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25x07 - Week 7

Posted: 04/16/24 17:06
by bunniefuu
- Coming up tonight

on "the bachelor"...

- Who is that?

- She's from colton's season.

- You guys don't know me at all.

- Do you know matt at all?

- Like, bitch,
what are you doing?

[dramatic music]

- this virus is coming in.

She's infecting
the whole system.

- [crying]

- it's like,
what are you doing here?

- Oh, my god.

- I just have never had people
be so mean.

- If he chooses her over me,

it's over.

♪ ♪

- it's like a dagger
to the chest.

- [laughing] ah!

[tires screech] [laughs]

- you mean a lot to me,
and I don't want you to go.

- We are meant to be together.

- I feel like I'm struggling.

- You've had your fun.
Like, get out.

- Everything he's felt for me
has been a lie.

- I feel blindsided.

- It is so crazy.

♪ ♪

- that could've happened
to any of us.

♪ ♪

- and it all starts right now.

[crickets chirping]

- there's someone coming.
- Someone's coming in.

[ominous music]

- who is it? Who is it?
Who is it?

- Who is that?
- I'm freaking out.

♪ ♪

- walking up through the doors,

there is a tall,
beautiful blonde woman

in a white dress,
and I'm like, "what's going on?

Did I miss something?"

- what is going on?

- She's been on the show before.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

She was on colton's season.

- Perfect, that's perfect.
- Yeah.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- Do you think I could
talk to you for a sec?

- [laughing]

- [laughs]

- heather?
- [laughs]

- pieper, I am so sorry.

I just need a couple minutes,

and I'll be right back.

I'll see you. - Thank god.

I've been waiting all week

to have a conversation
with this guy,

and this random-ass girl
walks in,

and I'm just, like,
the invisible bitch

who's, like, never existed
in the first place.


What the [bleep]?

Some... who is that?

- She's from colton's season.

- She's friends
with hannah brown.

- First of all, welcome.

- [laughing] thank you.

- I'ma give you another hug.
- Aww.

- I'm literally shaking.

- She just, like, strutted in,
she smiled at us,

and then she just
took a hard left.

- If she gets a rose tonight...
- [sighs]

- I'll be rageful.

- I am in pennsylvania

because hannah brown
came to my house to visit...

- Yep, yep.

- And literally,
the first thing she said,

she was like... - Yeah.

- "oh, my gosh, heather, like,

you'd actually, like,
be really good with matt,"

and she kind of just, like,
shared stories

about who you are
and your heart,

and, um, everything about you.

I was like, "oh, my goodness."

like, guys like that, like,

just don't come around,
like, every day.

- [laughs]
- like, it's just like,

I find that, like,
extremely hard to find,

um, so the more
I thought about it

and the more, like,
I learned about who you are

and your heart, I was like,
"I have to meet this guy.

Like, it would k*ll me
if I didn't try."

- yeah.
- So I booked a red-eye...

- [laughs]
- on my own.

- Wait, they're holding hands.

- Maybe she has feelings
for him now.

- She looks like she's, like,
trying to flirt, though.

- Oh, my god,
what if we see them kiss?

[both laughing]

- [whispering]
are they gonna make out?

- I don't know,
but I don't wanna watch it.

- [crying]

- pieper, it's okay.

- Just fine.

- It's okay.
- It's fine.

- It's like,
what are you doing here?


I've just, like,
never felt so invisible.

- No.
- [crying]

if he picks this girl
over someone else here

he's been developing
a relationship

over the last few weeks,
I'm like...


♪ ♪

- I had no idea
that you would even...

Be... like, consider
coming out here.

- Mm-hmm.

- Obviously, I've never met you,

but, um, we share
a similar best friend...

- Mm-hmm.
- And hannah is someone

who I love and trust
and speaks very highly of you,

but it's not a lot of time

to make
a very important decision.

- No. It's huge.
- Um...

- You're trying
to find your wife, and, like,

that's, like... I do.

I, like, want you to know, like,

I am here for that,

and I'm here to see
if that could be us, so...

- When I see heather,
I'm just thinking,

"hannah would be a woman
who's qualified

to pick someone
that she could see me with."

it's a lot. [both laughing]

um... - I know.

- I'm gonna take some time
to think about it.

- Okay.

- But I'm just excited
that she's here

and that she's been so bold
in how she's pursuing me,

and up until the point
where I am engaged...

[suspenseful music]

I don't wanna leave this
with any doubts.

♪ ♪

- I feel like we could
be a really good match,

and this could
be actually something.

He could be my husband,

and everything I went through,

everything I had to do
to get here,

would be worth it,
and that's really special.

♪ ♪

hey, guys. - Hey.

- Hi.
- How's it going?

- Good.
- What's up?

- It was good.
- Good.

[strained laughter]

- what's your name,
and what are you doing here?

- I'm heather.
Nice to meet you guys.

[strained laughter]

what'd you say?

- I said,
"what are you doing here?"

- um, I am here to meet matt.

- For the first time?
- Oh, you're so late.

[laughs] - I know I'm late.

Um, for the first time, yeah.
I've never met him before.

- So are you ready
to get married to him

or be engaged
within a couple weeks?

- Yes, that is ultimately,
like, what I'm here for.

- Interesting.

- Were you on another season?
- Col... yeah.

- Yeah, I was on
colton's season.

- Okay.
- Oh.

So you missed that one,
so you tried this one.

- [scoffs] um, no.

Like, truly, like... - [laughs]

- I...
- Can you please leave?

- Didn't feel it with colton,
and that wasn't for me...

- Oh, okay. Mm-hmm.

- And I'm not here
to just come in

and, like,
ruin everyone's day and, like...

- Yeah.
- My day's pretty ruined.

[tense music]

- why did you not meet matt

prior to him coming
and being the bachelor?

- Yeah.

So I'm friends with hannah,

and I knew matt was...
Like, knew hannah,

but I didn't think
anything of it

when hannah brought him up
and said, like,

"you would be a great match,"
but, like,

the more I learned about him,

the more I thought that
it could be a potential match

and that I wanted to meet him.

- You're just bachelor-hopping.

- Yeah. [laughs]

that's exactly what it is.

- You guys, like... [groans]

I don't want to do this.

- Then...
- Then what are you doing here?

- Because, like,
I want to meet matt.

Like, I'm not wanting
to be on tv.

This isn't...
- What's your goal here?

- Honestly, I'm not convinced
that you're ready

for an engagement...
- Absolutely.

- In, like,
less than a week or so.

- You guys don't know me at all.

I'm coming in here...
- Exa... do you know matt at all?

- You've been through
this process.

- No, I wasn't trying...
Trust me.

I would've rather have gone
on a date with him

without all this... like,

if just hannah
set me up with him,

but that wasn't the reality
of the situation,

and I didn't...

- I'm sorry. [chuckles]

I don't really care,

honestly, because you
interrupted my time.

You didn't address me,

so first and foremost,
I would like an actual apology.

- I'm so... I truly am sorry.

I did not mean
to not address you.

Like, I am freaking out.

This is the most uncomfortable...

- we have one more week left
of dates,

and then we're going
to hometowns.

All of us have
very strong feelings for matt

because we have been here
for six weeks,

and you walking in
and interrupting my time

when I was having
a pretty important conversation

is super uncalled for,

and I still just do not
understand why you're here,

week six. - Yeah.

- Like, bitch,
what are you doing?

- I don't want to make anyone

Like, it makes me, like...

really sad,

because this isn't,
like, what I wanna do.

