02x07 - A Family Affair

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Is Blind". Aired: February 13, 2020 – present.*
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Series follows fifteen men and fifteen women, all from the same metropolitan area, hoping to find love.
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02x07 - A Family Affair

Post by bunniefuu »

[upbeat joyful music playing]

Give me a kiss.

Love you.

[indistinct chatter]

- Oh! It's...
- [laughter]

- Can I talk to you real quick, man?
- Yeah. Y'all good though, right?

We're good, dude. We're really good.
Having little arguments here and there...

- For real?
- Yeah.

It's not always happiness.
It's not always rainbows and whatnot, so...

But I feel like that's what it's about.

[Jarrette] Iyanna and I have not had one.
From Mexico to now, there's been nothing.

- Been on the same page this entire time.
- That's good, man.

One good thing that my dad told me
is no matter what issues you have,

what disagreements you have,
never go to sleep angry.

- See, though, I have.
- Never go to sleep angry.

I have gone to sleep angry, though, dude.

- When we hung out at that bar...
- [both laughing]

And honestly, man, Mallory talked to me
about the comment that was made

about her ring, and...
I don't know, bro, it was just like...


I know she didn't appreciate that comment
about the ring not being gold.

[tense music playing]

I said it jokingly, because I know
that she wanted a gold ring,

but I wasn't trying to throw shade.
You know how I am.

You know I joke all the f*cking time.

It was nothing where I was like,

"I would've got you this, or did that."
That was never a thing.

We had our thing in the pods.
She made her decision.

I am perfectly fine with her decision.

I tell her all the time,

"Sal is a great dude.
You'll be lucky to end up with Sal."

Anybody would've been lucky
to end up with you.

And if you're happy, she's happy,
I'm happy for you.

Happy for both of y'all.

I just wanted to clear the air.
It was just a misunderstanding, then.

I found my person,
and I'm happy with my person, so,

everything else is out the window.

I have no feelings for anyone else here,
outside of Iyanna.

If things are going good, we'll be married
in about two weeks. Wow. [chuckles]

Everything seems good.

- A little too good. [laughs]
- That's how it should be.

- Cheers.
- Cheers, bro.

♪ 'Cause I ♪

♪ Feel the heat
'Cause I'm falling in love, love, love ♪

I'm actually warm, so take my coat.

[Danielle] Oh, another coat.
Oh, you're so sweet.

Did you have fun tonight? Yeah.

- And did you?
- It was okay.

- What?
- What about you?

Nothing, you keep looking at me
kinda funny,

like you've got something to say.


- You uncomfortable right now?
- Yeah. Horribly.


- Well, what did she say?
- Shaina?

She said... She basically called us,
our relationship a fraud.

And just called out saying,
you guys are not compatible.

- All that kind of stuff. Yeah.
- Wait. What?

Yeah. She was just calling you out
the whole time.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- No way anyone thinks that.
- I don't know.

Actually, I don't know
if there's something else

that I'm missing here or what?

- I don't know.
- Am I missing something?

I'm asking you that question,
because I wanna know.

I'm not calling you out.
I wonder why she'd say that.

- I don't know.
- I mean, it's...

I've never talked to her about us.
But only that, we're really good.

So, that'd be crazy.

- What would be crazy?
- If we were a fraud couple.

- Do you think we're a fraud couple?
- No. Do you?

No. They can call me whatever they want,
but I don't believe it.

Well, I love you.

Candidly, I don't think
Shaina has something strong with Kyle.

So, I think it's hard for her to think
Shayne and I could have something strong.

You know, in the pods,
it was just Shayne and I.

We didn't have to worry about other people
impacting our relationship.

Like, you know... other guys or girls

like, DMing us or, like,
you know, um, trying to hit on us.

I'm not nervous
that my wedding's in two weeks.

I know that I'll absolutely marry him.
I love who he is.

And I know I wanna be
with who he is for the rest of my life.

Should we just make sweet, sweet love
on the beach right now?

Should we make babies right now?


♪ Love you no matter what ♪

♪ No matter what ♪

♪ We've been through it all ♪

♪ Still standing strong
Not giving up ♪

♪ I love you no matter what ♪

♪ Come on, let's talk tonight ♪

♪ Got you here right by my side ♪

[Nick] Am I keeping you dry?

[Danielle sighs] Barely.

[Nick] It's a small umbrella.
I didn't expect it to rain like this.

Today, Danielle comes
to see my condo for the first time,

and we are looking
at how are we going to make

a home out of a place that's been my home
for a couple of years.

- [Danielle] Where's the little cutie?
- See, he's in here.

[Danielle] Oh yes!

I'm nervous that she's going to feel
like it's not hers.

The wedding's a few weeks away.

So, it's the most important thing to me

that she feels like this is our home
and something she's comfortable living in.

- [chuckles] Wait, your place is so nice.
- Yeah, this is my spot.

- This is the master.
- [Danielle] Which one? This is your room.

I'm so happy that I get to live with him
for the rest of my life. You are so cute.

[laughing] I can't...

Let's see the closet space. I need
to figure out how to fit all my shit.

I'm feeling like I'm just gonna move
into the guest closet. [chuckles]

I think the guest room
is going to be my closet.

[both laughing]

[Danielle] Oh, wow. Dawson's Creek?

[Nick] Shut up.

[both laughing]

- I'm judging you right now.
- Yeah.

The rest of the DVD collection.
By the way, these are all alphabetized.

- Oh my gosh.
- Yeah.

[whispering] I don't like that at all.

It worries me a little bit,
because he is very neat.

When they get unalphabetized, it becomes...

- So, now I know how to piss you off.
- Yeah.

[Danielle] And I'm kind of a messy person,

and I'm scared that it could be an issue.

[Nick] Could you see yourself living here?

If we figure out a way
to fit my clothes. You'll find out.

You're worried about the clothes.
Is that the only thing?

[Danielle] I have a lot of stuff. I have
my video games that I'd have to bring.

What are we gonna do with those?

That's where I'm like, no...

"Rock Band stuff's gotta have
someplace to go."

It's 100% coming here with me.

- But where do we store it? A closet?
- I kinda like mine just out.

- For easy access.
- No, you don't.

[splutters] Wait till you get
to my apartment. It's all out.

