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04x07 - Deep Trouble

Posted: 03/29/24 15:55
by bunniefuu

Fish! Let's go. I'm not gonna
sit in here all day. All right?

Okay. I give up.
You guys win.

[ Reel Spinning ]

Hey! I got one!

I got one!


Way to go, Sheena.

[ Gasping ]

Help! Shark!

Help! Somebody help!


Help! Shark!

[ Laughing ]


Billy, what are you doing?

Is that why they call you
Sheena of the jungle?

You should've seen your face.
"Help! Shark! Somebody, please!"

Well, you can help me now.
Get me out of this boat.

If you're so scared of getting wet,
why'd you go fishing in the first place?

I had to find something to do
around here. It's so boring.

Why did Mom and Dad dump us
at Uncle Harold's for the whole summer?

It's not that bad.

Uncle Harold's pretty cool.

He's weird.
And he treats us like we're kids.

But, Sheena, we are kids.

I mean, look at this place.

We're, like, hundreds of miles
from the nearest town,

there's no good radio station,
no TV.

Even the fish are bored.

- Hey, Sheena!
- Billy, what are you doing?

- There's something down here.
- Forget it.

I'm not falling for
another one of your dumb jokes.

There's really something here.

Look at it.

What is it?

I don't know.

- Looks like a-- a shark's tooth.
- No way.

I mean, any shark with a tooth
that big would have to be...

Let's get outta here!

Hurry up!

Hey, Uncle Harold!

Uncle Harold!

Uncle Harold?

- Let's check in the house.
- Okay.

Uncle Harold?

Hey, Uncle Harold!

Maybe he and Ritter
went out in the boat.

No, it's still there.

Uncle Harold! Hey!

[ Sighs ]
Nobody's home.

Well, they should be.

Somebody's here.

- What is it?
- I don't know.

Doesn't look normal.

Smells like... seawater.

They go all the way to the door.

Whatever it was,
I'm sure it left.


[ Billy ]
I don't know about that.

Maybe he just came in.

- Where you going?
- Just gonna go take a look outside.

Maybe we should
find Uncle Harold first.

Come on.
Don't be such a chicken.

You're the one who said it was
boring around here, right?

Well, guess what.
Things just got unboring.


Anybody out here?

[ Breathing ]

Nothing out there.
Nothing to be scared of.

I wasn't scared.

Oh, yeah, right.
Sheena of the jungle strikes again.

[ Both Gasp ]

[ Gasps ]

- Not scared, huh?
- Let's just find Uncle Harold.


[ Breathing Continues ]

Uncle Harold?

Uncle Harold!

Hey, maybe he's down here.

Uncle Harold's lab?

As in, Uncle Harold's lab,
where we're never supposed to go...

unless it's an emergency?

I think giant sharks
qualify as emergencies.

[ Hinges Creaking ]

Uncle Harold?

Are you down there?


Uncle Harold?

Nobody's down there.
Let's keep looking.

You give up too easy.

Oh, Billy.

Look at this place.

I wouldn't touch that
if I were you.

Well, it's a good thing
you're not me.

- It smells like the slime.
- Really? How exciting. Now put it back.

No way. I'm gonna look at this
underneath a microscope.

We've been here long enough.

- Hey, let go, okay?
- You let go.

- Look, I had it first!
- Yeah, and I'm gonna have it last!

- Fine! Have it!
- [ Gasps ]

Smooth move there, Sheena.

You're the one who let go.

- [ Door Opens ]
- [ Both Gasp ]

- [ Footfalls ]
- It's Uncle Harold.

- We're dead.
- Hide.

[ Door Slams ]

[ Footfalls Continues ]

- [ Gasps ]
- [ Man ] Harry, be reasonable.

We aren't even sure
if anything's happened at all.

[ Harold ] Luis has been missing for over
a week, Ritter. That's not like him.

It's exactly like him.

Luis is a good lab assistant,
Harry, but he's a flake.

He probably just decided to
take a vacation without telling us.

Either way, we have a responsibility
to let the authorities know.

[ Ritter ]
There'll be a search, Harry.

They'll turn this place upside-down.
And you know what they'll do, don't you?

They'll shut down the entire project.

Maybe it deserves to be shut down.

- Maybe D-13 was just a huge mistake.
- [ Snarling ]

My mistake.

- And it's up to me to stop it.
- Harry!

You're not thinking clearly.
You're under a lot of pressure.

- [ Door Opens, Closes ]
- What was that all about? What's D-13?

I don't know and I don't care.

Let's just clean up this mess
and get out of here.


This must be the guy who disappeared.
Wonder what happened to him.

- [ Glass Shatters ]
- Sheena, what'd you do?

It wasn't me.


[ Growling ]

- [ Continues Growling ]
- Duck!

