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06x02 - Public Service Announcement

Posted: 04/11/24 21:50
by bunniefuu
JORDAN: You know, my
daddy said that you should

talk to babies like they were grown men.

Yes, you should. [LAUGHS]

Now, let's try that. Ooh! Where'd I go?

There I am. Peekaboo. [LAUGHS] OK.

JAYMEE: All right, kiddo. Bedtime.

Ahh. Hey, hey, hey. What do you say

we tell your mom and dad you should play

for a little bit longer, huh?

Oh, no, no, no. No one is
above the almighty schedule,

not even Uncle J.

Wow, you guys are
really k*lling this whole

- parenting thing, aren't you?
- It helps to have help.

JORDAN: Yeah, like his
favorite uncle... Jordan.

- For the record, AJ has aunties, too.
- Yeah.

And when was the last
time you changed a diaper?

- COOP: Doesn't matter.
- JORDAN: Right, right, right.

You see, this is why me
and AJ are thick as thieves,

because I don't mind the diaper, and he,

he doesn't mind wedding venues.

So it's like... and plus,
he's the only one that'll

look at the virtual tours with
me, but that's... that's...

Wait, you're already looking at venues?

- Yeah.
- The wedding is, like, two years away.

Jordan is looking at venues, bands, OK?

He's threatening to get a Pinterest.

[LAUGHS] I bet he already has one.

ASHER: OK, buddy. Say good night.

Good night, everybody. Yeah.

Come on. Let's go.

All right. I think
I'm gonna call it, too.

I'll come with.

No, no, it's fine. You don't have to.

I know, but Laura is
working late tonight,

and Olivia and Layla are staying here,

- so I figured you could use the company.
- OK.

Yeah. OK, that'll be great.

- All right. See y'all.
- Bye.

Venue talk.

Remind me to use that
next time I want to end

- a party early.
- OK.


SPENCER: So I'm gonna take these inside,

and y'all can just
chill, you know? Relax.

OLIVIA: Um, you know, you guys hosted,

so I'll... I'll... I'll clean up.

- SPENCER: No, I got it.
- OLIVIA: No, no, no, no.

No. I got it. I got it.

I got it. I got it. Got it.

That was weird.

What you looking for, babe?

Ugh. I left my charger again.

We should just buy one to keep here.

Oh, I have a better solution.

You could just move in.

OK. Well, how about a
solution for tonight?

A solution for tonight.
How about that right there?

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

You got to admit, though,

it would be pretty awesome
if we lived together.

I mean, every night just like tonight.


It is romantic, yeah,

but I think there's enough
people in this house already.

Look, AJ will calm down
in, like, 5 minutes tops.


SPENCER: It has been over an hour.

Right. But what are you going to do?

JORDAN: Faces. Peekaboo.

Oh, you should talk wedding venues.

Let me try the other bottle.

[GASP] Oh, my God, what are y'all doing?

- Helping.
- Sorry.

Oh, my God. Uh, I'm sorry, guys.

Hey, this bottle is not working.

I'm gonna see if he'll
go down in the car.

- JAYMEE: OK. Yeah.
- JORDAN: Good idea.

SPENCER: Car's good.
Good idea. Good luck.

- Get back to it?
- Yeah.

So, uh... so when should I move in?


SPENCER: OK, so about last night.

- Mm-hmm.
- [SIGH]

OK, fine. I panicked a little

when you tried to give
me some time with Jordan.

A little?

OK, fine. A lot.

But, you know, telling stories
about my dad is one thing.

You know, him being OK with me

writing our dad's biography
is something else entirely.

Listen, you keep putting it off,

he and your mom gonna find out about

your new book on "Oprah." Ha!

No, I know.

OK. The plan is to tell Jordan today,

and hopefully, if that goes well,

you know, maybe he'll help me

figure out the best way
to bring it up to Mom.

Good. And look, I know you worried,

but once they understand
why you want to write

your dad's biography and
what it means to you...

MAN ON P.A.: Happy Friday, GAU!

And good luck to Spencer
James and the Condors

in their first game tomorrow

- against the Hedlund State Jaguars.
- Wow.

Spencer James and the Condors.

So how's the rest of the team
feel about singing backup?

I wish it was the first
time I heard that joke.


It's exciting. You got fans.

Look, it ain't just the
campus announcements.

The whole media narrative
is "Spencer James and..."

It's gonna be a big
distraction for the team.

Well, you guys were the Cinderella
story of your penalty year.

