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02x24 - Wedding of the Trentury

Posted: 04/12/24 16:10
by bunniefuu
- You guys, quit messing around and get in here.

The "Genuine Moments" wedding episode is about to start.

- Just needed to grab some snacks.

- It ain't a wedding without popcorn.

- Ah.

all: Ah!

- Ain't no wedding without a chocolate fountain.

- I am ready for the weeding.

- What? [motor revving]

- Whoa! - No, no, no, Miles!

No, no, no. No, no, no, no, buddy.

It's a wedding episode.

- So the weeds are getting married?

- Here.

Just pop a tux ball, little guy.

- Where's the dang television?

We can't watch "Genuine Moments:

The Wedding Episode" without a TV.

- [humming wedding march]

[bubble pops]

- Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today

to witness this genuine television extravaganza.

- Oof, I'm sorry.

I always cry at big wedding episodes.

- It's cool.

Everyone loves wedding episodes.

- Always fun.

- Nothing better than a wedding episode.

- Amen.

[quirky music]

- Why is everyone looking at me?

- We're waiting for you to turn on the TV.

- Aye!

[all grunt]

- "Genuine Moments:

A Very Genuine Wedding" is about to begin...

all: ♪ Genuine weddings ♪

- Right after this.

all: No! - No! Come on.

- Hi, I'm Gary Maperman.

I mean, Perry Gabergam.

I'm sorry, Trent usually does these promos, but he's gone.

Trent usually says gone, but he's gone!

- Wait, Trent is gone?

- Yeah, how long has that been going on?

- For anybody at home

wondering how long that's been going on,

Trent's been missing for six sleeps.

I'll be covering his mis-appearance and more

tonight at :.

[sobbing, yelps]

[alarm blaring]

- Trent usually puts out the fires.

- Oh, I thought I told you

to unplug the emergency hotline.

- Yello?

Guy at Hip Hop Purée.

Won't stop crying.

Been there for six sleeps.

- Oh, wait, is that...

- Trent Overunder? We'll be right there.

- No, we won't! Miles! - But why? We're not leaving.

- Come on, people!

Supes don't shirk calls to watch TV.

Come on, let's pop a gumball.

[heroic music]

- What, you're not coming?

- I do love crying Trents, but, you know,

someone's got to keep an eye on the chocolate fountain,

so no.

[bubbles popping]

- Hey, you better not watch "Genuine Moments" without us.

- We would never.

- We're just gonna... read a book.

- Yeah.

- Mm-hmm.

- [grunts]

Which book you wanna read?

- We're watching "Genuine Moments," dude.

- So bad.

- [chuckles]

♪ ♪

- Can I get another purée in here?

This one is...


- What's wrong, little fella?

- Breaking news:

I'm breaking down.

- Is it 'cause you're missing "Genuine Moments:

A Very Genuine Wedding"?

We are too, so...

- I'm missing a wedding too--

my own.

My internet girlfriend...

all: Tracy?

- That's her.

She finally said she wants to marry me.

- Nice! - I love weddings!

- But I can't afford a wedding.

Tuxedos and dresses

and chocolate fountains and popcorn,

and don't get me started on how expensive a venue is.

- Don't getmestarted on venues.

What's a venue?

- He means a big place to have a party.

- Hold up, I think I might have an idea.

- Schwoz, ready the Man Cannon!

- Oh, have you thought about having your wedding

at Duke E. Dawgs?

- Yes.

Turns out the E stands for expensive.

- What if...

- No!

- What if you get married at the Man's Nest?

- [distantly] No! - Really?

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

- Is that Captain Man?

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

- It sounds like him saying that it's not him.

- [screaming]

No, no, no, no, no! - Can I help you?

- I'll take a spaghetti purée.

No, no, no, no, no!

Can I talk to you guys in here for a second?

Great, thanks.

Okay, first of all,

Trent looks worse than a spaghetti purée.

Second of all, we are not hosting a wedding

in the Man's Nest.

- Oh, dude, how did you hear that?

- Did you bug us?

- Of course not.

That'd be a gross violation of your privacy.

- Then what's this?

- Okay, I bugged Brainstorm,

but that was for his own protection.

