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01x04 - An Ultimatum

Posted: 04/18/24 10:01
by bunniefuu
[rock music]

say our life is on the line

this year wouldn't say enough.

It's not about
farming and ranching.

It's always a
financial struggle.

The last couple of
planning seasons

have been so bad,
battling mother nature.

We'll get massive
floods or a drought.

If we're not bringing in
revenue, it's a straight loss.

- I'm
going to provide

all of the final
projections by Sunday.

- Galyna has been
working with a hedge fund

out of New York, a
potential capital

investment of $105 million.


And if Galyna just
walked away, we could

lose literally everything.

- I know
it was a little

hard last night because of me.


INTERVIEWER: So when did
your relationship with Galyna

go from strictly
professional to personal?

- How
much detail you want?

You look smoking hot tonight.

Here you are.

- Steven,
you and I are

going to develop a
great relationship,

where we're going to be the
ones that take care of sh*t.

- It's a game-changer
deal for our family,

for the farm, for the ranch.

- Better
be nice to Galyna

because we need her for this.

- I am
nice to Galyna.

COLE: Maybe be extra nice.
[OFF] STEVEN JR.: Better be.

- Is this my vehicle?

MAN: That's it.

GALYNA: Holy sh*t.

- Galyna
just sent me a text

and said, who
crashed my Escalade?

Brooke had called me
and said that her--

her car was broke down again.

The only one I had that
was immediately available

was Galyna's Escalade.

PHONE]: Oh, boss.

This is bad.

STEVEN: I'm screwed.

Oh, I imagine she's going to
be an absolute train wreck.

[suspenseful music]

- What's going on?

- Oh, I'm just doing
my normal Wednesday check-ups

and figured, you know,
why don't I call on what's

happening with my vehicle?

Because I had a scratch
on the side of it.

And they were like, there
is a front bumper situation.

I'm like, what are
you talking about?

It's like a scratch on the side.

The full f*cking front of
my vehicle is destroyed.

[dramatic music]

And he said that there was a
female, a black-haired f*cking

female with tattoos
all over her,

dropping off and picking
up sh*t the following day.

- I was just trying
to help solve a situation.

- You take
care of your whore.

How do you know her?

Is she-- did she take
care of your business?

You slept with her two
times, three times.

I hope it was amazing.

I hope it was worth it.

So you're giving my
vehicle that I drive?

Can you please show
me more disrespect?

- No.
[ON] GALYNA: Please.



[chuckles] Like, enlighten me.

Are you guys, like,
still together?

Like, what-- like,
are you together?

[dramatic music]

- I'm not
together with anybody.

I shouldn't have let
her use your vehicle.

I regret that.

- I wish your
sons would never do anything,

like would never get a
female or a situation

like I am in right now.

- Well, remove
yourself f*cking from it then.

You have a choice too.

[dramatic music]

- For the first
time, I have reached my limit.

[dramatic music]

[theme music]

[country music]

- I
think we're going to put

them in this one right here.

- So how's it going?

MAN: It's
always going good.

[country music]

[phone rings]

[ON PHONE]: Hello?

GALYNA: Hey, how are you?

PHONE]: I'm good.

How are you doing?

- Well, did you get
the pictures I just texted you?

[ON PHONE]: Hang on.

Let me look.

- I'm just leaving.

[ON PHONE]: Oh, my.

That car is missing
its entire front end.

That thing is literally--
there's no-- there--

they're towing that, right?

- She can keep it.

She-- she can keep
it [chuckles] and do

whatever she wants with it.

Yeah, you don't need-- how do

you-- you can't fix that car.

- No.

He's such an assh*le.

- I'm so
mad at my dad for choosing

that car to lend out to Brooke.

I could have told you that
would have ended up badly.

- I'm going to
f*cking get a tow truck.

PHONE]: Definitely.

- And
I'm going to drop

this f*cking Escalade on
this bitch's front porch

with the freaking total.

She better start
preparing to get herself

a job to pay for all of that.

f*cking bitch.

This will worth every penny to
drop it off on her front yard.

[ON PHONE]: I think

you ought to drop off the car
and my dad at her front door.

- Growing up,
I've always been the mediator

between my mom and my dad.

And it seems like it
just, kind of, transferred

over to my dad and Galyna.

I'm tired coming in and having
to play peacemaker, or fix

things, or be the mediator
to pick up the pieces

whenever things fall apart.

trying to even think

right now how I feel about it.

PHONE]: Call me anytime.

My heart goes out to her.

I'm not just going to take my
dad's side every single time.

