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25x05 - Week 5

Posted: 04/16/24 17:05
by bunniefuu
‐ This night
is gonna be t*rture.

Literally, stop.

‐ Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

‐ What? What?
‐ There's Victoria.

‐ This is not fun!

‐ Do you guys see her?
‐ Yeah. She looks upset.

‐ It's, like, frustrating.

‐ I can hear her.

‐ I'm, like, two steps away
from just going home

and not dealing with this.

‐ Things are not well.

‐ Like, I hope I don't
get sent home for this.

If that happens,
I'll literally die.

‐ What just happened?

‐ A dramatic new episode
of "The Bachelor"

starts right now.

‐ Yeah.

‐ Coming in, you know,
as one of the newer girls,

we already knew that it was not
going to be easy,

but honestly,
it's been horrible.

All you hear is,
"The new girls versus the OGs,"

and it's like, "Why does it
have to be a versus thing?"

Tonight is a Rose Ceremony,
and I deserve a rose

just as much as any
of the other girls here do.

‐ It's been a really hard week
for me.

One of the girls in the house
is spreading a rumor about me

that I was an escort,

and it's just kind of, like,
bizarre to me.

- ‐ I'm fine with her.
- I don't give a anymore.

‐ When I heard about the stuff
that was being said about me,

it hurt.

I've never dealt with, like,

any, like, harassment,
bullying‐‐like, any of this.

‐ Don't worry. You're good.

You did the right thing.

‐ It's just such a horrible
thing to say to someone.

I wouldn't wish this on anybody.

‐ The energy around the house
is pretty bad.

Last night, on the group date,

I did let Matt know that
the house is getting toxic.

I know some girls
are gonna be upset

if they ever learn
that it was me

that kind of sparked this fire,

but if you're going
to be a mean girl,

I'm going to call you out.

‐ Going into the Rose Ceremony,

the new girls are gonna try
to, like,

get to the front of the line,
but, like,

let the varsity squad
go in first.


‐ No matter what, not getting
time those first two weeks

is always gonna kind of
hold me back, which sucks,

'cause I feel like we took
such a big step forward.

But yeah.
Feel better than last week.

There's 20 girls going
into this Rose Ceremony,

and there are four new girls,

which is interesting,

'cause I feel like I'm finally
above some people.

‐ I feel excited to see Matt,
of course.

Like, even though
it has been a couple days,

I still feel, like, deep enough

where I can pick up where
I left off, which is nice.

It still is, like,
OGs versus newbies.

Like, we want more
of the newbies to go home

so that we get more time
with Matt.

Like, it's sad for them,

'cause, obviously, I'm staying.

I just know Matt and I
have a strong connection.

‐ Hey. ‐ Hello!

‐ Hey. ‐ Hey.

‐ Hello. ‐ Hello.

‐ Oh, hello. ‐ Hi.

‐ Good evening, ladies.

‐ Hi, Matt. ‐ Hi.

‐ How we doing? all: Good.

‐ Before we get into tonight,
I wanted to address something

that was brought
to my attention last night

about the environment
in the house,

how toxic it is,

how there's a mob mentality

with the old women
and the new women.

This "us versus them" ‐‐

really a culture of bullying.

I also wanted to address

some rumors
that were floating around

that could potentially
ruin someone's life.

If you're having
to belittle someone else

for you to shine, then...

those aren't the qualities
I'm looking for in my wife.

It sucks, 'cause, like,

I don't get enough time
with you all,

and now I gotta deal with this.

There's a lot of answers
to questions

that I need tonight.

So, Brittany,
can we talk real quick?

You all right?

‐ Anyone have any information?

‐ Yeah. What? ‐ Right.

‐ He kept saying "last night."

‐ Who told him stuff last night?

‐ Yeah. ‐ He said something

that was brought
to his attention last night.

‐ He must've got the day
mixed up.

‐ Did he say something about
ruining someone's life?

‐ No, that's definitely about...

‐ You. ‐ The comment I made.

But I had said something

completely out of my character
to say.

It's me.
Like, everyone knew it's me.

I made a mistake.

I made a stupid comment
about Brittany.

I'm just like,
"Who the went to him?"

‐ Yeah, it's totally about

what Anna said about Brittany.
‐ It is,

because I said I did not want
to ruin this girl's life,

so I'm gonna address this.

‐ When Matt made his speech
to the girls today,

I was a little uncomfortable
because I knew

it was because of what I said
to him last night.

I think the reason
people are so upset

is because they messed up,
and they know it.

‐ You good?

‐ As you know, like,
I came in late,

so I was already kind of, like‐‐

I knew I was gonna come in here
with no open arms from anyone,

but Anna had came up to me
to apologize,

and she was just like,
"You know,

"when you first came here,

"we kind of went
around the house,

and we were telling everyone
that you're an escort."

And I was just completely
caught off guard.

Like, that's not true,
and, like,

everyone back at home
knows that it's not true.

‐ Right.

‐ It sucks, because
this is on national TV.

Like, my mom watches this show,

and, like, this could ruin
my entire life.

I didn't sign up to be, like,
bullied and harassed.

Like, I signed up
to, like, find love

and, like, to meet you finally.

Like, I was so excited
when I, like, first came here,

and, like, I've never dealt
with, like, bullying before,

and, like, it hurts a lot.

It really hurts.

First off, I am so sorry

that you're having to deal
with that.

I can't tell you
how much I appreciate

you bringing that
to my attention.

‐ Yeah.

‐ For this to work,

we have to create a comfortable
environment for everybody.

That's why I wanted
to address it, because it‐‐

it is a rumor, it's a lie.
‐ Yeah.

‐ And those things
can ruin people's lives,

and I want you to know
how serious I take that,

and I just want to reiterate
that if you ever feel anything,

like, please bring it up to me,

because I could see
a future with you.

That's why you're still here.

I'm looking for a wife.

Like, I want to be able
to share those burdens with you

so that when you have something

that's weighing on you
and that's heavy,

we can deal with it
and move past it.

‐ I‐‐I have no idea
what's going on right now.

Like, I don't get it,
and, like, for him

to walk in there
and be that concerned tonight

was, like, scary.

I have not talked to Brittany,
but, like, he pulled her.

Clearly, there's something
wrong with Matt,

and we need to make him
feel better right now,

because, like, there's not

a toxic environment
in the house.

‐ I'm so annoyed.

‐ Okay, be annoyed, but, like,

if you wanna, like, fix this,

honestly, just go talk to Matt.

‐ That's what I need to do.
‐ Go do it.

‐ I don't know who told who,

but I said something
that was rude about Brittany,

so the fact that that all
bites me in the butt now‐‐

like, I hate this.

I hate everything about this.

‐ Hello.

‐ Hi. ‐ Hi. Can I steal you?

‐ Yes. Of course.

‐ I think tonight
is a big deal for Matt.

I think he's starting
to hear things

and notice things that, um...

maybe he didn't notice,

and I do believe, you know,
Matt is highly intelligent.

He's a smart man,

and he's gonna take care
of business,

and he's not gonna tolerate
any disrespect.

‐ It's gonna be a long night,
I feel like.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Apologies are coming,
and it does not feel sincere.

- ‐ She lied to his face.
- ‐

‐ You put my character
in question with Matt.

She said I'm the reason
there's division in the house.

‐ You have to own up
to things that you've done.

‐ If that happens,
I'll literally die.

‐ I haven't gotten
to talk to Matt yet.

‐ He actually just pulled Anna.

‐ She may have not made
that rumor, but...

‐ She did spread it.
‐ She brought it into‐‐

‐ Oh, she did spread it,

and she did bring it
into the house.

‐ It's not true,
and that‐‐you know,

she shouldn't have done it
in the first place.

‐ I made a mistake.

I said an offhanded comment,

and now I just feel like

the guy I've, like,
given up my life for

now has a bad opinion about me
that is so not accurate.

I need to talk to him.

I just don't even know
how to, like,

explain it to him.

I am so sad
and upset with myself.

It's the first thing
you should know.


Before even coming here,

I, like, received messages

about another girl
who would also be here.

Brittany. ‐ Yeah.

