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04x11 - The Amazing Skippy

Posted: 04/16/24 08:43
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Hello Everybody! ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley! ♪

♪ -Coming through!
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kind of folks
to meet here! ♪

♪ Come get something
sweet here!♪

♪ -Lots to do!
-Hyrants too! ♪

♪ And our house is blue! ♪

♪ We have lots of class here! ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's is just beginning ♪

♪ -Woo-hoo-hoo!
-Moonlight too! ♪

♪ Plus our house is blue! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome,
welcome to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here!
-So, let's... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

Oh! [chuckles]

You almost beat me this time.

It's good to see you.
Come on in.

I was ...

Wait a second... [sniffing]

What's that smell?

It smells like something...

Ooooo, sweet.




♪ What's that smell? ♪


♪ Smells like cornflakes ♪


♪ Or maybe pancakes ♪

♪ A glass of milk ♪

♪ It's something swell ♪

♪ What's that smell? ♪


♪ Smells like clean clothes ♪


♪ Ticklin' my nose ♪

♪ Warm pajamas ♪

♪ Soap as well ♪

♪ What's that smell? ♪

♪ It's delicious
What's that smell? ♪

♪ I'm suspicious ♪

♪ Toothpaste, grape juice
Wait! Don't tell! ♪

♪ What's that smell? ♪

♪ What's that smell? ♪

♪ It's something cuddly ♪

♪ And something
Utterly special too ♪

♪ It's wonderful
It's loveable, unique ♪


♪ Hey! It's you! ♪

[sniffing] [gasps]

It's you!

[sniffing] Oooo!

Smells like maple syrup.

Tell me. Did you have maple
syrup on pancakes this morning?

Or maybe on a big
stack of waffles.

[sniffing] Aaaah!

Or maybe you just smell
this sweet all the time.


I'm so glad you came today--.

Treelo is bringing a friend
over to visit --

Skippy the Squirrel -

­ and everybody's
pretty excited to meet him.

Come on.

Treelo says Skippy's
a real swinger.

You know -- in trees.

Oh, yeah ,yeah.

Hey, hey maybe Skippy will
want to play kickball.

Or go skateboarding.

Or roller-blading.

Hey everybody.

Hey, Bear, are Treelo
and Skippy here yet?

Well, not yet but they should
be here any minute.


Skippy, Skippy, Skippy,

Okay. Skippy,
this is the Big Blue House.

Wow. Treelo,

so I finally get to meet

all those guys from the
Big Blue House

always talking about Treelo.

Gosh, I hope they all like me.

Don't worry.

Everybody like Skippy.

Skippy the best!

Oh... thanks, Treelo.

Come on!

Oh! Here they are.

-There they are!
-Treelo's here!

-Hey, Treelo!
-Introduce us.

Okay. Everybody, this Skippy!

Skippy, this everybody!

Hey, Skippy.
-Nice to meet you.

-How ya doin'?

[shyly] Uh, hi everybody.

So, uh... listen, Skip...

you know, you really don't
have to play it cool with us...


The sunglasses.

You can take them off.

Yeah, Yeah.

You know what Bear doesn't
really like for us to wear

sunglasses inside.

He says... ahem.. we might bump
into stuff, or trip...

He does say that...

-Uh, guys...
-Cool cane, though!

[chuckles] Well,

I think I might bump into
a few things

whether I
wear the glasses or not.


-What do you mean?
-I don't follow.

Treelo, didn't you tell them?

Tell them what?

You know...

about me being blind?


[giggles] Oh, that. Yeah.

Skippy blind.

That's why Skippy's
wearing sunglasses.

Sometimes when
people are blind, they do that.

Yeah, and the cane is just so
I have

something that [knocking] bumps
into things before I do.


So, so wait a minute. Blind?

Like... what? You mean...
you can't see?

That's right, Tutter.
That's what blind means.

Skippy can't see.

Yep. That's what it means.

-Nothing at all?

Wow, you mean not even
if I stand really, really close?

[chuckles] 'Fraid not.


Skippy want to see
the rest of the house?

That's a great idea, Treelo!

Why don't you give Skippy
a tour of the Big Blue house!