If Galyna's as upset
as I think she is,

she may be packing her bags and
looking for elsewhere to work.

- I'm just venting.

I appreciate you.

[ON PHONE]: Yeah,

you have every right to vent.

- I just had--
had to talk to somebody.

[ON PHONE]: Yep.

[rock music]

TESSA: What have
you done, pretty boy?

- Oh,
you know, inventory.

We're still counting
everything up.

- Listen, did
you talk to your father?

- I've heard
briefly about what happened.

But I don't--

I don't know the full extent.

- So you
know there was a wreck.

Somebody else's vehicle.

- How--

- Namely, Galyna.

[country music]

- I'm a
wreck at this game,

just like Galyna's Escalade.

- It
wasn't even Galyna.

JAKE: Who was it?

- It was Brooke.

- Your dad's sidekick
wrecked his main chick's car.

[ON] COLE: Yep.

- Timing was terrible.
[ON] JESSE MCBEE: Terrible.

Like, Galyna is too
important to that whole deal.

I mean, she's right smack
dab in the middle of it.

- In the middle of it.

- What a deal that
guy does for some women.

I say apple doesn't
fall far from the tree.

So is it going to be
like a father, like son?


I ain't as dumb as him.

[rock music]

What's going on?

- What's going on?

STEVEN JR.: Oh, not much.

What is the plan with
Galyna moving forward?

What do you think you
guys are going to do?

- I haven't
thought that far ahead.

- Surely,
she won't, like, reach

out to Brooke or anything.

- I have no
idea what she would do.

You know, with everything
with the hedge fund,

she could just blow this whole
thing out of water right now.

[suspenseful music]

My dad, especially

given the situation
with Galyna--

- It's
not fair to you.

I know.

- Kind of.
[ON] STEVEN: I know.

- I mean, and
not even necessarily,

it's not fair to me.

It's not fair to us.

- There
was no way that situation

was going to work out well.

What are you going
to do with Brooke?

- I'm
just going to call

her and tell her the truth.

- Have
fun with that call.

[suspenseful music]


PHONE]: Hey, babe.

What's up with you?

PHONE]: Oh, not much.

Just wrapping a couple meetings.

How are you?

got some bad news.

Galyna, she's mad.

We're trying to figure
out what's going on

and what she's going to do.

I'm just trying to deal with
the fallout from the companies,

and what we have
going, and what--

what she's going to
do at this point.

I'm sorry that it's causing

you turmoil with your business.

You know that is the last
thing that I want for you.

Brooke knows everything.

I was very upfront,
candid with her.

- What's
the deal with Galyna?

What's going on?

She's still on you?

- Yes.

Like, with work, I
mean, we're this close.

- Yeah, I get it.

I know she has such a huge
impact and such a big part

of all the businesses.

- She's upset,
obviously, that you

were driving that vehicle.

I'm sure she was.

so I'm going to--

I'm going to meet with her.

I mean, it's a sh*t
show to say the least.

[chuckles] I don't know how
else to describe it right now.

So I'm not going to be
able to go to dinner.

PHONE]: It does suck.

But hopefully, we can look
forward to seeing each other

soon at another time.

STEVEN: Yeah, for sure.

I-- I'll call him and let
you know what-- what happens.

PHONE]: Sounds good.

right have a good night.

PHONE]: All right.

- Yeah, that sucked.

And she looked good.

[country music]

Morning, morning.

[country music]

- I filled
up my cup perfectly.

It's going to be a good week.

[country music]

- Hey, good
morning, everybody.

It looks like on
the soybeans, we're,

like, 26,000 acres complete.

We've got 4,500
acres done of corn.

So we have, like,

of beans and 842 acres on corn.

So, you know, we
put down some pretty

good pres on our pre-emergence.

- Yep.

- It took
a-- it takes-- it takes

moisture to activate that.

It takes an inch of rain.

That-- that rain will
germinate everything.

As you guys know,
I mean, we've had

some tough years in the past.

I mean, we challenged.

We had the drought in
'18, the floods of '19.

The last couple planting
seasons have been so bad

due to a lot of the weather.

The timing of the rains
was just perfectly aligned

wrong during planting season.

You have this window to
get everything planted.

And if you don't, there's
really no second chance.

Stay the course.

Appreciate it, guys.

Thank you.

[country music]

south today, south.

Maybe sit there out of
this way and get drunk.

Pass me the mic so I
can speak what you done.

- Shotgun.
[ON] JAKE: What are you doing?

- He's driving.
[ON] JAKE: --your own truck?

