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25x09 - The Women Tell All

Posted: 04/16/24 17:08
by bunniefuu
‐ Tonight on "The Bachelor"...

it's a shocking
"Women Tell All."

‐ It's just hard to hear
yourself being called

a ho, a idiot, or a shady bitch.

‐ All of your favorite women
from this season are back.

Katie, Pieper, Serena C.,
Chelsea, Abigail,

Serena P., Jessenia,
MJ, and Victoria...

‐ I'm not toxic.

‐ And you won't believe
what they have to say.

‐ I didn't sign up
to get my name slandered.

‐ You called her
a high‐end escort.

‐ I was angry.

‐ Scores will be settled.

‐ Yes, I was involved in drama,

because I was going through,
like, levels of pain.

‐ That's fake as hell.

‐ And Matt returns

to face the women
that went home.

‐ I wish that we could've
gotten more time to explore.

‐ I care about you still
so much.

‐ Is there any part of you

that thinks,
"Maybe I made the wrong call"?

A dramatic new episode
of "The Bachelor"

starts right now.

Hello, Bachelor Nation.

I'm Chris Harrison, and welcome

to a very special,
very intimate episode

The Women Tell All."

This really has
been a wild season

filled with more
exhilarating romance,

shocking surprises,
and expl*sive drama

than any of us
were prepared for,

especially our Bachelor
Matt James.

Matt will join us later
right here on this stage,

and, trust me,
there is a lot to talk about,

and we'll get
an exclusive sneak peek

at how Matt's dramatic journey
will end.

You might think you know
what's gonna happen.

I don't think you do.

But first, all your
favorite women are here

with me tonight,
and they are ready

to get into all the heartbreak,
all the drama,

and, yes, all the rumors.

Ladies, welcome.

Good to see you all again.

‐ Hey.

‐ Hi, Chris. ‐ Hi.

Everybody's looking good.

Welcome. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Thanks. ‐ Wow.

Katie. Abigail.

going blonde over there.

I love it.

‐ This is my natural color.

‐ We're in the presence
of royalty, I see.

Ladies, seriously,
thank you for being here.

It's good to see everybody.

You know, it was‐‐

well, we use this word a lot‐‐

It was a wild season... ‐ Yeah.

‐ On a lot of levels.

We had this amazing Bachelor.

Khaylah, what was it like
walking up to Matt that night,

walking in,
and seeing all of these women?

‐ It was exhilarating to meet
Matt James for the first time.

It was super exciting.

I think I blacked out
for a good portion of it.

‐ He was just super easy
to talk to,

so he just blew my expectations
out of the water right away.

‐ I was so nervous...

But my dress
made me feel confident,

and I was like, "I'm just gonna
walk up here and look amazing."

‐ You pulled it off quite well.

‐ Yes. ‐ You did.

Well, it was absolutely
a wild season,

with more tears and controversy
than ever before.

Again, we had
an amazing Bachelor,

we have an incredible
group of women,

so, yeah, there's bound
to be drama and competition.

Let's take a look.

‐ Matt is the most gorgeous
man I've ever seen.

‐ Matt James is 1,000
on the hot scale.

‐ Yum. Daddy.

‐ Emotions are really high.

All these women
are ready to fight for Matt.

‐ Go, go, go, go!
‐ Get her, get her!

‐ I'm here to fight
for Matt's heart.

‐ Ah! ‐ Give it to us!

‐ We're going to w*r.

‐ I would k*ll a bitch for Matt.

Oh! ‐ People are pissed.

‐ You are the freaking arsonist.

‐ If you're being a bitch,

I'm gonna tell you
you're being a bitch.

‐ I never want to hear your
name or see your face again.

‐ You were rude to me earlier,
like, if you want to go there.

‐ With all these women
dating him at the same time,

emotions are getting fired up
pretty quickly.

‐ Hi.

Can I steal you for a second?
‐ Hey.

‐ I'm annoyed.

For her to interrupt me
was extremely frustrating.

‐ It's disrespectful,
'cause, yeah,

like, I'll interrupt
my own group date,

but I would never step outside
on another group date.

Sarah is such
a calculating little bitch.

Sarah doesn't need Matt.

Sarah needs a Xanax.

‐ I was literally
considering leaving, you guys.

‐ You were trying to make him
feel bad for you or something.

‐ Like, that's
how you're acting,

that you need his attention

and he can't talk to other girls

or you're gonna go home.

‐ Victoria, she's a bit
of an abrasive person

in her delivery.

‐ The trash took itself out.

‐ Can you stop?
‐ No, I won't stop, Katie.

I'll do whatever the I want.

Katie's disgusting.


I think the girls,
they're all fake as.

I'm literally
the best option for him,

and, like, I'm the only one

with a working brain
in this room.

All the fake b*tches
can all go home, go home.

Go home, go home, go home.

‐ There are some more
incredible women

that want a sh*t
at falling in love with you.

‐ What? ‐ No!

‐ I wanna vomit right now.

‐ Who the
are these random‐ass hos

that are coming into the house?

I am Victoria, like the queen,

and so I think I should have
that crown, actually.

‐ Oh, really? ‐ Victoria.

‐ Victoria. ‐ Victoria!

‐ Victoria, she's
completely disrespectful.

It's hurtful. It is.

It's difficult.

‐ It's all the varsity squad
here tonight.

I really appreciate that.

‐ MJ, she's definitely
a mean girl.

I mean, she and Victoria

started the divide in the house.

‐ I think I'm owed an apology
because right now‐‐

‐ I‐‐I owe you an apology?

You made it uncomfortable
for these girls.

That's what you did.

‐ I am pissed off.

I've had it.

Y'all wanna see me fight?

Get your popcorn.

I am furious.

You know what a weak bitch does,

is they tear down other people
to make themself look better,

and that's what you did.

‐ You know what, Meredith?
‐ Oh, that's cute.

‐ You preach all the time
about weak bitch energy...

‐ You know what? You are so...

‐ Well, weak b*tches lie.

‐ So‐‐wow. Yeah.

There's a lot
to get through here,

and I wanna open it up
right away.

MJ and Jessenia.

I'm gonna start with you.

Do you still believe that MJ

did lend to the toxicity
in the house

and was a mean girl?

‐ I mean, I would say
it was just kind of, like,

adding on to making them
feel uncomfortable, more so,

but it was the fact
that she wouldn't necessarily

own up to it to Matt,
and I think that,

moving into the two‐on‐one,
it was doubled down, you know?

She continued to deny,
and I felt like,

"Okay, well, this is going
nowhere, essentially."

‐ Do you‐‐do you wish
you'd owned it?

‐ Well, can I say that‐‐
‐ Or were you kind of hoping

it would just kind of go away?
‐ No. I owned it.

The first time
I got to talk to him

was at the two‐on‐one,

and I said
that I acknowledged it,

and I apologized,

because I did interject humor
into a situation

that I was uncomfortable,
and it got taken way too far,

so I would say
that those kind of accusations

are a little bit of a stretch,

because I owned it,
and I apologized for it.

‐ But, that being said,

you said that MJ was being fake,

and I have an issue with that,
because, as her roommate,

I probably spent
the most time with her

out of anybody here,

and you may not agree
with how she handled things,

or you may not agree with what
she said to certain people,

but one thing you cannot say
about MJ is that she's fake.

‐ My reaction is based
off of the actions

and things that I had seen her
say and do.

‐ I will say, Jessenia,

it is hard when someone
singles you out,

because I'm not here
to tear anybody down.

I think we're all here
to lift each other up,

but I do have
a strong personality,

and that should not
be misconstrued as mean.

‐ If I'm honest,
I don't really regret

doing that in any way.

I mean,
that's just my character.

I'm gonna tell you like it is,

I'm gonna give you
all the answers,

and, I mean, obviously,
it was something

that he felt the need
to address,

'cause he could've
just went back

and talked to you about it
another night,

but, instead,
he had to do a two‐on‐one.

‐ I‐‐I want to put
a pin in this,

'cause I want to move forward.

One of the interesting things
this season:

five new women arrived...
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And it took
a volatile situation

and only turned up the heat.

Ryan, you were one
of those new ladies.

What was that like?

And how contentious was it?

‐ I mean, I think, for
the five of us that came in,

it was very uncomfortable.


It was a lot of disrespect,

The minute Victoria
took the tiara

off of Catalina's head,
I was like,

"That's a little too far."

It was just‐‐
it was just a rough start.

‐ Mari, what was it like
in the house

with Victoria? ‐ Yeah.

I think there are a lot
of different sides to Victoria,

and some of those sides can be‐‐

you know, she's a girl's girl,
she's funny, she makes jokes,

but when it's at the expense
of others,

how far is too far?

I don't think that,
you know, for example,

calling other women
"disgusting" or a "slore"

is okay in any circumstance.

‐ It's just hard to hear
yourself being called a ho

on national television.

You know, and I'm not‐‐
dancers aren't hos.

You know, being a member
of the arts community,

we are so much more than that.

We provide entertainment
and emotion and just...

you know,
it was‐‐it was hurtful.

‐ Do you think you're a super
sensitive person, though?

Because I've been getting‐‐

I mean, death threats
is a whole nother thing,

but the memes about my eye
that was swollen,

the memes about my bra straps,

and, like, I'll wear something
with my bra showing.

Like, I'll laugh it off,

and I feel like the extent
of your upset‐ness at it is‐‐

like, are you just
an emotional person?

‐ I think that anybody
can be emotional

in a situation
when they're called a ho,

a idiot, or a shady bitch.

So I'm sorry that, you know,
that affects me, but‐‐

‐ But even right now,
like, with your attitude,

it's kind of a lot. ‐ Because‐‐

because even
what you're saying to me.

