02x05 - Make Yourself At Home

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss". Aired: October 13, 1996 – May 15, 1998.*
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Combines live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season, refashioning characters and themes from the original Dr. Seuss books into new stories that often retained much of the flavor of Dr. Seuss' own works.
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02x05 - Make Yourself At Home

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ Hello!

♪ Come on along, get up

And let's shout hooray now ♪

♪♪ Hooray! Here we go!

♪♪ Ha ha!

♪♪ ♪ We're gonna have

A wubbulous kind of day now ♪

♪♪ Come on, sarah.

♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ ♪ Just grab a hat

And spin around,

You'll be feet

Off the ground ♪

♪♪ Great!

♪♪ ♪ Come on along,

We're waiting for you ♪

♪♪ Come on!

♪♪ ♪ This is the song

To welcome you to

"The wubbulous world

"The wubbulous world of dr. Seuss" ♪

Of dr. Seuss" ♪

♪♪ Mmm.

Hello! Hello, and welcome to my

House. Do you like my house?

Mmm. I like my house.

Ooh, I like it a lot.

My house is my very

Most favorite spot.

In fact, I cannot think of

Anyone who would not like this

Fine house of mine.

♪♪ [Clears throat]

♪♪ Bird, is there something you

Want to say to me?

♪♪ Why--why, yes, cat, there is.

I do not understand why your

House is so special. I mean, my

House is in this tree--a nice,

Natural habitat.

♪♪ It is very nice, bird.

♪♪ But...but your house is just

A regular, boring old house.

♪♪ Boring? Bird, I will prove to

You that my house is not boring.

I will give you a tour of my

House and everything in it.

You can come, too.

I will show you my house

I will start with this wall.

For this wall is the most

Special wall of them all.

And do you know why?

♪♪ Why?

♪♪ Because...

This wall here has doors,

Doors there and doors here.

And if you open the doors...

Little cats will appear!

♪♪ Little cat "a" at your


♪♪ Little cat "b" at your


♪♪ Zib zow "z"! Zabba zappa

Zee. Za za.

♪♪ Now, little cats, I would

Like you to help me give our

Bird friend here--and our people

Friends out there--a tour of

The house.

♪♪ Why, certainly. Now,

The first thing to know is that

The house has a ceiling

Above us.

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ It protects us from

The weather. Now, down below,

You'll notice a floor.

♪♪ Ahh.

♪♪ It gives us someplace to put

Our feet.

♪♪ We also have windows, so we

Can see outside, and a door, so

That we can leave the house when

We so choose.

♪♪ Zunna zee, zunna za.

♪♪ That's right. And don't

Forget all this lovely

Furniture. Tables, chairs,

A bathtub--all of these things

A bathtub--all of these things can go inside a house.

Can go inside a house.

♪ Here is my window

For looking at sunsets,

This is my kitchen,

And the sink's right here,

Pretty red roses

Brighten my counter

♪♪ A comfortable tree

Above a cozy chair

♪♪ And that's not all,

I've even got a painting

On the wall!

♪♪ How I love my house,

It's a homey place for me to be,

From the floor to the ceiling,

I get a great feeling

When I'm inside my house

♪♪ Food in the cupboard

To cook in the oven

♪♪ Turn on a lamp,

Throw open my front door!

♪♪ Climb up the staircase

♪♪ Or go to my bedroom

♪♪ My teddy bear's waiting

♪♪ And there's more to explore

♪♪ And the closet in the hall

Is where I keep my bowling ball!

♪♪ I hope it doesn't fall!

♪♪ How I love my house,

It's a homey place for me to be,

From the floor to the ceiling,

I get a great feeling

When I'm inside my house!

♪♪ From the floor to the ceiling

♪♪ You'll get a great feeling

♪♪ So come inside

♪♪ So come inside my house! ♪

My house! ♪

♪♪ So what do you say, bird?

Ceiling, floor, windows, door,

Bathtub! Is this not a wonderful


♪♪ To be perfectly honest, cat,

It still seems boring.

♪♪ How about that? There is just

No pleasing some birds.


♪♪ I think there's a story

Coming in!

Ah, yes, I was right! Our tour

Will have to wait, for at this

Very moment, a story is

Happening. Hmm.

In seussville, our heroine,

Sarah hall-small,

Is creating a dream house--

The best house of all.

Hurry! There is no time to

Waste! To the wubbulascope!

Ah, the wubbulascope. Oh, yes.

I forgot to mention one of my

Favorite places in my house--

The map of the wubbulous world.

Now, where is seussville? Ahh.

There it is! We must find out

What's happening with our friend

Sarah hall-small.

Sarah hall-small. I love the wubbulascope!

I love the wubbulascope!

Sarah is drawing some pictures

Of places to live.

And all of them seem

Quite imaginative.

