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02x29 - The Way I Feel Today

Posted: 04/07/24 07:56
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪ -Want some fun
-Here's where ♪

♪ -Just for you
-All is new ♪

♪ In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house ♪

♪ Kitchen's here,
bathroom's there ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ Just for you
in the house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Door is open come on in ♪

♪ Now you're here ♪

♪ So let's begin ♪

Oh, hi! It's so good to see you!

And I was wondering when
you were going to get here,

'cause I'm just about
to check the mail.

Look! We've got mail!

Let's see what's
in the mail today. Oh, look!

It's a package!

Let's take it inside
and see who it's for!

Come on!



Wait a second.
What's that smell?


It smells like fresh air.

[sniffing] Hm?

It's you!


Tell me.
Were you just playing outside?

Because you smell like
fresh air!


Or maybe you smell this good
all the time?

[exhales] Now... where was I?

Oh right! The package.
Let's see who it's for.

It says it's for...

Pip and... Pop?

Hey, Bear!


Hi, guys!

Bear, did we just hear
you saying something...

About some mail... For us?

Actually, yes. I was just
about to bring it to you!

Well, forget about
bringing it to us!

Yeah. We're right here, Bear!

-Just open it!
-Yeah, open it! Yeah, open it!


Sure, guys. Let's go into
the living room and open it.

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!

Do you want to come with us?

Well, come on.

-Come on, Bear, come on!
-Hurry up, Bear!

I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying.

So, Pip, Pop. Tell me.

Gee, what is so important
about this package?

-What's so important?
-What's so important?

Well, Bear,
we sent away for something...

...something so great...

That it will change
our lives forever!

Really? Wow. This is exciting!

Okay, then. Let's see, uh...

what this could possibly... be.


It came! It came!
It came! Oh, boy!

Uh, guys?


It's a clam.

I thought you had
plenty of clams.

Oh, we do.

But this isn't just any...

...ordinary clam, Bear.

It's Clammy, the talking clam!

Oh! A clam that can... talk?

Sure, Bear!

See, you just push this button,
on the top of his shell...

Pip? If you would do the honors?

More than happy to, Pop!

Is it cold in here,
or am I just clammy?

I'm Clammy!


This is great!
Pip and Pop got a new toy!

A talking clam toy!

Not just any talking clam toy,

The best talking clam toy...
In the whole world!

Clammy! Yeah!

Come on, Pop.

Let's go play
with him some more!

Maybe he says everything...

Bye, Bear!


Ok, guys.
See you later! Have fun!


Wow! Those two are really having
a good time and feeling happy!

Hey! Happy.

You know, I think happy

is probably
the best feeling there is.



Everybody has them.

And you can feel different ways.

Like... you can feel...


[happy music]

Or sometimes you can feel sad...

[sad music]

And then sometimes
you can feel a little angry.

And sometimes,
you could even feel silly.

Oh, ya.

But the most important thing
is to know how you feel,

and why you feel the way you do.

♪ There are times
I feel like I could cry ♪

♪ There are times
I feel a little shy ♪

♪ There are times
I feel like berry pie ♪

♪ If you're happy,
you can jump for joy ♪

♪ If you're sad,
go find your favorite toy ♪

♪ Cause your sadness might
just slip away ♪

♪ Depends how
you're feeling today ♪

♪ The way you feel today ♪

♪ It might be hard to say ♪

♪ But if you know it,
go on and show it ♪

♪ If you're feelin' blue
when you awake ♪

♪ You can think
about a birthday cake ♪

♪ Or a rocket ship
you'd like to make ♪

♪ You might just feel
better that way ♪

♪ It helps when you know
how to say ♪

♪ The way that
you're feelin' today ♪

♪ Yeah, it helps when you know
how to say ♪

♪ The way that you're
feelin' today ♪

♪ Today ♪

So many feelings.

But I still think happy is
the best feeling of all.

But, what do you think?

What kinds of things
make feel happy? Mm?

What do you think?

A lot of things make me
happy, really.

I feel happy
when I have friends around.

Anytime I'm, like,
having fun or, like,

making something,

it makes me happy.

I feel happy
when I get ice cream.

When I go to amusement parks.

I feel happy
when I get good grades.

My dolls make me happy.

My dolls make me happy, too.

It makes me happy
when there's rainbows.

I like my birthday and everyone
gives presents to me.

Wow. You sure do know
a lot about being happy.

That's great! Because, we're
a pretty happy bunch here

at the Big Blue House, too...

-PIP: Oh, no!
-POP: Oh, no!


I think I spoke too soon.

We better go see
what's going on.

Come on.

Clammy? Clammy? Clammy?

Speak to us!


Oh, no!

Guys… what is it?

-Oh, woe is me...
-Oh, woe is me too..

Oh woe is us!

Guys, calm down for a second
and tell me what happened.

Oh, Bear,
we were just sitting here...

And I guess we got a little
carried away because...

The next thing we knew,
clammy was on the floor!

Oh, Pop, we were so happy once.

Oh. How true... how true.