‐ And then when she did show up,

the worst thing I could say
was said,

and immediately,
I felt horrible about it,

and I completely apo‐‐
I was like, "This is on me."

‐ Yeah. ‐ This is me being

a shallow person
in the worst moment ever.

‐ I was just shocked...

‐ Yeah. ‐ When Brittany told me,

because when I first met her
a few days ago,

she was, like, spunky

and just, like, super bold
and confident,

and then when I pulled her
aside to talk to her tonight,

she just broke down... ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And I was like, "Damn."

‐ I feel horrible.

Like, so immensely horr‐‐

like, I'm breaking out in a rash

because I'm, like, so sad.

‐ Well, listen. ‐

‐ You're not a horrible person.

I don't think that at all,
'cause I've been in your shoes.

Like, I've said things
that I wish I could take back

and that I'm not proud of.

I've had to take responsibility

for my words and my actions,

and I've grown from it,

but I have a responsibility

to the women that are here,

to Brittany,

to myself...

To follow my heart.

Anna, unfortunately, I‐‐I‐‐

‐ I can't see you being part
of that journey anymore.

‐ Sorry.


‐ I'll walk you out.

‐ Anna said something
that was out of character,

but the damage has been done.

‐ I've seen how words
can affect people,

and I owe it to these women

to create a safe space for them,

and that's what I'ma do.

‐ What‐‐what‐‐what is he doing?

‐ What's happening?

I'm scared.

‐ What?

‐ What just happened?

‐ Is she gone?
Is she going home?

‐ I just can't believe
this happened.

I'm just really disappointed
in myself,

and that's what
it comes down to.

‐ Matt's, like, a great guy.

He doesn't need
to be with someone

who that could come
out of their mouth.

One dumb decision‐‐
it's gonna take you down.

Just wanna, like,
go cry in a shower.

‐ Can I ask, like,
Michelle, Ryan, Catalina,

like, I feel like "bullying"
is a very strong word,

and "toxic" ‐‐I don't feel like

the environment in the house
is toxic, but...

‐ I concur.

‐ Do you guys think it is?

‐ I'm fairly uncomfortable
in the house.

People have said
disrespectful things,

and also, people have laughed
at those things,

and there are times
when it crosses the line,

and it's not okay.

‐ We don't want
this divisiveness.

We don't want any bullying.

Even though
I put up a brave face,

it obviously hurts.

There's tension tonight

just because, finally,

what has been going on
in the house‐‐

old girls versus new girls‐‐
came to Matt's attention.

‐ I feel sick to my stomach

that you guys were
going through that

and we were just
completely oblivious to it.

‐ I will say right now,

I apologize
for not being more open,

and I, from now on,

will do my very best
to make it better.

‐ Suddenly,
people are apologizing

from left and right.

It's kind of hard to know
if everyone is sincere.

‐ If something
does bother you, like,

please come tell me, and‐‐
and we can talk about it.

‐ I can't even explain

the kiss‐assery
that is going on.

‐ I'm sorry I took your crown.

It was just, like, silly.
It was never malicious.

‐ Victoria, just today,

for what she did
on my night one,

when I walked in the room
and she ripped off my crown.

She only addressed it today,

so I can't say I 100% buy
Victoria's apology.

‐ I would've warmed up to you

Like, you came in hot,

but I do not think
that you were treated fairly,

so I wanted to make sure that
that was known to you.

‐ At the end of the day,

you know wrong is wrong.

You could've said this
two days ago,

last night, immediately,

and now you're saying it

out of convenience for yourself.

‐ I just wanted
to check in with you

to see how you're feeling

and just kind of...

get your take
on what's going on.

‐ The main thing
that has just aggravated me

is with Victoria.

‐ Yeah.

‐ It's constantly digs

left and right, in my face.

It's a cheers
on my very first group date

when I was really excited
to be with you and see you

and she made a cheers
to the OGs.

You know, it's‐‐it's constant.

I mean, she told me
to my face that‐‐

because I'm a dancer,

she flat‐out stated
that I was a ho,

and, you know,
she laughed about it after.

The word "ho" is just,
like, really, like...

Oh, my God.

And it's just hard to, like,

hear somebody say that
about you,

and it's so not true,
and you don't even know me,

and then to apologize
in the hallway

when the only reason
apologies are coming my way

is because you stood up
and said something about it,

and it does not feel sincere,

and I do not believe it one bit.


‐ I am so sorry

that you're having
to deal with that,

'cause that's not
the type of environment

that I'm trying
to create for you,

and I'm not gonna stand
for that.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ I have a conversation
with Ryan,

and she breaks down.

She's talking about how
she's been treated by Victoria

and the hurtful words
Victoria's using towards Ryan.

Through all the antics,

I felt like Victoria
had a big heart,

but there's no excuse
for that type of behavior.

Not here, not anywhere.

‐ Like, I'm‐‐
I'm just over this.

Like, whole‐‐the‐‐

all of it, really. ‐ Yeah.

‐ What did you talk to him

‐ I mean, I talked to him
just about

how it has been difficult
and how, like‐‐

I did‐‐you know, I referenced

when you did the cheers‐‐
the toast‐‐at the group date,

when it was like,
"Cheers to the OGs,"

and it just continuously
feels like

it's the new girls
versus the OGs.

‐ I'm always playful.

I'm never, like, malicious.

‐ Yeah, but then, like,
when you hear it all the time,

it's like‐‐it's like,
okay, enough's enough.

And then it was brought
to our attention‐‐

‐ It just makes your actions
look fake towards me.

‐ Me? ‐ Yeah.

The fact that you'd kind of
go talk to him about me.

‐ I'm not a fake person. ‐ Yeah.

‐ I mean, I'm gonna be nice,

but I also feel like‐‐ I mean...

‐ What she did right now,
walking away

while you were talking to her
was still disrespectful.

‐ That really pissed me the off.

Literally, everything
was going amazing, literally.

I am the perfect person
to be his wife,

but then these losers

create these problems
when everything is fine.

I don't wanna feel this annoyed,

but I am.


‐ Hey. Can I talk to you?

‐ Yeah, absolutely.

‐ How are you? ‐ Good.

‐ Tonight, I have
to definitely talk to Matt.

The girls, they're all fake as,

and they're not his wives,

so I think that, like,
he'll be able to decipher

the truth from other girls,
because obviously,

my good outshines any
of the in the house.

Okay, so I loved what you said

and how you handled
the situation

and, like, how serious
you're taking it,

so I really admire that.

‐ Thank you.

‐ Ryan told me
that she was upset

about the OG cheers,

so there's definitely, like,
things I can work on.

‐ That's why it was hard when I
was having these conversations

tonight and last night

when it was brought
to my attention by Katie

that there's this toxicity
in the house,

and I didn't know any
of this stuff was going on,

and when it was brought
to my attention,

I thought that we had
squashed everything.

I thought that everything
was gonna be great,

and we could continue
with the night...

‐ Yeah.

‐ And I had this conversation
with Ryan,

and before I could even ask her
a question, she's crying.

And I'm just like...

It was kind of similar to how...

my conversation with Brittany
went, about Anna.

Now I'm doing the other women
here a disservice

by not making this a safe space
for everybody.

‐ Yeah.
‐ You know what I'm saying?

People's words are so powerful,

and when you said that Ryan
was a ho for being a dancer,

I don't think you know how‐‐

‐ That was completely taken
out of context.

‐ Like, I'm just curious.
Like, what context

would calling somebody a ho
be acceptable to be taken in?

I just have a lot
to think about.

‐ Am I missing something here?

Like, I make the house toxic.

That's completely crazy.

Completely crazy.

And, like, I know there
is no truth to that,

so okay, someone
who just came in the house

said I called her a ho.

‐ Ladies.


‐ Unfortunately,
I'm here to tell you

the cocktail party's over.

I just talked to Matt,

and he wants to go
straight to the Rose Ceremony.

‐ I don't want to ever be
called, like, a bully or toxic.

That pisses me off.

Now that I found out
Katie's the one

who fed Matt the information,

you, Katie.

Katie's not here for him.


It's, like,
not even funny anymore,

because I am, like,
getting feelings invested,

and, like‐‐and that was, like,
a really hard conversation,

but I feel like
he did believe me,

and now that, like,
I am taking it serious

to be his wife,
it's, like, frustrating.