- Letting
another guy drive your truck.

- Dude, I'm
just going to ride

around for the rest of the day.
[ON] JAKE: Oh my god.

COLE: I told
you it was a mess.

Jesse didn't want to drive.

[upbeat music]

What do you got on your
to-do list for today?

speaking of that,

I'm looking at your
personal goals here.

And I don't think
you've hit any of them.

Wake up by 6:00 AM every day.

COLE: Wait.

JAKE: Be more consistent
with everything I do.

your goal list isn't--

JAKE: Work out
five times a day.

Or five times a week.

COLE: Five times--

JAKE: You ain't
hit any of them.

- Keep telling
myself I'm going

to work out a little more.

But I-- I never get to that--
or diet a little better.

But Steven and my dad have
always been big goal makers.

And it's obviously an awesome
feeling, achieving goals.

But Steven's workout
program and his health,

whatever you'd call it,
miserable life he lives,

I would hate it.

The only person that's
been hitting his goals

has been Steven.


- The only person
who has time to hit his goals.

[country music]

- I don't know, man.

- It looked thin, boys.

and I are heading out today.

We're going to do some riding
around, doing bean counts,

checking out all the fields.

We had beans that are
out of the ground.

We have beans that are just
coming out of the ground.

And we have beans
that are way up,

but they all have not got
rain in probably three weeks.

So I'm a little worried.

- Basically,
what you want is you

want 120,000 seeds per acre.

How about you just

count the beans in this row?

COLE: Let's go.

- Can you
count in your head?

[country music]

basically, you're measuring

And whenever you get
that count of soybeans,

you multiply that by 1,000.

And that gives you
your population.

- Out here, we're
at, what was that, 88?

[ON] COLE: 88,000 population?

Most of the time,

you're really hoping for 90.

If it's 80,000, we're
usually replanting that.

- I'm not
even seeing a seed in the gap.

- But best case
scenario, we get some rain,

these beans take off.

And a few weeks from now, the
beans will be tall and thick.

Worst case scenario,
we don't get any rain.

And we're going to have to come
back and replant this field.

- It's
just been dry, really.

JAKE: I mean,
this is dry dirt.

If you-- so see how
you can do that?

You can't form that into a ball.

COLE: I was
going to say, this one,

you could run on this.

JAKE: And, myelin-- yeah,
and myelin, if you pick it up

and you go to form them, you can
make a mud ball in your hand.

- Yeah.

- If we don't get
rain, we could have $20 million

worth of crops just not grow
that year and disappear.

The chemical is doing its job.

Not this it's ever
accrued too many weeds.


- No, all--
the residual's working.

There's not a
single weed in here.

- So this is
exactly why we need

the money from the VC deal.

Like, this year, where
we're nervous about the rain

and we ain't getting
no rain, we have

to have other sources of
income if it keeps going south

and we don't get nothing.

- Easy.
Population ain't the best.

- I know.

- Don't be
stepping on any more beans

than you need to.

- I need to watch
where I'm stepping, huh?

- Between the rows.

[country music]

MAN: Hey, hey.

- What up?

MAN: Galyna,
I like that Jeep.

- Thank you.

- That is sharp.

- You were driving
a Cadillac, Escalade, right?

- Yeah, my Escalade
is being donated to charity.

MAN: Junkyard.
[OFF] MAN: Uh-oh.

MAN: So why did
you pick this location?

- We totally
lucked out with this mall lot.

So it happened-- we literally
had it on the contract

in March of 2020.

- How are you doing?
[ON] STEVEN: How are you?

Good to see you.

- Because there
was a big developer coming in.

- Good to see you.

- Thanks for
making the trip down.

- Yeah, absolutely.

[suspenseful music]

- Even
though I'm still

dealing with this
whole situation

with Steve and Brooke--

Is this my vehicle?

MAN: That's it.

- Full f*cking front
of my vehicle is destroyed.

- I was just trying
to help solve a situation.

- Do you
take care of your whore?

I feel that I put so
much into arranging

this particular groundbreaking.

And I am not intending to
miss it no matter what.

- You guys
want to go over there?

MAN: Yeah.

- Check it out.

I'll show you how
the lot lays out.

- I'm
leaving with my shovel.

I have some unfinished business.

So [laughs]

really haven't talked.

So it's been very
awkward and tense.

You could almost
cut-- cut the air

with a Kn*fe because of the--
the pressure between us.

this is going to be nice.

- Here, you got
something to pick up.

- I'd probably
wear different shoes.

- I like dirt.

