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10x10 - Caribbean Gigolo

Posted: 04/20/24 08:32
by bunniefuu
You're the one with
the attitude.

You're bully,

Stop, we're on charter.

This is not easy for me.

Oh my God, no.

I'm letting you go
this morning.

With all the stress
with Camille and stuff,

I literally am
feeling so insecure.

Like, I think
everything's about me.

Like, I think everybody
is talking about me.

Alissa definitely had
something to do with this.

I'm not a fan of her at all.

You're incredible.

But the timing of the food is...

Like, what number
course is this?

I'm gonna go down in the galley,
see what's taking so long.

I can't take this.

Rachel has to be faster.

For a superyacht,
it's really embarrassing.

She's taking a long time.

The reason why Ross and
I haven't had sex yet

is after going out,
it's just like he's sloppy,

he's drunk.

I'm gonna grab on everybody.

I can't have him be
acting like that.

And then sleeping with me,

it makes me look like an idiot.

Fraser, we need to get
Louisa some food.

- She needs to eat.
- Right.

Rachel, Rachel, Fraser.

The guests are hungry.

We need to hurry
up the lunch here.

Copy that.

The food is on its way.

No, you're joking.
I'm not joking.

I'm gonna k*ll someone.

What's wrong?

I need food.

I don't know why
they haven't fed us.

You know, I know. I know.
I know.

There you go, my dear.

Thank you.

We've got your eating
area here.

We've got a lounging area there.

And a games area further with
some various beach activities.

Alissa, Alissa, Rachel.

Oh, my God.

Do these
windshield wipers work?

Alissa, Alissa, Rachel.

The clock is a-ticking.

And the sh...'s
about to thicken.

Alissa's busy doing
something else.

I'm tired.
I'm getting frustrated.

Lunch is definitely
a cluster......



There we go.
That's the woman.

Come for it... Oh!

- Thanks, Tony.
- Thanks, mate.

- Bye.
- Bye, sweetheart. Thank you.

The chef has arrived.

The sauces, the pacasas.

Did I get those?

And the bean salads can go.

So for lunch
in this catastrophe,

we've got a pregnant lady
who is hangry,

but I've got bean salad,
which the primary loves.

Beans, beans, the musical fruit,

the more you eat,

the more you toot,
the better you feel,

some beans, beans, every meal.

This is for the primary.
This is beef

that doesn't have
pepper inside of it.

I would go with his first.

Okay, so this has
no pepper in it.

Oh, thank you so much.

Can I offer you some corn?

Oh, yes, please.
Thank you.

The salad dressing
is really good.


That green sauce is amazing.

So much flavor.

She's done an amazing
job on them.

- Here.
- Oh.


I literally just got concussed.

- Thank you.
- So, so good.

Hayley, come on.
Stop eating.

I can't stop.

Come on.
Control yourself, woman.

I have no control.
That's a problem.

- Done.
- Done.

I guess. Yeah.

Ben, Ben, Ross,
we're ready to go.

Copy that.

Rachel, thank you so much.

Really, really good, honestly.

- Absolutely, yeah.
- I really appreciate that.

So, tonight, what
are you thinking, then?

- Three courses?
- Okay.

Are we all done with our food?

- Yeah.
- I think so Fraser. Thank you.


Ah, it's the frontward
seal flop.


Ah, with, with red face and,
oh, all the way to the bottom.



Bravo. Bravo.

One more time.

Johnny, you got to look
a little bit more relaxed.

- There you go.
- Yeah, now we're chilling.

Thank you.


Fraser, I think is my favorite
human on the planet.

Thank you.

Listen, don't hurt yourself.

We got some more charters.

Oh, my God.

- How was it?
- I walked in.

I plated.
I walked out.


I talked to
the primary as well.

I said, how do you feel
about three course dinner?

He said, yeah.

We'll get there.

Yeah, let's go back.

Okay, cool.

St. David's Motoryacht,
shore party.

The guests are ready
to come back now.


Oh, my God,
I look absolutely hideous.

Your chariot awaits.

Welcome aboard.

Sit where you like.

Thank you.

How you doing?
You getting a bit wet?


Hi, welcome back, guys.
Missed you.

- How was it?
- Amazing.

How do you close these?

If you can't close them,

I'm not going to allow
you off the beach.

- Oh, mango shot.
- Refreshing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You're welcome.