- Okay, just talk about it
in interview,

because I don't wanna
hear your tears right now.

- Okay. I'm sorry, guys.

- Go home.

♪ ♪

- I did not expect them
to, like,

come at me so hard and, like...


like, just treat me,
like, not worthy.

- Hometowns are two weeks away.

Like, he has one week
to get to know her

and then meet her family,

- And now this outside factor,
this virus,

is, like, coming in,

and she's infecting
the whole system.

- Matt's been gone for a while,

and we're super nervous

'cause we don't know
what's going through his mind

and whether he's gonna keep her
or send her home.

- How can he give her a rose
over any of us?

I've told matt that
I'm falling in love with him,

and I feel like I've made
that connection with him,

and if heather coming in here
changes that,

then I don't think

that his feelings towards me
were genuine.

If he chooses her over me,

then everything that he said
he's felt for me

has been a lie, and I shouldn't
be with someone like that.

If matt wants her here,
then it's over.

♪ ♪

[uneasy music]

♪ ♪

- hey, bud.
- Hey.

- How you doing?

- It's been...
- You all right?

- Yeah, man. I'm just shook up.

- Yeah.

It's, uh... It's a lot.

♪ ♪

- I don't even know
where to start.

I mean... - Yeah.

She's someone who is obviously
referred by someone you trust.

- Yeah.
- It has to be flattering,

but what is your takeaway
from all this?

What'd you think?

- I've got ten women here
that have invested everything,

and they've sacrificed
so much to be here,

and I've built relationships
with them,

and frankly,
I'm falling for them,

but when someone I respect,
like hannah, who knows me

and has dated my best friend
and knows what I'm looking for,

puts her stamp of approval
on somebody,

that carries a lot of weight
with me...

- Mm-hmm.

- And from everything that
hannah brown had shared to me

with regard to heather,

it sounds like she checked
a lot of those boxes.

- What are you gonna do?

- I don't... I don't know, chris.

[sighs] I just need a second.

- Okay. All right.

Put your thoughts together,
and good luck.

- Thank you.
- All right.

- [breathes deeply]

[tense music]

- how would he be ready
to propose to her

within a matter of a few weeks?

- I literally
couldn't care less,

like, who it is
walking in that door.

You have one week
until hometowns,

so if matt lets her
into this process,

then he doesn't value the time
that I've spent with him

over the past six weeks.

Matt has said multiple times,
"I see my wife in this room,"

so to add, like,
a new woman at this point,

I just don't see him
being able to do that.

♪ ♪

- hey.

- Hello.
- [laughs]

- I just have to trust in matt

that he makes
the right decision,

because I can't keep doing this.

At some point,
it needs to become about

me and my relationship.

♪ ♪

- um,

when I first saw you,
I was in shock

because I know
you frickin' flew...

- [laughs]
- the whole country...

You flew across the country
then rented a van,

and I see you coming.

I'm just processing all this
at this time.

- [laughing] I know. I'm sorry.

- No, it's all good.
- It's a lot to process.

I know.
- No, but for you to do that

is, like, what I've encouraged
everyone here to do,

is be bold,
and follow your heart...

- Yeah.

- And the reason
that I was so blown away

and stoked to see you
was because

my relationship with hannah...
- Yeah.

- And how much her opinion
means to me.

Hannah wouldn't send you here
without knowing

that you could be someone
that I could be with.

- Mm-hmm.
- And...

That's why this is hard for me,


Where we're at,

being this deep
into the process,

I don't know how...
It could work.

[somber music]

I know that's not
what you want to hear.

It's... and it's hard
to... to... to say,

because, again, everything
I've heard about you, and...

- I just, like,
really want you to know, like,

how serious I'm taking this,
and, like,

it's not me just doing this
for any other reason,

like, but to be with you, so...

- If the circumstances
were different,

then it would be another
conversation, but...

- Yeah.

- I'm falling in love
with women who are here,

and I just gotta
follow my heart.

♪ ♪

- obviously, like,
I don't wanna hear that,

and I... [sighs]

like, I'm really bummed

that I couldn't have
been here earlier.

It's like, who's to say
what could happen, you know?

- Right.

Time just isn't on our side
right now...

- Yeah.

- And my heart's pulling me
into that room.

♪ ♪

from everything I've gathered
from hannah,

heather seems incredible,

and I'm honored
that she flew out here

and rented a frickin' minivan
to... to meet me...

Can I walk you out?
- Yes, of course you can.

- But we haven't
spent time together.

You know, we haven't
built those connections

that have fostered
the relationships

that I have with women
who are here.

♪ ♪

- [whispers]
taking her ass home.

♪ ♪

in a relationship,

your words carry
a lot of weight,

and your actions carry
even more weight,

and my words, up to this point,
have been words of affirmation

that I see my wife in that room,

and I stand by that,
and I mean that.

- I don't know. Can you see...

- oh, yeah, they're hugging.
They're hugging.

- I can't see from here.
- Are they kissing?

- No.
- No.

- Maybe,

in an alternate reality
where this isn't the case,

then we're having
this conversation in san diego.

- What's happening?
- I think she's going home.

From what it looks like,
she's going home.

- That's my mans!
- [giggles]

- and your name was... [laughs]

[soft laughter]

- I really hope you find
your person, truly.

- Thank you.

♪ ♪

- mm.



♪ ♪

[car door beeping]

[dramatic music]

[engine starts] - [sighs]

♪ ♪

- [sniffles]

it's just really hard...


and it's really frustrating,

because I'm so serious.

♪ ♪

I just didn't expect that.


♪ ♪

- [sighs]


I wanted to apologize
about that.

I was just as caught off guard
as y'all were about that.

Um, there's not gonna
be anyone joining this journey

that's not on that couch, so...

[light laughter]

- oh, thank god. [laughter]

- can we get it in writing?


- um, my heart's here.

You all give me energy,

and, again, I wanted
to apologize to you all

for taking that time
away from you all tonight.

Pieper, I apologize.

We were in the middle
of a conversation,

and that was extremely rude,
and I'm sorry about that.

- It's okay. Thank you.

- So if we could finish
that conversation, pieper...

- Yes.

[gentle music]

- sorry.

- That was so hot.

- That was honestly... I'm just...

[laughter] I am, like,

more attracted than I've ever
been to him in this whole...

- I know! [laughter]

- like, I genuinely haven't
been this attracted to him yet.

- [laughs]
I'm really happy that matt

made the decision that he made,

and now we can all move on.

[scoffs] no more drama.

- I really am sorry about that.

- Mm, appreciate that.
Thank you.

♪ ♪

- I feel like that was
a glimpse into the future

of how he handles situations,

and I liked it.

Thought it was attractive.

- I'm really scared,
to be honest.

I think I have no idea
where his head's at

and what decision
he's gonna make,

and I think of just
all the sacrifices

and time
that we've all put into it.

Um... I don't know
what that means for me yet.

[glass clinking]

- it is time to go straight
to the rose ceremony.

- This is probably the most
nervous that I've been

going into the rose ceremony,

just because I really
don't know where I stand.

Um... [sighs]

so I'm just hoping for the best.

I'm not ready to go home.

♪ ♪

[crickets chirping]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

it's been a roller coaster
of emotions tonight.

I already
had to send heather home.

I'm not messing around anymore.

I'm here to find a wife,

and I'm taking this process

but it's not getting any easier

to have these rose ceremonies,

because I'm sending home women

that I've formed
connections with.

♪ ♪

- going into this rose ceremony,

michelle and pieper have roses,

and eight women don't.