Like, am I a sensitive person?

Well, you're being sensitive.

I mean, you're getting
all this hate and backlash,

but you chose to act
the way that you did

and say the things that you did.

So sit in the seat
and just take it and own it.

‐ I guess
I'm just a little bit puzzled

as to why you're, like,

holding onto this
emotional anger right now.

‐ I don't necessarily think
I'm holding onto it.

We're here to talk about it
and discuss it, you know,

and we're here doing that, so...

‐ But she also has a right

to hold onto that
if she wants to.

She was called horrible things
on national television.

‐ Thanks, Kit. ‐ Yeah, Victoria.

It's not really fair
for you to downplay

her saying that she still
is upset about things.

You apologized for them because
you knew they were wrong...

‐ Yeah, completely.
‐ So it's not fair for you

to call her sensitive. ‐ No.

I was just asking,
are you a sensitive person?

Because I have been called
way more horrible things

on the internet,
and I brush it off.

‐ I mean, on the internet
isn't on national TV.

‐ I was called a bully on TV.
‐ Like...

Okay, but maybe you were.

‐ Ladies, I want to take
a quick break.

I know everybody
has a lot to say.

We will get to it.

Everyone's gonna
have their time,

but we're gonna take
a quick time out.

We'll be back.

More of "The Women Tell All"
right after this.

‐ I just would love
an apology, because...

‐ You're not gonna get
an apology.

‐ You told me to stop

when I wasn't done
expressing myself.

‐ Expressing yourself
and name‐calling

are two different things.

‐ I can express myself

with name‐calling
when I choose to.

‐ If that's how you wanna
express yourself,

and you wanna be toxic
and rude...

‐ And if‐‐yeah. ‐ Go for it.

‐ And if you wanna express
yourself with your dildo

and think you're ready
for an engagement,

you can do that.

‐ Welcome back
to what's already become

a very emotional, very heated
"Women Tell All."

I want to get back to it.

Katie, you confronted Victoria.

You've watched it back now.

When you hear,
"These women are disgraceful,

they're disgusting,"
what's your take?

‐ I mean, just rewatching it
is hard for me, personally.

Um, I know people tolerated it,

and that's just something
that I couldn't do.

It does suck to watch it

and hear you call me disgusting
over and over again, um...

‐ You know, the name‐calling
is completely unacceptable,

but we're all getting backlash

for however we handled anything,

and I think it's important
to remember

we all did the best we can do.

Life is a learning experience,
as is this journey,

and we're just getting
to watch it back.

So, again, I'm just so sorry.

‐ Thank you. Um...

‐ You know,
I‐‐I do accept your apology.

‐ Yeah.
‐ I‐‐if that brings you peace,

and me, I'm ready
to move on from this...

‐ Completely. ‐ Experience.


we all went through something
really hard,

and I know some of you guys

are experiencing backlash
right now,

and that's your own karma.

So I really just want
to move on,

and I hope the best
for everybody.

‐ I mean, I just didn't
appreciate Katie saying

that it's all karma
coming back to us.

Like, everyone doesn't deserve

the attacking
that they're getting online.

Like, what's going on?
‐ I agree.

I think death threats
are unacceptable,

I think body shaming
is unacceptable,

but we all said what we said.

No one made you say anything,
and some of you can't accept

what it was that you did
in the house, because‐‐

‐ What did I do in the house?
‐ You‐‐a‐‐

‐ Why are you lumping
everyone together?

‐ I'm‐‐I'm not.

The house actually did
have some great women,

and, unfortunately,
drama overshadowed it,

where people like Khaylah,
who is amazing, went home,

and I do feel bad
that some of the drama

took away from some
of the great women here,

but I‐‐you are friends
with a lot of the girls

who were the problem,
and so I‐‐I do see

how you are blind to it,
'cause you said twi‐‐

you said, "Bullying
is such a strong word,"

"Is the house really toxic?"

‐ It is.

‐ Okay, mean girl.
What do you wanna call it?

‐ The house was not toxic
until you made it toxic

by bringing the situation up
to Matt

and then causing
the domino effect

that led to every single drama
in the house

that you weren't involved in.

‐ You came at Sarah harder
than almost anybody...

‐ And I said that to Sarah,
and I said that to Matt.

‐ And the next day,
you flipped the switch‐‐

excuse me, I'm still speaking.
‐ Yeah. Go ahead.

‐ You flipped the switch
the next day,

and you were like, "Oh,
because now I know her story,

we should all be nice to her."

‐ Absolutely.
It was a reality check for me.

‐ But that's fake as hell.
‐ It's not.

It's called learning.
It's called growing.

‐ I would like to know
how you felt,

like, bringing up anything
in the house

was gonna help or did help
your relationship with Matt.

‐ I didn't look at it
as a way to‐‐

to help my relationship
with him.

I was just being
who I believe I am.

I am very outspoken.

You know,
I'm gonna speak my mind,

and, for me, it was just
kind of like my last straw.

We have to live in this house
for up to two months,

and what I was experiencing
personally, it sucked,

and so, for me,
I felt like I owed it to Matt

and to myself
and to the environment

to let him know my opinions.

‐ And I would‐‐if I could.

Like, I'm not gonna shout,
like, "Oh, my God.

This is bullying and toxic,"
if it doesn't affect me.

I'm gonna take,
you know, the cues

from the women
that it actually affects.

Yes, you can make space
for people,

but you have to uplift
their voices first.

We owed it, like, a dialogue

before saying, "Oh, it's toxic."

Instead of, like,
opening up the floor,

like Chelsea did in that episode

where she said,
"Is that bullying?

Is that toxic?" ‐ Thank you.

‐ And, like, people were able
to, like, hash it out.

‐ I just think
she wanted to do it

to light a flame
and start a fire,

because if it really
was an issue,

Brittany and Ryan would've had
the opportunity to tell Matt.

‐ I don't believe
that it was Katie's goal,

in any way, to somehow improve
her relationship with Matt.

I do feel that she
probably felt like,

"Okay, this is a conversation
that needed to be had,"

especially since, at the time,
we were aware of a rumor

that was going on
that obviously was false,

and so that's something
that had to be addressed

and nipped in the bud
right away.

‐ Well, ladies,
thank you very much.

We have a lot more
to talk about,

and we couldn't talk
about all the drama

without talking about one woman

who hasn't spoken tonight
at all,

and I want to bring you up here.

Brittany, come join me
in the hot seat.

‐ You got it, Brit. ‐

‐ Hey. Have a seat.

It's good to see you. Thank you.

Um, obviously, you came in late,

and you came in hot,
and, immediately,

one of the craziest rumors
that I have heard

in the 20 years of doing
this show enveloped you,

took over your entire journey,
and, in the end,

maybe ruined your chance
at finding love on this show.

I wanna talk all about it

and we're gonna
take a look back, but first,

we're gonna take a quick break.

We'll be right back.

More of "The Women Tell All"
right after this.

Welcome back
to "The Women Tell All."

I'm here with Brittany.

Out of the five women
that came in late,

you were definitely att*cked

and surrounded by one
of the craziest rumors

I have heard
in the history of this show,

and that is, essentially,

that you were a high‐end escort.

Um, a devastating rumor
to hear, in general,

much less on network TV.

I wanna hear all about it,
but first,

let's take a look back
and see what happened.

‐ There's a new girl
that just showed up.

‐ What do you mean,
"a new girl"?

‐ What's up, Matt?
‐ How are you doing?

‐ It is so great
to finally meet you.

‐ Nice to meet you as well.

‐ My name is Brittany,

I am from Chicago,

but enough of all that.

I want to make up for lost time.

‐ Is she kissing him?

‐ Ew. Ew, ew, ew.
‐ This isn't fair.

we're both from Chicago,

and she's, like, sketchy. ‐ Hey.

‐ So you quarantined and then

just stayed in your room
as a backup?

‐ They just wanted
to save the best for last.

‐ I know people who know of her.

I almost wanna be like,
"Yo, girl,

"like, I know some dirt on you.

Don't mess with me... please."

I'd heard rumors that she
is entertaining men for money.

‐ There is a rumor
that Brittany may be an escort.

I actually was getting messages
from people in Chicago

that, like, you're an escort
and all this stuff.

‐ Wait, you were telling people
in the house that?

No, I'm not a escort.

Like, it's just, like,
so ridiculous

to even, like, say that.

Like, to have that
come out of my mouth, like...

making, like,
a conclusion about me

before you, like, even know me,

In general, like, I can handle
my emotions really well,

but, like, right now,
I just want to, like, just cry.

Anna had came up to me
to apologize,

and she was just like,
"You know,

"when you first came here,

"we kind of went
around the house

and we were telling everyone
that you're an escort,"

and, like, that's not true,

and, like, everyone back
at home knows that's not true.

‐ Right.

‐ It sucks,
because this is on national TV.

Like, my mom watches this show,

and, like, this could ruin
my entire life.

I didn't sign up to be, like,
bullied and harassed.

Like, it really hurts.

‐ You okay?

‐ Um, yeah.

I mean, you know, looking back,

it's just kind of disappointing,

because you see me come in

as this strong, confident,
smiley girl,

and in the first 24 hours,

I was just completely tore down.

I've, like, never felt so low
like that in my entire life,

and I was completely shocked.

I mean, that was just defeating.

‐ Since going home,
what's the impact been?

‐ Um, when I first got back,

like, I didn't even want
to be around my family.


it was, like, really hard
to even text my friends back

the first couple weeks.


Um... ‐ It's okay.

