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02x16 - Look What I Made

Posted: 04/07/24 07:46
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪- Want some fun
-Here's where ♪

♪ Just for you ♪

♪ All is new
in the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house ♪

♪ Kitchen's here
bathroom's there ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ Just for you
in the house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Door is open come on in ♪

♪ Now you're here ♪

♪ So let's… begin ♪

Oooh! Hi.

It's you.
It's so good to see you!

Come on in!

Well, I was just...


Wait a minute...
What's that smell?




Ha! It's you!


Ooo... Tell me.
Did you just eat an orange?

Because you smell
all sweet and tangy.

Or maybe you always smell
this sweet all the time.

TUTTER: Five, four,
three, two, one!

[excitedly shouting]

What was that?

It sounds like it were
coming from the kitchen.


Let's go find out.

Let's see.

That's funny.
I don't see anybody. Do you?

Bear! Over here, Bear!

It sounds it's
coming from the sink?

Anybody in there?

It's me, Bear!


-Huh? Tutter?

What are you doing in there?

Umm... I had a little problem.

Umm... how about giving a mouse
a hand out of here. Bear?

-Sure, Tutter. Come on.
-Oh great.


Just put me by my mouse hole.

Tutter...There, Tutter.

Umm... Tutter.
What is all this?

Oh, oh! The Mouse-a-pult!

The Mouse-a-pult, Bear!

It's going to change
mouse travel everywhere!

Well, how does it work?

Well, Bear,
you get on this end here

and then you very carefully
drop a heavy piece

of Swiss cheese on the
other end there and-voila!

It sh**t me
right over to the...

The sink?

The cheese drawer, Bear!

The cheese drawer!

Oh! My mistake.

Well, it's not quite
perfected yet, Bear.

Not quite! But when
I get it right...Watch out!


Well, okay, Tutter, but...

Well... What?

What, Bear?

Well, you know, Tutter,
why do you need a mouse-a-pult?

I mean, I'm always
happy to help you up

to the cheese drawer.
All you have to do is ask!

I know, Bear, I know,
and thank you,

but a mouse can't
count on a big old bear

being around all the time.

A mouse has got to learn to take
care of himself in this world.

Hmm... Well, in that case,

this sounds like
a really good invention, Tutter.

Oh. Yes! And it could
make me famous. Ha, ha!

If it works.

Well, I guess it's
back to the old drawing board.

Okay, Tutter.
But be careful.

I will. Bear. I will.

I've got my helmet.

-Thank you. Bear.
-You're welcome, Tutter.

I'll check back with you later
to see how you're coming along.

Great, Bear. Great.


Tutter's invention's great, huh?




Inventing, uh-uh!

Inventing something always
starts out with a question.

Like, for example, um,

somebody once asked,
how can I talk to someone

far away, hmm.

And then someone invented
the telephone! [ringing]

Or someone wondered, hmm...

"how can I clean my clothes
without washing them by hand?'


And then someone
invented the washing machine!

Or, someone once thought...

"How can I listen
to music in the living room

without bringing
in a whole band?"

And that's the one
reason the radio was invented.


See, inventions are
just new ways

to do the things we want to do.

But what do you think?

What would you like to invent,

What do you think?

Well, maybe like...

you know how they have those
a*t*matic baseball sh**t?

Maybe they should do
something for soccer.

I'd like to invent
a candy machine.

An air-plane that is
as big as the neighborhood.

A machine that
makes my own lunch.

Chess with ladybugs.

A jet car.

A turbo flying bike.

A light bulb hat.

Something that makes people fly.

Make some kind of robot
to clean my room or something.


Boy, those are some
really great inventions.

As I always say...

PIP: Bear!
POP: Bear! Where is he?

There he is!

Yeah, we've been looking
all over for you!

Pip, Pop.
What's the matter?

We got a big problem.

-At the Otter Pond.
-Yeah! We need your help, Bear.

C'mon, Bear.
We'll show you.

Okay, okay.
Let's go.