‐ Honestly, if we're not
gonna talk to him tonight,

I kind of just, like, want
this night to be over already.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Same.

‐ I mean, it affects all of us

because it affects Matt,
you know?

‐ Yeah.

‐ Tonight is awful.

Everyone's emotions
are just, like, an 11/10.

‐ I'm so pissed off.

‐ Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

‐ What? What?

‐ There's Victoria.

‐ Shh. Victoria.

‐ Was she upset?
Did you guys see her?

‐ Yeah, she looks upset.

‐ I'm, like, two steps away
from just going home

and not dealing with this.

‐ She walked outside? ‐ Yeah.

‐ I can hear her.

‐ Things are not well.

‐ Like, Ryan,
she's the shadiest bitch,

and, like, I hope I don't
get sent home for this.

there's no one in here

he can marry besides me.

Like, I'm literally
the best option for him,

and, like, I'm the only one

with a working brain
in this room,

and I'm not even being rude.

I'm being serious.

If he's gonna believe
some idiot over me,

he's not my person,

and, like, if that does happen,
that'll really suck

because that's not the way I
wanted to leave this situation,

and, like, you know
I'll be so heartbroken,

and I'm, like,
trying to be positive,

but, like, if that happens,
I'll literally die.

‐ Tonight wasn't fun.

This whole place is messy.

It is a hot mess in here.

We had Anna go home,

and then Matt ended
the cocktail party early

because of drama,

and now Victoria is bugging out.

‐ I'm gonna, like, throw up.

I need to sit down,
'cause I'm, like‐‐

I'm, like, scared
to go in this Rose Ceremony.

‐ I have no idea, like,
what is in store for tonight,

but Victoria comes in,
and she was kind of panicking.

I think she might be going home.

‐ Brittany.

Brittany, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Of course.


Ryan, will you accept this rose?

‐ Yes. Thank you. ‐ Absolutely.

‐ Brittany got the first rose,

Ryan got the second,

and that was definitely
very telling.

The new girls are getting
reassurance from Matt,

so Victoria should be scared.

‐ Rachael.

Rachael, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Of course. Thank you.

‐ Absolutely.

Serena P.

Serena, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Yes, I will.


‐ Victoria has stirred up
a lot of drama

in the house the past few weeks.

I think she thinks that she has

a really strong connection
with Matt.

I don't know how Matt feels...

‐ Kit.

‐ But I didn't get to speak
to Matt at the Rose Ceremony

because of all of the drama,

so if he gives her a rose
instead of me,

it's like...

It's so ridiculous.

I can't even, like‐‐I can't.

‐ MJ.

‐ Victoria has been
a mean girl since day one.

I've experienced it firsthand.

I've witnessed it.

Victoria, if she stays tonight,

I would be pretty surprised

and pretty disappointed
in his judgment on her.

There's no way you come back
from this.

Like, she needs to go home
after this.

‐ I know that Matt
still sees me in a good light.

Like, I was clear and concise
in my communication to him.

‐ Jessenia.

‐ I'm not malicious.

I have a good heart.

Does Matt really want a wife

that's constantly
creating drama?

Or does he want a wife like me?

‐ Katie.

Katie, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Absolutely.

‐ Katie over me? Are you blind?

Katie's disgusting.
We've known that for weeks now.

She's been disgusting.

‐ Abigail.

‐ These girls are just telling
him complete...

‐ And I'm so proud of myself
for saying to him the truth.

‐ Chelsea.

‐ I'm actually kindhearted,
honest, genuine,

hardworking, fun, loyal‐‐

I'm, like, the most loyal‐‐

and I'm not, like, fake.

‐ Ladies, Matt,
this is the final rose tonight.

When you're ready.

‐ Serena C.

Serena, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Of course.

Ladies, I'm sorry.

If you did not receive a rose,
take a moment.

Say your goodbyes.

‐ It was so nice meeting you.

‐ You too.

‐ I'm upset because I know
I didn't do anything wrong.

‐ It was great meeting you.

‐ Likewise.

Thank you. Bye.

‐ I was invested.

I cared about him.

‐ Good luck. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Bye, guys.

‐ So I think
he made a huge mistake.

I honestly feel so sorry for you

that you would listen to hearsay

and not all of the facts
behind a situation.

So goodbye.

You think I'm gonna go
hug him goodbye?


And he just stared at me.

Like, how dare you?

He is not my king,
and I am still a queen.

Matt is a jester.

The fact that, like,
he chose Katie over me‐‐ugh.

Yeah, Matt, I feel sorry
for you with your choices.

‐ Cheers to just moving forward

and starting this week
with a clean slate,

and to finding love with Matt.

‐ Yes. ‐ Cheers.

‐ I would be very surprised

if the girls are, like,
okay that I left.

The whole house is gonna feel
like that I'm gone.

Like, I brought
so many people joy.

‐ Here's to turning a new page.

Hopefully a better week
next week in the house.

‐ Cheers.

‐ Whatever.

Matt's not the guy for me.

I'm never dating another Matt
as long as I live.

Ever. I hate that name now.

‐ Here's to love.

To love.

‐ This is hands down,
hands down my favorite.

‐ Ooh!

‐ You lucky bitch!

‐ It's definitely scary

that we're all dating
the same guy.

‐ I'm so over it.

‐ You made it uncomfortable.

‐ Girls do not need to pit
themselves against each other.

‐ After tonight, it's
gonna hurt that much more.

‐ You are not gonna
knock me out.

‐ I think last night
just left everyone unsettled.

‐ I knew it would be, like...

‐ It's kind of a dreary day
in the house.

The mood's not very high today.

I think last night
was super taxing,

and we just saw
a lot of girls go.

I'm hopeful that things will be
more settled in the house now,

and we can all just, like,

pay attention to our own
relationship with Matt.

- ‐ Good morning.
- Good morning!

‐ How's everybody doing?

That was a wild night
last night.

A lot of emotions.

I know there was a little drama
as well.

‐ You know, none of us expected
the night to go the way it did,

but I think that
Matt certainly wanted

to take charge of the situation

and get down to the root
of the problem.

‐ At this point, Matt doesn't
have time for petty,

and why waste his precious time

and spend it on things
that are not gonna benefit him

or his relationship
with any woman here?

‐ Hopefully,
we can kind of shed that,

and we can move forward,

because things are changing
dramatically this week.

We're past the halfway point.

There's less women,
we get more time,

but that only makes each date

and each time you get to see him

that much more important.

I have your first date card
for the week right here.

It's gonna be a big week,
so enjoy it,

and I'll see you all very soon.

‐ Thank you. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Bye, ladies.
‐ Bye, Chris Harrison.

‐ I really want
the one‐on‐one this week.

While I feel very good
about our connection

that we've made
in group date settings,

the one‐on‐one is that next step

that I just think will take
everything to the next level.

‐ Rachael.

"Our fairy tale begins today."
‐ Oh, my God.

‐ "Matt."

‐ Yay!

I'm about to cry.

Well, I'm awake now.

I cannot believe
that I am about to spend

the whole day with Matt,

I'm so excited!

I'm so excited.

I feel like I just like him
more and more and more

every time I see him,
every time I talk to him.

I feel nervous,

'cause I know
there is that pressure there,

and he needs to see if he
really can see me as his wife.

‐ Are you excited?

‐ I mean, super anxious.

I just, like, wanna go
'cause I'm, like,

dying to know, like,
what we're doing.

Oh, my God.

‐ Hello, ladies.

I'm looking for Miss Rachael.

‐ Hi.

‐ Miss Rachael, your ride is
here to take you on your date.

‐ Okay.
‐ Matt is waiting for you.

Please come with me.

‐ Okay, thank you. ‐ I am jelly.

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ It's gonna be so fun.

‐ It sucks to watch somebody
go on a date

that you would've k*lled
to go on.

It sucks knowing

that they're getting
all this time that I want.

‐ At this point,

my biggest thing
that I'm feeling is fear

that I'm gonna leave here

and not get
that one‐on‐one time.

So the fear is just literally
eating me alive at this point.

‐ Hi! ‐ Hi.

‐ What the heck is going on? ‐

How are you doing? ‐ I'm good.

