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06x12 - Get Rich or Die Tryin'

Posted: 04/11/24 10:53
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm the main attraction ♪

College is all about independence.

It's where we learn to
do things on our own,

like laundry, managing your schedule...

or, for me, starting my own business.

- Big Frank...
- Mm.

- 23 sacks last season.
- Mm-hmm.

Dude, they're gonna have to
name a wing of the ER after you.

Tell me, what is your workout routine?

Well, first...

I start with 200 push-ups,

and then I wake up.

Mm, okay.

Lately, life has been forcing
me to become more independent,

whether it's my dad not supporting me

or someone I thought was
a brother betraying me.

Bro, don't talk to me
like I'm a little kid.

I don't need to be
patronized, and unlike you,

I've actually lived in the real world.

And now you're back from the real world.

And where are you living? At
my house, rent-free, right?

I've been having a rough go of it,

but in the letdowns, I have
been finding my come-ups...

You're the Squid.

Starting with signing the
crown jewel of my company.

And I used that momentum

to line up a bunch of other meetings

with uncut gems to
potentially add to my roster.

Thank you. Oh, no, bro.

Let me tackle this bill.


So, Kara, do you have a number of
followers you're trying to get to?

Um, I'm not really good with numbers,

but I've always felt
that more is better.


Now, I know what you're thinking...

"But Big Daddy Andre, aren't
you scared to go broke?"

- _

- _
- And my answer is "yes."

But scared money don't make no money.


So success isn't free.

And when you're flying solo,

you're stuck footing the bill.

So right now it's very one for all,

and I need it to be a
little more all for one.

See, my clients rely on
me for all of their needs,

and these b*tches are needy.


- Oh.
- _

Wow, uh, Pro West Bank has
gotten quite comfortable.

I need an investor, like, now.

BOTH: ♪ Watch out, world ♪

♪ I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know so I'ma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets ♪

♪ This is what I say ♪

BOTH: ♪ Watch out, world ♪

♪ I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ You can't tell me nothin' ♪

BOTH: ♪ My heartbeat is so loud ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪



♪ So, yeah, yeah, we right ♪


Never good spirits
with these Johnson guys.

- What's up, brother?
- Yo.

Yo, how's that partnership
with you and Ray going?

- I been pretty lucky, man.
- Hmm.

I mean, Ray's been dependable,

and I've been getting some good
opportunities at The DougOut.

But you're not satisfied with that.

You want a bigger
slice of the pie, right?

Mm, no, do you see that sign downstairs?

It's pretty big.

Look, man, I-I just need
to borrow some money.

Look, well, why don't you reach out

to one of your Gamma brothers

that haven't partnered up already?

Just not my Ray.

You need to find your own Ray.

You know who has good advice?

- Aaron.
- No.

Look, look, bro.

He gives good advice.
Why not him, all right?

He... he did his thing
fundraising for the Gammas

and getting them scholarship money.

I was tricked into doing that by Aaron.

Bro, you need to let
the past be the past

and be mature enough to let it go.

[GROANS] Oh, my God.




♪ ♪

Okay, I know you guys
have had your differences,

but I'm gonna need you two
to put your differences aside

and be adults.

I need my boys to be here for me.

Oh, I've set my differences
all the way to the side.

Mine are so far to the side,
they're actually in the back.

Okay, I'm being serious right now.

I have it on good
authority that a critic

from "The Times" is coming.

- Oh.
- Which "Times"?

The good one.

And... and the grading
criteria is ambiance,

food, and drinks, okay?

You have an entire staff
trained in hospitality.

- Why do you need our help?
- This is a huge opportunity.

And I need my day ones
there to hold me down.

All right, I'ma hold you
down, I'ma hold you down.

Firm grip, two hands. Don't worry.

Oh, I'll hold you down like gravity.

Thank you. This... this
is what I needed to hear.

That's the love.

So how can I...

I guess, how can we help?

I'm gonna need a packed house
full of impressive individuals.

Aaron, for you, that's
intelligentsia, authors, professors.

