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08x06 - Just Another Day in Paradise

Posted: 04/20/24 08:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Below Deck"...

Why is he sleeping?

He just said he was tired.


It's an absolute slap in
the face to me and my team.

I've lost all respect for you.

What's going on in here?

Do you see like it's
a little bit of a mess?

I'm just not seeing
any progress.

Are you getting in trouble?

I don't appreciate the way
some things are said.

Charter three.

Tim's a trial attorney,
celebrating his 50th.

Beth wants multi-course dinner
and they want a beach barbeque.

They're very particular.

Is this fake crab sticks?

On what super yacht would
you serve fake crab?

I don't have his caviar.

The guest specifically
stated what they wanted

and I'm like
losing my sh--.

[fog horn]

Hey Francesca,
we might have a problem.

What was wrapped up like the
czar ossetra Petrosian caviar,

is actually some salmon roe.

Oh, sh--, okay, all right.


Can I help you?

I'll slit someone's throat, if
they haven't ----ing sent this--



This is ----ing ridiculous.

I need this caviar.

Czar ossetra, imperial caviar.

You're looking at


Hey, Francesca--
It is not here.


Holy sh--.

Rachel's totally bonkers,

but do you know what,
I'm kind of used to it,

my sister's a chef back at home.

She is like the best chef,

we always like to say,
"the chef has arrived."

Like, do not say anything,
do not do any sudden movements,

just back the hell away.


I just want this cleaned,
crew mess cleaned, that's it.

All right.

Izzy, give this a quick
rinse before my back goes.



That's better.

I think that would be okay.

[phone ringing]

Hello, chef.

I went to go look for the
czar ossetra imperial.

All I had was salmon roe
from Petrosian.

I've gone through everything,
I've ripped through everything.

Okay, yeah.

I appreciate it, thank
you so much, Dole. Bye.

Captain Lee, Captain Lee,

The guests would like to have
a tour of the entire vessel

before dinner at 7:00.

I suppose we can work that out.

Copy, thanks.

Boing, boing, boing.


-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

And k*ll it, k*ll it, k*ll it.

All righty.

Just start bringing jet skis
in and sh--.

Oh, we're going to start
with the slide.

Oh, of course we are.

We just standing by until
he says something?

We just got to take
all the air out.

We use that orange pump
to take out the air on it?

Yes, sir.

It's tough
to the one struggling,

but it's a position
I've been in before,

and I've dug myself out.

One of my biggest

that I didn't think I could
do was graduate Berkeley.

I was so vastly underprepared.

And I still got a 3.5 GPA.

And then do we end up
folding it on, um, sundeck?


I'm determined to figure
this out on the yacht

and make it work and
be a proper yachty.

I don't want to fail.

It--it's embarrassing.

Yeah, this thing must
weigh a million pounds.


Jesus Christ.

Um, did you clean like the cabin
area and the crew mass?

-Okay, cool.

Thank God for Ashling.

We get along, I don't need
to tell her what to do.

She's similar to me where at
work, you've got your head down,

and you just do
what needs to be done.

Okay, it's starting to come
together, it looks good.

That's my Aussie girl.

Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Francesca.

Go ahead.


Standing by on main deck, Eddie,
do you need me to do anything?

-Just stand by.

Okay, let's start
deflating stuff.


You need me to do anything?

Not at the moment.

Oh my God.

At this point with Shane,
I'm trying to give him

the least amount
of opportunities

to screw up as possible.

I don't need someone
whose charming and funny,

I need someone who can work
hard and get the job done.

Lets leave it like that.

-For sure.
-Oh yeah.

I've got to get
going into Jolly Harbor,

pick up the steel drum band.

-I've got this.
-Okay. I'll be back in an hour.

Get Shane and Izzy
to help, okay?

Shane and Izzy, James.

Go ahead, James.

Is there any chance you
could come up to sun deck?

I could help with sundeck.

Izzy is on her way to sundeck.

We've got a lot to do and
not much time to do it.

Oh, is he trying to call
Eddie, out on fenders?

He's annoying me today.

I mean, I could have just
told him not to step it up,

and then he definitely
would have been fired,

at least I gave him a chance
at saving himself.

