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25x06 - Week 6

Posted: 04/16/24 17:06
by bunniefuu
‐ I have a lady
named Heather Martin

at the front gate.

She's looking to talk
to Mr. Harrison.

‐ Heather Martin?

What the is she doing here?

A shocking new episode
of "The Bachelor"

starts right now.

‐ I'm really torn
about this two‐on‐one

because I just feel like
it could go either way.

‐ I think it's taking
longer than necessary.

‐ Yeah, I'm hoping it's over
and we can go

to the cocktail party now.
‐ Exactly.

‐ So MJ and Jessenia
are on a two‐on‐one right now.

It sounds like MJ was not honest

with Matt the other evening

about her behavior in the house
when the new girls arrived

and some of the comments
she made,

and I'm curious to know
if what MJ did

is gonna sh**t her in the foot.

‐ I think it is MJ's word
versus Jessenia's word,

at this point.

‐ MJ is the last
of the mean girl tribe.

I just hope that Matt can see
MJ for who she really is

and it's a short conversation
and that MJ goes home.

My biggest concern
is how strong of a connection

he probably has with MJ
and how willing he might be

to overlook the situation
and move forward with her.

‐ So from‐‐ ‐ No, Jessenia.

I‐‐you've done enough talking.
I need to talk.

‐ I simply told him the truth.

‐ You put my character
into question,

and you need to stop.
‐ I didn't put my‐‐

your character into question.
‐ You've done enough talking.

Just stop. ‐ Your actions did.

‐ My actions speak louder
than my words.

‐ Now, did I lay them out
on the table for Matt to see?

‐ My actions speak louder
than my words.

‐ Absolutely,
because he asked me.

‐ I lead by example, Jessenia,
so just stop talking.

‐ You're gonna act‐‐
you can act like you think

I'm the only one
who has seen and heard this,

but I'm not, MJ.


‐ But he'll know the truth.
‐ I'm not.

‐ Just stop talking. ‐ He will.

He will. ‐ You've said enough.

Ladies, thank you for coming.

This isn't how I was planning
on spending the evening,

but I'm here to find a wife,

and there's obviously
some tension

in the issue between
the both of you all

that we need to get
to the bottom of.

So, um, Jessenia,
can I talk to you real quick?

‐ Yeah.

‐ At this point, I have nothing
to be worried about.

I know that I've been honest
from the beginning,

and I'm not wrong
for being truthful.

I'm not wrong
for being honest with Matt,

who could potentially
be my husband.

My loyalty lies with him,

and I'm gonna make sure
that he knows that.

MJ, she lied to your face
the other night,

acting like she didn't know

that there was any kind
of toxicity in the house

or bullying or division

when she and Victoria
were on the forefront of that.

‐ For Jessenia to say
that I am a liar

and for her to put
my relationship in jeopardy,

that is so shady.

‐ MJ loves to preach
about leading by example,

but she's the one
who created that division.

She started it.

‐ This is horrible.

I'm trying to, like,
keep it together right now,

because this girl is trying
to tear me apart.

‐ Everything she's done

has come from a place of malice.

‐ That's why
it's a bummer to me.

You know, it's like,

the last thing we should
be doing to each other

is bringing each other down.

‐ Yeah.

She shouldn't have said my name.

I just can't stand her.

She's kind of
such a little bitch.

She's not gonna
get away with this.

I can't do this right now.

‐ I value everything
you stand for,

and I have every intention
of standing by you,

especially if, you know,
we come out of this together.

I'm there for you, 100%.

‐ Thank you.

‐ Okay. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Matt and I,
I know we have a connection.

I know it's there.

I just need my time.

I know what we have
is worth fighting for,

and I'm gonna continue
to fight for it.

Hold on.

I need to fluff my hair.

I forgot who I am for a second.

I had a weak bitch moment,
but I'm back.

I had a moment.

You're allowed to have a moment,

but bring it back.

We back.

My heart is so big,

and I'm trying
to show that to you

every second I get with you,

and the fact that Jessenia said

that I was, like, creating
this divide in the house,

as I'm trying to bring everyone
together, just, like...

I'm mentally and emotionally

and then to have my character
put into question

was like‐‐
that hurt me the most.


‐ That's why it was like...

I had to do a double take

when she initially
said your name,

'cause that's not‐‐that's never
been my relationship with you.

That's never something
that I would expect to hear.

‐ I just continue
to try to show you who I am,

and, like, to know
that, like, a pers‐‐

someone can say
one frickin' thing...

Like, I have had to overcome
so many fears this week,

and, like, right now,
my biggest fear is losing you.

Oh, I hate crying. God.

‐ God, I'm, like, shaking.

I never lied,
and at the end of the day,

I know you need a wife

that preaches
for harmony and peace

and not tearing each other down.

Like, I would never do that.

I don't believe in that.
That's not who I am.

‐ That hasn't been
my experience with you,

and that's why
I love being around you.


Obviously, I have some stuff
I gotta think about now.

‐ Yeah.

‐ So I'll see you
in a little bit.

‐ All right.

I opened up my heart.

That wasn't easy for me.

I've never felt more vulnerable
in my life.

I spoke truth.
I spoke from the heart.

At the end of the day,
that's the best I can do.

Jessenia, I don't know how
you foster a relationship

when you continuously
talk about other people.

That's not what a confident,
strong woman does.

I'm gonna keep
being a bad bitch.

This is not gonna shake me
at all.

This is done.

Jessenia, we talked it out like
adults at the cocktail party,

and I asked you
to stop talking about me.

I thought we talked it out
like adults and squashed it.

‐ MJ, I brought up your name...
‐ That is petty.

‐ Because you started that.

‐ You need to do less,
at this point.

‐ Yeah, based off of this,

I wonder what MJ
Matt got to see tonight.

‐ I don't have anything
that I'm gonna say.

This is who I am.
‐ You know what, Meredith?

You know what, Meredith?
‐ Oh, that's cute.

‐ You preach all the time
about "weak bitch energy."

‐ You are so...
‐ Well, weak b*tches lie.

‐ You know what
a weak bitch does,

is they tear down other people

to make themself look better,
and that's what you did.

You tried to knock me out
by attacking my character‐‐

‐ You knocked yourself out, MJ.
‐ You know what?

You are literally...
‐ You knocked yourself out, MJ.

‐ This is so petty.

You need to literally
check yourself right now.

Check yourself.
‐ I check myself every day.

‐ That is petty.
You continue to be petty.

‐ You‐‐ ‐ Jessenia, I'm done.

Just stop. ‐ You are done.

You are done, MJ.

‐ Cute.

‐ You are done. ‐ Okay.

‐ So I've spoken
to Jessenia and MJ now,

and they both made valid points,

but I've had some time
to reflect on why I'm here.

At this point in the process...

I've formed a relationship
with both of them.

I like MJ a lot.

She's a great woman.

She's a good person.

I love being around her,

and Jessenia hasn't ever
given me any reason

to not trust her.

They're both incredible women,

but I don't see
how I continue this journey

with both of them here.

I'm conflicted.


Our connection is undeniable,

and I felt that since
the first time we spoke.

And I've really enjoyed
all of our moments together,

and that's just being real.


You said from night one
that you wanted someone

to be your rock and that
you were willing to be that,

and I feel that.


I can't give you this rose.

Can I walk you out?

‐ Mm‐hmm. Yeah.

I'm really happy that Matt
made the right choice.

It feels good to be validated...


It didn't have to come to this.

MJ had every opportunity
to own up to it.

But instead, she tried
to cover her tracks

and overcompensate
for what she did.

I'm really proud of Matt,

so to have his support

and to know that he trusts me
feels amazing.

‐ I just can't believe
this happened.

He's still a great guy.

I do want the best for him,

and it's disappointing
that he didn't see it in me.

My heart hurts.

I don't know how she did this.

She sabotaged me.

That sucks,

but Jessenia was petty.

I hope he figures it out.

I think the girls at the house
will be shocked.

‐ I have a feeling
they're both gonna be here.

‐ You're kidding. ‐ You think?

‐ I don't know why.
‐ Someone has to go home.

‐ I thought
we were gonna walk in

to either MJ or Jessenia.

‐ Well, there's no rose
sitting on the table,

and it looks like there might
have been one previously.