You heard him. That's
me, cream of the crop.

- All right.

And, Andre, I need you to
bring the good vibes, okay?

All of your best Gamma brothers here,

the best ones, though, the ones
that they put on the brochure,

not the ones you crop out.

I'm sorry, so... so what you're
saying is, I bring the fun.

Did you hear that, Aaron?
I'm... I'm the fun one.

- I did not hear that.
- That's exactly what...

Day ones, I said we need
to be on the same page.

We're not even in the
same library right now.

- Right.
- Yeah.

Your powers combined will give me
an A-plus review in "The Times."

You got it.

May the best man win.

- Oh, the best man will win.
- Uh-uh. I'm the best man.

I need to win.


All of my client wooing
dug me into a hole,

but, luckily, I'm about to climb out

with three magic words...
increase credit limit.

To be clear, you're a student,

your current job is hopeful CEO,

you don't pay rent
because you've got a deal,

and you want your credit limit doubled?

- Is that correct?
- Yes.

Yep, that is what
we've been talking about

for the past 20 minutes.

Time is money. [CHUCKLES]

Okay, so we've just been trying

to figure out how you have
a credit card here at all.


- You a'ight?
- Ah, yes.

I'm great. I'm good.

- Is that a bloodstain?
- No.


- No.
- Okay.

- Excellent. What's good?
- Everything.

Your boy just got invited
to Art Basel in Miami.

Are you kidding me? Let's go! What?

A week ago,

you were spray-painting
the library at school,

and now you're gonna be featured in one

of the biggest art shows in the world?

- What can I say?
- We better make it rain.

- Let's go.
- Whoo!

- We gonna make it rain, bro.
- Yeah.

Uh, by the way, we're
late on our late fees.

Uh, the deadline was yesterday,

and I was so busy being excited

that I forgot to tell you, so...

All good.

Uh, and... and, uh, some supplies.

And we'll need a place to stay, so...

Solid. Of course. Right? Cool.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I
mean, I totaled it all up.

It should be, like,
four grand, five grand.

Let's say five grand
to be on the safe side.

Let's say five. Let's say five.

I like that. You know, that's...

Actually, five's one
of my favorite numbers.

So that's... that's kind
of crazy that you said that.

- Yeah.
- I was in here with the five.

It's kind of a lot of money,

and if it's too much, I can go...

Bro, are you kidding me? It's all good.

That's... that's light work
for a dude like me, okay?

Half a loaf? What? We'll get that done.

This is like a dream come true, man.

I-I don't even know how
to thank you, bro. I...

Has anyone ever told you
you are the best manager?

- Dude, stop.
- No, no, no.

You are the best friend.

Oh, wow. Hey... Ooh!

♪ ♪

- Knock, knock.

Hey, Professor Jackson, come on in.

- What up?
- Sit on down.

I was just thinking
about you. [CLEARS THROAT]

You know what's crazy?

A mere year and a half
ago, we were sworn enemies.

But now we're like, uh, Cal U's version

of Kevin Hart and The Rock, yeah?

You know what? I will take Kevin Hart,

'cause you have been
my rock this past year.

- Oh.
- And in honor of that,

I'd like to invite you to
drinks tonight. How's that sound?

Isn't this serendipitous?

- Okay.
- Anyway...

I'm waiting for the
ink to dry on a deal,

but I may have something very
good for us to celebrate soon,

something that I couldn't
have made happen without you.

- Me?
- Yes.

Okay, it's time to celebrate.

Let's go "Jumanji" in this b*tch.

I don't get the reference,

but you can explain
it to me over drinks.

Gentlemen, we just got invited

to go to a very exclusive
event at The DougOut,

and I was told to bring
only the best of the best.

- Yo, yo.
- Hey.

Before you ask, food will be free,

and drinks will be half off, so...

So "exclusive." What's the vibe?

Is it more so like Shade
Room or like a TMZ type?

Uh, split the difference.

What's the, uh... what's
the time on this, you know?

I got a hard out soon, so...


Damn, that's a nice-ass watch.