Shane is just not cut out
for the super yacht.

Nitpicking your boss,
shut your mouth.

It'll make your
life so much easier.

Jesus Christ.

You usually cut the hand off
to save the rest.

[phone ringing]


I wanted to give you an
update on the caviar.

That's--that's awesome.

Oh, [bleep] thank god.

-Okay, Jolly Harbor dock, 6:45.
-All right.

Thank you, Dole.

All right, so,
champagne glasses,

white wine glasses,
red wine glasses.

And white Russians?

But if you do the, yep--


Maciatta, Maciatta,

Shadow's approaching with
the steel drum player.

Thank you very much.

Tie that a million times
right now.

Bridge deck aft is great.

Watch your feet on those fins.

-Eddie, Eddie, Rachel.
-Go for Eddie.

I was wondering if there's
any possible way

that we could have a tinder at
Jolly Harbor dock at 6:45PM.

Of course.

Cutting it close, aren't you?


What are you up to?

Uh, I still need two
more water glasses.

Oh, where are they?

That's what I'm saying,
like, I've got to find them.

Here's one.

-You nearly ready?
-I'm nearly ready.


Ces, Ces, Rachel.

Go ahead, Rachel.

I was wondering if we had
the caviar set already pulled

so I can just go ahead
and put the ice in it

and have it on standby.

This is just mental.


I'm going to lose my sh--.

I have all this meal done
for the caviar.

Capers chopped, blinis made,
potato chips made.

Eggs separated, boiled.

Time's ticking, ticking,
ticking, ticking.

Where is it?
This is ridiculous.

Oh my God.

-You go change.



Are we running a little tardy?

Eddie, Eddie, Rachel?

Where is Eddie?

He's not back, yet.

Copy that.

Uh, yes, if you don't mind
meeting Captain Lee at the bow.

All right.

My God, this is so ridiculous.

All right, to the bow.

Elizabeth, Elizabeth, I
have to just go and change.

Let me know when
I can run down and change.

Yes, I will when
I come back up, thank you.

This is the ship's bell.

When you're in really
rough weather, you'll hear that.


And if you're hearing it,
you probably shouldn't

be where you're at.

I'm buying time, and if
the caviar doesn't show up,

I'm sitting here
with my d*ck in my hand.

I wanted to ring it right when
we got on, I'm glad I refrained.

Or I would be in
some sh-- with you.

This is our
ground tackler anchors,

which keeps us in one position.

At least we'd like to think so.

Hello. You're going to play,
maybe when they arrive.

This is the bridge.

I do everything with
this little guy right here.

Computers have bigger
joy sticks than I have.

That's what she says.

That didn't come
out right, did it?


So I'm going to turn it over
to the chief stew and her staff.

Great, okay, perfect.

The guests and Captain Lee
are on bridge deck aft.


Welcome, Happy Birthday.

Thank you.

Are you ----ing kidding me?

Coming up...

Where's Elizabeth?

Uh, we're dying upstairs.

Oh, yeah, we're
just about to go up.

Really pissed right now.

Oh my God, where the [bleep]
is this ----ing caviar?

I see him coming.

All right.

Good evening, everybody,
welcome, Happy Birthday.

Thank you.

Quickly run this to the chef.

I have, uh, put a menu on
each of your place settings.

The first dish we have is
czar imperial ossetra caviar.

Rachel, I'm in the galley
with your--

oh there you are,
you were hiding.

Thank God.

All right,
you ready to rock and roll?

Bring it on, b*tches.

I keep just a little
bit of this caviar

to plate with for the lobster.

That caviar is
like $700 bucks a tin.

[bleep] it.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Let's go get some food,
let's go get dressed in blacks,

let's go look good.

Have a shower,
look all professional.

When you're finished
rinsing that off...

-Get on my blacks?

So here's the blinis.

It needs to be a miniature
cheese platter, too.

You're going to need a
little set of tongs for it.

Francesca, Francesca,
Rachel, caviar is going up.

Oh, czar imperial
ossetra caviar,

served with the traditional

Thank you very much.

What a treat.

-Tell us what--
-No idea what to do here, buddy.

Put the caviar on top,

then put crème fraiche,
and that's really all you need.