Come on!

Treelo show Skippy
the kitchen first.


-Grab on!

Here we go. See ya.


I love that one.

Have fun!

-Did you know?
-Why would I know?

I wonder if Skippy's okay...

Uhm. Is everything okay?

Oh, sure, Bear.

-Everything's fine.
-We're good.

But, Bear...

we were just wondering... um ...

is Skippy okay?

Yeah, is he sick or something?

Well, why would he be sick?

Well, because, you know,
um, he's blind and everything.


Well no,
Skippy is perfectly healthy.

He's fine.

But he cannot see!

being blind isn't a sickness,

He's just like you and me

and Ojo, and Pip and Pop
and Treelo,

and you too. he just can't see.

Oh ...

Being blind is what's
called having a disability.

Oh. That's a really big word.

Yeah, it is, isn't it.

There are, you see,
all kinds of disabilities.

For example there are
some people

who don't have the ability,

which means they can't hear,


And some don't have
the ability to walk...

and some people, like Skippy

don't have the ability to see.

But how does a person
become blind, Bear?

Yeah, I'd like to know that too.

Yeah, me too.

Well, it happens in a lot
of different ways.

Uhm, sometimes people
are just born that way,

but sometimes it can
just happen later on.

Uhm, Bear,

could I become blind?

Well, Tutter,

it's a very, very rare
thing if that happens

but if something were to happen

and you did get
a disability like Skippy's,

well, you'd be okay
and you'd still be you.

[chuckles] Oh, okay.

But, Bear, how are we supposed
to play with Skippy?

Yeah, what do we do Bear?

I mean, he cannot see.

And what do we say to him?

Yeah, maybe he can't
hear too well, either.

he can hear perfectly fine.

He can't just see.

Skippy is just like all of us.

In fact, he probably wants
to play the same things you do.

Just ask him.


-I can get with that.
-But, um, Bear?

I--I have a question.

What does Skippy see
when his eyes are closed?

I mean does he see pictures
in his head, like me,

or is it always dark in there?

Yeah, and how can he tell if
it's day time or night time?

Well... I don't really...

How can he find
his cane if he loses it?

Well, these are all
very good questions.

In fact, these are all
questions you should ask Skippy.

I'm sure he'll be
happy to answer them.

Oh, we're gonna ask him.

Hey, there's Skippy!


And that the big blue house Boy,

it sure is a nice big
house you guys've got here.

And blue!

[giggling] Yeah,
that's what Treelo told me.

So, um, Skippy,
what do you want to do today?


Oh, uh, I-I don't know.

Actually, I was kinda hungry.

Whoa. So weird.

We just happen to be hungry too.

Of course, we're always hungry.

Yeah, I'm hungry, too.

I could eat wheel of brie.

Well, there
really isn't much to eat here.

I really should go to the store.

Hey! I've got an idea.

Why don't we all go down
to the general store

and you
can pick out something to eat.

-General Store!

-Great idea, Bear!
-I'm clamished!

I'm kind of hungry, myself.



Hey wanna come with us
down to the general store?

Well come on!



-Well, well, lookee here!
-Hey, Jeremaya!

Let me guess...

I'll bet you all want some...

uh ...


That's what I was goin' to say!


Well I've got a nice
selection of snacks...

and Bear...


got an extra special
triple berry pie...

[sniffing] Aaah!

What's so special?

It's made with three berries



So… everybody pick up what
you want to take home now...

Oh, okay, Bear.

Oh, um.

So, um, Skippy?

Can I ask you something?


Well, how would one...

who is blind...

I mean, a blind squirrel,

not unlike yourself ...


Okay, I'm just gonna
come right out and ask.

Skippy how do you
find something when you lose it?

Like your cane there?

[chuckles] Well, I--I just
always leave everything

in the same place every time.

That way,
I always know where I left it.

I'm pretty neat, I guess.

Neat, huh!

Wow. I'm neat too.

Cool. So, what're you going
to have to snack on, Tutter?

Hmmm... Good question, Skippy.
Good question!

Let's see, I wonder what
the cheese of the week is?

-It's gouda.
-I'm sure it is.

Everything here is good.