She could live in a tent

In a vast desert land...

And spend her day playing

In gold-colored sand.

Yes, sarah could live in

A place that is hot.

♪♪ Could someone bring me

A glass of water?

♪♪ But she also might live

In a place that is not.

She could live like the men

In the north of yakat,

In a house made of ice,

And wear a fur hat.

♪♪ [Shivering] how is a house

Made of ice supposed to keep us


♪♪ ♪Yat-dat-dat-dat-dat,






♪♪ [Screams and shivers]

♪♪ She could live in a house

With a small squibble squirrel.

♪♪ Hi.

♪♪ The top floor would make

A great home for this girl.

♪♪ No kidding?

♪♪ [Squeaks]

♪♪ Really?

♪♪ It would be quite nice there,

Under the sky,

But then, sarah would have to be

Inches high.

Any one of those houses

Might someday be hers.

But which house do you think

Sarah hall-small prefers?

It's a -bedroom house

In a small, quiet town,

Painted quite simply in

Green, yellow and brown.

For this home is the home

Of the family hall-small.

This window's their window.

This wall is their wall.

This house is the house

Sarah thinks is the best.

♪♪ [Sighs] it just feels more

Homey than all of the rest.

I have my own room,

With my toys in my box.

I have a big dresser

Where I keep shirts and socks.

I have all my books

Which sit on the shelf.

I have all these pictures.

I made them myself.


I have my own nightcap

To wear on my head,

And when I get sleepy...

Ahh. [Exhales]

I have my own bed. Ahh.

Good night.

♪♪ So you see, people live in

All kinds of neat places,

All over the world in

All over the world in all sorts of strange spaces.

All sorts of strange spaces.

So wherever you go,

However far you roam,

You will always be somewhere

That someone calls home.

♪♪ Za-za-zooh!

♪♪ You're right, little cat "z."

Let us finish our tour! I have

Not even shown you the kitchen


♪♪ The kitchen?

♪♪ It's sam-i-am.

♪♪ Hello there, cat! I could not

Help but hear you say that

You're showing everyone your


♪♪ That is right, sam. Why don't

You come in and see my kitchen,


♪♪ I'll be right there!

♪♪ I was just showing my friends

Here all the things in my house.

♪♪ A kitchen is a very important

Part of the house. After all,

That is where you cook.

♪♪ Very true.

♪♪ And today, I was hoping

I would be able to use your

Kitchen to cook...

A house!

♪♪ You--you're going to cook

A house, sam-i-am?

♪♪ That's right, cat! Of course,

I am making this house out of

Snackle-brat wafers!

♪♪ Snackle-brat wafers? Of

Course! Please, go right ahead.

♪♪ First, we take some wafer

Dough and roll it flat with

A rolling pin!


Steady, steady. There we go.

Ah. That's flat.

♪♪ Astonishing!

♪♪ Then, we cook the wafers...

For seconds.

♪♪ Seconds? Why, that's not

Very much time.

♪♪ They're done! Now, could we,

Should we make a floor?

♪♪ Yes!

♪♪ Could we, should we add some


♪♪ Oh, definitely!

♪♪ Could we, should we make

A roof?

♪♪ Zippity zoop dah.

♪♪ [Laughs]

♪♪ A roof and floors,

Walls and doors,

And might we add

Just one thing more?

♪♪ Hmm.

♪♪ I can't think of anything.

What are your thoughts?

♪♪ Maybe a...

Little chimney!

♪♪ Aww!

♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ That's it!

♪♪ The crowning touch.

♪♪ And there you have it--

A snackle-brat-wafer house!

♪♪ Sam, you have really outdone

Yourself this time.

♪♪ Look at it.

♪♪ It is magnificent!

♪♪ Zibba zabba zep?


♪♪ Oh, we can eat it later,

Little cat "z." I think it is so

Pretty that we should just look

At it for a while.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Well, I must be going. Thank

You for letting me use your

Kitchen, cat. Good-bye.

♪♪ Good-bye, sam-i-am!

♪♪ Good-bye, sam!

♪♪ Zoobaba!

♪♪ Well, my friend bird,

Now what do you think?

Is this kitchen a fine place

To cook, eat, and drink?

♪♪ Well, sorry, cat. I still

Don't see why your house is so


♪♪ But, bird, let me explain.

This is such a wonderful house!


♪♪ Oh, I'll have to get back to

You, bird, because I think

I know what that music means.

Yes, I was right!

A big story is breaking

At this very minute,

And morton, our elephant-bird

Friend is in it!

Come on! To the wubbulascope,

Everyone! Ah, this house would

Not be complete without my

Not be complete without my wubbulascope. [Chuckles]

Wubbulascope. [Chuckles]

Let's see. Morton lives in

The jungle of nool, which is


With the wubbulascope

As an aid to our viewing,

We can visit young morton

We can visit young morton and see what he's doing.