- Let's host Trent's wedding.

The poor guy is poor.

- And he's in love!

Come on, we'll host it in the Man's Nest

and get the news to air it live.

It'll be our own "Genuine Moments"

wedding episode, but in real life.

- I mean, that wedding episode was pretty epic.

both: You watched it without us?

[all shouting] - What is wrong with you?

- Cheater! - You made your decision, okay?

But I was gonna be the first person to ever get married

in the Man's Nest, and for some stupid reason,

Henry's mom is still married to Henry's dad,

so I'm afraid my answer is no.

- Hey, Captain Man. I'm glad you're here.

I was looking through some old videotapes the other day,

and I found our old fart interview.

- I'm sorry, did you say fart interview?

- [laughs] That's right.

Captain Man, do you remember it?

- I'm just glad we were able to rescue

all these adorable animals from that fire

at the burrito factory.

- Indeed.


[cat meows]

- Okay, I want all the tapes in all these cameras now.

Come on, let's go.


Tim, don't you run from me!

- It was quite the juicy exposé.

[laughter] - I've got to see this.

- Give me the tape. - Oh, I'll give you the tape.

- Right after Trent's wedding.

- In the Man's Nest.

- [laughing forcibly]

Oh, I love you kids.

- Aww, we love you too, Cap.

- And I love that you, Trent, are

getting married in the Man's Nest.

- Captain Man, you should perform the ceremony.

- Would you?

- I can't think of a reason to say no.

- Hey, everyone, I'm getting married in the Man's Nest!

[all cheering]

- Hey, next round of purées on Captain Man.

[all cheering]

- It all just kind of happened.

[overlapping chatter]

You get all that?

- ♪ Danger ♪


♪ ♪

♪ Danger! One, two, three, Force! ♪

- We look amazing.

- You've been posing for hours.

[all shouting at once]

- That's right, keep walking, Schwoz.

Keep walking.

- Today's top story:


- That's right.

KLVY's very own Trent Overunder

will marry longtime internet girlfriend Tracy

on TV in the Man's Nest.

- So excited.

Hi, Tracy.

You had me at "click yes to accept chat."

- It's a celebrity wedding

and everyone in Swellview is invited.

- Except Mary, who will, of course, be here at KLVY

by herself the entire time with nonstop coverage

of my nuptials.

- I'm gonna be newsing by myself again?

- That's why we got you this.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta prepare

for my real-life wedding to my internet girlfriend.

AWOL, if you're watching, please come pick me up.

- I'm always watching, Trent.

- Okay.

Now to news alone, by myself.

In this next story--oh!

I didn't even shuffle them!

[quirky music]

♪ ♪

- If we're gonna pull off

a "Genuine Moments"-level wedding,

I need everyone focused and ready to work.

AWOL, take that cake to the cake room.

I want those chairs down in the chair room.

And I want that coffee in the coffee room.

- Where's the coffee room?

- In my mouth.

- Hi. - [spits]

- Do you guys wanna see Trent's tuxedo?

I stayed up all day designing it.

- Is it gonna look exactly like that?

- [scoffs] Of course not.

The real one's bigger and not made out of paper.

I mean--

- I love it.

It's just how I pictured my wedding tux as a little boy.

My only question is, how much does it cost?

- Don't worry about that.

Captain Man's gonna pay for everything.

- He is?

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

- How do we not notice these?

- No, no, no, no, no, no!

I will not--

I will not let you pay a dime,

my good friend Trent.

[muttering angrily]

- Well, thank God, because I am flat out of cash.

- You are?

I thought newscasters made a lot of money.

- Oh, yes, tons.

But I spent all my money on my betrothed, Tracy.

- Where is Tracy? - Same question.

- Yeah, shouldn't she be here by now?

- She's flying in right now.

Her airline tickets were shockingly expensive.

Tracy only flies first class

because she's a first-class lady.

- Uh-huh.

- And then there's the condo she asked me to buy her.

I put her mom through makeup school.

The surgery for her dog, Snuffles,

and, of course, his plane ticket out here.

Snuffles only flies first class

'cause he's a first-class dog.

- Well, I guess you can't put a price on love.

- But Tracy did.

