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25x08 - Week 8: Hometowns

Posted: 04/16/24 17:07
by bunniefuu
‐ Tonight on "The Bachelor"...

‐ Hi!

‐ Oh‐ho‐ho‐ho! ‐

‐ Today is my Hometown date.

Hi. ‐ This week is everything.

‐ I'm really looking forward
to Matt meeting my family.

It's a really, really big step.

‐ Hi, Mom.

My family's opinion means a lot.

‐ I'm nervous.

You only get
one first impression.

‐ I would think you guys
would want to give yourself

a little bit more time.

What's the rush?

‐ I haven't told him
how I feel about him.

‐ You have to protect yourself.

‐ To me, you don't seem smitten.

‐ I have these moments
where it is terrifying.

‐ Does it seem too fast for you?

‐ Is she really, truly ready?

‐ You have to take
that leap of faith.

‐ Rachael!

This week is extremely important

because it's Hometown week.

I'm gonna be meeting
a lot of families,

and the fact that
their families are here

to meet me and to spend time
with their daughter,

how can you not be excited
about that?

But as excited as I am

to talk and meet
with their families,

I'm nervous.

I hope that these conversations

and these interactions
with the family

go well today.

You only get one
first impression,

and if your family's
not on board,

I've seen how
that can really divide

family and relationships,

and that's the last thing
I want to do.

I want this to work
because that's one step closer

to me getting down on one knee
and being engaged.

‐ Hi.

‐ Good morning. ‐ Good morning.

‐ Good morning. ‐ Good morning.

‐ Wow. ‐ How are you?

‐ ‐ I'm good.

This week is Hometowns,

and it's personal,
and it's about family.

There's a huge shift
in this journey right now.

that leads up to Hometowns

and everything
that happens after.

‐ This week is everything.

It really is.

My family means
everything to me,

and I just can't wait

to show them
how happy I am with him

and how serious I am
about Matt and I

potentially starting
that life together.

‐ These are still
extraordinary times,

and so we're not
going back to Georgia,

Minnesota, Toronto,
or California,

and, to that end,
we have already brought in

the people
that mean the most to you.

‐ Oh, my God.

My family is what grounds me.

I feel my most self

whenever I'm at home
with my family

because they know me
better than anyone,

so it's a really,
really big step.

‐ So let me tell you
who's here for each of you.


Your mom, your dad,
and Talia, your sister.

‐ So excited!

‐ Rach.

Your mom, your dad,

and your sister, Trinity,
are all here.

‐ I'm so excited. Oh, my gosh.

I didn't think my sister
was gonna be able to be here.

‐ Michelle.
Your mom and dad are here.

‐ Whew.

‐ Bri.

Your best friend, Bri, is here,

and your mom...

‐ Kay, I don't know why...

‐ And your baby sister...

‐ ‐ Oh, Bri.

‐ Are all here.

I just‐‐it means a lot to me.

‐ I'm happy for all of you.

I'm happy that your people
are here.

And I know, by the way,

it means the world to Matt
that each of you

are going to do this with him

and that they have flown in
to meet him.

So, Michelle,
your date is actually today.

So why don't you go get ready?

And I'll see you all
at the next Rose Ceremony.

All right, ladies.
‐ Thanks, Chris.

‐ Have a good one. ‐ You too.

‐ Bye. ‐ I'm so happy.

It's my Hometown day.

I have such a big smile
on my face.

‐ It's a big day.

‐ When I'm around Matt,
I feel 100% myself,

and I think all my feelings
are very much there,

but that last piece
is my family,

and I get to bring that
into the picture today.

We are not in Minnesota,

but I'm looking forward
to bringing

little pieces of Minnesota
to Nemacolin,

and I hope that Matt

gets to see
a different side of me.

I have a lot of fun things
planned for Matt today.

Hi. ‐ Hi.

‐ How are you doing?


‐ ‐

‐ Hi.

‐ Hi. I like your shirt.

‐ Literally, are we wearing
the same color?

What in the world?

Okay, well,

I have a very special day
planned for you.

‐ Okay.

‐ So in Minnesota, growing up...

‐ Yeah?

‐ My family went on a ton

of, like, evening bike rides.

‐ All right.

‐ What better way
to start out our day

than a little bike ride?
‐ I like that.

‐ I'm very excited to spend
this time with Michelle today

because Michelle
was one of five women

who were added to this journey
three weeks into the process,

and we hit it off.

We had a great connection,

and our attraction
for one another is undeniable.

‐ Hey! Look at that.

‐ But I'm nervous,
to be honest with you.

Knowing that I am meeting
her family tonight,

I want to put
my best foot forward,

because I can see a life
outside of this with her.

‐ So, like, do you
picture yourself being

like dads biking
on those double bikes?

‐ I feel like
that would be, like,

my perfect life... ‐ Yeah!

‐ But I see‐‐in reality,
I see, like, my kids

just, like, rippin' past me
and, like,

trying to, like,
kick me off my bike and stuff,

and I'm like, "Okay." ‐

‐ That's what I have
coming to me.

I know it.

‐ I have a very fun day
in store for Matt.

We're right here.

We're gonna get
a little inside look

at my life
and what's close to my heart.

‐ Matt has put me through a lot,

so this is, like, my turn
to now put him in the hot seat.

You ready to go?
‐ You gonna take it easy on me?

‐ Matt, I hope you're ready,
because class is in session.

‐ Aww.

‐ Oh, my gosh!

Oh, my gosh.

Hi! How are you guys?

‐ Good. ‐ Good.

‐ Good.

‐ Okay.

So... ‐

‐ These are some of my students,

and this is Mr. James.

‐ Hi. ‐ Hi.

‐ Mr. James. ‐

What's up, guys?

‐ Is that your boyfriend?

‐ Man, this is incredible.

The fact that Michelle
had all of her students

with us virtually was‐‐

I felt like
I was in her classroom.

‐ So I hear that
you have some questions...

‐ That you need to ask
Mr. James.

Is that right? ‐ Yes.

‐ Yes. Yes. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Okay, Evie.

‐ I've learned so much
from Ms. Young.

What's one thing
Ms. Young taught you?

‐ Ooh, that's a great question.

The biggest lesson
that Ms. Young's taught me

is to be open‐minded.

‐ Thank you, Evie.


‐ Are you going to give
Ms. Young a rose?

‐ We'll have to wait
and see what happens.

‐ Oh!

Evan, what's your question?

‐ Have you guys kissed yet?

‐ Oh, no. ‐

Evan coming in hot!

Ev‐‐we‐‐Evan, we are‐‐

this is where we're at
in our relationship right now.

We're‐‐we're holding hands.

That's how you‐‐that's how
you can really tell

You start
to hold hands with 'em.

I'm loving the questions
from these kids.

‐ How many girlfriends
do you have?

I've got one right here.
Ms. Young.

These kids are grilling me.

‐ Are you going to have babies?

Kelsey, that's a great question,

and, yeah, I do want kids.

A lot of 'em. ‐

‐ They're asking me
super tough questions there.

They're asking things that‐‐

they're asking hard questions.

‐ Are you going to marry her?

‐ We're in the process
of figuring that out,

and I can't give you
a definitive answer yet,

but, Tyler, I will
Zoom call you when I know.

‐ Thank you. ‐ Absolutely.

‐ All right.

Elise, you're up next. ‐ Hi.

My teacher Ms. Young wrote me
this note, and it reads,

"Elise, you can do anything
when you put your mind to it.

"Remember this when you're
taking your test today.

"You've got this,
and I believe in you.

Sincerely, Ms. Young." ‐ Mm.

‐ And it inspires me every day,

so how will you inspire
Ms. Young?

‐ Thank you for sharing
that message with me.

That's awesome.

I'm gonna inspire Ms. Young

by being her biggest champion.

‐ I love the question.
Thank you.

All right, thank you so much
for being a part of this.

I'm so happy that you
were able to meet Mr. James.

Give me, like, one thumbs‐up,
two thumbs up,

how you feel about this man.

Hey. ‐

‐ You got all two thumbs up.

That's amazing. ‐ Hey.

It's incredible to see
the special relationship

that Michelle
has with her students.

‐ Bye. ‐ Nice to meet you.

‐ The more time
I spend with Michelle,

I see everything
that I'm looking for.

That was incredible.

