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01x05 - Series 1, Episode 5

Posted: 04/02/13 11:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on Broadchurch...

100 quid says that's the boat they used and those hairs belonged to Danny.

Mum? Why don't you understand the trouble we're in?

Do they know about us? Cos you ain't 16 yet. Nobody knows.

If you or your family need to speak you call me.

I don't talk to the press.

You're a newsagent.

I sell 'em. I don't want to be in 'em.

Do you have a conviction for underage sex?


Jack's got a history with kids.

They're going to be saying things about me and those things aren't true.

You took pictures of the boys in the Sea Brigade.

Where were you the night of Danny's death?

Reading a book.

I was at home.

Having sex.

I know about you and Becca Fisher.

Reconstruction. Thursday night. One week on.

Your boy Tom, he should do it.

Tell me this will make a difference.

I'm sure it will.

I hate the thought of him out here alone at this time of night.

Our Father who art in heaven: hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come...

Do you think it was him?

I'm not speculating about anybody.

Yeah, you might not be, but everybody else is.

Well, people need to calm down.

They'll calm down as soon as you arrest someone.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


An eerie silence enveloped the town of Broadchurch tonight as local residents came out in force to support the Latimer family.

United in grief they walked in silent vigil along the route where Danny Latimer was last seen the night before his body was found beneath the cliffs on Broadchurch beach.

Police are hoping the reconstruction will jog people's memories for vital evidence surrounding Danny's death.

And provide fresh leads for an investigation that is showing no sign of leading to an arrest.

Some within the town...

National news now.

Since the interview.

The journalist was right.

Do you think it was Jack Marshall?

'..And townspeople fear the events of the past few weeks may have changed their town forever.'

When are we gonna talk about what's happened?

You mean what you did?




You selfish, childish... egotistical, self-centred bastard.


Two children.

Two children.

15 years of... collecting all of everyone's shit and... and washing it and cleaning it and folding it and tidying it.

And going back to the start like I'm on a bloody wheel.

I've had offers too, you know.

I'm sure you have.

I could have shagged my way round your mates at the Kings Arms.

I'm sure.

But I didn't.

Because I'm... I'm a human being.

Not a bloody animal.

15... 15 I've been with you since.

Do you still fancy me?

Of course I do.

No, not of course you do.

You had sex with someone else. Why?

What don't you get from me?



Cos, what?

Cos I'm... I'm not inventive enough. Not experimental enough. What is it you want?


S and M?


Role play? Threesomes?

Don't put words in my mouth.

Dull, right? Well, I'm sorry.

But if I'm dull it's only because I've never slept with anyone apart from you.

It wasn't about you, Beth.

You make me feel so special. Thanks, Mark.

Becca, then. What's so great about her that it's worth risking all this for?

You really want to know?


She was different.

That's it. Not prettier or sexier or nothing. Just...


And, I don't know, this... house and this town and this job of mine...

It's all my life's ever gonna be, isn't it? I knew every second of it.

And every second of it to come.

I just felt trapped, Beth.

And that's why I did it. And I wish to God I hadn't.

And I wish to God that I could get our old, predictable, beautiful life back.

Because what I wouldn't give for that right now.

But... I can't, can I?

I don't want to lose you, Beth.

But I think I already have.

I'm pregnant.

Since when?

Ouzo night.

First shag in months. Thanks, ouzo.

You have to keep it. I don't have to do anything you say right now.

'And the closing headlines: hundreds of residents in the town of Broadchurch lined the streets tonight to watch the reconstruction of the last-known moments of Danny Latimer.'

Press clippings on Jack Marshall.

Everything since he moved here.

Brilliant. Anything interesting?

There's a good photo of him with the Sea Brigade.

Wow. Where did you get this photo of Jack?

He got papped at the Latimers'.

Photographer came to the hotel, we bought it.

Why did he go and see the family?


Right. We need 400 words on the reconstruction, and then main article - the exclusive.

Everything you dug up on Jack, especially his previous conviction.

You're gonna write it.

What, me?

Look at your little face. Yes, you.

You did the work, you write the article.

We can run it under my byline. Be our secret. Right.

A list of the boats reported missing in the last month.

