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01x04 - The Elves and the Shoemaker

Posted: 04/17/24 10:31
by bunniefuu
[fire crackling]


[Wilhelm] Don't tell me
you're full already, Charlotte.


The thing is...
I don't really care for meat.

You shouldn't be so picky about food.


I wish there was someone to help me
finish what I didn't want to eat.

[Jacob chuckles]

I recently heard a story about
elves helping out a shoemaker.

[gasps] The elves sound
so nice and generous!

But you see, the reason
the elves wanted to help the shoemaker

is because he was such an honest
and diligent worker, Charlotte.

You could learn a thing or two
about how to be a little bit less selfish.



[brothers chuckle]

[Charlotte] I wonder...

[brothers] Hmm?

[Charlotte] Between giving the elves
my food to eat for me

or pushing myself to eat it...

which do you think is the better choice?

[upbeat music playing]

[insects chirping]

[mysterious music playing]





[man on radio] Starting this year,
the Ryogoku River Festival,

held at Sumida River, will be called
the Sumida River Fireworks Festival.

It's been 17 years since it was last held.


In other news, with the beginning
of this year's summer tourist season...

- [car door opens]
- [woman 1] Welcome home!

[woman 2] She was in a great mood today.

As always, thanks for taking care of her.

Would you like to talk
about the schedule now?

- Yeah?
- Sure.

Mommy, help me!
My poor dolly!

- She's broken! [sobs]
- Oh goodness. There, there.

[woman 2] Did you hear about Z's kid?
Failed the entrance exam, apparently!

[woman 1 laughs] Really?

[woman 2] That's what I heard!
And you better sit down for this one.

I hear X is finally getting divorced.

[woman 1] I knew it! [laughs]

[man groans]

- [woman 2] That was a long time coming.
- [man growls]

- Something about an affair...
- [man] Shut up!

- Oh!
- Ooh!

- Oh.
- Who was that?

[man growling]



That's our neighbor, Mr. N.

He at least says hello when I see him
around. Not sure what's wrong.

Miss Y, please be careful.

Some people can flip a switch
and get mad for no reason at all,

and there's no telling what they might do.

- Mommy! Read book!
- Later, okay?

Those types of people
have tons of pent-up anger,

and end up taking it all out
on those they consider weaker than them.

[Y] I know exactly what you mean.

[N] There's no telling
what they might do, huh?


- Oh, landlord! Question...
- Huh?

[Y] This Mr. N. Wouldn't you say
he has a, uh, well, complicated history?

[landlord] I wouldn't say that...

A fully-grown man staying all cooped up
in his house 24/7

just isn't normal behavior,
I think anyone would agree about that.

Perhaps, but novelists are often odd.

What is that you said?
Are you telling me he's an author?

Has he written anything
I may have heard of?

Let's see. A couple of his titles
are Two in the Ruin, and Ask at Midnight.

Have you heard of either of those?

Huh? Not me.

Hold on. I actually have!

Right, and the author
of both those books would be, uh...

[woman 2] But, uh... how long has it been
since those came out?

It's been some time, like, um,

ten or... maybe even 20 years?

Wow! Two entire decades have gone by
and he still continues to be a writer?

As far as I'm aware.

He used to give me a copy of each
of his books as a gift once a year,

but now that I think about it,
he hasn't done that recently.

[woman 2] Oh!

[yells] Flower!

[Y] Now, now.
You can't yell like that.

Anyhow, it doesn't change the fact that
we don't know what he's up to in there.

- [door opens]
- [gasps]

[locks door]


Uh, come on, let's get you home now
and I'll read you a book, okay?

Hello! It's rare
to see you go out anywhere.

Yeah, well, you know...

It's a good thing!
You've gotta gather material and all.

Well, now. I need to head on back.

[N] Don't know what I'm up to, huh?

It's none of their business.

[gentle music playing]

- [van door slams]
- [engine starts]

How long has it been since the
literary world called me the wonder boy?


[N] Not that it matters.
It's nothing but a thing of the past now.


[N] Thanks.

- Oh. Sorry.
- [coin jangles]

[N] People think
I'm in danger of dying alone.

They even fear
I might commit impulsive slaughter.

But I'm normal.
Well, maybe less interesting than that.

Uh, hi. My name is N.