‐ It's embarrassing,

because, you know,
when you Google my name now,

the first 20 results
is "The 'Bachelor' Contestant

Brittany Galvin
Accused of Being an Escort."

You know?

It's nothing wrong
with that industry,

but it's not me.

So after that moment,
it was just hard,

because, you know, I didn't
sign up to get bullied.

I didn't sign up
to get my name slandered.

I came here to find my person,
and this is, like,

forever gonna have to be
an association to my name,

which is kind of,
you know, unfair.

It's just really

that I have to constantly
defend my name from now on,

and, you know,
although I received an apology,

it's just like...

even when the episode aired,

I... you know,
she's just kind of had weeks

to reach out to me and say,
like, "Hey, look,

like, I just wanna, like,
see how you're doing,"

or anything, but I don't know.

I didn't get any of that, so...

‐ You haven't talked
since the show at all?

‐ No. ‐ Okay.

Um, obviously, she's here now,

and, Anna, taking all this in,

watching the show back
and having time to think,

what is your perspective?

‐ Nothing I can say
can justify what I did.

Honestly, there is no reason,

to take down another woman, um,

without ever thinking
of the consequences,

especially in that moment.

It was awful,

and I am still, like‐‐
after watching the aftermath,

I am 100 times more sorry,
just because I know

I'm getting, like,
a little glimmer of it,

and I can't even imagine
what it's like to be you,

and, like, it just sucks that
I did that to someone else.

It just was, like,
this ball that kept rolling,

and everything in the situation
I did was wrong.

I'm sorry.

This all sucks.

‐ You know,
even after I got home,

I just continued to hear things
about what you were spreading

to, like, even people
in this room about me,

and I don't know.

I just really hope
that this is genuine,

because it was just, like,
hard for me to believe

when you've had, you know,

X amount of time
to, like, reach out to me.

So... ‐ Yeah.


I think everything
that I've ever said

came from anger,
and I, like I said,

am sincerely trying
to work on that.

I don't want
to be an angry person anymore

who lashes out, um...

‐ I'd like to know
what your motive was

behind the rumor.

I mean, I know you said
it was out of anger,

but was there some kind of goal?

Were you trying
to get her sent home?

Were you trying
to get the rest of the house

to turn against her?

What was the point?

‐ Honestly, like I said before,

I can't justify anything.

I was insecure,
and I lashed out.

It all stemmed
from my own insecurities.

I was insecure about myself,

I was insecure
about my time with Matt,

and I was insecure
even being, like,

next to these amazing women
in the house.

There wasn't a motive.

I know that sounds stupid, but‐‐

‐ But who were the people that,
like, told you messages?

'Cause where are you getting
these concepts from

that you're casting judgment?

‐ Um, I did receive messages

from people who knew
your ex‐boyfriends

and people who went
to school with you,

and, like,
Chicago's a small town.

‐ But, I mean, like,
is it your place

to bring it into the house?
‐ No.

Completely. It wasn't.

Um, and I know that what I said

can't be unsaid,
and the damage can't be undone,

but I would like to help
repair some of that damage.

I just want you to know
that I am 100% sincere

when I say, like,
I am so, so sorry for that.

‐ I appreciate it.

Like, I don't want‐‐
like, that's the thing,

is just,
even when everything happened,

like, I don't want people
to destroy your life as well,

because that's not
my intention at all,

and there's just
been times in my life

where I have said or done stuff

that's really hurtful
towards the people around me,

and I wish I could take it back.

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ So, you know,

I do sympathize with Anna
for that,

and I do accept your apology,

but what I want people
to take away from this

is just, like,
words can really affect you.

I don't want people
to feel bad for me,

and I don't want Anna
to get hated on, you know?

I just‐‐people make mistakes,

and then I also want
to address, you know,

people that are, um,
in the sex working industry.

It's just like,
don't let somebody

tear you down for that.

Um, I believe that everyone
deserves love,

and nobody's life
is worth more or means less

based on occupation.

‐ I appreciate you being here.

I'm sorry that that light
you had was put out

and you didn't get to enjoy
the same experience

that a lot of these ladies did,

so, Brittany, thank you so much
for opening up.

It means a lot
for you to be here‐‐

for all of you to be here‐‐

and we have so much more
to come, so stick around.

"The Women Tell All"
continues right after this.

‐ Welcome back.

We are here with some
of your favorite women

from Matt James' epic season.

Matt's gonna be out here shortly

to face all of these women,
but, before that,

I know there was
a lot of drama this season,

and I thought we might
wanna lighten things up

just a little bit
and give you a peek

at some of the most
outrageous moments

that Bachelor Nation
never got to see.

‐ Gosh.

‐ Are y'all ready for this?

I don't think you are. ‐ No.

‐ No. ‐ Um...

one date that actually
didn't make air,

which is really rare,

was called, "What's in the Box?"

‐ Oh, God.

‐ And you ladies got to find out

what was in the box.

Let's take a look.

‐ "Ring shopping
can be intimidating

"and a bit scary.

"I dare you to pick a ring

out of one of these ring boxes."

Where are the ring boxes?
‐ Where?

‐ Ooh!

‐ What is it?

‐ k*ller Amazon cockroaches.

‐ Ahh! ‐ Kay.

Wow. This is disgusting.

Oh, God, please.

Okay, I got it.

‐ We got the ring. ‐ Okay.

‐ Okay, go, go, go.
‐ Fire crickets.

‐ Oh, my God!
‐ I'm about to cry.

‐ No, you got it,
you got it, you got it.

‐ How did you find yours
so quick?

‐ Flesh eating worms?

‐ ‐ Ready?

Three, two, one. Reach in.

Oh! ‐ Oh!

‐ Putting your hand
in a bowl of worms...


Oh, my God.

I can't do this.

Oh, my God.

‐ ‐ Ew.

‐ MJ, how bad was it?

‐ You know what was funny
is that me and Chelsea

were just the set of two,
so I was like,

"Don't worry.
I'll‐‐I'll go twice."

‐ Yeah. ‐ Wrong choice.

Absolutely wrong choice,

and you don't think it's real...

until you feel something
crawl up your hand

because you can't see it.

my life shifted really quick.

‐ Who had the worst experience?

Jessenia, you didn't seem
to love it.

‐ No, not at all. ‐

‐ I mean, if anything,
I thought,

"Okay, power through it.

"End goal. You know what?

They're more scared of you
than you are of them."

So I went for it.

The next date
Bachelor Nation didn't see,

we had a‐‐a bunch
of amazing women

eat, like, a stack of pancakes
and try and chug a keg of beer.

‐ Dry pancakes.
‐ I'm not sure why

we thought
that was gonna go well,

but as you'll see, it didn't.
‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Let's go!

This is a race for love!

Now, ladies,
I need every bite completed.

‐ Oh.

‐ I need syrup
all over these pancakes.

Tons of syrup, please.

‐ Ah!

‐ This is really hard.

‐ They have to be the most
dense pancakes

I have ever had in my life.

I'm, like, choking on them.

‐ There's no rules right now.

You just gotta‐‐
‐ There's no rules.

‐ However you can get it down,
you gotta get it down.

‐ Oh! ‐ Whoa!

‐ We have a cheater,
pumpkin eater.

‐ Victoria, I saw that.

I saw you dump some pancakes
on the ground.

‐ I'm not eating that.

There's literally no rules.

‐ Except you gotta eat it.

‐ On to the next station!

Go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go, go!

Every last drop. Nothing spills.

‐ Oh! ‐ Whoa!

‐ I'm so sorry. So sorry.

‐ Victoria, I'm gonna
have to ask you to pause.

‐ Victoria's pouring out
her beer onto the ground.

Where's the ref? Like, time.
Here. Hello?

‐ I start cheating,
I'm gonna finish cheating.

‐ Was it Abigail?

‐ I couldn't‐‐ I almost, like...

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Victoria, this is the one time

I will say
I don't mind you cheating.

That was probably the way to go.

‐ Yeah.

‐ Um, I don't think
those were pancakes.

I think that was cement. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Pretty much. ‐ Seriously.

‐ Um, one other date that, well,

Bachelor Nation
didn't get to see...

was Hide and Seek,

and one girl in particular
had a really tough time.

Let's take a look.

90, 91, 92, 93, 94,

95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100.

Ready or not, here we come!

‐ Matt!

‐ Matt!

The winner of this
is gonna get some time,

so I gotta find him first.

Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God!

‐ They're coming.

‐ Ahh! ‐

‐ Yeah, this is the most
romantic date ever.

How will I even know
if somebody else finds him?

‐ What the heck is this? ‐ Aww.

‐ This sounds better than
running around in the cold.

‐ I have no concept of time.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ You found me.

You're allowed‐‐ ‐ Get in here.

‐ Kay, I get it.

He's a great hider.

‐ Thank you.

‐ Pieper,
where were you looking?

‐ Everywhere.


‐ I can't wait to see
how pissed she is.

‐ She's gonna be pissed.

‐ Matt!

‐ Oh, my God, yes.

‐ You're a city slicker.
What are you gonna do?

‐ I don't do the woods, guys.

I've never been
in that situation before.

‐ It was‐‐it was very apparent.

‐ Yeah.

Oh, my gosh.

I was struggling on that...

For sure.

Um, I definitely felt, um,

very out of my element
on that date.

‐ How long were you all
in the hot tub

before Kit shows up?

‐ Hours.

‐ Years, actually.

‐ They were wrinkled up
and pruny...

‐ Yeah, we were pruny!

‐ By the time I got there.

‐ It was, like,
a good 30 minutes, at least,

before she came.
‐ One of my favorite comments.

"I have no concept of time."

I don't know how that applied
in that situation,

but I absolutely love it,
and I just...

