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04x20 - To Clean or Not to Clean

Posted: 04/16/24 08:51
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

♪ Hello, everybody ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley ♪

♪ -Coming through
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kinds of
folks to meet here ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here ♪

♪ -Lots to do
-Hydrants too ♪

♪ And our house of blue ♪

♪ We've got friends
with class here ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's just the beginning ♪

♪ -Whoop-dee-doo
-Moonlight too ♪

♪ Plus our house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let’s... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

[theme music plays]


hi there. You're just in time.

I'm just getting back from
a little business trip for

Bearcraft Tools.

Bearcraft Tools-big
tools for little people.

Oh come on in.


Why hello, Bear!

Hey, Lois!

Lois was nice enough to stay
and watch after the house and

everybody while I was away.

I hope they weren't
too much trouble, Lois.

Bubbles? No, bubbles.

But we did have
lots and lots of fun!

Oh, that's great Lois.

Well, gotta fly! See you later,

Oh...well. Okay. And
thanks again, Lois.


I love going on trips,
but I also love...


Wait a second...
what's that smell?

[sniffs] Hmm?


Ha! It's you!

tell me were you just wrapped

in a warm, fuzzy blanket...


'Cause you have that nice,
warm fuzzy blanket smell

or do you smell this
cozy all the time?

As I was saying,
I love to take trips but

I love even more to come
home to a nice, clean...

Big Blue Hou...?
at this mess!

OJO: Treelo, keep looking!

Hey, that sounds like...Ojo.

Maybe she can tell me
what's been going on. Come on..

Ojo? Treelo?

Treelo? Oh, my!



Treelo? Ojo?


Hey, guys.

Bear! Treelo! Bear's home! Hey,
come on, let's all...
-Just a second, Bear!

This way,
Ojo! Treelo see a path!

No...this way...



Hey, it's good to see you, too.


Bear...we can't find Snow Bear!

And no Rock Boy, Bear!

Yeah, yeah. We can't find
Snow Bear or Rock Boy.

Gee...I really can't see why.

-Well, what do you mean?/
-Treelo not get it.

-Yeah. know...all this... mean cause

there's all this stuff around,

-Yes. That's what I mean.

Um, see,

while you were gone,
we kind of thought...

you know, what's the point

of putting all this
stuff away since, well,

we're just going to pull it
all back out again, right?

-Yeah. And Lois not care.
-Yeah and Lois didn't mind.

Really. Well, that's quite an

interesting way of
looking at things, I guess.

Yeah. That cleaning up was

really cutting
into our play time.

But now for some reason,

we can't find Snow
Bear or Rock Boy.


Well. Hmm...let's see, where
did you last play with them?

Uh...somewhere...I think

somewhere...uh...over there

behind what's left of
the pillow castle, I think...


why don't we just start

cleaning our way
over there...and

uh...taking this and
putting that away...


Very good! Hey,
what's that down there?

Oh, look! Yaaaaay!

[laughs] [smooching]

I just can't understand
why we had

so much trouble finding them...

Well, you see...

-PIP: No, you are it!
-POP: You're it!

that sounds like Pip and Pop.

I'd better go see
what they're up to.

-See you, later.
-Bye, Bear!



-You're it.
-You're it.

-You're it.
-You're it.

You are it!

Pip? Pop? What's going on?

Bear! You're home!
We're glad you're here, Bear.'s, uh...nice to be
back, sort of...what's going on?

Yeah, well,
we were playing tag, but...

it's not going so well.

Yeah, I never
thought I'd say this, but

this game of tag
isn't all that much fun.

I was thinking the same thing.


Wow. We just keep
tagging each other.


Well, you know guys,
it might be because you're

stuck in the same
spot right there.


Whoa! That is so true!

We're so glad you're home, Bear!

You really put your paw on it.

-You're so wise.
-You're telling me.

Um...guys. Why don't
you play outside for a while?

Outside! Great idea!

Cool! Alright, let's go.

[cross talk]


Could you help us out of here?

Please...we're stuck.

Oh, sure, guys. Come here.

Here we go!


Thanks, Bear...

No problem, guys. Now,
you guys have fun.

-Later Bear...
-Bye, guys.

TUTTER: Hello! Hello?!

Is anybody out there?

That sounds like Tutter and it
sounds like he needs some help.

Come on.

Oh. Oh.

-Bear! Bear!

Tutter? Where are you?

I'm here, where are you?

Well...I'm here...where
are you? Never mind.


Just keep talking,
Tutter and I'll find you.


What should I talk about?

I don’t know...uh...why
don't you mention

some of your favorite cheeses?

Bear! Right-O! Uh...Cheddar!

Monterrey Jack!
Swiss! Montrechet!

[voice gets louder]
Parmesan! Mozzarella!

Cottage! Cream! Umm..

-Bear? Oh, Bear!

Tutter, you were in the
cheese drawer all along!

Oh! Yeah, whataya know! [laughs]

I knew there was a reason I
wasn't in a hurry to be rescued.

Tutter, what happened?

Well, Bear,
I wanted a snack, but

there weren't any plates
or forks or anything clean,

since, you know,
we had this idea about...

