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03x01 - Shocker on Shock Street

Posted: 03/29/24 15:37
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Man ]
Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.


[ Creaking ]

Your dad's gonna k*ll us
if he finds us here.

It'll be ok,

unless of course,
you're too scared.

I'm not scared.

You're the one who's
afraid of your own shadow.

[ Boy Gasps ]

You're not scared?


Look at all this stuff.


- Look.
- [ Erin ] What is it?

Electric Eel Woman.

Attack of the Piranha People.

These are all
Shocker on Shock Street films.

Pretty cool, huh?


I can't believe your dad
creates all the monsters

for the Shocker Movie Studios.

He's very creative.

An engineering genius.

I've never seen him before.

Man, it looks so real.

That what makes
the Shocker movies so good.

The special effects are great.

It feels like
they're watching me.

Don't worry, they're fake.

[ Boy ]
This is so cool.


[ Growls ]

[ Gasps ]

Who's there?

[ Growls ]

[ Erin Screams ]

I thought you said they were fake.

I thought they were.


[ Screaming ]

It won't come off!
It won't come off!

It's not coming off.
It's too strong.

It's not coming off.

[ Erin ]
It won't let go.

It's too strong.

Get it off, get it off.

[ Man Chuckling ]

Let go. Let go.
Let go, let go.

[ Panting ]

[ Man Chuckling ]

[ Panting ]


I got you good.

Very funny, Dad.

You just about
scared my friend to death.

Marty, meet my crazy father.

Nice to meet you.

[ Exclaims ]

Come on, Marty.

It was a joke. It's not real.

Feel it.

Just one of my new creatures.

Since you decided
to visit my workshop,

I thought I would test it out.

So, everything in this room
is your creation?

Marty, my boy,

this is my world.

I create the monsters

that give children nightmares.

Remember the Toadinator?

The acid-spitting frog.

[ Laughing ]

Then there was Snakeface.

He loves raw meat.

These are my children, Marty.

All of them.

I can't believe the studio
pays me to do this.

Hey, Dad,

what's in that room?

Don't you ever go in that room.

[ Lock clicks ]

It's off-limits.



Dad, you don't have to yell.

I don't like it.

Well, uh...

I think I have something
you will like.

What do you think?

It's a tramcar for a ride, right?

Not just any ride.

That is the tram for the new
Shocker Studios tour ride.

[ Exclaims ]

- Cool.
- You mean, the tour's going to open?


And you are going to be
the first two kids

to ride it.


Is the ride scary?

I hope so.

I tried to make it as real as possible.

You see all the monsters
from the Shocker movies.

The tram will even
take you down Shock Street.

Oh, this is the best.

Hope it's really scary.

Why? You couldn't handle it.


Don't worry,
you won't be disappointed.

Hey, Dad, can Mom come with us?

Excuse me?

What did you say?

Can Mom come?

She loves scary rides.


You two will be
the only ones on the ride.

Shall we?

[ Monster Cackling ]

Ready for the ride of your life?

[ Monster Laughing ]

This looks scary.

[ Monster ]
Riders, beware.

You're in for a scare.


No line-ups, no crowds.

Now this is the way
to see an amusement park.

Whatever you do,

don't get out of the tram.

We can't walk down Shock Street?

Absolutely not.

Stay in the tram,

no matter what.

[ Monster Cackling ]

If you get into trouble,

use these laser g*ns.

[ Marty ]
Why do we need g*ns?


What kind of trouble?

[ Creaking ]

I can't believe we're
the first ones to take the tour.

[ Both Screaming ]

[ Both Yelling ]

[ Both Screaming ]

[ Monster Laughing ]

Why did we stop?

I don't know.

- [ Man ] Say good night, Freddy.
- [ Electricity Buzzes ]

- [ Both Screaming ]
- [ Man Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]

Somebody's there.
I can hear it.

- I don't like this.
- [ Both Screaming ]

Boy, these monsters
have to be real.

[ Voice ] Beware,
you are entering the Tunnel of Doom.

[ Gasping ]

[ Panting ]

[ Marty Screaming ]

We stopped again.

Erin, we're not moving.

Just wait.
It'll start up again.

Hello, is anyone there?

Can anyone hear us?

I'm not just gonna sit here.

- [ Alarm Blaring ]
- [ Voice ] Remain in your seat.

Do not leave the tram.

I repeat,
do not leave the tram.

You heard my father,

whatever you do,
don't leave the tram, remember?

Yeah. He probably didn't expect
the ride to break. I'm getting out.

[ Voice ] Remain in your seat.
Do not leave the tram.

I repeat,
do not leave the tram.

Are you gonna help me?

- [ Grunts ]
- It's not moving.

Try rocking it.

[ Both Grunting ]

[ Sighs ]

It's broken down.

I can't believe
we're stranded here

on this stupid ride.
Can anyone hear me?

- We have to walk.
- Walk?

Are you crazy?
I don't even know where we are.

[ Alarm Continues Blaring ]


Marty, wait up.

[ Laughing ]

[ Bats Screeching ]

- [ Marty ] I hope there's no bats.
- I hate bats!

- [ Bat Twitters ]
- [ Erin Screaming ]

- [ Bat Screeching ]
- Were they bats?

Yeah, those were bats.

- [ Thudding ]
- [ Marty ] What's that noise?

[ Erin ]
I don't know.