- That's news.
- Then they should ask about that.

All the reporters want
to talk about with me

and the whole team
are my Heisman chances,

or whether I'm declaring for the draft.

You know, a guy in my journalism class

asked if you were going
to the NFL next year.

- What'd you tell him?
- I told him to stop bothering me.

Maybe I should try that.

I mean, practice is open
to media again today.

It can't be that bad.

Oh, Spence.

See your fan club? You ready?

- Bro, I'm so over it.
- Same. It's always,

"how's it playing with
the great Spencer James?"

"How has he made you a better person?"

"Does he really leap over mountains?"

"Has he saved your life?" Sorry. Sorry.

"How many times has he
saved your life today?"

- At least 3.
- Ha ha ha.

Y'all think you're real funny.

- I mean, we have our moments.
- Yeah, well, maybe if y'all

gave these reporters
something new to talk about,

they might ask y'all some new questions.

Let's run something
right now, then, fellas.

- Condor special on one on one.
- Ready?

Hey, hey, hey, check PSA. Check PSA.

MAN: ♪ Look at the way
that I do it so good ♪

♪ Look at the way that
I do what I should ♪

♪ Look at the way
that I got you amazed ♪

♪ You should see the look on your face ♪

You're gonna get us in trouble, boy.

MAN: ♪ Look at the way
that I'm running the plays ♪

I think the play got mixed up, Coach.

Not a mix-up. They're showing off.

MAN: ♪ Look at the way
that we ain't gonna fall ♪

♪ Look at the way that
we all gonna rise ♪

♪ Look at the way that
I answer the call ♪

♪ Look at the way that
I handle the lights ♪

♪ Look at the way that I ride ♪

♪ Look at the way that I'm rollin' ♪

♪ Look at the way that I'm live ♪

♪ Look at the way that I'm loading ♪

♪ Double up, let me in ♪

♪ Look at the way that I'm... ♪

Galvez, Baker,

how has Spencer's
leadership helped your game?

- So much.

- Is this your last year at GAU?
- I haven't decided yet.

How do you feel about
Vegas projecting you

- as a top-5 pick?
- I don't gamble.

What's Mac McClelland going to
bring to this coaching staff?

an offensive analyst,

here to help us win games.

Mac ran the offense at Hummel State.

This is GAU. I run the offense here.

Help me understand why a
young offensive coordinator

took a demotion to join your
coaching staff as an analyst.

To help us win games.

Mac, care to elaborate?

I'm here to help win games.

Do we have any questions
about the actual game?

The Jaguars head coach
was quoted saying,

he "will shut down Spencer James

and expose the so-called
Cinderella Condors

for what they really are... a
bunch of pumpkins." Care to comment?

Look, last season was a team success.

This season ain't going
to be no different.

- Next question.

Oh, hey, Baker.

- Got a second?
- Yeah.

I just wanted to introduce myself.

- Mac McClelland.
- I know. Ha ha.

I remember watching
you in the Rose Bowl.

Yeah? Well, I've been
watching your tape,

and I just wanted to say, I am a fan.

- Yeah? Which games?
- All of them.

- Well, from here and Beverly, anyway.
- That's a lot of tape.

Yeah, well,

when I'm impressed with
a player, I keep watching.

And the more that I
watched, the more that

I thought you deserve more attention.

I mean, when you got a
wide receiver like Spencer,

it makes a quarterback's
job a whole lot easier.

- I mean, you know.
- Yeah.

I also know you don't
have to worry about

giving any one guy too much credit.

The good ones know how to
take plenty all on their own.

Besides, who knows if he'll
even be here next season?


Just make sure you're looking
out for the team's best interests.

- Reporters gone?
- Yeah. Finally.

I'm running out of ways
to say it's a team sport.

This whole thing is a pain in the ass.

OK, OK, so let's shut
down the circus, Coach.

Go back to running private
practices again. Come on.

This isn't just about
what you want, Spencer.

I'm worried about the team, Coach.

Not me. What, you don't
think getting called

pumpkins is going to affect them?

I expect my team to drown out the noise,

same as you, because this
program needs that circus.

Look, this year isn't just about

winning the national championship.

It's about shutting down the doubters.

It's about protecting
the longevity of GAU

as a college football powerhouse.

And the media spotlight
helps with all of the above.

So you better get used to it.

The lights are only
going to get brighter.

COOP: Laura is down at the
courthouse with the D.A.

pressing the judge to continue
holding Miko without bail,

but with the door-cam
footage thrown out,

- it's not looking good.
- Well, when will we know?