Isn't that good?

That's really pretty awesome.

Hey, James.


To her or to me?

You, both.

Wow, guys.
You guys make quite a team.

He's got the strength,
I've got the brains.


No, that's good.

Keep going.

-I got it?

Oh yeah.

Ha, ha, ha!
Thank you guys.

I really appreciate
all your effort today.

Oh I know that,
Eddie, don't worry.

And thanks for babysitting
Shane on the beach.

I can't feel my legs
and I think I like it.

We are very honored
to have you join us

for Tim's 50th birthday party.

Thank you, happy birthday, sir.

Wait, that's it?


And I love you.

They look great.

Oh, that's tits McGee.

Francesca, Francesca,

we are headed up with all
the food right now.


Hello everybody.

For your first course is
a butter poached scampi.

The bottom of it,
there is balsamic pearls,

and there is
fennel fronds

drizzled with a little bit
of fresh lemon juice.

So if you put your
serviette to the side,

pour it down on top
if your plate, and enjoy.

-This is amazing, thank you.
-Thank you.

Very, very good.

Oh my God, that's delicious.

Really delightful
combination of flavor.

Anything like this,
I think we're in good hands.

That's what she said.

Elizabeth Moroni, that
is horribly inappropriate.


Listen to this guy.

Ash, Ash, Francesca, can
you please go to do cabins?


Let's not tell anyone I
took the last croissant.

Can I have a bite?

Like a little--
like a--there you go.

I think I should nip this
in the bud earlier,

I saw like a hair
in the bathroom.

Yeah, I know,
I left one on the sink.

I didn't mean to,
it came out of my hair brush.

Um, whenever one of you guys are
okay, would you mind helping?

Hey can you help me?
I need a pot washed.

Give me your pot.

What pot you want me to ----ing
wash the sh-- out of?

Give you a pot right now,

so you can wash
the sh-- out of the pot.

You can wash the sh--
out of this ----ing pot.

Oh, that's a nice pot,
I like that pot.

It's so perfect.

Oh wow, look at that.

For this course, it's burrata.

You've got like tomato concasse,
a little bit of garlic,

and see that little thing
that's sticking inside there,

that's the dressing.

And that's a balsamic reduction
with smoked Malden salt.

Please enjoy.

So you've got
to inject it in by squeezing.

That's what she said.


-Captain Lee, do you like us?

It's a sick world,
I'm a happy guy.

Quick question,
do you know where the thing is

to put parmesan?

I need two
for the table for parmesan.

Uh--what thing to put it in,

sh--, like a
little glass bowl?

Whatever parmesan
might do well in.

With a little, uh, spoon?

They're upstairs in the pantry.


Don't get crazy on me now.

Rachel, Rachel,
I'm about to clear now.

-Do you want me to fill it up?
-Yes, please.

Copy for Rachel.

All right,
we're ready to run these.

-Okay, cool.
-Let's do it.

Let's go.

You have a local
Caribbean lobster bisque.

On top of it,
you've got a little bit

of a puff pastry cloud.

With some crème fresh,
some caviar,

and a little bit of chive.

-Thank you.
-Please enjoy.

Holy smokes.

-Oh, that's so good.
-Oh wow.

That should be illegal.

Want one?

take anything you give me.

Osso Bu--busco--

Osso Bucco.

This is ready to roll.

-Ready to go?

For your meat course,
you have an osso Bucco

slow cooked in a white wine

and notice the bone on your
plate, that is the marrow.

There's some parmesan inside
of it and cracked black pepper

to help break up the fattiness
of the marrow itself.

-Very good.


That marrow is astonishing.

I'm very impressed with what
Rachel's doing in the galley.

Rachel, you're amazing.

Thank you very much.

In my 35 years
as a charter yacht captain,

I've never been this impressed.

The pride in
your work is apparent.

It's a lot of fun to do this,

and I appreciate
the opportunity.

We appreciate it too.

Score, thank you.

I mean, she's
the complete package.

Everything you want in
a charter chef.

[long sigh]

Coming up...


I'm not sure about all that.


Hey Rachel, we're just
about ready for you.

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, [bleep] me in the ass.

Oh [bleep]!