You can be as confident in
your relationship as possible,

but until you have a rose,

there is always
that anxiety and doubt

that you could be going home.

♪ ♪

- I think matt and I do have
a really great connection,

and I think, you know, we are
really attracted to each other.

If I get a rose tonight,

it just means that he really
could see a future with me,

so this rose definitely
means everything.

♪ ♪

- my biggest fear
is being blindsided.

I just hope that matt knows
exactly how I feel about him.

♪ ♪

- I wanted
to thank you all again

for an incredible night.

I felt like,
with that unexpected surprise,

it was a opportunity for me

to reaffirm how I felt
about you all,

and I just wanna commend
you all on how you handled it,

and it continues
to give me reassurance

that I really do see my wife
in this group,

and that's what's always
in the back of my mind,

when I'm with you all,

is what life looks like
after this,

and it looks promising.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

bri, will you accept this rose?

- Yes.

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

- [sighs] rachael.

♪ ♪

rachael, will you accept
this rose?

- Of course.

♪ ♪

serena p.

♪ ♪

- if I get a rose tonight,
it would mean everything,

because I am falling in love.

I feel like
I know enough about matt

to know that we would actually
be really great together.

- Kit.

♪ ♪

kit, will you accept this rose?

- I'd love to.

Thank you.

- I think my biggest fear,

if I was to go home tonight,
would be that what-if

just because I can see matt
being my future husband.

- Jessenia.

[dramatic music]

- I do not wanna leave here

and not even have had
a full day with him.

I just wanna keep talking to him

and, like,
getting to know him better,

so, like, if I go home tonight,

it's gonna crush me.

♪ ♪

- ladies, matt,
this is the final rose tonight.

When you're ready. - Thank you.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

abigail, will you accept
this rose?

- Of course.

[solemn music]

♪ ♪

- ladies, I'm sorry.

If you did not receive a rose,
take a moment.

Say your goodbyes.

[somber music]

- bye.

- I'll see you.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

[indistinct whispering]

- [whispers]
I think you're amazing.

♪ ♪


Saying goodbye to matt
k*lled me.

It sucks to, like,
get your hopes up.


and I feel like
if I had as much time

or, like, different situation
or different scenarios,

like, then we actually
could hit it off,

but we're not even gonna get
the chance to figure that out.


so that sucks.

- [whispers] bye.

- Bye.

Thank you. - Of course.

- [clears throat]
- [kissing]

- love you!
- Love you!

- Bye. Love you.
- Proud of you.

- I feel, like, rejected.

I'm not the one for matt.

I knew that being vulnerable

means that you're gonna
be, pretty much,

exposing yourself
to getting hurt, and...

[inhales deeply]

eventually, that happened.

[softly] yeah.

- Again, I wanted
to thank you all

for how you continue to handle

everything that's thrown
y'all's way with grace,

but tonight's a night

to celebrate
our continued journey

and to moving forward.

All: Cheers.

[glasses clinking]
[light laughter]

- things are getting serious.

This is, like, the last week
before going to hometowns,

and so I'm happy
that I'm still here,

but matt has a lot of really
difficult decisions to make,

because, at this point in time,

matt has some type of connection

with every woman
who is still here,

and so every person
who he sends home

is going to be someone
who he connected with.

The next few days
are gonna be super stressful.

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

- I don't think any of us

have any idea
where matt's head is at.

- The last thing I wanna do
is lead you on and lie to you.

- I've never felt like this,
and it's really terrifying.

- Tonight is everything.

- I wasn't expecting
our conversation

to go that way tonight.

- Oh, my god.

That could've happened
to any of us.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

- you know,
matt said it himself.

You know, he knows
that his wife is already here.

So yeah, it was definitely
very attractive.

- It was. Ooh.
- [laughing]

- waking up this morning,
I feel recharged,

and now I do feel confident
with my relationship with matt.

- The next one-on-one date

is not guaranteed
to either of us.

- We'll cross that bridge...

I really do like this guy,
and so I just hope that

I finally get
my one-on-one time with matt.

- Good morning.

- Morning, sunshine.
- Good morning.

- Thank you. [laughter]

how's everybody feeling
this morning?

- [sighing] whew.

- Emotionally drained.
- Tired. Yeah.

- Yeah. Last night
was a big turning point,

I think, for matt
and for all of you,

of where this is headed.

I don't have to tell you what's
around the corner this week.


What does that mean to you?

Are you willing
to take that step?

So dates are huge this week.

Time is huge this week,
and you're all gonna get it.

Two one-on-one dates,
and there is a group date,

and there's roses up for grabs
on each date.

♪ ♪

first date card right here.

Big week. Enjoy it.

I'll see you all soon, ladies.

All: Thank you. - Thanks, chris.

- Right now, we have
eight ladies in the house,

and for hometowns,
only four would move forward.

Abigail and I
are the only girls left

without having had one-on-ones,

and I already feel like
matt is definitely someone

that I would be proud
to introduce to my family,

so I'm definitely ready
for a one-on-one now.

[uneasy music]

- serena p.

♪ ♪

"can our love go deeper? Matt."

- I'm, like, shocked right now.

I mean, I think
we all probably assumed

that it would be jessenia
or abi today,

but I am really happy
to have the opportunity

to have that time
with him today.

- It just feels like
a slap in the face

to give serena
a second one-on-one,

and I'm like,
"well, I haven't even had one."

- I guess I will go get ready
for my date today.

- [sighs]

I'm just trying to figure out
where his head's at.

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I am extremely excited
about today.

- Eee!

- It's important to have serena
on the second one-on-one

because I've worked my way
into the friend zone,

and we haven't had
that breakthrough moment,

so today's date
is gonna be very telling

of where our relationship is.

♪ ♪

[clears throat]

♪ ♪

- oh, gosh.
- [laughs]

- should I take off
my coat and shoes?

- Yes.
- Welcome.

Both: Hi. - Hi. Namaste.

- Namaste.

- How's it going?
- It's going well.

I thought that,
as the date card said...

- Mm-hmm.

- We're gonna get deeper
today, and...

- Are we?

- We are gonna be practicing
tantric yoga...

- [laughs]
- and leah

is gonna be leading us
through that experience.

- So tantric yoga is all about
tapping into your energy,

tapping into your chakras.

So the first exercise
we're going to do

to help loosen up

is just throw a little bit
of a tantrum.

Just shake it out,

and while you're shaking,
you're gonna yell, "ahh!"

- ahh!



- Awesome.

So let's take it down
to the mat.

- For me, I'm going headfirst
into this experience.

- And we're gonna
come into boat pose.

- I'm not a yogi.

I don't know
a lot of the positions

that we're doing,
but I am open-minded,

and I'm open to experiencing
this with serena.

- Drop your belly low.


- Damn.
- Right?


- I didn't think
I could still do this.

Whoo-uh! [laughs]

- I just am, like,
so into serena.

I'm just taking in
who she is as a person,

and I know that sounds
super yogi and weird,

but, like, I'm just vibing
right now, you know?

And I left each pose feeling
that much closer to serena.

- Next thing
I'm gonna have you do

is do a plank over him.

- Oh, the [bleep] you're making
me do today, matt.


- she is literally putting us

in sex-based yoga positions.

Matt and I haven't taken that
step in our relationship yet.

I don't like this. - [laughing]

- this is not for me.

Not something I would've chosen
for our date today.

- Take a moment here.

Look into each other's eyes.

Bring your focus
back to your breath.