I'm meeting her family tonight,

and I'm looking forward
to meeting 'em,

because I want them to see
that this is real

and that it can work,

but ultimately,

that I would like
their approval.

Seeing you in your element
today was incredible

because I know how much
those students mean to you

and how passionate you are
about your work,

and I saw,
not only on your face,

but on your students' face,

how much you've
impacted their lives

and how much you mean to 'em.

What was it like
seeing them again?

‐ Super emotional.

I love it.

‐ How‐‐how important to you
is it

that someone who you're with

is, like,
on that level with you on‐‐

in terms of, like,

how passionate you are
about your kids?

‐ Um, incredibly important.

I think that's probably
been, like,

the missing factor... ‐ Right.

‐ And, honestly, like, moving
into Hometown visits tonight,

my parents were hesitant,
at first,

like, for me
to put everything on pause,

and when they asked me,
"Why? What is your reasoning?"

you were completely
my reason why.

‐ Thank you. That means a lot.

‐ And I know how much
your family needs you,

so I just want to be
on my best behavior, you know?

Like, I just want to be, like‐‐

like, it's like, the first time
you meet somebody,

you only get that one time,
you know?

‐ Just show them
what you've shown me.

That's it.
Like, that's the great thing,

because that's
what I'm falling for,

so I know that they are‐‐
they would too.

‐ Okay.

‐ I'm excited
for you to meet them.

‐ Me too.

‐ It's been a really good day.

It went even better
than I could've ever imagined.

I'm falling in love with Matt,

and I think my family‐‐

they are gonna have no problem
falling in love with him, too,

but tonight,
if they, for some reason,

said, "No, we don't like Matt,"

it would be really hard for me

to move forward
with our relationship.

‐ This is so crazy.

I have not seen them in so long.

Tonight I'm meeting
Michelle's parents,

and I'm nervous
because, after tonight,

Michelle and I's relationship
could change forever,

so I hope that her parents

are open to me being
a part of their family.

We'll see how that goes.

‐ Are you ready? ‐ I am.

‐ Just be yourself. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Like, I love what I see,

and you've stayed true
to yourself

this whole process, and I know

that they're gonna see
what I see too.


‐ Oh, my God.
‐ Oh, my God. Yeah.

‐ Okay, okay. ‐

Hi, Mom.

I'm really excited that
I get to see my family again.

It's been so long.

Hi, Mom. ‐ Hi, Chelle.

‐ Mom... This is Matt.

Matt, this is my mom, LaVonne.
‐ Matt.

‐ Hi. ‐ Oh, it's so nice...

‐ My family's opinion
means a lot,

and I hope that getting
to meet Matt himself,

getting to see us together,

they will be 100% supportive.

Well, what do you wanna know?

Here we are.
‐ I wanna know it all.

I wanna know it all.
‐ Yeah. Yeah.

‐ So... ‐ So tell me.

‐ I was a late arrival...
‐ Oh, wow.

‐ And so there already
had been two Rose Ceremonies,

and I‐‐when I walked in,
I didn't actually know

I was walking
into a Rose Ceremony yet.

I'll let you tell that part.
‐ Yeah.

So I was so caught off‐guard
by, like,

the way I felt about Michelle
after our initial conversation

that, the next day,
I requested a one‐on‐one.

I'm like, I need to... ‐ Aww.

‐ My mom's starting to cry.
‐ Yeah, I know.

No, I'm just looking to see
how he's looking at you.

I'm analyzing you.

‐ Stop.

‐ Michelle looks really happy

and back to her old, playful,
smiling self.

should we go have a chat?

‐ Yes.

‐ She's had a couple
of relationships in the past

that were not so good, you know,

and so the concern I have

is that he could be in love
with multiple people.

As soon as you walked
in the room,

we could tell
you were happy, so...

You know, it was written
all over your face.

So what are the qualities

that you like about him so much?

I mean, I guess I... ‐ Hmm.

‐ ‐ Let me get out my list.

‐ Yeah, get your list, hon.

‐ Um, he wants
to make a difference.

He's creating these, like,

hydroponic gardens
for inner‐city kids

so that they can learn
how to grow their own food,

and that is just, like,
such a big thing

that I'm looking for.

There‐‐you know? ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ People are all talk,
but they don't actually...

‐ Do anything? ‐ Do it.

‐ I mean,
he seems like a nice guy.

I mean, the concern I have

is there are these other women,
you know?

‐ Yeah.
‐ If he doesn't pick you,

you know,
it's gonna be a‐‐a big letdown.

If he were to propose now,
would you say yes?

Would you? You would. Kay.

Uh, it just all
depends on, you know,

where he's at with you,
you know?

‐ Mm‐hmm.

I just know that... ‐ Mm?

‐ Um, you and Mom

obviously saw me
in a really hard place.

‐ Yeah.

A year ago‐‐two years ago.



But you've bounced back.

You're‐‐you're doing‐‐you know?

‐ You guys were just, like,
the people who picked me up

after that and during that.
‐ Yeah.

That's our job, is to be there
when things get tough.

‐ Yeah. ‐ We want to protect you

from anything that
could potentially hurt you.

I asked her,
if he would propose,

would she say yes?

And she said, "Yes, I would,"

which was a surprise to me,

and so going into
my conversation with Matt,

I hope to see
if they are at the same stage,

uh, in this relationship.

One of the first things
I wanted to get from you is,

what are the characteristics
that you see in her

that, you know, differentiate
her from the other...

‐ Right. ‐ Women?

‐ Michelle tells me how it is,

and she has strong convictions
in what she believes

and what she's here for
and what she stands for.

Just the way
that she carries herself,

the things
that are important to her,

the things that she wants
to accomplish in life‐‐

they're aligned with
a lot of my life experiences

and what I want to accomplish.

‐ Mm‐kay.

So are you in love with her
or not?

I mean, that's...

‐ So, um,
I haven't told her that yet,

and, um, it's not something

that I would share with her
until I meant it,

and I am falling
for your daughter.

‐ Okay.

‐ So how do you see this

‐ Right. ‐ The spotlight's gone?

You're now in real life.
‐ Right.

There's nothing I wouldn't do
for someone that I love

and someone that I see myself
building a life with,

and if that means
me moving to Minnesota,

then that means
me moving to Minnesota.

I'm open to that conversation.

I'm open to what comes
with being with your daughter

because, with that feeling
that I have for her,

there's nothing I wouldn't do

that would keep me
from being with her.

‐ Okay. Okay.

We trust her
decision‐making process,

and we will respect,

you know,

Michelle's, you know, choice,

so whatever she decides to do,
you know?

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And we'll be supportive

in whatever way we possibly can.

‐ Thank you... ‐ You're welcome.

‐ For that. ‐ You're welcome.

‐ I really appreciate it.
‐ Okay.

‐ I really like him a lot, Mom.

‐ Do you?

So you think
he would be the one?



Aww. ‐ I know.

‐ Aww, I know. Come here.

Come here.


Who would've ever thought?

‐ I just don't know. I just...

‐ Does it seem too fast
for you, or is it‐‐

‐ No, which doesn't
make sense, either,

because I'm, like,
a "Let's take things slow"...

‐ Right. Right.
‐ Kind of person.

‐ Very practical. Yes.

‐ Yeah, but, like, I don't know.

‐ Do you feel like
he's getting there,

or where do you think‐‐okay.

‐ Yeah, and it's‐‐

‐ I know he's got other people
here still, but...

‐ Right, and there's,
like, that piece,

but if I didn't feel like
it was being reciprocated,

I wouldn't still be here.
‐ Right. Yeah.

Do you see Dad at all in him
in how‐‐

you know how wonderful
your father treats me

and puts me first,
no matter what.

‐ He is the‐‐ ‐ Do you feel like

he would be that person for you?


‐ And I've never felt
like that before.

‐ I just want you to be happy,
so if‐‐

if he makes you happy‐‐
and I can see he does already‐‐

we'll love him, and he'll
be part of our family.

‐ Seeing my mom and dad
felt so incredible.

The fact that they said,

"We are going to support you"...

That was such a good feeling

because they realize
that I'm all‐in,

and so the Young family
is all‐in too.

‐ ‐ Goes in.

‐ Throwing it.

‐ Hello. ‐ Two!

‐ Ooh. ‐ Yeah! There we go.

‐ Whoo!

Seeing him fit in so seamlessly

makes me really excited
to think about

what having Matt be a part
of my family would look like.