Oh [bleep].

Thank you so much.
That was amazing.

Thank you, this is Laku.

Thank you.

Sure, do you need uh,
glassware with that?


Okay, okay, great.

Can I ask you a question?


If you spill red wine on teak,

does it stain it really badly?

It does.

Do you plan on spilling
a lot of red wine?

Well, there's a possibility.

There's a tradition
that we've done.

There's a tradition
that we have.

Two very important
things in everybody's life,

it's longevity
and it's prosperity.

I agree.

The longer you drink it,
your longevity.

The further away from
your mouth, your prosperity.

I am in so much trouble here.

I'll go first.

Longevity and prosperity, okay.

I'm not sure about all this.

Pull it out, pull it, pull it!

Well, that's going
to leave a mark.

You are not good at this.

Eddie, Eddie, Lee.

Yeah, go ahead.

How much K2R do
we have on board the boat?

Oh God.

Sh-- is getting
messy up here.


Sorry, I'm sorry, Eddie.

-I got cases.

All right, let's
do it, Justin, ready?

Here we go.

Oh, I have seen that,
yeah, yeah, yeah.


Oh wow.

All right, thanks for
the warning, I'll get on it.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

-You're totally!
-Yes! You are!

I need a bath towel.

Can you run down and go get a
couple of drop towels, please?

Get into uniform with you,

because we got a lot of ----ing
work to do tonight.

We might have something
he should wear instead.

Okay, it's down stairs.
Really fast.

Wrong bedroom!


All right, we got it!

They're going through
a lot of wine.

Red wine everywhere.


Captain Lee?

Could you come with us
for just a second?

We have a special
shirt for you to wear.

Oh, no problem.

Oh yes!

-Am I out?
-You're out.

All right.
What time am I up?


[cheering and yelling]

Oh, looks so good!

I'm not sure that these towels
are going to be enough.

I want to make sure
that Eddie

doesn't have to suffer
for my misgivings.

Appreciate it, Cap.


Open your throat,
and just let it course down.

Oh my God.

Three, two, one!

[yelling and cheering]


I mean, what are you
going to do, it's like--

that's why I get paid
the big bucks.


God, I'm surprised
I hit my mouth.


That's what she said.

[phone ringing]


I just got let off, because
I worked 15 hours straight.

I'll get a little bit of sleep.

I feel really happy to
be with you, too, baby.

I feel very lucky
to have a girlfriend

while I'm on this boat.

Work is really tough right now,

so it's great
having Aubrey there virtually.

She's just a rock.

Growing up, I definitely
casually dated.

This is the first time it's
been like a mature relationship.

I definitely miss her.


You're asleep!


I made that a manly,
earthy ----ing carrot cake.

Rachel, Rachel, they've all
seated now at the table again.

Shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, shimmy,

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday dear Tim-o ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪


Oh, it's a carrot cake!

We're good like that.


You on lates,
or earlies, or mids?


That sucks.

This is actually really good,
it's like totally homemade.

It is good.

There is a part where
things start turning.

I think Elizabeth's
going like have a night out

or something like that.

She's going to be a little wild.

-Okay, good night.
-Thank you.

Good night, Captain Lee.

-Thank you so much ladies.
-Good night, Captain Lee.

Aww, of course.
Good night.

See you in the morning.

-He had like the best night.
-He's so cute.

Now, I don't really care.

Yeah, lets go up one more out.

Let's do it.

Ash, I want you to go to bed.

Cool, good night.


What would you like to drink?

Whatever you wanted
to give me last night.


Yes, I think so,
let's do that tonight.

Okay, sure, no problem.

[phone ringing]
Oh, how are you?

-I'm good.
-How are you?

I'm good.

We missed you.

I know.

I know, we've just been so busy.

We haven't like stopped.

Ah, I will
definitely get a mask.

Yeah, no, besides
anything, yeah.

Yeah I will.

When I left Australia,
we knew about Covid-19,

but like, there wasn't
like really much say about it.

Like, I'm hoping
that it's not as serious

as people are
making it out to be.


Who's the late-night person?


Okay, you're turning in, right?

Yes, I'm going to go to bed
shortly, yes, I'm turning in.