Any matches?


Also, details from North Yorkshire on that cold case.

Er... young girl, ten years old.

r*ped and k*lled.

Her body was found on top of a cliff at Whitby.

She'd been stabbed. So it's nothing like this MO.

I'll look at it. What else?

Forensics have come back on the phone.

Mark's prints, but he handled it.

Danny's DNA and Jack Marshall's, which tallies with him finding it.

Or he claimed to find it cos he knew his DNA was already on it.

Funny thing is, Mark confirmed the phone was Danny's when Jack handed it to him, but...

I always saw Danny with a smartphone like Tom's.

Did we get any data off the handset?

Nothing. Everything's been set to forward to another number.

That swankier device that you saw him with - can we trace that number?

Yeah, but it's a pay-as-you-go SIM.

It's turned off, no signal.

Why does a kid his age have two phones?

How could he afford this other one?

The cash we found in his room?

Could that money have come from Jack Marshall?

Did you see your son at the end tonight?

A bit. He just wanted to go home.

You tell him from me, he's a good lad. He did right by Danny.

You did good tonight, buddy.



Dad, what does Mum think happened?

Mate, she doesn't talk to me about it.

Work and home - they're two different things.

Does she think Danny knew the person who k*lled him?

I don't know.

What about the phone?

The one Mr Marshall had.

Did they find anything on it?

I'm sure Mum will tell us anything we need to know.

We have to let her do her job.

How long would someone get sent to prison for if they k*lled someone?

I don't know, 20 years or something.

Why are you asking?

I just... wondered.

I miss him, Dad.

I know. We all do.

Bloody hell, you work late.

Jesus, what you doing here?

Thought I'd come and see you.

No, you didn't.

Go away, Lucy, we've got nothing to say.

What? You won't even hear me out?

Are you ready to seek professional help?

I don't need that sort of help.

I just need a bit of money to stand me up again.

Oh, here we go. Look at you.

Nothing changes, does it?

Even with everything going on, you're self-obsessed.

£1,000, 900, and I'll be sorted.

I've lent you 3,000.

I saw something. I think you'll want to know. What are you talking about?

The night Danny Latimer got k*lled.

I don't believe you.

I'm your bloody sister.

You'd even use a boy's death to your own ends.

You never fail to let me down.

Right, what did you see the night Danny was k*lled?

What night was it, even?

It was a Thursday.

Yeah, go on, then.

Lend me that grand and I'll tell you.

I don't even know you.

OK, we need his age here, right at the top. Yeah.

Tell them where the newsagent's was in the town, how close to where the body was found.

What, quarter of a mile? His house is closer, on top of the beach.

And you haven't put that in there?

Didn't think.

Thinking definitely helps, Olly.

Right. Structure.

Fifth para should be the third.

That's where you want the detail in his past.

Then we move these two sentences to the top of the second para.

And... make this the close. See?

Yeah, it's brilliant.

That is brilliant, it's loads better.

It's good. It's got all the facts, asks questions, clear point of view, but nothing sensationalised.

You did well. You'll make someone a lovely apprentice.

Shall we send?


Well, they're waiting.



What you doing?


I've wanted to do that since you walked in. Cheeky bastard. We're working.

Sorry, yeah. I'm sorry, it was... inappropriate.

Yeah, it was.

He's got a conviction for kiddie-fiddling and they're letting him serve ice-creams.

Who are we? We look after things ourselves.

If things are wrong we sort them out. We have to wait till they got enough evidence.

It's all over the paper.

How much proof do you need?

And what if waiting for evidence means it's too late? What if there's another kid?

Say he has got something to do with it and we've just let him carry on.

How sick...

Enough! All right?

Stop banging on at me.

You know I can't do nothing.

You want to do something, fine.

Well, as you can see, the police tape's coming down.

The beaches are fully opened, it's a beautiful part of the world and... we hope people aren't put off coming by this... tragic, yet isolated event.

Thank you very much for your time.

Did I sound like a complete arsehole?

Not a complete one, no.

I'm up next, so you'll have some competition.

They bring us out here so they can hear the sound of the sea.

I hate this stuff, never done it before. I do it all the time.

