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19x12 - After the Final Rose

Posted: 04/16/24 18:04
by bunniefuu
Good evening,
bachelor nation

I'm jesse palmer and

Welcome to the live

3 Hour season finale of the


We decided to
take the risk with

Two bachelorettes instead of

One, we felt like you're

Doubling our
chances for a happy


Things just haven't turned out

That way.

This season really has been

Brutal for rachel and gabby.

Feels like there's been more

Scandal and betrayal than true


Now it looks like happily ever

After is a million miles away.

There's always hope.

Maybe tonight
tino can convince

Rachel that his indiscretions

Were just a momentary lapse of

Judgment and may be erich can

Explain away
those damning text

Measures is sent to his

Girlfriend before stepping out

Of the limo.

There's only one way to find


Are you ready?

Let's get this thing started.

Of course, rachel
and gabby are

Here tonight and they've got

Plenty of support from their

Families and friends.

Rachel's dad is
here, big tony.

Great seeing you, sir.

Of course gabby's beloved

Grandpa john is here in the


We couldn't do
this without you.

I also see we have

Bachelor nation
royalty to help

Us handle this very, very

Difficult night.

Thank you all so
much for being


Thank you for your support.

Really going to need it.

Thank you all.

So let's get this
thing started.

Without further
ado, let's bring

Out the bachelorettes.

Please welcome
gabby and rachel.

[Cheers and applause]

Good to see you.

Well, it's so great seeing you

Both here tonight.

Time flies.

It was just seven
days ago that

We were all here on the stage


And then here we are.

We are going to see the final

Moments of your journeys as

Bachelorettes come to an end.

It's all going to play out in

Front of a live audience.

Thank god.

We are ready.

How about you, rachel?

Yeah, we have come such a

Long way so I
think we are ready

For everyone to
see how this all

Plays out.

Don't go anywhere.

We have a lot to
get to tonight.

Let's begin this.

"The bachelorette"
finale starts

Right now.

Did you hear
what he said to


Nobody can tell me I'm crazy.

I want an
answer for why you

Did what you did.

The shocking drama on the

Season finale of

"The bachelorette" continues


Love does make you do crazy

Things, and it's
scary, because

It can be taken away at any


How will gabby and rachel's

Journeys to find love end?

Tino truly is the man of my


I just am so
head over heels

I'm so in love.

He just is my perfect match.

Will history
be made tonight

With two engagements?

I love erich,
and I feel like

All my dreams are, like,

Coming true.

Or will their dreams of

Everlasting love come crashing


I don't want it to be like


I'm not trying to be dramatic.

Am I crazy,
or did that just


Just when you think it's


Just get me out of this.

Guess again.

I tried to be 100% honest

With you.

All I know is rejection.

What happened
after that last

Fateful day in mexico?

I genuinely don't want to

Believe it happened
because it's

So crazy.

I can't believe it.

She's throwing me under the

Bus saying all this is lies?

Tonight, all of your

Questions will be answered...

What do you want to know?



In the most shocking season

Finale ever.

He said, "I want to leave


I want to walk away."

I feel like my head is

Spinning right now.

I'm done.


Gabby and
rachel, don't even

Know where to start.

Could be the most dramatic

Season ever.

We will get to it when

"The bachelorette"
season finale



Welcome back
to the finale of

"The bachelorette."

We are coming to you live from

Los angeles.

Our bachelorettes rachel and

Gabby of course
are here as well

Along with many of our friends

From the past.

Gabby, at this point in the

Journey, you've got one guy

Left, that erich.

Rachel, you have one guy left

And that's tino.

Is it going to
and in happiness

And love for the bachelorettes

Or will it all go terribly


Let's find out.

I don't want it to be like


Like, I don't...
I'm not trying

To be dramatic.

He said, "I want
to leave here,

And I want to date you."

Nobody could tell
me I'm crazy.

Did you hear what
he said to me?

I know with every bone in my

Body that erich and I are

Supposed to be together.

But I need him
to propose to me.

I can talk to him
one last time,

And we can see.

All I know is to
kind of prepare

Myself for rejection.

So, it's not going to be easy.


I want to be with someone

Who wants to be with me.

So, in that
moment, I wanted to

Hear him out in
case I wanted to

[Bleep] walk away.

I just need to talk to you.

And I want you to be honest

With me.


At this point,
like, if we were

To end right now,
I'd be [bleep]


Like, if you were to just walk

Away and kept walking...

But I seriously
have fallen for

You, and I have fallen in love

With you, and I just want to,

Like, leave here with you.

And whatever that takes.

The, like, the
underlying thing

Is that, like, I think what we

Have is genuinely
real, which I

Never [bleep] expected.

And I think that's this is why

This is all...
Like, I'm getting

[Bleep] emotional.

I've tried to be 100% honest

With you.

And what I just said is 100%


Like, I want this to work.

I really do.

Me too.


Like, I really want us to



Like, let's...

We'll figure us out.

Like, let's try.

I want to leave
here engaged.

And I only want it

If it's with erich.

And this decision

Shouldn't be easy.

'Cause if it was
easy, it means

You didn't think about it


I'm sorry everything
had to be,

Like, s dramatic.

We came together
and just, like,

Realized how much we love each


Kiss me.


And that's
what matters most

To me.

Is that he knows
where my heart


Good night.

I love erich.

And I want to be with him


But, like, it's scary.

'Cause it could be taken away

At any second.

Yesterday, aven and I did

Break up.

And it was really
emotional for

Me because I still felt so

Strongly for him, and those

Feelings don't just go away

Really quickly.

But, at the end of the day,

I know where my heart is.


And it just is tino.




How are you?

I can't wait to
tell him that he

Is the only one here.

Do you want
to sit and drink

Some champagne?



I'm just really hopeful.

And I'm excited,

But I'm nervous.

Cheers to the future.

I'm hoping that
me and tino are

On the same page still.

How are you feeling?

Um, pretty
amazing, actually.

Your family was absolutely

Amazing and so
nice and so cool

To me that, yeah, I walked out

Of there on a pretty... Pretty

High note.

Um, how did you feel about it?

It went really,
really well.

Like, I just
really don't think

It could have gone better,

Which just gives
me so much more


I think coming off of having

Such an incredible overnight

With you, and that makes makes

Me so happy because I think it

Was really important
for me that

They all see what
I see in you,

And I know they not only saw

That, but they
could really see

Just everything
beyond this, and

I think they think
we would be a

Pretty good match.

So, speaking of
that, how are...

How are you feeling about



Without a doubt.

Still on the same page?


And I say at times this was a

Really hard way for us to find

Each other, but, you know, I

Wouldn't change
a single second

Of it.

Me either.

Because you're made for me.

I feel like
you truly are my

Perfect match.

Like, my family
and friends said

The same thing.

In literally every way.

And you are the only one


It's you.

I've been so excited

To tell you.

I'm on top of the world.

For her to be
like, "you're it.

You're the one.

Nobody else is here."

It's just, like,

The best thing I
think I've ever


You just made me the happiest

Guy in the world.

I would literally
bet everything

I have and
everything I am that

Me and rachel are forever.

I just want you
to know this is

Never going anywhere.

I just feel so happy right


Tino has told me so many times

That he is ready
for a proposal

And doesn't want to be another

Day without me.

And that's an amazing feeling.

And I trust him.



After everything up to this

Point, it seems like all signs

Are pointing towards love for

You two.

Will it stay that way?

That is the big
question, and we

Are going to find that out


First, are you ready for more


We have an
exclusive first look

At season two on hulu.

The premier is going to be

Something everybody's talking


Are you ready?

There is something that I'm

Ready to talk about.

Tristan and I are
having another


It is supposed to be a really

Exciting time and is just a

Different experience.

It's hard to watch her in


It's been a
difficult time in

My life.

It's the start of something

Positive and happy and beau



Welcome back.

We are here live
in los angeles

With gabby and rachel and our

Star-studded studio audience.

That's right.

You too, you really did make

History when we announced both

The you as being the


So much has
happened since that


Does this feel like a lifetime

Ago to you when we made that


It does, yeah.

both have been put

Through the ringer.

We are at a point in the

Journey, it's
down to your final


One final day.

No matter what happens, all of

America is rooting for you and

Your happiness.

Are you ready?

Here we go.

Okay, okay,
where do I start?

Okay, yeah, well, the last

Time we saw each
other, we were

Going into fantasy suites.

Okay, so tino
is the only one

Here now.

Like, I hoped it was tino,

You know?


It's like it
didn't take him one

Second o decide on you.

Yeah, he tells me every

Single second, like, he tells

Me "I love you," like, every

5 Seconds.

"I love you, I love you."

And it's just like...

Oh, my god.

It's insane to really feel,

Like, 100% chosen and...

And fought for.


I've never had
someone, like,

Love me and show
me love the way

That he does.

Like, he makes me want to be


Like, he's just so selfless

And just giving and funny.

Like, he just is my perfect


Like, I have no doubt in my


I can't believe it,

But I can.

Oh, my god.

So, that's where I'm at.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm dying.


So, erich is the
only one here.


So, he knows he's the only one



Oh, my gosh.

Because I
wanted this week to

Be, like, us being
really secure

And, like, making the decision

To be engaged.


I'm so happy.

And he's fought for me and

Fought for me
time and time and

Time again.

Like, I just... I've never had

Someone love me as, like,

Willing and easy as him, so I

Think we're both willing to,

Like, jump together at this


And he said he's going to


I mean, he
didn't really say

It, but, like, I hope so.

Erich and tino.


Are you so excited?

So excited.

I'm so ready.