Yay, Francesca, we love you.

Good night,
I'll see you guys tomorrow.


Oh my God, hi.

They're all upstairs,
they're just drinking.

-Oh, let's do some K2R.
-Oh, man.

Hey, you almost done?

Almost, yeah.

Izzy, Izzy,
Eddie, you ready to go down?


Can we get some wine?

Yeah, where is Elizabeth.


You just seem like, down.

No, way.
I'm just tired.

I feel like, I'm like,
smiling, through.

Not miserable, just like--

I feel like I'm trying
to make an effort to like--

-Be happy?

That's all right.

Like, I ----ing get it.
The interior is not fun.

You are inside of this
boat 24/7,

working under like,
this dictator,

in a stressful job,

and I'm really ----ing
glad that I got out.

It's not that I'm like upset,
I'm just literally ----ing tired

and I want to like,
swim and live my life,

but I got to work.

Where's everybody at?

Elizabeth is going
to get some wine.

I think we're looking
pretty ----ing good.

Just going to hit
this with uh...

Sweet old school rinse.

We do need a call button.

I'm going to bed now.

You just make
sure that the cutlery

is just cleaned and put away.

Yeah, in the galley?

That'd be great, yeah, yeah.


-Hi, Lee.

Oh yeah, I was
just about to go up.

-Yeah, okay.
-Yeah, yeah.

Uh, tequila, red wine,
Bailey's on ice.

I'm mortified.

-There she is.
-I have some more wine.

have a poker face.

But I'm really pissed right now.

Let me know if you
need anything else.

-Thank you.
-No worries.

You're a super star.

Yeah. I thought you were
with them, sorry.

So would you just
please make sure

-that they're first priority.
-Yeah, yeah, definitely.

Because they've had
such a good time.

-Um, up until now.

Coming up...

Yeah, this is gonna be tricky.

Do I have control here?

This is where Captain Lee
earns his money.

I don't have my stern thruster.

-Closing quickly.
-Come on.

No, no, I instructed
you to do that.

I really didn't know
you said to do that.

I'm going to take off my--



I'm sorry, I'm trying
my best right now.

I know you're trying your best.


When Francesca acts
like this towards me,

it really pisses me off.

-Good night.
-See you in the morning.

God bless women,
we need tequila.

We need alcohol.

Wow, I'm tired.

I will address it
in the morning.

There's ways of directing people

that could still
just be, like human.

And you can still run
a tight ship.

You all right?

It's--it's frustrating.

Oh, how you feeling?

I have to have like a
proper talk to like Elizabeth.

You see it? Okay.

It's like, she couldn't go
to bed without giving me sh--

for not having checked
on the guest.


The last thing to say before
going to bed is like,

you know, I told you.


I like Elizabeth.
She's personable.

Is she perfect?
No, not going to lie.

I think that's taking a toll
on Francesca,

but at the same time
I don't want to be

in the middle of the department
head versus the junior stew.

Because I feel like
if I do, like,

the sh-- is going
to hit the fan.

-Good night, lady.
-Sweet dreams.

Thank you for today,
bloody awesome.

Thanks for letting me
just think about this.


It's bed time, dude.

On deck at 9:00.

All righty then.

All right, I got to go
up there, now.


I was just about to go up there.

Uh, no, you don't need
to bring any more alcohol.

Oh, are you sure?

Oh God, yeah.

Do you guys need any
waters or anymore drinks?

-No, I think they're good.
-Sleep well, okay?

Thank you.

Can we just do the
day one more time?

Sweet, I guess that's it then.

I'm ready to head to bed.

It's only 2:00.

Why are you sitting in at the
bar like you're going to drink?

That's it, I want to drink.

Good luck with that.

I don't really want a drink,

I just kind of like
the risk of it.

The risk of just
not getting caught.


I'll get you one day,
we'll have a drink.

You have to be way more sneaky
than just sitting at the bar.

Yeah, but we're
the only ones awake.

[alarm clock beeping]

[bleep] all of you people, die.

Where's my coffee?



Why aren't you on deck?
It's 7:37.


My phone d*ed last night.

God ----ing dammit.

I... I...

God ----ing damn it, man.

Morning, Izzy.