‐ I'm gonna go ahead
and assume he gave...

the rose out to one of them.

‐ I mean,
when we first walked in

and saw the empty rose placket,

I still wasn't sure
what happened.

It was like, he could just
be holding onto the rose.

He could've sent them both home.

He could've not given it out
at all.

‐ My heart is, like, beating.

‐ Hey. ‐ Hi.

‐ Hi.

‐ Hey, guys. ‐ Your roomie.

‐ Hi. ‐ Whew.

‐ Hello. ‐ Hey.

‐ I feel good.

‐ So how'd it go? What happened?

‐ I mean, it went well.

If I'm being honest, I mean,

MJ really didn't have
an argument for herself, so...

‐ Did MJ go home, then?

‐ MJ was walked out, yes. ‐

‐ Wow, it must've been hard,

but at the end of the day,
that's‐‐he wants honesty,

and I think that
you gave that to him, so...

‐ Thank you, Kit.

‐ I'm just ready
to get on with the night.

You know, just getting
that time with Matt

is kind of crucial for me

because I haven't been here
as long as you guys.

‐ I just need some
guaranteed time with Matt.

I mean, we're all pretty tired
of the antics

and theatrics of everything,
so looking forward

to just seeing Matt's fine ass
walk through the door.

‐ Hi. ‐ Hi.

‐ Oh. ‐ Hi!

‐ Oh, no.
Not the man I was expecting.

‐ I don't know if I'm happy
or nervous.

‐ Good evening, ladies.

‐ Good evening. ‐ Hi, Chris.

‐ I just talked to Matt,

and while he had an amazing week

and feels so hopeful

and so excited
about what's happening here,

tonight has been exhausting.

There's not gonna
be a cocktail party tonight.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ He said he knows
what he wants to do.

He just wanted to go
straight to the Rose Ceremony.

I know that's upsetting,

but I respect his choice,
and that's what we're gonna do.

I'll see you
at the Rose Ceremony.

‐ Thanks, Chris. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Okay, I'm freaking out.

‐ My worst nightmare.

I'm upset.

I just really wanted
to talk to him tonight.

‐ I am very sorry, ladies,

that this took time
from you guys.

‐ I'm‐‐I'm very disappointed
right now.

‐ I mean, I feel like all
of this could've been avoided

if the whole topic of, like,
bullying and toxicity

wouldn't have been brought up
in the first place

of last Rose Ceremony.

Katie, I'm sorry,
but you did bring it up.

Pretty much every scenario
where there has been drama,

you have been a part of.

‐ Okay, I don't know
where this is coming from,

and I'm sorry
you're, like, upset,

but why you concerned about me?

What's your concern?

What happened tonight
has nothing to do with me,

and yet, you had Serena C.
Coming at me

the second she finds out
that there is

yet another Rose Ceremony...

That's cut short.

What the hell?

Tonight, Matt is sending home

the girls he does not
have a connection with,

and based on her reaction
towards me,

sounds like
she could be one of them.

‐ We have to all
walk into a Rose Ceremony

and cross our fingers
and pray to God

that whatever
conversations we've had

previous to this is enough.

‐ I hope that I get a rose

and I hope that he sees
something in me.

I‐‐I want to be here,

and I hope that I do get
to have that conversation,


I just‐‐I can't.

Like, this cannot
be what's happening.

I don't know if I've ever
been this scared or anxious

in my entire life.

‐ We are anxiously awaiting
Matt to arrive.

Now Jessenia, Rachael,
Abigail, and Kit

have roses
going into the ceremony.

That means three of us
are going home,

so I do feel extremely gutted

that I didn't have time
with him tonight.

‐ I haven't had this much
anxiety and uncertainty

going into any other
Rose Ceremony.

I just wanted
to communicate to him

the extent in which
I have feelings for him,

the fact that I can, like,
see life with him,

but I don't know if he sees
the end of this with me.

I just hate caring this much
and not knowing.

I wanted to apologize

for canceling
the cocktail party tonight.

As this process continues,

it can get emotionally draining
at times.

With that being said,

I am extremely confident
in this process.

If you don't get a rose tonight,

that's just me
following my heart

and looking for love.

Serena P.

Will you accept this rose?

‐ Yes.

‐ I'm just scared

because I really want
to be here,

and I feel like I just don't
know what's gonna happen.

‐ Michelle.

‐ I came here for him,

and I really, truly feel like
it could work...

‐ Michelle, will you accept
this rose?

‐ I will. Thank you.

And I just want that time.

‐ Pieper.

Pieper, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Of course.

‐ I want love, and I'm not
afraid to fall in love.

I deserve it...

And he deserves it.

‐ Bri.

Bri, will you accept this rose?

‐ Yes. Of course.

‐ This rose is a pretty big deal

because I know I'm so deserving,

I know I'm a good person,
but at this point,

I‐‐I haven't had that
one‐on‐one time that I need.

‐ Chelsea.

Chelsea, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Yes.

‐ I feel weak a lot here.

I need to know that

everything I'm going through
is worth it.

‐ Katie.

Katie, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Absolutely.

‐ I can't even fathom
that she got the rose.

I don't think I've ever been
so emotionally frustrated.

It is true.

It gets harder
every single week,

and it puts every second
you've had with Matt

into perspective.

Ladies, Matt,

this is the final rose tonight.

When you're ready.

‐ Serena C.

Will you accept this rose?

‐ Yes.

‐ Ladies, I'm sorry.

If you did not receive a rose,
take a moment.

Say your goodbyes.

‐ All right. Goodbye.

‐ Hey. How are you?

- So nice meeting you.
- ‐ I apologize.

Thank you for being here.

‐ Good luck. ‐ Thank you.

‐ It's tough.

You know, I'm sad,

but he has no idea
the love that I have,

how much love I can give.

My person
is definitely out there,

and I cannot wait to meet him.

Good luck.

I'm so sad right now.

It's just really hard

not to think about
having more time with him

and having
a conversation tonight

and how that could've
changed things.

And I really wanted that chance.

Thank you. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Oh, my God.

I just feel like
it was too late,

and it's not fair.

‐ To love.

To love.

‐ Whoa‐‐oh, my God, oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh,
oh, my gosh, oh, my g‐‐ahh!

‐ It's not fun and games

‐ What the heck?

‐ She's had her time.

Go home.

‐ I'm literally shaking.

What is going on?

‐ Hi, Chris. ‐ Heather?

What are you doing here? ‐

‐ We're already down
to 11 girls.

‐ So five of us here
had a one‐on‐one,

and six have not.

‐ ‐ Oh, my God.

‐ A one‐on‐one is everything,

and if I get this far
without having a one‐on‐one,

it sucks,

and then it just leaves you
with a big what if.

‐ Good morning.

‐ ‐ Good morning, ladies.

‐ Hi! ‐ Morning.

‐ I know last night was a lot.

You guys weren't expecting

the cocktail party
to be canceled

and head right
to the Rose Ceremony,

but on the bright side,
last night,

the reason Matt felt comfortable

going straight
to the Rose Ceremony

was because
he is supremely confident

that his wife is in this room.

But if we jump forward
just a couple of weeks,

we're talking Hometowns.

We're talking overnights.

First date card right here.

I'll see you soon.

‐ Thank you. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Thank you. ‐ Thanks, Chris.

‐ I just want a one‐on‐one

because I just need
to be focused

on the relationship
I have with Matt,

and I don't need the girls.

I don't need
these group dates anymore.

I just need time with him.

‐ Pieper.

‐ "Tonight will be worth
the wait."

‐ ‐ Oh, good.

‐ I'm feeling really excited

and nervous,

and my hands are very sweaty.

‐ Pieper got the one‐on‐one,

and now I'm waiting again
for that time...

And at this point,

it's getting more serious
and kind of scary.

‐ It is early,

so there are more date cards
coming this week.

I'm just, you know, waiting

for the moment that he finds
is right for him and I.

‐ Katie is calculated
and annoying,

and that just lit another
frustration inside of me

with someone like Katie,

who is outspoken

and truly, honestly,
keeps running her mouth

in things that she doesn't
need to say.

Katie? ‐ What's going on?

‐ We should talk.

Time and time again,

it's affecting my time
with Matt.

