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02x15 - Change is in The Air

Posted: 04/07/24 07:45
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪ -Want some fun
-Here's where ♪

♪ -Just for you
-All is new ♪

♪ In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house ♪

♪ Kitchen's here, bathroom's there ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ Just for you in the house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Door is open come on in ♪

♪ Now you're here ♪

♪ So let's... Begin ♪

Oh, hi there!
I'm so glad you're finally here!

Come on in!

It's so good to see you!

I was just...

Wait a second...


What's that smell?



Ha! It's you!

Oooh! Tell me.
Were you just coloring?

Because you smell like crayons.


Or maybe you smell
this good all the time?


Well, as was saying, I was just
making something in the kitchen!

Do you want to see?
Come on!

[background music]


Old Doc Hog is
coming to pay me a visit,

so I made some lovely snacks
to go with our honey tea!


Pretty, huh? Yeap!

Having a visitor
can really be great!

[telephone ringing]

That sounds like the telephone.
[telephone ringing]

I wonder who it could be.

[telephone ringing]

Bear in the Big Blue House!

Just go ahead and have a se...!
Oh! Oh, Bear?

-Doc Hogg here.
-Hi Doc!

-I was just talking about our...
-Our visit, Bear, yes, I know.

I was looking forward to it,
too. But...

I' m afraid I've got a
bit of bad news. Bear.

Doc. What is it?

Well, Bear, there's a bad cold
going around down at the swamp.

And I'm a little, well, swamped.


Get it? Swamped!
I'm swamped!

Yep. I get it Doc. Yeah.

I'm real sorry about this, Bear.

I sure was looking forward
to a nice long visit.

Go ahead.
Take your time there...

That's okay, Doc.
Maybe we could...

maybe we could have
a visit some other time.

Some other time, Bear.
Some other time.

Alright, bye-bye now.

Where's that frog
with the frog in his throat?

Alright, you go ahead
and hop over here...


Well, that's too bad. Hmm...

Seems that Doc Hogg got held up.

Oh, well.
Sometimes, things change.

Especially when you have plans with
somebody as busy as Old Doc Hogg.

[background music]

Hey. Change.

Yeah, change.

Everything changes.

Even the day changes… to night.

And we change.

We grow taller and wider.

We even change our minds.

Like when you decide to
have a cheese sandwich

instead of a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich.

Oh, and it's a very good idea

to always change
your underwear everyday.

Yup. The thing about change is,
it's a natural part of life!

And hey!

If things didn't change,
life would be really boring.

[alarm ringing]

♪ I woke up this morning
the sky was so bright ♪

♪ Funny,
it seemed so dark last night ♪

♪ Think it'll get dark again?
bet you're right ♪

♪ If it didn't that
would be strange ♪

♪ I love the changing leaves
when summer turns fall ♪

♪ It changes to winter,
but best of all ♪

♪ When spring rolls into summer
like a big beach ball ♪

♪ Guess it's always
time for a change ♪

♪ Everything changes
it comes and goes ♪

♪ First the sun sets but
then the moon glows ♪

♪ Everything changes
everything just flows ♪

♪ What'll be changing next
who knows! ♪


♪ You can change your mind
or your attitude ♪

♪ If you're peelin' grumpy
change your mood ♪

♪ Don't like the taste,
just change your food ♪

♪ That's pretty easy to arrange ♪

♪ Got to change the light
bulb when it burns out ♪

♪ When someone can't hear you
change your voice and shout ♪

♪ You can change the subject
that you're talking about ♪

♪ We're just talkin'
'bout change ♪

♪ Everything changes
it comes and goes ♪

♪ First the sun sets but
then the moon glows ♪

♪ Everything changes
everything just flows ♪

♪ What'll be changing
next who knows ♪

♪ What'll be changing
next who knows ♪

But hey!
What do you think?

What changes have you seen? Hmm?

What do you think?

A caterpillar changes
into a butterfly.

People I know,
their personality changes.

The seasons change.

A seed turn into a flower.

I've seen a flower change.