Soon. Hopefully by end of day.


So the same judge that called
Miko a danger to herself and others

is just gonna let her go so she
can walk right up to our doorstep?

Bail doesn't mean that she's
free to do what she wants.

The judge will set certain conditions

- on her release.
- Right. Right. No weapons,

possibly a curfew, no coming

within a certain distance
of you or the house.

LAYLA: And we've got the
new locks, new cameras.

My baseball bat.

- Layla's 9-millimeter.
- I appreciate y'all,

but nothing you say is
gonna make me feel safe

as long as that psycho is out there.

What about something we do?

How about a self-defense class?

Bet we could find one
today if you're up for it.


I don't know. This seems worse than

just some teething pain
from what I've seen...

Finish that sentence.

- On Instagram.
- Ohh,

I wonder why no one has chosen to
document this particular moment.

Oh, very funny.

Oh, I don't know. I just wish there was

something else we could do.

Dr. Greenberg said it
should be over in a few days.

We've done what we can
to make him comfortable,

and now he just needs to sleep,

which he will... Eventually...

- Hopefully.
- Hopefully.


Hey, why don't you try
to get some work done?

You have that presentation
tomorrow, right?

Yeah, but what about your essay?

No, I got an extension for next week,

and I was about to
reach out to Mrs. Baker

to see if she had time to...


We've both got big weeks. I
figured we could use the sleep.

It's just that everybody

does so much for us,

especially Ms. Baker.

There's nothing wrong with
having a village to help.

That's not what I'm saying.


Let's just do this one thing ourselves,

no backup, just us as parents.

[WHISPERS] He's asleep.

No way.

Oh, my gosh. Ha!


We got this. We got this.

No backup necessary.


We did it. [GIGGLES]

So you want to write
a whole book about Dad?

I mean, he lived a pretty full life,

you know, on and off the field.

I mean, just think of all
the stories that he's told us,

you know, the people and the
institutions that he touched.

All while being our dad. I mean,

that's the story that I want to tell

with the hope that it'll
continue his legacy.

So what do you think?

- I mean, it sounds cool.
- Really?

- Yeah.
- Wow. Oh...

I was so nervous.

Do you think Mom will be OK with it?

Actually, maybe you
could help me tell her.

- Uhh...
- What?

I mean, this is just... this
is a lot to take in, so...

Yeah, but you said you were OK with it.

Well, I said that it sounded cool.

Look, it's not that I'm not OK with it.

It's just that this is swinging the door

wide open into our personal lives,

and your "writing
projects," they have a way of

- turning our lives upside down.
- I mean, you make it sound like I'm some...

TMZ tabloid journalist.

No, no, no, it's just that this
is not just another story, Olivia.

You're talking about Dad, our dad.

Exactly, which is why I want

the story to be real
and... and meaningful.

You know, I told my publisher
that since the beginning,

and I don't know what
I've done to make you think

that I wouldn't treat his
memory with anything but respect.

You have a publisher?

I thought you said that
this started as a project

for your honors English class in London.

It did, and then my teacher was

really impressed with
the proposal and said

- that I should submit it to a publisher.
- Wow.

And my friend Ashley,
they had a connect.

They sent the proposal in,
and they really liked it. So...

So you're not asking.
You're already writing it.

Wow, so much for the new Liv.

OK, you know what?

Since you're going to do
whatever the hell you want,

you can do it without me.

Jordan, I... [SIGH]

Last week, Coach was on me
about Liv being a distraction,

but today, he's got a
literal horde of distractions

in our locker room acting like

I'm already leaving for the pros.

Are you?

[SIGH] Eventually,

but right now, this team's
got to focus on this game,

this season.

Every time we got to hear about
mock drafts and Heisman sh*ts

and whatever's gonna happen next year,

it's just another distraction.

Deciding whether you enter the NFL

at the end of this year
is not a distraction, son.

It's your future.

I was talking more
about the team and Coach.

Those aren't your problems to solve,

not when you should be
thinking about your dream.

Son, you been working and planning
your whole life to get here.

You're so close, but now
you won't look forward.

What makes you say that?

Well, you're acting like
you're undecided, for starters.

I know your dream, Spencer.

You put it up on posters in your room.

You fought for it with every snap,

and you told it to Billy
Baker when you first met him.

So ask yourself,

why are you hesitant to look forward?