I just don't have a doubt.

Like, I truly... If it's not

Him, I do not
know who it could


Yeah, yeah.

I'm so happy.


And you seem so happy.

Yeah, I feel like all my

Dreams are, like, coming true.



Which sounds, like, crazy,

And I think it's, like,

Such a little dream,

But it's, like,

You know, big.

This is so huge.


I cannot... Like, I cannot

Believe where we came from to

Where we're sitting right now,

And literally about to be

Engaged to our dream guys.

Literally dreams.

And now we're sitting down

Together for the last time

Before we get engaged, and it

Worked somehow.

I know.

Erich loves you so much.

And I'm so happy you were able

To open your heart and accept

What you deserve.

Thank you.

I love you.

I love you!

Waking up today,

I feel so lucky.

I've been reflecting
on how far

I've come, and I'm so, like,


But I'm excited.

I just feel like
I have so many


Like, I just never thought I

Would be in this position.

Tino is the only
one here, and I

Feel like he truly
is the man of

My dreams.

But I'm just nervous because

This is, like,
the day I've been

Waiting for my whole life.

I have been through a lot, but

It was so worth it, because I

Couldn't have imagined that I

Could ever end up with someone

As incredible as tino.

I gave him my first rose, and

Now I get to give him my last


And today could
be the beginning

Of the rest of my life.

He's never given me any reason

To doubt him.

But no matter
what, you still do

Have that little bit of, like,

Doubt in your head.

This is a really big step.

I mean, he says he's ready for

An engagement
but it is kind of

Looking him in
the face at this

Point, and I think people can

Get scared.


How are you doing, jesse?

Good to see you.

Good to see you.

How are you feeling?

A lot of, a lot of nerves.

I just want to get this right.

I just think this entire

Journey, every single day I've

Been nervous and waiting for

Something bad to happen.

It just is really
scary because

I'm so in love with him.

Like, it isn't even...

Like, I don't know.

If it's not tino, like,

There's no one for me.



You look unbelievable.


How are you doing?


So excited.

Oh, I am so nervous

Right now.

But I'm so excited.

I truly feel like right now,

It just doesn't feel real.

But thinking about night one,

And your charm and humor and

Everything about you was just


And I need you to know that I

Truly have never met anyone in

My life like you.

Someone who's just so selfless

And gentle and supportive and

Makes me want to be a better

Person every single day.

This journey has been so hard

For me.

There were times when I didn't

Think anyone was here for me,

And I didn't feel deserving at

All of this role I was given.

But I would do it all again a

Million times to be having you

In front of me right now.

I don't feel like I could be

Happier than I
am in this moment

Because I am so madly in love

With you.

And I cannot wait to spend the

Rest of my life with you.


I know you've
been blindsided

In the past.

You've seen love given

And taken away.

And with everything we've been

Through, the last thing I want

To ever do is
break your heart.

But there's something I've got

To say.

This is never going away.

The first night, I was more

Nervous than I
ever have been in

My life.

And the second I grabbed your

Hand to take you
to the stairs,

Magically, effortlessly, you

Made me feel calm
and confident.

And now I'm
standing here on the

Biggest day of my life and yet

Again, you make me feel so


I know I've said in the past,

Like, I'm not the
most spiritual

Guy, but this
journey really did

Make me believe in fate.

You're the most
beautiful woman

In the world.

Your compassion,

Your wit, your charm, your

Intelligence make me fall in

Love with you more and more

Every time I see you.

Every time we're together,

You make me feel
like the center

Of your universe.

And I'm here today to show you

The center of mine.

This crazy love
is going to look

Too good to be true to some


But it's as real as it can be.

And quite frankly the only

Person I care about

Understanding that is standing

Right in front
of me right now.


Rachel, I love you so much.

I'm going to love you

Until the end of time.

And you make me feel so loved

And valued and
appreciated that

I want to dedicate the rest of

My life to making you feel

Cherished and
loved the way you


I'm so hopelessly in love

With you.

You're the woman of my dreams,

And there's really only one

Question to ask.

Oh, my god.


Rachel recchia, I want to

Spend the rest of my life with


Will you marry me?

I will.


A million, a million times.

Oh, my.

I am shaking.

We are both trembling.



I love you.

I am, like, shaking right now.

I know.

We're engaged.

I'm going to love you forever.

I love you so much.

I'm so in love with you.

So, I think there's one more


Tino, will you accept

This final rose?


Oh, my gosh.

Both: we're engaged!


This feels like a dream.

That's how it usually is with

You but this one's different.

I truly could not imagine

Spending my life with anyone


Okay, let's leave.

Let's do it.

Let's o.


I'm so happy.

This is the happiest moment

In my life, and I love you.

Ooh, okay.

What if it starts running

I'm holding you.


Does it know where it's going?

Go left.

No, no.

Oh, my god, we're leaving.


[Horse neighs]


Well, I for
one remember that

Day like it was yesterday.

Rachel, you looked
so beautiful.

You were so happy.

You were just glowing, the

Beautiful ring on your finger.

Watch your facial expression

Seeing that video, I can tell

That this isn't the end of the

Story between u. N. Tino.

When we return,
you're going to

Witness something that you've

Never seen before
ever appeared

You might need a glass of wine

For this one.

Don't go away.


Welcome back,

Bachelor nation.

This is of course the live

Finale that you've all been

Waiting for and I'm here now

With rachel and
we watched tino

Propose end of course she


What a beautiful moment that

Appeared to be.

Rachel, when I
was watching you

Watch the video could barely

Bring yourself to watch that

Back so I know there's a lot

More to the story.

So catch us out finally on

Evidence happen
between both you

And tino since
that magical day

In mexico.


I mean, obviously
there's a lot

Of emotions watching it back.

I remember exactly how I felt.

I truly felt like
I had found my


I was really done.

I was excited to leave and

Leaving mexico
with the hope for

The future.

And I mean, it
was really great

For a while.

I think every single

Bachelorettes, bachelorettes

Ever sat on this couch knows

That when you leave, there are

Just natural growing pains in

Your relationship.

Your dating long distance.

You're getting to know each

Other better.

It's difficult.

We went through a difficult


That just comes
with having your

Life on screen.

Around the time
of the premier,

We just started
going through a

Difficult time.

I mean, when you
put your entire

Life for everyone to see and

Judge, it's definitely


I'm not saying I'm perfect.

I've made more than enough

Mistakes and I'll be the first

To admit it.

We definitely had some

Difficulties in our

but throughout it

All, I felt like
I always tried.

That's all I wanted out of a

Partner was someone who was

Going to stand next to me and

Support me.

Around that time,
I just wasn't

Feeling that support.

If I'm not feeling it, I'm

Probably... I probably wasn't

Giving it as well.

We took some time and try to

Figure how to move forward and

For the most part I thought we

Had and we are at such a great

Place again, kind
of moving even

Farther beyond where I thought

We could be sitting on this

Couch today but it didn't turn

Out that way.

So then what happens?

A couple weeks after we had

Some difficulty
after things had

Started getting better, he

Brought forth to me some

Concerns about maybe

Relationships from the past

Coming forward and alluding to

Certain things.

And I told him,
you know, if it

Happened in the
past, let's talk

It through.

Let's get past it.

He didn't really want to tell


We spent the rest of the week

Together, and when I got home,

Got a phone call
from him again

Alluding to previous

and things coming

To light.

I slowly was pulling on that

String and revealing more and


And I mean, I think everyone

Knows obviously
it didn't really

Work out.

He cheated on me.

I'm so sorry
to hear you say


Are you doing okay?


I can't imagine how

Devastating it must've been to

Hear that.

What was your reaction when he

Told you he cheated on you?

I mean, it's just


This is the person I thought I

Was going to spend the rest of

My life with and
start a family


We went through
difficult times

Would every single

Has to build on that.

You can't really just leave it

When there's a
bit of a crack in

The glass.

It's not just physical.

It's emotional.

It's texting.

It's so many things that come

Together and just pile on.

It's broken trust
at the end of

The day and it's really

Heartbreaking to
watch back and

Have to relive it.

Again, I am so, so sorry.

I know that you
were looking for

Happiness and
love that the end

Of all this.

I can see you're getting

Emotional now just having to

Relive it.

I know this is not what you


It's not what you
were expecting

At the end of all of this.

Now, you did end
up confronting

Tino in person
to talk about all

This, right?

I did.

We are going to show you at

Home that
conversation they had

And I want to warn you,

Bachelor nation, this is rough

But this is what happened.

Here we go.

Today will be
the first time

I speak to tino
since he told me

That he cheated on me.



I really do feel like I don't

Know the full truth, and so, I

Just called gabby immediately,

And then I was like, tino just

Cheated on me.

You need someone who's been

Through this with you.

She's seen our relationship

From the moment we met.

I want some insight on, like,

What she thinks and...

Like, I don't know.

It's just crazy.

I don't even know
what to think.

I know.

I can't believe it.

Like, I just didn't ever

Expect it from him.

I can't believe
we're having

This conversation.

About him!


It's like, I'm literally

Talking, and I know it's about

Him, but in my mind, like,

There's no way this is...


Because it's
so far off what

We thought his character was.



How do you, like, feel


You're not wearing your ring.


It's like I
genuinely don't want

To believe it happened because

It's so crazy, that it's not

Just like one thing happened.

It's like so many things

Tumbling into a
big problem that

He lied about and had the full

Weekend to tell me this.


And I think he's just, like,

Acting out of a place...

I don't... I don't even know.

Of selfishness, really.

Of literally only caring

About how he's going to look.

Mm-hmm, yeah.

That's the only thing he

Cares about right now.