And then throw it.

All right.

- With Galyna and
I, I don't know what to expect.

And probably, my
biggest concern is

that it would devastate our
company for Galyna to leave.

MAN: Well,


- --on this location.

appreciate you guys.

- Appreciate it.
Thank you for--

MAN: Just glad
to be a part of it.

--partnership on that.

- Absolutely.
[OFF] GALYNA: Thank you.

- Absolutely.
[ON] MAN: Absolutely.

We appreciate your business.

Congratulations, you guys.

[country music]

- Hello.


Hi, babe.

How are you?

- I'm OK.
[ON] AMANDA: Yeah?

- How are you?
[ON] AMANDA: Scoot over here.

Oh, it's so cute in here.
[ON] BROOKE: I know.

Have you-- you've never
been in here before?

- Never
before in here.


- Yeah, I have all
kinds of things to tell you.

- Oh, god.

- Drama.

Drama, drama, drama.
[ON] AMANDA: Drama?

BROOKE: Galyna found out
that the Cadillac was wrecked.

And she is f*cking livid.

- Well, I
mean, it was an accident.

BROOKE: I feel a
little bit bad for Steve

because it's like he was
only doing me a favor

while my car was in the shop.

And I mean, he's my boyfriend.

So he's like my
go-to if I need help.

He sent me a screenshot
of a text message.

Look at the text.

Who wrecked the Escalade?

Do you know what happened?

It's completely destroyed.

Yes, I do.
I'm on the phone with Rick.

I'll call you shortly.

Was it Brooke?

[OFF] BROOKE: f*ck her.

I mean, Steve has told
her a million times

he doesn't want to be with her.

- But how do we know
that's what he's telling her?

He's telling you that.

How do we know what
he's telling her?

- I mean, I
guess-- that's a real--

that's a really valid point.

I don't know how it's going
to affect me if I find out

that this has all been a lie.

Like, am I being-- am I really
the one being blindsided here?

What's going to happen
with our relationship?

What if she puts
an ultimatum on him

and is like, hey, we have
all these plans coming up?

He said that he would
call me tomorrow.

Steve and I's
connection is very real.

And so I don't want to
give up on it, regardless

of what Galyna wants
to happen or how

she sees things happening.

It's either going
to be me or her.

[suspenseful music]

[cars racing]

[stadium announcements]

[country music, cars racing]

- So
living in the middle

of nowhere, on a weekend
night, there's not a whole lot

to do other than drink
beer and go watch some cars

race around a dirt track.

[cars racing]

But it is business as well.

We have our names, our logos,
slapped all over these cars.

It's great brand exposure.

We got time to go
see Daniel and Jesse?

- Daniel
has the Apex vehicle.

Jesse has the McBee Farms.

MAN: f*ck you, McBees!

- Going
into packed public areas

where everyone's drunk, it
makes me a little nervous.

It doesn't matter where we go.

We're catching eyeballs.

ALLI: I hope we don't
get att*cked walking over here.

STEVEN JR.: Alli, I bet
you could throw some hands.

Peter's on the pit crew.

What's up, Peter?

How are you?

What's going on?

- Not much.

- How'd it run?

- Good.

STEVEN JR.: Hey, Brayden,
try and get in this thing.

Do it.

- I ain't
getting down in there.

- Do it.
I want you to hop in here.

- I'm good, man.

I'm not hopping in that.

- Dude, I'd get
a little claustrophobic in here.

That feels pretty tight.

- Yeah, it's tight.

They look good.

They look really good.

JESSE: I'm going to change
the right rear tire to a

four off.

I may throw a
spacer in the left.

I'm just spinning too much.

Dude, I'm telling you,

there is so much to this.

I literally thought you just hop
in a car, and you drink beer,

and you race.

- I
thought that's all it was.

- There
is so much to this.

They have a whole notes
page of calculations

based on weather conditions,
track conditions, everything.

It's nuts.

Dirt track racing, it's
more important than church

around here.

This year, we've got two
cars on the dirt track race.

Jesse, Stretch, and Daniel
are just learning the ropes.

This is the first year
they've ever actually driven

in the Dirt Track series.

- I don't like
all these people being

here because I'm like, dude,
at least 30% of these people

have a--

- Don't
like you guys, yeah.

BRAYDEN: --real
hatred towards the McBee's,

I guarantee you.

- The fact that
we came in and started buying

up a lot of ground, they said,
you just stole my granddaddy's

farm, even though
it was for sale

and anyone could have bought it.