How are you? You look cute.

‐ You look great. ‐ Thanks.

‐ This your whip?
This is your whip?

‐ This is.
This is actually my car now.

‐ ‐ He gave this to me.

‐ I like it.

You've been so patient,

and I've been telling you

that there is gonna
come a time...

‐ ‐ Where you'll get time...

‐ Yeah. ‐ And today's your day.

And I wanna spoil you.
‐ It's our day.

‐ Today is your day. ‐ Oh, no!

‐ I'm gonna spoil you... ‐ Okay.

‐ And I've got a lot of fun
things planned for us...

‐ Okay.

‐ And I'm excited
to spend the day with you.

Rachael caught my eye night one,

and week after week,
she continues to impress me.

She's never been the first one
to run to me,

the loudest one in the room,

but she's very confident
and sure of herself,

and that shines louder
than anything else.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ ‐ This is out of my element.

I'm not‐‐I'm not kidding you.

‐ Hey, guys. ‐ Hi!

‐ ‐ Oh, my God.

You look so awesome.

‐ How are you doing?
‐ Thank you.

‐ Today I've got
a great friend of mine,

celebrity stylist Ty Hunter here

to help me and Rachael
get right.

‐ You guys look cute
together too.

‐ Thank you.
We're kind of matching today.

‐ Yeah. Yes, I see.

So we're gonna go... ‐ Okay.

‐ And start trying on stuff.
‐ Okay.

‐ I'll be back for you, fella.
‐ All right, sounds good.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

‐ Damn.

‐ I actually love it.
‐ I think it looks great.

Rachael reminds me a lot
of back home.

She's from Georgia,

and we kind of
are on the same page

on how we carry ourselves
and what we find important,

so when I'm around her,
it's just easy.

‐ I'm ready to go
to the grocery store.

‐ Yeah, this is, like,
a casual, weekday look.

‐ I'm, like,
definitely overwhelmed.

I've never been treated
like an actual princess,

like, ever, like this.

‐ Voilà.

‐ What do you think?
‐ I like it a lot.

‐ And it's not even the fact
that, you know,

he's giving me
these nice things.

I need some heels.
‐ This is the runway.

‐ It's just about, like,
this is, like, his way

of showing me
that he can care for me

and he wants to make me happy
in all sorts of ways.

‐ See, look at this.
Look at this.

Y'all together. Look at that.

Boom. ‐ Is that me?

‐ How do we look?

‐ You guys look amazing. ‐ Yeah?

‐ I love the black and white

‐ Natural?
‐ Yeah, it's very natural.

‐ What‐‐what were you doing?
‐ I did a pose!

‐ I feel like I've been
really playful with him,

and I have yet to find one thing

that I don't love about him.

‐ Wow.

This is hands down,
hands down my favorite.

‐ Really? ‐ Yes.

‐ No, mine too. I like this.

‐ You look incredible.

‐ My heart is full.

Full of Matt.

‐ This dress is just missing
one thing.

Some shoes. ‐ What?

I'm scared.

‐ I just think that it would
look better with those shoes.

‐ Oh, my God, they're s‐‐

Oh, my God. What?

Wow. No, I'm not worthy.

I've never had
a pair of shoes...

Over, like, $40.

Like, I can't believe these
are even on my feet right now.

I just feel like
I'm so lucky right now,

and I hope that‐‐
hope the luck continues.


‐ I'm literally speechless.
Thank you.

‐ Yeah. ‐ This is awesome.

‐ The time component here
is so frustrating,

because you have
literally no control

over your time here.

Having had a one‐on‐one,

like, I still want more time.

‐ Oh, I see her.
‐ Oh, look at her.

‐ O‐M‐G. ‐

‐ You lucky bitch!


‐ Did you bring something home
for all of us?

‐ Rachael walks in
with tons of shopping bags

on both of her arms.

She's wearing
this beautiful cape dress.

‐ Are the bottom
of your shoes red?

‐ What?

‐ Are you kidding?

‐ Everyone has been fighting

for time with Matt.

They're like, you know,
"I wish that were me."

‐ Oh, my God. There's more.

‐ Wait.

‐ What? ‐ Oh...

‐ Way to kick us
when we're down.

‐ Miss Rachael, this
is for your dinner tonight.

‐ Rachael looked so happy.

Like, I‐‐I think
she literally held her face

'cause her cheeks hurt
from smiling so much...

‐ Ooh!

‐ And, like, that's great,

but then, like, she's feeling
that way because of Matt.

My Matt.

You know? And it's just like...

‐ I didn't expect any of this.

I have no idea what we're doing.

I'm obviously super excited.

This is so out of my element.

‐ I see the way that Matt is

around the girls
who've gotten one‐on‐ones,

and I feel like,
at this point...

It just feels like
I'm just falling behind.

‐ Okay, I'm gonna go

get ready for dinner, but...

‐ Okay. Love you. ‐ Have fun.

‐ Have fun. ‐ Have fun!

‐ Have fun.
‐ You're gonna look beautiful.

‐ It's just hard to watch
other people get what I want

and me have no control
over the situation.

No way of doing
anything different.

I just‐‐I'm so freaking over it.


‐ She looks so happy.
Oh, my God.

‐ Yeah. ‐ I know.

‐ She's in love, for sure.

‐ I'm sure we're all definitely
on the edge of our seats

trying to see, you know,
who's gonna get the one‐on‐one.

‐ I've been waiting
to get more time,

and I've been on, like,
a steady incline with him,

and I think, like,
just having more time

would be fantastic.

‐ Date card.

‐ Only one more person's
getting a one‐on‐one.

It's too bad we can't just have

three one‐on‐one dates
every week,

and everyone could just
get their turn.

What am I gonna do
if I'm on another group date?

‐ Serena P.




Serena C.









"Love can be messy."

‐ You're on the one‐on‐one. Yay!

Oh, I'm so happy for you.

‐ Good for you.
‐ Oh, my God, yeah.

‐ Aww.

‐ Kit has the one‐on‐one,
and I'm jealous, you know?

I‐‐I really thought my name
would be on the card.

It's hard to take it
to the next step

in a group setting,

and I'm ready for the next step,

so I'm just bummed.

‐ I mean, I'm disappointed.

Um... I mean...

I think I'm just getting
a little confused.

Just, you know, we're already
halfway through this,

and... yeah.

It just kind of makes me
question a lot of things.

You know, like, does he not want

that one‐on‐one time with me?

Does he not want to explore
that relationship?

I don't know.

It's just like reality's

just slapping me in the face
right now.

‐ Thank you. I appreciate it.

‐ I had an incredible time

The more time I spend
with Rachael,

our relationship
just gets stronger.

‐ Hi. ‐ Hi.


‐ Do you like it?

‐ I love it.

I've been scared to let someone

have a hold of my heart
and of my emotions,

and when I'm around Rachael,

I try as best I can
to let those out.

You look incredible.
‐ Thank you.

So do you.

‐ Ready for dinner? ‐ Yeah.

‐ Tonight, I'm hoping to‐‐

to dig a little deeper
with Rachael

and get to know about
what she's been through,

what her dreams are,
and how I fit into there.

This is to you

and to your day and spoiling you

and getting to know you better.

‐ Cheers. ‐ Cheers.

I was thinking back‐‐

I was doing a lot
of reminiscing today.

‐ Okay.

‐ I, uh... ‐

‐ 'Cause I just try
to think back

to our first
actual conversation,

and one of the things
that you had said

was that you've never
been in love before...

‐ Okay.
‐ So I just wanted to hear more

about why you hadn't
felt that yet.

‐ I think a lot of it
has to do with, like, me,

and, I mean, even today,

there were times
when, like, I felt like...

like I was, like,
undeserving of it all.

I mean, first off, like, I
think you're out of my league.

That's ridiculous.
‐ No, I really do.

I don't have, like,
a lot of confidence in myself

a lot of the time,
and sometimes,

that can be, like, projected

onto, you know,
my relationships,

and I have a hard time
opening up because of that,

because I'm scared.

I've come to realize that,

you know, for me,

to, like, have a relationship
that really works,

um, I do need to gain
that confidence

and, um,
stop all that self‐doubt.