Seeds come make to trees,

and oranges
come from trees to orange juice.

Well, you sure do know
a lot about change.

Hey. Maybe you can
help me decide what to do

with all this food now that Doc
Hogg has changed our plans.

I just hate to waste food.



Hey, Bear!

Tutter, Treelo!
What's up?

Well, Bear,
we were playing catch,

but we got kind of hungry.

-Yeah. Hungry!
-Yeah! Yeah!

And we were kind
of wondering um...

Would you make us a snack?

Of course, guys.

Say no more.

Have I got the snack for you!

Boy! Yeah! This is perfect!

I have a snack made, and
Tutter and Treelo want a snack!

Problem solved!

-We get a snack! We get a snack!
-Yeah, snack!

Okay, guys, here you go!
Snacks a la Bear!


Pretty snazzy, huh?

Bet you've never
seen a snack like this before.

See? This snack is banana slices
with peanut butter in between...


And...and...and, look!

See the balls?
The balls are made of cheese!

Balls made of cheese?

Balls made of cheese?

Excuse me,
but cheese comes

in hunks and slices!

Hunks and slices!
Hunks and slices!

Yeah, and bananas long.
With yellow peel!

Banana peel!

Yeah, yeah!
Treelo's right, Bear.

Those don't look like
bananas to me either.

Guys, guys, look!

It's the same stuff

it just looks a little
different, that's all.

Besides a little change can
be exciting, don't you think?

-Umm... I don't know, Bear.
-I don't know.


Tell you what.

I'll even put the snacks on
special circus animal plates.


Then, if you still do not
like these after you try them,

then will make you
both new snacks.



Okay, Bear.

- Well, okay.

But I'm not promising anything.
Bear, I'm not promising!

Here it goes...


Hey, yeah.

This isn't too bad.
It's not too bad!

Even if it is round!

-Hey, let me try another one.
-Treelo want more bananana


I'm glad we got that solved.


I don't know what I would've
done with all those snacks.

I might have had to eat
them all by myself.

[telephone ringing]

I wonder who that could be.
Enjoy your snack, guys.

I'm going to answer the phone.


-Hello, Bear the...
-Big Blue House!

Yep! I know it!
Bear it's Doc Hogg!

Oh, hi Doc!

I thought you
said you were sw...

Swamped, I was, Bear, I was!

But my good buddy Old
Doc Owl stopped by,

and he helped me out!
We're almost done!

Looks like I'll be able
to visit after all!

I hope you've got some of those
great sandwiches of yours!

Oh, yeah, think so.

Great, Bear! Great!
So, I'll see you soon?

-Whoooo's next?

Who's next?
Come on critters, who's next?

Wow! This is great.

My plans have changed again,
for the better!

I'd better tell Tutter and
Treelo to save a few of those...




Oh, I said,
I'm glad you enjoyed the snacks.

We did.
Bear, we did!

In fact, in fact, Bear,

I think we might want it
like this from now on!

From now on. Bear.

Come on, Treelo!
Let's go play more catch!

Treelo! Treelo!
We almost forgot!

Thank you. Bear!

You're welcome, guys.
See you later!

Yeah, let's go play!


-Yeah! I'll get the door!

Now, let me see.

What am I going to make
for Doc Hogg's visit now?

Let's see what I've
got around here...

[background music]

[background music]

Well, I couldn't find
any more bananas,

or peanut butter, or cheese,

but I did come up with
something great,

if I do say so myself See?

Cooked and
buttered string beans.

And... Clam and corn fitters!

I'm sure Doc Hogg
will like these.

Give it another try, Pop.

PIP: No. Okay, you try.
POP: Okay, here goes.

PIP/POP: How'd it feel?
-Hey, it's Pip and Pop.

-Maybe we're not doing it right.
-No, it's not the same, Pip.

It's just not the same!
What will we do?

I don't know.
I just don't know.

Hey, guys.

-Hey, Bear.
-Um, what's the trouble?

It's terrible. Bear.

-It's a dark day, Bear.

So dark.

