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01x08 - Series 1, Episode 8

Posted: 04/23/13 18:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on Broadchurch.

Cause of death was asphyxiation. He was strangled.

Forensics from the hut.

Boot print in the mud up the hill matches one they found inside.

It's a man's size ten.

Danny's life touched many people and we'll be looking at all those connections.

If you or someone you know has any information, has noticed anything unusual, please come forward now.

I'd urge everyone, don't hide anything... because we will find out.

If a member of your family, or a friend, or a neighbour, has been behaving differently in the past days or weeks, please tell the police immediately.

There will be no hiding place for Danny's k*ller.

We will catch whoever did this.

In... and out.

Office to be cleared by the end of the day, please.

I think I know who the k*ller is.

Well, don't walk away from me.


Dad, out!

Mate, where's your laptop?


Mum needs it for the investigation.

It's not here.

Well, where is it?

Um...I lost it.

Well, when did you lose it?

A week back.Maybe longer.

Why didn't you tell us?

Well, you've both had a lot on your mind.

Don't lie to me, Tom.

Where's the computer?

Oh, my little baby sis, you never let me down.

You know this will sort everything.

We're running out of time. My boss is on his way out and I'm scared another child will get hurt.

You just tell me what you saw.

The night of Danny's death, I was up...

I was looking out the window, down the road, and I saw a man in the distance - dark clothes, hat.

He was shoving a bag into someone's bin.

The bag looked like it had clothes in it.

Your sister? Why's she just coming forward with this now?

I think something jogged her memory.

Did you find your boy's computer? He said it had been stolen.

You believe him?


I called them, asked them to come in.

Today? Without telling me?

I'm telling you now.

How's the surveillance going?

Susan Wright's caravan is completely empty.

All cleared out. No sign of her or the dog.

She's just vanished?

Our key witness has just disappeared?


So where is Nigel Carter?

Surveillance team lost him.

What? So where is he?

They don't know. He shook them off in a back alley.

Oh, what is the matter with you people? He's a major suspect.

Get uniform, scour the area, bring him here now! You understand?'s me.

When you get this message, I don't want you to worry.

People are gonna say things. I don't want you to listen to them.

I don't want you to believe them.

Things are just a bit mixed up, that's all.

I'll be home soon.

So you look after yourself.



My computer got nicked, at school.

I left it in a bag and then it was gone.

Yeah. You mustn't lie to me, Tom.

Paul Coates said you threatened to accuse him of all sorts of shenanigans if he was to give this over to us.

You threatened the vicar? Why'd you smash it up, Tom?

It had my emails with Danny on it.

And are these your emails?

How did you get those?

They were stored on your server.

I haven't seen these before.

Danny was using a different address to the one on his home computer.

You're the only person he wrote to from this address.

No, no. I see you and one other person.

I think he sent them from his phone.

Where'd he get his phone from?

He said he saved up from his paper round.

Why didn't you mention that you and Danny fell out?

I thought you already knew.

In these emails, Danny's asking you to stay away from him.

Says he doesn't want to see you any more and you're no longer friends. Why was that?

He said he found a new friend.

Someone who understood him better than me.

You write to Danny...

'I wish you were dead.'

He replies, 'Wishing won't make it happen.'

You email back, 'I could k*ll you if I wanted.'

Oh, for God's sake, it's just kids, just boys falling out.

Did you k*ll Danny, Tom?

Come on!

I'm talking to your son, Joe, not you.


If you're lying to me, Tom, there'll be very serious consequences.

If you want to tell me you were involved in Danny's death...

That's enough.

You want to question him like that, we need a solicitor.

Fine. We're done for now.

We need a DNA sample. Then you can go.

Oh, Tom... What is your shoe size, Tom?

A five.

What about you, Joe?


All right.

What are you doing?

What are we gonna do about the room?

How do you mean?

Baby. The baby's coming.

It means we have to clear the room.

I don't want to clear the room.

Sir, why'd you call me all the way down here?

What's going on?

I was here before.

On this beach.

I came here as a kid.

With a tent. Some campsite near the cliff.

I tried looking for it when I first came.

You came on holiday to Broadchurch?

Didn't remember I was here till the day I arrived. It freaked me out.

Those bloody cliffs still there.

Still the same.

I used to sit under them and get away from my parents arguing.

They kept bickering till the day Mum died.

Last thing she ever said to me - 'God will put you in the right place even if you don't know it at the time.'

What are you saying that for?



Danny's phone is on. They're tracing the signal.

The k*ller must have switched it on. They can track the signal.

Get back and question Nigel Carter. Get the truth out of him.

This is Hardy. Will you send the tracking signal coordinates to my phone? Good.


Go, on. Go. Go.


You've done good work on this. Well done.


Yeah, just... Just pull up here.

Stay here. I'll call you.





I'm sick of hiding.

I know I said tonight was the last time, but we're not doing anything wrong.

I'm not going to meet you any more.

Oh, come on, Dan.

Try and stop me. I'll tell Dad.

No, no, no. Let's not be silly.


I mean, what would you say, anyway?