It's just no-one normally cares.

Except my mum. It's the only time she believes I'm a real priest.

That's parents for you.


Have you got family here?

No. Melbourne.

Worrying about me.

Wasn't there a guy who used to run the Traders with you?

My partner. Ex-partner.

Business partner?

Everything partner.

Yeah, here's what I've learned.

Don't buy a hotel with a dickhead.

Good advice. Paul's letter to the Corinthians says much the same.

You're funny.

Never met a funny vicar before.

Have you seen the Herald today?

Yeah. Think it's him?

I can't believe it would be.

He's a bit weird, though, you've got to admit.

We all have our foibles.


Oh, I'm up.


Oh, shit, I slept in!

You are gonna use the back entrance?

You really are one dirty girl.

No, when you leave. Go out the back.

Yes, right.


I don't want any small-town gossip.

But... you know, it was... what we...

You know, it was nice.

You mean the sex?

Yes, the sex that we had for quite a while.

It was all right, wasn't it?

You really are quite needy, Olly.

Always wanting affirmation.

Has anyone told you that?

I just like good feedback.

The sex was good.


No, just good.

Happy to give it another go?


Hey, I was just wondering. You know that boat that the police found?

How would you get out that far?

Would you row? Do you need a motor?

When did you have time to wonder about that? Do you know or not?

We could see if you er... if you call me later.

So is it back entrance?


And shut the bloody door.

This isn't what we wrote.

Yeah, tell everyone. They boycott his shop, nobody's to go near him.

Get off the phone now.

Yep, OK. Bye.

Where's Mum?

Went out for a run first thing.

Again. That's all she does now.

Can't she bear to be with us?

It's her way of coping.

Now, listen to me. I know Jack Marshall and he's not what they're calling him in there.

He's been in prison, Gran.

He saw Danny every day.

Plenty of people saw him every day.

Jack Marshall wouldn't hurt a fly.

He had sex with a kid.

You don't know the full details.

You believe everything you read.

You told us to go with the Herald.

Now you're saying we can't believe them.

Not when they're accusing people I know.

We wait and see what the police do.

The police?

We learn more from the papers than from the police.

I'm not sure that's fair.

Pete, what is the point of you?

You're just getting fat off all the toast that we make you!

That's enough. I'm right, though.

They haven't got a clue.

They take Dad in for questioning while Jack is a paedophile.

Stop talking like that. Just cos you have a soft spot for him, doesn't mean the rest of us are blind.

How credible is Jack Marshall as a suspect?

Strong links to Danny, he doesn't have an alibi for the night.

He had Danny's phone in his possession. Who else is a possible?

The Dad - Mark. Very quick to lie about where he was.

Had an alibi all set to go. Even now there's still two hours missing from his alibi.

He used to hit Danny, according to Miller's son.

Occasionally, not all the time.

Think it's possible?

Maybe. I don't know.

You've changed your tune.

Then there's Paul Coates - local vicar, no alibi. Taught Danny about computers.

Er... church overlooks the back of the Latimer house.

We're running background.

Tread carefully.

We can do without offending the Church.

Better hope it's not him, then.

You are a year behind your projections with no sign of an upturn.

And your... income forecast compared with your real income...

Stinks, right?

You've seen what the weather's been like and now...

The bank are demanding a repayment of ten grand within 42 days or they repossess.


Beth, I didn't expect to see you.

Do you want a drink?


OK, that's enough.

For Christ's sake!

All right, that's enough. Enough.

I'm doing your windows next.

Stop throwing crisps. Stop throwing...

I've got five flavours to get through.

I'm sorry, it was a mistake.

Too right it was.

My husband! Cos I will nail you to the floor before I let you wreck 15 years of my life!

I am sorry. If we'd known what was gonna... Don't you dare.

Don't you dare bring that into it.

Come near my family again and I'll break your f*cking face.

OK. Understood.

Let's get some air.
Know what she did?

I'm getting the gist.

That's not my article. You rewrote the whole bloody thing, stoked it up.

Made it all emotive.

You loaded it against him.

'I restructured it so it had enough bite for you to get a front-page byline.

What are you complaining about?'