He literally was like,

"I regret telling you."

Like, he was so gung ho

On you.

Making an ass out of himself

Because he wanted you so bad.

Where is that now?

And you can't be forgiven

When you're not sorry for what

You did, because
you never were

Like, "oh, I'm so sorry I did


It's, "oh, my
god, I should have

Never told you this."

He's never said sorry?

I mean, I'm sure he's been

Like, "I'm sorry," but he's

Never been like,
"what I did was

Horrible, I messed up, I'm so


It's never been like that.

It was just, "I love you so

Much, I really see you as my

Future, and I
want us to work on


That's... That's
like if we just

Had a random fight.

That's something you say.

Not when you cheat.

Right, right.

And that's not your first

Response, is to say,

"I shouldn't have
ever told you



And don't tell anyone.

No, no.

Literally hang up, call you

Immediately, like...

You don't want me to have

Support in this time?

You just want me to sit by you

At "after the final rose" and

Act like none of this happened

Because you want me to protect

Your image?


He only cares about himself.

"Don't tell anyone because

That's what's best for me."

But what is best for you?

Do you think,
like... Because I

Feel like he's
going to come and

Say, you know, "we weren't


I thought we were broken up."

But you guys had
never actually

Been on a break, right?


We never called off the


We never broke up.

So he really doesn't even

Have that, like,
that ground to

Stand on.

I just, like,
don't even know

What to do or say.

Like, if you were in this

Situation, like, how would you

Handle it?

You owe it to yourself to

Tell him exactly what you're

Thinking and how and when you

Were wronged and that you do

Need and deserve
better, because

He put you in this position.


And he has to deal with the


Like, honestly, [bleep] him,

And kick him

In the [bleep] balls.

You don't deserve this.




Can i...


We're going to sit over here.

Are you going to start?

Do you want to go first?

You want me to go first

Right now?

I can go first.


So, I messed
up, and I kissed

Another girl, but the second I

Did, I knew I
belonged with you.

And this was the tiniest thing

Ever, so i... I
just tried to...

Like, I'm not
taking away from,

Like, what happened
at all, and

The emotional
roller coaster it

Puts you in, but I just... I

Tried to just get
past it and...

What do you want to know?



It was a girl.


Before the show, never went

On a date, didn't do anything


Just kind of a
passing, oh, you

Know, I'm going on this show,

Better not muddy the water,

You know, before I go in.

Show ends.

Nothing really comes of it,

You know, like, run into each

Other at a bar,
we have a lot of

Catching up to do.

Then, you know, we had the

Premiere week where I called



And there was
some stuff that

I heard that week that,

You know, we... We...

Like, you told me, and I

Actually drew back from my

Journal because the

Stuff you said hurt so much.

You said, "I don't
know how this

Is going to work.

I'm in a bad
place, and I can't

Put any effort into this.

I can't do happy couples this

Weekend like we
planned, and if

We do one, I don't
want to sleep


Jokingly, "would
you be the next


That hurt...

Do you want
to bring that up

When you answered it like you


I absolutely didn't.

I told you I wouldn't do it

Because if it didn't work out

With us, I wouldn't believe in

This process.

"I'm giving back the ring.

I can't wear it to "afr."

I don't want to go to therapy.

I don't want to
talk to anybody

About this."

Tino, look at
me in the eyes

And do not lie.

That is not a lie.

You would not do it...

You are literally lying

Right now.

Rachel, that is not a lie.

I am telling
you right now...

I was, like, forcing you.

You said, "why are you going

To"... Okay, okay, you know


I went to therapy, and the

Only reason it
wasn't scheduled

Was because I was in new york

And l. A. Doing press,

And you know that.

I was exhausted.

And as a good partner,

You shouldn't throw that in my

Face for saying,
"I'm exhausted

Right now."

And you said, "we don't even

Have to stay in the same bed.

If you're tired, you can just

Sleep in another room."

So provide context then if

You're going to pull these

Receipts back out for me.

We were in a bad place, but

Every single
thing you asked me

To do, I did it before...

I know.

I got out of bed the next


And then you're going to throw

It in my face?

No, you did
it a week later,


No, I didn't.

I woke up, and I
called you that

Day and you said, "oh, my god,

Thank you so much,
like, you are

Actually putting
in the steps."

I know, I said
that, because

I appreciated you so much.

And it was the next day.

So don't lie and sy it was the

Next week.

That is literally false.

How dare you bring this to me

Without context of why these

Things might have been said or

Maybe why we were in a bad

Place, because, yes, we were

Going through a hard time, but

Never once did we ever say,

"We are broken up.

We are not engaged."

I agree, I agree.

I was going through a hard

Time, and you know it had

Nothing to do with you ever or

Our relationship.

I was going
through my own hard

Time, but I thought we were so

Past this point...

Hold on.

Saying "I'm giving the ring


I never said
"I'm giving the

Ring back"...

Yes, you did.

Yes, you did.

I said, "if we go back to

Dating, then I'm not going to

Wear it at afr."

You said, "I'm giving it


I can't wear it."

Okay, that's false.

That's literally false.

Oh, my god.

But... But I don't want...

I just, like, this...

You're not going to make me

Look like...

No, I don't
you're not the

Bad guy.

I'm owning what...

You are trying
to... You are

Trying to say
that what you did

Was because we were in a bad

Place, so we were
in a bad place

Where we never
broke up, so you

Went and cheated.

I don't want
to keep circling

Back on past stuff.

I don't.



But if you've
already made up

Your mind about this, like,

I don't, I don't really know.

I want us to have a


Do you want us to end up


Not once have you said "I'm

Sorry" about all this.

Do you want us to work out?

Rachel, I'm so
sorry about this.

I thought I've told you this

Every single day.

Are you sorry
about it or are

You sorry because you didn't

Want to get caught?

No, I'm sorry about this

Because I was haunted by it,


I, like... When we met up in

Person, I was like...

And for four
days, you sat on

This information, sat in front

Of me, and you never once

Thought to tell
me that you were

Cheating on me.

Oh, my...

Rachel, it was a one-time

Mistake, and I realized

Immediately that
I needed to be

With you.

It's not a mistake.

You made a conscious choice to

Make all these decisions in a

Row that led to,
let's say it's

Your one-time kiss,

Which I highly doubt.

It was.

Doubt it.

I 100% promise you that.

And that's fine.

But then, okay...

Okay, if you don't believe

That, then why are we here?

Okay, you know
what, I'm not...

I'm not trying to panic.

I'm... Is there
a way this works

Out, rachel?


Do you think you deserve to be

With me?


You really do?


I think you owe me a lot of

Answers before we come to any

Sort of a conclusion.

I need to step out

For a second.


Where the [bleep] is it?

This is [bleep] going nowhere.

She just wants to [bleep]

Beat me up.

She's throwing
me under the bus,

Saying all this is lies?

Is this for real?

I feel like my
head is spinning

Right now.

Oh, my god.

And she's just... This is like

Nothing more than just make me

Look bad.

She's totally
crucifying me, and

She just called
it all [bleep].

Like she was working on it

The whole time.

Get me out of this.

Just tell her to break up

With me.

Let me out.

What did you want out of


What do I want out of this?


I want answers
from you that

I truly, in my
heart of hearts,

Believe that I deserve.

You're not taking

At all.

This is straight-up shattering

Everything that
you promised me.

And you... You came in here to

Turn it around on me?


I don't want to excuse my

Actions, rachel.

I wanted to own them

When I told you.

I was under the impression we

Were pretty much
done, but then

We started on the right


You started seeing therapy.

You did amazing.

You did everything I asked.


So, as it went
on, you know,

I... I kind of just tried to

Forgive myself, bury it, just

Not get in your hair over

Something so tiny.

I... I totally
get the emotional

Betrayal, but, like, I just

Didn't want to pile on to you,

And then...

Do you hear
the words coming

Out of your mouth?


And I'm just
telling you what I

Thought was truth, rachel.

You just called it "tiny."

You are trying
to minimize what

It is, and I literally would

Respect you so
much more if you

Just told me exactly what


But that's what happened.

You just said
you thought we

Were broken up.

No, no...

But then you told her

"I'm engaged."

So this whole time,

Are we not engaged?

Because that's
exactly what you

Told her after you kissed her.

I'm confused right now.

What part?

I'll clarify it.

I... I don't know.

Because this was just, like,

A lot of, like,
stuff you said I

Said, and I'm just like...

Tino, please,
please, for the

Love of god, if you respect me

At all, please just tell the


Yes, there's...

I need to step out.

I'm sorry.

This just
doesn't make sense,

Because he can't even have

A full conversation with me

Without walking off.

He can't even apologize.


Are you leaving?


Then what are you doing?

Just needed to talk to


Let's go back inside.

Why... Why did you come out?

Because don't
you think I am

Owed an answer for why you did

What you did, the timeline,


Don't you think 'm owed those



You got on one knee and

Proposed to me, and now, after

An amazing weekend where we

Talked about, we
can't wait for

"After the final rose" and

Moving to l. A. And being


Let's just go inside.

Tino, like...

Let's just go inside.


I just...


Rachel, I do love you.


And that's
why I had to tell


You had to tell me, or I

Forced it out of you and then

Immediately after you said,

"I wish I never told you."

I was panicked, rachel.

I thought I was going to lose


Rachel, we can make it through


We can.

I know we can.

We are worth that.

I'm sorry.

I'll spend the rest of my life

Making it up to you.

Rachel, you are the only one

I want.

I'll take you at
our lowest over

Anybody else at their highest.


I swear, I just want you.

I am done.