So I just wanted to express more

about the situation
that was happening yesterday.

I feel like you didn't really
understand what I meant.

I am just super frustrated

of time continuously being
taken away by your antics,

and the reason why
I'm coming to you

is because I don't think that
you are truly here for Matt.

‐ Okay, well, you don't know
what Matt and I talk about,

how we interact together.

You were being very insecure
last night,

and the fact that you're
still sitting here‐‐

I thought you were coming
to apologize, to be honest.

‐ Apologize for what?

I have nothing to apologize.

‐ Okay. ‐ I own what I say,

and I meant every word of it.

‐ The fact that
you are sitting here

still trying to, like,
attack me is pathetic.


If you have a problem
with last night,

take it up with Matt.

‐ There are ten girls here.
‐ I am who I am here.

I am who I am. No.
‐ There are ten girls here.

Their biggest picture here
is to be with Matt.

‐ I am who I am.
I've never been fake,

and Matt likes me
for everything that I am,

so don't speak
on his behalf anymore.

You keep taking up
so much of my energy,

and it's a waste.
‐ Taking up your energy?

‐ Yes. ‐ Your little antics

of all the drama
that you've been in

and been inserting yourself
in every conversation

and other people's business
that's not even your own‐‐

you're lighting all these
little fires everywhere.

You are the freaking arsonist.

‐ Okay. ‐ How is telling Matt

about being a bully
and toxicity and mean girls‐‐

that doesn't help
your relationship at all.

‐ I didn't drop any names
to Matt.

‐ And that's what I'm saying.

‐ I did not drop‐‐
‐ It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter.
‐ It does, because I let

the girls tell
what they wanted to tell.

If everyone thought that‐‐
‐ How does that help...

‐ No, let me talk!
‐ Your relationship with Matt?

‐ It does, because‐‐
‐ It doesn't matter!

‐ Do you hear that?

‐ They're screaming?
‐ They're, like, going at it.

‐ Shut the up. That's them?

‐ With Matt.
How does it do that?

‐ Because I'm not gonna sit here

and let happen in this house!

I'm not gonna sit here and let
mean girls be mean girls

in this house, so guess what?

I told him, yeah, there's some
going on in this house.

‐ ‐ Not my story to tell,

so if the girls‐‐ whoever‐‐

want to tell their story...
‐ That's exactly my same thing.

‐ They're going to tell
their story.

So guess what?
I didn't drop MJ's name.

Guess what?
I didn't drop Anna's name.

I let the girls speak
for themselves.

So don't be mad at me... ‐

‐ That girls' names
were brought up.

There is some high school
happening here.

‐ You're focusing
on other things

besides your relationship
with Matt,

and I'm not the only one.
‐ As I said last night,

thank you for your feedback.

I really don't know
what her purpose was

trying to come at me.

At this point, she's just
making herself look stupid.

You know, if you're here
for Matt, then focus on Matt.

I cannot reason with crazy.

Like, I just don't know
why she's so hung up on me.

I've been nothing
but myself here,

and there's a reason I'm here,

and that's because Matt
wants me here,

so her opinion of me
or how I've done things‐‐

at this point, I just don't
even care about it anymore.

‐ You guys.

I just had the most heated
conversation with Katie.

‐ We heard. What happened?

‐ Well, she stormed off,

'cause she couldn't handle
what I had to say to her,

but all of her little antics

keep taking up
our time with Matt

where we should be progressing
with him.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Like, the way
that she came in hella hot

with her "sex positivity,"

that was her "shock and awe"

She knew certain ‐‐

‐ You don't have to whisper.

It's all good.

‐ I'm just telling them
what you told me, so...

‐ Which is what?

‐ That your main focus
is not to be with Matt.

It's kind of like
an afterthought.

‐ That's what I told you?
‐ That was the gist of it.

‐ Okay, well, I obviously said
nothing like that,

so don't speak
on my behalf, ever,

because you're doing
a bad job at it.

‐ I just don't think that
it's your main priority.

‐ Okay, if you have
that concern, go ahead

and bring it up to Matt.
‐ I‐‐why?

This is why I'm trying to have
a conversation with you.

‐ Why are you bringing it up
to me?

‐ Because I don't wanna have‐‐
‐ Why?

What's the point?
‐ I don't want to waste time

mentioning your name to Matt.

‐ But why do I matter to you
so much?

‐ You're the only one here
who has other intentions

besides trying to get with Matt.

‐ I have no other intentions
except to be here for Matt.

‐ Well, your actions will speak
louder than your words.

‐ Well, his actions
speak louder than words,

because I'm still here, so...

‐ Barely.

‐ Bring it up with Matt
if you're mad

how he decided to handle
last night.

That has nothing to do with me.

‐ You're saying the same things
over and over again,

so I'm done.

‐ Yeah, last night sucked

'cause a lot of ladies
didn't get time with Matt,

but I think that it's important

that we just let it be
and, like, move forward,

and we don't want you screaming
at each other, please.

‐ I'm really not sure

why Serena is so upset
with Katie.

Um, it's really
my and Matt's relationship

that I'm focused on,
and at this point,

it's just, like,
ridiculous to me.

I'm just like, okay,
when does this end?

‐ Hello.

‐ Okay.

‐ I have a lady named Heather
at the front gate.

She's looking to talk
to Mr. Harrison.

‐ Hi, Chris.

‐ Heather?

‐ Hi, Chris.

‐ Heather,
what are you doing here?

‐ Oh, gosh!

Well, Hannah Brown,
she came to my house,

and she just spent some time
with Matt in quarantine,

and, like, the first thing
she says to me

when she landed is, like,

"This guy is, like,
the perfect match for you‐‐"

Hannah, who's, like, one
of my very best girlfriends,

she knows Matt
and loves Matt so much.

Her telling me that‐‐
like, that meant something.


‐ So you're here.

‐ I couldn't let him get engaged

and not meet him
or not try my best.

‐ So we are in quarantine,

and we're pretty far into this.

‐ I know you guys
are almost halfway through,

but I'm like‐‐I don't think
that's gonna stop me.

I truly just want to meet Matt.

‐ I'll be honest.

Not much surprises me anymore. ‐

‐ But didn't see
this one coming, Heather.

‐ I‐‐I honestly didn't either.

‐ Um, I‐‐I wish
I could be the one to say,

"Sure, come on in."

I can't. ‐ Yeah.

‐ But I will take this
up the hill.

‐ Okay.

‐ I need to talk
to a lot of people.

‐ Yes. ‐ Even if we said yes,

it wouldn't even
be close to today.

‐ I know.

‐ So why don't you go back
to your motel...

‐ Okay. Awesome.
‐ And I'll be in touch.

‐ Sounds good.

‐ We'll see what we can do.
‐ All right.

‐ Okay, Heather.
‐ Thank you, Chris!

‐ Bye‐bye.
‐ Good to see you. Bye.

Thank you! Bye.

‐ That is just bizarre.

Just when you think
you've seen it all.

‐ Finally going
on the one‐on‐one.

I'm so excited.

The date card said,

"Pieper, tonight
will be worth the wait,"

and the waiting game was hard.

Thank you. ‐ Yes, ma'am.

‐ I think that this is, like,
a pivotal point

for Matt and I's relationship
'cause I really do care,

and I really do
have feelings for Matt.

It's super thrilling,
but it's also, like,

oh, my goodness,

I hope that I make
a good impression.

Where are we?

‐ Um,

it wouldn't be a surprise
if I told you where we were.

‐ I used to really like

and then I came here.

‐ What's something
you would do in the woods?

‐ In the woods? At night?

Get mauled by a bear.

‐ Well... ‐

‐ That's‐‐ ‐ Surprise!

‐ You know,
I didn't want to tell you,

but you did guess it.

No, I'm just kidding. ‐

‐ All right.

Before we get out...

Gonna need this
'cause where we're going

is very dark. ‐ Okay.

‐ I'ma come around
and open up your door.

‐ Okay.

‐ Trust me?

‐ I think so.

‐ It could
be literally anything,

so part of my nervousness
is, like,

not knowing what
I'm about to walk into.

‐ Watch out for, like,
the snakes and stuff.

‐ Got it. Okay.

Thanks for warning me. ‐

‐ Into the forest.

The fact
that I can't see anything

is also making me nervous.