Oh, well, look,
I got it.

Fraser, Ross is going to
move into my room.


And you're going to have the
new stew as your roommate.

- We've broken up.
- No, we haven't.

We only broke up
for 12 hours.

So there's something for
the people to think about.

Katie and I aren't
exactly stable yet,

and we're still figuring
out where we are.

There's potential for problems,

and I should probably not roll
the dice on that potential.


I feel like the cleanup
was quicker today.


Really? I'm not excited about
it at all.

I feel like people are making
me feel like it's my fault

Camille got fired.

Who do you think thinks
that it's your fault?

Ben, definitely.


That's going to be definite

just because obviously
they were a thing.

I'm feeling really
emotionally jumbled.

I know in my heart that she left
only because of her actions,

but it doesn't help where
I'm at right now.

It sucks.

It feels like I've been doing
things that just as bad as her.

I'm sure he doesn't...

I don't know.

Thank God they're plastic.

Big muscles.


Ross, Fraser.
Please come to the bridge.

On my way.

Oh, wait, which
bow are you having?

Oh, my God, it looks
so good on you.

Just like that.

Hey, I got great news.

We've got a new deck-stew

- Oh, nice.
- His name is Tyler.

He has a lot of experience.

He looks strong in service.

- Yeah.
- Cool.

Thank God.

I desperately
need another stew.

I know a couple of
the boats he's worked on,

and Tyler definitely
has more experience

than both girls combined.

That fills me with confidence.

I'm feeling hopeful.

And you guys will decide
how you use Tyler.

Don't just stick him in
laundry and forget about him.

- Thank you very much.
- Thanks.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Captain just called Fraser
and Ross to the bridge.

Two heads of departments.

What do you think that's about?

All crew, all crew.

We have a new
deck stew arriving.

I knew it.

And his name is Tyler.

Oh, [bleep] off.

It's a deck stew.

- Yes.
- Bit of both.

Oh, my God.

Please let them not be Satan.

He's here.

Coming up...

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Is anyone elses
dinner crunchy?


I know, because I just
want to flirt with you.

I'm hotter than her.

You know how bad I am.

I know you' bad.

All crew, all crew.

We have a new
deck stew arriving.

And his name is Tyler.

- Nice to meet you. I'm Ross.
- Tyler.

- Pleasure to meet you.
- Hi, Tyler.

Yeah, welcome.
I'm the bosun.

And this is Tony.

Thank you.

Where have you come from?

From South Africa.

You basically walked on
in the middle of chaos.


Tyler's South African.

That was where
I first learned to surf.

Down in Durban, years ago.

Um, yeah, I missed
a flight out there

because I was in jail
at one point.

But it's a great country.

- Hi.
- Captain Sandy.

Welcome aboard.
We're really happy to have you.

Thank you.
I'm glad to be here.

- Yes.
- You'll be deck stew.

Listening to Ross and Fraser.

- I'll show you to your cabin.
- Thank you.

Let's all welcome Tyler
on board.

- This is Katie.
- Oh, hello.

- How are you?
- Tyler.

Nice to meet you.

I enjoy, in a very sick way,

the weird parts of yachting

that most people would
never think are enjoyable.

Everything has an order
that it has to be in.

There is one way
to fold a towel.

And that is perfectly
in three.

My OCD is self-diagnosed.

It's not clinical or anything.

I just think I'm a
crazy person, to be honest.

- Fraser, nice to meet you.
- Tyler, pleasure to meet you.

Welcome aboard.


All right.
Get settled.

I'll come find you as
soon as possible.

All crew, can you get into
your blacks, please?

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How are you?
- I'm good. How are you doing?

Alissa. Second stewardess.

Hayley, what I'd like, if
you could help me up here.


I'm going to have Tyler
washing up.

Yeah, cool.

So, this is our pantry.

It is absolutely minuscule.

So, what I think
is the best idea,

washing, drying, and
then placing it here,

like, in an orderly
sort of fashion.


For [bleep]'s sake.

What do you feel about my bow?

It's perfect.

You think?
It doesn't look silly?

No, it looks perfect.

Captain Sandy brought
the menu up.

- Thank you.
- Sure.

Let's grab a drink.
To the bar, Justin.

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

- Let's go. Let's go.
- Let's do this.

- It's dinner time.
- All righty.

Just be in communication like
three quarters, half way.