[man] Ah... Oh, yes!
Thank you so much for your call.

Your editor, H, just moved
to another department the other day.

- Uh...
- He's sorry he didn't say goodbye to you.

He just got so busy, you know?

Then who's replacing him as my new editor?

Well, uh, that would be me. My name is S.

I can discuss this with you,
if it's all right.

All right. Just checking in since
I sent you a new draft last month and, uh...

Mr. N, I'm afraid I must apologize.

Your manuscript, uh...
What was the title of that?

It's From the Shores of Stupor.

Right, right.
Uh, can you give me some time?

I'd like to get back to you
after I read
From the Shores thoroughly.

No problem. I'll give you another call
next week and see where you're at with it.

That would be great. Thank you!
I'd appreciate that very much.

- Okay. Have a good one!
- [hangs up]

- [gasps]
- [dialing tone]

[hangs up]

[crickets chirping]

[N] Things haven't always
been like this,

but I can't remember when they weren't.

I don't think I had too much of an ego...

Well, maybe that's not true.

But I can say with confidence there
are much worse authors out there.

- And if we're talking quality...
- [grunts]

- [horn blares]
- [train passing]

[server] Welcome.

- [N] A bottle of beer and cold tofu.
- [server] Comin' up.

[intriguing music playing softly]



[N] Objectively,
the story shouldn't be bad.

My ability hasn't diminished

since back when I sold

In fact, if anything, my structural
and descriptive skills have improved.


Is the problem the theme or the material?

It doesn't matter. I'm not going to stoop
to writing some pandering romance novel.

[man] Hey! Mister!

Hey, I'm talkin' to you!

Huh? Uh, yes?

You're drinkin', but you got
a big old frown on your face.

Mmm... 'kay.

Come on! If you're not happy,
then what's the point?

Barkeeper, pour my new friend here
some sake.

Go on, drink up!

Oh... sake's not really...

Yeah. Okay.

- Good, right?
- Sure...

That's all you've got to say?
Where's your spirit?

Come on, now, that's no good.

And you can't even muster up
a civil thank you for me?

Th... thank you.

Man, that expression! You look miserable.

That there's the face of a molester,
or an arsonist or somethin' like that.

Well, I'm not.

[man] It's like pullin' teeth
tryin' to talk to you.


Are you pissed? You're pissed, aren't you?

Just please stop harassing me.

You're such an ass!

I'm talkin' to you 'cause I pity you, man,
and this is how you repay my kindness?


That's odd.
I don't remember asking you to pity me.

Huh? Hey, man, are you seriously gonna
give me attitude like that?

In fact, I'm not interested
in talking to you at all.

What's your problem?

Look, I'm not some musty old man
like you, bud!

I might as well
be a different species altogether!

Bastard! [yelps]

[man grunting]

[groans] You kiddin' me?
He was clearly in the wrong!

I don't care. Don't come back!

What the... [groans]


[insects chirping]

[Chopin's "Prelude no. 7
in A Major" playing]


What the hell, man...



"A different species altogether," huh?

I can't believe I said that.
How absolutely pathetic.

When people talk about
cowardly pride, they mean this.

Looking from the outside, we're the same.

No, I'm actually inferior,
since I don't even produce anything.

It doesn't matter. I was born
with the blessing and curse of creativity.

I'm always going to think of myself
as something special.



[wind gusting]


[girl] "The man,
after having k*lled the old woman,

wanders aimlessly around town
in a stupor,

when the women
he had relations with in the past

appear one after the other,
asking him questions."

But that's a story
I've already heard somewhere.


[girl] A pilgrimage?
Or is it a confession?


The story you're trying to write.

Hey, kid? What are you doing
out here this late at night?

[girl] I got in trouble.

What happened?

I was told I need to be good.

Wouldn't it be best
if you went to a police station?

Would you take me?

Uh... no.


I figured.

Your focus is blurred and you're messy.

Is it the protagonist's anguish
you want to write about,

or is it perhaps the air of the period?

If you're attempting to write about both,
it's impossible with your skills.

[gasps] Give it back.

The Supermarket in Alaska
was a total abomination as well.

What, did you get too excited
about your first long-term fieldwork?

It felt like you were showing off.
So self-important.

That kind of thing is so annoying to me.