‐ Oh! ‐ Good job, team.

‐ Yay!

‐ And so I do not want him
to leave here tonight

without me really telling him
how I feel.

‐ Seeing and being able
to talk to your mom and dad,

like, I get a lot of why
you are the way you are.

‐ Should I be scared? ‐ No.

It's all good things, you know?

I mean, I'm very happy about us

just 'cause I know
how important it is

to have your family on board.

‐ I really do feel like
you were able

to kind of get this,
like, sped‐up glimpse

of my parents and, like,

their love that they have
for each other,

and that's something
that I'm truly looking for.

I connect with you in a way

that I've never connected
with anyone before,

and so I do want you
to know that, like,

after you meeting my family, um,

I knew that it was gonna
take my emotions

to a whole different level,
and I was ready for that,

um, and I can say that I...

am falling in love with you,

And that makes me so excited,
and it's so scary,

but it's so genuine,
and it's so real.

To be able to tell Matt

that I was falling
in love with him,

and then to get that

positive smile from him,

it felt so good.

I do not want to say goodbye.

This is a new feeling to me,

and I don't think it's
a feeling that's going away.

I know it's not gonna
be going away.

Good night.

When Matt and I

walk away from this experience
hand in hand,

life will be so full.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ This is the ultimate
trust fall.

‐ Oh,.

‐ Rachael!

‐ Today's my Hometown,

and my family
means the world to me,

so it's a really big deal
that Matt gets to meet them

and that they get to meet Matt.

The other week, I told him

that I was falling in love
with him,

and he told me
that he felt the same way.


‐ My family might think
I'm crazy.

Like, they are definitely
gonna be shocked

at how strong my feelings are,

but, you know, I want their
support more than anything...

How are you?

So I just can't wait

to show them
how serious I am about this

and our future together.

Today is a really big day
for so many different reasons.

You know, you get to meet
my family tonight,

but, before all that,

I've told you that
communication and honesty

and trust... ‐ Yeah?

‐ Is a really important thing
to me...

‐ Yeah. ‐ So do you trust me?

‐ I do.

‐ Are you sure? ‐ Yes.

‐ Okay.

Let's do it.

When I like somebody,
I give 'em a hard time,

and I'm constantly
giving Rachael a hard time,

so I could see this
being a revenge date.

I could see her
really trying to show me

what life's like in Georgia
for her.

I have no idea what to expect,
and I kind of like that,

because I'm big into surprises,

and Rachael's been
a very pleasant surprise.

‐ You scared?

‐ Where the heck are we going?

Everything that I've
learned about Rachael

up until this point
is drawing me in.

‐ Are you ready? ‐ Yes.

Our connection is seamless...

‐ Come this way.

‐ And the fact that
I'm feeling this now is scary,

but it tells me
that this is working,

and I'm gonna step into it.

‐ Do you know
what we're doing here?

‐ Oh, !

I know exactly what we're d‐‐

‐ We're‐‐we are jumping
out of a plane today.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ You guys ready to go
to 12,000 feet?

‐ ‐ Let's do it!

‐ I'm stoked, yeah.
This is gonna be great.

‐ You ready to do it?
‐ I'm a thrill‐seeker.

I‐‐I love stuff like this,

and I'm stoked
that she would even consider

something like this for a date,

because I think
this is the perfect date.

What could possibly go wrong?

‐ We're gonna free fall, kay,

at 120 miles an hour

from 12,000 feet
to 5,000 feet, kay?

Then we'll be able
to open your parachute up.

So, uh, 12,000 feet.
120 miles an hour.

Who's ready? ‐ Ready.

‐ Come on up into here.

Slide on back.

‐ We are taking this huge step,

literally out of a plane, today,

and this is, like, the first day

that he's gonna meet my family,

so this is also a really big
step for our relationship,

and it's gonna be something
that we can look back on

for, hopefully,
the rest of our lives.

‐ The highest‐‐
‐ All right, Matt,

if I die,
I'm glad I'm dying with you.

‐ Aww.

Thank you for that reassurance
in this.

‐ Now, you remember what to do,

‐ So amazing.

‐ Rachael, you all right?

‐ Yes! I'm good.

What? You're nervous?

Are you scared?

‐ Um, you know,
I'm getting a little nervous.

I'm not gonna lie.

‐ I am feeling that adrenaline
kicking in already...

Oh, my God.

But the fact that

I get to do this with Matt,

it's scary, but it's exciting.

‐ Arms go up.

‐ Oh!



‐ Yeah, Matt!

‐ Whoo!

‐ Dance.

‐ Yeah, yeah!


We did it. We did it.

‐ Here comes Rachael.

‐ Rachael!

‐ Oh, !

. Rachael!

‐ You all right?

‐ Oh, my God.
My back is k*lling me.

I have so much grass
in my mouth right now.

‐ You've got grass
inside your mouth.

‐ Rachael just literally
slammed into the earth, hard.

‐ Okay, I'm good.

Oh‐‐ow, ow, ow.

‐ It was gnarly.

I don't even know how else
to describe it.

Like, she's not meant
to take that type of impact.

No one is.

The last thing I was expecting

was to see you spiraling down
after we landed.

‐ The idea of her being
injured or banged up,

it puts everything
into perspective.

Are you okay, for real, though?

‐ Yeah, I think so.

‐ My heart hurt
when I was watching you.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ You know what I mean?

'Cause you weren't moving
for a second,

and I was like‐‐
you don't realize

how much you care
until it's like

there is a chance that
you could be gone, you know?

‐ I'm not trying to be dramatic,

but I was just like‐‐that's...
‐ No, I know,

but you're making me emotional.

‐ That's what was going
through my head, you know?

‐ Yeah. ‐ And it's like,

it's‐‐it's a different feeling

when, like,
you're falling in love

and that person's, like,

potentially, like, really hurt,

and the thought
of, like, losing you,

like, set in, in that moment,
and I was just like, "Damn."

We‐‐we're just getting started,

‐ Yeah.

‐ I‐‐I didn't realize
how strongly I felt

until something like that
happens, you know?

‐ It's nice to see
how much he cares about me.

And, yeah, that just made me

fall even more in love with him.

I don't know,
it was a really bad situation

turned good
because he was there for me,

and that's what I want
out of a partner,

and I think that's
what a marriage is all about,

and I can't even

think about going through life

without Matt, at this point.

‐ Are you stoked?

‐ Yeah, no, I, like‐‐

I still can't believe
they're here.

I'm like, trying to peek.

Are you nervous? ‐ Yeah, I am.

‐ I am, too, but good nerves.

‐ Do you think she's in love?

‐ I'd be surprised.

‐ What, if she did
fall in love with him?

‐ Yeah.

I would hope
that they'd take their time.

I don't see how somebody
would propose

that soon, you know?

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ What's the rush?

I mean...

‐ Hi. ‐ Hey.

‐ Hello.

‐ Rachey. Hi.

‐ Getting to introduce Matt

to my mom, my dad,
and my sister means a lot.


This is Matt. ‐ Hi, Trinity.

‐ It's so nice to meet you.

‐ Nice to meet you.

‐ I need to show them

how real my feelings are
for Matt...

‐ Matt, how you doing? Darrell.

‐ Nice to meet you.
‐ Nice to meet you.

‐ And I hope that Matt

asks my dad for his blessing,

because I'm in love
with the guy,

and I do want to start
my future with him.

‐ Spill the beans.
What's been happening?

‐ I mean, a lot.

So we actually
went skydiving today.

‐ What?

‐ You're kidding. ‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Are you serious?
‐ Did you like it?

‐ Did you‐‐
did you crap your pants?

‐ Um, my landing
was a little rough, I will say.

‐ I've‐‐I've always wanted
to go skydiving.

‐ Me too.

‐ You should've taken me
with you.

Dang it. I was here. ‐ I know.

My mom is one of the most
important people to me,

and, of course,
I care about her opinion.

‐ Rachael, do you wanna
go have a chat?

‐ Yeah, let's do it. ‐ Okay.

‐ I see this man as my husband,

and I want to show my family
how serious I am

about Matt and about the future
that I want with him.

‐ So how's Matt?

You know, like, I've definitely

been falling in love with him
so easily,

and I would never,
you know, want you guys

to come all the way up here
just to meet this man

if it wasn't something serious

and if it wasn't a person
I really could see myself

spending my life with
and seeing a future with, so...