Are you putting your dreams on hold

because the impact on other people,

because seeing you graduate
was my dream for you,

and that doesn't happen if
you enter the draft early,

because it would mean another
long-distance relationship

for you and Liv?

Because if any of that is true,

you need to silence the noise.

This is about your future,

your dream.

You were not the best student.

I absolutely was. Petra said

she had never heard such an
"effective" scream before.

Mm. Wait. She also
said that it hurt more

to hit a guy in the kidneys

than to take a shot to the beans, so

I would take what she
says with a grain of salt.

- PATIENCE: Maybe a whole shaker.
- Yeah.

Here. Try these ones.

- PATIENCE: Thank you.
- LAYLA: OK, well, you know,

next time we'll just
find a new instructor.

Or not. Just thought we all
had fun and learned something.

No, we did.

- We did?
- But it didn't work.

I just felt like it was
all about being a victim,

like needing someone
to help somebody else

or avoiding dangerous situations and...

I get it. All right? It took a long time

after Mo shot me for me to

have any control over my life, but

I did, and you will, too.

- It's just the process.
- Yeah. Yeah.



All right.

- What happened?
- He slept for about 20 minutes, so that's nice.

I don't feel the rest as
much as I do the adrenaline.

Feel like I could fight a bear.

Or get me a coffee?

- You're not gonna sleep?
- I figured we could switch off.


- Yo.
- Hey.

When baby AJ calls, uncs answer.

Yeah. Everything OK?

I'm sorry. You guys should be
resting for the game tomorrow.

Hey, you might wanna crash
with the girls tonight.

This isn't gonna get much better.

Guess we'll see you guys tomorrow?

- JAYMEE: Yeah.
- ASHER: I'm sorry, guys.

- JORDAN: Yeah. No problem.
- SPENCER: Good luck. Good luck.

- JORDAN: Bye.

SPENCER: I know, I know.

I can't believe we just kicked
them out of their own house.

We didn't kick them out.

No, we just made it
impossible for them to sleep,

so they had to leave in
the middle of the night.

Hey, baby, look, I'm not happy
about it, either, but they are fine.

I'm not.

We're not.

This was supposed to be

the first night doing it on our own.

Well, the doctor said
it'll be over soon.

I just wish we were
better at this, is all.

- JAYMEE: I know. Hey, I know.


- JORDAN: Hi, baby girl.
- LAYLA: Mm-hmm.

Sorry for the late-night arrival.

It's OK. AJ's still struggling, huh?



You know,

I'm starting to wonder if me moving
in with you is worth considering.

Right, because me, Patience, Coop,

your mom, and your sister
aren't already enough, right?


That's true.

Has Olivia told you about the book?


What are you doing?

I heard Jordan say my name.

He's trashing me for wanting to
write Dad's biography, I'm sure.

OK, uh, I think maybe talking to Jordan

is better than whatever this is.

No. Talking didn't go how I'd hoped.

She already has a publisher.

So you wish she told you earlier?

I just wish that she hadn't acted
like she cared about what I thought

when she had already made her decision.

I'm just... I'm tired
of people telling me

I'm a part of something and
then treating me like I'm not.

SPENCER: So if Jordan
and your mom say no,

- you'll drop the whole idea?
- I mean, it wouldn't feel right

to do it without them.

The same way it wouldn't feel
right to do it without you.

- Me?
- I mean, Dad wasn't just mine.

You know, this affects all of you.

And plus, if I do this, you know,

I would want it to be the
complete picture of Dad,

which includes parts that
only each of you knew.

And you talked to J about that?

No. I'm not sure it would matter.

Jordan was hesitant about the book, but

I think his real problem is with me.

I don't know why I
thought anything would be

different with her
whenever she got back.

It's been a year, Jordan.
Everything is different.

And, you know, I know Liv's
really been struggling with that.

She told Coop that

home didn't feel like home anymore.

- What does that even mean?
- It means go easy on her.

This book isn't just
another project for her, OK?

She's... you know, she's still
working through losing her dad.

She is not the only one, Layla.

- Uh...
- Um...

- I wish he was here.
- Me, too.

I was thinking earlier how
much I could use his advice.

What do you think he'd say?

- How's his mood?
- Saturday after a big win.

He'd tell me to listen to
the people that loved me

and that loved him.

You want to know what he'd tell you?

That the only game that
matters is the one on the field.

No, I think he'd say...

It's time you think of you.

My dad never had the
superhero complex that you do,

and that's part of why
he respected you so much.