‐ Because I had been out there
for hours.

I had been out there
for hours, searching.

‐ You were out there.
It was "The Bachelor."

You came home,
and it was already

"The Bachelorette" season.

That's how long you were gone.
‐ It was heartbreaking.

‐ Um, the boxing date.

you gotta have your protein,

and you gotta get ready
for the fight.

‐ Oh, God.

‐ Bachelor Nation
didn't get to see this.

‐ Here we go. ‐ Oh, yeah.

‐ Rocky Balboa,
eat your heart out, man.

Let's take a look.

‐ Oh, God. ‐ Ugh.

‐ What is it?

‐ Raw eggs? ‐ Raw eggs?

‐ Oh, my God.
‐ I'm already gonna throw up.

‐ Really? ‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Get those eggs,
and start chuggin'!

‐. ‐ Wait.

‐ I'll start us off, y'all.
‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Come on. What are you, wimps?

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ I'm claiming I'm vegan
right now.

Okay, eggs?
It's my biggest fear.

I'm like, "Pull through.
Whatever you do, do not puke."

‐ Chug, chug, go! ‐

‐ Good! ‐ Hey!

‐ cr*ck them eggs!

‐ Pretend it's tequila.

‐ Ugh. ‐ Whoo, yes!

‐ There you go.

There we go, Pieper. ‐ Whoo!

Yes! You can do it!

‐ Good job!

I'm, like, gonna avoid
that raw egg,

and I was like‐‐
sh*t over the shoulder.

‐ Come on!

‐ Everybody did it already?
‐ Don't be a wimp.

‐ Come on, Katie!
You got it, Katie!

‐ I'm gonna throw up before‐‐

‐ Chug, chug, chug.

‐ Plug your nose,
plug your nose, plug your nose.

‐ You got it.
‐ Katie, you can do it.

Katie, you can do it.
‐ You can do it.

You can do it.
‐ It's just a sh*t.

‐ Whoo! All right!

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Katie, a little reversal
of fortune there.

‐ Oh, jeez, I was hoping
that wasn't ever gonna air.

‐ Are you kidding?

I love how all of you,
even now, MJ...

‐ Mm. ‐ By the way, MJ,

eggs are your wor‐‐
biggest fear?

‐ Birds, but it's‐‐there's‐‐

I just don't like them,
you know?

There's things
you don't have to, like‐‐

‐ You and Kaitlyn Bristowe.

That's a very interesting fear.

‐ You just don't
have to like them.

You know,
there are certain things‐‐

you can have boundaries,
and, like,

I don't like those things.

‐ Which fear came first,
the chicken or the egg?

‐ That's a great question.

We don't know.
We're still finding out.

‐ Well, look.

There was a lot of drama
this season,

but, as you can see, we also
had a good time as well.

Coming up,

Katie is going to be joining me
in the hot seat

to talk about
her memorable entrance,

tearful exit,
and everything in between.

All that and more

The Women Tell All" returns.

‐ So get your back foot
on the board.

There you go. ‐ All right.

‐ You ready? ‐ Yeah.

Why am I so scared?

I think I can go
a little faster.

‐ A little faster? ‐ Oh.

Look at that.
Oh, this actually feels nice.

‐ It feels nice, right?

You're gonna have to, like,
really get into it.

‐, this is a hill.

Oh, my gosh.

‐ Welcome back
to "The Women Tell All."

She stepped out of the limo

with a, well, special gift
for Matt

that sent shockwaves
through Bachelor Nation.

From that night on, though,

she was the gift
that kept on giving.

‐ Katie,
come on down and join me.

Good to see you. ‐ Hi.

‐ Hello.

‐ ‐ Have a seat.

You know, you showed up
with a‐‐a magic wand,

but you definitely captured
Matt's attention...

‐ Yes.
‐ And it wasn't just that.

You guys had a great connection.

I wanna talk all about it,

but first,
let's take a look back.

‐ Hi.

‐ You look incredible.

‐ I'm Katie! Let's just hug.

‐ Hi, Katie. I'm Matt. ‐ Hi.

Nice to meet you.

‐ Nice to meet you too.

‐ So I brought something
from home...

‐ Okay.
‐ That's really special to me,

and I thought
I'd share it with you,

hoping to pass the torch to you.

‐ A vibrator? ‐ Stop.

‐ Vibrator? No! She did not.

‐ After seeing how you look
and knowing that

the Fantasy Suite
is so far away,

I actually might need it

just for, like,
a little bit longer.

Matt is just exactly
what I'm looking for.

I mean, he's‐‐he's funny.

He's kind. He's genuine.

I'm dedicated to fully exploring

a relationship with him.

‐ I just want you to know

that everything you're doing
is not going unnoticed.

‐ Thank you.

‐ And I really love
having you here.

‐ I appreciate it.
I'm happy to be here.

‐ She's smart.

She's funny. She's incredible.

‐ Hi! ‐ Hi.

Katie's someone who has piqued
my interest since night one.

‐ But there was something
I wanted to do.

‐ Yes?

She owns who she is
and what she's looking for,

and I think
that's super attractive.

I love hanging out with you.

Like, I enjoy our conversation
because it's not fluff,

and the thing
I respect most about you

is you're yourself,

and you don't care
what other people think.

‐ I'm here to be me,
and if Matt wants me,

then that's all I can ask for.

Oh. ‐ You look great.

‐ Mm.

Our connection is very strong,

and I can really see an
engagement at the end of this,

and it's crazy to say out loud,

but I'm, like, emotional
thinking about it,


it really has exceeded
what I expected.

I'm very hopeful that, you know,

my love story is your love story

and a forever kind of love.

‐ You've been honest with me,

and I owe the same honesty
to you.

I can't give you
this rose tonight.

I just haven't had those
feelings that I need to have

in finding a wife
in this process.

‐ Kay.

‐ Can I walk you out?

‐ Yeah.

I just didn't
see that coming at all.

I'm shocked.

I just felt, like,
the blood drain from my face.

I don't regret being myself.

It just sucks
that it wasn't enough.

I am who I am,
and there's someone out there

who wants that.

‐ That was the first time
you've seen that, huh?

‐ Yeah, I hadn't seen that.

‐ When you watch that,
where do you go

that makes you so emotional?

‐ I mean,

going through this was the
hardest thing I've ever done,

and the one thing that kept me
going through it all was Matt

and our connection,

and I genuinely
was so confident,

and I really thought
he was going to meet my family,

because I‐‐I wasn't
paying attention...

To the other relationships
in the house,

and, um,

I know my personality
is a lot, uh, to handle...

And for him

to be accepting of it,
that's what you want, you know?

And I‐‐I feel like I've settled
so many times in the past

or compromised my personality

to fit the needs
of a guy I was with,

and‐‐and this was just
the first time

I didn't have to do that,
and it was just so easy,

which is why
I was just so shocked

that he sent me home,
'cause I just‐‐

I just didn't see it coming.

‐ What will those feelings
be like

when he comes out here tonight?

Do you feel like
you got closure?

Is there something
you wanna say?

‐ I mean, watching it, I get it.

I get where he's at

and‐‐and why he made
the decision he did.

It sucks,
because timing's everything,

and when I watch the show back,

and I see his date
with Michelle or with Rachael,

I don't know that I actually
stood a chance

timing‐wise, you know?

It looked like
he was already getting there

with other women.

‐ So what did this do to you?

Where are you in all this now?

‐ It's hard,
because I'm now 30 years old,

and you start questioning,
like, why am I still single,

you know,
and‐‐and this past year,

through the pandemic,
has been the first time

I've just really embraced
exactly who I am.

And there is part of me
that's like,

"Is it me?" You know?

Is‐‐is there really someone
who wants me for me, you know?

And Matt was the first person

I was able
to be 110% myself with,

and‐‐and it didn't work out,

so that's tough, but...

I just have to remain hopeful

that my person's
still out there.

‐ Do you feel like you know
what you truly want now?

‐ Oh, yeah.

I mean, at the end of the day,

we all just want to be loved,
you know?

And I never wanna stop
pursuing love,

and I do feel like

I'm in the prime version
of who I am,

and I'm the most confident
I've ever been,

and, you know,
I'm just missing my person.

‐ Well, I truly appreciate
you being here.

One thing I honestly have
always appreciated about you,

you wear your heart
on your sleeve,

and you are undeniably
always just you.

Truly, thank you very much.

Matt will be out here
a little bit later,

and I have a feeling that
you have some questions,

you wanna talk to him,
and hopefully,

you will get the closure
you need here tonight.

We're also gonna take
a sneak peek

at his time
with his final three women:

Michelle, Bri, and Rachael.

It's an ending that will truly

leave Bachelor Nation
talking and shocked.

It's all coming up when
"The Women Tell All" returns.

‐ So how old were you
when you had your first kiss?

‐ I was in seventh grade,
and I was dating

this girl on the cheerleading
team at my school,

and one of my best friends,
Josh, he's like,

"Yo, are you gonna do it

I'm like, "Yeah, I'ma do it."

My heart's pounding,
and I'm like,

I have no idea what I'm doing.

I see them start kissing
in the front.

I'm like, "All right,
that's my cue,"

so I go in for the kiss,

and when I tell you

I bit her lip harder than I've
bitten anything in my life‐‐

she was bleeding.

Her lip was gushing blood.
‐ Oh, my God.

Now I'm scared
to kiss you again.

‐ Welcome back, Bachelor Nation.

This next woman captured
the First Impression Rose

as well as America's heart,
but in the end,

things did not work out
for her and Matt.

So what happened?
Well, let's find out.

Abigail, come down and join me.