C'mon. This way, Bear. C'mon.


Quickly, Bear, this way.

It's stuck!

See, Bear?
It's our ball.

Yeah. There it is. I can see it.

Wow! It's really high up.

Can you get it down for us,

Can you? Please! Please!

Well, I don't know,
but I'll give it a try.

Thank you. Bear!
Thank you!

Hold on Ball!
Bear's coming!


Higher, Bear!

You can do it.

You know what, guys?

I don't think I'm tall
enough to reach the ball.

But, Bear.

If you can't reach our ball,
we'll never get it back.

Guys, guys.
It's okay.

We will get the ball down.

We just have to
think of something.


How are we going
to get that ball down?

Hmmm, now, how am I gonna get

Pip and Pop's ball
down from that tree... hmmm.

Hey, you know,

that's a question that might
be answered by an invention!

But what?

-What kind of invention?
-[background noise]

Well, maybe I have
something here

in the living room I can use.


What's all this?

Watch out.

Hey, Ojo.
Hey, Treelo.


Hi, Bear...

Almost done! Almost done!

You're just in time, Bear!

For what, Ojo?

To see what we made, Bear.

It's our new invention!


That's what this is.

We make machine.

You invented a machine? That's
great! But, what does it do?

It's a machine, Bear.
It makes stuff.

Of course!
I knew that.

But what kind of stuff
does this machine make?


Everything? Wow!

That's a lot!

Well, it is an Everything
Machine, Bear.

Everything machine!

Well, how does it work?

We'll tell you, Bear!


♪ You see this cushion? ♪

♪ It's not a cushion ♪

♪ This is a button
it's meant for pushin ♪

♪ And when you push it
you'll hear a humming ♪

♪ Which means that something
really great is coming ♪

♪ Stick in a picture
to start the motor ♪

♪ Cause, see, this thing here
is the picture-motor-loader ♪

♪ Now add some pebbles
and crumpled paper ♪

♪ Stand back and watch
my stegosaurus maker ♪

♪ This is my... ♪

♪ New invention ♪

♪ Ain't it great? ♪

♪ It's a stegosaurus maker ♪

♪ Look at what I made! ♪

But, Ojo,
that's not all it can do.

-It isn't?
-Watch this.

♪ This is a gadget
to make you giggle ♪

♪ Stick on a fladget
and pull the swiggle ♪

♪ On second thought,
you know, forget the swiggle, ♪

♪ And in it's place
attach a sour pickle! ♪

♪ Now turn the pickle,
and twist the fladget ♪

♪ Give it a tickle to start the gadget ♪

♪ You'll hear this sound
it's kinda funny ♪

♪ Cause soon this gadget
will be making lots of honey ♪

♪ It is my... ♪

♪ New invention! ♪

♪ -Ain't it great?
-Yeah ♪

♪ It's my honey generator ♪

♪ Look at what I made ♪

Yeah! My turn! Treelotum!

Okay, Treelo,
let's see what you invent!


-Take this.

-Put here.

-No, no, no, no...
-Yeah, yeah-there.

-Now push.

-More, more, more!
-Like this?

-Turn this.

Open Door.

Put this.

Put in that Pudding cup.

Put on hat, he-he.

But, Treelo, what does it do?

I don't know!

Well, I think it's really cool!

-Cause it's your...

♪ New invention ♪

Good going, Treelo!


♪ It's a new invention ♪

It sure is!

♪ Look at what youi made ♪

♪ New inventions! ♪

♪ Aren't they great ♪


♪ New inventions ♪

♪ Look what you can make ♪

Wow, what a great invention!

Hey, Treelo.

What are you doing?

Treelo grabby! Treelo grabby.

those look like my salad tongs!

Oooh. No, no, no Bear.

That's the grabby thing.

To grab stuff with
when it comes out.

Grabby grabby!

Hmm... I think I can use those.

Hey, Ojo, do you think
the grabbing thing

could grab...a ball?

Oh, well. Sure, Bear.

You can grab anything
with the grabby thing.

