how
far they've come.

Ciao, Bella.

That was a pleasure.

I hope that he
gets to witness that

and walk away
knowing he's healthier,

he's better, and he
finished with an excellent crew.

- And you?
- Thank you.

You're incredible.

Give me a hug.

Captain Sandy taught me a lot.

And yes, we had
our ups and downs.

But ultimately,
I admire, I respect,

and look up to her enormously,

because she gave me
another chance at myself

and being a better person.

And so I thank her.

Safe flight, aye?


All crew, all crew.
Thank you, everyone.

Now get your asses
back to work.

- [laughing]
- Yeah.

Next, on 'Below Deck...'

- Hello.
- How's it going?

- How are you?
- Good.

- Nice to meet you. Jake.
- Nice to meet you.

I'm thirsty.

Come on.

Yeah, give it a
little over there.

This situation is a sh... show.

- You guys got to get back.
- Yeah, I'll walk you back.


Fraser. They're now asking
me for gazebos.

People shouldn't be
getting creative.

That's my job.

Who's hooked up with who?

We have all that sexual tension.

I know it's going to
be like, boom.

It'll be hard not to.

I mean, I wouldn't be
able to resist.

I'm the type of girl that
will go for what I want.

Oh, boy.