Wow, at least you got snaps. ‐

‐ That's like the new applause
here in, uh, 2021.

‐ I know.

‐ Have a seat.

Um, thank you so much
for coming down and talking.

We have so much to talk about.

Your journey on the show,
you and Matt,

but first,
let's take a look back.

‐ Hi. ‐ How's it going?

‐ Good. How are you?

‐ I'm doing well.

‐ I'm Abigail. ‐ I'm Matt.

‐ Matt, nice to meet you.

So there's something a little
bit different about me.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And that is I'm deaf.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ So I'm gonna be reading
your lips a lot tonight.

‐ Okay. ‐ But thankfully,

you have really beautiful lips.

‐ So I'm not complaining.

Matt and I had such a good spark

right away on the first night.

I was just like, "I don't even
know how to talk to you.

Like, you're so good‐looking."

‐ Abigail,
will you accept this rose?

‐ Oh, my God, I will! ‐

‐ It was amazing getting
that First Impression Rose.

He definitely has
a way to, like,

make you feel special.

I'm so giddy about it.

Okay, so I was thinking.

I should, like, give you, like,

a little signal, you know?

Like, I'll just, like,
fix my earring...

‐ Okay, I like that.
‐ And, like, that'll be like

me, like, blowing you, like,
a little kiss or something.

‐ I'll do it back.
I'll just do something,

like, low‐key. ‐ Okay.

There's a huge part of me

that I need to talk about,

but it's scary to open the door

to being vulnerable
and possibly rejected.

You know, if I were
to have a family,

there is a really strong
possibility, you know, that...

my kids would be deaf.

‐ Can I tell you something?

The things that you're seeing
as a barrier

and a roadblock,
those are things

that I look at you
and I admire about you

and are encouraging to me

about what a future with you
would look like.

‐ I'm, like, on cloud nine
right now.

I can't stop smiling.

I literally have to, like,
hide my face

'cause I feel like
I look really geeky

when I smile that hard.

Matt makes me feel so amazing.

Every time I talk to him,
it seems like

we're progressing
our relationship.

‐ I wanna reiterate to you
every time we're together

that I'm present,

and I look forward
to seeing you every night.

‐ Aww, stop it. ‐

‐ Like, I just keep getting
more excited.

I haven't felt like this
for somebody

in such a short amount of time.

I would be lucky

to be his wife
at the end of this.

It makes me really excited
for what's to come.

I can see the possibility
of a future with you.

I just wanna know, like,

can you see that possibility
with me?

‐ Being honest with you
and following my heart,

my heart's pulling me
in another direction.

I apologize.

‐ I'm just shocked.

For him to say
he doesn't see it, um...

It's just kind of
eating me alive right now.

That's not fun to watch.

‐ Yeah. Yeah.
It is always awkward to watch.

How surprised were you
that night?

'Cause from the outside
looking in,

you had that immediate spark
night one,

you got
the First Impression Rose,

and he just always
kind of wanted to be near you,

um, so it did seem like
you guys had that chemistry.

‐ Yeah, no,
I definitely felt it,

and he just gave me
so much assurance

every time I was with him,
and we started off so strong...

‐ Yeah.
‐ I kind of came in saying,

you know, I don't believe
in love at first sight,

and just having the first night
go the way it did,

I think that's the closest
I've ever come

to that kind of feeling.

‐ Were you ready
to fall in love with this guy?

‐ Um, I was on my way
to falling in love.

He had all the qualities
I was looking for,

and all the conversations
that we had, um,

he responded really well
to all of them.

And I told him,
I said, you know,

we would get more time,

but I feel really confident
bringing you around my family."

‐ Yeah. ‐ "I think they're‐‐

"you're everything
that they would hope

that I would bring home."

I just kind of have
a big what‐if.

If we had that much attraction
with how little time we had,

you know, what if we had
a whole day together?

Could I have been up there
with kind of the frontrunners?

Um... you know, it's just‐‐yeah.

It's just a lot of questions,
for sure.

‐ You had a very honest,

vulnerable conversation
with Matt

about having children...
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And the fact that
there is a chance

that your children
might be deaf.

‐ Yeah. Um, so, by that point,

Hometowns were coming
around the corner,

and so I wanted to be
as fair with him‐‐

'cause I think
it wouldn't be fair to him

if I went through
this entire journey

and kind of held on
to all my insecurities

and not giving him
that whole transparency.

‐ Well, I know there were
a lot of challenges,

but I love that you are here,

and I love that you
were brave enough to do this.

And I know it has had
a massive impact

on the deaf community.

‐ Yeah, it's been incredible.

Um, I was really scared,
um, kind of,

when I decided to come on
just because

I think people kind of view
the hearing community

and then the Deaf community
with a capital D

as kind of black and white,

and I'm kind of that
gray space in the middle...

‐ Yeah. ‐ That hasn't had

a lot of light shone on.

I was born profoundly deaf,
so it means I have no hearing.

So if I take
my cochlear implant off,

I can't hear anything,

but I'm also not a member

of the Deaf community
with a capital D

because I don't use
sign language.

‐ Okay.

‐ I'm able to communicate

So I had no idea how people
were gonna receive me,

but, no, the response
has been incredible.

I've had so many people
reach out and say, you know,

"Thank you for sharing
your story.

I have a very similar one."

Um... yeah.

I just‐‐I've been blown away.

‐ I wanna pull some up,
some of these comments.

I don't know if you've seen
all these or not,

but these are some of the tweets

that I saw about you.

All caps. ‐

‐ "Yes, Abigail!
First impression!

Deaf contestant!
I am screaming!"

And one more.

"Abigail, my daughter is seven
and bilaterally implanted.

"Seeing the representation

"and you not being afraid
to be who you are

makes my heart so happy."

‐ Oh, my God.

I have just gotten
so many messages like this,

of people just saying, like,
"Thank you so much

for showing this
in a romantic light,"

just because disability
isn't always romanticized.

Um... yeah.

It's been‐‐
it's been incredible.

‐ I know you were actually here
looking for love,

and that's what
it was all about.

And to that end,
where are you now?

Yeah, so I know things didn't
work out with Matt and I,

but that's not to say

I didn't leave,
you know, with nothing.

I think, you know, I met
an incredible group of women.

I learned a lot about myself.

Yeah, I think it's like
what Katie said.

Like, I think I'm just
a much better version of myself

that I'm really excited
to be able to share

with whoever wants
to share that with me.

‐ All right, Abigail,
thank you so much.

When we return,

it's gonna be Pieper's turn
to join me in the hot seat,

and still to come,

Matt will join us
to relive his journey

and come face‐to‐face, well,

with all his ex‐girlfriends
for the first time.

Not awkward at all.

What burning questions
do they have for him,

and what does he have to say?

We'll find out.

That, plus a preview

of the decisive final days
of Matt's journey.

Oh, and I almost forgot.

We got bloopers.

That's all coming up.

‐ Welcome back
to "The Women Tell All."

It's already been
an emotional evening,

and I have a feeling
there is more to come.

This next woman truly did
wear her heart on her sleeve,

but Matt said goodbye to her
just before Hometowns,

leaving Bachelor Nation stunned.

Pieper, why don't you
come up and join me?

Good to see you.
‐ Good to see you.

‐ Have a seat.

Um, yeah, you know,
I think if there was

a "shocking goodbye" scale
this year,

yours was definitely
one of them.

I think people thought
you were gonna cruise

right through into Hometowns,
and maybe you thought the same.

I wanna get your opinion
after we take a look.

‐ Well, hello.
‐ Well, hello, there.

‐ Hi. ‐ How are you?

‐ I'm better now.
‐ My name's Pieper.

My dad always wanted
my sisters and I

to keep our last name,
which is James...

‐ Wow.

‐ So I am very happy
to be meeting you,

because you've already taken
my last name.

‐ I like that.

‐ Matt's, like, everything

that I have imagined he is.

I mean, this is my guy.

Surprise! ‐ Oh, man.

‐ Pieper is incredible.

She's beautiful,
and I love being around her.

Bob to the right,
and then bob to the left.

'Cause I'ma go‐‐
‐ I don't know why‐‐

I'm, like,
leaning into the punch.

‐ I have very high hopes
for our relationship

and where it can go

and what life would look like
with her.

She's someone who I can see
myself going the distance with.

‐ I don't want to be afraid
of expressing feelings anymore,

so, Matt, I am falling
in love with you.

This is amazing!

I do see a future with Matt.

‐ Being able to blossom
in that together

is gonna be
a beautiful love story.

I'm on the highest of highs
right now.


The fact that
I put myself out there

and it still wasn't‐‐

it was exactly
what I thought it was gonna be.

I put my weakness
and my happiness on the table,

and for literally nothing.

For a big waste of time.

This is not me.

I am not someone
who just blindly follows...

Feelings and emotions.


I really should've
stuck to that,


It's better than feeling
like your entire soul

was stomped on.

I should've frickin' known.

‐ Yeah. ‐

That's a lot. ‐ Yeah.

What goes through your head
when you're watching that?

‐ Um, I think that
I'm just as shocked now,

rewatching it,
as I was in the moment,

because I‐‐I didn't
see it coming,

and I did that to myself,

because I was so hyper‐focused
on that relationship,

I wasn't paying attention
to the other women,

and think I kind of
blindsided myself in that.

It was really hard,
because one of the last

conversations I had with Matt
was, like, about my family

and meeting them,
and he asked me about my dad,

and we had
this whole conversation,

and then, for that
to kind of turn around

and be like,
"But just kidding, that's‐‐

that's not what's next,"
that was really hard.

‐ When you got in the limo,

when you were leaving,

you said,
"I don't even care anymore."