The Castle in the Strait also.

You have no ability to select
the necessary materials at all.

Not to mention all your character
studies lack any depth whatsoever.

[N] You...

That said, back in the day,
you were no doubt brilliant,

armed with overflowing youth.

But now, you're hopeless.

How do you... Where did you learn
to talk about things like this?

And why are you here?

You shouldn't
walk around so late at night.

You need to go home.

- You truly are mediocre.
- 'Scuse me?

[girl] A total cut-and-dried cliché.

Anyone who considers themselves
to be a professional of words

should never neglect them
at any given time.

Look, I know you're just a kid and you
assume it's a big deal to be an author,

but that's not reality, okay?

It's not like we're always eloquent,

only using fancy words
and speaking in clever phrases...

We just only do that in our writing.

How truly disappointing,

with regard to your writing,
as well as your existence.

I can't find any excitement
in either. [blows]

Go home, already!

I hate annoying brats like you.
Get out of my face.

Oh yeah? Well, that's too bad.

You have no skill when it comes
to writing or listening, it seems.

That's very unfortunate.

But at the end of the day, I'm assuming
that's just who you are as a person.

Listen here... if you think that
I'm gonna quietly sit back and take it

while you nonstop berate me,
you're dead wrong.

Children who make fun of adults
learn lessons the hard way.

You gonna drag me into a public bathroom
and r*pe me?

Cut me up, and toss the body?


[girl giggles]

[N gasping]

- I'm only joking with you. Goodbye.
- Uh...

[N] Huh? What the hell is this?

[music fades]



Oh, my head... [retches]


- [door opens]
- [retching]

[toilet flushes]

- [door creaking]
- [groans]

[water running]

[gulping and spluttering]

- [groans] This is the worst.
- [rustling]





[Chopin's "Grande Valse Brillante,
Op. 18" playing]

[N] This is my handwriting...

That's the title, huh?

A novel?

[scooter engine starts]

Reading through it was simply bizarre.

A story I knew nothing of,
and handwriting I knew all too well.

As far as the plot goes,

if I'm being honest,
I didn't quite get it.

The sorrow of a middle-aged man
is described in a detached manner,

and I felt it was lacking in dynamics.


Looking back, it's unclear to me
what kind of emotions I felt at the time.

I'm far too removed.

Confusion? Maybe desperation?

And rage?

I think that probably sums it up.


What I do remember is that I wished

the editor would
just lose the draft again.

That way, he'd be indebted to me.

Worst case, I'd get apology money.

Or I might get my work published
out of charity.

I should be able to get
at least one of those.

Guess that's it...


[music fades]


[insects chirping]

Uh... Oh there he is, over there! Mr. N!


I had the chance read your manuscript,
and I simply could not sit still!

[N] This is all so sudden.
I don't know what to...

Are you talking about
From the Shores of Stupor?

[laughs] Of course not! Come on.
No. Self-Introduction.

Even though it's a short story,
it's surprisingly robust.

And it has a solid
underlying universal theme.

Anyway, I'll cut to the chase.

I want it, Mr. N.

I'd like Self-Introduction
to open our next month's issue.

I have no doubt
that it'll cause a major buzz,

and it's a perfect chance
for you to make a comeback!

- [gasps]
- What do you say?

Will you please
give me your permission to publish it?

You seem really determined, huh?

- I am.
- [gasps]

I'm incredibly determined.
No, captivated, even.

It's rare for an editor to find
a piece of writing he's passionate about

and considers an amazing masterpiece.

If there's any request on your end,
I promise I'll do all that I can.

I don't have a problem
with you publishing it.

But is it possible for me to get paid
sooner rather than later?

- Get paid?
- Uh-huh.

Ah, you mean your manuscript fee.
I've got you!

I'll speak with the editor-in-chief
and our accounting department right away...

[echoing]...and come up with an amount
that's satisfactory for you!

- [N] I was beyond clueless back then.
- [brisk version of Chopin's Funeral March]

It was as if there was a thin membrane
separating me from the rest of society.

I was in a state of derealization.
Experiencing a lack of reality.

As if I were looking
at the rest of the world from underwater.

And what a peculiar view that was.

Sure enough,
that short story of 20 pages or so

became a hit and stirred up the scene.

