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04x09 - History, Herstory, Bearstory

Posted: 04/16/24 08:41
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Hello Everybody! ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley! ♪

♪ -Coming through!
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kind of folks
to meet here! ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here! ♪

♪ -Lots to do!
-Hyrants too! ♪

♪ And our house is blue! ♪

♪ We have lots of class here! ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's is just beginning ♪

♪ -Woo-hoo-hoo!
-Moonlight too! ♪

♪ Plus our house is blue! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here!
-So, let's... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

Oh! [panting]

Hi there!


I thought I saw you coming up
the path and look, here you are.


Come on in!

You know, you are just in time,

I was about to--.

Hm? [sniffing]

Wait a second.
What's that smell?

It smells like [sniffing]
oatmeal with...

[sniffing] brown sugar.



[gasps] It's you!


Oh, tell me.

Did you just have
oatmeal with brown sugar

for breakfast this morning?

[sniffing] Ah!

Or maybe you smell this
sweet all the time.


As I was saying,
you're just in time.

I'm just about to call
Ojo and Tutter.

We're going outside to play.

-Let's go, Bear! Let's go!

Last one outside
is a rotten hunk of limburger!



I was just about
to call you two.

Are you ready to play a little
game of hide and seek?

-Oh boy, oh boy!


Hey! You come too.

One, two, three

four, five, six, seven

eight, nine, ten.

Ready or not, here I come!



I don't see Tutter
or Ojo anywhere,

do you?


Did you hear something?



-[startled] Ahh!


-You got me Bear!

You got me alright!

Ha ha!

-Good one, Bear!

-I think you got me too, Tutter.

Now the question is,

-where could Ojo be --
-OJO: Hey, hey Bear!

Over here, over here, look!


-I think she's over there.

Oh Ojo, Ojo, Ojo.

Let me give you a word
of advice about hide and seek.

See, you're not supposed to tell
anyone where you're hiding--

No, no, no Tutter.

I'm not hiding anymore.

I want you guys to take
a look at something

that I found over here.



It's like some old stones
or bricks or something.

I've never seen this before.

Yeah, and you know what,
it looks really old.

It sure does.

Yeah! Old and dirty!


Hey, you know what,

it sort of looks like an
old wall or a tower.



Or maybe it was
part of a castle.


Or, or maybe it was like,

a secret hiding
place for a hidden treasure.



You know,

these stones kinda look like
a chimney

and this bottom part,

kinda looks like a fireplace.

I think this was
part of a house.

You mean someone
used to live here?

Who was it Bear?


I don't know.

But these are the kinds
of stoves they used

a long, long, time ago.


This place is a little part
of Woodland Valley history.


-History? Really?
-Hm mm.

But I thought that history

was all about faraway places

-kings and queens and stuff.

Well it is,

but history is just things
that happened in the past.

Um it can be big events

like the first moon landing.

But it can also be

about what
happened to you yesterday.

That's part of your history.


Hi- story.


that word's got the
word "story" in it.

Hey, Ojo.

That's a great
way to think of history.

History is a just a great story
that happened in the past.

And it's still
happening right now!

♪ Before our house was blue ♪

♪ Before me and you and you ♪

♪ Mice and bears of yesteryear ♪

♪ Lived in this valley too ♪


♪ What did they do and say ♪

♪ So long before today? ♪

♪ Well, you can re-discover it ♪

♪ If you know the way ♪

♪ Well, that's the mystery
Of history ♪

♪ The magic of the past ♪

♪ How stories from so long ago ♪

♪ Just somehow seem to last ♪

♪ They're handed down ♪

♪ They're written down ♪

♪ But they never really go ♪

♪ And the more you know, ♪

♪ The more you'll wonder ♪

♪ The more you wonder ♪

♪ The more you'll know ♪

♪ The more you know ♪

♪ The more you wonder ♪

♪ The more you wonder ♪

♪ The more you know ♪

♪ Who built our city hall? ♪


♪ Who invented the cheese ball?♪


♪ I can't get over wondering ♪

♪ At the wonder of it all ♪

♪ Well that's the mystery
Of history ♪

♪ The secrets to be found ♪

♪ The long
unanswered questions ♪

♪ And the clues are all around ♪

♪ If you dig around
a little bit ♪

♪ The answer's bound to show ♪

♪ And the more you know ♪

♪ The more you wonder
The more you wonder ♪

♪ The more you know ♪

♪ The more you know ♪

♪ The more you wonder
The more you wonder ♪

♪ The more you know ♪


Boy, I wonder what
the history of this house is.

I bet that there's
a great story here.


Hey, you know...

this sounds, like a mystery.