Do you really feel that way?

‐ Um, I...

I think it was the shock...
‐ Yeah.

‐ Honestly.

Um, I obviously‐‐obviously
really cared, you know.

The tears are real,
so I think it was just me

trying to deflect
and be like, "I'm fine."

‐ Well, you went so far
as to say,

"I'm falling in love with you."

Were you in love with Matt?

‐ Yeah, I was‐‐I was definitely
in love with Matt.

I think, by the time
that I got to my one‐on‐one,

I told Matt that I was falling
in love with him,

but I think by that point,
I was in love with him,

and I think that, for me,
the easiest thing to vocalize

was, "Oh, I'm falling
in love with you,"

'cause that still kept
that‐‐that one wall up,

the, "Oh, I'm not there yet,
so, like,

you can't have
all of my happiness," but...

I was 100% in.

‐ And in the one‐on‐one,
he said he could be free

with his emotions
and his feelings as well.

Do you feel like he was?

‐ I‐‐I trusted
that he was in the moment.

I don't know‐‐you know,
obviously, hindsight's 20/20,

so looking back
on all of his experiences,

I don't know if... ‐ Yeah.

‐ He was 100% honest with me
in how he was feeling,

because, I mean, we saw it.

There was the date where he
told me how he felt about me

and said that we were
on the same page,

and I think that we were
in completely different books

at that point, but...

Matt has this amazing ability

to make everybody
feel really special,

and I think, you know,
all the women here

can relate to that,

and, in the moment,
I really went for it,

but everything that I thought
was wrong,

and I was absolutely
heartbroken, soul‐crushed,

whatever, but yeah.

‐ Okay, so was it worth it?

Are you glad you did it?

‐ I'm‐‐yeah.

I wasn't glad at the time,

but I'm definitely glad
that I did it,

because I feel like
I've grown as a person.

I know what I want.

I will never settle again.

I think that was a different
form of self‐sabotage.

Um... you know.

I'm‐‐I'm proud of myself
for doing it.

‐ You often said you felt stupid

expressing yourself like that.

‐ I did‐‐I did feel stupid,

but I feel like I have
a better vocabulary now...

‐ Yeah. ‐ In order to do that.

‐ That's a good thing.

Well, I appreciate you
opening up,

and thank you for joining us
here tonight, Pieper.

‐ Thanks.

‐ Coming up, Matt will be here

to face the women
from his season

for the very first time.

Wonder how that's gonna go.

But before that,
we're gonna hear from the woman

who seemed to be falling
in love with Matt,

only to break up with him,
leaving him devastated.

I'm talking, of course,
about Serena P.

We're gonna hear from her
when we come back.

‐ I'm gonna make
another toast...

‐ Okay. ‐ And this is to

unconventional living
and breaking the norm.

‐ Oh, I love that.

‐ The feelings that
I'm already having for you,

like, throughout
this experience is, like,

they're real.

‐ There's a donkey.

Hey, buddy,
you're really k*lling the mood.

‐ Welcome back to a very special

"Women Tell All."

All your favorite women
are here with me tonight,

and in a moment,
Matt will be out here.

He's gonna talk to everybody,

face everybody
that he said goodbye to,

and that's gonna be interesting,

but before we get to that,

there's one woman
I need to speak with,

and she's gonna come up
and join me,

because she said goodbye
to Matt.

Serena P., come up
and join me in the hot seat.

Well, good to see you.

Thank you. Have a seat.

Um, a lot of tough goodbyes,

and we have had people
leave the show before,

but usually
it's long before Hometowns,

it's long before we get
to these overnight dates,

and, you know, I'll be honest.

There was a point in time
I thought you were the one.

I thought you really were.

‐ And there was so many times
I‐‐I thought

it could be him and I too,
if I'm being honest.

I mean, there was a very large
part of this journey

that I saw it being Matt and I
at the end,

and I was so hopeful for that
for us.

‐ At the end, you chose
to leave and say goodbye.

I wanna talk about
how that happened and why

after we take a look.

‐ So my name's Serena... ‐ Okay.

‐ And I heard
that you're very tall...

‐ I am. ‐ And I'm only 5'2",

so I brought
a little something...

‐ To help me get on your level.

‐ I like that. I like that.
‐ Yeah?

Seeing Matt
for the first time was crazy.

He looked so handsome.

I mean, I think
it's completely undeniable.

Chess was very romantic.

Back in the day. ‐ Okay.

You can go first. ‐ Thank you.

From the beginning,

I think it was very obvious

that we clicked
right off the bat.

We just have
so much fun together.

‐ I just can't help but smile
when I'm around you.

‐ We got each other's
sense of humor,

and I think that's a huge
part of a relationship for me,

is being able to have fun
with someone.

You're gonna dip it
in the maple syrup?

‐ Yeah.

‐ He is, like, the best guy

I've ever been with.

Oh! ‐ Dang it!

‐ If this all goes well,

I could be engaged to this man
at the end of this.

I am falling for you.

‐ Serena's someone
I really care about.

I just start smiling,

'cause I think
of how she makes me feel

when I'm around her.


She's gorgeous.

Always has a positive attitude.

She's smart.

‐ I didn't think
I could still do this.

‐ She's funny.

Having never been in love,

it's gotta be something similar

to how I feel
when I'm around Serena.

It's a good feeling,

and I don't wanna lose that.

Like, I could see her
being my wife.

‐ Hi.

I'm excited for Matt
to meet my family.


I think it'll all be great.

I'm just anxious.

‐ How you doing? ‐ Good.

‐ You know,
what if they don't like him?

‐ Matt is, like,
everything I would want...

‐ Yeah. ‐ For you.

Um, there's just
something missing.

You don't seem smitten,

and the one thing I worry about

is you get engaged,
and you're like,

"I messed up."

‐ I think I'm just struggling
to, like,

trust my feelings,
and I just, like,

don't want to make
the wrong decision.

I do have this pit
in my stomach sometimes

with Matt‐‐like,
a lack of certainty

in Matt and my relationship

and my ability
to make the right decision.

It just comes down to the fact

that I don't think
that you're my person.

I've thought about it so much,

and I've just been, like,
emotionally torn up over it.

‐ I don't know. I don't know.

I don't know what to say.

I just want what's best for you,

and if that's not gonna be me,

I can't make you happy and be
all those things for you,

then, like, that stinks.

‐ It was a really hard
realization to come to,

and I'm still
coming to terms with it.

‐ It's just hitting me that

that's the last time
I'm gonna see him.

It's hard to not wonder
if I'm making a mistake.


‐ I see you
trying to compose yourself

and fight back
whatever it is you're feeling.

‐ Yeah, um‐‐ ‐ What is that?

‐ Um, that's obviously
the first time...

that I'm watching that back,

It just brings me back
to how I was feeling

in that moment,

and I think I'm just kind of
re‐feeling all of those things

all at once.

‐ It all seemed to change
when you saw your family.

Is that fair?

‐ Going into Hometowns,

I know I felt so good
about our relationship.

I really was falling
in love with him,

and I really just wanted that
reassurance from my family,

and I‐‐I was so hopeful that
that was gonna be the day,

you know, I was gonna see him
with my family,

and I was gonna talk to them,

and they did see
how amazing Matt was...

‐ Right.
‐ And they saw our chemistry,

but I was hoping
that hearing them

just kind of reaffirm

everything I already knew
about Matt

was gonna be
what helped it click.

‐ You were hoping
they'd come in and be like,

"Oh, my God,
you look so in love..."

‐ Yeah. ‐ "And I see this,"

and you're like, "Yes," and‐‐
but, instead, it was not that.

It was... ‐ Yeah.

‐ "Don't make a mistake."

‐ I think that, at that point,

I really needed to reflect
on where I was at

and where that relationship
was going.

‐ It was heartbreaking
watching you talk to your mom.

What was that conversation like
for you?

Talking to my mom...

it brought clarity.

It just wasn't the clarity
I was hoping to get that day...

‐ Yeah.

‐ Because there
was this feeling in my gut

that I was really scared
to trust

because I don't think
I wanted to,

because I really wanted it
to work out with Matt and I.

But talking to my mom,
I mean, all of those feelings

just kind of boiled over
onto the surface.

‐ Yeah. ‐ I mean, I‐‐I wasn't

sitting there,
100% that Matt is my person,

and he is the man I'm gonna
spend the rest of my life with,

and they could tell something,
for me, was off,

and that seed of doubt
really grew from hearing that.

‐ I mean, as I watched
that back with everybody,

I sense conflict,

and I don't know
if that's fair or not.

Is there any part of you
that is conflicted

or thinks at all,
"Maybe I made the wrong call"?

‐ I mea‐‐

It was super difficult.

I mean, I'm getting emotional
even talking about it.


I care about him still so much,

and the last thing I ever
wanted to do was hurt him,


losing him was one thing,

but knowing I could
be hurting him in the process

was just the cherry
on top of it all,

in regards to me
feeling hurt and guilty.

As much as it was really hard,

I would've been doing him
a disservice by staying...

‐ Yeah.

‐ Because as much as I deserve
to be 100% on someone,

he deserves to be with someone
who's 100% on him,

and I couldn't give him that,

and he had three
other amazing women there

who he deserved to explore
those relationships,

'cause I was confident
that they could give him that.

I hope that he's doing well.

I mean, I truly only wish
the best for him...

‐ Yeah.

‐ And I know that breakup
was hard on both of us,

but I just hope he's happy.

‐ The end of the day,

you made a strong,
brave decision,

and I respect it,
and I know Matt did too,

however hard, and thank you.