I just worry
that these little things,

like, might push someone away.

I don't know, I'm‐‐

I'm not trying to push you away
right now.

I'm like, "Please like me."
‐ You're pulling me in.

‐ Okay, good.

‐ I like everything about you.

You know, even the things
that you may be...

ultra‐aware of... ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Like, I find those things

and I love 'em about you,
you know?

Like, when I'm around you,

you don't even have to try
to get my attention.

Like, you just have it.

Like, it's just like,

if you're in the room,
you've got it.

‐ And you've never
been the loudest.

You've never been the first one
to run up.

Like, you're‐‐you're so subtle,

and you're just
sure of yourself,

and I love that about you.

‐ You know, I‐‐
I wanted to tell you this.

Like, the butterflies have not
stopped since night one.

Like, super, super nervous,

getting out of that limo.

Like, I knew I was in trouble.

‐ And although I've gotten
more comfortable with you,

um, the nerves have not
gone away at all.

The butterflies‐‐if anything,
they've grown.

‐ I really am already, like,

completely falling in love
with you,

and I wanna walk out of here
with you,

and I wanna start my life
with you,

and I hope that'll happen.

The‐‐the scary part about it

is I just don't know
if that's...

you know, gonna be the outcome.

‐ Can I share something
with you?

‐ Mm‐hmm.


‐ I'm scared now.

‐ So... you're not crazy,

'cause I feel the same way.

‐ Okay, good.

Or maybe we're both crazy.

‐ Maybe we're both crazy. ‐

‐ Anytime we're about
to see Matt‐‐

I mean, I get excited
just to see him,

but it's not ideal
to go on a group date.

‐ I'm actually kind of excited
to just see what happens.

I know that the group dates
have been fairly tough,

but I'm hoping to just be able
to, like, embrace that.

It's weird having gotten
the last one‐on‐one date

and you make
that really strong connection.

A few days pass,

and now someone else is getting
that one‐on‐one date

and is getting, like,
that attention and that time,

and so it's, like,
this really, like, weird,

uncomfortable feeling.

I kind of have the same worries
as you, Ryan,

of being able
to hopefully still be able

to get a good chunk of time
to talk to Matt.

I don't know how
that's gonna work,

especially with the numbers.

I'm not really sure
how things are gonna go as is.

‐ Yeah.

‐ So it'll be interesting.

‐ I have really enjoyed
this night with you...

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And the entire day.

‐ Okay, good.

‐ Rachael, I'm falling in love
with you, too,


It is scary to say,

but when I'm with you,
it just feels right,

you know?

With that being said,

Rachael, would you accept
this rose?

‐ Of course.

Thank you.

‐ Tonight just confirms

that I'm‐‐I'm falling
for Rachael.

Feels really good to say

that I'm falling in love
with somebody,

especially when
it's reciprocated.

I'm laying it all on the line,
and there's no fear anymore.

Rachael's someone
that I could see,

at the end of this,

getting down on one knee
and proposing to.

‐ Oh, my God. ‐

‐ I feel so unbelievably

‐ Do you have a hand warmer?

‐ Yeah. You.

It's terrifying
'cause I've never

felt this way
about someone so quickly.

When I look at Matt,
I see the man

that I've been searching for
and praying for

and waiting for.

I can easily see me spending
the rest of my life with Matt.

I've been waiting
my whole life for this guy,

and he's here.


‐ It sucks to see that.

That's uncomfortable.

I'm owed an apology.

‐ I owe you an apology?

‐ I feel like you're deflecting.

‐ I see three sides of you:

who you are at the house,
who you are with Matt,

and who you are
when the cameras are on.

‐ Y'all wanna see me fight?

Get your popcorn.

‐ I think I know
what we're doing.

‐ Oh, Lord, y'all.

Look! ‐ Oh!

‐ Oh, my God, he's literally
shoveling stuff.

‐ This is my first group date,

and I'm, like, excited.

I'm ready to go.

Today, I know I'm gonna see him

showing other women affection,

but I'm also confident
with where Matt and I are,

and my goal is just
to keep moving forward,

learning everything
about that man that I can.

‐ Hey, Matt. ‐ What's going on?

‐ Hey, ladies. all: Hi!

‐ Welcome to the farm.

‐ Thanks for having us. ‐ Yeah.

No problem, man.

‐ Ladies, you all know
I live in New York City,

but I'm from
Raleigh, North Carolina.

I'm a country boy at heart,

and I actually grew up
working on farms.

Today we're on a proper farm,

and who better to fill us in
than a proper farmer?

Farmer Ty.

‐ How is everyone today?
‐ Great.

‐ Good.

Much like a relationship,

a farm takes patience
and hard work.

Also, like on a farm,

you sometimes have to deal

And it's kind of in those times

where you get to see
your partner

and who they truly are.

‐ This is my fourth group date,

and let me tell you,
I'm not thrilled.

I just want one‐on‐one time
with Matt,

and, like,
there's a lot of girls here,

so it's like, always fighting
for someone's attention

does get exhausting.

‐ We're gonna be doing
a lot of work today.


‐ Are you all ready? all: Yes!

‐ All right. Let's do it.

‐ Whoo! ‐

‐ Okay!

‐ Thank you.

‐ Rachael had a magical,
bougie moment,

and here I am,
in the mud on a farm.

‐ Whoa! Oh!

‐ But it's fine.

I'm doing this for Matt!

You're really
putting us to work.

‐ Ew, ew, ew.

‐ This is not my idea
of a‐‐of a fun date.

Hopefully, I'll get time
to talk to Matt.

I really like his outfit
today, actually.

He looks good in green.

‐ Um, so we're gonna try
to milk Frenchie here.

Who's up first?
‐ I'll try. I'll try.

One good thing about these
group dates is, like,

you can decide
to either sit in the back,

or you can shine through.

‐ Ooh.

‐. Ooh, Frenchie!

‐ Ah, Frenchie doesn't like you.

‐ Aww!

She doesn't? ‐ No.

‐ I'm not afraid
that everyone else is here.

Like, I'm here,
and you're gonna notice me.

‐ All right, girls.
‐ What's next?

‐ We're gonna collect some eggs
from the chicken coop.

‐ There are no eggs.

‐ Do not‐‐I swear to God.
Do not...

I'm, like, sitting here
with a basket.

Like, help me! Help!

‐ MJ is chickening out.

I mean, it's not scary.

The chickens
are not gonna hurt you.

It's just, I do question
if it's... authentic.

‐ Yo, they're, like,
ready to g*ng up on me.

‐ Do you wanna pet Diablo?
‐ No, absolutely not.

I appreciate you, but, like,

do not come near me
with that thing.

‐ He might sit in your basket
for you.

‐ Get‐‐oh, my God!

Get me out of here! Ugh!

‐ The whole purpose
of these group dates

is to really try new things
and‐‐and be bold, be brave,

and MJ's just not really
doing that today.

‐ How you feeling?

‐ I'm fine.

I don't wanna make
a big deal about it.

‐ But it's also
getting her attention

'cause Matt's still
supporting her in that,

so it's working.

‐ Ready?

‐ Ooh! ‐ Oh!

‐ Oh!

- ‐ Come here.
- What the?

‐ Oh.

Do you wanna get
in my interview with me?

‐ Oh.


That's uncomfortable.

‐ They're gonna start wondering
where you are.

‐ Pieper's making out with him
over there.

‐ Huh? ‐ Yikes.

‐ Oh. ‐ Ooh.

‐ It sucks.

It sucks to see that.

You don't ever wanna, like,
see the guy you're dating,

like, with another girl, ever.

‐ You're getting me in trouble.
‐ I'm sorry.

But I like that.

‐ It's definitely setting in

that we're all dating
the same guy,

and it's hard to see
the other women

have that connection with him.

‐ My feelings for Matt
are incredibly strong.

It's hard that I went
on the one‐on‐one date

right off the bat, and then

to watch Matt show affection
to other people,

I feel like I'm putting myself
in a situation

to feel hurt.

I just...

I don't want that.

‐ Okay, I have, like,
wind burn on my face,

and I'm, like, so‐‐like, I‐‐

‐ Wind burn. ‐ So red.

