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14x05 - Bad Faith

Posted: 04/06/24 09:04
by bunniefuu
What do we got?

Male victim, mid-20s,
looks like a gunpoint robbery.

Don't have an ID yet.

Name's Marcus Carter.

Used to run with the Las Pelotas g*ng.

You've collared him before, Sarge?

Yeah, monitoring drug activity
in Long Island City.

Well, we looked around the vehicle.

- Didn't see anything.

What's that?

Hidden compartment.

Likely used to hide weapons and dr*gs.

Looks like whoever k*lled him
cleaned him out.

Is there surveillance cameras
in the area?

Next block up.

Okay, I'm gonna reach out to auto crime,

have 'em examine this vehicle.

It's barely 6:30.

Yeah, I know.

Only time we can get you
without any interruptions.


Does the name
Terry Friendly ring a bell?

Yes, he's head of the biggest
Teamster local.

Told you. He already knows.

He knows his name. Right?

Yes. And I also know that it is early

and we literally have all day

and this is my time with my papers,

my coffee and myself.

With our apologies, then,

but we didn't want you hearing
this from the corner boys.

Terry Friendly's been back-channeling

about moving on our unions,

starting with our police officers.

Moving on how?

Inviting our cops under
the Teamsters' umbrella.


I know Terry Friendly.

Bay Ridge guy, moved to Great Neck.

He's one of those... What's the saying?

How he does anything
is how he does everything.

What's that mean?

It means he is a sharp, smart boss

in a tough business.

So he practices being sharp and
smart every day in every way.

Sounds like someone else I know.

Who's he talking to?

Albany, City Hall,

Teamsters D.C. headquarters.

And of course,
our Benevolent Association.

But not me.

Out of courtesy and respect
would be my guess.

Obviously, the mayor
would hate the idea.

And in principle I would be for it.

You would?

Sure. Our unions are all
stand-alones, orphans.

But with the Brotherhood of Teamsters

behind our rank and file,

they would have genuine bargaining power

for the first time ever.

That's just what I was thinking.

And that is just what I was afraid of.

City Hall will be dead set against it.

Well, I'm still a cop at heart, Garrett.

First and foremost.

Hey, what do we got here?

Owner's name is Tuan Dinh.
Says he took a bad fall.

Looks more like a bad beating.

Uh-huh. Any signs of robbery?

Not according to the daughter.
She called it in.

All right, we got it. Thanks.

Could we have a word?

Mr. Dinh, I'm Detective Reagan.

This is my partner Detective Baez.

Could you tell us what happened, sir?

Like I keep saying, I fell.

Then why did your daughter call it in?

'Cause she doesn't listen.

I'm Trisha Dinh.
I found my father on the floor.

But he won't tell me what happened.

Ai-yah, I said nothing happened!

I have to open soon.


There's been a pattern
of business owners

being shaken down recently.

BAEZ: It's a bad situation.

We could really use your father's help.

He's old-fashioned.

Doesn't trust anyone
who isn't Vietnamese,

especially the police.

That's understandable.

Could we take a look at the
security camera footage?

Of course.

But I already looked.

It cut out before he was hurt.

Please catch whoever did this.

We'll do our best.

Three assaults in Little
Vietnam in the last month.

- Same MO, no leads.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.

I think I know someone who could help.

Such a tragedy.

Fourth horse to die in New York
in the last seven months.

All four dosed with
performance-enhancing dr*gs.

All trained by that guy

Billy Rafferty.

- Hell of a coincidence.
- Hmm.

U.S. Attorney appreciates your agreeing

to be cross-designated
to run point on this, Erin.

Well, of course.
I was actually surprised

that we got your call.

I mean, you do have a building
full of talented lawyers.

Well, when it comes to corruption

and thoroughbred horse racing,

your office knows the territory.

Well, we've made a few cases.

We've been trying to nail Rafferty,
for the past three years.

Well, luckily, the FBI got
one of Rafferty's employees

to tie him to the dr*gs
being used on those horses.

