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03x22 - The Best Thanksgiving Ever

Posted: 04/16/24 08:34
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear
Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you.
-In the house of blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
To the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
To the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪

Hi there! [laughter]

It is so good to see you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Come on in.

Well today...

Hmm? [sniffing]

Wait a second...
What's that smell?

It smells like [sniffing]

cranberries and [sniffing]

bread stuffing and [sniffing]

pumpkin pie.

Mmmm Mmmm!



It's you!

[sniffing] Oooo!

Tell me, is someone cooking

Thanksgiving dinner
at your house?

Or do you smell this
good all the time?


Well, I'm getting ready

for Thanksgiving here
at the Big Blue House!

Doc Hogg and Grandma Flutter are
coming over for dinner later.

Want to see what I'm making?
Well come on!

In some cultures they actually
carve and eat a turkey!

Hey, everybody!

Hey, here he is everybody,

the Thanksgiving Cook of
the Year!

Three cheers for Bear!

Hip hip hooray.

Hip hip hooray!

Hip hip hooray! [laughter]

Gee, what did I do to deserve
such a wonderful welcome?

Oh, we don't know Bear...

How about...

This incredible feast
you're making!

Oh, all this?

-This is nothing, really...

Bear will you just look at this!

Yeah, stuffing.

loaded... chocked...

bursting... with juicy clams!

Cooked and buttered string beans

swimming in a ch...
ch... cheesy sauce...

Banana cream pie!

With lots of banananananas!

[clapping lips]

And lumpy mashed potatoes

just the way I like 'em, Bear.


-Thank you Bear!
-Thank you, Bear!

Well... don't thank me yet!

Oh please really, it's nothing.

I've still got to get
all this into the oven

plus I have to do
the decorations

and then there's
the Thanksgiving Pageant.

Oh! A Pageant is a little show
that you put on

for your family and friends.

I don't know how I'm going to
get all this stuff done

before Grandma and Doc get here

Oh! Oh! I know! Bear!

-I know!
-What Ojo?

Well, I just got a great idea!

We'll do the decorations
and the pageant for you!

Ah ha!

Well, if you think you can...

Hey, that's a great idea, Ojo.

Count me in!

Treelo help, too!

We'll all help!

Well, thanks,
but it's a lot to do everybody.

Oh, don't worry, Bear!
Don't worry!

Ojo's in charge!

-I am?

Oh right!

I am!

Don't worry, Bear!

I, Ojo, promise to make this
the best Thanksgiving ever!

-[cheering] Yeah!
-But Ojo...

Okay you guys, follow me!


Well this is great everybody!

Ojo! Ojo! Ojo! Ojo!

I wonder what they have in mind?

All right, everybody!

Let's get this going!

Oh, yes, Pip, Pop,

you make the centerpiece for the
table in the living room.

oh Thanksgiving Commander!

Thanksgiving Commander...

Hey, I sort of like that!

[clearing throat]

Okay, Treelo and Tutter!

You guys double time it

up to the bedroom
and start putting together

the Thanksgiving pageant!

-Moooove ooooout!
-Yes sir!

This mouse already has some

big plans for the pageant
in his little head!

[chuckles] Oh, sir!

Ma'am! Uh... Ojo.

-Big plans!

I'll go outside and find some
more decorations for the table!

I'll meet you guys upstairs
for pageant practice

at o-forty-three
hundred and twenty two!

-Right. Good deal.


In a little while.


[singing military cadency]

This pageant
will be really great.

Stir well, OKAY.

Stirring and then...


[laughter] Ojo!

So, how's it going!

Oh it's going great Bear!

Don't you worry about a thing.

Ojo's on the job!

And you know what?

This is going to be

the best Thanksgiving
in the Big Blue House!

Well, Ojo, it's still going
to be a great Thanksgiving,

-as long as we're all together
-Oh Yeah yeah.

but this one's gonna be
especially great!

You'll see!

[chuckles] See you later Bear.

Oh okay Ojo.


It's great that Ojo
and everybody else

wants to help out.

That's the great thing
about Thanksgiving.

It's such a marvelous
family holiday.




