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02x30 - You Go, Ojo!

Posted: 04/07/24 07:57
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the Blue House ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪ -Want some fun?
-Here's where! ♪

♪ -Just for you
-All is new ♪

♪ In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ Just for you ♪

♪ In the house of blue! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Door is open ♪

♪ Come on in ♪

♪ Now you're here ♪

♪ So let's begin ♪

Oh! Hi! It's so good to see you!

And I was wondering
when you were going to get here,

cause I'm just about
to check the mail.

Look! We've got mail!

Oh, yes!

[happy music]

♪ What's in the mail today
What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ I wonder, wonder ♪

♪ What's in the mail today?
What's in the... ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪


Now, let's see
what's in the mail today.

Oh, wow look.

It's a letter. For... Bear.

That's me! Well, come on in.

Wow, I just love getting mail,
don't you?

Well let's go in the kitchen
and open this.


Wait a minute.
What's that's that smell?


It smells like fresh air...


It's you!


Tell me.
Were you just playing outside?

Because you smell like
fresh air and...



Or maybe you smell this good
all the time?


Now, let's see.
What could be in this letter?

Well there's only one way
to find out.

Oh, look! It's a note
from my good friend Ursa!

It says "Dear Bear, Hola!"
"Hola" means hello in Spanish.

"Just a little note
to let you know

I'm thinking of you.

Love, Ursa."

That is so nice.

Wait. There's more.

"PS. Hope you like
the photograph."


Look! Ursa sent me
a photograph of herself.

Wow. Wanna take a look?

See? That's Ursa.


-This is so neat!
-Hey, Bear!

Oh, hey, Ojo!
What have you been doing?

I was out playing dinosaur

with Pip and Pop
out by the Otter Pond.

-Oh. That sounds like fun.
-It was.

Want to hear my biggest,
scariest dinosaur roar?

-Of course, Ojo.
-Okay. Wait a sec.

She's preparing.


Scary, Ojo.


Oh. Hey! Hey, Bear.
What's that you're looking at?

Oh. This? This is a photograph
of my friend, Ursa.

It came in the mail today.

Can I see? Can I see?

Oh, well. Of course, Ojo.
Here you go.

-Wow. So this is Ursa?
-Yep. That's Ursa.


Um, so, like... what's Ursa?

What's Ursa?

She's a very good
friend of mine and...

Oh, no, no, no.

That's not what I mean, Bear.
I mean...

Um, well... you know...
What is Ursa?

-What is Ursa?

Oh! Ursa's a bear.
Like you and me.

I know Ursa's a bear, Bear.

That's not what I mean either.

I mean...

Is Ursa... you know, like you?

Like me?

Well, yeah. I mean,
she's a big bear,

and I guess she's kind of
strong, and...

But, Ursa kind of... well... um,
different from you, too?

Isn't Ursa different from...


Oh, now I know
what you mean, Ojo!

You mean is Ursa a girl bear.

Yes she is!

Yeah. She is? She's a girl bear?

Yup. She's a grown up girl bear.

Wow. Ursa's a girl bear!

Like me, right, Bear?
I'm a girl bear, too!

Yeah, Ojo.
You're a little girl bear.

And, when I get older,
I'll be a grown up girl Bear.

Just like Ursa!


Oh! Cool! Hey Bear...

♪ I'm a girl Bear!
A little girl Bear! ♪

You like being
a little girl bear,

-don't you, Ojo?
-Oh, yeah!

But, Bear?

Does that mean I have
wear ribbons and stuff?

Well, only if you want to, Ojo.

See it depends upon the girl.

The only thing
you have to be is you.

And being a girl is really cool.



Hey! Cool!

Every girl is different.

Some girls like to wear a bow...

Hey, neat, a bow! [giggles]

And some girls like
to wear a baseball cap...

Like me!
I like to wear baseball caps.

Yeah. Some girls like to play
dress up...

I like to play dress up!

...and some girls even
like to play in the dirt!

I like to do that, too!

Wow, Bear. You know what?

There's a lot of
cool stuff to do!

Yeah. There is, Ojo!

And remember, no matter
what you like to play, or do,

being a girl
is a really cool thing to be.