I respect you sitting here

and going through this again
with me

and sharing all of this,

and, you know, Matt will be
out here in just a few minutes.

We're gonna see what happens
between the two of you

when he sees you
for the first time

since you said goodbye to him,

and, yes, of course,

we will lighten it up
a little bit,

and we will have bloopers,
so stick around.

Welcome back
to "The Women Tell All."

Well, we have been waiting
all night for this moment,

and the moment is now upon us.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Matt James, come on out.

There he is.

Good to see you. Come on!

‐ James Harden in the building.

‐ James Harden in the... ‐

‐ They're already giving you
a hard time on the beard.

‐ Getting k*lled.

‐ The beard.

Bold choice.

What's the thinking
behind the beard?

‐ You know, I feel like

I came out of this
a little bit wiser, you know?

I had gone through a lot
with all these women,

so I feel like this is, uh... ‐

‐ It's like... ‐ I like it.

‐ You like it? ‐ Yeah, I do.

‐ I like it. ‐ 10/10.

‐ Ladies, what do we think?

‐ Whoo! ‐ 10/10.

‐ Yeah.

‐ Jessenia's all over it.

Um, how you doing?

How is this?

‐ Um, it's different, you know?

I've never had to address
this many women at one time

that I used to‐‐
to have a relationship with,

however long or short that was,

so, uh, I was super nervous
heading into tonight,

and especially with how, uh,

some of that time ended
with some of the women here.

I was definitely
looking forward to getting back

and having a chance to‐‐
to hear everybody out.

‐ A lot of firsts this season,

a lot of things
that were different,

and‐‐and again,
a guy who's never been

through this process before,
and so, that first night,

what was your approach?

I know you're
a very thoughtful guy.

What was your plan,
and did that hold up?

‐ Um...

I think it's safe to say

that nothing ever goes
as planned.

There's nothing
that can prepare you

for when you're thrown out there

and, um, someone's holding
a big vibrator

in front of you, so, uh...

It's, uh‐‐again,

nothing could really prepare me
for that moment,

but when the women would come
in a pizza truck,

come in a truck
from North Carolina,

you know, they gave me energy
throughout the night,

so I felt like
I was less nervous

as they got out of the limo
and we headed inside.

‐ One thing I always have to
remind Bachelor Nation about:

you're not privy
to everything that happens.

You don't get to see
all the conversations.

You're not watching everything
that's going on in the house,

and you're watching it back.

Are you surprised
at the level of drama

and what was going on,

and are you surprised
by what you've seen?

‐ I'm a little surprised.

You know, I would expect a‐‐

a‐‐a certain amount of that
to be taking place

just because
there's multiple people

trying to date one person,
so, uh,

I‐‐I just tried
to be empathetic to the women

and what they were going through

because I hadn't
gone through it,

so I couldn't say,
"You know what?

I wouldn't have acted
differently in their position."

There's a million
different factors

that you have to‐‐
to take into account,

so I try not to hold them
to an unrealistic standard,

and I just try
to be as realistic as possible.

‐ You know, some of the women
actually came to you,

and they were talking to you
about women

that you had a connection with,

and women you saw
a possibility with,

so how much did that
make you question everything?

How much did that shake you?

‐ It's difficult, because

when new information
is brought to you,

you can only act
on what you know,

so, uh, you've gotta
take action, in some cases,

and you've gotta
not b*at yourself up

for not seeing something,

I mean, especially
when you hear something

that just completely
catches you off guard,

like, uh, my conversation
with Jessenia.

Like, I was‐‐the last person's
name I was expecting to hear

was MJ's, and, um,
it led to a two‐on‐one.

That's never how you wanna see
someone's time come to an end

that you are having
a great connection with.

‐ Is there anything
you wanted to say to MJ?

‐ Yeah, um,

I wish that we could've gotten
more time to explore

what that relationship
could've looked like,

but at the end of the day,

um, I'm dealing with‐‐
with these things

as they come at me,
and, um, I just had to‐‐

to make that decision
for myself.

‐ Yeah.
It's always tough, you know.

I think, at the end of the day,

like, we're all doing
the best we can at the time,

and there's a lot
of emotions involved,

and, I think, the‐‐
like, we can all look back

and say, "No one's mad.

"It's all a learning experience,

and you did a great job."

‐ I know you saw a lot of us
put our best foot forward

around you,
and then you also saw

not the best parts of ourselves.

I hope that watching us

make you see us in a bad light.

‐ Yeah.
‐ As, like, bad people...

‐ Yeah. ‐ Or being mean.

‐ Well, I'll s‐‐

I'll be the first one to say
that I am not a perfect person,

so I'm no one
to sit up here and judge

how any of you all decided
to handle yourselves

and‐‐and deal with that
emotion in real time,

and having a better
relationship with you all

than the rest of everyone who's
tuned in and watching you,

I know the type of people
that you are, so‐‐

which are good people, you know?

My conversation with Anna‐‐

like, my heart went out to you
watching that,

'cause I know that,
before our conversation,

Brittany had broke down,
and, um,

when I had first met Brittany,
she was just bubbly,

full of energy, just spunky,

and seeing and feeling your
remorse in that conversation,

I knew that
that wasn't your character

and who you were, um, and it
was just a lapse in judgment.

What a lot of us
are understanding

is that there comes
a point in time

where you have to be
accountable for things,

and, as tough as that is, like,

better now, I feel like,
than down the road.

But, yeah, no, to answer
your question, Serena,

I don't think
you're a bad person.

I don't think anybody here
is a bad person,

'cause I know y'all's heart.

Victoria, I know your heart.

‐ Victoria, is there anything
you want to say to Matt?

‐ Um, I am really grateful

and, like, so grateful
for the experience,

and I have learned a lot,
so I'm grateful for you.


like, it's been hard
watching the show back,

because, yes,
I was involved in drama,

and that was a really hard
learning experience

because I do feel like
I could've...

had a sh*t at more of a romance.

With my exit,

it kind of just hurt my feelings

how I saw you said, um,
like, I need to self‐reflect,

and, "I have no words for her,"

I felt like I had done my best
to open up,

and I just have, like,
tremendous fear of rejection,

so that was why my exit
was just a little dramatic.

I was going through, like,

just levels of pain
at that time.

‐ Yeah.

When people ask me about you,

I have nothing but good things
to say about you,

and, um...
‐ And I did appreciate it.

‐ I know that‐‐again,

I've never been in‐‐
in your situation,

uh, not only from being
on the other side of the rose,

but just your life experiences,

so I apologize if you
felt offended that night.

‐ No, it's okay. Thank you.

I really was so grateful
for you,

like, at the beginning
of the show airing

because that seriously
helped me through so much.

‐ I've told people, I said,

"I feel like I dropped the ball
on our relationship,"

because there
was a lot more there

that, um, I felt like
I could've done for you

that I didn't get the chance to.

‐ Um, another tough goodbye...

was with Katie,
and we talked earlier.

I know she was emotional.

Katie, what do you want
to say to Matt?

‐ Uh, I was caught off guard
when I, uh, was sent home,

and I guess
all I'm trying to say is,

I didn't have a chance to say

what a real goodbye
would've been.

Um, I just wanna thank you

for how you've handled
the situation

and how accepting you were
of everything that is me,

um, and just making me
feel welcome.

‐ The‐‐the first interaction
that we had,

your playful and fun side
really broke the ice for me

that first night and allowed me

to open up
to the rest of the group,

and just how strong you were

the entire journey when‐‐

in the face of adversity,

you were courageous, you know?

So I appreciate you for that.

‐ Thank you.

‐ Well, I had the women
ask you a bunch of questions.

Now it's my turn.

There was one reoccurring issue

America had with your journey
as the Bachelor.

You know,
I think it was the fact

that you always‐‐
and I mean always‐‐

had your eyes on these ladies.

‐ Oh...

‐ Let's‐‐let's take a look.

‐ Hey. how are you? ‐ Hi.

‐ Stop!

‐ Matt has every quality

that I would want in a partner,

and he is a good kisser...

But there is one thing

I've never experienced before.

‐ No!

‐ Some of the women have
been giving me a hard time

about kissing
with my eyes open...

But eye contact's
a really big thing for me.

I don't have the best eyesight,

but when you're right there

and you're just, like,
glancing over her face,

it's just like,
"Wow, you're gorgeous."

‐ Oh, my. ‐ Wow.

‐ Be honest.

Did you know that you did this

coming into being the Bachelor?

To be honest with you... ‐ Yeah.

‐ I didn't know that
that was, like‐‐

I didn't know
that was, like, a no‐no.

Like, I didn't know
that you were supposed

to have your eyes closed.

‐ So this was an eye‐opening
experience for you.

‐ This is news to me.

‐ Okay.

‐ But when I'm watching it back,

I'm like,
"That's kind of weird."

So I'm, like, reflec‐‐

I'm doing self‐reflection, like,

I should probably start kissing
with my eyes closed.

‐ Um, I hate‐‐
I hate to kiss and dish here,

but what was that like?

Is anyone brave enough
to talk about it?

What was it like?

‐ There was one time
where I did take a peek,

and I was like, "Oh, okay."

‐ And, Pieper, I think
that happened to you too,

where you kind of opened
your eyes like...

‐ Well, I think‐‐
I opened my eyes,

and it was shocking to have
someone staring at me,

but I think
I brought it up to you...

‐ You did.
‐ And, um, I think it's funny

you've gone this long
without anyone saying anything.

‐ Yeah, I had no idea.

‐ Ladies, can we just
take a brief poll?

Eyes closed, yeah?

‐ Yes. ‐ Yes, please.

‐ Okay.

‐ Always. ‐ Try it.

