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06x01 - Things Done Changed

Posted: 04/02/24 11:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on "All American"...

It's been a few days since
the "L.A. Tribune Online"

dropped an article about our
school's bountygate scandal.

What does this mean for
the future of GAU's program?

From what I'm hearing,
one-year Bowl ban.

Which means you and me gonna have
to rebuild this thing from scratch.

- You know that, right?
- We're not following Garrett's legacy.

We are building our own with
a coach that we've chosen.

Jaymee, you are the only person

that I want it to be complicated with.

- I'm pregnant.
- You're Miko, right?

There's something
seriously wrong with Miko.

You have to stay away from her.

You know I'm your number-one fan.

Miko is the kind of person
you cut off for good.

That was a rep from the
cultural exchange program.

I've been accepted. It's
a 3-month internship,

and it's in London.

You need to tell the
people that you love

how you feel before it's too late.


- I love you.
- I love you.

- 3 months.
- 3 months.


A 7-6 record this past
season for the Condors,

with a hell of a run on
the back half of the season

that made everyone else look like trash,

and the name on the tip
of everyone's tongue...

Spencer Alonso James.

Finished sophomore
season with 96 catches

for 1,379 yards, 16 touchdowns.

The only thing that kept
the Condors out of the Bowl

was the team's one-year
ban, a tough price to pay

for their previous coach's scandal.

But the past has
nothing to do with today

and this new, unconventional GAU team.

So what do you say to
the chatter that you

and the GAU Condors are the
team that has everyone nervous

this coming season?


Uh, what do I say? I say chatter away.

We worked hard and we ready.

Spencer, only 4 wide receivers
have ever won the Heisman,

and now, as a junior, your
name is being thrown around.

Between that and all the talk about you

being draft-eligible this
year, how does the hype feel?

Uh, I'm not really paying
attention to all that.

I'm just focused on
this upcoming season and

excited to compete again.

Coach Kenny, is this just
a one-year winning team?

What happens if and when
your star wide receiver

- enters the draft this year?
- We're excited for what's ahead,

but this, what we're building at GAU,

is a program that's here to stay.

Yeah, and at the heart of that

are foundational players
like our QB, Jordan Baker.

Yo, J! J! Come here.

Y'all should talk to him.

Thanks, but I think we
got more than enough today.


- Thanks for taking the time, Coach.
- Course, course.

And, Jordan, I look forward to
chatting with you more next time.


Or at all.


Banana à la Adams.

Admit it, buddy, my
breakfast is way better

- than Mommy's, huh?
- I heard that.

Have you seen my other shoe or my bag?

How am I supposed to
organize my new boss' desk

if I can't even organize
my life? Hi, baby.

- Wow, you look, uh...
- If you say corporate

or boring or, like, I'm a
freaking hundred years old,

- you'd be correct.
- I was gonna say beautiful,

but now that you mention
it, that outfit is, uh...

- Stop!
- Baby. I'm sorry.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

I know it's your first day on
this new job, but you got this.

But AJ's just used to me
dropping him off at daycare, and

now I'm abandoning him
and my creative soul

for some corporate desk.

There is no abandonment
of souls or babies.

I've got AJ handled,

and breakfast is going great.

Drop-off will go great.
Everything is gonna be...


- Every day.
- I'll let you go.

- Good work.
- Spencer.

You know, the way
everyone's been acting,

you'd think that Spencer
spent all last season

throwing passes to himself.

Thought you'd be used
to it by now, homes.

To the world, he's MJ
and we're the Jackson 5.

You're Tito.

That's not funny.

You expect me to believe that was you

- at your best today?
- My bad.

Look, having media out there
during practice is a lot, man.

You sure that's it?

Your distraction had nothing
to do with a certain girlfriend

- returning from London?
- Ah.

- What's it been?
- A year and 3 months,

which is why I'm throwing her
an epic welcome-home party.

A'ight. Look, as your unc,

I'm happy for you, man.

I know you missed Olivia.

But as my coach?

I'm hoping your distraction today
isn't a sign of things to come.

You changed this last year,
Spencer, for the better.

You matured on and off the field.

No distractions or drama.

- I'd hate to see you regress.
- I won't.