I'll give you all
the communication.

Thank you, baby.

That's something I really
want to improve on,

just because I get in my head
about what's going on around me

and what people might
not be doing right.

And I'm just running around
like a little crazy bitch.

I'm noticing with service
is that you can see everyone

kind of running around
like chickens

with their head cut off.

I might take them up now.

Give me five.


Sometimes I'm talking to
like Beaker from the Muppets.

Meep meep meep.

That's all I get sometimes.

Then up the stairs, it goes
down the stairs, it goes,

you can hear Fraser.

And then if you can hear him
when he misses a step,

I actually chuckle a little bit.

To be honest, water service
and wine service

will take five minutes.


Oh, this looks beautiful.

You look so lovely.

Please take a seat, Louisa.

This is in honor of
your baby on its way.


Yeah, I really want
to chill out, I think.

Rachel, I've just sat
everyone at the table.

Oh, I really thought that
they were still getting ready.

With everything not going
accordingly on the first night,

I actually knocked it back
to only three courses,

which is most simplified,
if you know me.

First course,
Salad with Menchegos.

- Main courses, baccalao.
- Fish.

And then for our dessert,
pear and lemon sorbet.

And we' done.

Interior, can we run
plates, please?


Cheers, last night, guys.

Once it has the paprika,
it can go.

Thanks, Tyler.
It's Tyler, right?

- Yeah.
- Right.

Tyler joined us today.

He's brand new to the crew.

I'm sure I'll see you around.

That's good.

That's actually delicious.

Who is looking
after your animals?

My friend Ceas.

I'll give my rabbits to
anyone that wants them.

They just drain
the lifeblood out of us.

How are you doing that so fast?

- You're amazing.
- Thanks.

Tyler is clearly
amazing at housekeeping.

- What are you doing?
- Drinking.

You don't drink on
the job, Camille.

He's good at the things that
I'm actually horrific at doing,

so this is going
to work out really well.

Interior, can we run plates?

ing crazy.

These guys can go.

Oh, yes.
Thank you.

This is cod with chorizo
and the lentils.

Thank you.

Sorry, chickpeas
not lentils.

- Chickpeas.
- That's good.

Thank you.

What do you think, Justin?

It's good.
The fish is really good.

The best chorizo I've had.

Oh, by the way...

All right, so what am
I supposed to say?

- Oh, come on, mate.
- She's inviting you.

Are you serious?

You're causing so much
drama in this ship, bro.

Without even trying.

- What time was it?
- 9:42.

It's definitely
Tony's bedtime.


- Have you?
- Yeah.


My sexuality is fluid.

I've never had a girlfriend
or a boyfriend long-term.

I grew up in a very
small religious town.

There was possibly one other
gay person that I knew of.

So moving into yachting, I could
kind of just explore myself.

It's been amazing.

We'll see how things go.

- I'm excited.
- Yeah, absolutely.

This is a pear and lemon sorbet.


You blew them out of the park.

That's how you finish charter.

I think our dinner service
tonight was a lot better,

just because we just
did three courses.

Thank God.

- Fraser, thank you.
- Thank you.

I could fist-[bleep] myself,
I'm so excited.

I'm just kidding.
I can't do that.

I'll see you guys
in the morning.

I'm gonna go down.

Good night.

Aw, that sucks.

I'm really not used to that.

Aw, [bleep].

I wish I could say different,
but unfortunately.

So roommate, I don't care if
it's a girl or if it's a guy,

but like, me and Camille just
jive well together

because we just didn't care
if her sh... was on her bed,

my bed, whatever,
on the ground.

And he is not
like that at all.

[alarm sounds]


- Hello.
- Good morning.

How did your dinner go?

It was awesome.


Thank you for giving me a
swift kick in the ass.

No, it's not that.

- It's just, you know.
- In a good way.

Let's talk later.

We're gonna head
to the dock soon.


I'm so scared of hitting
my head on these.

You are tall. Ow.


Do you always sleep
with an eye mask?

- Yeah, I see.
- Until I get changed again.


All right.
We can haul the anchor.

Okay, Cap. Coming up.

All right, Cap. That's the
anchor at the waterline.

- Thank you.
- Thanks, dude.


Should we sit down and...

Yeah, your food's on
its way very shortly.

It's coming in hot.

Cap, forward it kind
of 50 feet.