- [chuckles]

[uneasy music]

matt, I would say,
is more affectionate than I am

when it comes to just, like,
public affection.

- Bring groin together,

legs wrapped around each other.

Take a breath here.
[both inhale]

- I don't know, maybe he feels
bonded by the experience,

but, for me, I just was very
in my head the entire time,

kind of waiting for it
to be over.

- So what'd you think
about the yoga session?

[both laugh]

- I think that, um,

that was a first and last
for me,

when it comes to tantric yoga.
- [laughing]

- I think I will never need
to do that again.

- Why do you say that?

- Did you enjoy it?
- I enjoyed it a lot.

- Did you, really?
- Yeah, I really enjoyed it.

I wanna hear why you...
Why you hated it.

- I don't know.

Like, I'm not
an overly affectionate person.

- Yes.
- Especially, like, in public.

It was just, like,
beyond my comfort zone,

and, like, a lot of my brain
was just, like...

[clicks tongue]
"tried and done."

- [laughing]
- like, not... not something

I'll ever be doing again.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, it just...

It just wasn't for me... - Yeah.

- If I'm being... like,
if I'm being honest, like...

- no, I want you to be honest.

I'll tell you
what I liked about it.

- Yeah, tell me
what you liked about it.

So, like,
this is what I liked about it.

When we were like this...

- Yeah.
- And...

- are you gonna make me
do it again?

- You don't have to do it
again, but, like,

when we were like this...
- Mm-hmm.

- And I was staring at you...
- Yeah.

- And they're like,
"all right, closer, closer,"

like, I've never stood
and stared at someone like this

for as long as I did...
- Mm-hmm.

- And I was just doing it,
and I was like...

I felt naked.

- I can totally understand
where you're coming from

and, you know, that connection

and that extended level
of intimacy, I guess.

Yeah. - [laughs]

- I'm sorry! I'm sorry.

I wanna be like,
"it was amazing."

- no, no.
- "and I loved it."

it just... it was just not...
It was just not for me...

- Good.
- But we can say we tried it.

- I don't need you to tell me
everything is good.

- Mm-hmm.
- Like, when you don't like

something or something
makes you feel uncomfortable,

I want you to tell me.

- I am someone that moves

at, like,
a bit of a slower pace.

Like, I'm not someone
that is, like, quick to lust

or quick to love... - Yeah.

- Or whatever.
- Yeah.

- Um, like, it takes me time.

Like, I like
to get to know someone

and really know them
before I make decisions.

- Don't think that
I... I'm not hearing you,

'cause I... I feel you.
- No, I know.

I get it, and I think
that we can, like,

go through
that experience together

and, like, have different
perspectives on it

and, like, still both be right.
- Yeah.

I felt horrible

serena p. Was a little bit

I felt like we were really
connecting during it.

I like serena a lot,

and I want this to work...

- Cheers to never
doing tantric yoga again.

[both laughing]

- but it does make me wonder

if we're on different

in terms of our relationship,

and it's something
that I wanna explore tonight.

To pushing forward. - Cheers.

- Cheers.
- Thanks.

♪ ♪

[soft music]

♪ ♪

- the group is literally
gonna get cut in half,

and I just don't know
the deciding factors

and what's making him
lean to some people

and not towards others.
- Mm-hmm.

- Abi and I
are the only ladies left

without a one-on-one.

You know, it's the last one
before hometowns.

[knocking at door]

[tense music]


We are all just, like,
on the edge,

trying to see, like,
is it a group date?

Is it a one-on-one date?

If it's a group date,
whoever's name isn't on it

is obviously the one
who's getting the one-on-one.

♪ ♪

- pieper.





♪ ♪


[bright music]

- so I got the one-on-one...

it'll be awesome
'cause all I've had

were frickin' group dates.

- "love will always find a way.

- [breathes deeply]

matt has all these

that I want in a partner,

but I want us to dive deeper,

so this one-on-one
is definitely a gift,

and I'm ready to unwrap it.


[soft music]

♪ ♪

- yeah, it's really good.

- Today was rough.

You try to plan out
the perfect date,

and it doesn't always
work out that way.

It was uncomfortable for serena,

and that really
caught me off guard,

so going into tonight,

we're trying to figure out
if we're compatible.

- Aww, so pretty.

- For me to be this late
into the process,

I've gotta have that spark,
that connection,

where I'm looking
into our future

and I'm seeing you as my wife.

Were you nervous
I was gonna drop you today?

- No.
- Was I a good partner?

- You were okay.
- I was all right?

- Yeah, you were fine.

- I loved how honest
you were today

about how much
you didn't enjoy...

[both laughing]
what we were doing,

because, like...
- I'm a bad liar.

- No, that's a good...
- I couldn't even...

You wouldn't even believe me if
I tried to tell you I liked it.

- But I like that, though,
'cause it's like,

I want you to be honest
with me, you know?

- Mm-hmm.
- And, like,

I want you to feel,
like, empowered

to have and say those things.

You're like,
"yeah, like, I probably

would never do this again."

I'm like, "great." - [laughs]

- like, I'm glad I know that.

So, like, things like that

continue to just draw me to you.

Like, you being authentic, real,

and not telling me
what I want to hear,

but just telling me
actually how you feel.

- Yeah. Yeah, I think that...

my hands are so sweaty.

[both laughing]

I think that, like, for me,

there's no point in not
laying it out on the table.

Like, if I were to lie

and say that
I love tantric yoga,

and you were like, "that's my
favorite thing about you"...

[both laughing]

that would be, like,
a terrible...

Like, a lie
to build a relationship on.

- Right.
- You know what I mean?

Like, I just feel
it's easier to be yourself

than try to be someone else.

- Yeah. You leaned into it.

You were like,
"this isn't something that...

I would normally do,"
and I am happy

that you were comfortable
sharing that with me.

- Yeah, no.

I mean, I left that time

feeling a lot better,

and I felt like I kind of moved
out of that negative headspace,

and so to have,
like, time with you today

to, like,
further our relationship,

I'm grateful for it,

as much as I am not
a tantric yoga professional.

- [laughing]
- um... No.

Like, the time with you,

it's, like,
not about what we're doing

as much as it is just, like,
being with you.

- I like that.

- And you being real
and honest and open with me,

like, that's what
I'm attracted to about you,

because I look for the real
and seek the authentic

through this, and I feel that
and see that with you.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

- I just have no idea

kind of where his headspace
is at right now.

- Yeah.

You kind of just have to, like,

go with your gut
and your instincts

on what you think

is the best decision
for you and your relationship,

especially you.

Like, you got
the first impression rose.

You know that
there is potential there,

but not having a one-on-one
must be really...

Just discouraging at this point.

- Yeah.

[somber music]

- I feel like I've gotten
forms of validation...

Like, the first impression rose,

a group date rose...

And then just not the chance
to explore that potential,

and it's just like,

I don't know what else
I need to be doing.

It's frustrating
when I just have

so much desire
to hang out with him,

and I just feel really defeated
right now.

It's just weird
bringing someone home

when you haven't even had
a normal date...

- Mm-hmm.
- With them.

♪ ♪

- I like you a lot, and...


and going forward,

I would want
your family's approval.

It would be important for me

that I was someone that
they would want in your life.

- You really don't have
any reason to worry,

I don't think; my sister might
grill you a little bit,

but she's a good person.
- [chuckles]

it's scary, because
I have feelings for you

that I didn't think
I'd have at this point,

but I wanted you to be assured
of the way I felt about you,

and potentially
having your family here,

I would just want you
to know that going into it.

