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03x10 - What's Mine Is Yours

Posted: 04/16/24 08:26
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear
Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you
-In the house of blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
To the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
To the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪


Oh hi! [chuckles]

It's so good to see you.

And I was wondering when
you were going to get here.

'Cause I'm just about
to check the mail.

[gasps] Look!

We've got mail!

Oh yes!

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ I wonder wonder ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ What's in the ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ Wooooo ♪

Now, let's see what's
in the mail today.

[gasps] Oh wow!

It's a package!

Let's take this inside
and see what it is.

Come on.

I just love getting...

Wait a second!
What's that smell?

It smells like... [sniffing]





It's you!

[sniffing] Ooo.

Tell me,
were you just washing your hair?

'Cause you smell all
sweet and shampooey.


[sniffing] Aah!

Or maybe you smell
this good all the time?

[chuckles] Well,

let's take this
into the living room.

Come on.

You know,
this Bear is thinking that today

is going to be
a very relaxing day.

I can say this because I have
my entire day planned out.

Gonna have a little snack,

read a little,

maybe do a chore or
two like berry picking,

and then maybe [yawning]

[lullaby playing]

take a nice little nap.

Bears love naps.

But first,

let's see what this package is.

Let's see here,
see it's addressed to...


Hey! package is for Ojo.

OJO [humming]: Doo, doo-doo.

Hey, Bear! What's for me?

[gasps] A package!


That's right, Ojo.

-It's a package for you!
-Oh, cool!

Could you, Um, could you help
me open it, Bear, please!

Why sure, Ojo.
Let's see here. What do we have?

[gasps] Oh wow! Look at this!

-Oh, look!
-BOTH: It's a book!

-Ha, ha.
-And look.

There's a note inside.

It says:

"Dear Ojo, this was one
of my favorite books

when I was a little bear...

'I hope you like
it as much as I do.

Love, Ursa.

[gasps] It's from Ursa! Wow!

She sent me a book!

-[chuckles] Um...

And it's called,
"Bears around the world".

-[gasps] Oh, look at this one!

From China,
Bear in the Big Bamboo House.


Oh wow. Check this one out.

From Canada near Saskatchewan,

Canadian Bear
in the Big Log Cabin.

Um, Bear?

Wow. This is some book!

-Um, Bear...

-Um... uh, yes Ojo?
-Well... Ursa did send it to me.

Oh! Of course, I'm sorry.

Here you go, go.

Okay. Thanks, Bear.

Boy, this is a beautiful book.

Yes, it is, Ojo. [chuckles]



[clapping lips]

[clapping lips]

-Hm... Ojo?

Would you by like
a bite of my cookie?

Oh, thanks Bear.

I just love to have
a little snack

while I look at a new book.


I know the feeling.

-Here you go, Ojo.

Mmm, mmm. Mmm, mmm.

Well, I guess I'll go get
myself another cookie.

-I'll be right back.

TUTTER: He's just standing
there looking at me, right?

So I says to him, I says,
"Limberger, not hamburger!"


Isn't that rich?

You're funny.

-Oh. Hey, Ojo.
-Oh. Hi, Ojo.

-What are you doing?
-Oh, hi Tutter. Hi Treelo.

I was just looking at my new
picture book that Ursa sent me.

-Oooh. Nice book.

Boy, yeah, yeah.
Looks like a good one, huh?

-Whoa. Can we see?

-Yeah, we can see?
-Um, well,

um, actually, I just got it
and I-I was kind of hoping

that I could, um,
look at it by myself first...

i-if you guys don't mind.


Oh sure, Ojo,
y-y-you go right ahead.

[gasps] Are those
pictures of bears?

-Hey, yeah.

-Looks like bears.

Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.
They're-they're bears.

Yeah! They're bears.



[slow music]

Guys! Come on!

It's my new book, and-and
I want to look at it by myself!

But we want to see it too, Ojo!

-Yeah, Ojo.
-You have to share it!

-Yeah, share.
-But it's new!



-Bear! Bear!

What is it? What's going on?

Ojo won't let us
look at her book

Treelo want
to look at picture book too!

Okay, okay, okay.

There's a lot going on here so,

why don't you just tell me

what's happening
one at a time...