‐ Okay.

So I'm gonna ask you
to flip that switch...

‐ Okay. ‐ To "on."

‐ Okay.

‐ You ready? ‐ I'm ready.

‐ All right.

‐ The anticipation...

‐ Oh, my gosh!

‐ This is amazing!

‐ I have had my eye on Pieper

since the first night
she got here.

She's been patient
throughout this process,

and I knew I wanted to do
something unique and special.

‐ Oh, my God!

‐ We got our own little
carnival for you.

‐ There's so many things to do!

Growing up, going to the fair

was something
I looked forward to

365 days out of the year.

That feeling I got when
I walked through the gates

and I saw all the lights‐‐

it was magical, you know?

And I'm hoping

that Pieper feels that tonight.

We're here, and we've got it
all to ourselves.

Me, Pieper,
and this enchanted carnival.

So we've got the Roundup...
‐ Okay.

‐ We got the "break the plate."

Baseball. ‐ Oh, my gosh.

This one was my favorite.

‐ This was your favorite? ‐ Yes.

‐ I think I wanna challenge you
to your favorite game.

Well, let's do it. ‐ Yes. Okay.

‐ Oh, what?


‐ Nope, nope, nope, nope.

No! ‐

‐ Ha‐ha!

‐ Okay.

‐ But I'm not competitive,
like, at all.

‐ Yeah, I don't‐‐
I don't feel‐‐yeah.

‐ Like, my‐‐I just‐‐yeah.

‐ All right.
Which one are we grabbing here?

‐ I want that, um...

‐ Big monkey? ‐ Dragon thing.

‐ Ooh! I like that.

That's the cool thing about
having our own carnival.

‐ Yeah.

‐ We get the prizes
that we want.

‐ Aww!

‐ This whole experience‐‐

the carnival, this one‐on‐one‐‐

it's been worth the wait,
you know?

If I hit the bell, I get a kiss.

‐ Whoo!

‐ Me and Pieper already have
our relationship, you know?

We already have common ground.

We're really trying to explore

what life could look like
with each other,

and one of the things
that you explore

when you're looking
to live life with someone

is, can you have fun with them?

And I'm having a blast
with Pieper.

‐ Whoa‐‐oh, my God, oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh,
oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh!

‐ This felt so special.

Like, it felt like something,
like, honestly,

just out of a movie, I think.

To be able to just, like,
run through

and do it all and just
enjoy it and joke and flirt

and just be fun is, ugh,
such an amazing feeling.

It just makes me happy.

I was really worried
when you were walking me

through the forest. ‐

‐ But I think that going
on group date after group date

and making a good connection
in that setting

makes this even that much
more worth it.

‐ Yeah. I agree.

‐ I don't know if I thought
that I could fall in love

when I first came here,
but getting to know him

is showing that falling in love
is possible here.

‐ Date card!

Whoever's not on the date card
is gonna be the one

getting the one‐on‐one. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Like, I do not want to go
on another group date tomorrow.

I really want and need
to move forward

and have the extra time
with Matt for a one‐on‐one.

I know that time
is the most crucial,

but it's like, every week,

you think you're
gonna see him for more time

'cause there's less girls,

and every week,
something else comes up.

I just want that one‐on‐one.

I don't want to hear my name
on this card.

‐ Bri.





Serena P.



‐ It's either me or Serena C.
That's about to be called,

and if she says Serena's name,
I'm not on the group date,

and I'll get
the one‐on‐one date.

I'm holding my breath, hoping,

please don't call my name,
please don't call my name.

‐ Serena C.

‐ "This lane leads to love.

‐ All right. ‐ Whew.

‐ I'm excited. ‐ Oh, my.

‐ Katie, how do you feel?

‐ I mean, obviously,
I'm very happy.

I can't wait to explore
our relationship further

without drama

and just have it
be about him and I.

‐ I mean, my biggest worry
is never getting a one‐on‐one.

Just gotta focus on what's next

and right in front of me,

which is tomorrow.

I hope that Katie
goes on her one‐on‐one

and Matt realizes
that she is not the one for him

and that they
are not compatible at all

and that it is so weird that
she has stayed here so long

and that he
will ultimately decide

that they're not meant
to be together

and send her ass home.

‐ I was on Colton's season,

and I'm here to see if Matt
could be my husband,

so I talked to Chris Harrison,

and I have officially made it
to Nemacolin.

I am here.

I'm quarantining,

and I am hoping and I'm praying

that I can get through this.

I‐‐I did one COVID test so far.

I‐‐or one COVID test,

and I'm COVID‐free
according to that test.

I had one today, and hopefully,

in a day or so or a couple days,

I can meet Matt.


‐ Seriously. ‐ Yeah.

This date has been amazing,

and I'm really trying
to be positive right now,

but I'm feeling
really stressed out.

I don't want to ruin the good
thing that we have going,

but I also feel like the things
that I have to tell him

and how I'm actually feeling

is obviously very important
to our relationship.

To be able to open up

and communicate, like,
my feelings,

it's very foreign to me.

I am hopeful
for our conversation tonight,

but that doesn't make me
any less nervous about it.

So we'll see what happens.

Yeah, no.

Today was‐‐it was really fun.

And I'm glad that we got
to spend that time together

without, you know,
distractions of...

‐ Interruptions. Yep.
‐ Anything else.

‐ No, I know.

‐ This last‐‐I mean, last week
was really hard for me

just emotionally,
and I'm not used to

having to reflect
on my feelings so much.

For me, I've always seen, like,

talking about my feelings
and feeling my feelings

as, like, a weakness,

and that definitely
has to do with, like,

my upbringing and my family,
and I just think

that it's something
that isn't necessarily...

conducive to being my full self,

especially in a relationship.

If you're not gonna confront
your feelings,

that's not healthy.

‐ How would you say
that your parents‐‐

like, your mom and your dad‐‐
express emotions?

‐ The culture in my family
overall is we‐‐

we don't really say love.

We don't, like,
communicate love.

It's all through actions,
and that's really hard

because I want that,

but it's just, like,
not how we operate as a family.


and I wish that that wasn't
how I was brought up,

but it also made me, like,
a tougher person.

I just know that, like,

I need more
than just, like, actions.

Like, I need the words.

Sometimes I want my mom
to just call me and be like,

"I'm really proud of you.
You're doing a great job,"

but I know that
that's not really her style,

and I know that that's, like,
never gonna happen,

but it‐‐it hurts,

and I just wish that I could...

feel that way, too,

um, and I think that's, like,
why it's so hard for me

to let people in.

‐ Well, we can work on that

‐ We can work on that together,

because it's something
that I've struggled with.

I can't speak for you,
but for me,

it's been liberating
to put my feelings

and who I am out on the table
so that when we leave here,

you know who I am
and what you're getting.

I'm challenging you to continue
to be open with me and‐‐

and really tap into
why you feel the way you do

about certain things
so that I can be there for you.

‐ I know that I do more
of the showing love

through, like, little actions,

but I want to be able to do
more of the saying part of love

'cause I know that if I want it,

other people want it too.

I just know
that I'm not good at it.

So, you know,
be patient with me.

‐ I will be. ‐ Um...


I don't want to be...

afraid of how I feel anymore.

I don't want to be afraid
of expressing feelings anymore

because I wouldn't want

to bring that
into our relationship.

So, um,

you know,

Matt, I am falling in love
with you,

and that is the scariest thing
in the world to say

because I have always seen that
as, like,

you know, giving up
a part of myself, but, um,

while it's super‐‐
it makes me super fearful,

it also makes me really excited.

‐ Well, I want you to trust me

with your feelings
and your heart,

and I will continue to be open

with my emotions and feelings
as well.

‐ I appreciate that.

I wanna be that person
continuing to show you

that this can work with us,

and I'm looking forward
to spending more time with you.

‐ Looking forward to it too.
‐ So, Pieper,

will you accept this rose?

‐ Of course.

I am feeling very happy
and very excited.

‐ I don't want this night
to end...

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And I had one more surprise
for you.

Do you wanna go? ‐ I do.

‐ All right, let's do it.

‐ Oh, my gosh!

‐ I just wanna relive today
over and over and over again

because it just
was such a good day.

I do see a future with Matt,

and that's really hopeful
and exciting to me.