Closing to the dock.

She's gonna pivot real hard.

The stern line
going ashore.

Take it up, Tony.

Yeah, it's good.

All right, there we go.

Excellent work, everyone.

Thank you very much.

You have a lot of shirts here.

I may have overpacked
just a little bit.

I don't know where
we're gonna put this, but...

I feel like I always
leave something.


Interior, can we make sure
we're all in our whites?

I can't wait to shave my vag*na.

It's just the little things
in life, isn't it?

Oh, perfect fit.

All crew to the aft deck.

- Come on.
- Oh, yeah.

Thank you so much.

Thank you very much for coming.

- Thank you so much.
- You're amazing.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you so much.

Really appreciate you.

Thank you so much.
It was wonderful.

So, guys, our trip
was awesome.

Every one of us
had a great time.

A few little hiccups
along the way.

There's a few times
where we're looking for drinks,

looking for help.
We had to go find it.

No one's come up yet?

Should I go help him?

Louisa was a little
bit hungry at times.

Needed a little bit more snacks.

Where are the snacks?

Fraser, we need to get
Louisa some food.

Feel a little bit
like I'm gonna throw up.

A few little hiccups
along the way.

There's a few times where
we're looking for drinks,

looking for help.

We had to go find it.

Maybe a few too
many times for us.

Thank you for taking
care of us.

And thank you
for keeping us safe

and all the hard work
that you do.

This is for you and
the rest of the crew.

Thank you very much.

Guys, we'll miss you.
Thank you.

Bye, guys.

- Bye.
- Ciao.

All right.
Let's get out of our whites

and then we'll
turn the boat around.

- I wasn't expecting that.
- sucked.

I'm gonna be funny, but he went
to town a little bit there.

He did go to town.

Well, that makes us
look horrendous.

Thanks for that.


But I have myself to blame.
No one else.

I'm in charge.


Thank you, though, Tony.

All crew, all crew,
let's meet in the Sky Lounge

for our tip meeting
in five minutes.


We've lost quite a few glasses.

I want to start with this.

- Welcome aboard.
- Welcome, welcome.

Thank you.

We want you to feel
very welcome.

I already do.

Charter number five.

We are past hump day,
and, you know,

when we get feedback
from a client, it is that.

It is feedback.

It's not saying
that you're a bad person

or you're not
doing a great job.

How will we know if
there's something to change

if no one tells us?

I love the feedback
from the client.

It was constructive.

Feedback is excellent.

Feedback makes you better.

This tip, it's $22,000.

It's 1833 per person.


Very nice.

Now, because you worked so hard,

tomorrow I've arranged
a boat for you

to take you to the Petons.

So you get to go enjoy it.

- Cheers, everyone.
- Cheers. Charter five.

I can't wait.

So let's turn the boat around

so you can have your
day off tomorrow.

All right, let's
get this sh... done.

Ugh, another day.

Are you guys okay to
do the bridge forward?

We leave at 5:30 so we want you

at least an hour and
a half to get ready.

Yeah, I need that.

My showers have been
like 30 minutes

because I don't fit
in the shower.

Rachel, Rachel.
You want to go for a coffee?

- I'm ready whenever you are.
- Okay.

I'll come down.

Hey, what's going on?

What's up with you, Ben?

We're heading out tonight,

but it would be sick
if you're there.

So you're out tomorrow, right?


The way Camille left,

she had like 30 minutes
to pack her stuff,

I don't want to make
you upset at all.

Ross, Ross, all crew, all crew.

Captain and chef
are off the boat.


Alissa and Hayley, come with me
in the sky lounge.

Okay, I'm in the sky lounge
waiting for you.

- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you.

You are a joy to have on board.

- Thank you.
- I mean that.

I just want to make
sure your timing.


How do you feel like that is?

I'm not accomplishing
things to the standards

that I'm used to,

but at the same time, too,

it's affecting service
and the guests,

and it needs to pick up faster.

I need to get faster at it.


Overall, I think
we can all improve.

- Service, service, service.
- Yeah.

And Alissa, I want
you to continue with

getting your head around
beach picnic stuff

and at least trying
to prepare it.

No, what's wrong?
What's wrong?


Because it's just
like, literally,

I'm just like, I just,
I'm, we feel bad.

We know we can do better.

Like, I'm just
done right now.

Like, I'm just tired.