There's a lot riding on this
year, not just for the team,

- but for your career.
- I understand,

and I'm locked in, Coach, I am.

Football is the priority.

Giving her the perfect
welcome home is the priority.

Hey, hey. I need you to focus, OK?

I know you ain't talkin'
to me in that tone of voice.

- Stressed much, Spencer?
- Nobody stressed.

I just want everything to be perfect,
and I won't relax until it is.

Where do you want all these, bridezilla?

Just split 'em up between the vases.

Spread 'em out... evenly, though!

- Please.
- Yeah.

I don't know why you're
doing the welcome party

with all of us here anyway.

You ain't seen your girl in a year.

Wouldn't the perfect reunion
be a more private one?

- Can you mind your business?
- Happily!

But you roped all of
us here to help you.

Spencer, aren't these flowers gonna die

before she gets back Saturday morning?

Oh, didn't think that one through, huh?

Oh, my bad. I was just trying
to make sure everybody was

at your lounge opening tomorrow
night, but you're right.

We can skip that and spend tomorrow
night setting up for Liv's party.

Just kidding. Just
kidding. You know, I think

setting up two days in advance is great.

Guys, I am actually opening a lounge.

Like, it's finally real. It's so crazy!

I still can't believe
Slauson Cafe is gone.

Hey, it's not gone, OK?
It's just reimagined.

OK, fine, but at least
it's in the family now,

'cause the other buyer was gonna
turn it into a hot yoga spot.

OK, well, whatever, as
long as y'all don't miss

my big comeback on Layla's stage.

You know, it's my first, um,

public performance since...

OK, well, my first big
re-entry to the music scene.

No, we wouldn't miss it.

We're proud of you. Both of you.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

Oh. Hold up.

No doubt about it.

This is a chain-of-custody
mess-up by the LAPD

and a shocking blow to the D.A.'s case.

Unauthorized personnel
handled the footage.

OK, so the original
doorbell-camera footage

that placed Miko Scott at the scene

of Patience Robinson's
stabbing has been thrown out.

What does this mean for the case?

Remember, Miko Scott has been in jail,

awaiting trial this whole time.

Bail was initially denied,

but now that her defense has
got the footage thrown out,

first thing I would do
if I were her lawyer...

They gon' let this bitch out.

Is file for another bail hearing.

Any possibility they throw
the whole case out now?

No. There's still a case.

They have the eyewitness
testimony of Patience herself,

but effectively, this just
became a she said, she said case,

so expect the defense to focus

on a character
assassination of Patience.

That might be all it takes

to create reasonable doubt
and have Miko acquitted.

Yeah, uh, just put the vodkas
on the far side for now.

- We'll figure it out in a minute.
- Oh.

Come on, Layla. You gotta
try these steak bites.

They are outta control
in the best possible way.

I trust your judgment,
Ryan. We don't both need

to sign off on every menu item in here.

Actually, as, uh,
partners in this venture,

that's exactly what
we're supposed to do.

Hey... you good?

Yeah, just a lot on my
mind with the opening.

Uh, I still don't see any shakers.

- Could you check the back again?
- Egusi dumplings.

- Hmm?
- Ah, you have to.

OK. Ahem.

See? I told you.

Remind me to give our chef a raise.

Let's get this club up and running first

and make some money before we
start giving it all away, you know?

I know, Ryan.

May not have opened my own club before,

but I run my own label,

and I'm a hell of a businesswoman,

so trust I understand
fiscal responsibility.

Whoa. Easy, Layla. That was just a joke.

Sorry, sorry. I shouldn't have snapped.

Just clearly, me and the stress

of club openings don't mix.

Sure that's all it is?

Yesterday, you were
on cloud 9 and now...

Yeah, it's nothing. I
just really need everything

- to go well tomorrow.
- This is my 12th opening,

all of which are still
in business, so...

trust me. It's gonna go great.

Uh, you know, I should...

I should actually check
the inventory in the back.

Wow, Spencer. This looks incredible.

- Uh, he had help.
- Yeah, barely.

Well, you both did a good job.

Uh, did you see the news about Miko?

Yes, I did, and I already
put a call in to the D.A.

to see what I can find out
from him off the record.

- She cannot get acquitted, Ms. Baker.
- I know.

We won't let it happen.