- Really?
- I play it all the time.

- You would just have it out?
- I do have it out.

But like... can we, like,
put it in that bin?

A drum set?

We can't just have it out. We're not 15.

[tense music builds]

♪ Let's dance ♪

[dance music plays]

[Jarrette] They'll love you.

[Iyanna] They don't know nothing,
so you don't know that.

We're about to go meet Jarrette's parents.

Jarrette didn't tell them anything
about this experiment.

I feel like that's something
you should warn them about at least.

Because his dad is traditional.

[Jarrette groans]

[Iyanna] Sometimes I still feel
like his second choice.

I'm gonna do some deep breaths.

So, I'd like to meet Jarrette's family
as his fiancée,

for me, it actually means a lot.

- You ready, child?
- You're so cute.

I love Jarrette, so I hope they love me,
and I hope this goes smoothly.

- Wow.
- Hey, now.

Well, hello, Jarrette and company.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- Hi. Aren't you the cute one.
- [Jarrette] This is Iyanna.

- Iyanna, hi.
- Iyanna, hello.

- This is my dad, Tim.
- Nice to meet you.

- This is my mom, Felicia.
- What's going on? Talk to us.

[chuckles nervously]

- [Tim] What?!
- What?! What?!

- [Jarrette laughing]
- [laughing] Are you kidding me?


- Yeah.
- Don't you make me cry.

- Take a moment.
- [Tim] Wait a minute.

What?! Wait a minute!
Where the tissue at, people?


[Iyanna laughs]

- He picked a cutie.
- Thank you. Thank you.

Wow, welcome to the family.

- Thank you.
- Wow!

Oh! [laughs]

[Jarrette] Dad?
You didn't expect this, huh?

Not at all. You... [laughs]

- Stop. Hey.
- [laughter]


- [laughing]
- [Iyanna] It's a lot.

Well, this is good.
We got a date already too?

June 7th.

Of what year?

In two weeks.

[Jarrette and Iyanna laughing]

- [Jarrette] Yeah.
- Wow.

Nice. Okay, should we sit down?

- Come on.
- [Jarrette and Iyanna] Yeah.

But you all didn't see each other at all.

- [Iyanna] Mm-mmm.
- You just communicated via...

- A wall.
- Speaker in a wall.

So, did you ask her questions

to kind of figure out how she look?

- No.
- He didn't wanna know anything.

I didn't wanna know anything.

- Really? Really, Jarrette?
- He didn't wanna know anything.

I didn't, because I wanted to be invested
in this process and this experiment,

and just literally
get to know her as a person

and not having that outside noise
of what she looks like

and truly get to know her.

I took that and ran with it.

What touched your heart?

Her resiliency
and how strong she is as a person.

- Wow.
- And that's what kind of drew me into her.

I didn't have anything
to go off of but her word.

So, the person that
she said she was in the pods

and the entire time we were dating,
she's been the same throughout.

- That's the difference.
- [Jarrette] Yeah.

You have to know the inside
before you accept the outside.

My birthday was our first date.

- Aww.
- [Felicia] Yeah.

[Tim] Just like you two,

the conversation was like nothing
I'd ever had before with a woman.

I'm sitting there like...

[Jarrette and Iyanna laugh]

[Tim] Every word she was saying, I'm like...

[all laughing]

And we sat there
until the restaurant closed.

- [Felicia] Just talking.
- Just talking.

Twenty-five years later,
we still together.

- Still together.
- Still together.

[Felicia] All of this to say,
keep talking.


Keep communicating
and create your stories.

This is a story.

- This is a story.
- Yeah.

- He explained to you that I am a minister?
- He told me. Yes.

So, I just...

It would mean the world to me

to be able to perform you guys' ceremony.

I mean, that right there, to...

[soft music plays]

- It means a whole lot.
- [Felicia] Aww.


You're my firstborn.

I've had people ask me
to do their weddings,

and God wouldn't allow me to,
because I believe the first one

has to be for you.

- [Tim sighs] Man.
- Okay, baby. Okay.

- I think you're a blessing.
- Thank you.

[Iyanna] To just be
so welcomed, that felt great.

Jarrette was proud
that I am his future wife.

I feel closer to him afterward now.

I can absolutely see myself
a part of this family,

and I wish Jarrette could get
that same experience,

but I know it won't be like that
with my parents.

The vibes will be different.

It'll be a lot more serious,
maybe some tension.

[softly] Oh, God,
he has to meet my parents.

[uplifting music plays]

[Salvador] All right,
just a couple of things.

- Good.
- Shouldn't take too long.

Just a couple of socks.

I'm happy to see Sal's place
and to meet his roommate, Caesar.

You nervous
about me looking at your stuff?

- No, go ahead.
- Oh, okay.

I have nothing to hide.

I like that you keep the...
The toilet seat's down. I see you.

[Salvador laughs]

- I know it's important. Yes.
- I see your little wipes. Okay.

- Calling me out.
- [both laughing]

Not surprised. I pictured
his place being very clean and organized.

- Think I hear... My dude!
- Yo.

- Hey!
- What's up? Caesar.

- Mallory. Nice to meet you.
- This is my fiancée, Mallory.

Come here. Oh man.

[Caesar] How's it goin'?

It's going really good.
Bud, you want a cocktail?

- Yeah.
- I'll make you something.

I was saying, I love your place.
It's so beautiful. Love all the light.

We've been here for a year.
We met through college.

Both of us studied music,

and I've been teaching for a while.

- So, you're a music teacher. Okay.
- Yeah.

- Do you sing together a lot?
- Yeah, we sing a lot.

[Mallory] Oh...

Sharing my world
with Mallory was really easy

and I feel like she just fits in.

If Mallory and I started a family,
I would sing to my kids all the time,

and I think Mallory would really like it.

It'd be like, I don't know,
a little group of mariachis or something.


- [acoustic guitar tune playing]
- [Salvador] Ay.

[in Spanish] ♪ From the Sierra Morena ♪

♪ Pretty darling, they do come down ♪

♪ The pair of little black eyes ♪

♪ Pretty darling, do sneak on by ♪

♪ That beauty mark that you have ♪

♪ Pretty darling, by your mouth ♪

♪ Don't give it to anyone else ♪

♪ Pretty darling
For it only belongs to me ♪

- [both] ♪ Ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
- That is so good.