‐ Have you seen anything bad

or anything you don't like
about him?

‐ No, that's what's‐‐no.

That's what's scary is, like,

I've never seen a red flag.

‐ I'm sure everybody
has a bad day.

He hasn't had any‐‐I mean,
I'm sure, at some point...

‐ No. That is what's crazy, Mom.

‐ He's gonna have a bad day,
you know?

‐ That's what's crazy,

'cause, I mean,
I've had bad days with him...

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And he's been like,
"What can I do?"

I mean, not to scare you,

but, like, today actually
was, like, a really hard day.


When‐‐you know
when I said, like,

my landing was rough?

It was bad. Like...
‐ Are you okay?

‐ Well... you can't see.

There's a lot of makeup
on my face, but...

‐ Are you bruised up?
‐ Yeah. It was bad.

‐ Oh, my gosh. What the heck?

‐ I know. Well, so listen.

I was‐‐I was fine, like,
but, like,

even just seeing the way,
like, he reacted about that

and, like,
the way he took care of me

and the way that
he comforted me, and, like,

that's how I would want
my, you know, husband

to react to something scary
like that.

‐ Yeah. Right.

‐ So I feel really,
really confident,

like, where we're at, and...

you know, if he were
to propose to me tomorrow,

I would be confident
in saying yes.

Like, I know
we can make this work.

At least, I think so.

‐ A few weeks isn't,
in my opinion,

you know, time to take
that big next step.

I don't see how you could
get to that point

in such a short period of time.

I would think you guys
would want to give yourself

a little bit more time
to get to know each other

even more, you know? ‐ Right.

And‐‐and I get that,

but, coming out here,

the end goal for me
is to be married,

and what Rachael and I's

has been built on
this whole time

has been honesty, communication,

and being up front
with one another,

and I told her that
I'm falling in love with her

because I've never
connected with someone

on the level
that we've connected on.

‐ Yeah, um...

I don't know.

So, to me, it'd be difficult

to truly care about somebody

when you're seeing
other‐‐other people.

‐ I‐‐yeah. ‐ You know?

So it's like... ‐ Yeah, no, I‐‐

‐ I don't see how that works,
but, you know.

‐ I‐‐I‐‐I 100% hear
where you're coming from,

and what I can tell you is that
I'm taking this serious,

and when I'm with Rachael,
that's all I'm thinking about,

and I'm just gonna continue
to progress our relationship

towards where I think
it can get to.

‐ To me, it's very quick

to get to the point
where you're talking about

getting engaged or married.

Kind of, to me,
it's a little unrealistic,

and he's got other ladies here.

So who knows?

I mean,
what he's telling Rachael,

he could be turning around
and saying

to the other
two or three ladies, you know,

so I'm a little worried
that she's fully invested

and that it doesn't
happen for her,

and she, you know,
gets her heart broken.

‐ Yeah, it's been‐‐
‐ So tell me about Matt.

What's the deal there?

‐ I really do see
that future with him.

He has all these qualities

that I've been searching for,

but haven't found
within anyone else.

‐ Yeah, but, I mean,
the way I see it,

there's, you know,
four of you guys here.

‐ I know, and I‐‐

‐ The other three are here
for a reason too.

‐ Yeah. ‐ And I'm sure

that they don't want
their heart broken either.

‐ Yeah. ‐ And...

‐ I mean, I don't like‐‐
‐ I'm sure he's telling 'em‐‐

‐ You think?

'Cause I don't‐‐I don't.
‐ Well...

Well... ‐ I don't think he is.

It might be a little naive of me

to think that I'm different,

but I really do think that I am,

and he really is a good guy,

and, like, I know if it is
us two at the end of this,

like, you and Mom
are gonna love him.

‐ Mm. ‐ He's great.

And he‐‐I feel like he's‐‐

‐ Well, you know Mom and I
are here to support you.

‐ Yeah.
‐ We just wanna make sure

that, you know... ‐ Yeah.

‐ You're being respected and...
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And all that. ‐ Yeah, no.

I wouldn't still be here

if I wasn't being respected

or if I, you know,

didn't feel like this
was the right move.

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ I would walk away

if I didn't actually...
‐ That's good to know.

‐ Have really strong feelings
for him.

‐ Yeah. Yeah.

‐ So...

‐ Well, you know
Mom and I love you,

and we are truly happy
that you're happy.

‐ I know.
‐ You know, we'll support you

in whatever you do,
and we're, you know‐‐

we're there for you,
so I love you, babe.

‐ Love you too.
Thanks for coming.

My conversations, I think,

went really well with my family,

and I think,
at the end of the day,

they did really see
how happy I am

and the fact that Matt and I
are on the same page.

‐ Nice meeting you again.
‐ Nice meeting you.

Thank you. ‐ All right.

‐ But I'm super anxious
right now,

waiting to hear
what Matt has to say,

really about how the night
went in general,

but especially that
conversation with my dad,

because he was easily
the most skeptical

and the most protective.

‐ Oh, man.

That was, uh...

it was‐‐it was‐‐
it was really good.

‐ Are you sure? ‐ Yeah.

Um, me and your dad
had a great conversation.

‐ Okay.
‐ We talked for a while...

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ And I told him

I was falling in love with you,
and I meant it...

‐ Mm‐kay. Yeah.
‐ And, rightfully so,

he was very skeptical
about the process...

‐ Yeah. ‐ And I'm not trying

to convince him;
I'm just telling him

what my experience has been...
‐ Yeah.

‐ And hoping he could see
where I'm coming from.

‐ Yeah.

‐ And it's important to me

to ask for your dad's blessing,

but if I'm being honest
with you,

that's not a conversation

I want to have
with four families,

and when I get to that point,

I will call them and ask for it,

and I just didn't feel right
asking for it

just to check a box.

That's not who I am.

‐ I think, all in all,
it was a good day,

but part of me was hoping

that he would've asked
my dad for a blessing.

Saying goodbye to Matt tonight

is just so unbelievably hard
in itself...

‐ I think it went well. ‐ Yeah.

You're scaring me now.

And it's so scary to think

that I could still
potentially lose him.

After seeing him with my family,

it's hard to accept the fact

that there are still
three other women involved

and that it's not
just Matt and I yet.

I will be completely crushed

if I don't end up with Matt.

‐ Today is my Hometown with Bri,

and I'm excited.

Bri was the first
one‐on‐one I had,

and it's been easy
for us to form

this strong connection so far

because we were both raised
in a single‐parent home.

We have so many things
that we connect on,

and we just get each other,

and that's carried
our relationship, really,

up until today.

‐ I'm in a place
right now with Bri

that is comfortable,
but we need to push past that,

and I'm hoping that,

through today
and meeting her family,

we're gonna take
our relationship

to the next level.


‐ ‐ Mm.

‐ Hi.

How are you?

‐ A lot better. ‐ Yeah?

‐ Yeah. ‐ Mm.

All right, so...
‐ What's going on?

‐ For my Hometown today...
‐ Yeah?

‐ I am taking it back
to that first date that we had.

Do you remember
whenever you almost k*lled me?

‐ I sure do.

‐ Okay, well,
today is payback...

‐ Okay. ‐ For that,

and it's a lot
of off‐roading today.

‐ All right. ‐ So... ready?

‐ I'm ready. ‐ Okay, get in.

‐ All right, let's do it.

‐ The passenger seat.

You're in the passenger seat.

‐ Hey, I'm cool with that.

You ready?

‐ Yeah, I'm ready.


Is your seat belt on? ‐ Yes.

‐ Okay, good.

I think today's date
definitely goes to show

what a bumpy and crazy ride
this entire experience has been.

‐ Where is this water
coming from?

Ooh, okay.

There you go.

‐ Yes.

‐ You're doing really well.

‐ Thank you.
‐ Not that I'm surprised.

‐ Off‐roading is something

I used to partake in growing up.

Hopefully, you know,
I don't flip the Jeep today.

‐ Bri, anything I did,
I'm sorry!

Oh, come on!

‐ Oh.

‐ If you flip one of these,
you get the golden ticket.

‐ So you had a job
from the time you were 12.

‐ I've been working
since before I can remember.

I worked at Christmas tree lots.

Like, I've always had a job.
‐ Yeah.

It has been
a long time coming today.

