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04x07 - Show and Tell

Posted: 04/16/24 08:38
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Hello Everybody! ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley! ♪

♪ -Coming through!
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kind of folks
to meet here! ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here! ♪

♪ -Lots to do!
-Hyrants too! ♪

♪ And our house is blue! ♪

♪ We have lots of class here! ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's is just beginning ♪

♪ -Woo-hoo-hoo!
-Moonlight too! ♪

♪ Plus our house is blue! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
To the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here!
-So, let's... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

Oh hi there! Phew!

It's so good to see you.

Come on it.

You are just in time.

I'm gonna--


wait a second...

What's that smell?

It smells like...



It's you!

[sniffing] Ooh!

Tell me. Did you have
strawberries for breakfast?

Or maybe you had strawberry
shampoo in your hair.

Bear, Bear! Hey.

Hey, Ojo. What's going on?

I was just wondering...

when is Tutter going
to be back from school?

Oh, I'm going to mouse
school right now to pick him up!

Oh great!

Because we're going to play

pretend cave explorers
in the living room.

-Ha ha!
-Oh. Sounds exciting.

Oh, yeah, it is.
But I have to go get started.

I remember when I used
to play young Cave Explorers.

The adventures I had...


I guess she's starting the cave.

That's okay.
I'll save the story for later.

But right now I have
to get to mouse school.

Oh, that's what
I wanted to tell you.

You see,
I'm on my way to mouse school

to pick up Tutter

and I wanted to know
if you wanted to come with me.

So, would you like
to come with me?

Great! Let's go.

So, for Show and Tell on Monday,

I want you should bring
one of your favorite things--

you know something that's
really important to you.

Now I want everyone
to have a wonderful weekend,

and I'll see you all on Monday.

I can't wait for Show and Tell.

I'm gonna bring my family tree.

Family tree, huh?

Well, that sounds pretty good.

What are you gonna bring,

Gee, uh, I uh...
don't know Keisha.

Something good! That's for sure!

Hey, everybody!


Ahh! Ahh!

It's okay, it's okay.
Oh, don't worry, guys.

It's just my friend Bear.

Ready, Tutter?

Oh, yeah,
I'll be right there, Bear.

See you guys.

Bye, Miss Maxwell.

-Goodbye, Tutter.
-Goodbye, Tutter.

Over here, Tutter.

-Hey, Bear!
-Hey, Tutter.

So, how was school today?

Well... Oh, It was good, good.

But um,
we sorta got this assignment.

It's called Show and Tell.

Show and Tell, huh?


Show and tell is
when you bring...

Bear... can I do it?

Oh, sure, Tutter.

Oh boy, oh boy!

Show and Tell is when
you bring something to school

to show everyone,

and then you tell all about it!

Hence the name...

Show and Tell 'cause you show,
then you tell!

Get it? [laugh]

-Show and Tell, Bear?
-That's right, Tutter.


now I've just got to figure out

what my very
favorite thing is...

Ah, your favorite?




Do you have a favorite?

Well, a favorite can be

something that's really,
really important to you.

And it can be anything.

Like a favorite can be a toy...

That's right.

or a favorite book...

Yes. Yes.

Or a favorite time of day.

I like sunset.

-I get it Bear! I get it!

Now I just have to decide
which one of my favorite things

I wanna bring in
for Show and Tell.

There's so much
to choose from...

♪ I kinda like books
and I sorta like pickles ♪

♪ That statue of Treelo
I made out of nickels ♪

♪ Popcorn and underwear,
marshmallow fluff ♪

♪ Tthey'd go on a list
of my favorite stuff ♪

What else? Oh!

♪ Riding on scooters
and driving big pickups ♪

♪ Scaring my friends
to get rid of their hiccups ♪

♪ Running between
peoples legs in a crowd ♪

♪ Whispering quietly,
screaming real loud ♪

-Whoa! That's a good one!
-Yeah, but what about?

♪ Left-over food that's turned
fuzzy and smelly ♪

♪ Slurping my yogurt
and scratching my belly ♪

♪ Excellent, Tutter!
That sounds like enough. ♪

♪ Bear, that's only some
of my favorite stuff! ♪

Well, that's a good start, so...

♪ Ii like popcorn,
I like sweat socks, ♪

♪ I like garden slugs, ♪

♪ I like banjos,
I like bongos, ♪

♪ Making friends with bugs,
yeah! ♪

♪ Movies and bike chains
and sudden surprises ♪

♪ Cheeses in three hundred
flavors and sizes ♪

♪ Making up impolite
jokes off the cuff ♪

♪ I'd also include
in my favorite stuff ♪

♪ Squashing tomatoes,
and playing some checkers ♪

♪ Making two sandwiches,
both triple deckers ♪

♪ Peanuts and fish,
and polka-dot shirts ♪

♪ And saying gesundheit
when somebody burps bear ♪

Well it seems like you have lots
of different choices, Tutter.

Well yeah, Bear...
That's kinda the problem!

♪ From all of my favorites,
how do I pick? ♪

♪ I better start narrowing
down pretty quick ♪

♪ Choosing just one
is gonna be tough ♪

♪ From all of my excellent,
marvelous, fabulous ♪

♪ Favorite show and tell stuff ♪

Who knew?