♪ Do sing and don't cry ♪

♪ Because singing gladdens ♪

♪ Pretty darling, the heart ♪

Oh! Should I...? [chuckles]

My God, you guys are so...
Seriously, made me cry.

You're so good. [laughing]

You know, the moment I realized
I was falling in love with Sal

was definitely when he sang to me
in the pods.

I've never had anyone do that for me,

and Sal's very different
than men that I usually talk to.

He's very much more...

He's so in touch with his emotions

and his feelings
and communicating those feelings,

and just watching him sing,
and when he looked at me,

it just felt so good,

and I fell in love with him
a lot more today in that moment.

I just got so emotional.
You guys are so good.

- [upbeat music playing]
- [man vocalizing]

I'm excited to see your place.
See where Shakey Shake lives.

[Shake] Navigate home.

You would recline back.


What's the point of having a Tesla
if you can't put it on autopilot?

You're too much.

Okay, you know what?
We have to push it to its very limit.

[chuckling softly] Babe.

Oh... my God.

I didn't realize I was goin' 90. Oops.

- Didn't feel like it, right?
- Not really.

You're trying to make this drive
a five-minute drive, huh?

That was pretty sexy though.
I like fast cars.

Showing Deeps my place definitely
makes things a little bit more real.

This is where we'll be living together
as husband and wife.

- Close your eyes.
- [Deepti] Okay.

Wait! Open!


Holy shit! It's amazing.

- [Shake] This is the spot.
- What?! Definitely got a bachelor vibe.

- [Shake] Bachelor vibe.
- Everything black.

[Shake] It's easier that way.
Feel free to spruce.

Gotta add a little girl magic in here.
What is this?


All black candle?

- All black everything. Just way easier.
- Oh boy.

- Black, very easy.
- [Deepti] You need accents of color.

- [Shake] You think so? Okay.
- Just a little. A little pink.

It could use a feminine touch.
I agree with that.

[Deepti] Holy shit.
Wait, this is really nice.

- Yeah? Glad you like it.
- It's really nice.

It's been great to live at home, but I'm
so ready to get out of my parents' place,

and I love his apartment.

There are definitely things
I would change about it.

There's actually room for two
to sit out here and eat a meal.

[Deepti] I'm a big fan of this.

But it's really cute and cozy.

I can envision
a cute little life there for us.

Where do you see yourself living
in five years? Still in the city?

I think I'll still be
in the city in five years.

I would like to be,
because I'm opening an office here and...

You good with raising kids in the city?

We have to have enough money
to send 'em to good schools.

- Gotta hustle.
- Hustle, focus a little bit more.

- We can only have one or two kids.
- That's what it takes. Yeah. That's good.

- Wanna see my room?
- [Deepti] Yes. Let's go.

- [Shake] Okay.
- The moment I've been waiting for.

[Shake] Here we are.

[Deepti squeals softly]

- Okay! You have a giant bed.
- [Shake] It's a little messy.

[Deepti] I cannot believe it's happening.

Like, I'm in the apartment

that I'm gonna be living
with my future husband in. Like...

How does it not set you
in that, like, flirty, fun mood?

And we're gonna do it.

"It" being marriage. [chuckles]

[Shake] Here, watch this. Open curtains.

- So...
- [Deepti] Whoa! It's nice.

[Shake] Yeah.

[Deepti] Where's your comforter?

- Isn't this a comforter? What is this?
- Okay.

It's very soft. Don't be deceived
by the grayness. It's very comfortable.

We're gonna have to add some color
in here. Color it up.

Color it up.
I turn my heated mattress pad on...

- Okay.
- And I preheat it before I get in bed.

- You like it hot in bed?
- Like getting into a hot tub.

Oh my God.

- It's a hot tub bed.
- [Deepti] Whoo. Very nice.

I like it. I like it.

♪ Are we dreaming? ♪

♪ Are we dreaming, dreaming? ♪

- [nervous laugh]
- Are you scared?

I'm terrified.

- Why are you terrified?
- I'm so nervous.

What do you mean,
"Why am I terrified?" This is a big deal.

We're almost there.

- I'm gonna throw up and pee my pants.
- Really?

Yeah. Are you nervous?

I know they'll love you.
So, it's not anything like that.

I'm just nervous that sometimes
I get a little anxious around them

'cause it all wears off on me.

Oh no! We're all gonna be
a ball of anxiety!

And I'm like, "Keep calm,
be cool, be strong for you."

- A bunch of stressed-out people.
- I know.

[Nick, sing-song] Here we go.

[Danielle] Oh my gosh.

So, today, I'm introducing Danielle
to my mom and my sisters

for the very first time.

It's a very unique situation,

and I think any time I've brought
anyone home before to meet my mom,

it takes her a minute to warm up.

And so I think, you know,
coming here today, that's gonna be...

um, pretty evident.


[all] Hello!

- Hi. It's so nice to meet you guys.
- Hi. I'm Jenn. Nice to meet you.

Danielle. Nice to meet you.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

[Nick] This is for you.

Yeah. I'm so nervous. [laughing]

- So are we. I was like...
- Oh my gosh!

- [Jenn] Would you like some wine?
- I'd love some.

We're pretty easy people. I don't think
you need to get nervous about meeting us.


Okay, now that everybody knows
everybody's nervous...

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- She gets pretty nervous about everything.
- Yeah. Yeah.

[laughs] About literally everything, yeah.
I'm like a ball of anxiety.

What made you wanna do
something like this to find love?

There was a couple different reasons.
I'm really insecure.

I, like, lost 70 pounds, and so like,

because of that,
sometimes it's hard for me to...

like, act myself right away
when I first meet people.

For some reason, I just felt
so confident about, like,

our relationship from day one.

He calms me. It's also
the conversations that we were having.

Usually you wait four months
to have those kind of conversations,

but knowing that
the person you're talking to

has the same intention
of wanting to get married, and...

So you don't have the anxieties
of bringing up certain things. Like...

If I were to bring up kids
with a guy on a third date,

he'd be like, "Whoa," but, like, you know,
we're both wanting that.

[pensive music playing]

It's entirely different.
I've never been with someone

who's made me feel this way
about not only him but myself.