- I'm surprised that I am here
and I am falling for you,

and I am wanting you
to meet my family.

I mean, it is bizarre, but...

- [laughs]

- but, like, I'm ready
to have you meet them.

I would want that.

That is a step that I...

I'm excited
to potentially take with you,

and it's important to me.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

- I am very much

looking forward
to meeting your family.

Serena, will you accept
this rose?

- Matt, yes, I will.

[both laughing]

thank you.

♪ ♪

I got a rose tonight,

and this is the most
meaningful rose yet,

because this means that matt

will be meeting my family
next week.

Oh, my god!

I'm so excited
and so stressed out!

I don't know why.

- Moment of truth.
- Ooh.


- Today wasn't easy,

but the fact that we were able
to work through that together

was everything I needed to hear.

[both laughing]

- this is so cool.

I'm, like, very much
enjoying this.

- It's a good feeling when you
leave a long day with someone

wanting more...

♪ ♪

and the more I've gotten
to know about her,

I could 100% see myself
falling in love with serena.

♪ ♪

[tires squealing] - ahh!

[dramatic music]

- I'm gonna get
that rose tonight.

- I feel blindsided.

- I was just completely shocked.

- I feel like I'm struggling.

- That was not what I expected.

- It's like a dagger
to the chest.


[soft music]

♪ ♪

- I'm super stoked
about tonight.

I've chosen to focus
on these group dates,

just to give me
that one-on-one time

I desperately need
with these women.

We're getting very close
to hometowns

and really making
important decisions in my life

and in these women's lives,
and I have to determine

which relationships
are progressing

and what relationships
have kind of plateaued

and then make
some tough decisions.

[bright music]

♪ ♪

- oh, my god, it's so cold.


I'm really nervous

because this isn't
just any date.

This is a conversation

about potentially
meeting your family,

and the woman
that gets that rose

could be the person
who he chooses as his wife,

so tonight is everything.

♪ ♪

- um, I'm looking forward

to having a great night
with you all

and spending more quality time,

so let's make the most of this
last group date together.

- I'll be meeting families
next week,

and that's a big deal for me,

and that's a big deal
for you all,

so tonight, I want you all

to leave everything
out on the table.

So if there's something
that's bothering you,

if there's something
that you'd like to address,

then let's talk about it

We're gonna have
tough conversations

if we're gonna
be in a relationship,

so let's get to it.

Cheers. All: Cheers.

[glass clinks]

- I really want that rose

My feelings for matt
are growing stronger

and becoming more solidified,

but with great love
also can come great sacrifices,

and for an opportunity
to find love with matt,

I did give up a lot,

and I think it's time
that I share that with him.

- What's up?

- A lot. [both laugh]


Um, how are you?
- I'm all right.

Um, it just... every week,
it's gotten realer and realer,

so I'm just trying to make sure
that I'm not missing anything

and I'm making
the right decisions.

- Yeah.

Um, bear with me...

[both laugh]

because there have been things

that I've been wanting
to... to tell you

and talk to you about,

but it didn't feel like
the right time.


You know, a few days ago,

I did something really big.

I had to resign
from my position,

um, to be here.

I knew that was a decision
that I was gonna have to make,


[gentle music]

after weighing what this
journey could mean for me,

to give me that opportunity
to find love with someone...

With you, specifically...

I thought it was worth it.

I knew it was gonna
be a really hard decision.

When I think about my mom
being a single mom,

she had to make
a lot of sacrifices for me

to have a better life
than what she had,

and so my work
wasn't just a job to me.

It felt like a dream.

But being here with you...

Makes it feel
extremely worth it.

- That was...

Thank you for sharing that
with me.

I had no idea.

I can only imagine
how hard that was for you,

and the fact that it means
that you did that

to be here with me
is, like, everything.

[light music]

bri stepped away
from her dream job,

something that her mom
never had,

and the fact that she was
willing to step away from that

to pursue a life with me,
it's huge.

I've heard all I need to hear
from bri.

She's here for me.

♪ ♪

- I really don't know
how he's even

making his decisions, honestly,

'cause I do feel like
he really does see something

in every single one of us.

- What I'm struggling with
is the fact that

I'm the only girl
going into hometowns

that hasn't had a one-on-one.

We are hitting that point
where certain relationships

are moving faster
and are at the next level,

but I feel like I'm struggling

to keep our relationship
moving forward,

and it's just frustrating.

- It's been really hard for me

just because I am
falling in love with you,

and I do want you
to meet my family.

[chuckles] - thank you.

- Yes.

♪ ♪

- it's so weird just, like...

Sit here and, like,
know we feel, like,

this strongly
about the same guy.


the scary part is,
it's just so out of our hands.

♪ ♪

- the first night,

I ended up getting
the first impression rose,

which was
the most amazing feeling,

but we just haven't been able
to see a lot of each other

since then, so I need to know
that we're not stalled,

that we're still moving forward.

- I didn't think that feeling
the way I feel now

was actually possible.

I'm 100% committed to you.

- From the first moment
I met you,

I just wanted to know more
and spend more time with you.

[soft dramatic music]

- I think that everything
that we've been through

is worth it, you know,

if it means, like,
we get to end up with matt,

but there's that potential
we might not end up with matt,

and it's just terrifying.

- I would love to introduce
matt to my family.

I think he's an amazing guy,

and there is something here.

It wasn't just, like,
an initial spark.

So I guess
I'm just getting in my head

and overthinking things,

because matt and I would
be really good together.

This week has been really hard.

- Why do you say that?

- Um...

I think, from the beginning,

all I've wanted is...

Just more time with you.

We've only kind of gotten
little bits here and there,

but I think we've had
really good conversations,

and, I mean,
I've opened up to you...

- Yeah.
- About, you know,

some of my biggest insecurities,

and, you know,

you've kind of shared
your insecurities, as well,

and it... it just made me feel
really good.

I think we want
a lot of the same things.

We kind of share
a really similar perspective...

- Yeah.

- On life, and...

Like, I'm just really excited
about you.

Just... I was kind of thinking
about it the other day of,

you know, when you kind of
have a picture in your head

of, "okay, this is what I want,"

you're like,
"okay, I want to be married,

I want to have a family,"

and I've just kind of started
picturing you in that,

and it's scary because I can see

the possibility
of a future with you.

I just wanna know, like,

can you see that possibility
with me?


Like, I guess
I'd rather know now

instead of...

And I know you can't, like,

obviously, say too much, but...

- Yeah.

You know, from night one,

our first conversation,
I was instantly drawn to you.

You were vulnerable with me,

you're beautiful

and compassionate,

Everything that I'm looking for,

and it was a no-brainer

that I'd give you
the first impression rose,

and I was so comfortable
in our relationship


I explored other relationships,

[tense music]

in exploring those relationships

with other women
and going on those one-on-ones,

I did grow strong feelings
for them...

♪ ♪

and being honest with you
and following my heart,

my heart's pulling me
in another direction.

I apologize.

[solemn music]

the last thing I wanna do
is lead you on and lie to you.

You deserve someone
who's gonna put you first.

♪ ♪

- I... I mean, I really do
appreciate you being honest.

- Again, I apologize.

You want me to walk you out?

♪ ♪

I'm sorry.
I wish I had more time.


♪ ♪

[engine starts]

- [sniffles]

♪ ♪

for me to, like, lay it all out

and then for him
just to come back

and say he doesn't see it, um...

It's just kind of
eating me alive right now.