That magazine decided to order
a reprint the day before it went on sale.

Apparently, it was the first time ever
in the entire history of the magazine.

- [tires screech]
- [all] Huh?

[music stops]

Mr. N, sir, I'm so sorry
to come by unannounced.

I'm here to ask
if you'll write a piece for us.

- Who do you think you are? How rude!
- Please hear me out.

Allow me to discuss it with you
in further detail, okay?


Wait. When did you...

But why do you want me?

One thing about me is that
I can spot great talent when I see it.

I was so moved by your Self-Introduction.

It made me look forward to reading
whatever comes after.

[scoffs] Oh, man, lady!
You are so overstepping!

I can't help how I feel.

Plus, I'm certain we can accommodate
any request you might have financially.

This isn't a matter of money!

Oh? You can't deny
money's important, though.

I'll leave it to you two to hash it out.

[in unison] Mr. N!

DEPOSIT: 2,000,000 YEN

[somber music playing]

[N] The manuscript fee deposited
into my bank was significant.

Every single day,
there was a line at my door

of editors who figured out my address.

And of course, each one
wanted me to write for them.

If I said it didn't make me happy,
I'd be lying.

Well, I should just be straightforward
and admit that I was happy.

There was an audience out there,
waiting for my writing.

When I thought about that fact,

it filled me with joy, pride,
and a sense of superiority.

Even if it all came to be because of
a novel I had no memory of writing.


Damn it, I can't come up with anything.


What's so great about this? Huh?


Makes me think no one has
any reading comprehension these days.

People just really love to talk.

If someone proclaims it's interesting
among their peers,

everyone agrees with them.

And if they say it's boring,
then it magically becomes boring.

It's all about gossip.

[music fades]

Here's the thing.

I'm really sorry to do this,
but I can't accept this.

Has, um, something been
troubling you lately?

[N] What do you mean by that?

Sorry. I'm not quite sure how
to best put it into words, but... it's just...

I read it, and it seemed like you were
not your usual self. Something was off.

[N] Are you trying to insinuate
that I've gone crazy or somethin'?

By "not my usual self,"
you mean out of my mind, huh?

I must apologize
for repeatedly prodding you to write.

It seems as if my actions may have had
a negative effect on your motivation.

I let my excitement get the better of me.
It's entirely my fault!

But still, If you don't mind me asking,

was this perhaps written
by a student of yours?

- [gasps]
- It's too unrefined to...

Are you accusing me of having
someone else write this for me? Really?

It's just that it seemed
the only logical explanation.

I mean, if someone else with less talent
or experience wrote it,

then that would explain the quality.

Because if I'm looking
at this novel objectively...

- [N] Enough.
- [gasps]

You're not the only literary magazine
out there. I'll take this somewhere else.

I won't accept no for an answer.

Very well, then. Do whatever you need to.

We won't be needing
that manuscript after all.


I'm sorry.

I did take a look, but I can't help.

I'm afraid short stories aren't my area.

Ridiculous. What kind of excuse is that?

I'm so sorry.

But either way, I'm really glad
that you reached out to me for this.

How about you write a novel for us?
What do you say?

That's nothing but lip service.

If you don't believe me,
what else can I tell you?

At least give it to me straight.

I want to hear your honest thoughts
on the story. No holding back.

What did you think?

I showed it to another editor and
he thought it was written by someone else.

He wouldn't stop sh1tting on it.

Oh, you must mean Mr. S, right?

I do. But it doesn't matter.

I think you have a better eye than him.

Let me think...

Setting aside whether or not
it was you who actually wrote it,

and the fact that I'm only in charge
of long novels and not short stories...

I'd say...

It just didn't feel like a novel.

It was like being made to listen
to a dream someone has with no punchline.


Sorry, that's only my personal reaction.

I'm sure if you show it to another person,

they'll say something
completely different.

[N grumbles] It's fine.

[ringing tone]


[N] I can't take it anymore.

I didn't write Self-Introduction!
It's borrowed.

No, it's plagiarized!

Mr. N, please calm down. Listen.

No one understands
how talented you are better than me.

[N] No! My talent
has long since dried up!

That's not true at all.
You're not in your right mind right now.

I know you've been drinking,
but I'm worried about you...

- [Chopin's "Prelude no. 7" resumes]
- Don't worry about me, I'm fine.