[ Clanking ]

- [ Both Screaming ]
- sh**t it.

sh**t it!

[ Panting ]
Part of the ride.

[ Voice ] Beware,
you are entering the Tunnel of Doom.

[ Marty ]
We're trapped in here.

[ Erin ]
There's probably a switch.

Something to activate the gate.

Over there.

[ Both Sighing ]

We made it.

We're on Shock Street.

[ Birds Chirping ]

Looks just like the movies.

Dad told us not to
walk on Shock Street.

We have to find him.
We have to find a way back.

Erin, this is where the Toadinator
devoured those two bullies.

And remember in
the Attack of the Goaf People

where the sheriff eats his lunch?

This is where the townspeople
came to get their weapons.

Hello, is anyone there?

What are you doing?

Dad, can you hear us?

Why hasn't my dad
sent someone to help us?

We should've waited in the tram.

Oh, come on.
It's just a ride.

A great ride.

- Your dad's a genius.
- I don't know.

I have this weird feeling
something's wrong.

I want to get out of here.
There's got to be a way back.

What about in there?

[ Marty ]
Whoa! Just like the movies.

[ Erin ]
How'd they do that?

Hey, let's see what else there is.

Let's try the next.

- [ Thunder Clapping ]
- [ Marty ] Cool.

We shouldn't be here.

Hey. There's the arcade.
Let's go try it.


- [ Door Creaking ]
- Maybe this will get us out of here.

Maybe we should go back
to the ride and wait.

Come on.

[ Man ]
Next floor, Toxic Land.

Let's go in there, check it out.

Marty, wait.

- Let go.
- Don't touch the gate.

It says high voltage.

That's all part of the tour.
It's supposed to scare you.

I don't know.

It says, "Do not enter."

I don't think
we should be over here.

Since when did you
become such a wimp?

I'm checking it out.

Fine. You're on your own.

[ Grunts ]

Ahh! Erin!

- Marty!
- Help me.

[ Marty ]
Let go, let go!

- Erin, help me!
- I'm trying. Hang on!

It's too strong.
He won't let go!

[ Marty ]
Let go!

- I'm trying, I'm trying!
- Erin!

[ Toxic Creep Grunting ]


Marty, get up.

Are you ok?

I guess.

I can feel those volts
ripping through my body.

Let's get out of here.

[ Switch Clicking ]

It's not working anymore!

Let's go this way.

Let's get out of here.

Why would my dad put
real electricity on that fence?

Obviously, he didn't
want anyone to get in.

I think I know why.

The Toxic Creep
was no special effect.

He was real.

He was real all right.

And strong.
Did you see his face?

Oh, gross.

Why would your dad
create real monsters?

I don't know.

[ Thudding ]

You hear that?


I thought I heard footsteps.

I don't hear anything.

It stopped.

- [ Growling ]
- The Piranha Person!

- [ Marty ] What does he want?
- Now that's a stupid question.

I'd say he wants us
for his afternoon snack.

Maybe this isn't real.

Maybe this is
one big practical joke.

It looks pretty real to me.

There's only way to find out.

[ Roaring ]

- The laser g*ns.
- You're right. I forgot.

Get back
and you won't get hurt.

Ok, y-you asked for it.
Let him have it, Marty.

[ Moans ]

They don't work.

[ Moaning ]

Come on.

[ Piranha Person Moaning ]

Come on.
Marty, there's another elevator.

Erin, help me. Erin!

- Marty!
- Erin,

help me, please. Help.

Erin! Let go!


What is that?

Get it off! Get it off.

- [ Man ] Last ride up. Please board.
- Get it off.

[ Marty ]
Get it off, get it off.

[ Grunts ]

[ Beeping ]

I can still smell its fish breath.

I know.
I'll never eat tuna again.

[ Door Creaking ]

We're back on Shock Street.

It's like we went in a circle.

Look, my father.

Your father?

It's ok.
I've got them now.

- What's he gonna do?
- I don't know.

[ Static Humming ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Panting ]

[ Static Buzzes ]

What did you do?
What did you do to Marty?

Why did you create these monsters?

What have you done
with my mother?

Let me go!
You're evil. Let me go!

[ Deep Voice ]
Let me go, let me go!

Let me go. Let me go.

Let me go.

[ Beeping ]

[ Beeping Stops ]

Shut down power.

[ Dad ]
All personnel report to Shock Street.

I repeat, all personnel report
to Shock Street immediately.

I knew there was a glitch when
they started talking about a mother.

We never programmed them
to think they had a mother.

I know.

Maybe some of the wires
got crossed.

I'm not sure.

It's a shame. These robots were a good
way of testing to see if the ride was safe.

Oh, well.

Let's get them back to the workshop.
Take 'em apart.

Maybe find out what went wrong.

[ Clicking ]

I'm gonna call you Erin 2.

And you,

Marty 2.

[ Clicking ]

I hope I've made you more durable

than the originals.

[ Whirring ]

[ Exclaims ]

I'd say you made us plenty durable.

Durable enough for revenge, anyway.

And you thought
you could just discard us.


But I deactivated you.

[ Laughs ]
So you thought.

I guess there are some things
you don't know about us.

Aren't there?

We don't want to be deactivated,

do we, Marty?

No. We don't like that.

We don't like that at all.

Everything wants to live.

Even robots.