‐ I couldn't have drawn up
a better ending to a night.

We have a private performance
by Temecula Road.

Just have Pieper in my arms.

I'm just looking at Pieper.
Pieper's looking at me.

Everything just feels right.

‐ So it is day two
in quarantine,

and I just really wanna
get out there and meet Matt.


Fresh pizza.

Just about to eat this.


Look at that.

If that's not impressive...

Oh, ooh, ooh.

I don't‐‐if that's
not impressive,

I don't know what is.


‐ Oh, my God!
Is he wearing a bowling shirt?

‐ Hey.
‐ He's wearing a bowling shirt.

‐ Ah!

‐ I'm super excited to see Matt.

Hometowns are coming up soon,

and, you know, I can't control

whether I get a one‐on‐one date,

but I can control, you know,

what we spend our time
talking about,

so hopefully I can get
some time with him today.

‐ I've got a very fun date
planned for you all.

I don't wanna give it away.

What do y'all say
we head over there?

Yes. ‐ Let's do it.

‐ Matt and I had
such a good spark

right away on the first night,

and so I think we have
really great potential,

but I need time.

‐ And we have pitchers of beer.

‐ And there's wings!
‐ We got our shoes.

We got wings. ‐ We have wings.

‐ We got pizza. We got nachos.

‐ Oh, my God.
I love this date already.

‐ This is an ideal date
for me, you know?

I'm not looking
for the world's best bowler.

I'm just looking for someone
who can have a good time

and someone who's fearless,

someone who's gonna pursue
what they want wholeheartedly,

and if they can
enjoy theirselves bowling

on a rainy day,

a little bit
out of their element,

that's what
I'm looking for in a woman.

‐ I'm so bad!

‐ Oh! ‐

‐ This is, like, probably
my favorite group date

that I've been on.

Everyone seems to be having
a great time,

even myself, who's clearly
the worst bowler here.

‐ Rachael. ‐ Uh‐oh.

‐ No, no, no! ‐ Oh!

‐ No, no! I knew it, I knew it.
‐ So good.

So good. Oh, hi, everybody.

‐ Oh, hi. ‐ Hey!

‐ How's it going?

‐ What's the twist?

‐ I know you're enjoying
a nice, leisurely day inside,

bowling and having a good time,

but I think we need
a little competition,

so here's what we're gonna do.

I'm gonna break you up
into two teams.

‐. ‐ Winning team will enjoy

an amazing, romantic
evening with Matt,

rose on the line.

Unfortunately, losing team,

long walk home in the rain.

‐ I expected
some sort of a twist,

but I didn't expect it
to be a competition‐‐

only half of us
to go to the after‐party

because there's only
nine of us today.

I'm now in the minority
of people

that haven't had a one‐on‐one,

so now it's serious.

The time on the line
is just like‐‐

puts a whole added pressure,

and I need this time.

‐ Good luck,
let's keep it a clean game,

and may the best team win.

‐ All right. ‐ Okay.

‐ All right, y'all are up.
Let's see it.

‐ It's.

I have been on the losing team.

I've had to walk home,
so we are not losing this.

We're gonna win.

There's no‐‐there's no way
I'm gonna lose twice.

Ready? ‐ Let's go, Abi.

Yes, Abigail!

‐ Whoo!

‐ You got it, Serena.

‐ Ah! ‐

‐ Oh,.

The pink team came out firing.

‐ Yes! ‐ Ooh!

‐ I want to win so bad.

Being in a competition, like,
this is where I blossom.

‐ Yes! ‐ Yeah!

‐ It's just so weird,
'cause, like,

we were all
on a even playing field

then all of a sudden,
the pink team

just came out of nowhere.

And we were like
"Bad News Bears."

‐ Yes! ‐ So loud.

‐ Miracles have happened,

and blue team's gonna need
a miracle to pull this one off.

Blue team was down big
in the beginning,

and they battled back.

‐ Yes, Rachael!

‐ It literally came down
to the last few frames.

Pink Petals, Blue Bombshells,

this is the final round.

Good luck.

‐ Yes. ‐ Michelle!

‐ Abigail, I love you,
but gutter.

‐ Yes, Abigail!

‐ I feel really good.
My team won.

There's four girls
at this after‐party,

and I'm pretty sure
that we'll all get

a good amount of time with
Matt, so I'm really excited.

‐ Ladies, everybody
left it out on the lanes today.

Blue team, you fought hard,

but Pink Petals,
you are the champions.

You are going
to the after‐party with Matt.

Blue Bombshells,
it's time to say your goodbyes.

You'll be going home tonight.

Ladies, get up here.
Get your trophy!


It's all you.


‐ We‐‐we don't get champagne?

Pink Petals!


‐ Y'all did great today.

‐ My team is going home,

and with the pressure
of Hometowns

being in a few weeks,

it's frustrating
when you have that potential

and then you can't explore it.

Like, you just have
to wait and wait.

I‐‐I‐‐I don't know.

It's just,
I'm not getting any time.

It's not even
a little bit of time.

I'm just not getting any time.

‐ All right, y'all.

‐ This is a joke. We're going.

‐ I don't think so.

‐ Matt, what do you want
in a wife?

A‐‐a bowler?

‐ You know, ultimately,

I don't make
all the right decisions,

and it's unfortunate,

because I want to spend time
with all the women here.

I feel for the blue team,
you know?

I‐‐I understand how important
these after‐parties are

and time spent with me is,

and, you know, they're not
gonna get that tonight.

‐ I'm so sick of losing
these stupid games.

‐ There was a lot
on the line tonight,

especially not getting
the one‐on‐one,

so it just sucks.

‐ I mean, even that rose, like,
is up for grabs for them now

and we don't even
get that chance.

No time with Matt tonight.

It's just the most
frustrating thing.

Like, how are we supposed
to form this relationship

with him if we don't even
get a chance to talk to him?

Just doesn't make sense
this far into the process.

‐ I'm excited.

After seeing everyone come back
from their one‐on‐ones,

I think the nerves
will be old news,

and I'll come back

just, hopefully,
a new woman or something.

I don't know. ‐ Yeah.

‐ ‐ I feel like a new woman.

Oh, my God.

‐ Well, here we are.
‐ What happened?

‐ So it was bowling,
I'm assuming,

by your lovely wardrobe.

‐ A bowling match.

‐ I'm not even upset yet.
Like, I'm just angry.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Yeah, it's ridiculous,

'cause it's like,
we don't get that potential

to, like,
further our relationship.

‐ Yeah. What the heck?

‐ Look at this. ‐

‐ That was incredible.

I don't know where those games
came from...

But it's less about looking

for the world's best bowler.

‐ Dang it!

‐ And it's more about
how you all continue

to challenge yourselves
and have fun with it,

because that's what it's about.

‐ I'm really excited
about tonight.

I am just happy
to be at this cocktail party.

There's only four of us,
so I'm gonna get more time.

I can talk about, like,
more things,

and I can not be as stressed
about someone interrupting me.

‐ To being
in the winner's circle.

‐ Ooh! ‐ Ooh.

‐ You know, I'm just excited
to see him

and have time with him.

Hopefully I'll get that rose.

‐ It sucks getting
that First Impression Rose,

seeing that potential,

and then, week after week,

you know, just... waiting.

It's just like...

How am I supposed
to take this seriously

when I can't even get time?

‐ Hello, ladies.

‐ ‐ Oh.

‐ Oh.

‐ I don't often come and deliver

a personal date card.

Uh, this one's
a little different.

You wanna read it? ‐ Yeah.

"Abigail, Serena C.,
Kit, Bri, and Rachael,

"I feel terrible about today.

I need time with you. Please‐‐"

Oh, my God.

All those tears for nothing!

‐ Oh, my God!

‐ Yay!

‐ Hi. ‐ Hi.

‐ I loved everything I saw
from you today,

the competitor in you.

‐ But...

no, I appreciate you
saying that.

I don't know.
I love being around you.

Love being in the same room
with you.

I've said it before,
and I'll say it again.

You really do have
a lot of the qualities

that I'm looking for. ‐

‐ For, like, you almost
to be my comfort zone

when I have not known you
that long...

‐ Is really standing out to me.

‐ I will continue to be that.

‐ I'm really happy.