- It's crazy because
it's like, you want people

to make it, like, as a farmer.
You want to see farmers do good.

- Right.

- But then a
farmer does good, like my dad,

has all this equipment,
and he's hated

on because he has all that.
[ON] ALLY: Right.

but either way--

- He was
always this big.

either way, he was-- no,

he did not have a lot of money.

- He's just
smart with his money, ish.

- Ish.
[ON] ALLI: That's right, ish.

- Was.
Or maybe was.

He used to be.
[ON] ALLY: Was.

Was smart with his money.

[country music]

I was born in Missouri,

right here in this area.

I was raised in this area.

And now I live in this area.

But yet, I wasn't from Gallatin.

So I'm an outsider.

So all the people
that have lived here,

it seems like they
never get past

that junior high mentality.

Like, there's somebody new
here, we got to fight them.

Dad, this is Mike.

- Hey, how are you?

- Good.
Mike Johnson.

- Steve McBee.
[ON] MIKE: I'm the driver.

- Yeah.
[ON] MIKE: Nice to meet you.

- Yeah,
I think we met.

- Have we?
[ON] STEVEN: I thought so.

It's been a while.

Well, I appreciate all this.
[ON] MIKE: You bet.

- Yeah.

- Hey, it's
nice meeting you.

- Likewise, yep.
[ON] MIKE: Have fun.

You guys need
anything, just holler.

- Thank you.

Appreciate it.

Here you go, Dad.

- Having the
last name McBee has its perks.

But it also has its downsides.

In this case, we can't
exactly just go sit

in the crowd with everybody.

It seems like anytime we go
into a big crowd like that

in these little towns, we get--

we get a lot of hate.

[rock music]

[cars racing]

[SINGING] Yeah, on the horizon.

PA: The McBee 23 car is
getting a bit out of shape.

[SINGING] We're going to
keep on keeping on, yeah.

- They're
going pretty quick.

- Oh.

[SINGING] Yeah, on the horizon.

We're going to
keep on keeping on.

[country music]

Unfortunately, Daniel

and Jesse didn't win tonight.

They didn't even place.

- All right,
I'm going to head out.

- You're out?

- I'm out.
Are you driving back tonight?

- Yeah.

- Be careful.
[ON] COLE: All right.

- All right,
I'll see you, bro.

- Later.

[country music]

[SINGING] It's been so long.

Long hard day.

- Things
have been very awkward

since the-- the car wreck.

That was a terrible
decision on my behalf.

I-- you know, I wish
I could take it back.

But I can't.

I just got to deal with
it and move forward.

[SINGING] Strike them down.

Make them pay.

[dogs barking]

Change their ways,
their evil ways.

[dogs barking]

A pug welcoming committee.

[dogs barking]

- Hey, puggies.

[dogs barking]

You want to just--

- Sure.


Have at it if you guys want it.

Oh, I know.

- Oh.

I am absolutely
not buying what--

what you told me, the fact
that some chick that you had

a relationship over
a year ago just

randomly will call you because,
you know, car is broken

and nothing is happening.

I-- I really don't
really buy it.

You either keep on
seeing her or, you know,

something else is happening.

But it's definitely not, you
haven't seen her for years.


Please just tell me.

Are you seeing her?

[suspenseful music]

Are you seeing her?

- I mean, yeah.

- You are.

STEVEN: I mean,
have we went out some?


But yeah, I mean--

went out with her.

- Yeah,
I've been out with her.

- Do you want me
to put my resignation in?

- Of course not.

Why-- what do you
mean, do I want

you to put your resignation in?

It has nothing to do with work.

GALYNA: I'm not
putting up with that.

STEVEN: I understand
what you're saying.

And I respect what
you're saying.

- It's-- it's her
or I. There is no other way.

It's her or I. It's her or I.

STEVEN: Nothing ever
has to be repeated to me.

I understood the first time.

[suspenseful music]

That was your only ultimatum
you'll ever give me in my life.

I'll f*cking eat grass.

No one will ever
give me an ultimatum.

- I don't
give ultimatums.

STEVEN: No, that was
your one you get from me.

And that's the only one
you'll ever get from me.

[dramatic music]

STEVEN JR.: Come on now.

It better rain.

STEVEN: It's coming.
[OFF] STEVEN JR.: Is it?


COLE: I can
tell you it's coming.

Look at it.

- We've
taken everything out

of the farms, almost
drained the farms

to get the car washes started.

And now we're, kind
of, behind on rain.

So I mean, if it doesn't
rain, everything is gone.

All that hard work, all the
money, everything is gone.