Is Brock wealthy?



Peep the limited-edition
off-white shoes.

And did y'all see the
clarity on those Cuban links?

I think I found myself
a new business partner.


Yo, Kiela, can I ask
your advice on something?

Do you promise to take it?

No. But what do you think
about getting into bed

with one of your very rich friends?

I mean, um, financially
speaking, of course.

Oh, um, Andre,

I'm... I'm, like,
flattered, but, you know,

all my money's actually
tied up in a trust right now.

Oh, no. No, no, no.

I'm talking about my
fraternity brother, Brock.

Oh. [LAUGHS] Okay. Thank God.

'Cause, um, yeah, I-I lied to you.

I have all my money.

Are you sure you want a partner?

I know you've kind of
been, like, riding solo,

and partnerships can be difficult,

especially with a friend.

Well, he's more than my friend.

He's, uh... he's like a brother to me.

And what's better than
partnering with family?

Didn't your dad just tell you no?

I'm talking about chosen family.

- Oh, okay.
- People who chose me.

Kiela, can you please tell this man

that peonies and lilies do not match?

Okay, it's my night,
and I say it does, okay?

Now, which one goes best with my fit?

- Ooh...
- You're wearing a tuxed...

- Oh, okay. Wow. Yeah.
- Is it too subtle?

Or should I have went for the top hat?

- Oh.
- Yo.

- Yo, yo, yo, yo.
- Yeah? Yeah?

You put that... you put that on.

- Yo.
- Yo!

Yo, it's almost overwhelming,
the look, honestly.

I mean, you are giving...

you're giving Bruce Wayne, right?

You're giving James Bond...
'Cause he's a superhero.

- Mr. Darcy, right?
- You're bewitching my... my mind.

My mind and my soul have never
seen something as exquisite.

Okay, okay, but, no,
no, seriously, guys.

Remember, food, drinks, ambiance, okay?

- Support me.
- Yes.

- I support you.
- Yes, sir.

We all support you.

- Just let me take that away.
- But me the most.

- No peony?
- No, no, does not needed.


♪ Head in the clouds ♪

♪ I'd rather be high than down and out ♪

♪ Just tryna get closer to you ♪

♪ Come help me out ♪

♪ Where we headed now? ♪

♪ The rocket's outside, let's go out ♪

♪ Flying in a space with no boundaries ♪

♪ No bounds, yeah ♪

Okay, he's here... Andre, I need you

to turn things all the
way up with the Gammas,

but not too much.

Precision turnt levels incoming.

Okay, sweet Kiela, I
need you on hawk eye...

hawk-eye vision, okay?

Make sure that the table is
facing Aaron's with the dean.

- Copy that.
- Okay.

- What can I do?
- Do what you do best.

- Mm-hmm.
- Have a blast with that man.

I'm about to light this b*tch up.

- You understand me?
- There you go.

Celebration time... [GLASSES CLINK]



Another round for the
impressive gentleman.

[LAUGHS] Oh, thank you, sir.

- And cheers...
- Cheers...

to the bright futures of tomorrow.

Hear, hear.

I bet you probably wondering
what all this news is about.

No, not at all.

Just every waking moment
since you mentioned it, yes.

[LAUGHS] Well, the wait is over,

because I have just secured
a seat on the board...

of Pro West Bank.


- That's it?
- Yeah.

I mean, wow, okay.

That's very cool. Congrats.

Um, what does that mean exactly?

Well, it means, uh,
I'll be going to work

- about once a month.
- Uh-huh.

It means I'll be leaving school,

and it means I'll be
making lots of money.


How is that good news for me?

It's good news for all Black men.

Really? 'Cause it sounds
like it's only good news

for one Black man in
particular, that being you.

What happened to the "Change
the world" shit that...

Come on, don't go all
Marcus Garvey on me.

We made change, and
now I'm making dollars.

I owe you a lot of credit.

When the bank learned that I
raised $5 million in an afternoon...

You know the worst thing is...
it's not that you're stepping

on my head for your own personal gain.