This is such a
big deal for me.

I wanted to do this one time.

Then don't give up.

I'm done.

Then don't give up.

I'm done.

You deserve
somebody amazing.


Who doesn't do this.

That could have been me,

And I let me you down.


And I'm really sorry.


Am I crazy?

Or did that just happen?

I actually feel crazy.

Like, I feel like
I have no idea

What just happened.


I tried.

Fico I don't even know what to


I'm so, so sorry.

For me personally that was

Really difficult to watch.

Gabby is still here.

She has decided
to step away to

Give rachel some space for

What's coming up next.

You've got to know everybody

Here is here
supporting you for


I've got to know,
what happened

These last couple weeks, how

Difficult has it been?

It's hard to
put into words.

It's hard to watch this back.

How can you go from being so

Sure to that.

How does it
feel to hear and

Feel all the support you're

Getting from our live audience

Here tonight and our


I know you're going through a

Really tough time but I feel

Like everybody here really is

Behind rachel, right?

[Cheers and applause]

From my vantage
point, what's so

about this is the

Fact that everybody is seeing

All the heartache you've gone

Through for the
past year trying

To find love.

Everything that happened on

Clayton's season.

Everything that happened this


Here you are
having to let go of

Something right after you felt

Like you finally
found what you

Were looking for in love.

How heartbreaking was that for


I mean, it has been such a

Long journey.

I mean, I really felt like the

Last time I was
sitting on this

Couch that I would be up here

With a ring on my finger, with

The love of my life.

And I worked so hard, even

Through everything, to get to

That point, to be happy.

To now be sitting
up here in the

Same exact position I was in

Less time, it's really hard.

You had such high hopes.

At what point in that

Conversation with tino did you

Know the engagement
was over or

Did you know going into that


No, I was confused.

I had felt like I wasn't told

The full truth.

When he told me first, he was

Just giving the little bits of


Just texting.

It was just this.

And then I just felt we needed

To be in person and have this

Conversation that I am old


To get to a point where he's

Just walking out and we are

Spinning in circles
and is being

Flipped on medium, that's the

Point really
outside where I was

Like, where are you going?

I thought he was leaving.

How my supposed
to move forward

From that?

You can't even give me the

Answers they need.

Is there anything he could

Have said or done
in that moment

To save the relationship?

I mean, he
wasn't even sorry

So I don't really feel like

There's much you can do when

Someone isn't apologetic.

I wanted to
understand where it

Was coming from.

Apparently it
was like my fault

That he cheated.

It's hard to have someone sit

Down and tell you that.

So I don't feel like anyone

Deserves that.

I don't know.

It's heartbreaking to watch.

I don't really have words.

I know the
relationship with

Tino is over.

Is there any part of you that

Still loves tino?

I mean, I have love for him

But no.

All right.

You have an amazing family who

Loves you so much and you have

Friends that really care about


We are lucky to
have them in our

Audience tonight.

Big tony, thanks so much for

Being here.

I want to ask
you, as a father,

How hard is it to see your

Daughter go through something

Like this?

Very difficult, very


I'm here to
support her and I'm

Here to stand up
for everything

She says and does.

I know rachel is very, very

Appreciative that
her family and

Her friends have come here to

Support her tonight.

We have some bachelorette

Legends with us tonight.

I know you've
got an opinion on


How would you...

What would you tell rachel?

How would you handle this

Situation she's having right


I am so fired up for you.

You owed him nothing.

I feel like we just saw eight

Different sides of him in that

Short amount of time.

Let me just say
I'm so proud of

You, how you've navigated


People come into
your life or a

Season, a reason,
or a lifetime.

This was your season.

And you learned a reason that

How you deserve to be treated

And what you will have for a

Lifetime is her
friendship with

All of us and gabby.

We are here to support you and

We love you and
we are all here

For you no matter what.


Speak overly great advice,

Thank you.

Have you seen or
spoken to tino?

Have you heard from him since

That conversation?

He did send me a letter

Claiming responsibility and

Telling me he was sorry.

I really do hope I still see

Some at least apology tonight.

Tino is here,
he's backstage.

I know he's dying to talk to


You feel like you're ready to

See him?


When we come
back, rachel and

Tino will come
face-to-face for

The first time since rachel

Broke off their engagement.

You are not going
to want to go


Welcome back to the live

Finale of "the bachelorette."

We just watched
as rachel ended

Her engagement with tino.

Rachel, this
conversation you're

About to have with tino is one

That nobody ever would've

Anticipated you having here at

"After the final
rose," least of

All you but tino is here.

He's backstage
and he's ready to

Come out.

Are you ready to talk to him?

I am.

Let's bring him out.

Ladies and gentlemen, tino.

How's it going, rachel?

First of all, thinks for

Being here.

I know you have a lot on your


I will open it up to you.

Would you like
to say to rachel?

Rachel, I am so sorry.

I didn't want what we just

Watched back at all.

To come off like I was putting

Any of this on you.

My actions are on me and I old

Them... Owned them completely.

From the bottom
of my heart I'm

Sorry for what I did.

I'm sorry took me so long to

Tell you, and I'm
sorry for that

Meet up came off like I was

Trying to put any

Of what I did on you.

Came off as if for you

Complete the putting on me?

I was trying to provide you

The context of what I did.

I was not trying to put it on


What I thought
you were looking

For is why this happened.


How is theory why?

Well, I mean, we first got

Engaged, it was amazing.

We were so sure of each other

And you are the best partner I

Could've asked for.

I'm still always going to

Appreciate you for that.

Then weeks leading into the

Episodes airing
it got distant.

It got hard.

I can't even imagine what you

Were going through.

Truly I can't.

I've never done your role.

I wish everyone really got to

See, like, the love story that

We lived.

I wish my memories
could project

Onto everyone's screen.

You were so, so sweet to me.

You always made me so happy.

Again, I'm always going to

Appreciate you for that.

I am.

You were amazing.

You didn't deserve what I did.

So, you know, our

Conversations did get a little


I recognized you were going

Through a tough time and I was

Going through a
tough time too.

When we started letting our

get into "I can't

Love you anymore" or when you


Do you want
to get into that?

Do you want to get into that?

Rachel, I want you to have

The clarity you want.

You're telling me you sat

Here telling me
you didn't want

To project this
on to me but now

You're going to tell the


Audience, this is on me.

It's not on rachel.

You just projected onto me

Again with no context.

May be we were going through a

Really hard time that's deeply

Personal to both of us.

I think we both don't want to

Air out may be
why those things

Were happening.


Do you want
to talk about it?



I'm sorry.

This is exactly the

Conversation that
we had on that


There were things
that they cut

Out that we both know happens

That were personal things that

May be led to us
being in a bad

Place, right?

And then you sit on this couch

And bring them up again?

Rachel, the context and the

Timeline of what
happened where

I made my mistake that is not

Your fault at all.

My actions...

Nobody made me do anything.

I am just trying to enlighten

You on why I was in the

Headspace that I
was in when you

Said "I can't
wear the ring," I

Was devastated.

It made me feel
like you are not


That I was cut down.

I let that allow my ego and my

Insecurities to take over my

Actions, that was wrong.

I never said that our

Engagement was over.

We never were on a break,


We were never on a break.

We were giving
each other space.

I'm confused.

If our engagement was over,

Wouldn't my family and friends


Wouldn't we have to re-get


At what point did that happen?

I'm just confused?

When I asked you what...

Rachel, I don't really want to

Bring your family into this.

I just want to
let you know what

I was feeling
when I heard that

And it made me act insecure.

That's not right to you.

I'm not here
trying to alleviate

What I did.

What I did was wrong.

You deserve better.

And I'm really, really sorry

That we are sitting here.

From the second I met you, I

Wanted you.

When I propose, I wanted our

Life together to be perfect.

I couldn't imagine how hard it

Was going to be for you and

Dealing with
everything that you

Had to deal with.

And how hard it
would be for me

To watch this back.

I didn't take
that into account.

Part of me really
wishes I took

There at the end stuff more

Seriously before
we had our hard


Maybe we wouldn't be in this


It's not your job to be my


There is no excuse for what

You did.

You broke my heart.

I don't understand, like, you

Are literally still running in


We are up here and nothing is

Making sense to me still.

Rachel, i...

I understand that you really


And you know, I
don't even want

To related to how
I felt when we

Said we were giving the ring


I never said that.

And we both know it.


You said on camera I wasn't

Going to wear it so we could


It just aired.

I watched it.

I said if we broke up, I'm

Not wearing it.

That's what we just saw on


If we went back to dating.

Which is not
what you wanted

To do that week?


I wanted this to work which is

Why I put in the work to make

This work.


Did you?


For weeks I felt like I was

Trying so hard and it was


I'm sorry.

When we landed.

We need to give
the ring back, I

Thought you were checking out.

I thought you were giving up.

That doesn't excuse my actions

At all.

Before we wrap this up,

Rachel, I do want to give you

The last word.

What do you want to say did he


I think regardless of

Anything that happened I think

You and I both
know the truth of

What happened, what you did is

Just absolutely
inexcusable and

I just, I don't know.

I don't really
have words right


Thank you both for being


I know this is extremely


Tino, thanks for
coming tonight

And being honest.

We certainly wish you all the


Rachel, it takes
tremendous and

Courage and strength to come

Here tonight and
have to revisit

This in face this thank you.

Before we move things forward,

There is somebody here tonight

That has demanded they get a

Chance to talk to you.

So here he is.

[Cheers and applause]

Aven, good to see you.

I wanted to
just come by and

Say this is tough.

You don't really
deserve any of

This, anything that happened

Between any of us.