Who knew?

Well, I better get going, Bear,

I gotta get started
on my homework assignment.

I don't have much time.

Well, Tutter you have
all weekend to decide.

Yeah, yeah, I know,
but I wanna get it right.

See you later, Bear!

But Tutter, you... you...

hmm, this is going to
be an interesting weekend.

Hey, Tutter, c'mon!

I've got everything set up
to play Cave Explorers.

Let's play.

Huh, Cave Explorers? What?

Yeah, don't you remember?

We're going to explore
the mysterious mysteries

deep inside the mysterious cave.

Oh, yeah, those Cave Explorers.

Sorry, Ojo, no can do.

What? Why not?

I've gotta work on
my Show and Tell project--

for school.

But I thought we were
going to play today.

Oh, I'd love to, Ojo-- really.

But I'm in school now, ya know.
I've got work to do.

home work.

I've got big
responsibilities, Ojo!

Big, big, big!

So, what're you saying?

You're not gonna
have time to play anymore?

Oh, I play at school, Ojo.

Why, only yesterday I had a
great game of Kick The Pine Cone

with some of the other mice.

That was fun.

But, um,
that's the game that we play.

Yeah, I know.

Well, I gotta go, Ojo.
Lots to do.

I gotta get started on
my Show and Tell, ya know.


Ah, the weekend.

Ojo is busy playing
cave explorer,

Tutter's busy
with Show and Tell.

Everybody's doing their thing.

And this bear's favorite
thing to do on the weekend

is lie down on the deck chair,

maybe stretch out in the yard,
get a little sun...

Did you hear that?

It's the faucet.

[water dripping]

Hmm, it's probably
just a little leak

that needs a little tightening.

'Are you ready to explore
the cave now?'

'Yes, I think am.'

'Let's explore the cave.'

'Oh. How mysterious.'

Oh brother, that's no fun.

Hey, Ojo, whatcha doin'?

I'm playing Cave Explorers.
Sort of.

Dontcha usually
play that with Tutter?

Well, yeah, but he's working
on his homework.

Oh, school.

Boy, he sure spends a lot
of time on stuff for school.

Yeah, he's a real
school mouse now.


school mouse.

There, all fixed.

Yep. Just a simple little leak,
that's all.

Uh, fixing things.

That's another favorite things,
I like to do!

But now it's time to get back

to my other favorite
weekend activity;

going outside,
sitting in my lawn chair,

kicking back, relaxing--


-Okay, here's what I got.

[clearing throat]


May I present,

for Show and Tell:

my amazing collection of string.


Here you will find

string gathered from
the far corners of the house.

Twine, from underneath
the refrigerator.

Yarn, from in between
the cushions on the couch,

where, as we all know, there
are many treasures to be found.

And common sewing thread,

from the, uh, sewing table.

As you can see, there are many
exciting adventures to be had

in the world of
string collecting.

Thank you.

Well, whadda ya think, Bear?

Well, I think it's just great,

Yeah, I like it, too.
I mean, who wouldn't right?

Well, exact--

Then again, it's not like
I'm all about string, ya know?

Well, sure--

I don't want all
the other mice going

"here comes
Mr. String," you know?

-Well, Tutter--
-Yeah, you're right Bear.

I'm gonna go find
something else.

I've gotta find my most
favorite, favorite thing.

See you, Bear.

Uh, okay, Tutter.
Glad to be of help.

Well, Tutter seems to have

everything under control.

So, now I'll just go outside

lay in the chair
and catch a few rays.


[water dripping]


Still a little bit of a leak.

You know, I'll bet the problem
is under the sink.

Yeah, it's probably
something really simple.

No, no, no, that's not
how you play Cave Explorers.

I don't get it.

What are we doing at the
cave, again?

Treelo confused.

We're supposed to be exploring--

-TUTTER: Dunn-tee-dee…
-Oh, uh...

There's Tutter...

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Oh, yes,
we're having the most fun ever.

Aren't we, guys?

Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

-Oh yeah.

Lot of fun.

Oh, that's cool.

Oh, well,
lots to do on my Show and Tell!

Oh, you know,
why they call it that, right?

'Cause you Show
and then you Tell!

Get it?

Show and Tell!

Seems pretty clear to me.

Seems pretty clear to me too...

Great! Oh, well! Lots to do!
See ya later guys!

Show and Tell. [laugh]

Yeah. See ya.

Oh boy.

It seems like all Tutter
talks about anymore is school.

What's the matter, Ojo?

Is the fun over?


And that oughtta do it.



Oh, hi, Tutter.

All right, how about this?

[clearing throat]

May I present,

for my Show and Tell:

my priceless collection of

cheese mold.


Each cheese mold
produces a distinctive

and especially smelly mold
that will amaze and delight

even the pickiest
of cheese-lover.

Thank you.

So how 'bout it, Bear?

Well, Tutter,
I think that's really great!

Yeah, yeah I know.
It's good. It's really good.

Oh yeah, It is.

I just don't know
It's what I'm looking for, Bear.