An Eddie Baxter?

Unfortunately, our luck just ran out.

We can't locate Baxter.

Well, that's a major problem.

We have identified
an individual we believe

can help us convict Rafferty,

but he refuses to cooperate.

Hopefully you can change his mind.

Mr. Voorhees.

This is Erin Reagan.
She'd like to talk to you.

♪ ♪

Look at you all cleaned up.

They must pay you pretty good
at that security gig.

Eh, I ditched that place.

I started making decent money here.

Yeah? Gambling?
It's a risky proposition.

Well, you know what they say.
No risk, no reward.

How'd you get mixed up
in this horse-drugging business?

I don't know nothing
about no dead horses.

You know anything about this
horse trainer Billy Rafferty?

I'm a gambler, it's my business to know

everyone that affects my bottom line.

All right, well, Rafferty works

with this veterinarian Dr. Phelps.

He's treated all the dead horses.

Phelps does what he's told.

Cashes some serious checks.

This witness that disappeared...

Oh, yeah, Eddie Baxter.

Rafferty's top groom.

- Hell of a good guy.
- You know where he is?

Beats me. But I wouldn't
keep his dinner warm,

if you catch my drift.

Rafferty's backed by some
seriously bad people.

So you think they k*lled Baxter
to keep him from testifying?

It's a dirty business.

Would you be willing to testify

about the relationship between
Rafferty and Dr. Phelps?

Look, I feel bad about those horses,

and Eddie deserved better,

but I ain't going out the way he did.

You're gonna have to find
yourself another witness.

Excuse me. Your boss around?

Ahn Son.


Hey, Sonny.

Joy. Oh, Detective Reagan.

Didn't think I'd see you again.

You mean you hoped you wouldn't.

No way. All right?

I owe you for getting me off
on that as*ault charge

and hooking me up with the FBI.

Agent Wong said you did good.

We took down some horrible
human traffickers.

And now you got your own business.

Gone legit, baby.

Ooh. I mean Detective.

Let me get you a coffee.

No. No, no, no. It's okay.

I insist.

It's the Vietnamese way.

Caught an as*ault case
a couple blocks from here.

Pho 21?

You heard?

It's called Little Vietnam for a reason.

Business owners getting
harassed and shaken down.

What do you know?

Don't run in those circles anymore.

Come on, you're still the man.

You must've heard something.

Chris Tran.

Runs ARB, Asian Royal Bloods.

What are they into?

Gambling dens, prostitution,

- counterfeit goods.
- Mm-hmm.

Big money.

- Bad guy?
- The worst.

He already controls
half the neighborhood.

And he won't stop till he's got it all.

Thanks for coming in, Derek.

Not like you gave me much choice.

We know you still run
with the Savage Rascals.

No idea what you're talking about.

There was a m*rder last night
near Hunter's Point.

A member of Las Pelotas was k*lled.

Sounds like good news to me.

Seems like it's drug related.

World's going to hell.

Ripping off rival gangs, that's your MO.

And surveillance has you spotted
in the area at the time of the crime.


So if you know something,

now would be the time
to get ahead of this.

I don't got much to say.



This guy's definitely
involved, Lieutenant.

Maybe. But him hanging in
the neighborhood proves nothing.

JAMIE: Derek is one of the
leaders of the Savage Rascals.

They in competition with Las Pelotas

for the Long Island City drug trade.

I read the intel reports.

That Las Pelotas car had
a sophisticated trap in it.

And you found dr*gs inside it?


But Auto Crime has seen similar traps

come out of a local auto shop
in that area.

I'd like permission to sit on it.

We have limited resources, Reagan.

And all you've got is speculation.

All due respect, sir, I've
studied the local drug trade.

This could be a major win for us.

"Could be" won't cut it. Move on.


Erin, I'm late for a meeting.

I'll talk fast.

- Voorhees is refusing to testify.
- I'm sorry to hear that.