I've been dying

for the uninterrupted time
to talk to Matt

and learn more about him

in our own, private,
uninterrupted setting.

You're alive and walking?

‐ I am, barely. ‐

Each time Matt and I
have been together,

we've progressed
in our relationship more,

so I'm excited to see
what today will do

in terms of growing
that connection even stronger.

I am just really excited

to be here with you
for Hometowns.

I'm excited for you
to meet my family,

and I feel like our date

really did come
full circle today

from the first one‐on‐one.

‐ A big part of, like,
that first date

and that one‐on‐one was, like,

the conversations
we had about our moms,

and I'm hoping
that she made the trip

and that's someone
that I get to meet today.

‐ Yeah.

‐ Is it?

‐ Yes.

So you are going to meet
my mom, Lauren.

‐ Yeah. Lauren.

‐ I think she's gonna
be a little tough

because she's always had to play

the role of Mom and Dad,
and she's not‐‐

I mean, this is completely
uncharted territory

for‐‐for the both of us.

I don't think I expected
to be here with you,

and I didn't expect
for you to meet my family.


I am still terrified at the fact

that I wouldn't necessarily
be able to give you

a conventional family,
like Mom and Dad

and everyone else‐‐
brother, sister‐‐

but I would just hope
that who you will meet today

will be enough.

‐ Well, I will put you at ease
about the conventional family,

because... ‐

‐ My family's
everything but conventional,

and it took me a long time

to figure out that my family
was a perfect family

because I had a mom
that loved me,

I had a brother
who would die for me

and do anything for me,
and I'll do anything for him,

and the ways that they love me
in my life

is what I need
and what I want in a family.

‐ Yeah.
‐ It sounds like your mom

and your friends
are showing up for you,

and that's why I'm nervous,

because I know
how important they are to you,

and I just want
to make sure that...

I am the best version of myself
for them, you know?

‐ I'm really, really happy
with where we are

and where we're going,

and I'm excited.

Both of us are sharing
very openly and honestly

and being vulnerable
about our families,

how we were raised
by single moms,

and I can't help but feel
like that is partly why

I've taken such
a strong liking to him.

So, you know,
depending on how tonight goes,

I am hoping to tell Matt

that I am falling in love
with him,

but saying that does make me
feel extremely vulnerable.

It's very scary.

‐ I'm so nervous.

‐ Excited for you.

‐ I'm excited
and really nervous,

but good nerves, obviously.

Tonight I'm really
going to be looking

for guidance from my mom
and my best friend, Bri.

‐ Bri!

Oh, my God. ‐

‐ They are the two people
that know me the best

out of anyone.

‐ Hi, baby. ‐ Hi.

‐ Hi.

‐ Hi, baby. ‐

‐ I know that I can trust
their judgment

and opinions about my decisions

and where I'm at.

That is the most important
thing, to me.

‐ Hi, Matt. ‐ Hi.

Hi, Lauren. How you doing?

‐ Doing good.
‐ Nice to meet you.

‐ The fact that my two worlds
get to collide,

it feels really good.

‐ We have a little visitor.

Mommy's here.

‐ And I get to see
my baby sister.

‐ Mommy's here.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ That's your big sister.

‐ She's beautiful.

It was so good to see her.

She's an angel.

‐ Oh, there she goes.

‐ Just bounce her, Mommy.

‐ Matt, you look scared.

‐ No, I'm not scared.

Seeing Bri hold her baby sister

made my heart melt
because you always envision

what your family's
gonna look like.


And her mom's overwhelming joy

and her friend Bri
is super emotional,

and I'm just trying
to take it all in

and just appreciate this
moment that they're having

because I'm seeing how they're
showing up for one another

and how Bri's gonna
show up for us

and our family, potentially.

‐ She's very rambunctious,

just like her big sister.

‐ How are you? ‐

‐ I'm doing well.

I, uh...

I've been taking
good care of Bri.


‐ Have you? ‐ Yeah.

We've‐‐we've had a very
interesting past few weeks.

‐ Like, what have you guys‐‐
what else have you guys done?

‐ Well, we know
what Matt's been doing.

Dating. ‐

‐ Oh.
‐ Yeah, dating your daughter.

‐ Shotgun. ‐

‐ My first one‐on‐one date
was with Bri.

‐ Oh, was it? ‐ Aww.

‐ And that's where
I learned a lot about you.

I learned a lot about you
and what makes up Bri,

and a lot
of what she's been through

is similar
to my life experience.

‐ Matt, can I grab you
for a moment?

‐ Yes, ma'am. ‐ Okay.

‐ I'm curious because this man

is not only dating my daughter,

but he's dating
other people's daughters,

so I will ask
everything that I need to

until I'm comfortable
and confident,

and sometimes, that may make
others uncomfortable,

but there are, you know,
hard questions

that‐‐that we want to know.

So how do you feel about her?

‐ If I'm being honest with you,

the level that we connect on
is different

than the conversations
and connections

that I have
with other women here...

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ And I realized that

early on, when I shared with her

what it's like to grow up
with a single parent,

and it's made me who I am,

and‐‐and everything
that you've done for Bri

has made her into this woman
who she is today...

‐ Yeah. Right.

‐ And I see it working
with Bri, and she‐‐

‐ Are you in love with her?

‐ I'm falling for her.

‐ Mm‐kay.

‐ It's not the assurance

that you're probably
looking for,

but it's‐‐it's my honesty...
‐ Right.

‐ And it's‐‐it's how I've gone
about approaching this.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ How realistic
and forward‐thinking Bri is

and how realistic
and forward‐thinking

I am about this process

allows us to think about
a future together.

‐ But she is a ver‐‐
she's a realist.

‐ Yeah. ‐ She's a realist.

‐ But that works for me.
‐ And...

‐ We're on the same page.

Like, that‐‐
that's why‐‐that's‐‐

‐ She is one that won't,
you know‐‐

I mean, she wants
to get her hopes up,

but she's afraid
of being shot down.

So do you see Bri in your life?

‐ Absolutely.

‐ Interesting.

I think Matt has
a special connection with Bri

that I totally get,

but it's hard to know
if it's true love,

fantasy love‐‐ is it lust?

Because it's a short
period of time,

but I think I'll be able to tell

because I know her.

Do you feel like
you are in love with him?

‐ Whatever answer is okay.

There's no right
or wrong answer.

‐ I feel like
this is the first time

where someone is looking at me

and seeing
every single part of me.

It just feels so soon.

‐ It's crazy,
but it's not crazy...

‐ Because it's such
a short period of time...

‐ Mm‐hmm, mm‐hmm.
‐ But when you...

have a connection with somebody
and you feel it

and you know
that they feel it, too,

it's just something special.

‐ Yeah.

‐ I don't think it can be faked.

‐ I do feel like

I'm falling in love with him.

I'm so, so scared.

‐ It's okay.

I know that you want
to protect yourself,

and I want to protect you, too,

but you have to, I think,

make a commitment to yourself...

‐ To be honest,
and you have to be vulnerable,

and that's a hard thing to do.

‐ I can't even imagine

what it would feel like
to tell him

that I'm falling in love
with him

and then to leave.

Or have to leave.

‐ Yeah, worst‐case scenario,

we are mending
a broken heart together...

But we'll survive.

‐ These feelings for Matt
are terrifying,

but I need to be honest,

and I need to be vulnerable,

and I know that that's
really hard for me to do,

and it makes me want
to put up a wall.

Thank you for coming.
‐ Of course.

It was so nice to meet you.
‐ Hey, nice to meet you.

Thank you for coming.
‐ Yes, of course.

‐ I love you.

I've gotta let that wall down

and tell Matt how I feel.
‐ Bye, love you.

‐ If I don't tell him,

how is he ever gonna know?

How did that go for you?

‐ Um...

It‐‐I mean, it went well.

I just answered every question

as best I could, you know?

‐ I am so, so happy

that you got to meet them,

and they also brought
a new perspective

into this entire journey for me.

Um, it is really important to me

to know that the decision
that I'm making

is the best decision
and the right decision,

because I want it
to be true to me,

and after talking
to my mom and Bri...



I feel like...

I'm falling in love with you...

And I just‐‐
I want more time with you.

‐ Thank you for sharing that
with me tonight.

‐ Thank you.

I am so happy
to tell Matt how I feel

and how crazy I am about him.

‐ You kicking me out?

‐ I won't kick you out.