It's a big word
and a special day

for being, well, thankful.

It's a day you get together
with your family and friends

and make a wonderful meal!

It's a way of celebrating
everything you have like...

a happy home...

... full of people who care
about you!

There's a lot to
be thankful for.

And Thanksgiving is the perfect
day to think about them.

♪ Woke up this morning
I couldn't wait ♪

♪ To start my holiday ♪

♪ And I'm so glad
Thanksgiving's here ♪

♪ To have the chance to say ♪

♪ Thanks for the stuffing
And pumpkin pie ♪

♪ Thanks for the meal
That's in store ♪

♪ Thanks for the sun
Up there in the sky ♪

♪ So much to be thankful for ♪

♪ Thanks for the honey
And thanks for the bees ♪

♪ Buzzing outside
My front door ♪

♪ And I'm sure Tutter
Says thanks for cheese ♪

♪ So much to be thankful for ♪

♪ My kitchen window
Makes me glad ♪

♪ I'm grateful for my friends ♪

♪ When I think of the good times
That I've had ♪

♪ The thank yous never end ♪

♪ So, thanks for the beautiful
things that I love ♪

♪ Thanks for the waves
on the shore ♪

♪ Thanks for the twinkling
stars up above ♪

♪ So much to be thankful for ♪

♪ And thanks for this house
And the color blue ♪

♪ Who could ask for
anything more? ♪

♪ And thanks for the wonderful
visit from you ♪

♪ So much to be thankful for ♪

♪ So much to be thankful for ♪

Yeah, see.

Thanksgiving is a great day


and there's a lot
more to Thanksgiving too!

But, what do you think?

Tell me, what's your favorite
thing about Thanksgiving? Hm?

What do you think?

We go to Grandma's
and have turkey.

And some gravy.

Mashed potatoes.

Green beans.



And all my cousins come,

and relatives,
and I set the table.

And then when we're
done we go back home.


Gee, I wonder where
Pip and Pop could be.

Hey, the table sure
looks pretty, though.




Hey, wasn't that centerpiece

in the center
of the table before?


Hey! What was that?




You guys what are you doing?

What does it look
like we're doing, Ojo?

We're decorating the table!

See, get it?

We're decorating the table.

See, we are the decorations!


You're not supposed
to be the decorations!

You're supposed to, well

do them.

And, and, and the centerpiece
is supposed to be,

well it's supposed to be
in the center of the table!

Ojo, I centerpieces are fine.

Oh yeah, if you happen
to be sitting

near the center of the table.

That's what's so great about us.

We're a moveable centerpiece!

A moveable centerpiece?



But this is not,

but this isn't how
it's supposed to be!

Gee and we thought
we were pretty.

-Bear: Ojo?

Oh, shh.

Oh! There you are!

How are things going?

Oh, well, uh

they're going great, Bear!

Just great! Everything's uh

perfect, just like I promised!

Glad to hear it!

The food's coming along nicely,

This really might be
the best Thanksgiving ever!

Oh, you bet, Bear.

Oh, and by the way Ojo,
lovely centerpiece.


Thanks, Bear...


Um, why don't you start

the pageant and I'll
be right there.

Um, okay.


we'll practice while we,
uh, wait for you Bear.

-Bye, Bear!

Come on, uh centerpiece.

Come on centerpiece?

[chattering and giggles]

I won't ask.


Did you hear that?


That's my friend Shadow!

Maybe if we look real hard
and sing a song together,

she might appear. Ready?


Where-o where-o where is Shadow?

Where-o where-o where is Shadow?

Where-o where-o where is Shadow?

Where can Shadow be?

-Ha, ha.

There you are you big ol' Bear.

[chuckles] Hello shadow!

Happy Thanksgiving!

what have you been doing today?

I was just crunching about
in the crispy fall leaves.

Oh, I love that sound!

Oh, it sounds like fun.

Well Shadow, do you happen

to have a story for us on
this Thanksgiving Day?

Why certainly, Bear.

And it's a story
that keeps on giving!


[fairy dust sound]

♪ Squanto was a member
of the wampanoag tribe ♪

Hi and what a tribe it was.