We were just playing our
favorite game... Balloon Bounce.

-You know Balloon Bounce, Bear...

I know it well.

We don't like it anymore!

Oh, I see.

Well, guys you know,
sometimes, things change.

You know,
sometimes we like new things!

But Bear,

we've been playing
Balloon Bounce

since we were old enough
to bounce a balloon off

our little heads.

It was always our favorite.

Guys, guys,

it sounds like you just to
change your favorite game?

You know, get a new one!

-No way!

We can do that?

-We can? Just like that...

Well, no, not just like that.

You have to think about it.

we've got a lot of work to do.

Yeah, I'll say.
It's kind of exciting, isn't it?

-[telephone ringing]

That's the telephone.
I have to answer it

but if you need
any help just ask me.

Thanks, Bear.

[indistinct conversation]

-Hello, Bear. It's Doc Hogg.


-Doc. You're not going to...
-I'm not going to make it. Bear.

I'm afraid I missed my bus.

Oh, gee, Doc, that's too...

Too bad.
I know it, Bear. I know it.

It doesn't look like our little visit's
going to happen after all.

We'll do it another day, though.

Okay. Doc. I'll see you...

I'll see you soon, all right.

-Bye-bye, now!


sometimes when things change,

it can be for the better,

and sometimes when
things change,

it can be
a little disappointing.

But it doesn't
have to be boring!

[indistinct conversation]

-Hey, Bear!
-Hey, guys.

How is the game coming along?

We've got some big ideas.

Yeah! Huge!

In fact, they're so big that we have to
move out to the otter pond.

Yeah! We need more room
for the new game

-That's right!

Hey, Bear?

Something sure smells good.

Oh, well, that would be my
cooked and buttered string beans

and clam and corn fritters.


We love clam fritters...

You, know, Bear,

coming up with a new favorite
game takes a lot of energy.

Yeah! And clam fritters may be just
the source of energy we need!

Well then, dig in.

I don't need them anymore.

Wow, these look good, Bear.
Really good.

[Shadow laughing]

That sounds like Shadow!

I'll see you later, guys.

I think I hear
a friend calling me.

-See you later, Bear!
-Come on!


I know that's Shadow.

Hey! Maybe if we sing
our song

and look real hard,
she'll appear.


♪ O Where-o where-o where
os Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be... ♪


[Shadow laughing]

Hey, you big ol'Bear!!

-I'm right here!

Hello, Shadow!
It's so nice to see you.

So, what have
you been doing today?

Oh, I was just out by the pond

swinging from a p*ssy
willow, whop, whoho!


Wow, that sounds like fun.

Well, Shadow, I was wondering...

do you have
a story for us today?

Why certainly.

Let me see...

Here's a story with a twist.

Oooh, let's watch!

♪ The north wind doth blow ♪

[wind blowing]

♪ And we shall have snow ♪

♪ And what will the Robin
do then, poor thing? ♪

♪ He'll sit in the barn
and keep himself warm ♪

♪ And hide his head
under his wing poor thing! ♪

No way!
I'm goin' ice skatin'!

Hey, look at me!
Quadruple lutz!

[excitedly shouting]

Wow, what a great story!

"North Wind Doth Blow."

I bet that Robin was sure
glad the weather turned cold.

Well, you know Bear,

when things change on you,

it's good to make
the best of it.

That's a good idea, Shadow.

Well, I'm off. But when
you need another story...

just try and catch me!


-Thanks Shadow! Bye-bye!

OJO: Bear! Oh, Bear!


That sounds like Ojo.
Come on.

[background music]



What's the matter, Ojo?

Well, I was putting on
my favorite baseball cap.

But, you know what?
I can't seem to get it to fit.

Hmm... well, let's see.
Maybe I can help.

Well, it used to fit.
Bear. But, see, now it doesn't.

Well, I think we just need
to add one more notch to it.

That's all.

But, Bear, I always used
to wear it on the third notch.

How did my cap get smaller?

Well, I don't think your
cap got smaller, Ojo.

I think something
about you got bigger.