STEVEN JR.: I'm going
to look at the Doppler radar.

STEVEN: I mean--

starting to break up.

Come on, come on, come on.

it do the rain dance.

COLE: Jesse's
better at the rain dance.

He was doing it the other night.
Come on.


STEVEN: I'll tell you
what, when it rained last time,

it just, like, changes
your whole mood.


STEVEN: We just sat out
there and watched it all night.

JESSE MCBEE: They're cold.

Oh, yeah, it is cold.

I feel like we're
about to get poured on.

JESSE MCBEE: Come on now.

COLE: Yeah,
it's about to happen.

[OFF] STEVEN JR.: Oh, come on.

Oh, don't sprinkle.

[OFF] STEVEN: Oh, here it comes.

COLE: Here it
comes right here.

STEVEN: That's awesome.

It smells like money.

It feels like money.

Y'all, let it come.

Let it rain, baby.

[thunder rumbling]

Luke Bryan said it best,
rain makes corn, baby.


- Boy, this is
freezing cold rain, man.

STEVEN: Come on, man.

Test your manhood out.

Oh, I'm happy.

corn will be three

inches taller in the morning.

STEVEN JR.: Oh, it's
going to be up to here.

right, is it time?

a little soaked now.

JESSE MCBEE: I'm cold now.

think I'm going to eat.

- Let's
go inside, buddy.

JESSE MCBEE: It's raining.
[ON] STEVEN JR.: Come on.

And we all know it.

- Woo.


- Come on.

- It is a little
chilly out here, ain't it?

- That's cold.
[ON] COLE: Oh, yeah.

STEVEN: You guys are soft.

COLE: Let it rain.

Let it come down.

- Holy smokes.
Look at what it's already doing.

- It is a hard rain.

- I bet we're
going to get another 1/4 inch.

- I bet we're
going to get another inch.

JESSE MCBEE: Oh, dude.

- It's still coming.

puddling up over here.

Holy smokes, man.

- Last few days,
I'd say these are classified

as million dollar rains.

- It
was getting really bad.

- It was getting bad.

- You know all
the agronomists were telling

Jesse to turn off the
sprayers because there's

no reason to spray when
you don't have a crop.

Still ain't out
of the woods yet.


- This will make you
sleep for another 10 days.

- I
was going to say,

this just bought us
another 7 to 10 days.

COLE: I'd love to see it.
[OFF] STEVEN JR.: Oh, man.

STEVEN: It's going
to be a nice, heavy storm.

JESSE MCBEE: God bless.

COLE: Are my windows down?

STEVEN JR.: [laughs]

[rock music] Run,
run to where I'll be.

Rain down.

Rain down over me.

Over me.

- This corn looks good.

It definitely needed
that rain last night.

Yeah, it needed it.

COLE: It looks good.
Right here was the most we got.

Wasn't it like an inch
and 1/2 last night?

I slept better last night.

JESSE MCBEE: I did too.

Just waking up every
day before it rained,

it was like, man,
if it doesn't rain--

COLE: But you
go out there, I mean,

you can just see how dry it was.

I mean-- is that thunder?

You know, farming is
such a mental game.

Like, you got to keep--
you got to just keep going.

You got to get up every
day and keep grinding.


- I mean,
Dad, ever since we were kids,

he's always had
that, you're tough.

It'll get better.

COLE: He's the best at
dealing with bad situations.

But Dad makes decisions
I don't think I'd make.

It's getting pretty annoying.

That's all we deal
with all the time

is Galyna and dad
having all their issues

for three years now.

- Every other
week, it seems like, there's

something that happens.

COLE: Literally every--
it's all it is, is every week.

I'm to the point now
where I don't want

to deal with all these issues.

My dad doesn't even
want to marry Galyna.

They're fighting
every other day.

And they're not even
going to get married.

And he's saying he
doesn't want to date her.

At some point,
it's like, you guys

are the owners of a business.

Grow up and be done with it.

- Yeah.

think they should be together.

I think they need to break
up and just put the business

first no matter what.

- Galyna needs to
move on and date somebody else.

- That's
what I was about to say.

- Yes.

- She
needs to go get married--

- She needs to
go find somebody else--

--or find somebody

that's she serious with.

- --that, like, wants
to get married because Galyna

wants to get married.
And so she can go--

- I want
her to keep working for us.

COLE: She can go find
somebody else and get married.

Yeah, I need to
start, like, putting

out an ad for her boyfriend.

- What would
you be looking for for her type?

- Would you
consider her a farmer?

- No, let's just
stay away from farmers for now.