And see what he's doing.

So what has morton the elephant

Bird been doing?

♪♪ I've been thinking. I got

A trunk. I got big ears like any

Other elephant. I've got

Elephant pictures. I got books

About elephants. I've got

Peanuts. [Sighs] and I also have

Wings, like a bird. And I can


Ahh. Still, when I look around

This room, I don't feel much

Like a bird.

♪♪ [Hums]

♪♪ Hi, dad.

♪♪ Hi, son. How's everything?

♪♪ Well, I've been feeling

A little sad lately.

♪♪ Sad? Why are you feeling sad,


♪♪ Well, look around this place.

Everything in this room is for


♪♪ What's wrong with that? You

Are an elephant-bird.

♪♪ Yes, but there's nothing in

This room for birds. I'm

Neglecting a whole half of me!

♪♪ Well, why don't you get

Yourself something that will

Bring out the bird part of you?

That'll cheer you up!

♪♪ That's a great idea, dad.


♪♪ Glad to help, son. [Hums]

♪♪ That's a great idea. I'll get

Something to make me feel more

Like a bird. But what? Ah.

This bed is for an elephant.

What would a bird like to sleep

In? Oh, I know--a nest! A nest!

In? Oh, I know--a nest! A nest! Yeah, a nest is what I'll get!

Yeah, a nest is what I'll get!

♪♪ Hiya, morton.

♪♪ Hi, junior.

♪♪ Whatcha doing?

♪♪ I'm looking for a nest.

♪♪ Cool.

Um, why are you doing a crazy

Thing like that?

♪♪ Well, I'm half bird, you

Know. Ahh. I thought I'd look

For a nest.

♪♪ Oh. Mind if I come along?

♪♪ Sure. Just keep your eyes

Open and tell me if you see any

Open and tell me if you see any nests.


♪♪ ♪ We're on a search

For the best nest,

We're on a search

For the best nest

♪♪ A nest is a home

♪♪ And home is where

You hang your hat

♪♪ Yeah, you got it! [Laughs]

♪♪ A fish has a pond

♪♪ That's me home

♪♪ And a den for a lion is

Where home is at!

♪♪ [Roars]

♪♪ We're on a search

For the best nest

♪♪ We're on a search

For the best nest,

A nest is a home

♪♪ And home's a very special


♪♪ A special place,

A very special place

♪♪ The turtle has a shell

♪♪ My shell is swell!

♪♪ And a sneel has a sneel hole

♪♪ That's our home base!

♪♪ We're on a search

For the best nest,

We're on a search for

The best nest,

♪♪ And we won't rest

♪♪ Until we find

The very best nest

♪♪ The very best nest!

The very best nest! ♪

♪♪ [Laughs]

♪♪ [Sighs]

I don't think we're gonna find

A nest anyway.

♪♪ Yeah. I don't see any nest

Stores. Hey! Hey, look, morton.

Look up in that tree!

♪♪ It's beautiful!

♪♪ Ohh. Come on, let's go get


♪♪ Well, I wonder if it belongs

To anyone.

♪♪ I don't see anyone around


♪♪ Me neither.

♪♪ No one left a sign or


♪♪ It--it's totally empty.

♪♪ It's yours, pal.

♪♪ Wow, I can't believe it, my

Very own nest!

♪♪ [Both laugh]

♪♪ Ok.



Well, there it is--my very own

Nest. This is a big moment.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ [Grunts and laughs]

♪♪ Hey, go ahead. Try it out!

Try it out!

♪♪ Yeah! Ahh. Ah. Well?

♪♪ Um, I think it might be

A little small. But it still

Looks great, really!

♪♪ Let me try sleeping in it.

♪♪ Ok, go ahead.

♪♪ [Grunts]

[Imitating snoring]

♪♪ Oh, beautiful! Oh, you were

Meant for this nest, I'm telling

You! Even if it is a little

Small. Hey, let me try sitting

In it.

♪♪ Hey, wait! Junior, you're

A--you're not a bird.

♪♪ Oh, come on! I know my way

Around a nest. Move over.

♪♪ All right.

[Both grunting]

♪♪ Oh. Oh, yeah. Oh, now, that's

A nest.

♪♪ Yeah. It's a nest.

♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ Pretty cool, huh?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Ahh. Hey, sorry about

The tail.

♪♪ [Indistinct]

♪♪ Hey!

♪♪ Are you in? Are you in?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Open up! Open this door!

Hello? Open up in there!

♪♪ Hello, can I help you?

♪♪ Help me? Help me? Yes, you

Can help me. You can give me my

Nest back!

♪♪ What nest? [Grunts]

♪♪ I followed a trail of grass

And twigs from my tree right up

To this door! Now, move it! Come

On, come on, come on. Where'd

You hide the nest, huh? Where'd

You hide it? Huh? Huh?