-Well, if you don't think--
-I mean, I like cheese mold.

A lot.

Everybody likes
cheese mold right.

I mean, who wouldn't?

In fact...

I'm sure somebody else

will bring cheese mold
to Show and Tell.

And that would not be good.

-Well, no, not really Tutter--
-You're right again, Bear.

I think I need more time, Bear.
More time!

Glad to be of... uh... help?

I'll be back, Bear.


[water dripping]

Oh, no.

Hey, guys!

Done playin' already, huh?

Well, wish I could stay and
chew the cheese with ya, but...

You have to work
on your show and tell?

Which is called show and tell,

because you show
and then you tell?

Yeah, Ojo!

Hey that's pretty good.

How'd you remember all that?

Because it's all you
ever talk about Tutter!

I wanted to...

Oh, forget it!

But, Ojo?

Forget it.

What's the matter with Ojo?

I think she's sorta upset.

Yeah. Looks like it.

Well, I can see that guys...

oh never mind...

if I can just find that book

on do-it-yourself plumbing...

let's see here...

Hey, guys what's going on?

Ojo left, Bear.

She said she was gonna
go play by herself.

-She did?

She sounded kinda mad, too.

I don't know why.

Oh, I see.

Well, maybe you and
I should go find her Tutter

and see what's bothering her.

Good thinkin,' Bear.

See you, guys.


Hey, I got an idea.

Let's go pretend
we're exploring the cave.

Ooh yeah,
we could be like cave explorers!


Hey, Ojo.


There you are.

Ojo, what's going on?

Yeah, is everything okay?

Oh, yeah, like you care.

What do you mean, Ojo?

What do I mean?



Ojo, why don't you just
tell Tutter what you mean?

Well, it's just that,

all you talk about
anymore is school, Tutter.

And it seems like you don't have
time to play with me anymore.

Well, sure!

See I've got this
really important

show and tell project, see,

and I'm supposed to
find my favorite thing...

something that's really, really

-important to me, and...
-You're doing it again!

Oh. Yeah.

Jeeze, sorry.

I guess I didn't realize
I was hurting your feelings.

But, I really wanted
to play with you today Ojo,

but I also wanted to do a good
job on my show and-- you know.

you know.

So... you really did
want to play with me, Tutter?

Sure, Ojo gosh
playing with you is...

well... one of my very favorite,

most important things
in the whole world!

♪The best thing I have
is you guys I hang out with ♪

♪The folks who I play with
and eat with and shout with ♪

♪The greatest collection
of friends anywhere ♪

♪My favorites would
have to be Ojo and Treelo ♪

♪And Pip and Pop and Bear ♪

You guys!

-Oh, Tutter.

You know,
I think I just had a great idea

for Show and Tell.

Say, can you guys come
to school with me on Monday?

-Sure, yeah.

And that's my family tree.

I'd better go put it back
in the yard now.

The corner will do for now,

That was wonderful.

And now,
Tutter, if you're ready ..


I mean, yes Miss Maxwell.

For my Show and Tell,

I'd like to ask all of
you to please step outside.

Follow me!

Here we go!

This way!

Uhm, Bear, are we going to see
Tutter's Show and Tell now?

I think so.

[clearing throat]

Please direct your gaze upward,
and a little to the left.

My favorite thing
in the whole world--

the very most
important thing to me--

is my friends.

So may I present,
for my Show and Tell:

my friends from
the Big Blue House.

And, especially,
my very good friend, Ojo.

Thank you.

Kind of gets
you right here, doesn't it?

Okay everyone, recess!

C'mon, Ojo, let's go
play Kick the Pine. Come.

Come on.

Excuse me, Miss Maxwell,

you don't know anything
about leaky faucets, do you?


Let's see...


got it!

There you go, Bear.

It was just an old washer.

Oh, Thank, Miss Maxwell.

I can't tell you
how happy this makes me.

Oh, no problem, Bear.

Sometimes a bear needs
a little help from a mouse.

one of my favorite things to do

is to help out a friend!

I'd better get going now,

I've got a lot to do
for tomorrow's lessons!

Lots to do!

See you, Bear!

Oh, well... Okay! Miss Maxwell!

-Thanks again!
-Bye! You welcome.


Wow. That was one
of my favorite days ever.

Hey, let's go up
and tell Luna about it!

Ah! Hello, Luna.

Hello, Bear.

And how were things today
in the Big Blue House?

-Pretty exciting, Luna.

Tutter had to do a Show
and Tell project for school.

That sounds like a lot of fun.

It was.

Except that Ojo started
to feel left out,

because Tutter was spending
so much time on his project.


You know, sometimes it's hard
when a friend starts school.

It can make you feel left out.


So what happened, Bear?

Well, Tutter realized that,

even though he's going
out and starting new things,

like school,

his friends at home
are still pretty important.

Friends really are important.

Yeah. Especially
a good friend like you.

Oh, why thank you, Bear.

Say, Luna.

Yes, Bear?

Would you be a good friend

and sing the Goodbye Song
with me?

I'd love to, Bear.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Oh, I almost forgot.

Thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House.

And give favorite
friend a hello for me.

See you soon!