He feels like his life may be in danger

should he take the stand.

That's a distinct possibility.

Well, you don't seem
concerned about that.

Mr. Voorhees abused his
power as a parole officer

and barely avoided prison time.

And that's relevant here why?

This guy is no innocent bystander, Erin.

He profited off inside information

to enhance his gambling profits.

Well, if you can prove that,
you should charge him.

We're prepared to do just that.

So, unless he takes the stand

and testifies against Rafferty,

you're gonna bring him up on charges?

You know as well as I do

that's the way the game is played.

Voorhees's alleged gambling infractions

should not cost him his life.

[LAUGHING]: I didn't say they should.

You kind of did.

If you're not comfortable
pushing Voorhees to testify,

I will find someone who is.

Excuse me.


DANNY: Chris Tran.

Who's asking?

We are.

The NYPD only shows up
where you're not wanted.

Lose the muscle or we start
frisking people.

That means beat it.


Where were you yesterday morning

between the hours
of 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.?

Asleep, in bed.

Anyone that can verify that?

Of course.


DANNY: Keep it up,
and I'm gonna kick the crap out of you

like you did that old man.

You lost me.

Tuan Dinh?

He was assaulted
in his restaurant yesterday?

And you're here because...?

We know you've been strong-arming
businesses in Little Vietnam.

So arrest me.

Then I guess you really don't know.

Look. The people you're ripping off

are from your own country.

They're trying to make a fresh start.

That's really touching, Detective.

But I'm a busy man.

Let's go.

Happy hour starts at 5:00.

Drinks on you.


Thank you.

- William.
- Oh.

- How you doing?
- Good to see you, too.

- Looking good, Terry.
- Not as good as you.


How's the family?

Good. Yours?

All grown up, but still kids to me.

Truer words...

Did, uh, did Erin ever remarry?

That's funny, she asked me
the same thing about you.

She did?

You wish.


Score one for the boys in blue.

But I will pass on
the compliment along to Erin.

TERRY: [CHUCKLES] Thank you.

Blanton's, one ice cube, please.

First, I was surprised.

But then...

I wasn't.


Us in public?

Not just "us in public."

Both of us who may be
two degrees of separation

from everybody in this room.

Well, I'm kind of
playing catch-up here, Terry.

Apparently, the game started without me.

How come you didn't reach out?

I read all the fine print.

PC doesn't have a say in this.

They're my men and women.

But contracts,
that's between their union

and City Hall, and your cops

have not had a new contract

since before the current mayor.

That ain't right.

I agree.

But that does not make it
Teamster business.

Well, who better? 1.3 million of us

looking out for 30,000 of yours?

You got to like those odds.

And I mean you personally.

Can't say I'm for it.

Well, that's why I kept you out of it.

I hear you have, uh, enough trouble

with Mayor Chase as it is.

Nothing I can't handle.

Especially where my people
are concerned.

Thank you.

I've always been happy
about your success.


Then let's keep that in mind.

Nickel on Laughing Olivia
across the board in the fifth.

Fifth. Here you go.

- ANNOUNCER: It's now post time.
- Next.

- ANNOUNCER: And they're off.


Again, you two.

You're like something I stepped in.

We need to talk.

Can it wait till after the race?


Look, the U.S. Attorney
intends to go after you

for profiting from inside information

unless you testify.

- You got to be kidding me.
- Afraid not.

Well, then, they got to go after

everybody that works at the track
and everybody they know.

Except you're the one who can connect

Rafferty and Phelps.

Lucky me. This is a real jam job.

It is, and I'm sorry.

Oh, so that's supposed to make it okay?

Listen, I asked around.

You flashed your dup shield

at the track to obtain
inside information.

Impersonating a police officer,
which you ain't no more.

So let's cut out
the innocent routine, okay?

You knew what Rafferty was up to,

and used that information to make money.

Duh, this is America,
land of opportunity.

I saw an opportunity, so I took it.

Look, we're not trying to jam you up.