I gotta get ready for my lecture.

I'll see you on campus, Coop.

I can't believe I'm
gonna see my baby again.

I can't wait to hug her.

Do you want to pick
her up from the airport

yourself on Saturday?

Oh, you're sweet, Spencer, but
I got to see her for Easter.

You two have your moment.

Or you could come with me.

Yeah, Olivia would love me
intruding on her romantic reunion.

I'll wait.

But thank you.

- What?
- You tell me.

I mean, first the group
party, now you're trying

to convince her moms to
come with you to the airport?

Why are you trying so hard
to not be alone with Liv?

Whatever. I just know I ain't the
only one who lost a year with her.

And for someone who is
majoring in psychology,

- you having a problem reading yourself.
- OK, Freud,

what about you?

Why are you avoiding telling
Patience you want her back?

When would I have had
time to do that, Spence?

When I found her
bleeding out on the floor?

Or on the way in the
ambulance, or... no...

during the 6 months she
spent in New York rehabbing?

- How 'bout now?
- Have you not seen the news?

I mean, Patience is
still going through a lot.

She does not need the
burden of my feelings.

I think you shortchanging you and her.

The same way you shortchanging Liv?

At least I know why I'm doing it.

Do you?

It's not bad, huh?

- Yeah. It's great.
- Just "great"?

Adams, we're reigning champions.

No, it's... it's amazing.

I'm just surprised. I
didn't expect to get a ring.

- I'm a student coach.
- No.

You're much more than that, which is why

I'm bumping your title
to offensive assistant.

Look, I get it.

You know, when you
dreamt of this moment,

you saw yourself receiving
your ring as a player,

- not a coach.
- Either way, I'm grateful.

- Good.
- Been a hell of a year, huh?

One hell of a year, papa Adams.

I got to say, you know, I thought...

I thought you'd be a
little more beat-up and...

- and sleep-deprived.
- No. No, no, no. I'm good.

We're good. We got this...

Parenting thing down.

Good, 'cause parenthood
looks great on you.

- Thank you, sir.
- And I bet that ring would, too.

Oh... OK. I mean...

That's what I'm talking about.

- Oh, sorry. It's the daycare. One second.
- Yeah, no worries.


Yes, yes, this is him.

Well, what do you mean, slight?

OK. Uh, yeah. No problem.
Thank you. I'm on my way.

Daycare says AJ's running a
fever and... and has a runny nose.

- OK.
- I'm sorry, I have to... Yeah.

Don't forget your stuff.

Are you sure you're OK?

- Yeah, I'm OK.
- Girl, you ain't really said nothing

since that nonsense on
the news this morning.

And, you know, we get that it's a lot,

so it is totally OK if you're not OK.

Oh, my God! Y'all are
worse than parents.

I am fine, beyond fine. Happy?

God. Ryan, can you help
me out here a little bit?

She's fine.

- Thanks.
- Look, you could tell us the truth.

The truth is I'm sure I'm OK,

and I'm damn sure I want you
both to stop asking about it.

OK, uh, look, why don't we
take a 5-minute break, huh?

No, no! I need a sound check.

Look, am I pissed our security-camera
footage got thrown out? Yes.

But I am alive to tell
what that bitch did to me,

and best believe I will.

Just hate that her lawyers
are already on the attack.

I am not deluded. I know
the trial won't be easy,

but I did not spend the last
year rehabbing, both mentally

and physically, just to crumble
when it matters the most.

Miko will go to prison,
so can we just wrap this up

so I don't sound like
crap tomorrow night?

♪ Trust in the moment ♪

♪ Trust in the future ♪

♪ Trust in my people ♪

♪ But I trust in me first,
trust goes a long... ♪

Yo, she sounds amazing.

- Mm-hmm.
- Maybe Spencer was right.

We need to take a page out
of her book and just chill.

♪ Trust in me always ♪

Why are you trying so hard
to not be alone with Liv?

You changed this last year, Spencer.

I'd hate to see you regress.

I can't believe I'm starting our letter

with "I'm sorry," but saying anything
else before that seems futile,

and I know this may be
hard to believe, but...

I don't think I truly made the decision

until the words were
out of my mouth that day.

Honestly, you being here with me,

it was the perfect weekend.