Every day that we have
a different situation we run into,

I can't stop thinking
about how much worse off I'd be

if he wasn't there
with me going through it.

We're different, but we're similar
in the way we think about things.

I want to prove to Nick's mom,
"I love your son

despite all the craziness
of our love story."

If my fiancé's family doesn't like me,

that could make Nick
potentially say no at the altar,

and that breaks my heart
to even think about.

We have so much fun together
and we like doing the same things,

but it really is those terrible times
that we've had to go through

where I'm like, "Holy shit,
if I was going through this with anyone..."

And what kind of terrible times?
You've only been together for how long?

[Nick] So everything is like,
hyper sensitive.

Sometimes the littlest things just, like,
blow up and escalate into big things.

And then you start talking
about other things.

[Jenn] Are you gonna be able to handle
his obsession with twice-a-day showers?

- What? I don't do that anymore.
- [Jenn] You don't?

- He was a**l-retentive about the shower.
- Can we, like, use...

not "a**l-retentive"?

[all laughing]

Obsess... A little OCD
about that and hand washing.

- He's very particular of hygiene.
- He is OCD about hand washing and hygiene.

I feel like he's very picky what he eats.
What bread he'll eat...

- I'll learn. Yeah.
- [Nick] She helps me loosen up a little.

- Yeah.
- That's good.

Well, how did you know? I mean,
I feel like in all the years that...

Like, we barely ever even
got to know your girlfriends,

let alone now you're like,
"Oh, I'm engaged,

- and we're gonna come meet you."
- [Nick] We want the same things.

Like, we wanna have a family.

We wanna make sure that,
like, we're doing...

Getting married for the right reasons.

We wanna make sure that, like...
we're not ignoring roadblocks

that are there now
or going to be there in the future.

I guess it's just weird to me.
Like, he's been in relationships

that have lasted for years and years,

and he's never been able to, like,
make that commitment to marriage.

You know, it's... it's a very, very
important decision to make,

and... and you're so...

I don't wanna say obsessed
about the divorce.

- I know you've never been happy about it.
- [Nick] No, no, no.

I am happy about it,
because you and Dad hated each other.

And if you stayed together, I think
we all would've been really f*cked up.

We don't wanna get married
for the wrong reasons.

Don't ever want to get divorced.
Don't ever wanna...

I don't think anybody ever wants
to get divorced when they get married.

Things just happen.

People grow apart,
they grow different directions.

It's not like anybody sets out to do that.

[Jenn] And it's such a quick process.

How do you know there won't be
little things in the way,

or the bigger things?

I know you'd talked
about kids and talked about that.

But like, when the honeymoon
phase is over, do you guys have

a big enough foundation, that it...
Of, like, trust or whatever in each other

that it's gonna even last past that?

We have a lot of similarities,

but where we are opposite,
it almost complements each other.

He saw me have a really, really
bad panic attack in Mexico.

And so, I was like, "Oh my gosh,
"Is he gonna change his mind?"

But the... the way that he was there for me

like, went above and beyond, like,
anything that I could've wanted,

and made me feel ten times better than,
like, I ever have in a situation like that.

He, like, loved me for the flaws
I was trying to, like, you know,

scare him away with,
and that's when I was like, you know,

"There's absolutely no..." I'm gonna cry.

- [chuckles]
- [Jenn] Aww.

I'm okay with you being engaged if
this is what you think is right for you.

How, like, confident we are,
like, it's just nuts.

I wish that I could articulate it.

I can't stop thinking
about how grateful I am.

[Nick] All right. We've gotta get going.

- Yeah.
- It was very nice meeting you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Let me give you a hug. Sorry. [chuckles]

[Kimberly] I wasn't sure
if my son was ever gonna get married.

Just because none of the relationships
ever worked, and, uh...

so I thought, "Okay...

Maybe he's not cut out
to be married." I don't know.

- [Nick] See? It wasn't so bad. Right?
- No.

But if marrying Danielle
feels right to him,

then it's his decision, not mine.

And so, I guess
I have to trust him and his instinct

that if he feels
this is the way he wants to go,

then more power to him.

I thought she was really nice.
I dunno. I'll believe it when I see it.

[upbeat music plays]

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

We gonna have champagne
in our wedding too?

- Yeah.
- Dom?


- Dom Perignon?
- [chuckles]

[Natalie] I didn't think
that I could ever be this happy.

I thought I knew
what love felt like before.

And after meeting Shayne
and falling in love with him,

I realized I've never known
what love feels like.

It's crazy,
I feel like my life is complete now.

Oh my God. Ew! Why am I so gross?

If the old me watched me now,

I think that she would throw up
at all the things I'm saying.


- Cheers.
- Cheers!

[Shayne chuckles]

Wow, is wedding planning
stressing you out or something?

Can't even get a cup for yourself?

It is stressful. Guest list is
what's stressing me out the most.

- Okay. So, I think we have the theme down.
- Theme's down good.

I think food-wise,
we'll just go with the typical...

Okay, but I get my two things.

- I'll take care of that stuff.
- Okay.

What's your two things?

Could we get an old fashioned fountain?
Old fashioned.

- Just keeps pouring out old fashioned mix?
- What?

It's like a water fountain, right?

And just flows out,
numerous tubes and whatnot,

and it's just old fashioneds.

Boom, done. Boom, old fashioned. Boom.

It's unlimited, it's like...

- I've never seen that.
- And we have cheese curds.

- Okay.
- For food? Is that okay?

Are we just gonna serve them cheese curds?

No, I think we should have
a kid's buffet kind of thing.

We have hot dogs, pizza, mac and cheese.

Cheese curds. I think that would be...
That's a fit for everyone.

You can't go wrong.
Tenderloin's a risky option.

Shayne, my entire family's
lactose intolerant.

- Really?
- Yeah.

My family grew up
on milk and cheese. [chuckles]

Also, my family doesn't really drink, so...

- [chuckles]
- Oh boy.

Wisconsin, all they do is drink. [laughs]

- I know.
- This is gonna be such a...

- Yeah.
- This'll be a wild wedding.

I can't remember
the last time my parents have drank,

or my entire family. At holidays.

I can't remember the last time my parents
did not drink, or my family did not drink.


Honestly, to go back
to the whole old fashioned fountain thing...