Says the guy who's got a plunger
halfway down my throat.

We're just doing our jobs.

At least you have a choice.

Jail or death, those my choices?

Thanks for nothing.


Help you?

- Hector Fuentes?
- Yeah.

What can I do for you?

You can tell me if you're
still a member of Las Pelotas.

No way.

I run this place for my father, now.

You got arrested twice
selling dr*gs for that g*ng.


I've got work to do.

Someone's installing drug traps

in Las Pelotas vehicles in this garage.

I've installed some traps.
That's not a crime.

Using them to smuggle dr*gs is.

Whatever my customers use
those traps for

is none of my business.

After the cars leave here,
they're getting ripped off.

Again, none of my business.

Someone is helping Savage
Rascals track these vehicles

and then access the drug traps.

I've got nothing else to say.

Well, you better come up
with something, Hector.

Because I'm taking this operation down.

You don't cooperate?

You're going down, too.

No, you said privately.

And a prime table at Wolfgang's
is not private.

So? I was with a Teamster boss,

not some gangster's wife.

This particular week,

he's the worse choice.

This is my city.

I have earned the right to have dinner

wherever I want with whoever I want.

You've earned the right
to sh**t yourself

in the foot, too, but why would you?

One word.



Your legacy.

That's when people take
their eye off the ball.

They start thinking
about their legacy...


Just stop.

You finally have the chance

to have this mayor in your debt.

Take it.

Think of the transformative
changes for this department

we talked about for years.

Please, don't blow it over this.

You say "this"
like it's a hill of beans.

I'll take a bigger budget for training

and equipment over better dental,

and so should you.

All the mayor will know
is that you withheld

your endorsement of Friendly's plan.

And all the cops will know
is that their PC

left the decision up to their union
and the rank and file.

Wishful thinking.

Just leave that up to me.

And if you say no,

then you're not as smart
as I thought you were.

I know, I'm dismissed.




We've had tremendous success
at this track.

Mr. Rafferty?

Erin Reagan, D.A.'s Office.

This is not a good time.

I'm with prospective clients.

Do they know
that if you train their horses.

their horses may end up dead?

Excuse me one moment, gentlemen.

If you have something
to say, Ms. Reagan,

I suggest you say it.

I just wanted to let you know

I'm gonna take you down.

You're welcome to try.

They'll end up hiring him.

Despite his reputation?

Because of it.

He wins. That's the bottom line.

Even if he kills their horses?

There's always more horses.

That's really ugly.

Truth usually is.

[SIGHS] U.S. Attorney won't budge.

Either testify or they will charge you

with gambling violations.

You're supposed to be the good guys.

It's hard to tell sometimes.

There's always witness protection.

Forget it, I'm not gonna
spend the rest of my life

buying lotto tickets
at the Piggly Wiggly.

You definitely won't testify?

I screwed up a lot in my life.

Hurt people, let 'em down.

But then I paid the price.

I get up, I keep going.

Only problem is, every time I do...

...there's a hump like Rafferty
standing in my way.

I'll testify.

OFFICER: Sir, we're gonna need you to...

What happened?

Witnesses heard g*nshots. One vic.


Looks like Tran's sending a message.

BAEZ: Maybe now
someone will come forward.

Fear doesn't usually make people brave.

- Daddy!
- Hey!

[SOBBING] Dad...




Wanted to see me, boss?


Don't use words you don't understand.

You lost me.

Apparently, there's a surveillance team

sitting on Fuentes Auto
Repair in Long Island City.

That's right.

And you ordered it?

Sir, the Savage Rascals have been

stealing dr*gs from those cars
that come out of that garage.

We play this right, we can
take them down and Las Pelotas.

Sit down, Sergeant.

Sergeant Reagan, I was unaware
that you were promoted

to CO of this unit.

- Look, Lieutenant...
- Button it.

You blatantly disregarded my order

to stand down on this matter.

I meant no disrespect.

I was just doing my job.