Sorry I wasn't on deck earlier,
My phone d*ed in my sleep.

-That's all right.
-Thanks for uncovering.

Oh man, so I should
probably go get my radio.

Yes, you should.


Drop off day.

I'm assuming guests
went to bed late,

which means hopefully
they'll be really hungover today

and won't get up.

How are you?

Good, how are you?
So you had fun last night?

Yeah, I did have a good time,
they were a lot of fun.

Sleep well?

I slept great,
after ----ing going to bed

at 1:45 in the morning.

The funny thing is,
I still woke up at like 7:45.

And there's ----ing Sunshine,
curled up in bed,

sleeping like a ----ing log.


And then yesterday morning,
I woke up...

You've got to be ----ing
kidding me...

And found the
lazarette door wide open.

At least nothing's been stolen.

There's about 100 grand
worth of sh--.

Yeah, but wait a second,
there's more.

Yesterday, I came back
from running errands.


He was in bed, asleep,

and a cover over his eyes that
said "do not disturb" on it.

I don't know,
he just does not get it.

All right, well, I'm going
to go and check on my guys,

make sure they're working.

-Yeah, right.

-Good morning, how you doing?
-Good morning.

We're eating breakfast,
maybe around 9:30, or?

That sounds perfect.

I'm going to put some skis
in the water also,

so if you guys want to go jet
skiing, we can make that happen.

I'd like to do that before
breakfast, as a bit of a wakeup.

I'll let them go right now.

-Izzy, Izzy, Eddie.
-Go ahead.

Hey, as a heads up, the guests
are going to want the jet skis,

so will you please
let a couple out?

-Yeah, copy.
-Thank you.

All right, we need
to go get some--

-Yeah, I know--
-Jet skis.


Dude, I even had my
alarm set so I was going

to be on deck

Worst part is Eddie
had to wake me up.

Oh, sh--, really?

My phone was completely dead.

It was so stupid.

So stupid, Shane.

Did you not charge it?

Dude, the charger situation
is ----ed in our room.

Eddie keeps the temperature
and the charger by his bed.

Well you know, he is
the boss, so it makes sense.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

How'd everything else
go this morning?

Good, I uncovered everything

and I wiped the covers down
a bit because they're wet.

-Clean the scuppers.
-You've had a busy morning.

-What's up?

Man, do I need to
even say anything about

what happened this morning?

I mean, what would you say?

I ----ed up.

Yeah. Okay.

I'm completely over
Shane right now.

I really don't know what
to say to him at this point.

If there was ever
a time not to make a mistake,

it was right now.

Plug your phone in.


Coming up...

I was pretty pissed off
when I found out that he

was sleeping while
I was off the boat.

Taking naps.

Shane, Shane, Lee,
to the bridge, please.

We need to have a conversation.

I got you, okay.

Have fun.

[laughing and screaming]

And they are off.

-Are you going to eat breakfast?
-I am.

How was your coffee?

-It was fine.
-Yeah? Okay.


[fog horn]


So breakfast is at 9:30,
at half an hour.


Was everything neat
and tidy and clean

when you got up
here this morning?

Yeah, it was pretty tidy.


What's been going on
so far this morning?

What happened to Sunshine?

He was hour late to deck

so I was up at 6:30 and
then Eddie had to wake him up.

Cause he said he
didn't charge his phone.

Oh God, that's not good.


-Thank you.

And you can take your life
jacket off and give it to me.

If you'd like to take
a seat at the table,

we have some fruit platters and
croissants and muffins to start.

-Going to take some orders.

Two eggs over medium.

For you, Lee?

French toast and can I have
two eggs over hard?

-Two eggs over medium?
-Eggs, uh, Halifax.


-Okay, I have the order.
-Good morning.

-Hi, morning.
-How can I help you?

Um, I'm just writing this down,
I won't be long.

All right, I'll be upstairs.

Last night didn't
end well for me.

To get yelled at by your boss

in front of
your coworkers, it sucks.

How can I help you?

-Um, I'm okay for now.

I feel like if I start
speaking or something,

like, she takes that like
the rudest thing in the world.

Like, I can't win.

You feeling okay?

Yeah, I went to bed late.