- Farmer, yeah.
That was a bad look.

- Yeah, maybe
more, like, city people.

I don't know what--


- No, Hinge is the new.

- Hinge?

- Yeah, it's like
the mature adult one, I heard.

- Would you
set up a profile for her?

- And run it?

- Long
walks on the beach.

[rock music] My evil ways.

[phone rings]

[ON PHONE]: What up?

- Oh, nothing.

Just headed downtown.

It could go two ways.

One, she's just
going to come and she

knows what's happening and
just going to be done with me.

Or two, she's going to go,
you know, let me have it.

Those situations just suck.

PHONE]: They're horrible.

They are awful.

- I know that
what my dad does or is doing

isn't normal.

I've never met any guy out there
that dates around like my dad

does, especially at his age.

I see some of the
areas that I think

he falls short in, some
of the areas that I

think he's flat out wrong in.

And I don't like it one bit.

- With Galyna, I
mean, our livelihood, all--

all four of my boys, our
companies, Galyna is such a,

I mean, intricate part of that.

You know what I mean?

Oh, beyond intricate.

- I know.

PHONE]: Absolutely.

STEVEN: I know.

right, I'll talk to you later.

STEVEN: We'll see you.

[ON PHONE]: Bye.

[country music] Mister,
can you hear my name

ringing from the mission bells?

I spoke to the man in white.

He did not say a word.

Secrets of the morning light.

- How are you?

[country music] Don't
you cross a crooked mile.

- How are you?

- Hi.
[OFF] STEVEN: All black.

Always looking sharp.

Never disappoint.

- I know.


- How are you doing?

- I'm OK.

It's a beautiful park.

- It is.

- I have
some things to say,

if that's OK if I lead
off the conversation.

- Jump right in.

- Obviously, Steve,
we're-- we're not going to be

able to see each other anymore.

I mean, I-- I understand that.

- Right.

- It's
pretty obvious.

I think you're a
really amazing person.

And I am really proud.

You're going to have to bear
with me because I might cry.


- I think I'm
really proud of everything

that you and your
sons have built.

And I am really sorry
if I've affected that.

- It was an accident.

Like, a-- a very, very
unfortunate accident.

- I know.

I just want you to know how
sorry I am because I just feel

terrible that you're
in the position

that you're in with
Galyna right now.

And I-- I know that
she probably has a grip

hold on you right now.

And I know that's probably
really tough on you.

And I'm-- I'm so sorry.

I think she needs some healing.

I think she needs to work
through some of the stuff

that she has inside.

I know she's a boss bitch.

I know she runs sh*t.

And I give her all
her flowers for that.

I give her all--

all the praise for that.

And to be honest with you,
there was a lot of red flags.

And I probably should
have pulled this cord

a long time ago, you know.

I deserve to, like, be
called back when they say

they're going to call me back.

And I deserve to not feel
like I'm being hidden.

- You
know, obviously, I

know you got to do you.

But, you know, I always
want to be your friend.

I'm not-- I don't burn bridges.

- It's
just an unfortunate

situation, like you said.

But so, obviously, we're not
going to get to celebrate

our anniversary next weekend.

But I have something for you.
[ON] STEVEN: Oh, god.

- I
actually ordered--

I ordered this a month ago.
[ON] STEVEN: Oh my goodness.

- I was going to
give this to you in Nashville.

I have the exact same
item that's in this box.

This is for you.
[OFF] STEVEN: Thank you so much.


STEVEN: I love it.

BROOKE: If you look in
the inside, so it has the date

we met.

And then, it has your name.

- Thank
you so, so much.

- Yeah.
[ON] STEVEN: You are--

you are so much more
thoughtful than I am.

- I hope
that, you know,

all the small acts that I
did pay for all the big acts

that you did for me.


- Because
there are a lot

of things that you did
for me that I didn't

have anybody to help me with.

And I really appreciate it.

And I'm really grateful for you.

- Thank you so much.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

And if you ever want
to use the Nashville

house with your friends,
you better f*cking call.

I know you love Nashville.
[ON] BROOKE: I just--

- If you don't,
I would be beyond offended.

I'll search you down.

I'm serious.

- All right.
[ON] STEVEN: Thanks.

Thanks for everything.

- Yeah.

All right.

STEVEN: All right.

I for sure feel like I
definitely did some stupid sh*t

that I shouldn't
have done that, you

know, ultimately,
I'm responsible for,

I guess, you know.

But it's-- so goes life.

[rock music] I'm going crazy.

I can't stop myself
from falling.