-Grabby grabby.

Grabby grabby.

Could I borrow the grabby
thing for a while?

Bear want Treelo's grabby

Just for a while.


Here Bear. Here Bear!

Thanks, Treelo.


Now I can grab Pip and Pop's
ball down from the tree!

Yeah, these'll work great.

Thanks a lot, you guys.
See you later.

-Bye, Bear. Bye, Bear.



Still too short, I think.

How could we make these longer?

Do you have any ideas?



I have an idea!

Maybe we can make a new
Ball Grabbing invention.

This is exciting.


-[Shadow laughing]

Did you hear that?

That sounds like Shadow.

[Shadow laughing]

Do you see her?

Well, maybe if we look real hard
and sing a song, she'll appear.

♪ O Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be... ♪



-Hey, you big old Bear!

-I'm over here!

Hello, Shadow!
So what've you been doing today?

I was just playing with
the dust burmies

in the corners of the house!

Oh! That sounds like fun.

Umm... Shadow, do you happen
to have a story for us today?

Why certainly, Bear!

Let's see if I can
invent one for you.

Just watch.

♪ Yankee Doodle went
to town riding on a... ♪



♪ Yankee Doodle went
to town riding on a... ♪



♪ Yankee Doodle went
to town riding on a... ♪



♪ Stuck a feather in his cap
and called it... ♪

-Apple strudel?


Is that how you make macaroni?

Well, it's a very inventive
way to make macaroni.

Maybe I'll go get some cheese.


What a great story!

I've always wondered
who invented macaroni.

Mr, Doodle sure did have to
ride a lot of animals

before he got it right, though.


Maybe next time I find
a feather,

I'll make
some macaroni, too.


Oh, Bear. I don't know where
you'd find an animal

big enough to ride on.

Well, maybe you're right.

Well, Bear, I must be off...

But when you need another
story, just try and catch me!


-Thanks, Shadow.

Now, the Otters are waiting.

We better get started
on this Ball Grabber.

Com on. Let's go to the kitchen.

Now, let's see...

TUTTER: Okay, Bear. I'm ready!
Let's go!


-Hi, Tutter.

How's the mouse-a-pult working?

This is it, Bear.
This is it.

History in the making.

And you are there!


You know, Tutter.

-This is very exciting!

Let's watch.

Oh! Umm... Actually, Bear,

could you spare a moment
or two to help a mouse?

Sure, Tutter.
What can I do?

Okay! Great! You just carefully
drop that wedge of brie

on the other end of the

when I say
go, and stand back!

Stand back and watch
this mouse fly, Bear!

Watch me fly!

Okay, Tutter.
But Tutter, be careful.

Of course, Bear.
I'll be careful.




Set. Let'er rip, Bear!
Let'er rip!

[excitedly shouting]



Great Cheeser's Ghost!

Ooo... What happened?

Where am I?

I've gone so far!


I'm on another planet!

It seems to be made of a
strange grainy substance...

Hmm ...very interesting...

-What? Where?

Tutter, Tutter, it's okay.

It's me.


How did you get up
here in outer space?

Wow! That mouse-a-pult works
a lot better than I thought!

Umm... Tutter, Tutter.

-Yes, Bear?

You landed in the rice can.

Huh? The rice can?


The rice can!
I'm in the rice can. Bear.


Are you okay?

Oh, oh. Yes,
I'm perfectly okay, Bear.

Just a little grainy.

Just a little grainy, Bear.

Well, I guess it's back
to the old drawing board AGAIN.

-Well, see you later, Bear.
-Okay, Tutter. Good luck.

That's it.

The drawing board!

That's what inventors use

to plan their inventions
before they make them.

So, first we have to make
a drawing of the ball grabber!


Let's get started.

I think this is going to work!

And I should be able to

everything I need
for the Ball Grabber

right here in the kitchen...


Okay, guys!
This is it!


What is that?

Well, it's a, Super D-duper...


-Ball grabber... thingy!



The name needs a little work,

Yeah, Bear.