But he once told me that

you play regular football

as a team for the team,

but you play pro football
for yourself and your family.

And that starts when you
declare for the draft.

So depending on what your
decision is on that...

Right now might be the time for
you to start looking out for you.

Choose you.

- Game day, Baker.
- Uh-oh.

You ever wake up feeling just dangerous?

Hell, yeah, but you know
what I'm really feeling?

- Hungry. What's good?
- Well, good thing. We're about to eat

against this Jaguars
defense. How many touchdowns

do you want today, hmm? 1? 2? 3, 4, 5?

That's a lot of mango.

You know what? I got
it. I got it. I got it.


Uh, can I talk to you for a sec?



look, I know we got
off on the wrong foot

with this whole book thing,
which is totally my fault, but

I was hoping that you
would let me try again.

You don't need my permission,
Liv, or my help telling Mom.

Look, I'm not asking
you to back me up, OK?

I shouldn't have done
it in the first place.

I just want a chance to
talk to you both, that's all.

Will you please come to dinner tonight

and just hear me out?

- Please?
- All right. I'll be there.

SPENCER: J, we got to roll out.

Oh, also Mom's ordering dim sum,

so talk to Spencer about what you guys

- want to gorge on after the game.
- Oh, Spencer's joining us?

Yeah. He's... he's been
a big part of this, too.

Since London, actually,
before it was even a book.

SPENCER: Yo, come on, man.

There you go.

You know what? I'm calling it.

Call me cocky if you want to,
but I think we're putting up 50.

Just keep sending them my way.

WOMAN: ♪ Right now, right now... ♪


WOMAN: ♪ I see it right now... ♪

"I'm going to k*ll you. There's
no such thing as a romantic yurt."

Oh, my God. That was for Jordan.

He's been sending me
these ridiculous rentals,

and I sent him the
cashflow chart you wanted.

Mm-hmm. So you two moving in together?

No, he's just being dramatic about

this awkward thing that happened
last night with his sister.

- What's she have to do with it?
- We share a wall.

- Got it.
- Awkward, sometimes, sure, but

clearly not enough reason for me
and Jordan to move in together.

I got to side with your guy on this one.

The only reason he needs to
want to move in with you is you.

So I should give the yurt another look?

Or you could appreciate that your dude

has not only asked you to spend
the rest of your life with him,

but he wants that life
together to start right now.

What's wrong with that?


Want to show me the cashflow numbers,

- or should I ask Jordan?
- Yeah. Yes. Ahem.

Looking up new self-defense
classes for, uh, Patience?

- Uh...
- Heard y'all talking about it yesterday.

Well, I'd hoped they
would help her feel safer

with Miko getting out, but...

Those classes never helped me.

I got bullied a lot as a kid.

I learned some stuff, but

just felt like they
reinforced the helplessness.

Like Patience, I never
really felt in control,

at least not until much later.

So what changed?

I went on an ayahuasca
retreat with Aaron Rodgers

and became wholly convinced that
I needed to learn how to fight,

- so I did.
- I was not expecting that.

- What, that I fight?
- All of it.


These numbers are great.

We're gonna finalize on Monday.

And tell Patience

if she wants to learn
how to really fight,

- I'll teach her what I know.
- OK.

WOMAN: ♪ And you know
that I'm different... ♪

I'm happy to take him for the
afternoon if you need some time.

- Is it that obvious?
- You're a new parent.

You can always use a break.

Besides, teething is its
own special kind of hell.

Yet you managed it with twins.

Well, they had each
other to complain to.

Besides, every situation is different.

Yours more so.

I feel like everyone
has been so much help,

and I don't want to sound
ungrateful for any of it,

- especially to you.
- I get it.

Sometimes too much help isn't helpful.

Jordan reorganized the
cabinets the other week.

Middle of the night, Jaymee
couldn't find the bottles.

- Oof. Nightmare.

I don't know. We turned
their lives upside down,

bringing a baby into the house. So,

- who's the nightmare?
- No.

- They love having you guys there.
- I know,

and I know that it's not
about them. It's about us,

Jaymee and I,

and she's starting to think
that we're bad at this or...

or that we would be if we
didn't have all this help.

Why would she think that?

Because we've never
really been without it.

So when things do go wrong...

You start to wonder if
you'd be able to do it.


Yeah, I don't feel that

we'll be able to have that experience

until we have a place of our own, where

the disasters are ours
but so are the wins.

I get it.

Makes total sense.