Turns out it was the exact amount

of my life savings.

- Hey, Trent, real quick,

do you have any pics of Tracy?

- Tons. Take a look.

This one is from when she went melon shopping,

and this one is her doing her ostrich impression.

I'm so in love.

- Is there a reason why we never see her face?

- There's a great reason.

She's an international spy

who has to keep her identity a secret.

In fact, I've never even seen her face myself.

- Right.

Hey, Danger Force, I could use some fresh air.

You want to join me out on the landing?

[both laughing nervously]

- Trent's getting catfished.

- Yeah, no doubt. - % catfished.

- Tracy is a cat and a fish?

- No.

- Okay, so she's just a cat? - No.

- A fish? - No.

He means Tracy isn't who she says she is.

She's an internet scammer who pretends

to be in love with Trent so she can steal his money.

- We've gotta tell him.

- No way!

If we tell him, he'll be devastated,

he'll cancel the wedding,

everyone in Swellview will know he got catfished,

and he'll be humiliated on live TV.

- It's not like that many people

are gonna be watching.

- Hey, we're here to set up a bunch of cameras

for what everyone is calling "the wedding of the Trent-ury."

- Right in there, my friend.

♪ ♪

- Okay, so he's about to be humiliated on live TV.

- Because of us. This was our idea.

- Our wedding episode is about to be

full of genuine bad moments.

- I got an idea. - Go, go, go.

- Okay, Trent has never seen Tracy in real life.

She could be anybody.

- So we find someone to pretend to be Tracy...

- Just long enough for the wedding to finish.

- And then we tell Trent the truth

and help him get his money back.

- Okay, but who's gonna be Tracy?

- I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know!

I know someone who can be Tracy.

- Have you been listening to us too?

- Yeah, you didn't find the microphone

in your other cargo pocket.

- Oh, dang it!

- Okay, so who should be Tracy?

- Well, let me tell you.

- Henry's mom?

- Clone Henry's mom.

- I thought she ran off with Clone Ray.

- You think Ray didn't have me make backups?

Ha. - I don't know, you guys.

Pretending to be a bride?

This whole thing feels kind of weird.

- Lady, you're a backup clone

made by a superhero science guy.

We left weird behind a long time ago.

- Come on, you'd be doing a good thing.

- And Trent is so nice.

- I don't know.

- I know what clones like.

Watch this.

Did we mention the wedding is gonna have

all-you-can-eat shrimp?

- It's me, Tracy!

- Tracy, my love!

- That's the thing about clones.

They all love shrimp.

- Okay, great! You've met.

Now let's get ready for this genuine wedding

before anybody says or does anything.

- Well, hang on just a tick.

I wanna talk to my fiancée.

How's your dog?

Did the surgery I paid for go okay?

- Oh, his little dog heart's doing just fine now.

- I thought it was paw surgery.

- It was.

Doctors said his heart was in his paw for some reason,

so they had to move it back to his chest.

- Yes, exactly.

- Uh, Tracy, you told me you were allergic to seafood.

- These are fake shrimp.

They're called shraaamp.

- [chuckles] Love shraaamp.

Better than the real thing, I say.

- Okay, that's enough talk.

- Now hold on just one more sec.

I have a gift for you.

- [whispering] Give me the shrimp.

- Tracy, before you slid into my DMs,

my life was meaningless.

I was just the highest paid news anchor

in the Quint Cities area.

But after I met you,

I was the highest paid news anchor

in the Quint Cities area

with an internet girlfriend.

Now, I may have spent all of my money just getting you here,

but when we're married,

I'll be the richest man in the world.

So now I'm giving you this necklace

that has been passed down from my grandma.

- "Bad Mamma Jamma."

Is your grandma bad?

- The baddest.

Until you came along.

- Aww.

- Okay, now everybody needs to shut up

and get ready for the wedding.

- Hey, hey, who's got two thumbs,

just spent $. at,

and is ready to hitch Trent and his random fiancée?

This guy-- what's she doing here?

- This is Tracy, Trent's fiancée.

- [scoffs] No, she's not--

- [coughing] Fart tape.

- She's...gonna make a gorgeous bride.