But now... we are so... so sad!

Wow. Feelings can sure
change quickly, huh?

But sometimes,
these things happen.



Clammy's broken forever!


What's this?

Oh, look.

Uh, guys, excuse me.

Guys, excuse. Can I just have
Clammy for a second?

Okay, but be careful.

See, guys?
Now look Clammy's not broken.

See? His battery fell out
when he dropped on the floor.

Huh? What?

See? I'll just pop it back in...


Now try.
He should be as good as new.



Hey, I used to be shy,

but now I've come out
of my shell!

Yaaaaay! Clammy's back!

Come on, Pop, let's show Clammy

to Big Old Bullfrog
out at the Otter Pond!

Great idea, Pip!

[indistinct mumbling]

Oh. Thanks a lot, Bear!

No problem, guys. See you later.

Bye, Bear!

That was a close one.
I didn't know he had batteries.

When they thought
Clammy was broken,

Pip and Pop got really sad.

Have you ever gotten sad
about anything?

Well, what do you think?

What makes you sad?

What do think?

I'm always sad
whenever I don't get to play

with my own best friend
whenever I'm sick.

When we don't get to ride
our bicycles.

When my dad goes away.

When my sister hurts
my feelings.

It makes me feel sad.

I feel sad when the plants die.

When somebody says they're
not my friend anymore.

Yeah. It's not fun to be sad.

But if you do feel sad,
it's okay.

And if you do feel sad,

it's a good thing to tell
somebody big about it,

'cause they might be
able to help you.

Well, why don't you go
into the living room, and...

[Shadow laughing]

Did you hear that?

[Shadow laughing]

That sound always makes me
feel good.

'Cause it sounds like Shadow!

[Shadow laughing]

Yep. That's Shadow alright.

And I think she's upstairs.
Come on.

Hmmm. I wonder where she is.

You know, if we sing
a song together

and look real hard,
she might appear.

Sing with me!

♪ O where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
Where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where could Shadow be... ♪



Hey, you big ol' Bear!!

I'm over here!
And I'm feeling wonderful!

Well, Shadow! You seem to be
in a good mood today.

Well it's such a beautiful
sunny day, Bear,

and Shadows always feel best
when the sun is strongest.

I didn't know that.

Well, Shadow, I was wondering
would you tell us a story?

Certainly, Bear.

I think I feel
one coming on now!

Just watch.

♪ There was a little girl ♪

I'm not a little girl.
I'm a dog.

No. I'm the little girl.

♪ Who had a little curl ♪

♪ Righth in the middle
of her forehead ♪

♪ When she was good ♪

I'm practicing
my guitar lessons.

♪ She was very, very good ♪

When I'm good, I'm good.

♪ But when she was bad... ♪

she was horrid!

But I'm good at rock and roll!

[instrumental music]

-Feel better?

-Want a comb?
-Nope. I like my curl.

Makes me look cool.


Wow! What a great story!

That little girl sure did have
a lot of different moods.

That's true, Bear.

Well, I'm off. But when you need
another story,

you know how to find me!

I certainly do, Shadow!
Bye, Bye!

Well, now. Let's see.

What do I like doing now?

Do I feel like taking a bath?
Or a nap?

TREELO: What happened, Ojo? Ojo!

That sounds like Treelo and Ojo.

I have a feeling
they could use our help.

Ojo! You lose Treelo's feathers!

But... but...
listen for a second!

Ojo lose Treelo's feathers!

Ojo, Treelo... what is wrong?

Ojo lose Treelo feathers!

Ojo lose Treelo feathers!
Right out window!

I was just playing with them,
and… and...

Okay, okay, okay.. Hold it,
please. Hold it. One at a time.


Ojo do very bad thing, Bear.

Throw Treelo's feather's
out the window, Bear!

Ojo, did you throw Treelo's
feather's out the window?

Well, yeah, but I didn't...
I didn't...

Treelo very mad at Ojo!

Very, very mad!

Treelo, leave!

-But, but, but... Treelo!
-Oh, no.

Ojo, why don't you tell me
how this happened?

Okay, well, we were playing
with Treelo's feathers...

and I kind of,
I kind of, knocked the box...

and… and... they went out
the window, Bear!

But I didn't do it on purpose!

I didn't!

Oh, so, you mean,
this whole thing

was an accident?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It was an accident!

And then... well…
Treelo's so mad...

And I'm just really worried,

-He's mad!
-I know, Ojo,

being worried isn't
a very good feeling, is it?



Feelings are powerful things.

When you get mad
and yell at a friend

or your brother
or your sister...

well, it can hurt
their feelings.

It's something to remember.

Ojo. Why don't we find Treelo?

I think you should tell him
your side of the story.

Okay, Bear. I think I know
where he might be. Come on.


[indistinct mumbling]

Um… Hi, Treelo.

Um, Treelo.

We know you're angry right now,

but could we talk to you
for a second?


Treelo talk to Bear.

-Not Ojo.

Well... Actually...

Ojo has something
she really needs to tell you.