Um, there's more to it.

I need to ask you for
help one more time.

Hey, bro,

whatever you got going
on in your head right now,

let it go, all right?

It's game time, baby.

It's is the moment
we've been waiting for.

New season. Opening day.

- Whole line got your back. All right, J?
- Yeah.

- Come on now.
- Condors, listen up.

Bring it in.

- What time is it?
- PLAYERS: Game time.

I'mma keep this simple because
this game is not complicated.

We are the better team.

And today, when we go
out there on that field,

it's time to prove it. Copy that?

- PLAYERS: Yes, sir.
- Captains, break us down.

Spencer, break 'em down.

This is it. This is why we hurt,

why we sweat, and why we bleed.

We were built for this
moment, and we ready for this.

- Y'all hear me?
- PLAYERS: Yes, sir.

"Team" on me, "team"
on 3. Let's go, boys.

ANNOUNCER: Spencer James
is on another level.

EASY MCCOY: ♪ I'mma win in the end... ♪

ANNOUNCER: What an effort by James.

Triple coverage on James as he...

It's a direct snap,

but just short of the first down.

MCCOY: ♪ All across the atlas ♪

JORDAN: Watch 55. Watch 5-5. Watch 5-5.

Down set 160. Wide, 56.

MCCOY: ♪ Big stepper, more
stripes than a leopard ♪

♪ Got the code like a
ledger, on another level ♪

♪ My grind got drive ♪

♪ Pedal to the metal ♪

♪ Got a bull's-eye shot
with a b*llet for the devil ♪

- ♪ Yeah ♪
- Ah!



- Damn it.
- Hey,

shake it off. It was one bad throw.

Yeah? How about you come back for
the next one so I don't get picked?

ANNOUNCER: It's been an incredible
half of football by Spencer James,

but so far, it hasn't been enough

as the Condors end the
first half trailing 17-9.

Hey, head up, head up.

Yo, I wasn't coming at you.

I'm just saying there
wasn't a safety over the top,

so put a little more on it next time.

COACH KENNY: Everybody shut up.

That was the first 30
minutes of the season?

I haven't seen a lot to like...

sloppy execution, stupid mistakes,

and I don't even want to
talk about the red zone.

Do better.

- I can't hear you. Do...
- PLAYERS: Better.

Where you going?

Got to get a chest wrap.

There was no safety over the top

because his helmet was in my ribs.

OK, so we're playing into
the teeth of their defense

- on the outside, but...
- Look, Mac,

I don't have a lot of time before
I have to get back on that field,


- How you feeling?
- Pick-six hurt worse than the hit. Thank you.

That wasn't on you.

Tossing a floater
into double coverage is

kind of asking for trouble, so...

They wouldn't be able to double Spencer

every play if they didn't
know what was coming.

Yeah, well, I mean, he's
the only one moving the ball.

Yeah. 10 for 148, some
incredible catches.

Guess what? We're
still losing this game.

Because this team is better
in almost every metric,

when you spread the ball
around, use your legs.

Look, you have the power to
take control of this game.

Besides, you have
something Spencer doesn't.

No one knows what you can do.

Hey. Wondered if you'd come by.

Yeah. So, um, Layla

told me about your offer, and I'm in.

- So the sooner we start...
- How about now?

- Oh, I don't have my stuff with me.
- What stuff?

First thing we want to
do is build your strength.

So you are gonna help
me with these boxes.

Oh, look, no, no. I...

I know I said I wanted
to be strong and all that,

but, um, I just really wanted
to know how to throw a punch.

I don't think fighting is about
knowing how to throw a proper punch.

It's knowing when you throw
that punch, it's gonna hurt.

So if that's what you want,

it starts with helping me out.

Boxes. Top shelf.

- Right now?
- Right now.

- Oof.


God! It's...

ANNOUNCER: It's fourth
and 3, and for the Condors,

who continue to struggle
in this second half,

Coach Boone calls a
timeout to talk it over.

MAC: We have to go for the first.

The analytics couldn't be clearer.

Gives up prime field
position if we're short.

- I can get us 3 yards.
- They'll be expecting James.

I'm telling you. Give me the
ball and I'll get us the yards.

All right. Offense stays up.

X-ray, dagger, trips right. Got it?

Trips right, X-ray, dagger.

JORDAN: Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go, let's go.

Baker, Baker, Baker,
you get me my first down.

I got you.

So do you think they
know it's going to James?

Yeah. They've been double- and
triple- teaming him all game.