Your job is to follow orders,
Sergeant Reagan.

So here's my last one on this case.

Drop it...

or suffer the consequences, understood?


Get out.


You gonna tell me what's going on?

Tuan Dinh was shot dead last night.

I told you.

Tran's dangerous.

We searched Tuan's restaurant.

Why didn't you tell me

that you tried to buy his business
out from under him?

Didn't think it mattered.

You didn't think it mattered?

You try to buy
a man's business from him...

his lifelong family business...

he refuses you, then ends up dead,

and you think that doesn't matter?

What, you think I had
something to do with this?

Wouldn't surprise me
with your history of extortion.

I told you, I'm legit now.

Yeah, you're legit now.

But you sure have been spending
an awful lot of time

trying to point us in Tran's direction,
haven't you?

That's 'cause he's guilty.

Or maybe it's 'cause
you're trying to take

the competition
off the street by using us.

You got to be kidding me.

I'm looking to open a second location.

I made an honest offer
on Tuan Dinh's place.

He turned me down.

End of story.

You mean end of Tuan Dinh.

You really think I did this?

I don't know what to think, Sonny,

but I'll find out.

And trust me, you don't have to worry.

I won't give up.

If Voorhees testifies,
he's in real danger.

And if he doesn't, Rafferty and
the veterinarian are gonna walk.

Which puts Vorhees
in an impossible position.


The only way to keep
Voorhees off the stand

is to make the case
without an eyewitness.

Well, good luck with that.

Rafferty's been doing this a long time.

- He's not gonna cop a plea.
- Yeah.

But the, uh, veterinarian... Phelps?

I read his statement.

He didn't fold, but he's plenty scared.

He's the weak link here.

Meaning if we push him...

He might fall...

on top of Rafferty.

Let's make an appointment
with Dr. Phelps.

Didn't know you could put
a drug trap under there.

I said I was done talking to you.

But you got plenty of time
to talk to other people.

That's you and Derek Stewart.

Did you join up with the Savage Rascals?


It's not like that.

Yeah, bet your friends in Las Pelotas

would be pretty pissed seeing
you hang out with the enemy.

You don't understand.

Then make me understand, Hector.

Because right now it looks like

you're playing both ends
of a drug-trafficking operation.

Las Pelotas pays me to install
their traps, legal job.

And the Savage Rascals?

Derek Stewart found out about the traps.

He came up with a plan
to rip off the dr*gs.

Paying you to sell out your friends?

He told me if I didn't put
the GPS trackers on the cars

and give him the trap codes...

...he'd k*ll my son.

I just wanted to run an honest business

and take care of my kid.

I'm gonna put a stop to this, Hector,

but I need your help.


What do you want, Sonny?

You really think I k*lled that old man?

Look, this isn't personal.

The hell it isn't.

You helped me turn my life around.

And here I thought you actually did.

I worked for the feds,

doing the same work you do.

Which makes all of this
all the more disappointing.

What do I have to do
to make you believe me?

How about just start with the truth?

'Cause you're obviously
not telling me everything.



Here's the truth.

Tran just made a play for my café.


I'll set a meeting to discuss it.

I'll wear a wire,

and I'll get you everything
you need to take him down.


Yeah, and when you get to
the Captain's Endowment level,

there's only 2,500 members
and most of them retired.

So the collective bargaining
power of a dozen eggs.

- Exactly.

Francis, it pains me to say so,

but I never looked at it like this.

Well, 'cause we never
think of our unions this way.

We always see ourselves
as more brothers in blue

than the brotherhood of the AFL-CIO.


How come, Dad?


Around this table,
I can tell you how come.

The police unions were founded

in a whole other era by a bunch of cops

who look a lot like
the mugs around this table.

- Except for you, girlie-girl.
- Oh, phew.

So you mean smart and very handsome.

- I mean Irish and insular.

- Hmm.
- W-What exactly is your point?

The power that matters to them
is very particular

to how they see themselves.