♪♪ I'm afraid there's been a big

Mistake. I can assure you,

Ma'am, there's no nest in this


♪♪ Hey, dad, you got to check

Out my new nest!

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ [Both gasp]

♪♪ Now, this is an awkward

Moment. Morton, since when do

You have a nest?

♪♪ Since today. Junior and

I found it in a tree.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Morton, that nest didn't

Belong to you. It belonged to

That white-tufted floozle bird.

And she wants it back.

♪♪ Sorry, dad. I didn't know it

Belonged to anyone. I guess we

Should have been more careful.

♪♪ You certainly should have.

♪♪ Uh, I'm sorry, ma'am.

♪♪ Yes, ma'am. We're terribly

Sorry. My son took your nest

Completey by accident.

♪♪ All right, all right.

♪♪ Ahem. Um.

♪♪ I hope you're not angry. You

See, I'm an elephant-bird, and

I just wanted a nest. It's

A good place to sleep.

♪♪ Well, it certainly is. But if

You want your own nest, you

Don't just take it. You gather

Some twigs, and you make it!

♪♪ Make it? I don't know how.

♪♪ Well, if you've got wings,

You'd better learn sometime.

♪♪ W-would you show me?

♪♪ Oh. All right. Ok, now,

The first thing we got to do is

Round up some grass and twigs.

Everybody, let's go!

♪♪ Come on.

♪♪ Coming!

♪♪ [Laughs]

♪♪ Mmm. Excellent! Just sprinkle

A little across the top, like

So. Very nice. And there you

Have it!

♪♪ It's beautiful! But it looks

Different from yours.

♪♪ [Chuckles] well, of course.

You see, nests can come in all

Kinds of shapes and sizes.

♪♪ Just like houses.

♪♪ Exactly.

♪♪ ♪ Every nest is a best nest,

Each and every nest is

A best nest

♪♪ A nest is a home

♪♪ And home's a special place

To be

♪♪ Very, very true,

No two birds are exactly alike

♪♪ So no two nests are the same,

You see!

Every nest is a best nest,

Every nest is a best nest,

And who would have guessed

That every nest is

The best nest!

♪♪ The very best nest!

♪♪ The very best nest! The very best nest! ♪

The very best nest! ♪

♪♪ Wow! I can't believe it, my

Own nest!

♪♪ For our morton at last

Has a nest of his own,

A place he can sit

Like a king on his throne.

♪♪ [Laughter]

♪♪ Oh, cat, that was a beautiful

Story. A nest is a kind of home,

Too, you know.

♪♪ Yes, it is, bird. And you

Must have the finest-looking

Nest that I have ever seen.

♪♪ Yes, yes, it is a remarkable


♪♪ You--you really think so?

♪♪ Oh, most definitely.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Oh, thank you, cat. You know,

I think you have a very nice

House, too.

♪♪ You do? But I thought you did

Not like my house. I thought

You said it was a boring, old


♪♪ Well, i...i changed my mind.

♪♪ This is wonderful news!

The bird likes my house!

♪♪ He likes the house!

♪♪ And now, cat, since you have

Been kind enough to show me your

House, I would like you to visit

My house...

♪♪ [All gasp]

♪♪ All of you!

♪♪ You mean...

♪♪ Mm-hmm. I would like you to

Visit my tree. Come right up.

♪♪ [Cats talking at once]

♪♪ Wipe your feet.

♪♪ Ok, no problem.

♪♪ Oh, this is exciting.

♪♪ Oh, wow!

♪♪ After you, little cat "b."

♪♪ Help me up there.

♪♪ Help me up there. [All talking and grunting]

[All talking and grunting]

♪♪ I think you'll find it very


♪♪ Why, yes. This nest is very

Comfortable. You know, bird, one

Thing I like best about my house

Is that it's so close to your


♪♪ I couldn't agree more.

♪♪ Nor could i.

♪♪ Zemma-zum!

♪♪ And I like having your house

So close to my house! At least,

Most of the time.

♪♪ Well, bird, it's time to go.

Shall we all sing the good-bye


♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Good-bye, everyone!

♪♪ Good-bye!

♪♪ Good-bye!

♪♪ See you soon. [Laughs]

♪♪ ♪ Hooray for us,

Hooray, I say,

Hooray for all the fun

That we have every day

♪♪ And all the new faces

And all the new places we see,

Just you and me,

So come back soon,

And when you do,

I'll have some new surprises

In my hat for you,

Just one last thing,

And then, I'm on my way,

Let's shout hooray!

♪♪ Just shout hooray! ♪

♪♪ Hooray!

♪♪ [Laughter]

♪♪ [Laughter] ♪♪ yes.

♪♪ Yes.
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