All joking aside, it'd be nice
because my dad loved old fashioneds,

and it'd be nice to have
something of him at that wedding.

Just something that it shows that
he's... I don't know, he's gonna be there,

and I'm thinking about him
and all that kinda stuff.

I think that's one thing
that'd be cool to have there

'cause I know he'd like to have a drink
with us and all that kinda stuff.

- So, that'd be fun.
- [Natalie] That'll be really fun.

[Shayne] Family is very important.

Especially because I lost my father
a few months ago,

being able to have another father is...
Honestly, it's the most exciting thing.

What do you wanna incorporate
with your culture?

It's a little bit complicated,
'cause Korean dishes aren't just dishes.

- There's things called banchan everywhere.
- What's it called?

- Banchan. It's like small little dishes.
- Punch on? Panchon?

Is it called panchon?
I'm asking the question. I don't know.

See, help me do this. I don't wanna sound
like an idiot in front of your family.

Why do you have to repeat it so much?

- What? Panchon.
- Don't... Stop saying it.

Puchon. I'm gonna screw up so bad.

I'm gonna go up to your grandma
and grandparents and be like...

What's a... Na?

- [laughing] No.
- It's high, right?

- Oh boy.
- It's ne. It means "yes."

- [laughing]
- [Natalie] Oh my gosh.

[Shayne] Ne. Ne.

- That's good, right?
- Stop.

[chuckles, inhales sharply]

- I'mma drink to that one.
- [Natalie chuckling] Oh my...

[dance song playing]

[Mallory] Oh my God! I'm so excited!
You're gonna meet my sister.

- I'm so excited to meet her.
- Yay!

I am a little nervous.

Don't be nervous.
She's, um... No, she's awesome.

You know, to me, love is...

It's not the cliché rom-com fairy tale.

To me, love is

the foundation that Sal and I have,
you know, started to build

from the very beginning
of those conversations in the pods

and the hard conversations
that we've... we've...

we've had, um, and worked through.

It's meeting each other's families.
Love is all of those things.

- [Salvador] Let's do this.
- Okay.

Today, I'm going to introduce Sal
to my sister, Tiffany.

Meeting Sal, and us together,
is going to be very real for her.

Aw, yay!

Tiff! [laughing]

But I'm excited.

I know you like the red wine,
so I brought you some red wine.

I do. Thank you so much.

- Very nice.
- Yeah!

- Well, this is great. This is interesting.
- I know.

It is, right?

I feel like the hardest thing that's been
is just trying to understand

what we've been through together.


But I'm here to, like, to answer anything.

You know, knowing Mallory
and knowing, like, her...

her relationship history,

being in a long-term relationship
and not getting married,

I guess my question to you, Sal,

was like, what does
your relationship history look like?

Have you been in anything very serious?
Have you ever proposed to anyone before?

- Three times. No, I'm just kidding.
- [laughing]

Actually, I was waiting for him to say,

[Mallory laughing]

My relationship history
is a little bit different than Mallory's.

Like, I know that she was
in a six-year relationship.

But me, like...

My longest relationship was
about two and a half years.

Mm-hmm. Not super long.

[Salvador] Yeah. No, it's not.

But, you know, like...

coming from a very...

like, Catholic family,

I don't think I really seriously
started dating till I was, like, 21.

I was very calm.
I was kind of, like, just very to myself.

You're ready for all of this madness
together to be able to do this?

- We learn.
- And you... You love her, Sal?

Like, you can say, like...

Like, "This is the person I love"?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- [Mallory] Yeah.
- Because this is really serious.

- I know.
- Like, this is like, you proposed.

- Yeah.
- So, your intention is to get married.

- So, you're planning a wedding.
- Yes.

When is it?

- Like, in two weeks. [laughs]
- Okay. You know what?

[Salvador chuckles]

What does that even mean?

- What is Sal's last name? Sal what?
- [Mallory] Perez.

Perez. She doesn't have to take it.

My point is, I don't... We don't
even know your last name.

- We don't know anything about... Nothing.
- [Mallory] Yeah.

What is your career?
What do you do? Like, what is...

- the livelihood?
- [Mallory] Mm-hmm.

You know, she does have her education.
She does have her career.

She does have her house.
What are you bringing?

- I work in tourism, by the way.
- Okay.

Um, but we've talked about finances.

We have the same plan as far as,
like, we want to have our own assets.

We wanna have, like, our own, uh,
streams of income that come in.

I don't wanna take ownership
over anything that Mallory owns. I don't.

That's just her hard-earned everything.
You know what I mean?

But in a partnership,
what's hers is yours and vice versa.

And I know this is, like,
very hard to understand,

but he proposed before he even saw me.

Like, I also said yes before I saw him.


You said yes to a proposal
before you even saw Sal's face?

Yes. Yeah.

Before you saw how tall he was,
before you saw his hair, before you saw...

And you were genuine in that?


♪ Got carried out to sea ♪

♪ On a wave of hope ♪

- We just want you to be happy.
- [Mallory] No, I know.

And happy and healthy and safe.
Like, that's all we want. [sniffles]

[melancholic music playing]

Like, you're my best friend.
You are, like... my second mom.

[sniffles] Like...

You are, like, the best thing
that ever happened to me.

[Tiffany] I know.

It's hard to, you know,
think about sharing, like, someone

- that you love so much...
- [Mallory] Uh-huh.

...with other people.

I know.

She f*cking loves me, and I got...

Man, I love her and... Ugh. I'm not...
I don't know why I was surprised.

But I appreciate it because
no one has challenged Sal and I

the way she has.

Look, this process is f*cking weird,

but I also understand that, like,

nobody understands this experiment

the way that I do
and the way that Sal does,

and if at the end of the day
I feel like this is what's right for me

or this is what I wanna do,
I'm gonna do it.

At the end of the day, like, we are...

You're getting married,
at the end of the day, in two weeks.

There's a lot of things
that I haven't done,

because sometimes
I'm afraid to take the risk.

There's a lot of things I regret.
I've been 100% in this process.

I... I've been... nothing but, like...
my genuine, authentic self,

and I'm not pressured in any decisions,

and I will never be pressured
into anything that I don't want to do.

And I do think I'm a very good judge
of character and I do make good decisions.

You know?