Doing this charter
with the stew down,

feeling all the anxiety of
the Camille situation,

I'm kind of done.

Part of the challenge
is the inconsistencies

of the interior department.

Fraser's very good
at what he does,

and I support him.

I do get frustrated.

I see that he is spreading
himself extremely thin.

There is communication
breakdown as well.

I don't really want
to get into the minutia.

I want everyone
to figure it out,

but you're a great beacon
of light for them.

You have to communicate
what you need to Fraser.

I think it would make
everybody's life easier.

Let's fix it.

- Yeah, thank you.
- We can fix it.

So I want my department
heads to work out

as much as possible
before I step in.

I want her to talk to Fraser.

But I also want her
to feel support from me.

- You're doing a great job.
- Thank you. I appreciate that.

And I know how
hard you're working.

I think she will handle it
because she has that spirit.

- Thank you for support.
- You're welcome.

Can you be a bit
more erect, please?

I'll do you a deck
walkthrough with you

then controls for the anchors
are in this locker here.


I've been yachting
for five years.

So I started
straight after high school

and my first job was
a deck-stew position.

I love my job.
I know what needs to be done.

I don't need people
to tell me what to do.

I just need people to tell me
when to stop doing it.

- This is a day head.
- Okay, cool.

Smells a bit stale.

Just like tricep
workout central.

k*ll me, k*ll me, k*ll me,
k*ll me, k*ll me, k*ll me.

What do you think?

Oh, I'm just trying
to think out loud

about this whole cabin thing.

That's what I think.

We get to debrief
every morning, every night.

We're also good cabin mates.

So let's leave it as it
is for the moment, then.

Yeah, graveyards, monasteries.

Interior, interior, you're
done for the night.


Ross McCog.


Yeah, how are you doing?


I came to offer you this
jug with some sad news.

Now I'm mad at you.

There's many factors that
come into consideration,

not just mine.

I actually thought it
was a hilarious idea

for him to move in.

Your work flirt
becomes your roommate.

To me, it makes sense.

Great outfit, though.

I'm going full board
short today, bro.

Man, I have, like,

It's all I wear.

I think that I look
like a tampon.

- I think you look very good.
- You look amazing.

I got super drunk
the last time we went out.

Guys, in my shoes, I feel
like I'm downtown Marrakesh,

searching for beggar food.


Are you guys ready to order?

Can I get the salad,
grilled fish, mahi-mahi please?


Guys, a huge welcome to Tyler
for saving the charter.

We had an amazing trip.

Regardless of the comments,
ignore them.

[text chimes]

Are you going?

What's going on?

I don't know what's going on.

Oh, God.


What the [bleep]?

What's going on?

I don't know what's going on.


I'm so happy to see you.

- Oh, God.
- Camille!



I'm doing good.

Hi, babe.
Are we good?

Actually, quite nice to
see you again, maybe,

in hopes that you're furious at me.

It such a nice surprise.

Good, I'm glad it is.
That makes me happy.

Again, there's no bad blood.

She's just a bad stew.

- Tyler, by the way,
- Tyler, I'm Camille.

Pleasure to meet you.

I've got to lay out all day.

I've got a massage.


You were so upset.

There was a lot of feelings
mustering inside of me.

It's so awkward.

If I got fired,
I would be so embarrassed.

But then, to come back,
it just shows

that she wasn't regretful
of anything that she did.

- You know what I mean?
- Yeah.

It's awkward.

Do you feel like you
should speak to her tonight?


That's done.
We already fired her.

She must feel like it
was my fault

that she got fired, so...

I understand that.

Spaghetti Carbonara?


Oh, my gosh.
I'm so jealous.

Fraser, why did
we get such salady food?

Are we eating?

It's a really nice bowl.

No need for knife and pork.

Don't pour it too much.

No, no, a bit more, a bit more.

Thank you, darling.

Thank you so much.

- Where is the rose?
- It's down here.

Oh, yes, please, darling.

I want kids by 25.

Oh, you have a boyfriend?

The day I left...

So nice.

In the airport, I called him.

I was like...

And he's like... Yeah!

Look at you, how happy you are.

I'm happy.
I hold no resentment.

- I really hope you don't.
- I don't.

Thank you.
I'm very happy.

I'm so pleased that she's
come with an open heart,

and she's seen
the bigger picture.

I miss screaming at you.