-I know you did.
-So I woke up late.

Good little sleep.

Feels really weird
that everyone's out there.

-Bringing them all in now.

Do we have the cradle?

Sir, yes sir.

I shall put these right here.

-She's in.
-Happy days.

You mind taking one, and
I'll take the other two.

-These two can go.

For you, Eggs Halifax.


Would anybody like anything
else to drink?

Oh my God.

We love Rachel.

-That's it for breakfast.

Cheers, thank you.

Eddie, Lee, I'm want
to start pulling the hook.

Yes, sir.
Drum bag's on.

-The pinch is open.


Just get to a good spot where
you can see the anchor.

I can see her.

This is what I want you to do
then, I want you to tell me--

-What it is?
-What to tell him.


And I will tell you
if you're wrong or not

by relaying that
message or not.

Izzy is a badass and she doesn't
take sh-- from no one.

That to me is the beginnings
of being a really good leader.

Eddie, Lee, start pulling.

Right, 9:00.

We have a short stay
leading off to 9:00.

So I'm letting Izzy
take up the anchor.

Is this open?

This is not open!

With me doing my very best
to set you up for success--

Straight up and down--

But let you do it on your own.

So I can start hoisting?

Go ahead, start hoisting.

Four moving into five.

Good job.
Anchor is home.

All right,
let's get out of here.

Deck crew, deck crew,
get in your whites.

Out of my way.

Out of my way!

Thank you, ladies,
for your service today,

it was really smooth
and like calm,

and I really appreciate it.

-It was really calm.
-Oh, thank you, yeah.

I love having you on breakfast,

I want you because
I think I need to--

you know, I don't have
time to train anyone.

All right, head's up everybody,
we're on our way in.

James, you can take
the stern lines down?

I'll take one of them.

Shane, we need you
on the dock to handle lines.

I'm going to go drop,
drop, drop, drop.


Pretty self-explanatory
stuff, but, you know.

You know.

Does it matter which end
we're going to put on the dock?

Just, drag goes over the rail.


Goes down your hand,
adjust the clamp cleat.

And then I drop the next.

Yeah, how you guys doing?

These ones are not
measured correctly.

But just so long as it drops,

and then once it's down,
you can adjust it really quick.

Because it's just
a clamp cleat.

Eddie, let me know when
my stern clears 15, please.

Copy that, 15 feet
off and closing.

Stern is clear of 15.

Dropping fenders in
three, two, one...


And drop.

You got one more to drop.

I know.

I got a fender misplaced.

God damn it.


All fenders are out.

Okay, out to wing station.

We need a vodka soda,
vodka sprite, rose, champagne.

Got it.

If you have it.

Starboard side mooring
buoy is at 50 feet.

Closing quickly.

Do I have control here?

Why am I not getting
my stern over there?

Come on.

I've got wind coming from
the opposite direction,

thrusters ----ing up.

I can potentially hit the dock.

This is a God damn disaster
waiting to happen.

Yeah, yeah.

I don't have my stern thruster.

This is a ----ing disaster.

-I'm not getting nothing.

Come on.

Son of a bitch!

Uh, 35, closing quickly.

Do I have control here?
I don't have my stern thruster.

-I'm not getting nothing.

-Son of a bitch.

This is where Captain Lee
earns his money.

Come on.


Nerve wracking every time.

Okay, she's behaving.

Transom at dock now, forward
spring line going ashore.

At what point do you
either want to jump on

and do the stern line?

Is anybody doing anything
on that ----ing stern?

God damn it.

-Are you ready mate?

Where am I tying off to?

Pull it and we'll stick it
on that end one there.

We locked in back there?

Go ahead James, you want
to throw me this one?

Yeah, pull your bear end.

-On my way!

God damn it!

You want to just walk it to me?

I don't know if you're going
to be able to throw it.


Who in the [bleep]
put these out?

Whoever it is,
their ass is mine.

Can we get those lines tightened
up back there sometime today?

-Yeah, which on can I do?

Starboard ground tackle secure.

Tie this whole ----ing
boat up myself.

If they think I'm pissed,
they're right, I am.

That ain't going
to happen again.

No, it's not.

Docking today was
just a ----ing disaster.