Exactly. Because they
know what he can do.

Now will be the moment for
you to do something different,

something they never saw coming.

OK. All right.

Here we go, here we go, here we go.

right here, right here.

JORDAN: Hey, k*ll it, k*ll
it. Check PSA. Check PSA.

Baker just changed my play.

Nah, that's the PSA, Coach.

Did you want to use another
timeout or let him show off??

No. It's on Baker now.

Here we go. Down set, 5, 24.

MAN: ♪ Even on my cloudy
days, I see sunshine... ♪

What are you doing?

JORDAN: Wide, 66.

Yup. Yup.

the 40, the 30, the 20.

They're not gonna catch him.

Jordan Baker takes
it 50 yards untouched.

Touchdown GAU!

Who else wanna eat? Let's go!

- Go, J!
- What?

Way to go, baby!

MAN: ♪ We didn't come here to play ♪

♪ You want a battle ♪

Bring it on any time of the day ♪

♪ Because then I can be the boss... ♪



Hey, hey, hey, hey. [LAUGHS]



MAN: ♪ You better give me respect ♪

♪ I promise, you don't want see ♪

♪ What's gonna happen next time ♪

♪ You better give me my respect ♪

♪ I promise, you don't want to see ♪

♪ What's gonna happen next time, yeah ♪

ANNOUNCER: And that's the
exclamation point by Jordan Baker.




Spencer, first game of the
season. How you feeling?

Think the win speaks for itself.

So you're not concerned about
the second-half adjustments?

You were basically ignored
the last two quarters,

not good for the Heisman or
the draft if it becomes a trend.

Well, you know what? I'm glad
it happened the way it did.

So now y'all get to see what I
already knew about GAU football.

The Condors are an NCAA powerhouse now,

and they will continue
to be next season...

After I'm gone.

- After you're gone?
- Yeah.

Are you saying that this
is your last year with GAU?

I'm saying that at
the end of this season,

I'll be entering the NFL draft.

So that's another question
y'all can quit asking.



Talk to you later, Coach.

- You seen Spencer?
- He's icing his ankle.

You know, I was surprised to hear
he didn't tell you he was declaring.

- I saw you pull Baker to the side.
- Mm-hmm.

I think it's time for you to stop
talking to my players behind my back.

Stop. See, you're lucky I did.

That shift in strategy won us the game.

It also showed everybody that

GAU has a future beyond Spencer James.

I don't like whispers in my locker room,

and it's never a good
thing having too many people

who think they can be coach.

Well, I'm just here to help win games.

- Right.
- Mm-hmm. Oh. Hey, Spence,

got a second here for Coach?

Shut the door.

You wanted to talk?

Yeah, about you declaring

without talking to anybody first.

- Are you mad at me about that?
- I just asked you a question.

Honestly, I wasn't thinking
about you in that moment,

but I figured you'd be glad.

You and I both agreed that that question

was a major distraction for this team.

I saw an opportunity to
shut it down, and so I did.

You didn't do this
for the team, Spencer.

You did this for you

because you felt the
attention slipping away.

No, that's not how it went down.

Oh, oh, oh, maybe not
consciously, Spencer,

but you're gonna have to be
man enough to dig deep down

and admit the truth to yourself.

You let your ego speak for you, man.

And most of your teammates, they
already came to that conclusion.

I really hope you're
ready for all the attention

that's gonna come with you
declaring 8 months early.

Wait, wait. I can drown
out that noise, Coach.

Come on. Just like you
told me, I'll drown it out.

Spencer, you are now a commodity

in the market of football.

The minute you declared,

all that talk about the Heisman

and whether you're a top-5 pick,

that stopped being the noise.

Now it's the game.

You're in the big leagues now.

- What is all this?

Yes! My baby declared for the NFL draft!


Now, I know you and Liv have dinner,

but this is a moment to be celebrated.

- Congratulations, babe.
- Thank you, babe.

Y'all know declaring for the draft

is different from being drafted, right?

Uh-uh. Some journeys are too long

to hold a party till the end.

Hey. Long is right, all right?

Remember us sitting on those swings

and you saying you would always
play in the NFL when we was kids?

And you guys still sit on those swings.

Yes, because some places

you can always come back to, right?

- Yeah. [LAUGHS]
- Aah!

You have been chasing this
impossible dream for so long, son,

and the path has not been easy,

and it may not get easier,
but today it is closer,

and now the world will
see what you always knew,

that it was never impossible.