Please yell at me
one more time.

It's very easy to tell
someone that you like them.

When you're contending
with having

to fire them at the same time,

it can be quite confusing.

But I'm pleased that
we could redo our goodbyes.

Oh, my gosh, I'm so tired.

Guys, we're leaving.

Bye, ladies and gentlemen.

- I'm so glad you came.
- I'm so glad I came.

It was a little too
short for me, honestly.

Tonight was exactly
what I needed to, like,

walk away with,
like, my head high.

I wish you'd come with me.

I know.

Home sweet home.

I'll get you some snacks.

Rachel is gonna
get us snacks.

I don't want to waste your time.

I know you've got a party
to get back to.

My love.

Do you know what?

Strangely, I actually
feel quite happy to be back.

- Ben?
- Yeah.

I'm going to miss you.

Oh, don't start.

I'm going to miss
you like crazy.

I'm gonna miss you, too.

Baby, text me.

Bye, baby.

Come here.

This relationship's been like
nothing I've experienced before.

I'm head over heels
with this girl.

Yeah, goose bumps saying that.

Behave yourself.

You know I don't do that.
You know I don't do that.

- Bye.
- Bye.

She's just a spark
that lights me up.

I can just feel
my heart sinking.

I pulled 20-hour days.
I'm going to bed.

Are you okay, my bru?

Yeah, good.
Thanks, bro.

I'm so glad I got to see her.



Oh, I'm so sorry.

I just walked in on you.


Dude, I'm so sexually frustrated.

Like, I don't even necessarily
want to be penetrated.

I just want to play.

I haven't had an
orgasm in weeks.

Dude, me neither.

All right.
What a fantastic job we've done.

Katie and I definitely built up
quite a bit of tension

that needed to be released.

You know, I would like
to hook up with her

at least six times a day,
every day, to be honest,

because obviously
I'm a sex addict.

[alarm sounds]


Ready for champagne?

Yeah, I just had some.

Did you?
Hell yeah.

Sexy bitch.

Oh, yeah. This is the breakfast
of champions, this is.



I'm so excited.

It's not a bad way
to show up, right?

And today you're going
to have fun.

You're going to
have mud bath.

Oh, no way.

- You deserve it.
- Yeah.

Oh, my gosh.

I like what I see.
I see what I like.

Guys, I'm confused.
No one took my bags for me.


Are we sailing?

Oh, God.
This is amazing.

Great swim suit.

This is life. This is what
life should be like.

This is our life.


Look at them titties.

Excellent, Tyler.

Thank you.

We've got a big problem.

Look at your tattoo.
Let me see that tattoo.

Many years ago, I decided
to get a back tattoo.

It's like nine and a
half hours in one sitting.

Oh, I love that.

I love fish.
I love certain colors.

I like Asian.
I said, slap it on my back.

Make it just large enough to
where it's not a tramp stamp.

It's like a target.
It's like, here, bullseye.

I hope that you pull out
and you get it there

because quite frankly,
I don't need to be breeding.

That's really beautiful, actually.

Thank you.

Close to you.

Close to me, you know,
and this is Tony time.

Okay, Ross.


I will have to at some point
because I have over excelled

in the drinking department

and my organs will fail
before I get old.


So I will be forced to enter
your department at some point.

I know.

You know.


Oh, look at that.

They're quite striking
those Petons, aren't they?




♪ Everyone's in the nude ♪


- Yes, please.
- Okay Come here.

Wait, get back down there where
you were,

'cause it's not
going to go.

There you go.

I need a coffee.

All you guys, let's go.

Oh, we're getting in the car.
I'm so excited.

Let's go.

Oh, it smells delicious.

- St. Lucia!
- St. Lucia!



Oh, I can smell that.

Ross, that was the most
disgusting thing

you've done yet.

We're here.

This is so cool!

Everybody out!

Welcome to Sulfur Springs Park.

Isn't amazing that you were in
a potentially active volcano?


Down this way.

So, watch your steps.

Holy sh...!

This is our mud bath.

The mud is like an exfoliant.

It's so hot!

Oh, my God, it's too hot.

I love this.

This takes a night of work away.

I was going to do this tonight,

but I'm good now.

Dress me.

I'm feeling pretty
dirty right now.

No, no, you're doing it wrong.

It's all in my hair.

It's in holes that
I didn't know existed.