[ Screams ]

[ Groans ]

[ Growling Continues ]

- It's gonna go again!
- Run for it!

[ Spines Continue Firing ]

[ Both Screaming ]

- We gotta do something!
- Yeah! Really! Like what?

There's gotta be
a back door to this thing!

Like they build closets
with fire escapes in 'em!

- You got any better ideas?
- Yeah. Just one.

- Help! Help!
- Shh! Shh!

Look, if that thing thinks it's got us,
maybe it'll leave us alone.

I don't hear anything.

Me neither.

I think it worked.

[ Gasping ]

- Hold on!
- I can't! It's too strong!

[ Both Scream ]

[ Both Exhale ]

- [ Both ] Uncle--
- Not a word.

Out. Now.

[ Growling Continues ]

I specifically told you two
not to go into the basement.

But we saw this weird slime
and heard these noises.

Those must have been my footprints.

I was trying out my new flippers
in the house.

- It was Billy's idea.
- Oh, yeah, thanks. Thanks a lot.

It doesn't matter. The point is,
you were told to stay out of the lab.

We're working on some
very sensitive experiments in there.

Janet, my niece and nephew have
made another mess in the basement.

Would you please clean it up?

This is not a playground.

The two of you
could have been seriously hurt.

Do you understand me?

Yes, sir.

- Do you have anything to say for yourself?
- Yeah.

Just this.

Where did you find this?

On the beach. That's what we were
trying to tell you in the first place.

I want you two
to stay away from the beach.

- What?
- You heard me.

Well, this place
is nothing but beach.

If we have to stay away from it,
what are we supposed to do?

I don't care.
Just don't do it near the water.

Since when did Uncle Harold
start taking nasty lessons?

Don't be too hard on him. Your uncle's
got a lot on his plate right now.

Things aren't going
too well at the lab.

The university's calling him
every day looking for results.

- The last thing he needs is more trouble.
- Like us?

[ Harold ]

There goes our summer vacation.

[ Sheena ]
Got any fours?

Nope. Go fish.

- Sevens?
- Nope. Go fish.

- Got any fives?
- Nope. Go fish.

What did you kids do
with my chocolate cake?


You two can explain to your uncle
why there's no dessert for dinner.

- I didn't see any chocolate cake.
- Me neither.

- What would make her think we'd eat it?
- I don't wanna ask.

And stay out of my kitchen.
I'm not here to pick up after you two.

Oh, man. Looks like the house
is out of bounds too.

- Where are you going?
- Swimming.




- Sheena!
- [ Leaves Rustling ]

Sheena, is that you?

[ Cake Hits Ground ]

Look, Sheena,
I know you're out there.

[ Twig Snaps ]


Ha ha. Very funny.

You can come out now.

- [ Twig Snaps ]
- Sheena?

- Sheena?
- [ Breathing ]

[ Breathing Continues ]

[ Exhales ]
Get a grip, Billy.

Just an animal or something.

- [ Screams ]
- [ Panting ] Lady Milton.

The water-- In the water!

- [ Body Lands On Ground ]
- Uncle Harold!

Uncle Harold!

Move the table.

He's in shock.

Did he say anything?

Uh, yeah.

Something about a lady in the water.
Lady Melgum?

[ Man Groaning ]

Shh! Shh!
He's coming to.

Lady Milton?
The... island?

[ Gasping ]
The water!

- What do we do now?
- "We" don't do anything.

I'll take the boat and go
look for this missing lady.

And leave us here?

What if whatever got this guy
comes after us?

Just stay in the house
and lock the doors.

And don't go into the water.
I'll be back soon.

You can't go by yourself.

You may need help, Harry.
We'll all go.

Besides, he's probably just suffering
from heat stroke or something.

[ Sighs ]
All right.

Janet, call an ambulance.

And make sure
that he's comfortable.

Let's go.

[ Click, Static ]

[ Click ]

[ Static Continues ]

That's strange.

The line's down again.

I'll have to take the truck for help.

[ Harry ] This must be
the last island in the bay.

- [ Billy ] You've never been here?
- Not this far.

[ Ritter ] I'll stay with the boat while
the three of you look for Lady Milton.

[ Motor Stops ]

Well, it looks like a deserted island.

Race you to the cliff.

You guys get back here.

- We're just scouting ahead.
- We have no idea what's on this island.

That's what we're trying to find out.

[ Motor Starting ]

Jake, what do you think you're doing?

- Protecting our experiment, Harry.
- What do you mean?

I'm not gonna let you
throw away our work

just 'cause you don't
have the guts to see it through.

You can't just leave us on this island,
Ritter. This is insane!

Have a nice life--

What's left of it.

- Is this some kind of joke?
- Bye-bye!

- I wish it was.
- [ Ritter Laughing ]

[ Breathing ]