OK. You were right. I love London.

We've been here 3 days

- and you've barely left my bed.
- Exactly.

- It really is the best, though.
- Mm-hmm.

- I mean, the history, the culture...
- The rain?

OK, fine, I don't love that part.

But the rest of it, I...

I dunno.

I... I like me here

and how I feel.

It's like the world's at my fingertips.

You know, if we don't get you out
of this bed soon and pack you up,

you not gon' have anything
for this flight tomorrow.


Hey... what's up?

Spencer, I don't think I can leave yet.

What are you saying?

I think I need to stay.

I checked, and I can...

Extend my exchange program.

Spencer, I like what I'm
discovering about me here...

And I don't think I'm
done exploring that yet.

You being there with
me gave me the strength

to make a decision I'd
been too scared to make.

Thank you for supporting me,

even though I could
see it was hurting you.

I love you, Spencer.

It's only one year,

and I promise,

nothing's going to change.

I was unconsciously avoiding
being alone with her, but

Coop was kinda right.

A year is a long time.

Damn, we were stupid
for promising each other

that nothing was gon' change when
the one constant in life is change,

you know what I'm saying?

Of course you do. Good talk, bruh.

Good morning, AJ! How you feeling?

- Feeling all right? Yeah.
- Fever's gone.

Good as new. Hey, where'd you
disappear to after practice yesterday?

Nowhere. Just had to take care
of some stuff at the registrar's.

- That's it.
- OK. You want to roll together

- to this meeting with Coach?
- Can't.

Gotta go, uh, meet up with
Layla, talk wedding stuff, so...

Y'all's wedding's two years out.

- You gotta talk that today?
- Uh-huh.

- Morning.
- J. Morning. Hey.

- Hey.
- Thanks for hanging with lil man

- while I finished getting ready.
- Oh, yeah, no worries, man.

That's my dude. Jaymee still asleep?

- Yeah.
- No.

I have been trying to find someone

to cover my boss's desk
today so I can stay home

'cause AJ can't go back to
daycare for another 24 hours.

- Didn't you start that job yesterday?
- She did, exactly, which is why,

babe, you should go to work. We got AJ.

Uh, actually, I got a early meeting

with Coach and then practice, so, sorry.

It's fine. I'll call in sick today.

What about your advanced
bio placement test later?


My dad. He's always itching
for more time with AJ.

He's off work by 5 P.M., so, OK?

- OK.
- Done and done.

- Now go get your cute butt to work.
- OK.

There's the winning trio.

- President Gutenberg.
- I keep telling you,

Dr. Gutenberg is fine. My boys,

you have made a football
fan out of me this year.

More importantly, the
boosters are happy.

- Which makes you happy.
- Exactly.

And, Coach, if you have a second,

those boosters have some thoughts.

Unfortunately, I have
practice with my guys,

but I'll circle back around
later if there's time.

Not a problem.

Whenever you're free.

You know, the boosters would enjoy

some quality time
with you, too, Spencer.

There's a lot riding on you this season.

We need to get that chip,

so we can clear Garrett's
legacy once and for all,

so, whatever you need
to clear distractions

so that you can just focus on football,

- you let me know.
- Yes, sir.

Look, Spence,

contrary to what the media
and the boosters are saying,

this is not all on your head, OK?

The whole team is gonna
lead us to the chip.

It ain't that.

At least it ain't just that.

Are you nervous about Liv coming back?

Oh, you trying to talk now?

'Cause this morning, you
ain't had nothing to say.

OK, OK, look, I was being
stupid about something

I don't even think matters anymore,

but I'm here if you want
to chop it up, or not.

Up to you.

I'm happy Liv's finally coming home.

- I am.
- I didn't say you weren't happy.

- I said you were nervous.
- I didn't realise I was.

You know, this last year is
the most relaxed I've been?

With the Bowl ban, there was
no expectations for a chip,

and with Liv back in London...

There was no expectations
for your relationship.

We ain't even played our first game yet.

Liv's not even home yet, and
I'm already back to stressing.

- And brooding and sulking.
- Yeah, OK, OK. Chill.

We got back together a
year and 3 months ago.

I've seen her one time for 3 days.