My days with Matt continue
to get better and more amazing,

and I am so happy
to have had today.

I feel good knowing
that he won't have any doubts

about where our relationship is

or where my head is.

I do really want
my heart and head to align,

and I feel like
they were aligned today.

‐ Today is my Hometown date!

Yay! I'm so excited.

I'm excited to see Matt.

I'm excited
for Matt and my family

to see each other.

It is gonna be a fun, silly day,

but it is important to me

to show Matt where I grew up

and how I became
the woman I am today.


‐ Good to see you again.

‐ How are you? ‐ I'm doing well.

‐ Good. ‐ You look great.

‐ Thank you. So do you.

‐ I'm extremely excited
about today,

but I know how much

Serena's family means
to her decision‐making,

and so that makes me
extremely nervous,

because I like Serena a lot,

and I want her
to see a future with me

like I see it.

‐ Oh, my God, it's so weird
being on this end of things!

‐ I don't know what to expect.

‐ Don't be nervous!

It's gonna be exciting
and great!

Okay? ‐ I am excited.

‐ Yeah? ‐ Yes.

‐ Okay. Let's go. ‐ Let's do it.

‐ All right.

‐ ‐ So...

because I can't take you
to Canada...

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ I thought
I'd bring Canada to you.

‐ Okay.

‐ I mean, if you're gonna
meet my family today,

there are some things
you gotta know.

Are you ready to become
a true Canadian?

‐ I am.
‐ 'Cause I'm a proud Canadian.

‐ I know you are. ‐ Yeah, I am.

‐ ‐ I love Canada.

All right, are you ready?
Here we go.

‐ I am.

My whole life
has been in Canada.

I was born and raised there,

so it's a big part
of who I am today.

Okay, so...

‐ Oh, boy.

‐ This is... ‐ Geography.

‐ Our map of Canada.

Let's see if you can find
where I'm from.

‐ Uh... you're from right here.

‐ Yeah!

So this is Markham. ‐

‐ This is where I grew up.
‐ Okay.

Any time I spend with Serena
is a great time,

so learning about
what's important to her,

what she's experienced
growing up, I'm loving it.

‐ I'm just gonna teach you
about Canadian lingo.

‐ Oh, cool. ‐ Kay.

What's the most common one?

‐ "Eh?" ‐ Da‐da‐da‐da!

Eh? ‐

We're‐‐we're going over

We're going over words.

‐ Do you know what we call,
like, a beanie?

Or, like, a hat?

‐ I would say a toboggan.

Do you know what a toboggan is?

‐ Yeah. ‐ It's a sled, Matt.

‐ Is it, really? ‐ Yeah!

‐ Toboggan's a hat.
‐ No, a toque is a hat.

‐ Oh. ‐ Toque.

‐ I don't know much
about Canadian culture,

but Serena's getting me there.

‐ How many points
does the maple leaf flag have?


There's definitely
a lot of hints in the room.

‐ We're having
this intense lesson

on what I need to know,
prepping me for tonight.


Is it right?

‐ No. ‐ Seriously?

‐ It's 11. ‐ Dang it!

I just hope her parents

don't think I'm a moron,
you know?

‐ We are gonna try
some Canadian delicacies.

Poutine is fries...

‐ It's fries.
‐ Cheese curds, gravy.

‐ Do you need a fork to eat it,
or do you just‐‐

‐ No, I don't usually
use a fork.

‐ All right. ‐ Kay.

Do you like it? ‐ Yeah.

‐ It's good, right?
‐ I would eat this whole thing.

‐ Yeah.
‐ But I have self‐control.

‐ Good for you.
Well, we have more to come.

‐ This looks like Spam.

‐ It's like ham.

Like, have you had ham before?

‐ I've had Spam.

‐ I'm‐‐have you had ham, Matt?

You're gonna dip it
in the maple syrup?

‐ Yeah.

‐ I'm having a blast today
with Matt.

‐ Oh, my God.
‐ It's really good.

‐ He's handling
the fun and games great.

We're sharing a lot of laughs

about kind of the silly things
that we're doing together.


We just have so much fun

and I think that's a huge part
of a relationship for me.

We have one last thing.

It's a Canadian rite of passage.

‐ I'm absolutely ready.
‐ Okay, let's go.

One, two, three‐‐no!

‐ Oh!

‐ My dad's gonna be so proud.

‐ Serena is super confident.

"Oh, yeah, let's play hockey."

I'm way better than Serena.

‐ What are you doing?

‐ I could've crushed her,
you know what I mean?

Dang it!

But I took it light on her today

just 'cause, you know,
it is Hometowns.

‐ Oh! ‐ Dang it!

‐ Victorious.

I think we've had
a great day so far.

He was able to learn
a lot about me,

and I feel like it has
furthered our relationship

and deepened our connection.

I'm here to collect my prize.

And now I'm just hoping
for a consensus from my family

about our connection

and a potential future together

and what my family thinks
of that.

‐ It's so pretty.
I like the house.

Are you nervous?
‐ Yeah, I'm nervous.

‐ I am beyond nervous
meeting Serena's family.

Serena's someone
that I see myself

the rest of my life with,

and, knowing that,

I really want to make
a good impression.

‐ Take a deep breath.

It's gonna be fine.

I'll be right there.


‐ I'm ready.

‐ Okay.

‐ Oh‐ho‐ho‐ho! ‐


Hi, Dad. ‐ Oh, hey.

‐ Pull yourself together, man!

I feel really good about
how tonight is gonna go.

‐ I'm Talia. ‐ Hi. I'm Matt.

‐ I'm really excited
to see my family

and for Matt
to get to meet them.

‐ Hi! ‐

‐ How are you? I'm Ras.

‐ Nice to meet you.
‐ Nice to meet you.

‐ And I'm just really excited
to get my family's take

on him and what they see
in our relationship.

‐ What did you do
out of the limo?

‐ I did the step stool. ‐ Nice.

‐ Okay. ‐ My idea.

‐ It was her idea.
‐ That was great.

That was funny. I‐‐
‐ You were like,

"I love your dress.
Like, that's really cool."

‐ What was your impression?
‐ Yeah.

‐ I was blown away. ‐ Yeah?

‐ I‐‐I didn't know
what to say, you know?

It's like, one of the things
I was looking for going in‐‐

to find someone else
who was normal.

‐ Right. ‐ And I'm‐‐

‐ He just called people crazy.

‐ No, I'm‐‐but‐‐

‐ He's not necessarily
calling you normal yet either.

So let's‐‐let's wait‐‐

let's wait for it.
‐ We don't know.

‐ No, I get what you're saying.
‐ You see what I'm saying?

‐ Like, our‐‐our conversation

was, like, a very, like,
normal first conversation.

‐ Right. ‐ And that was, like,

the most liberating
feeling ever,

because I didn't know
what to expect.

‐ It was really good
to see Serena,

and it's really nice
to meet Matt.

I mean, obviously, he's somebody

that she has spent
a lot of time with,

so it's nice to be able
to see who he is.

Matt, can we go have a chat?

‐ Yes, ma'am.

‐ I guess I wanna know from him,

why Serena?

Like, he started off
with a lot of people,

and he's picked Serena
to be here, so why?

What is it you like about her?

‐ She's smart, beautiful,
has her head on her shoulders,

and she challenges me,

and she's‐‐she doesn't
take crap from anybody...

‐ Yeah.

‐ And every time I've left
a conversation with her,

I'm just, like,
thinking about her

and wanting to‐‐to know
everything I can about her.

‐ Well, I like to hear that,
because I have to say,

this whole process
is, like, fast, you know?

‐ Yeah. Yeah.

‐ And you have three
other people

that you're doing
this exact same thing with...

‐ Yeah.

‐ And, obviously, as her mom

and her family, we're just
worried about her getting hurt.

‐ Yep. ‐ You know,

you can be in love with someone,

but there's a lot more work

and a lot more
that you have to be able to do

to get to that point
of marriage.

Do you know
how she feels about you?

‐ Uh, I have an idea.

‐ Matt seems like
he's a good guy,

and I think there's definitely
something there,

but I don't know
that Serena will be ready

to get engaged this quickly.

‐ Do you love him?
Like, do you love him?

‐ He, on paper and in my head,
checks every single box.

We literally get along so well.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Like, you can tell, like,
we're very, like,

laugh‐y and playful. ‐ Yeah.