We meet up and hug. So what?

You tell your dad and...he won't understand.

You tell people what we've been doing, they won't understand. No-one will.

They'll say it's wrong and it's sick and it's not.

It'll ruin everything. The whole of our world. The whole of our lives.

And it'll be on you.

Is that what you want?



Of course not.

Shit. Danny!



Danny! Get away from me! Go away!

Whoa! What are you doing?

We shouldn't have ever done this. I... I... I'm sorry All right? I shouldn't have said those things.

Let's go back together.

All right? All right?

Come here.

What are you doing?

Promise this'll stay between us, then you can leave.

Or what?

Just promise, Dan!

I know what you want from me.

I don't want anything.You do, and you're too afraid to ask!

Do not say those things, Dan.

Why don't you do them to Tom instead?

I am not that man!

Let go.

I never touched you!

I never touched Tom and I never will!

Do you understand?

You do not say those things about me.

I helped you...and you won't spoil it.

You do not spoil it!



(I k*lled him. Oh, God!)




Shit! Shit.

Here you go, mister. Back to the real world.Yeah.

Tonight was a lot of fun.

Yeah. I had more than a good time.



What was the exact nature of your relationship with Danny?

I was in love with him.

When did this start?

About nine months ago.

Mark gave Danny a split lip.

Danny came round to ours to see Tom.

Didn't know where else to go. I fixed him up.

We talked.

And then what happened?

He'd come round to play with Tom.

He'd always come and find me. We'd have a chat.

He told me he couldn't talk to his dad like that.

That's...when we started... meeting, just the two of us.

Did you tell Ellie or Tom?

Why not?

I wanted something that was mine.

Ellie has her job.

Tom...does his own thing.

But Danny...

I felt like he needed me.

Where did Ellie think you were?

Running. Cycling. Pub.

So you lied about where you were?

Did you ever touch him?


All I ever asked for... was for him to hold me.

Standing up? Sitting down?

In a chair.

Clothed? Naked?


How long would the hugs last?

Why does it matter?

Everything matters. I need the facts, Joe. I need to understand.

If I can't understand it, why should you?

Did you ever give Danny presents?

(SIGHS) Mobile phone. Beginning of the year. Told him not to show Mark and Beth.

Did you ever give him any cash?

£500. It was part of our spending money for Florida.

Why did you need to give Danny that amount of money, Joe?

I wanted him to love me.

Two nights ago, why did you call from the hut?

I couldn't take any more. I caused Jack's death too. I knew you'd check the number. I wanted it just to be you. To confess. Then I saw I ran.

Does Ellie know?


Ohh... I dunno. Why don't you ask her?

Do you mind?

For the sake of the tape, DI Hardy...

Interview terminated at 1:33pm.

Take him. Come on.

He's my suspect!

Sorry, Miller.

What is going on?

It's not him.

How do you know?
I need to ask you a couple of things.

Where were you the night of Danny's death?


Just... Please. I'll explain.

But we just... We need to keep this simple.

So I'll ask questions. You give me the answers.

What, you think it was me?

Where were you?

Are you serious?

Please, Ellie.

Don't call me Ellie.

Tell me where you were the night that Danny Latimer died.

I was at home.

We just got back from Florida that morning.

So that night...

What did you do?

Unpack? Get ready for work? What?

I went to bed.

I get terrible jet lag, so I have these pills I take and they knock me out.

What time did you go to bed?

Half seven, eight. Why are you asking me this?

Did you notice Joe come to bed?


OK. Tell me what's going on.

What are you doing? Why are you coming around here?

It was Joe.

Joe k*lled Danny Latimer.

No. What the f*ck?

No, he didn't.

He didn't.

We have him in custody.



It's OK.

It's all right.

No. S... Susan Wright. She saw Nige. My sister...

No, they saw Joe.

No. Same build, facial similarities, bald head and a hat.

They thought they saw Nige but they saw Joe.

No, it's not Joe. It's not Joe.

It's not Joe.


You're wrong.

I'm not.

I want to see him.

I want to see him.

I want to see him.

Are you sure?

You're not right.

I want to see him.

You don't touch him.

You don't do anything that might jeopardise a conviction.

What am I gonna do? He's bigger than me and there are cameras everywhere.


Sit down.

Is it true?

I never touched...Tom or Fred.

I never touched Danny. El...

I've always loved you.

He was 11!

I can't explain it.

Can I see Tom?



You sorry piece of shit!

Get off him!


All right, all right, all right.

Get her out.No!



We booked you a family room at the hotel on the roundabout.

Pete will meet you there with Tom and Fred. You can pick some stuff up on the way.

Don't talk to anyone. Shut the curtains. Lock the door.

Don't answer the phone to anyone that isn't me.

If you need me to do anything on the paperwork or stuff I've been following up, my desk's a mess.

Tell me this isn't happening.

Is this my car?


Thanks, Dom.

I'll see you soon.

I've come to pick up some clothes, toys for the kids, that sort of stuff.

I'll have to accompany you around while you pick up your things.