They say that it makes you
look ten years younger.

I think it makes you look
like you're covered in sh...

to be quite honest.

Hot damn fire!

Him doing this,
blatantly right in front of me

Is his goal just to [bleep]
everybody on the boat?

You know, like, we had
a magical night together.

Thought we were moving forward.

Now, just straight disrespectful

makes me question, like,
what is this supposed to be?

How are you boys doing?
How you doing?

Oh, God.

Thank you.

This is hot as sh...

Never again.

I feel stoned.
I feel high as [bleep].

Ross, what are you doing?


Don't hump, Fraser.

No, don't hump anything.

Oh, I'm ready to party.


Oh, you pig.

Get out.

Don't blame me.

Thank you very much.

Fras, we're going out
to the bow.


Just whack your head.

Yeah, but that's normal.

Ra ra ra, ra ra ra.
Ra ra ra.

Can you sit down, please?

Sit, sit, sit, sit down.

You're super drunk.

It's not fun for either of us.

Come here. No.
Stop. Can you sit down?

Put music on.

Oh, [bleep] off, Ross.

Are we leaving this
boat forever?

- Oh, sorry.
- Sober up.

Rachel, Rachel, Rachel!

We're gonna have
some din-dins.

Thank you.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

There's Ross.

Look at.


You're, like, beyond drunk.

Ross, what's going on?

- Pina Colada.
- Espresso Martini.

Excuse me.

Can I get a rum and coke?

Ross, button the last button
on your shirt.

I'm just gonna smoke
a cigarette, that's all.

My God, Ross.
I'm doing you a big favor.

My bottom button.

No, you look way more classy.

Ross hammered.

He's acting a damn fool.

Which I can't throw stones
in a glass house

because sh... was shattered.


God damn it.


Get off stage.

Maybe you should stop
a little bit now

because you're failing
humanity and yourself.

Your parents should be
so proud, [bleep] boy.

I think a yellow flower
would go good in your hair.

Rossie, bossie. Putting a
little flower in his hair.

I know, because I just
want to flirt with you.

I do believe
I'm hotter than her.

You know how bad I am.

I know you' bad.

I flirt with Ross
because he's a scumbag

and it's just fun to
see everybody squirm.


But at the same time,

you can't ruin a relationship
that's not there.

So as much as Katie
wants to be his wifey,

he's just not in the market.

Catch of the day.

- Ribeye steak.
- Ribeye steak.


Katie, would you like some?

I'm good.

- For you.
- Thank you.

Ross, you got catch of the day.

I really don't want to stay
where we are

- Seriously?
- I'm serious.

Why are you still so drunk?

Is anyone else's
dinner crunchy?

Oh, I just want
k*ll somebody.

Alissa's all over him.

It's embarrassing.

Yeah, and it' stupid.

Oh. Oh.


Jesus Christ.

It's just embarrassing.

She serves pretty well.

Try me.


What time are we
leaving, guys?

Are you okay, my dear?

I'm good.

I don't like to
see you sad, bro.

Ross, it's this way.

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty,
kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Come on.
Here, boy.

It's getting to the point,
it's rude.

Can't walk straight.

I can see why you're angry.

Alissa, she's breaking
all girl codes.

If she was flirting
with my man,

I probably would
chuck them overboard

because I am completely mental.


Um, yeah.

I understand that
I'm only 23,

but I have a better
moral compass at the moment

than Ross does.
He's 38.

It's unacceptable
the way he acts.

[bleep] off.

Next on 'Below Deck'...


It's loud and clear
Ross is a [bleep] boy.

Now I have a wall up 100%.

Please clean
the bathroom today.

It's all right, baby, you don't
have to be patronizing.

Why don't you do
it, you gross, dirty bitch.

Welcome aboard.

Primary charter guest.

Recently divorced, Janine spent
her honeymoon in St. Lucia,

and is calling this trip
her do-over trip.


I'm never getting married again.

He just wanted to control me.

Thank you.

You turned Tony around.

I want to see that from you.

Turn your people around.

Oh, sucks
deck crew d*ck.

You know, your voice carries.

All right, so can
someone strip my bed?

Because there's like three
of you standing around.

Captain, we weren't
standing around.

I mean, there's three of
you and the deck crew are

busting their ass, like taking
all the garbage out constantly.

Now's not the time.

Trust me, don't.
Stop talking.