And that's partially
why I connected so much with Sal.

Because he is the same person.

I can't ask you to trust me.

I... I can only ask you
to like, trust Mallory's judgment.

I just want you to know
that I'm being very sincere

with how I'm feeling
and how I'm feeling with Mallory.

and I just want you to know that.

With that in mind, Tiffany, like, I...

I would hope that we would have
your blessing to move forward.

Like, blessing marriage?

Well, yes, that we have your blessing.

You know,

I think it's not fair to judge

on such a brief, uh, conversation.

It's a big deal.

You know, if it's wedding day
and Tiffany decides not to be there, like...

That's okay. That's her choice.

My parents didn't have
their parents' support, and...

But they chose each other.

I would love her to be there,
but this is a decision

that Mallory and I make together.

Mallory and I will choose each other.

♪ You and I got that something ♪

♪ Attitude, all or nothing ♪

[Deepti] Here we go.

- Here we go. Can I carry something?
- Yeah. Take that.

[Shake] It's two weeks from my wedding,

and I am excited to take Deeps
to visit my family.

- All right. You ready?
- Ready.

We've seen her family,
and it... it went so well.

It's our turn,

and I'm not worried
about Deeps meeting them

'cause Deeps is incredible,
and I know that they'll love her.

- [Shake] Hello.
- [Shake's parents exclaiming]

[Deepti] Hi!

Dear, hi.

So, walking into the house I grew up in,

except this time I have a fiancée.

I'm not feeling any kind of jitters.

It's just natural and normal.

And I feel like I'm exactly
where I'm supposed to be.

I was going to ask you,
how was the whole experience

not getting to meet and then...

It was a lot,
but it was pretty powerful, I would say.

It's a whole different experience.

You're going into it
with the mindset of, "Okay, I'm..."

You know, you wanna build,
like, a... emotional,

and a good foundation, right,

without seeing that person,
because that involves so much,

[Sita] Right, right.

...and so we kind of
both fought it a lot. [chuckles]

[Sita] So, who zeroed in on who first?

I think he did. [laughing]

[Sita] Such confidence,
or should I say overconfidence. [laughs]

- [Shake] Oh.
- Your mom's calling you out.

Confident people get what they want
a lot of the time.

[Sita] That's true.

We didn't waste time
with a lot of the meaningless stuff.

Just from not being able to see somebody,

you open up a lot
of different conversation topics.

She was born in India.
I was born in India.

You were also born in India.

We had the same story.
She's only dated white guys.

- Okay?
- Really?

He is the first Indian guy
I've ever dated...

I was her first brown kiss.

[Sita laughs]

One thing that we talked about in the pods

that I don't know that
I'd really fully fleshed out before

is that maybe, to some degree,
we were both trying to fit in.

You know, you think you're just going in here
to focus on finding...

a person, finding someone else,

but you really end up finding yourself.

- [Sita] That's what a mom likes to hear.
- [Debasish] And dad.

- [Sita] And dad.
- [Shake] Yeah.

You know, Deeps has seen me,
I would say maybe even at my worst,

and, um, I... I can really say that
there's nobody else I'd rather...

have by my side for that, so...

- [Deepti] Aww.
- She's been very understanding.

[Sita] So, everything is never perfect
even for us now.

We are 34 years married. [chuckles]

So, you're never going to be able
to put each other through all the tests

that you will be facing.

The question is whether the other person
is going to be there for you

to, maybe not relieve,
but alleviate some of the stresses

or make your life
a little easy through that.

If she's capable of...
He or she is capable of that.

- That's great advice.
- [Sita] I am very excited.

At the same time, very nervous.
Marriage is not easy.

You have to work at it,
but she complements him,

and she accepts his weaknesses,
and she's a strength for him,

and vice versa.

But this is not a very normal way
of marrying, and that makes me nervous.

Dad and I both like her very much.

She's just, in many ways, perfect.

Deeps, she's incredible.

She's so sweet and... selfless,

easy to be around,
very easy to talk to, very perceptive.

She's bubbly and talkative,
which I really like.

She's a... like, a beautiful girl and...

inside and outside in every way.

I'm just not feeling necessarily
the kind of, like... like, overwhelming,

instinctual attraction
or animalistic attraction

that I would want to feel,

and that I've felt before
in other relationships.

And the interesting thing is,
in those relationships...

You didn't like other parts of the person.

Right. And that's what makes this
a very, very tough thing,

and I recognize that it's tough.

How is this the most perfect,
amazing person I've ever met,

and it's not really... not really there?

It's a tough thing to talk about.

- With your mom, especially.
- [chuckles]

Normally, it's TMI.

I mean, my thing that I have to
really, like, try and figure out is,

is this thing something I can get over?

- This is very hard.
- It's very hard.

Being very frank,
I'm very much identifying

with her right now more than you.

She could find someone
who absolutely loves her the way she is.

- She's a wonderful person.
- [Shake] And I do...

She doesn't deserve someone
who gives her even half a percent less.

[dramatic music builds]

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ You ready? ♪

- ♪ I'm ready ♪
- ♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Been waiting for this moment
Let's go! ♪

[Jarrette] Good morning.

- Good morning.
- [Jarrette] Morning, Mama.

- I'm becoming a cat lover.
- [Iyanna chuckles]

[Iyanna] She loves you.

- Mama.
- [Jarrette] Aren't you so beautiful?

Baby, stop. I just woke up.

- [Jarrette] That's fine.
- Stop it.

[both chuckle]

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

Are we actually wearing Jordans
at the wedding?

I'm definitely wearing mine.

- Can you buy me a matching pair?
- Of course.

You wanna wear them underneath your dress?

- At the reception.
- At the reception?

Do you have a preference
for the wedding dress?

- You do whatever you want. I'll...
- Okay, good.

As long as you walk down the aisle,
it's all that matters.

Correct answer.

Wait. Long as you walk
down the aisle and say, "I do."

- I have to do both?
- Yes. Can't just walk down the aisle.

Okay. [chuckles]

Is there something that I shouldn't do?
Like have my back out?

- All right, hold on. Here I come.
- What you doing tonight?

I'm going to this spot called Persona.

Oh, you just sitting there?

It's a Tuesday.

- It's Taco Tuesday.
- It's Tuesday, though.