They don't need to clear it with

some national boss if they want to slam

a candidate that's soft on crime.

And in this city,
that's-that's real power.

- You studying for a quiz or something?

It's not easy not being a cop
in this family,

so I've been doing my homework
all these years.

Where do you come down on this, Dad?

Oh, I can't have a say.

Oh, come on, give us a break, Dad.
That never stopped you before.

Your butt getting sore
from sitting on the fence?

Well, for and against it.


DANNY: That's not an answer.

Come on, hear me out.

Strength in numbers,

better bargaining power for wages,

health, pension? For.

Conflicts of interest, Big Labor agendas

and interference? Against.

And pissing off the mayor

if you do throw your support behind it?

Against that, most of all,

- but...

...I don't get paid
to make myself comfortable.

It's not just me who wants you there.

It's your delegates from the precincts.

They want to hear
from their leader on this.

[SIGHS] Like I said,
I don't have a role.

You've been commissioner
under four mayors and counting,

There-there are generations of cops

that want to hear your take.

Yeah, well,
I'll consider that a compliment,

but I'm still gonna pass.

And have your men and women think what?

Their boss is afraid
Mayor Chase will be mad at him?

I have not had one word with him
about this.

'Cause you already know his position.

"I want a much stronger union

opposite me at the bargaining table,"

said no mayor ever, anywhere.

[SCOFFS] You know,

at dinner, you said

you kept me out of the crossfire
to keep peace with the mayor.

Now you're trying to pull me up
to the front lines.

Which is it?

One thing's become clear.

Your people will not move on this

without you weighing in.

What's clear is
you've lost some support,

and you're looking to me
for reinforcements.

That could not be farther
from the truth.

Words which, in my experience,

puts it in a bear hug with the truth.

Come on.

is a big fish to let get away.


I don't know you well
but for a lot of years.

The people you respect
you want treated with respect.

I do.

And that includes you, by the way.

Mayors come and go.

But union strong,

and the respect that commands,
comes and stays.

Well, I appreciate the invitation,

but the answer is no.


I'll see you there Wednesday.



I got eyes on Stewart,
he's headed towards you.

Copy that. We're sitting
on the Las Pelotas trap car.


♪ ♪

JAIME: Take him.

Police! Don't move!

Hands where I can see 'em!

Get the dr*gs. I've got Stewart.


♪ ♪



Police! Stop!



- On your stomach.

On your stomach, hands behind your back.

We appreciate you coming in, Dr. Phelps.

My client has cooperated
throughout this investigation.

Well, Edward Baxter, whose statement

connected you to
the trainer William Rafferty,

has inexplicably disappeared.

So I hear.

You know anything about that, doc?


Well, without Mr. Baxter's testimony,

the case implicating you

in the death of three
of Rafferty's horses

is at an impasse.

Meaning you're dropping
the charges against my client.

Meaning we would like
to offer your client,

Dr. Phelps,

an opportunity to testify
against Mr. Rafferty

in exchange for a reduced sentence.

CULVER [CHUCKLING]: Okay. I'm sorry.

You want my innocent client to
fix your broken case?

Are we done here?

- Yes.
- ERIN: Actually,

Detective Abetemarco looked
into your relationship with

other trainers.

My client hasn't been charged
with any other crimes.

Not yet, but he did treat

Sasha's Fortune, Luke the Mook

and Charming Maria down
in Florida a few years back.

And in addition to you being
their veterinarian,

those three horses have
something else in common.

They're all dead, doc.

CULVER: Which,

unless there's evidence
a crime has been committed

and my client was involved,

proves nothing.

Which is why
the U.S. Attorney directed me

to open an investigation
into those deaths.

ABETEMARCO: From the look on your face,

you know what we're gonna find.


We're going to need
some time to digest this.

Time's up.

Tell us what you did, give us Rafferty,

and your cooperation will be noted.


I never meant to hurt those animals.


But it sure as hell didn't
keep you up at night, did it?