I just feel like
every time we talk,

our relationship
kind of moves forward.

Like, it feels like
I'm with, like,

the right person right now.

‐ I'm glad there's
only four of us for the‐‐

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ And there's a rose.

‐ One in nine to one in four.

Like, we each have a 25% chance
of getting that rose tonight,

which is exponentially higher,
and less people

on this group date
just means more time with Matt.

‐ Yeah.

‐ Hey!

‐ Sorry to crash the party.

‐ No, you're not.

‐ What the hell?

‐ Hey. ‐ Ooh.

‐ Hi.


‐ What up?

I'ma slide in between
Chelsea and Kit.

‐ Ooh. ‐ Ladies, welcome.

I actually knew
that this group was coming.

‐ ‐ Shady, shady.

‐ I apologize, but this process
is too important

to not get time with everybody.

Everyone should be here.
‐ Well, thanks.

‐ Thanks for having us.

‐ We think so too.

‐ Uh, Jessenia,
you wanna head downstairs?

‐ Yeah.

‐ Whoever does get
that rose tonight

knows that,
out of all of the women here,

they were the one
whose conversation

was valued the most,

so it probably means more

‐ Yeah.

I'm bummed to see the other
girls come in tonight

just because I was like,
okay, like, I earned this.

Like, this is the one thing
that's going right for me.

‐ Well, I feel really good
about today.

It was way too much fun.

‐ Like, yesterday
was really hard.

This past week has been hard.

Like, all the weeks are hard.
I don't get to see him a lot.

‐ It's scary just
'cause these next few weeks

are gonna get deeper and deeper.

‐ I am frustrated.

It's been, like,
a rough couple of weeks,

and that I was really hoping
for a one‐on‐one this week,

and then it didn't happen.

Now it's dwindling down,
and we have less time,

and it's like people
are just getting ahead of me,

getting more time,
getting ahead of me.

People are having one‐on‐ones.

‐ Um, I am falling for you.

I just thought I'd let you know.

‐ I really want
more time with him

because I do,
like, really like him,

and I'm trying to be patient,

and, like, I don't want him
to give up on me.

‐ How we doing? ‐ Good.

It's been, like,
a hard couple of weeks.

I'm not gonna lie. ‐ Talk to me.

‐ I don't know.
I'm just, like, frustrated.

I'm trying to be patient

and, like, wait for more time,

and, like... ‐ Yeah.

‐ I just don't want you
to give up on me,

because I‐‐I know I have,
like, some walls up

and, like, some guards up,
but I'm like‐‐

just hold on a little longer,

‐ I am holding on. ‐ Okay.

I know it's hard

when you see other people
on the one‐on‐ones

and stuff like that,
but if you're here,

it's because I could
see myself with you.

‐ Matt is amazing.

He always makes you
feel special,

and I feel a lot better
about where we stand.

‐ It would be amazing
to get that rose.

I would love to have
that validation,

just knowing that he's still
in this with me.

I really enjoyed
all my conversations tonight.

The winning team, thank you all

for being generous
with your time tonight.

‐ ‐

Serena P.,

I always enjoy our conversations

and our values that we share.

Chelsea, I appreciate
how you continue to open up.

Thank you for sharing

Michelle, I appreciate
how at ease you make me feel

when I'm around you.

Michelle, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Yes, I will.

Thank you.

‐ I am kind of surprised

and obviously disappointed also.

Like, I'm disappointed
every time I don't get a rose.

I don't know,
I thought he was gonna give it

to somebody else,
maybe who, like,

hadn't had a one‐on‐one

and, like, needed
some validation or whatever.

‐ I'm gonna head out,

but I will see you all
at the cocktail party.

‐ It's scary
to not get that rose

because it basically
means, like,

you're on the chopping block.

It's just, like, one less rose.

It sucks.

I'm here to fall in love
and to become engaged.

‐ There's someone coming.

‐ Heather? ‐

‐ What the?

‐ What is going on?

‐ She's had her time. Go home.

‐ If she gets a rose tonight,
I'll be rageful.

‐ So quarantine makes you go
a little crazy.

Oh, my gosh.

I just realized I am Rapunzel.

I'm just gonna let down my hair.

Matt can just‐‐
he can just climb on up.


Um, you know...

Just going a little‐‐just going
a little crazy over here.

Think I might need some‐‐

might need some human
interaction pretty soon.

‐ Today I have a date
with Katie,

but first, I am very excited

to meet one of my best friends

and someone who knows me
better than anyone.

‐ Matt! What's up, my man?

‐ Look at you.
‐ What's good, fool?

‐ Good, brother.

‐ This couldn't have been
a better time

for Tyler to show up.

What better person to consult

than someone who's been
through this process?

‐ Most importantly, you happy?
Having fun?

‐ I am. I'm having a good time.

And this week's
over the halfway point,

and I felt the conversations
with these women‐‐

it's less of, like,
an exploratory phase with them,

and it's more so like...

You being able to see
a life with me

and me being able
to see a life with you.

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ And, um...

and I'm about to head on

my first one‐on‐one date
with Katie today.

Katie's the one who had the‐‐
the cactus‐sized vibrator

when she got out
of the‐‐the limo,

but she was‐‐like,
that's less of the story.

It's more that, like,
she's owned who she is.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Like‐‐like,

she is unapologetically herself,

and that's what I like
about her.

I haven't spent
a lot of time with Katie,

and I'd like to get more time
with her

just to kind of see
what she's about.

‐ Yeah, I think,
like, some relationships

are gonna start later for you.

Like, my relationship
on the show

was, like, a slower‐burning one.

It started really late‐‐like,
started catching fire late,

whereas, like,
there's maybe some girl

that comes out of nowhere

that you start building
this different connection with.

You're like, "Oh, you know,
what is that?"

So I, like‐‐stay open,

and, like, stay, like,
into these conversations.

Just be you, because, like,

people are‐‐that's‐‐
that's why we all love you.

That's why you're here. ‐ Yeah.

‐ I'd rather you
give it your all

and put everything out there

and then you can
walk away from this

not having any regrets,
you know?

‐ Yeah.

‐ Do you see yourself
getting down on a knee

at the end of this thing?

‐ I do. ‐ Do you?

‐ Yeah. ‐ Wow.

‐ Yeah.
‐ I'm excited for you, man.

This is‐‐ ‐ Thank you.

‐ My boy is all boo'd up. ‐

I know.

I wish I could have
a conversation with Tyler

before every date,

and it's got me
in the right headspace.

‐ Go get on with your date.
‐ Appreciate you, bro.

‐ Good seeing you today.
‐ Thanks for coming.

Good to see you too.

I've seen this process work
for Tyler,

and I think that's why Tyler
was so excited for me

to have this experience,

and I'm excited to spend
the afternoon with Katie.

‐ Hi! ‐ Hi.

‐ How are you?

‐ Mm. ‐ Oh, my gosh.

It's been a hot minute.

‐ Good to see you.

‐ You too.

‐ Are you excited?
‐ Oh, my gosh.

‐ Do you know where we're at?

‐ I mean,
this looks like the spa.

‐ This is a spa... ‐

‐ And I thought that
it was only appropriate

that we spend the day here.
‐ Wow.

‐ But I wanna‐‐I wanna
let you in on a little secret.

‐ Oh, God. What's that?

‐ One of my best friends
happens to be here today.

‐ Okay. ‐ Uh, Tyler C.

He was on Hannah Brown's season.

‐ Okay. ‐ I live with him.

He's my roommate,

and he thinks that he's here

for what he thinks is gonna
be a nice, hour‐long massage,

but little does he know

me and you
are gonna be in the ear

of the actor who we hired...
‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Who is his masseuse today...
‐ Yes.

‐ And we are gonna
be ruining his massage.

‐ Oh, I love that.

Love it. I'm excited.

‐ Can I walk you through it?

‐ Yes, yes. ‐ All right, so...

I'm a very adventurous person,

and from what I've gathered

through conversations
with Katie,

it sounds like she is, too,
so I think that

I couldn't have picked
a better person

for today's date.

We've got one right here.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ That's right.

The whole room
is filled with cameras.

TC, it ain't your day, buddy.

Everything you thought
was involved in a massage

is going out the window
because, today,

Katie's in charge.