I was just wondering if you

Wanted to maybe
get out of here

And just catch up.

I would love nothing more.

[Cheers and applause]


If you go.

Off you go.

I guess.

Aven just showed up.

It's live tv.

He just took rachel.

I don't know where they are


I don't know what
they are going

To do.

That has left y
you and I in an

Awkward situation.

Are you good?

I think so.

We know how
things ended with

Rachel I think.

What about gabby?

Will her journey and mackinac


You're going to
find out when we

Come back.

Later, the next bachelor makes

His first public appearance.

You will be able to alter the

Course of his journey.

Stick around.

Welcome back to the live

Finale of "the bachelorette."

I'm here with gabby.

Our star-studded studio


I'm still trying to process

Everything that's
happening here

Tonight on this live show.

Rachel was supposed to be here


She just bounced with aven.


Gabby, it's just
you and me now.

You are the last
woman standing.

I've got to ask
you what do you

Think about just
went went down.

God bless aven.

We love to see it.

Rachel might be getting her

Happy ending.

I know at this point all of

Bachelor nation, they've got

Their fingers crossed.

They are hoping
for the best for

You and erich.

And toes.

All ten.

I'm not going to
keep anybody in

Suspense any longer so we are

Going to go to mexico and see

How this ends.

I'm feeling so nervous, so


I'm ready to be engaged at the

End of this.

I love erich more than I ever

Thought, like, I could really

Love another person.

It's been a long,
hard road but

He has everything
that I've ever

Looked for in someone.

That's what makes me so ready

For today.

I just am happy
that it's us and

Then I get to
share a love like

His and that I get to love him


I think having him at the end

With me now is like everything

I've ever dreamt of and

Everything I never thought I

Could have.

I don't know if I'm going to

Leave here engaged.

He obviously has the choice to

Not propose.

Last night in that moment, he

Had doubts.

It was scary to hear.

Scary as hell.

So, that is something that I'm

Struggling with, but I know I

Just have to trust
him and trust

Our relationship.

Hi, erich.

How are you, jesse?

Good to see you.

It's great to see you.

How are you feeling?

Obviously anxious, but, uh,

I'm excited.

Are you feeling confident

That you both want the same

Thing, you're both on the

Same page at this point?

I do love erich with all my

Heart, and so I do want a

Proposal from him.

[Birds calling]

Honestly, it means everything.



You look unbelievable.

Thank you.

You look great.

Thank you.

How are you?

I'm really nervous.

I know, same.

Let me see.

So... Okay, oh.


[Birds calling]

Um, okay, well, I've obviously

Been thinking a
lot about what I

Want to say.

When I first saw you, my heart

Skipped a beat.

Maybe a couple.


And my stomach
was dancing, and

I was so nervous.

And with you
standing here right

In front of me,
you remind me of

A love that I've
only ever known

In my dreams.

You've loved me before I knew

How to love me.

You fought for me so hard at a

Battle that neither of us knew

The outcome of,
and you do mean

The world to me,
and I think the

Last time we saw each other,

I... I think it was so real.


And I know it brought up

A lot of emotions in me.

And I thought
that you were too

Good to be true,
but now I know

You are too good, but you're

Also true.

I love you, and I want to love

You as long as you'll let me,

And I'm sure for much longer

After that.

[Birds calling]


I think... I don't know.

I had a lot I wanted to say,

And I think I'm pretty hard...

It's pretty hard for me to

Articulate all the time.

And I think the last time that

We saw each other, like, that

Was really hard.


Just because I feel like

We've just been
waiting for this

To be real.


And I know
initially you had

Your barriers up and your

Hesitation about me and...


And I didn't
know if I could

Measure up, so...


You deserve somebody who is

Going to give you 100%,

Who is just there
undeniably and

Unconditionally there for you

And, you know,
that's the reason

Why I'm standing in front of

You, because I want to be that

Person for you.

And I think one
of the things I

Like about you
the most is that

You really bring out the best

In me.

Even from the
beginning of this,

Like, the odds of us meeting

Were insane.

The stars literally
had to align

For me to be here.

I mean, you have to call it



And I was
scared to meet you

The first time.

I was really nervous.

And then, we had our two or

Three, like, little chats,

And I was like, what is this?


Our connection was insane.

But ultimately
what I think back

On the most is
that, when I met

You, i, like, immediately was

100% Myself.

I've never met anybody that I

Felt, like, that comfortable

With, that, like, deep

Of a connection.

I felt like I really

Knew you for years.

And, like, at that time, like,

I didn't know
it, but I had met

My soulmate.

You finally let your barriers

Down, and I think our

transcended to this

Insane level.

Like, the way you look at me

Now, you literally
make me feel

Like I'm the only
person in the


And I will fight every day for

The rest of my
life to keep that


I love you, gabby windey.

You are amazing.

You are the most
amazing person

I've ever met.

It's you and me
until the wheels

Fall off.

I'm head over
heels in love with

You, and I want to spend the

Rest of my life with you.

I love you, gabby.


Oh, my god.

Gabby windey,

Will you marry me?



Oh, my god.

It's so pretty.

Oh, god!


[Birds calling]

[Imitates bird calls]


Oh, my god.

This is crazy.

This is really crazy.

You know how many times I

Practiced that in my head?

You did so good.

We have one last thing.


Erich, will you accept this

Final rose?

I do accept
this final rose.

We finally made it.

We [bleep] did it.

Despite all the odds.


[Cheers and applause]

We're engaged!



[Birds calling]


All right.

What do you think?

Do you want to try it on?

Yeah, give me the pink.

Oh, my god.



Take it off!

I do have one
final question

To ask you.

Can I have your number?



Okay, let's go!






[Cheers and applause]

That was absolutely


I know that really
seemed to be

A beautiful, loving, and

Romantic moments.

I also know not everything has

Been rosy between
you and erich

These last couple
months, and we

Are going to get
into that very


When we come back, erich is

Going to join us
on stage and we

Are going to find out what's

Really going on
with these two.

Later, how many
of you think you

Know who the next bachelor's.

Stick around and find out if

You're right.

We have a history making

Audience interactive
event that

Will absolutely change


Charge your cell
phones and get

Them ready.

First, "the
rookie" universe is

Expanding with the new series

"The rookie: feds."

The former guidance counselor

Turned fbi agent, "the rookie:

Feds" premieres
next week after

The premiere of "bachelor in


Who are you?

Simon clark, fbi.

The fact that I'm here should

Scare the hell out of you.

I was like guidance counselor

For 20 years now I finally get

To fulfill my
lifelong dream of

Being in the fbi.

Are you nervous?

A little.

You set the bar pretty high

When you were here last time.

There is no resting on your


You have to armor up every day

And prove you belong.

The bureau
needs outside the

Box thinkers to keep things

Low-key and we know that's not


You're saying
I need to prove

Myself worthy again.

No, no, no, that's not the

Take away.

Spend the next six months

Without going rogue.

I don't have that kind of


I've got to shine right out of

The gate.

Did you call
for backup from

The l. A. P. D.?

No, I texted.

A fascinating case of self


Can I work up a profile on her

Before you fire her?

Hey, handsome.

What's going on with your


Are you okay.

You're on the team.

Please don't make me regret t



In my house, you're my

Daughter, not an fbi agent.

Look out.

I'm here to teach you.

I'm good with
that as long as

You are good with
learning from

Me too.

It's all right.

We've got this.

We are feds

If you are at
a viewing party

And see someone
that would make

The perfect bachelor or

Bachelorette, go
over there and

Sign them up.

[Cheers and applause]

Welcome back, bachelor nation.

We are back here live in

Los angeles and this is

"The bachelorette"
finale and we

Saw gabby get engaged.

Okay, everybody.

Are you ready to
see her fiance,


[Cheers and applause]

Ladies and gentlemen, please

Help me welcome for the very

First time in
public, gabby and


[Cheers and applause]

We have a live show.

Family tv.

This is owned by disney.

Erich, have a seat, so great

Seeing you.

I know we've got a lot to talk


First off, you both look so

Great together.

Are you used to this by now?

I know that was the first time

That you got to
watch back your


What sort of emotions and

Feelings came to you while

You're watching that?

You watch it back and you

Realize how much
we thought for

Each other, how much went into

It, how emotional it was.

It was never super easy,

Especially for me.

I don't know about you.

I struggled the whole time.

We finally got to the end.

To watch it back.

I literally was tearing up.

We have this
beautiful moment we

Did get that happy ending.

For us, it was something we

Worked really hard for and at

The end we finally had that


It was really worth it.

Your... Were both still

Present in that moment?

What were you feeling in that

Moment, gabby?

I forgot.

No, the same I think.

It was so easy to be present.

I couldn't believe that I was

Looking into someone I want to

Be with.

It's not like it came with

Any suspense.

On the final date, we saw you.

It looked like
you hesitating as

To whether or not you are

Actually going to propose that

What happened?

When di you make the decision

That you are finally going to

Get down on the knee?

When you're in this world,

Everything moves very quickly.

Her and i, we were kind of

Riding the wave
we never really

Have a discussion.

I didn't wanted to be my

Decision completely.

We are going to get engaged.

We didn't really
have that talk.

Then the night before it was

Just like, emotions
were running


There was a disconnect.

I think at that point it was

Like, I wanted us to be on the

Same page.

I wanted this so badly and I

Just wanted a happy ending.

So at that point it was

Confusion, for sure.

Gabby, how about for you?

How surprised were you?

I don't know
if you can tell

But on the ride over, I was so


Couldn't crack a smile.

I didn't know
what was going to


I gave my whole heart to him.