I just want to be
deeper in your thoughts.

I can't stop myself
from falling.

I just want to be deeper in--

- Hi.

How are you?

- Enjoy.

- Thank you.

[rock music]

- How are you?

- How are you?

How are you doing?

What up?

Well, I'll bring
this up and talk

about it for,
like, three minutes

before anybody get here.

So-- so I--

I talked to Brooke and just
told her that, you know,

so goes life and that, you
know, we just pretty much

couldn't talk at all anymore.

- Obviously, Steve,
we're-- we're not going to be

able to see each other anymore.

I mean, I-- I understand that.

- Right.

- It's
pretty obvious.

- And that was that.

You used your ultimatum up.

- It
wasn't an ultimatum.

It was a choice.

- Honestly, I
was prepared for the worst.

- Do you want me
to put my resignation in?

deeply care about Galyna.

I love Galyna from the way that,
you know, she is a great human.

I would do anything for
her or her daughter.

They're-- I mean, she
is a super person.

You got one question.

Do you have any questions?

- No.

- I like it.

Let's drink and
have a good time.

[country music]

GALYNA: Oh my goodness.
Here they are.


- What's up?

- Hi.

WOMAN: Look at you.


Oh my god.

- Hi.

- What up, girl?

How are you?

MAN: Hey.

What's up?

WOMAN: What?

- I'm good.

Hey, how are you?

- Hey, buddy.

How are you doing?


- Better late
than never, right?


- Well,
hello, bathroom buddy.

STEVEN: I see.
Bathroom buddy.

I love it.
It's my--

MAN: Nice.

bathroom buddy here.

[OFF] WOMAN: Are you from KC?

STEVEN: I'm Mizzou.


WOMAN: I'm from Liberty.

- Our car wash,
our headquarters is in--

- Car wash?
Which one?

- McBee's
Coffee and Car Wash.

WOMAN: No f*cking way!

I love that f*cking car wash.

WOMAN: Oh, we
go there all the time.


Get these girls a drink.

- It would
be very naive of me

to think that, all
of a sudden, Steve

just magically transformed
into a whole new person

and I'm the entire
focus of the attention.

I am not that naive.


[rock music] Rock the south.


Way to be there.

I turned up for the tailgate.

STEVEN: I had to break
up with Brooke tonight.

- You did?

- How did
that go though?

Actually, she took--

she was very good.

- So now, now that
you don't have a girlfriend,

you're single, you and Galyna
are going to make it official?

- I'm going--

I'm going to Nashville Tuesday.

And she don't know yet.


[rap music] Not
really for the games.

Not really for the play.

Do the gas because
I'm on my, on my way.

I just feel like in
every relationship--

or I don't even know if the word
is relationship-- friendship,

dating, that it's a
battle of them thinking,

oh, I'm going to change him.

I'm the one that's going to
change him and/or control him.

And no, you're not.

It's not going to happen.

You ready?

[rock music] There's
a fire in me.

And I can't get it out.

- Hey.

[SINGING] There's a fire in me.


- I'm off to bed.

[SINGING] --get it out.

There's a fire coming.

my handsome man.

You ready to turn
off the lights?

[SINGING] There's a fire coming.

There's a fire coming.

We made it, boys.

Beautiful country up here.

STEVEN JR.: We're going
to be riding horseback, trying

to find this herd of bison.

This right here is going to
be a lot different than what

we're used to on the farm.

It's dangerous as all get out.

they come, Steven.

Yep, I've got you.

Come on.
Come on.

STEVEN: Watch yourself.

[bull growling]

- Steven
won't send me $10 grand.

- You mean like--

- OK.

- $20 grand.

know that Carlo is moving here

for the entire month of July?

- Boy, did
I just get some news.

- My biggest
fear with the boys is always

to have been the same answer.

What do boys do?

They get with a girl.

- Why
are you telling all

your kids not to get married?

I've been with him

And you're telling your son
not to get married to me.

WOMAN: Dude--
[ON] WOMAN: Like, what the f*ck?

WOMAN: Happy
Father's Day, Dad.

STEVEN JR.: He's so proud
of you guys for doing all this.

- 3, 2, 1.

I'm sure he's just the
proudest dad out there.

STEVEN: I didn't realize
it was that kind of party.

- I just feel like I'm
not getting any props for that.

And it, kind of, bothers me.

- For not
sleeping with a girl?

What do you want, a
round of applause?

COLE: I just wanted
to tell you that I miss you.

I'm not really knowing
what things are.

- This
family and the drama.