Not cleaning up.

Yes. I've been
hearing a lot about this.

Yeah, so...I figured,
what the havarti,

-why not just dive in!

Then...I was enjoying
this nice piece of gouda,

and all of the sudden,
Bear...cave in!

And, I was stuck in here,
Bear, stuck!

Well, Tutter. Maybe it's time
we did just a little cleaning...

Bear, Treelo lost Snow Bear!

-Well, Ojo lost Rock Boy!
-We can't find anything!

-You know, you two...
-Bear, there's no place to play!

Uh...okay. Everybody,
everybody, everybody,

why don't we just
take a few minutes to

talk about this, okay?

-Okay, if you say so Bear.

let me ask you all a question.

Do you really think it's a
good idea to never clean up? up does
take away from our play time...

do you think you all

had such a tough time today?




Hey, I see Bear! Ah!

It was the mess that
made us lose our toys.

And that really cut
into our play time!


Yeah. You see.

When you all live
together in a house...well,

you all have
responsibilities. Yeah.


Hey, responsibility!

-Whoa! That's a biggun.

Yeah it is a big word-well,

a responsibility is something
that has to be done.

We all have responsibilities,
to ourselves and to each other.

And everybody
has responsibilities.

Like...a baker's
responsibility is to make bread.



a firefighter's responsibility
is to put out fires...

[water splashing]

And, in this house,

we all have a
responsibility to make sure

that the place is nice
for the other person.


Maybe cleaning up isn't
such a bad idea after all...


Hey! I just had a great idea,

why don't we clean up the house!

Whew! I thought you'd never ask!


Let's do it!


♪ Come on everybody,
let's clean up the house ♪

♪ Let's go! Come on everybody,
let's clean up the house ♪

♪ -Clean up the house
-Clean of the house ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Come on, you too
clean up the house ♪

♪ -Tidy it up, tidy it up
-Clean up the house ♪

♪ Tidy it up, tidy it up
everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Let's take it upstairs.
Whooaa! Clean up the house ♪

♪ We got to clean it up
clean up the house ♪

♪ -That's right, now clean it up
-Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ You tell' em ojo
Clean up the house ♪

♪ Tidy it up,
tidy it up tidy it up ♪

♪ Tidy it up, tidy it up,
everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Ooh, baby baby ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house,
let's clean up the house! ♪

Wow, Bear,
everything looks great.

Yeah...ya know, Bear,
maybe from now on,

we should clean stuff up
when we're done with it.

You know,
before we mess it up again.

-Good idea, Ojo.

Hey, let's play tag everybody!
You want to play, Bear?

Oh, that's okay, guys.

I'm just gonna go right
over here and...aah...

Take it easy.

Well, okay, Bear. Well,
you're it, Pop!

Hey wait for us,
we want to play too!

Come on, come on.

Have fun! Wow,

the place really looks good,
doesn't it?!

[shadow laughs]

Did you hear that?

[shadow laughs]

That sounds like Shadow.


You know,
if we sing our song and

look really hard,
she might appear.



♪ Where-o-where-o-where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o-where-o-where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o-where-o-where
is Shadow? ♪

Where can Shadow be ?




-Oh, Shadow! There you are.
-Hello Bear!

Hello Shadow. So,
what have you been up to, today?

I was just dancing
with the sunlight

on the leaves of the trees!

Oh, well, that sounds lovely,

Shadow, do you to have
another story for us today?

Indeed I do, Bear. Just watch.

-♪ When life's a bore ♪
-I'm bored.

♪ Just do a chore
clean your room ♪

♪ Go get a broom,
take out the trash ♪

♪ You'll have a bash
clear the table ♪

♪ You know you're
able dry a dish ♪

♪ And make a dish towel
swish put away that toy ♪

♪ It will give you joy
put away those books ♪

♪ You'll like the way it
looks and remember if ♪

♪ You're having fun the
sooner that the chores ♪

♪ Will be done ♪

-We're done.

Wow! What a great story Shadow!

Well, if you need another story,
Bear, just try and catch me!


Thanks, Shadow! Bye-Bye!


You know, this bear
could use a little snack...


[music plays]

There. I've had my snack.

I've put my plate
away...nice and neat.


-PIP: Hey, Bear. looks like all
of you had some fun.

So maybe it's time for...

-Bath time?
-Yes! Bath time.

Well, we have had some
thoughts on that, Bear.

Yeah, uh...we were thinking,

why do we have to
take a bath anyway?

This sounds awfully familiar.

Yeah, it's not like if
we don't take a bath,

the house will turn
into a big mess again.

-Well, no...
-And, Bear, think about it.

If we wash dirt off of
our elbow for instance...

Then there's just another
clean place for more dirt

-to stick to...
-For instance...

-Thank you!
-Aah, yes...

I see where this is,
tell you what.

Rather than wait to see
how dirty you all can get.

Let's imagine

what it would be like
if you don't take a bath

for a long time?

What would that be like...



It has been days since
we last took a bath.

I do not know what
Bear was worried about!