This is our
third time coming in.

We do it the
same way every time.

And so far, Shane's had every
opportunity to prove himself.

Well, [bleep] it, his puppy ass
is still on the porch

as far as I'm concerned.

It ain't ----ing rocket science.

----ing a.

It's definitely my bad.

We're back.

Attention all crew,
as soon as you're ready,

I need you out here
on the aft deck.

Okay, here we go.

Thank you for everything.

Thank you.

Above and beyond.

Thank you, man, really great.

Thank you very much.

No, I'm coming in, man.

Captain Lee. It was a pleasure
man, it was so fun.

I'd like to thank you all,
it was probably slightly cliché

when people say this was
the best vacation of my life.

But it was incredible.

Thank you so much.

-There you go.
-And thank you.

-Thanks, guys.
-Thank you.

-Thank you!
-Thank you!

-All right, go to work.
-Yes, sir.

Everybody but the deck crew.

Okay girls, let's go change.

That docking sucked.

First line that goes on is
the forward spring line,

because that's the one
that keeps us

from hitting
the God damn dock.

The second line that goes on
is the windward crisscross.

That's critical.

You've got these two lines on,
nothing bad can happen to you.

Shane knows he ----ed up.

At this point, I am running
out of options of what to do.

Captain Lee has once said to me,
you can't fix stupid,

so I might not be able
to fix this problem.

It sucks.

Because I really don't want
to have a repeat of today.

We won't.

Go to work.

Thanks, Cap.

Yeah, sorry, Eddie.
It was sh--.

We'll be better next time.

Get dressed guys
and get working.

On deck in two minutes.

Coming in.



Stewardess life.

Uh, one of them's pissing.

Or was that me, I don't know.

You know 1300's
in two minutes, right?

Your watch is reading 12:58?

is your watch reading?

You should change your watch.


My number one feeling
is frustration right now.

I know that I'm in the hot seat

and I know that I
got to step up,

because if I under perform at A,

and I'm currently
performing at B,

and if I don't get to A,
then say goodbye to B.


Got to haul
my fat ass up those stairs.

Mostly just sag at this point,
isn't it?

It's just there.

Attention all crew,
attention all crew.

I need everybody
in the crew mess in five.


Galley copies.

Copy that.

How we doing sports fans?


This charter went
extremely well.

Rachel, your meal
last night, outstanding.

Thank you.

Your knowledge of food is
outstanding, and it shows.

But it did have
a couple of close calls.

There are some people here that
are not performing

where I think they should be
at this point in time,

and that gives me
a little pause for concern,

that's all I'm going to say.

That's a $20,000 total.


So that is $1,650 each.

Thank you.

Thank you very much, Cappy.

Bring me all the money, honey.

All right guys.
Thank you.

-Thanks, Captain Lee.
-Thank you, Captain.

Nice work team.


Hey, I want to apologize
to both you guys.

Sometimes when Eddie's around me
I get like a little more nervous

because I know he's like,
watching everything I do

because I feel like
my ass is on the line.

That's all right,
I felt like that

on the first time I was on deck.

Eddie, Eddie, Lee.

Yeah, go ahead.

Can I get you
to the bridge, sir?

Copy that.

Hey, couldn't have
been any worse

for you sleeping
in this morning.


That couldn't have been timed
any worse.

----ing a, man.

I'm contemplating
what to do about Sunshine.

Well you know, I was
pretty pissed off when

I found out that he was sleeping
while I was off the boat.

But then at the same time,
you know, this charter,

he was really, really
trying to step up.

But then this morning, he was,

what an hour and a
half late for wake-up?

I think we've given him
lots of chances.


Shane, Shane, Lee.

Just another day in paradise.

Why does this not surprise me?

Shane, Shane, Lee.


To the bridge, please.

Have a seat.

We need to have a conversation.

Next on Below Deck...

Do you feel like you're dizzy?

I feel like I'm dizzy.

That's it.

Is there a possibility
we can get somebody else?

Cheers to charter three.

Well, this is getting deep.



Can you fly here by any chance?

Start reading.

Oh wow.

That's disgusting.
That's despicable.

Well, why don't we see
after we talk to them.

[bleep] yourself.