Are you thinking what
I'm thinking Ojo?

this sounds like a job for...

-Detective Ojo...
-And Tutter le Mouse!

Big Blue House Detectives!

Duh-duh­ duhhh!


Well, I know a great place
to start looking for clues.

Where, Bear? Where?

It's a place where rows
and rows of books

answers to a lot of questions.

Do you know
what I'm talking about?

Where! Bear, Where? Huh? Huh?

Well, you'll see

first I want to take
a picture with my camera,

so we can remember
what it looks like.

-Be right back!



Well, here we are...

At the library!

Hi Otto, hi Etta.

Etta and Otto are the librarians
here at the library.

That's right!

Welcome to the Woodland
Valley Public Library!


Hi Otto, hi Etta.

If those are indeed
your real names.


Of course those are our names,

And as the Woodland
Valley librarians,

we're here to help you find

anything you need
here in the library!

[suspicious] So you say...
So you say...

[confused] Uh-yeah...

Anyway, what can we do
for you today, Ojo and Tutter?


Actually, Otto.

-It's Detective Ojo...
-And Tutter le Mouse!

The Big Blue House Detectives!


And um,
we're here to solve a mystery!


We love mysteries!

What's the mystery?

Well, Ojo found a
chimney in the woods

of an old house
that used to be there

and we've
been wondering who lived there,

so I suggested coming
to the library

as a good place to start.

-You betcha.

Now let's get a look
at at that picture.

-Oh, okay.

Here ya go.

Oh ... yes...

Nice picture, Bear.

Thank you.

You know, I think we've
got a book

about Houses in Woodland Valley.

Yes. Come on then,
let's hit the stacks!


-Where'd they go?
-I don't know.

Over here

in the "H's"

because "House" starts with "H!"


Here it is--

"Houses of Woodland Vall--"


Our first clue!

Posing as an innocent
book on a shelf.

Yes... well, uh ... yes.



-stop that.

Yes, this book oughta help.

It's called "Houses
of Woodland Valley. "




Sorry about that, folks.

These old books can
get a little [coughing]


Houses of Woodland Valley

Chapter One: The Really Old Ones

How about this?


That looks sort
of familiar to me...


What do you think?

does this picture

look a little bit

like the one in the book?

AHA! Look!

This is the same rock!

and it's in the same place!

This must be a picture
of the house.

The way it used to look.

Wooowww! This is so cool!

Hmm ...

It says here

"This house was built and owned

by Hephaestus Tortoise over
two hundred years ago. "

You know Otto,

I think old Jeremiah Tortoise

had a great great
grandfather named Hephaestus.

[gasps] Really?

Maybe we should go
talk to Jeremiah!


Yeah. That's true.

Maybe he can shed some
more light on

the mystery
of the old house in the woods.

[music playing]

Love that music!

We're on the case!

Ha-ha. Whoo!

Thanks Etta. Thanks Otto.

-Yeah, Bear, let's go.

The plot thickens.

And then Etta and Otto
told us you had a great

grandfather named Hephaestus.


So, you want to know the story

behind my Great grandpa
Hephaestus' old house,

-Yes, please.

Well, why don't we let Great
Grandpa tell you himself.

How can he do that?

Well, Old Hephaestus

his story down in a journal

and I happen
to have it right here.

Let me help you
with that Jeremiah.

That's a big book.

Yeah, big. [chuckles]

Here it is.

His whole story
in his own words.

-Read it Jeremiah, read it.
-Yes, please, read it.



Uh, Jeremiah...

out loud.

Oh, yes.

Of course. [laughter]

Out loud.

Now, here's a picture
of Hephaestus himself.

let's see what he's written...

GRANDPA: "May 12, 1802,

I have decided to follow

my dream and find a
better life for myself.

Today I set out
on a long journey.

In the far distance I can
see the land I dream of.

A land where marsh
water is plentiful,

a land where a tortoise can...



Whoaaa! [chuckles]



GRANDPA: "May 12.

Seconds later.

I have decided to stay
right here a while.

Who'da thought I would
land in this valley.


That's a good name
for this place.

"Who'da Thought I Would
Land in This Valley...



A little long, though, hmm.


Maybe just Would.



Hm. Now,
that has a nice ring to it.

So you see,

Great grandpa Hephaestus
was the very first settler

of Woodland Valley.

And that old pile of
stones in the woods

is what's left of the very
first house ever built here.

That was his house.


What a great story!

-Yeah, yeah.

Gosh. I always thought
it was called

Woodland Valley because it's,

you know, a wooded place.

Like with trees.

And you know Jeremiah,
it is spelled that way.

Yeah, and I've been tryin'
to get that changed for years!

Oh, well.