I'm so sorry, Ellie.

We were happy here.



It's DI Hardy. Broadchurch.

You, mate, are a bastard. You gave the Sandbrook story to Olly.

We've got Danny Latimer's k*ller.

Who is it?I'll be making a statement in three hours.

No-one else has advance warning.

If you're down here, you'll have first access.


But why'd you call me?


At 5pm, I'll tell the family.

I'll then make a short statement to the media.

And then we all need to be on hand because this information is gonna run a crack through this community.

You all know DS Miller.

She has been removed from the case and put on leave with full pay.

There is no suggestion that she knew. All right?

There is no suggestion that she covered anything up.

You're her colleagues and her friends. This is unthinkable for her.

She'll need you. She'll need all of us.

This is nice.

This is an adventure.

Are you hungry? We could get chips.

We could sit on the bed, watch telly, eat chips out of the packet.

Tell me what's happening.


Mark, do you have a minute?

Course I do.


Come in.


Just go through.

Thank you.

Hi, Beth.



Um, maybe we could all take a seat.


We have charged someone with Danny's m*rder.

Oh, God. I don't want to know.

That's good.

Is it someone we know?

It's Joe Miller.

Oh, my God.

No, it can't be.

They only live across the field.

He and Danny had been...meeting in secret for the last few months.

We can't tell you much more, but we do believe that we have the right person.

What about Ellie?

She didn't know.




Are you sure?

We're fairly certain. Yeah.



Tom, there's something you need to know.

They've um...

We've found out who k*lled Danny.

Sweetheart, it was your dad.

Yes, love.

I can't explain it.

I really wish I could.


Tom, I have to ask you.

Why did you send those threatening emails to Danny?

He said he didn't want to be my friend any more.

Said he found a new friend.

I was angry.

It was Dad, wasn't it?

A 38-year-old man from Broadchurch has today been charged with the m*rder of Daniel Latimer.

Danny's family have been informed and ask for privacy at this time.

Have you heard who it is?

Yeah. Just got a call.

I would ask all members of the media not to do anything that would prejudice the suspect's...

Who is it? Who did it?


As the senior investigating officer, I would ask...

(It's Joe.)

..that the town is now left alone to come to terms with what took place here.

No. Just get your stuff.

Get your things.

We're not looking for anyone else in relation to the k*lling.

This has been a delicate, complex investigation, and it has left its mark on a close-knit town.

Now is the time for Broadchurch to be left... to grieve and heal, away from the spotlight.


Thank you.


I never did this. You've got five minutes.

Hey... You were our friend. You were in our house.

I know... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Not man enough to k*ll your own boy? You had to take mine?

It was an accident. I put him on the beach so you'd know I didn't... I could have left him in the sea.

Have you heard yourself, Joe? Hm?

He only came to me in the first place because you were no sort of father to him, because you hit him.

Don't use me as a f*cking excuse! It was once, only ever once, and I'll suffer for that for my whole life now. You did things to him, didn't you? I know that they say you didn't, must have.

I... I swear. Honestly, I never did.

Don't put this on me. I only ever cared for him.

You have to believe that.

I thought I'd hate you, Joe.

But seeing you in here...'re not even worth that.

I just pity you.

Because you're nothing.


All right, mate? All right, mate?

I'm so sorry.


Thank you.

I'm going to go for a walk.

Is it the new one?

It is the new one, yeah.

How you doing, Freddy?

DS Miller?

I'm so sorry for what you're going through.

Don't talk to anyone.

How could you not know?

How could any adult be in love with an 11-year-old boy?

Is he a paedophile?

The pathologist said there was no record of abuse on Danny, either historic or recent.

I asked Tom and he said Joe never touched him, so what does that make him?

Why do you need a category?

I need to understand.

Well... Just because he didn't abuse either boy... it doesn't mean that he wouldn't have gone on to.

Doesn't mean he would have, either.


We'll never be sure.

He said he was in love.

Maybe he was romanticising to justify what he felt.

Or...or maybe that's as it was.

I don't have these answers.

People are unknowable.

And... You can never really know what goes on inside someone else's heart.

I should have seen it.


I'm a bloody detective.

Miller the brilliant copper who was lying next to the m*rder*r.

I want to k*ll him.

When did you suspect?

Last day or so. There was an email account on Danny's missing phone.

He only had two contacts.

It was just Tom...and Joe, so...

All along, you said: Don't trust.

I really wanted to be wrong.

Wessex Police tonight announce they have made an arrest in the m*rder of 11-year-old Danny Latimer.

The Bible says: Let all bitterness and wrath and anger...

..and clamour and slander... put away from you, along with all malice.

Be kind to one another.


Forgive one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

After what we've been through...

..I don't know.

But we have a responsibility to ourselves and to our God... try.

What'll you do?

Go somewhere else, give the kids a fresh start.

Your life is here.

How can I walk down the high street now?

What about you?

Oh, I'm done.

Medicalled out. It's all over.

Look at us. Former detectives club.


What's that?

How did everyone know?

Was this you?

I passed the word.

Maybe the word was good.