Something about
me got bigger...?


You mean, um, like, my head?

But, um, how could my head
get bigger, Bear?

Ojo, even though
you're still little,

your body is
still growing, all the time.

-Even right now.

But Bear,
I like things the way they are!

But, Ojo. Growing up is
nothing to be worried about!

In fact, growing up is one
of the best things in the world!

♪ You're growing out of all
the things you wore ♪

♪ You're getting so much
bigger than before ♪

♪ I can't call you
little ojo anymore ♪

♪ You mean
a nickname can change? ♪


♪ You're learning how
to do a lot on your own ♪

♪ Soon I'll reach
the bathroom sink all alone ♪

♪ Then look in the mirror
see how much you've grown ♪

That's funny, I still feel the same.

You are, mostly.

♪ Everyone changes
everybody grows ♪

♪ Like changing your mind ♪

♪ Or changing your clothes ♪

♪ Everyone changes
that's how it goes ♪

♪ What'll be changing next
who knows ♪

♪ Everyone changes
everybody grows ♪

♪ I used to like these
but now I like those ♪

♪ Everyone changes well,
then, here goes ♪

♪ What'll be changing next
who knows ♪

♪ What'll be changing next ♪

Who knows ♪

[both laughing]

You were right, Bear.

Growing up is going
to be pretty neat.

Yeah! Sounds like you'll
have a lot to do, Ojo.

I will, Bear. But don't worry.

I'll still have time to
play with you, won't I?

Yes, Ojo.
For a long, long time.

Oh! Hey. Bear! I almost forgot!

I was getting ready
to go down to the pond!

The Otters are making up
a new favorite game!

I've heard about that too.
Let's go.

-Come on.

[indistinct chatting]

-Hey, guys!

Bear! Ojo! We got it!

We came up with
a new favorite game!


What'd the name
of your new game?

We call it, The NEW Game!

Cool name.

-So, what's so new about it?
-Well, you see,

we used to just bounce
the balloon off our heads.

That's where we went wrong.

-We found we needed more

Hey! So show us the new game.

-Show us! Show us!
-Okay. Watch us very closely.


And twist and twist and BOUNCE!

And twist and twist and...


[background music]

Wow! What a day, huh?

I bet Luna would want
to hear all about it.

Come on.

[soft background music]

-Ahh! Hello, Luna.
-Hello, Bear.

I was just getting ready
to spend a lovely evening

lighting up the sky.

How are things in
the Big Blue House?

Things changed a lot
down here, today, Luna.


What happened?

Well, Doc Hogg was supposed
to come over for tea,

but he kept cancelling,

then un-cancelling,
then cancelling again.

Mmm... the Old Doc's
plans kept changing.

Uh-uh, oh.

And Pip and Pop came up with
a new game - the "new" game!

[both laughing]

And what about Ojo?

Oh, Ojo found out that she was
growing and changing!

Ooo.. If there's one
thing I've learned,

it's that change is something
you can always count on.

Why every year I see the seasons
change from winter to spring

to summer to fall
and back to winter again.


It must be great to see
the earth change

so much from up
there in the sky.

Ooh, it is Bear.

I think you would
enjoy it up here.

Ohh, ha, I'm sure I would.

Hey Luna, would you like to join
me in singing the goodbye song.

I'd love to Bear.

And I won't change a word!

♪ Hey, this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
well that's OK ♪

♪ 'Cause we'll see you
very soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow
just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ We'll be waiting
for you to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play,
to come and play ♪

Bye now.

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!


[light turned off]

[light turned on]

-By the way, be sure to...
-Bear! Bear!

There you are. Bear!

-I was lookin' all over...

But I thought...

You thought I wasn't
going to make it didn't you?

-That's the thing

about buses, If you miss one,
another one comes right along!

-Well, great!
-You got anything to eat, Bear?

-Well, sure,
-I'm famished.

Let me tell ya, them bus
rides sure are comfortable...

I'll see you soon. Bye-bye.

Comin' Doc!

If I had the choice,
I'd take a boat.

[theme music]