It's a misrepresentation.

People here will think I wrote that.

'Take your head out of your backside and get more on Jack Marshall.

What's his history?

What do his neighbours think of him?

You're ahead of the pack. Keep going.'

You could make a complaint to them.

Would that stop them?



But... if you co-operate with us a bit more we can clear you of all suspicion.

You think I haven't heard that before?

"Co-operate and we'll make it all right." Next thing I'm being charged.

All I want is to get to the truth of Danny Latimer's death.

I used to be in the Sea Brigade.

Jack Marshall threw me out.

You're kidding? Why?

He was always wanting hugs from the boys.

And he'd love us getting in our trunks when it was hot.

That's when he'd come round, put his arm on our shoulder.

I was like, "No, thanks, mate. No hugs from me."

Hm... didn't like me after that.

Kept asking what was wrong with me.

Why are you looking at me like that?

I need this corroborated.

I can't just take your word for it.

Show her. I had him do a list. I knew you'd ask.


Three lads who were there the same time as I was.

Numbers all there.

You came prepared.

Are you sure about this?

We all know what he's like.

And the police are doing nothing.

When we've finished here you need to put this in a statement to the police.

But you're gonna use it?

Everyone's gonna know what Jack did.

You said if I ever needed anything...

Yeah, of course. People need to know.

I wanted to apologise. Not to her - to you.

I can't believe I did it. I can - I can believe it.

God, it felt good.

Do you think I'll have to pay her?

I'm not paying her.

She can whistle for that.


Have you thought about maybe seeing a bereavement counsellor?

I don't want to see a counsellor.

A counsellor will want me to stop being angry.

I need my anger. It's all I've got.

Mark knows about the pregnancy.

He said I had to keep it.

I think he's right.

Well, if the men think that's what's best let's do it.

I hate it... this thing growing inside me.

I don't want it. It's not right.

Danny should be growing.

I'm not done with him. I want him.

I had one job as his mum - get him ready for the world.

Set him up to meet it and be the best he could be, and I failed him. I let him down.

No, you didn't. He was taken.


Why did your God create him and then take him back?

I don't know.

Some people think that he takes those he loves the most first.

Pretty bloody selfish God.

I don't know the reasons.

I just know that this is the life we have and we have to accept that.

Why? Why should I accept this?

What did I do wrong?

Why am I being punished?

I don't know. I don't know. I wish I did.


Everybody I know is stopping their kids from doing their paper round.

Andy's getting up a petition - get him chucked out of the Sea Brigade.

Maybe we should wait until we know a bit more.

What if it's too late by then?


You don't know it's Jack Marshall.

You don't know it ain't.

Hello, boy.

He likes you. Don't normally like kids.

What's his name?


Are you not playing?

Nah. Spent all my money.

You can take him for a walk sometime if you like.


I'm over at the caravan park.

Three back from the beach.

Number three on the door.

You can knock for him whenever you want.


What's your name?

Tom... Miller.

Nice to meet you, Tom. I'm Susan.

Right, then. Come on. Up you get.

Good boy.

Good boy.

Three back from the beach.

Jack! Jack!

Did this one get rewritten too?

No, that's all me.

It's all true. Dean and Chloe came to us. Well, her - Karen.

No wonder your boss couldn't resist it.

It's a good story. I wish it wasn't.

You've brought a shit-fight frenzy down on us now.

Not me. Jack Marshall.

Jack, Jack!

Back you go, gents.

How is this allowed to happen?

I need police protection.

I'm under siege.

Has anyone threatened you?

Physically intimidated you?

Did you not see that lot? I'm under siege.

Just stay inside. Bit of luck it will all abate soon enough.

Stay inside? That's it? You get 'em away from here. I've a shop to run.

Well, not today.

You're doing this deliberately.

Seeing if I'll crack. You've got me marked and nothing will make any difference.

We don't work like that. But you have kept things back from us.


I was a music teacher. She was a pupil.

No boys involved. A girl.

I'm sure you can fill in the gaps.

You had sex with a pupil?

I had a relationship.

Who made the first move?

It was a mutual attraction.

And you had sex how many times?

You think I put notches on my bedpost?

