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03x10 - The Haunted House Game

Posted: 03/29/24 15:43
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Man ]
Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.


[ Birds Chirping ]

[ Sighing ]
You sure you got enough film?

- Uh, check.
- And the flash works this time?

Hey! Very funny.

[ Crying ]

What's wrong?

What happened?
Did you hurt yourself?

I lost my kitty-cat.

It went in there.

[ Boy ]
In there?

The door was open
and it just ran right in.

It's OK.
We'll get it for you.

Uh, we will?
We're already late for the pep rally.

But it'll only take a second.

[ Boy Sighing ]

- [ Doorknob Clicking ]
- A-aren't you going to knock first?

It's been empty for years.
Now, come on.

[ Girl ]
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Here, kitty, kitty.


Is that you?

- [ Floorboards Creaking ]
- [ Gasps ]

Nadine? A-are you up there?


Nadine, are you up here?


[ Gasps ]
There you are.

- I couldn't find it.
- Come on, let's go.

[ Sighing ]

Wait a sec.

"The Mansion of Terror Game."

Hey, it looks like this house.

Hey, turn that over.
It says something inside the lid.

"Rules of play. Rule number 1,

don't open the box."

Why wouldn't they want us
to open the box.

[ Both Screaming ]

[ Grunts ]

- [ Both Panting ]
- Jonathan,

I think...

I think we're in the game.

Yeah? W-well, I don't want
to play any stupid game.

- I... I... I just, I just want to go home.
- Jonathan, look.

"Rule number 1,
don't open the box."

Too late for that.

"Play as a team.

"Roll the dice, move a square,
take an action card.

"The object of round one
is to collect keys for round two.

The only way out is in."

And what's that supposed to mean?
"The only way out is in"?

I think it means
if we want to get out of here,

we have to get back to the house.

The only way to do that
is play the game.

That's stupid.
I'm not playing any game.

Wait! There's one more.

"Roll a seven, go to heaven."

[ Both ] Heaven?
[ Both Quavering ]

- Nadine, w-what's happening?
- I told you,

- I think it wants us to play.
- You don't know that for sure.

- I think it's a safe bet.
- Are you gonna play or what?

I don't have any choice.

[ Sighs ]

- 4...
- 5.

[ Nadine ]
"Pay your last respects."

- Now what?
- [ Screams ]

[ Both Grunting ]

Oh, man.
This is getting worse by the second.

- Here, hold these.
- [ Panting ]

- Who is this guy?
- I don't know.

This must be the action card.

"Find the finder,
and take it if you dare,

"but watch out,
you might be in for a scare."

[ Nadine ]
Come on.

- A-are you crazy?
- We got to find the finder.

Where else do you want to look for it.

[ Coffin Creaking ]

[ Jonathan ]

Maybe there's something under him.

Look. Find the finder.

A compass is a finder.

That must be what
they want us to collect.

- If you think I'm touching him--
- I'll get it.

[ Nadine Gasps ]

Ah, Nadine.
I couldn't help it.

[ Screams ]

- [ Both Quavering ]
- [ Grunting ]

- [ Growling ]
- Roll the dice!

[ Both Grunting ]

It's OK.
I think he's gone.

- That's it. I quit.
- Jonathan, you have to keep playing.

Look, I said I quit.
I-I'll find my own way out of here.

- I'm not going through that again.
- [ Thuds ]

What's up with this?

Remember what the game said,
we have to play as a team.

Come on, we'll get out of this.
But we have to help each other.

Put this in your bag.

This is a bad idea.

[ Jonathan ]
"Reel scary."

- Perfect.
- [ Gasps ]

[ Both Screaming ]

[ Jonathan ] I... I don't like
the looks of this place.

[ Nadine ]
Where are we?

[ Jonathan ]
"Grab some R & R."

You check over there.
I-I'll check over here.

"Grab some R & R."

look at the size of this thing.

You could catch a whale with this.

[ Jonathan Sighing ]

[ Grunts ]
Jonathan, this thing just moved.

It's not moving now.

[ Grunts ]

[ Screams ]

Rod and reel.
R & R means rod and reel.

Come on.
Let's get out of here.

- [ Man Laughing ]
- Jonathan.

[ Screams ]

[ Laughing ]


Nadine! Nadine!

Get the dice. Get the dice.

- Where are they.
- I don't know, I don't know.

- I can't see them.
- [ Laughing ]


[ Grunts ]

You rolled a 4.
Come on.

Come on.
Let's get this over with.

"Rest in peace."
We're dead.

[ Panting ]

Here, it's your turn next.

And make sure you keep them
with you at all times.

- [ Cat Mewing ]
- [ Woman Laughing ]


[ Woman ♪1 ]
My, you got a 7.

- Oh, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
- Look.

[ Woman ♪1 Laughing ]

What does the card say?

[ Nadine ]
"Ask and you will receive."

Hey, don't look at me.
This is your turn.

- E-excuse me.
- Mmm?

Do you have something for me?

Yes, my dear.

I do.

Come closer.
[ Exclaiming ]

[ Women Laughing ]
- That was easy.