A lot of miscommunication.

We didn't have time to really

Talk about it.

I knew what I wanted and I was

Giving my whole heart to


I didn't know if
they were going

To reciprocate.

He met you there and he

Really stepped up for you in

That moment.

Gabby's family is here with us


Grandpa john, you are erich's

Wing man on the first date

Together when
they went bowling.

Gabby, I want to ask your aunt

Julia question.

What does it like
having such a

Legend in the family?

Hard to keep up with.

By the way,
grandpa john, I'm

Not sure if you are onto it or

If you know what it is.

Women love you.

I have to ask, would you ever

Consider, I don't know, being

The bachelor?

No, no.




We can have a bunch of

Bowling dates.

It would be great.

Gabby, what do you think about

Grandpa john bachelor?

Definitely not.

Thank you.

The limos will be lined up

All boy down the street.

The limos would
be lined up all

The way down the street.

Where more questions for you.

Don't go away.

We come back and
we've got more

Of gabby and erich.

See you very soon.

Don't go away.

[Cheers and applause]

Welcome back to the live

"The bachelorette" finale.

Herewith are newly engaged

Couple, gabby and erich.

Earlier tonight
we watched that

Beautiful proposal in mexico.

We do understand the last few

Months it hasn't all gone

Perfect for the two of you.

There are some difficult


I'm going to take that


Gabby, help people understand

How challenging it can be to

Sustain and grow
a relationship

Like this in the
months after we

Get done filming

"The bachelorette."

What sort of
challenges have you

And erich been through?

I think we
can both speak to


It's hard being
in a bubble, not

Being able to be public about


Our relationship was all on


We have a lot to learn about

Each other afterwards.

You never know
what comes up or

How you're going to deal with

Things pretty hope it's the

Person that you thought you


There's a lot of trust in that

But there's a lot of learning


We are not done learning about

Each other, hopefully never.

But it is hard.

Speaking about some things

That come up,
erich, there have

Been some revelations recently

On social media where an

Ex-girlfriend of yours a few

Days uno came
out and said that

You only broke up with her to

Have an opportunity
to be on the


What you have to say about.

I saw that as well.

Ultimately the reality is, I

Started dating her when I was


You go on dates,
you try to find

Your person and
I met this girl

About a month before this all

Started my had no idea I was

Going to come here.

Ultimately I
realized it was not

A connection long-term.

It was about the
same time that

The show reached out.

I handled it poorly.

I let her on and I want to own


No hard feelings towards this

Girl at all.

I understand her actions.

I could've took
the easy way out

On this.

I didn't want to have a hard


But I've learned a lot from it

And I want to
own that 100% and

I do not have
any hard feelings

For this girl.

It's a mistake I made on my


She also released some text

Message exchanges
a few days ago

Claiming that you didn't think

The show was real.

You weren't coming
here to find


You were using
this platform to

Hopefully get a career


We have one of those text

Messages here.

You said "I know this isn't


I wanted to do this to see if

There was something
else I could

Do with my life.

I really like you.

I didn't think
it would be a big

Deal but I
understand you feel.

I'm sorry and I understand if

You don't want to see me


You expect me to
continue dating

You while you go
on a reality tv

Show to "find love."

You said "it isn't real but

You're right.

I'm sorry I really
didn't think

This all the way through."

I want to be
clear this was all

Done before you came on the

Show, before you might gabby.

I understand it's difficult to

Talk about in
front of her and a

Live studio
audience but I want

To give you the opportunity to

Explain yourself.

I do appreciate
that and I do

Think it's something
that should

Be addressed.

I was taking the cowardly way


I led this girl on and I was

Using the show as an excuse to

Not confront her about our


I didn't see a future but we

Were having fun.

It's easy especially than to

Just continue to have fun and

Make the hard
decision to say I

Think it's long
-term but I think

It's a testament.

The last person to be expected

To be on the show.

You can ask my friends and


I came into this being like,

Make it past night wanted see

What happens.

Honestly I've watched one


I never had seen the show


I watched one episode.

We'll figure out when we get


I met gabby on
the first night.

To me everything changed.

I don't care about the show.

I don't care that
there's other

Guys here.

I want to spend more time with

This person and see where it


It was kind of
a crazy thing to

Watch this progress.

To actually
falling in love and

The feelings and then to see

This process continue out.

Ultimately end up with the

Happiest ending possible.

It was crazy.

I wouldn't change anything.

If I could do it
a million times

Over, I would.

The only thing
that I what I am

Sorry for is the beginning of


I do want to own that.

I love this girl with all my


100% Real.

I never expected it.

I want this to be forever.


Speaker look, gabby.

I know that this obviously has

Made things a little bit

Difficult for you no doubt.

What toll has
this take on your

Relationship together?

It's hard.

Erich told me about the text

Messages way before they were

Leaked, just trying to be


I think do what's best for our


So he wasn't just
thinking about

Himself or hoping
he could skate


He was thinking about me and

We've had these conversations

Time and time again.

So it's hard.

It's not something
you plan for.

You leave this
bubble of filming

Of the show engaged with the

Love of your life
and then real

Life hates you.

You have to weigh everything.

You know, I think
along the way

It has been hard but our

Communication has just gotten


And he's gracious and he's


I do believe what he says.

Not saying that you were right

In your actions.

We know and I
have said that him


His honesty and
willing to take

A hot ability.

That's all I can
really ask for

And it's something that I want

In a partner.

So it's been
hard, but when you

Say yes to spending
the rest of

Your life with
someone, it's not

Going to be easy especially in

The public eye.

We are trying the
best we can to

Make it work.

I want to be clear.

You're forgiving this guy.

I guess.

Forgiving takes time.

Guys, it's so great to see

You here together
and to see how

Happy you are.

Here's the thing.

Life has challenges.

Relationships are tough.

It takes work.

Certainly everybody here is

Hoping that you keep putting

Organ to be together because

This has a chance to be such a

Beautiful thing.

Erich, thank you
for being here

Tonight, being
honest and having

These conversations.

Let's hear it for erich,


Thank you.

We are not done yet.

There is still so much more to


Our new bachelor is here.

And of course I
told you before

And I'm going to
tell you again.

You can change the course of

Bachelor history
with one single


Keep those cell phones handy.

Got details to come.

Stick around.

Give the friend
the push they


Nominate them to date the next

Bachelor or bachelorette at

Welcome back to the live

Bachelorette finale.

I am back with gabby.

Rachel was supposed to be here

Today but she
has run away with


We actually might
never see her


Big tony is over there, not on

My watch.

Gabby, how are you feeling at

This point?

Gosh, so many emotions.

I am so proud of rachel.

And I'm so for her.

Everyone deserves their happy

Ending but especially her with

Everything that she's been


Like, I am glowing.

You are.

What about for you?

Could you ever have imagined

Things turning out this way?


I hate men.

I can tell.


I don't know.

There's something about him.

It's so annoying.

It's the mullet.


I like to feel it.

How do you
feel when you look

Back on this whole thing?

How has this whole experience

Been being the
bachelor changed


It's changed everything.

I feel like it's
help me become

More vulnerable,
open to love, I

Was so guarded.

It took me so long to warm up.

Erich was so assertive and set

On me from early on except for

The part that he wanted the

First impression
rose from both

Of us.

Besides that.

Just feel incredibly
grateful to

Have him by my side.

When he is next to me, I feel

Like I can conquer anything.

It seems like
you've already

Been able to get over a few

Speed bumps that you've had

Early on in your relationship.

What is next for both of you?

I don't know.

I think we are just excited to

Live life and start life


Not separate.

Before you come
on this journey,

You are into parallel lives

Trying to combine it.

But now we are with each other

And I want to
build a life where

We can have shared experiences

That it's not one or the other

But it's both of us.

I thought you were going to

Say more bowling with grandpa


Definitely not.

He is too good.

It's very,
very exciting tie

For you because
of course right

Now you are on
"dancing with the


And you're doing so amazing.

He watched you last night, you

Knocked it out of the park.

Rachel has been a massive

Advocate for you.

She said you were going to be


How is that experience been?

Having rachel there last

Night for the
premiere, all the

Grounding that I needed.

We made eye contact.

Okay, this is real life.

I can do this.

As the whole
experience has been


I'm so grateful.

I have a great partner.

Jenna is in the audience.

Val's wife.

The support is
been amazing and

I get to challenge myself and

Grow every day.

Eric has been nothing but


He so excited to
see me dance in

Real life which I hope goes


Your natural.

I think everybody would agree

She's going to knock it out of

The park.

There are some women here

Tonight that noah thing or two

About being the bachelorette.

Michelle young, becca, kaitlyn


I want to ask, you've lived in

Gabby's shoes.

You had to face
some of the same

Challenges, experiencing the

Same things.

Becca, kind of wisdom?

Don't start with me.

I would say.

I've been in a very similar

Position as you.

That this is such an exciting


Your world is open to so many

New opportunities
and people and

Experiences but ultimately you

And erich are together now.

Make sure you're having the

Right conversations.

Make sure you're on the same

Page about how
you want to live

Your life, how you want to

Ultimately raise
kids if that's

In your future.

Make sure you have the same

Values and morals.


Thank you

We love you and we support

You for everything.


Gabby and I have talked a


Same with rachel.

It is such a different world.

You don't always get what you

Expect to or what
you want from

The experience.

But I will applaud both of you

For staying true
to who you are

Especially, in
rachel situation,

There might be
somebody who will

Try to say something.

Reputation or
what happened and

How it is.

But you both
really truly stuck

Together and never let anybody

Tear you apart.