Who told the police?

Her father. I was made an example of.

Served a year.

I was lucky to make it out alive.

She was 15 years and 11 months.

Another four weeks and one day and nothing would have been amiss.

I served my time.

For God's sake. You should have told us this, when we first asked.

It was nobody's business but mine.

Did you have any contact with the girl after you were released?

I married her, the week after I was released.

She was 17, I was 40.

What are you doing to protect Jack?

Why is it your business?

He's my parishioner. He's terrified.

We've been over to him.

We're trying to keep the press at bay. You're not doing a good job.

There is an innocent man being hounded and you need to do something about it.

You're certain he's innocent, are you?

You're certain he's not?

Your concern's noted.

What Marshall said doesn't alter the fact. He has a conviction, and is a suspect.

We can't be distracted by him or this press. We persevere with evidence.

Are we on?


Four similar cigarette butts all within three feet of one another, within four feet of where the boy's body was found.

What makes them special?


If they'd been there more than a few hours earlier they'd have been washed away by the tide.

But there's no traces of tide water on them. They were left there that morning about the same time the body was.

Is that a common brand?

High tar.

It's quite unusual these days.

If they were bought locally, you might be in with a shout of people remembering the purchaser.

Four cigarettes?

What's the matter?

All that way to drop off a body and then stand and smoke. Doesn't make sense.

The important thing is, who smokes them?

You can't live without me, can you?

I ain't staying.

There's things happening that I need to see to.

So I want you to take that and go.

What's that?

500 quid.

500? Is that what I'm worth?

It's all I could get.

You see that van? I got a crossbow in that van. I ain't messing about.

We need to find a way of working this out... together.

Who's the boy I saw you with last night?

And don't mess me about, Chloe, cos we are way beyond that in this house now.

His name's Dean.


Why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend? Like the last two times?

How old is he?

Do we have to do this now?

Yes, we do. I'm sick of not knowing things.



And he's going out with a 15-year-old?

Yes. Just like you did with Mum.

Don't get smart with me.

Just ask me, Dad.

Fine! Are you having sex with him?


We use condoms, which is more than you and Mum did.

I'm not having you talk to me like that, Chloe. I got you out of a police cell!

I saw how you and Becca Fisher were looking at each other. Want to talk about that too?

You flirting in front of my eyes whilst I was doing shifts at the Traders and you...

Sea Brigade, Jack Marshall.

I got a call from one of the other dads. They're rounding up a posse to get him.

Request for backup at Sea Brigade hall.

Paedo! All right, lads, let's not be daft here.

We're here to talk with Jack.

There's no meeting here tonight.

No boys are coming here, Jack.

We don't want you near our kids.

We don't feel safe with that.

You don't have kids, Nigel. You didn't even get a badge for knots.

Yeah? I can speak for those that do.

Not really, Nige.

All right, boys.



Get away, come on.

Get back!

You don't need to be involved.

Get back!

You're a dead man!

Do it, Mark.

All right, Nige.

A lot of people saying a lot of stuff about you, Jack.

I'm not what they're calling me and... I didn't go near your boy.

You had Dan's phone.

He left it in the bottom of his delivery bag, I swear.

You've been to prison, though, ain't you?


There was a girl. We had an affair.

She was 15, nearly 16.

Same age as Beth when you met her.


We married, we had a son together.

Yeah, where is he now, then?

Why ain't he with you now?

He died, aged six. Car accident.

She was driving.

The grief ripped us apart, so I came here. Fresh start.

They're saying I wanted to hug the boys because I'm a paedophile.

It was never that. I missed my boy.

I missed touching him, holding him.

I miss my boy every day.

What sort of world is this, Mark, where it's wrong for a man to seek affection?

I would never harm Danny.

We're the same, Mark. No parent should outlive their child.

Your boy, he... he was a good boy.

Mark, you OK?

Yeah. Go home, boys.

What's he saying?

Go home now! The lot of you!

You're dead, mate. Dead!

Come on.

You should get away from here, Jack.

It's not safe.

This is my home now.

People have made up their minds.

If you want to stay safe I'd get as far away from here as you can.

Why down here? I thought we'd be going to the harbour.