It was yours for the taking.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Yes.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah. Aah! I'm so proud of you.


COOP: Let's go, baby!


Let's go, baby! Let's go, baby!

LAURA: Guys, I'm sorry dinner's so late.

You boys must be starving
after that game today.

And, Spencer, congrats on
declaring for the draft.

Seems like you really took
everyone for a surprise.

Certainly surprised
me. Liv, surprise you?

Uh, well, nobody knew.
It wasn't planned.

I just decided in the moment.

The moment the cameras
weren't on you, you mean.

What? You didn't want
your big announcement

- to overshadow Liv's, did you?
- LAURA: OK, wait.

Guys, what's going on?

Does this have to do with
the meeting that Liv called?

- JORDAN: Kind of.

OLIVIA: Look, maybe
I... I'm not sure, but...

I'd like to write a book about Dad,

a biography, and I was
afraid of what you'd say,

so I didn't bring it
up to you or Jordan,

but as I was working on the proposal,

I felt close to Dad, so I just...

I just kept moving ahead without you.

What do you mean, moving ahead?

I have a deal with a publisher.

I'm sorry. I should have told you.

Well, you're telling me
now, and I'm not mad, Liv.

I'm really proud of you.

Your dad always talked about

writing an autobiography one day.

I think he'd be really happy to know

- you were doing it for him now.
- Really?

- You're OK with it?
- You two are your father's legacy,

and I totally trust you with it.

I appreciate it, Mom.

But I can't honor Dad's
legacy in my writing

while ignoring his two
most treasured values...

family and team.

I want to do this, but
not without both of you.

I'm asking this time, but if
you say no, I'll let it go.

Liv, you know I can't say no.

But I want you to be honest.

If you really don't want
me to do this, tell me.

What I want...

Is for you to feel like
this is home again, Liv.

Thank you, but I'm not
letting you do this for me.

I'm asking you to do it with me.


So this is where Billy grew up?


What do you think?

It's nice of Laura to let us get
out of the beach house for a minute.

You know, Billy's dad moved to Florida.

She didn't know what
to do with this, so...

I asked her thoughts of us moving in.

You asked if we could live here?

She said that this house
has been empty long enough

and Coach Baker would
want it to be a home again.



Look, baby, I-I know that
it's not the beach house.

I know that we are further
away from work and school,

- and this furniture...
- I love it.

It's perfect.

And I love you so much.

- Mm, I love you, too.


Oh, it's so quiet.

Well, Asher and Jaymee are having
a sleepover at the new house,

Spencer is with Liv,

so it is just you and me, baby girl.

Mm. I like it.

Yeah, me, too.


Move in with me.

- Jordan...
- I mean it.

No more "your place or mine?"

Look, we have plenty of space.

Layla, I... I want
to wake up next to you

every day for the rest of my life,

and I want it to start right now.

I want that, too.

- OK.
- But, um...

and I know it sounds silly...

but I always wanted to
wait till I was married

until I live with someone.

- I hope that's OK.
- Of course.

Of course. You just...

you've never mentioned that before.

Well, I always liked
that my parents waited,

but I guess I only recently realized

that I want that for myself, too,

so I did want to check out the
wedding bands you sent, though.

I think you mentioned a top 5?

Sure. Sure, yeah. Let's do it.


MAN: ♪ Ooh, hoo ♪

♪ Will you let me in? ♪


MAN: ♪ Ooh, hoo... ♪

Did you tell Jordan that this
doesn't feel like home no more?

MAN: ♪ Let me in... ♪

So it's true?

It's more that I felt at home in London.

You know, I'm still
trying to figure out how

the me that came back fits in here.

Liv, I just spent the last year

feeling like a piece of me was missing

and now you're telling me that

home for you is someplace else?

How am I supposed to feel about that?

This has nothing to do

with how I feel about you,

OK? I meant it when I said the thing

that hasn't changed is loving you.

But, Spencer, how are you gonna feel

when you get drafted in 8 months,

when you leave L.A. and you go

wherever the NFL tells you to?

L.A. will always be my home.

That's what I thought, too, when I left.

In London, I had to learn so much

away from the safety net of home,

of my family, of the Vortex, of you.

I had to grow up.

And soon you're gonna
be on that same journey.

I just hope that you're ready.

MAN: ♪ Ooh, hoo, ooh ♪

♪ Let me in ♪

SINGERS: ♪ Will you let me in? ♪

MAN: Greg, move your head.