♪ ♪

I just feel like
I'm just constantly, like,

the person
that makes men realize

what they want next,

but they never want that
with me,

so it's just...

A hard pill
that I'm gonna have to swallow.

♪ ♪

- [grunts]

[clears throat]


♪ ♪

I just walked abigail out.

[tense music]

I wasn't expecting
our conversation

to go that way tonight,

but that's
where the conversation led us,

and, at this point
in the process,

I'm not gonna lead anybody on.

- Oh, my god.

Abigail felt a connection
with matt,

and he sent her home.

It just shows that none of us

really know where his mind's at.

♪ ♪

- can we talk?
- Mm-hmm.

♪ ♪

everyone's always saying, like,

"this is make or break it,"
but, like,

I feel like, this time,
this really is it.

I love matt,

but if he's not
feeling the same,

I might not be here tomorrow.

♪ ♪

[soft music]

- how are you doing?

- I... I don't know.

I wasn't expecting that.

- yeah.

It's like, I'm happy
that I'm sitting here with you,

but, like, that's never
a easy conversation, you know?

It was not easy
saying goodbye to abigail.

I hated doing that,

but I had to be honest with her.

So now I'm gonna continue
to follow my heart

and explore these relationships,

because I've got
some tough decisions

I've gotta make going forward.

Do you think your mom,
if she's here next week,

is gonna grill me?

- I don't see that.

I think that if they saw
how happy I am

and saw how much
I want to be with you

and how much
I see a future with you,

I think that's
all they would care about.


I've never felt like this,
and it's really terrifying...


but it's exciting,
because, you know,

I feel like I've been, like,
searching for, like,

what feels like my whole life
for this.

And now I feel like
I finally found it,

but I don't know
if I'm gonna get it.

The only worry is that

I just don't get you
at the end of this.

That's it for me.

- Where I'm at with you is,

when I'm not around you,
I'm thinking about you,


You just make me smile.

[both laugh] - aww.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

- I am so scared
for matt to meet my family

in the most exciting way

- I think fear and excitement
are very easily confused.

- Yes.

[tense music]

- that's definitely
how I'm feeling right now.

After seeing how abi went home,

I'm really nervous.

In my mind, matt and I
do have a great connection,

and every time I'm around him,
I feel so happy and giddy,

but I really don't know
where I stand,

so I need to find out.

Are we on the same page?


I mean, I've just been,
like, stressing.

This is a very intense process
for me.

Last time we talked,

you said how grateful you are

that I'm the type of person

that's gonna tell you the truth
over what you wanna hear...

- Right.

- So there are things

that I've set
for my life trajectory

that I'm not willing
to compromise on

that you need to know. - Mm-hmm.

- For me, that means, like,
being able to finish school,

being able to travel

and kind of figure out
my career path,

so I want someone

who's going to be my cheerleader

and who's gonna help me
through all of that,

um, and who's gonna
kind of, like,

allow me to grow
in my own right,

but that means getting married

and creating a family together,

will be pushed
a little bit longer

than probably most
of the other women here.

Um, and then I wouldn't want
to have kids

until I'm 25, 26.

- Kay.

- So I'm a long-term

- [chuckles]
- I would say.

Um, but yeah.

I think those are things

that you definitely
need to consider, like,

in terms of the timeline that
you want for your life too.

[both laugh]

that's all. [laughs]

- um, thank you
for sharing that.

- Mm-hmm.
- Um...

Like, I don't have this, like,
five-year growth trajectory...

- Mm-hmm.
- Of where I want to be.

Like, I just want
to be living life

and progressing forward
with the right person,

like yourself,

and I would never
put pressure on you

to do something
that you weren't ready to do.

- Mm-hmm.
- Um...

But I think about
a relationship with you

and what that would look like,
and it excites me.

[light music]

- I laid it out
all on the table.

I was like,
"okay, just reject me now

"so that I don't have to deal

with any of the emotions
that I have,"

and now I'm like, "oh, my god,

"he is really willing
to compromise

and willing to grow together,"

and I was, like,
literally euphoric.

[bright music]

I'm definitely falling in love,

and I think matt
feels the same way.

So I definitely feel confident.

I'm gonna get that rose tonight.

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

- the hardest part
is just never truly knowing

where matt's head is at.

- Nights like these are tough.

- That was not what I expected.

- I'm scared.

- Oh, my god. Who's next?

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- this is it.
- Yeah.

- These are the last
three steps.

It's like, hometowns,
fantasy, engagement.

I really feel the weight of this

because this rose
just isn't another rose saying,

"hey, like, I want to spend
another week with you."

this is like,
"I want to meet your family."

- hey.
- Hey.

[laughter] speak of the devil.

We're just talking about you.

- after our one-on-one, like,
I think it went really well,

and I feel good 'cause I got
the answers I wanted,

so I'm feeling confident

that I'm gonna get
that rose tonight.

♪ ♪

- nights like these are tough,


this is probably the hardest
rose I've had to give out

because of the implications
that come with it,

and that's me meeting
one of your families.

Um... [sighs]

there's only one rose tonight.


[soft suspenseful music]


[gentle music]

will you accept this rose?

- Yes.

♪ ♪

um, I have something planned

for the rest of the evening,

and rachael and I
are gonna head out of here,

but I will see
the rest of you all

at the rose ceremony.

[solemn music]

♪ ♪

- I'm sorry, is my face, like,
tomato red right now?

Because that's how it feels.

♪ ♪

- what are we doing?

- Wouldn't be a surprise
if I told you, though.

- [laughs]

oh, my god.

[stirring piano music]

- [sniffs]

♪ ♪

- I feel like I could

rip my stomach out right now.

- ♪ thought I was good,
I was good on my own ♪

♪ I was all right ♪

♪ ♪

♪ thought I was grown
and the strangers I known ♪

♪ they were all right ♪

♪ ♪

♪ thought that I knew
everything ♪

♪ never wrong, I was all right ♪

♪ ♪

♪ oh, I was good,
I was good on my own ♪

♪ I was all right ♪

♪ oh, I lived a whole life ♪

♪ thinking I knew how my ♪

♪ heart could handle love ♪

♪ a love I thought I knew ♪

♪ everything before us ♪

- I am on top of the world.

I, like, truly could not
be happier right now.

I'm head over heels in love.

Get on one knee right now.

It's a done deal.

- ♪ never understood why ♪

♪ people always say
love chooses you ♪

♪ but now I do ♪

♪ now I do ♪

♪ didn't ever think that I
could ever say I promise you ♪

♪ ♪

♪ but now I do ♪

♪ now I do, now I do ♪

- this feels like a dagger
to the chest.

I was really high
after my conversation,

and now I'm just, like,
beaten down again.

I don't know how much longer
I can go through this.

- ♪ I do ♪

♪ I do ♪

♪ now I do ♪

♪ I do ♪

♪ ♪

- tonight was so special
with rachael.

Overall, I feel good

about where I'm at
with my relationships,

and I'm extremely excited
about hometowns.

I wouldn't say
that I have my mind made up,

by any stretch
of the imagination,

but my head's in the right spot.

I mean,
I've got some great women,

and I know
it's not gonna be easy,

and I'm just gonna
follow my heart,

so very excited
about what's to come.

♪ ♪


- hi.
- Hey.

- I know this is a surprise.

I have to speak to you
before the rest of your night.

- Okay.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- thank you.
- Of course.