[Ojo giggling]

♪ -A girl can be so many things
-A different one each day ♪

♪ A girl who likes
to sit and read ♪

♪ A girl who likes to play ♪

♪ -Sometimes I play baseball
-Sure! ♪

♪ I love to climb a tree ♪

♪ Cause a girl's
a great thing to be ♪

♪ You go, girl! ♪

♪ Yeah, you go, Ojo ♪

♪ Be the girl you want to be
and do what you want to ♪

♪ -Hey, you go, girl
-Really? ♪

♪ -Yeah, you go, Ojo
-Okay! ♪

♪ Be the girl you want to be
and do what you want to ♪

♪ -A girl can make up stories
-Or learn to wash her hair ♪

♪ Pretend to float
just like a cloud ♪

♪ That's lighter than the air ♪

♪ Hey I could build a rocket
Then get inside and fly ♪

♪ Pretty soon
you'll reach the sky ♪

♪ You, go, girl! ♪

♪ Yeah, you go, Ojo! ♪

♪ Be the girl I want to be
And do what I want to ♪

♪ -Yeah, you go, girl
-It's great to be a girl ♪

♪ -You go, Ojo
-I love that I'm a girl ♪

♪ Be the girl I want to be
And do what I want to ♪

♪ Be the girl I want to be
and do what I want to ♪

♪ Do what I want to ♪

♪ Do what I want to ♪


So it's great being a girl,
huh, Ojo?

Oh yeah! It really is, Bear!

Well, we girls,
we like being girls!

Hey, Ojo! Why don't you ask them
what they think?

Really? Okay.

[clearing throat]

So, tell me...
what do you think?

What's the best thing
about being a girl?

What do you think?

My favorite thing about
being a girl is dressing up.

You get to have
a lot of friends.

I help my daddy fix the truck.

Girls are great at running.

And we like to play
basketball and football.

I'm pretty good
at like just dancing.

I like to wear
a lot of my favorite dresses

and my favorite shoes.

And I think it's really cool.

Wow! Girls do great stuff!


-Gotta go, Bear.
-Where are you going, Ojo?

Well, I've got to go do
some girl stuff! See ya!

-Oh, well okay, Ojo. Bye-bye.

That Ojo.
She's one busy little girl bear.

And speaking of girl bears,

What should I do
with Ursa's picture?

Hey I know!

I could frame it
and find a place for it

where I can look at it
all the time.

And I have
the perfect frame for it,

somewhere downstairs.

Let's go look for it. C'mon.

[upbeat piano music]

[upbeat piano music]

That picture frame
is in here somewhere.

Let's see... Oh, yes.

Here it is!

Now then. This is going to be
perfect for Ursa's picture.

But how do I get Ursa's picture
into the frame?

OJO: Oh, Bear!

TREELO: Oh, dearest Bear!

That sounds like Ojo and Treelo.

I guess Ursa's picture's
gonna have to wait.

Let's go see what they're doing.
Come on.


[indistinct chatter]

Hey, you two.

Oh, hello Bear.
It's so nice to see you.

-Very nice, Bear.

Well, it's nice to see you too.
So, what can I do for you?

Well, Bear, Treelo and I
are having a tea party

and we wanted to invite you.

Yeah! Tea party!


Yes, yes...

Please have some tea, Bear!

Well, thank you.

I'd love to join you
in a tea party.


There's nothing nicer
than a cup of tea.


Light... and yet... airy.




And might I say
you're looking quite spiffy

in your sparkly jewelry.

Yeah! Oh, Bear,
do like Treelo crown?

See? Treelo crowns.

Oh, yes, Treelo.
It's quite a sparkly crown.

Hey, Bear! Hey, Ojo and Treelo!

-Hey, Pip, Pop.
-Hello, Pip and Pop.

What's everybody doing?

Oh, we're having a tea party.

Yeah! Come have some tea,
Pip and Pop!

-What are you wearing?

Our jewels!

Aren't they beautiful?

Treelo wear jewelry.

See? Sparkly.


But isn't jewelry and stuff
for girls?