We haven't even had
a chance to talk about

what was gonna be different
about our relationship

- this second time around.
- Well, what do you want to be different?

What can you handle?

Spence, the football
pressure is what it is, OK?

This is a critical year,
but for the Liv part,

I suggest that you
figure out those answers

before she gets home tomorrow.

The rest will fall into place.

Being the reigning champions

isn't gonna mean anything to us
at the beginning of the season.

Well, losing JJ to Tibet
or wherever is a big blow.

Yeah, not to mention that
GAU's now a contender.


You paying attention?

Yes, sir, GAU is added
competition this season.

- Yeah.
- Look, I'm sorry, guys.

I didn't want to miss the meeting.

Relax, son. We've all been there.

First time my wife left me
alone with our oldest son,

I found a poop-covered chicken
drumette in his toy bin.

Apparently, he had been using it

to scratch his itchy butt.

That ain't nothing.

Wait until he projectile-vomits so bad,

you just burn your
clothes and call it a day.

Has AJ done the expl*sive
poop up the back yet?

- Whoa, expl*sive poop?
- All right!

That's enough. Unless all
your kids are the answer

to our offensive needs, can
we please get back to our...

what is that horrific smell?

It's not me.

Oh. Right. Um...

We spoke it into existence.

You want to tell me why I
suddenly have new invoices

for extra security guards for tonight?

Uh, because I ordered more.

And did you also order 3
additional, very expensive cameras?

Ryan, we are partners,
OK? Equal partners.

That means I don't answer to you.

I get to know how and why
we're spending my money.

I was wondering how long it'd take
you to throw that weight around.

Come on. That's not what I meant.

I know this area better than you, OK?

So if I want extra security,
that's my prerogative.

Feel free to pull
your money at any time.

- Uh, what was that about?
- I was hoping you could tell me.

Something's going on with your fiancée

beyond just stressing about the opening.

- Something like what?
- I don't know,

but I think it has something
to do with Patience.



Oh, my...

- Liv?
- Well, that is quite the welcome.

Hey, you're home!

You're finally home!

Oh, you're finally home!


Yeah, your mom's changed
the locks a couple times

since the whole, um, Miko incident.

- Yeah. How's Patience doing?
- She's definitely

handling things better
than the rest of us.

- Yeah.
- But she's gonna be so excited

- to see you. You're a day early!
- Well, yeah.

I mean, there was no way I
was gonna miss your big night,

you know, and plus, I
wanted to surprise Spencer.

Well, will it help if I
say that he's nervous, too?


Who said anything about nerves?

OK, you may look different, Liv,
but I still know my best friend.

- I mean, a year is a long time.
- Yeah, but, like,

you guys stayed in touch.

You had your old-school love letters.

Yeah, I dunno, but then,

you know, we got busy,
and suddenly, there were...

No visits,

less calls, less FaceTimes.

I dunno.

I'm not the same Olivia who left here.

You know, what if things with Spencer

feel different?

Hey, baby girl, I just wanted
to make sure that you...


What? Oh!


I missed your ugly face!

Yeah, I missed yours more.

Uh, I have to get to
the lounge and make sure

- everything's perfect for Patience, so...
- What?

- Right now?
- Yeah. Um,

you two should take
some time to catch up.

I'll see you there, OK?
Oh, I'm glad you're back.

- I love you.
- Oh, see ya.

- Baby...
- Sorry.

- Tibet? You're kidding!
- Dead serious.

JJ is living his best life on
this soul-searching mission.

We're all taking bets to see how long

before he officially becomes a monk.

Never. He's not shaving that hair.

Oh, oh, and I have officially
become the funcle, OK?

AJ and I have this ongoing competition

to see who can burp the loudest?

The kid is a badass.

Jaymee must be thrilled with you.

Right... oh, wow!

That's quite a dress. Very British.

It's just a dress, Jordan.
It doesn't have a nationality.

OK, if you say so.

I mean, that dress is all
but speaking with an accent.

Ello, govnah! More tea for you?


Well, you seem really happy.

I am. I mean,

GAU football is back on the map, I am...

I'm marrying the most
amazing woman when I graduate,

and over the last year, I think
I've finally gotten to a place

where I can think about Dad
and not feel my gut plunge.