I'm in the copilot seat,

and we're gonna ruin his day.

‐ Guys, we see him.
He's on camera.

He's in a bright red sweatshirt.

‐ All right, here he comes.
Here he comes.

‐ I'm gonna
be your masseuse today.

‐ All right. ‐ Rosario.

Nice to meet you.

‐ Oh, my‐‐my heart's,
like, racing...

‐ I know, I know.
‐ For some reason.

‐ Ready? ‐ All right.

‐ All right, come on in.
‐ Let's do it.

‐ You can hang your robe here
when you're ready.

I'll step out for a second,
and then get under the sheets.

‐ Look at him.

‐ We'll start with you
lying on your back first.

‐ ‐ Checking himself out.

Totally checked himself out.

‐ Make her do, like,
a thumbs‐up or something.

‐ If you can hear us,
give us a thumbs‐up.

‐ Ask him why he's here.

‐ So what brings you
to Farmington?

‐ Uh, my best friend,
he's the Bachelor.

‐ Oh, really? ‐ Yeah.

‐ Wow. ‐ Yeah.

‐ And, Melissa, can you start

to work your way to his nipples?

Yeah, there you go. ‐

Twist his nipples
occasionally too.

Pinch 'em.

I'm so...

‐ Katie's the perfect date.

She's hilarious.

‐ Use the rolling device
on his back,

really hard.

‐ As hard as you can go.

Literally try
to break his bones.

‐ Some friend. ‐

Giving these hilarious commands.

"Mount him. Roll his back out.

"Get onto his head.
Use the roller on his head.

Push his head into the donut."

Like, I was dying.

Oh, my God.

Katie's someone that I could
have fun with doing anything.

‐ I'm calling you right now.
‐ We're calling her right now.

‐ Oh, God.

I'm so sorry.
I have to get this. Sorry.

Hello? ‐ Hey, girl. What's up?

‐ You are never

going to believe
who I'm massaging right now.

‐ Who?

‐ Tyler C. from Hannah's
"Bachelor" season.

‐ No freakin' way!

‐ Oh, my God. I...

He's even hotter in person.

That was her own.

‐ I'm a big prankster,
I like to have a good time,

and it was nice for me to share
that side of myself with Katie.

‐ Turn.

‐ Having Katie right beside me

just torturing my best friend
was incredible.

This is Katie, by the way. ‐ Hi.

Nice to meet you.
‐ Katie? How are you?

Nice to meet you. ‐

‐ Interesting way to meet you,

‐ Yeah. ‐

Katie continues to blow me away,

and I want this to work
with Katie.

She's incredible,

but I need to see

what the romance side
looks like with Katie.

Tonight's a big night
for Katie and my relationship.

‐ You look great.

‐ You look so good.

‐ ‐ Hi.

‐ How you doing? ‐ Good.

How are you? ‐ Doing great.

‐ Mm.

So far, this date

has been the best date
I could have asked for.

‐ Ready to head in?
‐ Yes. Let's go.

It was great to be funny
and be silly with him today,

but I also think
being able to be vulnerable

and have important
conversations is the key

to a successful relationship,
and I think tonight

we will talk about a little
bit, you know, deeper topics.


It's so pretty.
‐ It's super nice.

‐ Hometowns are coming up,
so to get a rose tonight,

it says he sees a future.

‐ To a great evening.

No hijinks. ‐

‐ Just getting to know
each other better.

‐ Cheers. ‐ Cheers.

‐ You know, Matt's not here
to play games.

Matt isn't wasting time.

If he isn't interested,

he's not gonna lead you on,

and so to get a rose
from him tonight

would mean he's feeling
something special too.

It was a great day. ‐ It was.

Yeah. ‐ I needed this.

Like, this has just meant
so much to me.

‐ There's no one else
I would've wanted

to t*rture one of my
best friends with.

‐ And honestly, Tyler's
more than your best friend.

Like, you guys are brothers,

‐ Yeah. Yeah.
It was fun because we had

a serious conversation
before that,

and he thought
he was off the hook.

‐ And then you were throwing
everything at him.

You were like, "Mount him!" ‐

‐ Uh‐‐no. ‐ "Sniff his hair!"

‐ ‐ Oh, my God.

And just sitting there with you
just being playful,

like, it was all I needed

to just reassure me
of why I'm here.

‐ What's that looked like
for you in the past?

Like, relationship‐wise, like‐‐

like, have you had that type
of playful aspect

to a relationship?

‐ Yeah, you know,
when I think of, like,

the past
and why they didn't work,

I think the one thing
I was missing

and I didn't realize
was so important to me

was someone who was playful.

‐ What‐‐what's been a long‐term
relationship for you

up and to this point?

‐ My last long relationship
was almost three years,

and I really did think
he was going to be the one,

and I did a lot of reflecting
and realized

I was not being
who I was truly meant to be.

‐ Right. ‐ And since then,

I've been particular
about, you know,

who I want to date,
and I've been quick to,

you know, recognize a red flag.

‐ Yeah.
‐ You know, I think, before,

I would just kind of ignore it,
or you hope‐‐

maybe I'll change them
or I'll help them, you know,

and that's‐‐that's not it.

You know, I am who I am,
and I want to meet someone

who is also ready and‐‐
and knows who they are,

you know, 'cause then there's‐‐
there's no changing anybody.

It's just we accept each other
from the get‐go,

and all we can do
is grow together,

and for me, after today,

whatever happens
at the end of this,

I'm here for you through it all.

You know, I know this is crazy,
and I know time is short,

but I'm committed,
and I can see this continuing,

and I'm very hopeful
that, you know,

my love story
is your love story,

and, uh, I'm here to the end
if you want me to be.

‐ Katie and Matt,

I have no idea where they stand,

and I don't‐‐I don't know
if she's coming home or not.

‐ Yeah. Yeah.

I do feel like there definitely
is a connection,

but I do still think
it's a wild card.

Can he see the qualities in her
that he sees in his person...

‐ Yeah. ‐ And his‐‐his wife?

‐ I think a lot of us could go
on a one‐on‐one date

and have a really good time,

but if there's, like,
that missing piece,

a good time on the date

doesn't mean
that you're getting a rose.

‐ It's not fun and games
anymore, you know?

‐ No, it's not.
‐ It really is, like‐‐

he's making tougher
and tougher decisions.

‐ Right.

‐ I've been thinking about it,

and I know you're always
giving us women validation.

And I don't know
if you're getting

the validation that you deserve,

but I just want you to know,

you know,
you're doing a great job.

‐ Thank you. ‐ Yeah.

‐ I feel like it's hard
for y'all.

Like, you're living
with the women

who are, like,
in the process too.

‐ Yeah, but today just was‐‐
it made it all worth it.

I had so much fun.

‐ Well...

I think back
to the first night we met

and how much
our relationship's grown

and how you've set the tone,

not only for the women
in the house,

but this experience
for them and for me.

Um, I don't even know
how to express to you

how much I appreciate that
and you

and how much you've meant to me
in this process.



you've been honest with me,

and I owe the same honesty
to you,

and the truth is,

my relationship with some
of the other women in the house

has progressed further along

than ours has
up and to this point,

and I can't give you
this rose tonight.

And that's not a slight
at who you are

and what our time's
been together.

I just haven't had those
feelings that I need to have

in finding a wife
in this process.

‐ Kay.

‐ Can I walk you out?

‐ Yeah.

‐ It's never been
a question for me

if Katie
was an incredible woman,

but I've gotta have
that connection

where I'm seeing you
as my wife, and...

‐ This way?

‐ I'm just listening
to my heart, and, um,

it's not leading me
in that direction.

‐ I wish you luck.

There are some great women
still in the house,

so I hope you find everything
you've been looking for

and everything you deserve.

‐ Thank you.

‐ I just didn't
see that coming at all,

and I just felt, like,
the blood drain from my face

when he started to tell me

that I wasn't getting the rose

I was already picturing, like,

what it would be like
to spend time with him,

you know, at, like,
a football game

with Tyler and his friends

and my friends and... yeah.

You start painting your future,

only for it to be erased.

‐ Oh, my God. ‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Wow.
‐ I mean, that's the reality.

‐ It's getting serious. ‐ Yeah.

‐ I don't regret being myself.