Ha ha ha!

[buzzing sound]
What's that buzzing sound?

Uhh... Sounds like... flies,
Tutter, flies.

got brownie on your face!

Eeeew. Is that still there?


Anybody else itchy?

now that you mention it.

What is that?


Yeah, and Pop, are you still
carrying those old clams around?

No. Why?

[sniffs] What?

what is that smell? Is that me?


We're dirty!'re disgusting.



So maybe you
do want to take a...

-A bath!
-Yes, a bath!

-Yes now would be good!

Okay, let's scrub-a-dub-dub!
Come on! To the tub!

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub
everybody in the tub ♪

♪ The water's gonna get all
the dirt and grime and grub ♪

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub
it’s our favorite club ♪

♪ The water's nice and
wet everybody in the tub ♪

♪ Let's give the rubber
duck a bubble bath beard ♪

♪ Doesn't my washcloth hat
look weird ♪

♪ -Got a little toy sub
-And everything I love ♪

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub
everybody in the tub ♪

♪ We're soaping and soaking
and floating away ♪

♪ -We're laughing
-And splashing ♪

♪ -And washing
-All day ♪

♪ At home with the foam
and suds and the spray ♪

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub
Everybody in the tub ♪

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub
everybody in the tub ♪

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub
it's time for a scrub ♪

♪ -For two otters
-And a mouse ♪

♪ -A bear
-A lemur ♪

♪ And a bear cub ♪

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub
it's our favorite club ♪

♪ The water's just fine
everybody in the tub ♪

♪ -I love to make waves
-And watch the passing time ♪

♪ I love the way that
I feel when I'm done ♪

♪ There's nothing much
better than good, clean fun ♪

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub
everybody in the tub ♪

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub
everybody in the tub ♪


-Wow, that feels so much better!
-Like a mountain spring...

Yeah, when you wash
you stay healthier, too!

But, it's getting late, and
we should all said good night.

Wait a minute, don't we
brush our teeth before bed?

We don't have to, do we Bear?



I'm just kidding Bear,
I'm just fooling you.


Well, then,
let's brush our teeth.

ALL: Yeah!

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush-a-broo ♪

♪ brush brush
Bree brush brush broo ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush-a-broo ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush broo ♪

♪ Grab a brush make
yourself at home ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush broo ♪

♪ I love to work up
a really good foam ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush broo ♪

♪ Swish and spit
the water don't drink ♪

♪ Can somebody make
a little room at the sink ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush broo ♪

♪ My favorite thing
about brushing my teeth ♪

♪ Is shucka shucka shucka
shucka shucka shucka shucka ♪

♪ My favorite thing
about brushing my teeth ♪

♪ Is shucka shucka shucka ♪

♪ Shucka shucka shucka shucka! ♪

♪ Brush brush
bree brush brush broo ♪

♪ I'd brush'em all
day long if I could ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush broo ♪

♪ Mmm, do you always
smell this good when you ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush broo ♪

♪ I can brush'em wherever I am ♪

♪ Look pop,
I found a clam cool ♪

♪ Ewwwwww ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush broo ♪

♪ My favorite thing
about brushing my teeth ♪

♪ Is shucka shucka shucka
shucka shucka shucka shucka ♪

♪ My favorite thing
about brushing my teeth ♪

♪ Is shucka shucka shucka shucka
shucka shucka shucka shucka. ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush-a-broo ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush broo ♪

♪ Brush brush
Bree brush brush-a-broo ♪

♪ Brush brush me
brush brush you ♪



[music plays]

-Hey, Ojo.
-Oh, hey, Bear.

I was just finishing
making my bed.

I forgot to make it earlier.


That's great, Ojo.

It's just nicer when
things are neat.


That is true, Ojo. Here,
let me help you into bed.

Oh, okay.


There you go, Ojo.

-Thank you, Bear.
-And don't forget...

Snow Bear! Thank you, Bear.

You're welcome, Ojo. Good night.

Good night.



What a wonderful day
we've had. You know,

I bet Luna will want
to hear all about it.

Let's go up and
tell her. Come on!

Aaah...there's Luna now!

Good evening, Luna!
What are you up to tonight?

Good evening, Bear. Just
brightening the night sky.

Oh, that’s sounds wonderful.

How was everything in
the Big Blue House today?

Well, everyone found out a
little bit about responsibility,

and the responsibilities
we have to ourselves,

and the folks around us.

Hm, well the thing
about responsibilities is

often, they turn out to be
things that make us very happy.

Um...what do you mean, Luna?

Well, what's your biggest
responsibility, Bear!

Well, taking care of everyone
in the Big Blue House.

That's what I mean, Bear.

Wow. Oh, I see. [laughs]

I hadn't thought of that. Well,

you know, there's something
else that makes me very happy...

If you mean the goodbye song,

I can't imagine a
more pleasant chore.

♪ -Hey this was really fun
-We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey
I say well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon the bear
and the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for
you to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!


Thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House.

And the next time
you clean up your room

and you need help from a Bear,
just let me know.

See you soon!