So... [SIGHS] I see you decided

to ignore my order, Reagan. Again.

Actually, you gave me a choice, sir.

Drop it or suffer the consequences.

Well, you sure as hell didn't drop it.

No, sir.


it says here you took down

the entire drug smuggling operation,

Las Pelotas and the Savage Rascals.

Both gangs took a major hit, boss.

Which leaves us with
just one outstanding issue:

the consequences.

Yes, sir.

I meant no disrespect.

Result's the same.

I want you to know that

I've enjoyed the opportunity
to work in Intel.


Because you're not going anywhere.

You're not transferring me?


I'm making you Sergeant Detective Squad.

You're promoting me to SDS?

Sure sounds that way.

Comes with a healthy bump in pay, too.

I'm... um...

Thank you, sir,
but I thought you were pissed.

I got over it.

Sergeant Reagan,

I am not looking for officers

who ask permission to do their jobs.

I told you from the very beginning,
in this division,

you succeed by trusting your gut.

Even when it's different than yours?

Especially then.

I pushed, you pushed back,

and the good guys won.


So, this whole thing was
just some kind of a test?

And you passed with flying colors.

Thank you.

Don't thank me yet, I expect
twice as much from you now.

I won't let you down.

See that you don't.

Three years in prison for Rafferty.

$2 million fine.

And a 10-year ban
from thoroughbred racing.

Outstanding. And Phelps?

One-year sentence

and he forfeits his veterinary license.

Gotta say, you made us look smart,

bringing you in on this.

That's the only thing I regret.

Oh, come on, Erin.
You know how this works.

You want to win,
you got to play hardball.

There is a difference between
hardball and extortion.

You found a way to make the case

and keep Voorhees off the stand.

And you were willing
to put a witness's life at risk,

and use me to do it.

I did what I had to do.

That's my job.

And I'd do it again.

Till next time.

Well, as long as you're in this office,

there won't be a next time.


How'd it go with Lloyd?

Boy, she is a piece of work.

Got some bad news.

Cops found Voorhees in a
dumpster outside the track.

Shot in the head. He's dead.

Wha... He... he didn't even testify.

They found this photo
in Voorhees's pocket.

Look, this isn't on us.

[SIGHS] This is on Lloyd.

We tried to save him.

At the end of the day,
he just knew too much.

He just really wanted
to do the right thing.

And sometimes,
that costs you everything.


Mmm. Smell that?



A river of it flowing through
here when I own this place.

Thing is,

I've been thinking it over.

I've decided not to sell.

You should reconsider.

I built this business
with my bare hands.

And you will build another.

Think of this as an opportunity.

My offer is very generous.

The answer is no.

Tuan Dinh said no, too.

You don't want to end up like him.

You k*lled him.

Yeah, and if you don't sign
this place over to me,

you're next.

Okay, we got him. Let's go.

What's it gonna be, Sonny?

Police! Drop it!




This one's not going anywhere.
Step away.

Step back. I got him.

You okay?

Yeah, you?


When I blamed you
for k*lling the old man...

...I was blaming the old you.

Not the guy you are now.

I'm only the man I am today
because of you, Detective.




Good to see you.

Terry. Oh.

I'm proud to call him friend.

I know you're proud to call him boss.

Police Commissioner Frank Reagan.


You want to say a few words, Frank?

Thank you, Terry.

I am, uh, here at
Terry's gracious invitation,

and here in respect to

all of my officers who are present

and to the thousands of

hard-working men and women in his local.

It is especially...

...important to...

Look, I got three words for you.

The Taylor Law.

Fact is, cops can't strike.

And that is as it should be.

So, the greatest w*apon...

the hammer of power and solidarity

that the Teamsters have...

is basically off-limits to cops.

So, I ask you...

does it matter
how good your cornerman is

if you step in the ring

with your hands tied behind your back?


As you know, my opinion carries
no weight in this decision.

I have no vote or veto.

I simply am asking you
to consider the facts.

And thank you.