That also you
stayed true to who

You are and you have your

Family, your friends.

You definitely have three old

Washed up
bachelorettes in your


Who are you calling old?


Truly we've
enjoyed watching

You girls go through this, you

Women going through this.

You truly did it better than

Anybody else could have.

I don't know who else could


You did a little bit.

Well said.

We can't move
on, grandpa john,

Without hearing from you.

How proud of your

I am tickled
pink for her and

For erich.

Went by... When I went on that

Crazy date, that one day, I

Froze my butt off
in that cheap.

It was an astonishig


They seem to hit
it off really,

Really well.

I thought to
myself, he's going

To be in the final
two for sure.

It wouldn't surprise me at all

If she actually picked him.

I told my daughter and family

That that's what was going to

Happen, and it
did and I am just

Tickled pink.

Grandpa knows best.

He does.


Listen, gabby, we all love

You so much and we are so

Excited for you.

No matter what comes next.

Thank you so much
for taking us


Are you kicking me out?

Not quite yet.

That's here for gabby,


All right.

With every ending comes a new


Bachelor nation, you know what

Time it is.

Are you ready to meet our next


[Cheers and applause]

He's going to be
joining me live

Onstage next time you're going

To have a say in his future.

All coming up on

"The bachelorette" live finale


[Cheers and applause]

Welcome back
to los angeles.

We are here live
with our studio


I don't know.

I can really feel
the excitement

In the air right about now.

I know you've all been very,

Very patient,
soy don't want to

Keep you waiting any longer.

It is finally time to meet the

New bachelor.

Ladies and gentlemen, please

Welcome our new
bachelor, zach.


Oh, good to see you.

Good to see you.


Have a seat.

All right.

I would say you're off to a

Pretty good start.

How are you feeling?

How does it feel to be the new


There is no words.

I'm just taking
it in right now.

This is pretty incredible.


I'm obviously
really nervous but

Honestly, like, this is

Once-in-a-lifetime, awesome.

Incredible opportunity.

You're saying
awesome a lot.

Is it awesome enough?

It's awesome.

Has it sunk in?


It feels so real.

I'll be ready.

It does come at a pretty

transition point for


You were in love with rachel.

You had your heart broken.

That was a few months ago in


What do you think?

Have you turned
the page and are

You ready to give love another


Yeah, absolutely.

, You know, obviously everyone

Saw the heartbreak in mexico.

I really needed to take some

Time away and reflect and heal

That broken heart.

Really, you know,
what I learned

From that experience was it

Didn't change how ready I was.

I am now more ready.

That was fuel to the fire.

I am ready to
find my person, my

Best friend.

That breakup didn't deter it.

Your odyssey
stepping into a

Pretty big role.

What are you doing to prepare

Yourself for this?

That's a good question.

I spent a ton of time with my


Right after
everything happened,

I need to regroup
and be with my

Family over there.

Really just, you
know, take time

To center myself
and figure out,

You know, what I
want, who I am.

Go out there and
find my person.

I went to the gym a lot.

As one does.

I'm happy that the bachelor

Doesn't look like me for once.

This is good.

I'm glad.

Thank you.

I need to work
out a little bit

More to get at your level.

What are you hoping to get out

Of this?

First and foremost, find my

Best friend, fall in love with

My best friend and really walk

Away with someone for the rest

Of my life.


It's a big chance for you.

We are flying some of the most

Beautiful, most interesting

Women from all
around america to

Meet you here very, very


I know for a fact they are all

Out there watching.

They are watching.

Who would you like to say to

Them right now?

First off, hi, nice to meet


I'm zach.

Looking forward
to meeting you.

What I would like
to say is come

Into this ready for love.

I think it's
really important to

Let yourself be vulnerable, be


It's terrifying, nerve-racking

Throughout the entire process.

If you let yourself
be true, be


Be open to finding
love, that I

Can really happen.

I saw it firsthand.

You know better
than anybody

Because you lived it.

Million-dollar question.

What are you looking for when

These women get
out of the limo?

That's a good question.

I remember how I
felt when I got

Out of the limo.

I could lately
blo blacked out, t

I forgot my name.

Rachel kindly provided me, you

Have a name.

I do have a name.

It's zach.

It's going to be nerve-racking

But be yourself.

Don't do anything that's not

Comfortable to you.

I want to see your personality

But have fun with it.

I want to see you for you and

I'm going to be terrified of

Their still and
we are going to

Get through it together.

It's going to be a blast.

It is going to be a blast.

Got a surprise for you.

I don't know if you've noticed

That we have somebody in our


One of the most famous and

Beloved bachelor's
of all time,

Someone you look up to.

The great sean lowe has joined

Us and he's here with his

Beautiful wife, catherine.

They flew here just to be here

For you.

They met on the show.

Sean, space we
want to thank you

For being with us.

Catch us up.

What has been
going on since we

Saw you both?

I hear zach talking about

Looking for his best friend,

That's exactly what I said.

I got really lucky.

Found my best friend.

On the show, we have these


We can't wait until the camera

Stopped rolling
and we can just

Go home and create
a family and

Fill a home full of love and


I am super proud to say that's

What we have done.

Three beautiful children at


Every day, she's making me


I attempt to make her laugh.

We are living a
beautiful life.

Catherine, you
were swept off

Your feet.

What advice do you have.

Yes, you were.


What advice do
you have for zach

As he gets ready to meet his


Don't wear
your shirt a lot.

That oppresses them.


Like you said, be yourself.

The moment you
can show yourself

Who you really
are and encourage

The girls to show
who they are.

It's obviously
nerve-racking to

Be on the show.

When you can steal moments to

Really show who you truly are

And have that
match, you'll find


Really excited for you.

What advice do you have for


Yeah, man.

Just have fun with it.

Go out there and
search for your

Best friend.

Make sure you don't pee in the

Hot tub.

You'll be good.

Good advice.

I don't know.

I'm feeling this between you


Sean, would you
be open to maybe

Sharing some more advice with


If he wants
to take it, I am

Open to sharing it.

I like that.

Zach, we are so
excited for you

To get this whole
thing started.

Of course I'm
going to be there

With you every single step of

The way.

But there's
something you don't


Got a little surprise for you.

It's about your journey.

Because your journey, zach,

Starts now.

Come on with me.

We are going to
have to give the

Art department
a chance to come

Out here.

They have a little bit of work

To do.

They are going
to be setting up

The bachelor mansion.

I think you recognize that,


You have been there once or


We have got the fountain.

Everything is lining up.

We have the florist coming in

Moving the furniture.

They have got to cut the lawn.

They are setting
up the pool in

The back.

It's a big deal.

We are going be bringing in an


How are you feeling?

We feeling pretty good?

Are you nervous?


But what a surprise.

It's a good lesson for you

Being the bachelor.

You've got to be quick on your

Feet all the time.

You never know what's coming

Around the corner.

Earlier I was
telling you their

Own men from all over america

Coming to see you.

In fact, there are women from

All over america coming to see


They are going to meet you

Tonight live on this stage.

Here's the thing.

One of these women tonight are

Going to be receiving a first

Impression rose.

That's right.

Get this.

Zach, you not going to be the

One deciding who gets it.

Who is?

America is going to decide.

That's right.

For the first time in the

History of the
show, viewers at

Home will be awarded we are

Calling america's first

Impression rose.

America has got your best

Interest at heart.

Everybody at home, hold on to

Your cell phones and get ready

To cast your vote live.

Should we bring out our first


Let's do it.

We are going
to bring her out

Right after the break.


Welcome back.

Bachelor nation, are you ready

To make history?

Are you ready to do this?

What do you think, zach?

Are you ready to start your


The art department is making

Sure the flowers look good.

It's perfectly manicured.

They got it done.

It does feel like we are in

Front of the mansion.

You can almost hear the tears.

Don't forget to
tweet your vote.

Here's how it's going to work.

Send a tweet using

#Bachelorvote and include the

Name of the woman you want to

Vote for.

If you're on the east coast or

In the central
time zone, we are

Live right now.

You can go to twitter and you

Can cast your vote.

How nervous are you?

Terrified, absolutely.

I know you're
very anxious to

Get the season underway.

Start your journey.

Without further
delay, the first

Limo is pulling up right now.

There it is.


I know you have been in one

Of those before.

You know how it feels.

You probably know how nervous

These women are
at this moment.

It's about that
time, my friend.

As always, I wish you the best

Of luck.

Thank you.

As we say, let the journey


Good luck.


Hi, it is so nice to meet


I am brooklyn.

I am zach.

Nice to meet you.

I was going to say I am


I know you live in texas.

I'm originally
from texas so I'm

Looking for any excuse to move


I hope you're that excuse.


Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you and I look

Forward to getting to know you


Me too.

Nice to meet you.

[Cheers and applause]



I am brianna.

Nice to meet you.

This is a really
special moment.

We are finally getting to meet

And I wanted to do something

Special so we can always

Remember it.

Would you mind
taking a picture

For us?

I would love to.


Selfie moment.

Hold on.

Right here.

Let's do this one.

That came out well.

How are you
feeling tonight?


I nearly almost fainted.

You are k*lling it.

Better than I am.

Thank you for being here to

Support me.

Something to
remember me by and

I will see what the mansion


Nice meeting you.


My name is bailey.

Nice to meet you.

How are you feeling?

Should shooken up.

I'm feeling good.

Where are you from?

I am from california.

I'm actually from
nashville but

I live in california.

Just moved.

What you do for work?

I am a recruiter.

I know that you're going to be

Meeting a lot of women, so I

Want you to remember my name.

My name is bailey.