Sure wish more people
would take an interest

in great grandpa's story.


Nice of you to take an interest,
I guess.

Okay, well...

-Thank you, Jeremiah.

Gee... I sure am
glad we solved the mystery...

but Jeremiah seemed kinda sad,

Yes. He did, didn't he?



And Hephaestus said

"Who woulda thought I would
land in this valley.

And that's why it's
called Woodland Valley!


-What a great story!
-That was so cool!

Gosh. I always thought

it was called Woodland
Valley because it's,

you know, a wooded place.

Yeah, with like trees and stuff.

Yeah, well, live and learn.
Live and learn!


The thing is, Jeremiah
seemed so sad at the end.

Yeah. I think he felt like
nobody else was interested

in his great grandpa's story.

Poor Jeremiah...


I sure wish we could
help him out...

Yeah. I wish there were
something we could do for him.

Hey! Maybe there is!

Come on, everybody!
Let's go, come on.

-I'm coming, Ojo.

What's goin' on?

Where are we going?

You'll see in a second,

We're almost there!



We're at Great
grandpa's old house.

What are we doing here? Huh?

Well, Tutter and Ojo and
all of us decided

that we want folks in the future

to remember Hephaestus's story.


Ojo? Tutter?

Oh, yeah! Oh, boy, oh, boy.


Tada! [chuckles]

It's a plaque!

That's right.

Oh! A plaque marks
a spot that's important.

And plaques says
why the spot's important.

Yeah! Read it, Jeremiah!

Yeah! Read it, Jeremiah!
Read it, read it!



out loud.

Oh yes, of course. Hahahaha!


"This plaque is so we will

Hephaestus Tortoise,

who built his house
on this land in 1802.

He was Woodland
Valley's first settler."

Oh, ah... Oh!

Oh my...

Yeah, that... I'm so... I'm...


-Well, yes but I'm...

That too, but I'm...


Yes... no, no...

touched! I'm touched.


If only Great grandpa Hephaestus

could see what
you all have done here.


If only....

-Oh well...

maybe when
he gets back from Europe.

Got a postcard from him
just last week...


Anyway, thank you! All of you.

You're welcome, Jeremiah!


I know what I'm gonna do...

I'm gonna donate his journal

and all those old
photographs to the library.

That way everyone who goes
in there

can take a look
and read his story.

And that way Great grandpa
Hephaestus's story

will go down in history!

♪ And that's a mystery
Of history ♪

♪ How the things we do and say ♪

♪ Will live on in the future ♪

♪ We'll be history someday! ♪

♪ What will they say
About us, Bear ♪

♪ When today becomes the past? ♪

♪ It's hard to know
It's fun to wonder ♪

♪ The more we wonder
The more we know ♪

♪ The more you know
The more you wonder ♪

♪ The more you wonder
The more you know ♪


[cheering] Yeah!

Congratulations, Jeremiah!

Oh, I love it. Thank you.

Oh! What a great day, Bear.

I just loved Great grandpa
Hephaestus's journal.

[chuckles] I know you did.

That's why I got you... this.

Oh! What is it, Bear?

It's a journal all for you.

See this way we can write down

that happens in a day.

Then you can always
look back and remember.


Thanks Bear.

This is so great.

I think I'll start
with what happened today -

-That's a good idea, Ojo.

Uhm, but... [yawning]...

I think I'll start
my journal tomorrow, Bear.

Cause... right now...


I'm a little tired.

-Goodnight, Ojo.
-Goodnight, Bear.

Wow, this was someday.

Let's go find Luna
and tell her about it.

Ah. There she is!

-Hello, Luna.
-Hello, Bear.

How was your day
in the Big Blue House?

Oh it was great, Luna.

Ojo and Tutter solved

the mystery of the old
house in the Woods.

Turns out it was a
fascinating piece

of Woodland Valley history.

Oh, you mean the story

of Jeremiah's Great
grandpa Hephaestus.

Wha -- that's right, Luna.

How did you know?

Well, I'm the moon, Bear.

I've been up here in the sky
for a long, long time.

Wow. [chuckles]

Of course.

You know, Luna,

I gave Ojo a journal tonight

and she's going to start
writing her own history.


She's getting so grown up.

Well Bear,

we start our history as
soon as we're born

and even the very young
have their own special history.

That's true, Luna.

And you and I have our own
history together too, don't we?

Yes we do.

And it's one that I cherish.

Well, I better be getting
back up into the night sky.

Well, would you sing the Goodbye
Song with me, before you go?

I'd love to Bear.

I'd love to.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
And the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!

Oh, I almost forgot.

Thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House today.

And thanks for making
a bit of history with me.

See you soon.


[theme song]