Jackson, don't get all dramatic.

The worst thing is
that I actually thought

you were my ally here, my friend.

That's what I get for shaking
hands with the Devil, right?

You know, I gave you
my barber's number, man.

His direct line.

Here you go.

- That was crazy.
- Yeah, sorry.


Y'all muddled the shit
out of this hibiscus.

Oh, is that bad or good?


- What was that?
- I'm sorry.

Look, I just go the worst
news from Dean Carnegie,

and I just... I can't believe
he'd screw me over like that.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

You... you couldn't
wait to go off on him

until after you were
strategically sitting

- in front of the critic?
- Look, I'm sorry.

But don't worry. I'm
gonna make up for this.

I got you.

How we doing? You having a good time?

Yo, what's up, my brother? Of course.

What are you working on?

I've been so inspired lately, dude.

- Mm.
- You know what I'm saying?

I've been drawing
something up that's 14x10.

- Inches or feet?
- Feet.

You know I don't believe
in the metric system, man.

Okay, so we'll... we'll
have to pay for that

and then the supplies and shipping.

So... so what are we looking
at... like, around two racks?


Okay, fantastic.

I'm gonna catch up with you in a bit.



What's going on, playboy?

- How you doing?
- Good, good.

You enjoying the night so far?

Is this, uh, exclusive enough for you?

Could be a few more biddies,

but, you know, I'm having a good time.

You know what? Let's keep
the good times rolling.

- Yeah.
- All right?

- Yeah, we got to link up more.
- Yes, yes. We should.

You know, and, also,
speaking of linking up,

you strike me as a smart,
savvy kind of guy, you know?

Someone who'd be interested

in a mutually beneficial
business partnership,

- something that...
- In.

Great, I guess we'll just
get everything ironed out.

In, in, in, dude.

- You had me at "hello."
- I don't think I said "hello."

You've been wheeling and dealing

for the past few weeks
in the chapter room.

- You got a lot going on.
- Yeah.

I just want to be
around when it goes down.

So what you're saying
is, you want to invest

in Andre Johnson Entertainment with me,

and in turn, you get to be
in the room where it happens.

Yeah, you got yourself a deal, partner.

- All right, then.
- Yeah.

Wow. That was a lot easier
than I thought it was gonna be.

I-it's always great when
someone recognizes you

for all that you do.

Excuse me. Hey, hey.

- Hey.
- I'm sorry, guys.

- Pardon me for one second.
- Just really quick.

I'm actually in the
middle of something, so...

I need you to take these
lobster-roll corndogs

over to table ten, just real quick.

- Why can't you do it?
- Because Dean Carnegie's

over there, and we're beefin' right now,

and I don't feel like talking to him.

Oh, okay, all right, so this is...

this is you getting it done
with your own two hands.

Well, lucky for Doug, I'm here.

I'm always here.
Dependable Andre, that's me.

If you don't take these
lobster-roll corndogs

over to where Dean Carnegie's
sitting in three seconds

I'm gonna drop 'em. One...

Go ahead. Drop it.

I'm gonna drop 'em like it's hot. Two...

No, you won't, 'cause you're a b*tch.

- 2 1/2.
- That's backwards.

I didn't get my PhD in math, all right?

You don't have a PhD at all.

- You don't have to yell...
- PhD in math? What PhD?

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Whoa, what is this?

You guys are causing a scene.

Go upstairs for a chat.

And by "chat," I mean yell.

See what you did?

There are times in your life

when you realize you've
really screwed someone over,

especially when they're screaming,

"You screwed me over!"
over and over again.

It's times like these that
really put things into perspective

and make you realize that some shit

just isn't worth risking that bond.

I put everything into this bar,

and all I needed you both to do

was to put your differences aside

so I can have one night.

You know, unlike you two having it out

at the Cal U bike racks like
a couple of middle schoolers,

I'm in the real world,
taking real risks.

I needed you guys to be my guys tonight.

You're totally right.

We messed up.

I'm really sorry, man.