The only thing missing
was my twin, and now,

you are home, so, yeah, I'm happy.

Yeah, well... ahem...

happy works for you.

I got to admit, though, for just
a second there, I kinda forgot

how great things have
been going in my life.

I got a little jealous of the
attention that Spencer's been getting.

I know, but...

... After seeing the toll
it's been taking on Spencer,

I realised I don't want
that increased pressure.

Right now, I just get
to play the game I love

with a team that I love and, hopefully,

lead them to a chip,

and that is more than enough for me.

- Oh.
- What?

Just did you get smart
while I was gone or...

Ha ha. Ha ha. You
definitely didn't get funnier

- while you were gone.
- Eh.

Ooh, does Spencer know you're here yet?

I'm gonna...

- Surprise him at the club.
- Oh!



I know that I totally
blew it earlier today,

but I promise you that I am
not making a habit out of this.

I just have to find
Professor Hampton and bow out

of my placement test,
AJ and I are outta here.

But don't you need that placement test

- to get into advanced bio?
- Well, I... I mean, I do, but,

you know, my dad got stuck at work,

and I don't have anyone else to
watch AJ, so, you know, it's fine.

Sacrifice... it's what
parenthood is about, right?


Give me the baby and the carrier.

- Sir, I don't... I...
- Go take your test, Adams.

I'm completely capable of
taking care of your baby

for the next couple of hours.

Need I remind you I raised
a daughter of my own,

one I believe you dated when
you were back in high school?

You know, all this time, I was hoping

that you hadn't made that connection.

Give me the baby
before I change my mind.

Aw, see Mr. Montes?

Here you go.

Come on, sweetie.

Hola, mijito.

Oh, my goodness. You are so handsome.

I know. That's what I think.

You like matcha? You a matcha man?

Just like your papi?

- Thank you.
- For you.

- You must be so proud of Layla.
- I am.

She's amazing.

Um. Hold up.

Who was that?

That is Ryan, a young,
app-creating gazillionaire

who is Layla's business
partner in the lounge.

You mean young and hot.

Layla conveniently left
that part out, yeah?

Take it easy. Fiancé's
standing right here.

♪ I'm so precious... ♪

Oh, damn! OK, Layla.

Yo, she kept it real Crenshaw in here.

I ain't gonna lie. I
was a little bit afraid

that it was gonna
feel like Beverly Hills

threw up all over my
favourite spot, you feel me?

Uh, Spence, hello?

- Is this for real?
- Hi.


- Wait, wait, wait. When did you...
- I wanted to surprise you.

Oh, you... you definitely did.

- I mean, the hair and you...
- I know, it's...

it's different,

so I guess, yeah, two surprises.

- Yeah.
- I'm sorry. Uh, are you Liv?

Bruh, are you serious right now?

My bad, but Layla needs
you in the green room.

Something about, uh, Patience's zipper.

Um, yeah. OK, for sure.

Do your thing. I'm good.

♪ Watch me shine on 'em, baby... ♪

What's your take on that dude?

Right now, I hate him.
Ask me again tomorrow.

Why? Is there some kinda problem?

Ah, well, he said there was
something going on with Layla,

like she was freaking out about Patience

- or for Patience 'cause of Miko.
- And what'd Layla say?

Well, I haven't had a chance to ask.

And if Ryan is wrong,
I didn't want to...

didn't want to blow up
her night for nothing.

I mean, I'm sure she's fine, right?

Like, he has to be wrong.
Like, she's my fiancée.

She would have told me
if something was going on.

And that's assuming she's
conscious of it, bruh.

I mean, she could be
doing exactly what I did,

obsessing about tonight

to escape what's really underneath.

- Yeah, maybe.
- Patience zeros,

are you ready?

Well, I'll ask her afterwards. I mean,

Patience is about to
hit the stage, so...

Wow. Um, thank you all so much

for coming out tonight as we
officially welcome you to Layla's.

I know why we're all so
excited to be here tonight,

so I won't keep you waiting any longer.

It's been a minute since this
next artist has been back onstage,

and she wanted to share
this special moment

with you all, her loyal
fans, so please join me

in welcoming back not only
my award-winning artist,

but my friend and Crenshaw's
very own, Patience.

We love you, Patience!