Well, maybe you can
help me with that later.

Now, it's time for me to

test my invention for
the very first time!

Oh, boy. Oh boy.
I hope this works.

Please, please!

Hey, it worked!

-Yay, Bear!
-All right!

We got our ball back!

Here you go, guys.

Oh! Thank you, Bear.

Our ball!

-We were so worried about you.

Don't go so high next time.

Hey, there's something
else up there. Bear!

It's our Frisbee!

Bear. Can you, you know...
would you mind...

Okay, guys. Okay.
Lemme see what I can do.

Umm... I think this is going to
take a while.

I'll meet
you back at the house.

[indistinct conversation]

Well, I didn't know there was so
much stuff was up in that tree.

Luckily, our Ball-Grabber
was able to get it all down.

TUTTER: Not there, Bear!
Not there!

That's right in my flight path.

-Ooh! How's it going, Tutter?
-It's going great, Bear.

This time I know
it's gonna work.

I figured out what was wrong.

What was that?

Cheese, Bear!

I was using the
wrong kind of cheese.

I should have been
using Cheddar all along!

You certainly know your cheeses,

Yeah, yeah.
And I invented a net, too. See?

Just in case I overshoot again.

Well, great minds can't be too
careful when they're inventing.

That's good thinking, Tutter.

I made an invention today, too.

-Oh, yeah?
-See? It's a Ball Grabber!

Yeah. It works on balls,
and Frisbees,

and hats,
and toy dinosaurs.

That's super-D-duper,

Sounds more like
an Everything Grabber to me.

-Hey! It does, doesn't it?

Hey, Bear, looks like we're
both gonna be famous inventors!

-I hope so, Tutter.

Now let's put this
mouse-a-pult into action!

Okay, sounds like you're ready.

Oh, I'm ready. Bear!

Hm, hm, hm. Let's do it!

Okay, now.

This time I will carefully drop
the cheese

like this...

[happily laughing]



I did it!


-Tutter? Are you okay?

It works. Bear!
The mouse-a-pult works!

Oh. Congratulations, Tutter!

See? It just goes to show

what you can do when
you put your mind to it.

Thanks, Bear.

The only problem is, umm...

I haven't invented a
quick way to get down yet.

Umm... Would you mind
giving me a little help?

No problem Tutter.

-Oh, great.
-Come on.

-TUTTER: Thank you.Bear.
-You're welcome, Tutter.

Wow! What a great day!

And so much has happened.


Hey. Let's go up
and tell Luna about it.


[soft background music]

-Oh, hello, Luna.
-Hello, Bear.

Tell me, what happened in
the Big Blue House today?

-Well, Luna, it was quite a day.

Tutter invented a Mouse-a-pult!

A Mouse-a-pult sounds
like a marvellous invention.

It was.

Then Pip and Pop got
their ball stuck in a tree.

Oh, My.

-Could you reach it?

But I came up with a neat little
invention of my own...

A "ball-grabber!

-A ball grabber?

What a great idea.

That must have been very useful.

Oh, yeah, it was.

And it was good for
grabbing firisbees and kites

and all sorts of other stuff,

It was really kind of an...

Everything grabber.

-That's right.

Ooh, and Ojo and Treelo invented

an amazing machine that
could do anything!


Well it was only pretend,
but it was fun!

Well, you know, Bear,

from where I hang up here
in the clouds,

I've seen
some great inventions.

Why, I remember when
they invented the wheel!

Wow! That must have
been a long time ago!

Well, Bear, I have been
around for a long time.

After all, I am the moon.


Well, Luna, would you
sing the "Goodbye Song"

with me before you go?

I would love to. Bear.

♪ Hey, this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say,
Well, that's OK ♪

♪ 'Cause we'll see you
very soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow,
just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ We'll be waiting
for you to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play,
to come and play ♪

Bye now.

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!


[light turned off]

[light turned on]

And maybe next time you'll
have some inventions

you'll want to show me!


[gibberish and laughing]



[theme music]