Wanna know why? 'Cause
I'm not gonna write anything at all!

Damn it! It's all that stupid kid's fault!

She said all that messed-up sh*t,
and it all went downhill from there!

I'm done!

- [banging at door]
- [doorbell ringing]

[landlord] Please! Calm down.

- [door unlocks]
- Mr. N? Mr. N!

- Mr. N! Are you okay, Mr. N?
- [landlord] Huh?

- [N groans] What?
- [door closes]

Oh, thank God...

After that whole conversation
last night, I got so worried.

[N] Ohh...

I tried calling you,
but you never picked up.

I thought maybe
something bad had happened.

Uh... Is that...

Oh, wow! Mr. N!

- [N] Huh?
- Is this what you were up to?


- What have you written?
- Huh?

[Chopin's "Minute Waltz" playing]



This is such marvelous work!
I can't believe it!

I know I've only read the beginning
so far, but I can already tell!

This here is a masterpiece.
There is no denying it!

Your passion can't be topped, Mr. N.

My passion?

This piece transcends time,

cutting through time itself
to be experienced by us.

I've never read such a powerful opening!

Sir? I'm sure you're exhausted,
but I do have a request.

Sir, I'd like you
to meet the editor-in-chief.

[man] Please, go on, Mr. N. Have a cup.

Pardon me, sir. Here you are.


Now then,
let's get down to business, shall we?

S told me quite a bit
about your new work already.

First of all, I have absolute faith
in his reading comprehension,

sense of aesthetics, fervor
and raw talent as an editor.

That's why it means a lot when I say

I haven't seen him praise
a piece of writing this much

since your Self-Introduction!

After he turned down
From the Shores of Stupor,

I got another magazine
to publish it instead, but, um...

It got completely slammed by the public
and didn't fly at all.

That's past.

This publication
is going to be a sensation.

A real renaissance of literature.


Well, it's yours now.
Do whatever you want with that manuscript.

- I won't complain or argue or anything.
- Huh?

I think the anxiety you have
about your writing

only proves you're a sincere person.

You don't see being an author

in terms of how much money or fame
or power it might be able to bring you.

You're an artist.

Uh... I'm not anxious.

Trust us,
and let us take care of the rest.

[somber music playing]

[N] It all felt so strange.

Editors insisted
that I wrote the manuscript,

even though I have
no recollection of writing whatsoever.

Even when I told them that,
they tried to persuade me otherwise.

- It's just...
- Yes?

[N] Actually... can I take
another look at the manuscript?

Of course, sir!

[N] It was a baffling experience.

It felt foreign and familiar,
all at the same time.

It was certainly my writing,
but then again, it really wasn't.

Of course I was confused.
Anyone would be, in this situation.

I was looking at a portrait of myself,

and realizing it differed
from the face I saw in the mirror.


Mr. N?

[N] I read it.

What did you think of it?

- It's not bad.
- Right? [chuckles]

[N] The Elves and the Shoemaker.

It's a richly allegorical,
beautiful title. The perfect fit.

I agree.



[N] It's beautiful. I'm sure...

Uh... yep, there's no denying it.

[sighs shakily]

[voice breaking] This piece is
simply wonderful. Isn't it?

Mmm. You're absolutely correct. Of course!

It looks like it's going to be
my magnum opus then.

This is just brilliant.


Yes, I'm confident it will be!


Absolutely... fantastic...

[upbeat jazz playing]

[man 1] Tell us how you feel
about receiving these awards.

[man 2] Was the protagonist based on you?

Did it take a lot of biding your time
and trusting the process?

What's next for you? Do you have
anything you're currently writing?





[phone ringing]

- Mr. N, this is B.
- Oh, hello.

Thank you very much
for your time today.

The president was delighted he got
to spend some quality time with you.

About your new book, we've decided
to preemptively go into reprint

before it goes on sale!


We also thought about it, and since it'll
be our first time publishing your work,

we'll be, um...
putting extra effort into sales.

So, anyway, Mr. N, I hope through all of
this that you're taking care of yourself.

You've published five long novels already.

Between the writing itself,
and endless meetings and events,

have you even had time to rest?

[N] Yeah. I'm getting plenty of sleep.

But thank you. Bye!