Uh... she good?

You know I'm your number-one
fan, since day one.

Somebody get the DJ to
play her track or something.

Day one.

She just walked off the stage.

Yo. Guys, what's going
on? Did I miss Patience?

She couldn't do it. She freaked
in front of everyone and bailed.

And I knew something was off. I knew it.

Why are you out here
and not checking on her?

Because Layla and Liv got it.

Bro, you seen her face on that stage.

She does not want to
be crowded right now.

We're screwed. We have about two minutes

before we lose the entire
crowd and blow the night.

What is she doing?

♪ What if I told you
I was kinda different ♪

♪ And me not loving
you for who you are? ♪

♪ Naw, wasn't exactly my intention ♪

♪ If I told you I was
prolific, would you believe me ♪

♪ Or find it in your
heart to receive me? ♪

♪ If I told you I'm this way,
I like her, you still look me ♪

♪ In my face, and would you say
some things that make me turn away? ♪

♪ Would you tell me that I'm
sinning, this ain't God's word? ♪

♪ Baby, you ain't living,
should I change my ways ♪

♪ And try to make you
listen?, if I turn suicidal ♪

♪ When I slit my wrists
all on your Holy Bible ♪

♪ Would you turn your back or
would you hold me tighter? ♪

♪ If I'm laying in a
hearse, would you cry ♪

♪ Because I never wore a skirt ♪

♪ Or you'd be mad 'cause
I didn't tell you first? ♪

♪ You don't ask so I don't say nothing ♪

♪ You know it's not my
style to never say nothing ♪

♪ You don't ask, so
I don't say nothing ♪

♪ You know it's not my
style to never say nothing ♪

♪ Yeah, you know it's not my style ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ Yeah, you know it's not my style ♪

All my Patience zeros, I
know y'all know this song,

so please help me sing it right now.

♪ I'm never changin' who I am ♪

♪ For anyone or anything ♪

♪ You can stay or you can leave ♪

♪ But this is me, this is me ♪

♪ I'm never changin' who I am ♪

♪ For anyone or anything ♪

Looks like she saved your night.

♪ You can stay or you can leave ♪

♪ But this is me, this is me ♪

Like, I... I... I know...
I know I'm not crazy. I...

I know Miko wasn't really there. I...

clearly, my mind is just... my mind
is just messing with me right now.

It's OK. Your fans love
you and they'll understand.

I actually thought I
was OK! Whatever. I...

this was stupid that I'd
think I could even do this.

No. Hey, you are not stupid.

You're just... you weren't ready,

and I'm so sorry I rushed
you back into performing.

Can I... can I help?
I'll... I'll take you home.

No, just... just stay. Um...

- Can you take me home?
- Yeah. Of course.


Hey... you OK?

- This is all my fault.
- Come on.

- There's no way that you could have known...
- No, Patience's stabbing

and everything she's
going through... I...

I realised when I was listening
to the news yesterday that...

... I did this.

I pushed Patience to this, like,

new, stupid version of herself

that Miko became
obsessed with, and then...

and then I served Miko
with a restraining order,

even after Patience asked me
to... to take it easy on her,

- so I pushed her over the edge.
- No, no,

- Miko was already over the edge.
- And that's why I...

I just... I needed to make
tonight perfect because...

... That's, like, the
least that I owed Patience.

- Layla, this...
- No.

Listen to me. This is not your fault.

No, and Patience blames
me, too. I know she does.

- No, there is no way she blames you.
- Really?

So why did she disappear to
New York as soon as she could?

And why did she...

why did she insist Liv
drive her home and not me?

What's up?

- How's Patience?
- Better, I think.

- She's in the shower.
- Good.

I'm assuming all of this was you?

- Yeah.
- It's gorgeous.

Thank you.

- I'm sorry I ruined your surprise.
- Naw.


Your surprise was better.

- Why does this feel weird?
- I know, right?

Well, um...

We can leave it be, you know,
pretend it's not happening, or...

- Or cards on the table.
- I vote for cards.

I'm a big fan of cards.

I was scared to see you.

I was scared our year
apart was gonna change us.

It definitely changed me,

and I was naive to
think that it wouldn't.

I didn't understand
that I still didn't know

who Olivia Baker was on her own until...