‐ He's extremely affectionate.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Like, I do sometimes feel like

I'm, like, catching up
to his feelings, like...

‐ Yeah, but you're falling
in love with him.

‐ I'm falling for him.

Yes. ‐ Okay. Um...

‐ What's, like,
your impression of him,

like, off the bat, and us?
‐ I think he's‐‐

‐ Like, what do you see?

‐ I think he's
a really cool guy.

Like, Matt is, like,
everything I would want...

‐ Yeah. ‐ For you.

Um, to me, it seems like
there's just something missing.

‐ You think? ‐ Which is‐‐yeah.

‐ Like, what is it?
‐ I would say

you don't seem smitten,
and I think

it's because you're
in your head, personally.

I think you're
logically being like,

"Yeah, Matt checks
all the boxes,

but where is that 'it' factor?"

And I think that, in the past,

you've looked for that factor...

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ Potentially,

and not looked at the guy.
‐ Yeah.

‐ You don't want to put Matt
in a bad situation

and you don't want to put
yourself in a bad situation,

and the one thing I worry about

is you get engaged,
and you're like,

"I messed up."

Based on what I saw, Serena's
definitely holding back.

I don't think
they're quite there yet,

but the thing
I'm most nervous about

is she could
be talking herself into it.

‐ Matt seems like
a really nice guy.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Are you happy?

‐ I am happy.

I mean, like,
if we were to get engaged

at the end of this, like‐‐

‐ So you are thinking
about getting engaged.

‐ It's not, like, off the table.

Like, I'm still, like,
leaving it on the table,

but, like, it's really hard,
because Tal thinks,

like, I'm in my head,
and, like, I don't know.

‐ But that would make sense
to me, though.

It's an important question,

‐ Yeah.

‐ An engagement is a very,
very strong commitment.

‐ Yeah, that's what
I'm freaking out about.

‐ Yeah. ‐ I don't‐‐I don't know

how to, like, articulate it,
because it's like,

on one end,
like, I was confident,

but now I'm not 1,000% sure.

I was actually, like, surprised

talking to my sister

and then having
a conversation with my dad.

I don't know,
I feel like I did get answers,

but I also left more confused
at the same time.

‐ You look good.

‐ Suddenly,
I have a lot of doubts,

and, like,
there's a lot of things

that I need to think about
and figure out.

I just never thought
I'd be in this position.

Like, I just, like, don't even
know how to navigate.

Like, I just didn't even, like,
fathom having these doubts.

I don't want
to be standing there

getting proposed to, being like,

"What am I doing?" ‐ Right.

‐ "Like, you're not my person
and I've made a huge mistake."

‐ Yeah.

Do you enjoy your time with him?

‐ Yes, I do.

‐ He's intellectually

‐ Mm‐hmm.
We have good conversations.

‐ He makes you feel good
about yourself?

‐ Mm‐hmm.

I don't know what it is,

and I just can't
put my finger on it,

and, like,
I can't, like, verbalize it

or, like, write it down,
but there's just, like,

something that's, like‐‐

that's causing me
this, like, deep doubt.

‐ You know, you have to take
what you need, right?

‐ It's just hard, 'cause, like,

I don't even know what that is
at this point.

‐ Yeah.

I think that last relationship

really messed
with your head, hon.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And maybe that's
where a little bit

of your doubt's coming from.

‐ Like, I was so sure last time,

and then...

‐ Then you got hurt,
and you got hurt badly.

And it was like...

it was like my biggest fear
came true

at the end of that relationship.

Like, I was so sure,
and then I was wrong,

and I got‐‐I got so hurt.

And I just...

I think I'm just struggling
to, like, trust my feelings,

and I just, like, don't want
to make the wrong decision.

I just, like,
want to be out of my brain

for, like, five minutes.

My conversation with my mom
definitely brought up

some things
that I've been feeling

that I haven't realized
were there.

‐ Bye.
It was really nice meeting you.

‐ Thank you. You too.

‐ In my last relationship,

I just remember
feeling so sure...

‐ Good luck with everything.
‐ Thank you.

‐ But how could I
have been so certain

and then just been wrong

and, like, so heartbroken
at the end of it?


I do have this pit in my
stomach sometimes with Matt.

Like, is it fear of letting
myself fall in love with him

and then getting hurt again?

I don't know.

I don't know how I'm feeling

because I'm feeling
a million things at once.

‐ How did it go with your mom
and dad and sister?

‐ Um, it went‐‐it went well.

I just... I don't know.

I just have
a lot of thinking to do.

It's just, I'm going through
just some of my own stuff,

doubts that don't even
come from you in any way‐‐

just, like,
come from within myself‐‐

and internal battles
that I'm dealing with

and just me being kind of
honest on where I'm at,

and, you know, there's‐‐

there's a time limit
on all of this.

‐ I feel like we can have
that conversation

about everything
you're thinking about,

so don't feel like you're‐‐

like, that weight is a lot.

‐ Yeah.
‐ 'Cause I've put it on myself,

and I think about the things
that you're thinking about.

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ Just think about

where we're at now, and don't
focus on anything else.

Just trust me.

‐ Okay. ‐ You know what I mean?

Kind of? ‐ Kind of.

I'll try.


I'll try.

‐ Okay. ‐ Okay.

I'm so overwhelmed

and, like, emotionally
exhausted right now.

I don't think I expected him

to take that so calmly
and just be like,

"It's okay.

Like, just trust me. It's okay,"

and I was like,
"What do you mean?"

I'm sitting here freaking out.

All right. Have a good night.

‐ You too.

‐ I am falling for Matt,

and we have
an amazing connection

and an incredible relationship,

but thinking about

getting engaged to him
in a few weeks

does scare me,
because I'm not there yet,

and I wanted my Hometown
to get me there.

I wanted to be able to be like,

"Oh, my gosh, yes,
he's my husband,

and I see it," but tonight,

I have just doubt and fear.

I'm so confused.

‐ Hometowns this week
were incredible.

I met four families,

and I'm still processing,
uh, how I'm feeling

about the conversations I had

and where I'm at
with these women.

‐ How's it going, bud?
‐ What's up, Chris?

How are you doing?

I've got a lot to think about,

especially going
into a Rose Ceremony tonight.

‐ How you doing?

‐ It's been a week, Chris.

‐ Yeah, it's been a big week.
‐ Yeah, it has.

I met four families,
and those conversations

went just about every direction
you can imagine.

‐ Yeah.

They‐‐they usually tend to.

‐ Yeah, it's exciting, though,

because it's been a long time
since I felt this way.

I've never felt this way,

uh, and having it reciprocated

with women that you're pursuing
and you can see life with

is just continued validation

on me being
where I need to be right now.

‐ So, there any concerns here?

‐ Um...
‐ Or is it all green lights?

‐ Serena P., man.

Um, I feel like I've given her

as much confirmation
of my feelings as I can.

‐ She's been high on your list
since night one.

‐ She's been high on my list.

‐ I mean,
you've always adored Serena.

‐ Something about her. ‐ Yeah.

‐ But, to be honest with you,
I don't know where she's at.

Like, I feel like, like,
we're having a breakthrough,

and I'm getting somewhere
with Serena,

and then I'm closed off.

Like, she said she had a lot
more questions last night.

‐ Okay. Wow.

Okay, so is this a relationship
you want to fight for?

‐ Yes, you know?

It's‐‐this relationship
means a lot.

‐ Then you're gonna
have to dive into this,

and‐‐and I don't mean later.

That's a question
I would want answered

before I hand out another rose.

‐ Last night was weird.

Something's off
with Serena and I right now,

and I'm frustrated,

because the other women
are meeting me halfway,

and even further,
and they want to be here,

and they see a future with me...

And after meeting her family,

I could tell Serena has doubts,

so I've got to talk to her.

I'd love to help.

Like, I want to be that
in our relationship.

Like, that's important to me.

I see a life with Serena,
raising a family with her

and living out
both of our dreams

and aspirations together.

I've seen it since
the first night I met her,

but I don't know if she sees it.

I need to know

what you're thinking,
how you're feeling,

and there couldn't
be a better opportunity

for Serena and I
to have this conversation

than right now.


‐ Hi.

I didn't know
you were gonna be here.

Good to see you.

‐ Good to see you too.

How are you? ‐ I'm all right.

I've been thinking
about you a lot.

‐ I've been thinking about you
a lot too.