Anybody can play dress up.
That's what's so great about it.


Well in that case...

Have you got anything
to eat with the tea?


This is a crumpet...
You want crumpets?

Yeah, crumpets!

Ojo. Your tea party turned
out to be quite grand.

Yeah! Great tea party, Ojo.

Oh, yeah! But you know what?

We almost forgot the most
important part of the tea party!


We forgot the dinosaurs!

It's a dinosaur tea party!



What a great idea, Ojo!

A dinosaur tea party.

See? Girls can have
any kind of tea party they want.


Hello there, please pass
the cucumber sandwiches!


Of course, Ojo.


A dinosaur tea party.
Well, have fun, you guys. Bye!

Hey, you know who
I haven't seen today?

My good friend, Shadow.

I wonder where she could be.

Hey. You want to help me
find her? Well, come on.

POP: Care for a lump of sugar
in your tea?

PIP: I take two.

Now I wonder
where Shadow could be?

Hey maybe if we sing
a song together

and look real hard
she'll appear.


♪ Where, where,
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where, where,
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where, where,
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be? ♪


[shadow laughing]

Hey, you old fuzzy fella!
I'm over here!

Oh! [giggling]

Hello, Shadow!

So, what have you been
up to today?

I was just riding
through the air on the wings

of a butterfly, Bear.

Ooh! That sounds like fun.

Well, Shadow, I was wondering,

do you have a story
for us today?

Why certainly, Bear!

This girl's always got
a story for you! Watch!

♪ Girls and boys ♪

-I'm a girl.
-I'm a boy.

♪ Come out to play ♪

-Hey, come on out.
-Be right out.

♪ The moon doth shine
as bright as the day ♪

♪ Come with a whoop ♪

♪ Come with a call ♪

Let's go play!

♪ Come with good will
or not at all ♪

Good will.

♪ You find the milk ♪


♪ I'll find the flour ♪

It's organic flour!

♪ And we'll have pudding
in half an hour ♪

-Oh, boy! Pudding!
-Yeah. Yum!

Wow! What a great story, Shadow.

Yes it is, Bear.

Girls and boys can be
such great friends, can't they?

-Why, just look at you and me!
-Hey that's right!

Well, I'm off.

But when you need
another story...

just try and catch me!


Thanks, Shadow. Bye-bye.

Hey! I almost forgot!

I want to frame
that picture of Ursa.

And it's downstairs
in the kitchen.

Come on.

[happy music]


All done.

Pretty good, huh?

Now where should I put
Ursa's picture?

Do you know where I should
put Ursa's picture?

Hey! How about the living room?

Okay. Come on.

-You look very handsome, Tutter.
-Thank you.

Just like a real daddy.

-You like the tie?
-Yes, very nice.

-It's a clip on...


-Hey, Bear!
-Hey, Bear!

Hey, Ojo. Hey, Tutter...

So how's it going with you two?

Oh, Great, Bear!
We're playing house!

I'm the mommy,
Tutter is the daddy

and Snowbear is the baby.

I see! House! Well that's great.

Well, don't mind me.
I'm just placing my picture...

You're just gonna be
good old Uncle Bear!

-Excuse me?
-Yeah! Yeah!

Here for a visit!

So, Uncle Bear.
How do you like our home?

Our home? What do you mean, Ojo?

That's just a bunch
of old pillows.

No, Tutter.
It's pretend. Remember?

Pretend! Of course!

Yes, yes! How do you like it…
Uncle Bear?

Oh! Well...

[clearing throat]

It is terrific.

And you two have excellent taste
in furniture,

if I do say so myself.


Yeah. Snowbear likes it too.

Well, that's good. Good for her.


So... if I'm the daddy,

then I guess
I should go to work.

So, I guess I'm off to work
at the... cheese factory.

The cheese factory.
Yes! So... Goodbye.

Okay, Tutter. Have a good day.

Okay. Ojo? Am I supposed
to really leave or what?

Oh! Uh... Well...

I guess you don't have to
if you don't want to.

But what are you
going to do instead... honey?

Well, what were you
going to do today, Ojo...


Well I thought I'd stay at home
and take care of Snowbear.