♪ ♪

- um, after our one-on-one,

I said that I could see myself
falling in love with you,

and I never thought
I could let my guard down

as much as I have with you, um,

and in such a short time,

and I thought I would have
the clarity I needed

going into hometowns, but...

Hometowns isn't

a "figure it out"
sort of situation.

It's a "rest of your life"
sort of situation,

and you deserve someone
who is...

100% sure of you getting down
on one knee tomorrow,

and that's not me.

♪ ♪

- you mean a lot to me,

and we have gone through
a lot together here,

and it's just hard,
'cause you know that

once you've spent so much time
with somebody,

you can't help
but form feelings for 'em...

- Mm-hmm.

- And the fact that
you're so sure of who you are

and what you want
and what you know

and you don't care about what
other people think about you

is why I'm so attracted to you

and why I've been so excited
to spend time with you

and why I'm happy
when you're around.

I like you a lot,
and I want you here.

- Yeah.

♪ ♪

you saying that makes this
even harder for me,

but I...

Am unwavering in this,

because I know what you deserve,

and I know that it's
the right thing for both of us.

- Yeah.

♪ ♪

- [sniffs]

[dramatic music]

- matt is a very,
very special man,

and whoever ends up
being his wife

is a very lucky person.

Thank you.

He deserves to move forward
with people who know

for sure that
he is their future husband.

♪ ♪

but I still do
have seeds of doubt...

♪ ♪

'cause it's not just
breaking up with someone.

It's, like, breaking up
with someone

that could
be your entire future...

♪ ♪

so I'm scared that I'm making
the wrong decision.

♪ ♪

[birds chirping]

[uneasy music]

- it is just crazy.

I thought that kit and matt
had a strong connection,

and I thought that
she felt really good

after their conversation,

so I was just
completely shocked today.

The women here
are definitely shaken up

by kit leaving.

- I really do respect
abigail and kit

to, like, really
take that step back

and realize
what's on the line here.

- I think this whole past week

has just really
made things feel real

with how many women
have gone home,

and, at this point, I think,

if you're not
falling in love with him...

♪ ♪

why are you here?

♪ ♪

- hi. Thank you.

I am finally going
on my one-on-one...

[laughs] with matt,

um, just before hometowns.

It makes me nervous

that abigail and kit went home,

so, honestly,
anything could happen,

which is why I'm taking this
one-on-one so seriously.

I'm excited to see
where our relationship can go,

and, next week,
he could meet my family,

and I'm excited
for that opportunity.

The date card says,

"our love will take a turn,"

which can sound ominous, but...

I'll do whatever I need to do
to get time with matt.

♪ ♪

what is happening?

[engine roaring]

[upbeat music]

[tires squealing]


[engine revving]

♪ ♪

oh, my god. I'm shaking.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

what the heck?

[engine rumbling]

[laughing] hi.

- What do you think?

- I'm impressed.

So if I need a getaway driver,
I got you?

- I think I got it.
- [laughs]

- not bad, right?
- Hi!

[laughing] oh, my god.

Not what I was expecting at all.

- Today we're gonna
be pushing the limits in this.

- All right.
- But I'd be lying to you

if I said that was me driving.
- Okay.

[laughing] okay!

- That was... [both laughing]

that was...
- You had me convinced, though.

- That was actually
my buddy tony angelo.

- Hi. Hi!

- He's a professional drifter.
- Okay.

- And he's gonna be showing us
how it's done today.

- [gasps] oh, god.

- So, yeah, that was drifting.
- Yeah?

- And, uh, what's cool is

we're gonna show you guys
how to do some drifting today.

- Oh, god!
- First things first.

You guys suit up
with some helmets,

and I'll show you how it goes.
- Okay.

Oh, god. Okay.
- All right, let's do it.

There's a lot on the line today.

- All right.

- I'm a firm believer in

"good things come
to those who wait,"

and jessenia's
been extremely patient.

This is the last one-on-one
before hometowns,

and I've got some ground
to make up...

You look like
you're ready to go.

- [laughs]

- but knowing that I'll have
the whole day with jessenia

and time to work
on our relationship

and get it to the point
we need to get it to

before hometowns is critical.

[engine revving]

what I'm hoping is jessenia
hops in that driver's seat,

takes control of this date,

and is all gas, no brakes.

- [laughs]
- okay?

- Ready?
- Let's go!

[tires squeal]

- ahh!

♪ ♪

- easy, easy.
- Ooh.

Ahh! [engine revving]

I've never drifted before.

I did once, on accident,

but that wasn't a good thing.


Whoop. Okay, there you go.

[laughs] - I'm having a blast.

I am an adrenaline junkie,

and I love to push the limit...

- You wanna give it a try?

- Yes.
- Yeah?

Okay, let's do it.

- And jessenia looks like
someone I can do that with.

- Go, go, go!


[engine revving] [shrieks]


♪ ♪




I'm feeling incredible.

I forgot just how important
it is to me

to be with someone
who's just as playful

or thrill-seeking, like I am.

[tires squealing]



to see that side of him
come out today

was so exciting.


look... look what you did!

- Did I hit something?

- Y... [laughing]

- uh, you guys are both maniacs.

Perfect. [both laughing]

all right.

I think we're done here.

- If this is a glimpse

into what life could be like
with matt,

I couldn't ask
for anything more.

I've always wanted
to try something.

Come here.

Pick me up.

Ahh! [laughing]

okay. - It's on brand.

We're just breaking everything.
- [laughing]

[romantic music]

today really feels like
the first day

of what could be a long future

so I'm really happy.

I'm really, really happy.

♪ ♪

[soft music]

♪ ♪

- hi.

- You look incredible.

- How are you?
- Doing well.

- [laughs]

I woke up this morning
feeling really nervous,

but I feel so good
after our date today,

and going into tonight,
I know it's only gonna become

more special, more intimate.

You know, we have feelings
for each other.

We have a connection.

That feels amazing,
and I think today's date

was definitely a representation
of, like, that...

Those butterflies that you get
in your stomach

when you're falling in love
with someone...

[gasps] ooh.

And that definitely
makes me feel like

we're on the right track
for hometowns.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

[gasps] oh, my god.

This is so pretty.

- [chuckles]
- wow.

I know I'm not the only one
vying for the opportunity,

but I think that tonight
is going to be

everything that I hoped
and dreamed it would be.

Thank you.

I'm really grateful
to be here with matt today.

- I really appreciate
how patient you've been,

not only with this process,
but with me.

I had an amazing day with you.
- Mm-hmm.

- To an incredible dinner.
- Cheers.

[glasses clink] - cheers.

- Today was definitely
a whirlwind,

and I was so happy
to have had that time with you,

and it made me feel really good
that you acknowledged

that I've been patient, so...

- You have been.

- As you know, like,
my journey with love

wasn't always easy,

and to find myself
here in this journey,

um, it's just... it's a leap
of a difference.

- Yeah.
- Um...

As I told you night one, like,
I came here for you,

and I wanna be a rock for you,

and with it being
so close to hometowns,

definitely makes it hit
a little different...

- Yeah, yeah.

- But I feel really happy
about being here.

[uneasy music]

- I'm sitting here, like...

Just, I keep thinking about...

♪ ♪

abigail and kit, you know.

I'm... I just think, like,

matt's gonna start to figure
things out even more now.

I think that's probably
gonna roll into

his night portion with jessenia.

It could be either/or.

Like, they had a great day,

and he does see a future
with jessenia,

or we had a great day,

but I don't see a future
with you,

as amazing as you are.

♪ ♪

- when you think
about hometowns and, like,

me potentially meeting
your mom and dad...