♪ He lived in new England ♪

♪ Before the pilgrims arrived ♪

Eee aww!

♪ When they came ♪

♪ It was a shame ♪

♪ For they couldn't
plant or hunt game ♪

What do we do now?

♪ Squanto lent a helping hand ♪

Here, let me help you.

♪ He taught them how
to live off the land ♪

Just follow me.

♪ How to plant corn
Beans, and pumpkin ♪

You put the seed right in there.

♪ How to hunt ♪


♪ And fish ♪

Now that was something.

♪ When the harvest
came that fall ♪

♪ There was plenty
of food for all ♪

♪ The pilgrims
grateful squanto ♪

♪ Showed them how
to make a living ♪

We'd like to invite
your tribe over for a feast.

♪ Which became
The first thanksgiving ♪

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow, Squanto was so
nice to the Pilgrims.

No wonder they made
a nice meal for him.

You said it, Bear.

Well, I've got to go.

But when you need another
story -

just try and catch me!


Thanks, Shadow. Bye-bye.

Well I really should
go check on the food, now.


We're ready!

Come on Bear!

But there is the Thanksgiving
pageant to look in on.

Do you want to check
out the pageant?

Well come on!

Ah Ojo, this is great.

Oh, thanks.

This is the place where
the pilgrims landed.

Oh but where are Pip and Pop
and Treelo and Tutter?

We're back here, Bear!

We're ready to go!

This is great but maybe
I should go back down

and check on the
food in the oven

-before we get started.
-No no no Bear,

everybody is ready. And well,

I need you to play a part, Bear.

It's really important!

Oh! It is? Well, okay!

Do I need a special
costume or anything?

No, Bear, you're perfect,
just as you are.

You'll make a great rock.

-A... rock?
-Oh! Not just any rock, Bear.

You're Plymouth rock.

Oh, Plymouth Rock.

That's the rock the Pilgrims
landed on with their ship.

It is a very important rock.

That's right.

So get in position, Bear,

right by the shore here.

Right down here. That's it.

Easy does it.

All right, is everybody ready?


[clearing throat] All right.

One day, long ago,

some Wampanoag Indians were
walking down the beach.

That's us go, go, go.


Hey, we're Wapanoag Indians,

just walking along the beach.

What a nice day it is
here in America.

they looked out into the ocean

and noticed a strange
ship coming toward them.

Hey, what's with that thing?

It's a mighty big canoe...


-Good job Pip and Pop.
-Thank you. Thank you very much.

This is a good pageant isn't it,

It certainly is, Ojo!

[clearing throat]

And then,
the strange boat came to shore

and out walked the quiet, gentle
Pilgrims onto Plymouth Rock.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hel-lo America! Happy to see ya!

We are... The Pilgrims!

[tambourine and guitar playing]


Pilgrims with guitars
and tambourines?

And we're so happy to be here,

that we'd like to do
a little song for you all!


♪ We've got buckles
on our hats ♪


♪ Buckles on our shoes
Nah-nah-nah-nah ♪

♪ I'm here to tell you, baby ♪

♪ We've got the
buckled up blues ♪

Yeah! Thank you! Thank you very
much! Thank you Plymouth Rock!

Goodnight! [chuckles]

That's it.

We Wampanoags are out of here.

Wait wait wait!
Where are you going?

You've still got
to help the Pilgrims!

What about the first

We don't think the Wampanoags
would help these guys.

Yeah. Too noisy.

But but you can't leave...

Oh, well, back on the ship!
These guys don't like our act.

-I say we try Hawaii.

[shouting] Oh, no!

The coast of New England,
it fell down! [laughter]

That's okay, Ojo,
it was still a great pageant!

Yeah! It was really fun, Ojo!

I liked the song!

Really? Even though the coast of
New England fell down?

-Sure, Ojo.

You should be very proud of


Um, does anybody
else smell something?

Um, what's that burning smell?

What is that burning smell?

Yeah! Huh!

Probably just the food.

-Ah, yeah.
-Yeah, yeah.

[gasps] The food!

-Oh no! The food!
-Oh! Oh!