Well, Ojo won't let us
look at her book with her!

Yeah! Ojo no share!

Yeah. Hmph.

Um, Ojo...

you don't feel like
sharing your new book?

but it's my new book, Bear!

Ursa sent it to me!

Especially to me!

I-I just want to look at it for
a little while just by myself!


Well, um,

Tutter, Treelo,
it is nice to share things...



Sometimes, when you get

something brand new
that's really special.

Well, sometimes you just want
to keep it for yourself

for just a little while.



So what do you say we give
Ojo a chance

to enjoy her new book on
her own for just a little bit.


Okay, Bear.

We'll just go, uh, over here.


♪ Dum-dee, dum-dee, dum ♪



♪ Dum-dee, dum-dee, dum ♪

Oh, okay.
Okay! Come on, you guys!

You just have to see this!

-You just have to!
-Yay! Yay.

-Oh boy!
-What, what is it, Ojo?

You know.

When you have something
that's all your own

that can be very special...

but sometimes,
it's even nicer to share.



Yeah. Sharing.

Sharing is not always easy,

but it's a big part of life.

Because there are so many
things you can share.

Like, for example,

you can
share a snack with a friend...


Or you can share a toy...

[truck engine]

And there's lots of things
that's easy to share,

like a smile!


[chuckles] Yeah.

Sharing is great.

And the best part about
sharing is

you are making two people
happy -

the person you're sharing with,
and you!

♪ You wake up in the morning ♪

♪ And the morning that you see ♪

♪ Well it's the very
same morning ♪

♪ That's shining down on me ♪

♪ Cause mornings
belong to everyone ♪

♪ And to no one at all ♪

♪ Like the rain in spring
The snow in winter ♪

♪ And piles of leaves
in the fall ♪

♪ What's mine is yours
What's yours is mine ♪

♪ We share the world
Come rain or shine ♪

♪ We don't even have to try
to make it true ♪

♪ What's yours is mine
What's mine is yours ♪

♪ We're in the same boat
Let's share the oars ♪

♪ You know,
we'll go much faster ♪

♪ If we do -ooh ♪

♪ And I love it that
I share the world with you ♪

♪ With your family
You share your meals ♪

♪ Your dog can share your bed ♪

♪ And twenty-seven guys
can share a name ♪

♪ If they're all named Fred ♪

♪ With your brother
or your sister ♪

♪ You share your mom and dad ♪

♪ And it's great
to have a friend ♪

♪ To share the good times
and the bad ♪

♪ What's mine is yours
What's yours is mine ♪

♪ We share the world
Without even tryin' ♪

♪ The rainy days
The sunny skies of blue ♪

♪ What's yours is theirs
What's theirs is ours ♪

♪ The earth, the sun
The moon, the stars ♪

♪ You know, there's nothing
I would rather do ♪

♪ Than share this great
big wonderful world with you ♪

See. We share all kinds
of things all the time.

But what do you think?

What do you share, hmm?

What do you think?

I share my toys
with my little brother.

I like to share my books.

Hnun, my food...



Um, my posters...

My money.

Ooo. Can I have some?

I share clothes.

I share my playroom.

...and I share
my bedroom with my cousin.

It's really, hmm,

very nice when you share stuff.

It's good to share.

You sure do a lot of sharing!


Well, I think I shall
have myself another snack.

I'll just reach into the...
cookie jar... and-


Looks like I'm out of cookies.

I must have given
my last one away.

Well, um, okay.

I guess I'll have a snack later.

But right now, what should I do?


I know -berry picking!

I'll just find my old
berry picking bucket...

Ah-ha! Here it is!

Now we're getting somewhere!




-Guys, you scared me!

-Oh sorry, Bear.
-Yeah. Sorry.

Hey, uh, Bear? Whatcha doing?

Oh me? Oh, I was just going
out to do a little--


-Is that...
-I think it is!

-[pip gasps]
-Hmm? What? What's what?

-A bucket!

-That's so cool.


Well, yeah. It is a bucket.
See, I'm just going out to do..

Th-This is so weird, Bear.

Wouldn't you say so, Pop?

Weird is what it is,
Pip old buddy!

-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Wh-wh--wait, why is this weird?

You see, you see. This is just--

Exactly what we were coming
up to look for, Bear!