[chuckles] No,
Tutter it's gouda cheese.

That's the cheese of the week.


Oh, and uh, Tutter by the way,

the cheese of the week is gouda,

just in case you were wondering.


Told ya.

Whoa how'd he know that?

Skippy amazing!

everybody find what they want?

-Yeah, Bear.


[talking all]



You know.

I think I'll save
the rest of this tomorrow

as a little snack.

Ah, yes!

Things are working out well
with Skippy and the g*ng,

right now, they're outside
playing hide and go seek.

Isn't it nice
to make a new friend.


Maybe one
more little piece of pie...


[talking all]

Let's see who's gonna be it!

Ready? Alright.

Eeny, meeny, miney, min,

catch a fishy by the fin...

if he hollers,
throw him back in...

eeny meeny miney min!


Oh. What's wrong, guys.

Nothing Skippy.

-[joyfully] Skippy is it!
-Me? I'm it?


Is that okay?

I can be it, if you want.


If I'm it, I'm it.

The eeny-meeny doesn't lie.


You'd better hide really,
really well,

because I'm a good seeker.

Skippy good seeker.

-Are you sure?
-Yeah, becaus...

He says he's a good seeker.

One! Two! Three...

-FOUR... FIVE...
-He's coming!

Six... Seven...

Eight... Nine... and ten!

Ready or not, here I come!


-This is great.

You be quiet.

This is a really
good hiding place.

Yeah. Maybe too good.

How's Skippy ever gonna find us.

Very true.

It doesn't seem fair.

He can't even see us.

Oh, well, those
are the breaks of the game...

That's right!

And you guys are it!



Where'd he come from?

Good seekin' Skip.


How'd he do that?

I... uh...


And then,
he just says "it's gouda."

And it was.

How did he know
the cheese of the week?

-That is kind of amazing.

-And you know what else?

He found us in no time flat.

And we had a good hiding place.

It was amazing.

It's like he has super-powers.

Like he can read
minds or something.

Or maybe he has super radar,
like Otter Boy.

No, that's Captain Otter.

Otter Boy has
super-clam-cracking strength.

Oh, that's right.
I always get those to confused.

Yeah well,
it's a natural mistake.

Hey, guys!

Hey, Skippy! Where's Treelo?

He's coming.

He saw a pinecone
he wanted to sketch.

-Watch out for the-- ...



-What did I tell you...
-I thought I told you.

Maybe you did.
I get us mixed up sometimes.


-Hey, Treelo.
-Hey, Skippy.



I didn't even know
Treelo was in the room.

Yeah, how'd he know that?

That's it.
He does have super powers!

I wonder what else he knows?

Yeah... Skippy,

I'm thinking of a number between
one and a bazillion...

What's the cheese
of the day tomorrow, Skippy?

Huh? Huh?

What are you guys talking about?

Well, we thought, you know,

maybe you'd show us some more
of your Super-Skippy Powers?

Super Skippy Powers?

like can you tell the future?

Yeah, I'd like to know

if I'll ever have all
the cheese I can eat.

Can you tell me?
Can you? Huh, huh?

Super Powers? Me?

But... Oh, hey, Bear.


Hey, Skippy! Hey everybody!

He did it again!

Did what? What?

These guys seem to think I have
super powers or something.

Give it up, Skippy.

We've uncovered
your secret identity.


What are you, like
"Super-Squirrel" or something?

Super powers? What do you mean?

He does all this cool stuff.


What about
the cheese of the week?

There's no way you
could have known that?

How did you do that,
Super Skippy?

Huh? Huh?


Well, Tutter, you see
I notice smells a lot more.

Most blind people do.

So when we were
in the General Store...

I could smell what the
cheese of the week was

Old Jeremiah even told us.


-Very interesting.

Yeah! But how about

when you knew that Treelo
walked in the room?

Oh good one, Ojo.

Oh, that was easy.

Since I can't see, I pay
attention to sounds more...

And I know how Treelo's
walk sounds different

than everybody else's.

Like Bear's, which sounds the
loudest, because he's so big.

Ha, ha, you hear that, Bear?

Your walk's the loudest,
'cause you're so big!

So big, Bear!

-Yeah, I...