And I think if you
listen to her,

you won't be
so angry any more...

Yeah, Treelo, cause I really
didn't mean to...


Treelo want to be angry forever!

But Treelo, if you'd just
if you'd just let me...

No! No! No!

Well, okay, Treelo,
if you say so.

But, I don't think you'll
like being mad forever...

Why, Bear?

Why Treelo not like
to stay mad forever?

Well... for one thing,

you couldn't jump
and laugh anymore.

No jump and laugh?


Who can jump and laugh
when they're mad?

Oh, and you know how happy

you get when you go swinging
through the trees?

Yeah! Swinging! Swinging! Oh.


Well, you couldn't
do that, either.

[gasps] What?

No swinging, Bear? Oh, no.

-No swinging...
- Nope.

You couldn't be happy and mad
at the same time, could you?




Maybe Treelo talk to Ojo
after all.

That is a very good idea,


Tell Treelo what you told me.

Oh, okay ...

well... that I just wanted
to say that...

I didn't mean for your feathers
to go out the window, Treelo.

Really. It was an accident.


Oh, accident!

Ojo not mean to throw
Treelo's feathers out window?

Oh, no, Treelo, I would never
throw your feathers

out the window on purpose.

And, well, I'm really,
really sorry.

Bear, Treelo not know
about accident.

Well maybe the next time
you get so mad,

you won't run off so quickly.

Yeah. [giggles] Treelo silly.

Um, Ojo?

Treelo really sorry, too.

Oh, Treelo!

Oh, hey, maybe I can help you
find some new feathers, maybe?

Yeah! Finding feathers is fun!

Oh, and hey, maybe
some of your old feathers

are still on the ground
by the window!

-Hey! Come on!
-Yeah! Find feathers! Bye, Bear!

Bye, you two.
Happy feather hunting!


I'm glad we got that worked out.

Everybody gets angry sometimes.

But, what do you think?

What things have ever made
you get angry?

What do you think?

I'm really mad when my brother,
he starts bothering me.

We argue, like, what game
to play or something.

My Dad gets me mad.

Only when my brother
and sister tease me.

I'm mad when my sister
bothers me and doesn't stop!

When my mom gets me mad,

I draw a little heart
on a piece of paper

a broken heart and then
they come up to me and hug me

and say I'm sorry and stuff.

Well, like I said,

everybody gets angry.

The important thing is,

if you get mad, don't run off
and be mad by yourself.

You should stay and talk
to whoever you're mad at.

The truth is, you'll feel better
not being mad anymore.

[Tutter laughing]

Hey! That sounds like Tutter!

I haven't seen him all day!

I wonder
what he's laughing about.

Do you want to find out?
Come on!

Hey, I'm Clammy,
dig me, baby, dig me!

Hey, I'm Clammy,
dig me, baby, dig me!

Dig me? Dig me?

I have no idea what that means,
but great gouda, that's funny!

Oh! Bear! Bear!

Have you seen Clammy?

Yes, I have, Tutter.

Clammy, the clam
that won't clam up!

Wait a minute. Guys! Guys!
Oh, boy! Push my head!


Yeah! Yeah! Bear.
You do it. You push my head.

Well... okay, Tutter, um...

I'm Tutter the Mouse.

Cheesed to meet you.


You do it now.

Okay. My turn.

I'm Bear...
it's beary nice to meet you!

Get it? Beary nice?

Beary nice to meet you...

That's a good one, Bear.
Let's do some more, guys...

You guys are so silly.

I guess we're feeling
a little silly.

Hey, have you ever felt silly?

Well, what do you think?

What kind of things do you
do when you feel silly?

What do think?

I go like this when I'm silly...

I do silly stuff.

Quack, quack, quack.

I run into the walls
and all that...


I went like this.

She'll say things that
make us laugh a lot.

We "keeped" laughing
and laughing, and

I just act silly.

You guys are the silliest!

But, it's good to be
silly sometimes.

Boy, this has been some day.

Why don't we go up
and tell Luna all about it?

Come on.

[soft guitar music]

There she is!

Hey, Luna!

Hello, Bear!

And how are you feeling
this evening?

Interesting you should ask that,


And why is that, Bear?

Well, we were thinking about
feelings all day today.

But of course, we do every day.

And how was everyone feeling
in the Big Blue House today?

Well, let's see...

The Otters were happy,

then they were sad.

And Treelo got mad at Ojo,

which made her feel worried...

But by the end of the day,

everybody was feeling
pretty good again!

Well, what would life be like

without all those different
kinds of feelings?

True, Luna, true.

And the most important thing
is to know how you feel.

Well, Luna, how would you feel

about joining me
in the goodbye song?

Nothing would make me
happier, Bear.

♪ Hey, this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye,
goodbye, good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say,
well, that's OK ♪

♪ 'Cause we'll see you
very soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye,
goodbye, good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow,
just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ We'll be waiting
for you to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play,
to come and play ♪

Bye now.

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!


By the way,
I'm always happy to see you!

See you soon!

[theme music]