It's five o'clock somewhere.

What you doing tonight,
since you don't wanna go with me?

I'm gonna binge a couple shows,
and read my book.

[Jarrette] Oh!

Bro. How many times
do I gotta sh**t him, bro?

I've always wanted a small,
intimate wedding.

- You're the one who wants a big wedding.
- Now you have my full undivided attention.

"Un" meaning "not, '"
"divided" meaning "separated."

I'm surprised them headphones fit
on your big-ass head.

Really? [laughs]
You wanna fight now or later.

Yeah, that's later.

And my game froze. I'm sick of this.
I'm about to get ready for the night.

[Iyanna, sing-song] You suck.


I love Jarrette. I love him so much.

I accept him for who he is,

but we've had to navigate
the whole... him adjusting

to possibly being married
and adjusting his lifestyle.

He says he's gonna make adjustments,
but I haven't seen those adjustments yet.

So, it's like, okay.

Am I okay with living a life
with someone who goes out all the time?

I don't know. It's a worry, for sure.

♪ Forget about all the things
That you told me ♪

♪ The way you made me feel ♪

♪ The way you made me cry ♪



[overlapping chatter]

To Jarrette being back at home, man!

- [chattering]
- [man] Yes, yes!

- [Jene] What's up, Iyanna?
- Nothing. Jarrette went out.

Do you like that?

I mean, it's fine.

You're about to be a whole wife.
Like, what the hell?

A whole wife.

[music continues]

[overlapping laughter and chatter]

♪ Took me where I never knew
You saved me ♪

♪ Saved me and I never thought
You'd break me ♪

♪ But you turned all of your promises
To lies ♪

♪ To lies ♪

♪ So now, come on ♪

♪ You know all things are good for you ♪

[Danielle] Here it is.

- You'll notice how much furniture I have.
- Oh my God. Look at this mess.

- Shut up. Okay, say hi to Wizzy.
- How do you live like this?

- Hi, Wizzy.
- Wizzy. Are you gonna be nice?

- Hello. I'm a little scared.
- Pet him. Come on.

- Come here. Is he gonna claw me?
- [meowing]

- [Danielle] No, she's saying hi.
- Hi, you.

Nick and I have different living styles.
He's pretty immaculate.

I consider myself a clean person,
but I'd never consider myself immaculate.

I'm kinda scared for him
to see my apartment for the first time.

I know 28 isn't young,
but I am younger than him.

And so I think he might see some
of the weird, quirky stuff in my apartment

and think, "Is she more immature
than she let off in the pods?"

What's that?

So, when I have people over,
I like to play the air guitar.

[both chuckle]

So, I have a whole set
of blow up instruments.

Here's the drums.

This is where the table broke
a little bit down here.

If you have power tools, I need help.

I made a sign that says,
"No dancing on tables,"

but it didn't work.

- Here's the jacket closet.
- Mm-hmm.

- And then this is another closet.
- [Nick] Wow.

- You have a lot of clothes.
- [Danielle] I know.

[Nick] Can you please put this on?

I dunno what I was expecting,
but it wasn't this.

There's a lot of closets.

[Danielle laughing]
Only if you put this on.

She's filled them all up
with winter clothes, spring clothes,

and costumes.

How do you like it?

- Um...
- [Danielle chuckles]

What...? How did that happen?

I get ads for things, and I'm, like,
very... I'm very easily persuaded.

- That's scary.
- All right. Go put it on.

Uh, okay, I'm a good sport, I guess.

- I'm a good sport.
- You're a great sport. That's wild.

[Danielle chuckles]

Definitely wouldn't have
fit two months ago.

I've never, ever looked
this unattractive in my entire life.

[Danielle laughing] You look so good.

Thank God I didn't take my pants off,
or that would've been the big reveal.

You look so good.
[chuckles] You look great.

Come here.

I can't believe I'm doing this right now.

So, what's your use case for these, again?
You just buy them for fun?

You wear 'em around the house by yourself?

I don't wear them by myself. I host a lot.

Yeah, but do you, like...

Just like, "Hi. Thanks for coming,"
and you're in a hot dog or corn costume?



That's what I'm saying. There's a lot
of me that you haven't experienced yet,

'cause you haven't been
around me and my friends.

I'm trying to imagine the use case.

- Fun.
- Fun.

For the same reason I have games.

- I have the Nerf g*n, light lasers.
- Where are the Nerf g*ns?

One of the things that I like
about Danielle is that she's goofy.

- Ow.
- [Danielle laughs]

[Nick] But at the same time,

there's an age difference that is... is...

I think, important to think about.

We are in a little bit
different places with our careers.

We're in different places,
like I own a place, she rents a place.

For us to get married
and have a successful marriage,

she's going to have to get to the point

where we actually, like,
integrate our lives together.

[Danielle] My friends
have broken my tables.

Like, are you scared
that's gonna happen at your place?

I mean, it's just, like, no one would
climb on my kitchen table and break it.


Well, me and my friends do.


So, is that the life you think you'll have
for you and your friends?

Not necessarily. I get... We just...

It's not like we're insane
and going crazy. But we like to have fun.

That's why I have air guitars.

We have dance parties,
and we get up on the table and...

[exhales deeply]

Not that I'm envisioning myself
just tearing the place down,

but we have to think about this stuff,
'cause I feel like we talk

and we were like,
"Yeah, this is fine," and then just...

If you have people over at our place

and shit gets broke, that's kind of...


To me, that's not even like...
I mean, it is an immaturity thing,

but I feel like I'd just be like,
"We're not gonna..."

"We're gonna have fun.
We're just not gonna break anything."

You don't... No one plans to break things.

Yeah, I don't know. I'm hot. I'm sweaty.

- It's hot in here.
- I'm tired.

I don't want to keep talking about it,
to be honest.

I need a minute to get this off

and just cool down for a second.

[tense music builds]

[funky music plays]

♪ Eyes like fire ♪

♪ Got me shaking ♪

♪ I think I just realized
I won't ever be the same ♪

[Shayne] I can't wait
for this day to be over.

- [Natalie] Really?
- Yes.

[Shayne] I'm f*cking... nervous.

So, it's Don...

- And Nan.
- And Nan.


Don and Nan.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

I'm nervous to meet Natalie's parents.