‐ I know this process is a lot,

but I've known
how I felt about you

for a long time,

and that's why I like
spending time with you

and being around you,

because it feels real, you know?

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ And seeing that

you struggled
through some of this,

I tried to make sure
that you have enough time

to process that by,

just making you feel special
whenever I can,

and I can say, without a doubt,

you are the person
I've spent the most time with,

and that's intentional,
you know?

It's because of what I see
in a relationship with you...

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And what I can see with you
is a future

and someone that I would,

share a life together with.

‐ Yeah, I mean...

I think it's important

that we do have
an honest conversation,

especially at this point.

I mean, we had
such an obvious connection

and chemistry right off the bat,

and things
were so great with us,

and I felt so excited
and good about everything,

but I think you also know

that I've had moments
where I struggled

and did have doubts,

and I think when I first
became aware of those feelings

was when I talked to my mom.

I was able to sit there
and say, you know,

"Matt has everything that
I would want in a husband,

"and he makes me feel
so special and valued,

and we have the most
amazing time together,"

but when it came to being able
to actually talk about

my feelings for you
and how I felt about you,

I really struggled...

And I thought that it was fear,

that I was just scared, but...

I think, if I'm being honest
with myself,

it's more than that,
and I think that

it just comes down
to the fact that...

I don't‐‐I don't think
that you're my person.


I don't know.

It sucks to hear that,

but I felt it after I left that
conversation with your family,

that, like, there was, like,

something off with you,
you know?

It just stinks.

I don't know.

It sucks to hear that, 'cause...

I just want what's best
for you, and...

If that's not gonna be me
and I can't make you happy

and be all those things for you,

then, like, that stinks.

‐ I'm just not there,
and I don't know why.

And trust me when I say, like,

I've thought about it so much,
and I've just been, like,

emotionally torn up over it.

‐ You don't have to say
or do any more.

You wanna walk me downstairs?
‐ Of course I'll walk you out.

‐ Like, that honestly
just sucked.

It just happened so fast,

and it just felt like I talked,

and then it was over,
and I was walking him out.

‐ See ya.

‐ It's just hitting me that...

that's the last time
I'm gonna see him.

‐ I'm just disappointed,
you know?

That's not how I saw
our journey ending.

That was‐‐that was tough.

The easy thing to do
when I was talking to Serena

is run,
and that's what I wanted to do,

'cause that's what I've seen
my whole life,

is just to run
from difficult conversations...

But nothing gets resolved.

And now, in the back of my mind,

I'm thinking about
the other women.

I'm scared.

What if their feelings change?

The last thing I want to do

is leave here
with a broken heart.

‐ Hello.

Good to see you.
‐ Good to see you too.

‐ How you doing?

‐ Um, that was
a tough conversation,

and the resolution
to that conversation

wasn't one that I envisioned,

but Serena didn't see
a relationship with me.

‐ And she decided to leave.

‐ Yeah, you have‐‐

you have your‐‐
your things you think about.

Like, I wish we could've
addressed it sooner.

‐ Yeah.
‐ I guess it was a conversation

that we needed to have
weeks ago.

‐ Is there a fear
that there's another woman

that you're not
on the same page with

that may do what Serena did?

‐ Yeah.

There is‐‐there is always
a fear with that,

you know, but, tonight,

it's a chance for me
to reiterate why I'm here...

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ And give these women

a chance to be honest and open
about how they're feeling

so that we don't run into
this problem down the road.

‐ Yeah. ‐ You know?

‐ All right,
then, when you're ready,

I'll see you
at the Rose Ceremony.

‐ Sounds good. ‐ All right, sir.

‐ Thank you, Chris.

Today was tough.

I was in shock.

Serena is someone that I thought

I was gonna potentially be with.

My feelings for these women
are real,

and I really thought
I knew how they felt about me

and this process,

but now I'm having doubts.

We are so close to the end,
I can smell it.

My biggest fear is being,
at the end of this,

down on one knee,
and I end up heartbroken.

I'm just hoping that
Rachael, Michelle, and Bri

accept this rose.

Thank you all
for being patient with me.

As y'all can see,

uh, Serena won't be joining us.

The fact that she's not here

means that she couldn't
see herself as my wife.

It wasn't easy, but...

Those are what the conversations

are gonna look like
going forward.

So tonight,
I just want to reiterate

what it means
when I offer you a rose,

and what comes
with accepting that rose

is accepting
what comes with being here.

For me, that's an engagement.

I want you all to think
long and hard

about that commitment

before you accept
the rose tonight,

knowing that's where
we're headed going forward.


Michelle, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Yes, without hesitation.

Thank you.

‐ Rachael.

Rachael, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Yes. Thank you.

‐ Bri.

Bri, will you accept this rose?

‐ Yes. Thank you.

Thank you all for being patient,

and I'm extremely excited

about our next
two weeks together.

‐ I'm just so excited

that I get to be here
another week.

I know that I'm falling
in love with Matt.

Now we're talking about
intimate time together,

Fantasy Suites,
and then get my hubby.

‐ This process
has not been easy,

but I'm extremely excited

that this is where we're at
in our journey.

‐ I'm really looking forward
to next week,

'cause I think it's gonna
be really exciting,

but there's just something
a little bit disheartening,

knowing that I got
the last rose.

I can't help but just wonder
where Matt's head is at.

‐ I'm looking forward
to these next two weeks

to continue
to get to know you all

and spend as much quality time
as possible while we have it.

‐ I'm so giddy

about continuing
my relationship with Matt,

but, you know, I'm terrified

that he is gonna see
a better future

with someone else.

I know I really love him,

so that makes it
20 million times harder.

I've never, in my life,
felt this way,

so it's pretty scary
to think that

I might have to give it up.

‐ To finding love.

‐ Coming up next week,

it's a shocking Women Tell All.

‐ It's just hard to hear
yourself being called a ho,

a idiot, or a shady bitch.

‐ Some of you can't accept

what it was that you did
in the house.

‐ All of your favorite women

from this season are back...

‐ I didn't sign up
to get my name slandered.

‐ You called her
a high‐end escort.

‐ I was angry.

‐ And the gloves come off.

‐ Yes, I was involved in drama,

because I was going through,
like, levels of pain.

‐ That's fake as hell.

‐ Plus, Matt returns

to face the women
that went home.

‐ I care about him
still so much.

‐ Is there any part of you
that thinks,

"Maybe I made the wrong call"?

And then, in two weeks...

Matt's journey to find love

‐ I'm about to make

one of the most important
decisions of my life.

‐ Each time
I get to spend with you

gets better and better.

‐ I'm in love with Matt.

‐ People fall
in and out of love,

and love is not
the end‐all, be‐all.

‐ It's gonna be

the most difficult decision
I've ever made.

‐ My heart's in pieces.

‐ I'm in love with Matt,

and he's with another woman
right now.

I can't do this anymore.

‐ I feel like everything
that I was working towards

is starting to crumble.

‐ You okay? ‐ No.

‐ No, I'm not.

‐ I'm sorry, Matt.

I'm very sorry.

‐ Yeah.

‐ You know if you
can do this anymore?

‐ To be honest with you,

I don't know, Chris.

‐ It's all coming up
on "The Bachelor."

‐ What gear are you on?

‐ I'm going high
so that I could get it,

like, in control. ‐ Okay.


Oh, God.

Were you that person
that would try to, like‐‐

you know when someone's
biking in front of you

and try to ride up and...
‐ Oh, but I'd hit brakes.

‐ Screech their tire?
‐ I'd‐‐I'd run‐‐

‐ No! Matt!
‐ I'd rub their tires.

‐ Am I going to the right?

‐ Matt, where are you going?

‐ I'm going this way.

‐ You looked like
you were gonna hit me.

‐ I would not hit you. ‐ Okay.


Oh! ‐ You did that on purpose.

‐ No, I didn't!

‐ My back. ‐ Are you okay?

‐ Yeah. ‐ Okay, come here.

I didn't mean to laugh at you,

but you said
you're not gonna hit me,

and then you hit me.
‐ You just stopped.

‐ Sorry. ‐ Oh, sh**t.

‐ My bike is broken.

‐ Matt.

‐ My bike is literally

‐ Maybe we're wa‐‐let's‐‐
we'll walk.

‐ Yeah, let's hit this walk.
‐ Okay, we're gonna walk.