When you wake up
in the morning,

Say this to yourself.

The daily I'm going to be

Thinking of bailey.

Okay, I can learn that one.

Don't worry.

I'll be thinking
about you too.

Nice to meet you too.

That was clever.




Oh, a hug, okay.

I am cat.

I'm feeling great.

How are you?

Beyond excited.

I came all the way from

New york just to meet you.

Much like living in

New york city,
dating me is not

Intended for the
week so if you

Can make it here, you can make

It anywhere.

Up for the challenge?

I am.

You don't seem nervous at all.

You are k*lling it.

Thank you.

I'm a natural.

See you at the mansion.

All right, okay, love ya.


Hello, hi.

I am christina from nashville,


Born and raised.

I am so glad it's you.

Because it's you, I am, like,

Freaking out.

Are you nervous?

I am terrified.

I did bring something from

Home to help calm
the nerves so

Let me grab that for you.

I did bring one for you.

I hope you don't mind, it's in

My shoe.

I did shower earlier.


Let's do it.


Tastes like home.

Wow, that's awesome.


Cheers to the
journey together.

I will take it.

I can take it.

I've got it.

Nice to meet you.

I will recycle for you.

Nice meeting you.

I can take those for you.

That was the show, part of the


How are you feeling?

Wow, getting thrown right

Into it.

Feeling great.

It can be awkward at times.

To hug or not to hug, that is

The question.

Proper limo etiquette.

How are you feeling?

I will get the hang of it.

It's a little rusty.

You to know
this was going to

Happen at all.

You've got your
work cut out for


Five incredible
women right out

Of the gate.

What was that experience like?

Well, I mean, everyone

Impressed me.

That was incredible.

Obviously beautiful.

Everyone had their own clever

Way to make themselves


You remember
your experience

Coming out of the limo.

Heart about how nervous you


How does it feel being on the

Other side?

I know that
feeling when you

Walk out and you
see the lights

And you forget your name.

Like, that happens to a lot of

People, myself included.

Being true to your cell phone

Going up there
and just meeting

The people for who they are.

That's what you have to do.

Can you name all
the women that

You just met?

Give it a second.

This just happened.

sh**t, jesse.

Come on, man.

There was the morning balin.


On the daily, wake up thinking

About bailey.

Do you want to help him?

I'm sorry.

Don't worry.

We are going to work on this.

We have work to do.

When we come back.

You might need one more of


We are going to have the


Zach is going to
be handing out

America's first
impression rose

And here is one
last look of the

Five women zach just met.

Which one will walk away with

The first rows of the season?

Voting is closing
soon so if you

Want to vote for brooklyn type

#Bachelorvote brooklyn on your

Phone now.

If you want to
vote for brianna,

You can type #bachelorvote

Brianna now.

If you want to
vote for bailey,

You've got that one.

Type #bachelorvote bailey.

If you think it's going to be

Cat, that's we
are looking for,

Type #bachelorvote cat.

And then finally
if you want to

Vote for christina, type

#Bachelorvote christna on

Your phone now.

It was tough.

A lot of bs and cs.

I know you can't wait for the


America's first
impression rose

Will be given out next.

Stay with us.

Welcome back.

Of course I'm
here with our new

Bachelor, zach.

He just let five incredible

Women to start his journey.

Zach has the first impression

Rose in his hands.

America has voted
and voting has


Paulie, can you
please bring me

The results.

Thank you very much, good sir.

Let's hear it for paulie,


Folks, inside this envelope is

The name of the woman who will

Receive the historic america's

First impression rose.

Zach, this is the woman that

Impressed america the most.

Who knows?

This might end
up becoming your


Are you ready for this?

You have zero control.

Is everybody else ready?

I'm going to take a look.

Zach, no peeking.

Before I read this, zach, I'm

Curious who you
think america is

Going to choose.

Whisper in my ear.

I'm not going to tell anybody.

Just let me know.

Let me know.

Here I am.

Right here.

Do it.


He's got a sense of humor.

All right.

Here we go.

America's first
impression rose

Goes to...


[Cheers and applause]



My god.

Oh, my god.

We have this.

Let's see it.

How can we show this to


That is so cute.

That's awesome.

Keep that.

You're awesome.

I'm so happy that we got to


Well done.

Congratulations, brianna.


Zach, excellent
execution on the


Good eye contact,
didn't forget

Her name.

You are better at this than I


Very well done.

To be clear, everybody else is

Going to be joining us on the

First night at the mansion.

Brianna, for you this means

You're safe the very first


[Cheers and applause]

So, you know,
you might want to

Skip the dress.

Where a comfy
hoodie, slippers.

It's going to be a long night,

Believe me.

Bachelor nation,
give yourselves

A massive round of applause.

Well done, everybody.

Zach's journey has officially

Begun and we can't wait to see

How it's going to work out so

Mark your calendars.

Monday, january
23rd right here

On abc.

When we come back, we have a

Sneak peek at the hottest,

Craziest, funniest show in the

Fall season.

You know what I'm
talking about.

It is "bachelor in paradise."

[Cheers and applause]

Welcome back,

Bachelor nation.

Look, it has been
quite a night.

We've had two proposals, one

Brutal breakup, and our new

Bachelor, zach,
just handed out

America's first
impression rose.

You've already made history


How are you feeling so far?

Feeling great.

Feeling great.

It was obviously nerve-racking

For me more than those

Incredible women.

We are off to an okay start.

It's not as hard as he

Thought it was going to be.

They were all great sports.

I cannot wait
to see how this

Is going to unfold.

You're off to a great start.

Cannot be more
excited for you.

I think it's time to find this

Guy a wife.

What do you think?

He deserves it.

Finally, who is ready for an

Exclusive sneak peek at the

Hottest show on tv?

That's right!

It is "bachelor in paradise"



Viva la mexico, baby!

Summer is just getting


When I saw her
twerk, I knew.

That's when I knew.

And it's about
to get a whole

Lot hotter.

Oh, my god.

He had so many abs,

He made me black out.



I can't say I've gotten

A girl this wet.

This is new.

Whatever you say, daddy.

And weirder.

Oh, my god!


What is it?

Salley's vibrator.

Turn it off!

The funnest show on tv

Is back.

So, lewis.

Why did you
call me "lewis"?

I said "luce."

That's not my name!

It is very hard to juggle

Two men at once.

I've never done that before.

There's love triangles

All over this place.

It's like geometry beach.

It's getting messy

On this beach, bro.

So what could possibly

Go wrong?

I want to go home.

I'm done.

Dude, I just saw them kiss.

I can't juggle, like,

Two relationships.

I feel so unwanted.

I gave you everything I had

Left to give.

I feel so
betrayed right now.

Why is it so hard to find


I don't get it.


I can't keep seeing all of my

Friends go through this.

It's too much.

You have been acting weird,

And shady...

No, no, no, no.

You're already upset.

I didn't say the word


You look upset now.

I'm so sorry.

I want to leave!

I can't do this.

My heart broke,
like, twice in,

Like, less than, like, a day.

Hey, jill, jill.



I already wasted my time.

I'm not even going to talk to


You want to go toe-to-toe

With me?

See what happens, bitch.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh,

My god, oh, my god!

Medic, medic, medic!

[Siren wailing]

And a shocking
twist divides

The beach.

Your relationships are now

Going to be put to the test.

Everything is about to change.

Oh, my god.

Ladies, go pack your bags.

You will be leaving paradise


Are you kidding me?

This is insane.

This is stupid.

I'm just mad.

I'm sick of
being poked like

A bear every day.


The girls are going to come

Back, and some relationships

Are going to make it, and some

Are not.

[Bleep] you, jesse palmer!

But for some couples,

Everything goes right.

Oh, my gosh!

I felt numb, and you're

Bringing me back to life.

I want you to
be mine so you

Can feel that way, too.

I do.

[Cheers and applause]

He is so great.

He really is.

I'm, like, going
to cry because

I'm so happy!


Just when you think you've

Seen it all...

It's "paradise" 's first


It's the most shocking...

This bitch is out her mind.


You're so hot.

You're hot.

You're hot.

You're hot.


And funniest season in

"Bachelor" history.

You look great.

You look great.

Who will find love?

I look at you,
and I see the

Future mother of my kids.

Who will leave

Why do we need
to make this a

Thing when it's not?

Who will get engaged?

I love you.

Oh, my god!

Find out starting tuesday,

September 27th, on the season

Premiere of

"Bachelor in paradise."


Oh, yeah.

F you, jesse palmer.

Not the first
time someone said


Not the last.

This premieres.

Let me tell you, it is that


You're not going
to want to miss

Any of this.

Trust me.

It has been a
wild ride tonight.

Before we go, I do want to ask

You a few more
questions, zach.

We are getting
ready to start on

Your journey very, very soon.

What's your biggest fear and

Concern going into this?

My biggest fear and concern

Is someone coming in their and

There to try to say the right

Things or try to
get by and noty

Show their true emotions and

Find love.

I lived it last season.

I was open to find love.

I'm going to help you.

I will be with
you every step of

The way.

I know you trust
your instincts.

You've got it, brother.

It's going to work out that I

Want to thank everybody out

There, including our dynamic

Duo, gabby and rachel.

I want to thank sean and

Catherine, michelle, becca,

Caitlin, our new
bachelor, zach.

It's going to be a wild ride.

All of you watching
at home and

Our incredible
studio audience,

I want to say one more thing.

We know this has been a really

Tough season for all of us who

Work on the show and all of us

Who love this show but we did

Learn a lot a lot of valuable


Bachelor nation,
we hear you and

We love you.

I am jesse palmer.

Good night.