- Yeah.
- What should I expect?

- [laughs]

well, my family, I know that
they've been so anxious

for me to welcome, you know,
someone who's in my life

to our family, and, um,

I know that they would
be happy for me,

seeing me with you,

so definitely expect them
to welcome you with open arms,

'cause they have nothing
but love to give.

♪ ♪

- if jessenia comes home
with a rose tonight, it means,

first and foremost, like,
a lot of confusion for me.

I have not seen
their connection.

- I haven't physically seen
that connection.

Doesn't necessarily mean
that it's not there.

- The hardest part
about this entire thing

is just never truly knowing

where matt's head is at.

- I think that you've done
a great job

showing different sides
of yourself

throughout this process.

It's been amazing seeing that.


Now having this opportunity
to tell you,

I do want you to know that
I am falling in love with you.

- Thank you for sharing that
with me.

- You know,
I think that you're incredible,

and I have no regrets
coming here.

- I like jessenia a lot.

She's strong, caring,

Everything I'm looking for...

[solemn music]

but we're missing
that compatibility.

We're missing the love
that I need to feel

going into that hometown week

that I have with
the other women, and that's...

I really see myself
marrying one of them,

and if I'm being honest
with myself,

jessenia and my relationship
isn't there yet.

♪ ♪

since the first night,

what I enjoy most
is your boldness,

and I love the way
you carry yourself.

What you said in the beginning

about being my rock and being
someone I can confide in,

I've done that,

but with engagement being
the end result of this journey,

there needs to be that
intangible love...

- Mm-hmm.
- And connection

that's driving us
towards an engagement,


I don't think
I'm... I'm there yet.

[somber music]

and knowing that you deserve
unwavering love and respect,

and knowing that I can't
give you that love right now,

I can't give you this rose.

♪ ♪

it's not easy, but...

- I know.

- I owe it to you
to be honest with you.

- And I'm really grateful that
you're being honest with me.

♪ ♪

- can I walk you out?

♪ ♪

- I feel blindsided.

That was not, at all,
what I expected.


♪ ♪

- oh, my gosh, you guys.

♪ ♪

- that's nuts.

- Then there were five.

♪ ♪

- I'm sorry I... I can't
be that man for you,

but you deserve it...

- Thank you.
- And you're gonna find it.

- Thank you.

♪ ♪

[engine starts]

♪ ♪

it hurts to hear matt admit

that he, you know, can't
really be that person for me.

I felt more for him
than he felt for me,

but getting to see his heart
and be vulnerable with him,

I'll always cherish that.

I do deserve love,

and I'm excited
to meet that person.

♪ ♪

I know he's there,
so... Just wait.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- with kit leaving
and jessenia leaving,

abigail gone,

there are only five of us now.

♪ ♪

hometowns are coming up
next week,

and two of us have roses.

Rachael has a rose
and serena p. Has a rose.

Pieper, michelle, and myself,
we do not have roses,

so one of us is going home.

♪ ♪

I'm ready for matt
to meet my family,

and I'm ready for my family
to meet matt,

but I'm scared
to get heartbroken.

I'm scared to be rejected.

I'm scared.

I have no idea
where his head is at.


- I'm a little conflicted.

I've already had to say goodbye
to three women...

- Yeah.
- And knowing

that I'm gonna have to say
goodbye to another one is tough

because I've got real feelings
for these women.

♪ ♪

- not knowing
what matt's thinking right now

is the scariest thing for me
because then it could lead

to the second scariest thing,

which is leaving here

and putting myself out there
and doing all these things

that I was very uncomfortable

I am falling in love with him.

I have expressed that to him
multiple times.

My biggest fear is that matt
doesn't feel the same way.

It's just that simple.

- It's not gonna be easy,
but I know what I have to do.

- Good luck. Head on in.
- Thank you.

♪ ♪

- I'm fully invested in matt.

He's the person

that I want to spend
the rest of my life with.

He's the person that I want
to have a family with.

Getting sent home at this point,

my heart's gonna be broken.

My hands are, like,
starting to sweat,

and my heart's beating fast

'cause I'm starting
to get nervous.

[inhales deeply] ugh.

♪ ♪

- you all look gorgeous tonight.

This week's been
extremely difficult,

and it's not gonna
be any easier tonight.

Knowing that hometowns
are next week,

that's not something
I take lightly

and not something I would ask
one of you all to do that

I couldn't see myself
falling in love with.

I owe it to you all
to be honest with you

and to follow my heart,

and that's what I'ma do tonight.


- [exhales shakily]

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

♪ ♪

- [exhales shakily]

- [sighs]


♪ ♪

bri, will you accept this rose?

[both laugh quietly] - yes.

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- ladies, this
is the final rose tonight.

When you're ready. - Thank you.

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

♪ ♪


[solemn music]

♪ ♪

michelle, will you accept
this rose?

- Yes.

♪ ♪

pieper, I'm sorry.

Take a moment.
Say your goodbyes.

♪ ♪

- [sighs] I'm sorry.

[engine starts]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- [crying]

the fact that I put myself
out there

and it still wasn't...

It was exactly what I thought
it was gonna be.

♪ ♪

I put my weakness
and my happiness on the table,

and for literally nothing.


for a big waste of time.

[emotional music]

this is not me.

I am not someone
who just blindly follows...


feelings and emotions.

Like... [scoffs]

♪ ♪

I really should've
stuck to that,

because... [sniffs]


it's better than feeling like

your entire soul was stomped on.


I should've frickin' known.


- next week on "the bachelor"...

- Hi!
- Oh-ho-ho-ho!

- Today is my hometown date!

Both: Hi.
- This week is everything.

- I'm really looking forward
to matt meeting my family.

It's a really, really big step.

- My family's opinion
means a lot.

- Hi, mom!

- I want them to ask
the hard questions.

It's so important
to get that stamp of approval.

[dramatic music]

- I've never seen rachael
in love,

so I'm not quite sure
what that looks like.

- I have these moments
where it is terrifying.

- Does it seem too fast for you?

- I haven't told him
how I feel about him.

- You have to protect yourself.

- To me, you don't seem smitten.

- [crying]

- do you think you really
get to know somebody

in a matter of weeks?

- Is she really, truly ready?

[buzzer blares]

♪ ♪

- you have to take
that leap of faith.

♪ ♪

- there's gonna be hard times
in a relationship.

- I've had this pit
in my stomach.

- It just feels so soon.

- I could get my heart broken.

♪ ♪

that I was working towards

is starting to crumble.

♪ ♪

- do you know how
to crack backs?

- I do; you want me
to crack your back?

- Yes, please.

- Kay, breathe in.

- If you crack my...
If you crack my sternum...

- I can't straddle
in this dress.


- if you crack my sternum...

- Kay, breathe in.

Breathe out. - [exhales]

[back cracks]

- yes.
- Oh, my god.

- That was it. Thank you.
- Yes!

Michelle is hilarious.

She's just a hoot.

I just get a kick out of her.

- Before I wanna make my toast,

I just do wanna make sure

that I look good for the camera,

so I'm gonna knock out
a few push-ups real quick.


[cheers, laughter]

[upbeat music]

- there you go. Those were good.

- Swole, baby, swole.
- That was a good form.

- To hometowns. [laughter]

- to hometowns. Very important.


very important,
hit the push-ups.

[laughter] - [snorts]


- you just spit that
all over my back, bri.

- Oh, god.
- What did she splatter?


- can we get bri a napkin?

- Why did she... [laughter]