‐ Today was nuts,

I mean, not just for me,
but for everyone.

You know, you could just
definitely see it,

but the girls
that are struggling the most

are the ones that, you know,
have been here for a while

and having built
that connection.

I think, after tonight,

it's just gonna get
that much more real,

and it's gonna hurt
that much more.

‐ I would've had a better outfit

if they said,
"Dress, like, farm."

‐ Yeah, like, dress like
you're going to the farm.

One word. ‐ Oh, yeah.

My boot got covered.


We're halfway through
this process,

and I definitely
kind of cracked a little bit.

I just feel like my connection

just isn't as far along
as the other girls,

so the time that I get,
I need to make it meaningful.

I don't want to miss, like,
a great opportunity

to take our relationship
to the next level.

‐ Um, I had a lot of fun
with you ladies tonight.

Those group dates, for me,

it's just time
to spend with you all.

It's not about who's gonna
be the best farmer.

It's about...

It's about quality time

and just getting to see you all
out of your element.

I love this group,
and I'm excited about tonight

and getting to know
you all better,

so to a good night.


‐ Cheers.

‐ I have something for us

‐ Okay.

‐ It feels really good
to come into the cocktail party

and have Matt grab me first.

That's never happened before.

‐ You look great, by the way.

‐ Thank you.

You say that to everybody,
don't you?

‐ No, you do, though.

‐ I told Matt
I'm awkward with boys,

and he knows
that I'm uncomfortable

at group date settings,
so I'm happy to have this time

where it's like, okay,
we can actually sit down

and have a conversation,

because I am falling for Matt,

but I don't even know how
he thinks about me,

and I don't want
to put myself in a position

where I'm like,
"Oh, yeah, I got it in the bag"

and then get sent home,
and I'm blindsided.

‐ We're over five weeks
into this process.

‐ Yeah.

‐ So now that you've spent
some time around me

and you've been here,

what are your thoughts now?

‐ I mean, um...

‐ Yeah.

‐ I like you,
if that's what you're asking.

‐ No, I do‐‐
I feel the same way.

‐ Yeah.

‐ And after our last
conversation, um,

I was thinking about
what you were saying about,

like, how you felt like you
were awkward around boys,

and I‐‐I mean‐‐
‐ I mean, it's true.

‐ I don't feel that, though.

Like, I feel‐‐I just feel
comfortable around you,

you know?

‐ Same. ‐

But no, um...

today, like, when we had

those, like, little
side conversations,

I can't get enough time
to just dive in

to everything about you
and who you are,

and, um, I don't know
if I tell you this enough,

but I am very happy you're here.

‐ Thanks.

‐ How are you feeling today?

‐ Good, good.

Anxious. Anxious to talk to him.

‐ Yeah.

‐ I mean, yeah,

I did get
the First Impression Rose,

but that was almost
half the process ago,

and, you know,
a lot has happened since then.

You know, he's built
really good connections

with other women in the house.

‐ Yeah.

‐ I haven't felt like this
for somebody

in such a short amount of time,

but I want to take it further.

I really want to open up to him

and talk about the things
I want to talk about,

but it's scary to open the door
to being vulnerable

and possibly rejected.

‐ What'd you think about today?

‐ Um, my grandparents
actually had a farm.

I've never been on it,
but I was like, "Okay."

‐ Really?
‐ I can finally understand,

like, what my grandparents
are going through.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ But, honestly,
I was kind of defeated,

and I know, like,
we joke around a lot,

like, obviously, like, about
the group dates and stuff,


‐ What's wrong?

‐ I mean, nothing's wrong.

I think there's just
something about you.

Like, I'm super excited.

Um, I don't know.

I literally get, like,
the biggest smile on my face

when I'm around you,

but I also wanna be as open
with you, obviously,

through this process,
and I guess

my biggest fear has become
that I'm gonna disappoint you.

You want a wife,

and you want a family,

and you know
I want those things, too,

but, you know, if I were

to have a family,


there is a really strong
possibility, you know, that...

my kids would be deaf.

My birth dad did walk out

on my mom and my sister

right after we got
our cochlear implants.

In no way do I, you know,

view my hearing loss as baggage,

but when you have, you know,

what should've been

one of the most important
people in your life...

You know, walk out,
it's hard not to feel like,

you know, if I fully
open up myself to somebody,

are they gonna do
the same thing?

‐ Can I tell you something?

‐ I can't imagine
what that's been like for you,

but I can relate
to not having a dad growing up

and having a single mom

who raised me
and my older brother,

but it's not something
that, like, I'm ashamed of,


it's made me who I am,
and the things

that you're seeing
as a barrier and a roadblock,

those are things
that I look at you

and I admire about you
and are encouraging to me

about what a future with you
would look like,

and that's how I feel with you.

‐ Yeah.

Okay. I feel a lot better.

‐ It was extremely courageous
of Abigail tonight

to share that with me.

She was extremely
vulnerable with me,

and she opened up about things
that keep her up at night

and some of the things
she worries about

and ultimately things
she would want to share

with her husband.

I'm looking for someone
who's gonna push me,

challenge me,
and make me a better person,

and I think Abigail does that.

‐ Okay, so how was your‐‐

how was your first group date,

‐ The activity‐‐
the activity was good.

Emotionally, it's, like,
a whole different story

that I kind of knew I was gonna
have to get used to.

So I'm currently
trying to get used to it.

The first experience
I had with Matt

was on a one‐on‐one.

We had an amazing date,

and every single part
of that date,

I felt like Matt and I
were really connected,

and so today‐‐
today was difficult,

and I don't know
where Matt's head's at,

so watching somebody
that you're falling for

interact with other women
kind of smacked me in the face.

How are you doing? ‐ I'm good.

I didn't know how you felt
at the brunt of that last week.

Was it different today, or...

‐ Ooh.

The activity was great,

'cause I love
getting my hands dirty.

‐ Emotionally, if I'm being
completely honest...

It's gonna take some practice.

‐ Yeah.

‐ I was like, "Oh, my gosh,

I don't know
if my heart can take it."

‐ No, I know,
but I feel what you're feeling.

‐ Okay.

‐ And to say that, like,
I just met you feels weird.

‐ I know. I keep thinking, like,

"Did that really‐‐
did that actually happen?

Maybe I misjudged
the connection,"

or maybe I'm just‐‐
but I'm like, "I don't know."

‐ I don't think you did.

‐ I don't think I did either.

‐ So far, tonight
has been incredible.

The more time I'm spending
with these ladies,

the stronger my connections
are growing,

and that's what I want,

but one of my goals

was for this to be a safe
space for these women,

and last week, I saw that
safe space being threatened.

And I addressed it,

but there's still
one more person

I want to talk to tonight

regarding the way that people
were treated in the house.

She may have been part of it.
I don't know.

Like, I just need
to get to the bottom of it.

I like this all black.

‐ Thank you. I appreciate it.

How are you? ‐ Good.

I had a‐‐I had a great day
with y'all.

Last week's in the past.

I felt like everyone was‐‐

was being cool with each other,

and I hope that's how it is
at the house.

Um... ‐ It really is.

Like, I hope you know that.
Like, I was shocked.

I was like,
"I think everything's, like..."

‐ Yeah, no, I guess,
to that point, uh,

like, when I had heard,

like, everything
that was going on with Brittany

and I'm just talking to a bunch
of women in the house...

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ And, um,

your name came up, actually.

‐ How so?

‐ Just, like,
someone who was, like‐‐

like, an antagonist.

You were making them
feel like outsiders,

and just, like, I was thrown,
so it's like...

‐ No, for real‐‐like, that‐‐
like, it‐‐that hurts,

because, like,
at the end of the day, like,

I lead by example.

If I see something,

I'm gonna make peace
and harmony.

‐ Yeah, I know. I know, MJ.

It's‐‐I know. I know.

‐ It's okay. ‐ I feel that.

It's just, when I hear
someone say that, like,

you're causing a divide,
it's frustrating,

but I need to tell you
that stuff so that it's‐‐

I'm not, like,
just carrying it around.

‐ Yeah, no,
but you can trust me.

‐ Hey.

Is it cool if I steal you
for a minute?

I'm sorry.