I always thought I had
a sort of gentle walk.

But what about
when you used your radar

to go around the table?

Radar? Pop! Guys...

That wasn't radar at all.

When I go through
somebody's house...

I just try to remember
in my head where everything is,

so I won't keep
bumping into things.


-Very fascinating.

But what about when you found
us so easily

when we were
playing hide and seek?

You guys make a lot of noise
hiding in the bushes.

We do not.

Oh. I guess that's true.

So, you see,

Skippy's just learned how to do
these things over the years...

So, I guess you guys don't
think I'm so super any more huh?

What, are you kidding?

You know how to do
all that great stuff.

You're the coolest!

Yeah, maybe you can teach us.

Ojo, that's a great idea.


you could teach us how to notice
things in a whole new way.

Uh, sure.


You bet.

-Skippy cool.

♪ If we could see
What you hear ♪

♪ What would we see? ♪


♪ If we could know
What you feel ♪

♪ What would it be? ♪

♪ What kind of world ♪

♪ I wonder what kind of
A world it can be ♪

[chuckles] Well...

♪ If you could see what I hear ♪

♪ And know what I feel ♪

♪ It might seem
different to you ♪

♪ But it's just as real ♪

♪ I feel sun on my face
I hear wind in the tree ♪

♪ I know what a beautiful
world it can be ♪

♪ Oh what a world it can be ♪

♪ We all can share a sunny day ♪

♪ Though we each see it
A different way ♪

Hmm...! Hey!

♪ If we saw what
Treelo can see ♪

♪ From up in the air ♪

♪ Yeah, if we could smell
What Bear smells ♪


♪ We'd smell just like Bear ♪


♪ Pretend that I'm you
Pretend that you me ♪

♪ Imagine what kind
Of a world it can be ♪

♪ Oh what a world it can be ♪

♪ We don't need eyes
To know what's true ♪

♪ And see the world
As others do ♪

Oh, I get it!

♪ We don't need to see
What you hear ♪

♪ Or what you feel
Taste or smell ♪

♪ I don't need to see
How you see ♪

♪ 'Cause we can just tell
From the smile on your face ♪

♪ From the song in your heart ♪

♪ From the stars to the sea ♪

♪ It's the same kind
Of beautiful world ♪

♪ For you and for me ♪

♪ And oh
What a world it can be ♪


So, Skippy,
what do you want to do now?

It's your call.

Actually, I did have one
thing I really wanted to do

while I was visiting you guys.

Really? What's that?

Go to the movies.

[gasps] The movies? !

-Can we, Bear? Can we?
-I think that's a great idea.


But, um, wait...

You can't see, Skippy.

Pop, but I can hear the movie.

Sometimes I even get
things you guys might miss.


And you can tell me some of the
good stuff that I can't see.

No problem, Skippy.

Can do!

So, what's playing?

'Take the Bunny and Run.

It's a Woodsy Allen film.

Oh, I like him.

especially his early stuff.

I can taste that
popcorn already.

But how is that possible?


It's just an expression, Tutter.

Let's go to the mo-vies...
Let's go the mo­ vies...



What an amazing day we've had

and we've made a new friend...


wait 'til Luna hears about this.

Hey! Wanna go up
and tell her about it?

Come on!


-Hello, Luna.
-Hello, Bear.

And how were things today
in the Big Blue House?

Pretty exciting, Luna.

Treelo had a friend come
to visit --

Skippy the Squirrel.

That sounds like fun.

Oh, it was -- once
everybody got to know him.

Well, what do you mean?

Well, Skippy's blind,

and everyone had a lot
of questions at first.

Oh, yes, I can understand that.

But then we found out

that Skippy has some
pretty great ways

of dealing with his disability.

And that no matter how
different someone is,

there are always things
you can learn from them.

Sometimes the more
different someone is,

the more you can
learn from them.


Like you and me, Luna.

-We're as different as can be...

... and we've learned
a lot from each other.


Say, Luna,

how would you like to sing
the Goodbye Song with me?

I'd love to, Bear.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
And the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!


Thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House today.

And come back soon

'cause I always learn something
new whenever you visit.

See you soon.


[theme song]