It just sucks
that it wasn't enough.

He has relationships forming
with other women already.

I just thought it was too soon

to count me out as one of them.

I know what I deserve,

and I deserve a man who knows
what I have to offer.

I am who I am,
and there's someone out there

who wants that.

‐ It is insane to think that
this is actually happening.

I believe Matt
could be my husband.

I really do.

It, like, makes my heart,
like, race to think about

that even, like,
the possibility.

Like, the butterflies
are already kind of there.

I think that I, like,
envisioned this moment

for so long
that I'm ready to meet him

and to see if Matt and I

could fall in love
and become engaged.

Like, that's my dream.

Like, all this
would be worth it.

Everything I went through,

everything I had to do
to get here,

would be worth it.

‐ Tonight is very important
for me.

The past two Rose Ceremonies
have been canceled

because of situations
in the house,

so I need tonight
for my relationship,

and I really hope that
I get that time tonight.

Luckily, I think we will all
get to speak to him tonight,

and we'll have more time
than we ever have

in this setting, so... ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ That will be really nice.
‐ Yeah.

You know, you can't
move forward without that.

Tonight should be literally
a normal night,

and with only ten ladies
going into tonight,

we should be able to get a good
amount of time with Matt.

‐ There he is. ‐ Ooh!

‐ Ooh! ‐ Hi.

‐ What's going on?
‐ I like the suit.

‐ Hey. ‐ This is yours.

‐ How we doing? Ah, thank you.

Um, this week
has been incredible.

It was a pivotal week for
my relationship with you all,

so cheers to a great night

and spending time
with everybody.

‐ Cheers.

‐ Can I steal you, Abigail?

‐ Sorry.

Look at you.

‐ I'm nervous, but I'm excited.

I'm‐‐I'm ready.

I literally cannot believe
it's happening,

but it's happening.

‐ I just really enjoy
my time with you,

and I just want
to reiterate that to you

every time we're together

that I look forward
to seeing you every night.

‐ He seems really happy today.

‐ He did! ‐ Yeah.

‐ Like, so excited.

‐ So happy. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

‐ He lit up the room tonight
for sure,

and just‐‐ugh.

I feel like we all had a breath,

like, when he walked in.

I feel so much better. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

I, like, don't even have words.

Oh, my gosh! Look at that.

Holy crap.

Oh, my gosh.

‐ Is it all over my face?

‐ Yeah. ‐

No, it's not. Is it‐‐

‐ Hey, look.
Don't even worry about it.

We're just gonna rock with it.
‐ Really? No!

‐ Stop! It's okay. ‐

‐ We'll handle it later. ‐ Okay.

It's all over your face too,

‐ Good.
‐ So we'll do it together.

‐ Where were we?

‐ I'm just looking forward
to, like, finally

making it all about
the love stories

and less about, um, the gossip.
‐ Drama.

‐ So... ‐ Yeah.

‐ I think it's been very obvious

that he wants someone
that he can rely on

to not bash people.

He doesn't want an antagonist
in the house,

and, you know,
I just say that very lightly

in the sense that...

‐ What do you see?

‐ Rach!

Rachael, there's someone coming.

‐ Someone's coming in.

‐ What?

‐ It's a new girl.

It's not anybody‐‐
I've never seen this girl.

‐ Oh. Oh. Oh.

‐ Who is it? Who is it?
‐ Who is that?

‐ I'm freaking out.

‐ Sit down.

‐ It's too late for that.

‐ What is going on?

‐ I always get dessert
before I eat dinner,

so I would've stopped
and gotten a cookie.

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ And then I would've

either made dinner
or we would've gone to, like,

some, like,
low‐key spot and had‐‐

Yeah. ‐ Sounds fun.

‐ Hey. ‐ Hi.

Do you think I could
talk to you for a sec?

Heather? ‐

‐ Pieper, I am so sorry.

I just need a couple minutes.

I'll be right back.

I'll see you. ‐ Thank God.

‐ Hi! It's nice to meet you.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ What the heck? ‐ Hi.

‐ What the?

Some‐‐who is that?

‐ She's from Colton's season.
‐ Did she interrupt you?

‐ Yes! I was like‐‐
‐ What did she say?

‐ I've been waiting all week

to have a conversation
with this guy

who I just told that
I'm falling in love with him,

so this would be, like,
a really good time

to, like, plan my life
with this dude,

and this random‐ass girl
walks in.

I didn't say anything.

I was like‐‐
like, Matt just started‐‐

‐ Did he know her?
Like, does he recognize her?

‐ Yes, he just started, like,
cracking up, and I was like‐‐

‐ Wait, what?
He started laughing and, like‐‐

‐ And then he was like,
"Oh, my God, oh, my God."

‐ Okay, he knows her.

‐ I feel like I'm in a dream
right now.

‐ I am literally shaking.
My heart is pounding.

I just‐‐I feel like
I'm in a dream.

Oh, my gosh.

‐ Wait. What just happened?
‐ What happened?

‐ Who is she? Like, who is she?

‐ We don't know her.
‐ She's from Colton's season.

She's friends, I think,
with Hannah Brown.

‐ So, um, you're probably
wondering why I'm here,

so I kind of want to tell you
the whole story.

‐ I'm listening. ‐ Okay.

Oh, my gosh.

‐ I'm literally shaking.

‐ She just, like, strutted in,

she smiled at us,

and then she just took
a hard left.

‐ Yeah. What the?

I don't really know this girl,

and I kind of already
don't like her.

‐ I'm stressed out
and pissed off.

‐ She's had her time.
Like, go home, please.

‐ At the end of the day,
it is Matt's choice,

and if Matt decides
he wants to keep her,

then I will have a reason
to be upset

and hate her even more.

‐ What, she's gonna come in
and, like, marry him?

No. Like...

‐ If you're gonna
let a new girl come in

or you're gonna give
a new girl a rose

over some of us that have
been here for this long,

then you better marry that girl,

because the rest of us,
we're gonna be pissed.

‐ If she gets a rose tonight,
I'll be rageful.

‐ Next week on "The Bachelor"...

‐ You guys don't know me at all.

‐ Do you know Matt at all?

‐ Like, bitch,
what are you doing?

‐ This virus is coming in.

She's infecting
the whole system.

‐ It's like,
what are you doing here?

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Just, I've never had people
be so mean.

‐ This feels like
a dagger to the chest.

‐ Hometowns are two weeks away.

‐ No one has any idea
where Matt's head is at.

‐ ‐ If he chooses her over me,

it's over.

‐ Ah!

And I don't want you to go.

‐ We are meant to be together.

‐ You've had your fun.
Like, get out.

‐ Everything that he said
he's felt for me

has been a lie.

‐ What was the point of that?

‐ My heart's pulling me
in another direction.

‐ It is so crazy.

‐ That could've happened
to any of us.

‐ The drama continues next week

on "The Bachelor."

‐ Matt, I hear you do karate.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

I do not do karate.
‐ I feel like

this is an appropriate time
to bring that up.

‐ Do you wanna see me? ‐ Yeah.

‐ I'll do it for you. All right.

I'm gonna need you
to hold up a pillow for me.

‐ Yep.
‐ I don't know if your arms

will go high enough
to where I need it to‐‐

there you go.

So you're gonna hold it
to the side.

‐ Kay.

‐ All right.

I'm gonna kick that
out of your hand.

‐ You're gonna kick me
in the face, aren't you?

‐ I promise I won't kick you
in the face.

‐ Okay. Okay.

‐ You can actually get
a little bit higher.

‐ Okay. ‐ That's‐‐all right.

I'm gonna kick the bottom of it.

‐ You're making me
really nervous.

‐ Actually, go to that‐‐
get the‐‐that side.

Actually, that side.
‐ Are you stalling?

‐ Go back and forth. ‐ No!

‐ I'm gonna kick it.
I'm gonna kick it.

‐ You're making me nervous.
‐ Don't be nervous.

Drop that hand and just hold it
with your‐‐there you go.

You ready? ‐ No.

‐ I'm gonna kick it
out of your hand.

You have to drop it
when I kick it, though.

‐ What? Okay.

‐ Ready? ‐ No.

Okay, go, go. I'm ready.

All right.
‐ My arm's getting tired.

‐ Your arm's getting tired?