‐ One second‐‐
unless you're done.

‐ Let's‐‐I'll talk to you
more about it.

It's all good. ‐ Okay.

That sucks that someone
said that to him.


someone's threatened by me.

Like, for someone to say that,
that's, like, a big deal.

It's so frustrating.

You should be confident enough
in yourself

that you don't need to talk
about other girls with him.

I think I deserve an apology

for even, like,
saying that about me to Matt.

Like, that's just, like,
not fair.

So, ladies, um...

not everyone's here,
but there's something

that, like, you know,
I got out of my time with Matt

and he said to me,
and I don't like it.

Um, my character
was put in question tonight.

Um, I was called
an antagonist in the house,

which is a really strong

Anyone here would ever like
to talk to me,

and if we want to get this
out of the way,

because this does not need
to fester,

especially when my character's
put in question,

'cause I think I lead
by example.

So the floor's open
for a conversation.

‐ Well, Matt approached me
and asked

what was the culture like
in the house.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ And I told him, you know,

yeah, like,
there has been terms used

like "varsity," "JV,"
and I did mention your name.

‐ What is‐‐what is, even,
the varsity and the JV thing?

‐ It was just, like, a joke.
You know what I mean?

Like, nothing against anyone.

Like, new versus old. Whatever.

But, like, don't question
someone's character.

Like, that's hard.
‐ I think a character's

based on behavior and actions
as well.

‐ Right, and I think my actions
speak for themself.

‐ You just talked with Matt,

‐ Yeah.

‐ Did you admit to it,
or did you‐‐

‐ I haven't been involved
in anything,

and I don't need to constantly
explain to you

my relationship with him
and why I'm here.

‐ I didn't ask
for constant explanation.

‐ I'm asking you to keep my name

out of your mouth, Jessenia.

I know that I'm honest.

I‐‐I lead by example.

‐ It's the "lead by example"

that really rubs me
the wrong way...

‐ But I've tried
to stick up for other people.

‐ Because you were the one‐‐
you made it uncomfortable

for these girls;
that's what you did.

‐ Jessenia said my name to Matt,

that I was clearly a problem
in the house.

That is not okay.


I think I'm owed an apology,
because right now‐‐

‐ I‐‐I owe you an apology?

‐ The word "antagonist"
was used in the house.

‐ So you are not going
to own up to it to Matt?

‐ I feel like I'm the person
being att*cked right now,

and I don't feel like it's fair.

‐ I feel like you're deflecting
right now.

‐ Yeah. ‐ If I'm being honest.

The fact that you're, like,
attacking her

and she's asking
over and over again,

"Are you gonna let Matt
know your faults,"

like we all have done,

and it doesn't sound like
you're going to.

‐ Honestly, I do feel like

there is a little bit
of attacking going on.

There's a little bit, and I'm
not deflecting anything.

‐ I thought that our
conversation was done.

‐ This is some childish
that's going on.

I'm just not gonna put up
with this kind of behavior.

‐ You've never had
this much time with him,

which puts more pressure on it
in itself.

‐ Yeah.

I'm so ready to, like,
take this next step...

‐ Yeah, big step.
‐ In our relationship.


I'm just really hyped. ‐ Mm.

Oh, my gosh.

‐ I just have no words.

I'm so excited
for my one‐on‐one.

I can't wait to find out
what we're doing.

‐ "Kit, dinner at my place?

‐ Oh, my gosh.

‐ That's so cute.

Do you think, like,
there's any twist to it,

or do you think, like,
you're literally

just going to his place?

‐ It might have something to do

with, like, cooking.

‐ Do you like to cook?

‐ I, like, almost want to cry.
‐ Oh, my gosh, Kit!

Oh, my God. I'm so ridiculous.

My happy place is, like,

in the kitchen with my mom,

and I've told him that, so...

if he were to do
something like that for me,

it would just, like‐‐
oh, my God.

It would make me so happy.

I brought up to Matt
how much cooking means to me,

so if that's part of our date

it just shows
that he's listening,

and I don't know how
I'm gonna sleep tonight.

‐ I think the night's
almost over, guys.

‐ That was a great night.
‐ Yeah.

‐ I feel good. ‐ You look happy.

‐ ‐ Did you have a good time?

‐ Yeah.
I'm trying to make a prediction

for who I think
is gonna get the rose.

‐ I had a great day today.

I feel really good about
my conversation with Matt.

Like, we have a connection,

but it definitely
crosses my mind

that a lot of the women here
are feeling the same way

about their connection with him.

So if I do get a rose tonight,

it will mean that my feelings
are validated.

‐ I had a great time today.

I had a great time tonight.

My conversations with everybody
is driving my relationships

in the direction
that I want them to go,

but there is only one rose,

and it's gonna go to someone

who was extremely vulnerable
with me tonight.


Will you accept this rose?

‐ I will.

‐ I was really confident
in my relationship with Matt,

and then Jessenia
threw my name out there

to, like, get me to look bad
in Matt's eyes,

and that's not fair.

I'm focused on his and I's

and then to have someone

try to throw a wrench into it‐‐

I don't know, that is just,
like, petty girl.

‐ It's extremely late,
and I'ma head out,

but I'll see you all
at the cocktail party.

‐ End of the day,
I'm here for him.

I'm not here for these girls.

But, like, my character's
important to me,

so I'm going to clear that up
real quick.

‐ There's still things
bothering me

in the back of my mind
with what I'm hearing

is going on at the house,

but tonight is Kit's night,

and I'm focused on how well
we're‐‐we're meshing tonight,

and I'm not gonna let anything
throw me off.

Kit's someone who caught my eye

from the jump, you know.

There's a instant connection

Anytime I'm around Kit,

I'm trying to make sure
that I'm dressed to impress,

because I know that Kit
is just a little fashionista,

so I gotta make sure
I'm on my game.

So I've been cleaning
the house all day.

I'm making sure everything's
in order

because I wanna visualize

a life with Kit outside of this,

and for that to happen,
it's gotta start tonight.

‐ ‐ Hello.

‐ Hi. ‐ You look great.

‐ Thanks for having me.

‐ Welcome to mi casa.

‐ I love it. Wow.

‐ It's how I'm living.

‐ Damn.

Smells good already.

I'm gonna need to visit
more often.

‐ Okay. ‐ Okay.

‐ This is‐‐this is the kitchen.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

‐ This may be weird,

but typically,
when I go to restaurants,

I'll order my dessert first.

‐ Who cares about dinner?

All I care about is cookies.

‐ Just bring your element.
‐ Okay.

You can be the sous chef.

I'm the main chef. ‐ Yes.

‐ My mom is a fashion designer,

and I grew up in the spotlight.

A lot of my life
is, like, gold Bentleys

and red carpets
and fashion events,

so being in the public eye,

like, I've had to try
and maintain a certain image,

and I've built up so many
walls over the years...

‐ This chocolate.

‐ The secret ingredient
to chocolate chip cookies

is chocolate.

And my partner
needs to be somebody

who's able to, like, help me
through falling in love,

because it's not easy for me.

Look at me.

‐ Looks good.

‐ I have felt very seen by Matt,

so I really want
to build the house

on the foundation that I've
started in the past few weeks.

‐ What's it typically like
in the kitchen for y'all?

‐ Not like this.

‐ Like, I completely
am lost in the moment.

Like, I'm just having
such a good time with Kit

that I've completely forgot

that this isn't my house,
this isn't my kitchen,

and I'm just like,
"Dang, that's like‐‐

is that what this is supposed
to feel like?"

It just feels natural.

Like, it's‐‐
I'm not reaching for anything.

Like, it's just easy with Kit.

‐ Ooh. Fancy oven.

‐ Like, we're just enjoying
each other's company

and having a blast,

and that's important
in a relationship.

‐ Could do this every night.

I've told you how much being
in the kitchen means to me

and how much, like,
it has bonded my mom and I,

and I felt that tonight.

It just made me feel
so much more at home.

Growing up, like,

my mom being
such a success story,

I think that...


I was...

Protecting myself,

and, like, getting in touch
with my emotions

is something that I've never
practiced before,

and being here

and letting those walls down

is the first time I've ever,

really had to be vulnerable.