[hangs up]

[poignant music playing]

[N] Right,
there's nothing to worry about.

Okay! This is good. Let me out.

[driver gasps] Sir, the bill
has already been taken care of.

Doesn't matter! Take it.

[humming happily]

"I feel both intense ecstasy,

and the crippling terror
of being among the chosen."



Arrogant self-esteem.

Or was it actually "shame"?

Wha... Huh?


[breathing shakily]





- [splashing]
- [N panting]

[slow version of "Prelude no. 7" playing]

[panting and splashing slowed and echoing]



- [girl] It's been a while.
- [gasps]

What's wrong?

[N shudders]


Where am I?

A park. In fact, the one where
you and I met for the first time.

[N gasps] But I don't live here anymore.

I moved to an apartment
on the edge of downtown Tokyo,

and then to a nicer place
in the center of the city.

And I just had a dinner party with
the president of a publishing company,

and then I was heading home in a taxi.

No way. No way I would return
to this damn backwater town.


Say, are you getting close
to finishing your writing?

For what?

For your novel. Obviously.

[N sighs]

What's wrong?

One book's due next month, and I have
two more to finish by the end of the year.

I don't mean those ones.


I'm talking about the one
that you showed me last time,

about the young man who's a m*rder*r.

Whatever happened to that?

[N sighs]

I thought you were going to rework it?

[N] That one's a lost cause.
I'm over it.

How come?


Why are you asking me about that one,
when you told me it was boring?

You're right, I'm not going to deny that.

But still, if you don't write that story,

what exactly can you write?


Is that... a joke?

Do you have any idea who the hell I am,
you little brat?

I've published a ton of books
since the last time we met.

Really, now?

It's true!
And every one of them was a bestseller!

Any publisher would k*ll to get their
hands on just one of my manuscripts...

Since I'm a bestselling...

- [low rumbling]
- [weakly]

- [trembling]
- [girl] Is that true?

Are you sure?




[girl] Were they actually your novels?

[N] What do you mean,
were they my novels? Of course...

What the hell? What are you trying to say?

[girl] Are you stupid?

When you refer to a novel
as being yours,

shouldn't the storyline within it
be yours as well?

But if you haven't been writing at all,
I'm done wasting my time with you.

How disappointing. Goodbye.

Wait! Wait... Hold on... [yelps]

- [gasps]
- [chiming sounds]

[Chopin's "Raindrop Prelude" playing]

If none of those stories
are actually my work,

then who the hell has been writing them?


Sometimes I wake up.

Sitting there on top of my desk
is a whole new story,

in my handwriting,

on subjects that I would write about.

But I have no memory of 'em.



It was me, wasn't it?
Why won't you say I wrote them?

But you know the answer to that
better than anyone, isn't that right?


That's the problem. I can't tell.

[girl laughs] You can't?

The handwriting... It is mine.

The quirks, the phrasing,
it's so familiar. [sobs]

But I can't tell
what's so good about the writing.

No matter how many times I read,
I don't find it exciting.

I can't even comprehend the context.

But everyone gives it so much praise.

They call it a masterpiece.

A timeless classic
that will go down in history.

It's like
I slipped into another dimension.

Trapped here forever in solitude.

So painfully alone.

Everybody around me
is like a totally different species.

Do you have any idea how that feels?

I'm terrified.
I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Then again, how could anyone be expected
to keep their sanity living like that?

But I grin and bear it!

I keep my mouth shut and pretend
I'm the same kind of creature they are!

Aw, I'm sorry.


But it was your choice to accept it,
to continue living that way.

Even now,
you're choosing not to resist it.

And there's nothing
I can do to change that,

because my only interest
has been about your novel.

So goodbye.


[chiming sounds]


[wind gusting]

[gentle music playing]

- [door opens]
- [woman] Welcome home, honey.

[N grunts shakily]



[gasps] Huh?

[mother] It's all right.

[chuckles] There, there.


[music swells]

[no audible dialogue]


[no audible dialogue]

[no audible dialogue]


[music fades]

[insects chirping softly]




- [rustling]
- Huh?

[gasps] Huh?



["Prelude no. 7" resumes]

[N choking]

- [sighs]
- [wind gusting]


[music fades]

[lively version
of Chopin's "Funeral March" playing]



[music stops]