I started living in a city...

Where that's all that I was...

Just Olivia Baker,

on my own for the first time...

no vortex, safety net,

no family ties.

That's why I needed to stay.

And as I got to know her,

I fell in love with her.

I can't speak for you...

But for me,

I'm sure of one thing that old me

and new me share...

And that's my love for you.

That was clear the
minute I saw you tonight.


I'm Spencer James.

Olivia Baker.

It's nice to meet the new you.

You know, first time around with us,

we went from zero to "fake
married" in two seconds.

But this time, I want to take our time.

I can't wait to get to know you

and... date you and discover

every inch of the new you,

'cause if there's anything
that hasn't changed,

it's my love for you.


It's nice to meet you, Spencer James.

- Hey.
- What's up?

- Hey, boy.
- Hey.

Wait. What is this?

Just a good old-fashioned
vortex sleepover.

What, for me?

OK, you guys don't have to
do this. I'm... I'm fine.

I know, and we want to make
sure that you stay that way.

And, sweetie, just so you know,

- _
- it was Layla that rallied

the troops together tonight.

She wanted to make sure that
you felt surrounded by love.

Wait. Where is she?

- You know, we have staff to do this.
- Hey, um,

I'm sorry tonight didn't go as planned.

- Ah, came together eventually.
- Yeah.

Come on, take off. I got
it covered. I'll close up.

Thanks, but I can't ditch
you on opening night.

Besides, I don't really
have anywhere else to be.

I'm trying to give Patience space.

You sure she wants it?

Hey, why aren't you at the house?

Why aren't you? And before you lie,

you should know that I
already spoke to Jordan.

Good to know his big mouth

is one thing that'll never change.

Look, I want you to hear me.

The only person responsible
for what happened to me

is Miko, period.

I left to rehab in New York
because I was running from L.A.,

not from you, and I left
with Liv tonight because

I didn't want you to
sacrifice your big night by

leaving to take care of
me like you always do,

'cause I already... I ruined enough.

You didn't ruin anything.

OK, I'll receive that,

if you receive what I'm saying,

'cause there's a pair
of matching onesies

at home with our names on them.

I don't want a sleepover without you.

What you did for Patience
tonight was beautiful.

I'm sure it wasn't easy for
you to be up onstage again.

Does she know...

That you love her?

I'd almost talked myself into
telling her tonight after her...

Big comeback, but I'm glad I didn't.

And look, I know I didn't
get a chance to say it

tonight at the club,
but I'm glad you're home.

Was it something I said?

I'm just not sure...

Home feels like home anymore.

You know, if Spencer wasn't here, I...

I don't know that I
would have come back.

So what happens if

Spencer drafts in 8 months
and he's not here anymore?

I have a mandatory dinner

with some key boosters
on Monday at 7:00.

This is why I am glad I am not you.

From your relaxed look,

I am guessing you figured out what
you want on the Liv front, though?

To build a life with her,

whichever multiverse
version of her will have me.

Mm-hmm. Good for you, Spence.

But if I enter the draft this
year, everything changes...

Stop, stop.

You're slipping into moody Spencer, OK?

Hang on to relaxed
Spencer. Live in the now.

All right, all right. All right.

Anything can happen in 8 months.


It's a little late for a
surprise drive-by, isn't it?

Well, if you had taken
time earlier today,

it wouldn't be a surprise,
so, Kenny, meet Ter...

Terence "Mac" McClelland,

renowned offensive
coordinator for Hummel State,

GAU star alum.

- What's up?
- Ah, formerly of Hummel State

and a big fan.

- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- Likewise.

Mac will be joining the coaching staff.

I mean, just as an analyst.

I know you like to call your own plays.

Well, I'll give you
both a minute to talk.

Well, he could have handled that better.

Just know I understand
this is your team.

I'm only here to help you win more games

and maximize your best asset.

I already know how to maximize Spencer.

Yeah, see, that's your
problem right there.

I was referring to Jordan Baker.

You know, I thought I had to, like,

run away and heal alone, but, um,

thank you, guys, for proving me wrong.

I love y'all.

Yeah, Patience. We love you, too.

If you don't figure out how to whisper,

I can tell you someone
who's not gonna love you.

OK, sorry.