So I think
that's the hardest part,

is just knowing that once
one wall is broken down,

like, you get to see all of me.

‐ Yeah.

I like being around you
because you're you.

Everything that you bring
to the table is 100% Kit.

It's nothing else. ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And that's why
I love our time together.

I try to think about,
okay, like,

what does life look like
after this is over?

‐ Tonight.

Not tonight,
but after this entire process.

‐ No, I'm saying
it looks like tonight.

‐ Oh, I like that.

Yeah. It looks like tonight.

‐ With my partner,

I just‐‐I just want
the simple pleasures,

and I feel like that's
what tonight was all about.

It's just mind‐blowing,

like, how far I've come
in the past few weeks,

and I'm just, like,
surprised every day

how open I've been with you

and the fact that I am starting
to fall in love with you...

And that's why I've said
to you multiple times,

I'm like, "I‐‐can we just
fast forward this and go home?"

‐ Actually...

‐ Okay. ‐ Um...

‐ What?

‐ I'm so fortunate
and happy and blessed

to have you on this journey,

and I'm looking forward to more
moments like that with you.

And with that being said,

will you accept this rose?

‐ I would love to.

Thank you.

When I'm with Matt,

I feel so safe
and so comfortable with him.

It feels like we're the last
two people on Earth.

Like, I have so much love
in my life,

but I've never been able
to find that,

like, with a romantic partner,

To even think that
that's a possibility

after tonight is, like,
so scary and so real.

But after tonight,

I'm, like, ready to dive
into the deep end.

‐ Is anyone else nervous? ‐ Yes.

‐ Yes. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Yeah, we're just anxiously
waiting for the Rose Ceremony.

‐ I'm kind of nervous.

I feel like I really need
to have time with Matt tonight,

and I'm hoping
that nothing pops up

to where that doesn't happen,
'cause this would be

the third Rose Ceremony
where I wouldn't talk to him.

‐ Oh, my God. ‐ Oh, my God.

‐ I just felt that
in my stomach.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Like...

‐ Is it a date card?

‐ MJ...

And Jessenia.

"I need to know the truth."

‐ Wow.

‐ "Meet me at the cocktail party

"before the other women arrive.


‐ Kay.

‐ When that card came in
and they said,

"MJ and Jessenia,
I need to know the truth,"

like, my heart dropped.

‐ I'm gonna go start
getting ready.

‐ I don't really know
what she said to him,

but all I know
is that I have the facts.

The truth always comes out.

‐ I really don't know
what to expect from MJ.

I don't know
what she is willing to do

to try and stay here.

Matt needs to know
that she lied to his face,

acting like she didn't know

anything was going on
in the house

when, in reality,
she was on the forefront

of everything that happened‐‐
her and Victoria.

He took care of Victoria.

He needs to take care of MJ.

‐ I am going into this
because she said that

I'm the reason that there's
a division in the house.

I am pissed off.

You picked the wrong girl.

Big hair, big hoops,
big energy tonight.

She threw my character
into question

to make herself look better.

That is toxic.

I've had it.

Y'all wanna see me fight?

Get your popcorn.

This is embarrassing.

I'm embarrassed to be here,

but I'm here
because you said my name.

You know what I stand for.

I preach harmony, peace.

You put my character
in question with Matt.

You put my relationship
in jeopardy

based off an accusation that
you made about my character.

I have never been more hurt
in my life.

I am furious right now.

You should be embarrassed

'cause we are here because
of your actions right now.

‐ Are you done?

‐ Yes.

‐ So the only reason why

your name was even mentioned,

was because
you started the term,

"JV versus varsity."

‐ Wow, you know what?

He'll know the truth by the end
of tonight, Jessenia.

‐ He will,
because in case you forgot,

you also lied to him.

You acted like you had no idea
that there was any kind of...

‐ Jessenia, you're done.
This is just done.

‐ Toxicity or anything
in the house.

‐ You continue to tear down
other people,

and I'm just done.

You contributed‐‐
‐ Regardless of that,

MJ, you lied to him
the other night.

‐ Stop talking over me,

I never lied.
‐ You lied the other night.

‐ I never lied.
You don't know me.

Okay? Clearly, you don't.

‐ I don't know you,

'cause I see three sides
of you, actually.

‐ Wow, that's a big accusation
to make.

‐ That's right,
who you are at the house...

‐ Jessenia, this is the truth.
‐ Who you are with Matt,

and who you are
when the cameras are on, MJ.

‐ That is a big accusation
to make.

‐ So I wonder which side
Matt's gonna see tonight.

‐ Well, all I know is that
I've only preached harmony.

I took in‐‐I said,
"We're not gonna fight here."

‐ You can't preach harmony, MJ,

because you were the leader
of the divide in the house.

‐ I am done
with this accusation.

‐ Okay? ‐ I am done,

and he will know the truth.

You put my relationship
in jeopardy,

and I am done with this
conversation right now.

‐ It's fine, MJ. You're a liar.

‐ You went and said my‐‐
‐ And I guarantee you

he would have more respect
for you if you owned up to it.

‐ Stop talking over me.

Just 'cause you
say something louder

doesn't mean you're right,

and I need you to know

that he's gonna find out
the truth tonight.

‐ I think I'm right, MJ.
I think I'm right.

‐ Great, I guess he'll find out
the truth tonight.

‐ You'll find out the truth
when this all airs,

and so will he. ‐

Oh, that's cute.

I'm done.
That is just childish to say.

‐ Kay.

So from‐‐ ‐ No, Jessenia.

I‐‐you've done enough talking.
I need to talk.

‐ I simply told him the truth.

‐ You put my character
into question,

and you need to stop.
‐ I didn't put my‐‐

your character into question.
‐ You've done enough talking.

Just stop. ‐ Your actions did.

‐ My actions speak louder
than my words.

‐ Now, did I lay them out
on the table for Matt to see?

‐ My actions speak louder
than my words.

‐ Absolutely,
because he asked me.

‐ I lead by example, Jessenia,
so just stop talking.

‐ You're gonna act‐‐
you can act like you think

I'm the only one
who has seen and heard this,

but I'm not, MJ.


‐ But he'll know the truth.
‐ I'm not.

‐ Just stop talking. ‐ He will.

He will. ‐ You've said enough.

‐ Next week on "The Bachelor"...

‐ What the?

‐ This is my worst nightmare.

‐ I'm not even upset yet.
Like, I'm just angry.

‐ I've sacrificed so much
to be here.

‐ My biggest fear is losing you.

I'm trying to keep it together
right now.

‐ You're lighting all these
little fires everywhere.

You are the freaking arsonist.

‐ I'm just so over the drama.

Everyone thought that‐‐
‐ How does that help...

‐ No, let me talk!
‐ Your relationship with Matt?

‐ They're, like, going at it.

‐ I just hate caring this much

and not knowing
what it's all for.

‐ Bro, there's so much

I don't even know
where to start.

‐ This cannot be happening.

‐ You're pathetic.

I have nothing to say to you.

It didn't have to come to this.

Hi, Chris.

‐ Heather,
what are you doing here?

You could honestly destroy
this whole thing for Matt.

The drama continues next week
on "The Bachelor."

‐ In Spain, they have
"running with the bulls."

In Farmington, we have
"running with the goats."

‐ We're gonna put a belt
on all of you ladies.

Those belts have buckets.

You've gotta try to keep
the feed in the buckets,

and you're gonna try to find
the golden horseshoe.

All right, ladies, ready?

‐ Where is it? Where is it?

Where is the horseshoe?

‐ Oh, hi, buddy. ‐ Ahh!

‐ It was chaos.

You have goats coming at you,

women coming at you,

but what got me
is when MJ would throw hay,

and it would just go
right in my face.

‐ Ahh!

‐ Goats are aggressive animals.

I thought the chickens were bad.

‐ Ah!

‐ These women are competitors.

They're having goats and sheep
coming in their pockets

while they're looking
for this golden horseshoe.

It just rained,
so it's wet and muddy.

‐ Ahh!

‐ There's poop
flying everywhere,

and I'm just kind of, like,
dodging and dipping the poop.

They didn't wanna lose,
and I respect that.

‐ Ahh! ‐ No!

You got it. ‐ Hey!