Oh! Stay home? Really?
Oh, that sounds pretty good.

Hey! Hey! Could I stay at home

and take care of
Snowbear as well?

Oh. Sure, Tutter.

Um, I guess you could stay
at home.

Yeah, sure. He could stay
at home, right, Uncle Bear?

Lots of daddies stay at home.

-Yeah. Oh, hey, you know what?

If you're going to stay at home,

I think that I'll go
and work at the honey factory.

Yeah, here. Here's Snowbear.

And it's time for her feeding,
okay, honey?

Great Gouda! This baby's bigger
than her daddy.

Her diaper needs
changing soon and...

I don't know about this, Ojo...

She actually likes
macaroni and cheese

for a little bit of a snack.

Maybe that cheese factory's
not such a bad idea after all.


Hey! I know Tutter,

we'll both go to work, okay?
See ya, Bear!

Well, wait a second, Ojo.
Can we both go to work?

Well, sure.
Right, Uncle Bear? Yeah!

Sure! In lots of families

both the mommies
and the daddies go to work!

Okay! Come along, Ojo.

We don't want
to be late for work!

No, we don't, dear. Okay.

Uncle Bear?

Can you take care of Snowbear
for Tutter and me

while we're working?

-Well... yeah... I guess, but...
-Great! Thanks, Bear!

-Thanks, Bear!
-See you, Ojo!

Okay, you two have fun at work.

Oh well.. hey, Snowbear.
I guess it's just you and me.

So, this picture,

where do you think
I should place it?

There. I think that's a good
spot for Ursa's picture.

What do you think, Snowbear?

Oh I see. Yes, let's move it
over just a little, like that.

Oh, yes. I think that's better.
What do you think?

Oh, I think it looks great,


Hey, Bear.
Who are you talking to?

Hi, Ojo!

Oh, I was just talking
to Snowbear.

That's funny, Bear… Well,
thanks for taking care of her.

Oh. No problem, Ojo.

Hey! Ursa's picture looks
really nice over there!

-Yeah. It does, doesn't it?

She looks so nice. Tell me
something about her, Bear!

What else do you
want to know about her, Ojo?

Well everything!

Like where does she live?

And, like, what does she do?

And does she like
dinosaur tea parties?

Well, let's see...

Ursa lives in Spain.

In a house on a hill...

And she has a farm.

She grows strawberries
and blueberries...

-And raspberries?
-Well, I think so.

And I'm sure she loves
dinosaur tea parties.

Wow! Hey, you know what, Bear?

-I like being a girl.

You know why?

-The dinosaur tea parties?
-No, no, no, no, Bear!

I like it 'cause, well,

I don't have to do
anything different.

I just get to be me!

Well, that's really true, Ojo.


-We have had some day, huh?

Today was really great!

I just wish it didn't have
to be over yet.

Well... You know,
it doesn't have to.

-I have an idea, Ojo.

How would you like to come
with me and see Luna?

I'm sure she'd love
to talk to you, girl to girl.

Go see Luna? Really? Okay. Cool!

-Let's all go. Come on!
-Yeah! Come on.

-There she is. There she is.
-Oh! Hello, Luna.

Hello, Bear.

Hi, Luna!

Well, Ojo!

What a lovely surprise
to find you here.

It's... it's nice
to see you too, Luna.

Bear said that I could stay up
a little later to see you!

Well, please tell me about
your day in the Big Blue House.

Well, I had
a dinosaur tea party.

And then Tutter
and I played house.

And I was Uncle Bear.

-Uncle Bear?

That sounds like fun.

Yeah! It was great!

You know, from up here, Ojo,
I see so many wonderful girls

and each one is special
in her own way.

-Yeah, it's great to be a girl!
-You go, Ojo.


Hey, Ojo, would you like to sing

the Goodbye Song
with us before...

Yeah, let's sing
the Goodbye Song.


♪ Hey, this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say,
well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon,
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow,
just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the Bear,
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play
To come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

Hope you had fun.


And by the way,

you're always invited
to our dinosaur tea parties.

-Right, Ojo?
-Right, Bear!



-See you soon!

[theme music]