‐ All right, well, if you will,

stick around.

I know some of these ladies
still want to talk to you,

and I promise we have bloopers,

and you're in a lot of 'em. ‐

Yeah, I can't imagine.
‐ So we'll be back.

More of "The Women Tell All"
right after this.

‐ Welcome back
to "The Women Tell All."

I am here with Matt, um,

facing the women
for the first time

since he said goodbye
in Pennsylvania.

Um, I know you were new
to all this,

but it was a pretty
amazing ride.

‐ I, um‐‐I learned a lot
about myself,

uh, mostly through my time
with you all,

and it's something
that I'm gonna take with me,

and I hope that you all
have things

that you learned
about yourselves

that we'll take with you
going forward

so that we're better people
from it

and be a‐‐a strong part
of our story going forward.

So... ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Um, there's a few more women

I definitely want
to bring into this.

Abigail, did you have anything
you want to say to Matt?

‐ No, I just want to say
thank you

for the entire experience.

Um, I think we had
a really good time together,

but it just wasn't
in the cards for us.

I just have
nothing but good things

to say about our experience,

and hopefully
you felt the same way about it.

‐ I appreciate that.

‐ Pieper, um,

you didn't really have
much to say when you left,

'cause I know you were shocked,

but I wanna give you
a chance to speak.

‐ Yeah, um, I am so grateful
for our time together.

I'm so grateful
that you were able

to pull me into a new
comfort zone, honestly,

to be able
to express my feelings.

So, I mean, just for, like,
the sense of closure,

what kind of...

led‐‐led to me‐‐to me going?

‐ It wasn't something
where it's like,

"All right, tonight's
the night that, like,

I've gotta have
this conversation with Pieper."

You can't really control

how your relationships
progress with people,

and that's probably
what I would allude to,

just my relationship progressing

that much further along
with other women at that time,

which is a hard conversation
to have with somebody

where it's like, "You know,
it's not you, it's me."

It's like,
who wants to hear that?

And, like,
that was just the reality

of‐‐of our situation.

It didn't make it any easier,
but, um,

to have strung it out any longer

wouldn't have been fair to you,
so I just felt like,

instead of bringing
your family out there

and knowing that I was on
the fence about where we stood,

uh, I just thought
that it was the best time

to have that conversation.

‐ Serena, um‐‐

obviously, Matt,
this was, I know,

a devastating breakup for you
when she said goodbye.

What‐‐what are your thoughts
seeing Serena tonight?

‐ Um...

Hi. ‐ Hi.

‐ Uh, I was happy that‐‐

you know, that she had come
to that conclusion

and that she was gonna
be closer to finding someone

that she was compatible with,
if it wasn't me,

but, um, it‐‐it was hard.

‐ Yeah, it‐‐it was really hard
for me too,

and I felt being honest with you

was the most respectful thing
that I could do.

I truly feel like I would've
been doing you a disservice

staying and not letting you
explore relationships

with women who could give you
110% certainty

in what they had with you,

and I hope
that you're really happy

and you've found exactly
what you were looking for.

‐ Thank you.

‐ Um, look, there was a lot
of drama this season,

but at the end of the day,

after watching all this back
and going through it,

we had a lot of fun,

and things usually
go as planned...

‐ Right. ‐ But not always.

‐ Right. ‐

‐ Come on, Bachelor Nation.

I'm not gonna leave you hanging.


Let's roll 'em.

‐ Ready? ‐ Yeah.

Wanna do it for this one?

Oh, they're running away
from us.

Come here, buddy.

I'm gonna go for this one.
‐ All right.

Let's go for this one.
‐ Right here.

Hey, buddy.

‐ ‐ Got rejected.

Thank you.

That's rude.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

To love. No, I'm just kidding.


To meeting your families.

‐ I don't know.

‐ Can we get Bri a napkin?

‐ Why did you...

‐ Or a towel?

A big towel. A beach towel.

‐ Oh, champagne.
Let me hold your champagne.

‐ I'm‐‐

There's a massive bug
right there.

‐ Oh!


‐ 'Cause we are all
dating Matt...

And we also rely on each other.

You know what I mean?

Like, to be there
for‐‐for one another.

Get it.

‐ Ah! Sorry. ‐ Get it.

‐ Today is my Nemacolin
fake Canada Hometown!


Did you see that?

‐ Ah! She's back.

Coming for you,
but she's back for me!

‐ Ahh!

It was in my vag*na.

‐ Go away!

‐ It's a huge‐‐
‐ It's a dragonfly.

‐ Is it? ‐ Oh, my God.

Stop. Stop yelling.
‐ Is it on me?

Is it on me? ‐ I'm scared.

‐ Oh, don't‐‐
those are poisonous.

‐ Stop‐‐what?
‐ I'm just kidding.

‐ Oh, my God!

‐ Can I have one of these?

‐ All the guys that did
something hot on my season...

‐ I'm hungry.
‐ Hiccupped like that.

‐ They did? ‐ All of 'em.

‐ Okay. Not bad.
‐ It was the weirdest thing.

‐ That was hot.

‐ Those are spicy!

‐ There's spice on those.

What the?

There's spice already on those.

‐ When you breathe,
it's hot still.

‐ I'm not kidding.


‐ My nose.

‐ Tayshia,
don't eat one of those.

‐ I think Serena P.
Had said it the best way.

She's just like, "Matt's
really good at car‐‐carme‐‐"

Oh, my gosh,
I can't even say it.

‐ Compartmentalizing.

‐ Matt is really good at car‐‐
I'm not even gonna...

Okay, whatever.

‐ The queen is...

Back and better than ever.

‐ Ooh!

‐ Ooh!

‐ Ahh!

‐ Are you okay?

‐ I'm myself. Like, I'm‐‐

I don't want you‐‐

Damn it, Doug.

‐ Oh, I'm sorry.

‐ Ah,.

‐ Oh.

‐ Damn. In the rain.

In the puddle. Oh, no.

Ooh! ‐ Oh, my God.

‐ It was so bad.

‐ That's why you don't ride
in the rain!

Oh, God.

‐ No.


‐ Oh!

‐ Matt, I don't understand.

Matt, why couldn't you‐‐
why couldn't you stand up?

Explain that to America.
I don't get it.

‐ Oh, man. Oh.

‐ Um, a‐‐a great time, though.

Um, but I appreciate
getting to know you,

our talks, the entire thing,
and going through this with you

has been, uh,
quite the experience.

‐ It was‐‐it was incredible.

‐ And, ladies, thank you
so much for being here.

It know, again,
it was another arduous task

to get in this bubble
and be here today

to go through everything.

Um, truly appreciative
of all of you

and taking your time to do this,

so it's good to see
all of you again.

And of course, Bachelor Nation,

man, we miss you.

Man, I miss having
a studio audience.

Oh, it's so good
when you got that energy.


Hopefully, soon,
we'll all be together again,

but please join us
Monday, March 15th

for what promises
to be one of the most dramatic

and emotional season finales
in Bachelor history.

Trust me, you have no idea
what's coming.

Will Matt find love?

Will he leave Pennsylvania

Don't answer that.

But I do have
an exclusive sneak peek.

Here it is.

For everyone who's been
a part of this one,

good night, everybody.

Next week, Matt's journey
to find love continues.

‐ These women are incredible.

I'm about to make

one of the most important
decisions of my life.

‐ I will tell you
that I am in love with you.

‐ To find love...

‐ I'm head over heels for you.

‐ To find a wife...

‐ I am so in love with you.

‐ To leave this thing engaged...

I don't‐‐
I don't know what I'ma do.

Don't look down. ‐ Whoo!

‐ This week is Fantasy Suites,

and I'm really excited
to get to know Matt

in a more intimate setting.

‐ Every time I see you,
I can't breathe.

Feels like my heart
is gonna explode.

‐ I don't think I could've
asked for a better experience.

I'm in love with Matt,

and he's with another woman
right now.

This is t*rture.

I can't do this anymore.

‐ There's still a lot of fear

based on what I've seen
in my family in the past.

When I needed you,
you weren't there.

‐ Do you know what I went
through with your mom?

‐ I don't want you
to make excuses.

‐ Nobody's perfect, son.

‐ I don't want to make
those same mistakes

that caused my family
to be torn apart.

‐ Feelings come and go.

You know, people fall
in and out of love,

and love is not
the end‐all, be‐all.

I feel like everything
that I was working towards

is starting to crumble.

I don't know how to go on.

How do you go on from there?

‐ You okay? ‐ No.

‐ No. I'm not.

‐ I'm sorry, Matt.
I'm very sorry.

‐ Yeah.

‐ You know if you can do this

‐ To be honest with you,
I don't know, Chris.

‐ The drama continues next week

on "The Bachelor."

Well, Victoria's reign as queen

was literally punctuated
by a single word

that literally seemed

to show up literally everywhere.

‐ Ugh.

‐ Literally,
there's no one in here

he can marry besides me.

Like, I'm literally
the best option for him.

Matt and I will end up together
at the end of it, literally.

Literally. Literally.

Literally. Literally.

Literally. Literally.

Literally, just go.
Like, literally.

Why are you waiting? ‐ I...

‐ If I say "literally" again,
you have to go.


what is this squirrel...

So, literally, the whole day,

I'm like, "How the
is squirrels about Fall?"

All the girls love me.

They literally clap for me
and call me queen

when I walk in a room.


I literally don't even know
your name.

I need, like,
a five‐minute break, literally.

I'm literally so nice
to all these girls.

I don't even want
to do this interview.

Like, I'm literally
so pissed off.

This is literally,
literally, too much.

Literally, I have no‐‐
nothing else to say.