Something to put our clams in.

Yes. You see, We are on a-

Clamming expedition!


How did you know we needed
that bucket, Bear?

Yeah. You-you-you a mind
reader or something?

-We-oo, we-oo.

Oh, well, uh, you know us bears,

we just have a knack
for knowing these things.

[giggling] Whoa boy. I'll say!

-Here you go, guys.
-Oh. Well, come on, Pip!

Let the clamming
expedition begin!

I'm with you, Pop, my fellow
clam expedition


Let's just go.

Yeah. Good idea.

Bye, Bear!
Here we go, here we go.

Oh, uh. Bye, Pip! Bye, Pop!

[chuckles] Oh well.

So much for berry picking.

After all, I wouldn't
want to get into the way

of a clamming expedition.

But what should I do now?


Hey, maybe now's
a good time for that nap.

And I know just the right place.

Come on.

Oh. Hey, Bear!

Uh, hey everybody.

So I see you're relaxing
on the old bed, huh?

-Yeah. Yeah.
-Oh yeah!

Your bed is the perfect
place for reading.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Oh! Y-You don't mind, do you?


Um, oh, uh, no, no.
By all means, uh...

-... be my guest.
-Oh great!

So, uh, how's the book?

It's the best book ever, Bear!

Oh ye-yeah! I didn't know
there were

so many bears
a-all over the world.

Yeah... Koala, Koala Bear, see?

Yeah. Yeah! A Koala Bear

in the Big Green
Eucalyptus Tree!


-What a great book!

Well, I'll leave you
guys to have fun...

-Yeah, okay.

-Um, see you later.
-Bye, Bear.

-Oh, Bear?
-Oh. Yes, Ojo?

Could you-could you
hand us that pillow

that's over there
on the toy chest?

You know-the cool, fluffy one?

-Yeah. Cool, fluffy pillow.
-Oh. Uh...

-Sure, uh...
-Yes. That's good right.

No problem at all.


-Oh. There we go.

Oh yeah, oh yeah. Perfect.

Okay. [yawning]

-Have fun.
-Thank you, Bear.

Thanks, Bear. Bye, Bear.

-Oh boy. Yeah.
-Turn the page.

Me want to see more bears.

Oh, okay, okay.
Yeah, yeah. More bears.


Bear! Over here!

-Over here. Right here, Bear.
-Oh... Okay, okay, guys.

what seems to be the trouble?

Well, as you can see,

our clamming expedition
went really well.

A huge success.

But there's a little problem,

Oh well, a-actually,
I wouldn't say a problem...

[chuckles sarcastically] Yes,
well, if you'll pardon me, Pip.

I think the reason you
wouldn't say that

is that you got a bigger pile!

[miffed] Well,
I really don't think so, Pop.

I mean, yes,
I may have more clams,

but if you will look,

you will
see that you have bigger ones.

Huh? Huh?

I think if you look again...

But I don't need to look again.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hold it, guys, guys, guys.

Instead of arguing, I think
there's a way we can do this

where you're both satisfied.



Now, let's try something.


Divide the clams into two piles.

Sounds good to me. [giggles]

No. Now wait
just a second, I mean...

And Pop...
you can choose which pile...

-Yeah. want!

Ooooh... Bear,

now I see what you're doing!

I like it, Bear I like it!

We both like it!

[chuckles] See?

This way, there's no
way it could be unfair.

And they'll be clams
for everybody.

-All right!

So, Pip, go ahead.

Whoa. Wh-wh--Okay,
wait a minute, wait a minute.

I want to make sure
it's totally even.

I mean, we want to be
completely fair.

Mm-hmm. Completely fair.

That's right, that's right.

[gasps] Uh-oh.

Um... Wait. Uh, let's see.

Okay one, two, thr--


Very nice.

There. There.


Okay. Now, Pop...

-Yes, sir.
-... pick your pile.

Okay, uh, hmm.

I will, uh, I'll take...

this one.



Pip, the other pile is for you.

Seem fair to everybody?

Yeah, Bear! That was cool.

[chuckles] Glad I could help,

I'll see you later.

Thanks, Bear.


SHADOW: Oh, Beeaar...


Did you hear that?
That sounded like Shadow.