[ Both Cackling ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Nadine ]

My hand!

What's happening to my hand?

hurry up and roll the dice.

- They fell through the floor!
- [ Panting ]

Then do something.

Give those to me.

- Give them back, young man.
- [ Exclaims ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Panting ]
Are you OK?

Well, yeah. I think so.

The dice.
Where's the dice?

Jonathan, look.

"Advance to go back."

It's about time.

[ Nadine ]
"Enter to exit."

All we have to do is--
is step in and step back out.

- [ Sighs ]
- [ Door Creaking ]


Are you there?

I can't see anything.
[ Gasps ]

It's OK. I got an idea.
Hold on a second.

[ Sighing ]

[ Camera Clicking ]

- Well, what good's that?
- At least, we can see now.

[ Man Grunting ]

- What was that?
- I didn't see anything.

[ Man Laughing ]

[ Men Cackling ]

[ Both Screaming ]

[ Both Screaming ]

Stop screaming.
Man, we're glad to see you guys.

- Who are you?
- I'm Noah and this is Annie.

Nadine and Jonathan.

[ Annie ] We tried yelling to you
when you were on the board

- but, you couldn't hear us.
- Well, what are you doing in here?

We can't find our way out.

- Where are we?
- The basement.

[ Nadine ] The basement?
We just came through the front door.

How can we be in the basement?

This house is like a puzzle. We've
been trying to figure it out for years.


[ Noah ] Yeah, but the one thing
we know for sure is that

the only way out
is through the front door.

But the hard part
is finding the front door.

Now we have a chance
to go with you,

if you can find your way out.

How many keys did you guys get?


Yeah. You know, the things
you collected in round 1.

They open the doors in round 2
so you can move through the house.

- So that's what they're for.
- Give me the bag.

We didn't get many.

We don't even know
if we have the right ones.

Well, there's only one way
to find out.

Hey, wait a second. Maybe
we could bust out the window.

That's a great idea.
Why didn't you think of that?

I-- I thought the only way out
was through the front door.

That's if you play by the rules
Noah's cheating.

Hey, you guys want
to get out of here or not?

A little cheating never hurt anyone.

- OK.
- [ All Grunting ]

There's bars on the window.
We'll never get it open.

[ Jonathan ]
Try that one.


- Get it off me!
- Noah!


- Noah, no!
- [ Noah ] Annie!

[ Noah ]


He's gone.

We got to find him.
We got to find him!

[ Panting ]

Give me the bag.

How are any of these
supposed to open the door.

You just kind of
have to figure it out.

We're trapped.

Check this out.
"To reverse the effect use the 'un.'"

Before it was just a locket,

now it's an un-locket.

[ Latch Opens ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Creaking ]

Hey, and there's another window.

This is crazy.
We just came in from there.

Told you this house was a puzzle.

- I hate this house.
- I love it.

- Come on.
- [ Jonathan ] This way.

Give me the compass.

Maybe the compass
will show us the way.

A-a compass will only tell you
which way you're going,

not the way out of
a stupid mansion of terror.

Yes. But this isn't just
any normal compass.


It's pointing this way.
Come on.

[ Nadine ]
This is it!

- It's getting hot.
- [ Compass Whirring Rapidly ]

[ All Gasping ]

- Noah!
- What happened to you?

I don't know.

All I remember is being
pulled through the clothes

and suddenly I'm walking
through the halls.

- Look.
- [ Nadine ] The stairs!

Come on,
we're almost out of this.

[ Chuckling ]

What's happening?

- Now what do we do?
- Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

[ All Screaming ]

Come on.

That's it. All we have to do is go
down the stairs and out that door.

Let's go.

[ Grunting ]

[ All Gasping ]

Oh, no!

[ Both Cackling ]

Where'd they come from?

Round 1. Where else?

- Throw it at them.
- [ All Chattering ]

- [ All Moaning ]
- What happened?

They're afraid of the flash.

- Do it again.
- That's cheating.

[ Wailing ]

Let's go.

[ Both Cackling ]

You're not going anywhere.

Now you're part of the game.

[ Noah ]
Just like the ones before you.

What are you talking about?

Let us go.
We found our way out. We won.

Sorry, you lose and I win.

- You win? You cheated.
- Oh, I cheated?

Like disappearing from the basement

to get the ghosts
from the first round?

You call that fair?

I suppose, letting them
use the flash wasn't cheating?

You're a sore loser.

You bet me that they
couldn't find the front door

and they did. So I win.

Doesn't count if you cheat.
It isn't fair.

It's a game, Noah.
Everything is fair.

- What if they rolled a 7.
- The dice.

- But they didn't.
- Give me the dice.

Roll 'em!

- [ Noah ] It's 7.
- [ Both Screaming ]

Lucky 7.
Come on. Let's go.

[ Girl ]
I lost my kitty-cat.

The door was open
and it just ran right in.

It's OK.
We'll go get it for you.

- But, what if you can't find it?
- Don't worry. We'll find it.

Wait here.
We'll be right back.

[ Birds Chirping ]

[ Smirking ]