Oh, no, Bear,

Oh, no, Bear,

the food it's it's ruined!

Oh, no it's not Ojo,
it's just a little overcooked...


No it isn't Bear!

It's just plain burned!

The centerpiece wasn't right,
and the pageant wasn't right,

and now the food is ruined!

How are we going to have

Thanksgiving without
all the good food'

Oh, Ojo,

I think this might still be
the best Thanksgiving ever.

But how, Bear?

Because Ojo, we're all together.

♪ Thank you, Ojo
For all you've tried to do ♪

♪ Thanks for caring so much
And just for being you ♪

♪ But Bear ♪

♪ I wanted this to be
The best day in history ♪

♪ But don't you, worry
Everything will be okay ♪

♪ It will? ♪

♪ It really doesn't matter
in the least ♪

♪ You mean it's not about
A pageant or a feast ♪

♪ No-- ♪

♪ And it's not who
does the most ♪

♪ To be a gracious host ♪

♪ That makes this such
a special holiday ♪

♪ But I tried to make
Thanksgiving ♪

♪ All that you could
want and more ♪

♪ Just being
with the ones I love ♪

♪ That's what I'm thankful for ♪

♪ Oh, bear ♪

♪ It's wonderful to have
this chance to spend ♪

♪ Thanksgiving with my friends ♪

♪ Thanksgiving with ♪

♪ Thanksgiving
with our friends ♪

[chuckles] Oh Bear, you know,

this could tum out to be
the best Thanksgiving after all.

Yeah Ojo, I think you're right.


Oh, that must be Grandma
Flutter and Doc Hogg now.

Oh, get', Bear, um...

I hope this togetherness thing
work for them too,

'cause, uh,
we don't have any food.


Hey, guys, look who's here.

It's Grandma Flutter
and Doc Hogg!


Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Happy Thanksgiving one and all.

Happy Thanksgiving Grandma,
Doc Hogg.

Bear, I hope you don't mind

that I brought a few
Thanksgiving goodies.

[gasps] Well what do you know,
so did I!

Hey you know what,
there's stuffing in here!

And vegetables in cheese
sauce in this basket...

And clam pie here.


And other pies too!

Hope I didn't bring too much.


You brought just enough!
Thank you.

No. Thank you.

No. Thank you.

No. Thank you.

No. Thank you...

♪ Thanks for the stuffing
And pumpkin pie ♪

♪ Thanks for the meal
That's in store ♪

♪ Thanks for the sun up
There in the sky ♪

♪ So much to be thankful for ♪

♪ Thanks for the honey
And thanks for the bees ♪

♪ Buzzing outside
my front door ♪

♪ And this mouse would like
to say thanks for cheese ♪

♪ So much to be thankful for ♪

♪ Thanks for this house
And the color blue ♪

♪ Who could ask
For anything more? ♪

♪ And thanks for the wonderful
Visit from you ♪

♪ So much to be thankful for ♪

♪ So much to be thankful for! ♪


Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


Happy Thanksgiving!

We have had one wonderful day.

Let's go up and tell
Luna all about it.

Come on.

Ah, hello, Luna!

Good evening, Bear.

Happy Thanksgiving!

And Happy Thanksgiving to you,

It was a very
interesting Thanksgiving.


What happened?

Well, Ojo wanted to help,

so she was in charge
of the decorations

and the Thanksgiving pageant.

Good for her!

Yeah, it was, wasn't it?


we all realized that the thing
we were most thankful for

was each other.


Isn't it funny how simply
being around others

is a reward in itself?

I'm happy just to be up here

floating around with the sun
and the earth.

It's all a moon needs.

thanks for being there, Luna.

No. Thank you.

No, Thank you.

No. Thank you.


Well, Luna, would you sing
the "Goodbye Song" with me,

before you go?

Why thank you for asking, Bear!

I'd love to!

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
And the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House

and I hope you have a wonderful

Thanksgiving with your family
and friends.




And by the way,

could you leave a piece
of pumpkin pie

in your refrigerator for me?

And don't forget
the whipped cream.

I love whipped cream!

See you soon.



[theme song]