Now I wonder where she could
be hiding this time?

You know, if we look real hard

and sing a song together,
she might appear.

Ready? Sing with me.

♪ Oh--where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be... ♪



Here I am you big Bear!


Shadow, there you are!

It's so good to see you.

So what have you
been doing today?

Ohhh, I was just cooling
my feet in a rock pool.


That looks like fun.

Well, Shadow, I was wondering,

do you happen to have
a story for us today?

Why certainly, Bear!

Sharing a story with you is one
of my favorite things to do!

-Just watch!

[magic fairy dust sound]

♪ Baa, Baa Black Sheep
Have you any wool? ♪

♪ Yes, sir. Yes, sir
Three bags full ♪

♪ There's one for my master ♪

Thanks, Black Sheep.

[grunt] Now I can
really gather some wool.

♪ And one for the dame... ♪

Oh, thank you, Black Sheep.

[grunt] Uh.
I'm gonna knit a sweater.

♪ And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane. ♪

Thank you, Black Sheep.

I'm gonna make a really cool
ninja outfit out of this.


I-I-I'm cooo-ld-d!

Wow. That was great, Shadow.

"Baa baa black Sheep!

"What a nice sheep!

Sharing his wool with everyone!

Yes. He didn't have any
wool left,

but think of all the friends
he made

by being so generous, Bear!


Well I'm off -

But when you need another
story, just try and catch me!

[chuckles] Thank you, Shadow.

Bye, bye.

Well, now what should I do next?


I know-swing!

Come on... to the living room!

[sigh] Ahh yes.

Nothing like swinging
to and fro...

from and to -

-Bear! Bear?
-Bear? Bear!

-Oh. Hey, Tutter, hey Treelo.
-Hi, Bear!

-Hi, hi.

Do you two want
to swing with me?

-Oh no, Bear.
-There's plenty of room!

Thank you. That's very nice
of you, very nice, but actually,

we were just wondering if you
would like

some of this
delicious snack we made.

-Cheddar and...


-Ah-ha. Woo-hoo.
-Oh boy, oh boy.

Ooh... this sounds good!

Now, let's see...

what should I have?

... banana and cheddar
or cheddar and banana!


Hey, guys!

Check it out!

We found even more clams!

-Wow! The bucket is really full.

Sorry I don't
have another one to lend you...

Oh-Oh, no, Bear. That's okay.

Yeah. We've done enough
clamming for today.

I'll say. A-Actually,
we were just thinking.

Would you guys like some?

Hey yeah! What a great idea.

Hey, yeah. I want some.

This is turning into a picnic!

-Hey, guys...

-Hey, Ojo!
-Hi, Ojo.

Ooo, what's all this?

We're just about
to have a snack.

-Would you like to join us?
-Oh yeah.

That sounds great.

Hey, you guys, want to look
at my new book

while we have a snack?

-Cool. Sure.
-Thank you.

we want to look at your book.

Here, Bear.
Will you read it to us?

Why, of course.

-Those are clams?
-...I don't know.

-You should try them, Tutter.
-They're just great.

Nothing like a good
book and a snack.

Especially when you
could share them with friends.

-Yeah. Yeah.

-Okay, everybody.
-I can't wait.

-This is gonna be great.
-Let's see.

Ooo, this is a good one.

Oh. Show us, Bear.


Ahh... the attic.

Isn't it great?

Sometimes I like to come up here

and just look out at the stars.

It's also where I talk
to a special friend.

Let's see if we can find her.

Ahh! There she is.

Hello, Luna!

Hello, Bear.

How was your day?


Ojo got a new book from Ursa.


She was so excited to have
a new book of her own.

But she did share it
with everyone, too.

Oh. I'm glad to hear it.


Oh! And Pip and Pop used
my berry picking bucket

to go clamming.

You should have seen
all those clams!


I'll bet!

You know, Bear...

families share all the time,
without even thinking about it!

And we all share the world
and the heavens together.

True, Luna. True.

-Say, Luna?

Do you think you could share

the "Goodbye
Song" with me before you go?

I'd love to Bear.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
And the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

Hope you had a good time. Bye!



and by the way, come back soon

because I always love
sharing my day with you.

See you soon!


[theme song]