I-I know what it feels
like to, uh... be abandoned

by someone you thought
you could depend on,

and I don't want to
be that to my friends.

We should've been there for you.

We should've all been
there for each other.

Mm, so what, now? Now you guys are cool?

It's all... it's all good, yeah?

I mean... wait, no, actually,
there was one more thing.

I was wondering, could you sing

"When You Wish Upon a Star" for us?

Wait, I see it now.

- Jiminy Cricket, that is it.
- Yeah.

Oh, this is funny?

Yeah, is this where we want to take it?

- I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- It's my bad.

That was... we took it too
far. No disrespect at all.

Serious question...

on a serious note, for
real, let's be serious.

What's life like as a peanut?

Do you think you could get
me a fair deal on Park Place?


Why? Because you a bum
living on the Gamma couch?

- Gamma couch?
- You have a weak lumbar, dude.

You might as well move back to the crib.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

'Cause I haven't changed my mind

about what you did with Carnegie.

Well, I have, all right?

Backing Carnegie was not the best move.

I got to break up with my barber.

I love Darrel.

- Damn. That's tough.
- Yeah.

Well, you know, I got
to get my hair cut,

- if you want to come to mine.
- Sure.

- Yeah.
- Oh, really cute.

I guess tonight isn't a bust anymore

if I get you two to get along.

Maybe tonight wasn't a bust at all.

I feel like I could fix
things with the critic.

Let me just whip up a strong
margarita, and we'll...

Oh, he left. He said
he had a great time.

- Yes.
- He gave me, like, a fat tip

and is gonna give the
bar an A-plus review.

- Yes! Yes!
- Whoo!

This is what happens
when you have a crew.

This is what happens
when I have my crew.

Thank you.

Wait. No, are... are you for real?

This is what happens
when you have Kiela,

because I did this,

which is why I will be taking the
next two weeks off, fully paid. Bye.

I get it.


- Yo.
- Yo.

We're hitting up the strip club later.

Student-discount vibe.
You trying to roll?

I wish I could, but I told Doug

I would stay behind
and help him clean up.

But you guys have fun.

See, that's why you're
a good business partner.

Yo, Gammas, strip club.

So, I, uh... I guess you're
partnering up with H&R Brock, huh?

I'm afraid to answer in
fear of another lecture.

Oh, no. Okay, no more lectures.

I have spoken my piece.

Wow, you're actually growing.

Okay, just one more
piece of advice, though.

- Hmm?
- Try to learn

from the disaster that was
you working with Annika.

You know, you're... you're
in a partnership now,

and it's not just about you.

You have to listen and compromise.

Just can't help but to
look out for people, huh?

Only people I care about.

You, uh... you missed
a spot, by the way.

- It's just...
- Oh.


♪ ♪

What? I was just...

making sure she didn't trip.

♪ Call me Goata like baa,
never fall to the vultures ♪

♪ My words are weapons,
got a solid-gold pen ♪

♪ In my holster, not pretentious... ♪

I used to think
depending on someone else

was a sign of weakness.

But I've learned there's
no shame in asking for help.

That's what brothers
are for... support...



Whether that be financial

- _
- or emotional...

♪ Climbin' Mount Fuji just to say ♪

♪ That I've seen it all ♪

♪ [... ] want beef... ♪


Or "libational."

Thank you, sir.

♪ A lot of you [... ] need the Lord ♪

The best brothers I could ask for.


And that's how you know who
you can really depend on.

No matter how hard
the relationship bends,

it never breaks.


♪ ♪

- Hey, welcome back.
- Oh, it's good to be back.

Although I was starting to get used

to the smell of stale
beer and abject horniness.

Well, there's no stale beer here,

but you might want to
vacuum in your bedroom

'cause there's still
some cat hair in there.

- A cat?
- Yeah. You see, it was feral.

I was lonely, and, um,
I named him Andre Jr. Jr.

Mm, by the way, I heard
you broke your love pump.

Where'd you hear that?

- Um, it's in the streets.
- It doesn't matter.

It's a long story. We
don't need to talk about it.

I've got all morning.