["Wedding March" playing]

♪ ♪

- [muttering]

All right, knock it off. [music stops]

Make a hole.

- I love weddings.

- I love weddings too. - They're the best.

- All right.

We are gathered here today to witness the loving union

between local news guy Trent Overunder

and Tracy,

someone who is...

[chuckles] Honestly, way out of his league.

- It's true.

- You think we're gonna pull this off?

- Oh, definitely.

As long as there's no shocking last second twists

or anything.

- If anyone sees any reason

why these two should not be wed,

please speak now or forever shut your stupid mouth.

- I have a reason.

[all gasp]

- Who are you? - I'm Tracy.

[all gasp]

[dramatic organ chords]

- Sorry I'm late. My dog had a flat tire.

- Snuffles!

- Oh... - My...

- God.

- Tracy is real?

- She doesn't look like a catfish to me.

- Trent, who is this woman you're about to marry?

- There's a very "shrimple" explanation for this.

[all gasping]

[dramatic organ chords]

- Answer me, Trent.

Who was that woman you were about to marry?

- I--I don't know.

Scotty, please

- I can't believe you were about to marry another woman.

I'm going back to Denver.

- Tracy, don't go.

I'll tell you the truth.

This is all AWOL's fault.

- [scoffs]

We all thought that you were catfishing Trent,

so I got that lady who just jumped through a window

to pretend to be you so Trent wouldn't get embarrassed

on TV in front of everyone.

- Why would you think I'm catfishing Trent?

- Because you didn't show your face in any of your pictures.

- I told you it's because she's a super-secret spy.

- Trent, I told you not to tell anybody,

and are these cameras on?

- We're really sorry for messing up,

but now that you know it wasn't Trent's fault,

wanna marry Trent?

[soft music]

- I do.


- Great. Okay, where was I?

Oh, yeah, if anyone sees any reason

why these two should not get married, please speak now

or forever shut your stupid mouth.

- I have a reason.

[all gasp]

- Oh, for the love of me.

- What are you doing?

- She came back for the shrimp.

- I'm stopping this chick

from marrying the love of my life.

And to get more shrimp.

- Told you.

- Why is there so much shrimp here?

I told you I'm allergic. - Oh, don't worry.

It's actually just shraaamp.

- No, it's not. We made that up.

- In the brief time I got to spend with Trent,

I fell head over heels in love with him.

- What?

- If I can't have Trent, no one can.

I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to eliminate you, Tracy.

- No... - You're...

- Not... - Exclamation point.

- Thanks, but I don't need your help.

I can take this chick.

- Because she's a secret spy.

- Trent, please stop saying that!

Let's dance.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[both shouting]

- Tracy with a kick to fake Tracy's head.

She's got her in a headlock.

She's shoving shraaamp in her ear.

[both grunting]

And I'm being told it's not shraaamp.

It's shrimp.

Oh, my God, I'm newsing all by myself,

and I'm not making any mistakes.

The only thing on fire today

is me.

[both grunting]

- [laughing] What a great wedding.

- [laughs]

- [grunts]

- Ah!

- My perfect news hair!

- Oh, you done messed up now.

- [yelling]

[dramatic organ music]

[all cheering]

[both grunting]

Nobody messes with my Trent!

- Yeah, get her!

- And this is my necklace!

- This is madness!

- This is Swellview!

[cheers and applause]

- That's one bad mamma jamma.

- She sure is.

Tracy, will you marry me?

- I sure will.

[cheers and applause]

- All right, by the power vested in me


I now pronounce you officially official.

- Apparently, I'm not the only one

who cries at weddings.

- No.

I just got some shraaamp in my eye.

- Guess we got our genuine wedding episode.

- And Captain Man's gonna get his fart tape back.

- Thank you for this beautiful wedding.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- I believe this belongs to you now.

- Yes, it does.



- Okay, I want all the tapes in all these cameras now.


Tim, so help me, I will end you!


- ♪ Always on the scene in the nick of time ♪

♪ The second I see trouble I know I'll be fine ♪

♪ I'm okay ♪

♪ I'm okay! ♪

♪ Danger ♪


♪ ♪

♪ Danger! One, two, three, Force! ♪