No, it's a dry dock.

Posh name for "we keep it here".

How come you've got a boat, anyway?

Er... it was my dad's.

And then he left a few years ago.

We used to go out in it, but after he went I never fancied it so much.

How did your mum cope when he left?

She didn't.

Which one is it?

It's not here. It's gone.

When did you last see the boat?

Eight weeks ago.

The whole thing?

The motor and everything.

Why'd you leave the motor on it?

Dad always did.

And I always told him not to.

Do you think it could be the boat that was burned?

It's late, Oliver. Thank you for reporting it. I've given a picture to SOCO. Leave it with me.

You can go now. But if you find it was, can I have the story?

Don't announce it, give it to me.

If was our boat - my boat. Dad's boat.


Oh, God, Brian, I just want to go home.

That picture you got of the boat it's a match with what we have.

The colour, the moulding - it could be the one. We'll confirm.

Right. Good. Sort of. And we got Danny's DNA on the burnt boat, so if it's a match we're there, we got it.



Do you fancy a drink one night?

Sorry, I'm married, Brian.

That's an issue, is it?

Happily married, Brian.

Oh. OK. Fair enough.

Only lots of people aren't, are they?

I am.


Well, there we go.

Do you need anything from the kitchen? A cup of tea or...

No, I'm fine. Thanks, though.

Erm... the burned boat. Bit weird.

Erm... the boat itself was my ex-brother-in-law's.

Yeah, I know. Bit of a surprise, Olly's dad.

He's been gone a while. Left my sister a couple of years ago.

The boat that was burned, that has Danny's DNA on it, was your brother's?

Yeah. It was just left, just off the beach, with the motor chained to it.

I mean, anyone could have taken it, just use bolt cutters.

Who knew it was there?

Everyone did. It wasn't a secret.

Your son Tom, did he know?

Yeah. Why?

Did Danny?

I don't know.

All right, well, see if forensics can get any other prints or DNA off the shards, match them against all the elimination prints.

Oh, and erm... funny thing.

I had to tell someone.

Erm... SOCO Brian just asked me out.

Brian? Why would he do that?

Thanks a lot.

You're married. I told him that, but it didn't seem to faze him.


Well, sort of.

But it's SOCO, they've had their hands everywhere.

Dirty Brian.


Sir, do you think we'll get them, the k*ller?

We will.

You didn't on Sandbrook.

How long you been waiting to bring that up?

I haven't.

Sandbrook was different.

Did you get it wrong?

Wow. You really have been bottling this up.

You think you've been lumbered with a senior office not fit for purpose?

I don't know. It all got hushed up.

I didn't want that.

A mistake was made. A big mistake.

By you?

I don't want to talk about it.

These are my friends, people I've known all my life. We can't let them down.

We won't.

'..UK Border Agency is described as a troubled organisation which will take years to turn round.

People who have abused their position in this country to commit offences and who are...'

Can we not listen to the news?

You know I love you, Beth.

I know you say it.

Since you've been caught out.

Did Danny know about you and Becca?


No, he didn't. I swear.

Beth, please.

Why don't we make an agreement, just for tonight, eh?

No bickering and no silences.

Let's just find something else.



I saw you come in, I know it's late.

You don't mind, do you?

No, it's fine. Come in.

So, here's an issue.

I've just got journalists and press photographers asking me about rooms, and I know you don't want to bump into them in the corridor and I wouldn't normally ask...

It's just that my usual holiday bookings, they've cancelled, and I'm not gonna make it to next spring at this rate, so...

What are you asking me?

I wanted to suggest a deal.

You give me a pass on the journalists and I will charge the police half the usual rate for your room.

You like my company that much?

I've had worse guests.

It must be a bloody hard job running this place.

You have no idea.

How do you relax?

I have my ways.


Would you...

Do you want to relax a bit with me, here?


God, no!

No, I mean, it's not what I meant.

Good. Sorry.

It's not that I wouldn't, or that you're... No, no. Of course.

It's just...

I'd... I'd be worried.


That you'd... collapse on me.

Right. Thanks.

I'm really sorry about the misunderstanding.


He was obsessed with rockets, wasn't he?