She hasn't told her parents yet
about the engagement.

That's gonna be my father-in-law,
that's gonna be my mother-in-law.

That's a serious situation.

I don't think Natalie is afraid of any
of the opinions of her family at all.

It's the fact that Natalie
was raised very traditional,

and it's a daughter,
so I feel like they worry a little more

about some random stranger coming
into their daughter's life. I get that.

But my job is to take care of her
and make her feel safe.

I want her parents to see that too.

How are you gonna introduce us?

I'm gonna be like,
"Hi. This is my fiancé."

You'll say it while you're laughing
like that in front of them?

[Natalie] I laugh when
I'm super nervous. And so...

[exhales deeply]

All right, well,
what if they don't approve of me?

What's the game plan?

I think you should go
pick up the flowers and dinner,

and while you're gone,
I'm gonna explain the experiment to them,

and kind of what has happened
since I've last seen them.

And then I'll introduce you.

I think as long as you're yourself,
it'll be fine.

- [Shayne] Okay.
- Yeah.


- So we're good?
- Yeah, we're good.

Fine. Don't put too much
pressure on it, though.

- All right, I'm gonna go pick up dinner.
- Okay.

I'll get your mom's flowers, and you have
to make sure everything's taken care of.

Yeah. See you back?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Bye. All right.

[Natalie] Bye.

♪ Sometimes feelings haunt my mind ♪

♪ Silence is so hard to find ♪

[Natalie] I'm nervous as shit
for my parents to meet Shayne.

I'm very close with my parents.
I tell them everything.

So I feel bad that I didn't tell them
right off the bat that I was engaged.

I hope that they will love him,

but I just know they'll have concerns
about how quickly things are moving.

And I never would want
to upset them, but right now

Shayne's the most important person to me,
and I'm willing to take the risk

of upsetting them for Shayne.

- [knocking at door]
- [dog barking]

Oh my God.

I can't even deal.

[dog barking]

- [man] Hi, babe. Hello, Natalie.
- [woman] Oh my God.

- What?
- What are you doing here?

What do you mean what am I doing here?

You're looking good.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

- Hi, baby.
- I'm so glad to see you.

[Don] Wow, what is this place?

[Natalie] Um, my new apartment.
Wanna see the views?

It's actually really awesome.

- [Nan] You moved? Very nice.
- [Don] Wow. This is nice.

[Nan] Wow, it's beautiful.

[Natalie] I know. Isn't it amazing?

Uh, do you wanna...
Do you wanna sit in these chairs?

Okay. How come...

- No, really.
- [Natalie] What?

- Whose place is this?
- [Natalie] It's mine. I swear.


I'll explain everything,
but do you just want to sit down?

[Don] Okay.

Okay. Why?
Are you afraid that I might faint?

I'm gonna stay far,
so I can make a run for it.

Just kidding.

[Don] Well, we missed you.

- I know, it's been so long.
- Yeah.

[Natalie] I know, it's been,
what, three or four weeks?


[Natalie] Um, okay.

So, you know how, obviously, I was single.

- [both] Yeah.
- And I really wanted to find someone.

So, I signed up for this experiment

where there's 15 guys and 15 girls,

and they date sight unseen.

[tense music playing]

[Natalie] Um...

And I fell in love with someone.

And he proposed to me,

and I said yes, so I'm engaged.

Oh my gosh!

His name's Shayne.

- This is Shayne and my apartment.
- What?!


- [Nan] Oh my gosh. It's too much.
- Um...

So, we're getting married in two weeks.

[Nan] What?

- I'm concerned, as a mom.
- [Don] Well, so am I.

- [Natalie] Want to see the ring?
- [Nan] No, I don't wanna see it.


Call me old-fashioned or whatever.
I mean, ten days?

Haraboji and Halmeoni
got married after three days.

- They were married, what, 60, 70 years?
- I know. So, do you live in the 1960s?

I would have not said yes

if I, like, truly did not think
it was a good decision.

- [Nan] I don't know...
- You know I wouldn't have.

Truly, I wanted to tell you guys,

but, like, I just wanted you
to, like, meet him in person

before you make any judgment,
but, like, Mom,

he's exactly like you. Like...

- What?
- High energy.

Like, very...
Sometimes a little bit emotional.

- My God.
- You know what?

I will give you the heads-up.
Personality-wise, he's different from me.

I don't know a better word,
but he's more spontaneous, I think.

- [Don] Which is good.
- Yeah, which is good. Which is like you.

But, like, I... It's, like, it works.

What made you think that he was the one?

Based on our conversations in the pods.
We just talked.

Just deep, like, who you are,

like, we just talk about everything,

and he's, like, very, very kind.

That's good. That's good.

- He's great.
- [Don] Okay.

- I believe you. I wanna meet him.
- I'm sure he's...

- Really looking forward to meeting him.
- Why don't you just meet him first?

Also, did I tell you
my wedding's in two weeks?

Now, you know what? I need a stretcher.

Oh my God. Why are you laughing?

- Mom.
- Nan.

Can you at least
just reserve your judgment?

- I'm hiding behind Dad.
- Yeah.

As I was breaking the news
to them just of being engaged,

I just saw the heartbreak in my mom's eyes

and how upset she was.

I mean, it breaks my heart.

But... at the same time,

I was so happy
that my dad was understanding

and... and keeping an open mind.

- Just, Mom, chill when you meet him.
- And if I don't?

But isn't this
what you always wanted for me?

That's true. Somebody who cares for you,
someone you love.

- Yeah.
- Of course.

[Natalie] My parents and I
are very, very close.

Will I have to pick sides?
My parents or Shayne?

I don't know.
I haven't thought that far. [scoffs]

Okay. Well, I'm gonna put on lipstick.

She does a lot of a crazy things,
but this is too much for me.

- Let's give her benefit of the doubt.
- It's too much.

- Hi.
- Hi!

["Who Calls It Love" plays]

♪ Who calls it love? ♪

♪ Who calls it love?
That leaves us all in pain ♪

♪ Who calls it love? ♪

♪ Who calls it love?
Just to make me stay ♪

♪ Who calls it love? ♪

♪ Who calls it love?
That leaves us all in pain ♪

♪ Who calls it love? ♪

♪ Who calls it love?
Just to make me stay ♪
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